[Letterhead of PSB Holdings, Inc.]

May 29, 2009

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John P. Nolan, CPA
Senior Assistant Chief Accountant
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.  20549

                  Re:      PSB Holdings, Inc.
                           Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008
                           Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2008
                           Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2008
                           File No. 000-50-970

Dear Mr. Nolan:

     I am responding to the letter from the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
(the "SEC")  addressed to PSB Holdings,  Inc. (the "Company") dated May 14, 2009
relating to the  above-referenced  annual  report.  The Company's  responses are
named and  numbered to  correspond  with the names and  numbers of the  comments
contained in the letter from the SEC. For your  convenience,  we have included a
copy of the text of your comment above each of the responses.

Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008
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Balance Sheet, page 42
- ----------------------

          1.   We note that you classify your investment in FHLB stock as equity
               securities  available  for sale which is carried at cost. We note
               that  paragraph  12.26 of the AICPA  Audit  Guide for  Depository
               Lending  Institutions  states  that  investments  in  FHLB  stock
               generally should not be shown with securities accounted for under
               SFAS 115. Please tell us why you believe your  classification  of
               FHLB  stock is  appropriate  considering  the above  guidance  or
               revise  future  filing to present your  investment  in FHLB stock
               outside of  securities  available  for sale.  Please  provide any
               supporting accounting guidance for your position.

John P. Nolan, CPA
May 29, 2009
Page 2

               The  Company  will  revise its future  filings to  separate  FHLB
               stock, as requested by the comment.

Investment Activities, pg. 16
- -----------------------------

          2.   We note your  portfolio  consists of $7.9 million of Federal Home
               Loan Bank (FHLB) of Boston stock. Given the fact that FHLB Boston
               has not paid dividends  since the third quarter in 2008 and had a
               net loss in 2008,  please  revise your future  filings  beginning
               with  your  next  Form  10-Q  to  disclose  the  results  of your
               impairment  analysis of your  investment in FHLB Boston stock. In
               addition, how you considered the positive and negative factors in
               making this conclusion.

               The Company  will revise its future  filings as  requested by the

          3.   We note you held  auction rate  preferred  stock  totaling  $19.0
               million at June 30,  2008.  Please tell us and in future  filings
               more  specifically  describe  the  terms  and  provisions  of the
               auction rate preferred  stock.  Please disclose and provide to us
               maturity  dates of the  long-term  instruments,  dividend  rates,
               dividend payment provisions, the nature of any collateral and any
               other  guarantees.  Clarify  whether  you are  receiving  default
               dividend  rates,   disclose  the  rates,   and  disclose  whether
               dividends are being  collected on a current  basis.  In addition,
               please  tell  us and  include  in  future  filings  if any of the
               auctions  failed  during  the  fiscal  year and  explain  how any
               changes to these facts and circumstances impacted your accounting
               from June 30, 2008 to the current  date.  We may have  additional
               questions upon receipt and review of your response.

               A table  providing  the  requested  information  is  attached  as
               Appendix A to this letter.

               As noted in the  attachment,  all  auctions  that  have been held
               during  the year have  failed.  However,  the only  auction  rate
               preferred investments that the Company has written down have been
               the  Federal  Home  Loan  Mortgage  Corporation  ("Freddie  Mac")
               securities. During the quarter ended September 30, 2008, the U.S.
               Treasury  announced a plan to place the Federal National Mortgage
               Association ("Fannie Mae") and Freddie Mac under  conservatorship
               under the  authority  of  Federal  Housing  Finance  Agency.  The
               Company owns $4.0  million of Freddie Mac auction rate  preferred
               securities.  The  Company has  recorded  an  other-than-temporary
               impairment charge of $3.95 million and the current carrying value
               is $46,000.  Except for the Freddie  Mac Auction  Rate  Preferred
               securities, which are not currently paying dividends, the Company

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May 29, 2009
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               receives  a  default  rate  at  each  reset  date.  All of  these
               securities   are   classified  as   available-for-sale   and  any
               unrealized loss is included in Other Comprehensive Income.

Note 2 - Investment Securities, pg. 57
- --------------------------------------

          4.   We  note  there  were  unrealized  losses  as of June  30,  2008,
               September  30,  2008,  and  December  31,  2008  related  to your
               corporate-bonds   and  other   obligations  and   mortgage-backed
               securities.  Based on the  disclosure on page 55, it would appear
               that these  securities fair values were below the amortized cost.
               We note you determined the unrealized  losses as of June 30, 2008
               were temporary and a result of interest rate  conditions.  Please
               revise future filings to disclose the following:

               a)   Your  ability  and intent to hold these  securities  for the
                    time necessary to collect the expected cash flows along with
                    the factors you considered in this conclusion; and

               b)   Please  consider  disclosing  a  table  in  your  Form  10-Q
                    summarizing the estimated fair value and related  unrealized
                    losses aggregated by investment  category and length of time
                    that  individual   securities  have  been  in  a  continuous
                    unrealized  loss  position  as  included in the Form 10-K on
                    page 57.

               The Company  will revise its future  filings as  requested by the

Form 10-Q for the quarters ended December 31, 2008
- --------------------------------------------------

Note 11 - Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities, pg. 15
- ------------------------------------------------------

          5.   We note you include the fair value  measurements and level within
               the  fair  value  hierarchy  at the  reporting  date  for  assets
               measured  at  fair  value  on a  recurring  basis  in  Note 11 at
               September  30, 2008 and  December 31,  2008.  In future  filings,
               please  present each major  category of securities  available for
               sale separately,  like U.S. government and agency obligations and
               mortgage-backed securities, in the table included on page 15.

               The Company  will revise its future  filings as  requested by the

          6.   You state that your Level 2 valuations for assets and liabilities
               were obtained from third party  pricing  services.  Please revise
               future  filings to  explain  the  extent to which,  and how,  the

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May 29, 2009
Page 4

               information is obtained from pricing services/independent dealers
               and  used  in  developing  the  fair  value  measurements  in the
               consolidated financial statement. In addition, please revise your
               disclosures to address the following:

               a)   Disclose whether the valuation models used have changed from
                    prior  periods  and to the  extent  possible,  disclose  the
                    quantitative effect of such changes;

               b)   Quantify the effect on operations and financial  position of
                    reasonably  likely  changes  in  the  assumptions  used,  if
                    material, and;

               c)   The  specific  procedures  management  uses to validate  the
                    pricing received from third parties.

               The Company  will revise its future  filings as  requested by the

          7.   With   respect   to  Level  3   securities,   we  note  you  list
               methodologies  you considered in reaching  conclusions about fair
               value like option pricing models and discounted  cash flow models
               on page 14. In  future  filings  please  disclose  more  specific
               detail about which models,  methods and  significant  assumptions
               were  used in the  valuations.  If you  relied  on more  than one
               source of information or applied more than one technique, clarify
               how you evaluated and weighted the information considered and the
               techniques applied. Additionally,  please consider disclosing how
               you have reflected  instruments in your Level 3 rollforward (i.e.
               beginning  of the  period  or the end of the  period)  in  future

               The Company  will revise its future  filings as  requested by the

          8.   We note  you  have  impaired  loans  at  September  30,  2008 and
               December 31, 2008 of $2,426,000 and  $1,561,000.  We note on page
               59 of the  Form  10-K at June 30,  2008  there  were no  impaired
               loans.  Please  provide us with a  rollforward  of your  impaired
               loans from June 30, 2008 to December  31,  2008,  explain why you
               apparently  have  had  highly   variable   impaired  loans  in  a
               relatively short timeframe and reconcile any  discrepancies  that
               may have existed in prior filings.

               The Company notes that, while the dollar change in impaired loans
               between balance sheet dates may seem material,  such changes have
               resulted  from a very  small  number of loan  relationships,  the
               majority of which are commercial real estate loans. Because these

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May 29, 2009
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               loans  tend  to  have  a  larger  balance  compared  to  one-  to
               four-family  residential real estate loans, an increase of only a
               few  impaired  loans can  significantly  affect the total  dollar
               amount of impaired loans.

               The Company's  balance of impaired loans as of September 30, 2008
               consisted of only two commercial real estate  relationships (with
               balances of $1,895,000 and $531,000).

               The Company's  balance of loans as of December 31, 2008 consisted
               of only two loans (one residential  mortgage loan for $83,000 and
               one  commercial  and  industrial  loan for  $60,000) and one loan
               relationship   totaling   $1,418,000   (consisting  of  primarily
               commercial real estate loans).  We would like to acknowledge that
               the four loan  relationships  described  in the December 31, 2008
               Form  10-Q  have now been  found to be  three.  One  company  was
               mistakenly  listed as a separate loan relationship when it should
               have been included in one of the other relationships.  This error
               had no effect on the dollar amount of the reported loans. We will
               revise this disclosure in future SEC filings.

Critical Accounting Policies - Other-than-Temporary Impairment of Securities,
page 20
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

          9.   We note you disclose that  management  determined that $6 million
               of  investments  were   other-than-temporarily   impaired  as  of
               September 30, 2008. You wrote down $5.5 million as of the quarter
               ended  September  30,  2008  and an  additional  $304,000  in the
               quarter ended December 31, 2008, respectively. Please tell us why
               you did not  write-down  the entire  $6.0  million in the quarter
               ended  September  30, 2008 if the entire  balance  was  impaired.
               Please  explain all the relevant  facts and  circumstances  which
               supported your prior and current accounting in this area.

               The Company  recorded  write-downs  on two  securities  that were
               deemed  to  be  other-than-temporarily  impaired  ("OTTI")  as of
               September 30, 2008.  The amortized  cost basis and the fair value
               of these  OTTI  securities  as of  September  30,  2008 were $6.0
               million and $0.5 million,  respectively. As required by paragraph
               16 of SFAS No. 115,  "Accounting for Certain  Investments in Debt
               and Equity Securities," FASB Staff Position ("FSP") FAS 115-1 and
               FAS 124-1,  "The Meaning of  Other-Than-Temporary  Impairment and
               Its Application to Certain Investments," and SEC Staff Accounting
               Bulletin ("SAB") 59, the Company wrote down these OTTI securities
               by $5.5  million  to fair  value  as of the  September  30,  2008
               balance sheet date.  Subsequent to September 30, 2008, during the
               quarter  ended  December  31,  2008,  the  fair  value  of  these
               securities  decreased  by an  additional  $304,000.  The  Company
               updated its  impairment  analysis of these  securities and deemed

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May 29, 2009
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               the additional decline in fair value to be  other-than-temporary.
               Based on this determination, the Company recorded a write-down in
               the quarter ended December 31, 2008 in the amount of $304,000.

                                     * * * *

     The Company acknowledges that:

     (i)       the Company is  responsible  for the adequacy and accuracy of the
               disclosure in the filing,

     (ii)      Staff  comments  or changes to  disclosure  in  response to Staff
               comments do not foreclose the  Commission  from taking any action
               with respect to the filing, and

     (iii)     the  Company  may not assert  staff  comments as a defense in any
               proceeding  initiated by the  Commission  or any person under the
               federal securities laws of the United States.

     We trust that the above  information is responsive to the staff's comments.
Please direct any additional comments or questions to the undersigned.


                                            /s/ Robert J. Halloran, Jr.

                                            Robert J. Halloran, Jr.
                                            President and Treasurer

cc:      Thomas Borner, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
         Ned Quint, Esq.

                                                              Appendix A
                                                                                                        Purchase            Roll
Issuer                                            Cusip           Par Amount         Book Value           Date           Frequency
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Goldman Sachs Auc PA 2006-8                     05069M207         $ 3,000,000       $ 3,000,000         12-12-07         Quarterly

Pitney Bowes Inl - Pvt A                        724481502         $ 5,000,000       $ 5,000,000         11-06-06          3 Years

Merrill Lynch Auc Pass Thru 07-3A               05070C206         $ 5,000,000       $ 5,000,000         09-05-07         Quarterly

Bank of America Pass Thru 07-5                  050695204         $ 2,000,000       $ 2,000,000         11-20-07         Quarterly

FHLMC Auc Pass Thru Series 2007-6A              050698109         $ 2,000,000       $    23,000         01-03-08         Quarterly

FHLMC Auc Pass Thru Series 2007-8A              05070M105         $ 2,000,000       $    23,000         11-09-07         Quarterly

                                                Receiving          Current            Dividends          Failed
Issuer                                        Default rates          Rate             Current?          Auctions
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Goldman Sachs Auc PA 2006-8                        Yes               4.713%             Yes               Yes

Ownership interest in:                        Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series A, C and D
Minimum Rate:                                 The rate per annum equal to 65% of the "AA" Non-Financial Composite Commercial
                                              Paper Rate on such date.

Pitney Bowes Inl - Pvt A                            No               4.872%             Yes               No               (1)

Ownership interest in:                        Variable Term Voting Preferred Stock
(1) First roll is not until 10-30-09.

Merrill Lynch Auc Pass Thru 07-3A                  Yes               4.799%             Yes               Yes

Ownership interest in:                        Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series 5

Bank of America Pass Thru 07-5                     Yes               4.850%             Yes               Yes

Ownership interest in:                        Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series E
Minimum Rate:                                 The rate per annum equal to 65% of the Three-month LIBOR rate on such date.

FHLMC Auc Pass Thru Series 2007-6A                  No               None                No               Yes

FHLMC Auc Pass Thru Series 2007-8A                  No               None                No               Yes