LEASE AGREEMENT


                               BLUFFS GROUP III,
                        a California Limited Partnership


                           DIGITAL SOUND CORPORATION

                                October 1, 1996

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    1.1.  Lease of Premises
    1.2.  Construction by Landlord
    1.3.  Description of Premises
    1.4.  Preparation of Premises; Occupancy

2.  TERM OF LEASE....................................     3
    2.1.  Initial Term
    2.2.  Option to Extend Term of Lease

3.  RENT.............................................     3
    3.1.  Minimum Monthly Rent
    3.2.  Additional Rent
    3.3.  Time and Manner of Payment
    3.4.  Adjustment to Minimum Monthly Rent
    3.5.  Prepaid Rent
    3.6.  Security Deposit

4.  PROPERTY OPERATING EXPENSES......................     7
    4.1.  Payment by Tenant
    4.2.  Definitions
    4.3.  Books and Records

5.  LANDLORD'S MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING................     9
    5.1.  Management of Building
    5.2.  Rules and Regulations

6.  USE; LIMITATIONS ON USE..........................     9
    6.1.  Tenant's Use of Premises
    6.2.  Limitations on Use

7.  ALTERATIONS......................................    11
    7.1.  Changes by Tenant
    7.2.  Mechanics' Liens

8.  UTILITIES........................................    11

9.  TENANT'S PERSONAL PROPERTY.......................    12
    9.1.  Personal Property Taxes
    9.2.  Installation of Property
    9.3.  Removal of Personal Property

10. CARE AND MAINTENANCE.............................    12
    10.1. Landlord's Maintenance
    10.2. Tenant's Maintenance
    10.3. Janitorial Service

11. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE..........................    13
    11.1. Indemnification Agreement
    11.2. Duty to Defend
    11.3. Public Liability and Property Damage
    11.4. Tenant's Property Insurance
    11.5. Proof of Insurance
    11.6. Landlord's Insurance

    11.7. Waiver of Subrogation
12. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION............................   15
    12.1. Landlord to Repair
    12.2. Termination; Abatement of Rent
13. CONDEMNATION.....................................   16
    13.1 Entire Premises
    13.2 Partial Taking
    13.3 Transfer Under Threat of Condemnation
    13.4. Awards and Damages
    13.5. Arbitration
    14.1. Landlord's Consent Required
    14.2. Tenant Affiliate
    14.3. Applications for Landlord's Consent
    14.4. Assumption by Assignee
    14.5. Reimbursement of Expenses
    14.6. Continuing Obligation
15. DEFAULTS.........................................   19
    15.1. Default by Tenant
    15.2. Breach of Covenant; Abandonment, Etc.
    15.3. Insolvency of Tenant
    15.4. Default by Landlord
16. LANDLORD'S REMEDIES..............................   20
    16.1 Termination
    16.2 Reentry Without Termination
    16.3 Recovery of Rent
    16.4 Landlord's Damages
    16.5 Assignment of Subrents
    16.6 Power of Receiver
    16.7 Remedies Cumulative and Not Exclusive
    16.8 Rights and Remedies Not Waived
17. LANDLORD'S RIGHT TO CURE DEFAULTS................   23
18. SUBORDINATION OF LEASE; ESTOPPEL.................   23
    18.1. Subordination Estoppel Certificates
    18.2. Failure to Deliver
    18.3. Attornment
    18.4. Financial Statements
19. SIGNS AND ADVERTISING............................   24
20. LANDLORD'S ENTRY ON PREMISES.....................   24
    20.1. Right of Entry
    20.2. Exercise of Right
21. SALE OR TRANSFER OF PREMISES.....................   25
    22.1. Surrender of Premises
    22.2. Removal of Alterations

23. GENERAL PROVISIONS...............................   26
    23.1.  Notices
    23.2.  Joint and Several Liability
    23.3.  Negation of Partnership
    23.4.  Bindings on Successors, Etc.
    23.5.  Arbitration
    23.6.  Legal Fees and Costs
    23.7.  Partial Invalidity
    23.8.  Complete Agreement
    23.9.  Brokers
    23.10. Effective Date

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Exhibit A  Legal Description
Exhibit B  Rendering of Leased Premises in Existing Building
Exhibit C  Tenant Improvements to Existing Building

                                LEASE AGREEMENT

         THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (the "Lease") is made and entered into, effective
     on the date set forth below, by and between BLUFFS GROUP III, a California
     limited partnership ("Landlord"), and DIGITAL SOUND CORPORATION, a
     California corporation ("Tenant"), with reference to the following facts:

- ---------

     A. Landlord is the owner of that certain parcel of real property (the
"Land"), together with that certain 78,600-square-foot commercial building
situated thereon (the "Existing Building"), located at 6303 and 6307 Carpinteria
Avenue, Carpinteria, California (the Land and the Existing Building and all
future improvements situated on the Land are collectively referred to as the
"Property"), the legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

     B. Pursuant to that certain:

        1) Lease dated December 21, 1989 (the "Master Lease"), Landlord has
           leased the entire Existing Building to Digital Sound Corporation
           ("Digital"); and

        2) Sublease dated June 8, 1994 (the "Sublease"), Tenant, has subleased
           to Subtenant, MetaTools, approximately 14,580 square feet of the
           Existing Building.

     C. Tenant desires to reduce the amount of space which it leases at the
Existing Building, and concurrently with the execution of this Lease, Landlord
and Tenant, are executing that certain "Termination of Lease and Sublease
Agreement" in order to terminate the Lease and the Sublease.

     D. The parties desire to execute this Lease in order to memorialize their

        1) That Tenant shall lease from Landlord approximately 53,139 square
           feet of space at the Existing Building, including 6,539 square feet
           of additional space for new administrative offces and cafeteria
           (additional building space).

- ---------------------
        NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, do
        hereby agree as follows:


    1.1. LEASE OF PREMISES  Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below,
         Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases from

         1.1.1. Premises in Existing Building That portion of the Existing
                Building consisting of approximately 53,139 square feet, as
                depicted on the rendering attached to this lease as Exhibit B.

         1.1.2. Additional Building  The Additional Building which Landlord is
                required to construct pursuant to Section 1.2.2, below.

     1.2. CONSTRUCTION BY LANDLORD  Landlord hereby agrees:

         1.2.1. New Addition and Tenant Improvements on Existing Building.  To
                construct at the Existing Building on or before October 1, 1996,
                at Landlord's sole cost and expense, the Tenant Improvements
                described at Exhibit C to this Lease (the "Tenant
                Improvements").  Tenant shall cooperate reasonably with 
                Landlord, its architect, and its construction contractors to
                enable Landlord to complete such Tenant Improvements in a prompt

          1.2.2. Additional Building.  To construct additional building space,
                 contiguous with the Existing Building, in accordance with the
                 Construction Agreement set forth as Exhibit D to this Lease
                 (Architectural Drawings dated April 18, 1996) (a) the
                 Additional Building, having a 'foot print' of approximately
                 6,539 square feet, consisting of a one-story structure
                 containing not less than 6,539 square feet of office space and
                 a cafeteria.

          1.2.3. Warranty and Indemnification. Landlord warrants to Tenant that
                 the construction comprising the Tenant Improvements in the
                 Existing Building and the Additional Building will be free from
                 latent and patent defects in materials and workmanship and will
                 comply with the applicable industry standards for like
                 commercial structures. The provisions of California Civil code
                 Section 337.15 shall apply to the foregoing warranty. Landlord
                 shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Tenant from and
                 against any loss, cost, liability or expense (including
                 reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of any breach or
                 claimed breach of this warranty.

     1.3. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES. Unless the context otherwise requires, the
          term "Premises" shall include the leased Premises in the Existing
          Building described in Section 1.1, above, and the Additional Building,
          including windows and doors and all fixtures installed by Landlord
          within the Premises, but excluding the roof and the exterior surface
          of all exterior walls of such Buildings. As long as Tenant is not in
          default under this Lease, Tenant shall have the nonexclusive right to
          use in common with other tenants of the Buildings the Common Areas and
          facilities included in the Buildings, together with such easements for
          ingress and egress as are reasonably necessary for Tenant's use and
          occupancy of the Premises.

     1.4. PREPARATION OF PREMISES; OCCUPANCY.  Not later than October 1, 1996
          Landlord shall complete the Tenant Improvements required by Section
          1.2.1, above, and deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant.


     The term of this Lease shall consist of the initial term and each extended
term (collectively, the "Lease Term").

     2.1. INITIAL TERM.  The initial term of this Lease shall commence on or
          about October 1, 1996 and expire on September 30, 2006.

     2.2. OPTION TO EXTEND TERM OF LEASE.  Landlord hereby grants to Tenant two
          options (the "Lease Options") to elect to extend the term of this
          Lease for two (2) periods of five (5) years each following the
          expiration of the initial term (the "extended terms"), by delivering
          to Landlord notice of exercise of such option (the "option notice")
          with respect to each such extended term at least one hundred eighty
          (180) days but not more than one (1) year before the expiration of the
          immediately preceding term; provided, if Tenant is in material default
          of its obligations under this Lease either on the date of giving the
          option notice or on the date on which any extended term is to
          commence, then at the election of Landlord delivered to Tenant in
          writing not later than the end of the immediately preceding term, such
          option notice shall be ineffective and the extended term shall not
          commence and this Lease shall expire at the end of the then existing

          2.2.1. Rent During Extended Term. During each extended term of this
                 Lease, the amount of Minimum Monthly Rent shall be determined
                 under Section 3.1, below, and all of the provisions of this
                 Lease shall remain in full force and effect.

3.   RENT

     3.1. MINIMUM MONTHLY RENT.  Subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 3.4,
          below, Tenant shall pay to Landlord minimum monthly rent (the "Minimum
          Monthly Rent") for the Premises in the amount of Sixty Nine Thousand
          and Eighty Dollars ($69,080.00) (representing the agreed Minimum

        Rent, at $1.30 per square foot, for the entire 53,139 square feet of
        space which Landlord has agreed to lease to Tenant in the Existing
        Building) per month for the period from the date on which Landlord
        completes the Tenant Improvements required to be constructed pursuant to
        Section 1.2.1, above, and delivers possession of the Premises to Tenant.
        Such amount assumes that upon completion of such Tenant Improvements,
        Landlord shall deliver to Tenant possession of 53,139 square feet of
        space in the Existing Building.

        If Tenant believes that the actual number of square feet provided to
               Tenant in the Existing Building is less than 53,139, then Tenant
               shall deliver a written objection to Landlord within thirty (30)
               days following the Landlord's completion of the Tenant
               Improvements.  Tenant and Landlord shall endeavor to agree upon
               the actual number of such square feet provided to Tenant in the
               Existing Building.  If they are unable to agree within seven (7)
               days, then each shall designate an architect, and the two
               architects so selected shall determine (in accordance with
               customary practice for measuring the space in similar buildings)
               the actual number of square feet of space in the Existing
               Building leased to Tenant.

        If the actual number of square feet so leased to Tenant in the
               Existing Building is less than 53,139, then the amount of Minimum
               Monthly Rent payable by Tenant shall be adjusted accordingly, and
               Landlord and Tenant shall execute an amendment to this Lease
               reflecting such modification.  If Tenant fails to object to the
               number of square feet leased to Tenant within thirty (30) days
               after completion of the Tenant Improvements, then Tenant shall be
               deemed to have irrevocably waived such objection.

     3.2. ADDITIONAL RENT.  Tenant shall pay to Landlord or its designee, as
          additional rent, such other amounts as this Lease requires Tenant to


          3.3.1. Time. All Minimum Monthly Rent shall be due and payable on the
                 first day of each calendar month of the Lease Term. Minimum
                 Monthly Rent for a period constituting less than a full
                 calendar month shall be prorated on the basis of a thirty (30)
                 day month. All Minimum Monthly Rent payable by Tenant hereunder
                 shall be paid to Landlord not later than five o'clock p.m. on
                 the day on which first due, without any deduction, setoff,
                 prior notice or demand.

          3.3.2. Manner of Payment. All rent shall be paid in lawful money of
                 the United States at such place as Landlord shall designate
                 from time to time in writing. Landlord shall not be obligated
                 to accept checks (other than cashier's or certified checks)
                 after any check tendered by Tenant is resumed by Tenant's bank
                 for any reason other than bank error.

          3.3.3. Late Payment and NSF Charges. If Tenant fails to make any
                 payment of rent within ten (10) days of the date on which such
                 payment first becomes due, then Tenant shall pay to Landlord a
                 late payment penalty equal to one and one-half percent (1.5%),
                 up to a maximum of three percent (3%) based on Landlord's
                 Lender requirements for late payment, of the amount of the
                 delinquency, which amount the parties agree is a reasonable
                 estimate of the Landlord's damages and additional costs as a
                 result of the delinquency, including processing and accounting
                 charges and late charges that may be imposed on Landlord by its
                 lender. If the delinquency is attributable to a check tendered
                 by Tenant in payment of rent being resumed to Landlord by
                 Tenant's bank for any reason other than for bank error, then in
                 addition to such late payment penalty Tenant shall pay Landlord
                 a resumed check fee of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00), which the
                 parties agree is a reasonable estimate of Landlord's additional
                 costs as a result of the resumed check. Upon Landlord's
                 delivering notice of nonpayment to Tenant, the entire amount
                 due, including rent, late charge, and returned check fee, shall
                 bear interest at the lesser of ten percent (10.0%) per annum or
                 the maximum rate then permitted by law until paid in full.

     3.4. ADJUSTMENT TO MINIMUM MONTHLY RENT. The Amount of Minimum Monthly Rent
          payable by Tenant under this Lease shall be adjusted as of each
          Adjustment Date during the Lease Term.

          3.4.1. Definitions.  For purposes of this Lease, the term:

                 "Adjustment Date" shall mean, commencing with October 1, 1997,
                 each October 1 during the Lease Term.

                 "Base Period" shall mean the calendar month of October 1996.

                 "Comparison Period" shall mean the second full calendar month
                 immediately preceding the Adjustment Date.

                 "Index" shall mean the Consumers' Price Index for All Urban
                 Consumers, All Items for the Los Angeles-Anaheim-Riverside
                 area, 1982-84=100 Base, as published by the Bureau of Labor
                 Statistics. If such Index is no longer published, then the term
                 "Index" shall refer to each successor or comparable Index
                 mutually agreed by the parties to be authoritative, and if the
                 parties are unable to agree, then the substituted Index shall
                 be selected by the then-presiding judge of the Superior Court
                 for the County in which the Property is located upon
                 application of either party.

                 "Rent Commencement Date" shall mean (a) with respect to the
                 portion of the Premises in the Existing Building, the first
                 date as of which Tenant becomes obligated to pay the Minimum
                 Monthly Rent.

          3.4.2. Adjustment. The amount of Minimum Monthly Rent payable by
                 Tenant from each, Adjustment Date until the next following
                 Adjustment Date shall be determined by multiplying (a) the
                 Minimum Monthly Rent deemed to be in effect on the Rent
                 Commencement Date pursuant to Section 3.4.2.A, below, times (b)
                 a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the Index figure
                 for the Comparison Period and the denominator of which shall be
                 the Index figure for the Base Period.

                 A.  For purposes of this Section 3.4.2, the amount of Minimum
          Monthly Rent deemed to be in effect on the Rent Commencement Date for:
                 (1) The portion of the Premises in the Existing Building shall
          be equal to the product determined by multiplying (a) One Dollar and
          Thirty Cents ($1.30), times (b) the actual number of square feet in
          the portion of the Premises in the Existing Building, as determined
          pursuant to Section 3.1, above; and
                 B.  In no event shall the amount of the increase in Minimum
          Monthly Rent imposed as of any Adjustment Date exceed by more than
          five percent (5.0%) the amount of Minimum Monthly Rent due immediately
          prior to such Adjustment Date. 
                 C.  In no event shall the amount of Minimum Monthly Rent be
          reduced below the amount of Minimum Monthly Rent in effect immediately
          prior to the Adjustment Date.

          3.4.3. Rent Pending Adjustment. If the Comparison Period Index figure
                 for an Adjustment Date is not available on such date, then
                 Tenant shall continue to pay the amount of Minimum Monthly Rent
                 in effect immediately prior to the Adjustment Date until the
                 Index figure for the Comparison Period is available, at which
                 time Tenant immediately shall pay Landlord the amount required
                 to reflect, retroactive to the Adjustment Date, the increased
                 Minimum Monthly Rent for such period.

          3.4.4. Notice of Adjustment. Landlord shall endeavor to provide Tenant
                 written notice of the adjustments pursuant to this Section 3.4,
                 setting forth the computation thereof, on or before each
                 Adjustment Date or as soon thereafter as practicable, but no
                 delay in computing or giving notice of any adjustments shall
                 constitute a waiver of the right of either party to have

                 such adjustments made, retroactive to the applicable Adjustment
                 Date, once such computation has been made.

     3.5. PREPAID RENT. Upon execution of this Lease, Tenant shall pay Landlord
          the sum of Sixty-nine Thousand and Eighty Dollars ($69,080.00) as
          prepaid Minimum Monthly Rent (the "Prepaid Rent"). Such amount shall
          be applied by Landlord against the amount of Minimum Monthly Rent due
          during the first month (and, to the extent of any unapplied Prepaid
          Rent, the second month) of the Lease Term.

     3.6. SECURITY DEPOSIT. Upon execution of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to
          Landlord the sum of Sixty-nine Thousand and Eighty Dollars
          ($69,080.00) as a security deposit (the "Security Deposit"). Landlord
          agrees to credit the Security Deposit paid by Tenant pursuant to the
          1989 Master Lease, against the $69,080 and to credit any overage
          against Tenant's first months rent hereunder. If Tenant defaults in
          the performance of its obligations under this Lease, then Landlord
          may, but shall not be obligated to, use the Security Deposit, or any
          portion thereof, to cure such default or to compensate Landlord for
          any damage, including late charges, sustained by Landlord resulting
          from Tenant's default. Immediately upon demand by Landlord, Tenant
          shall pay to Landlord an amount equal to the portion of the Security
          Deposit so expended or applied by Landlord as provided herein in order
          to maintain the Security Deposit in the original amount initially
          deposited with Landlord. If Tenant is not in default at the expiration
          or termination of this Lease, then Landlord shall return the
          unexpended portion of the Security Deposit to Tenant, without
          interest. Landlord's obligations with respect to the Security Deposit
          shall be those of debtor, and not of trustee, and Landlord shall be
          entitled to commingle the Security Deposit with its general funds.


   4.1.  PAYMENT BY TENANT. Tenant shall pay to Landlord on the first day of
         each full calendar month of the Lease Term as additional rent Tenant's
         Proportionate Share of Property Operating Expenses. If the Lease Term
         begins on a day other than the first day of a month, then Tenant shall
         pay, in advance, its prorated share of the Landlord's Operating Costs
         for such partial month. It is the intention of the parties that the
         Monthly Minimum Rent shall be absolutely "triple net," and that Tenant
         shall reimburse Landlord for Tenant's Proportionate Share of all costs
         and expenses paid or incurred by Landlord in connection with the

         4.1.1. Accounting Period. The accounting period for determining
                Landlord's Property Operating Expenses shall be the calendar
                year, except that the first accounting period shall commence on
                the effective date and the last accounting period shall end on
                the date the Lease Term expires or terminates. Property
                Operating Expenses for any portion of an accounting period not
                included within the Lease Term shall be prorated on the basis of
                a 360-day year.

         4.1.2. Estimated Costs: Reconciliation of Payments. Landlord shall
                furnish to Tenant at the commencement of each accounting period
                an estimate of the Property Operating Expenses reasonably
                anticipated by Landlord for the ensuing accounting period, and
                Tenant's monthly Proportionate Share thereof. Within sixty (60)
                days after the end of each accounting period, Landlord shall
                furnish to Tenant a correct statement showing the actual
                Property Operating Expenses for such period, Tenant's
                Proportionate Share thereof, and the sum of the estimated
                payments made by Tenant during such period. If:

                Tenant's Proportionate Share of the actual Property Operating
                Expenses for the preceding accounting period exceeds the
                estimated payments made by Tenant during that period, then
                Tenant shall pay any deficiency to Landlord within thirty (30)
                days after Tenant's receipt of Landlord's statement; or

                The estimated payments made by Tenant during the preceding
                accounting period exceed Tenant's Proportionate Share of the
                actual Property Operating Expenses for that period,

                  then the overage shall be credited against the next payments
                  of Property Operating Expenses becoming due from Tenant.

     4.2. DEFINITIONS.  For purposes of this Lease, the term:

          4.2.1. "Common Areas" shall mean all areas and facilities within the
                 exterior boundaries of the property which are not specifically
                 leased or specifically available for lease to Tenants and which
                 are provided and designated by Landlord for the general use and
                 convenience of all tenants of the building and their respective
                 agents, employees, patrons and invitees. Common Areas shall
                 include, without limitation, exterior walls and roofs, and all
                 areas outside the exterior walls of demised premises (e.g.,
                 walkways, patios, landscaped areas, sidewalks, loading areas,
                 parking areas and roadways).

          4.2.2. "Landlord's Insurance" shall mean the premium cost for all
                 casualty, public liability, and other insurance maintained by
                 Landlord in connection with its ownership and operation of the

          4.2.3. "Property Operating Expenses" shall mean the sum of (a) Real
                 Property Taxes, (b) Repair and Common Area Maintenance Costs,
                 and (c) Landlord's Insurance.

          4.2.4. "Proportionate Share" shall mean the fraction determined by
                 dividing (a) the number of square feet of leasable space in the
                 Buildings occupied by Tenant, by (b) the total number of square
                 feet of leasable space in the Buildings (approximately 50%).

          4.2.5. "Real Property Taxes" shall mean and include all taxes,
                 assessments, and other govermental charges, general and
                 special, ordinary and extraordinary, of any kind and nature
                 whatsoever, levied or assessed against all or any part of the
                 Property, including but not limited to assessment for public
                 improvements, benefits or facilities (including parking
                 district assessments) which shall be levied or assessed against
                 the Property or any part thereof, but excluding franchise,
                 estate, inheritance, succession, capital levy, transfer, income
                 or excess profits tax imposed upon Landlord. If at any time
                 during the Lease Term, under the laws of California (or any
                 political subdivision thereof), a tax or excise on rents or any
                 other tax is levied or assessed against Landlord on account of
                 the rent expressly reserved hereunder, in addition to or as a
                 substitute in whole or in part for taxes assessed or imposed by
                 California or such political subdivision on land and/or
                 buildings, such tax or excise shall be included within the
                 definition of "real property taxes," but only to the extent of
                 the amount thereof which is lawfully assessed or imposed as a
                 direct result of Landlord's ownership of this Lease or of the
                 rental accruing under this Lease. With respect to any
                 assessment which is levied against or upon the Property, and
                 which under the laws then in force may be evidenced by
                 improvement or other bonds, or may be paid in annual
                 installments, Tenant shall pay each year only Tenant's
                 Proportionate Share of the amount of such annual installment or
                 portion thereof as Landlord shall be required to pay during
                 such year (with appropriate proration for any partial year),
                 and Tenant shall have no obligation to continue such payments
                 after the termination of this Lease.

          4.2.6. "Repair and Common Area Expenses" shall mean all expenses paid
                 by Landlord and directly connected with the operation, repair
                 and maintenance of the Property, to the extent that such costs
                 are not paid directly by Tenant or required to be borne by
                 Landlord pursuant to the Lease. Such costs shall include (a)
                 the costs of utilities, heating, air conditioning, and
                 janitorial services (including trash removal) supplied to any
                 Common Areas; and (b) direct costs incurred for security and
                 fire protection.
     4.3. BOOKS AND RECORDS.  Landlord shall maintain at its principal place of
          business complete and accurate books of account reflecting Property
          Operating Expenses, and Landlord's statements to Tenant for those
          expenses shall be based upon such books.  Landlord shall retain said
          books of 

          account for at least six (6) months after the close of each
          accounting period, and Tenant shall have the right at reasonable times
          during the Lease Term to inspect said books.


     5.1. MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING.  Landlord may operate and manage the Property
          either directly or through such third-party managers as Landlord, in
          its sole and absolute discretion, deems appropriate.  Landlord, in its
          sole discretion following reasonable advance notice to Tenant, may (a)
          close the Common Areas when and to the extent necessary for
          maintenance or renovation purposes; (b) make changes to the Common
          Areas, including without limitation changes in the location or nature
          of driveways, entrances, exits, parking spaces, or the direction of
          the flow of traffic; and (c) subject to Tenant's approval and written
          consent, change the plan of the Buildings to the extent necessary for
          expansion, remodeling or renovation, so long as the changes do not
          unreasonably interfere with ingress to and egress from the Premises
          and do not conflict with applicable zoning ordinances for the City of

     5.2. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Landlord from time to time may promulgate,
          amend and enforce against Tenant and the Premises reasonable rules and
          regulations for the safety, care and cleanliness of the Premises and
          the Property; provided, however, that all such rules and regulations
          shall apply substantially equally and without discrimination to all
          tenants of the Property and no such rule or regulation shall require
          Tenant to pay additional rent. Tenant shall abide by such rules and
          regulations, and a violation of any such rule or regulation shall
          constitute a default by Tenant under this Lease.


     6.1. TENANT'S USE OF PREMISES. The Premises shall be used and occupied only
          for office, research and development, electronic products,
          manufacturing and assembly, and related uses, and for no other purpose
          without Landlord's prior written consent.

     6.2. Limitations on Use. Notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to the

          6.2.1. Insurance Hazards. Shall neither engage in nor permit others to
                 engage in any activity or conduct that will cause the
                 cancellation of any of Landlord's Insurance. Upon reasonable
                 notice from Landlord, Tenant shall pay any increase in
                 insurance premiums to the extent attributable solely to
                 Tenant's particular use of the Premises.

          6.2.2. Compliance with Law. At Tenant's sole cost and expense, shall
                 comply with all of the requirements, ordinances and statutes of
                 all municipal, state and federal authorities now in force, or
                 which hereafter may be in force, pertaining to the Premises and
                 the use and occupancy thereof by Tenant, including any statutes
                 or ordinances requiring modifications to the Premises in order
                 to protect or promote the health, safety or well-being of
                 persons who are or may be present therein or to enable the
                 Premises to be used or any business operated therein to be
                 conducted in a manner that is more efficient or economical or
                 with fewer environmental impacts. The judgment of any court of
                 competent jurisdiction, or the admission of Tenant in any
                 action or proceeding against Tenant, whether Landlord be a
                 party thereto or not, that Tenant has violated any such
                 ordinances or statutes in the use of the Premises shall be
                 conclusive of that fact as between Landlord and Tenant.

          6.2.3. Waste: Nuisance. Shall not commit, or suffer to be committed,
                 at the Property, any waste, nuisance, or other unreasonable
                 annoyance which may disturb the quiet enjoyment of the owners
                 or occupants of adjacent areas of the Property or other
          6.2.4. Hazardous Substances. Shall not use any Hazardous Materials on
                 or about the Property, shall conduct its business in compliance
                 with all Hazardous Materials Laws, and shall 

                 indemnify, defend Landlord, and hold Landlord harmless from all
                 damage, cost, or expense attributable to the use of Hazardous
                 Materials on or about the Property by Tenant, its agents, and
                 invitees. The term:

                 A.  "Hazardous Materials" means oil petroleum products or
                     derivatives, PCB's, explosive substances, asbestos,
                     radioactive materials or waste, other toxic, contaminating
                     or polluting materials, substances or wastes, or any other
                     material included from time to time in the definition of
                     terms such as "hazardous substances," "hazardous wastes,
                     "hazardous materials," or "toxic wastes," under Hazardous
                     Material Laws, including any such materials which are or
                     may have been stored in underground storage tanks or other
                     storage facilities.
                 B.  "Hazardous Materials Laws" means all federal, state, and
                     local laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards relating
                     to industrial hygiene, environmental protection or the use,
                     analysis, generation, manufacture, storage, sale, disposal,
                     or transportation of any materials which are dangerous or
                     potentially dangerous to individuals or the environment.


     7.1. CHANGES BY TENANT.  Tenant shall not undertake during the Lease Term
          renovations or alterations to the Premises costing more than Five
          Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in any calendar year without first
          submitting to Landlord written plans setting forth any proposed
          alterations and obtaining Landlord's prior written consent.  Any
          additions, improvements or other alterations, including any remodeling
          or redecorating, that Tenant may desire to undertake at the Premises
          shall be made at Tenant's sole cost and expense and in compliance with
          all applicable governmental requirements.  Once Landlord has approved
          any such proposed alterations, Tenant shall give Landlord not less
          than three (3) and not more than ten (10) days prior noitice of the
          date on which the construction of such alterations or improvements
          will begin and, at the request of Landlord, will post and record a
          notice of non-responsibility on the Premises on Landlord's behalf.
          Any such alterations or improvements immediately shall become a part
          of the Premises and, unless Landlord exercises its right to require
          Tenant to remove such alterations, shall be surrendered to Landlord
          upon the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease.

     7.2. Mechanics' Liens. Tenant shall cause any such alterations to be
          completed in accordance with the plans and specifications presented to
          Landlord, shall pay all of the costs thereof, and shall keep the
          Property at all times free of mechanics' liens and other liens for
          labor, services, supplies, equipment or material furnished or used for
          such improvements.


   Tenant shall make all arrangements for and shall pay the charges when due for
all water, gas and heat, light, power, telephone service, trash collection and
all other services and utilities supplied to the Premises during the entire
Lease Term, and promptly shall pay all connection and termination charges
therefor. If utilities are not separately metered for the Premises, then Tenant
shall pay its Proportionate Share of the costs of such utilities as a Property
Operating Expense. The suspension or interruption in utility services to the
Premises for causes beyond the reasonable ability of Landlord to control shall
not constitute a default by Landlord or entitle Tenant to any reduction or
abatement of rent.


   9.1. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES.  Tenant shall pay before delinquency all taxes
        assessed against Tenant's personal property installed or located in or
        upon the Premises and that become payable during the Lease Term.

   9.2. INSTALLATION OF PROPERTY. Landlord shall have no interest in any
        removable equipment, furniture or trade fixtures owned by Tenant or
        installed in or upon the Premises solely at the cost and expense of
        Tenant, other than heating, ventilating and air-conditioning equipment
        installed in or affixed to the Premises, unless Landlord is given a lien
        in such personal property by Tenant. Prior to creating or permitting the
        creation of any lien or security or reversionary interest in any
        removable personal property to be placed in or upon the Premises, Tenant
        shall obtain the written agreement of the party 

        holding such interest to make such repairs necessitated by the removal
        of such property as may be necessary to restore the Premises to good
        condition and repair, excepting only reasonable wear and tear, in the
        event such property thereafter is removed from the Premises by said
        party or its agent or a purchaser therefrom pursuant to the exercise or
        enforcement of any rights incident to the interest so created, without
        any cost or expense to Landlord.

   9.3. REMOVAL OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Provided that Tenant is not then in
        default, at the expiration of this Lease, Tenant at its own cost and
        expense may remove all removable equipment, furniture or trade fixtures
        owned by or installed at the expense of Tenant on the Premises during
        the Lease Term, other than any heating, ventilating or air-conditioning
        equipment installed by Tenant. All such personal property shall be
        removed prior to the close of business on the last day of the Lease
        Term, and Tenant shall make such repairs necessitated by the removal of
        said property as may be necessary to restore the Premises to good
        condition and repair. Any such property not so removed shall be deemed
        to have been abandoned as of the end of the Lease Term or, at the option
        of Landlord, shall be removed and placed in storage for the account and
        at the cost of Tenant.


    10.1. LANDLORD'S MAINTENANCE.  Landlord shall be responsible:

          10.1.1. Repair. For the following repairs and maintenance: (a) Repairs
                  or maintenance necessary to preserve the structural integrity
                  of the Buildings; (b) replacement of structural components of
                  the shell of the Building, including (1) exterior and load-
                  bearing walls, foundations, sub-flooring and roof, (2) any
                  encased plumbing, wiring, pipes, or conduits (unless the
                  repair thereof is required as a result of Tenant's misuse),
                  and (3) any machinery or equipment constituting an integral
                  part of the building or its common facilities, including the
                  major components of any heating, ventilating or air-
                  conditioning systems serving the entire building; and (c) the
                  repair and maintenance of the exterior surfaces and finishes
                  of the Buildings, including the Building roofs.

          10.1.2. Construction Defects. To repair any construction defect to the
                  extent required by Construction Law.
          10.1.3. Seismic and Other Requirements. Landlord shall be solely
                  responsible for ensuring that the Premises comply fully with
                  all rules, laws, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the
                  Premises from time to time, including but not limited to (a)
                  seismic and other similar earthquake safety ordinances or
                  rules, and (b) the requirements of the Americans with
                  Disabilities Act and other similar legislation and rules
                  designed to ensure access for handicapped persons.

     10.2. TENANT'S MAINTENANCE.  Except for maintenance and repair obligations
           imposed upon Landlord by Section 10.1, above, Tenant at its own cost
           and expense, shall:

           10.2.1. Maintain. Maintain throughout the Lease Term in good and
                   sanitary order, condition, and repair, all interior portion
                   of the Premises, including without limitation, (a) the
                   interior of the Premises, including flooring, plumbing,
                   exposed wiring, paint and finish; (b) any doors, windows or
                   skylights included within the Premises; and (c) any heating,
                   ventilating or air-conditioning equipment serving only the
                   Premises, for which Tenant shall procure a maintenance
                   contract with a reputable contractor (provided, Tenant shall
                   not be obligated to bear the capital repair or replacement
                   costs for such HVAC, the obligation for which is imposed upon
                   landlord under Section 10.1, above).

           10.2.2. Notify. Notify Landlord promptly of any damage to the
                   Building, or the Common Areas resulting from or attributable
                   to the acts or omissions of Tenant or its agents or
                   employees, and thereafter promptly repair all such damage at
                   Tenant's sole cost and expense.

     10.3. JANITORIAL SERVICE.  Tenant shall provide janitorial services for the
           interior of the Premises. Landlord shall provide janitorial and trash
           collection services to the Common Areas and to the exterior of the
           Buildings, the cost of which shall be a Property Operating Expense.


     11.1. Indemnification Agreement. This Lease is made upon the express
           condition that except for Landlord's negligent conduct, willful
           misconduct, or breach of its obligations under this Lease, Landlord
           shall not have any liability to Tenant or any other person for any
           injury to or death of any person or any damage to any property
           (including Tenant's property, business, or income) resulting from any
           cause which in any way is connected with the Premises, including
           without limitation damage or injury caused by the elements or
           breakage, leakage, obstruction or other defects of pipes, sprinklers,
           wires, plumbing, air conditioning, or other electrical or mechanical
           fixtures or equipment. Tenant hereby waives all claims against
           Landlord for any liability, damage, loss, cost or expense, including
           attorneys' fees, for any such injury or damage resulting from or
           attributable to the fault or neglect of Tenant, excluding only
           injuries or damages caused by Landlord's negligence, willful
           misconduct, or a breach by Landlord of a duty imposed by law or by
           this Lease, or the negligence of any of Landlord's employees, agents
           or subcontractors.

     11.2. DUTY TO DEFEND. If any action or proceeding is commenced against
           Landlord by reason of any claim attributable to the use and occupancy
           of the Premises by Tenant, or actions taken by or for or permitted by
           Tenant in or about the Premises or the Common Areas, then Tenant
           shall defend such claim at Tenant's expense. Tenant shall retain the
           sole right to settle or otherwise direct any action or proceeding
           arising pursuant to the indemnification described herein.

     11.3. PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. Tenant shall maintain
           throughout the Lease Term at Tenant's sole cost and expense a policy
           of insurance against any liability to the public incident to the use
           of or resulting from any accident occurring in or about the Premises,
           with policy limits at least equal to Two Million Five Hundred
           Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00).

          11.3.1. Coverage. Such policy shall insure the contingent liability of
                  Landlord and the performance by Tenant of its indemnity
                  obligations under this Lease. Landlord shall be named as an
                  additional insured in such policy.

          11.3.2. Review and Adjustment. Tenant shall review with Landlord every
                  three years the amount of the Tenant's Liability Insurance
                  Limit in order to ensure that the protection coverage afforded
                  thereby is in proportion to the protection coverage afforded
                  at the commencement of this Lease. If the parties are unable
                  to agree upon the amount of said coverage prior to the
                  expiration of each such three-year period, then the amount of
                  the Tenant's Liability Insurance Limit shall be adjusted to
                  the amount of coverage recommended in writing by an insurance
                  broker selected by the mutual agreement of Landlord and Tenant
                  or, if they are unable to agree, then by an independent broker
                  designated by the Board of Directors of the Association of
                  Independent Insurance Brokers for Santa Barbara County.

     11.4. TENANT'S PROPERTY INSURANCE. Tenant at its own cost shall maintain on
           all of its personal property and removable fixtures and equipment
           situated in, on or about the Premises a policy of standard fire and
           extended coverage insurance, with vandalism and malicious mischief
           endorsements, in an amount equal to Tenant's Property Insurance
           Limit. The proceeds of such policy that become payable due to damage,
           loss or destruction of such property shall be used by Tenant for the
           repair or replacement thereof.

     11.5. PROOF OF INSURANCE. Each policy of insurance required of Tenant by
           this Lease shall be a primary policy, issued by an insurance company
           reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, and shall contain an endorsement
           requiring thirty (30) days written notice from the insurer to
           Landlord before cancellation or substantial change in the nature,
           scope or amount of coverage. At the commencement of the Lease Term
           and thereafter prior to expiration of any such policy, Tenant shall
           deliver to Landlord a 

           certificate evidencing that each policy required by Tenant under this
           Lease is in effect and that the premiums therefor have been prepaid
           for at least the ensuing twelve-month period.

     11.6. LANDLORD'S INSURANCE.  Landlord shall maintain, at Tenant's prorated
           expense, casualty insurance on each Building in which the Premises
           are situated, insuring against loss by fire and the perils covered by
           an extended coverage endorsement, and public liability insurance
           insuring against personal injury and property damage, in such amount
           as Landlord reasonably determines to be appropriate and agreed to by

     11.7. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. Landlord and Tenant each release the other and
           their respective agents and representatives from any claims for
           damage to any person or property or to the Premises that are caused
           from risks covered by insurance under this Lease which is in force at
           the time of the loss, and each party shall cause each policy of
           insurance obtained by it hereunder to provide for a waiver of
           subrogation against either party in connection with any loss covered
           by the policy.


    12.1. LANDLORD TO REPAIR. If the Premises or the Building in which the
          Premises are situated are totally or partially damaged or destroyed,
          then Landlord promptly shall repair the same, except that Landlord
          shall have the option to terminate this Lease if (a) the Premises or
          the Building in which the Premises are situated cannot reasonably be
          expected to be restored under existing law to substantially the same
          condition as existed prior to such damage or destruction within ninety
          (90) days from the date that the insurance proceeds become available
          to Landlord; or (b) if the costs of such restoration would exceed one-
          half (1/2) of the full insured value of the building and other
          improvements in which the Premises are situated; or (c) if the damage
          or destruction is uninsured and results from a casualty not
          customarily insured against by a policy of standard fire and extended
          coverage insurance having vandalism and malicious mischief
          endorsements. Any notice of termination given hereunder shall be given
          to Tenant within fifteen (15) days after Landlord determines the
          period of time required for and the estimated costs of such repair or

    12.2. TERMINATION: ABATEMENT OF RENT. This Lease shall not be terminated by
          any damage to or destruction of the Premises or the Building of which
          the Premises are a part unless notice of termination is given by
          Landlord to Tenant, or by Tenant to Landlord as provided by this
          Section 12.

          12.2.1. ABATEMENT. If the Premises are damaged or destroyed at any
                  time during the Lease Term, then there shall be an abatement
                  or reduction of the Minimum Monthly Rent between the date of
                  destruction and the date of completion of restoration, based
                  on the extent to which the destruction interferes with
                  Tenant's use of the Premises. If any repairs or restoration of
                  the Premises permitted or required by Landlord are of such a
                  nature that they cannot reasonably be expected to be
                  substantially completed within 270 days from the date any
                  insurance proceeds first become available to Landlord, then
                  Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease by giving
                  notice of termination to Landlord, specifying the effective
                  date thereof, within ten (10) days after the period required
                  to restore the Premises has been determined.

          12.2.2. TERMINATION. If then-applicable laws or zoning ordinances
                  preclude the restoration or replacement of the Premises in the
                  manner herein before provided, then Landlord shall have the
                  right to terminate this Lease immediately by giving written
                  notice of termination to Tenant and thereupon both parties
                  shall be released from all further liability under this Lease.


    13.1. ENTIRE PREMISES. If title or possession of the whole of the Premises
          is taken by duly constituted authority in condemnation proceedings
          under the exercise of the right of eminent domain, or if a partial
          taking renders the remaining portion of the Premises wholly
          unsusceptible for occupation, then this Lease shall terminate upon the
          vesting of title or taking of possession by the condemning authority.

    13.2. PARTIAL TAKING. Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease
          by giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to Tenant within
          thirty (30) days after the nature and extent of the taking is finally
          determined if any portion of the Premises or the building and other
          improvements in which the Premises are 16 situated is taken by eminent
          domain. If Landlord does not terminate this Lease as provided herein,
          then this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. In such event,
          Landlord shall promptly make any necessary repairs or restoration at
          the cost and expense of Landlord, and the Minimum Monthly Rent from
          and after the date of the taking shall be reduced in the proportion
          that the value of the area of the portion of the Premises taken bears
          to the total value of the Premises immediately prior to the date of
          such taking or conveyance.

    13.3. TRANSFER UNDER THREAT OF CONDEMNATION. Any sale or conveyance by
          Landlord to any person or entity having the power of eminent domain,
          either under threat of condemnation or while condemnation proceedings
          are pending, shall be deemed to be a taking by eminent domain under
          this Section 13.

    13.4. AWARDS AND DAMAGES. All payments made on account of any taking by
          eminent domain shall be made to Landlord, except that provided it is
          separately designated in the award, Tenant shall be entitled to any
          and all awards or payments made in the condemnation proceedings in
          respect to any damage to (a) Tenant's leasehold interest, (b) any
          improvements constructed on the Premises by Tenant and, (c) Tenant's
          trade fixtures and equipment. In the event that this Lease is not
          terminated by reason of such condemnation, Landlord shall to the
          extent of severance damages received by Landlord in connection with
          such condemnation, repair any damage to the to the Premises caused by
          such condemnation except to the extent that Tenant has been reimbursed
          therefore by the condemning authority. Landlord shall pay any amount
          in excess of such severance damages required to complete such repair.

    13.5. ARBITRATION. If a dispute arises concerning the extent to which a
          taking by condemnation renders the Premises unsuitable for continued
          occupancy and use by Tenant, and such dispute is not resolved within
          thirty (30) days after one party delivers to the other a written
          notice invoking the provisions of this Section 13.5, then such dispute
          shall be submitted to arbitration in Santa Barbara, California, in
          accordance with the then-existing rules of the American Arbitration
          Association. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and
          judgment thereon may be entered in a court of competent jurisdiction.


    14.1. LANDLORD'S CONSENT REQUIRED. Tenant shall not voluntarily or by
          operation of law assign, transfer, mortgage, sublet, or otherwise
          transfer or encumber all or any part of Tenant's interest in this
          Lease or in the Premises, without Landlord's prior written consent,
          which Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold. Landlord shall respond
          to Tenant's request for consent hereunder in a timely manner and any
          attempted assignment, transfer, mortgage, encumbrance or subletting
          without such consent shall be void, and shall constitute a breach of
          this Lease.

    14.2. TENANT AFFILIATE. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 14.1
          hereof, Tenant may assign or sublet the Premises, or any portion
          thereof, without Landlord's consent, to any corporation which
          controls, is controlled by or is under common control with Tenant, or
          to any corporation resulting from the merger or consolidation with
          Tenant, or to any person or entity which acquires all the assets of
          Tenant as a going concern of the business that is being conducted on
          the Premises, provided that the assignee assumes, in full, the
          obligations of Tenant under this Lease. Any such assignment shall not,
          in any way, affect or limit the liability of Tenant under the terms of
          this Lease.

    14.3. APPLICATIONS FOR LANDLORD'S CONSENT.  If Tenant desires to assign this
          Lease or to sublet all or any portion of the Premises, then Tenant
          first shall request Landlord's consent therefor, and shall submit to
          Landlord in writing (a) the name of the proposed subtenant or
          assignee; (b) the nature of the proposed subtenant's or asignee's
          business to be carried on in the Premises; (c) all of the terms and
          provisions of the proposed sublease or assignment; (d) such reasonable
          financial information as 

          Landlord may request concerning the proposed subtenant or assignee,
          including but not limited to a balance sheet as of a date within
          ninety (90) days of the request for Landlord's consent, statements of
          income or profit and loss for the two-year period preceding the
          request for Landlord's consent and a written statement in reasonable
          details as to the business experience of the proposed subtenant or
          assignee during the five (5) years preceding the request for
          Landlord's consent; and (e) the name and address of subtenant's or
          assignee's present or previous landlord.

          14.3.1. Guaranty by Parent/Affiliate. Landlord, as a condition to
                  granting such consent, may require that the obligations of any
                  assignee which is a subsidiary or affliate of another
                  corporation be guaranteed by the parent or controlling
          14.3.2. Subject to Lease. Any sublease, license, concession, franchise
                  or other permission to use the Premises shall be expressly
                  subject and subordinate to all applicable terms and conditions
                  of this Lease.

     14.4. ASSUMPTION BY ASSIGNEE. Each permitted assignee or transferee of this
           Lease shall assume all obligations of Tenant under this Lease and
           shall be and remain liable jointly and severally with Tenant for the
           payment of the rent, and for the due performance of all the terms,
           covenants, conditions and agreements to be performed by Tenant
           hereunder; provided, however, that a transferee other than an
           assignee shall be liable to Landlord for rent only in the amount set
           forth in the assignment or transfer. no assignment shall be binding
           on Landlord unless such assignee or Tenant shall deliver to Landlord
           a counterpart of such assignment satisfactory in substance and form
           to Landlord, consistent with the requirements of this Section 14.4.

     14.5. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES.  Concurrently with Landlord's consent to a
           proposed assignment or subletting, and as a condition thereto, Tenant
           shall reimburse Landlord for the reasonable costs and expenses,
           including attorneys' fees, incurred by Landlord in connection with
           the processing and documentation of the proposed transfer, assignment
           or sublease.

     14.6. CONTINUING OBLIGATION. No assignment or subletting by Tenant shall
           relieve Tenant of its obligations under this Lease, and Tenant shall
           remain fully responsible to Landlord for the performance of all its
           obligations under this Lease, regardless of any assignment or
           subletting. any such transfer, assignment or subletting shall be
           subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, and each
           successive transfer, assignment or subletting shall be made only upon
           like conditions.


     15.1. DEFAULTS BY TENANT. The occurrence of any one or more of the
           following events shall constitute a material default and breach of
           this Lease by Tenant:

               a) the vacating or abandonment of the Premises by Tenant for more
                  than thirty (30) days.

               b) the failure of Tenant to make any payment of rent or any other
                  payment required to be made for more than thirty (30) days by
                  Tenant hereunder, as and when due, where such failure shall
                  continue for a period of ten (10) days after written notice
                  thereof from Landlord to Tenant.  in the event that Landlord
                  serves Tenant with a Notice to Pay Rent or Quit pursuant to
                  applicable Unlawful Detainer statutes such Notice to Pay Rent
                  or Quit shall also constitute the notice required by this

     15.2. BREACH OF COVENANT: ABANDONMENT, ETC. If Tenant (a) defaults in
           fulfilling any of the other covenants or conditions of this Lease, or
           (b) abandons the Premises; provided, however, that a default which is
           capable of being cured shall not constitute an Event of Default
           unless Landlord has given notice of such default to Tenant and Tenant
           has failed to cure such default within ten (10) days after its
           receipt of such notice or, in the case of a default which cannot with
           due diligence be cured within a period of ten (10) days, if the
           Tenant has failed to proceed promptly after the service of such
           notice to prosecute the curing of such default with all due diligence
           within a reasonable period of time.

     15.3. INSOLVENCY OF TENANT If (a) Tenant makes an assignment for the
           benefit of creditors; or (b) a voluntary or involuntary petition is
           filed by or against the Tenant under any law having for its purpose
           the adjudication of the Tenant as bankrupt, or the extension of time
           of payment, composition, adjustment, modification, settlement or
           satisfaction of the liabilities of the Tenant, or to which any
           property of the Tenant may be subject and, if the petition is
           involuntary, if said petition is granted; or (c) a receiver is
           appointed for the Premises by reason of the insolvency or alleged
           insolvency of the Tenant and said receiver is not discharged within
           ten (10) days, or upon the hearing of a timely filed petition to
           dismiss or otherwise terminate the receivership, whichever occurs
           later; or (d) any department of the state or federal govemment, or
           any officer thereof duly authorized shall take possession of the
           Premises and the improvements thereon by reason of the insolvency of
           the Tenant and the taking of possession is followed by a legal
           adjudication of the insolvency, or bankruptcy, or receivership of

     15.4. DEFAULT BY LANDLORD. Landlord shall not be in default unless Landlord
           fails to perform material obligations required of Landlord within a
           reasonable time, but in no event later than thirty (30) days after
           written notice by Tenant to Landlord and to the holder of any first
           mortgage or deed of trust covering the Premises whose name shall have
           been furnished to Tenant in writing, and specifying wherein Landlord
           has failed to perform such obligation; provided, however, that if the
           nature of Landlord's obligation is such that more than thirty (30)
           days are required for performance then Landlord shall not be in
           default if Landlord commences performance within such 30-day period
           and thereafter diligently prosecutes the same to completion.


    Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default:

     16.1. TERMINATION. Landlord may, at Landlord's election, terminate this
           Lease by giving Tenant such notice as is required by Section 1161 of
           the California Code of Civil Procedure, or any successor statute. On
           the giving of any such notice, this Lease shall be terminated and the
           same shall expire as fully and completely as if the day of such
           notice were the date herein specifically filed for the expiration of
           the Lease Term, and all of Tenant's rights in the Premises and in all
           improvements situated thereon shall terminate. Promptly after
           receiving notice of termination, Tenant shall surrender and vacate
           the Premises and all such improvements in broom-clean condition, and
           Landlord may reenter and take possession of the Premises and all
           remaining improvements and eject all parties in possession (other
           than subtenants not in default whose possession Landlord had agreed
           not to disturb) or eject some and not others, or eject none.
           Termination of this Lease pursuant to this Section 16.1 shall not
           relieve Tenant from the payment of any sum then due to Landlord or
           from any claim for damages previously accrued or then accruing
           against Tenant.
     16.2. REENTRY WITHOUT TERMINATION. Landlord may, at Landlord's election,
           reenter the Premises and, without terminating this Lease, at any
           time, and from time to time relet the Premises and improvements or
           any part of them for the account and in the name of Tenant or
           otherwise. Any reletting may be for the remainder of the Lease Term
           or for a longer or shorter period. Landlord may execute any leases
           made under this provision in Landlord's name and shall be entitled to
           all rents from the use, operation, or occupancy of the Premises or
           improvements or both. Tenant shall nevertheless pay to Landlord on
           the due date specified in this Lease the equivalent of all sums
           required to be paid by Tenant under this Lease, plus Landlord's
           expenses, but less the proceeds of any reletting or attornment. No
           act by or on behalf of Landlord under this provision shall constitute
           a termination of this Lease unless Landlord gives notice of
           termination pursuant to Section 16.1, above.

     16.3. RECOVERY OF RENT. Landlord shall be entitled at Landlord's election
           to each installment of rent or to any combination of installments for
           any period before temmination, plus late charges and interest as
           provided by Section 3.3.3, above. The proceeds of any reletting or
           attornment shall be applied, when received, first to the out-of-
           pocket costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in recovering

           of the Premises and/or effecting such reletting, including
           but not limited to attorneys' fees, court costs, brokerage
           commissions and any costs of remodeling or renovation, second to any
           amounts then due and unpaid by Tenant under this Lease, to the extent
           that such proceeds for the period covered do not exceed the amount
           due from and charged to Tenant for the same period, and any remaining
           balance shall be held for the account of Tenant.

     16.4. LANDLORD'S DAMAGES. Landlord shall be entitled, at Landlord's
           election, to recover from Tenant all damages suffered by Landlord as
           a result of Tenant's default, including without limitation the worth
           at the time of the award (computed in accordance with paragraph (b)
           of Section 1951.2 of the California Civil Code) of the amount by
           which the rent then unpaid for the balance of the Lease Term exceeds
           the amount of such rental loss for the same period which the Tenant
           proves could be reasonably avoided by Landlord.

     16.5. ASSIGNMENT OF SUBRENTS. Tenant assigns to Landlord all subrents and
           other sums becoming due from subtenants, licensees and
           concessionaires (referred to collectively herein as "subrents")
           during any period in which Landlord has the right under this Lease,
           whether exercised or not, to reenter the Premises on account of a
           default by Tenant, and Tenant shall not have any right to such sums
           during that period. This assignment is specifically subject and
           subordinate to any and all assignments of the same subrents and other
           sums made to a leasehold mortgagee under any leasehold mortgage
           permitted by the provisions of this Lease. Landlord may at Landlord's
           election reenter the Premises and improvements, without terminating
           this Lease, and either collect these sums or bring an action for the
           recovery of such sums from the obligors.

     16.6. POWER OF RECEIVER. Landlord shall have the right to obtain the
           appointment of a receiver to take possession of the Premises and/or
           to collect the rents or profits derived therefrom, and Tenant
           irrevocably agrees that any such receiver may, if it be necessary or
           convenient in order to collect such rents and profits, conduct the
           Business then being carried on by Tenant on said Premises and that
           said receiver may take possession of any personal property belonging
           to Tenant and used in the conduct of such business, and may use the
           same in conducting such business on the Premises to Tenant for such
           use. Neither the application for nor the appointment of such a
           receiver shall be construed as an election on Landlord's part to
           terminate this Lease unless a written notice of such intention is
           given by Landlord as provided in Section 16.1, above.

     16.7. REMEDIES CUMULATIVE AND NOT EXCLUSIVE. The rights, powers and
           remedies of Landlord hereunder shall be in addition to all rights,
           powers and remedies given by statute, rule of law and in equity, and
           all such remedies shall be cumulative. The exercise of any one or
           more such right, power and remedy shall not be construed as a waiver
           or election by Landlord of any other rights, powers or remedies of
           Landlord under any provision of law or this Lease.

     16.8. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES NOT WAIVED. No course of dealing between Tenant
           and Landlord or any failure or delay on the part of the Landlord in
           exercising any rights or remedies pursuant to law or arising pursuant
           to this Lease shall operate as a waiver of any rights or remedies of
           Landlord. Neither the subsequent acceptance by Landlord of any
           amounts paid to it on account of or with respect to amounts owed by
           Tenant pursuant to this Lease, or the application of any such amounts
           in reduction of outstanding rent or other obligations due from Tenant
           shall constitute a waiver or cure of default, other than default in
           the timely payment of the amount so accepted, regardless of
           Landlord's knowledge of the preceding breach. Landlord's acceptance
           of rent or any other payment after termination of this Lease shall
           not entitle Tenant to have this Lease reinstated. Any waiver, express
           or implied, by any party hereto, of any breach by any party of any
           covenant or provision of this Lease, shall not be or be construed as
           a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision
           of this Lease.


    Subject to the provisions of Sections 15.1 and 15.2, Landlord, at any time
after Tenant commits a default in the performance of any of Tenant's obligations
under this Lease, shall be entitled to cure such default, or to cause 

such default to be cured, at the sole cost and expense of Tenant. If, by reason
of any default by Tenant, Landlord incurs any expense or pays any sum, or
performs any act requiring Landlord to incur any expense or to pay any sum,
including attorneys fees and reasonable costs and expenses paid or incurred by
Landlord in order to prepare and post or deliver any notice permitted or
required by the provisions of this Lease or otherwise permitted or contemplated
by law, to appear in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, or otherwise to
enforce any of its rights under this Lease, then the amount so paid or incurred
by Landlord shall be immediately due and payable to Landlord by Tenant as
additional rent. Tenant hereby authorizes Landlord to deduct said sums from any
Security Deposit held by Landlord. If there is no Security Deposit, or if
Landlord elects not to use any such Security Deposit, then such sums shall be
paid by Tenant immediately upon demand by Landlord, and shall bear interest at
the highest rate then permitted by law from the date on which such demand is
made until paid in full.


    18.1. SUBORDINATION: ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. Tenant shall execute,
          acknowledge and deliver to Landlord upon request:

          18.1.1. Subordination. Such documents and instruments as may be
                  necessary to subordinate this Lease to (a) any mortgages or
                  trust deeds that now exist or may hereafter be placed upon the
                  Premises by Landlord, (b) to any and all advances made or to
                  be made thereunder, (c) to the interest on all obligations
                  secured thereby, and (d) to all renewals, modifications,
                  consolidations, replacements and extensions thereof; provided,
                  however, that in each case the mortgagee or beneficiary named
                  in any such mortgage or trust deed shall agree in writing
                  that, as long as Tenant performs its obligations under this
                  Lease, no foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure, or sale
                  under the encumbrance or other procedures to enforce the
                  rights incident thereto, shall affect Tenant's rights under
                  this Lease.

          18.1.2. Estoppel. An estoppel certificate certifying in effect that
                  this Lease is in full force and effect, that Landlord is not
                  in default hereunder, that Tenant claims no offsets or other
                  amounts against Landlord, and such other information as
                  Landlord may reasonably request.

     18.2. FAILURE TO DELIVER. If Tenant fails to execute, acknowledge and
           deliver any such subordination instrument or estoppel certificate,
           then in addition to other available remedies, Landlord may execute,
           acknowledge and deliver the instrument as the attorney-in-fact of
           Tenant and in Tenant's name and place, and Tenant hereby irrevocably
           makes, constitutes and appoints Landlord, its successors and assigns,
           such attorney-in-fact for that purpose.
     18.3. ATTORNMENT. Tenant shall attorn to any purchaser at any foreclosure
           sale or to any grantee or transferee designated in any deed given in
           lieu of foreclosure.

     18.4. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Tenant from time to time upon request shall
           deliver to Landlord such financial statements as are customarily
           prepared by Tenant if requested by a prospective lender or purchaser
           in connection with a proposed sale or refinancing of the Property. To
           the extent prepared by Tenant, such financial statements shall
           include the most recent balance sheet prepared by Tenant and income
           and loss statements for the two (2) most recently completed fiscal
           years. All such financial statements shall be received and held by
           Landlord in confidence and shall be used only for the purposes
           contemplated by this Section 18.4, but Landlord may furnish such
           financial statements to any prospective lender or purchaser.


    To display its trade name, Tenant may place and maintain on the exterior of
the Premises a sign reasonably approved by Landlord, which sign shall conform to
the reasonable requirements of Landlord as to size and format; provided,
Landlord shall coordinate and bear the cost of removing Tenant's sign from the
north side of the Existing Building and erecting one or more signs or monuments
at the Property to display Tenant's corporate name in a prominent manner. In
addition, Tenant shall be entitled to display its name and the names of a
reasonable number of its principals in any building directory. No other signs,
advertisements, notices or other exterior decoration or 

personal property of Tenant shall be placed upon or displayed by Tenant on any
part of the building or the windows of the Premises, or upon or about the
exterior of the Premises, without the prior written consent of Landlord.


    20.1. RIGHT OF ENTRY. Landlord and its authorized representatives shall have
          the right to enter the Premises at all reasonable times in order (a)
          to determine whether the Premises are in good condition and whether
          Tenant is complying with its obligations under this Lease; (b) to do
          any necessary maintenance, repairs, restoration or remodeling to the
          building or the Premises that Landlord has the right or obligation to
          perform; (c) to serve, post, and keep posted any notices required or
          allowed under the provisions of this Lease, including "For Rent" or
          "For Lease" notices during the last six (6) months of this Lease, or
          during any period while Tenant is in default, and any notices provided
          by law for the protection of Landlord's interest in the Premises; and
          (d) to shore the foundations, footings, and walls of the building and
          to erect scaffolding and protective barricades around and about the
          building, but not so as to prevent entry to the Premises, and to do
          any other act or thing necessary for the safety or preservation of the
          Premises and the building if any excavation or other construction is
          undertaken or is about to be undertaken on any adjacent property or

     20.2. EXERCISE OF RIGHT.  Tenant shall not be entitled to an abatement or
           reduction of Minimum Monthly Rent on account of Landlord's entry
           pursuant to this Section 20, and Landlord shall not be liable for any
           inconvenience, disturbance, loss of business, nuisance, or other
           damage arising out of such entry, except damage resulting from the
           negligent or tortious acts or omissions of Landlord or its authorized


    If Landlord sells or transfers all or any portion of the Premises or the
Property, then on consummation of the sale or transfer, Landlord shall be
released from any liability thereafter accruing under this Lease.  If any
Security Deposit or Prepaid Rent has been paid by Tenant and not applied toward
Tenant's obligations under this Lease as of the time of such sale or transfer,
then Landlord shall transfer the unapplied Security Deposit or Prepaid Rent To
Landlord's successor and thereupon be discharged from further liability with
respect thereto.  The obligations contained in this Lease to be performed by
Landlord shall be binding on Landlord's successors and assigns during their
respective periods of ownership.


    22.1. SURRENDER OF PREMISES.  At the expiration or sooner termination of the
          Lease Term, Tenant shall return the Premises (except removable trade
          fixtures, furniture and equipment owned or installed by Tenant) to
          Landlord in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear
          excepted.  If after expiration of the Lease Term Tenant holds the
          Premises, then such holding over shall be only a month-to-month
          tenancy and shall be subject to all of the conditions and agreements
          set forth in this Lease, and Tenant shall remain obligated to perform
          all other duties and obligations imposed on Tenant under this Lease.

    22.2. REMOVAL OF ALTERATIONS. By giving written notice to Tenant not less
          than sixty (60) days before the expiration or termination of the Lease
          Term, Landlord may require Tenant to remove any alterations that
          Tenant has made to the Premises. If Landlord so delivers a notice,
          then Tenant at its sole cost and expense shall remove the alterations
          specified by Landlord in its notice, and shall make such repairs
          necessitated by the removal of said alterations as may be necessary to
          restore the Premises to good condition and repair, excepting only
          reasonable wear and tear, before the last day of the Lease Term.


    23.1 NOTICES. All notices permitted or required under this Lease shall be in
         writing and shall be deemed to be delivered and received (a) when
         personally delivered, (b) on the date on which transmitted by 

         facsimile or another similar electronic means generating a receipt
         evidencing a successful transmission, or (c) on the second(2nd)
         business day following the date on which sent by United States
         certified mail, postage prepaid, retum receipt requested, addressed to
         the party for whom intended at the address or facsimile number set
         forth on the signature page of this Lease, or such other address or
         facsimile number, notice of which is delivered in a manner permitted by
         this Section 25.1.

     23.2. JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY. Each person or entity named as a Tenant
           in this Lease, or who hereafter becomes a party to this Lease as a
           tenant in the Premises or as an assignee of Tenant, shall be jointly
           and severally liable for the full and faithful performance of each
           and every covenant and obligation imposed up on Tenant under this

     23.3. NEGATION OF PARTNERSHIP.  Nothing in this Lease is intended and no
           provision of this Lease shall be construed to make Landlord a partner
           of or a joint venture with Tenant, or associated in any other way
           with Tenant in the operation of the Premises, or to subject Landlord
           to any obligation, loss, charge or expense resulting from or
           attributable to Tenant's operation or use of the Premises.

     23.4. BINDINGS ON SUCCESSORS, ETC. This Lease shall be binding upon, and
           inure to the benefit of, each of the parties hereto, as well as their
           respective heirs, executors, administrators, representatives,
           successors and assigns.

     23.5. ARBITRATION. If any dispute arises under this Lease and is not
           resolved within thirty (30) days after one party delivers to the
           other a written notice invoking the arbitration provisions of this
           Section 23.5, then such dispute shall be resolved by binding
           arbitration in the City of Carpinteria, California, under the rules
           then-obtaining of the American Arbitration Association. The decision
           of the arbitrator shall be final and binding, and judgment thereon
           may be entered in a court of competent jurisdiction. The costs and
           fees of the arbitration shall be borne in such manner as the
           arbitrator deems appropriate.

     23.6. FEES AND COSTS. If any action or other proceeding is commenced to
           construe or enforce the rights created in this Lease, then the party
           prevailing in such action or proceeding shall be entitled to recover
           from each other party all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees set by
           the court or arbitrator, and the costs and fees incurred in enforcing
           any judgment entered therein. In addition to all other fees and
           charges imposed on Tenant under this Lease, if Tenant fails to pay
           any rent when due and Landlord consequently prepares a "Three Day
           Notice to Quit or Pay Rent," or any associated documents necessary or
           appropriate for undertaking to evict Tenant from the Premises, then
           Tenant shall be obligated to reimburse Landlord for the actual costs
           of preparing such Notice and other documents, but in any event not
           less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00)

     23.7. PARTIAL INVALIDITY. If any provision of this Lease or the application
           thereof to any circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any
           extent, then the remainder of this Lease or the application of such
           term or provision to other circumstances shall not be affected
           thereby, and of this Lease shall be valid and enforceable to the
           fullest extent permitted by law.

     23.8. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Lease (including the attachments and
           exhibits hereto) constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
           concerning Tenant's use of any portion of the Property, and
           supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings, whether oral
           or written. This Lease may not be modified or amended, except by a
           written instrument signed by the parties hereto

     23.9. BROKERS. Landlord and Tenant represent and warrant to each other that
           (a) no person is entitled to receive any commission, brokers' fee, or
           other similar amount as a result of the execution of this Lease.

    23.10. EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of this Lease shall be October 1,

                   (Signatures appear on the following page).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Lease, effective on the
date set forth above


For BLUFFS GROUP III, a California limited partnership

By John King, General Partner

For Notices:

Bluffs Group III, John King 290 Pismo Street, San Luis Obispo California 93401
Telephone 806.544.4444 Facsimile 805.544.5637

For DIGITAL SOUND CORPORATION, a California corporation

By B. Robert Suh, Vice President/CFO

For Notices:

Digital Sound Corporation, B. Robert Suh, 6307 Carpintena Ave., Carpintena, CA
Telephone 805.566.2003 Facsimile 805.566.1420

September 4, 1996

John King
King Ventures
Pismo Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Dear John,

In light of our agreement that Digital Sound will now be responsible for certain
tenant improvements, the following amendments to the lease agreement between
Bluffs Group III ("Landlord") and Digital Sound Corporation ("Tenant") for 6307
Carpinteria Avenue ("Property") must be agreed. Below are the revised terms and
conditions (including paragraph numbers consistent with the original lease
document) that we verbally discussed and agreed:

1.2.1  New Addition and Tenant Improvements in Existing Building:

     To construct at the Existing Building on or before October 1, 1996, at
     Landlord's sole cost and expense, the Tenant Improvements described in
     Exhibit C to this Lease (the "Tenant Improvements). Tenant shall cooperate
     reasonably with Landlord, its architect, and its construction contractors
     to enable Landlord to complete such Tenant Improvements in a prompt

     The Tenant Improvements described in Exhibit C will be accomplished in
     agreement with the scheduled occupancy date. Any costs borne by Tenant
     associated with the failure to complete these changes by the Landlord will
     be offset against rents due.

     The finish and quality of the Tenant Improvements will be consistent with
     the level and style in the other portion of the premise. Tenant will review
     and approve the proposed finish schedules.

1.2.4  Additional Buildings:

     Tenant will have the right of first refusal to lease any additional
     buildings built on the property within 48 months of the execution of the
     lease, with the exception of the two buildings currently under negotiation
     with MetaTools (as defined as buildings 1 and 2 in exhibit B).

2.1.1  Early Termination:
     Either the Landlord or Tenant may terminate the lease for any reason with
     twelve (12) months written notice delivered to and confirmed by the other
     party after October 1, 2000.

3.1    Minimum Monthly Rent:

     Beginning on January 1, 1997, Tenant shall pay to Landlord minimum monthly
     rent ("Minimum Monthly Rent") for the Property based upon the square
     footage occupied by the Tenant and per the rent scale as noted below:


Prior Year Revenue is
- ---------------------
Greater than
- ------------
or Equal to:               but           Less Than:                 Rent/SF/Month
- ------------                             ----------                 -------------
                                              $30,000,000                        $1.00
     $30,000,000                         $45,000,000                      $1.10
     $45,000,000                         $60,000,000                      $1.20
     $60,000,000                         $75,000,000                      $1.30
     $75,000,000                         $90,000,000                      $1.40
     $90,000,000                                                          $1.50

     The rent scale is based upon the Tenant's prior year published audited
     annual revenue (For example, if the Tenant's prior year annual revenue was
     $80,000,000, then the Minimum Monthly Rent would be $1.40 per square foot
     occupied per month). Landlord and Tenant shall endeavor to agree upon the
     actual number of such square feet occupied by the Tenant. If they are
     unable to agree within seven (7) days, then each shall designate an
     architect, and the two architects so selected shall determine (in
     accordance with customary practice for measuring space in similar
     buildings) the actual number of square feet of space occupied by the

3.4         Adjustment to Minimum Monthly Rent:

     The rent per square foot per month will be adjusted annually according to
     the table noted in Section 3.3 beginning on March 1, 1997 and every March 1
     thereafter through the term of the Lease (the rate will be in effect for a
     twelve (12) month period beginning on March 1st and ending on February
     28th/29th of the following year).

3.4.1  Minimum Commitment:

     If Tenant's 1998 revenue does not exceed $60,000,000, then Tenant will
     commit to a monthly rate of $1.30 for the period of March 1, 1999 through
     February 28, 2000 and if Tenant's 1999 revenue does not exceed $75,000,000,
     Tenant will commit to a monthly rate of $1.40 for the period of March 1,
     2000 through February 28, 2001.

3.4.2  Upward Only Adjustment to Minimum Monthly Rent:
     Once a given rent per square foot per month is achieved or committed to by
     Tenant, then adjustments to this rate can never lower the rent per square
     foot per month, except:

     In the event that the construction of additional buildings on the property
     negatively impacts the view, parking or access to the leased premises, the
     lease rate will be reduced. The amount of reduction will be appropriate for
     the degree of impact which will be determined by good faith negotiation At
     least two independent appraisals will be used if agreement cannot be

4.2.1  "Common Areas":

     shall mean all areas and facilities within the exterior boundaries of the
     Property which are not specifically leased or specifically available for
     lease to Tenants and which are provided and designated by Landlord for
     general use and convenience of all tenants of the building and their
     respective agents, employees, patrons and invitees. Common areas shall
     include, without limitation, exterior walls and roofs, and all areas
     outside the exterior walls of demised premises (e.g. walkways, patios,
     landscaped areas, sidewalks, loading areas, parking areas and roadways).

     All parking areas, with the exception of a number of designated visitor
     parking positions, limited to 15 per building tenant, will be considered
     common areas.

19         Signs and Advertising:

     To display its trade name, Tenant may place and maintain on the exterior of
     the Premises a sign reasonably approved by the City of Carpinteria and by
     Landlord, which sign shall conform to the reasonable requirements of
     Landlord as to size and format; provided, Landlord shall coordinate and
     bear the cost of removing Tenant's sign from the north side of the Existing
     Building and erecting one or more signs or monuments at the Property to
     display Tenant's corporate name in a prominent manner. In addition, Tenant

     shall be entitled to display its name and the names of a reasonable number
     of its principals in any building directory. No other signs,
     advertisements, notices or other exterior decoration or personal property
     of Tenant shall be placed upon or displayed by Tenant on any part of the
     building or the windows of the Premises, or upon or about the exterior of
     the Premises, without the prior written consent of Landlord.

     Tenant has the option of replacing the existing sign on the North wall of
     the building if in the Tenant's sole opinion, the proposed monument sign
     does not adequately project the appropriate company image. Tenants to
     mutually agree on final signage with City of Carpinteria's approval.

23.10  Effective date:

       The effective date of this lease shall be the earlier of the date when
       Tenant vacates the approximately 15360 square feet currently occupied in
       the east portion of the building, or January 31, 1997.

23.11  New buildings:
       Other than Buildings 1 and 2 defined in Exhibit B, no new buildings will
       be added to the property before October 1, 2000 without Tenant's written
Tenant agrees that the initial rent per square foot per month effective January
1, 1997 will be $1.00 and will be adjusted according to the rent scale on March
1, 1997. In the event the Landlord is able to secure new permanent financing for
the Property prior to January 1, 1997, then the rate of $1.30 per square foot
per month will take effect upon the effective date of such new financing.

The above mentioned amendments to the Lease replace and supersede paragraphs and
sub paragraphs contained within sections 1.2.1, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2.1, 19 and
23.10 and add paragraphs 1.2.4, 2.1.1 and 23.11.


         B. Robert Suh
         Vice President & CFO

         Agreed to by:
         John King
         General Partner