SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT

Goodrich Petroleum Corporation
Goodrich Petroleum Company, L.L.C.
Goodrich Petroleum Company-Lafitte, L.L.C.
333 Texas Street, Suite 1375
Shreveport, Louisiana 71101

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         The undersigned (the "Undersigned") understands that Goodrich Petroleum
Corporation,  a Delaware corporation  ("Goodrich-Delaware"),  Goodrich Petroleum
Company,  L.L.C., a Louisiana limited  liability company  ("Goodrich-Louisiana")
and Goodrich Petroleum  Company--Lafitte,  L.L.C., a Louisiana limited liability
company  ("Lafitte")(Goodrich-Delaware,   Goodrich-Louisiana,  and  Lafitte  are
hereinafter  collectively  referred to as the "Companies") are offering for sale
(the "Offering") 100,000 units ("Units").
Each Unit consists of the following:

a.   Fifty  and  No/100  Dollars   ($50.00)  in  principal  under  a  series  of
     convertible  promissory notes made and issued by  Goodrich-Louisiana in the
     aggregate  principal amount of $5,000,000.00 (the "Pari Passu Notes").  The
     principal and accrued  interest under the Pari Passu Notes may be converted
     into   shares   of  common   stock,   par  value   $0.20  per   share,   of
     Goodrich-Delaware  (the  "Common  Stock")  at the rate of $4.00 per  share,
     subject to certain  adjustments.  The Pari Passu  Notes will be in the form
     attached  hereto as Exhibit A, and will be issued pursuant to the
     terms of a Credit  Agreement  (the  "Goodrich  Credit  Agreement")  between
     Goodrich-Louisiana,  as Borrower,  and Hambrecht & Quist Guaranty  Finance,
     LLC, (the "Noteholder  Agent"),  as agent for the holders of the Pari Passu
     Notes.  A copy of the  Goodrich  Credit  Agreement  is  attached  hereto as
     Exhibit B.

b.   Ten and No/100 Dollars  ($10.00) in principal under a series of convertible
     promissory  notes made and issued by  Goodrich-Louisiana  in the  aggregate
     principal amount of $1,000,000.00 (the "Subordinated Notes"). The principal
     and accrued  interest  under the  Subordinated  Notes may be converted into
     shares of Common  Stock at the rate of $4.00 per share,  subject to certain
     adjustments.  The Subordinated Notes will be in the form attached hereto as
     Exhibit C, and will be issued  pursuant to the terms of the Goodrich Credit


c.   Sixty  and  No/100  Dollars   ($60.00)  in  principal  under  a  series  of
     convertible  promissory  notes made and issued by Lafitte in the  aggregate
     principal amount of $6,000,000.00 (the "Lafitte Notes").  The principal and
     accrued  interest  under the Lafitte Notes may be converted  into shares of
     Common Stock at the rate of $4.00 per share.  Under certain  circumstances,
     the principal and accrued interest under the Lafitte Notes may be converted
     into  membership  interests (the  "Membership  Interests") of Lafitte.  The
     Lafitte Notes will be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D, and will be
     issued  pursuant to the terms of a Credit  Agreement  (the "Lafitte  Credit
     Agreement")  between  Lafitte,  as Borrower,  and the Noteholder  Agent, as
     agent for the holders of the Lafitte  Notes.  A copy of the Lafitte  Credit
     Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit E.

d.   Three (3) shares of Series A  Preferred  Units of  Goodrich-Louisiana  (the
     "Preferred  Units"),  having a par value and liquidation  preference of Ten
     and No/100 Dollars  ($10.00),  each. The preference  amount and any accrued
     distributions  under the  Preferred  Units may be converted  into shares of
     Common Stock at the rate of $2.00 per share. The form of the Preferred Unit
     certificate  (the  "Preferred  Unit  Certificate")  is  attached  hereto as
     Exhibit F. The Preferred  Units will be issued  pursuant to the Amended and
     Restated  Operating  Agreement  of  Goodrich-Louisiana,  a copy of which is
     attached hereto as Exhibit G. The  designations,  preferences and rights of
     the Preferred Units are set forth on Exhibit H, attached hereto.

e.   A warrant  (the "Debt  Warrant")  to purchase  thirty (30) shares of Common
     Stock for $0.9375 per share (the "Debt Warrant Exercise Price").  The terms
     of the  Debt  Warrants  are  further  set  forth  in the  form  of  warrant
     certificate (the "Debt Warrant Certificate") attached hereto as Exhibit I.

f.   A warrant (the "Preferred  Warrant") to purchase three (3) shares of Common
     Stock for $1.50 per share (the "Preferred  Warrant  Exercise  Price").  The
     terms  of the  Preferred  Warrants  are  further  set  forth in the form of
     warrant certificate (the "Preferred Warrant  Certificate")  attached hereto
     as Exhibit J.

         The  Undersigned  further  understands  that the Offering is being made
without  registration of (i) the Units,  (ii) the Pari Passu Notes or the Common
Stock issuable upon the conversion thereof,  (iii) the Subordinated Notes or the
Common Stock issuable upon the conversion thereof, (iv) the Lafitte Notes or the
Common Stock or the Membership  Interests issuable upon the conversion  thereof,
(v) the  Preferred  Units or the  Common  Stock  issuable  upon  the  conversion
thereof,  (vi) the Debt Warrants or the Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise
thereof,  or (vii) the  Preferred  Warrants or the Common  Stock  issuable  upon
exercise thereof,  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities
Act"), and is being made only to Accredited Investors (as defined in Rule 501 of
Regulation  D  under  the  Securities   Act).  The  number  of  Units  (and  the
corresponding  principal  amounts of the Pari Passu Note, the Subordinated  Note
and the Lafitte Note, and the  corresponding  numbers of Preferred  Units,  Debt
Warrants and Preferred Warrants) offered to the Undersigned are set forth beside
the  Undersigned's  name on the signature page hereof,  subject to the right and
authority  hereby granted to the Noteholder  Agent to reduce the number of Units
in the event of an  over-subscription  to the  Offering.  The Pari Passu  Notes,


Subordinated  Notes,  Lafitte Notes,  Preferred Units, Debt Warrants,  Preferred
Warrants  and the  Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  respective  conversion  or
exercise  of the  foregoing  are  referred to  collectively  herein as the "Unit

         The  Undersigned  further  understands  that  in  connection  with  the
Offering,  Goodrich-Louisiana is restructuring its revolving line of credit with
Compass Bank, an Alabama state banking  association,  pursuant to the terms of a
Credit  Agreement  to  be  executed  between  Goodrich-Louisiana,  as  borrower,
Goodrich-Delaware,  as  guarantor,  and Compass  Bank,  as lender,  which Credit
Agreement  will be  substantially  in the form of  Exhibit K (the  Compass  Bank
Credit  Agreement").  Pursuant to a Collateral  Agency Agreement between Compass
Bank,  as  collateral  agent,  Compass Bank in its own right and the  Noteholder
Agent  (the  "Collateral  Agency  Agreement"),  Compass  Bank will hold  certain
collateral that will serve as collateral for the  obligations  under the Compass
Bank Credit  Agreement,  the Goodrich  Credit  Agreement and the Lafitte  Credit
Agreement.  The Collateral Agency Agreement will be substantially in the form of
Exhibit L. Compass Bank and the  Noteholder  Agent will execute a  Subordination
Agreement (the "Subordination Agreement") providing for the subordination of the
Subordinated  Note and the guaranty by  Goodrich-Louisiana  of the Lafitte Note.
The Subordination Agreement will be substantially in the form of Exhibit M.

         The Undersigned further  acknowledges and agrees that,  notwithstanding
any  provision  herein  or in any of the Unit  Documents  to the  contrary,  the
Undersigned  shall not exercise any warrant or any  conversion  right to acquire
any shares of Common Stock for the period commencing with the issuance of any of
the Unit  Securities and ending eleven (11) days after the mailing of the notice
to  Goodrich-Delaware's  shareholders as required by the New York Stock Exchange
in connection with its exceptions to the Shareholder Approval Policy.

1.  Subscription.
     Subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  hereof,  the  Undersigned  hereby
irrevocably  subscribes for and agrees to purchase from the Companies the number
of Units set forth  underneath  the  Undersigned's  name on the  signature  page
attached hereto,  for a price of One Hundred Fifty and No/100 Dollars  ($150.00)
per Unit in cash. The total amount of such  consideration is referred to in this
Subscription  Agreement as the Purchase Price. The Undersigned agrees to deliver
the Purchase Price to the Noteholder Agent in immediately available funds on the
date this Subscription Agreement is executed by the Undersigned. The Undersigned
understands  that separate  Subscription  Agreements will be executed with other
purchasers for the remainder of the Units to be sold in this Offering.

2. Acceptance of Subscription; Delivery of Purchase Price; Power of Attorney.

     (a) The  Undersigned  understands and  acknowledges  that (i) the Companies
     have  the  unconditional  right,  exercisable  in their  sole and  absolute
     discretion, to accept or reject this Subscription Agreement, in whole or in
     part, (ii) subscriptions need not be accepted in the order received,  (iii)
     all subscriptions are subject to prior sale and to withdrawal, modification
     or  cancellation  of the Offering by the  Companies,  (iv) no  subscription
     shall be  valid  unless  and  until  accepted  by the  Companies,  (v) this
     Subscription Agreement shall be deemed to be accepted by the Companies only
     when it is signed by an  authorized  officer  of each of the  Companies  on
     behalf  of  the  Companies,  and  (vi)  notwithstanding  anything  in  this
     Subscription  Agreement  to the  contrary,  the  Companies  shall  have  no
     obligation  to issue Units to any person to whom the  issuance of the Units
     would  constitute a violation of the Securities Act or any state securities


     (b)  Upon  execution  of this  Subscription  Agreement  by duly  authorized
     officers of the Companies (the "Time of Acceptance")  and the  satisfaction
     of any conditions to funding, as set forth in the Goodrich Credit Agreement
     or the Lafitte  Credit  Agreement,  the  Noteholder  Agent will deliver the
     Purchase Price to the Companies.

     (c) The  Undersigned  has  executed  and  delivered  the Power of Attorney,
     attached  hereto as  Exhibit  L, to the  Noteholder  Agent.  Such  Power of
     Attorney  designates the Noteholder  Agent as the Agent for the Undersigned
     for the purposes set forth  therein,  including,  without  limitation,  the
     execution of the Unit Documents  (hereinafter defined) in substantially the
     form as attached hereto.

3. Tax Matters.
          The Undersigned understands and acknowledges that some risks and
uncertainties  exist with respect to the federal income tax  consequences of the
Units, and agrees to consult with and rely upon the  Undersigned's  tax advisors
with respect to the federal income tax  consequences of the purchase,  ownership
and disposition of a Unit.

4. Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Companies. As of the Time of
Acceptance,  the  Companies  represent  and  warrant  to and  covenant  with the
Undersigned as follows:

     (a) Each of the Companies is duly organized,  validly  existing and in good
     standing under the laws of the State of its  incorporation or organization,
     as the case may be,  with full  corporate  power and  authority  to own its
     assets and to conduct its business as it is currently being conducted,  and
     is duly qualified and in good standing to do business in the  jurisdictions
     in which the nature of the business conducted by it or the ownership of its
     assets  makes  such  qualification  necessary,   other  than  any  matters,
     including  failure to be so qualified and in good standing,  that would not
     have a material adverse effect on the Companies.

     (b)  Immediately  prior to the  Closing,  the  authorized  and  outstanding
     capitalization of Goodrich-Delaware will consist of that which is described
     on Schedule  1. Except as provided in Schedule 1, there are no  outstanding
     rights,  options,  warrants or agreements  for the purchase or  acquisition
     from    Goodrich-Delaware   of   any   shares   of   its   capital   stock.
     Goodrich-Delaware  is not a party or subject to any agreement,  and, to the
     best of its knowledge,  there is no agreement or understanding  between any
     other  persons,  which relates to the voting or giving of written  consents
     with respect to any security or by a director of the Goodrich-Delaware.

     (c) Each of the  Companies has duly  authorized by all necessary  corporate
     action  the  issuance  and  sale of up to an  aggregate  of  100,000  Units
     entitling the holders thereof to purchase, on certain terms and conditions,
     up to an  aggregate  of  $5,000,000  of Pari  Passu  Notes,  $1,000,000  of
     Subordinated Notes,  $6,000,000 of Lafitte Notes,  300,000 Preferred Units,
     and Warrants to purchase  3,300,000  shares of Common Stock. As of the Time
     of Acceptance, this Agreement, and each of the documents and instruments to
     be executed in connection with the Offering of the Units (collectively, the
     "Unit  Documents")  will have  been  duly  executed  and  delivered  by the
     Companies and (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery hereof by
     the Undersigned or the Noteholder,  as applicable)  will constitute  legal,
     valid and binding  obligations  of the Companies,  enforceable  against the
     Companies in accordance with their terms, except as the same may be limited
     by legal principles of general applicability  governing the application and
     availability of equitable remedies.


     (d) The Common Stock  issuable  upon  exercise of the Debt  Warrants or the
     Preferred  Warrants or upon conversion of the other Unit  Securities,  when
     issued and paid for in accordance herewith and in accordance with the terms
     of the applicable  Unit  Documents,  respectively,  will represent  validly
     authorized,  duly issued and fully paid and non-assessable shares of Common
     Stock of  Goodrich-Delaware.  The issuance of the Unit  Securities will not
     conflict  with the  organizational  documents of  Goodrich-Delaware  or any
     agreement  or  other  instrument  binding  upon  Goodrich-Delaware  that is
     material to Goodrich-Delaware.

     (e) The offer,  issuance,  sale or delivery of the Units will not  conflict
     with or violate any law, order,  statute,  regulation or consent applicable
     to the  Companies of any court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency,
     governmental body or arbitrator having jurisdiction over the Companies.

     (f) The Companies  are not in violation of,  conflict with or default under
     (i) any provision of their organizational  documents, or (ii) any contract,
     instrument,  judgment,  order,  writ or  decree  to  which it or any of its
     subsidiaries is a party or by which it or any of them is bound,  or, to the
     best of its  knowledge,  of any provision of any federal or state  statute,
     rule or regulation applicable to the Companies,  except as would not have a
     material adverse effect on the assets,  condition,  affairs or prospects of
     the  Companies  taken as a whole,  financial or otherwise.  The  Execution,
     delivery and  performance  of this Agreement and the Unit Documents and the
     consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby will not,
     with or without  the  passage  of time and giving of notice,  result in any
     such  violation,  conflict  or  default,  or an event  that  results in the
     creation of any material lien, charge or encumbrance upon any assets of the
     Companies or the  suspension,  revocation,  impairment or forfeiture of any
     material  permit,  license,  authorization,  or approval  applicable to the
     Companies which is reasonably likely to have a materially adverse effect.

5. Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Undersigned.
     The  Undersigned  hereby  represents and warrants to and covenants with the
Companies and to each officer, director and agent of the Companies as follows:

     (a) General:
          (i) The  Undersigned  has all  requisite  authority to enter into this
          Subscription  Agreement and to perform all the obligations required to
          be performed by the Undersigned hereunder.

          (ii)  The  Undersigned  is  the  sole  party  in  interest  and is not
          acquiring the Units as an agent or otherwise for any other person. The
          Undersigned is a resident of the state set forth below his, her or its
          name  on  the  signature   page  hereto  and  (A)  if  a  corporation,
          partnership,  trust or other form of business organization, it has its
          principal  office within such state;  (B) if an individual,  he or she
          has  his or her  principal  residence  in  such  state;  and  (C) if a
          corporation, partnership, trust or other form of business organization
          which was organized  for the specific  purpose of acquiring the Units,
          all of the beneficial owners are residents of such state.

     (b) Information Concerning the Companies:

          (i) The  Undersigned  is  familiar  with the  business  and  financial
     condition,  properties,  operations and prospects of the Companies, and has
     been  afforded  the  opportunity  to ask  questions  of,  and has  received
     satisfactory answers from, the Companies' officers and directors,  or other


     persons  acting on the  Companies'  behalf,  concerning  the  business  and
     financial condition, properties, operations and prospects of the Companies'
     and concerning the terms and conditions of the Offering.

          (ii) The Undersigned understands that, unless the Undersigned notifies
     the Companies in writing to the contrary before the Time of Acceptance, all
     the representations and warranties contained in this Subscription Agreement
     will be deemed  to have been  reaffirmed  and  confirmed  as of the Time of
     Acceptance,   taking  into   account  all   information   received  by  the

          (iii)The  Undersigned  understands  that  the  purchase  of the  Units
     involves  various risks and that no assurance can be given as to the future
     value of any investment in the Units or the future  financial  condition or
     results of operations of the Company. The Undersigned  understands that the
     Companies' future performance will depend on a number of factors beyond the
     Companies' control,  including the price of oil and gas, the success of the
     Companies'  exploratory and development  drilling  program,  its ability to
     replace reserves and general economic and industry conditions.

          (iv)  No   representations   or  warranties  have  been  made  to  the
     Undersigned by the Companies as to the tax  consequences of this investment
     or as to the expected  profits,  losses or cash flow of the Companies which
     may be received or sustained as a result of this investment.

          (v)  All  documents,  records  and  books  pertaining  to  a  proposed
     investment in the Units which the  Undersigned has requested have been made
     available to the Undersigned.

     (c) Status of the Undersigned:

          (i) The  Undersigned  has had the  opportunity  to  consult  with  the
     Undersigned's  own attorney and/or  accountant  regarding the Undersigned's
     investment  in  the  Units  and  their  suitability  for  purchase  by  the
     Undersigned,  and to the extent necessary, the Undersigned has retained, at
     the Undersigned's own expense,  and relied upon,  appropriate  professional
     advice  regarding  the  investment,   tax  and  legal  merits,   risks  and
     consequences  of this  Subscription  Agreement and of purchasing and owning
     the Units.

          (ii) The  Undersigned  represents  that  the  Undersigned  is  (please
     initial each category below which is applicable to the Undersigned):

               (  ) (A) a natural person whose  individual  net worth,  or joint
                  net  worth  with  his  or  her  spouse,   exceeds   $1,000,000
                  (including the value of homes,  home  furnishings and personal

               (  ) (B) a natural person who had an individual  income in excess
                  of $200,000 in each of the last two years or joint income with
                  his or her  spouse in excess of  $300,000  in each of the last
                  two years and who  reasonably  expects to reach the same level
                  of individual  or joint income this year.  For purposes of the
                  Offering, individual income shall equal adjusted gross income,
                  as reported in the  Undersigned's  federal  income tax return,


                  less any income  attributable to a spouse or to property owned
                  by the spouse,  and as may be further  adjusted in  accordance
                  with the rules, regulations and releases of the Securities and
                  Exchange Commission;

               (  ) (C) a bank as defined in Section  3(a)(2) of the  Securities
                  Act, or a savings and loan association or other institution as
                  defined in Section  3(a)(5)(A) of the Securities Act,  whether
                  acting in its  individual or fiduciary  capacity;  a broker or
                  dealer  registered  pursuant  to Section 15 of the  Securities
                  Exchange  Act of 1934;  an  insurance  company  as  defined in
                  Section 2(13) of the  Securities  Act; an  investment  company
                  registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940
                  Act") or a business  development company as defined in Section
                  2(a)(48) of the 1940 Act; a Small Business  Investment Company
                  licensed  by the  U.S.  Small  Business  Administration  under
                  Section 301(c) or (d) of the Small Business  Investment Act of
                  1958;  a plan  established  and  maintained  by a  state,  its
                  political subdivisions,  or any agency or instrumentality of a
                  state or its  political  subdivisions  for the  benefit of its
                  employees  with total  assets in excess of  $5,000,000;  or an
                  employee  benefit  plan  within the  meaning  of the  Employee
                  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of  1974  ("ERISA"),  if the
                  investment decision is made by a plan fiduciary, as defined in
                  Section  3(21) of ERISA,  which is either a bank,  savings and
                  loan association,  insurance company or registered  investment
                  advisor,  or if the employee  benefit plan has total assets in
                  excess  of  $5,000,000  or  if  a  self-directed   plan,  with
                  investment   decisions   made  solely  by  persons   that  are
                  Accredited Investors;

               (  ) (D) a private  business  development  company  as defined in
                  Section 202(a)(22) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940;

               (  ) (E) an  organization  described in Section  501(c)(3) of the
                  Internal Revenue Code,  corporation,  Massachusetts or similar
                  business trust,  or  partnership,  not formed for the specific
                  purpose of acquiring the Units, with total assets in excess of

               (  ) (F) an individual who is a director or executive  officer of
                  the Company;

               (  ) (G) a trust, with total assets in excess of $5,000,000,  not
                  formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the Units,  whose
                  purchase is directed by a sophisticated person as described in
                  Section  506(b)(2)(ii)  of  Regulation D under the  Securities
                  Act; or

               (  ) (H)  an  entity  in  which  all  of the  equity  owners  are
                  Accredited Investors set forth above.

          (iii)The  Undersigned  agrees to furnish  any  additional  information
     requested to assure compliance with applicable federal and state securities
     laws in connection with the purchase and sale of the Units.


     (d)  Restrictions  on Transfer or Sale of the Warrants and the Common Stock
     Issuable upon Exercise of the Warrants or upon Conversion of the Other Unit

          (i) The  Undersigned is acquiring the Units  subscribed for solely for
     the Undersigned's own beneficial account, for investment purposes,  and not
     with a view to, or for resale in connection  with, any  distribution of the
     Units or the Unit  Securities.  The Undersigned  understands that the offer
     and sale of the Units and the Unit Securities has not been registered under
     the  Securities  Act or any state  securities  laws by  reason of  specific
     exemptions  under  the  provisions  thereof  which  depend in part upon the
     investment intent of the Undersigned and the other  representations made by
     the Undersigned in this Subscription Agreement. The Undersigned understands
     that the  Companies  are relying upon the  representations,  covenants  and
     agreements  contained  in this  Subscription  Agreement  for the purpose of
     determining  whether  this  transaction  meets  the  requirements  for such

          (ii)  The  Undersigned   understands  that  the  Units  and  the  Unit
     Securities are "restricted  securities" under applicable federal securities
     laws and that the Securities Act and the rules of the Commission provide in
     substance  that the  Undersigned  may  dispose  of the  Units  and the Unit
     Securities only pursuant to an effective  registration  statement under the
     Securities Act or an exemption therefrom,  and the Undersigned  understands
     that the Company has no  obligation  or  intention  to register  any of the
     Units or the Unit Securities  purchased by the Undersigned  hereunder other
     than as provided in the Unit  Documents,  or to take action so as to permit
     sales  pursuant to the  Securities  Act  (including  Rule 144  thereunder).
     Accordingly, the Undersigned understands that under the Commission's rules,
     the Undersigned  may dispose of the Units and the Unit Securities  acquired
     pursuant to the Offering only by  registration  under the Securities Act or
     in  "private  placements"  which are  exempt  from  registration  under the
     Securities  Act, in which event the  transferee  will  acquire  "restricted
     securities"  subject  to  the  same  limitations  as in  the  hands  of the
     Undersigned.  As a consequence,  the Undersigned  understands  that it must
     bear  the  economic  risks  of the  investment  in the  Units  and the Unit
     Securities for an extended period of time.

          (iii)The  Undersigned  agrees: (A) that the Undersigned will not sell,
     assign,  pledge,  give,  transfer or otherwise  dispose of the Units or the
     Unit Securities or any interest therein, or make any offer or attempt to do
     any of the foregoing,  except  pursuant to a registration  of the offer and
     sale  of the  applicable  securities  under  the  Securities  Act  and  all
     applicable state  securities laws or in a transaction  which is exempt from
     the registration  provisions of the Securities Act and all applicable state
     securities  laws;  (B) that the  Companies  and any transfer  agent for the
     Common Stock shall not be required to give effect to any purported transfer
     of  any  such   securities   except  upon  compliance  with  the  foregoing
     restrictions and the receipt of a favorable opinion of counsel satisfactory
     to the Companies  and/or  evidence  satisfactory to the Companies that such
     restrictions   have  been  complied   with;   and  (C)  that  a  legend  in
     substantially  the  following  form  will  be  placed  on the  certificates
     representing the Unit Securities:




          (iv)  The  Undersigned  has not  offered  or sold any  portion  of the
          subscribed for Units or Unit  Securities and has no present  intention
          of dividing such Units or Unit  Securities with others or of reselling
          or otherwise disposing of any portion of such Units or Unit Securities
          either  currently  or after  the  passage  of a fixed or  determinable
          period  of  time  or  upon  the  occurrence  or  nonoccurrence  of any
          predetermined event or circumstance.

6.  Survival;  Indemnification.
     All   representations,   warranties   and   covenants   contained  in  this
Subscription Agreement and the indemnification contained in this Section 6 shall
survive (i) the acceptance of this Subscription Agreement by the Companies, (ii)
changes in the  transactions,  documents and instruments  described herein which
are not material or which are to the benefit of the  Undersigned,  and (iii) the
death or disability of the Undersigned. The Undersigned acknowledges the meaning
and legal  consequences  of the  representations,  warranties  and  covenants in
Section 5 hereof and that the Companies  have relied upon such  representations,
warranties  and covenants in determining  the  Undersigned's  qualification  and
suitability to purchase the Units.  The Undersigned  hereby agrees to indemnify,
defend and hold harmless the Companies,  their respective  officers,  directors,
employees,  agents and controlling persons, from and against any and all losses,
claims,   damages,   liabilities,   expenses  (including   attorneys'  fees  and
disbursements),  judgments or amounts paid in settlement of actions  arising out
of or resulting from the untruth of any representation of the Undersigned herein
or the breach of any warranty or covenant herein by the Undersigned.

7. Registration.
     "Registrable Shares" shall mean the Common Stock to be issued in connection
with the transactions referred to herein.  Goodrich-Delaware shall file with the
SEC within sixty (60) days  following  the date of grant  hereof a  registration
statement  on Form S-1 under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  or such
other  form  that  Goodrich-Delaware  is  eligible  to use or that the SEC deems
appropriate (the "Registration Statement") for the registration of the resale by
the Undersigned of the Registrable  Securities.  Goodrich-Delaware shall use its
best efforts to have the Registration Statement declared effective by the SEC by
no later than ninety (90) days after the date of grant hereof and to ensure that
the Registration  Statement,  and the underlying  prospectus,  remains in effect
until such time as all of the Registrable  Shares are freely tradable under Rule
144 promulgated under the Securities Act.

     (a) Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Goodrich-Delaware  may defer the filing
     of the  Registration  Statement until a date not later than sixty (60) days
     after the time set forth above if Goodrich-Delaware or its subsidiaries are
     engaged  in  confidential   negotiations  or  other  confidential  business
     activities,  disclosure  of which would be  required  in such  Registration
     Statement  (but would not be required if such  Registration  Statement were
     not filed).

     (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing,  if Goodrich-Delaware  determines in its
     good faith  judgment that the filing of any  supplement or amendment to the
     Registration   Statement  in  order  to  keep  the  Registration  Statement
     effective  would  require  the  disclosure  of  material  information  that
     Goodrich-Delaware  has a bona  fide  business  purpose  for  preserving  as
     confidential,   than  upon  written   notice  of  such   determination   by
     Goodrich-Delaware  to the Undersigned,  the obligation of Goodrich-Delaware
     to supplement or amend the  Registration  Statement will be suspended until
     Goodrich-Delaware  notifies the Undersigned in writing that the reasons for


     suspension of such obligations no longer exist and Goodrich-Delaware amends
     or supplements the Registration  Statement as may be required.  The maximum
     number of  consecutive  days during which  Goodrich-Delaware  may delay the
     filing of any such  supplement  or  amendment  shall not exceed  sixty (60)

8. Conditions  to  Obligations  of  the  Undersigned  and  the  Companies.
     The  obligations  of the  Undersigned  to  purchase  and pay for the  Units
specified  herein and of the  Companies  to sell such  Units are  subject to the
condition that the  representations and warranties of the Companies contained in
Section 4 hereof and of the  Undersigned  contained in Section 5 hereof shall be
true and correct on and as of the Time of  Acceptance  in all respects  with the
same effect as though such  representations  and warranties had been made on and
as of the Time of Acceptance.

9. Notices.
     All  notices  and other  communications  provided  for  herein  shall be in
writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered  personally  or
sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid:

     (a) if to the Companies, to the following address:

                  Goodrich Petroleum Corporation
                  Goodrich Petroleum Company, L.L.C.
                  Goodrich Petroleum Company-Lafitte, L.L.C.
                  333 Texas Street, Suite 1375
                  Shreveport, Louisiana 71101
                  Attn: Walter G. Goodrich

     (b) if to the  Undersigned,  to the address set forth on the signature page

     (c) or at such other address as either party shall have specified by notice
     in writing to the other.

10. Notification of Changes.
     The  Undersigned  agrees and covenants to notify the Companies  immediately
upon the  occurrence  of any event prior to the Time of  Acceptance  which would
cause any  representation,  warranty,  covenant or other statement  contained in
this  Subscription  Agreement  to be false or  incorrect or of any change in any
statement made herein occurring prior to the Time of Acceptance.

11. Assignability.
     This Subscription  Agreement is not assignable by the Undersigned,  and may
not be modified,  waived or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed
by  the  party  against  whom  enforcement  of  such  modification,   waiver  or
termination is sought.

12. Binding  Effect.
     Except as otherwise provided herein,  this Subscription  Agreement shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their heirs, executors,
administrators,   successors,   legal   representatives  and  assigns,  and  the
agreements,  representations,  warranties and  acknowledgments  contained herein
shall  be  deemed  to be made by and be  binding  upon  such  heirs,  executors,
administrators, successors, legal representatives and assigns.

13. Obligations  Irrevocable.
     The  obligations of the Undersigned  shall be irrevocable,  except with the
consent of the Companies, until the Time of Acceptance or earlier termination of
the Offering.

14. Entire  Agreement.
     This Subscription  Agreement,  and the Unit Documents constitute the entire
agreement of the Undersigned and the Companies relating to the matters contained
herein, superseding all prior contracts or agreements, whether oral or written.


15. Governing  Law.
     This  Subscription   Agreement  shall  be  governed  by  and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Louisiana,  exclusive of any conflicts
of law  principles;  and the  parties  hereto  agree that the state and  federal
courts  situated in Caddo Parish,  Louisiana,  shall have personal  jurisdiction
over the parties  hereto to hear all disputes  arising  under this  Subscription
Agreement.  This Subscription Agreement is to be at least partially performed in
Caddo  Parish,  Louisiana,  and, as such,  the parties agree that venue shall be
proper with the state or federal courts in Caddo Parish, Louisiana, to hear such

16. Severability.
     If any provision of this Subscription  Agreement or the application thereof
to the Undersigned or any circumstance shall be held invalid or unenforceable to
any extent, the remainder of this Subscription  Agreement and the application of
such provision to other  subscriptions  or  circumstances  shall not be affected
thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.

17. Headings.
     The headings in this  Subscription  Agreement are inserted for  convenience
and identification only and are not intended to describe,  interpret, define, or
limit  the  scope,  extent  or  intent  of this  Subscription  Agreement  or any
provision hereof.

18. Counterparts.
     This Subscription  Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of which when so executed and  delivered  shall be deemed to be an original
and all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same agreement.

     NOTE:  Please be certain you have  initialed  the  appropriate  category of
Accredited Investor in Section 6(c).


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Undersigned  has executed this  Subscription
Agreement this day      of September, 1999.

(  ) INDIVIDUAL OWNERSHIP (one signature required)

     List the name of the  person or entity who will be the record  holder   and
     provide (i) copy of trust agreement, power of attorney or other  instrument
     granting the power and authority to subscribe, or (ii)an opinion of counsel
     as to such power and authority)

(  ) JOINT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP (both or all parties must sign)

(  ) COMMUNITY PROPERTY (one signature required if shares are held in one  name,
     i.e.,  managing spouse; two signatures  required if shares are held in both

(  ) TENANTS IN COMMON (both or all parties  must sign) (Can  only  be  used  if
     parties are related and living in same household)

(  ) CORPORATION  (please  include  copies  of  the  corporation's  Articles  of
     Incorporation and bylaws)

(  ) PARTNERSHIP (include copy of Partnership Agreement authorizing signature)

         (1) If a Partnership,  Corporation or other qualified association,  the
signature  should  be in the  name of such  entity  followed  by the  authorized
signature and title of the person signing.

         (2) Second signature required for any joint investment.

Name of Investor:


- ----------------------------------------


- ----------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------

Social Security or Tax I.D. No.:

- ----------------------------------------

Item                     Number/Amount                      Investment
- ----                     -------------                      ----------

                         -------------                      ----------
Pari Passu Note
                         -------------                      ----------
Subordinated Note
                         -------------                      ----------
Lafitte Note
                         -------------                      ----------
Preferred Units
                         -------------                      ----------
Debt Warrants
                         -------------                      ----------
Deferred Warrant
                         -------------                      ----------
                         -------------                      ----------


If joint investment:

  Name of additional investor:


         Title (if applicable):


         Social Security or Tax I.D. No.:

No. of Units subscribed for:

                 Accepted by Goodrich Petroleum Corporation

                            Walter G. Goodrich, President

                 Accepted by Goodrich Petroleum Company, L.L.C.

                            Walter G. Goodrich, President

                 Accepted by Goodrich Petroleum Company-Lafitte, L.L.C.

                            Walter G. Goodrich, President
