SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                  Unilabs Group Limited, British Virgin Islands


                  Unilabs Management Company Limited, Gibraltar

                                   as Sellers


                      Cantonal Bank of Geneva, Switzerland

                                  as Purchaser

                   Relating to 5% of the Shares in Unilabs SA


This Share  Purchase  Agreement was entered into on February 6, 1997 between the
following parties:

1.       Unilabs Group Limited, British Virgin Islands

         (hereinafter referred to as "UGL")


         Unilabs Management Company Limited, Gibraltar

         (hereinafter referred to as "UMC")

                                                              of the first part


2.       Cantonal Bank of Geneva, Switzerland

         (hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser")

                                                              of the other part


UGL is the  majority  shareholder  of  Unilabs  SA,  a  Swiss  corporation  (the
"Company"),  currently holding 79% of the Company's issued and outstanding share

UMC is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the Company  currently  holding 5% of the
Company's issued and outstanding share capital.

The  Company  intends to do an initial  public  offering  ("IPO") by listing its
shares on the Swiss Stock  Exchange.  For  purposes of  preparing  the IPO,  the
Purchaser is prepared to buy an equity interest in the Company.

The  Company  accepts  that  the  Purchaser  will  have  the  right  but not the
obligation to act as co-lead  manager in the IPO,  subject to agreement of Union
Bank of Switzerland, the designated leadmanager.

Based on the foregoing, the Parties agree as follows:


1.       Sale and Purchase of Shares

         UMC agrees to sell to the  Purchaser  and the  Purchaser  agrees to buy
         from UMC 800 bearer shares of the Company with a nominal value of Sfrs.
         500.--  each,  representing  5.0%  of  the  total  of  the  issued  and
         outstanding share capital of the Company.

         The 800 shares to be sold to the Purchaser are hereinafter
         referred to as the "Shares."

2.       Purchase Price

         The purchase price for the Shares shall be Sfrs. [Confidential Portion]
         per share,  representing Sfrs.  [Confidential Portion] in the aggregate
         (the  "Purchase  Price").  The  Purchase  Price shall be payable at the
         Closing (as defined  under  Section 3.1 below) by wire  transfer to the
         account to be designated by UMC and against delivery of the Shares.

3.       Closing

3.1      Closing Date of Transaction

         The sale and purchase of the Shares shall be consummated at the offices
         of the  Purchaser  or at such other place as the Parties may agree,  on
         February 6, 1997 (the "Closing Date").

3.2      Conditions Precedent

         The  sale and  purchase  of the  Shares  contemplated  herein  shall be
         subject to the following  conditions being met on or before February 6,

         a)       Approval:  Approval of the purchase of the Shares by the
                  General Management of the Purchaser.

         b)       Board Approvals:  Approval of the purchase of the Shares
                  by the boards of directors of UGL and UMC.

4.       Representations and Warranties of Seller and Company

         UGL and  UMC  hereby  represent  and  warrant  to the  Purchaser,  such
         representations  and  warranties  to be true as of the  signing of this
         Agreement and at Closing, the following:

         a)       Legal Existence:  The Company and each of its
                  subsidiaries listed in Exhibit 1 (the "Subsidiaries") is
                  a corporation duly incorporated and validly existing
                  under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is
                  incorporated, capable of being sued in its own right.


                  The Company has the power to own its  property  and assets and
                  the authority to carry on its business as currently conducted.

         b)       Ownership Structure:  The Company has a share capital of
                  Sfrs. 8'000'000.--, divided into 16'000 shares with a
                  nominal value of Sfrs. 500.-- each.  No further capital,
                  non-voting stock, convertible securities or similar
                  rights in the Company have been or will by the Closing be
                  created or issued or agreed to be issued.  The Shares
                  have been validly issued and fully paid-up.

                  Notwithstanding   the  foregoing,   a  restructuring   of  the
                  Company's  share capital is currently  contemplated in view of
                  the IPO which will result in (i) a split of the nominal  value
                  of the bearer shares from Sfrs. 500.-- to Sfrs. 40.-- and (ii)
                  the  creation  of a new  class of  registered  shares of Sfrs.
                  20.--  nominal  value which will  represent 30% of the capital
                  and  approximately  47% of the voting  rights.  The registered
                  shares will be reserved to UGL, and the Purchaser will receive
                  only bearer shares after the restructuring.  This proposal for
                  the Company's  new dual capital  structure is shown in Exhibit

         c)       Ownership:  The Seller is the sole legal and beneficial
                  owner of the Shares, free and clear of all liens,
                  encumbrances, options, charges and other claims arising
                  from any privilege, pledge or security arrangement.  The
                  Seller has full right and capacity to transfer and sell
                  the Shares.

                  Upon delivery of the Shares,  the Purchaser  will receive good
                  and valid  title to the  Shares,  free and clear of all liens,
                  encumbrances or other rights of third parties.

                  On the Closing date,  the  ownership  structure of the Company
                  will be as follows:

                                                                    % of capital
                           Unilabs Group Ltd.:                             79.0%
                           Unilabs Holding SA, Panama:                     10.0%
                           EIBA:                                            5.0%
                           Cantonal Bank of Geneva:                         5.0%
                           Unilabs Management Company Ltd.:                   -
                           Third Party:                                     1.0%

                  The Purchaser is aware that UGL is  negotiating  with KK Trust
                  AG the sale to KK Trust AG of  another 5% of shares of Unilabs
                  SA, which it expects to complete by the end of February 1997.

         d)       Annual Accounts:  The latest consolidated annual accounts
                  as per May 31, 1996 of the Company (as delivered to the
                  Purchaser) fairly represent the consolidated financial


                  situation  of the  Company as per the  balance  sheet date and
                  have been  prepared  in  compliance  with  generally  accepted
                  accounting  principles  as applied  in the  United  States (US

         e)       Assets:  Except as disclosed in Exhibit 3, the Company
                  ------                          ---------
                  and each of the Subsidiaries owns all real property,  personal
                  property and other assets, tangible and intangible,  reflected
                  in the  latest  annual  balance  sheet of the  Company  or the
                  relevant  Subsidiary,  free and clear of all  liens,  charges,
                  security interests and other incumbrances. There are no assets
                  which are used in the  conduct of the  business of the Company
                  or any of its  Subsidiaries  which  are not  reflected  in the
                  latest  annual  balance  sheet of the Company or the  relevant

         f)       Accounts Receivable:  The accounts receivable reflected in the
                  latest annual  accounts of the Company and of each  Subsidiary
                  are fully  collectible  within 90 days and, to the extent they
                  are not fully  collectible,  whether or not within a period of
                  90 days,  the Company or the relevant  Subsidiary  has created
                  provisions sufficient to cover any shortfall.

         g)       No Undisclosed Liabilities:  Except as disclosed in
                  Exhibit 4, none of the Company and the Subsidiaries have
                  any liabilities or obligations of any nature (absolute,
                  accrued, contingent or otherwise), which are not fully
                  reflected or reserved against in the latest annual
                  accounts of the Company or the relevant Subsidiary.

         h)       Books and Records:  The Company and each Subsidiary is in
                  possession and has accurately kept all accounts, books,
                  letters, financial and other records as required by
                  applicable law.

         i)       Taxes:  The Company and each Subsidiary has timely filed
                  all tax returns for income tax, withholding taxes, stamp
                  taxes, sales taxes, social security taxes and all other
                  taxes of every kind whatsoever required by law to be
                  filed and all such tax returns are complete and accurate.

                  The Company and each  Subsidiary has paid all taxes which have
                  become due and there is no further liability for any taxes and
                  no  interests or  penalties  accrued or accruing  with respect
                  thereto which would exceed the provisions  created in the last
                  balance  sheet  of  the  Company  or the  relevant  Subsidiary
                  specifically for such liabilities, interests or penalties.

         j)       No Material Adverse Change:  Except as disclosed in
                  Exhibit 5 attached hereto, since the last balance sheet
                  date of May 31, 1996, the financial situation
                  (consolidated and non-consolidated) of the Company or its


                  business has not been affected by any material adverse

         k)       Permits and Authorizations:  The Company and each
                  Subsidiary has all the permits and authorizations which
                  are necessary to carry on its business and neither the
                  execution of this Agreement nor the consummation of the
                  transaction contemplated herein will affect the
                  effectiveness of such permits and authorizations.

         l)       Compliance with Applicable Laws:  In conducting its
                  business  as  currently   conducted,   the  Company  and  each
                  Subsidiary  is  in  compliance   with  all  applicable   laws,
                  statutes,  orders,  rules and regulations of any  governmental
                  authority.  Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,
                  the  Company and each  Subsidiary  is in  compliance  with all
                  environmental laws, regulations, orders and decrees applicable
                  to it.

         m)       Insurance:  The insurance policies of the Company and of
                  each Subsidiary adequately cover the risks associated
                  with the business of the Company and the relevant

         n)       Intellectual Property Rights:  The Company and each
                  Subsidiary   owns  all  the  knowhow,   patents,   trademarks,
                  copyrights and other  intellectual  property  rights,  if any,
                  which are necessary for or used in the conduct of its business
                  as it is now being  conducted or has adequate  license to such
                  rights. None of such patents, trademarks,  copyrights or other
                  intellectual  property  rights violate the rights of any third

         o)       Information Technology:  The Company and each Subsidiary
                  has the rights to the information technology necessary to
                  conduct the business as currently conducted and such
                  rights will continue to be effective at least until
                  December 31, 1998.  Exhibit 6 contains a complete list of
                  information technology rights (licences, source codes,
                  etc.) currently used by the Company and the Subsidiaries.

         p)       No Litigation:  No litigation, arbitration,
                  administrative  proceedings  (including  tax  proceedings)  or
                  governmental or regulatory  investigations  are pending or, to
                  the best of the  Company's or Seller's  knowledge,  threatened
                  against  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  and  there  are no
                  judgments or decisions which could  jeopardize the conclusion,
                  performance or enforceability of this Agreement or which could
                  otherwise adversely affect this Agreement.

         q)       Group Structure:  The group structure shown in Exhibit 1
                  is complete and accurate; except with respect to Vivagen
                  Diagnostics AG and SQ-Lab Aerztelabor AG, the share


                  capital of each group company is fully paid-in.

         r)       Intercompany Dealings:  Except as disclosed to the
                  Purchaser in Exhibit 7, all intercompany dealings between
                  companies of the group shown in Exhibit 1 or between
                  group companies and related parties have been made at
                  market conditions (arm's length).

         s)       Full Disclosure:  The information and material provided
                  by the  Company  to the  Purchaser  for  purposes  of the  due
                  diligence  audit  (legal,  financial and business) is complete
                  and accurate in every material  respect and no information has
                  been withheld from the Purchaser which would have affected its
                  decision to enter into this  Agreement.  Without  limiting the
                  generality  of the  foregoing,  there  are no oral or  written
                  agreements  that have not been  disclosed to the Purchaser and
                  which could affect the present or future  ownership  structure
                  of the Company.

5.       Remedies

5.1      Term of Representations and Warranties

         The  representations  and  warranties  set  forth in  Section 4 of this
         Agreement  shall  continue to be in effect  until  December  31,  1997.
         Notice of claims may be given by the  Purchaser  in  writing  until and
         including December 31, 1997.

         The Purchaser is not bound by any  examination  or notice  requirements
         otherwise  applicable  under Swiss law, except that upon discovery of a
         claim notice  shall be given by the  Purchaser to the Seller as soon as
         reasonably practicable,  subject to the overall limitation provided for
         in the preceding paragraph.

5.2      Remedies

         In case of a breach of a representation  and warranty by UGL, UGL shall
         be liable to indemnify the Purchaser against all losses suffered by the
         Purchaser  as a result  of any such  misrepresentations  or  breach  of
         warranty  or  covenant.  In case of a  breach  of  representations  and
         warranties,  the losses are calculated based on the difference  between
         the actual net asset value of the Company, on a consolidated basis, and
         the  consolidated  net  asset  value of the  Company  had the  relevant
         representation and warranty been accurate.

5.3      Limitation

         No  claims  may be  raised  by the  Purchaser  under  Section 5 of this
         Agreement, unless such claims in each single case of breach of warranty
         exceed Sfrs. 50'000.-- and, in the


         aggregate, reach an amount of Sfrs. 100'000.--.  For the
         avoidance of doubt, if the claim of the Purchaser exceeds in
         the aggregate Sfrs. 100'000.--, the Purchaser is entitled to
         claim from UGL the entire amount and not only the amount in
         excess of Sfrs. 100'000.--.

6.       Sale in IPO

         The Purchaser  shall have the right to sell its shares to the public in
         the event of an IPO.  The sale of the shares in an IPO shall take place
         at the terms and conditions set by all the parties involved in the IPO.
         Such right shall be subordinated to a preference  right granted to EIBA
         pursuant  to a  Shareholders  Agreement  dated  January 17, 1997 by and
         between EIBA, UGL and the Company.

         To enable the  Purchaser  to exercise  its right to sell in an IPO, UGL
         shall  promptly  indicate  to the  Purchaser  in writing  the terms and
         conditions at which the IPO is to take place. Within five business days
         of receipt of such information,  the Purchaser shall notify UGL whether
         or not it wishes to exercise its right at the terms  indicated.  If so,
         the  Purchaser  shall deliver its shares in the Company to the Company,
         or a  party  designated  by the  Company,  against  payment  of the IPO
         placement price.

7.       Puts and Calls

7.1      Call Option of the Seller

         For the period of August 1, 1998 to  December  31, 2001 UGL, or a party
         designated  by UGL,  shall  have the right to  purchase  the  Company's
         shares then held by the Purchaser. The exercise price shall be equal to
         the purchase price paid by the Purchaser pursuant to the Share Purchase
         Agreement   increased  by  15%  per  annum,   compounded  annually  and
         calculated for the period between  payment of the purchase price by the
         Purchaser and exercise of the call option by UGL.

         If UGL  wishes  to  exercise  its  call  option,  it shall  notify  the
         Purchaser in writing  between August 1, 1998 and no later than by 12.00
         noon on December  31,  2001.  If such date is not a date on which banks
         are open for business in Zurich and Geneva,  the exercise  notice shall
         reach the Purchaser by 12.00 noon on the last business day of 2001. The
         sale  shall be  completd  within  10  busines  days of  receipt  of the
         exercise  notice by the Purchaser and shall take place by the Purchaser
         delivering  its shares in the  Company to UGL or its  designee  against
         receipt of the exercise price.  Each party shall bear its own costs and
         expenses  incurred in connection  with the exercise of the call option,
         except that UGL will pay all stamp  duties  related to the  exercise of
         the call option.


7.2      Put Option for the Purchaser

         For the  period  of  February  1,  2000  until  December  31,  2001 the
         Purchaser  shall  have the right to sell its  shares in the  Company to

         The  exercise  price for the put option  shall be equal to the purchase
         price paid by the Purchaser  pursuant to the Share Purchase  Agreement,
         increased by 12% per annum,  compounded annually and calculated for the
         period  between the date of purchase by the  Purchaser  and the date of
         exercise of the put option by the Purchaser.

         If the Purchaser  wishes to exercise its put option it shall notify UGL
         in  writing,  indicating  that  it  exercises  its put  option  and the
         exercise price.  The sale shall be completed within 10 business days of
         receipt  of the  exercise  notice  by UGL and shall  take  place by the
         Purchaser  delivering its shares in the Company  against receipt of the
         exercise  price.  Each  party  shall  bear its own costs  and  expenses
         incurred in  connection  with the exercise of the call  option,  except
         that UGL will pay all stamp  duties  related to the exercise of the put

7.3      Subordination of Put

         The Purchaser hereby expressly  acknowledges that any claim it may have
         against UGL pursuant to Section 7.2 above will be  subordinated  to any
         claim made by EIBA  against  UGL in  connection  with EIBA's put option
         pursuant to its Shareholders Agreement dated January 17, 1997.

7.4      Expiration of Puts and Calls

         It is agreed that both the call  option of UGL  pursuant to Section 7.1
         above and the put option of the Purchaser pursuant to Section 7.2 above
         shall cease to be valid if an IPO of the Company occurs.

8.       Miscellaneous

8.1      Costs and Expenses

         All costs and expenses incurred by the Purchaser in connection with the
         preparation,  negotiation,  execution and performance of this Agreement
         shall be borne by the  Purchaser,  including  legal  fees.  UGL and UMC
         shall bear their own costs and expenses.

8.2      Taxes


         Each party shall bear all taxes or other  charges  which  become due by
         itself  in  connection  with  the  execution  or  performance  of  this
         Agreement,  such as  securities  transfer  tax,  except with respect to
         stamp duties to the extent provided under Sections 7.1 and 7.2.

8.3      Access to Information

         UGL will procure that the Company grant the  Purchaser  full access to,
         and  provide  it with,  all  information  and  material  regarding  the
         ownership   structure   and  the   business  of  the  Company  and  its
         subsidiaries which the Purchaser may reasonably request. In particular,
         the Seller shall keep the  Purchaser  duly informed of the IPO process.
         This right of  information  is in  addition to the  statutory  right of
         information  of the  Purchaser as a  shareholder  of the  Company.  The
         Purchaser  undertakes to keep such information  confidential and not to
         disclose it to any third party.

8.4.     Transfer Restrictions

         For the term of this  Agreement,  UGL shall not be  permitted  to sell,
         assign or otherwise transfer its controlling  shareholding  interest in
         the Company without the prior written consent of the Purchaser.  In the
         event the transfer to UGL's  controlling  interest in the Company is to
         be made to another  company  within the same  group of  companies,  the
         Purchaser  and  its   affiliated  and  related   companies   (including
         investment  funds  managed  by the  Purchaser)  will  not  unreasonably
         withhold such consent,  provided the  transferee  agrees to be bound by
         the terms of this Agreement.

8.5      Notices

         Communications under this Agreement shall be made in writing by letter,
         telex or telefax and addressed as follows:

         if to the Purchaser:

         Banque Cantonale de Geneve
         Mr. Jean Buhler
         Quai de I'lle 17
         1204 Geneva
         Tel.: 41-22-317.27.27
         Fax:  41-22-311.81.71

         if to UGL and/or UMC:

         Unilabs SA
         Mr. Eric Wavre
         12, place Cornavin
         1201 Geneva
         Tel.: +41-22-909-7777
         Fax:  +41-22-909-7707


8.6      Entire Agreement

         This Agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties hereto
         with respect to the transaction contemplated herein and there have been
         and are no  agreements  or  warranties  between the parties  other than
         those set forth or provided for herein.  This  Agreement may be amended
         only in writing through an instrument signed by all the parties hereto.

8.7      Confidentiality

         The parties  shall keep the terms of this  Agreement  confidential  and
         shall not disclose it to any third parties.

8.8      Governing Law and Jurisdiction

         This Agrement shall be governed by Swiss law.  Disputes  arising out of
         or in  connection  with  this  Agreement  shall  be  submitted  to  the
         jurisdiction  of the  ordinary  courts of the Canton of  Geneva,  venue
         being  Geneva.  The  Purchaser  reserves the right to take legal action
         against  UGL  or UMC  at  their  registered  offices  or at  any  other
         competent place of jurisdiction.


Place and Date:
Geneva, February 6, 1997

- -------------------------------                  ------------------------------
Unilabs Management Company                       Unilabs Group Limited

- -------------------------------
Cantonal Bank of Geneva


                                List of Exhibits

Exhibit 1:                 Structure of the Unilabs SA group

Exhibit 2:                 Proposal for Unilabs SA's new dual capital structure

Exhibit 3:                 List of assets not owned or not free and clear

Exhibit 4:                 List of interest bearing debts and contingent

Exhibit 5:                 Material adverse change

Exhibit 6:                 List of information technology rights

Exhibit 7:                 List of intercompany transactions and transactions
                           with related parties
