Certified Public Accountants

Norman A. Eliot, C.P.A.             9400 South Dadeland Boulevard
Florence L. Krantz, C.P.A.          Miami, Florida 33156
John Blumenthal, C.P.A.             Phone: (305) 670-4444
                                    Fax: (305) 670-0105

                                May 7, 1998

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re: Jetborne International, Inc.
    (Commission File #0-16039)


We were previously principal accountants and independent auditors
for Jetborne International, Inc. (the "Company) and resigned on
February 27, 1998 prior to issuing our Independent Auditor's Report
on the Company financial statements at April 30, 1996 and April 30,

Subsequently, on April 9, 1998, we were re-engaged to complete our
audit and issue our Independent Auditor's Report on the financial
statements at April 30, 1996; we were not re-engaged for the
subsequent periods.  Our Independent Auditor's Report was issued
under the date of August 16, 1996, extended October 14, 1997, as to
certain matters that took place during December 1996, March, 1997
and September 1997 and as described in Note 16.

We have read Jetborne's statements included under item 4 of its
Form 8-K dated April 9, 1998 and April 13, 1998 and we do not agree
with several of the statements as noted below:

1.  Form 8-K April 9, 1998:

    A.    The 5th paragraph of item 4 states "During the two most
          recent fiscal years and the subsequent interim period
          preceding the Auditor's resignation and/or dismissal,
          there were not disagreements with the Auditor on any
          matter of accounting principles or practices, financial
          statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure which
          if not resolved to the satisfaction of the Auditor would
          have caused it to make a reference in connection with its
          report.  The Registrant has authorized Norman A. Eliot &
          Co. to respond fully to the inquiries of its successor
          accountant concerning any matter without limitation of
          any sort".

          We disagree with the aforementioned statement as there
          were disagreements primarily revolving around a scope
          limitation, imposed by the Company, on auditing
          procedures that were established by this firm in
          connection with an inventory purchase from a subsidiary
          of Rada Electronics Industries Limited (the Company's
          present parent company) which only affected disclosures
          in the April 30, 1996 financial statements but would have
          significantly affected the financial statements at April
          30, 1997.

Securities and Exchange Commission
Page 2
May 7, 1998

1.   Form 8-K April 9, 1998 (continued):

     B.   The 2nd paragraph of item 4 indicates that this firm
          noticed resignation and withdrawal from its engagements
          for both years ended April 30, 1996 and April 30, 1997.

          As indicated above, the resignation was dated February
          27, 1998 and the re-confirmation of the re-engagement was
          dated April 9, 1998.  The confirmation of the re-
          engagement also referred to data required in connection
          with the finalization of the April 30, 1996 financial
          statements (received) and a commitment from Jetborne with
          confirmation of the re-engagement, and a guarantee, from
          the parent corporation, of the payment of the
          indebtedness, for the payment of agreed-to unpaid fees. 
          As of this date, the commitment has not been met even
          though the Independent Auditor's Report at April 30, 1996
          was issued and full responses to the inquiries of the
          successor was provided at a meeting held on April 9, 1998
          with requested portions of our files submitted to the
          successor on April 16, 1998.

2.   Form 8-K April 13, 1998:

          The 4th paragraph states "There was no disagreement or
          any reportable event in connection with the Registrant's
          change of accountants for the fiscal year ended April 30,
          1997 or for the newly determined "stub" period ended
          December 31, 1997".

          We disagree with the aforementioned statement as there
          were disagreements primarily revolving around a scope
          limitation, imposed by the Company, on auditing
          procedures that were established by this firm in
          connection with an inventory purchase from a subsidiary
          of Rada Electronics Industries Limited (the Company's
          present parent company) which only affected disclosures
          in the April 30, 1996 financial statements but would have
          significantly affected the financial statements at April
          30, 1997.

     Very truly yours,


     /s/Norman A. Eliot
     Norman A. Eliot, CPA
