May 20, 2009


Mark Webb, Esq.
Legal Branch Chief
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.  20549

          Re:  United  Financial  Bancorp,  Inc.
               Form 10-K for the Fiscal  Year Ended December 31, 2008
               Form 10-Q for the Quarterly  Period Ended March 31, 2009
               File No. 000-52947

Dear Mr. Webb:

     I am responding to the letter from the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
(the "SEC")  addressed to United Financial  Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") dated
May 15, 2009 relating to the  above-referenced  filings. The Company's responses
are numbered to  correspond  with the numbers of the  comments  contained in the
letter. For your convenience, we have included a copy of the text of the Staff's
comment above each response by the Company.

Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008
- -----------------------------------------------------

Item 5. Market for Registrant's  Common Equity,  Related Stockholder Matters and
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
- -------------------------------------

Share Repurchase Table, page 47
- -------------------------------

1.   Please provide us with the footnote  disclosures  required by Instruction 2
     to  paragraphs  (b)(3)  and  (b)(4) of Item 703 with  respect  to the share
     repurchase  tables  contained in the Form 10-K and your Form 10-Q.  Confirm
     that you will revise future filings accordingly.

     The  Company  currently  has one stock  repurchase  program in place.  That
repurchase  program was  announced  on  February  23,  2009 and  authorized  the
repurchase of up to 841,138 shares of common stock.  There is no expiration date
for this program.

     The Company also had a previously authorized stock repurchase program. That
repurchase  program was  announced  on  November  20,  2008 and  authorized  the
repurchase of 885,879 shares.  That repurchase program was completed in February

     There were no repurchase  programs that expired or were terminated prior to
expiration during the periods covered by the above-referenced filings.

     As  requested  by the Staff,  the  Company  will revise  future  filings to
include by footnote the forgoing information.

Item 10.  Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
- ------------------------------------------

Lead Director, page 6
- ---------------------

2.   Please tell us who your lead  director is and when his or her term  expires
     and confirm that you will revise future filings accordingly.

     The Company's lead director is Robert A. Stewart, Jr. Mr. Stewart's term as
lead  director  expires in 2012.  As  requested  by the Staff,  the Company will
revise future filings to include this information.

Item  13.  Certain   Relationships  and  Related   Transactions,   and  Director
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
- ------------------------------------------

Transactions with Certain Related Persons, page 31
- --------------------------------------------------

3.   We note your  disclosure  that  transactions  with  affiliates were made on
     substantially the same terms,  including interest rates and collateral,  as
     those prevailing for comparable loans to other persons. Please confirm that
     the loans were made on  substantially  the same terms,  including  interest
     rates and collateral,  as those prevailing at the time for comparable loans
     with persons not related to the lender. Confirm that you will revise future
     filings accordingly. Refer to Instruction 4(c) to Item 404(a) of Regulation

     We confirm that loans by United Bank, the Company's bank  subsidiary,  were
made on substantially the same terms,  including  interest rates and collateral,
as those prevailing at the time for comparable loans with persons not related to
United Bank. As requested by the Staff,  the Company will revise future  filings

Exhibit 3.2
- -----------

4.   Your Amended and Restated  Bylaws  included as Exhibit 3.2 to the Form 10-K
     indicate that they were amended on September 18, 2008. You do not appear to
     have filed a Form 8-K reporting any amendment(s) at that time.  Please tell
     us the nature of the  September  18, 2008  amendment(s)  and  explain  your
     conclusion that a Form 8-K filing was not required.

     As noted in the  comment,  the  Bylaws  of the  Company  were  amended  and
     restated  on  September  18, 2008 to adjust from June to April the month in
     which the Company's annual meeting is convened.  No other changes were made
     to the Bylaws. The Company acknowledges that the Bylaw amendment called for
     a  filing  of a Form  8-K;  the  Company's  failure  to file a Form 8-K was
     inadvertent.  The  complete  Amended and Restated  Bylaws were  included as
     Exhibit  3.2 to the Form  10-K  once the  failure  to file the Form 8-K was

Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2
- ----------------------

5.   We note that your certifications  included as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2 to the
     Form  10-K and the Form 10-Q  contain  modifications  of the exact  form of
     certification  as set  forth  in Item  601(b)(31)  of  Regulation  S-K.  In
     particular, the language "(or persons performing the equivalent functions)"
     has been deleted from  paragraph 5. In future  filings,  please ensure that
     the certifications are in the exact form as set forth in Item 601(b)(31) of
     Regulation S-K, except as otherwise  indicated in Commission  statements or
     staff interpretations.

     The  Staff's  comment  is noted.  We  confirm  that in future  filings  the
     certifications  will be  reproduced  in the exact form as set forth in Item
     601(b)(31) of Regulation S-K.

                                     * * * *

     The Company acknowledges that:

     (i)  the  Company is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
          disclosure in the filing;

     (ii) Staff  comments or changes to disclosure in response to Staff comments
          do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
          the filing; and

     (iii) the  Company  may not  assert  Staff  comments  as a  defense  in any
          proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
          securities laws of the United States.

     We trust that the above  information is responsive to the Staff's comments.
Please direct any additional comments or questions to the undersigned.


                                 /s/ Mark A. Roberts

                                 Mark A. Roberts
                                 Executive Vice President and Chief
                                 Financial Officer

cc:  Richard B. Collins, President and Chief Executive Officer
     Robert B. Pomerenk, Esq.