Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A

                               Amendment No. 1 to
              Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

    For the Fiscal Year Ended                               Commission File
        December 31, 1994                                     No. 1-7361


    Incorporated under                             IRS Employer I.D.
     the Laws of Ohio                               No. 31-0624874

                 One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
                                 (513) 579-2121

    This Form 10-K/A provides information required by Items 11, 12 & 13 of
    Form 10-K.

                                    PART III

                                     ITEM 11

                             Executive Compensation


    The following table shows the aggregate compensation earned (in
    thousands) for 1994, 1993 and 1992 from AFC and its subsidiaries by
    AFC's Chief Executive Officer and AFC's four other most highly
    compensated executive officers.

                                             Annual Compensation   
                                                            Annual                   Long Term      Other 
    Name and                                                Compensa-   Stock        Incentive      Compen-
    Principal Position            Year     Salary  Bonus    tion(1)     Options(2)   Payouts(3)     sation(4)
    Carl H. Lindner               1994     $1,129  $2,050      $143       ---            ---           $ 40
    Chairman & Chief              1993      1,649   2,083       200       ---            ---            117
      Executive Officer           1992      1,816   2,700       260       ---            ---            114
      of AFC & Subsidiaries

    Ronald F. Walker              1994      1,067   1,575        30       ---            ---             53
    President & Chief             1993        801   1,250        70       ---            ---             93
      Operating Officer           1992      1,336   2,075        81       ---          $8,806           181
      of AFC

    Carl H. Lindner III           1994        529     784        13       ---            ---             31
    President of GAI &            1993      1,071   1,389       165       ---            ---             88
      American Premier            1992      1,514   1,825       171       ---           5,478            73

    S. Craig Lindner              1994      1,570   1,350       106       ---            ---             31
    President of AAG and          1993      1,535   2,200        74       ---            ---             88
    Sr. Exec. Vice President      1992      1,529   1,500       106       ---           5,478            99
      of AMM

    James E. Evans                1994      1,019     850         1       ---            ---             31
    Vice President &              1993        960     400         3       ---            ---             64
      General Counsel of AFC      1992        892     550        35       ---           2,264            90



    (1)  This column includes amounts for (i) personal homeowners and
         automobile insurance coverage, (ii) the use of corporate aircraft,
         automobiles and housing, and (iii) excess interest paid on deferred

                          Carl H.          Ronald F.          Carl H.        S. Craig         James E.
                          Lindner           Walker          Lindner III       Lindner          Evans  
    Insurance              $  10             ---              $  13             ---              ---
    Aircraft, etc.           133           $  30                ---            $106             $  1

    Insurance                 10             ---                 15              19              ---
    Aircraft, etc.           190              70                150              55                3

    Insurance                 11             ---                  7              17              ---
    Aircraft, etc.           249              81                164              89                2
    Interest                 ---             ---                ---             ---               33

    (2)  No options were granted by the Registrant.  For information
         concerning options and stock appreciation rights ("SARs") granted
         by subsidiaries of the Registrant to the above named individuals,
         see the table headed "Option/SAR Grants in 1994" below.

    (3)  The amounts in this column are payments made pursuant to exercises
         of Book Value Incentive Plan Units.  During 1992, AFC accelerated
         all payments under the Plan due to named persons, paying the
         present value of the amounts due approximately 1/3 in cash and 2/3
         in value of an AFC 12% debenture due 1999.



    (4)  This column includes amounts for (i) directors fees, (ii) Employee
         Stock Ownership/Retirement Plan contributions, (iii) savings plans
         of subsidiaries, (iv) retirement plans of subsidiaries, and (v)
         term life insurance premiums.

                          Carl H.          Ronald F.          Carl H.        S. Craig         James E.
                          Lindner           Walker          Lindner III       Lindner          Evans 

    Directors fees         ---             $ 20              ---              ---              ---
    ESORP                 $ 30               30             $ 30             $ 30             $ 30
    Savings Plans          ---              ---              ---              ---              ---
    Retirement Plans       ---              ---              ---              ---              ---
    Term Life               10                3                1                1                1

    Directors fees         19                20              ---               57               33
    ESORP                  30                30               30               30               30
    Savings Plans         ---               ---              ---              ---              ---
    Retirement Plans       58                40               57              ---              ---
    Term Life              10                 3                1                1                1

    Directors fees          7                20              ---               68              59
    ESORP                  30                30               30               30              30
    Savings Plans         ---                 9              ---              ---             ---
    Retirement Plans       66               120               43              ---             ---
    Term Life              11                 2              ---                1               1




    The amounts of annual compensation in the above table do not include
    amounts paid to individuals by companies for periods during which they
    were not subsidiaries of AFC.  Several AFC executives serve on the
    boards of directors and as executive officers of corporations in which
    AFC has a significant investment.  Directors' fees, salaries, and other
    compensation paid by certain of those corporations (other than
    subsidiaries of AFC) to such AFC executives are not included in the
    Compensation Table.  In 1994, AFC paid Keith E. Lindner salary, bonus
    and other compensation aggregating approximately $2,199,000 and made
    payments in 1994 in connection with the exercise of Book Value Incentive
    Units amounting to $666,000.

    AFC conducts its business throughout the world which requires AFC
    executives to travel frequently.  As a result, certain AFC subsidiaries
    operate and lease corporate aircraft.  To assure security and to
    minimize travel time, AFC requires or encourages certain executives and
    their families to utilize the corporate aircraft for personal travel. 
    AFC does not incur any significant additional costs by virtue of
    personal use of such aircraft by executives and reports such use as
    additional compensation for income tax purposes.

    Directors who are not also AFC officers (Richard E. Lindner) receive
    directors' fees at the rate of $50,000 annually plus $2,000 for each
    meeting of the Board.

           Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

    Prior to September 1992, the Audit Committee, comprised of former
    director Charles E. Woodruff and Ronald F. Walker, recommended the
    compensation of the Chief Executive Officer to be received by him from
    AFC and certain of its wholly-owned subsidiaries.  Since September 1992,
    the Board of Directors has determined the compensation of the Chief
    Executive Officer.  The Executive Committee determines the compensation
    of other executive officers of AFC.  Compensation received by the Chief
    Executive Officer from other public reporting subsidiaries is determined
    by the Boards of Directors or committees thereof of such companies.

    The members of AFC's Board are Carl H. Lindner, Ronald F. Walker, Robert
    D. Lindner and Richard E. Lindner.  The first three serve as the
    Executive Committee and are executive officers of AFC.  Carl H. Lindner
    and Ronald F. Walker are also members of the Boards of Directors of
    certain of AFC's subsidiaries.  Mr. Walker is a member of the
    Compensation/Stock Option Committee of AFEI and a similar committee of
    American Annuity Group, Inc. Carl H. Lindner is a member of the Boards
    of Directors and an executive officer of AFEI and American Annuity
    Group, Inc.  Certain directors have had transactions with AFC and its
    subsidiaries which are described under Item 13 "Certain Relationships
    and Related Transactions".


                             Option/SAR Information

    Certain executive officers of AFC also serve as executive officers of
    AFC subsidiaries and were granted employee stock options or SARs by such
    subsidiaries.  Information with respect to such option/SAR grants to
    individuals named in the compensation table is included below. 

                                             OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN 1994

                                    Individual Grants                                          
                                           Options/    Percent
                                           SARs        of Total
                                           Granted     Options/
                          Stock            (1)         SARs         Exercise
                          Covered          (# of       Granted      Price (2)        Expiration
        Name              by Option/SAR    Shares)      in 1994     ($/Share)           Date(3)

    Carl H. Lindner              --             --       --            --                --
    Ronald F. Walker      American Annuity    10,000    1.5%         $9.62           03/02/2004
    Carl H. Lindner III          --             --       --            --                --
    S. Craig Lindner      American Annuity   175,000   26.8%          9.62           03/02/2004
    James E. Evans               --             --       --            --                --

                                  Potential Realizable     
                                  Value at Assumed       
                                  Annual Rates of        
                                  Stock Price          
                                  for Option/SAR Term  (4)      

                                      5%           10%   
    Carl H. Lindner                  --             --   
    Ronald F. Walker              $ 56,427      $  146,834
    Carl H. Lindner III              --             --   
    S. Craig Lindner               987,472       2,569,585
    James E. Evans                   --             --  


    (1)  The American Annuity SARs generally become exercisable to the
         extent of 20% per year, beginning one year from the date of grant.

    (2)  The American Annuity SARs are granted at a grant price equal to the
         average of the means between the high and low sales prices for
         shares of AAG Common Stock for the ten consecutive trading days
         immediately preceding the date of grant.  

    (3)  The SARs are subject to earlier termination in case of termination
         of employment.

    (4)  For options and SARs, potential realizable values represent the
         hypothetical future values that would be realizable if all of the
         options and SARs were exercised immediately prior to their
         respective expiration dates and the market price of common stock
         had appreciated in value at the annual rates indicated.  Such
         hypothetical future values have not been discounted to their
         respective present values, which are lower.
                                             OPTION/SAR EXERCISES IN 1994 AND
                                        OPTION/SAR VALUES AT DECEMBER 31, 1994(1)
                                                                                        Value of Unexercised
                        Stock                                     Number of          in-the-Money Options/SARs
                        Covered    Shares                 Unexercised Options/SARs      at December 31, 1994
                        by        Acquired   Value          at December 31, 1994                 (2)
                        Option/      on      Realized            (# of Shares)                     ($)        
    Name                  SAR     Exercise   (2)          Exercisable   Unexercisable    Exercisable  Unexercisable
    Carl H. Lindner     --        --         --                --          --                --          --
    Ronald F. Walker    AAG       --         --                --        10,000              --       $  0
                        AFEI      --         --              7,500         --            $  5,625        --
    Carl H. Lindner III --        --         --               --           --                --          --
    S. Craig Lindner    AAG       --         --             25,000      275,000            15,500      62,000
    James E. Evans      AFEI      --         --            115,000         --             237,500        --

    (1)  Option/SAR exercises and year-end values are shown only for
         companies which were subsidiaries at the date of exercise or at the
         valuation date.

    (2)  Represents market value of the underlying Common Stock on date of
         exercise or December 31, 1994, minus the option/SAR exercise price. 
         Share prices as of December 31, 1994, were as follows:

         AFEI - $23.25 per share  (PSE) 
         AAG  -   9.62 per share  (NYSE)



                                     ITEM 12

         Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

         On April 3, 1995, AFC was merged with a newly formed subsidiary of
    American Premier Group, Inc. ("APG"), another new company formed to own
    100% of the common stock of both AFC and American Premier Underwriters,
    Inc. ("American Premier").  In the transaction, Carl H. Lindner and
    members of his family, who owned 100% of the common stock of AFC,
    exchanged their AFC Common Stock for approximately 55% of APG voting
    common stock.  Holders of AFC Series F and G Preferred Stock were
    granted voting rights equal to approximately 21% of the total voting
    power of AFC shareholders immediately prior to the merger.  

         As of April 15, 1995, the only persons known to own beneficially
    more than five percent of any class of outstanding voting securities of
    AFC are:

                                                            Amount and
    Name and Address of                                     Nature of        Percent
     Beneficial Owner             Title of Class            Ownership        Of Class
    American Premier Group        Common Stock              19,733,717         100%
    One East Fourth Street
    Cincinnati, Ohio  45202

    American Financial Corp.      Series F Preferred         8,375,724
    Employee Stock Ownership/     Series G Preferred            76,900
    Retirement Plan                                          8,452,624        59.9%
    One East Fourth Street
    Cincinnati, Ohio  45202




         The following table sets forth information concerning equity
    securities of AFC and the affiliates shown beneficially owned by each of
    the directors and by all directors and executive officers as a group on
    April 15, 1995.
                                              AFC Preferred Stock                    Common
                                  Series E         Series F         Series G          Stock 
    Carl H. Lindner (A)           --               --               --               11,775,349
    Richard E. Lindner            --               --               --                    -- 

    Robert D. Lindner (B)         --               138,422          --                  663,828
                                                       1.0%                                 1.3%

    Ronald F. Walker (C)          --               --               --                    9,524

    All directors and
      executive officers
      as a group (D)              900              162,501          51               22,252,913
                                   *                   1.2%          *                     42.5%
    *Less than 1%.    

                                  AAG              AFEI             Chiquita         Citicasters
                                  Common           Common           Common           Common
                                  Stock            Stock            Stock            Stock      

    Carl H. Lindner (A)           --                 --              39,368          1,557,468
                                                                       *                  17.4%

    Richard E. Lindner            --                 --               --                 -- 

    Robert D. Lindner (B)         --                10,000            --                 --

    Ronald F. Walker (C)          15,000             7,500           38,730             20,000
                                    *                  *               *                  *   

    All directors and
      executive officers
      as a group (D)              43,919           577,300          322,481          1,773,385
                                    *                  4.2%            *                  19.8%
    *Less than 1%.



    (A)  Does not include shares beneficially owned by AFC or APG.  Includes
         652,722 shares of APG and 37,200 shares of Chiquita Common Stock
         which may be acquired upon exercise of stock options and 101,317
         shares of Citicasters Common Stock held by a charitable foundation
         over which Mr. Lindner shares voting and/or dispositive power. 
         Includes 974,385 shares held by his spouse and 153 shares held in
         his account under the American Premier 401(k) Retirement and
         Savings Plan, over which he has investment power but not the power
         to vote.

    (B)  Represents shares of AFEI Common Stock which may be acquired upon
         exercise of stock options.

    (C)  Includes 7,500 shares of AFEI and 38,730 shares of Chiquita Common
         Stock which may be acquired upon exercise of stock options.

    (D)  Includes 1,003,630 shares of APG, 407,500 shares of AFEI and
         240,360 shares of Chiquita Common Stock which may be acquired upon
         exercise of stock options.  Also includes 1,435,904 shares of APG
         Common Stock held in various trusts, over which the officers do not
         have investment or voting powers and 884 shares of APG Common Stock
         held in an account under the American Premier 401(k) Retirement and
         Savings Plan, over which the officer has investment power but not
         the power to vote. 


                                     ITEM 13

                 Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         AFC and its subsidiaries have had and expect to continue to have
    transactions with AFC's directors, officers and members of their
    families.  The financial terms (costs, interest rates, collateral, risks
    of collectibility and other) of these transactions are comparable to
    those prevailing at the time of consummation which would apply to
    unrelated parties, unless noted otherwise.

    Asset Transactions

         GAI and its subsidiaries had a loan outstanding since 1978 to a
    partnership that includes as a partner the wife of Robert C. Lintz.  The
    loan bore interest at 9-1/2% and was secured by a first mortgage on
    investment property.  Mrs. Lintz was contingently liable for 25% of the
    loan, the highest balance of which during 1994 was $568,000; the loan
    was paid off in the first quarter of 1994.



         In connection with the sale of investment securities in 1991 to
    seven employees, including all executive officers except the Lindners,
    AFC received three- and five-year unsecured notes bearing interest at
    7%.  The highest balance due from Mr. Evans, the sole officer owing more
    than $60,000 at any time since January 1, 1994, was $85,000; the balance
    was paid in April 1995. 

    Liability Transactions

         During 1994, AFC made final principal payments aggregating $3
    million on installment notes related to a "put" executed in 1989 under
    an agreement with certain members of the Robert D. Lindner family.  (See
    "Capital Subject to Put Option" in Note I of Notes to Consolidated
    Financial Statements).

         At April 15, 1995, AFC, the Carl Lindner family, and trusts for
    their benefit, beneficially owned approximately 49% of the common stock
    of Provident Bancorp, Inc., parent of The Provident Bank ("Provident"). 
    In 1991, Provident assumed a $5 million loan to an AFC resort real
    estate subsidiary from an unrelated bank.  The loan was repaid in 1994.

    Operations (Income/Expense) Transactions

         Subsidiaries of Provident make loans and provide trust, securities
    brokerage and other miscellaneous banking services to AFC and its
    subsidiaries.  AFC and its subsidiaries provide various services to
    Provident including security guard and insurance agency services. 
    Provident also leases its main banking and corporate offices from AFC
    subsidiaries.  Facilities and services provided by AFC for which charges
    exceeded $60,000 in 1994 were as follows:  approximately $1,233,000 for
    the lease of Provident's main banking and corporate offices, and
    $100,000 for security guard services.  

         At April 15, 1995, AFC and the Lindner family owned a majority of
    the common stock of Citicasters Inc.  Facilities and services provided
    by AFC for which charges exceeded $60,000 in 1994 were as follows:
    approximately $232,000 for the lease of Citicasters' corporate
    headquarters, $944,000 for insurance coverage, and $674,000 for travel
    related services.

         In 1994, AFC and subsidiaries purchased automobiles, automobile
    repairs and other merchandise used in AFC's business from various
    businesses owned by relatives of Sandra W. Heimann for amounts
    aggregating approximately $158,000.

         During 1994, GAI leased an aircraft from a company owned by members
    of the Richard E. Lindner family.  GAI made lease payments of $328,000
    under a one-year agreement renewable at each party's option.  GAI also
    pays its proportionate share of actual costs incurred for personnel,
    fuel and other related items, based on actual usage.



         In 1994, AFC paid United Dairy Farmers, Inc. approximately $190,000
    for gift certificates given to employees of AFC and affiliates as
    holiday gifts.  Robert D. Lindner is principal owner of United Dairy

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
    1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Amendment to be signed on its
    behalf by the undersigned, duly authorized.

                                           AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                           BY:Fred J. Runk                
                                              Fred J. Runk
                                              Vice President and Treasurer

    Dated:  April 28, 1995
