
                       BTSL Technologies Limited
                Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.

                                  Exhibit 99.4

                            Registration Number 347818

                             BTSL Technologies Limited

                           (A Development Stage Company)

                    Directors' Report and Financial Statements

                       For the period ended December 31, 2001

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 1

                       BTSL Technologies Limited
                Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.

                              Company Information

        Directors               Tim Coburn
                                Padraig Maloney

        Secretary               Padraig Maloney

        Company Number          347818

	Registered Office	5 Eglinton St

        Auditors                Keogh Condron
                                6c Liosban Business Park
                                Tuam Rd

	Business Address	5 Eglinton St

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 2

                     BTSL Technologies Limited
             Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.



        Directors' Report                                         4-5

        Auditors' Report                                          6-7

        Balance Sheet                                             8

        Statement of Operations & Deficit Accumulated
          during Development Stage                                9

        Statement of Change in Shareholders Equity                10

        Cashflow Statement                                        11

        Notes to the Financial Statements                         12-15

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 3

                      BTSL Technologies Limited
             Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.

The directors present their report and the financial statements for
the period ended December 31, 2001.

Principal Activity

The principal activity of the company to carry on the business of a
holding and management company

Results And Dividends

The (loss)/profit for the period after providing for depreciation
and taxation amounted to US $ (424,407)

The directors do not recommend payment of a final dividend.


In accordance with the Articles of Association, Tim Coburn and
Padraig Maloney retire by rotation and, being eligible, offer
themselves for re-election.

Directors and their Interests

The directors who served during the period and their interests in
the company are as stated below:

                                    Ordinary shares

         Tim Coburn                       2,700
         Padraig Maloney                  2,700

There were no changes in their shareholdings between  December 31,
2001 and the date of signing the financial statements.

Directors' Responsibilities

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements
for each financial period, which give a true and fair view of the
state of the affairs of the company and of the profit or loss of the
company for that period. In preparing these accounts the directors
are required to:
- - select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently;
- - make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
- - prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless
  it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in
- - state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed,
  subject to any material departure disclosed and explained in the
  financial statements.

The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records,
which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial
position of the company and to enable them to ensure that the
financial statements comply with the Companies Acts 1963 to 1999.
They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company
and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and
detection of fraud and other irregularities.

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 4

                     BTSL Technologies Limited
             Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.


The auditors, Keogh Condron, have indicated their willingness to
continue in office in accordance with the provisions of Section
160(2) of the Companies Act, 1963.

On behalf of the Board

     Tim Coburn                 )
                                )  Directors
     Padraig Maloney            )

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 5

                     BTSL Technologies Limited
             Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.

Auditors' Report to the Shareholders of BTSL Technologies ltd (A
development stage company)

We have audited the financial statements on pages 8 to 11, covering
the period from 12th September 2001 to 31st December 2001 which have
been prepared under the historical cost convention and the
accounting policies set out on page 14.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

As described on page 1 the company's directors are responsible for
the preparation of financial statements, which are required to be
prepared in accordance with applicable Irish Law and accounting
standards. Our responsibilities as independent auditors are
established in Ireland by statute, the Auditing Practices Board and
by our profession's ethical guidance.

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements
give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance
with the Irish statute comprising the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2001.
We also report to you whether in our opinion: Proper books of
account have been kept by the group; whether at the balance sheet
date, there exists a financial situation requiring the convening of
an extraordinary general meeting of the group ; and whether the
information given in the directors' report is consistent with the
financial statements.  In addition, we state whether we have
obtained all the information and explanations necessary for the
purposes of our audit and whether the group's balance sheet and it's
profit and loss account are in agreement with the books of account.

We also report to you if, in our opinion, any information specified
by law regarding directors' remuneration and directors' transactions
is not given and, where, practicable, include such information in
our report.

Basis of opinion

We also report to you if, in our opinion, any information specified
by law regarding directors' remuneration and directors' transactions
is not given and, where, practicable, include such information in
our report.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the
information and explanations which we considered necessary in order
to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance
that the financial statements are free from material misstatement,
whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. However, the
company's system of control is generally dependent on the close
involvement of the directors. The directors have provided assurances
as to the completeness of the account records, but independent
confirmation by us that all transactions were properly recorded was
not possible in many areas

In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the
presentation of information in the financial statements.

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 6

                      BTSL Technologies Limited
             Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.


In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of
the state of the company's affairs as at the 31 December 2001 and of
its loss for the period then ended and have been properly prepared
in accordance with the Companies Acts 1963 to 2001.

We have obtained all the information and explanations we consider
necessary for the purposes of our audit. In our opinion the company
has kept proper books of account. The financial statements are in
agreement with the books of account.

In our opinion the information given in the directors' report on
pages 4-5 are consistent with the financial statements.

The net assets of the company, as stated in the Balance Sheet on
page 9, are more than half of the amount of its called up share
capital and, in our opinion, on that basis there did not exist at 31
December 2001 a financial situation which under Section 40(1) of the
Companies (Amendment) Act 1983 may require the convening of an
extraordinary meeting of the company.

/s/Keogh Condron

Registered Auditors

6c Liosban Business Park
Tuam Rd

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 7

                       BTSL Technologies Limited
                Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.

As of  December 31, 2001



Current Assets:
  Cash                                                              28,915

     Total Current Assets                                           28,915

Other Assets:
  Patents                                         300,000
  Less Patents Amortization                        (5,000)
  Investments                                     115,000          410,000
                                                  -------        ---------

Current Liabilities:
  Accrued Expenses:                                                281,352

Stockholders' equity:

  Convertible Preferred Stock (Series A)
    Authorized 10,000,000
    Par Value $.00176964
    43,426 shares issued and outstanding              768
  Additional Paid in Capital                      191,353

  Common Stock,
    Authorized 90,000,000 shares
    Par value $ .00884828
    20,000 shares issued and outstanding              178
  Additional Paid in Capital                    1,222,517

Deficit accumulated during the
  Development stage                            (1,257,284)
     Total stockholders equity                                     157,532


    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 8

                       BTSL Technologies Limited
                Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.



Revenue:                                                             0.00

           Research and development                               846,994

           General and administrative                             410,290

           Net Loss                                            (1,257,284)

           Other Income                                              0.00

           Loss before income taxes                            (1,257,284)

           Income taxes provision                                    0.00

           Net income (loss)                                   (1,257,284)

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 9

                       BTSL Technologies Limited
                Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.


                                                             Additional   Deficit Accumulated
                         Common              Preferred        Paid-In         During the        Total Stockholders
                    Shares     Amount    Shares     Amount    Capital      Development Stage           Equity
                    ------     ------    ------     ------   ----------   -------------------   -------------------

Issuance of common
  Stock Shares
  issued            20,000        178                         1,222,517                             1,222,695

Issuance of
  Preferred Stock
  Shares issued                          43,426        768      191,533                               192,121

  stage                                                                    (1,257,284)             (1,257,284)
                    ------     ------    ------     ------   ----------   -----------             -----------
Balance at
December 31, 2001   20,000     $  178    43,426     $  768   $1,413,870   $(1,257,284)            $   157,532

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 10

                       BTSL Technologies Limited
                Financial Statements at December 31st 2001.



  Net income/(Loss)                                               (1,257,284)
  Non-cash expenses included in net income/(loss):                     5,000
  Accrued Expenses                                                   281,383
  Compensation and services for common stock                         719,107

Net cash provided (used) by operating activities                     251,794

  Purchase of Patents                                               (300,000)
  Investment in Other Companies                                     (115,000)

  Net cash provided (used) by investing activities                  (415,000)


Proceeds from Preferred Stock                                        192,121

  Net cash provided by financing activities                          192,121

  Net increase (decrease) in cash and
    Cash equivalents                                                  28,915
    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning
      of period                                                         0.00
    Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                      $   28,915


    Cash paid during the period for income taxes                        0.00

     Cash paid during the period for interest expense                   0.00

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 11

BTSL Technologies Limited

FROM INCEPTION September 12, 2001 to December 31, 2001

1.   BTSL Technologies Limited (A development Stage Company)

Notes to the Financial Statements
From Inception to December 31st 2001

BTSL Technologies Limited is an Irish Limited Company formed n Sept
2001, whose principal business is of acquisition and development of
proven technologies and businesses with a high potential for future
revenue and profits.

The initial focus is two technologies, Gasification and Oxygen

     a. Gasification: The gasification process converts any carbon-
     containing material into a synthesis gas composed primarily of
     carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which can be used as a fuel to
     generate electricity or steam or used as a basic chemical
     building block for a large number of uses in the petrochemical
     and refining industries. Gasification adds value to low- or
     negative-value feed stocks by converting them to marketable
     fuels and products.

     b.  Oxygen Generation: Oxygen Generation is the process of
     separating oxygen from air using a Pressure Swing Adsorption
     (PSA) or Vacuum Swing Adsorption system. Oxygen Generators
     have many uses in Medical (Hospital) and Industrial

BTSL acquired registered worldwide patents and the technology
rights in the areas of Gasification, Oxygen Generation and other
products from a Belgium company, Jarix Scrl that is owned and
managed by a European scientist, Mr. Jacques Ribesse. As part of
the acquisition contract for these patents Jarix Scrl has the
potential to earn 200,000 convertible preferred series B shares as
per certain performance criteria. Following the transaction with a
US Public Company these convertible preferred series B shares will
be in the capital of that Company.

These products will be manufactured in Ireland by two international
engineering manufacturing companies who have many years experience
of exporting products worldwide. BTSL will provide and operate a
turnkey solution for its customers.

BTSL entered into a contract for the processing of certain materials
using its proprietary Gasification technology. As part of this
contract a service Company has the potential to earn 1,000,000
convertible preferred series B shares as per certain performance
criteria. Following the transaction with a US Public Company these
convertible preferred series B shares will be in the capital of that

BTSL is in discussions with foreign governments that it is believed
will result in orders for the Company's Oxygen Generation equipment.

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 12

BTSL Technologies Limited

BTSL entered into an agreement for the acquisition of Graham Energy
of NV Inc. Graham Energy of NV Inc is an independent oil and gas
company controlling six oil and or gas fields, with 24 currently
producing wells; 50 additional wells that will be re-activated upon
completion of a work-over; 86 legally established, proven but
undeveloped off-set well locations; and 24 additional highly
researched, probable well locations. This agreement was subject to
BTSL Technologies Limited completing a transaction that would give
BTSL the ability to acquire the oil and gas assets for publicly
traded stock.On February 6th 2002 "SILK" announced that  it had
purchased 100% of the Graham Energy of N V Inc for 4,000,000 shares
of "SILK" common stock.

BTSL had agreed to form four operating subsidiary Companies for
manufacture and sales of its products. These four subsidiaries were
subsequently formed on completion of the agreement with Silk
Botanical.com Inc.

On January 6th, 2002 BTSL completed a contract with a US public
company called Silk Botanical.com Inc. (OTCBB-SILK) for the sale of
certain "assets and business opportunities" in return for 20,000,000
shares from the public company. The transaction gave the
shareholders of BTSL Technologies Limited a majority of the issued
and outstanding common stock of "SILK."  The Public Company "SILK"
then completed the acquisition of Graham Energy of NV Inc.

As a result of the Contract with "SILK" the assets and business
opportunities owned by BTSL Technologies were assigned to a newly
formed Irish Company, TecEnergy Limited. TecEnergy Limited is 100%
owned and will operate as a subsidiary of the US Public Company. The
four subsidiary companies required to operate the business were
subsequently formed as wholly owned subsidiaries of TecEnergy

Under generally accepted accounting principles, the assets transferred
to "SILK" are the patents and the investments that were advanced to
"SILK," which were part of the acquisition transaction.  The total
orders pending approval by foreign governments approximates US

The assets transferred to the public company include accrued operating
expenses related to the patents and development costs.  These assets
will be part of the 10-QSB financials of the public company for the
quarter ending February 28, 2002.

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 13

BTSL Technologies Limited

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     A. Cash and Cash Equivalents:

          The company considers all money market funds and highly
          liquid debt instruments with maturities of three months
          or less when acquired to be cash equivalents.

     B. Property and Equipment:
          Property and Equipment is recorded principally at cost
          less accumulated depreciation.
          Depreciation is computed using the straight line method
          under the estimated useful lives of the assets.

     C. Use of Estimates:
          The preparation of the financial statements in conformity
          with generally accepted accounting principles requires
          management to make extensive use of estimates and
          assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and
          liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
          liabilities and the reported amounts of revenue and
          expenses.  Significant estimates in these financial
          statements include useful lives for depreciation and
          amortization, fair values of financial instruments and
          income taxes.  Actual results could differ from these

     D. Adoption of Significant Accounting Polices:
          Other Comprehensive Income:
          The Company has adopted the provisions of Statement of
          Financial Standards No. 130 ("SFAS No. 130"), "Reporting
          Comprehensive Income."  SFAS No. 130 establishes
          standards for reporting comprehensive income and its
          components in financial statements.  Other comprehensive
          income, as defined, includes all changes in equity during
          a period from non-owner sources.  To date, the company
          has not had any transactions that are required to be
          reported as comprehensive income.

          Segment Information:
          In June 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board,
          "FASB") issued Statement of Financial Accounting
          Standards No. 131 ("SFAS No. 131), "Disclosures about
          segment of an Enterprise and Related Information."  SFAS
          No. 131 established standards for the way companies
          report information about operating segments in annual
          financial statements.  It also established standards for
          related disclosures about products and services,
          geographic areas, and major customers.  The disclosures
          prescribed in SFAS No. 131 became effective for the year
          ended December 31, 1998.

          Business Combination:
          SFAS 142 and SFAS 141, Business Combinations, are
          designed to improve reporting and disclosure with respect
          to goodwill and other acquired tangible assets.  SFAS 141
          eliminated the pooling of interests method as an
          accounting option for business combination while SFAS 142
          modified the purchase method of accounting by impairment
          test.  The FASB overcame several operation impediments to
          non-amortization including:  the reporting level at which
          to conduct impairment reviews, consistency with SFAS 121
          (Accounting for the impairment of long-lived assets) and
          finite-lived goodwill.  The emphasis will be on the fair
          value measurements of assets and liabilities instead of

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 14

BTSL Technologies Limited

          The Company periodically evaluates the net realizable
          value of long-lived assets, including property and
          equipment, relying on a number of factors including
          operating results, business plans, economic projections
          and future cash flows.  An impairment in the carrying
          value of an asset is recognized when the fair value of
          the asset is less than its carrying value.

     E. Patents
          Patents are valued at cost less accumulated amortization.
          Amortization is calculated to write off the cost in equal
          annual instalments over their estimated useful life of 15

     F. Research and development
          Research expenditure is written off to income in the year
          in which it is incurred.

     G. Investments
          Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provision
          for diminution in value.

    Exhibit 99.4 - Pg. 15