
                       GOODRICH PETROLEUM COMPANY, L.L.C.


                                  COMPASS BANK

                               September 23, 1999

                            REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


   1.1   Terms Defined Above...................................................1
   1.2   Additional Defined Terms..............................................1
   1.3   Undefined Financial Accounting Terms.................................13
   1.4   References...........................................................13
   1.5   Articles and Sections................................................13
   1.6   Number and Gender....................................................13
   1.7   Incorporation of Exhibits............................................14

                          ARTICLE II TERMS OF FACILITY
   2.1   Revolving Line of Credit.............................................14
   2.2   Use of Loan Proceeds.................................................14
   2.3   Interest.............................................................14
   2.4   Repayment of Loans and Interest......................................15
   2.5   Outstanding Amounts..................................................15
   2.6   Time, Place, and Method of Payments..................................15
   2.7   Mandatory Prepayments................................................15
   2.8   Voluntary Prepayments................................................16
   2.9   Facility Fee.........................................................16
   2.10  Engineering Fee......................................................16
   2.11  Commitment Fee; Reduction of Commitment Amount.......................16
   2.12  Loans to Satisfy Obligations of Borrower.............................16
   2.13  Security Interest in Accounts; Right of Offset.......................16
   2.14  General Provisions Relating to Interest..............................17
   2.15  Yield Protection.....................................................18
   2.16  Power of Attorney....................................................18

                             ARTICLE III CONDITIONS
   3.1   Receipt of Loan Documents and Other Items............................19
   3.2   Each Loan............................................................21

   4.1   Due Authorization....................................................22
   4.2   Corporate Existence..................................................23
   4.3   Valid and Binding Obligations........................................23
   4.4   Security Instruments.................................................23
   4.5   Title to Assets......................................................23
   4.6   Scope and Accuracy of Financial Statements...........................23
   4.7   No Material Misstatements............................................23
   4.8   Liabilities, Litigation, and Restrictions............................23

   4.9   Authorizations; Consents.............................................24
   4.10  Compliance with Laws.................................................24
   4.11  ERISA................................................................24
   4.12  Environmental Laws...................................................24
   4.13  Compliance with Federal Reserve Regulations..........................25
   4.14  Investment Company Act Compliance....................................25
   4.15  Public Utility Holding Company Act Compliance........................25
   4.16  Proper Filing of Tax Returns; Payment of Taxes Due...................25
   4.17  Refunds..............................................................25
   4.18  Gas Contracts........................................................25
   4.19  Intellectual Property................................................26
   4.20  Casualties or Taking of Property.....................................26
   4.21  Locations of Borrower, Lafitte and Guarantors........................26
   4.22  Subsidiaries.........................................................26
   4.23  Scope of Collateral; Property Owned by Lafitte.......................26
   4.24  Ownership Interests in Goodrich......................................26

                         ARTICLE V AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS
   5.1   Maintenance and Access to Records....................................27
   5.2   Quarterly Financial Statements; Compliance Certificates..............27
   5.3   Annual Financial Statements; Compliance Certificates.................27
   5.4   Oil and Gas Reserve Reports..........................................27
   5.5   Accounts Payable/Receivable..........................................28
   5.6   Capital Expenditures.................................................28
   5.7   Declining Additional Lafitte Operations..............................28
   5.8   Hedging Position.....................................................28
   5.9   Title Opinions; Title Defects........................................29
   5.10  Notices of Certain Events............................................29
   5.11  Letters in Lieu of Transfer Orders; Division Orders..................30
   5.12  Additional Information...............................................30
   5.13  Compliance with Laws.................................................30
   5.14  Payment of Assessments and Charges...................................31
   5.15  Maintenance of Corporate Existence and Good Standing.................31
   5.16  Further Assurances...................................................31
   5.17  Fees and Expenses....................................................31
   5.18  Operation of Oil and Gas Properties..................................32
   5.19  Maintenance and Inspection of Properties.............................32
   5.20  Maintenance of Insurance.............................................32
   5.21  Maintenance of Operating Accounts....................................32
   5.22  Asset Sales Proceeds.................................................32
   5.23  Cash Collateral Account..............................................33
   5.24  Indemnification......................................................33

                          ARTICLE VI NEGATIVE COVENANTS
   6.1   Indebtedness; Contingent Obligations.................................34
   6.2   Liens................................................................34

   6.3   Sales of Assets......................................................35
   6.4   Leasebacks...........................................................35
   6.5   Loans; Advances; Investments.........................................35
   6.6   Changes in Corporate Structure.......................................35
   6.7   Dividends and Distributions..........................................35
   6.8   Transactions with Affiliates.........................................36
   6.9   Lines of Business....................................................36
   6.10  ERISA Compliance.....................................................36
   6.11  Consolidated Tangible Net Worth......................................36
   6.12  Debt Service Ratio...................................................36
   6.13  Subordinated Debt, Pari Passu Debt and Lafitte Debt..................36
   6.14  Agreements Regarding Lafitte Field...................................36
   6.15  Capital Expenditures.................................................37
   6.16  Declining Additional Lafitte Operations..............................37
   6.17  General and Administrative Expenses..................................37

                          ARTICLE VII EVENTS OF DEFAULT
   7.1   Enumeration of Events of Default.....................................37
   7.2   Remedies.............................................................40

                           ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS
   8.1   Transfers; Participations............................................40
   8.2   Survival of Representations, Warranties, and Covenants...............41
   8.3   Notices and Other Communications.....................................41
   8.4   Parties in Interest..................................................42
   8.5   Rights of Third Parties..............................................42
   8.6   No Waiver; Rights Cumulative.........................................42
   8.7   Survival Upon Unenforceability.......................................42
   8.8   Amendments; Waivers..................................................43
   8.9   Controlling Agreement................................................43
   8.10  Release by Borrower..................................................43
   8.11  Governing Law........................................................43
   8.12  Jurisdiction and Venue...............................................43
   8.13  Waiver of Rights to Jury Trial.......................................43
   8.14  Entire Agreement.....................................................43
   8.15  Counterparts.........................................................44

                                LIST OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit I                  -        Form of Borrowing Request
Exhibit II                 -        Form of Compliance Certificate
Exhibit III                -        Disclosures

                                CREDIT AGREEMENT

     This CREDIT  AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 23rd day of September,
1999, by and between GOODRICH  PETROLEUM  COMPANY,  L.L.C., a Louisiana  limited
liability company (the "Borrower"), and COMPASS BANK, an Alabama state chartered
banking institution (the "Lender"),  and is joined in for the limited purpose of
making the representations,  warranties, and covenants set forth in Articles IV,
V,  and VI  only by  GOODRICH  PETROLEUM  CORPORATION,  a  Delaware  corporation

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements  herein  contained,
the Borrower and the Lender  hereby agree as follows,  amending and restating in
its entirety the Credit  Agreement  dated as of August 16, 1995,  by and between
the Borrower and the Lender, as heretofore  amended,  restated,  or supplemented
(the "Existing Credit Agreement"):

                                    ARTICLE I


     I.1  Terms  Defined  Above.  As used in this  Credit  Agreement,  the terms
"Borrower,"  "Existing Credit  Agreement,"  "Goodrich," and "Lender," shall have
the meaning assigned to them hereinabove.

     I.2 Additional Defined Terms. As used in this Credit Agreement, each of the
following terms shall have the meaning assigned thereto in this Section,  unless
the context otherwise requires:

          "Affiliate" shall mean any Person directly or indirectly  controlling,
     or under common  control with,  the Borrower and includes any Subsidiary of
     the Borrower and any "affiliate" of the Borrower within the meaning of Reg.
     '240.12b-2  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as  amended,  with
     "control,"  as used in this  definition,  meaning  possession,  directly or
     indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause the  direction of  management,
     policies or action through ownership of voting securities, contract, voting
     trust,  or membership in management or in the group  appointing or electing
     management or otherwise through formal or informal arrangements or business

          "Agreement"  shall mean this Credit  Agreement,  as it may be amended,
     supplemented, or restated from time to time.


          "Applicable  Margin"  shall  mean,  as to each  Tranche  A Loan,  zero
     percent (0%), and as to each Tranche B Loan, two percent (2%).

          "Available Commitment" shall mean, at any time, an amount equal to the
     remainder,  if any,  of (a) the  lesser  of the  Commitment  Amount  or the
     Borrowing  Base in effect at such time  minus (b) the Loan  Balance at such

          "Borrower  Membership  Interests"  shall  mean  all of the  membership
     interests and other equity  interests in and to the Borrower other than the
     Borrower Series A Preferred Units.

          "Borrower  Series A  Preferred  Units"  means the  "Series A Preferred
     Units" (as defined in Section 3.2(b) of the Amended and Restated  Operating
     Agreement  of  Borrower  as in  effect  on the date  hereof)  issued to the
     holders  of the Pari Passu  Debt and the  Subordinated  Debt and having the
     rights, preferences and designations set forth in Exhibit C to such Amended
     and Restated Operating Agreement.

          "Borrowing Base" shall mean the sum of (x) the Tranche B Loan plus (y)
     (i) from the Closing Date through  November 30, 1999,  $19,300,000 and (ii)
     for each month  thereafter,  an amount equal to the Borrowing  Base for the
     immediately preceding month minus $300,000.

          "Borrowing  Request" shall mean each written request, in substantially
     the form attached  hereto as Exhibit I, by the Borrower to the Lender for a
     borrowing pursuant to Section 2.1 which shall:

               (a) be signed by a Responsible Officer of the Borrower;

               (b) specify the amount of the Loan requested, and, as applicable,
          the Loan to be prepaid  and the date of the  borrowing  or  prepayment
          (which shall be a Business Day);

               (c) be delivered to the Lender no later than 10:00 a.m.,  Central
          Standard or Daylight Savings Time, as the case may be, on the Business
          Day of the requested borrowing or prepayment; and

          "Business Day" shall mean a day other than a day when commercial banks
     are authorized or required to close in the State of Texas.

          "Change of Control"  shall mean a change  resulting when any Unrelated
     Person or any Unrelated  Persons acting  together which would  constitute a
     Group together with any Affiliates or Related Persons thereof (in each case
     also  constituting   Unrelated  Persons)  shall  at  any  time  either  (i)
     Beneficially Own more than 50% of the aggregate voting power of all classes
     of Voting Stock of Goodrich or (ii) succeed in having  sufficient of its or
     their nominees elected to the Board of Directors of Goodrich such that such


     nominees,  when added to any  existing  director  remaining on the Board of
     Directors  of Goodrich  after such  election who is an Affiliate or Related
     Person of such Person or Group, shall constitute a majority of the Board of
     Directors  of  Goodrich.  As  used  herein  (a)  "Beneficially  Own"  means
     "beneficially own" as defined in Rule 13d-3 of the United States Securities
     Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended,  or any  successor  provision  thereto;
     provided,  however,  that, for purposes of this definition,  a Person shall
     not be deemed to Beneficially Own securities  tendered pursuant to a tender
     or  exchange  offer  made by or on  behalf  of such  Person  or any of such
     Person's  Affiliates  until  such  tendered  securities  are  accepted  for
     purchase or exchange;  (b) "Group"  means a "group" for purposes of Section
     13(d) of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; (c)
     "Unrelated  Person" means at any time any Person (I) other than Goodrich or
     any of its Subsidiaries, (II) other than any trust for any employee benefit
     plan of  Goodrich  or any of its  Subsidiaries  and  (III)  other  than the
     holders  of the  Pari  Passu  Debt  and the  Subordinated  Debt on the date
     hereof;  (d)  "Related  Person" of any Person  shall mean any other  Person
     owning (1) 5% or more of the outstanding common stock of such Person or (2)
     5% or more of the Voting  Stock of such Person;  and (e) "Voting  Stock" of
     any Person shall mean capital  stock of such Person  which  ordinarily  has
     voting power for the election of directors (or persons  performing  similar
     functions)  of such  Person,  whether  at all  times  or only so long as no
     senior  class  of  securities  has  such  voting  power  by  reason  of any

          "Closing Date" shall mean September 23, 1999.

          "Code" shall mean the United States Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as
     amended from time to time.

          "Collateral"  shall  mean  the  Mortgaged   Properties,   the  Lafitte
     Membership Interests, the Borrower Membership Interests, all other Property
     of Goodrich or Borrower  and any other  Property now or at any time used or
     intended as security for the payment or  performance  of all or any portion
     of the Obligations.

          "Collateral  Agency  Agreement"  shall  mean that  certain  Collateral
     Agency Agreement dated concurrently  herewith executed by and among (i) the
     Lender,  (ii)  Hambrecht & Quist  Guaranty  Finance,  LLC, as agent for the
     noteholders of the Lafitte Debt,  the Pari Passu Debt and the  Subordinated
     Debt,  and (iii) Compass Bank, as Collateral  Agent,  as it may be amended,
     supplemented,  or restated from time to time.  Concurrently  herewith,  the
     Existing  Security  Instruments have been assigned by the Lender to Compass
     Bank, as Collateral Agent under the Collateral  Agency  Agreement,  and, so
     long  as  the  Collateral  Agency  Agreement  is in  effect,  any  Security
     Instruments  executed  after the date hereof  shall be executed in favor of
     Compass Bank, as Collateral Agent under the Collateral Agency Agreement.

          "Commitment"  shall  mean the  obligation  of the  Lender,  subject to
     applicable  provisions  of  this  Agreement,  to make  Loans  to or for the
     benefit of the Borrower pursuant to Section 2.1.


          "Commitment Amount" shall mean $28,300,000.

          "Commitment  Period"  shall mean the  period  from and  including  the
     Closing Date to but not including the Commitment Termination Date.

          "Commitment Termination Date" shall mean February 1, 2001.

          "Commonly  Controlled  Entity"  shall mean any  Person  which is under
     common  control  with the  Borrower,  Lafitte or any  Guarantor  within the
     meaning of Section 4001 of ERISA.

          "Compliance Certificate" shall mean each certificate, substantially in
     the form attached hereto as Exhibit II,  executed by a Responsible  Officer
     of the Borrower and the Guarantors and furnished to the Lender from time to
     time in accordance with the terms hereof.

          "Consolidated  Net Income" shall mean, for any period,  the net income
     of Goodrich and its Subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis, for such period,
     determined in accordance with GAAP minus net income attributable to Lafitte
     (except  to the  extent  of cash  distributions  paid from  Lafitte  to the

          "Consolidated Tangible Net Worth" shall mean, without duplication, (a)
     total  assets,  as would,  in  accordance  with  GAAP,  be  reflected  on a
     consolidated  balance sheet of Goodrich and its Subsidiaries,  exclusive of
     Intellectual Property,  experimental or organization expenses,  franchises,
     licenses, permits, and other intangible assets, treasury stock, unamortized
     underwriters' debt discount and expenses, and goodwill, plus (b) the unpaid
     principal balance (up to $1,000,000) of the Subordinated  Debt, plus (c) to
     the extent not already  included in total  assets,  the net proceeds (up to
     $3,000,000) received by Borrower from the issuance of the Borrower Series A
     Preferred  Stock as of the Closing Date,  minus (d) total  liabilities,  as
     would,  in  accordance  with GAAP, be reflected on a  consolidated  balance
     sheet of Goodrich and its Subsidiaries.

          "Contingent  Obligation" shall mean, as to any Person,  any obligation
     of such Person  guaranteeing or in effect  guaranteeing  any  Indebtedness,
     leases,  dividends,  or other obligations of any other Person (for purposes
     of this definition, a "primary obligation") in any manner, whether directly
     or  indirectly,  including,  without  limitation,  any  obligation  of such
     Person,  regardless  of  whether  such  obligation  is  contingent,  (a) to
     purchase  any primary  obligation  or any Property  constituting  direct or
     indirect  security  therefor,  (b) to advance  or supply  funds (i) for the
     purchase or payment of any primary obligation,  or (ii) to maintain working
     or equity capital of any other Person in respect of any primary obligation,
     or otherwise to maintain the net worth or solvency of any other Person, (c)
     to purchase  Property,  securities or services primarily for the purpose of
     assuring the owner of any primary  obligation  of the ability of the Person


     primarily liable for such primary  obligation to make payment  thereof,  or
     (d)  otherwise  to assure or hold  harmless  the owner of any such  primary
     obligation  against  loss  in  respect  thereof,  with  the  amount  of any
     Contingent   Obligation   being  deemed  to  be  equal  to  the  stated  or
     determinable  amount of the  primary  obligation  in  respect of which such
     Contingent  Obligation  is made or,  if not  stated  or  determinable,  the
     maximum reasonably  anticipated  liability in respect thereof as determined
     by such Person in good faith.

          "Debt  Service"  shall  mean,  for any  period  and  with  respect  to
     Indebtedness of Goodrich on a consolidated  basis, the sum of all principal
     payments made during such period on borrowed  money  Indebtedness  plus all
     interest expense paid in respect of borrowed money Indebtedness during such

          "Default"  shall mean any event or occurrence  which with the lapse of
     time or the giving of notice or both would become an Event of Default.

          "Default Rate" shall mean a per annum interest rate equal to the Index
     Rate from time to time in effect plus five  percent  (5%),  but in no event
     exceeding the Highest Lawful Rate.

          "Dollars" and "$" shall mean dollars in lawful  currency of the United
     States of America.

          "EBITDA" shall mean, for any period,  (a)  Consolidated Net Income for
     such  period  plus (b)  depreciation,  amortization,  depletion,  and other
     non-cash  expenses  for  such  period  deducted  in  the  determination  of
     Consolidated  Net Income minus (c) non-cash income for such period included
     in the determination of Consolidated Net Income.

          "Environmental  Complaint"  shall mean any written or oral  complaint,
     order,  directive,  claim,  citation,  notice  of  environmental  report or
     investigation,  or other notice by any Governmental  Authority or any other
     Person  with  respect  to (a)  air  emissions,  (b)  spills,  releases,  or
     discharges to soils,  any  improvements  located  thereon,  surface  water,
     groundwater,  or the sewer, septic,  waste treatment,  storage, or disposal
     systems  servicing any Property of any Related  Party,  (c) solid or liquid
     waste  disposal,  (d) the  use,  generation,  storage,  transportation,  or
     disposal of any Hazardous Substance, or (e) other environmental, health, or
     safety matters  affecting any Property of any Related Party or the business
     conducted thereon.

          "Environmental Laws" shall mean (a) the following federal laws as they
     may be cited, referenced, and amended from time to time: the Clean Air Act,
     the Clean Water Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
     and Liability  Act, the  Endangered  Species Act, the  Hazardous  Materials
     Transportation Act of 1986, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Oil
     Pollution Act of 1990, the Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976,
     the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Superfund  Amendments and  Reauthorization
     Act,  and the Toxic  Substances  Control  Act;  (b) any and all  equivalent
     environmental  statutes of any state, as they may be cited,  referenced and


     amended from time to time; (c) any rules or regulations  promulgated  under
     or adopted  pursuant to the above federal and state laws; and (d) any other
     equivalent  federal,  state,  or local  statute or any  requirement,  rule,
     regulation,  code, ordinance, or order adopted pursuant thereto, including,
     without  limitation,  those  relating  to the  generation,  transportation,
     treatment, storage, recycling,  disposal, handling, or release of Hazardous

          "ERISA"  shall mean the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of
     1974,  as amended from time to time,  and the  regulations  thereunder  and
     interpretations thereof.

          "Event of Default"  shall mean any of the events  specified in Section

          "Existing  Notes" shall mean the Note,  as such term is defined in the
     Existing Credit Agreement, in existence prior to the Closing Date.

          "Existing Loan Documents" shall mean the Loan Documents,  as such term
     is defined in the Existing  Credit  Agreement,  in  existence  prior to the
     Closing Date.

          "Existing Security  Instruments" shall mean the Security  Instruments,
     as such term is defined in the  Existing  Credit  Agreement,  in  existence
     prior to the Closing Date.

          "Financial   Statements"   shall  mean  statements  of  the  financial
     condition  as at the  point  in  time  and  for the  period  indicated  and
     consisting  of  at  least  a  balance  sheet  and  related   statements  of
     operations,  common stock and other  stockholders'  equity,  and cash flows
     and,  when  required  by  applicable  provisions  of this  Agreement  to be
     audited,    accompanied   by   the   unqualified    certification    of   a
     nationally-recognized  firm of independent  certified public accountants or
     other independent certified public accountants acceptable to the Lender and
     footnotes  to any of the  foregoing,  all of  which  shall be  prepared  in
     accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied and in  comparative  form with
     respect to the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal period.

          "Floating  Rate"  shall mean an  interest  rate per annum equal to the
     Index  Rate from  time to time in effect  plus the  Applicable  Margin  for
     Tranche  A Loans or  Tranche B Loans,  as the case may be,  but in no event
     exceeding the Highest Lawful Rate.

          "GAAP" shall mean generally accepted accounting principles established
     by the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board or the American  Institute of
     Certified  Public  Accountants and in effect in the United States from time
     to time.

          "Governmental Authority" shall mean any nation, country, commonwealth,
     territory,  government,  state,  county,  parish,  municipality,  or  other
     political  subdivision and any entity  exercising  executive,  legislative,
     judicial,  regulatory,  or  administrative  functions of or  pertaining  to


          "Guaranties" shall mean, collectively,  the Guaranty of each Guarantor
     dated  the  Closing  Date,  in  each  case  guaranteeing  the  payment  and
     performance  of  the  Obligations  as  provided  therein,  as  each  may be
     ratified, amended, restated, or supplemented from time to time.

          "Guarantors"  shall  mean  Goodrich  and any  other  Person  hereafter
     executing a guaranty of the Obligations.

          "Hazardous Substances" shall mean flammables,  explosives, radioactive
     materials, hazardous wastes, asbestos, or any material containing asbestos,
     polychlorinated  biphenyls (PCBs),  toxic substances or related  materials,
     petroleum,  petroleum products,  associated oil or natural gas exploration,
     production, and development wastes, or any substances defined as "hazardous
     substances,"   "hazardous   materials,"   "hazardous   wastes,"  or  "toxic
     substances" under the Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation
     and Liability Act, as amended, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
     Act, as amended,  the Hazardous  Materials  Transportation Act, as amended,
     the  Resource   Conservation  and  Recovery  Act,  as  amended,  the  Toxic
     Substances Control Act, as amended, or any other Requirement of Law.

          "Hedging Agreement" shall mean (a) any interest rate or currency swap,
     rate cap, rate floor, rate collar, forward agreement,  or other exchange or
     rate  protection   agreement  or  any  option  with  respect  to  any  such
     transaction  and (b) any  swap  agreement,  cap,  floor,  collar,  exchange
     transaction,  forward agreement,  or other exchange or protection agreement
     relating  to   hydrocarbons   or  any  option  with  respect  to  any  such

          "Highest  Lawful  Rate" shall mean the maximum  non-usurious  interest
     rate, if any (or, if the context so requires,  an amount calculated at such
     rate),  that at any time or from time to time may be contracted for, taken,
     reserved,  charged, or received under applicable laws of the State of Texas
     or the United States of America,  whichever authorizes the greater rate, as
     such laws are  presently in effect or, to the extent  allowed by applicable
     law,  as such  laws may  hereafter  be in effect  and which  allow a higher
     maximum non-usurious interest rate than such laws now allow.

          "Indebtedness" shall mean, as to any Person, without duplication,  (a)
     all liabilities  (excluding  reserves for deferred  income taxes,  deferred
     compensation liabilities, and other deferred liabilities and credits) which
     in accordance with GAAP would be included in determining  total liabilities
     as shown on the liability side of a balance sheet,  (b) all  obligations of
     such Person evidenced by bonds,  debentures,  promissory  notes, or similar
     evidences of  indebtedness,  (c) all other  indebtedness of such Person for
     borrowed money and capitalized  leases,  and (d) all obligations of others,
     to the  extent  any such  obligation  is secured by a Lien on the assets of
     such Person  (whether  or not such Person has assumed or become  liable for
     the obligation secured by such Lien).


          "Index  Rate" shall mean,  on any day,  the prime rate as published in
     The Wall Street  Journal's  "Money  Rates"  table for such day. If multiple
     prime  rates are quoted in such table,  then the highest  prime rate quoted
     therein  shall be the Index  Rate.  In the event  that a prime  rate is not
     published in The Wall Street Journal's "Money Rates" table, the Lender will
     choose a substitute  Index Rate, for purposes of  calculating  the Floating
     Rate, which is based on comparable information,  until such time as a prime
     rate is published in The Wall Street Journal's "Money Rates" tables.

          "Insolvency  Proceeding" shall mean application  (whether voluntary or
     instituted by another  Person) for or the consent to the  appointment  of a
     receiver, trustee,  conservator,  custodian, or liquidator of any Person or
     of all or a substantial part of the Property of such Person,  or the filing
     of  a  petition  (whether   voluntary  or  instituted  by  another  Person)
     commencing  a case  under  Title  11 of the  United  States  Code,  seeking
     liquidation,  reorganization,  or  rearrangement or taking advantage of any
     bankruptcy, insolvency, debtor's relief, or other similar law of the United
     States, the State of Texas, or any other jurisdiction.

          "Insolvent"  or   "Insolvency"   shall  mean,   with  respect  to  any
     Multiemployer  Plan, that such Plan is insolvent within the meaning of such
     term as used in Section 4245 of ERISA.

          "Intellectual  Property"  shall  mean  patents,  patent  applications,
     trademarks, tradenames, copyrights, technology, know-how, and processes.

          "Investment" in any Person shall mean any stock,  bond, note, or other
     evidence  of  Indebtedness,  or any other  security  of, or  investment  or
     partnership interest in, such Person.

          "Lafitte" shall mean Goodrich  Petroleum Company - Lafitte,  L.L.C., a
     Louisiana limited liability company.

          "Lafitte  Debt"  shall  mean  the  Indebtedness  under  those  certain
     promissory notes in the original  aggregate  principal amount of $6,000,000
     dated concurrently herewith executed by Lafitte payable to the order of the
     noteholders listed on Exhibit A to the Collateral Agency Agreement (as such
     Indebtedness  may  from  time to time be  renewed,  extended,  modified  or

          "Lafitte  Membership  Interests"  shall  mean  all of the  issued  and
     outstanding equity interests in and to Lafitte.

          "Lien" shall mean any interest in Property securing an obligation owed
     to, or a claim by, a Person other than the owner of such Property,  whether
     such interest is based on common law, statute, or contract,  and including,
     but not limited to, the lien or security  interest arising from a mortgage,
     ship mortgage, encumbrance, pledge, security agreement, conditional sale or
     trust receipt, or a lease,  consignment,  or bailment for security purposes
     (other  than  true  leases  or  true  consignments),  liens  of  mechanics,


     materialmen,  and artisans,  maritime liens and  reservations,  exceptions,
     encroachments,   easements,   rights   of   way,   covenants,   conditions,
     restrictions, leases, and other title exceptions and encumbrances affecting
     Property which secure an obligation  owed to, or a claim by, a Person other
     than the owner of such  Property  (for the purpose of this  Agreement,  any
     Person  shall  be  deemed  to be the  owner  of any  Property  which it has
     acquired or holds subject to a conditional sale agreement, financing lease,
     or other  arrangement  pursuant  to which  title to the  Property  has been
     retained by or vested in some other Person for security purposes),  and the
     filing or recording of any financing statement or other security instrument
     in any public office.

          "Limitation  Period"  shall mean any period  while any amount  remains
     owing on the Note and interest on such amount, calculated at the applicable
     interest rate,  plus any fees or other sums payable under any Loan Document
     and deemed to be interest under  applicable law, would exceed the amount of
     interest which would accrue at the Highest Lawful Rate.

          "Loan" shall mean any loan made by the Lender to or for the benefit of
     the Borrower pursuant to this Agreement.

          "Loan  Balance"  shall mean, at any time,  the  outstanding  principal
     balance of the Note at such time.

          "Loan Documents" shall mean this Agreement,  the Note, the Guaranties,
     the Security  Instruments,  and all other  documents and instruments now or
     hereafter  delivered  pursuant to the terms of or in  connection  with this
     Agreement, the Note, the Guaranties,  or the Security Instruments,  and all
     renewals and extensions of, amendments and supplements to, and restatements
     of, any or all of the foregoing from time to time in effect.

          "Material  Adverse Effect" shall mean (a) any material  adverse effect
     on  the  business,   operations,   properties,   condition   (financial  or
     otherwise), or prospects of the Borrower, Lafitte or any Guarantor, (b) any
     adverse  effect  upon  the  business  operations,   properties,   condition
     (financial  or  otherwise),  or prospects of the  Borrower,  Lafitte or any
     Guarantor which increases the risk that any of the Obligations  will not be
     repaid as and when due, or (c) any adverse effect upon the Collateral.

          "Mortgaged  Properties"  shall mean all Oil and Gas  Properties of the
     Borrower subject to a perfected first-priority Lien in favor of the Lender,
     subject only to Permitted Liens, as security for the Obligations.

          "Multiemployer  Plan" shall mean a Plan which is a multiemployer  plan
     as defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA.

          "Note"  shall  mean  the   promissory   note  of  the  Borrower  dated
     concurrently  herewith  payable to the order of the Lender in the  original


     principal amount of $28,300,000, together with all renewals, extensions for
     any period, increases, and rearrangements thereof.

          "Obligations"  shall mean, without  duplication,  (a) all Indebtedness
     evidenced by the Note,  (b) the  obligation of the Borrower for the payment
     of fees and expenses pursuant to the Loan Documents, (c) the obligations of
     the Guarantors  under the  Guaranties,  and (d) all other  obligations  and
     liabilities of the Borrower or the  Guarantors to the Lender,  now existing
     or hereafter incurred, under, arising out of or in connection with any Loan
     Document, and to the extent that any of the foregoing includes or refers to
     the  payment  of  amounts  deemed or  constituting  interest,  only so much
     thereof as shall have accrued, been earned and which remains unpaid at each
     relevant time of determination.

          "Oil and Gas Properties" shall mean fee, leasehold, or other interests
     in or under  mineral  estates  or oil,  gas,  and other  liquid or  gaseous
     hydrocarbon leases with respect to Properties situated in the United States
     or  offshore  from  any  State of the  United  States,  including,  without
     limitation,  overriding  royalty and royalty  interests,  leasehold  estate
     interests, net profits interests, production payment interests, and mineral
     fee interests, together with contracts executed in connection therewith and
     all tenements,  hereditaments,  appurtenances, and Properties appertaining,
     belonging, affixed, or incidental thereto.

          "Pari  Passu  Debt" shall mean the  Indebtedness  under those  certain
     promissory notes in the original  aggregate  principal amount of $5,000,000
     dated  concurrently  herewith executed by the Borrower payable to the order
     of the noteholders  listed on Exhibit A to the Collateral  Agency Agreement
     (as such Indebtedness may from time to time be renewed, extended,  modified
     or rearranged).

          "PBGC" shall mean the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation established
     pursuant to Subtitle A of Title IV of ERISA or any entity succeeding to any
     or all of its functions under ERISA.

          "Permitted  Liens"  shall  mean (a) Liens for taxes,  assessments,  or
     other governmental  charges or levies not yet due or which (if foreclosure,
     distraint,   sale,  or  other  similar  proceedings  shall  not  have  been
     initiated) are being  contested in good faith by  appropriate  proceedings,
     and such reserve as may be required by GAAP shall have been made  therefor,
     (b) Liens in connection with workers' compensation,  unemployment insurance
     or other  social  security  (other  than Liens  created by Section  4068 of
     ERISA),  old-age pension, or public liability obligations which are not yet
     due or which are being contested in good faith by appropriate  proceedings,
     if such  reserve as may be required by GAAP shall have been made  therefor,
     (c)  Liens  in  favor  of  vendors,  carriers,   warehousemen,   repairmen,
     mechanics, workmen, materialmen,  construction, or similar Liens arising by
     operation  of law  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business  in  respect  of
     obligations  which  are not yet due or which are  being  contested  in good
     faith by  appropriate  proceedings,  if such  reserve as may be required by
     GAAP shall have been made  therefor,  (d) Liens in favor of  operators  and
     non-operators  under  joint  operating  agreements  or similar  contractual
     arrangements  arising  in the  ordinary  course of the  business  to secure


     amounts owing, which amounts are not yet due or are being contested in good
     faith by  appropriate  proceedings,  if such  reserve as may be required by
     GAAP  shall  have been made  therefor,  (e) Liens  under  production  sales
     agreements,  division orders,  operating  agreements,  and other agreements
     customary  in the oil and  gas  business  for  processing,  producing,  and
     selling hydrocarbons securing obligations not constituting Indebtedness and
     provided that such Liens do not secure obligations to deliver  hydrocarbons
     at some future date without  receiving full payment therefor within 90 days
     of delivery,  and (f)  easements,  rights of way,  restrictions,  and other
     similar  encumbrances,  and minor  defects in the chain of title  which are
     customarily  accepted in the oil and gas financing industry,  none of which
     interfere  with the  ordinary  conduct of the  business of the owner of the
     relevant  Property  or  materially  detract  from  the  value or use of the
     Property to which they apply, and other Liens expressly permitted under the
     Security Instruments.

          "Person" shall mean an individual,  corporation,  partnership,  trust,
     unincorporated   organization,   government,   any   agency  or   political
     subdivision of any government, or any other form of entity.

          "Plan" shall mean,  at any time,  any  employee  benefit plan which is
     covered  by ERISA  and in  respect  of which  the  Borrower,  Lafitte,  any
     Guarantor,  or any  Commonly  Controlled  Entity is (or,  if such plan were
     terminated at such time, would under Section 4069 of ERISA be deemed to be)
     an "employer" as defined in Section 3(5) of ERISA.

          "Principal  Office" shall mean the  principal  office of the Lender in
     Houston,  Texas,  presently  located  at 24  Greenway  Plaza,  14th  Floor,
     Houston, Texas 77046.

          "Prohibited  Transaction" shall have the meaning assigned to such term
     in Section 4975 of the Code.

          "Property"  shall mean any  interest in any kind of property or asset,
     whether real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible.

          "Regulation  D" shall mean  Regulation  D of the Board of Governors of
     the Federal Reserve System, as the same may be amended or supplemented from
     time to time.

          "Regulatory Change" shall mean the passage, adoption,  institution, or
     modification of any federal,  state,  local, or foreign  Requirement of Law
     (including,  without  limitation,  Regulation  D),  or any  interpretation,
     directive,  or  request  (whether  or not  having  the force of law) of any
     Governmental  Authority or monetary authority charged with the enforcement,
     interpretation, or administration thereof, occurring after the Closing Date
     and applying to a class of banks including the Lender.


          "Related  Party"  shall  mean  any  of  the  Borrower,   Lafitte,  the
     Guarantors,  or the Subsidiaries of Goodrich.  "Related Parties" shall mean
     the Borrower, Lafitte, the Guarantors, and all Subsidiaries of Goodrich.

          "Release of  Hazardous  Substances"  shall mean any  emission,  spill,
     release, disposal, or discharge,  except in accordance with a valid permit,
     license,  certificate,  or approval of the relevant Governmental Authority,
     of any  Hazardous  Substance  into or upon  (a) the air,  (b)  soils or any
     improvements located thereon, (c) surface water or groundwater,  or (d) the
     sewer or septic system, or the waste treatment, storage, or disposal system
     servicing any Property of the Borrower, Lafitte or any Guarantor.

          "Reorganization"  shall mean, with respect to any Multiemployer  Plan,
     that such Plan is in  reorganization  within  the  meaning  of such term in
     Section 4241 of ERISA.

          "Reportable  Event"  shall mean any of the events set forth in Section
     4043(b) of ERISA, other than those events as to which the thirty-day notice
     period is waived under  subsections  .13, .14, .16, .18, .19 or .20 of PBGC
     Reg. '2615.

          "Requirement of Law" shall mean, as to any Person, any applicable law,
     treaty,   ordinance,   order,  judgment,  rule,  decree,   regulation,   or
     determination  of an arbitrator,  court, or other  Governmental  Authority,
     including, without limitation, rules, regulations, orders, and requirements
     for permits, licenses, registrations, approvals, or authorizations, in each
     case as such now exist or may be hereafter amended and are applicable to or
     binding  upon such Person or any of its Property or to which such Person or
     any of its Property is subject.

          "Reserve  Report"  shall  mean each  report  delivered  to the  Lender
     pursuant to Section 5.4.

          "Responsible  Officer" shall mean, as to any Person,  its President or
     chief financial officer.

          "Security  Instruments" shall mean the Existing Security  Instruments,
     the security  instruments  executed and  delivered in  satisfaction  of the
     condition set forth in Section 3.1, and all other documents and instruments
     at any time executed as security for all or any portion of the Obligations,
     as such instruments may be amended,  restated, or supplemented from time to

          "Single  Employer  Plan" shall mean any Plan which is covered by Title
     IV of ERISA, but which is not a Multiemployer Plan.

          "Subordinated  Debt" shall mean the  Indebtedness  under those certain
     promissory notes in the original  aggregate  principal amount of $1,000,000
     dated  concurrently  herewith executed by the Borrower payable to the order
     of the noteholders  listed on Exhibit A to the Collateral  Agency Agreement


     (as such Indebtedness may from time to time be renewed, extended,  modified
     or rearranged).

          "Subsidiary"  shall mean,  as to any Person,  a  corporation  of which
     shares of stock having  ordinary voting power (other than stock having such
     power only by reason of the happening of a contingency) to elect a majority
     of the board of directors or other managers of such  corporation are at the
     time owned, or the management of which is otherwise controlled, directly or
     indirectly through one or more intermediaries, or both, by such Person.

          "Superfund  Site" shall mean those sites  listed on the  Environmental
     Protection  Agency National  Priority List and eligible for remedial action
     or any  comparable  state  registries  or list in any  state of the  United

          "Tranche A Loan" shall mean,  on any day,  that  portion of the unpaid
     principal balance of the Note in excess of the Tranche B Loan.

          "Tranche  B  Loan"  shall  mean,  on any  day,  Nine  Million  Dollars
     ($9,000,000)  minus any payments  theretofore made on the Note which reduce
     the unpaid principal  balance of the Note below the amount of the Tranche A
     Loan and minus any payments  theretofore made on the Note which result from
     application of asset sales proceeds as provided in Section 5.22 hereof.

          "UCC" shall mean the Uniform  Commercial  Code as from time to time in
     effect in the State of Texas.

     I.3 Undefined Financial  Accounting Terms.  Undefined financial  accounting
terms used in this Agreement  shall be defined  according to GAAP at the time in

     I.4  References.  References  in this  Agreement  to Exhibit,  Article,  or
Section numbers shall be to Exhibits,  Articles,  or Sections of this Agreement,
unless  expressly  stated  to the  contrary.  References  in this  Agreement  to
"hereby,"  "herein,"  "hereinafter,"   "hereinabove,"  "hereinbelow,"  "hereof,"
"hereunder"  and  words of  similar  import  shall be to this  Agreement  in its
entirety and not only to the particular  Exhibit,  Article,  or Section in which
such reference appears.

     I.5 Articles and Sections.  This Agreement,  for convenience only, has been
divided into  Articles and Sections;  and it is  understood  that the rights and
other  legal  relations  of the parties  hereto  shall be  determined  from this
instrument  as an entirety and without  regard to the  aforesaid  division  into
Articles and Sections and without  regard to headings  prefixed to such Articles
or Sections.

     I.6 Number and Gender. Whenever the context requires, reference herein made
to the single number shall be  understood  to include the plural;  and likewise,
the plural shall be  understood to include the  singular.  Definitions  of terms
defined in the singular or plural shall be equally  applicable  to the plural or


singular,  as the case may be, unless  otherwise  indicated.  Words denoting sex
shall be construed  to include the  masculine,  feminine  and neuter,  when such
construction  is  appropriate;  and specific  enumeration  shall not exclude the
general but shall be construed as cumulative.

     I.7 Incorporation of Exhibits.  The Exhibits attached to this Agreement are
incorporated  herein and shall be  considered a part of this  Agreement  for all

                                   ARTICLE II
                                TERMS OF FACILITY

     II.1  Revolving  Line of  Credit.

          (a) Upon the terms and conditions  and relying on the  representations
and  warranties  contained  in this  Agreement,  the Lender  agrees,  during the
Commitment  Period,  to make Loans to or for the benefit of the Borrower.  Loans
shall be made in such amounts as the Borrower may request; provided, however, no
Loan  shall  be  made  in  an  amount  exceeding  the  then  existing  Available
Commitment,  and the Loan Balance shall not exceed at any time the lesser of the
Commitment  Amount or the Borrowing Base then in effect.  Loans shall be made in
immediately  available  funds at the  Principal  Office from time to time on any
Business Day designated by the Borrower in its Borrowing Request.

          (b)  Subject to the terms of this  Agreement,  during  the  Commitment
Period, the Borrower may borrow, repay, and reborrow any Tranche A Loan (but not
any Tranche B Loan).  Each  borrowing and prepayment of principal of Loans shall
be in an amount at least equal to  $250,000.  The  Borrower and the Lender agree
pursuant to Chapter 346 ("Chapter  346") of the Texas Finance Code, that Chapter
346 (which relates to open-end line of credit revolving loan accounts) shall not
apply to this Agreement, the Note or any of the Obligations and that neither the
Note nor any of the  Obligations  shall be governed by Chapter 346 or subject to
its provisions in any manner whatsoever.

          (c) The Loans shall be made and maintained at the Principal Office and
shall be evidenced by the Note.

     II.2 Use of Loan Proceeds. (a) As of the Closing Date,  indebtedness in the
amount of $28,300,000 is outstanding under the Existing Credit  Agreement.  Such
indebtedness shall be renewed, extended, and rearranged pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement,  the Note, and the relevant  Borrowing Request and shall for all
purposes be deemed a borrowing hereunder. Proceeds of all subsequent Loans shall
be used solely for the  acquisition  and  development by the Borrower of Oil and
Gas  Properties  and for  general  corporate  purposes of the  Borrower  and the

     II.3 Interest.  Subject to the terms of this Agreement (including,  without
limitation,  Section 2.14), interest on the Loans shall accrue and be payable at
a rate per annum  equal to the  Floating  Rate.  Interest  on all Loans shall be
computed  on the basis of a year of 365/366 (as the case may be) days and actual
days elapsed  (including  the first day but  excluding  the last day) during the
period for which payable.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  interest on past-due
principal and, to the extent  permitted by applicable  law,  past-due  interest,


shall accrue at the Default Rate, computed on the basis of a year of 365/366 (as
the case may be) days and  actual  days  elapsed  (including  the  first day but
excluding  the last day)  during  the  period  for which  payable,  and shall be
payable  upon  demand  at any time as to all or any  portion  of such  interest.
Interest  provided  for  herein  shall be  calculated  on unpaid  sums  actually
advanced and  outstanding  pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement and only for
the period from the date or dates of such advances until repayment.

     II.4 Repayment of Loans and Interest.

          (a) Accrued and unpaid interest on each  outstanding Loan shall be due
and payable monthly commencing on the first day of October, 1999, and continuing
on the first  day of each  calendar  month  thereafter  while  any Loan  remains
outstanding, the payment in each instance to be the amount of interest which has
accrued and remains  unpaid in respect of the relevant  Loan.  The Loan Balance,
together with all accrued and unpaid interest thereon,  shall be due and payable
on the Commitment Termination Date.

          (b) At the time of making each  payment  hereunder  or under the Note,
the Borrower  shall specify to the Lender the Loans or other amounts  payable by
the Borrower hereunder to which such payment is to be applied.  In the event the
Borrower  fails to so  specify,  or if an Event of Default has  occurred  and is
continuing,  the  Lender  may  apply  such  payment  as it may elect in its sole

     II.5  Outstanding  Amounts.  The Lender is  irrevocably  authorized  by the
Borrower  to attach to and make a part of the Note a ledger  reflecting  amounts
advanced to or paid by the Borrower and to attach to and make a part of the Note
a  continuation  of any such  schedule of  advances  and  payments,  as and when
required.  All Loans and all  payments  and  prepayments  made on account of the
principal  thereof shall be reflected by an appropriate  notation on such ledger
or any continuation thereof attached to the Note; provided, however, the failure
of the Lender to do so shall not relieve the Borrower of its liability hereunder
or under the Note or subject the Borrower to additional  liability  hereunder or
under the Note. The outstanding  principal  balance of the Note reflected by the
notations  by the  Lender on its  records or ledger  sheets  affixed to the Note
shall be deemed rebuttably presumptive evidence of the principal amount owing on
the Note.  The liability for payment of principal and interest  evidenced by the
Note shall be limited to principal  amounts  actually  advanced and  outstanding
pursuant to this Agreement and interest on such amounts calculated in accordance
with this Agreement.

     II.6 Time, Place, and Method of Payments. All payments required pursuant to
this  Agreement,  the Note, or any other Loan  Document  shall be made in lawful
money of the United States of America and in immediately  available funds, shall
be deemed  received by the Lender on the next Business Day following  receipt if
such receipt is after 2:00 p.m.,  Houston,  Texas, time on any Business Day, and
shall be made at the  Principal  Office.  Except  as  provided  to the  contrary
herein,  if the due date of any payment under any Loan Document would  otherwise
fall on a day which is not a Business  Day,  such date shall be  extended to the
next succeeding Business Day, and interest shall be payable for any principal so
extended for the period of such extension.

     II.7  Mandatory  Prepayments.  If at any time the Loan Balance  exceeds the
lesser of the  Commitment  Amount or the  Borrowing  Base  then in  effect,  the
Borrower shall immediately prepay, or make arrangements acceptable to the Lender
for the  prepayment  of, the amount of such excess for  application  on the Loan


     II.8  Voluntary  Prepayments.  Subject  to  applicable  provisions  of this
Agreement, the Borrower shall have the right at any time or from time to time to
prepay Loans; provided, however, that (a) the Borrower shall pay all accrued and
unpaid interest on the amounts  prepaid,  and (b) no such prepayment shall serve
to postpone the repayment when due of any Obligation.

     II.9  Facility  Fee. In addition to other amounts  payable  hereunder,  the
Borrower  shall pay to the  Lender on the  Closing  Date a  facility  fee in the
amount of $157,500.

     II.10 Engineering Fee. To compensate the Lender for the costs of evaluating
the Mortgaged  Properties and reviewing the Reserve Reports,  the Borrower shall
pay to the Lender on each January 1 and July 1 an engineering  fee in the amount
of $7,500.

     II.11  Commitment Fee;  Reduction of Commitment  Amount.  To compensate the
Lender for maintaining  funds available,  the Borrower shall pay to the Lender a
commitment  fee in the  amount  of  one-half  of one  percent  (2%)  per  annum,
calculated  on the  basis  of a year of  365/366  (as the  case may be) days and
actual days elapsed (including the first day but excluding the last day), on the
average daily amount of the Available  Commitment.  Such accrued commitment fees
shall be due and  payable on the first day of  October,  1999,  the first day of
each third calendar month thereafter  during the Commitment  Period,  and on the
Commitment  Termination  Date. The Borrower may, with 30 days' written notice to
the  Lender,  reduce the  Commitment  Amount  (and any such  reduction  shall be

     II.12 Loans to Satisfy  Obligations of Borrower.  The Lender may, but shall
not be  obligated  to,  make  Loans for the  benefit of the  Borrower  and apply
proceeds thereof to the satisfaction of any condition, warranty, representation,
or covenant of the Borrower or any Guarantor  contained in this Agreement or any
other Loan  Document.  Such Loans  shall be  evidenced  by the Note,  shall bear
interest at the Default Rate, and shall be payable upon demand.

     II.13 Security  Interest in Accounts;  Right of Offset. As security for the
payment and  performance  of the  Obligations,  the Borrower  hereby  transfers,
assigns,  and pledges to the Lender and grants to the Lender a security interest
in all funds of the  Borrower  now or  hereafter or from time to time on deposit
with  the  Lender,  with  such  interest  of  the  Lender  to be  retransferred,
reassigned, and/or released by the Lender, as the case may be, at the expense of
the Borrower upon payment in full and complete  performance of all  Obligations.
All remedies as secured party or assignee of such funds shall be  exercisable by
the Lender upon the  occurrence  of any Event of Default,  regardless of whether
the  exercise of any such remedy would result in any penalty or loss of interest
or profit with respect to any  withdrawal  of funds  deposited in a time deposit
account prior to the maturity thereof.  Furthermore,  the Borrower hereby grants
to the  Lender  the  right,  exercisable  at such time as any  Obligation  shall
mature, whether by acceleration of maturity or otherwise,  of offset or banker's
lien  against all funds of the Borrower now or hereafter or from time to time on
deposit with the Lender,  regardless  of whether the exercise of any such remedy
would  result in any penalty or loss of  interest or profit with  respect to any
withdrawal  of funds  deposited in a time deposit  account prior to the maturity
thereof.  The  provisions  of this  Section  shall be  subject  to the terms and
provisions of the Collateral Agency Agreement.


     II.14 General Provisions Relating to Interest.

          (a) It is the intention of the parties hereto to comply  strictly with
all applicable usury laws. In this  connection,  there shall never be collected,
charged,  or received on the sums advanced  hereunder interest in excess of that
which would accrue at the Highest Lawful Rate.

          (b)  Notwithstanding  anything  herein or in the Note to the contrary,
during  any  Limitation  Period,  the  interest  rate to be  charged  on amounts
evidenced by the Note shall be the Highest Lawful Rate, and the  obligation,  if
any,  of the  Borrower  for the  payment of fees or other  charges  deemed to be
interest  under  applicable  law shall be  suspended.  During any period of time
following a Limitation Period, to the extent permitted by applicable laws of the
State of Texas or the United States of America,  the interest rate to be charged
hereunder  shall remain at the Highest  Lawful Rate until such time as there has
been paid to the Lender (i) the amount of interest in excess of that accruing at
the  Highest  Lawful  Rate  that the  Lender  would  have  received  during  the
Limitation  Period had the interest rate  remained at the  otherwise  applicable
rate, and (ii) all interest and fees otherwise payable to the Lender but for the
effect of such Limitation Period.

          (c) If, under any  circumstances,  the  aggregate  amounts paid on the
Note or under this Agreement or any other Loan Document include amounts which by
law are deemed  interest  and which  would  exceed the amount  permitted  if the
Highest Lawful Rate were in effect,  the Borrower  stipulates  that such payment
and  collection  will have been and will be deemed to have  been,  to the extent
permitted  by  applicable  laws of the  State of Texas or the  United  States of
America,  the result of  mathematical  error on the part of the Borrower and the
Lender;  and the Lender shall promptly  refund the amount of such excess (to the
extent only of such interest payments in excess of that which would have accrued
and been payable on the basis of the Highest Lawful Rate) upon discovery of such
error by the Lender or notice  thereof from the Borrower.  In the event that the
maturity  of any  Obligation  is  accelerated,  by reason of an  election by the
Lender or  otherwise,  or in the event of any required or permitted  prepayment,
then the  consideration  constituting  interest under  applicable laws may never
exceed the Highest  Lawful Rate;  and excess amounts paid to the Lender which by
law are  deemed  interest,  if any,  shall  be  credited  by the  Lender  on the
principal  amount  of  the  Obligations,  or if  the  principal  amount  of  the
Obligations shall have been paid in full, refunded to the Borrower.

          (d) All sums  paid,  or agreed to be paid,  to the Lender for the use,
forbearance and detention of the proceeds of any advance hereunder shall, to the
extent  permitted by applicable  law, be  amortized,  prorated,  allocated,  and
spread  throughout  the full term  hereof  until paid in full so that the actual
rate of  interest  is  uniform  but does not  exceed  the  Highest  Lawful  Rate
throughout the full term hereof.

          (e) On each day,  if any,  that  Chapter 1D  establishes  the  Highest
Lawful Rate, the Highest  Lawful Rate shall be the "weekly  ceiling" (as defined
in '303 of the Texas  Finance  Code) for that day.  The  Lender may from time to
time, as to current and future  balances,  implement any other ceiling under the
Texas Finance Code or Chapter 1D by notice to the Borrower, if and to the extent
permitted by the Texas  Finance Code or Chapter 1D. The term  "Chapter 1D" shall
mean Chapter 1D of Title 79, Texas Rev. Civ. Stats. 1925, as amended.

     II.15 Yield Protection.

          (a)  Without  limiting  the  effect  of the other  provisions  of this
Section (but  without  duplication),  the Borrower  shall pay to the Lender from
time to time on request such amounts as the Lender may  determine  are necessary
to compensate the Lender for any costs  attributable  to the  maintenance by the


Lender,  pursuant  to any  Regulatory  Change,  of  capital  in  respect  of the
Commitment, such compensation to include, without limitation, an amount equal to
any reduction of the rate of return on assets or equity of the Lender to a level
below that which the Lender could have achieved but for such Regulatory Change.

          (b)  Determinations  by the Lender for purposes of this Section of the
effect of any  Regulatory  Change on  capital  maintained,  its costs or rate of
return,  maintaining  Loans,  its  obligation  to  make  Loans,  or  on  amounts
receivable  by it in respect of Loans or such  obligations,  and the  additional
amounts   required  to  compensate  the  Lender  under  this  Section  shall  be
conclusive, absent manifest error, provided that such determinations are made on
a reasonable  basis.  The Lender shall  furnish the Borrower  with a certificate
setting  forth in  reasonable  detail  the basis and amount of  increased  costs
incurred or reduced  amounts  receivable as a result of any such event,  and the
statements set forth therein shall be conclusive,  absent  manifest  error.  The
Lender shall notify the Borrower,  as promptly as  practicable  after the Lender
obtains knowledge of any Additional Costs or other sums payable pursuant to this
Section and determines to request compensation  therefor, of any event occurring
after the Closing Date which will entitle the Lender to compensation pursuant to
this Section. Any compensation  requested by the Lender pursuant to this Section
shall be due and payable to the Lender  within five days of delivery of any such
notice by the Lender to the Borrower.

          (c) The Lender  agrees  that it shall not  request,  and the  Borrower
shall not be obligated to pay, any sums payable  pursuant to this Section unless
similar  additional costs and other sums payable are also generally  assessed by
the Lender against other customers of the Lender  similarly  situated where such
customers are subject to documents providing for such assessment.

     II.16 Power of Attorney.  The Borrower hereby  designates the Lender as its
agent and attorney-in-fact, to act in its name, place, and stead for the purpose
of  completing  and  delivering  any and all of the  letters in lieu of transfer
orders  delivered  by the  Borrower  to the Lender  pursuant  to Section  3.1 or
Section 5.11, including, without limitation,  completing any blanks contained in
such letters and attaching exhibits thereto describing the relevant  Collateral.
The Borrower  hereby ratifies and confirms all that the Lender shall lawfully do
or cause to be done by virtue of this power of attorney  and the rights  granted
with respect to such power of  attorney.  This power of attorney is coupled with
the  interests of the Lender in the  Collateral,  shall  commence and be in full
force and  effect as of the  Closing  Date and  shall  remain in full  force and
effect and shall be irrevocable so long as any Obligation remains outstanding or
unpaid or any  Commitment  exists.  The powers  conferred  on the Lender by this
appointment  are solely to protect the  interests  of the Lender  under the Loan
Documents  and shall not impose any duty upon the  Lender to  exercise  any such
powers.  The Lender  shall be  accountable  only for  amounts  that it  actually
receives as a result of the exercise of such powers and shall not be responsible
to the  Borrower or any other  Person for any act or failure to act with respect
to such powers, except for gross negligence or willful misconduct.


                                   ARTICLE III

     The  obligations  of the  Lender to enter into this  Agreement  and to make
Loans are subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions precedent:

     III.1 Receipt of Loan  Documents and Other Items.  The Lender shall have no
obligation  under this  Agreement  unless and until all matters  incident to the
consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  herein,  including,   without
limitation, the review by the Lender or its counsel of the title of the Borrower
to its Oil and Gas  Properties,  shall be  satisfactory  to the Lender,  and the
Lender shall have received,  reviewed,  and approved the following documents and
other items,  appropriately  executed  when  necessary  and,  where  applicable,
acknowledged  by one or more  authorized  officers of the  applicable  Person or
Persons,  all in form and substance  satisfactory to the Lender and dated, where
applicable,  of even date herewith or a date prior thereto and acceptable to the

          (a)  multiple  counterparts  of this  Agreement,  as  requested by the

          (b) the Note;

          (c) the Guaranties;

          (d) copies of the organizational  documents and all amendments thereto
of the Borrower, Lafitte and each Guarantor, accompanied by a certificate issued
by the  secretary or an assistant  secretary  of the  Borrower,  Lafitte or such
Guarantor,  as the case may be, to the effect that each such copy is correct and

          (e)  certificates  of incumbency and signatures of all officers of the
Borrower and each  Guarantor  who are  authorized  to execute Loan  Documents on
behalf of such entities,  each such certificate  being executed by the secretary
or an assistant secretary of the Borrower or such Guarantor, as the case may be;

          (f) copies of corporate  resolutions  approving the Loan Documents and
authorizing the transactions  contemplated  herein and therein,  duly adopted by
the boards of  directors  of the Borrower  and each  Guarantor,  accompanied  by
certificates of the secretary or an assistant  secretary of the Borrower or such
Guarantor,  as the case may be,  to the  effect  that such  copies  are true and
correct copies of resolutions duly adopted at a meeting or by unanimous  consent
of the board of directors of the Borrower or such Guarantor, as the case may be,
and that such resolutions constitute all the resolutions adopted with respect to
such transactions,  have not been amended,  modified, or revoked in any respect,
and are in full force and effect as of the date of such certificate;

          (g)  multiple  counterparts,  as  requested  by  the  Lender,  of  the
following  documents  establishing  Liens in favor of the  Lender  in and to the


               (i)  Mortgage,  Deed of  Trust,  Indenture,  Security  Agreement,
          Assignment of  Production,  and Financing  Statement from the Borrower
          covering  all  Oil  and  Gas   Properties  of  the  Borrower  and  all
          improvements,  personal  property,  and fixtures related thereto,  and
          Financing Statements constituent thereto;

               (ii) Security  Agreements from Goodrich and Borrower covering the
          Borrower Membership  Interests,  the Lafitte Membership  Interests and
          all other  personal  Property of Goodrich and Borrower,  and Financing
          Statements constituent thereto; and

               (iii) undated letters, in form and substance  satisfactory to the
          Lender,  from  the  Borrower  to  each  purchaser  of  production  and
          disburser of the proceeds of production  from or  attributable  to the
          Mortgaged  Properties,  together  with  additional  letters  with  the
          addressees  left blank,  authorizing  and directing the  addressees to
          make future  payments  attributable  to production  from the Mortgaged
          Properties directly to the Lender;

          (h) certificates  evidencing the Lafitte Membership  Interests and the
Borrower Membership Interests, with stock powers or transfer instruments, as the
case may be,  endorsed in blank,  and Federal Reserve Forms U-1 completed by the

          (i) certificates dated as of a recent date from the Secretary of State
or  other  appropriate   Governmental  Authority  evidencing  the  existence  or
qualification  and  good  standing  of each  of the  Borrower,  Lafitte  and the
Guarantors in its jurisdiction of incorporation  and in any other  jurisdictions
where it does business;

          (j) results of searches  of the UCC  Records of (i) the  Secretary  of
State  of the  States  of  Louisiana,  Michigan  and  Texas,  in the name of the
Borrower, (ii) of the Secretary of State of the States of Louisiana and Texas in
the name of  Goodrich  and  (iii) of the  Secretary  of State of the  States  of
Louisiana and Texas in the name of Lafitte, each from a source acceptable to the
Lender and reflecting no Liens other than  Permitted  Liens and no Liens against
any Collateral;

          (k)  confirmation,  acceptable  to the  Lender,  of the  title  of the
Borrower  to the  Mortgaged  Properties,  free and  clear of  Liens  other  than
Permitted Liens;

          (l)  all  operating,   lease,  sublease,   royalty,  sales,  exchange,
processing, farmout, bidding, pooling, unitization,  communitization,  and other
agreements relating to the Mortgaged Properties requested by the Lender;

          (m) engineering reports covering the Mortgaged Properties;

          (n) the opinion of counsel to the Borrower, Lafitte and the Guarantors
acceptable to the Lender, in form and substance acceptable to the Lender;


          (o) certificates  evidencing the insurance  coverage required pursuant
to Section 5.20;

          (p) copies, certified as trues, correct and complete, of the documents
evidencing,  securing or otherwise  relating to the Subordinated  Debt, the Pari
Passu Debt and the Lafitte  Debt,  together with  evidence  satisfactory  to the
Lender  that  the  Borrower  has  received  net  proceeds   advanced  under  the
Subordinated  Debt of at least $850,000 and has received proceeds advanced under
the Pari  Passu  Debt of at least  $4,250,000  and  evidence  that  Lafitte  has
received proceeds advanced under the Lafitte Debt of at least $6,000,000.

          (q) evidence satisfactory to the Lender that the Borrower has received
[net] proceeds from the issuance of preferred  stock,  upon terms and conditions
satisfactory to the Lender, of at least $3,000,000;

          (r) evidence satisfactory to the Lender that Lafitte has completed its
purchase of an undivided  49% interest in and to the Lafitte  Field in Jefferson
Parish,  Louisiana  pursuant to that certain Letter Agreement dated May 20, 1999
among the Borrower and Goodrich,  on the one hand, and Stone Energy Corporation,
on the other hand, and that all amounts  currently due and payable in connection
with such purchase have been fully paid and satisfied;

          (s) evidence  satisfactory to the Lender that all accounts  payable of
Goodrich,  the  Borrower  and  Lafitte  which are more than sixty (60) days past
invoice have been fully paid and  satisfied,  except as the Lender may otherwise
approve in writing;

          (t) receipt by the Lender of the  facility  fee  required  pursuant to
Section 2.9; and

          (u)  such  other   agreements,   documents,   instruments,   opinions,
certificates,  waivers,  consents,  and  evidence  as the Lender may  reasonably

     III.2 Each Loan. In addition to the conditions  precedent  stated elsewhere
herein, the Lender shall not be obligated to make any Loan unless:

          (a) the  Borrower  shall  have  delivered  to the  Lender a  Borrowing
Request at least the requisite time prior to the requested date for the relevant
Loan; each statement or  certification  made in such Borrowing  Request shall be
true and correct in all material respects on the requested date for such Loan;

          (b) no Event of  Default  or  Default  shall  exist or will occur as a
result of the making of the requested Loan;

          (c) if requested  by the Lender,  the  Borrower  shall have  delivered
evidence  satisfactory to the Lender substantiating any of the matters contained
in this Agreement which are necessary to enable the Borrower to qualify for such


          (d) the Lender  shall  have  received,  reviewed,  and  approved  such
additional  documents  and items as described in Section 3.1 as may be requested
by the Lender with respect to such Loan;

          (e) no event shall have occurred which,  in the reasonable  opinion of
the Lender, could have a Material Adverse Effect;

          (f)  each of the  representations  and  warranties  contained  in this
Agreement  shall be true and  correct  and shall be deemed to be repeated by the
Borrower as if made on the requested date for such Loan;

          (g) the  Guaranties  and all of the Security  Instruments  shall be in
full force and effect and provide to the Lender the security intended thereby;

          (h) neither the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby
nor the making of such Loan shall  contravene,  violate,  or  conflict  with any
Requirement of Law;

          (i) each of the  Borrower  and the  Guarantors  shall  hold full legal
title to the Collateral  pledged by such entity and be the sole beneficial owner

          (j) the Borrower shall have paid all fees and expenses  payable by the
Borrower  hereunder for which invoices have been presented as of or prior to the
date of the relevant Loan, including, without limitation, estimated fees charged
by filing  officers  and other  public  officials  incurred or to be incurred in
connection  with the filing and  recordation  of any Security  Instruments,  for
which  invoices have been  presented as of or prior to the date of the requested
Loan; and

          (k) all  matters  incident  to the  consummation  of the  transactions
hereby contemplated shall be satisfactory to the Lender.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     To induce the Lender to enter into this  Agreement and extend credit to the
Borrower, each of the Borrower and the Guarantors represents and warrants to the
Lender (which  representations  and warranties shall survive the delivery of the
Note) that:

     IV.1 Due Authorization.  The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this
Agreement  and the  borrowings  hereunder,  the  execution  and  delivery by the
Borrower of the Note,  the  repayment of the Note and interest and fees provided
for in the Note and this  Agreement,  the execution and delivery of the Security
Instruments  by the  Borrower  and the  performance  of all  obligations  of the
Borrower  under the Loan  Documents are within the power of the  Borrower,  have


been duly authorized by all necessary  corporate action by the Borrower,  and do
not and will not (a)  require  the consent of any  Governmental  Authority,  (b)
contravene  or  conflict  with  any  Requirement  of Law or the  certificate  or
articles  of  incorporation  and  bylaws or other  organizational  or  governing
documents  of the  Borrower,  (c)  contravene  or conflict  with any  indenture,
instrument,  or other agreement to which the Borrower is a party or by which any
Property of the Borrower may be presently bound or encumbered,  or (d) result in
or require the creation or imposition of any Lien in or upon any Property of the
Borrower other than as contemplated by the Loan Documents.

     IV.2 Corporate  Existence.  Each Related Party is duly  organized,  legally
existing,  and in good standing under the laws of its state of organization  and
is  duly  qualified  as a  foreign  entity  and  is  in  good  standing  in  all
jurisdictions wherein the ownership of Property or the operation of its business
necessitates  same,  other than those  jurisdictions  wherein  the failure to so
qualify will not have a Material Adverse Effect.

     IV.3  Valid  and  Binding  Obligations.  All Loan  Documents  to which  the
Borrower is a party,  when duly executed and delivered by the Borrower,  will be
the legal,  valid, and binding  obligations of such entity,  enforceable against
the Borrower in accordance with their respective terms, subject, however, to the
effect of bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium, and similar laws
from time to time in effect relating to the rights and remedies of creditors and
to general  principles of equity  (regardless of whether such  enforceability is
considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

     IV.4 Security  Instruments.  The provisions of each Security Instrument are
effective to create in favor of the Lender, a legal, valid, and enforceable Lien
in the Collateral described therein, which Liens, assuming the possession by the
Lender of the certificates  evidencing the Lafitte Membership  Interests and the
Borrower Membership Interests, and the accomplishment of recording and filing in
accordance  with  applicable  laws prior to the  intervention of rights of other
Persons, shall constitute fully perfected first-priority Liens.

     IV.5 Title to Assets. Each Related Party has good and indefeasible title to
all of its Properties, free and clear of all Liens except Permitted Liens.

     IV.6 Scope and Accuracy of Financial  Statements.  The Financial Statements
of  Goodrich as of  December  31,  1998 and as of June 30, 1999  provided to the
Lender present fairly the financial  position and results of operations and cash
flows  of  Goodrich  and its  Subsidiaries  in  accordance  with  GAAP as at the
relevant point in time or for the period indicated,  as applicable.  No event or
circumstance  has  occurred  since June 30,  1999,  which  could  reasonably  be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

     IV.7 No Material  Misstatements.  No information,  exhibit,  statement,  or
report  furnished to the Lender by or at the  direction of any Related  Party in
connection  with this Agreement  contains any material  misstatement  of fact or
omits to state a  material  fact or any fact  necessary  to make the  statements
contained therein not misleading as of the date made or deemed made.

     IV.8 Liabilities,  Litigation, and Restrictions. Other than as listed under
the heading  "Liabilities" on Exhibit III, no Related Party has any liabilities,
direct, or contingent, which may materially and adversely affect its business or
operations  or its  ownership of any  Collateral.  Except as set forth under the


heading "Litigation" on Exhibit III, no litigation or other action of any nature
affecting any Related Party is pending before any Governmental  Authority or, to
the best knowledge of the Borrower,  threatened against or affecting any Related
Party. No unusual or unduly burdensome  restriction,  restraint or hazard exists
by  contract,  Requirement  of Law, or  otherwise  relative  to the  business or
operations  of any Related  Party or the ownership and operation of its Property
other than such as relate  generally to Persons  engaged in business  activities
similar to those conducted by such Related Party.

     IV.9  Authorizations;  Consents.  Except as expressly  contemplated by this
Agreement, no authorization, consent, approval, exemption, franchise, permit, or
license of, or filing with,  any  Governmental  Authority or any other Person is
required to  authorize  or is otherwise  required in  connection  with the valid
execution and delivery by the Borrower or any Guarantor of the Loan Documents to
which it is a party or any instrument  contemplated hereby, the repayment by the
Borrower  of the  Note  and  interest  and  fees  provided  in the Note and this
Agreement,  or  the  performance  by  the  Borrower  or  any  Guarantor  of  its

     IV.10  Compliance  with Laws.  Each Related Party and its Properties are in
compliance  with  all  applicable   Requirements  of  Law,  including,   without
limitation,  Environmental Laws, the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, as amended,
and ERISA.

     IV.11 ERISA.  No  Reportable  Event has occurred with respect to any Single
Employer  Plan,  and  each  Single  Employer  Plan  has  complied  with and been
administered in all material  respects in accordance with applicable  provisions
of ERISA and the Code. To the best knowledge of the Borrower,  (a) no Reportable
Event  has  occurred  with  respect  to any  Multiemployer  Plan,  and (b)  each
Multiemployer  Plan has  complied  with and been  administered  in all  material
respects with applicable  provisions of ERISA and the Code. The present value of
all benefits  vested under each Single  Employer Plan (based on the  assumptions
used to fund such Plan) did not, as of the last annual valuation date applicable
thereto,  exceed the value of the assets of such Plan  allocable  to such vested
benefits.  Neither the  Borrower nor any  Commonly  Controlled  Entity has had a
complete or partial  withdrawal from any  Multiemployer  Plan for which there is
any withdrawal liability. As of the most recent valuation date applicable to any
Multiemployer  Plan,  neither the Borrower nor any  Commonly  Controlled  Entity
would  become  subject to any  liability  under  ERISA if the  Borrower  or such
Commonly  Controlled Entity were to withdraw  completely from such Multiemployer
Plan.  Neither the  Borrower  nor any  Commonly  Controlled  Entity has received
notice that any  Multiemployer  Plan is Insolvent or in  Reorganization.  To the
best  knowledge  of the  Borrower,  no  such  Insolvency  or  Reorganization  is
reasonably  likely to occur.  Based  upon GAAP  existing  as of the date of this
Agreement  and current  factual  circumstances,  the  Borrower  has no reason to
believe  that the annual cost during the term of this  Agreement to the Borrower
and all Commonly Controlled Entities for post-retirement benefits to be provided
to the current and former employees of the Borrower and all Commonly  Controlled
Entities under Plans which are welfare benefit plans (as defined in Section 3(1)
of ERISA) will, in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect.

     IV.12  Environmental  Laws.  Except as  described  on Exhibit III under the
heading "Environmental Matters:"


          (a) no Property of any Related  Party is currently on or has ever been
on, or is adjacent to any Property  which is on or has ever been on, any federal
or state list of Superfund Sites;

          (b) no Hazardous Substances have been generated,  transported,  and/or
disposed  of by any  Related  Party  at a site  which  was,  at the time of such
generation,  transportation,  and/or disposal,  or has since become, a Superfund

          (c) no Release of Hazardous  Substances  by any Related Party or from,
affecting,  or related to any  Property of any Related  Party or adjacent to any
Property of any Related Party has occurred; and

          (d) no Environmental Complaint has been received by any Related Party.

     IV.13   Compliance  with  Federal  Reserve   Regulations.   No  transaction
contemplated   by  the  Loan  Documents  is  in  violation  of  any  regulations
promulgated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,  including,
without limitation, Regulations T, U, or X.

     IV.14 Investment Company Act Compliance. No Related Party is or is directly
or  indirectly  controlled  by or acting on  behalf  of any  Person  which is an
"investment company" or an "affiliated person" of an "investment company" within
the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

     IV.15 Public Utility Holding Company Act Compliance.  No Related Party is a
"holding  company," or an "affiliate" of a "holding company" or of a "subsidiary
company"  of a  "holding  company,"  within the  meaning  of the Public  Utility
Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended.

     IV.16  Proper  Filing of Tax  Returns;  Payment of Taxes Due.  Each Related
Party has duly and properly  filed its United  States  income tax return and all
other  tax  returns  which are  required  to be filed and has paid all taxes due
except  such as are  being  contested  in good  faith  and as to which  adequate
provisions and disclosures  have been made. The respective  charges and reserves
on the books of each Related Party with respect to taxes and other  governmental
charges are adequate.

     IV.17  Refunds.  Except as  described  on  Exhibit  III  under the  heading
"Refunds," no orders of,  proceedings  pending before, or other requirements of,
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,  the Texas Railroad Commission, or any
Governmental  Authority  exist  which could  result in any  Related  Party being
required  to refund any  material  portion  of the  proceeds  received  or to be
received from the sale of hydrocarbons from any of its Properties.

     IV.18 Gas  Contracts.  Except as described on Exhibit III under the heading
"Gas  Contracts,"  no Related Party (a) is obligated in any material  respect by
virtue of any prepayment made under any contract  containing a "take-or-pay"  or
"prepayment"  provision or under any similar  agreement to deliver  hydrocarbons


produced from or allocated to any of its  Properties at some future date without
receiving full payment therefor within 90 days of delivery, or (b) is subject to
or has produced  gas, in any  material  amount,  subject to, or owns  Properties
subject  to,  balancing  rights  of third  parties  or  balancing  duties  under
governmental  requirements,  except as to such  matters  for which such  Related
Party has  established  monetary  reserves  adequate  in amount to satisfy  such
obligations and has segregated such reserves from other accounts.

     IV.19 Intellectual Property.  Each Related Party owns or is licensed to use
all  Intellectual  Property  necessary to conduct all  business  material to its
condition (financial or otherwise),  business, or operations as such business is
currently conducted. No claim has been asserted or is pending by any Person with
the  respect to the use of any such  Intellectual  Property  or  challenging  or
questioning the validity or effectiveness of any such Intellectual Property; and
neither the  Borrower  nor any  Guarantor  knows of any valid basis for any such
claim. The use of such Intellectual  Property by the relevant Related Party does
not  infringe  on  the  rights  of  any  Person,  except  for  such  claims  and
infringements as do not, in the aggregate,  give rise to any material  liability
on the part of any Related Party.

     IV.20 Casualties or Taking of Property.  Except as disclosed on Exhibit III
under the heading  "Casualties,"  since June 30, 1999,  neither the business nor
any Property of any Related Party has been  materially  adversely  affected as a
result of any fire, explosion,  earthquake, flood, drought, windstorm, accident,
strike or other labor disturbance,  embargo,  requisition or taking of Property,
or  cancellation  of contracts,  permits,  or  concessions  by any  Governmental
Authority, riot, activities of armed forces, or acts of God.

     IV.21 Locations of Borrower, Lafitte and Guarantors. The principal place of
business and chief executive  office of the Borrower,  Lafitte and Guarantors is
located at 333 Texas Street, Suite 1375, Shreveport,  Louisiana 71101 or at such
other  location as the Borrower may have, by proper  written  notice  hereunder,
advised the Lender,  provided that (in the case of Borrower and Guarantors) such
other location is within a state in which appropriate  financing statements from
the Borrower or the  applicable  Guarantor,  as the case may be, in favor of the
Lender have been filed.

     IV.22 Subsidiaries.  Goodrich has no Subsidiaries except those described on
Exhibit III under the heading "Subsidiaries of Goodrich" and the Borrower has no
Subsidiaries except Lafitte and Lafitte has no Subsidiaries.

     IV.23  Scope of  Collateral;  Property  Owned by  Lafitte.  The  Collateral
constitutes  all of the real and  personal  Property  owned by the  Borrower  or
Goodrich.  Lafitte  does not own any real or  personal  Property  other  than an
undivided 49% interest in and to the Lafitte Field, Jefferson Parish Louisiana.

     IV.24 Ownership Interests in Goodrich. Henry Goodrich currently owns 19,781
shares of issued and  outstanding  stock of  Goodrich,  and  Walter G.  Goodrich
currently  owns  207,044  shares of issued  and  outstanding  stock of  Goodrich
representing approximately 4.24% of Goodrich.


                                    ARTICLE V
                              AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS

     So long as any Obligation  remains  outstanding or unpaid or any Commitment
exists,  the  Borrower  shall and shall cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to, and
Goodrich shall and shall cause each of its Subsidiaries, to:

     V.1 Maintenance and Access to Records. Keep adequate records, in accordance
with GAAP, of all its  transactions  so that at any time, and from time to time,
its true  and  complete  financial  condition  may be  readily  determined,  and
promptly  following  the  reasonable  request of the Lender,  make such  records
available  for  inspection  by the Lender and,  at the expense of the  Borrower,
allow the Lender to make and take away copies thereof.

     V.2 Quarterly Financial Statements; Compliance Certificates. Deliver to the
Lender,  on or before the 45th day after the close of each  quarterly  period of
each fiscal  year of  Goodrich,  (a) a copy of the  unaudited  consolidated  and
consolidating Financial Statements of Goodrich as at the close of such quarterly
period and from the  beginning  of such fiscal  year to the end of such  period,
such  Financial  Statements  to be certified by the chief  financial  officer of
Goodrich as having been prepared in accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied
and as a fair  presentation  of the condition of Goodrich and its  Subsidiaries,
subject to changes resulting from normal year-end audit  adjustments,  and (b) a
Compliance Certificate.

     V.3 Annual Financial Statements;  Compliance  Certificates.  Deliver to the
Lender,  on or before  the 120th  day  after  the close of each  fiscal  year of
Goodrich,  (a) a copy of the annual audited consolidated Financial Statements of
Goodrich,  together with the audit report issued in connection therewith,  (b) a
copy of the annual unaudited consolidating Financial Statements of Goodrich, and
(c) a Compliance Certificate.

     V.4 Oil and Gas Reserve Reports.

          (a)  Deliver to the Lender no later than the last day of March of each
year  during  the  term of  this  Agreement,  engineering  reports  in form  and
substance   satisfactory  to  the  Lender,   certified  by  any  nationally-  or
regionally-recognized  independent  consulting petroleum engineers acceptable to
the Lender as fairly and accurately  setting forth (i) the proven and producing,
shut-in,   behind-pipe,   and  undeveloped  oil  and  gas  reserves  (separately
classified as such)  attributable  to the Oil and Gas  Properties of each of the
Related  Parties  (designated  by  entity) as of January 1 of the year for which
such reserve  reports are  furnished,  (ii) the  aggregate  present value of the
future net income with respect to such Oil and Gas  Properties,  discounted at a
stated per annum discount rate of such reserves, (iii) projections of the annual
rate of production,  gross income, and net income with respect to such reserves,
and (iv)  information  with  respect  to the  "take-or-pay,"  "prepayment,"  and
gas-balancing liabilities of the Related Parties (designated by entity).

          (b) Deliver to the Lender no later than the last day of August of each
year  during  the  term of  this  Agreement,  engineering  reports  in form  and
substance satisfactory to the Lender prepared by or under the supervision of the
chief petroleum engineer or geologist of the Borrower evaluating the Oil and Gas
Properties  of the Related  Parties  (designated  by entity) as of July 1 of the
year for which such reserve  reports are furnished and updating the  information
provided in the reports pursuant to Section 5.4(a).


          (c) Deliver to the  Lender,  on or before the 45th day after the close
of each month,  a report of monthly  production  of its Oil and Gas  Properties,
setting forth  production  volumes for oil, gas, other  hydrocarbons  and water,
broken out by major fields or by major wells,  in each case to the  satisfaction
of the Lender.

          (d) Each of the  reports  provided  pursuant to clauses (a) and (b) of
this  Section  shall be  submitted  to the Lender and shall be in ARIES or other
compatible  electronic  format.  Each of the reports  provided  pursuant to this
Section shall be accompanied by additional data concerning  pricing,  quantities
of  production  from the Oil and Gas  Properties,  volumes of  production  sold,
purchasers of production,  gross revenues,  expenses, and such other information
and  engineering  and  geological  data with  respect  thereto as the Lender may
reasonably request.

     V.5 Accounts  Payable/Receivable.  Deliver to the Lender,  on or before the
15th day after the close of each  month,  a report of  accounts  receivable  and
accounts payable for the Borrower,  Lafitte and Goodrich,  including amounts due
for royalty payments.  The information provided with respect to royalties may be
presented on a  consolidated  basis so long as any accrued and unpaid  royalties
for the  Kings  Ridge  Field,  Lafourche  Parish,  Louisiana,  shall  be  listed
separately  with the  corresponding  amount.  The report of accounts  receivable
shall  include an aging of total  receivables  which  represent  at least eighty
percent  (80%)  of  total   receivables   (with  the  balance   presented  on  a
consolidated, non-aged, basis).

     V.6 Capital Expenditures.  Deliver to the Lender, on or before the 45th day
after the close of each quarterly period of each fiscal year of Goodrich, (i) an
itemized capital  expenditure  budget for the Borrower and Goodrich for the next
quarterly period using a form acceptable to the Lender and (ii) a reconciliation
of the itemized capital  expenditures budget for the quarterly period just ended
to the actual itemized  capital  expenditures  incurred during such period.  The
amount of such  capital  expenditure  budget shall be subject to the approval of
the Lender and such  approval  shall be  effective  for a period of three months
from the date of such  approval  or until  such time as a change  is  requested.
Within  fifteen  (15)  days of  receipt  by the  Lender  of a  proposed  capital
expenditure  budget  for the  following  quarter,  the Lender  shall  notify the
Borrower in writing of its acceptance or rejection of such budget.  In the event
any  such  budget  is  rejected,   the  Borrower  must  submit  revised  capital
expenditure  budgets  until the Lender  shall  approve such a budget in writing.
Until such time as the Lender shall have  indicated in writing its approval of a
capital  expenditure budget for a particular  quarter,  the capital  expenditure
budget for such quarter shall be zero dollars ($0.00).

     V.7 Declining  Additional Lafitte  Operations.  If Lafitte shall decline to
participate in any operations proposed by the operator of any of the Oil and Gas
Properties of Lafitte,  the Lender shall be given written  notice thereof within
five (5) Business Days thereafter.

     V.8  Hedging  Position.  Deliver to the  Lender,  on or before the 15th day
after the close of each month, a report of the position of the Borrower, Lafitte
and  Goodrich  in respect of Hedging  Agreements  and of all  Indebtedness  with
respect to Hedging Agreements.

     V.9 Title Opinions; Title Defects. Promptly upon the request of the Lender,
furnish to the  Lender  title  opinions,  in form and  substance  and by counsel
satisfactory to the Lender,  or other  confirmation  of title  acceptable to the
Lender, covering such Oil and Gas Properties of the Borrower as may be requested


by the Lender; and promptly, but in any event within 30 days after notice by the
Lender of any defect,  material  in the  opinion of the Lender in value,  in the
title of the  Borrower  to any of its Oil and Gas  Properties,  clear such title
defects,  and,  in the event any such  title  defects  are not cured in a timely
manner, pay all related costs and fees incurred by the Lender to do so.

     V.10 Notices of Certain  Events.  Deliver to the Lender,  immediately  upon
having   knowledge  of  the  occurrence  of  any  of  the  following  events  or
circumstances, a written statement with respect thereto, signed by a Responsible
Officer of the  Borrower or Goodrich  and setting  forth the  relevant  event or
circumstance   and  the  steps  being  taken  with  respect  to  such  event  or

          (a) any Default or Event of Default;

          (b) any default or event of default under any  contractual  obligation
of any Related Party, or any litigation,  investigation,  or proceeding  between
any Related Party and any  Governmental  Authority which, in either case, if not
cured  or if  adversely  determined,  as the case may be,  could  reasonably  be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

          (c) any  litigation  or  proceeding  involving  any Related Party as a
defendant  or in which any  Property of any Related  Party is subject to a claim
and in which the amount involved is $500,000 or more and which is not covered by
insurance or in which injunctive or similar relief is sought;

          (d) the receipt by any Related Party of any Environmental Complaint;

          (e) any actual, proposed, or threatened testing or other investigation
by any  Governmental  Authority or other  Person  concerning  the  environmental
condition of, or relating to, any Property of any Related Party,  or adjacent to
any Property of any Related Party following any allegation of a violation of any
Requirement of Law;

          (f) any Release of Hazardous  Substances by any Related Party or from,
affecting,  or related to any Property of any Related Party,  or adjacent to any
Property of any Related Party, or the violation of any Environmental Law, or the
revocation,  suspension,  or  forfeiture  of or  failure to renew,  any  permit,
license,  registration,  approval,  or  authorization  which could reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

          (g) any Reportable Event or imminently  expected Reportable Event with
respect to any Plan; any withdrawal from, or the termination,  Reorganization or
Insolvency of, any  Multiemployer  Plan;  the  institution of proceedings or the
taking of any other action by the PBGC, the Borrower or any Commonly  Controlled
Entity or  Multiemployer  Plan  with  respect  to the  withdrawal  from,  or the


termination,  Reorganization  or  Insolvency  of,  any Single  Employer  Plan or
Multiemployer Plan; or any Prohibited Transaction in connection with any Plan or
any trust created  thereunder and the action being taken by the Internal Revenue
Service with respect thereto;

          (h) the change in identity or address of any Person  remitting  to the
Borrower  proceeds from the sale of hydrocarbon  production from or attributable
to any Mortgaged Property;

          (i) any change in the senior  management of the  Borrower,  Lafitte or
any Guarantor;

          (j) the  Borrower's  or  Goodrich=s  acquisition  or  ownership of any
estate (fee simple or leasehold) of real or personal Property, wherever located,
which is not included in the Collateral; and

          (k) any other event or condition which could reasonably be expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect.

     V.11 Letters in Lieu of Transfer  Orders;  Division  Orders.  Promptly upon
request by the Lender at any time and from time to time, and without  limitation
on the rights of the Lender  pursuant to Section  2.16,  execute such letters in
lieu of transfer  orders,  in addition to the letters signed by the Borrower and
delivered to the Lender in  satisfaction  of the  condition set forth in Section
3.1(h) and/or division and/or transfer orders as are necessary or appropriate to
transfer  and  deliver  to the  Lender  proceeds  from  or  attributable  to any
Mortgaged Property.

     V.12 Additional Information.  Furnish to the Lender, within five days after
any material report (other than financial  statements) or other communication is
sent by any Related Party to its stockholders or filed by any Related Party with
the   Securities   and  Exchange   Commission  or  any  successor  or  analogous
Governmental  Authority,  copies of such report or communication  and,  promptly
upon the request of the Lender,  such additional  financial or other information
concerning the assets, liabilities,  operations, and transactions of any Related
Party as the  Lender  may from time to time  request;  and notify the Lender not
less than ten Business  Days prior to the  occurrence  of any condition or event
that may change the proper location for the filing of any financing statement or
other  public  notice or recording  for the purpose of  perfecting a Lien in any
Collateral, including, without limitation, any change in name or the location of
the principal place of business or chief executive  office of any Related Party;
and upon the request of the Lender, execute such additional Security Instruments
as may be necessary or appropriate in connection therewith.

     V.13 Compliance with Laws. Comply with all applicable  Requirements of Law,
including,  without  limitation,  (a) the  Natural  Gas Policy  Act of 1978,  as
amended,  (b) ERISA,  (c)  Environmental  Laws,  and (d) all permits,  licenses,
registrations,  approvals,  and  authorizations  (i)  related to any  natural or
environmental  resource or media located on, above,  within, in the vicinity of,
related to or affected by any Property of any Related  Party,  (ii) required for
the performance of the operations of any Related Party,  or (iii)  applicable to


the use, generation, handling, storage, treatment, transport, or disposal of any
Hazardous   Substances;   and  cause  all  employees,   crew  members,   agents,
contractors,  subcontractors,  and future lessees (pursuant to appropriate lease
provisions)  of each Related  Party,  while such  Persons are acting  within the
scope of their  relationship  with such Related  Party,  to comply with all such
Requirements  of Law as may be necessary or  appropriate  to enable such Related
Party to so comply.

     V.14  Payment of  Assessments  and  Charges.  Pay all  taxes,  assessments,
governmental  charges,  rent, and other  Indebtedness  which,  if unpaid,  might
become a Lien against its Property,  except any of the foregoing being contested
in good faith and as to which adequate  reserve in accordance with GAAP has been
established or unless failure to pay would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

     V.15  Maintenance of Corporate  Existence and Good  Standing.  Maintain its
corporate  existence or qualification  and good standing in its jurisdictions of
incorporation  and in all  jurisdictions  wherein  the  Property  now  owned  or
hereafter acquired or business now or hereafter conducted necessitates same.

     V.16 Further  Assurances.  Promptly  cure any defects in the  execution and
delivery of any of the Loan Documents and all agreements  contemplated  thereby,
and execute,  acknowledge,  and deliver such other assurances and instruments as
shall,  in the opinion of the Lender,  be  necessary to fulfill the terms of the
Loan Documents.

     V.17 Fees and Expenses.

          (a) Upon request by the Lender,  promptly pay all reasonable  fees and
expenses  of  the  Lender  in  connection  with  the  preparation,  negotiation,
syndication,  execution,  delivery,  administration,  and  enforcement  of  this
Agreement and the other Loan  Documents  and any  amendments,  restatements,  or
supplements  thereto,  the  satisfaction  of the conditions  precedent set forth
herein, the filing and recordation of Security Instruments, and the consummation
of the  transactions  contemplated  in the Loan  Documents,  including,  without
limitation, fees and expenses of legal counsel.

          (b) Upon request by the Lender,  promptly  pay (to the fullest  extent
permitted by law) for all amounts reasonably expended,  advanced, or incurred by
or on behalf of the Lender to satisfy  any  obligation  of the  Borrower  or any
Guarantor  under any of the Loan  Documents;  to  collect  the  Obligations;  to
enforce the rights of the Lender under any of the Loan Documents; and to protect
the Properties or business of the Borrower, the Lafitte Membership Interests and
the Guarantors,  including,  without limitation,  the Collateral,  which amounts
shall be deemed  compensatory  in nature and liquidated as to amount upon notice
to the  Borrower  by the  Lender and which  amounts  shall  include,  but not be
limited to (i) all court  costs,  (ii)  reasonable  fees and  expenses  of legal
counsel,  auditors and accountants,  engineers,  and environmental and insurance
consultants,   (iii)  fees  and  expenses   incurred  in  connection   with  the
participation  by the Lender as a member of the  creditors'  committee in a case
commenced under any Insolvency  Proceeding,  (iv) fees and expenses  incurred in
connection  with lifting the automatic  stay  prescribed in '362 Title 11 of the
United States Code,  and (v) fees and expenses  incurred in connection  with any
action  pursuant to '1129 Title 11 of the United  States  Code,  all  reasonably
incurred by the Lender in connection  with the  collection of any sums due under
the Loan Documents,  together with interest at the per annum interest rate equal
to the Default Rate, calculated on a basis of a calendar year of 365/366 (as the


case may be) days,  counting  the actual  number of days  elapsed,  on each such
amount from the date of notification  that the same was expended,  advanced,  or
incurred  by the  Lender  until the date it is repaid  to the  Lender,  with the
obligations under this Section surviving the non-assumption of this Agreement in
a case  commenced  under any  Insolvency  Proceeding  and being binding upon the
Borrower and/or a trustee,  receiver,  custodian,  or liquidator of the Borrower
appointed in any such case.

     V.18 Operation of Oil and Gas Properties.  Develop,  maintain,  and operate
its Oil and Gas  Properties  in a prudent and  workmanlike  manner in accordance
with industry standards.

     V.19 Maintenance and Inspection of Properties. Maintain all of its tangible
Properties in good repair and condition,  ordinary wear and tear excepted;  make
all  necessary  replacements  thereof and operate such  Properties in a good and
workmanlike  manner;  and permit any authorized  representative of the Lender to
visit and inspect,  any tangible  Property of any Related  Party.  So long as no
Event of  Default  shall  have  occurred  and be  continuing,  such  visits  and
inspections  shall be at the expense of the  Lender.  If an Event of Default has
occurred and is continuing,  such visits and inspections shall be at the expense
of the Borrower.

     V.20  Maintenance  of  Insurance.  Maintain  insurance  with respect to its
Properties and  businesses  against such  liabilities,  casualties,  risks,  and
contingencies as is customary in the relevant industry and sufficient to prevent
a Material Adverse Effect, all such insurance to be in amounts and from insurers
acceptable  to the Lender and naming  the Lender as loss  payee,  and,  upon any
renewal of any such  insurance  and at other  times upon  request by the Lender,
furnish to the Lender evidence,  satisfactory to the Lender,  of the maintenance
of such insurance.  The Lender shall have the right to collect, and the Borrower
hereby  assigns to the Lender,  any and all monies that may become payable under
any  policies of  insurance  relating to business  interruption  or by reason of
damage,  loss,  or  destruction  of any of the  Collateral.  In the event of any
damage,  loss, or destruction for which insurance  proceeds relating to business
interruption or Collateral exceed $500,000, the Lender may, at its option, apply
all such sums or any part  thereof  received  by it toward  the  payment  of the
Obligations,  whether  matured  or  unmatured,  application  to be made first to
interest and then to  principal,  and shall deliver to the Borrower the balance,
if any, after such  application  has been made. In the event of any such damage,
loss, or destruction for which insurance proceeds are $500,000 or less, provided
that no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is  continuing,  the Lender
shall deliver any such proceeds received by it to the Borrower. In the event the
Lender receives  insurance  proceeds not  attributable to Collateral or business
interruption, the Lender shall deliver any such proceeds to the Borrower.

     V.21  Maintenance  of Operating  Accounts.  Maintain its primary  operating
banking accounts with the Lender.

     V.22 Asset Sales Proceeds. Upon the sale of any Property of the Borrower or
Goodrich,  100% of the net  proceeds  from such sale shall be applied as follows
(subject,  however,  to the  sharing  requirements  set forth in the  Collateral
Agency  Agreement to the same extent as if such  proceeds  were  realized from a
foreclosure upon such Property):

          (i)  first,  to  reduce  the  Borrowing  Base  to  the  extent  of the
               allocated  Borrowing  Base value for such  Property as decided by
               the Lender in its sole discretion; and


          (ii) the  remainder to be applied to the unpaid  principal  balance of
               the Note.

     V.23 Cash Collateral Account.

          (a) The Borrower shall  establish a cash  collateral  account with the
Lender,  being  account  number  70744406  in the  name of the  Borrower  ("Cash
Collateral  Account").   The  Borrower  shall  send  notices  to  purchasers  of
production  representing  a minimum of 90% of sales  proceeds  (based on average
over the prior six months) to begin  immediately  to remit via wire transfer the
proceeds from production into the above account. Such notices shall be in a form
acceptable  to the Lender.  Borrower  will  execute a Collateral  Assignment  of
Deposit  Accounts and Security  Agreement  pledging the above account as well as
any other account with the Lender.

          (b) The Borrower and the Lender  acknowledge  that the  Collateral  is
comprised,  in part, of Borrower=s  undivided interest in Oil and Gas Properties
and accordingly  cash deposited in the Cash  Collateral  Account may include the
interests of other  Persons  ("Other  Revenues").  The Lender  agrees that if it
receives appropriate evidence that a part of such funds are Other Revenues, such
funds will be released to such Persons. The Lender shall not be liable, however,
for any actions by the Lender  which are taken in  compliance  with the terms of
this Agreement and the Security  Instruments  with respect to the Other Revenues
in the Cash  Collateral  Account which are taken before the Lender received such
evidence that such funds are Other Revenues.




                                   ARTICLE VI
                               NEGATIVE COVENANTS

     So long as any Obligation  remains  outstanding or unpaid or any Commitment
exists,  the Borrower will not, and will not permit any of its  Subsidiaries to,
and Goodrich will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to:

     VI.1 Indebtedness; Contingent Obligations. Create, incur, assume, or suffer
to exist any  Indebtedness or Contingent  Obligation,  whether by way of loan or
otherwise;  provided,  however, the foregoing restriction shall not apply to (a)
the  Obligations,  the  Subordinated  Debt,  the Pari Passu Debt and the Lafitte
Debt,  (b)  unsecured  accounts  payable  incurred  in the  ordinary  course  of
business,  which are not unpaid in excess of 60 days beyond  invoice date or are
being  contested  in good faith and as to which such  reserve as is  required by
GAAP has been made  (accounts  payable on  extended  terms  shall not be allowed
under this  exception),  (c) performance  guarantees and  performance  surety or
other bonds provided in the ordinary course of business,  (d) Indebtedness  with
respect to Hedging  Agreements  entered into by Lafitte and a  third-party  swap
counterparty,  (e) Indebtedness  with respect to Hedging  Agreements (other than
those Hedging  Agreements  referred to in clause (d) above)  entered into with a
Person acceptable to the Lender,  provided that such Hedging Agreements relating
to hydrocarbons cover not more than 75% of the projected monthly production from
proved  developed  producing Oil and Gas Properties of the Borrower and Lafitte,
and provide for strike prices which,  at the time any such Hedging  Agreement is
entered into,  are not less than the energy  product  pricing  guidelines of the
Lender at such time, (f)  performance  guaranty of the plugging and  abandonment
obligations owed by Lafitte to Stone Energy  Corporation with respect to Oil and
Gas  Properties in which Lafitte owns a working  interest,  and (g) trade credit
(including   authorizations  for  expenditures  with  respect  to  Oil  and  Gas
Properties)  incurred or operating leases entered into in the ordinary course of

     VI.2 Liens.  Create,  incur,  assume, or suffer to exist any Lien on any of
its Properties,  whether now owned or hereafter acquired; provided, however, the
foregoing restrictions shall not apply to Permitted Liens.

     VI.3 Sales of Assets.  Without  the prior  written  consent of the  Lender,
sell,  transfer,  or otherwise dispose of, in one or any series of transactions,
any stock of any Subsidiary,  any Collateral,  or any other assets,  whether now
owned or hereafter  acquired,  or enter into any  agreement to do so;  provided,
however,  the  foregoing  restriction  shall  not  apply  to  (a)  the  sale  of


hydrocarbons  or inventory in the ordinary  course of business  provided that no
contract  for the sale of  hydrocarbons  shall  obligate  any  Related  Party to
deliver  hydrocarbons  produced  from any  Property at some future date  without
receiving  full payment  therefor  within 90 days of  delivery,  (b) the sale or
other disposition of Property destroyed, lost, worn out, damaged, or having only
salvage  value or no longer used or useful in its  business,  or (c) the sale or
other  disposition of other assets (excluding any stock of any Subsidiary) which
are not material to the operations of Goodrich and its Subsidiaries,  taken as a
whole,  provided that any mandatory  prepayment  required as a result thereof is
made at the time of such sale or disposition.

     VI.4 Leasebacks.  Enter into any agreement to sell or transfer any Property
and thereafter rent or lease as lessee such Property or other Property  intended
for the same use or purpose as the Property sold or transferred.

     VI.5 Loans; Advances; Investments. Make or agree to make or allow to remain
outstanding any loans or advances to or Investments in, or purchase or otherwise
acquire all or  substantially  all of the assets of any Person,  or form any new
Subsidiaries;  provided,  however, the foregoing restrictions shall not apply to
(a) advances or extensions of credit in the form of accounts receivable incurred
in the  ordinary  course of business  and upon terms  common in the industry for
such accounts receivable,  (b) advances to employees for the payment of expenses
in the ordinary course of business,  (c) loans,  advances, or Investments by any
Related  Party other than the  Borrower or any  Guarantor  to any other  Related
Party, (d) loans,  advances, or Investments by Lafitte to either the Borrower or
Goodrich,  (e) Investments in the form of (i) debt securities issued or directly
and fully guaranteed or insured by the United States Government or any agency or
instrumentality  thereof,  with  maturities  of no  more  than  one  year,  (ii)
commercial  paper of a domestic issuer rated at the date of acquisition at least
P-2 by Moody's Investor  Service,  Inc. or A-2 by Standard & Poor's  Corporation
and with  maturities of no more than one year from the date of  acquisition,  or
(iii) repurchase  agreements covering debt securities or commercial paper of the
type  permitted  in this  Section,  certificates  of deposit,  demand  deposits,
eurodollar time deposits, overnight bank deposits and bankers' acceptances, with
maturities of no more than one year from the date of  acquisition,  issued by or
acquired from or through the Lender or any bank or trust company organized under
the laws of the United  States or any state thereof and having  capital  surplus
and undivided profits  aggregating at least  $100,000,000,  (f) other short-term
Investments  similar in nature and degree of risk to those  described  in clause
(e) of this  Section,  or (g) the  Investments  described on Exhibit I under the
heading "Investments."

     VI.6 Changes in Corporate  Structure.  Without the prior written consent of
the Lender, which will not be unreasonably withheld,  enter into any transaction
of consolidation,  merger, or amalgamation;  liquidate, wind up, or dissolve (or
suffer any liquidation or dissolution).

     VI.7 Dividends and Distributions. Declare, pay, or make, whether in cash or
other Property,  any dividend or distribution  on, any share of any class of its
capital  stock or other equity  interests at any time;  provided,  however,  the
foregoing  restrictions  shall not apply to  dividends or  distributions  by any
Related Party other than the Borrower or the Guarantors.

     VI.8 Transactions with Affiliates.  Directly or indirectly,  enter into any
transaction (including the sale, lease, or exchange of Property or the rendering
of  service)  with any of its  Affiliates,  other than upon fair and  reasonable


terms no less  favorable  than could be obtained in an arm's length  transaction
with a Person which was not an Affiliate.

     VI.9 Lines of Business. Expand, on its own or through any Subsidiary,  into
any line of  business  other  than  those in which it is  engaged as of the date

     VI.10 ERISA  Compliance.  Permit any Plan  maintained by it or any Commonly
Controlled  Entity to (a) engage in any  Prohibited  Transaction,  (b) incur any
"accumulated  funding  deficiency,"  as such term is defined  in Section  302 of
ERISA,  or (c)  terminate in a manner which could result in the  imposition of a
Lien on any Property of any Related Party pursuant to Section 4068 of ERISA;  or
assume an obligation to  contribute  to any  Multiemployer  Plan; or acquire any
Person  or the  assets  of any  Person  which  has now or has had at any time an
obligation to contribute to any Multiemployer Plan.

     VI.11  Consolidated  Tangible  Net Worth.  Permit,  as of the close of each
fiscal quarter ending on or after December 31, 1999,  Consolidated  Tangible Net
Worth at any time to be less than the sum of (i) $7,000,000,  plus (ii) for each
fiscal quarter after March 31, 1999 with positive  Consolidated Net Income,  50%
of the  Consolidated  Net Income of such fiscal quarter,  plus (iii) 100% of all
cash equity proceeds of each offering  transaction,  net of expenses incurred in
connection therewith,  after the date hereof; provided that cash equity proceeds
received from the noteholders of the Pari Passu Debt and the  Subordinated  Debt
to cure an existing  default  under this  Section  6.11 shall not be included in
clause (iii) above.

     VI.12 Debt Service  Ratio.  Permit,  as of the close of each fiscal quarter
ending on or after  December  31,  1999,  the ratio of (a) the sum of EBITDA for
such  fiscal  quarter  plus cash equity  investments  made to Goodrich or to the
Borrower  during such fiscal quarter to (b) Debt Service for such fiscal quarter
to be less than 1.10 to 1.00.

     VI.13  Subordinated  Debt,  Pari Passu Debt and Lafitte Debt.  The Borrower
will not (and will not  permit  any other  Related  Party to)  amend,  modify or
obtain  or  grant a  waiver  of any  provision  of any  document  or  instrument
evidencing the  Subordinated  Debt, the Lafitte Debt or the Pari Passu Debt. The
Borrower  will not (and will not permit any other  Related  Party to)  purchase,
redeem,  retire or  otherwise  acquire  for value,  deposit  any monies with any
Person with respect to or make any payment or  prepayment of the principal of or
any other amount  owing in respect of, any of the  Subordinated  Debt,  the Pari
Passu Debt or the Lafitte Debt,  except for payments  expressly  permitted under
the Subordination Agreement with respect to the Subordinated Debt and except for
payments (but not  prepayments)  of amounts due under the Pari Passu Debt or the
Lafitte Debt.

     VI.14 Agreements Regarding Lafitte Field. Without the prior written consent
of the Lender,  enter into any agreements  with Stone Energy  Corporation or any
other Person that sell,  assign,  transfer,  dispose or otherwise  affect any of
Lender=s or Lafitte=s  interest in or relating to the Lafitte  Field,  Jefferson
Parish Louisiana.

     VI.15 Capital  Expenditures.  Make capital  expenditures  in any quarter in
excess of the  amount  budgeted  for such  quarter  under a capital  expenditure
budget approved in writing by the Lender as provided for in Section 5.6 hereof.


     VI.16 Declining  Additional Lafitte  Operations.  Decline to participate in
more than three (3) separate individual well operations proposed by any operator
of the Oil and Gas Properties of Lafitte which operations are thereafter assumed
by any  holder  of any of the  Subordinated  Debt,  the Pari  Passu  Debt or the
Lafitte  Debt,  unless at the time of such  declining  (i) Lafitte does not have
cash  available  to fund such  operations  and (ii) the Lender has not given its
prior  written  consent to an advance  of funds to  Lafitte by  Goodrich  or the
Borrower  to fund for such  operations  (which  consent  has been  requested  by
Lafitte at least ten (10) Business Days prior to such declining).

     VI.17 General and Administrative Expenses.  Permit, as of the close of each
fiscal quarter ending on or after December 31, 1999,  general and administrative
expenses  (including  capitalized  general and  administrative  expenses),  on a
consolidated basis for Goodrich and its Subsidiaries,  for any fiscal quarter to
exceed twenty percent (20%) of total consolidated  revenues for Goodrich and its
Subsidiaries  (excluding  proceeds  from  asset  sales and  other  non-recurring
revenues) for such fiscal quarter.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                                EVENTS OF DEFAULT

     VII.1  Enumeration of Events of Default.  Any of the following events shall
constitute an Event of Default:

          (a default shall be made in the payment when due of any installment of
principal  or interest  under this  Agreement or the Note or in the payment when
due of any fee or other sum payable under any Loan Document and, with respect to
the payment of interest only, such default shall continue for three days;

          (b default  shall be made by the Borrower or any  Guarantor in the due
observance or performance of any of their respective  obligations under the Loan
Documents,  other than as  described in Section  7.1(a) above or Section  7.1(c)
below,  and  with  respect  to  default  in the  observance  or  performance  of
obligations  under  Article V or under  Section 6.11 only,  such  default  shall
continue for 30 days after the earlier of notice  thereof to the Borrower by the
Lender or knowledge thereof by the Borrower or any Guarantor;

          (c default  shall be made by the Borrower or any  Guarantor at the end
of any fiscal quarter in the due observance or performance of obligations  under
Section 6.12 only, such default shall continue beyond the earlier of (i) 45 days
following such fiscal  quarter,  and (ii) receipt by Lender of the disclaimer by
or notice from one or more  holders of Pari Passu Debt or  Subordinated  Debt to
the effect that such holder or holders will not make cash equity  investments in
Goodrich or the Borrower  within the 45 days following such fiscal quarter in an
amount sufficient to comply with Section 6.12 for such fiscal quarter;


          (d  any  representation  or  warranty  made  by  the  Borrower  or any
Guarantor  in any of the  Loan  Documents  proves  to have  been  untrue  in any
material  respect  or  any  representation,   statement   (including   Financial
Statements),  certificate, or data furnished or made to the Lender in connection
herewith  proves to have been untrue in any material  respect as of the date the
facts therein set forth were stated or certified;

          (e  default  shall  be made by any  Related  Party  (as  principal  or
guarantor or other surety) in the payment or performance of any bond, debenture,
note, or other  Indebtedness  exceeding  $100,000 or under any credit agreement,
loan agreement,  indenture,  promissory note, or similar agreement or instrument
executed in connection with any of the foregoing,  and such default shall remain
unremedied for in excess of the period of grace, if any, with respect thereto;

          (f the Borrower  shall be unable to satisfy any  condition or cure any
circumstance  specified in Article III, the  satisfaction  or curing of which is
precedent  to the right of the  Borrower  to obtain a Loan,  and such  inability
shall continue for a period in excess of 30 days;

          (g any Related Party shall (i) apply for or consent to the appointment
of a receiver,  trustee, or liquidator of it or all or a substantial part of its
assets,  (ii) file a voluntary  petition  commencing an  Insolvency  Proceeding,
(iii) make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, (iv) be unable, or
admit in writing its inability,  to pay its debts  generally as they become due,
or (v) file an answer  admitting the material  allegations  of a petition  filed
against it in any Insolvency Proceeding;

          (h an order,  judgment, or decree shall be entered against any Related
Party by any court of  competent  jurisdiction  or by any other duly  authorized
authority,  on the petition of a creditor or otherwise,  granting  relief in any
Insolvency  Proceeding  or  approving a petition  seeking  reorganization  or an
arrangement  of its  debts  or  appointing  a  receiver,  trustee,  conservator,
custodian, or liquidator of it or all or any substantial part of its assets, and
such order, judgment, or decree shall not be dismissed or stayed within 30 days;

          (i the levy  against any  significant  portion of the  Property of any
Related Party,  or any execution,  garnishment,  attachment,  sequestration,  or
other  writ  or  similar  proceeding  which  is  not  permanently  dismissed  or
discharged within 30 days after the levy;

          (j a final and  non-appealable  order,  judgment,  or decree  shall be
entered against any Related Party for money damages and/or  Indebtedness  due in
an amount in excess of $500,000,  and such order,  judgment, or decree shall not
be dismissed or stayed within 30 days;

          (k any Related Party shall have (i) concealed,  removed,  or diverted,
or permitted to be concealed,  removed,  or diverted,  any part of its Property,
with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud its creditors or any of them, (ii) made
any  transfer of its Property to or for the benefit of a creditor at a time when
other  creditors  similarly  situated  have not been paid,  or (iii)  shall have


suffered or permitted,  while insolvent,  any creditor to obtain a Lien upon any
of its Property  through  legal  proceedings  or distraint  which is not vacated
within 30 days from the date thereof;

          (l any  Guaranty  shall for any  reason  cease to be in full force and
effect or the Security Instruments shall for any reason not, or cease to, create
valid and  perfected  first-priority  Liens  against  any or all of the real and
personal  Property  of  Goodrich  and  the  Borrower   (including  the  Borrower
Membership Interests) and against all of the equity interests in and to Lafitte;

          (m any payment of royalties on Oil and Gas  Properties  of any Related
Party  shall not be made when due or any account  payable of any  Related  Party
(except as the Lender may expressly  agree in writing)  shall not be paid within
sixty (60) days of invoice date; or

          (n any Change of Control shall occur;  or Henry  Goodrich  shall sell,
transfer,  convey, encumber or otherwise dispose (except for transfers resulting
from the death of Henry  Goodrich  or  entered  into by Henry  Goodrich  for his
estate  planning  purposes)  of more  than  fifty  percent  (50%) of the  equity
interests currently owned by him in and to Goodrich; or Walter G. Goodrich shall
sell,  transfer,  convey,  encumber or otherwise  dispose  (except for transfers
resulting  from the death of Walter G.  Goodrich  or  entered  into by Walter G.
Goodrich for his estate  planning  purposes) of more than fifty percent (50%) of
the equity interests currently owned by him in and to Goodrich; or

          (o any Person shall engage in any "prohibited transaction" (as defined
in Section 406 of ERISA or Section  4975 of the Code)  involving  any Plan;  any
"accumulated  funding deficiency" (as defined in Section 302 of ERISA),  whether
or not waived,  shall exist with  respect to any Plan for which an excise tax is
due or would be due in the absence of a waiver;  a Reportable  Event shall occur
with respect to, or proceedings shall commence to have a trustee appointed, or a
trustee shall be appointed,  to administer or to terminate,  any Single Employer
Plan,  which Reportable Event or commencement of proceedings or appointment of a
trustee is, in the  reasonable  opinion of the  Lender,  likely to result in the
termination of such Plan for purposes of Title IV of ERISA;  any Single Employer
Plan shall  terminate  for  purposes of Title IV of ERISA;  the  Borrower or any
Commonly  Controlled  Entity shall incur,  or in the  reasonable  opinion of the
Lender,  be likely to incur any liability in connection with a withdrawal  from,
or the Insolvency or Reorganization of, a Multiemployer Plan; or any other event
or condition  shall occur or exist with respect to a Plan and the result of such
events or  conditions  referred  to in this  Section  7.1(n)  could  subject the
Borrower or any Commonly  Controlled Entity to any tax (other than an excise tax
under Section 4980 of the Code), penalty or other liabilities which taken in the
aggregate would have a Material Adverse Effect and any such  circumstance  shall
exist for in excess of 30 days.


     VII.2 Remedies.

          (a Upon the  occurrence  of an Event of Default  specified  in Section
7.1(g) or Section 7.1(h),  immediately  and without notice,  (i) all Obligations
shall  automatically  become immediately due and payable,  without  presentment,
demand,  protest, notice of protest,  default, or dishonor,  notice of intent to
accelerate maturity,  notice of acceleration of maturity, or other notice of any
kind, except as may be provided to the contrary  elsewhere herein,  all of which
are  hereby  expressly  waived  by  the  Borrower;  (ii)  the  Commitment  shall
immediately  cease and  terminate  unless and until  reinstated by the Lender in
writing;  and (iii) the Lender is hereby authorized at any time and from time to
time,  without notice to the Borrower (any such notice being expressly waived by
the  Borrower),  to set-off and apply any and all deposits  (general or special,
time or demand,  provisional  or final) held by the Lender and any and all other
indebtedness  at any time owing by the Lender to or for the credit or account of
the Borrower against any and all of the Obligations.

          (b Upon the  occurrence  of any  Event of  Default  other  than  those
specified in Section 7.1(g) or Section 7.1(h),  (i) the Lender may, by notice to
the  Borrower,  declare all  Obligations  immediately  due and payable,  without
presentment, demand, protest, notice of protest, default, or dishonor, notice of
intent to accelerate  maturity,  notice of  acceleration  of maturity,  or other
notice of any kind, except as may be provided to the contrary  elsewhere herein,
all of which are hereby  expressly  waived by the Borrower;  (ii) the Commitment
shall  immediately cease and terminate unless and until reinstated by the Lender
in writing;  and (iii) the Lender is hereby authorized at any time and from time
to time,  without notice to the Borrower (any such notice being expressly waived
by the Borrower), to set-off and apply any and all deposits (general or special,
time or demand,  provisional  or final) held by the Lender and any and all other
indebtedness  at any time owing by the Lender to or for the credit or account of
the Borrower  against any and all of the Obligations  although such  Obligations
may be unmatured.

          (c Upon the  occurrence  of any Event of  Default,  the Lender may, in
addition to the foregoing in this Section, exercise any or all of its rights and
remedies provided by law or pursuant to the Loan Documents.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     VIII.1 Transfers; Participations.

          (a The Borrower may not assign any of its rights or obligations  under
any Loan Document without the prior consent of the Lender.

          (b The  Lender  may grant  participations  in the  Obligations  or any
portion  thereof  to  any  investment  or  commercial  bank,  savings  and  loan
institution,  insurance company, trust company, or affiliate of the Lender (such
grantee,  a "Participant"),  provided that the Lender shall retain the exclusive
right and obligation to administer the Loans and the grant of any  participation
shall not relieve the Lender of its  obligations  under this  Agreement or under
any of the other Loan Documents.  In addition, with the consent of the Borrower,
which will not be  unreasonably  withheld,  the Lender  may sell,  transfer,  or
assign the Obligations or any portion thereof to any financial institution (such
assignee, a "Transferee"). The Borrower agrees that each Transferee may exercise


all rights (including,  without  limitation,  rights of set-off) with respect to
the portion of the  Obligations  held by it as fully as if such  Transferee were
the direct holder thereof, subject to any agreements between such Transferee and
the transferor to such  Transferee,  and the transferor to such Transferee shall
be  relieved  of its  obligations  under the Loan  Documents  to the extent such
obligations  are  assumed by such  Transferee.  The  Lender may  forward to each
Participant  and  Transferee  and  prospective  Participant  and  Transferee all
documents and information relating to the Obligations,  whether furnished by the
Borrower or otherwise obtained, as the Lender determines necessary or desirable.

          (c  Notwithstanding  anything  in this  Section to the  contrary,  the
Lender may assign and  pledge the Note or any  interest  therein to any  Federal
Reserve Bank or the United States  Treasury as collateral  security  pursuant to
Regulation  A of the Board of Governors  of the Federal  Reserve  System and any
operating  circular  issued by such Federal  Reserve  System and/or such Federal
Reserve  Bank.  No such  assignment  or pledge shall release the Lender from its
obligations hereunder.

          (d Notwithstanding  any other provisions of this Section,  no transfer
or  assignment  of the  interests  or  obligations  of any  Lender  or  grant of
participations therein shall be permitted if such transfer, assignment, or grant
would require the Borrower to file a registration  statement with the Securities
and Exchange Commission or any successor or analogous  Governmental Authority or
qualify the Loans under the "Blue Sky" laws of any state.

     VIII.2  Survival  of  Representations,   Warranties,   and  Covenants.  All
representations  and warranties of the Borrower and all covenants and agreements
herein  made  shall  survive  the  execution  and  delivery  of the Note and the
Security  Instruments  and  shall  remain  in force  and  effect  so long as any
Obligation is outstanding or any Commitment exists.

     VIII.3  Notices  and  Other  Communications.  Except  as  to  oral  notices
expressly  authorized herein,  which oral notices shall be confirmed in writing,
all  notices,  requests,  and  communications  hereunder  shall  be  in  writing
(including by telecopy).  Unless otherwise  expressly  provided herein, any such
notice,  request,  demand, or other  communication  shall be deemed to have been
duly given or made when  delivered by hand, or, in the case of delivery by mail,
two Business Days after deposited in the mail,  certified  mail,  return receipt
requested,  postage prepaid,  or, in the case of telecopy  notice,  when receipt
thereof is acknowledged orally or by written confirmation  report,  addressed as

          (a if to the Lender, to:

                           Compass Bank
                           24 Greenway Plaza, 14th Floor
                           Houston, Texas 77046
                           Attention:  Energy Banking Group
                           Telecopy:  (713) 968-8292

          (b if to the Borrower, to:

                           Goodrich Petroleum Company, L.L.C.
                           333 Texas Street, Suite 1375
                           Shreveport, Louisiana  71101
                           Attention: Walter G. Goodrich
                           Telecopy:  (318) 429-2296


          Any party may,  by proper  written  notice  hereunder  to the  others,
change the individuals or addresses to which such notices to it shall thereafter
be sent.

     VIII.4 Parties in Interest.  All covenants and agreements  herein contained
by or on behalf of the Borrower,  any Guarantor,  or the Lender shall be binding
upon the Borrower,  such Guarantor, or the Lender, as the case may be, and their
respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns.

     VIII.5 Rights of Third Parties.  All  provisions  herein are imposed solely
and  exclusively  for the  benefit  of the  Borrower  and the  Lender  and their
successors and assigns. No other Person (including,  without limitation, Lafitte
and the  Guarantors)  shall  have any  right,  benefit,  priority,  or  interest
hereunder  or as a result  hereof or have  standing to require  satisfaction  of
provisions hereof in accordance with their terms.

     VIII.6 No Waiver;  Rights  Cumulative.  No course of dealing on the part of
the Lender,  its officers or  employees,  nor any failure or delay by the Lender
with  respect to  exercising  any of its rights  under any Loan  Document  shall
operate as a waiver  thereof.  The rights of the Lender under the Loan Documents
shall be cumulative and the exercise or partial exercise of any such right shall
not preclude  the exercise of any other right.  The making of any Loan shall not
constitute a waiver of any of the  covenants,  warranties,  or conditions of the
Borrower  contained  herein.  In the event the Borrower is unable to satisfy any
such covenant, warranty, or condition, the making of any Loan shall not have the
effect of precluding the Lender from  thereafter  declaring such inability to be
an Event of Default as hereinabove provided.

     VIII.7 Survival Upon Unenforceability.  In the event any one or more of the
provisions  contained in any of the Loan  Documents  or in any other  instrument
referred to herein or executed in connection with the Obligations shall, for any
reason, be held to be invalid,  illegal,  or unenforceable in any respect,  such
invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision
of any Loan Document or of any other  instrument  referred to herein or executed
in connection with such Obligations.

     VIII.8 Amendments; Waivers. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof
may be  amended,  waived,  discharged,  or  terminated  orally,  but  only by an
instrument  in  writing  signed by the party  against  whom  enforcement  of the
amendment, waiver, discharge, or termination is sought.

     VIII.9  Controlling  Agreement.  In the  event of a  conflict  between  the
provisions  of  this  Agreement  and  those  of any  other  Loan  Document,  the
provisions of this Agreement shall control.


     VIII.10  Release by Borrower.  The Borrower  hereby releases and discharges
the  Lender  from  all  obligations,  claims,  losses,  causes  of  action,  and
liabilities,  of  whatsoever  kind or nature,  whether  heretofore  or hereafter
accruing,  whether now known or unknown, arising under or in connection with any
Existing  Loan Document or any act or omission  under or in connection  with any
Existing Loan  Document;  provided,  however,  nothing set forth in this Section
shall relieve the Lender from its  obligations  and  liabilities  under the Loan
Documents to which it is a party.



     VIII.13 Waiver of Rights to Jury Trial.  THE BORROWER AND THE LENDER HEREBY


     VIII.15  Counterparts.  For the convenience of the parties,  this Agreement
may be executed in multiple  counterparts  and by  different  parties  hereto in
separate  counterparts,  each of which for all purposes shall be deemed to be an
original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Agreement is executed as of the date first above


                                        GOODRICH PETROLEUM COMPANY, L.L.C.

                                              Walter G. Goodrich


                                        COMPASS BANK

                                              Dorothy Marchand Wilson
                                              Senior Vice President

     Joining  in the  execution  hereof  for the  limited  purpose of making the
representations,  warranties,  and covenants set forth in Articles IV, V, and VI

                                        GOODRICH PETROLEUM CORPORATION

                                              Walter G. Goodrich


                                    EXHIBIT I

                           [FORM OF BORROWING REQUEST]

Compass Bank
24 Greenway Plaza, 14th Floor
Houston, Texas 77046
Attention:  Energy Banking Group

       Re:  Credit Agreement dated as of September 23,  1999, by and between
            Goodrich Petroleum Company,  L.L.C. and Compass Bank(as amended,
            restated, or supplemented from time to time, the "Credit Agreement")

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Pursuant to the Credit  Agreement,  the Borrower  hereby makes the requests
indicated below:

         (a)      Amount of new Loan: $

         (b)      Requested funding date:                , 199
                                         ----------------     ---

     The  undersigned  certifies  that  [s]he  is  the  [              ]  of the
Borrower,  has obtained all consents  necessary,  and as such is  authorized  to
execute  this  request  on  behalf  of the  Borrower.  The  undersigned  further
certifies, represents, and warrants on behalf of the Borrower that no Default or
Event of Default  exists,  and the Borrower is entitled to receive the requested
borrowing under the terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement.

     Each  capitalized  term used but not defined  herein shall have the meaning
assigned to such term in the Credit Agreement.

                                Very truly yours,

                                GOODRICH PETROLEUM COMPANY, L.L.C.



                                   EXHIBIT II

                        [FORM OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE]

                                                 , 19
                          -----------------------     ---

Compass Bank
24 Greenway Plaza, 14th Floor
Houston, Texas 77046
Attention:  Energy Banking Group

       Re:  Credit  Agreement dated as of  September 23,  1999, by and between
            Goodrich  Petroleum  Company,  L.L.C. and Compass Bank (as amended,
            restated, or supplemented from time to time, the "Credit Agreement")

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Pursuant  to  applicable   requirements  of  the  Credit   Agreement,   the
undersigned, as Responsible Officers of the Borrower and the Guarantors,  hereby
certify  to you the  following  information  as true and  correct as of the date
hereof or for the period indicated, as the case may be:

     [1.  To the best of the knowledge of the  undersigned,  no Default or Event
          of Default exists as of the date hereof or has occurred since the date
          of our previous certification to you, if any.]

     [1.  To  the  best  of the  knowledge  of the  undersigned,  the  following
          Defaults  or Events  of  Default  exist as of the date  hereof or have
          occurred since the date of our previous  certification to you, if any,
          and the  actions  set  forth  below are  being  taken to  remedy  such

     2.   The compliance of the Related Parties with the financial  covenants of
          the Credit Agreement, as of the close of business on , is evidenced by
          the following:

          (a)  Section 6.11: Consolidated Tangible Net Worth


     Not less than the sum of $7,000,000 plus 50% of Consolidated Net Income for
each  positive  fiscal  quarter  after  March 31,  1999 plus 100% of cash equity
proceeds,  net of expenses  (other than  certain cash equity  proceeds  curing a
prior default)




          (b)  Section 6.12: Debt Service Ratio

           Required                              Actual
           --------                              ------

       Not less than 1.10 to 1.00                        to 1.0

     3.   No  Material  Adverse  Effect  has  occurred  since  the  date  of the
          Financial Statements dated as of                             .

     Each  capitalized  term used but not defined  herein shall have the meaning
assigned to such term in the Credit Agreement.

                                 Very truly yours,

                                 GOODRICH PETROLEUM COMPANY, L.L.C.


                                 GOODRICH PETROLEUM CORPORATION



                                   EXHIBIT III


Section 6.8     Liabilities -- NONE

                Litigation -- See attached Schedule 1

Section 6.12    Environmental Matters -- None, except as reflected on Schedule I

Section 6.17    Refunds -- NONE

Section 6.18    Gas Contracts -- NONE

Section 6.20    Casualties -- NONE

Section 6.22    Subsidiaries of Goodrich

                  Name                                    State of Formation
                  ----                                    ------------------

         Goodrich Petroleum Company, L.L.C.                     Louisiana

Section 6.5     Investments

                                    [NEED CURRENT LIST]
