August 6, 2009

Contact:     Amy E. Essex
             Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer & Corporate Secretary
             First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc.
             (989) 356-9041

                      ANNOUNCES SECOND QUARTER 2009 RESULTS

Alpena, Michigan - (August 6, 2009) First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp,
Inc. (Nasdaq: FFNM) (the "Company") reported consolidated net income from
continuing operations of $42,000, or $0.01 per basic and diluted share, for the
quarter ended June 30, 2009 compared to consolidated net loss from continuing
operations of $236,000, or $0.08 per basic and diluted share, for the quarter
ended June 30, 2008.

Consolidated net income from continuing operations for the six months ended June
30, 2009 was $189,000, or $0.07 per basic and diluted share, compared to
consolidated net loss from continuing operations of $250,000, or $0.09 per basic
and diluted share, for the six months ended June 30, 2008.

The three- and six-month results reflected a substantial increase in FDIC
insurance premiums, including the FDIC special assessment which was charged to
all banks during the second quarter of 2009 and which amounted to $108,000 for
the Company.

Michael W. Mahler, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company,
commented "We are extremely pleased to post a profit again this quarter. Another
strong quarter of mortgage banking activities income along with continued
improvement in our net interest margin were the primary drivers of our net
income for the quarter. While we have continued our efforts to reduce our
non-interest expenses, unfortunately, we were required to record in the second
quarter the FDIC special assessment of $108,000. We are encouraged by our
improving net interest margin along with the results of our steps taken to
reduce our level of non-performing assets. Our markets are feeling the strain
from the protracted economic downturn in the state of Michigan that began in
2007 and has only deepened further since. In spite of the challenges, the Bank
is making progress on reducing its level of non-performing assets, which fell by
$1.9 million from December 31, 2008, and by $2.3 million from March 31, 2009, in
spite of the fact that a large commercial loan relationship was downgraded to
non-performing status during the quarter ended June 30, 2009."

Selected Financial Ratios


                                          For the Three Months Ended June 30               For the Six Months Ended June 30
                                      -------------------------------------------      ------------------------------------------
                                              2009                  2008                      2009                   2008
                                      ---------------------  --------------------      -------------------    -------------------

Performance Ratios:
Net interest margin                                  3.32%                 2.93%                    3.22%                  2.96%
Average interest rate spread                         2.98%                 2.48%                    2.87%                  2.51%
Return on average assets*                            0.07%                -0.41%                    0.23%                 -0.46%
Return on average equity*                            0.56%                -3.07%                    1.90%                 -3.46%

* Annualized


                                                                                  As of
                                                       June 30, 2009         December 31, 2008     June 30, 2008
                                                       ---------------     ---------------------  -----------------

Asset Quality Ratios:
Non-performing assets to total assets                           4.96%                  5.57%                 3.57%
Non-performing loans to total loans                             4.47%                  6.14%                 3.96%
Allowance for loan losses to non-performing assets             21.92%                 40.90%                32.35%
Allowance for loan losses to total loans                        1.41%                  2.85%                 1.45%

Total non-performing loans                                     $8,269                $12,169                $7,854
Total non-performing assets                                   $11,934                $13,807                $8,852

Financial Condition

Total assets of the Company at June 30, 2009 were $240.5 million,  a decrease of
$7.2 million,  or 2.9%,  from assets of $247.7 million at December 31, 2008. The
ratio of total  nonperforming  assets to total assets was 4.96% at June 30, 2009
compared to 5.57% at December 31, 2008.  Non-performing assets decreased by $1.9
million  from  December  31,  2008 to June 30,  2009 due  primarily  to  partial
charge-offs of several  commercial and mortgage loans. The Company  continues to
closely monitor non-performing assets and is actively pursuing options to reduce
the level thereof.

Stockholders'  equity was $29.6  million at June 30,  2009 as  compared to $29.4
million at December 31, 2008.  The increase was due  primarily to net income for
the  six-month  period of $143,000.  The decrease of $111,000 in the  unrealized
gain on available-for-sale  securities was offset by changes in unallocated ESOP
and unearned  compensation  related to vesting of  previously  granted  employee
stock options and awards.

Results of Operations

Interest  income  decreased  to $3.2 million for the three months ended June 30,
2009 from $3.5 million for the year earlier period. Interest income decreased by
$600,000 to $6.5 million for the six-month  period ended June 30, 2009 from $7.1
million for the same period in 2008.  The decreases in interest  income were due

to two factors: a decrease in the average balance of our interest-earning assets
due  mostly to  reductions  in the size of our  mortgage  loan  portfolio  and a
decrease  in the yield on  interest-earning  assets due in part to lower  market
interest rates and in part to the impact of loans placed on  non-accrual  status
during the quarter.

Interest  expense  decreased to $1.3 million for the three months ended June 30,
2009 from $1.8  million  for the three  months  ended  June 30,  2008.  Interest
expense for the six months  ended June 30, 2009  decreased  to $2.8 million from
$3.7 million for the six months  ended June 30,  2008.  The decrease in interest
expense  for the three- and  six-month  periods was due in part to a decrease in
both the average balance and cost of our FHLB borrowings,  which we were able to
pay down because of asset shrinkage and in part due to a decrease in the cost of
certificates of deposits, many of which matured and re-priced lower.

The Company's net interest margin increased to 3.32% for the three-month  period
ended June 30,  2009 from 2.93% for the same  period in 2008.  During  this time
period, the average yield on  interest-earning  assets decreased 38 basis points
to 5.62% from 6.00%,  while the cost of funds decreased 87 basis points to 2.64%
from 3.51%.  For the  six-month  period ended June 30, 2009,  the  Company's net
interest  margin  increased  to 3.22%  from  2.96% for the same  period in 2008.
During this time period, the average yield on interest-earning  assets decreased
45 basis points to 5.65% from 6.10%,  while the cost of funds decreased 80 basis
points to 2.79% from 3.59%.

The provision for loan losses for the three-month period ended June 30, 2009 was
$252,000,  as  compared  to  $342,000  for the  prior  year  period.  One  large
commercial  relationship  was placed on non-accrual  status,  along with smaller
credits,  in both the three-month  period ended June 30 2009 and 2008.  However,
the large relationship  placed on non-accrual status in 2008 had a bigger impact
on the provision expense,  resulting in a comparatively lower provision for this
period in 2009. For the six-month  period ended June 30, 2009, the provision for
loan losses was  $516,000 as compared to $367,000 for the same period ended June
30,  2008.  The  increase  for the  six-month  period  related to  increases  in
provision on several commercial credits. The provision was based on management's
review  of  the  components  of  the  overall  loan  portfolio,  the  status  of
non-performing loans and various subjective factors.

Non interest income  increased from $459,000 for the three months ended June 30,
2008 to $764,000 for the three months ended June 30, 2009.  Non interest  income
increased  from  $871,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2008 to $1.6 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2009.  The  increases  for both the three- and
six-month  periods were primarily  attributed to an increase in mortgage banking
activities  income.  Many  homeowners  in our markets  took the  opportunity  to
refinance due to lower market interest rates during the first six months of 2009
as compared to the same period in 2008,  and we sold the majority of those loans
into the secondary market.

Non interest expense increased from $2.2 million for the three months ended June
30, 2008 to $2.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2009.  Non interest
expense  increased  from $4.3  million for the six months ended June 30, 2008 to
$4.5 million for the six months ended June 30, 2009.  The increases  were mainly
the result of an increase in our general FDIC assessment,  plus the FDIC special
assessment of $108,000 which we were required to expense as of the quarter ended

June 30, 2009.  During the three- and  six-month  periods ended June 30, 2009 we
were  able  to  reduce  many  of our  expenses  period  over  period,  including
compensation  and employee  benefits,  occupancy and  amortization of intangible
assets.  However,  during  those same  periods we  experienced  an  increase  in
professional   services  fees  related  to  expenses  for  strategic   planning,
additional  audit fees and  increased OTS  assessments  and an increase in other
expenses  which  were  mainly  related  to  delinquent   loans  and  repossessed
properties,  including the payment of  approximately  $125,000 in property taxes
totaling  approximately  $125,000  on one large  commercial  credit of which the
assets were repossessed during the quarter.

Safe Harbor Statement

This news  release  and  other  releases  and  reports  issued  by the  Company,
including  reports  to the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  may  contain
"forward-looking  statements."  The Company  cautions readers not to place undue
reliance on any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date
made. The Company is including  this statement for purposes of taking  advantage
of the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of

First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Balance Sheet
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                      June 30, 2009         December 31, 2008
                                                                                      -------------        ------------------
Cash and cash equivalents:
Cash on hand and due from banks ................................................$        3,062,708              $ 3,097,788
Overnight deposits with FHLB ...................................................           610,004                  372,523
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------
Total cash and cash equivalents ................................................         3,672,712                3,470,311
Securities AFS  ................................................................        27,605,970               25,665,178
Securities HTM .................................................................         4,017,701                4,022,235
Loans held for sale ............................................................           211,400                  107,000
Loans receivable, net of allowance for loan losses of $2,616,242 and
  $5,647,055 as of June 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008, respectively ...........       182,315,510              192,270,714
Foreclosed real estate and other repossessed assets ............................         3,664,925                1,637,923
Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost ..........................................         4,196,900                4,196,900
Premises and equipment .........................................................         6,911,216                7,089,746
Accrued interest receivable ....................................................         1,216,577                1,469,176
Intangible assets ..............................................................         1,065,982                1,192,853
Other assets ...................................................................         5,626,898                4,939,523
Assets of discontinued operation   .............................................            -                     1,610,734
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------
Total assets ...................................................................$      240,505,791            $ 247,672,293
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------

Deposits .......................................................................$      162,254,027            $ 165,778,598
Advances from borrowers for taxes and insurance ................................           414,553                  104,475
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances ................................................        39,950,000               40,200,000
Note Payable ...................................................................           630,927                  768,651
REPO Sweep Accounts ............................................................         5,491,573                9,447,415
Accrued expenses and other liabilities .........................................         2,200,522                1,877,600
Liabilities of discontinued operations .........................................             -                       76,792
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------
Total liabilities ..............................................................       210,941,603              218,253,531
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------
Commitments and contingencies ..................................................             -                       -
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------
Stockholders' equity:
Common stock ($0.01 par value 20,000,000 shares authorized
  3,191,999 shares issued)......................................................            31,920                   31,920
Additional paid-in capital .....................................................        24,299,106               24,302,102
Retained earnings  .............................................................         8,905,368                8,762,412
Treasury stock at cost (307,750 shares).........................................        (2,963,918)              (2,963,918)
Unallocated ESOP ...............................................................          (710,861)                (764,861)
Unearned compensation ..........................................................          (224,001)                (286,324)
Accumulated other comprehensive income..........................................           226,574                  337,431
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------
Total stockholders' equity .....................................................        29,564,188               29,418,762
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity .....................................$      240,505,791        $     247,672,293
                                                                                ------------------         ----------------

First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Income


                                                                   For the Three Months            For the Six Months
                                                                     Ended June 30,                    June 30,
                                                                   2009             2008            2009           2008
                                                          --------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------
                                                                          (Unaudited)                   (Unaudited)
Interest income:
Interest and fees on loans                                     $ 2,865,276        $ 3,143,876    $ 5,807,615    $ 6,418,423
Interest and dividends on investments ....................         175,670            239,668        373,068        516,245
Interest on mortgage-backed securities ...................         143,925            107,892        294,751        146,292
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------
Total interest income ....................................       3,184,871          3,491,436      6,475,434      7,080,960
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------

Interest expense:
Interest on deposits .....................................         880,890          1,241,813      1,941,176      2,536,265
Interest on borrowings ...................................         427,973            548,412        856,532      1,121,331
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------
Total interest expense ...................................       1,308,863          1,790,225      2,797,708      3,657,596
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------

Net interest income ......................................       1,876,007          1,701,211      3,677,726      3,423,364
Provision for loan losses ................................         251,839            342,264        516,069        367,234
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------
Net interest income after provision for loan losses ......       1,624,168          1,358,947      3,161,657      3,056,130
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------

Non Interest income:
Service charges and other fees ...........................         229,457            237,110        444,329        463,285
Mortgage banking activities ..............................         473,871            125,912        923,076        230,718
Gain on sale of available-for-sale investments ...........           1,227               -             1,227         16,052
Net gain (loss) on sale of premises and equipment,
  real estate owned and other repossessed assets .........         (44,064)            25,894         27,478         23,093
Other ....................................................          18,765             25,001         51,360         48,031
Insurance & brokerage commissions ........................          84,618             45,000        114,640         90,000
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------
Total non interest income ................................         763,874            458,916      1,562,100        871,178
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------

Non interest expenses:
Compensation and employee benefits .......................       1,171,455          1,224,234      2,319,257      2,451,094
FDIC insurance premiums ..................................         191,044             32,607        270,608         51,795
Advertising ..............................................          44,321             28,656         61,871         58,796
Occupancy ................................................         300,069            343,818        602,487        651,336
Amortization of intangible assets ........................          37,754             77,122        126,871        154,244
Service bureau charges ...................................          86,551             85,716        178,511        168,085
Professional services ....................................         163,219            107,518        266,123        197,174
Other  ...................................................         350,984            273,155        657,484        570,518
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------
Total non interest expenses ..............................       2,345,398          2,172,826      4,483,212      4,303,042
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------

Income (loss) from continuing operations before
  income tax benefit......................................          42,644           (354,963)       240,555       (375,733)
Income tax expense (benefit) from continuing operations                328           (118,763)        51,740       (125,571)
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------
Net income (loss) from continuing operations .............          42,316           (236,199)       188,815       (250,162)

Discontinued Operations:
Loss from discontinued operations. Net of income tax
 benefit of $0, $7,619, $43,209, and $16,733..............             -              (14,790)       (83,875)       (32,483)
Gain on sale of discontinued operations, net of income
tax expense of $0, $0, $19,565 and $0 ....................             -                 -            38,017            -

Net Income (Loss) ........................................          42,316            250,989        142,957       (282,645)
                                                          ----------------     --------------  -------------   ------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Per share data:
Income (loss) per share from continuing operations
   Basic ................................................. $          0.01     $        (0.08) $        0.07   $      (0.09)
   Diluted ............................................... $          0.01     $        (0.08) $        0.07   $      (0.09)
Loss per share from discontinued operations
   Basic ................................................. $           -       $        (0.01) $       (0.02)  $      (0.01)
   Diluted ............................................... $           -       $        (0.01) $       (0.02)  $      (0.01)
Net income (loss) per share
   Basic ................................................. $          0.01     $        (0.09) $        0.05   $      (0.10)
   Diluted ............................................... $          0.01     $        (0.09) $        0.05   $      (0.10)

Dividends per common share ............................... $           -       $         0.05  $         -     $       0.10