(RULE 14A-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(A) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant                      X
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   X
                  Check the appropriate box:

_X_     Preliminary Proxy Statement        _X_  Confidential, for use of the
                                                Commission Only (as permitted
                                                by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
___     Definitive Proxy Statement
___     Definitive additional materials
___     Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                             THE RUSHMORE FUND, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

_X_      No fee required.
         Fee  computed on table below per  Exchange  Act Rules  14a-6(i)(4)  and

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5) Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__  Fee  paid previously with preliminary materials:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

__       Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3)  Filing Party:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4)  Date Filed:

                             THE RUSHMORE FUND, INC.
                              4922 Fairmont Avenue
                            Bethesda, Maryland 20814
                                 (800) 343-3355

                         U.S. Government Bond Portfolio


                             To be held June 1, 2000


To the Shareholders of The Rushmore Fund, Inc.:

         Notice is hereby given that an annual  meeting of  shareholders  of the
U.S.  Government  Bond Portfolio of The Rushmore Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") will be
held at 9:30 a.m.  Eastern Time on June 1, 2000 at the offices of the Fund, 4922
Fairmont  Avenue,  Bethesda,  Maryland  20814, or as adjourned from time to time
(the "Meeting"), for the purposes listed below. The Meeting will be held:

         I.   To elect the Board of Directors of the Fund;

         II.  To approve a new investment advisory contract;

         III. To ratify the selection of independent auditors; and

         IV.  To transact  such other  business as may  properly come before the

         After  careful  consideration,  the  Directors of the Fund  unanimously
approved each of the nominees to the Board of Directors and unanimously approved
each of the other proposals and recommend that  shareholders  vote "FOR" each of
the nominees and "FOR" each other proposal.

         The  matters  referred  to above are  discussed  in detail in the proxy
statement attached to this notice. The Board of Directors has fixed the close of
business  on March 17,  2000 as the  record  date for  determining  shareholders
entitled  to notice  of and to vote at the  Meeting.  Each  share of the Fund is
entitled  to one vote with  respect  to  proposals,  with  fractional  votes for
fractional shares.

         Regardless of whether you plan to attend the Meeting,  PLEASE COMPLETE,
SO THAT YOU WILL BE  REPRESENTED  AT THE MEETING.  If you have  returned a proxy
card and are present at the  Meeting,  you may change the vote  specified in the
proxy at that time.  However,  attendance  in person at the Meeting,  by itself,
will not revoke a previously tendered proxy.

                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            Stephenie E. Adams, Secretary

Bethesda, Maryland
April 10, 2000


                             THE RUSHMORE FUND, INC.
                              4922 Fairmont Avenue
                            Bethesda, Maryland 20814
                                 (800) 343-3355


                         U.S. Government Bond Portfolio


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                             To be held June 1, 2000

         This proxy  statement and enclosed form of proxy are being furnished in
connection  with the  solicitation  of  proxies by the Board of  Directors  (the
"Board" or  "Directors")  of The Rushmore Fund,  Inc. (the "Fund") for use at an
annual meeting of shareholders of the U.S.  Government Bond Portfolio,  the only
series of the Fund's  shares,  to be held at 9:30 a.m.  Eastern  Time on June 1,
2000 at the offices of the Fund, 4922 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814,
or as  adjourned  from time to time  (the  "Meeting").  The Board is  soliciting
proxies from shareholders of the Fund with respect to the proposals set forth in
the accompanying notice.

         It  is  anticipated  that  the  first  mailing  of  proxies  and  proxy
statements to shareholders will be on or about April 10, 2000.

         Shareholder Reports.  Shareholders can find important information about
the Fund in the Fund's annual report dated August 31, 1999, which previously has
been furnished to  shareholders.  Shareholders  may request another copy of this
report by writing to the Fund at the above address,  or by calling the telephone
number above. A copy of such report will be provided free of charge.

         Introduction.  On October 20, 1999, Money Management  Associates,  L.P.
("MMA"),  the Fund's  investment  adviser,  entered into a definitive  agreement
pursuant to which Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group, Inc. ("FBR"), and certain of
its affiliates,  will acquire all of the outstanding ownership interests in MMA,
as well as certain other assets.  Under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act"),  consummation  of the  transaction  will result in the
assignment and automatic  termination of the Fund's current investment  advisory
contract  with MMA.  The Board of the Fund has met and  considered  the proposed
transaction and its  consequences for the Fund and has determined to (1) approve
a new  investment  advisory  contract  with MMA which  would  take  effect  upon
consummation of the transaction,  (2) recommend that  shareholders  approve such
contract,  and (3) take certain other actions  necessitated by the  transaction,
including  reconstitution  of the Fund's Board. For more information  concerning
the transaction,  see "Proposal II. Approval of New Investment Advisory Contract
Description of the Transaction."

                                   PROPOSAL I.
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         In light of the  proposed  transaction,  the  Board has  determined  to
reconstitute the Board so that at least 75% of the Directors are not "interested
persons," as defined in the 1940 Act, of the Fund, MMA or FBR. These persons are
commonly referred to as "independent Directors."

         At its  meeting  held on  January  27,  2000,  the  Board  appointed  a
Nominating Committee consisting of Patrick F. Noonan and Bruce C. Ellis, each of
whom is an independent Director, to consider and recommend to the Board nominees
for service on the Board.  The Nominating  Committee  consulted with counsel and
other  independent  Directors,  as well as  representatives  of MMA and FBR, and
recommended  to the Board  that the size of the Board be fixed at eight  members
and  that  the  following  persons  be  nominated  for  election  to  the  Board

                  Daniel L. O'Connor                  Jeffrey R. Ellis
                  Richard J. Garvey                   F. David Fowler
                  Louis T. Donatelli                  Patrick F. Noonan
                  Bruce C. Ellis                      Michael A. Willner

Messrs. Daniel L. O'Connor, Richard J. Garvey, Bruce C. Ellis, Jeffrey R. Ellis,
and Patrick F. Noonan, currently serve as Directors of the Fund and are proposed
for re-election to the Board.

         On March 17, 2000, the Board met to consider the Nominating Committee's
recommendations and the background,  experience and credentials of each nominee,
as well as any relationships  such nominee has or has had with the Fund, MMA and
FBR. Based upon such  consideration,  the Board  unanimously  agreed to nominate
each  such  person  and  recommended   that  the  nominations  be  submitted  to
shareholders for approval.

         If the Nominees  are elected at the  Meeting,  there will be a total of
eight Directors on the Board, six of whom will be independent Directors.

         The Nominees have  indicated  their  willingness to serve as Directors.
The Board knows of no reason why the Nominees  would be unable to serve,  but in
the event of any such  unavailability,  the proxies  received  will be voted for
such substituted nominee as the Board may recommend.

         The persons named as proxies on the enclosed  proxy card will vote your
shares for the  election of the Nominees  unless you withhold  authority to vote
for the Nominees in your proxy.  If elected by  shareholders,  the Nominees will
continue  to  serve  as  Directors  of  the  Fund  until  the  next  meeting  of
shareholders,  if any,  called for the  purpose of  electing  Directors,  unless
sooner succeeded as provided in the Fund's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
It is proposed, and the Board recommends, that shareholders elect the Nominees.

         The following table sets forth certain  information  concerning each of
the Nominees.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                 Shares Owned
                                          Position with       Principal Occupations During      Beneficially on
Name, Address and Age                       Fund                Last Five Years                   March 17, 2000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel L. O'Connor,* 58                      Chairman,      General Partner of MMA,                   N/A
100 Lakeshore Drive                       Treasurer, and    registered investment adviser of
Suite 1555                                   Director       four registered investment
North Palm Beach, FL  33408                                 companies (the "Rushmore Funds"),
                                                            since 1975. Director, Rushmore
                                                            Trust and Savings, FSB, the Fund's
                                                            transfer agent and custodian.
                                                            Director or Trustee of four
                                                            Rushmore Funds.  Trustee of the
                                                            Cappiello-Rushmore Trust.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard J. Garvey,* 67                     President and    Limited Partner of MMA and Vice           N/A
730 Southwest 67th Place                     Director       President of Rushmore Services,
Portland, OR  97225                                         Inc. until 1998.  Director or
                                                            Trustee of four Rushmore Funds.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Louis T. Donatelli, 63                                      President of Donatelli and                N/A
7200 Wisconsin Avenue                                       Klein, Inc., engaged in the
Bethesda, MD  20814                                         acquisition of real estate,
                                                            primarily office buildings and
                                                            multi-family housing projects,
                                                            since 1993.  Director, American
                                                            Gas Index Fund, Inc.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bruce C. Ellis,** 55                         Director       A private investor in start-up            N/A
7108 Heathwood Court                                        companies.  Vice President,
Bethesda, MD  20817                                         LottoPhone, Inc., a telephone
                                                            state lottery service, September
                                                            1991-1995.  Director, The Torray
                                                            Fund, since 1994; Director, the
                                                            Sheppard Fund, since 1994.
                                                            Director or Trustee of three
                                                            Rushmore Funds, and Trustee of
                                                            the Cappiello-Rushmore Trust.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jeffrey R. Ellis,** 55                       Director       President, Innovative LLC, a              N/A
513 Kerry Lane                                              manufacturing-marketing company
Virginia Beach, VA  23451                                   in Virginia Beach, Virginia
                                                            since January 1999.  Executive
                                                            Vice President, Buddy Systems,
                                                            Inc., a  manufacturing-marketing
                                                            company in Virginia Beach,
                                                            Virginia from January 1996
                                                            to January 1999. Vice
                                                            President, LottoPhone,  Inc.,
                                                            a telephone state lottery service,
                                                            September 1993-1995.
                                                            Director or Trustee of three
                                                            Rushmore Funds, and Trustee of the
                                                            Cappiello-Rushmore Trust.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
F. David Fowler, 66                                         Private investor.  Dean, The              N/A
9450 Newbridge Drive                                        George Washington University
Potomac, MD  20854                                          School of Business and Public
                                                            Management, 1992-1997;
                                                            Partner, KPMG Peat
                                                            Marwick from October 1969 to
                                                            June 1992. Trustee,  The  FBR
                                                            Family of Funds.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Patrick F. Noonan, 57                        Director       Chairman and Chief Executive              N/A
11901 Glen Mill Drive                                       Officer of the Conservation Fund
Potomac, MD  20854                                          since 1985.  Vice Chairman,
                                                            American Farmland Trust, and
                                                            Trustee, American  Conservation
                                                            Association since 1985.
                                                            President, Conservation
                                                            Resources, Inc. since 1981.
                                                            Director or Trustee of four
                                                            Rushmore Funds.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael A. Willner, 43                                      President, Catalyst Advisers,             N/A
11521 Potomac Road                                          Inc., a news organization, from
Lorton, VA  22079                                           September 1996 to Present;
                                                            President, Federal Filings,
                                                            Inc., a news organization, from
                                                            July 1994 to July 1995.
                                                            Trustee, The FBR Family of Funds
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    Messrs.  O'Connor and Garvey are "interested  persons" of the Fund (as that
     term is  defined  in the 1940  Act)  because  of their  current  or  former
     affiliations  with MMA. Mr. O'Connor also is an "interested  person" of the
     Fund by virtue of his officer position with the Fund.

**   Bruce C. Ellis and Jeffrey R. Ellis are brothers.

         The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  concerning  the
current Directors who are not standing for re-election.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                Shares Owned
                                        Position with        Principal Occupations During       Beneficially on
Name, Address and Age                   Fund                 Last Five Years                    March 17, 2000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael D. Lange,* 58                        Director        Vice President, Capital Hill              N/A
407 River Bend Road                                          Management Corporation since
Great Falls, VA  22066                                       1967.  Owner of Michael D.
                                                             Lange, Ltd., a builder and
                                                             developer, since 1980. Partner
                                                             of Greatful Falls, a
                                                             building developer, since
                                                             1994. Director, Rushmore Trust
                                                             and Savings,  FSB, the
                                                             Fund's transfer agent
                                                             and custodian. Director or
                                                             Trustee  of  three
                                                             Rushmore Funds.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Leo Seybold, 86                              Director        Retired 1988.  Director or             9,117.53
5804 Rockmere Drive                                          Trustee of three Rushmore Funds.
Bethesda, MD  20816
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    Mr. Lange is an "interested person" of the Fund (as that term is defined in
     the 1940 Act) because of his  affiliation  with Rushmore Trust and Savings,

         During the fiscal year ended August 31, 1999,  there were four meetings
of the Board.  There was 100%  attendance  by  Directors  at the meetings of the
Board throughout the period.

         As of March 17, 2000,  the  Directors  and  officers of the Fund,  as a
group,  owned less than one percent of the outstanding shares of the Fund in the

         Board  of  Directors  -  Committees.  In  addition  to  the  Nominating
Committee,  the Fund has a standing Audit  Committee that currently  consists of
Messrs.  Bruce C. Ellis,  Jeffrey R. Ellis, Michael D. Lange, Patrick F. Noonan,
and Leo Seybold,  each of whom,  except Mr. Michael D. Lange,  is an independent
Director.  The Audit Committee  reviews both the audit and non-audit work of the
Fund's independent public accountants,  submits a recommendation to the Board as
to the selection of independent auditors,  and reviews generally the maintenance
of the Fund's records and the safekeeping  arrangements of the Fund's custodian.
During the fiscal year ended August 31, 1999, the Audit  Committee met one time.
Each member of the Audit  Committee  attended all meetings  during the period in
which he was a member of the Audit  Committee.  There  were no  meetings  of any
other committee during such fiscal year.

         Remuneration   of  Directors.   The  following  table  sets  forth  the
compensation received by the Directors for their services to the Fund during the
fiscal year ended August 31,  1999.  In addition to the fees listed  below,  the
Directors are also  reimbursed for all reasonable  expenses  incurred during the
execution of their duties.


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Pension or
                                                   Retirement                            Total Compensation From
                               Aggregate        Benefits Accrued     Estimated Annual     the Fund Complex* Paid
                             Compensation        as part of the        Benefits Upon         to the Director
    Name of Director         from the Fund        Fund Expenses         Retirement
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bruce C. Ellis                  $3,000                $0                  $0                   $9,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jeffrey R. Ellis                $3,000                $0                  $0                   $9,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard J. Garvey                 $0                  $0                  $0                     $0
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael D. Lange                $3,000                $0                  $0                   $9,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Patrick F. Noonan               $3,000                $0                  $0                  $10,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel L. O'Connor                $0                  $0                  $0                     $0
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Leo Seybold                     $3,000                $0                  $0                   $9,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    The "Fund Complex"  includes the Fund, Fund for Government  Investors,  The
     Fund for Tax-Free Investors, Inc. and American Gas Index Fund, Inc.

         Material  Interest of Director.  Daniel  O'Connor has a direct material
interest in the  transaction  described  below in Proposal II, pursuant to which
Mr. O'Connor,  as the sole general partner of MMA, the investment adviser of the
Fund, and a shareholder of Rushmore Trust and Savings, FSB ("RTS"), will receive
compensation  for  consulting  services  and  other  benefits.  For  a  complete
discussion of the transaction, see Proposal II.


                                  PROPOSAL II.
                          APPROVAL OF A NEW INVESTMENT
                                ADVISORY CONTRACT

         Introduction.  MMA, a District of Columbia limited  partnership located
at 100 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 1555, North Palm Beach,  Florida 33408, has served
as the Fund's investment adviser since the organization of the Fund in 1985. MMA
currently  serves as  investment  adviser to the Fund  pursuant to an investment
advisory contract dated October 10, 1985 (the "Current Advisory Contract"). RTS,
a federal savings bank, serves as the administrator,  transfer agent,  portfolio
accountant,  and custodian to the Fund, and provides shareholder services to the
Fund.  MMA is the majority  shareholder  of RTS,  whose address is 4922 Fairmont
Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

         As noted  above,  MMA will undergo a "change in control" as a result of
the  consummation of the transaction  described below,  which,  under applicable
law,  will  terminate  the Current  Advisory  Contract.  It is proposed that MMA
continue to serve as investment adviser to the Fund following  completion of the
transaction.  Therefore,  in connection  with the transaction and as required by
the 1940 Act, shareholders of the Fund are being asked in Proposal II to approve
a  new  investment   advisory  contract  between  the  Fund  and  MMA  which  is
substantially  comparable  to the Current  Advisory  Contract (the "New Advisory
Contract").  The Board  recommends  that  shareholders  approve the New Advisory
Contract, a form of which is attached as Appendix A.

         Description of the  Transaction.  On October 20, 1999, MMA, RTS, Daniel
O'Connor, the limited partners of MMA, Money Management  Associates,  Inc. ("MMA
Buyer"),  and Money Management  Associates (LP), Inc. ("LP Buyer" and,  together
with  MMA  Buyer,  the  "Buyers"),  and FBR  entered  into a  Purchase  and Sale
Agreement (the "Agreement")  pursuant to which the Buyers will acquire ownership
of MMA and RTS (the "Transaction").

         The  Agreement  provides  for the  purchase  by MMA Buyer of all of the
outstanding  general  partnership  interests in MMA from Mr. O'Connor,  the sole
general  partner of MMA, and the purchase by LP Buyer of all of the  outstanding
limited  partnership  interests in MMA from the current limited partners of MMA.
MMA  currently  owns 72.4% of the  outstanding  capital stock of RTS, and Daniel
O'Connor  owns 27.6% of the  outstanding  capital  stock of RTS.  The  Agreement
further  provides that Mr.  O'Connor will sell to MMA Buyer all of the RTS stock
owned by him.  As a result of the  Transaction,  the Buyers  will  control  MMA,
having  acquired  all  of  the  outstanding   general  partnership  and  limited
partnership  interests in MMA for a total consideration of $17.5 million,  minus
the book value of the  outstanding  shares of RTS stock not owned by MMA, and an
installment note unconditionally guaranteed by FBR in the amount of $9.7 million
dollars.  MMA Buyer also will  purchase  the shares of RTS stock owned by Daniel
O'Connor, and other shareholders, as part of the Transaction.

         The  purchase  price of the RTS  stock  owned  by  Daniel  O'Connor  is
expected  to be  approximately  $1,261,000,  based on the  October 20, 1999 book
value of all  shares  not owned by MMA,  subject to  adjustment  to reflect  any
changes occurring in the ordinary course of business prior to the closing of the
Transaction. Further, Daniel O'Connor will receive approximately $11,038,000 for
the sale of his  partnership  interests in MMA. In addition,  Martin M. O'Connor
and John  Cralle,  each of whom is a Vice  President  of the Fund,  will receive
compensation  for the sale of their  limited  partnership  interests  in MMA. By
virtue of these payments,  each of Daniel O'Connor,  Martin  O'Connor,  and John
Cralle may be considered to have a material  interest in the approval of the New
Advisory Contract.

         FBR and the Buyers are seeking  federal  approval  to acquire  Rushmore
National Bank, Bethesda, Maryland ("RNB"). RNB will be the successor institution
to RTS,  which will  convert from a federal  savings bank to a national  banking
association  immediately  prior  to  the  proposed  acquisition  pursuant  to  a
conversion  application that will be filed with the Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency.  Upon  conversion,  RNB will engage in the same activities as RTS,
but will no longer be subject to various legal  restraints  imposed upon federal
savings  banks,  such as  holding  at least 65% of the  institution's  assets in
mortgage-related  investments.  Moreover,  FBR anticipates that RNB's activities
will be augmented by offering personal trust services. Thus, those services that
RTS currently provides to the Fund will be able to be provided by RNB.

         The closing date for the Transaction has not yet been  determined,  and
there is no assurance that the Transaction will be completed.  Completion of the
Transaction is subject to a number of conditions  including,  among others,  (i)
the receipt of certain regulatory  approvals,  (ii) approval of the New Advisory
Contract by Shareholders of the Fund, and (iii) assets under  management and net
management fees (excluding market-based changes) for all accounts managed by MMA
as of two  days  prior to  closing  must be at  least  80% of the  corresponding
amounts  during  the  second  half of  1999.  Accordingly,  if the New  Advisory
Contract  is  not  approved  by  shareholders,   the  Transaction  will  not  be
consummated unless this condition is waived. If the Transaction is not completed
for any reason, the Current Advisory Contract will remain in effect.

         Post-Transaction  Structure  and  Operations.  Upon  completion  of the
Transaction,  MMA will be controlled by the Buyers,  each of which is a Delaware
corporation  whose principal  business address is Potomac Tower, 1001 Nineteenth
Street North, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Each Buyer is a wholly owned subsidiary
of FBR, a Virginia  corporation  whose address is Potomac Tower, 1001 Nineteenth
Street  North,  Arlington,  Virginia  22209.  FBR is a public  company that is a
holding  company  for a  number  of  subsidiaries  engaged  in the  business  of
investment   banking   and  asset   management.   Subsidiaries   of  FBR  manage
approximately $800 million for numerous clients,  including  individuals,  banks
and thrift institutions,  investment companies, pension and profit sharing plans
and trusts, estates and charitable organizations.

         Subsidiaries of FBR include Friedman,  Billings, Ramsey & Co., Inc. and
FBR  Investment  Services,  Inc.,  separately  registered   broker-dealers  (the
"Affiliated  Brokers").  Once  the  Transaction  is  completed,  absent  an  SEC
exemption or other relief,  the Fund generally would be precluded from effecting
principal  transactions  with the  Affiliated  Brokers,  and  their  ability  to
purchase securities being underwritten by an Affiliated Broker or to utilize the
Affiliated Brokers for agency transactions would be subject to restrictions. FBR
and MMA do not believe that the restrictions on transactions with the Affiliated
Brokers  described  above  will  materially   adversely  affect  MMA's  ability,
post-closing,  to  provide  services  to the Fund,  the  Fund's  ability to take
advantage of market opportunities, or the Fund's overall performance.

         Anticipated Impact of the Transaction on Management of the Fund. Except
as described  below,  the  Transaction  should have no  immediate  impact on the
management  of the Fund or MMA's  capacity  to  provide  the type,  quality,  or
quantity of services that it currently provides, and the Fund should continue to
receive high  quality  services  after the  Transaction.  Information  about the
current  management  of the Fund is  presented  in  Appendix  B. To help  ensure
continuity in the operations of MMA, Daniel O'Connor,  Martin O'Connor, and John
Cralle have contractually agreed to provide consulting and other services to MMA
for significant periods following the Transaction.

         Historically,  the Fund has been managed by a portfolio management team
under  which no  individual  is  primarily  responsible  for  making  investment
decisions on behalf of the Fund.  Following the  Transaction,  it is anticipated
that David  Ellison will join such  portfolio  management  team for a transition
period and eventually will have primary portfolio management  responsibility for
the Fund.  Mr. Ellison  currently is a Director of FBR Fund  Advisers,  Inc., an
asset management  subsidiary of FBR, and serves as the portfolio  manager of the
FBR Financial  Services Fund and FBR Small Cap Financial Fund, two series of The
FBR Family of Funds, a registered investment company.  Prior to joining FBR Fund
Advisers, Inc. in 1997, Mr. Ellison was portfolio manager of the Fidelity Select
Home Finance Fund from December 1985 until January 1997.

         Section  15(f)  of  the  1940  Act.  Section  15(f)  provides  that  an
investment adviser to an investment company or any affiliated person thereof may
receive  any amount or benefit in  connection  with a "change in control" of the
investment  adviser as long as two conditions are satisfied.  First,  an "unfair
burden" (as defined in the 1940 Act) must not be imposed on  investment  company
clients of the adviser as a result of the transaction, or any express or implied
terms, conditions or understandings applicable to the transaction. The Board has
been advised by FBR and MMA that they are not aware of any circumstances arising
from the Transaction  that might result in an unfair burden being imposed on the
Fund. The second condition of Section 15(f) is that during the three-year period
after  the  transaction,  at  least  75% of the  investment  company's  board of
directors must not be  "interested  persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the
investment adviser (or predecessor or successor adviser).  The Board of the Fund
has determined to reconstitute the Board,  subject to shareholder  approval,  to
comply  with  this  requirement  and  MMA  and  MMA  Buyer  have  agreed  to use
commercially reasonable best efforts to ensure compliance with Section 15(f) for
the applicable periods following completion of the Transaction.

         The  Contracts.  The  Current  Advisory  Contract.  MMA has  served  as
investment  adviser  to the Fund  since the Fund's  commencement  of  investment
operations.  The Current  Advisory  Contract was last  submitted for approval by
shareholders  of the Fund at a meeting held on December 8, 1986, for the purpose
of implementing the Fund's current investment advisory arrangements.

         Under the terms of the Current  Advisory  Contract,  MMA is responsible
for making investment  decisions and placing orders for the purchase and sale of
the Fund's  investments  directly  with the  issuers or with  brokers or dealers
selected by it in its  discretion.  MMA also  furnishes to the Board,  which has
overall  responsibility  for the  business  and  affairs  of the Fund,  periodic
reports on the investment performance of the Fund.

         MMA is obligated to manage the Fund in accordance  with the  applicable
policies of the Fund.  The investment  advisory  services of MMA to the Fund are
not exclusive under the terms of the Current Advisory Contract.  MMA is free to,
and does, render investment advisory services to others. Information about MMA's
other investment company clients is presented in Appendix C.

         Consistent with the  requirements of the 1940 Act, the Current Advisory
Contract  provides  that MMA generally is not liable to the Fund for any mistake
in judgment, or otherwise, except by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith or
gross negligence in the performance of MMA's duties or by reason of its reckless
disregard of its obligations under the Current Advisory Contract.

         The Current  Advisory  Contract may be  terminated  by the Fund without
penalty  upon 60 days'  notice  by the  Board or by a vote of the  holders  of a
majority of the Fund's outstanding voting securities, or upon 60 days' notice by
MMA. As noted above, the Current Advisory Contract  terminates  automatically in
the event of its "assignment" (as defined in the 1940 Act).

         For its services,  MMA receives an investment advisory fee at an annual
rate  based on 0.50% of the net assets of the Fund.  For the  fiscal  year ended
August 31, 1999, the Fund paid $90,039 in investment advisory fees to MMA.

         The New Advisory  Contract.  The New Advisory Contract is substantially
identical  to the  Current  Advisory  Contract,  except  for  the  absence  of a
provision in the Current  Advisory  Contract whereby MMA undertakes to reimburse
expenses of the Fund, exclusive of taxes, brokerage,  interest and extraordinary
legal expenses, if the Fund's aggregate expenses in any fiscal year exceed 1.25%
of the average  market  value of the Fund's net assets.  However,  this  expense
reimbursement  obligation will be set forth in a separate  agreement between MMA
and the Fund,  which  shall  continue  until the  first  anniversary  of the New
Advisory  Contract,  and shall  thereafter  automatically  continue for one-year
periods unless  terminated in accordance with its terms.  During the fiscal year
ended August 31, 1999,  MMA did not reimburse the Fund's  expenses in accordance
with the Current Advisory Contract.

         As noted previously,  MMA does not anticipate that the Transaction will
cause any reduction in the quality or types of services now provided to the Fund
or have any adverse  effect on MMA's ability to fulfill its  obligations  to the
Fund. No change is  anticipated  in the  investment  philosophies  and practices
currently followed by the Fund. There will be no change in advisory fees.

         At the March 17, 2000 meeting of the Board,  the New Advisory  Contract
was approved  unanimously  by the Board,  including all of the Directors who are
not parties to the New Advisory Contract or "interested  persons" (as defined in
the 1940 Act) of any such party (other than as  Directors of the Fund).  The New
Advisory  Contract,  as approved by the Board,  is submitted for approval by the
shareholders of the Fund.

         If the New Advisory Contract is approved by shareholders,  it will take
effect  immediately  upon  the  closing  of the  Transaction.  The New  Advisory
Contract will remain in effect for two years from the date it takes effect, and,
unless earlier terminated, will continue from year-to-year thereafter,  provided
that each such continuance is approved annually with respect to the contract and
the Fund (i) by the Board or by the vote of a majority of the outstanding voting
securities, and, in either case, (ii) by a majority of the Directors who are not
parties to the New  Advisory  Contract or  interested  persons of any such party
(other than as Directors of the Fund).

         Payments to RTS/RNB. RTS provides  administrative services to the Fund,
as well as transfer agency, shareholder servicing, custodial and fund accounting
services,  for which it receives compensation from the Fund at an annual rate of
0.30% of the  average  daily net assets of the Fund.  For the fiscal  year ended
August 31, 1999, the Fund paid RTS $54,031 in fees for such  services.  RNB, the
successor to RTS, will continue to provide these services after the Transaction.

         Evaluation  by the Board of Directors.  The Board,  advised by counsel,
has  determined  that in approving  the New  Advisory  Contract on behalf of the
Fund,  the Fund can best assure itself that the services  currently  provided to
the Fund by MMA will continue without  interruption  after the Transaction.  The
Board  believes  that,  like the Current  Advisory  Contract,  the New  Advisory
Contract will enable the Fund to obtain high quality  services at a cost that is
appropriate,  reasonable,  and  in  the  best  interests  of the  Fund  and  its

         In  determining  whether or not it was  appropriate  to approve the New
Advisory  Contract  and  to  recommend  approval  to  shareholders,  the  Board,
including  the  Directors  who are not parties to the New  Advisory  Contract or
interested   persons  of  such  parties,   considered   various   materials  and
representations  provided  by MMA  and  FBR  (including  information  concerning
compensation  and consulting  arrangements  to be implemented in connection with
the Transaction), information provided by representatives of the Buyers, and was
advised by legal counsel with respect to these matters.

         The Directors also  considered the following  information,  among other
things:  (1) Daniel  O'Connor and others have agreed to provide  consulting  and
other services to MMA for significant  periods  following the Transaction,  thus
helping to ensure  continuity of  management;  (2) that the  compensation  to be
received by MMA under the New Advisory  Contract is the same as the compensation
paid under the Current Advisory  Contract;  (3) the fairness of the compensation
payable to MMA under the Current Advisory  Contract;  (4) the commonality of the
terms and provisions of the New Advisory  Contract with the terms of the Current
Advisory  Contract;  (5)  representations  made by FBR  concerning the potential
impact  of  affiliated  brokerage  relationships  on MMA's  ability  to  provide
services  to  the  Fund,  and on the  Fund's  ability  to  engage  in  portfolio
transactions;  and (6) the  financial  condition of FBR and the expertise of its
personnel and the personnel of its  affiliates,  particularly  those who will be
involved in the management of the Fund.

         Based upon its review,  the Board determined that, by approving the New
Advisory  Contract,  the Fund can best be assured that services from MMA will be
provided without  interruption.  The Board also determined that the New Advisory
Contract is in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders. Accordingly,
after consideration of the above factors, and such other factors and information
it considered relevant, the Board unanimously approved the New Advisory Contract
and voted to recommend its approval by the Fund's shareholders.


                                  PROPOSAL III.

         The Board,  including  a majority  of the  independent  Directors,  has
selected  the firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP, to serve as the Fund's  independent
auditors and to examine the Fund's  financial  statements for the current fiscal
year. The Fund knows of no direct or indirect financial interest of such firm in
the  Fund.  Representatives  of  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP,  if  requested  by any
shareholder,  will be present at the  Meeting,  will be  available to respond to
appropriate questions from shareholders, and will have the opportunity to make a
statement if they so desire.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         The Directors do not know of any matters to be presented at the Meeting
other than those set forth in this proxy  statement.  If other  business  should
properly come before the Meeting,  proxies will be voted in accordance  with the
judgment of the persons named in the accompanying proxy.

                               VOTING INFORMATION

         Proxy   Solicitation.   The  costs  of  the  Meeting,   including   the
solicitation of proxies, will be paid by FBR. The principal solicitation will be
by mail, but proxies also may be solicited by telephone, telegraph, the Internet
or personal  interview by officers or agents of the Fund.  The Fund will forward
to record  owners proxy  materials  for any  beneficial  owners that such record
owners may represent.

         Shareholder Voting.  Shareholders of record at the close of business on
March 17, 2000 (the  "Record  Date") are  entitled to notice of, and to vote at,
the Meeting. Each shareholder is entitled to one vote for each full share and an
appropriate fraction of a vote for each fractional share held.

         As of the Record Date,  1,123,842.25  shares of the Fund,  representing
the  corresponding  number of votes,  were  outstanding.  The persons  owning of
record  or  beneficially  5% or more of the Fund as of the  Record  Date are set
forth in Appendix D.

         The  presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  shares  of the Fund is  required  to  constitute  a  quorum  at the
Meeting.  Shares held by shareholders  present in person or represented by proxy
at the Meeting will be counted both for the purposes of determining the presence
of a quorum and for calculating the votes cast on the issues before the Meeting.

         Proxies that reflect abstentions or broker "non-votes" (that is, shares
held by brokers  or  nominees  as to which (a) such  persons  have not  received
instructions from the beneficial owner or other persons entitled to vote and (b)
the brokers or nominees do not have  discretionary  voting power on a particular
matter)  will be counted as shares  that are  present  and  entitled to vote for
purposes of  determining  the  presence  of a quorum.  Pursuant to the rules and
policies  of the New  York  Stock  Exchange  (the  "Exchange"),  members  of the
Exchange  may vote on the  proposals  to be  considered  at the Meeting  without
instructions from the beneficial owners of the Fund's shares.

         In the event  that a quorum is present at the  Meeting  but  sufficient
votes to approve any proposal are not received, the persons named as proxies may
propose one or more  adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation
of proxies or to obtain the vote required for approval of one or more proposals.
Any such  adjournment  will require the affirmative  vote of a majority of those
shares represented at the Meeting in person or by proxy. If a quorum is present,
the persons  named as proxies will vote those proxies which they are entitled to
vote FOR the  proposal  in  favor of such an  adjournment  and will  vote  those
proxies required to be voted AGAINST the proposal against any such  adjournment.
A shareholder  vote may be taken prior to any  adjournment of the Meeting on any
proposal  for which there are  sufficient  votes for  approval,  even though the
Meeting is adjourned as to other proposals.

         Timely,  properly  executed  proxies  will be  voted as  instructed  by
shareholders. A shareholder may revoke his or her proxy at any time prior to its
exercise  by  written  notice  addressed  to the  Secretary  of the Fund at 4922
Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 or by voting in person at the Meeting.
However,  attendance  in person at the  Meeting,  by  itself,  will not revoke a
previously tendered proxy.

         Electronic  Voting.  Shareholders may give voting  instructions via the
Internet  (  or by  touchtone  telephone  (1-800-690-6903)  by
following the instructions enclosed with the proxy card.

         Voting by Mail. In addition to voting in person at the Meeting, via the
Internet,  or by touchtone  telephone,  shareholders  also may sign and mail the
proxy card received with the proxy statement.

         Required  Vote.  Approval of  Proposals I and III  requires the vote of
shareholders  owning of record a  plurality  of the shares of the Fund voting at
the Meeting,  if a quorum is present.  Approval of Proposal II requires the vote
of a "majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities,"  as defined in the 1940
Act, which means that the vote of 67% or more of the voting  securities that are
present  at the  Meeting,  if the  holders  of more than 50% of the  outstanding
shares are present or represented by proxy,  or the vote of more than 50% of the
outstanding voting securities on the proposal,  whichever is less.  Accordingly,
assuming the presence of a quorum,  abstentions and non-votes have the effect of
a negative vote on Proposal II, and will have no effect on Proposals I and III.

         Shareholder  Proposals.  The Fund does not hold  regular  shareholders'
meetings.  Shareholders  wishing to submit  proposals  for  inclusion in a proxy
statement  for a  subsequent  shareholders'  meeting  should send their  written
proposals to the  Secretary of the Fund at the address set forth on the cover of
this proxy statement.

         Proposals  must be  received a  reasonable  time prior to the date of a
meeting of  shareholders  to be considered for inclusion in the proxy  materials
for a meeting.  Timely submission of a proposal does not,  however,  necessarily
mean that the  proposal  will be  included.  Persons  named as  proxies  for any
subsequent  shareholders'  meeting will vote in their discretion with respect to
proposals submitted on an untimely basis.

         To ensure the presence of a quorum at the Meeting, prompt execution and
return  of the  enclosed  proxy is  requested.  A  self-addressed,  postage-paid
envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors

                                             Stephenie E. Adams, Secretary

Bethesda, Maryland
April 10, 2000

                                   APPENDIX A

                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY CONTRACT


                             THE RUSHMORE FUND, INC.


                        MONEY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, L.P.

         This  Contract  (the  "Contract"),  dated as of the _____ day of _____,
2000 is  entered  into by and  between  The  Rushmore  Fund,  Inc.  (hereinafter
sometimes referred to as the "Fund") and Money Management Associates, L.P.
(hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Manager").


         THAT in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, it
is agreed as follows:

         1. THE FUND hereby  employs the  Manager to manage the  investment  and
reinvestment  of the  assets of the Fund and to  administer  the  affairs of the
Fund, subject to the control of the officers and Board of Directors of the Fund,
for the period and on the terms set forth in this Agreement.  The Manager hereby
accepts such employment and agrees during such period to render the services and
to  assume  the  obligations  herein  set  forth,  for the  compensation  herein

         2. The Manager assumes and shall pay or reimburse the Fund for: (a) all
expenses in connection with the management of the investment and reinvestment of
the assets of the Fund,  except that the Fund assumes and shall pay all broker's
commissions  and issue and transfer  taxes  chargeable to the Fund in connection
with securities  transactions to which the Fund is a party; (b) the compensation
(if  any) of  those  directors  and  officers  of the  Fund  who  also  serve as
directors,  officers or  employees  of the  Manager;  and (c) all  expenses  not
hereinafter specifically assumed by the Fund where such expenses are incurred by
the Manager or by the Fund in connection with the  administration of the affairs
of the Fund.

         The Fund assumes and shall pay or reimburse  the Manager for the Fund's
taxes, corporate fees, interest expenses (if any) and its allocable share of all
charges,  costs and expenses  incurred in connection  with: (a) determining from
time to time the net assets of the Fund,  maintaining its books and records, and
preparing,  reproducing  and filing its tax returns and reports to  governmental
agencies;   (b)  auditing  its  financial   statements;   (c)  providing   stock
certificates  representing  shares of the Fund and the services  rendered in the
registration  or transfer of such  shares,  in the payment and  disbursement  of
dividends  and  distributions  by the  Fund,  and in the  custody  of the  cash,
securities  and other  assets  of the Fund;  (d)  stockholders'  and  directors'
meetings,  and  preparation,  printing and distribution of all reports and proxy
materials;  (e) printing the Fund's  prospectus on at least an annual basis, and
distributing it to its then-existing  shareholders;  (f) legal services rendered
to the Fund;  (g)  retaining  and  compensating  those  directors,  officers and
employees of the Fund who do not also serve as directors,  officers or employees
of the Manager; (h) maintaining  appropriate insurance coverage for the Fund and
its directors  and  officers;  (i) its  membership  in trade  associations;  (j)
federal and state filing and registration  fees; and (k)  distribution  expenses
pursuant to a distribution  plan approved by a majority of the  shareholders and
non-interested directors.

         3. In connection with the management of the investment and reinvestment
of the assets of the Fund,  the Manager is  authorized on behalf of the Fund, to
place  orders  for  the  execution  of  the  Fund's  portfolio  transactions  in
accordance  with the applicable  policies of the Fund as set forth in the Fund's
registration  statements  under the  Securities  Act of 1933 and the  Investment
Company Act of 1940, as such registration statements may be amended from time to
time, and is directed to use its best efforts to obtain the best available price
and most favorable execution with respect to all such transactions for the Fund.

         4. As compensation  for the services to be rendered and the charges and
expenses  to be assumed  and paid by the  Manager as  provided in Section 2, the
Fund shall pay the Manager an annual fee of five  tenths  (0.50%) of one percent
of the average daily net asset value of the Fund. The fee will be paid monthly.

         In the event of termination of this contract, the fee shall be computed
on the  basis of the  period  ending  on the  last  business  day on which  this
contract is in effect  subject to a pro rata  adjustment  based on the number of
days elapsed in the current month as a percentage of the total number of days in
such month.

         5. The directors of the Fund acknowledge that, in further consideration
of the  services of the Manager  hereunder,  the Manager has reserved for itself
all rights to, and  interest  in,  the name "The  Rushmore  Fund,  Inc.," or any
similar name,  and that use of the name shall  continue only with the continuing
consent of the Manager,  which  consent may be withdrawn at any time,  effective
immediately upon written notice thereof to the Fund.

         6. Subject to and in accordance  with the governing  instruments of the
Fund  and  of  the  Manager  respectively,   directors,   officers,  agents  and
stockholders  of the  Fund  are or may be  interested  in the  Manager  (or  any
successor thereof) as partners or otherwise;  partners and agents of the Manager
are  or  may  be  interested  in  the  Fund  as  directors,   officers,  agents,
stockholders  or  otherwise;  the  Manager  (or  any  successor)  is or  may  be
interested in the Fund as stockholder  or otherwise;  and the effect of any such
interrelationships  shall be  governed  by said  governing  instruments  and the
applicable provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         The  manager  shall  notify the Fund of any change in partners of Money
Management Associates, L.P. within a reasonable time after such change.

         7. This contract shall continue in effect until two years from the date
hereof,  and  thereafter  only so long as such  continuance is approved at least
annually by a vote of a majority of the Fund's Board of Directors, including the
votes of a majority of the  directors  who are not  parties to such  contract or
interested persons of any such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the
purpose of voting on such approval.  Provided,  however,  that (a) this Contract
may at any time be terminated  without  payment of any penalty either by vote of
the Board of Directors  of the Fund or by vote of a majority of the  outstanding
voting  securities  of the  Fund,  on sixty  days  prior  written  notice to the
Manager,  (b) this Contract  shall  automatically  terminate in the event of its
assignment  (within the meaning of the Investment  Company Act of 1940), and (c)
this  Contract  may be  terminated  by the  Manager on sixty days prior  written
notice to the Fund.  Any notice under this  contract  shall be given in writing,
addressed and  delivered,  or mailed post paid, to the other party at any office
of such party.

         As used in this Section 6, the terms "interested  persons" and "vote of
a majority of the outstanding securities" shall have the respective meanings set
forth in Section 2(a)(19) and Section 2(a)(42) of the Investment  Company Act of

         8. The  services  of the  Manager to the Fund  hereunder  are not to be
deemed  exclusive,  and the Manager shall be free to render similar  services to
others so long as its services  hereunder are not impaired thereby.  The Manager
shall for all  purposes  herein be deemed to be an  independent  contractor  and
shall, unless otherwise  expressly provided or authorized,  have no authority to
act for or represent  the Fund in any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the

         9. No provision of this contract shall be deemed to protect the Manager
against  any  liability  to the  Fund or its  stockholders  to  which  it  might
otherwise  be subject by reason of any willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross
negligence  in the  performance  of its duties or the reckless  disregard of its
obligations  under this  contract.  Nor shall any provision  hereof be deemed to
protect any director or officer of the Fund against any such  liability to which
he might otherwise be subject by reason of any willful misfeasance, bad faith or
gross  negligence in the performance of his duties or the reckless  disregard of
his obligations. If any provision of this contract shall be held or made invalid
by a court decision,  statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this contract
shall not be affected thereby.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this contract to be
executed on the day and year first above written.

WITNESS:                                    THE RUSHMORE FUND, INC.

_______________________________             By:______________________________

WITNESS:                                    MONEY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, L.P.

_______________________________             By: _____________________________

                                   APPENDIX B

Officers of the Fund


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                 Principal Occupations During Last
Name, Address, and Age                       Position with Fund                  Five Years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel L. O'Connor, 58                       Chairman, Treasurer, and Director   General Partner of MMA, registered
100 Lakeshore Drive                                                              investment adviser of the Rushmore
Suite 1555                                                                       Funds, since 1975.  Director,
North Palm Beach, FL  33408                                                      RTS.  Director or Trustee of four
                                                                                 Rushmore Funds.  Trustee of the
                                                                                 Cappiello-Rushmore Trust.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard J. Garvey, 67                        President and Director              Limited Partner of MMA and Vice
730 Southwest 67th Place                                                         President of Rushmore Services,
Portland, OR  97225                                                              Inc. until 1998.  Director or
                                                                                 Trustee of four Rushmore Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John R. Cralle, 59                           Vice President                      A limited partner of MMA since
4922 Fairmont Avenue                                                             1979.  Employee of Rushmore
Bethesda, MD  20814                                                              Services, Inc. 1995-1999.  Vice
                                                                                 President of three Rushmore Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Martin M. O'Connor, 55                       Vice President                      A limited partner of MMA since
4922 Fairmont Avenue                                                             1979.  Employee of Rushmore
Bethesda, MD  20814                                                              Services, Inc. 1995-1999.  Vice
                                                                                 President of three Rushmore

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Edward J. Karpowicz, CPA, 37                 Controller                          Vice President of RTS since 1997.
4922 Fairmont Avenue                                                             Cotroller of the Rushmore Funds
Bethesda, MD  20814                                                              and the Cappiello-Rushmore Trust.
                                                                                 Treasurer, Bankers Finance
                                                                                 Investment Management Corp.,
                                                                                 August 1993 to June 1997.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephenie E. Adams, 30                       Secretary                           Secretary of three Rushmore Funds
4922 Fairmont Avenue                                                             and the Cappiello-Rushmore Trust.
Bethesda, MD  20814                                                              Assistant Secretary of one
                                                                                 Rushmore Fund.  Manager, Fund
                                                                                 Administration and Compliance,
                                                                                 RTS, from October 1999 to
                                                                                 Present.  Manager, Fund
                                                                                 Administration and Marketing,
                                                                                 Rushmore Services, Inc., from July
                                                                                 1994 to October 1999.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   APPENDIX C

Other Investment Company Clients

         MMA also  serves as  investment  adviser  to the  following  investment
companies,  at the fee rates set forth below, which had the indicated net assets
as of December 31, 1999.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Fund                                 Advisory Fee Rate                             Approximate Assets
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American Gas Index Fund, Inc.                .40% of the average daily net assets             $183,943,443

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fund for Government Investors                .50% of the first $500 million of                $492,627,189
                                             net assets, .45% of the next $250
                                             million of net assets, .40% of the
                                             next $250 million of net assets,
                                             and .35% of `the net assets over $1

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fund for Tax-Free Investors, Inc.             .50% of the net assets of the                     $17,474,551
                                              Rushmore Tax-Free Money Market

                                              .625% of the net assets of the                     $42,132,485
                                              Rushmore Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio

                                             .625% of the net assets of the
                                              Rushmore Virginia Tax-Free Portfolio               $28,925,654

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   APPENDIX D

         As of the Record Date, the following persons owned of record 5% or more
of the shares of the Fund.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Controlling Party or Principal Holder of
          Securities and Address
                                                Shares Owned             % Owned
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Charles Schwab & Co, Inc.                            254,714.11           22.7%
101 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94101

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
National Financial Services Corp.                     80,765.48            7.2%
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA  02109
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         To vote by telephone:

         1) Read the Proxy Statement and have the Proxy card below at hand.
         2) Call 1-800-690-6903.
         3) Enter the  12-digit  control  number set forth on the proxy card and
            follow the simple instructions.

         To vote by Internet:

         1) Read the Proxy Statement and have the Proxy card below at hand.
         2) Go to Website
         3) Enter the  12-digit  control  number set forth on the Proxy card and
            follow the simple instructions.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             THE RUSHMORE FUND, INC.

                         U.S. GOVERNMENT BOND PORTFOLIO

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                  June 1, 2000

         The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Stephenie  E.  Adams and  Edward J.
Karpowicz and each of them, as his/her  attorneys and proxies with full power of
substitution  to vote and act with respect to all shares of the Fund held by the
undersigned at the annual meeting of shareholders of the Fund to be held at 9:30
a.m.  Eastern Time on June 1, 2000 at 4922 Fairmont Avenue,  Bethesda,  Maryland
20814, or as adjourned from time to time (the "Meeting"),  and instructs them to
vote as  indicated  on the matters  referred to in the Proxy  Statement  for the
Meeting,  receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged,  with discretionary power to
vote upon such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

Board of  Directors  recommends  that you vote FOR each of the  Nominees and FOR
each of the following proposals:


         I.       To elect the Board of Directors of the Fund.

                            Daniel L. O'Connor            Jeffrey R. Ellis
                            Richard J. Garvey             F. David Fowler
                            Louis T. Donatelli            Patrick F. Noonan
                            Bruce C. Ellis                Michael A. Willner

                  [  ]     FOR ALL  [  ]    AGAINST ALL       [  ]     WITHHOLD AUTHORITY

                  [  ]     FOR ALL EXCEPT ______________________________

                  (Only use to withhold authority to vote on individual Nominees)

         II.      To approve a new investment advisory contract.

                  [  ]     FOR              [  ]     AGAINST           [  ]     ABSTAIN

        III.     To ratify the selection of independent auditors.

                  [  ]     FOR              [  ]     AGAINST           [  ]     ABSTAIN

         IV.      To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

         This proxy will be voted as  specified.  IF NO  SPECIFICATION  IS MADE,

         Receipt  of the  Notice  of  Meeting  and  Proxy  Statement  is  hereby

                                                     Dated _________________________, 2000

                                                     Name of Shareholder(s) -- Please print or type

                                                     Signature(s) of Shareholder(s)

                                                     Signature(s) of Shareholder(s)

         This proxy must be signed by the  beneficial  owner of Fund shares.  If
signing as attorney, executor, guardian or in some representative capacity or as
an officer of a corporation, please add title as such.