Exhibit 99.2


                               SEVERANCE AGREEMENT

     This SEVERANCE  AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of
May 17,  2010 (the  "Effective  Date") by and  between  Citizens  South  Banking
Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation (the  "Corporation"),  Citizens South Bank
(the  "Bank"),  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of the  Corporation,  The  Bank of
Hiawassee  o  Blairsville  o Blue Ridge,  A Division of Citizens  South Bank and
Anthony Newton Stancil (the "Executive").

     WHEREAS,  the Bank a wholly owned subsidiary of the Corporation,  wishes to
provide for the  employment of the Executive as of the Effective  Date,  and the
Executive  wishes to serve the Bank as of the  Effective  Date, on the terms and
conditions set forth in this Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  in order to induce the  Executive to accept  employment  with the
Bank, the parties desire to establish minimum severance  benefits which shall be
due the  Executive  by the  Corporation  and  the  Bank in the  event  that  the
Executive's  employment  with the Bank is terminated in the event of a Change in
Control (as defined below); and

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation and Bank wish to ensure that the Executive is not
distracted  from  discharging  his duties if a change in control is  proposed or
occurs; and

     WHEREAS, none of the conditions or events included in the definition of the
term "golden parachute payment" that is set forth in section  18(k)(4)(A)(ii) of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Act [12 U.S.C.  1828(k)(4)(A)(ii)]  and in Federal
Deposit  Insurance  Corporation Rule  359.1(f)(1)(ii)  [12 CFR  359.1(f)(1)(ii)]
exists or, to the best knowledge of the Corporation,  is contemplated insofar as
either of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries is concerned.

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of these  premises  and other  good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows.


     (a) Termination of Executive Anytime After a Change in Control. If a Change
in  Control  occurs  during  the term of this  Agreement  and if  either  of the
following  occurs,  the  Executive  shall  be  entitled  to  severance  benefits
specified in Section 2 of this Agreement -

     (1)  Termination by the Corporation or a Subsidiary (as defined herein): if
          the  Executive's  employment with the Corporation or its Subsidiary is
          involuntarily  terminated at anytime after a Change in Control, except
          for a termination of employment under Section 3 of this Agreement, or

     (2)  Voluntary  Termination  by the  Executive:  the Executive  voluntarily
          terminates  his  employment  for any reason  with the  Corporation  or
          Subsidiary at anytime after a Change in Control.


     If the  Executive  is removed from office or if his  employment  terminates
after discussions with a third party regarding a Change in Control commence, and
if those  discussions  ultimately  conclude  with a Change in Control,  then for
purposes  of this  Agreement  the removal of the  Executive  or  termination  of
employment  shall be deemed to have  occurred  after the Change in Control.  For
purposes  of  this  Agreement,   "Subsidiary"  means  an  entity  in  which  the
Corporation  directly  or  indirectly  beneficially  owns  50%  or  more  of the
outstanding voting  securities,  including The Bank of Hiawassee o Blairsville o
Blue Ridge, A Division of Citizens South Bank.

     (b)  Definition  of Change in  Control.  For  purposes  of this  Agreement,
"Change in Control" means any of the following events occur -

     (1)  Merger:  The  Corporation  merges into or  consolidates  with  another
          corporation,  or merges another corporation into the Corporation,  and
          as a  result  less  than  50%  of the  combined  voting  power  of the
          resulting corporation immediately after the merger or consolidation is
          held by  persons  who were the  holders  of the  Corporation's  voting
          securities  immediately  before  the  merger  or  consolidation.   For
          purposes of this  Agreement,  the term "person"  means an  individual,
          corporation,  partnership,  trust,  association,  joint venture, pool,
          syndicate, sole proprietorship,  unincorporated  organization or other
          entity, or

     (2)  Acquisition of Significant Share Ownership:  A report on Schedule 13D,
          Schedule TO, or another form or schedule (other than Schedule 13G), is
          filed or is required to be filed under  Sections 13(d) or 14(d) of the
          Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, if the schedule  discloses  that the
          filing  person or  persons  acting in concert  has or have  become the
          beneficial owner of 25% or more of a class of the Corporation's voting
          securities  (but  this  clause  (2)  shall  not  apply  to  beneficial
          ownership  of  voting  shares  held  by a  Subsidiary  in a  fiduciary
          capacity), or

     (3)  Change in Board  Composition:  During  any  period of two  consecutive
          years, individuals who constitute the Corporation's board of directors
          at the  beginning  of the  two-year  period  cease  for any  reason to
          constitute at least a majority thereof; provided,  however, that - for
          purposes of this clause (3) - each  director  who is first  elected by
          the  board  (or  first   nominated   by  the  board  for  election  by
          stockholders)  by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the directors
          who were  directors at the  beginning of the period shall be deemed to
          have been a director at the beginning of the two-year period, or

     (4)  Sale of Assets:  The Corporation sells to a third party  substantially
          all of the Corporation's assets. For purposes of this Agreement,  sale
          of  substantially  all of the  Corporation's  assets  includes sale of
          Citizens South Bank alone.

     (c) Definition of Separation from Service.  For purposes of this Agreement,
termination of the  Executive's  employment as used herein shall be construed to
require a  "Separation  from  Service" as defined in Code  Section  409A and the
Treasury  Regulations  promulgated  thereunder,   provided,  however,  that  the
Corporation and the Executive reasonably  anticipate that the level of bona fide
services  the  Executive  would  perform  after  termination  would  permanently
decrease  to a level  that is less  than 50% of the  average  level of bona fide


services  performed  (whether as an employee or an independent  contractor) over
the immediately preceding 36-month period.


     (a) Severance  Benefits.  The severance  benefits to which the Executive is
entitled under Section 1 are as follows -

     (1)  Lump Sum  Payment:  The  Corporation  shall make or cause to be made a
          lump sum  payment to the  Executive  in an amount in cash equal to 1.0
          times  the  Executive's  annual  compensation.  For  purposes  of this
          Agreement,  annual  compensation means (a) the Executive's annual base
          salary  on the  date  of the  Change  in  Control  or the  Executive's
          termination of employment,  whichever amount is greater,  plus (b) any
          cash bonuses or cash  incentive  compensation  earned for the calendar
          year  immediately  before  the year in which  the  Change  in  Control
          occurred  or  immediately  before  the  year in which  termination  of
          employment occurred,  whichever amount is greater,  regardless of when
          the bonus or incentive  compensation  is or was paid. The  Corporation
          recognizes  that the bonus and  incentive  compensation  earned by the
          Executive  for a particular  year's  service might be paid in the year
          after the calendar  year in which the bonus or incentive  compensation
          is earned. The amount payable to the Executive  hereunder shall not be
          reduced  to  account  for the time  value of  money or  discounted  to
          present  value.  The payment  required  under this Section  2(a)(1) is
          payable no later than 5 business  days after the date the  Executive's
          employment  terminates,  or in the event the  Executive is a Specified
          Employee (within the meaning of Treasury Regulations  ss.1.409A-1(i)),
          and to the extent  necessary  to avoid  penalties  under Code  Section
          409A,  payment  shall be made to the Executive on the first day of the
          seventh   month   following  the  date  the   Executive's   employment

     (2)  Retirement Benefit Plans: The Corporation shall cause the Executive to
          become fully vested in any qualified and non-qualified plans, programs
          or  arrangements  in which  the  Executive  participated  if the plan,
          program,  or  arrangement  does not  address the effect of a change in
          control.  The Corporation  also shall contribute or cause a Subsidiary
          to  contribute  to any account of the  Executive  under a 401(k) plan,
          retirement  plan,  or  profit-sharing  plan the matching and voluntary
          contributions,  if any, that would have been made had the  Executive's
          employment  not  terminated  before the end of the plan  year.  In the
          event  the  Corporation  is unable to fully  vest the  Executive  in a
          qualified plan that does not address the effect of a change in control
          due to operation of law, the  Executive  will be paid in a single cash
          lump sum  distribution the present value of the cash equivalent of the
          amount of benefits the Executive  would have received if he were fully
          vested in such plan,  with such payment made at the same time the cash
          severance is payable pursuant to Section 2(a)(1) of this Agreement.

     (3)  Other Benefit Plans: The Corporation  shall cause to be continued life


          insurance and non-taxable  medical and dental  coverage  substantially
          identical  to the  coverage  maintained  by the  Corporation  for  the
          Executive  prior to his  severance.  Such coverage and payments  shall
          cease after 12 months,  or sooner if the  Executive  becomes  employed

     (b) Mitigation Is Not Required. The Corporation hereby acknowledges that it
will be  difficult  and  could  be  impossible  (1) for  the  Executive  to find
reasonably  comparable  employment after his employment  terminates,  and (2) to
measure the amount of damages the Executive  suffers as a result of termination.
Additionally,  the Corporation acknowledges that its general severance pay plans
do not provide for  mitigation,  offset or  reduction of any  severance  payment
received thereunder.  Accordingly, the Corporation further acknowledges that the
payment  of  severance  benefits  by the  Corporation  under this  Agreement  is
reasonable  and will be  liquidated  damages,  and the  Executive  shall  not be
required to mitigate the amount of any payment provided for in this Agreement by
seeking other employment or otherwise, nor will any profits, income, earnings or
other  benefits  from any  source  whatsoever  create  any  mitigation,  offset,
reduction  or any other  obligation  on the part of the  Executive  hereunder or


     (a) No Severance  for  Termination  for Cause.  The Bank may  terminate the
Executive's  employment at any time.  Anything in this Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding,  under no  circumstance  shall the  Executive  be  entitled  to
severance benefits if his employment terminates for Cause.

     (1)  "Cause" Means Commission of Any of the Following Acts: For purposes of
          this  Agreement,  "Cause" means the Executive shall have committed any
          of the following acts -

          (a)  Fraud,  Embezzlement,  Theft or  Other  Crime:  an act of  fraud,
               embezzlement,  or theft in  connection  with his duties or in the
               course of his employment with the Corporation or a Subsidiary, or
               commission of a felony or  commission of a misdemeanor  involving
               moral turpitude, or

          (b)  Damage to Property:  intentional  wrongful damage to the business
               or property of the Corporation or Subsidiary(ies),  which, in the
               Corporation's   sole  judgment,   causes  material  harm  to  the
               Corporation or Subsidiary(ies), or

          (c)  Negligence and Other Actions: gross negligence,  insubordination,
               disloyalty,  or dishonesty in the performance of his duties as an
               officer of the Corporation or Subsidiary(ies), or

          (d)  Violation of Law or Policy:  intentional  violation of any law or
               significant   policy  of  the   Corporation  or   Subsidiary(ies)
               committed in connection with the Executive's  employment,  which,
               in the Corporation's sole judgment,  has an adverse effect on the
               Corporation or Subsidiary(ies), or


          (e)  Disclosure of Trade Secrets:  intentional  wrongful disclosure of
               secret  processes or confidential  information of the Corporation
               or a  Subsidiary,  which,  in the  Corporation's  sole  judgment,
               causes material harm to the Corporation or the Subsidiary, or

          (f)  Competing with the Corporation:  intentional  wrongful engagement
               in any  competitive  activity.  For  purposes of this  Agreement,
               competitive activity means the Executive's participation, without
               the  written  consent  of  a  senior  executive  officer  of  the
               Corporation,  in the management of any business enterprise if (1)
               the enterprise engages in substantial and direct competition with
               the Corporation,  (2) the enterprise's  revenues derived from any
               product or service competitive with any product or service of the
               Corporation  or  Subsidiary(ies)  amounted  to 10% or more of the
               enterprise's  revenues  for its most  recently  completed  fiscal
               year,  and (3) the  Corporation's  revenues  from the  product or
               service  amounted to 10% of the  Corporation's  revenues  for its
               most recently completed fiscal year. A competitive  activity does
               not include mere ownership of securities in an enterprise and the
               exercise of rights appurtenant thereto,  provided the Executive's
               share  ownership  does not give his practical or legal control of
               the  enterprise.  For this purpose,  ownership of less than 5% of
               the enterprise's outstanding voting securities shall conclusively
               be presumed to be  insufficient  for practical or legal  control,
               and ownership of more than 50% shall  conclusively be presumed to
               constitute practical and legal control.

               If the  Executive  is  now or  hereafter  becomes  subject  to an
               agreement not to compete with the Corporation or Subsidiary(ies),
               a breach by the Executive of that other non-competition agreement
               shall be grounds for denial of severance benefits for Cause under
               this clause (f) of Section  3(a)(1).  However,  if the  Executive
               engages in a competitive activity under circumstances  justifying
               denial of  severance  benefits  for Cause  under this clause (f),
               that shall not  necessarily  be grounds for  concluding  that the
               Executive has also breached the other  non-competition  agreement
               to which he is or may  become  subject.  This  clause  (f) is not
               intended to and shall not be  construed to supersede or amend any
               provision of an employment or non-competition  agreement to which
               the Executive is or may become subject.  This clause (f) does not
               grant to the  Executive any right or privilege to engage in other
               activities  or  enterprises,  whether  in  competition  with  the
               Corporation or otherwise, or

          (g)  Termination for Cause under an Employment Agreement:  any actions
               that have caused the Executive to be  terminated  for Cause under
               any employment agreement existing on the date hereof or hereafter
               entered  into  between the  Executive  and the  Corporation  or a

     (2) Definition of "Intentional":  For purposes of this Agreement, no act or
failure  to act on the  part of the  Executive  shall  be  deemed  to have  been
intentional  if it was due primarily to an error in judgment or  negligence.  An


act or failure to act on the Executive's part shall be considered intentional if
it is not in good faith and if it is without a reasonable belief that the action
or failure to act is in the best interests of the Corporation or a Subsidiary.

     (b)  The   Executive's   Right  to  Severance  Is  Subject  to   Regulatory
Considerations. Payments made to the Executive under this Agreement or otherwise
are subject to and  conditioned  upon their  compliance  with 12 U.S.C.  section
1828(k) and any regulations promulgated thereunder.

     (c) No  Severance  under  this  Agreement  for  the  Executive's  Death  or
Disability. Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, under no
circumstance  shall the Executive be entitled to severance  benefits  under this
Agreement if -

          (1)  Death:  the  Executive  dies  while  actively   employed  by  the
               Corporation or a Subsidiary, or

          (2)  Disability: the Executive becomes totally disabled while actively
               employed by the Corporation or a Subsidiary. For purposes of this
               Agreement,  the term "totally  disabled"  means that,  because of
               injury or  sickness,  the  Executive  is unable  to  perform  his

The benefits, if any, payable to the Executive or his beneficiary(ies) or estate
relating to his death or disability  shall be determined  solely by such benefit
plans or  arrangements  as the  Corporation  or  Subsidiary  may  have  with the
Executive relating to death or disability, not by this Agreement.


     The initial  term of this  Agreement  shall be for a period of three years,
commencing on the Effective Date. On the first anniversary of the Effective Date
of this Agreement,  and on each anniversary thereafter,  this Agreement shall be
extended automatically for one additional year unless the Corporation's board of
directors  gives notice to the  Executive in writing at least 90 days before the
anniversary  that the term of this Agreement will not be extended.  If the board
of directors  determines  not to extend the term, it shall  promptly  notify the
Executive. References herein to the term of this Agreement mean the initial term
and extensions of the initial term.  Unless terminated  earlier,  this Agreement
shall  terminate  when the  Executive  reaches age 65. If the board of directors
decides  not to  extend  the  term  of  this  Agreement,  this  Agreement  shall
nevertheless remain in force until its term expires. The board's decision not to
extend the term of this Agreement shall not - by itself - give the Executive any
rights  under  this  Agreement  to  claim an  adverse  change  in his  position,
compensation  or  circumstances  or otherwise to claim  entitlement to severance
benefits under this Agreement.


     The parties hereto  acknowledge  and agree that (a) this Agreement is not a
management or employment  agreement and (b) nothing in this Agreement shall give
the Executive any rights or impose any  obligations  to continued  employment by
the Corporation or any Subsidiary or successor of the Corporation,  nor shall it


give the  Corporation  any rights or impose any  obligations  for the  continued
performance of duties by the Executive for the  Corporation or any Subsidiary or
successor of the Corporation.


     The Corporation may withhold from any benefits payable under this Agreement
all Federal, state, local or other taxes as may be required by law, governmental
regulation or ruling.


     (a)  This  Agreement  Is  Binding  on the  Corporation's  Successors.  This
Agreement  shall  be  binding  upon the  Corporation  and any  successor  to the
Corporation,  including  any persons  acquiring  directly or  indirectly  all or
substantially  all of the  business or assets of the  Corporation  by  purchase,
merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  or otherwise. Any such successor shall
thereafter be deemed to be "Citizens South Banking  Corporation" for purposes of
this Agreement.  However, this Agreement and the Corporation's obligations under
this Agreement are not otherwise  assignable,  transferable  or delegable by the
Corporation.  By agreement in form and substance  satisfactory to the Executive,
the Corporation  shall require any successor to all or substantially  all of the
business or assets of the  Corporation  expressly to assume and agree to perform
this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent the  Corporation  would
be required to perform if no such succession had occurred.

     (b) This  Agreement Is  Enforceable  by the Executive  and His Heirs.  This
Agreement  will inure to the benefit of and be  enforceable  by the  Executive's
personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, heirs,
distributes and legatees.

     (c) This  Agreement  Is  Personal  in Nature  and Is Not  Assignable.  This
Agreement  is personal in nature.  Without  written  consent of the other party,
neither party shall assign,  transfer,  or delegate this Agreement or any rights
or obligations under this Agreement except as expressly provided in this Section
7. Without  limiting the generality or effect of the foregoing,  the Executive's
right to receive payments  hereunder is not assignable or transferable,  whether
by pledge, creation of a security interest, or otherwise,  except for a transfer
by Executive's will or by the laws of descent and distribution. If the Executive
attempts  an  assignment  or transfer  that is  contrary to this  Section 7, the
Corporation  shall  have no  liability  to pay any  amount  to the  assignee  or


     All notices,  requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be
in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if  delivered  by hand or
mailed,  certified or registered mail,  return receipt  requested,  with postage
prepaid  (a) to the  Corporation  at 519 South New Hope  Road,  Gastonia,  North
Carolina  28054-4040,  Attn:  Corporate  Secretary,  (b) to the Executive at the
address appearing on the Corporation's  records, or (c) to such other address as
the party may designate by like notice.



     The headings and subheadings used in this Agreement are included solely for
convenience  and shall not affect the  interpretation  of this  Agreement.  This
Agreement  may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  each of which shall be
deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the
same agreement.


     No  provision  of this  Agreement  may be modified  or amended  except in a
writing  signed by the  Executive  and by the  Corporation.  No waiver by either
party of any breach by the other or waiver of  compliance  with any condition or
provision of this  Agreement  shall be deemed a waiver of similar  provisions or
conditions at the same time or at any other time.


     The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severable.  The invalidity
or   unenforceability  of  any  provision  shall  not  affect  the  validity  or
enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement.  Any provision held to
be invalid or  unenforceable  shall be  reformed  to the extent (and only to the
extent) necessary to make it valid and enforceable.


     The  validity,   interpretation,   construction  and  performance  of  this
Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive
laws of the State of North Carolina,  without giving effect to the principles of
conflict of laws of such State.


     This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Corporation and
the Executive concerning the subject matter hereof. No rights are granted to the
Executive under this Agreement other than those  specifically  set forth herein.
No  agreements  or  representations,  oral or  otherwise,  expressed  or implied
concerning  the subject  matter of this Agreement have been made by either party
that are not set forth expressly in this Agreement.


     The Executive  acknowledges  that the Corporation and its  Subsidiaries are
subject to compensation restrictions and corporate governance requirements under
the provisions of the American  Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 applicable
to financial  institutions  receiving assistance under the Troubled Asset Relief
Program  ("TARP").  The Executive  acknowledges  that during the period that the
Company has an outstanding obligation to the United States Treasury arising from
the financial  assistance  provided under TARP, no severance payment,  including
the payments described in this Agreement,  may be made to the Executive upon the
Executive's  departure or a change in control.  This prohibition also applies to
the  acceleration of vesting that may be due to the  Executive's  departure or a
Change in Control.  This  prohibition  does not apply to payments  for  services
performed or benefits accrued prior to termination of employment,  tax-qualified
pension plan payments, payments due by reason of death or disability, as well as


certain  other  exclusions  as may be  permitted  from time to time under  TARP.
Executive agrees to the restrictions under TARP as evidenced by his signature to
the  Required  TARP  Restrictions  addendum,  attached  as  Appendix  A to  this
Agreement.  If the Corporation ceases at any time to participate in the CPP, the
TARP Restrictions and Appendix A shall be of no further force and effect.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Severance  Agreement as
of the date first written above.

                                 CITIZENS SOUTH BANKING CORPORATION

                                 By:     /s/ Kim S. Price
                                         Kim S. Price
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                 CITIZENS SOUTH BANK

                                 By:     /s/ Kim S. Price
                                         Kim S. Price
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                THE BANK OF HIAWASSEE o BLAIRSVILLE o BLUE
                                RIDGE, A DIVISION OF CITIZENS SOUTH BANK

                                 By:     /s/ Kim S. Price
                                         Kim S. Price
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer


                                /s/ Anthony Newton Stancil
                                Anthony Newton Stancil



                                   APPENDIX A

                           REQUIRED TARP RESTRICTIONS

     Citizens  South  Banking   Corporation  (the  "Company")   entered  into  a
Securities  Purchase Agreement (the  "Participation  Agreement") with the United
States  Department  of Treasury  ("Treasury")  that  provided for the  Company's
participation in the Treasury's TARP Capital  Purchase  Program (the "CPP").  If
the Company  ceases at any time to participate in the CPP, this Appendix A shall
be of no further force and effect.

     As a condition  to the Company  participating  in the CPP, as amended,  the
Company is required to establish specified standards for incentive  compensation
to its  senior  executive  officers  and to  make  changes  to its  compensation
arrangements.  To comply with these  requirements,  and in  consideration of the
benefits that you will receive, you agree as follows:

     (1)  No Golden  Parachute  Payments.  The Company is prohibiting any golden
          parachute  payment  to you  during  any "CPP  Covered  Period." A "CPP
          Covered  Period"  is any  period  during  which  (A) you are a  senior
          executive  officer and (B) Treasury  holds an equity or debt  position
          acquired from the Company in the CPP.

     (2)  Recovery of Bonus and Incentive Compensation.  Any bonus and incentive
          compensation  paid to you  during a CPP  Covered  Period is subject to
          recovery or  "clawback"  by the Company if the payments  were based on
          materially  inaccurate  financial  statements or any other  materially
          inaccurate performance metric criteria.

     (3)  Compensation Program Amendments.  Each of the Company's  compensation,
          bonus, incentive and other benefit plans,  arrangements and agreements
          (including  golden  parachute,  severance and  employment  agreements)
          either currently or hereinafter in effect and including all amendments
          thereto (collectively,  "Benefit Plans") with respect to you is hereby
          amended to the extent  necessary to give effect to provisions  (1) and

     In addition,  the Company is required to review its Benefit Plans to ensure
that they do not encourage  senior  executive  officers to take  unnecessary and
excessive  risks that threaten the value of the Company.  To the extent any such
review  requires  revisions to any Benefit Plan with respect to you, you and the
Company agree to negotiate such changes promptly and in good faith.

     (4)  Definitions  and  Interpretation.  This letter shall be interpreted as
          follows:  o "Senior  executive  officer"  means the Company's  "senior
          executive officers" as defined in subsection 111(b)(3) of EESA.

          o    "Golden  parachute  payment"  is used  with  same  meaning  as in
               Section 111(b)(2)(C) of EESA.


          o    "EESA" means the Emergency Economic  Stabilization Act of 2008 as
               implemented by guidance or regulation issued by the Department of
               the Treasury and as published in the Federal  Register on October
               20, 2008.

          o    The term  "Company"  includes  any  entities  treated as a single
               employer  with the  Company  under 31 C.F.R.  ss.  30.1(b) (as in
               effect on the Closing Date).

          o    The  term  "CPP  Covered   Period"   shall  be  limited  by,  and
               interpreted in a manner  consistent with, 31 C.F.R. ss. 30.11 (as
               in effect on the Closing Date).

          o    Provisions  (1) and (2) of this letter are  intended to, and will
               be  interpreted,  administered  and  construed  to,  comply  with
               Section 111 of EESA (and, to the maximum extent  consistent  with
               the  preceding,  to  permit  operation  of the  Benefit  Plans in
               accordance with their terms before giving effect to this letter).

     (5)  Miscellaneous.  To the extent not subject to federal law,  this letter
          will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of North
          Carolina.  This letter may be  executed  in two or more  counterparts,
          each  of  which  will  be  deemed  to  be  an  original.  A  signature
          transmitted by facsimile will be deemed an original signature.

Intending to be legally  bound,  I agree with and
accept the foregoing  terms on the date set forth

/s/ Anthony Newton Stancil
- ---------------------------------------------
Anthony Newton Stancil
Date:  May 17, 2010
