November 9, 2009

Contact:     Amy E. Essex
             Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer & Corporate Secretary
             First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc.
             (989) 356-9041

                      ANNOUNCES THIRD QUARTER 2009 RESULTS

Alpena,  Michigan -  (November  9, 2009)  First  Federal  of  Northern  Michigan
Bancorp,  Inc. (Nasdaq:  FFNM) (the "Company")  reported a consolidated net loss
from  continuing  operations  of $3.8  million,  or $1.32 per basic and  diluted
share,  for the quarter ended September 30, 2009 compared to a consolidated  net
loss from  continuing  operations  of  $610,000,  or $0.21 per basic and diluted
share, for the quarter ended September 30, 2008.

Consolidated  net loss from  continuing  operations  for the nine  months  ended
September  30,  2009 was $3.6  million,  or $1.26 per basic and  diluted  share,
compared to  consolidated  net loss from continuing  operations of $860,000,  or
$0.30 per basic and diluted share, for the nine months ended September 30, 2008.

The three- and  nine-month  results  reflected a substantial  provision for loan
losses which related primarily to two large commercial loan  relationships and a
non-cash valuation allowance related to the Company's deferred tax asset.

Michael  W.  Mahler,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company,
commented,  "Our results from core banking activities have steadily improved. We
have successfully implemented strategies to reduce the costs of our deposits and
to incorporate  floors on variable rate loans, both of which have contributed to
our  significant  increase  in  net  interest  margin.  In  addition,   we  have
aggressively  moved  to  reduce  our  manageable  non-interest  expenses.  These
strategies,  coupled with strong  levels of mortgage  banking  activities,  have
resulted  in a marked  improvement  in  pre-tax,  pre-provision  core  operating
earnings.  Unfortunately,  continued  credit  quality  issues  and  declines  in
commercial and residential  real-estate markets have had a detrimental impact on
our net results."

Mahler continued,  "We are very disappointed with the results of the quarter and
their impact on our year-to-date performance.  Improvements made to the baseline
profitability  of the Bank  were not  enough  to  counter  the  impact  that the
continued  deterioration  within  real  estate  markets  had  on our  loan  loss
provision.  Additionally,  our recent losses impacted the value of the Company's
deferred  tax  assets,  requiring  a  $2.0  million  valuation  allowance  to be
established as required by Generally Accepted Accounting  Principles (GAAP). The
valuation  allowance is an estimate  that is based on many  subjective  factors.
Future evaluation of those factors could result in additional reserves or income
recovery. "

Selected Financial Ratios


                                 For the Three Months Ended September 30          For the Nine Months Ended September 30
                                -------------------------------------------     -------------------------------------------
                                       2009                   2008                     2009                   2008
                                --------------------   --------------------     --------------------   --------------------

Performance Ratios:
Net interest margin                           3.41%                  2.91%                    3.28%                  2.94%
Average interest rate spread                  3.15%                  2.50%                    2.96%                  2.51%
Return on average assets*                    -6.33%                 -1.01%                   -2.02%                 -0.49%
Return on average equity*                   -51.12%                 -7.91%                  -16.40%                 -3.76%

* Annualized

                                                                                      As of
                                                         September 30, 2009       December 31, 2008     September 30, 2008
Asset Quality Ratios:
Non-performing assets to total assets                                5.98%                    5.57%                   3.88%
Non-performing loans to total loans                                  5.88%                    6.14%                   4.21%
Allowance for loan losses to non-performing assets                  27.32%                   40.90%                  28.36%
Allowance for loan losses to total loans                             2.13%                    2.85%                   1.42%

Total non-performing loans                                         $10,782                  $12,169                  $8,327
Total non-performing assets                                        $14,317                  $13,807                  $9,864

Financial Condition

Total  assets of the  Company at  September  30,  2009 were  $239.4  million,  a
decrease of $8.3 million, or 3.4%, from assets of $247.7 million at December 31,
2008.  Net  loans  receivable  decreased  $13.5  million  to $178.7  million  at
September 30, 2009, due to  adjustable-rate or balloon mortgage loans which have
paid off or been  refinanced and sold into the secondary  market,  consumer loan
balances which have declined due to normal  pay-downs,  limited  originations of
loans, and commercial loan charge-offs.  The decline in net loans receivable was
partially offset by an increase of approximately  $7.2 million in our investment
securities portfolio.  Our deposits decreased $9.4 million to $156.4 million and
our REPO sweep accounts  decreased $2.6 million to $6.9 million at September 30,
2009. Most of the loss in deposits was in our certificates of deposit.  As these
deposits  matured  and were set to  reprice  lower,  some left the Bank and were
replaced  with lower  costing FHLB  advances.  Most of the decline in REPO sweep
accounts was due to lower cash balances held by our commercial customers and not
due to deposit relationships leaving the Bank.

The ratio of total  nonperforming  assets to total assets was 5.98% at September
30, 2009 compared to 5.57% at December 31, 2008. Non-performing assets increased
by $510,000 from December 31, 2008 to September 30, 2009. The Company  continues
to closely monitor  non-performing  assets and is actively  pursuing  options to
reduce the level thereof.

Stockholders'  equity was $26.0  million at  September  30,  2009 as compared to
$29.4  million at December 31, 2008.  The decrease was due  primarily to the net
loss for the  nine-month  period of $3.7  million.  First  Federal  of  Northern
Michigan's  regulatory  capital  remains  at  levels  in  excess  of  regulatory
requirements, as shown in the table below.


                                                                                                        Capital Required To be
                                                                                                           Categorized as
                                          Actual Capital           Capital Required for Capital       Well-Capitalized Under Prompt
                                           at September               Adequacy Purposes                Corrective Action Provisions
                                        ---------------------     ------------------------------    --------------------------------
                                        Amount        Ratio            Amount         Ratio              Amount          Ratio
                                                                        (Dollars in Thousands)

Total risk-based capital (to risk-
weighted assets)                        $ 25,142       14.69%        $ 13,692         8.00%             $ 17,115         10.00%
Tier 1 risk-based capital (to risk-
weighted assets)                        $ 22,996       13.44%         $ 6,846         4.00%             $ 10,269          6.00%
Tangible capital (to
tangible assets)                        $ 22,996        9.71%         $ 3,552         1.50%              $ 4,736          2.00%

Results of Operations

Interest  income  decreased to $3.1 million for the three months ended September
30,  2009  from  $3.5  million  for the year  earlier  period.  Interest  income
decreased  by $1.0  million to $9.6  million  for the  nine-month  period  ended
September 30, 2009 from $10.6 million for the same period in 2008. The decreases
in interest income were due to two factors: a decrease in the average balance of
our interest-earning assets due mostly to reductions in the size of our mortgage
loan  portfolio  and a decrease in the yield on  interest-earning  assets due in
part to lower market interest rates and in part to the impact of loans placed on
non-accrual  status during the three- and nine-month periods ended September 30,

Interest expense  decreased to $1.2 million for the three months ended September
30, 2009 from $1.8  million  for the three  months  ended  September  30,  2008.
Interest  expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 decreased to $2.1
million from $3.9 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2008.  The decrease
in interest  expense for the three- and nine-month  periods was due in part to a
decrease in both the average balance and cost of our FHLB  borrowings,  which we
were able to pay down because of asset  shrinkage  and in part due to a decrease
in the cost of  certificates  of deposit,  many of which  matured and  re-priced

The Company's net interest margin increased to 3.41% for the three-month  period
ended  September  30, 2009 from 2.91% for the same  period in 2008.  During this
time period,  the average yield on  interest-earning  assets  decreased 34 basis
points to 5.58% from 6.92%,  while the average cost of funds  decreased 99 basis
points to 2.43% from 3.42%. For the nine-month  period ended September 30, 2009,
the  Company's  net interest  margin  increased to 3.28% from 2.94% for the same
period in 2008. During this time period,  the average yield on  interest-earning
assets  decreased 41 basis  points to 5.63% from 6.04%,  while the cost of funds
decreased 87 basis points to 2.67% from 3.54%.

The provision  for loan losses for the  three-month  period ended  September 30,
2009 was $3.0  million,  as compared to $875,000 for the prior year period.  Two
large  commercial  relationships  were placed on  non-accrual  status during the
quarter ended  September 30, 2009,  resulting in additional  provision  totaling
almost $1.5 million. In addition,  our recent history of commercial  charge-offs
has  resulted  in a higher  estimated  loss factor  being  applied to our entire
portfolio of commercial  loans,  which mainly  accounts for the remainder of the
increased  provision.  For the nine-month  period ended  September 30, 2009, the
provision  for loan losses was $3.5  million as compared to $1.2 million for the
same period ended  September 30, 2008.  The increase for the  nine-month  period
related to increases in provision on several commercial  credits.  The provision
was  based  on  management's  review  of  the  components  of the  overall  loan
portfolio, the status of non-performing loans and various subjective factors.

Non interest income increased from $400,000 for the three months ended September
30, 2008 to $491,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2009. Non interest
income  increased from $1.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2008
to $2.1 million for the nine months ended  September 30, 2009. The increases for
both the three- and nine-month periods were primarily  attributed to an increase
in mortgage banking activities  income.  Many homeowners in our markets took the
opportunity  to refinance  due to lower market  interest  rates during the first
nine  months of 2009 as compared  to the same  period in 2008.  The  majority of
these loans were sold into the secondary market.

Non  interest  expense  decreased  from $2.2  million for the three months ended
September  30, 2008 to $2.1  million for the three months  ended  September  30,
2009.  Compensation  and  employee  benefits,  professional  services  and other
expenses  (mostly  expenses  related to credit  quality  issues and  repossessed
properties) decreased, partially offset by an increase in our FDIC premiums. Non
interest expense increased from $6.5 million for the nine months ended September
30, 2008 to $6.6  million for the nine months  ended  September  30,  2009.  The
increase  was mainly the result of an increase in our general  FDIC  assessment,
plus the FDIC special assessment,  increases in professional  services and other
expenses (mostly expenses related to credit quality and repossessed properties),
partially offset by decreases in our cost of compensation and employee  benefits
expenses and occupancy expenses.

Federal income tax expense for the three- and nine-month periods ended September
30, 2009 is impacted by the  valuation  allowance  on our deferred tax assets of
$2.0  million.   The  Company  recorded  this  valuation  allowance  because  it
concluded,  based on currently available evidence,  that it is "more likely than
not" that the future tax assets  recognized will be not be realized before their

Safe Harbor Statement

This news  release  and  other  releases  and  reports  issued  by the  Company,
including  reports  to the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  may  contain
"forward-looking  statements."  The Company  cautions readers not to place undue
reliance on any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date
made. The Company is including  this statement for purposes of taking  advantage

of the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of

First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                      September 30, 2009      December 31, 2008
                                                                                     --------------------    -------------------
Cash and cash equivalents:
Cash on hand and due from banks ..........................................................$ 2,212,553             $ 3,097,788
Overnight deposits with FHLB .............................................................     64,036                 372,523
                                                                                          -----------             -----------
Total cash and cash equivalents ..........................................................  2,276,589               3,470,311
Securities AFS  .......................................................................... 32,879,094              25,665,178
Securities HTM ...........................................................................  3,980,434               4,022,235
Loans held for sale ......................................................................     50,000                 107,000
Loans receivable, net of allowance for loan losses of $4,309,341 and
  $5,647,055 as of September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008, respectively ...             178,737,529             192,270,714
Foreclosed real estate and other repossessed assets ......................................  3,535,684               1,637,923
Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost ....................................................  4,196,900               4,196,900
Premises and equipment ...................................................................  6,779,358               7,089,746
Accrued interest receivable ..............................................................  1,368,598               1,469,176
Intangible assets ........................................................................    992,869               1,192,853
Other assets .............................................................................  4,613,876               4,939,523
Assets of discontinued operation..........................................................          -               1,610,734
                                                                                         ------------           -------------
Total assets ............................................................................$239,410,931           $ 247,672,293
                                                                                         ============           =============

Deposits ...............................................................................$ 156,358,009           $ 165,778,598
Advances from borrowers for taxes and insurance ........................................      188,965                 104,475
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances ........................................................   46,750,000              40,200,000
Note Payable ...........................................................................      630,927                 768,651
REPO Sweep Accounts ....................................................................    6,872,443               9,447,415
Accrued expenses and other liabilities .................................................    2,651,190               1,877,600
Liabilities of discontinued operations .................................................            -                  76,792
                                                                                        -------------           -------------
Total liabilities ......................................................................  213,451,534             218,253,531
                                                                                        -------------           -------------
Commitments and contingencies ..........................................................            -                       -
                                                                                        -------------           -------------
Stockholders' equity:
Common stock ($0.01 par value 20,000,000 shares authorized
  3,191,999 shares issued)..............................................................       31,920                  31,920
Additional paid-in capital .............................................................   24,299,147              24,302,102
Retained earnings  .....................................................................    5,087,238               8,762,412
Treasury stock at cost (307,750 shares).................................................   (2,963,918)             (2,963,918)
Unallocated ESOP .......................................................................     (683,861)               (764,861)
Unearned compensation ..................................................................     (192,839)               (286,324)
Accumulated other comprehensive income..................................................      381,710                 337,431
                                                                                        -------------            ------------
Total stockholders' equity .............................................................   25,959,397              29,418,762
                                                                                        -------------           -------------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity ............................................$  239,410,931           $ 247,672,293
                                                                                       ==============           =============

First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Income


                                                                     For the Three Months              For the Nine Months
                                                                     Ended September 30,                Ended September 30,
                                                                   ------------------------          -----------------------
                                                                      2009          2008               2009          2008
                                                                   -----------   ----------          ---------    ----------
                                                                        (Unaudited)                     (Unaudited)
Interest income:
Interest and fees on loans .......................................$ 2,762,789   $ 3,156,924       $ 8,570,404    $ 9,575,347
Interest and dividends on investments ............................    211,720       248,386           584,788        764,630
Interest on mortgage-backed securities ...........................    136,177       119,501           430,928        265,793
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Total interest income ............................................  3,110,686     3,524,810         9,586,120     10,605,770
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Interest expense:
Interest on deposits .............................................    795,356     1,275,690         2,736,532      3,811,954
Interest on borrowings ...........................................    422,715       532,247         1,279,247      1,653,578
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Total interest expense ...........................................  1,218,071     1,807,937         4,015,779      5,465,532
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Net interest income ..............................................  1,892,615     1,716,873         5,570,341      5,140,238
Provision for loan losses ........................................  2,976,642       875,431         3,492,711      1,242,665
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Net interest income (loss) after provision for loan losses ....... (1,084,027)      841,442         2,077,630      3,897,573
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Non-interest income:
Service charges and other fees ...................................    217,159       245,162           661,488        708,447
Mortgage banking activities ......................................    244,550        85,665         1,167,626        316,382
Gain on sale of available-for-sale investments ...................          -             -             1,227         16,052
Net gain (loss) on sale of premises and equipment,
  real estate owned and other repossessed assets .................     (2,128)        5,403            25,350         28,497
Other ............................................................     16,637        18,076            67,997         66,108
Insurance & Brokerage Commissions ................................     15,157        45,000           129,797        135,000
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Total non-interest income ........................................    491,375       399,307         2,053,486      1,270,486
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------    -----------
Non-interest expenses:
Compensation and employee benefits ...............................  1,095,509     1,203,733         3,414,767      3,654,827
SAIF Insurance Premiums ..........................................    106,199        33,443           376,807         85,238
Advertising ......................................................     31,784        40,118            93,655         98,914
Occupancy ........................................................    294,567       299,616           897,054        950,952
Amortization of intangible assets ................................     73,113        77,122           199,983        231,367
Service Bureau Charges ...........................................     76,533        72,432           255,043        240,518
Insurance & Brokerage Commission Expense .........................          -             -                 -              -
Professional Services ............................................     93,588       112,057           359,711        309,231
Other  ...........................................................    305,341       319,303           962,826        889,820
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------     ----------
Total non-interest expenses ......................................  2,076,634     2,157,824         6,559,846      6,460,867
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------     ----------
Loss from continuing operations before income tax benefit ........ (2,669,286)     (917,075)       (2,428,731)    (1,292,808)
Income tax expense (benefit) from continuing operations ..........  1,148,845      (307,073)        1,200,585       (432,643)
                                                                  -----------   -----------       -----------     ----------
Net loss from continuing operations .............................. (3,818,131)     (610,002)       (3,629,316)      (860,165)

Loss from discontinued operations, net of income tax benefit
of $0, $12,741, $43,209, and $29,745, respectively ...............          -       (24,733)          (83,875)       (57,215)
Gain on sale of discontinued operations, net of income tax expense..
of $0, $0, $19,585 and $0, respectively ..........................          -             -            38,017              -
                                                                  -----------   -----------        ----------     ----------
Net loss .........................................................$ (3,818,131) $  (634,735)     $ (3,675,174)    $ (917,380)
                                                                  ============  ===========      ============     ==========
Per share data:
Loss per share from continuing operations
   Basic .........................................................$      (1.32) $     (0.21)     $      (1.26)    $    (0.30)
   Diluted .......................................................$      (1.32) $     (0.21)     $      (1.26)    $    (0.30)
Income (loss) per share from discontinued operations
   Basic .........................................................$          -  $     (0.01)     $      (0.01)    $    (0.02)
   Diluted .......................................................$          -  $     (0.01)     $      (0.01)    $    (0.02)
Net loss per share
   Basic                                                          $      (1.32) $     (0.22)     $      (1.27)    $    (0.32)
   Diluted .......................................................$      (1.32) $     (0.22)     $      (1.27)    $    (0.32)

Dividends per common share .......................................$          -  $      0.05      $          -     $     0.15