WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                    SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION

         Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c)
             of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

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[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
[x]  Definitive information statement

        (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

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[x]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-
     5(g) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     Common Stock

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
     computed pursuant to  Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
     amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
     was determined):

     Not Applicable.
(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     Not Applicable.

(5)  Total fee paid:

     Not Applicable.

[  ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[  ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
     provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (a) (2) and identify
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     Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:                          Not Applicable.
(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:    Not Applicable.
(3)  Filing Party:                                    Not Applicable.
(4)  Date Filed:                                      Not Applicable.

                     400 Hampton View Court
                      Alpharetta, GA 30004

                      INFORMATION STATEMENT
                          April 7, 2006

              We Are Not Asking You For A Proxy And
            You Are Requested Not To Send Us a Proxy

This  information statement is being provided on  behalf  of  the
board of directors (the "Board") of Nortia Capital Partners, Inc.
(the  "Company") to record holders of shares of our common  stock
("Shareholders") as of the close of business on the  record  date
March 14, 2006.  This information statement provides notice  that
the  Board  has  recommended, and holders of a  majority  of  the
voting  power  of  our outstanding common stock  have  voted,  to
approve the following items:

     Proposal  1:   Authorization to the Board  to  withdraw  the
     Company's  election to be treated as a business  development
     company  ("BDC") under the Investment Company Act  of  1940,
     as amended (the "1940 Act").

This information statement describes, in more detail, the actions
being   taken  and  the  circumstances  surrounding  the  Board's
recommendation of the actions.  The action will become  effective
as  of  the  filing  of the Form N-54C with  the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

The  Company  will bear the expenses relating to this information
statement,  including expenses in connection with  preparing  and
mailing  this  information statement and all documents  that  now
accompany or may in the future supplement it.

Only  one  information statement is being delivered  to  multiple
shareholders sharing an address, unless the Company has  received
contrary instructions from one or more of the shareholders.   The
Company  will undertake to deliver promptly upon written or  oral
request  a  separate  copy  of  the information  statement  to  a
shareholder  at a shared address to which a single  copy  of  the
information statement was delivered.  You may make a  written  or
oral  request by sending a written notification to the  Company's
principal  executive  offices  stating  your  name,  your  shared
address  and the address to which the Company should  direct  the
additional  copy of the information statement or by  calling  the
Company's  principal executive offices.  If multiple shareholders
sharing  an  address have received one copy of  this  information
statement  and  would prefer the Company mail each shareholder  a
separate copy of future mailings, you may send notification to or
call the Company's principal executive offices.  Additionally, if
current  shareholders  with  a shared address  received  multiple
copies of this information statement and would prefer us to  mail
one  copy  of  future  mailings to  shareholders  at  the  shared


address, notification of that request may also be made by mail or
telephone call to the Company's principal executive offices.

The   information  statement  is  being  provided  to   you   for
informational  purposes  only.  Your  vote  is  not  required  to
approve  these  actions.   This information  statement  does  not
relate  to  an annual meeting or special meeting in  lieu  of  an
annual meeting.  You are not being asked to send a proxy and  you
are  requested not to send one.  The approximate mailing date  of
this information statement is April 10, 2006.

We appreciate your continued interest in Nortia Capital Partners,

Very truly yours,

/s/ William J. Bosso
William J. Bosso
Chief Executive Officer


                      INFORMATION STATEMENT
                     400 HAMPTON VIEW COURT
                      ALPHARETTA, GA 30004

                          BOARD MEETING

The Board of the Company met by telephonic conference on February
10,  2006  at  3:00 p.m. and determined that it was in  the  best
interest  of  the  Company and its shareholders to  withdraw  its
election  to  be  regulated  as  a business  development  company
("BDC") under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
"1940  Act").  The holders of a majority of the voting  power  of
the  Company's outstanding common stock have voted to approve the
recommendation of the Board.  This information statement is being
provided  to  shareholders to inform them  of  the  circumstances
surrounding and the reasons for the actions being taken.


In  January 2005, the Company filed an election to become subject
to  the 1940 Act, such that it could commence conducting business
as  a  business development company ("BDC").  The Company elected
BDC  status  intending  to provide debt  and  equity  capital  to
companies  that it believed presented opportunities for  superior
performance through liquidity events, recapitalizations, internal
growth,  product,  or  geographic expansion,  the  completion  of
complementary  add-on  acquisitions, or industry  consolidations.
The   Company  generally  expected  to  invest  in  emerging  and
development-stage micro-cap companies that intended to be  listed
on  U.S.  equity markets, including the OTC Bulletin  Board,  but
which  otherwise  lacked  the  necessary  capital  and  depth  of
management  to expand their businesses.  Commensurate with  those
goals,  in June 2005, the Company determined to begin an offering
of  shares  of  common  stock as a BDC  in  accordance  with  the
exemption from registration requirements of the Securities Act of
1933 (the "1933 Act") as provided by Regulation E.

In connection with that prospective offering, the Company filed a
Form 1-E with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"),
which was subsequently reviewed and a comment letter issued  (the
"Comment Letter").  As a result, the Company understood  that  it
may  have  been out of compliance with certain of the  rules  and
regulations governing the business and affairs, financial status,
and financial reporting items required of BDCs.

In  response  to  the Comment Letter, during  2005,  the  Company
conducted  a  review  of its compliance with  the  1940  Act  and
determined  that it was not in compliance with several  important
provisions  of  that  Act.  Specifically, the Company  determined
that it had issued securities in return for services, potentially
violating Section 23 of the 1940 Act, had granted shares  of  the


Company's  common  stock as compensation to the  Company's  Chief
Executive  Officer  and  President and  had  neglected  to  adopt
compliance  policies  and procedures.  The  Board  of  Directors,
including  the  Directors who are not interested persons  of  the
Company, reviewed the facts surrounding these compliance failures
and   their  implications  for  the  Company.   Ultimately,   the
Directors  caused the Company to take immediate  and  substantial
steps  to  remediate  the compliance failures,  and  the  Company
informed the SEC Staff of these steps.  However, there can be  no
assurance  that such steps will fully cure all of  the  1940  Act
compliance deficiencies to which the Company became subject,  nor
how  any  failure  to  cure those deficiencies  will  impact  the
Company  in  the  future.   Moreover, the  Company's  significant
compliance  and  remediation costs, in terms  of  both  time  and
dollars,  have  operated  as  an  encumbrance  on  the  Company's

Accordingly,  after  careful  consideration  of  the   1940   Act
requirements  applicable to BDCs, an evaluation of the  Company's
ability  to  operate as a going concern in an investment  company
regulatory environment, the cost of 1940 Act compliance needs and
a  thorough assessment of potential alternative business  models,
the Board has determined that continuation as a BDC is not in the
best  interest of the Company and its shareholders at the present
time.    A   majority  of  the  voting  power  of  the  Company's
outstanding common stock, which is held by William Bosso, Matthew
Henninger,  Harrysen Mittler, John Benton, JP Baron  II,  Michael
Marshall,   and   Jon  Van  Tuin,  has  voted  to   approve   the
recommendation of the Board, that the Company file a  Form  N-54C
and withdraw its election to be registered as a BDC.

Subsequent  to the filing of the Form N-54C, the Company  intends
to  pursue  a  business model whereby it would  provide  merchant
banking-type  services  to small, private  companies  seeking  to
become  publicly  held  and traded (the  "New  Business  Model").
Specifically,  the Company will identify small private  companies
(the "Clients") and assist them with managerial,  accounting  and
financial  advice  and help them to raise  necessary  capital  by
introducing  them  to potential investors.  As  compensation  for
these  services, the Company proposes to receive  shares  of  the
Client,  which  will  then be registered by  the  Client  in  its
initial public offering.  The Company anticipates that the shares
it  receives as compensation will be assessed at par value.   The
Company   will  at  all  times  report  shares  it  receives   as
compensation  on its periodic reports filed with the  SEC.   Upon
the   Client's   initial  public  offering,  the   Company   will
immediately  distribute to its shareholders all of  the  Client's
shares held.

Under  the  New  Business Model, the Company will  at  all  times
conduct  its activities in such a way that it will not be  deemed
an "investment company" subject to regulation under the 1940 Act.
Thus,  it will not hold itself out as being engaged primarily  in
the  business of investing, reinvesting or trading in securities.
In  addition,  the Company will conduct its business  in  such  a
manner  as  to ensure that it will at no time own or  propose  to
acquire investment securities having a value exceeding 40 percent
of the Company's total assets at any one time.


The Company's violations of the 1940 Act may cause the Company to
incur certain liabilities.  Such liabilities can not be estimated
by  management  as of this time.  However, such  liabilities,  if
incurred,  could  have  a  significant impact  on  the  Company's
ability to continue as a going concern.

                     REGULATED AS A BDC

When  the Company ceases to be a BDC, the shareholders will  lose
certain protections, including the following:

   * The  Company  will no longer be subject to  the  requirement
     that  it maintain a ratio of assets to senior securities  of
     at least 200%;

   * The Company will no longer be prohibited from protecting any
     director or officer against any liability to the Company  or
     the Company's shareholders arising from willful malfeasance,
     bad  faith, gross negligence, or reckless disregard  of  the
     duties involved in the conduct of that person's office;

   * The  Company will  no  longer be  required  to  provide  and
     maintain  a  bond  issued by a reputable fidelity  insurance
     company to protect it against larceny and embezzlement;

   * The  Company  will  no longer be required to  ensure  that a
     majority   of  the  directors  are  persons  who   are   not
     "interested persons," as that term is defined in section  56
     of the 1940 Act, and certain persons that would be prevented
     from  serving on the Company's board if it were a BDC  (such
     as  investment  bankers)  will  be  able  to  serve  on  the
     Company's board;

   * The  Company will no longer be subject to provisions  of the
     1940  Act  regulating transactions between BDCs and  certain
     affiliates  and restricting the Company's ability  to  issue
     warrants and options;

   * The  Company  will  be  able  to change  the  nature of  its
     business and fundamental investment policies without  having
     to obtain the approval of its shareholders;

   * The  Company will no longer be subject to provisions  of the
     1940 Act prohibiting the issuance of securities at below net
     asset value;

   * The   Company  will  no  longer  be  subject  to  the  other
     provisions and protections set forth in Sections 55  through
     64 of the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations promulgated

However,  the Board will still be subject to customary principles
of   fiduciary  duty  with  respect  to  the  Company   and   its


In  addition, withdrawal of the Company's election to be  treated
as a BDC will not affect the Company's registration under Section
12(b)  of  the  Securities Exchange Act of  1934  (the  "Exchange
Act").   Under the Exchange Act, the Company is required to  file
periodic  reports  on  Form  10-K, Form  10-Q,  Form  8-K,  proxy
statements and other reports required under the Exchange Act.


The withdrawal of the Company's election to be regulated as a BDC
will  result  in  a  change  in its method  of  accounting.   BDC
financial  statement presentation and accounting  uses the  value
method  of accounting used by investment companies, which  allows
BDCs  to  recognize income and value their investments at  market
value  as  opposed to historical cost.  Operating  companies  use
either  the  fair-value or historical-cost methods of  accounting
for   financial   statement  presentation  and   accounting   for
securities  held, depending on how the investment  is  classified
and  how  long  the  company  intends  to  hold  the  investment.
Changing  the  Company's method of accounting  could  reduce  the
market  value  of its investments in privately held companies  by
eliminating the Company's ability to report an increase in  value
of  its  holdings as they occur.  The Company believes  that,  in
light  of its limited assets, the effect of the change in  method
of accounting should not be material.

The Company does not believe that withdrawing its election to  be
regulated as a BDC will have any impact on its federal income tax
status,  because  the Company never elected to be  treated  as  a
regulated  investment company under Subchapter M of the  Internal
Revenue  Code.  Instead, the Company has always been  subject  to
corporate level federal income tax on its income (without  regard
to any distributions it makes to its shareholders) as a "regular"
corporation under Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code.


Except in their capacity as shareholders (which interest does not
differ to that of the common shareholders), none of the Company's
officers,  directors, or any of their respective  affiliates  has
any  interest in the withdrawal of the Company's election  to  be
regulated as a BDC.

                        VOTING SECURITIES

Although   Shareholders  are  not  being  asked  to  approve   or
disapprove  or  otherwise vote on any matter  discussed  in  this
information  statement, the following generally describes  voting
rights of Shareholders.

As  of  the  record  date, March 14, 2006, there  are  22,813,254
shares  of  common stock outstanding. Each share  represents  one
vote.   There are currently no arrangements known to the Company,
the  operation of which may result in a change in control of  the


                      SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

As a general matter, the Company does not hold annual meetings of
shareholders, and, therefore, the anticipated date of  a  meeting
of  shareholders  cannot be provided.  Any  shareholder  proposal
that properly may be included in proxy solicitation materials for
a  meeting  of  shareholders must be received by  the  Company  a
reasonable  time prior to the date voting instructions  or  proxy
materials are mailed to shareholders.


Under Nevada law and our certificate of incorporation and bylaws,
no  shareholder  has  any  right  to  dissent  to  the  Company's
withdrawal of election to be registered as a BDC under  the  1940
Act,  and  no shareholder is entitled to appraisal of or  payment
for their shares of the Company's stock.

                        MORE INFORMATION

The  Company will furnish, without charge, a copy of  the  annual
report  and  the  most recent semi-annual report  succeeding  the
annual report to a shareholder, upon request to William J. Bosso,
400  Hampton  View  Court, Alpharetta, GA  30004  or  by  calling
collect  to  770-777-6795,  by first  class  mail,  within  three
business days of receipt of the request.


Shareholders may make inquiries by contacting William J. Bosso at
