EXHIBIT 10.2.2

             Employment Agreement made as of March 21, 1995, by and
                 between Bram Goldsmith and City National Bank

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

       THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is made as of the 21st day of March, 1995 by
                                                   ----        -----     
  and between BRAM GOLDSMITH ("Goldsmith") and CITY NATIONAL BANK, a National
  Bank ("CNB").
       I.   Employment.  CNB hereby employs Goldsmith, and Goldsmith hereby
  accepts employment, under the terms and conditions hereafter set forth.

       II.  Duties.  Goldsmith shall be employed as the Chairman of the Board
  and Chief Executive Officer of CNB and his duties shall be consistent with
  such office and position.  Substantially all of Goldsmith's duties shall be
  performed in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, California and unless mutually
  agreed upon by Goldsmith and CNB, Goldsmith shall be headquartered in Beverly
  Hills, California.

       III. Term.  Subject to the provisions for termination as hereinafter
  provided, the term of this Agreement shall be deemed to have commenced on May
  15, 1995 and shall terminate three (3) years thereafter.

       IV.  Annual Compensation.  In addition to fringe benefits and
  reimbursement of expenses consistent with Goldsmith's duties and position, CNB
  shall pay Goldsmith as annual compensation, payable in equal semimonthly
  payments, the sum of Five Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($540,000) during the
  term hereof.

       V.   Incentive Bonus.  Goldsmith shall be paid an annual incentive bonus,
  provided however, that the amount of such incentive bonus for any year in
  terms of a percentage of


  Goldsmith's then annual salary shall be no less than the percentage of annual
  salary paid as a bonus to any other member of executive management of CNB.
  For the purpose of determining the amount of bonus to be paid Goldsmith for
  any calendar year, his then annual salary shall be an amount equal to twenty-
  four times the semimonthly salary paid to Goldsmith (exclusive of any
  incentive bonus) for the calendar year in question.

       VI.  Life Insurance.  CNB has provided Goldsmith with a whole life
  insurance policy on the joint lives of Goldsmith and Mrs. Elaine Goldsmith in
  an initial insured amount of Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000), the premium
  for which was fully paid in 1990.  Such life insurance policy is owned by the
  Goldsmith l980 Life Insurance Trust ("Trust").  Such life insurance policy or
  the proceeds thereof, and possession of the policy and all rights therein,
  including the right to designate the beneficiary, shall be vested completely
  in the Trust; provided however, that CNB shall be entitled to receive from the
  proceeds of such policy a sum equal to the aggregate amount of premiums,
  without interest, paid by CNB on account of such policy pursuant to the terms
  of the Split Dollar Life Insurance Agreement, as amended, and attached hereto
  marked Exhibit A.

       VII. Extent of Service.  Goldsmith shall devote his time, attention and
  energies to the business of CNB and shall not, during the term of this
  Agreement, be engaged in any other activity which will interfere with the
  performance of his duties  hereunder.  Time expended by Goldsmith on
  philanthropic activities and in connection with real estate investments shall


  deemed not to interfere with the performance of his duties hereunder; provided
  however, that during the term thereof, Goldsmith shall not become an active
  participant (as opposed to a passive investor or consultant) in any real
  estate investment or venture in which he does not presently have a direct or
  indirect interest.

       VIII.      Termination of Employment.

            A.    Termination by CNB for Good Cause.  CNB may terminate the
  employment of Goldsmith for "good cause" by written notice to Goldsmith.  For
  purposes of this Agreement, "good cause" shall mean only (i) conviction of a
  crime directly related to his employment hereunder, (ii) conviction  of a
  felony involving moral turpitude, (iii) willful and gross mismanagement  of
  the business and affairs of CNB, or (iv) breach of any material provision of
  this Agreement.  In the event the employment of Goldsmith is terminated
  pursuant to this subparagraph 8(a), CNB shall have no further liability to
  Goldsmith other than for compensation accrued but not yet paid.

            In the event CNB contends that it has good cause to terminate
  Goldsmith pursuant to clause (iii) or (iv) of this subparagraph 8(a), CNB
  shall provide Goldsmith with written notice specifying in reasonable detail
  the services or matters which it contends Goldsmith has not been adequately
  performing, or the material provisions of this Agreement of which Goldsmith is
  in violation, why CNB has good cause to terminate this Agreement, and what
  Goldsmith should do to adequately perform his obligations hereunder.  If
  within thirty (30) days of receipt of


  the notice Goldsmith performs the required services or modifies his
  performance to correct the matters complained of, Goldsmith's breach will be
  deemed cured, and Goldsmith's employment shall not be terminated.  However, if
  the nature of the service not performed by Goldsmith or the matters complained
  of are such that more than thirty (30) days are reasonably required to perform
  the required service or to correct the matters complained of, then his breach
  will be deemed cured if he commences to perform such service or to correct
  such matters within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter diligently
  prosecutes such performance or correction to completion.  If Goldsmith does
  not perform the required services or modify his performance to correct the
  matter complained of within the thirty (30) day period or the extension
  thereof, CNB shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of
  the thirty (30) day period or extension thereof.  It is understood that
  Goldsmith's performance hereunder shall not be deemed unsatisfactory solely on
  the basis of any economic performance of CNB because this performance will
  depend in part on a variety of factors over which Goldsmith has little

            B.    Termination by CNB Without Good Cause.  CNB may terminate the
  employment of Goldsmith without "good cause" (as defined in subparagraph 8(a)
  above) at any time by written notice to Goldsmith.  In the event the
  employment of Goldsmith is terminated pursuant to this subparagraph 8(b), CNB
  shall continue to be obligated to pay to and compensate Goldsmith pursuant to
  paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Agreement for the full term of this Agreement.
  Goldsmith shall have no duty to mitigate and CNB


  shall have no right to offset any other compensation paid to Goldsmith during
  the applicable time period.

            C.    Termination by Death or Disability.  CNB may  terminate the
  employment of Goldsmith by written notice to Goldsmith if, during the term of
  this Agreement, Goldsmith shall become incapable of fulfilling his obligations
  hereunder because of injury or physical or mental illness which shall exist or
  may reasonably be anticipated to exist for a period of twelve (12) consecutive
  months or for an aggregate of twelve (12) months during any twenty-four (24)
  month period.  The death of Goldsmith  during the term of this Agreement shall
  likewise operate to terminate the Agreement, except that Goldsmith's base
  salary shall continue in effect and be paid to his wife, if she is then
  living, and if she is not then living, to his Revocable Living Trust for a
  period equal to the lesser of two years or the remaining term of this
  Agreement.  In the event the employment of Goldsmith is terminated by CNB
  pursuant to this subparagraph 8(c) because of injury, physical or mental
  illness, CNB shall continue to be obligated to pay Goldsmith while he is alive
  his base salary and Incentive Bonus which Goldsmith would otherwise have been
  entitled to receive pursuant to Paragraph 5 to the same extent and in the same
  manner as if Goldsmith had remained employed by CNB for the full term of this
  Agreement less any amount Goldsmith receives in lieu of salary while he is
  alive during the term of this Agreement from private or government insurance
  programs, exclusive of reimbursement of medical costs.


            D.    Optional Termination by Goldsmith.  Goldsmith may terminate
  this Agreement by written notice to CNB at any time after a change in control
  of CNB should occur.  A change of control shall be deemed to have occurred if
  any "person" (as that term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the
  Securities and Exchange Act of 1934), other than Goldsmith or City National
  Bank, Trustee of the Profit Sharing Retirement Plan of City National Bank
  Employees, is or becomes the "beneficial owner" (as that term is defined by
  the Securities and Exchange Commission for purposes of Section 13(d) of the
  Securities and Exchange Act of 1934),  directly or indirectly, of securities
  of City National Corporation or its successors representing more than twenty
  percent (20%) of the combined voting power of the outstanding securities of
  City National Corporation, excluding any securities  purchased directly from
  Goldsmith.  In the event the employment of Goldsmith is terminated pursuant to
  the provisions of this subparagraph 8(d), CNB shall continue to be obligated
  to pay to and compensate Goldsmith pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 of this
  Agreement for the full term of this Agreement.  Goldsmith shall have no duty
  to mitigate and CNB shall have no right to offset other compensation paid to
  Goldsmith during the applicable time period.  Notwithstanding anything in this
  subparagraph 8(d) to the contrary, in no event shall Goldsmith be paid in any
  year any amount pursuant to this Agreement that constitutes an "excess
  parachute payment" and is not deductible by CNB under Section 280G of the
  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), or any amendment thereto or any
  subsequently enacted legislation of


  similar effect, and any amounts payable to Goldsmith pursuant to this
  subparagraph 8(d) shall not exceed a sum equal to the product of 299% times an
  amount equal to Goldsmith's "base amount" as defined in Section 280G of the
  Code for the period consisting of the most recent five taxable years ending
  before the date on which the change of control occurs.

       IX.  Entire Agreement; Modification; Waiver.  This Agreement and the
  agreements referred to in the Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire
  agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter contained
  therein and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements,
  representations and understandings of the parties.  No supplement,
  modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed
  in writing by both parties.  No waiver of any of the provisions of this
  Agreement  shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other
  provisions, whether or not similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a
  continuing waiver.  No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by
  the party making the waiver.

       X.   Separability Clause.  The invalidity or unenforceability of any
  provision hereof shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any
  other provision hereof.

       XI.  Benefit.  Except as herein and otherwise specifically provided, this
  Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their
  personal representatives, heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and
  permitted assigns.

       XII. Notices.  Any notice, request, or other communication required to be
  given pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement


  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be duly given if delivered in
  person or mailed by registered or certified United States mail, postage
  prepaid, and mailed to the parties at the following addresses:

         CITY NATIONAL BANK                 BRAM GOLDSMITH
         ------------------                 --------------
         City National Bank                 Mr. Bram Goldsmith
         400 No. Roxbury Drive              City National Bank
         Beverly Hills, CA 90210            400 No. Roxbury Drive
         Attn: Richard H. Sheehan, Jr.      Beverly Hills, CA 90210

        The parties hereto may change the above addresses from time to time by
  giving notice thereof to each other in conformity with this Paragraph 12.

        XIII.      Non-Competition.  Goldsmith agrees not to compete with CNB in
  any form whatsoever.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
  Goldsmith covenants and agrees with CNB that Goldsmith shall not, during or
  after the term of this Agreement, disclose to anyone any confidential
  information concerning the business or operations of CNB which Goldsmith may
  acquire in the course of or incident to the performance of his duties
  hereunder, including, without limitation, processes, customer lists, business
  or trade secrets, or methods or techniques used by CNB  in its business or

        Goldsmith covenants and agrees that he shall not, during the term of
  this Agreement, directly or indirectly (whether for compensation or
  otherwise), alone or as an agent, principal, partner, shareholder or in any
  other capacity, own, manage, operate, join, control or participate in the
  ownership, manage-


  ment, operation or control of  or furnish any capital to or be connected in
  any manner with or provide any services for any business, operation or entity
  which competes with the business or operations of CNB.

        XIV. Construction.  This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed
  in accordance with, the laws of the State of California.

        XV.  Captions.  The paragraph headings and captions contained herein are
  for reference purposes and convenience only and shall not in any way affect
  the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

        XVI. Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
  counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which
  together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

        XVII.      Amendments.  This Agreement shall not be modified, amended,
  or in any way altered except by an instrument in writing and signed by both of
  the parties hereto.

        XVIII.     Mandatory Arbitration.  At the request of Goldsmith or City
  National Bank, any dispute, claim, controversy of any kind (whether in
  contract or tort, statutory or common law, legal or equitable) now existing or
  hereafter arising out of, pertaining to or in connection with this Agreement
  and/or any renewals, extensions, or amendments thereto, shall be resolved
  through final and binding arbitration conducted at a location determined by
  the arbitrator in Los Angeles or Beverly Hills, California, and administered
  by the American Arbitration


  Association ("AAA") in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C.
  (S)1, et seq., and the then existing Commercial Arbitration Rules of the AAA.
  Judgment upon any award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any
  State or Federal courts having jurisdiction thereof.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Employment
  Agreement as of the date first above written at Beverly Hills, California.

                                   CITY NATIONAL BANK

                                   By:  /s/ Richard H. Sheehan, Jr.
                                      Richard H. Sheehan, Jr.,
                                      Senior Vice President

                                       /s/ Bram Goldsmith
                                   BRAM GOLDSMITH
