January 24, 2005
                          8:30 a.m. EDT

Coordinator    Welcome to the PetMed Express Inc. doing business
               as 1-800-PetMeds conference call to review the
               financial results for the third fiscal quarter
               ended on December 31, 2004.  At the request of the
               company, this conference call is being recorded.

               Founded in 1996, 1-800-PetMeds is America's
               Largest Pet Pharmacy, delivering prescription and
               non-prescription medications and other health
               products for dogs and cats direct to the consumer.
               1-800-PetMeds markets its products through
               national television, online and direct mail
               advertising campaigns which direct consumers to
               order by phone or on the Internet and aim to
               increase the recognition of the "1-800-PetMeds"
               brand name.  1-800-PetMeds provides an attractive
               alternative for obtaining pet medications in terms
               of convenience, price, ease of ordering and rapid
               home delivery.

               At this time, I'd like to turn the conference call
               over to the company's Chief Financial Officer, Mr.
               Bruce Rosenbloom.  Sir, you may begin.

B. Rosenbloom  Thank you.  I would like to welcome everyone here
               today.  Before I turn the call over to Mendo
               Akdag, our Chief Executive Officer, I'd like to
               remind everyone that the first portion of this
               conference call will be listen-only until the
               question and answer session, which will be later
               in the call.  Also, certain information that will
               be included in this press conference may include
               forward-looking statements within the meaning of
               the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
               1995 or the Securities and Exchange Commission
               that may involve a number of risks and
               uncertainties.  These statements are based on our
               beliefs, as well as assumptions we have used based
               upon information currently available to us.
               Because these statements reflect our current views
               concerning future events, these statements involve
               risks, uncertainties and assumptions.  Actual
               future results may vary significantly based on a
               number of factors that may cause the actual
               results or events to be materially different from
               future results performance or achievements
               expressed or implied by these statements.  We have
               identified various risk factors associated with
               our operations in our most recent annual report
               and other filings with the Securities and Exchange

               Now, let me introduce today's speaker, Mendo
               Akdag, the Chief Executive Officer of 1-800-
               PetMeds. Mendo.

M. Akdag       Welcome and thank you for joining us.  Today,
               we'll review the highlights of our financial
               results.  We'll compare our third fiscal quarter
               and nine months ended on December 31, 2004 to last
               year's quarter and nine months ended on December
               31, 2003.

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 1 - 8

               For the third fiscal quarter ended on December
               31, 2004, sales were $20.8 million compared to
               sales of $17.2 million for the same period the
               prior year, an increase of 21%.  For the nine
               months, sales were $84.8 million compared to
               $72.5 million for the nine months the prior year,
               an increase of 17%.  The increase was primarily
               due to increased reorders for the nine months,
               offset by decreased new orders for the first six
               months of the fiscal year.

               For the third fiscal quarter, net income was $2.0
               million or $0.08 diluted per share, compared to
               $1.2 million or $0.05 diluted per share a year
               ago, an increase to net income of 60%.  For the
               nine months, net income was $5.6 million or $0.23
               diluted per share compared to $4.5 million or
               $0.19 diluted per share a year ago, an increase
               to net income of 25%.

               Retail reorder sales increased by 27% to $14.5
               million for the quarter compared to reorder sales
               of $11.4 million for the same quarter the prior
               year.  For the nine months, the reorder sales
               increased by 40% to $51.7 million compared to
               $36.8 million for the same period a year ago.

               Retail new order sales increased by 1% to $5.8
               million for the quarter compared to $5.7 million
               for the same period the prior year.  For the nine
               months, the new order sales decreased by 11% to
               $31.6 million compared to $35.4 million for the
               same period a year ago.  The decline in new
               orders for the nine months can be attributed to
               the increase in advertising cost of acquiring new
               customers during the first six months of the
               fiscal year.  Slowdown in our sales growth
               compared to the last year may also be
               attributable to increased competition, both by
               veterinarians and traditional and online

               We acquired approximately 85,000 new customers in
               our third fiscal quarter compared to 82,000 for
               the same period the prior year.  And we acquired
               430,000 new customers in nine months compared to
               482,000 for the same period a year ago.  The
               seasonality in our business is due to the
               proportion of flea, tick and heartworm
               medications in our product mix.  Spring and
               summer are considered peak seasons with fall and
               winter being the off seasons.

               For the third fiscal quarter, our gross profit as
               a percent of sales was 40.6% compared to 41.1%
               for the same period a year ago.  For the nine
               months ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, our
               gross profit as a percent of sales was the same
               at 40%.

               Our general and administrative expenses as a
               percent of sales decreased to 12.2% for the
               quarter compared to 13.5% for the same quarter
               the prior year, and for the nine months, the G&A
               decreased to 10.3% compared to 11.1% a year ago.
               The improvement shows a continued leverage of the
               G&A.  Also a positive trend is the increase to 53%
               of our customers placing their orders on our Web
               site compared to 50% for the prior year.

               We spent $2.6 million in advertising in each of the
               quarters ended on December 31, 2004 and 2003.
               For the nine months, we spent $16 million for
               advertising compared to $13.6 million a year ago,
               an increase of 18%.

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 2 - 8

               Advertising cost of acquiring a customer for the
               quarter was $31 compared to $32 for the same
               quarter the prior year.  And for the nine months,
               it was $37 compared to $28 for the same period a
               year ago.  We attribute the increase in
               advertising cost of acquiring a customer for the
               first six months of our fiscal year to our change
               in advertising media mix due to shortage of
               television inventory as a result of strengthening
               economy and the elections held in November.

               Our working capital increased by $7.9 million to
               $19.2 since March 31, 2004.  The increase was due
               to increases in net income and the exercise of
               stock options and warrants.  We had $7.8 million
               in cash and $13.5 million in inventory with no
               debt as of December 31, 2004.  The increase in
               inventory is due to us taking advantage of some
               buying opportunities preparing for spring, our
               peak season.  Cash from operations for the nine
               months was $3.5 million compared to cash used in
               operations of $3.1 million for the same period
               last year.  Capital expenditures for the nine
               months were approximately $147,000.

               This ends the financial review.  Operator, we're
               ready to take questions.

Coordinator    First question comes from Frank Gristina.

F. Gristina    Thanks, guys.  Congratulations on a good quarter.

M. Akdag       Thank you, Frank.

F. Gristina    Couple of questions on the gross profit side.  You
               mentioned there was a slight drop in the gross
               profit margin, is this a function of a change in
               your skus or a change in cost to fulfill or anything
               to point to?

M. Akdag       That means the increase in cost of products did
               not totally offset the increase in our selling
               prices, and we said our target was 40% gross
               profit which, if you look at the nine months,
               we're at 40%.  It's going to fluctuate; depending
               on buying opportunities, our cost will fluctuate.

F. Gristina    So it's purely a function of cost of product and
               not any kind of promotional pricing?

M. Akdag       That is correct, yes.

F. Gristina    Okay.  And then on the advertising, 12.6% of sales
               was much better than a year ago and really, especially,
               the last two quarters.  So, what's changed there, are
               you still doing a lot of TV, can you give us sort
               of the breakup and mix, or is there a new form of
               customer acquisition that has been working really
               well?  And I know you're not spending a lot during
               this quarter for new customers, but somethings
               definitely changed.

M. Akdag       We got better results for the advertising dollars
               that we spent.  If you noticed, we spent the same
               amount as we spent last year.  I believe TV
               advertising was approximately 52% of the dollars
               spent in the third fiscal quarter in comparison to
               49% for the last year.

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 3 - 8

F. Gristina    So 52%, that seems a little bit below kind of your
               target for TV.  Are you doing more e-mail in this
               quarter or print?

M. Akdag       Not for the third fiscal quarter.  Third fiscal
               quarter, we spend less money usually dollar-wise
               so the TV as a percent comes down; 52% was TV,
               print was 22%, and for the last year same quarter,
               it was 49% TV, 35% print, actually.

F. Gristina    Okay.  And then some housekeeping questions.  The
               12 month average retail purchase, the ASP there?

M. Akdag       I believe it is $75 for twelve months.

F. Gristina    And then, I know you don't like to look at it, but
               do you have a three-month number as well?

M. Akdag       $73 was for the three months.

F. Gristina    Okay.  And one more, unique for the past two
               years, can you start giving us that metric or for
               unique purchasers for the last two years of the

M. Akdag       Yes.  It is 1.4 million customers.

F. Gristina    Okay.  Well, thanks a lot.  Again,

M. Akdag       Thank you.

Coordinator    Next question comes from Bernard Liu with Noble
               Financial Group

B. Liu         Good morning, gentlemen, and good quarter.

M. Akdag       Thank you.

B. Liu         Can you comment on-give us an update on the
               competitive environment and give us some color as
               to how your new marketing director will help the
               company address any emerging competitive issues?

M. Akdag       The market is getting more competitive and
               although, this was our off-season, we will have a
               better idea in our peak season, which is spring,
               it starts in spring, but we're expecting the
               market to get more and more competitive.  As far
               as what we are doing and the new marketing
               director, we're going to focus on database
               marketing, relationship marketing, one-on-one
               marketing to our database to improve reorders,
               that's going to be the primary focus.  Also, we
               are attempting to identify the long-term
               customers, what they look like, and we are going
               to attempt to acquire a long-term customer and
               attempt to eliminate the one-time buyers.

B. Liu         Okay.  And can you also comment on the general
               relationships with the vets?  Has the backlash
               gotten worse or has it stabilized and what kind of
               metrics do you use to measure this?

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 4 - 8

M. Akdag       There is slight improvement, I can tell you, on
               veterinarians' responses to us compared to last

B. Liu         And how are you seeing this?

M. Akdag       I beg your pardon?

B. Liu         How are you seeing this?  Are you getting better
               authorization rates?

M. Akdag       Yes.  And we are educating the consumer.  At the
               end of the day, the consumers call the shots.  And
               we are witnessing increase in consumer backlash.

B. Liu         Okay, great, thank you.  I'll get back in queue.

Coordinator    Our next question comes from Therese Fabian with
               Sidoti and Company.

T. Fabian      Hello.  Good morning.

M. Akdag       Good morning.

T. Fabian      I have a question about your advertising as a
               percentage of revenue.  It came down in the third
               quarter.  Are you expecting to increase that to
               what has been a more constant drive from before?

M. Akdag       Yes, we do.  The reason it went down a bit, it was
               our off-season.  And during spring and summer,
               that percentage will come back up, and publicly we
               said, it will be 18% to 22% of revenue, it will

T. Fabian      Okay.  Thank you.  And then I have another
               question on some of your new product initiatives
               that you introduced in the second quarter.  Have
               you seen positive results on those, and do you
               have plans for other new initiatives going

M. Akdag       They did not have any material impact yet, and
               we'll see how it goes this quarter.  At this time,
               we do not have any other initiatives.

T. Fabian      Okay.  And do you do checks to see how your prices
               compare with other on-line or other retail prices
               for some of your medicines?  How does that come

M. Akdag       We typically check against veterinarians,
               that's the surveys that we do.  We think that
               market share is going to come from veterinarians,
               not from other on-line retailers.  So our
               comparisons are typically the way we price
               ourselves.  Typically, we get an average pricing
               from veterinarians.

T. Fabian      Okay.  And if I may just ask one last question, or
               let me get back in queue, I'm sorry.  Thank you.

M. Akdag       Thank you.

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 5 - 8

Coordinator    Our next question comes from Tushar Shah with
               Geocapital Partners.

T. Shah        Hi, Mendo.  Good quarter.

M. Akdag       Thank you.

T. Shah        I have a quick question just to clarify.  I heard
               early in the call you had said, I think, I'm not
               sure if I got this right, that the new order sales
               went up one percent to $5.8 million from $5.7
               million.  Is that correct?

M. Akdag       Yes.  That is correct.

T. Shah        And so, what makes up the-you know, if I add the
               $5.8 million to the $14.5 million of reorder
               sales, there's $5 million less or something, I
               think, from other stuff, am I doing the math

M. Akdag       The difference is wholesale.

T. Shah        Ah, thats wholesale.  Is there any material
               difference in the wholesale business from this
               quarter versus the last year?

M. Akdag       Let me take a look.  Hold on.  Yes.  The wholesale
               was about half a million dollars this fiscal
               quarter compared to roughly $100,000 last year,
               the same period.

T. Shah        Got you.  And was that in terms of gross margin
               contribution, was that a decent contribution there
               or was that a lot faster revenue?

M. Akdag       Wholesale contribution is about 18%.

T. Shah        I got you.  Thanks a lot.  Thank you.

M. Akdag       You're welcome.

Coordinator    Our next question comes from Frank Gristina with

F. Gristina    Thanks.  My question was about the wholesale, but
               you answered that.  How about an update on
               advertising in terms of your arrangement with, I
               guess, Hartville.  Are there any other advertising
               opportunities you guys think that you could
               execute near-term allowing some merchants to
               advertise on your site somehow or sponsor one of
               your sites?

M. Akdag       Not at this time.

F. Gristina    Okay.  Thanks.

M. Akdag       You're welcome.

Coordinator    Next question comes from Therese Fabian, Sidoti
               and Company.

T. Fabian      Hello again.  I have a question on the competitive
               environment.  And if you could shed a little color
               on that, I imagine most of your online competitors
               are private companies?

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 6 - 8

M. Akdag       Yes.

T. Fabian      But do any of them do this multi-channel marketing
               that you do in terms of TV, print and online?

M. Akdag       They all do online, so online is highly
               competitive.  Some of them do TV on and off;
               print, one of them is a catalogue company, so they
               do a lot of print.  TV, we have not seen them
               consistently on the air, but they're on and off.  They
               go on for a month then they discontinue for a
               couple of months.

T. Fabian      Thank you.  Do you have any other sort of
               statistics on your overall market share in terms
               of pet medicine sales?

M. Akdag       Our estimate is we have about 3.5% of the market.

T. Fabian      Okay.  Thank you.

M. Akdag       You're welcome.

Coordinator    Next question comes for Bernard Liu with Noble
               Financial Group.

B. Liu         Hi, a couple of accounting questions.  How do
               you treat, in terms of recognizing any types of
               revenues from the arrangement with Hartville and
               also on stock option expensing, FAS 123, for the
               third quarter, would your EPS had been if you had
               expense options?

M. Akdag       As far as Hartville is concerned, we recognize the
               revenue as we earn it on a monthly basis.  As far
               as stock options, I'm going to have Bruce answer
               that question.  He is more qualified.

B. Rosenbloom  Bernie, as far as stock options, if you look at
               our last two 10-Qs, we have a disclosure that
               reflects approximately about $100,000 as the impact
               per quarter, approximately about one penny per share.

B. Liu         Okay.  And in terms of-on the Hartville
               arrangement, would that be on other line or would
               actually going to sales line?

B. Rosenbloom  Repeat the question again, Bernie.  I'm sorry.

B. Liu         On the Hartville arrangement, the revenues that
               come in, would that be other income or would that
               be in sales?

B. Rosenbloom  More than likely, it probably would be in other
               income.  Since it's not part of our pet pharmacy

B. Liu         Okay.  Thank you.

B. Rosenbloom  Sure.

Coordinator    I show no further questions.  I'd like to turn the
               conference back over for any closing remarks.

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 7 - 8

M. Akdag       Thank you.  We are a leader in a new distribution
               channel.  Our key opportunity is to leverage our
               brand name to continue to increase our market
               share.  We'll do this by focusing our efforts in
               two areas.  One, optimizing our advertising media
               buys, as well as developing new creatives to
               reduce customer acquisition cost; and two,
               improving reorders with ongoing personalized
               customer communication.

               This wraps up today's conference call.  Thank you
               for joining us.  Operator, this ends the
               conference call.
Coordinator    Thank you.  And that concludes today's conference
               call.  You may disconnect.  Have a great day.

                        Exhibit 99.1 Page 8 - 8