June 29, 2009

David Lyon, Senior Financial Analyst
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC  20549-4561

Re: Oritani Financial Corp. / File No. 001-33223

Dear Mr. Lyon,

This letter  responds to the issues raised in your letter of June 12, 2009.  All
headings below correlate to the headings in that letter.

Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
- -------------------------------------------
Compensation Discussion and Analysis, page 13.
- ----------------------------------------------

1.       We would  further  amend the draft pro forma  disclosure to include the
         following statements:

                  Regarding ROE and ROA, the Committee was seeking  results that
                  "meet or beat" peers in order to approve incentive payments at
                  the level provided.  The Committee's  desired results for loan
                  portfolio growth and delinquency  levels were subjective,  but
                  were  generally  seeking  to  meet  or  exceed  the  Company's
                  performance  from the prior fiscal  year.  The  Committee  was
                  seeking loan portfolio growth that continued the strong growth
                  of recent  periods and was also  seeking low loan  delinquency
                  levels that it  considered  to be indicative of a high quality

         Performance targets will be disclosed in future filings.

2.       As  detailed  below,  the  proposed  table would be modified to include
         information concerning incentive compensation:


                                           GK Partners Peer Report Information
                        Base      Cash        Applicable           Salary       Cash    Incentive
    Name               Salary   Incentive       Title       Average    Median  Average    Median
    ----                ------  ---------       -----       -------    ------  -------    ------
   Kevin Lynch         $500,000 $250,000          CEO       $515,700  $482,500 $117,400 $114,800
   John Fields         $200,000 $ 56,700          CFO       $214,400  $202,400 $ 44,100 $ 23,100
   Thomas Guinan       $200,000 $ 58,800          (a)       $215,600  $216,500 $ 45,700 $ 42,200
   Philip Wyks         $189,000 $ 47,250          (b)       $176,800  $180,500 $ 25,800 $ 24,100
   Leonard Carlucci    $142,420 $ 40,650          n/a        n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a
(a) - 4th Highest Officer
(b) - 5th Highest Officer

                                 Mr. David Lyon
                                  June 29, 2009

Form 10Q for the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2009
- ------------------------------------------------------
Controls and Procedures.
- ------------------------

3.       We  considered  your  February  27, 2009 comment  when  preparing  this
         section of the March 31, 2009 10Q. The disclosure in question addresses
         significant  changes over financial reporting during the period covered
         by the report that materially  affected,  or were reasonably  likely to
         materially  affect,  the  Company's  internal  control  over  financial
         reporting.  This is the  exact  language  contained  in your  letter of
         February 27, 2009. In future  filings,  we will continue to address any
         significant  changes over financial reporting during the period covered
         by the report that materially  affected,  or were reasonably  likely to
         materially  affect,  the  Company's  internal  control  over  financial
         reporting, as required by Item 308 of Regulation S-K.

- --------

4.       We  considered  your  February  27, 2009 comment  when  preparing  this
         section  of the March 31,  2009 10Q.  We ensured  that all  appropriate
         exhibits were referenced and properly labeled. We felt that the name of
         the individual  exhibit  clearly  identified it, and was sufficient for
         the reader to determine  whether the exhibit was a management  contract
         or compensatory plan or arrangement.  The form of employment  agreement
         filed as Exhibit 10.2 are identical for each officer  except for salary
         amounts, which are disclosed in the Company's proxy statement.

I can be  reached at (201)  497-1203,  or  jfields@oritani.com,  if you have any
questions regarding the responses above.


/s/ John M. Fields, Jr.

John M. Fields, Jr.

CC:   Kevin J. Lynch, President - Oritani Financial Corp.
      Nicholas Antonaccio, Director/Chairman of Audit Committee -
        Oritani Financial Corp.
      John J. Gorman, Esq. - Luse Gorman Pomerenk & Schick
      Marc Levy, Esq. - Luse Gorman Pomerenk & Schick
      Liliana Bocxe, Partner - KPMG