May 20, 2009

David Lyon, Senior Financial Analyst
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC  20549-4561

Re: Oritani Financial Corp. / File No. 001-33223

Dear Mr. Lyon,

This letter responds to the issues raised in your letter of April 17, 2009. This
letter  contains the  pertinent  responses  from our March 30, 2009 letter along
with additional proposed  disclosures.  The additional proposed  disclosures are
formatted  in bold.  Please note that such  proposed  disclosure  may need to be
revised as circumstances  warrant in the future. All headings below correlate to
the headings in your correspondence of April 17, 2009.

Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008
- -------------------------------------------------
Market Area, page 4.
- --------------------

1.   The draft pro forma  disclosure  would still include the statement:  Please
     see  additional  information  regarding our Market Area under Item 1A "Risk
     Factors." We would still  consider the  disclosure of the  additional  Risk
     Factor detailed in our March 30, 2009 letter. We would now also include the
     following  information  when  describing  the Market Area:

          Housing  market  conditions in the New York metro area,  where most of
          our lending activity occurs, have deteriorated as evidenced by reduced
          levels  of sales,  increasing  inventories  of  houses on the  market,
          declining  house  prices and an  increase in the length of time houses
          remain on the market.  The  S&P/Case-Shiller  Home Price Indices,  the
          leading measure of U.S. home prices, showed that the price of existing
          single  family homes in the New York metro area as of December,  2008,
          suffered a 9.2% decline versus the prior year.  RealtyTrac,  a leading
          online marketplace for foreclosure properties,  noted in its 2008 U.S.
          Foreclosure  Market  Report that New Jersey  foreclosures  in 2008 had
          increased  101.2% from 2007, and that the overall  foreclosure rate in
          New Jersey for 2008 was 1.80%.

First Mortgage Loans, page 6.
- -----------------------------

2.   The draft pro forma disclosure to address this issue would be to strike the
     sentence on page 12 of the Definitive  Proxy  Statement that reads "Oritani
     Bank makes loans to its directors, officers and employees on the same rates

                                 Mr. David Lyon

     and  terms it  offers  to the  general  public."  This  statement  would be
     replaced  with the  following  sentences:

          Oritani Bank makes loans to its  directors,  officers and employees in
          accordance with the federal laws and regulations  described  above. As
          described  in our  Form  10-K,  Oritani  Bank  offers  its  directors,
          officers  and  employees,  a 25 basis  point  discount  off of current
          Oritani  rates on  residential  first  mortgages  loans secured by the
          borrower's primary residence. All such loans are approved by Oritani's
          Board of Directors.

Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
- ------------------------------------------

3.   As described in our March 30, 2009 letter, we would include a new draft pro
     forma  paragraph  titled  Methodology.  We are not proposing any changes to
     that paragraph, so we are not repeating it in this letter.

     We would now also  reword  and  enhance  the 4th  paragraph  of the  Equity
     Incentives  section.  While the emphasis of the paragraph remains the same,
     the entire updated  paragraph  would be:

          The grants were made in accordance  with the terms of the Equity Plan.
          The  Committee   initially   consulted  with  counsel  for  regulatory
          restrictions  regarding  allocations pertinent to the Equity Plan. The
          Committee then contemplated the specific  allocations to be made under
          the  Equity  Plan.  The  Committee  considered  the  executive's  past
          contributions, their individual role in completing the conversion to a
          public  company in 2007 and the role that the executive  would play in
          the Company's  future.  The Committee sought to grant restricted stock
          awards and stock  options to the named  executive  officers  at levels
          that would closely  align the  executive's  compensation  with his/her
          impact in creating  value for  stockholders.  The executive  officers'
          individual performance,  leadership, operational effectiveness, tenure
          and  experience,  and  employment  market  conditions in the Company's
          market were  additional  factors which the committee  considered.  The
          Committee also reviewed survey data regarding awards made to executive
          officers of other  companies  that had  undertaken  a  mutual-to-stock
          public  offering.  The  Committee  weighed all these  factors and made
          their  initial  recommendations  for specific  allocations  to be made
          under  the  Equity   Plan.   The   Committee   then   measured   their
          recommendations against regulatory  restrictions.  No adjustments were
          necessary due to regulatory restrictions. The Committee had engaged GK
          Partners,  an  independent  compensation  consultant.  The  role of GK
          Partners was to assess the committee's  recommendations  for grants of
          stock  options  and  restricted  stock  awards to the named  executive
          officers. GK Partners felt the allocations were appropriate,  and such
          allocations were finalized and approved by the Committee.

     We also would now add the following sentences to the end of the Elements of
     the Compensation Package section, on page17 (after the sentence that begins
     "Additionally,  the Company..."):

          The Committee  considered these items when  contemplating  the overall
          compensation  package  awarded to the named  executive  officers.  The
          Committee  felt that these items were  appropriate  given the level of
          responsibility  for each named executive officer and that no change to
          the programs was warranted at the time.

4.   In  accordance  with your  request for  disclosure  of the  specific  peers
     utilized, we would further enhance the new language in the paragraph titled
     "Use of  Outsiders  and  Survey  Data."  The three  independent  sources of
     industry survey data were the executive  compensation  reports  prepared by
     the New Jersey League of Community  Bankers and The Webber Survey,  as well
     as data  contained in the report of the consulting  firm, GK Partners.

          The specific  peers included in the GK Partners  report were:  Clifton
          Savings Bank; Dime Community  Bancshares;  Greater Community  Bancorp;
          Investors Bancorp Inc.; Kearny Financial Corp.;  Lakeland Bancorp; NBT
          Bancorp Inc.;  OceanFirst  Financial Corp.;  Partners Trust Financial;

                                 Mr. David Lyon

          PennFed Financial Services,  Inc.; Provident Financial Services, Inc.;
          Provident New York; Roma Financial Corp. and Synergy Financial Corp.

5.   We  propose a  further  enhancement  of the new  language  proposed  in our
     response  of  March  30,  2009.  In the new  paragraph  titled  Methodology
     (Response  item  #10 in the  March  30,  2009  letter),  we  would  add the
     following  sentence  after the sentence that reads "These amounts were then
     compared to the median and average compensation  detailed in the Report for
     the executive's  title and  responsibilities."

          The peer  median  and  average  compensation  became  a  target  range
          considered by the Committee when  contemplating the executive's salary
          and cash incentive (described in the procedures below).

6.   We propose adding the following table to our disclosures:


                                             GK Partners Peer Report Information
                            Base            Applicable          Average      Median
        Name               Salary             Title             Salary       Salary
        ----               ------             -----             ------       ------
 Kevin Lynch          $  500,000                CEO           $  515,700   $  482,500
 John Fields          $  200,000                CFO           $  214,000   $  202,000
 Thomas Guinan        $  200,000       4th Highest Officer    $  215,600   $  216,500
 Philip Wyks          $  189,000       5th Highest Officer    $  176,800   $  180,500
 Leonard Carlucci     $  142,420                n/a               n/a          n/a

7.   We propose  enhancing  the second  paragraph  under Annual Cash  Incentives
     (page 15) as detailed  below.  The entire  paragraph is repeated  here with
     only the proposed language in bold.

     The  payments  for  Messrs  Lynch,  Fields,  and  Wyks  were  based  on the
     achievement  of certain  goals on a Bank-wide  basis as well as  individual
     performance goals.  Bank-wide goals included  financial  performance of the
     Company on an ROE and ROA basis as compared to a peer group.

          The peer group  consisted of Kearney Savings Bank;  Investors  Savings
          Bank;  Clifton Savings Bank; Roma Bank and Northfield Bank. Peer group
          results  were  determined  using the FDIC  website for  Statistics  on
          Depository Institutions.  Peer data regarding ROE and ROA was obtained
          for the quarterly  periods ending  September 30, 2007;  June 30, 2007;
          March 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006.  The peer results were  averaged
          and  compared to the results for Oritani  Bank (from the same  source)
          for the same  period.  Oritani's  ROE was  8.82%,  or 2.79  times  the
          comparable  peer  result of 3.16%.  Oritani's  ROA was 1.16%,  or 2.39
          times the  comparable  peer result of 0.49%.  The twelve  month period
          ended  September  30,  2007 was  utilized  as this was the most recent
          period  of  data  available  when  the  cash   incentives  were  being
          determined.  The other bank-wide goals used for measurement  were loan
          portfolio  growth,  delinquency  levels,  completion  of the Company's
          initial public offering,  staffing changes, facility renovations,  and
          dispositions of surplus  property on favorable terms. The FDIC website
          for  Statistics on Depository  Institutions  indicated  loan portfolio
          growth of $124.4 million, or 19.2%, over the twelve month period ended
          September  30,  2007 for  Oritani  Bank.  Delinquency  ratios over the
          period were low.  Noncurrent loans as a percentage of total loans were
          0.07% at September 30, 2007 versus 0.06% at September 30, 2006. In the
          opinion of the Committee, all the Bank-wide goals had been attained.

                                 Mr. David Lyon

I can be  reached at (201)  497-1203,  or,  if you have any
questions regarding the responses above.


/s/ John M. Fields, Jr.

John M. Fields, Jr.

CC:  Kevin J. Lynch, President - Oritani Financial Corp.
     Nicholas  Antonaccio,   Director/Chairman  of  Audit  Committee  -  Oritani
     Financial Corp.
     John J. Gorman, Esq. - Luse Gorman Pomerenk & Schick
     Marc Levy, Esq. - Luse Gorman Pomerenk & Schick
     Liliana Bocxe, Partner - KPMG