DATED                               25 MAY                                  1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                          CARLTON COMMUNICATIONS Plc   (1)

                                 TVP GROUP PLC         (2)

                                LAWRENCE GRAHAM
                                  190 Strand
                               London  WC2R 1JN
                              Tel: 0171-379 0000
                              Fax: 0171-379 6854
                             Ref.:  TJC/958313.06


No.    Heading                                                              Page
- ---    -------                                                              ----
1.     Definitions                                                             1

2.     The Shares                                                             10

3.     Intra-Group Debt                                                       10

4.     Completion                                                             11

5.     Bank Reconciliation                                                    12

6.     Warranties                                                             13

7.     Indemnities                                                            18

8.     Restrictive Covenants                                                  18

9.     Purchaser's Warranty                                                   22

10.    Assignability                                                          22

11.    General Provisions                                                     22

12.    Announcements                                                          23

13.    Costs                                                                  23

14.    Notices                                                                23

15.    Effect of Completion                                                   24

16.    Further Assurances                                                     24

17.    Vendor's Covenant                                                      24

18.    Purchaser's Undertaking                                                26

19.    Governing Law and Jurisdiction                                         26

The Agreed Forms
- ----------------

A.     The Carlton Digital Agreement

B.     The Carlton International Agreement

C.     The Carlton Television Agreement

D.     The Carlton Video Agreement

E.     Pension Notice

THE FIRST SCHEDULE       Basic Information concerning the Company             27

THE SECOND SCHEDULE      Particulars of Subsidiaries                          28

THE THIRD SCHEDULE       Property                                             29

THE FOURTH SCHEDULE      Warranties                                           30

THE FIFTH SCHEDULE       Tax Indemnities                                      51


THIS AGREEMENT is made the 25th day of May 1999


(1)    CARLTON COMMUNICATIONS Plc (Registered no. 348312) whose registered
       office is at 25 Knightsbridge, London, SW1X 7XZ ("the Vendor")

(2)    TVP GROUP PLC (Registered no.2448588) whose registered office is at
       Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LT ("the Purchaser")


(A)    TVI Limited ("the Company") has an authorised and issued share capital
       particulars whereof together with other details are set out in the First
       Schedule hereto.

(B)    The Vendor is the beneficial owner of or is otherwise able to procure the
       transfer of the entire issued share capital of the Company.

(C)    The Vendor is desirous of selling and the Purchaser is willing to
       purchase the Shares (as hereinafter defined) on the terms of this

(D)    The Purchaser has lent to the Company an amount equal to the Intra Group
       Debt (as hereinafter defined) on interest bearing terms and repayable on
       demand.  It is a condition precedent to this Agreement that the Company
       shall repay the Intra Group Debt prior to Completion using funds provided
       by the Purchaser.



1.1    In this Agreement and the Schedules hereto the following expressions
       shall unless the context otherwise requires have the meanings following:-

       "Accounts"                 the audited balance sheet as at the Balance
                                  Sheet Date and audited profit and loss account
                                  for the year ended on the Balance Sheet Date
                                  of the Company;


       "Accounts Relief"          means a Relief or a right to repayment of
                                  Taxation which was treated as an asset of a
                                  Group Company in the Accounts or was taken
                                  into account in computing (and so reducing or
                                  eliminating) any provision for deferred
                                  Taxation which appears in the Accounts or
                                  which would have appeared in the Accounts but
                                  for the presumed availability of such Relief
                                  or right to repayment or Taxation and
                                  references to the loss of an Accounts Relief
                                  shall include any cancellation, counteraction,
                                  nullification, disallowance, set-off or claw-
                                  back of an Accounts Relief;

       "Associate"                any person or company who is a connected
                                  person as that expression is defined by
                                  Section 839 of the ICTA;

       "Balance Sheet Date"       30 September 1998;

       "Business Day"             a day on which banks shall be open in London
                                  for the conduct of generally banking business
                                  (excluding Saturdays);

       "the Carlton Digital       the agreement in the Agreed Form marked `A' to
       Agreement"                 be entered into on Completion by the Company
                                  and Carlton Digital Limited;

       "Carlton International     the agreement in the Agreed Form marked `B' to
       Agreement"                 be entered into on Completion by the Company
                                  and Carlton International Limited;

       "Carlton Television        the agreement in the agreed form marked `C' to
       Agreement"                 be entered into on completion by the Company
                                  and Carlton Television Limited;

       "the Carlton Video         the agreement in the Agreed Form marked `D' to
       Agreement"                 be entered into on Completion by the Company
                                  and Carlton Video Limited;


       "the Carlton               the Carlton Digital Agreement, the Carlton
       Agreements"                International Agreement, the Carlton Video
                                  Agreement and the Carlton Television

       "Claim"                    any claim assessment notice demand letter or
                                  other document issued or action taken by or on
                                  behalf of any Taxation Authority whereby a
                                  Group Company or the Purchaser is to be or is
                                  sought to be made subject to a Liability to
                                  Taxation or any existing Liability to Taxation
                                  is or is sought to be increased;

       "Companies Act"            the Companies Acts 1985 (as amended);

       "Completion"               completion of the sale and purchase of the
                                  Shares in accordance with the provisions of
                                  Clause 4 hereof;

       "Completion Date"          the date of Completion;

       "Consideration"            (Pounds)2,600,000 payable in cash on
                                  Completion subject to adjustment in accordance
                                  with Clause 5;

       "Disclosure Letter"        the letter of even date herewith from the
                                  Vendor to the Purchaser making certain
                                  disclosures against the Warranties ;

       "Encumbrance"              includes any interest or equity of any person
                                  (including, without prejudice to the
                                  generality of the foregoing, any right to
                                  acquire, option or right of pre-emption), or
                                  any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien,
                                  assignment, hypothecation, security interest,
                                  title retention or any other security
                                  agreement or arrangement;

       EBITDA                     earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation
                                  and amortisation of the Company in respect of
                                  the relevant period as disclosed by the
                                  management accounts of the Company having
                                  added back:


                                  (i)   the shortfall on the rental cost of
                                        occupying the properties at St Ann's
                                        Court and Greek Street such shortfall
                                        arising because the rent received in
                                        respect of those parts of such property
                                        that are subject to sub-letting
                                        arrangements is less than the rental
                                        cost payable to the landlord by the
                                        Company; and

                                  (ii)  those items which are dealt with under
                                        or within "other income or expenses" in
                                        the management accounts of the Company,

                                  with an intention, overall, of reflecting
                                  accurately the adjustments made by the parties
                                  in order to agree that EBITDA of the Company
                                  for the 12 months ended 31 March 1999 shall
                                  have been approximately (Pounds)1,700,000;

       "Event"                    includes (without limitation) any act omission
                                  or transaction occurring or deemed to occur
                                  pursuant to any Taxation Statute whether or
                                  not the Company is a party thereto and
                                  includes Completion, the ceasing of a company
                                  to be a member of any group, any change in the
                                  residence of any person for the purposes of
                                  Taxation, death or dissolution of any person,
                                  the receipt or accrual of any income, profits
                                  or gains, the declaration, making or payment
                                  of any distribution and any transfer, payment,
                                  loan or advance;

       "Group Companies"          the Company and its Subsidiaries;

       "Group Relief"             relief surrendered or claimed under Chapter IV
                                  of Part X ICTA, advance corporation tax
                                  surrendered or any refund of Taxation
                                  surrendered or claimed;


       "Industrial Property       patents, trade marks, registered designs,
       Rights"                    pending application for any of the foregoing,
                                  trade or business names and copyright and all
                                  other similar industrial, intellectual or
                                  commercial rights;

       "Intra-Group Debt"         the indebtedness (which arose otherwise than
                                  in the ordinary course of trading) of
                                  (Pounds)3,700,000 owed by the Company to
                                  Central Independent Television plc;

       "Leases"                   the leases in relation to the Property set out
                                  in the Third Schedule;

       "Liability to Taxation"    Means:-

                                  (a)  a liability of a Group Company to make an
                                       actual payment of or in respect of
                                       Taxation including for the avoidance of
                                       doubt any Stamp Duty payable by a Group
                                       Company in relation to all documents in
                                       the enforcement of which a Company or a
                                       Subsidiary may be interested. ;

                                  (b)  the loss by a Group Company of any
                                       Accounts Relief and in such a case the
                                       Liability to Taxation shall be the amount
                                       of the Accounts Relief so lost or if such
                                       Accounts Relief is a deduction from or is
                                       offset against income profits or gains,
                                       the amount of Taxation which would (on
                                       the basis of tax rates current at the
                                       date of this Agreement) have been saved
                                       thereby but for such loss of the Accounts
                                       Relief on the assumption that the Group
                                       Company's income profit or gains are such
                                       that the Accounts Relief could have been
                                       fully offset in computing such income,
                                       profits or gains; and


                                  (c)  the use by a Group Company (in whole or
                                       in part) of any Accounts Relief or any
                                       Purchaser's Relief to reduce or eliminate
                                       any liability to taxation which would
                                       otherwise have arisen and in such a case
                                       the Liability to Taxation shall be the
                                       amount of the Accounts Relief or the
                                       Purchaser's Relief so used or if such
                                       Accounts Relief or Purchaser's Relief is
                                       a deduction from or is offset against
                                       income profits or gains, the amount of
                                       Taxation which is (on the basis of tax
                                       rates current at the date of this
                                       Agreement) saved by such use on the
                                       assumption that a Group Company income
                                       profit or gains are such that the
                                       Accounts Relief or the Purchaser's Relief
                                       could have been fully offset in computing
                                       such income, profits or gains;

       "Management Accounts"      the management accounts of the Company for the
                                  six month period from the Balance Sheet Date
                                  to the Management Accounts Date;

       "Management Accounts       31 March 1999

       "Property" or "Properties" the properties short particulars whereof are
                                  set out in the Third Schedule hereto and
                                  includes any part or parts thereof;

       "Purchaser's Relief"       any Relief which arises as a consequence of or
                                  by reference to an Event occurring after the
                                  Balance Sheet Date or in respect of any period
                                  commencing after the Balance Sheet Date
                                  (provided that in relation to a Relief arising
                                  as a consequence of or by reference to an
                                  Event occurring in the period between the
                                  Balance Sheet Date and Completion or in
                                  respect of the period between the Balance
                                  Sheet Date and Completion the Relief arises in
                                  the ordinary course of business);


       "Purchaser's Solicitors"   Lawrence Graham of 190 Strand, London WC2R

       "Reliefs"                  means all amounts available to reduce either
                                  income, profits or gains or Taxation and
                                  includes (without limitations) all losses
                                  allowances exemptions set-offs deductions
                                  credits repayments and rights to repayments of

       "Shares"                   the shares of the Company beneficially owned
                                  by the Vendor comprising all the issued and
                                  allotted shares of the Company;

       "the Subsidiaries"         the subsidiaries of the Company certain
                                  details of which are set out in the Second

       "Taxation"                 means:-

                                  (a)  any charge, tax, duty, levy or liability
                                       imposed by national or any other person
                                       pursuant to any Taxation Statute and
                                       includes (without limitation) corporation
                                       tax, advance corporation tax, income tax,
                                       capital gains tax, value added tax,
                                       customs and other import duties, national
                                       insurance contributions, stamp duty,
                                       stamp duty reserve tax, inheritance tax
                                       and any amount which a Group Company is
                                       liable to account for by way of deduction
                                       or withholding, and any payment
                                       whatsoever which a Group Company may be
                                       or become bound to make to any person
                                       pursuant to any Taxation Statute;


                                  (b)  and includes outside the United Kingdom
                                       all taxes, levies, duties, imposts,
                                       charges and withholdings of any nature
                                       whatsoever, including (without
                                       limitation) taxes on gross or net income,
                                       profits or gains and taxes on receipts,
                                       sales, use, occupation, franchise, value
                                       added and personal property;

                                  (c)  any penalties fines costs charges
                                       interest or damages payable in connection
                                       with any Taxation; and

                                  (d)  all reasonable costs and expenses
                                       incurred by a Group Company or the
                                       Purchaser in connection with any Claim to
                                       which the Tax Indemnities relate;

       "Taxation Authority"       any national government, authority or body
                                  whatsoever whether of the United Kingdom or
                                  elsewhere empowered to impose collect or
                                  administer Taxation;

       "Tax Indemnities"          the indemnities provided by Clause 7.1 hereto
                                  and the Fifth Schedule;

       "Taxation Statute"         any statute enactment law regulation or
                                  practice enacted or issued or coming into
                                  force providing for or imposing any Taxation;

       "Technicolor Project"      the proposed venture between the Company and
                                  Technicolor Limited or another subsidiary of
                                  the Vendor for the provision of telecine-
                                  related services at Technicolor Limited's site
                                  in West Drayton;

       "VAT Group"                means any group of companies for the purposes
                                  of section 43 VATA of which a Group Company is
                                  or has been a member on or before the date


       "Vendor's Group"           the Vendor and any subsidiary of the Vendor
                                  (within the meaning of Section 736 Companies
                                  Act 1985) and which term shall include any
                                  company (other than the Group Companies) which
                                  has been a subsidiary of the Vendor (within
                                  the said Section 736) within the last ten

       "Vendor's Solicitors"      Macfarlanes, of 10 Norwich Street, London EC4A

       "ICTA"                     the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

       "CAA"                      the Capital Allowances Act 1990;

       "IHTA"                     the Inheritance Tax Act 1984;

       "FA"                       Finance Act;

       "TCGA"                     the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992;

       "VATA"                     the Value Added Tax Act 1994;

       "TMA"                      the Taxes Management Act 1970.

1.2    References to the consequences of Events, acts or transactions effected
       prior to Completion shall include the combined effect of two or more
       Events, acts or transactions the first of which shall have taken place or
       be deemed to have taken place on or before the Completion Date provided
       that the first occurs in the ordinary course of business and Events acts
       or transactions after Completion occur outside the ordinary course of

1.3    Any document expressed to be "in the Agreed Form" means in a form
       approved and for the purpose of identification signed by or on behalf of
       the parties hereto.

1.4    The expression "Warranties" shall mean those representations and
       warranties contained in Clause 6 and the Fourth Schedule hereto.

1.5    Save where the context otherwise precludes, or where expressly stated to
       the contrary, the expression "the Company" shall mean the Company and
       each of the Subsidiaries.

1.6    References to Clauses, Sub-clauses and Schedules are references to
       Clauses and Sub-clauses of this Agreement and Schedules to this


1.7    In this Agreement and the Schedules hereto the masculine gender shall
       include the feminine and neuter, the singular number shall include the
       plural and vice versa, and references to persons shall include bodies
       corporate, unincorporated associations and partnerships.

1.8    Other than as expressly defined in this Clause 1, in this Agreement words
       and phrases the definition of which is contained or referred to in Part
       XXVI of the Companies Act 1985 shall be construed as defined therein.

1.9    Any reference to any statute or statutory provision includes a reference
       to any subordinate legislation made under that statutory provision before
       the date of this Agreement, to any modification, re-enactment or
       extension of that statute or statutory provision made before that date
       and to any former statute or statutory provision which it consolidated or
       re-enacted before that date.

1.10   The headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and
       shall not affect the construction hereof.

1.11   References to income, profits or gains includes income, profits or gains
       (including capital gains) of any description or from any source and also
       includes any other measure by reference to which Taxation is computed and
       references to profits earned accrued or received include profits deemed
       to have been or treated as earned, accrued or received for Taxation


2.1    The Vendor shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase with effect from
       the Completion Date the Shares with full title guarantee free from any
       Encumbrance for the Consideration.

2.2    A sum of (Pounds)2,600,000 in respect of the Consideration shall be
       payable in cash in full on Completion.


       It shall be a condition precedent to this Agreement that the Purchaser
       shall procure that the Company repays in full the outstanding balance of
       the Intra-Group Debt with the effect that prior to such repayment the
       Vendor shall not be obliged to sell and the Purchaser shall not be
       obliged to purchase the Shares pursuant to this Agreement.



4.1    Completion shall take place at the offices of the Purchaser's Solicitors
       immediately after the execution of this Agreement when:-

       4.1.1  the Vendor shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the

              (a) a duly executed transfer in common form in favour of the
                  Purchaser together with the relative share certificate in
                  respect of the Shares;

              (b) the certificate of incorporation, all certificates on change
                  of name, the seal and statutory books of the Company and the
                  Subsidiaries made up to accurately reflect the position of the
                  Company immediately prior to Completion;

              (c) the Leases of the Property;

              (d) written resignation letters executed under seal by each of the
                  directors (other than Candida Fry and Keith Williams) and
                  secretaries of the Company and the Subsidiaries as each such
                  letter in the Agreed Form; and

              (e) the Carlton Agreements duly executed by the relevant parties.

       4.1.2  the Vendor and the Purchaser shall jointly procure that the
              Directors shall hold a meeting of the Board of the Company at

              (a) the Directors shall appoint such persons as the Purchaser may
                  nominate as directors of the Company and at which the written
                  resignation letters referred to in Clause 4.1.1(d) shall be

              (b) the Directors shall vote in favour of the registration of the
                  Purchaser as the sole member of the Company subject to the
                  production of a duly stamped and completed Transfer;

              (c) the Directors shall resolve that the registered office of the
                  Company shall be changed to 190 Strand, London WC2R 1JN; and

              (d) the Directors shall resolve that the accounting reference date
                  of the Company shall be changed to 31 December;


4.2    the Purchaser shall procure:

       4.2.1  the Purchaser's Solicitors transfer (or hold to the order of the
              Vendor or its Solicitors) the sum of (Pounds)2,600,000 in payment
              of that part of the Consideration payable on Completion by CHAPS
              into the account of the Vendor's Solicitors (whose receipt shall
              be sufficient discharge therefor); and

       4.2.2  deliver to the Vendor's Solicitors counterparts of the Carlton
              Agreements, duly executed by the Company.

4.3    The performance by the Vendor of its obligations under Clause 4.1 shall
       be a condition precedent to the performance by the Purchaser of its
       obligations under Clauses 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 4.2 to the intent that, if the
       Vendor shall fail or shall be unable to perform any of its obligations
       under Clause 4.1 the Purchaser shall at its option cease to be liable to
       perform its obligations under Clause 4.2.

4.4    The performance by the Purchaser of its obligations under Clauses 4.1.2,
       4.1.3 and 4.2 shall be a condition precedent to the performance by the
       Vendor of its obligations under Clause 4.1 to the intent that if the
       Purchaser shall fail or shall be unable to perform any of its obligations
       under Clauses 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 4.2 the Vendor shall at its option cease
       to be liable to perform its obligations under Clause 4.1.


5.1    Within one month after the date of Completion the Purchaser undertakes to
       the Vendor that it shall send to the Vendor a cash reconciliation
       statement of the Company ("the Cash Reconciliation Statement") setting
       out the cash at the bank available to the Company as at the Completion
       Date (the "Cash Balance") having credited amounts deposited on or before
       the close of business on 24 May 1999 and debited the amount of any
       cheques or CHAPS transfers or similar issued by the Company on or before
       the close of business on 24 May 1999.

5.2    In the event that the Cash Balance is less than (Pounds)0 the Vendor
       shall pay to the Purchaser by way of a reduction of the Consideration the
       amount of such shortfall.

5.3    In the event that the Cash Balance is greater than (Pounds)0 the
       Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor by way of an increase of the
       Consideration the amount of such excess.


5.4    Any adjustment to the amount of the Consideration shall be agreed between
       the parties within two months of the Completion Date and shall be paid by
       the Vendor or the Purchaser (as appropriate) within five days after such
       agreement and any amount not paid when due shall carry interest at the
       base rate of National Westminster Bank PLC (from time to time) from the
       due date until the date of actual payment.

5.5    The Purchaser shall have no right of set-off in respect of any amount
       owing to the Vendor pursuant to the terms of this Clause 5.


6.1    The Purchaser acknowledges to and agrees with the Vendor that it has not
       entered into this Agreement in reliance on any representations,
       warranties or undertakings of any kind other than the Warranties (as
       qualified by the Disclosure Letter).

6.2    The Purchaser confirms to the Vendor that at the time of execution of
       this Agreement it has no actual knowledge of any specific claim under the
       Warranties capable of being made against the Vendor following execution
       of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, such knowledge shall not
       in any way prejudice the Purchaser from making claims under the Tax
       Indemnity in relation to such matters.

6.3    The Vendor hereby warrants and represents to the Purchaser in the terms
       of the Warranties as at the date of this Agreement.

6.4    The Purchaser shall not be entitled to claim that any fact renders any of
       the Warranties untrue or misleading or caused them to be breached if it
       has been  fairly disclosed to the Purchaser in the Disclosure Letter.

6.5    Save where express contrary provision is made, any statement in the
       Warranties which refers to the awareness or knowledge or belief of the
       Vendor or any similar or cognate expression shall be deemed to be the
       actual knowledge or belief of the Vendor having made reasonable enquiry
       of Keith Williams, William Rollason, Brian Kelly and Patrick Holzen,
       Keith Williams and Patrick Holzen themselves having made reasonable
       enquiry into the subject matter of that Warranty.

6.6    The Purchaser shall not be entitled to recover damages or otherwise
       obtain reimbursement or restitution more than once in respect of any
       individual breach of the Warranties or any claim under the Tax


6.7    The Vendor shall not be liable for breach of any Warranties to the extent
       that the subject of the claim has been or is made good or is otherwise
       capable of being made good without cost to the Purchaser.

6.8    If, in respect of any matter which would give rise to a breach of the
       Warranties the Purchaser is entitled to claim under any policy of
       insurance, then no such matter shall be the subject of a claim under the
       Warranties unless and until a member of the Group shall have made a claim
       against its insurers and any such insurance claim shall then reduce by
       the amount recovered or extinguish any such claims for breach of the
       Warranties net of the reasonable expenses of making such claim and any
       increase in the insurance premium of the Company as a result of the such

6.9    The liability of the Vendor in respect of any breach of the Warranties
       and under the Tax Indemnities shall be limited (except in the case of
       fraud on the part of the Vendor when no such limitation shall apply) as

       6.9.1  the Purchaser shall not be entitled to bring a claim for any
              breach of any of the Warranties and/or any matter giving rise to a
              claim under the Tax Indemnities in respect of which the amount
              which the Purchaser would otherwise (but for the provisions of
              this paragraph 6.9.1) be entitled to recover would be less than

       6.9.2  subject to paragraph 6.9.1, the Purchaser shall not be entitled to
              recover any amount in respect of a breach of the Warranties or any
              amount under the Tax Indemnities unless the amount recoverable,
              when aggregated with all other amounts recoverable for breach of
              the Warranties and/or under the Tax Indemnities exceeds
              (Pounds)100,000, in which event the whole amount of such claims
              shall be recoverable and not just the excess over (Pounds)100,000.

       6.9.3  the aggregate liability of the Vendor for damages for breach of
              the Warranties and under the Tax Indemnities shall be limited to
              (Pounds)6,300,000; and

       6.9.4  all liability of the Vendor in relation to any claim for breach of
              the Warranties shall cease on the Expiry Date save to the extent
              of and in relation to such claim of which written notice
              (incorporating to the extent reasonably practicable, an estimate
              of the amount of the loss suffered or incurred and the basis of
              the claim) has been given to the


              Vendor by or on behalf of the Purchaser prior to the Expiry Date.
              The Expiry Date for this purpose shall be the date which falls on
              the second anniversary of the date of this Agreement or in the
              case of any such claim the subject matter of which relates to
              Taxation or under the Taxation Indemnities the seventh anniversary
              of the date of this Agreement (except in the case of a claim under
              Clause 1.2.2 of the Fifth Schedule (Taxation Indemnities) where
              the Expiry Date for this purpose shall be the tenth anniversary of
              the date of this Agreement).

6.10   The Warranties are separate and independent and shall remain in full
       force and effect notwithstanding Completion.

6.11   The Vendor undertakes (in the event of any claim being made against it in
       connection with the sale of the Shares to the Purchaser) not to and
       waives any right to make any claim against the Company, or a director or
       an employee of the Company, on whom any of them may have relied before
       agreeing to any term of this Agreement or authorising any statement in
       the Disclosure Letter save to the extent such director or employee has
       acted fraudulently or wilfully concealed a matter on which the Vendor has
       so relied.

6.12   The Vendor shall not be liable under the Warranties in respect of any
       claim based upon a liability which is contingent only unless and until
       such contingent liability becomes an actual liability PROVIDED THAT this
       paragraph shall not operate to avoid a claim made in respect of a
       contingent liability notified within the applicable time specified in
       paragraph 6.9.4 whenever the contingent liability becomes an actual

6.13   The Vendor shall have no liability in respect of any breach of the

       6.13.1 to the extent that specific provision or reserve (whether by
              specific provision or reserve or within a relevant general
              provision or reserve) in respect of the liability or other matter
              giving rise to the claim in question was made in the Accounts;

       6.13.2 to the extent that the claim in question arises, or is increased
              as a result of any increase in rates of Taxation or any change in
              the law or published practice of a Revenue authority made after
              the date of this Agreement with retrospective effect.

       6.13.3 to the extent that the claim in question would not have arisen
              but for a voluntary act or transaction, which could reasonably
              have been avoided,


              carried out by the Purchaser or any of its Group Companies
              (including the Companies or any of the Subsidiaries) after the
              date of this Agreement otherwise than in the ordinary course of
              business and which the Purchaser or (as the case may be) such
              Group Company was aware;

       6.13.4 if the Vendor pays either to the Purchaser or directly to any
              Group Company an amount in respect of a claim under the Warranties
              and the Purchaser (or the relevant Group Company) (as the case may
              be) subsequently recovers from a third party  (including, without
              limitation, under any insurance policy) an amount in respect of
              that claim then the Purchaser shall repay or procure that the
              relevant Group Company repays as soon as practicable to the Vendor
              so much of the amount paid by him as does not exceed the amount
              recovered from the third party less all costs and charges and
              expenses reasonably incurred by the Purchaser or the relevant
              Group Company in obtaining that payment and in recovering that
              amount from the third party and any applicable tax.

6.14   If any matter comes to the notice of the Purchaser which in the
       reasonable opinion of the Purchaser is likely to give rise to a liability
       under the Warranties, the Purchaser shall (and shall procure that the
       relevant Group Company shall):-

       6.14.1 as soon as reasonably practicable give written notice of that
              matter to the Vendor specifying in reasonable detail the nature of
              the potential liability, and, so far as is practicable, the amount
              likely to be claimed in respect of it provided that, subject to
              Clause 6.9.4 above, failure to give notice in accordance with this
              clause will not preclude the Purchaser's right to bring a claim
              for breach of the Warranties;

       6.14.2 (save in the event that any such act may in the reasonable
              opinion of the Purchaser materially and adversely affect the
              business of the Company as a whole (in which event the Purchaser
              shall consult fully with the Vendor and take account of all
              reasonable opinions and representations made by the Vendor)) not
              make any admission of liability, agreement or compromise with any
              person, body or authority in relation to that matter without the
              prior written consent of the Vendor such consent not to be
              unreasonably withheld or delayed;

       6.14.3 give the Vendor and their professional advisers reasonable access
              in normal office hours and having given reasonable notice to the
              Purchaser, to the relevant premises and relevant personnel of the
              Purchaser and/or


              the relevant Group Company (as the case may be), and to any
              relevant chattels, accounts, document and records within the power
              or control of the Purchaser and/or the relevant Group Company so
              as to enable the Vendor and their professional advisers to examine
              such relevant premises, chattels, accounts, documents and records
              and to take copies of such relevant material at their own expense
              provided always that confidentiality in respect of such
              information is preserved;

       6.14.4 subject to the Vendor indemnifying the Purchaser and/or the
              relevant Group Company to the Purchaser's reasonable satisfaction
              against any liability, costs, damages or expenses which may be
              incurred, take such action as the Vendor may reasonably request to
              avoid, dispute, resist, compromise or defend any claim arising out
              of the matter in question provided such action will not in the
              opinion of the Purchaser adversely affect the business of the
              Company or the Purchaser.

6.15   For the avoidance of doubt:

       6.15.1 the only Warranties given in relation to real property are those
              set out in paragraph 9 of the Fourth Schedule;

       6.15.2 the only Warranties given in relation to debts owed to the Company
              are those set out in paragraph 2.5.1, 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 of the
              Fourth Schedule;

       6.15.3 the only Warranties given in relation to Industrial Property
              Rights are those set out in paragraphs 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 7 of the
              Fourth Schedule; and

       6.15.4 the only Warranties given in relation to disputes with employees
              in relation to their employment with the Company are those set out
              in paragraphs 5.4.3 and 6.5 of the Fourth Schedule.

6.16   The Purchaser shall not be able to make, and the Vendor shall have no
       liability in respect of, any claim for breach of the Warranties in
       paragraph 2.3 of the Fourth Schedule unless the subject matter of such
       claim is a relevant fact, matter or circumstance.  For this purpose a
       relevant fact, matter or circumstance is one which is not warranted under
       any of the other paragraphs of the Fourth Schedule ("a relevant fact,
       matter or circumstance").  For the avoidance of doubt, a fact, matter or
       circumstance which is not warranted under any of the other paragraphs of
       the Fourth Schedule by reason of such other paragraph containing a
       materiality standard or qualification (whether or not monetary) shall not
       be regarded as a relevant fact, matter or circumstance in interpreting
       this Clause 6.16.



7.1    The Vendor hereby indemnifies the Purchaser in the terms of the Fifth
       Schedule hereto.

7.2    The Vendor hereby agrees forthwith to indemnify the Company in respect of
       any debts due from the Company arising under or of section 75 of the
       Pensions Act 1995whether as a result of its ceasing to participate in the
       Carlton Communication Group Pension Scheme or otherwise.

7.3    The Vendor hereby indemnifies the Purchaser without limitation in respect
       of any loss suffered by the Company as a result of a breach of the
       Warranty set out in paragraph 10.1 of the Fourth Schedule.


8.1    For the purpose of assuring to the Purchaser the full benefit of the
       businesses and goodwill of the Company the Vendor hereby undertakes by
       way of further consideration for the obligations of the Purchaser under
       this Agreement as separate and independent agreements that (save, in any
       case, with the prior written consent of the Purchaser):-

       8.1.3  it will not for the period of two years immediately following the
              Completion Date disclose to any person other than its Associates
              or itself use for any purpose (other than, in either case, in
              fulfilling its statutory and/or regulatory obligations) and shall
              use its best endeavours to prevent the wrongful publication or
              wrongful disclosure by any Vendor Group Company of any
              confidential information which is the property of the Company or
              its subsidiaries including any details of the Company's terms of
              trade with its customers;

       8.1.2  during the period of two years immediately following the
              Completion Date neither the Vendor nor any subsidiary of the
              Vendor will, (i) either on its own account or in conjunction with
              or on behalf of any other person, firm or company set up and
              commence any trade or business which is directly competitive with
              the trade or business engaged in by the Company as of the
              Completion Date or (ii) acquire any Directly Competitive Business
              (as defined below);

       8.1.3  in the event that during the period of two years immediately
              following the Completion Date the Vendor or any subsidiary of the
              Vendor shall


              acquire (as part of a transaction) an Indirectly Competitive
              Business (as defined below) the Vendor shall inform Robert Walston
              or Jess Brown on behalf of the Purchaser of such acquisition
              within 90 days of such acquisition and shall thereafter enter into
              discussions with Robert Walston or Jess Brown on behalf of the
              Purchaser with a view to establishing so soon as shall be
              reasonably practicable whether the Purchaser or its parent company
              or its ultimate parent company would wish to purchase such
              Indirectly Competitive Business and, if so, upon what terms;

       8.1.4  in the event that during the period of two years immediately
              following the Completion Date the Vendor or any subsidiary of the
              Vendor shall acquire (as part of a transaction) an Indirectly
              Competitive Business which is not acquired by the Purchaser or its
              parent company or its ultimate parent company pursuant to the
              process referred to in Clause 8.1.3, the Vendor agrees with the
              Purchaser that during the period of two years immediately
              following the Completion Date (or so much of such period as shall
              remain following the acquisition of such Indirectly Competitive
              Business) neither the Vendor nor the Indirectly Competitive
              Business shall procure any subsidiary of the Vendor which shall
              then be trading with the Company to cease or reduce the supply of
              services by the Company to such subsidiary with the purpose of
              procuring or arranging that such services shall be supplied to
              such subsidiary by such Indirectly Competitive Business.  (For the
              avoidance of doubt, this Clause 8.1.4 shall not be construed so as
              to impose any positive obligation on the Vendor to require any
              subsidiary of the Vendor to continue to seek any supply of
              services from the Company, any such supply of services being a
              matter for negotiation and\or agreement between each such
              subsidiary and the Company);

       8.1.5  during the period of two years immediately following the
              Completion Date it will not either on its own account or in
              conjunction with or on behalf of any other person, firm or company
              directly solicit or attempt to entice away from the Company any
              officer, manager or other person employed by the Company as at the
              Completion Date whether or not such person would commit a breach
              of his contract of employment by reason of leaving the service of
              the Company;


       8.1.6  during the period of two years immediately following the
              Completion Date the Vendor will not employ any of Candida Fry,
              Jill Jones, Simon Wilkinson, Andrew Evans, Patrick Holzen, Roger
              Boorman, Simon Hadfield, Jethro Harris and Shane Warden;

       8.1.7  within four weeks of the Completion Date the Vendor shall send
              (with a copy to Robert Walston or Jess Brown on behalf of the
              Purchaser) Keith Williams and the managing director or (as
              appropriate) chief executive of each of Quantel Limited, The
              Moving Picture Company Limited, Carlton Television Limited,
              Technicolor Limited, Solid State Logic Limited and, if any, any
              Indirectly Competitive Business (collectively the "Notice
              Companies") an instruction (having first afforded Robert Walston
              or Jess Brown on behalf of the Purchaser a reasonable opportunity
              to comment on the draft terms of such instruction) to the effect,
              in each case, that for so long only as such company (including for
              this purpose such company (if any) which is a subsidiary of the
              Vendor as shall be managed by Keith Williams) shall remain a
              subsidiary of the Vendor and during the period of two years
              immediately following the Completion Date such company (including
              for this purpose such company (if any) which is a subsidiary of
              the Vendor as shall be managed by Keith Williams) shall not employ
              any of Candida Fry, Jill Jones, Simon Wilkinson, Andrew Evans,
              Patrick Holzen, Roger Boorman, Simon Hadfield, Jethro Harris and
              Shane Warden;

       8.1.8  on or around six months following the Completion Date and on or
              around the first anniversary of the Completion Date and on or
              around eighteen months following the Completions Date, to send
              (with a copy to Robert Walston or Jess Brown on behalf of the
              Purchaser) Keith Williams and the managing director or (as
              appropriate) chief executive of each Notice Company (if, in each
              case, such company shall remain a subsidiary of the Vendor at such
              time) a copy of the instruction referred to in Clause 8.1.7 by way
              of a reminder of its terms.

8.2    Notwithstanding any other provision of Clause 8 or any other provision of
       this Agreement neither the Vendor nor any subsidiary or associate of the
       Vendor shall be restricted from continuing any of the activities, and
       developing the same, carried on by the Vendor and\or any subsidiary or
       associate of the Vendor as at the Completion Date including, without
       limitation and for the avoidance of doubt, (i) the telecine-related
       activities carried on or to be carried on by Technicolor Limited


       (or another subsidiary of the Vendor) which may become the subject of an
       outsourcing or joint venturing arrangement with the Purchaser if terms
       can be agreed, whether or not such arrangement is agreed and (ii) the
       activities of Independent Television Facilities Company Limited, a
       company in which the Vendor has an interest through its interest in the
       share capital of ITV PLC;

8.3    For the purposes of this Clause 8 and subject as mentioned below in this
       Clause 8.3, a Directly Competitive Business shall be, a company (or group
       of companies) or business (or collection of businesses) ("Target Group")
       with respect to which a minimum of 50% of the Target Group's aggregate
       annual revenues (as disclosed by its latest (as at the time of
       acquisition) available annual audited accounts or, as appropriate, annual
       audited consolidated accounts or, if annual audited accounts are not
       available, its management accounts) are earned from activities which
       compete directly with the trade or business carried on by the Company as
       of the Completion Date.  For the avoidance of doubt, a Directly
       Competitive Business shall not include, (i) the telecine-related
       activities carried on or to be carried on by Technicolor Limited which
       may become the subject of an outsourcing or joint venturing arrangement
       with the Purchaser if terms can be agreed, whether or not such
       arrangement is agreed and (ii) the activities of Independent Television
       Facilities Company Limited, a company in which the Vendor has an interest
       through its interest in the share capital of ITV PLC.

8.4    For the purposes of this Clause 8, an Indirectly Competitive Business
       shall be a Target Group which is, among other things, competing direclty
       with the trade or business carried on by the Company as of the Completion
       Date and such Target Group's aggregate annual revenues (as disclosed by
       its latest (as at the time of acquisition) available annual audited
       accounts or, as appropriate, audited consolidated accounts or, if audited
       accounts are not available, its latest (as at the time of acquisition)
       management accounts) are earned from activities which compete directly
       with the trade or business carried on by the Company as of the Completion
       Date and such revenues are less than 50% of the aggregate annual audited
       revenues of the Target Group (as disclosed by its latest (as at the time
       of acquisition) available annual audited accounts or, as appropriate,
       annual audited consolidated accounts or, if annual audited accounts are
       not available, its latest (as at the time of acquisition) management

8.5    The restrictions contained in Clause 8.1 are considered reasonable by the
       parties but in the event that any such restriction shall be found to be
       void but would be


       valid if some part thereof were deleted or the period reduced such
       restriction shall apply with such modification as shall be necessary to
       make it valid and effective.


       The Purchaser has full power to enter and perform this Agreement, which
       will when executed constitute binding obligations on the Purchaser in
       accordance with their terms.


10.1   This Agreement shall not be assignable by any party hereto without the
       prior written consent of the other save as set out in this Clause 10.

10.2   The Purchaser may assign this Agreement to any Associate of the Purchaser
       to which the Shares are transferred PROVIDED THAT  such transfer shall
       have been notified to the Vendor prior to such transfer and be on terms
       that in the event that such Associate were to cease to be a member of the
       Purchaser's Group such Associate shall be deemed to have re-assigned this
       Agreement to the Purchaser.

10.3   The Vendor may assign the terms of this Agreement (other than Clause 8)
       to any Associate of the Vendor PROVIDED THAT the Vendor, prior to such
       assignment, enters into a guarantee in a form reasonably satisfactory to
       the Purchaser guaranteeing the obligations and liabilities of the Vendor
       to the Purchaser under the terms of this Agreement and be on terms that
       in the event that such Associate of the Vendor were to cease to be a
       member of the Vendor's Group such Associate shall be deemed to have re-
       assigned to the Vendor or, at the election of the Vendor, another
       Associate of the Vendor.


11.1   This Agreement (together with any document annexed hereto and signed by
       or on behalf of the parties hereto) constitutes the whole Agreement
       between the parties hereto and no variations hereof shall be effective
       unless made in writing.

11.2   The provisions of this Agreement in so far as the same shall not have
       been performed at Completion shall remain in full force and effect.

11.3   The Purchaser may release or compromise the liability of the Vendor
       hereunder or grant to the Vendor time or other indulgence without
       affecting the liability of the Vendor hereunder.



12.1   Subject to the provisions of Clause 12.2, neither party shall issue (or
       cause to be issued) any press release or publish any circular to
       shareholders or any other public document or make any statement or
       disclosure to any person who is not a party (other than to their
       respective professional advisers) in each case relating to or connected
       with or arising out of this Agreement or the matters contained in it,
       without obtaining the previous written approval of the other party to its
       contents and the manner of its presentation and publication or disclosure
       (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

12.2   The provisions of Clause 12.1 do not apply to any announcement relating
       to or connected with or arising out of this Agreement required to be made
       by virtue of the regulations or rules of or made by London Stock Exchange
       Limited or NASDAQ or by law (including applicable securities laws) but in
       such circumstances the party seeking to make the announcement will use
       its reasonable endeavours to consult with the other party on the contents
       of such announcement. Neither party shall be obliged to consult the other
       if this would in itself constitute a breach of any such regulations or
       rules or be unlawful.

13.    COSTS

       Each party to this Agreement shall pay its own costs of and incidental to
       this Agreement and the sale and purchase hereby agreed to be made

14.    NOTICES

       Any notice required to be given by any party hereto to any other shall be
       in writing and may be served personally or by post and if served by post
       shall be served by prepaid registered letter sent through the post to the
       address of the party to be served as shown in this Agreement or such
       other address as may from time to time be notified for this purpose; and

       14.1   in the case of the Purchaser shall be addressed for the attention
              of the Company Secretary (with a copy sent by facsimile
              transmission for information purposes only to Four Media Company,
              625 Arizona Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA on 001 587 310
              1277 marked for the attention of William E. Niles); and

       14.2   in the case of the Vendor shall be addressed for the attention of
              the Company Secretary with a copy for the attention of Bill


       and any notice so served shall be deemed to have been served three days
       after the time on which it is posted and in proving such service it shall
       be sufficient to prove that the notice was properly addressed and posted.


15.1   The terms of this Agreement (insofar as not performed at Completion or
       specifically otherwise provided for in this Agreement) shall continue in
       full force and effect after (and notwithstanding) Completion.

15.2   The remedies in respect of any breach of any Warranty hereunder shall
       continue to subsist notwithstanding Completion.


       Following Completion the Vendor shall from time to time forthwith upon
       being so requested by the Purchaser at the Vendor's expense do or procure
       the doing of all acts and/or execute or procure the execution of all such
       documents in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser for the
       purpose of vesting in the Purchaser the full legal and beneficial title
       to the Shares and otherwise giving to the Purchaser the full benefit of
       this Agreement.


17.1   The Vendor covenants with the Purchaser that it shall at the request of
       the Purchaser save for the avoidance of doubt in relation to the Carlton
       Agreements and rate arrangements with CTE (Carlton) and Carlton Screen
       Advertising (annexed in the bundle to the Disclosure Letter numbered in
       the index thereto 6.19 and 6.20 respectively) and the Licence (as defined
       in Clause 17.3 below), release the Company from any contract or
       arrangement with the Vendor or any of its Associates which is of an
       onerous nature and shall indemnify the Company in respect of any
       liability incurred by the Company as a result of the Vendor failing to
       fulfil its obligations under this Clause 17.1.

17.2   The Vendor covenants with the Purchaser that, in the event of the Company
       incurring liability for which the Company may have a claim under the
       terms of the insurance of the Company in place prior to Completion, it
       shall (at the cost of the Purchaser other than in relation to a breach of
       the Warranties) use its reasonable endeavours to assist the Company in
       making such claim pursuant to the terms of such insurance.


17.3   The Vendor covenants with the Purchaser to procure that Carlton Books
       Limited ("CBL") shall pursuant to the terms of the licence to occupy,
       dated today's date, in respect of part of the Properties and made between
       the Purchaser (1) and CBL (2) ("the Licence") vacate the said premises at
       the end of the Licence Period (as defined in the Licence) and will
       indemnify the Purchaser against all costs expenses and liability incurred
       by the Purchaser as a consequence of the failure by CBL so to do.

17.4   The Vendor covenants with the Purchaser that it:

       17.4.1 it will procure Technicolor Limited (or another subsidiary of the
              Vendor) accepts (in relation to an assignment, as assignee and in
              relation to a novation, as obligor in respect of all obligations
              of the Company) an assignment or novation (as may be appropriate)
              of, (i) all contracts (including the relevant agreement between
              the Company and Gollifer Associates Architects dated 25 March
              1999) entered into by the Company prior to the date of this
              Agreement with respect to building work at the Technicolor West
              Drayton site in relation to the Technicolor Project and (ii) all
              contracts (if any) entered into by the Company prior to the date
              of this Agreement with respect to equipment purchases for
              equipment to be located at the Technicolor West Drayton site (and
              related costs) in relation to the Technicolor Project; and

       17.4.2 will assume any obligation or liability of the Company relating
              to any other arrangement entered into by the Company prior to
              Completion relating to the Technicolor Project, including, for the
              avoidance doubt the full amount of the capital commitment
              disclosed in paragraph C of the Disclosure Letter as being
              (Pounds)218,000 (plus VAT) in respect of building work in relation
              to a site at West Drayton;

       and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Company in respect of
       any liability incurred by the Company as a result of the Vendor failing
       to fulfil its obligations under this Clause 17.4.

17.5   The Purchaser undertakes to the Vendor not to discharge any liability
       resulting from any matters referred to in Clause 17.4 without the prior
       consent of the Vendor (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld).



       The Purchaser undertakes to the Vendor to procure that the Company will
       immediately following Completion serve upon the Trustees of the Carlton
       Communications Group Pension Scheme ("the Scheme") notice in accordance
       with section 37(1) of the rules of the Scheme terminating its liability
       to contribute to the Scheme with immediate effect.  Such notice shall be
       in Agreed Form.


       This Agreement shall be governed by English law and the parties hereby
       submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

AS WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been entered into the day and year first
above written.


                               THE FIRST SCHEDULE


A.   The Company

1.   Registered Number             :  1352093

2.   Date of incorporation         :  8 February 1978

3.   Address of registered office  :  25 Knightsbridge
                                      LONDON SW1X 7RX

4.   Authorised share capital      :  50,000 Ordinary Shares of (Pounds)1 each
                                      50,000 Deferred Shares of (Pounds)1 each

5.   Issued share capital          :  50,000 Ordinary Shares of (Pounds)1 each
                                      50,000 Deferred Shares of (Pounds)1 each
6.   Directors:

     Full Names

     Candida Jane Drake

     William Peter Rollason

     Keith Williams

7.   Secretary:

     Full Name

     David Abdoo


                              THE SECOND SCHEDULE

                          PARTICULARS OF SUBSIDIARIES

Name                 Date and Place of     Issued Share Capital     Held by          Beneficially
                     Incorporation and                                               owned by
                     Registered Number
Video Time Limited   19 June 1962          800 Ordinary Shares      TVi Limited      TVi Limited
                     England               of (Pounds)1

Video Time 1999      10 August 1981        15,000 Ordinary          TVi Limited      TVi Limited
Limited              England               Shares of (Pounds)1


                              THE THIRD SCHEDULE


          Underleases at Film House 142/150 Wardour Street London W1

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date         Premises             Term                       Tenant        Passing rent p.a.   Interim s/charge p.a.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
06.08.81     Ground floor         20 years from 29.09.1980   TVi Limited   (Pounds)375,000        (Pounds)42,200
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.12.80     Ground floor annex   20 years from 29.09.1980   TVi Limited   (Pounds)82,500         (Pounds)10,500
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25.03.86     Basement             25.12.1985 to 28.09.2000   TVi Limited   (Pounds)118,000        (Pounds)43,300
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16.07.87     Basement annex       25.12.1985 to 28.09.2000   TVi Limited   (Pounds)34,500         (Pounds)11,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                              THE FOURTH SCHEDULE


In paragraphs 1 and 8 of this Schedule (save where the context otherwise
requires) the expression "the Company" shall mean each of the Company and each
of its Subsidiaries and in all other paragraphs of this Schedule the Company
shall mean the Company only.

The warranties and representations referred to in Clause 5 of the foregoing
Agreement are that:-


1.1    Share Capital

       The matters set out in the First and Second Schedule are complete and
       accurate and all the issued shares set out in the First Schedule are
       beneficially owned by the Vendor free from all liens charges and
       encumbrances or interests in favour of any other person.

1.2    Memorandum and Articles

       The copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company
       annexed to the Disclosure Letter is accurate and complete at the date of
       Completion .

1.3    Options etc.

       No person has the right (whether exercisable now or in the future and
       whether contingent or not) to call for the issue of any share or loan
       capital of the Company under any option or other agreement (including
       conversion rights and rights of pre-emption) and no claim has been made
       by any person to be entitled to any such right.

1.4    Returns and compliance with Company Law etc.

       The Company has in all relevant respects complied with the provisions of
       the Companies Acts the Financial Services Act 1986 and the European
       Communities Act 1972 and all returns particulars resolutions and other
       documents required by such legislation to be delivered on behalf of the
       Company to the Registrar of Companies have been properly made and


1.6    Statutory Books

       The register of members and other statutory registers of the Company have
       been properly kept and in all material respects contain an accurate and
       complete record of the matters which should be dealt with therein; no
       notice or allegation that any of the same is incorrect or should be
       rectified has been received by the Vendor.

1.7    Insolvency

       No order has been made or resolution passed for the winding up of the
       Company, nor is there any unfulfilled or unsatisfied judgment or court
       order outstanding against the Company or distress execution or other
       process been levied in respect of the Company nor, so far as the Vendor
       is aware, has any petition been presented for the winding up of the

1.8    Particulars of Subsidiaries

       The particulars of the Subsidiaries set out in the Second Schedule above
       are true and complete and the shares of the Subsidiaries are held and
       owned as shown in the Second Schedule free from all encumbrances and with
       all rights now or hereafter attaching thereto and the Company has no
       other subsidiaries as defined by Section 736 of the Companies Act 1985
       (as amended by the Companies Act 1989).

1.9    The Shares

       1.9.1  Commission

              No one is entitled to receive from the Company any finders fee,
              brokerage, or other commission in connection with the purchase of
              shares in the Company or any Associate company of the Company.

       1.9.2  New Issues since the Balance Sheet Date

              Save as provided in this Agreement no share or loan capital has
              been issued or agreed to be issued by the Company since the
              Balance Sheet Date.

       1.9.3  There are no agreements or arrangements in force which provide for
              the present or future issue, allotment or transfer of or grant to
              any person the right (whether conditional or otherwise) to call
              for the issue, allotment or transfer of any share or loan capital
              of the Company (including any option of pre-emption or


1.10   Capacity of Vendor

       The Vendor has full power to enter and perform this Agreement, which when
       executed will constitute binding obligations on the Vendor in accordance
       with their terms.


2.1    Accounts warranty

       The Accounts:-

       2.1.1  have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
              Companies Acts and  generally accepted accountancy principles in
              the United Kingdom;

       2.1.2  give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities of the
              Company at the Balance Sheet Date and the profit (or loss) of the
              Company for the financial period ended on that date;

       2.1.3  apply accounting policies which have been consistently applied in
              the audited balance sheet and profit and loss accounts for the two
              financial years prior to the Balance Sheet Date;

       2.1.4  are not save to the extent expressly stated in such accounts
              affected by any extraordinary or exceptional item required to be
              disclosed in accordance with requirements of FRS3;

       2.1.5  are not, save, (i) to the extent expressly disclosed by such
              Accounts and (ii) to the extent the Purchaser is aware, affected
              by any non-recurring items which would taken together affect
              adversely and materially EBITDA in respect of the six months ended
              on the Balance Sheet Date.

2.2    Disclosure

       The Accounts disclose all items required by generally accepted accounting

2.3    Management Accounts

       2.3.1  The Management Accounts have been prepared in a manner consistent
              with the basis of the preparation of the Accounts save that the
              Management Accounts are not prepared so as to make such


              or to contain such notes as may be necessary or appropriate to
              conform with UK generally accepted accounting principles.

       2.3.2  The Management Accounts give a fair and reasonable view of the
              assets and liabilities of the Company at the Management Accounts
              Date and the profit (or loss) of the Company for the six month
              period ended on that date.

       2.3.3  The Management Accounts are not, save, (i) to the extent expressly
              disclosed by the Management Accounts and (ii) to the extent the
              Purchaser is aware, affected by any non-recurring items which
              would affect taken together adversely and materially EBITDA in
              respect of the six months ended on the Management Accounts Date.

2.4    Books and Records

       All accounting, records of the Company have been maintained in accordance
       with Section 221 (1) and Section 221 (2) of the Companies Act.

2.5    Debts

       2.5.1  The agreed debtor list contained in the Agreed Bundle (as defined
              in the Disclosure Letter) is at the Management Accounts Date
              accurate in all material respects.  A review of the debtors on
              that list has been performed by the Company in conjunction with
              the Purchaser in order to ascertain whether any specific bad debt
              provisions ought to be made in respect of any of the debts set out
              on that list. So far as the Vendor is aware, specific provisions
              have been made in the books of the Company in respect of any such
              debts which in the reasonable opinion of the Company are

       2.5.2  Since the Management Accounts Date the Company has carried on its
              business in the ordinary course and on normal trading terms and
              the Vendor is not aware of any disputes in relation to debts owed
              to the Company in aggregate in excess of (Pounds)10,000.

       2.5.3  The Company has not factored its debts or agreed to do so.


3.     FINANCE

3.1    Financial Position

       There has been no material deterioration (outside the ordinary course of
       the business of the Company) in the financial position or turnover of the
       Company since the Balance Sheet Date.

3.2    Capital Commitments

       There were no commitments on capital account in respect of any individual
       items in excess in aggregate of (Pounds)15,000 outstanding at the Balance
       Sheet Date (save as disclosed in the Accounts) and since the said date
       the Company has not entered into, or agreed to enter into, any capital

3.3    Borrowings

       Other than the Intra Group Debt, the Company and its Subsidiaries have no
       debts other than trade debts incurred in the ordinary course of the

3.4    Bank accounts

       A statement of the bank accounts of the Company and of the credit or
       debit balances on such accounts as at a date not more than seven days
       before the date of this Agreement is annexed to the Disclosure Letter.
       The Company has not any other bank or deposit accounts (whether in credit
       or overdrawn) not included in such statement.

3.5    Distributions and Loan Repayments

       3.5.1  Since the Balance Sheet Date no distributions of capital or income
              have been declared made or paid in respect of any share capital of
              the Company.

       3.5.2  All dividends or distributions of profits declared, made, or paid
              by the Company since the date of incorporation of the Company have
              been lawful.



4.1    Assets

       4.1.1  Except for current assets disposed of by the Company in the
              ordinary course of its business the Company is the owner of all
              assets included in the Accounts or which have been acquired by the
              Company since the Balance Sheet Date.

       4.1.2  The Company has not disposed or agreed to dispose of any of its
              assets (save in the ordinary course of its business) or granted or
              agreed to grant, any Encumbrance in respect of the whole or any
              part of its estate or interest in any of the assets (including the
              undertaking goodwill and uncalled capital of the Company) included
              in the Accounts or acquired or agreed to be acquired since the
              Balance Sheet Date.

       4.1.3  Since the Balance Sheet Date, save for disposals in the ordinary
              course of its business, the assets of the Company have been in the
              possession of, or under the control of the Company.

4.3    Plant

       So far as the Vendor is aware all the machinery and plant including fixed
       plant and machinery, (and all vehicles and office and other equipment
       material to the business) which are material to the operation  of the
       business of the Company are in satisfactory working order and have been
       regularly and properly maintained.

4.4    Insurances

       4.4.1  The policies of insurance which have been maintained up to
              Completion by the Company afford the Company cover against such
              risks as are commonly covered by insurance by companies carrying
              on the same type of business as the Company.

       4.4.2  All insurance was in full force and effect for the period up to
              Completion and the Vendor is not aware of anything that has been
              done or omitted to be done prior to Completion which would make
              any such policy of insurance void or voidable.

       4.4.3  There is no claim outstanding under any such policy in excess of
              (Pounds)10,000 nor are there claims outstanding under any such
              policy which in aggregate exceed (Pounds)25,000.


       4.4.4  The Company has paid all sums falling due prior to Completion in
              respect of premia on all policies of insurance maintained by the
              Company for the period to Completion.


5.1    Changes since the Balance Sheet Date

       Since the Balance Sheet Date the Company:-

       5.1.1  has carried on its business in the ordinary course;

       5.1.2  has not entered into any transaction nor assumed any liability nor
              made any payment not provided for in the Accounts which is not in
              the ordinary course of its business;

       5.1.3  has carried on the business without any interruption or alteration
              in the nature scope or manner of its business;

       5.1.4  other than in relation to the Inter-Group Debt, has not borrowed
              or raised any money or taken any financial facility (except such
              short term borrowings from its bankers as are disclosed in the
              Disclosure Letter other than with any trade creditors in the
              ordinary course of the business);

       5.1.5  has not dealt with its creditors in a manner materially
              inconsistent with the manner that they were dealt with in the
              financial period of the Company which ended on the Balance Sheet

5.2    Licences etc.

       5.2.1  So far as the Vendor is aware all necessary licences consents
              permits and authorities which are necessary to the operation of
              the business carried on by the Company (public and private) have
              been obtained by the Company to enable the Company to carry on its
              business effectively in the places and in the manner in which such
              business is now carried on and so far as the Vendor is aware all
              such licences consents permits and authorities are valid and

       5.2.2  So far as the Vendor is aware, the Company is not in breach of any
              of the material terms and conditions of any such licences or
              consents and there are no factors known to the Vendor that might
              in any way


              prejudice the continuation or renewal of any of such licences or

5.3    Breach of statutory provisions, etc.

       5.3.1  Neither the Company, nor any of its officers or employees (during
              the course of their duties in relation to the Company) have
              committed, or omitted to do, any act or thing the commission or
              omission of which is, or could be, in contravention of any Act,
              Order, Regulation, or the like in the United Kingdom or elsewhere
              which is punishable by fine or other penalty where the aggregate
              liability of the Company for such contravention could exceed
              (Pounds)10,000, nor has the Company received notice of  any such

       5.3.2  So far as the Vendor is aware, the Company has duly complied with
              all relevant requirements of the Data Protection Act 1984.

       5.3.3  The Company has not and nor has any of its Subsidiaries in the
              last two years, as a counterparty thereto, been a party to a
              transaction at an undervalue or a preference as those expressions
              are used in sections 238 and 239 respectively of the Insolvency
              Act 1986;

5.4    Litigation

       5.4.1  The Company is not engaged in any litigation or arbitration

       5.4.2  So far as the Vendor is aware no litigation or arbitration
              proceedings are pending or threatened by or against the Company
              and the Vendor is not aware of any circumstances likely to give
              rise to any litigation or arbitration.

       5.4.3  So far as the Vendor is aware the Company is not subject to any
              order or judgment given by any Court or governmental agency and
              has not been a party to any undertaking or assurance given to any
              Court or governmental agency which is still in force.

5.5    Guarantees, Options, etc

       The Company is not a party to any option or pre-emption right, or a party
       to any guarantee or suretyship or any other obligation (howsoever called)
       to pay, purchase or provide funds (whether by the advance of money, the
       purchase of or subscription for shares or other securities, the purchase
       of assets or services, or


       otherwise) for the payment of, indemnity against the consequence of
       default in the payment of, or otherwise to be responsible for, any
       indebtedness of any other person.

5.6    Tenders, etc

       No offer or tender not in the ordinary course of business is outstanding
       which is capable of being converted into an obligation of the Company in
       aggregate for more than (Pounds)10,000 by an acceptance or other act of
       some other person.

5.7    Powers of Attorney, etc

       There are no powers of attorney given by the Company in force and no
       person, as agent or otherwise of the Company, is entitled or authorised
       to bind or commit the Company to any obligations not in the ordinary
       course of the Company's business.

5.8    Other Party's Defaults

       So far as the Vendor is aware, no party to any agreement with or
       obligation to the Company is in default thereunder being a default which
       would be material in the context of the financial or trading position of
       the Company nor (so far as the Vendor is aware) are there any
       circumstances likely to give rise to such a default.

5.9    Material Contracts

       The Company is not party to any legally binding contract (excluding, for
       these purposes, any contract which would be disclosed under paragraph 3.2
       (Capital Commitments), paragraph 9 (PROPERTIES), paragraph 6 (EMPLOYMENT)
       of this Schedule 4) which:-

       5.9.1  contains obligations of the Company which the Company will be
              unable to perform within the period of 6 months which commences
              with the Completion Date; or

       5.9.2  is a contract with a customer of the Company and includes
              obligations on the Company to provide retrospective rebates in
              relation to work carried out for such customer by the Company
              prior to the Completion Date; or

       5.9.3  contains an obligation of the Company to perform an individual
              item of work for a customer of the Company for which such customer
              will be obliged to pay the Company a sum in excess of
              (Pounds)25,000 (exclusive of


              any Value Added Tax) which the Company will not be able to perform
              by the time required by such contract; or

       5.9.4  is a contract for hire purchase or purchase by way of credit sale
              or periodical payment in respect of an asset the aggregate
              purchase price of which under such contract will exceed
              (Pounds)25,000 (exclusive of any Value Added Tax); or

       5.9.5  is a contract with any trade union or body or organisation
              representing collectively the Company's employees; or

       5.9.6  will involve the supply of goods to the Company the aggregate
              sales value of which will represent in excess of 5 per cent of the
              audited turnover of the Company (as disclosed by the Accounts) for
              its last completed financial period; or

       5.9.7  is a contract for services (other than contracts for the supply of
              electricity or office services) which would require an expenditure
              in excess of (Pounds)25,000 (exclusive of any Value Added Tax) by
              the Company in the period of 6 months commencing on the Completion
              Date; or

       5.9.8  requires the Company to pay any commission, finders fee or royalty
              in excess of (Pounds)25,000 (exclusive of Value Added Tax); or

       5.9.9  was entered into otherwise than in the ordinary course of the
              Company's business.

5.10   Consequence of share acquisition by the Purchaser

       The acquisition of the Shares of the Company by the Purchaser or the
       compliance with the terms of this Agreement will not:-

       5.10.1 relieve any person (including for the avoidance of doubt the
              Vendor and any of its Associates) of any obligation to the Company
              (whether contractual or otherwise) or enable any person to
              determine any such obligation or any right or benefit enjoyed by
              the Company or to exercise any right whether under an agreement
              with or otherwise in respect of the Company;

       5.10.2 result in any present or future indebtedness of the Company
              becoming due or capable of being declared due and payable prior to
              its stated maturity;


       nor so far as the Vendor is aware, and for the purpose of this Warranty
       5.10 awareness means the actual knowledge of William Rollason and Keith
       Williams without making any enquiry whatsoever, has any existing customer
       of the Company notified the Company in the 12 weeks preceding the date of
       this Agreement that such customer would cease to do business with the
       Company by reason of the Company no longer being owned by the Vendor .

5.11   Investment Grants

       No investment grants have been paid to the Company.

5.12   Sureties

       No person other than the Company has given any guarantee of or security
       for any overdraft loan or loan facility granted to the Company.

5.13   Documents

       All title deeds and material agreements to which the Company is a party
       are in the possession of the Company and are properly stamped.


6.1    Directors

       The particulars shown in the First Schedule are true and complete and no
       person not named therein as such is a director or shadow director (as
       defined in Section 741 of the Companies Act 1985) of the Company.

6.2    Particulars of Employees

       In respect of any employees or officers of the Company with a salary set
       out in the Schedule of Employees annexed to the Disclosure Letter in
       excess of (Pounds)20,000, and so far as the Vendor is aware in respect of
       any other employee or officer of the Company:

       6.2.1  the particulars shown in the Schedule of Employees annexed to the
              Disclosure Letter show all remuneration payable and other benefits
              provided or which the Company is bound to provide (whether now or
              in the future) to each officer and employee of the Company or
              Associate of any such person, and are true and complete and
              include particulars of all


              profit sharing incentive and bonus arrangements to which the
              Company is a party whether legally binding on the Company or not

       6.2.2  since the date of the Schedule of Employees annexed to the
              Disclosure Letter no material change has been made outside the
              ordinary course of the business in the rate of remuneration, or
              the emoluments or pension benefits of any officer ex-officer or
              employee of the Company and no change has been made in the terms
              of engagement of any such officer or employee, and no additional
              officers or employees have been appointed.

       6.2.3  no moneys or benefits, other than in respect of remuneration or
              emoluments of employment or staff loans less than (Pounds)250 per
              person or season ticket loans, are payable to, or for the benefit
              of, any officer or employee of the Company or any Associate of any
              such person.

       6.2.4  no present officer or employee of the Company has given or
              received notice terminating his employment except as expressly
              contemplated under this Agreement.

       6.2.5  no employee will be prejudiced in relation to an employee share
              scheme as a result of the sale of the Company such that the
              employee would be entitled to make a claim against the Company or
              its employer.

6.3    Service Contracts

       There is not outstanding any contract of service between the Company and
       any of its directors officers or employees which is not terminable by the
       Company without compensation (other than any compensation payable by
       statute) on more than three month's notice given at any time.

6.4    Pensions

       6.4.1  Particulars of all pension and life assurance schemes in which the
              Company participates have been disclosed in the Disclosure Letter
              including any agreements to pay ex gratia pensions and other ex
              gratia relevant benefits.

       6.4.2  All pension schemes in which the Company has participated are
              exempt approved schemes within the meaning of Section 592 of the
              Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.


       6.4.3  No employee of the Company is entitled to benefits other than as
              set out in the booklet issued in relation to the Carlton
              Communications Group Pension Scheme ("the Scheme") dated July

       6.4.4  So far as the Vendor is aware no discretion under the Scheme has
              been exercised in relation to any employee or former employee of
              the Company in the last 24 months to provide benefits under such
              scheme which would not otherwise be provided.

       6.4.5  No claims have been made or threatened and no complaints are
              outstanding against the Company and the Vendor is not aware of any
              grounds for any claim or complaint under any Internal Dispute
              Resolution procedure nor with OPAS, the Pension Ombudsman or OPRA.

6.5    Disputes with Employees

       The Vendor is not aware of any outstanding claim against the Company by
       any person who is now or has been an officer or employee of the Company
       or any dispute between the Company and a material number or class of its
       employees and no payments are due by the Company under the provisions of
       the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 as amended by the
       Employment Act 1982.


7.1    The Company has not (otherwise than in the ordinary and normal course of
       business) disclosed or permitted to be disclosed or undertaken or
       arranged to disclose to any person other than the Purchaser any of its
       know-how, trade secrets, confidential information, price lists or lists
       of customers or suppliers.

7.2    The Company is not a party to any secrecy agreement or agreement which
       may restrict the use or disclosure of information other than in the
       ordinary course of business.

7.3    The Company does not own or use any Industrial Property Rights in
       connection with its business other than licences for computer software or
       similar, used in the day to day management of its business.


                                 TAX WARRANTIES


8.1    The Company has no liability in respect of Taxation (whether actual or
       contingent and whether or not such Taxation is chargeable against or
       attributable to any other person) that is not fully disclosed or provided
       for in the Accounts and, in particular, has no outstanding liability

       (a)    Taxation in any part of the word assessable or payable by
              reference to profits, gains, income or distributions earned,
              received or paid or arising or deemed to arise on or at any time
              prior to the Balance Sheet Date or in respect of any period
              starting before the Balance Sheet Date; or

       (b)    for purchase, value added, sales or other similar tax in any part
              of the world referable to transactions effected on or before the
              Balance Sheet Date; or

       (c)    payroll or any similar tax (including PAYE and National Insurance)
              in respect of any period starting before the Balance Sheet Date

       that is not provided for in full in the Accounts.

8.2    The Company has no liability in respect of Taxation (whether actual or
       contingent and whether or not such Taxation is chargeable against or
       attributable to any other person) which relates to the period between the
       Balance Sheet Date and Completion and arises outside the ordinary course
       of business.

8.3    The Company has within the last six accounting periods made or caused to
       be made within the requisite periods all notices, returns, computations,
       payments, deductions and withholdings required to be made, and has
       supplied or caused to be supplied all information required to be
       supplied, to any Taxation Authority, including (but without limitation)
       the Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise and all such returns,
       computations and information are correct, up-to date and made on a proper
       basis and are not, nor so far as the Vendor is aware are likely to be,
       the subject of any material dispute.

8.4    So far as the Vendor is aware the Company has not received from any
       Taxation Authority any payment to which it was not entitled nor, so far
       as the Vendor is aware, has the Company received any Taxation assessment
       in which its Taxation liability was understated.


8.5    Within the last six accounting periods all claims for group relief within
       Chapter IV of Part X ICTA, the surrender of advance corporation tax and
       the surrender or claim of any refund of Taxation have been correctly
       dealt with and the appropriate elections accepted by the Inland Revenue
       and the Company has received all payments due to it for the surrender of
       group relief and/or surplus ACT and/or tax refunds.

8.6    The Company has not within the last six accounting periods paid or become
       liable to pay, nor, so far as the Vendor is aware, are there any
       circumstances by reason of which the Company is likely to become liable
       to pay any penalty, fine surcharge or interest relating to Taxation.

8.7    The Company has not within the last six accounting periods been the
       subject of a discovery or investigation other than of a routine nature by
       any Taxation Authority and, so far as the Vendor is aware, there are no
       facts which are likely to cause a discovery or investigation to be made.
       The Disclosure Letter contains details of any audits of or visits to the
       Company by the Inland Revenue, H.M. Customs & Excise, the Contributions
       Agency or any other Taxation Authority occurring in the twelve months
       preceding Completion and of any such audits and visits planned for the
       future of which the Vendor is aware.

8.8    All particulars furnished to the Inland Revenue or other Taxation
       Authority, in connection with the application for any consent or
       clearance on behalf of the Company, or affecting the Company, fully and
       accurately disclose all facts and circumstances material for the decision
       of those authorities; any consent or clearance is valid and effective;
       and any transaction, for which consent or clearance has previously been
       obtained, has been carried into effect (if at all) only in accordance
       with the terms of the relative application, consent or clearance and the
       Company has not been a party to or otherwise involved in any transaction
       scheme or arrangement in respect of which clearance could have or should
       have been obtained.

8.9    There are set out in the Disclosure Letter details of any special
       arrangement (being an arrangement which is not based on a strict and
       detailed application of the relevant legislation or on generally
       published statements of practice or generally published extra statutory
       concessions) operated by the Company with the agreement of any Taxation
       Authority and the Company has not taken any action which has had, or
       might have, the result of altering, prejudicing or in any way disturbing
       any such arrangement which it has previously negotiated.


8.10   There are set out in the Disclosure Letter details of all elections,
       claims for relief (whether by way of deduction, reduction, set-off,
       exemption, repayment, allowance or otherwise), surrenders, disclaimers,
       applications for postponement and appeals against assessments made by the
       Company (whether alone or jointly with any other person) in connection
       with Taxation during the last six accounting periods including details of
       any open assessments for any accounting periods of the Company or other
       matters where the tax affairs of the Company have not yet been agreed
       with the relevant Taxation Authority and there are also set out in the
       Disclosure Letter details of all such elections, claims for relief,
       surrenders, disclaimers, applications for postponement and appeals
       against assessments the making of which were taken into account in the
       preparation of the Accounts.

8.11   No election under s.35 TCGA has been made by the Company and the Accounts
       are prepared on the basis that no such election will be made.

8.12   No claim has been made, apart from those set out in the Disclosure Letter
       which affects the amount of the consideration which would be allowable
       under s.38 TCGA on a disposal by the Company of an asset including
       (without limitation) a claim under s.152 TCGA.

8.13   The Company has never been resident for Taxation purposes in any
       jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom and the Company has no branch,
       agency, place of business or permanent establishment outside the United

8.14   The Company has not been a close company at any time within the last six
       accounting periods for the purposes of ICTA.

8.15   In the period between the acquisition of the Company by the Vendor and
       15th March 1988 the Company did not without prior Treasury consent enter
       into any of the transactions specified in ss.765-767 ICTA.

8.16   The Disclosure Letter contains details of all assets acquired by a Group
       Company from any other Group Company within the last six accounting
       periods under ss.171 TCGA and which are still held by a Group Company.

8.17   The Company has not, since the Balance Sheet Date, acquired any assets in
       circumstances where there may be substituted for any Taxation purpose
       (other than under ss.171-179 TCGA) a different consideration from the
       actual consideration given or received by it.


8.18   So far as the Vendor is aware no loss which might accrue to the Company
       on the disposal of any asset is liable to be reduced as arising from a
       depreciatory transaction as defined in ss.176 and 177 TCGA.

8.19   No rents, interest, annual payments or other sums in excess of
       (Pounds)10,000 of an income nature paid or payable since the Balance
       Sheet Date by the Company or which the Company is under an obligation to
       pay in the future are or will not be wholly allowable as a deduction in
       calculating the profits of the Company for Taxation purposes.

8.20   Since the Balance Sheet Date the Company has not made any payment or
       provided any benefit for any officer or employee or ex-officer or ex-
       employee of the Company (and it is not under any obligation to do so)
       which is not allowable as a deduction in calculating the profits of the
       Company for Taxation purposes.

8.21   The Company did not, before 1 April 1996, issue or own any deep discount
       securities (s.57 and Sch. 4 ICTA), deep gain securities (Sch. 11 FA 1989)
       or convertible securities (s.56 and Sch. 10 FA 1990) such that accrued
       discounts up to that date may become chargeable to the Company as a
       result of some future event.

8.22   The Company is not, nor has it been since the Balance Sheet Date, the
       holder of a qualifying asset, subject to a qualifying liability or a
       party to a currency contract for the purposes of FA 1993 Part II Chapter
       II (the FOREX legislation).

8.23   Since the Balance Sheet Date the Company has not been a party to a
       contract which is a qualifying contract for the purposes of s.147 FA 1994
       (the financial instruments legislation).

8.24   Since the Balance Sheet Date the Company has been accounting on an
       authorised accruals basis in respect of all loan relationships which are
       creditor relationships as defined in s.103 FA 1996 and in respect of each
       such relationship the accruals are computed only by reference to
       interest, and the Company is not connected with the debtor within s.87 FA

8.25   The Company has not accrued a debit for interest which is currently

8.26   Since the Balance Sheet Date the Company has not appropriated any of its
       assets to or from trading stock.


8.27  The Company has not, at any time in the preceding six accounting periods,
      been engaged in or been a party to any of the transactions set out in ss.
      213-218 ICTA (demergers).

8.28  So far as the Vendor is aware nothing has been done, and no event or
      series of events has occurred, which might cause, in relation to the
      Company, the disallowance of the carry forward or carry back of losses,
      excess charges or ACT.

8.29  Since the Balance Sheet Date no event has occurred otherwise than in the
      ordinary course of business by reason of which any balancing charge may
      fall to be made against or any disposal value may fall to be brought into
      account by the Company under CAA or other legislation relating to capital

8.30  The Company has not made any claim for capital allowances in respect of an
      asset which is leased to or from or hired to or from the Company and no
      election affecting the Company has been made or agreed to be made under
      ss. 53 or 55 CAA in respect of any such assets.

8.31  Since the commencement of the long life assets legislation the Company has
      not acquired any long life assets as defined by s.38A(2) CAA.

8.32  Ss. 59-59B CAA do not apply to any fixtures acquired by the Company for a
      capital sum so as to determine the disposal value of the seller of the

8.33  So far as the Vendor is aware the Company is a taxable person registered
      as such for VAT and for the purpose of VATA has in all material respects
      made, given, obtained and kept full, complete, correct and up-to-date
      records, invoices and other documents appropriate or required for those
      purposes and is not in arrears with any payments or returns due and has
      not been required by the Commissioners of Customs & Excise to give
      security under para. 4 of Sch. 11 VATA.

8.34  The Company is not nor has it been during the six years ending on the
      Balance Sheet Date partially exempt for VAT purposes.

8.35  The Disclosure Letter contains details of all elections to waive exemption
      made by the Company or any person in relation to which the Company is a
      relevant associate under Sch. 10 VATA and the Company has not charged VAT
      in respect of any properties currently owned by a Group Company on any
      rents or other amounts where no valid election has been made.


8.36  The Company has not within the preceding ten years acquired or constructed
      nor has it disposed of any land, buildings or computer equipment to which
      Regs. 112-116 SI 2518/1995 apply (capital goods scheme).

8.37  All VAT, import duty and other Taxation or charges payable upon the
      importation of goods and all excise duties payable to H.M. Customs &
      Excise payable in respect of any assets (including trading stock) imported
      or owned by the Company have been paid in full.8.38So far as the Vendor is
      aware all documents by virtue of which the Company has any right, title or
      interest have been duly stamped.

8.39  Since the Balance Sheet Date the Company has not incurred any liability to
      or been accountable for any stamp duty reserve tax and there has been no
      agreement within s.87(1) FA 1986 which could lead to the Company incurring
      such a liability or becoming so accountable.

8.40  So far as the Vendor is aware the Company has not been a party to or
      otherwise involved in a transaction or series of transactions where the
      main purpose was the avoidance, reduction or deferral of Taxation such
      that any part of such transaction may be disregarded or reconstructed and
      the Company has not been involved in any transaction whereby the value of
      any of the Company's assets has been reduced to obtain a tax free benefit
      if disposed of.


9.1   The particulars of the Properties and the payments of rent and interim
      service charge due in respect of them as shown in the Third Schedule are
      true and correct.

9.2   The Properties comprise all the property owned occupied or otherwise used
      in connection with its business by the Company.

9.3   The Company does not have any continuing liability in respect of any other
      property formerly owned or occupied by the Company either as original
      contracting party or by virtue of any direct covenant having been given on
      a sale or assignment to the Company or as a guarantor of the obligations
      of any other person in relation to such property.

9.4   Any written replies given by or on behalf of the Vendor to enquiries
      before contract raised by or on behalf of the Purchaser relating in any
      way to the Properties are true complete and accurate in all respects
      excluding for these purposes any of such replies which were capable of
      independent verification by:


       (a)    inspection and survey of the Properties or any part thereof;

       (b)    searches and enquiries of the local or other public authority; or

       (c)    inspection of the documents disclosed to the Purchaser.

9.6    So far as the Vendor is aware the current use of the Properties by the
       Company is lawful for planning purposes and so far as the Vendor is aware
       the Property complies with all fire precaution and building regulations.

9.7    The Vendor gives the same covenants and warranties as to title as would
       be implied under Section 4 of the Law of Properties (Miscellaneous
       Provisions) Act 1994 by an assurance of the Property by the Vendor to the
       Purchaser with full title guarantee but any covenant to be so implied
       shall be limited so as not to affect the Vendor with any liability for a
       subsisting breach of any covenant or condition concerning the state and
       repair of the Properties.

10.    GENERAL

10.1   Loans to the Vendor

       Other than trade debts incurred in the proper and ordinary course of the
       business of the Company and the Intra-Group Debt, no outstanding loans
       between the Company and the Vendor or its Associates will exist following
       the Completion Date.

10.2   Investment, associations and branches

       The Company:-

       10.2.1 is not the holder or beneficial owner of and has not agreed to
              acquire any class of the share or other capital of any other
              company or corporation (whether incorporated in the United Kingdom
              or elsewhere) other than the Subsidiaries;

       10.2.2 is not and has not agreed to become a member of any partnership,
              joint venture, consortium or other unincorporated association;

       10.2.3 has no branch outside England and no permanent establishment (as
              that expression is defined in the respective Double Taxation
              Relief Orders current at the date hereof) outside the United


10.3   Subsidiaries

       10.3.1  The Subsidiaries are dormant as defined in section 250(3) of the
               Companies Act.

       10.3.2  Neither of the Subsidiaries have traded or incurred any liability
               since becoming dormant (as defined above) nor do either of them
               have any outstanding liabilities which arose prior to them
               becoming so dormant.


                              THE FIFTH SCHEDULE

                           TAX INDEMNITIES: CLAUSE 6


1.1    SUBJECT as hereinafter provided the Vendor hereby covenants to pay to the
       Purchaser an amount equal to:-

       1.1.1  any Liability to Taxation resulting from or by reference to any
              income profits or gains earned accrued or received by a Group
              Company on or before Completion or any Event occurring on or
              before Completion whether alone or in conjunction with other
              Events  and whether or not such Taxation is chargeable against or
              attributable to any other person;

       1.1.2  any liability of a Group Company to repay in whole or in part any
              payment for Group Relief received pursuant to any agreement or
              arrangement entered into on or before Completion or any payment
              which a Group Company fails to obtain for Group Relief which was
              taken into account as an asset in the Accounts;

       1.1.3  any liability of a Group Company to make a payment by way of
              reimbursement, recharge, indemnity or damages (whether for breach
              of contract or arising in tort) connected in any way with Taxation
              and resulting from or by reference to any income profits or gains
              earned accrued or received on or before Completion or any Event
              occurring on or before Completion;

       1.1.4  any Taxation for which a Group Company becomes liable in
              consequence of the failure by:-

              (i)  any company which has at any time (whether before or after
                   Completion) been a member of a group of which any Group
                   Company has at any time prior to Completion been a member or
                   from which a Group Company has received or become entitled to
                   receive on or before Completion in respect of shares in that
                   other company any capital distribution (as defined in section
                   122(5)(b) of TCGA); or

              (ii) any other person


       to discharge Taxation within a specified period or otherwise provided
       that in the case of any other person this Clause shall only apply insofar
       as such Taxation results from or by reference to any income profits or
       gains earned accrued or received on or before Completion or any Event
       occurring on or before Completion;

1.2    Without reference to any of the financial de minimis limitations in
       Clause 6.9 of the Main Agreement, the Vendor hereby covenants to pay to
       the Purchaser an amount equal to:-

       1.2.1  any Taxation arising to a Group Company under ss. 171-179 TCGA as
              a result of Completion of this Agreement or by reference to assets
              acquired by a Group Company prior to Completion.

       1.2.2  any Liability to Taxation or increased Liability to Taxation
              (whether it is a primary or secondary liability) of a Group
              Company which arises (whether pre-Completion or post-Completion)
              as a result of a claim to roll-over or hold-over a gain including
              (without limitation) a claim under ss. 152-154 TCGA where the
              claim in question was made prior to Completion and was made by a
              Group Company or any member of the Vendor's Group

       1.2.3  any liability or any increased Liability to Taxation of a Group
              Company which arises as a result of or by reference to any
              reduction or disallowance of Group Relief that would otherwise
              have been available to the Group Company where and to the extent
              that such reduction or disallowance occurs as a result of or by
              reference to any total or partial withdrawal effected by any
              member of the Vendor's Group after Completion of any surrender of
              Group Relief that was submitted by any member of the Vendor's
              Group to any relevant Taxation Authority on or before Completion
              in respect of any accounting period ending on or before
              Completion, save where any such surrender is made at the expressed
              written request or with the written consent of the Purchaser.

1.3    The liability of the Vendor shall bind any of its successors.

1.4    Any payments made under this Schedule shall so far as possible be treated
       as an adjustment to the consideration paid under the Agreement.



       Without prejudice to Clause 1 above the Vendor hereby agrees to pay to
       the Purchaser an amount equal to any Liability to Taxation of any Group
       Company as a result of its being treated as a member of a VAT Group
       during any prescribed accounting period as defined in VATA s25(1) which
       ended on or prior to or was current at Completion and the next following
       prescribed accounting period together with all costs and expenses
       incurred and payable by a Group Company in connection with any such
       Liability to Taxation.


3.1    The covenant contained in this Schedule does not cover any Liability to
       Taxation to the extent that:-

       3.1.1  provision or reserve (not being a deferred taxation reserve)
              specifically in respect thereof has been made in the Accounts or
              the Liability to Taxation is otherwise reflected in the Accounts;

       3.1.2  the Company is or may become wholly or primarily liable as a
              result of transactions in the ordinary course of business after
              the date of the Accounts.

       3.1.3  the claim in question would not have arisen but for a voluntary
              act or transaction, which could reasonably have been avoided,
              carried out by the Purchaser or any of its Group Companies after
              the date of this Agreement otherwise than in the ordinary course
              of business and which the Purchaser or (as the case may be) such
              Group Company was aware or ought reasonably to have been aware
              might give rise to that claim including, for the avoidance of
              doubt, the withdrawal of or disclaimer of any relief or election
              which is taken into account in the Accounts;

       3.1.4  the Purchaser has made or makes recovery in respect of such
              Liability to Taxation under any other provision of this Agreement.

       3.1.5  the Liability to Taxation arises, or is increased, as a result of
              any increase in rates of taxation or any change in the law,
              regulation, directive or requirement or published practice of a
              Taxation Authority, occurring after the date of this Agreement.


       3.1.6  the Liability to Taxation arises as a result of a change after
              Completion in any accounting policy, any tax reporting practice,
              or the length of any accounting period for tax purposes of the
              Company other than a change in accounting policies needed to bring
              the Accounts into line with generally accepted accounting
              standards in the UK.

       3.1.7  the Taxation arises or is increased as a result of the Company
              failing to submit the returns and computations required to be made
              by them or not submitting such returns and computations within the
              appropriate time limits or submitting such returns and
              computations otherwise than on a proper basis, in each case after
              Completion provided that if the returns and computation have been
              prepared by the Vendor liability is not excluded to the extent
              that the error or delay is attributable to the Vendor.

       3.1.8  the Liability to Taxation arises or is increased as a result of
              the failure of the Purchaser to comply with its obligations
              contained in Clause 10 (Corporation Tax Returns).

       3.1.9  any Relief arising in respect of an Event occurring or period
              ending on or prior to Completion other than if an Accounts Relief
              or a Purchaser's Relief is available and is used, or is for no
              consideration made available by the Vendor to the Company and is
              used to set against or otherwise mitigate the Liability to
              Taxation (including but not limited to any Relief available under
              any Sections 393, 393A, 402 to 413, or Section 240 ICTA 1988 or
              Section 102 Finance Act 1989) (and so that (a) for this purpose
              any Relief arising in respect of an accounting period falling
              partly before and partly after Completion shall be apportioned on
              a time basis, unless some other basis is more reasonable and (b)
              any Relief that is so available in relation to more than one
              Liability to Taxation to which this Schedule applies shall be
              deemed, so far as possible and reasonable, to be used in such a
              way as to reduce to the maximum extent possible the Vendor's total
              liability hereunder); or

       3.1.10 the Liability to Taxation arises under Regulation 107 or 108 or
              Part XV of the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 by reason of any
              event or change in circumstances occurring after Completion.


3.2    Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 3.1.2 above the following
       shall not be regarded as being within the ordinary course of business of
       a Group Company for the purpose of this Schedule:-

       3.2.1  any Taxation arising under Part XVII ICTA (Tax Avoidance);

       3.2.2  any Taxation arising in connection with any distribution (as
              defined in Part VI ICTA) or any deemed distribution;

       3.2.3  any Taxation arising in respect of the acquisition disposal or
              supply of any assets goods services or business facilities for a
              consideration deemed for Taxation purposes to be in excess of that
              actually given or received;

       3.2.4  any disposal or deemed disposal of chargeable assets.

3.3    Clause 6.9 of the Agreement shall apply to this Schedule.

3.4    No claim may be made by the Purchaser under this Schedule in relation to
       a quarterly payment of corporation tax or interest thereon.


4.1    If the Purchaser or the Company shall become aware of a Claim (which term
       shall include, for the purpose of this Clause 4, any fact or matter or
       circumstance from which it appears that a Group Company may suffer a
       charge under ss.171-179 TCGA as a consequence of the sale of Shares
       pursuant to this Agreement), relevant for the purposes of this Schedule
       the Purchaser shall or shall procure that the Company will as soon as
       reasonably practicable (and in any event no later than 10 Business Days
       before the expiry of any time limit for making any appeal or, if later, 3
       Business Days after the Purchaser or the Group Company becomes aware of
       the claim in question) give written notice thereof to the Vendor at the
       address given.

4.2    If the Vendor indemnifies the Purchaser and a Group Company to their
       reasonable satisfaction against any liabilities and reasonable costs or
       expenses which may be incurred thereby including any additional Liability
       to Taxation the Purchaser shall allow the Vendor to take or shall procure
       that a Group Company will take such action as the Vendor may reasonably
       request in writing to avoid resist appeal dispute or compromise the Claim
       (including, for the avoidance of doubt, negotiations with any Taxation
       Authority or other body or expert relevant to the matter in question) (a
       Claim where action is so requested being hereinafter referred


       to as a "Dispute"). PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Purchaser shall not be
       obliged to nor be required to procure that a Group Company shall take any
       such action if having given the Vendor written notice of the receipt of
       such assessment or other matter or circumstance or document relevant to
       any Dispute the Purchaser has not within 10 Business Days thereafter
       received written instructions from the Vendor in accordance with the
       preceding provisions of this Sub-Clause to do so.

4.3    Notwithstanding that the conduct of a Dispute may be dealt with in
       accordance with the Vendor's request under sub-paragraph 4.2 above:

       4.3.1  the Company and the Purchaser shall be kept fully informed of all
              matters pertaining thereto and shall be entitled to receive copies
              of all correspondence pertaining thereto;

       4.3.2  all communications pertaining to the Dispute which are to be
              transmitted to the Inland Revenue H.M. Customs & Excise or any
              other appropriate statutory or governmental authority or body
              shall first be transmitted to the Purchaser and the Company (no
              later than 10 Business Days before the expiry of any time limit
              for making any appeal) for approval and shall only be finally
              transmitted if such approval is given such approval not to be
              unreasonably withheld or delayed;

       4.3.4  the Vendor shall make no settlement or compromise of the Dispute
              without the prior approval of the Purchaser such approval not to
              be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

4.4.   For the purposes of this Clause 4 the Purchaser agrees to provide the
       Vendor (or its duly authorised professional advisers) with such
       reasonable assistance as it may require including reasonable access to
       its books and records.


5.1    The Vendor will make payments to the Purchaser under the provisions of
       this Schedule in full in cleared funds and without any deduction
       whatsoever save as may be required by law as follows:-

       5.1.1  where a Group Company is due to make an actual payment of Taxation
              to which this Schedule relates five Business Days before that
              payment is due;


       5.1.2  in the case of the nullification cancellation or set-off of a
              right to repayment of Taxation the date on which that repayment
              would have been due;

       5.1.3  in the case of the loss of any Accounts Relief (other than a right
              to repayment of Taxation) the earliest date on which a Group
              Company would have been required to make an actual payment of
              Taxation which it would not have been required to make but for the
              loss of that Accounts Relief (on the assumption that the Group
              Company's income profit or gains are such that the Accounts Relief
              could have been fully offset in computing such income, profits or

       5.1.4  in the case of the utilisation of any Accounts Relief or
              Purchaser's Relief the earliest date on which a Group Company
              would have been required to make an actual payment of Taxation but
              for the utilisation of that Accounts Relief or Purchaser's Relief
              (on the assumption that the Group Company's income profit or gains
              are such that the Accounts Relief or Purchaser's Relief could have
              been fully offset in computing such income, profits or gains);

       5.1.5  in the case of reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the
              Purchaser or a Group Company in connection with any Liability to
              Taxation or any other matter not dealt with elsewhere in this
              Clause 5, 10 Business Days after the service by the Purchaser of a
              notice containing a written demand therefor.

5.2    Where there is or has been a Dispute and the Dispute relates to a Claim
       where the Taxation the subject matter thereof has to be paid before the
       action requested by the Vendor in respect of the Claim can effectively be
       taken payment in respect thereof shall be made by the Vendor in full in
       cleared funds 3 Business Days before such Taxation must be paid to enable
       the Purchaser to comply with the Vendor's request.


6.1    If any withholdings or deductions are required by law to be made in
       respect of any payment (other than interest payable pursuant to Clause 7
       below) under this Schedule or if any such payment is subject to any
       Taxation in the hands of the Purchaser (or would have been so subject but
       for the utilisation of any Accounts Relief or any Purchaser's Relief) the
       Vendor shall be liable to pay to the Purchaser


       such further sums as shall leave the Purchaser with the same amount as it
       would have been entitled to receive under this Schedule in the absence of
       any such deductions, withholdings or Taxation liabilities.

6.2    If the Purchaser receives a refund for any deduction, withholding or
       Liability to Taxation to which Clause 6.1 applies, the Purchaser shall
       reimburse to the Vendor an amount equal to such part of any payment made
       by the Vendor to the Purchaser under Clause 6.1.

6.3    In the event of the Purchaser assigning the benefit of this Agreement or
       of this Schedule, Clause 6.1 shall not apply to any deduction or
       withholding or to any Liability to Taxation incurred by any assignee of
       the Purchaser to the extent to which it exceeds the deduction,
       withholding or Liability to Taxation which would have been applicable in
       respect of a payment to the original Purchaser or chargeable on the
       original Purchaser if there had been no such assignment.


       In the event that any payment pursuant to this Schedule has not been
       received by the Company or the Purchaser by the date for payment in
       accordance with Clause 5 of this Schedule interest shall be payable to
       the Purchaser as appropriate in respect of the sum unpaid at a rate of 1%
       above the National Westminster Bank PLC base rate for the time being in
       force calculated on a daily basis.


8.1    If the auditors for the time being of the Company (at the request and
       expense of the Vendor) certify that a Relevant Amount exists for the
       purposes of this Clause, Clause 8.3 shall apply except to the extent to
       which credit has been given for the Relevant Amount in relation to any
       claim under the Warranties.

8.2    A Relevant Amount shall be determined for the purposes of this Clause as

8.2.1  if a Liability to Taxation to which clause 1 applies (and in respect of
       which the Vendor has made a payment to the Purchaser under this Schedule)
       gives rise to a Relief which reduces or eliminates an actual Liability to
       Taxation of the Company whenever arising (other than one to which clause
       1 applies), the amount of the actual Liability to Taxation which is
       eliminated or the amount by which it is reduced shall be a Relevant


8.3    Where, pursuant to Clause 8.1, this Clause 8.3 applies to a Relevant

8.3.1  the Relevant Amount shall first be set-off against any payment then due
       from the Vendor under this Schedule;

8.3.2  to the extent that there is an excess, a refund shall be made to the
       Vendor of any previous payment or payments made by it under this Schedule
       and not previously refunded under this sub-clause up to the amount of
       such excess; and

8.3.3  to the extent that the excess referred to in paragraph 8.3.2 is not
       exhausted under that sub-clause, the remainder of that excess shall be
       carried forward and set-off against any future payments which become due
       from the Vendor under this Schedule.


       If any payment is or becomes due from the Vendor under this Schedule, and
       a Group Company is or becomes entitled to recover from any person
       (including any Taxation Authority) any sum in respect of the Liability to
       Taxation to which that payment relates, then the Purchaser shall promptly
       notify the Vendor of its entitlement and shall, if required by the Vendor
       and at the Vendor's expense, take all appropriate steps to enforce that
       recovery (keeping the Vendor fully and promptly informed of the progress
       of any action taken); and if the Vendor has made a payment under this
       Schedule in respect of the Liability to Taxation in question, the
       Purchaser shall account to the Vendor for whichever is the lesser of:-

9.1    any sums recovered by a Group Company in respect of that Liability to
       Taxation (including any interest or repayment supplement paid by the
       Taxation Authority or other person on or in respect thereof less any
       Taxation chargeable on a Group Company in respect of that interest); and

9.2    the amount paid by the Vendor.


10.1   The Vendor or its duly authorised agents shall, at the Vendor's cost and
       expense, prepare the corporation tax returns claims computations and
       elections of the Group Companies for all accounting periods ended on or
       before Completion, to the extent that they have not been prepared before
       Completion, and submit them to the Purchaser at least one month before
       the due date for such corporation tax returns


       and computations (or in the case of matters relating to S.179 TCGA such
       other time as the parties shall agree in writing).

10.2   The Purchaser shall procure that the Group Companies cause the returns
       and computations mentioned in paragraph 10.1 to be authorised, signed and
       submitted to the relevant Taxation Authority without amendment or with
       such amendment as the Vendor may agree, such agreement not to be
       unreasonably withheld or delayed.

10.3   The Vendor or its duly authorised agents shall, at the Vendor's cost and
       expense, prepare all documentation and have conduct of all matters
       (including correspondence) relating to the corporation tax returns and
       computations of the Group Companies for all accounting periods ended on
       or before Completion and the Purchaser shall procure that the Group
       Companies afford such access to their books, accounts and records as is
       necessary and reasonable to enable the Vendor or its duly authorised
       agents to prepare those returns and computations and conduct matters
       relating to them in accordance with the Vendor's rights under this Clause
       10 PROVIDED THAT any information given to the Vendor or its duly
       authorised agents shall be kept confidential and shall not be divulged to
       any third party other than a relevant Taxation Authority.

10.4   The Vendor or its duly authorised professional advisers shall keep the
       Purchaser fully informed of its conduct of the Taxation affairs of the
       Group Companies pursuant to this Clause 10 and shall provide the

       (i)    in the case of an assessment or a time limit for appeal within
              seven Business Days of receipt by the Vendor (or its duly
              authorised professional advisers); or

       (ii)   in the case of all other correspondence and communications
              (written or otherwise) within 28 days of such receipt

       pertaining thereto which are received from any Taxation Authority.  All
       such communications (including corporation tax returns, claims,
       computations and elections) which are to be transmitted to any Taxation
       Authority shall first be submitted to the Purchaser for approval and
       shall only be finally transmitted if such approval is given (not to be
       unreasonably withheld or delayed) and the Purchaser or its duly
       authorised professional advisers shall be afforded the opportunity of
       attending any meetings with any relevant Taxation Authority in connection
       with the matters contemplated by this Clause 10.


10.5   In relation to the first accounting period of the Company ending on or
       after Completion, the Purchaser shall keep the Vendor informed of the
       progress of the corporation tax returns, claims, computations and
       elections of the Company and of all relevant negotiations with the
       appropriate Taxation Authority and promptly send copies of all returns,
       claims, correspondence and other documents relevant thereto ("Tax
       Documents") to the Vendor;

10.6   The Vendor shall be given the opportunity to comment on all such Tax
       Documents before they are submitted or sent to the appropriate Taxation
       Authority to the extent to which they relate to the part of the said
       accounting period ending on Completion. If a time limit applies, the
       Purchaser shall ensure that the Vendor receives the relevant Tax Document
       no later than 10 Business Days before the expiry of the time limit.

10.7   For the avoidance of doubt any matter relating to s.179 TCGA shall be
       dealt with by the Vendor subject to the Vendor keeping the Purchaser
       informed of the progress of any such matters and providing the Purchaser
       with copies of all correspondence and other documents thereto and subject
       to the Purchaser having an opportunity to comment on all such
       correspondence and documents within a reasonable time (such comments not
       to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).


11.1   The Purchaser covenants to pay to the Vendor an amount equal to:-

       11.1.1 any liability to taxation of the Vendor or any person connected
              with the Vendor (including any liability under Section 767A ICTA
              1988) which is primarily a liability of the Company and which the
              Vendor or such connected person is required to discharge by reason
              of the failure of the Company to discharge that liability and the
              Vendor or such connected person at any time before Completion
              being a member of the same group of companies for taxation
              purposes as the Company concerned;

       11.1.2 any liability to taxation in relation to supplies made by  a
              Group Company after Completion for which the Vendor or any member
              of its group (within the meaning of Section 43 VATA) is liable as
              a result of the Vendor or any member of its group (within the
              meaning of the said Section 43) being treated as a member of the
              same group with the Company for the purposes of the said Section
              43 during any prescribed accounting period (as defined in Section
              25(1) VATA) which was


              current at Completion and the next following prescribed accounting
              period and this covenant shall cover all reasonable costs and
              expenses properly incurred and payable by the Vendor or any member
              of the Vendor's group (within the meaning of the said Section 43)
              in connection with any such liability.

       11.1.3 any liability or any increased liability to taxation of any
              member of the Vendor's Group which arises as a result of or by
              reference to any reduction or disallowance of Group Relief that
              would otherwise have been available to the Group Company where and
              to the extent that such reduction or disallowance occurs as a
              result of or by reference to:

              (i)  any total or partial withdrawal effected by a Group Company
                   after Completion of any surrender of Group Relief that was
                   submitted by a Group Company to any relevant Tax Authority on
                   or before Completion in respect of any accounting period
                   ending on or before Completion; or

              (ii) any total or partial disclaimer made by a Group Company after
                   Completion of any relief available to a Group Company in
                   respect of any accounting period ended on or before

              save where any such withdrawal or disclaimer is made at the
              expressed written request or with the written consent of the

       11.1.4 any liability to taxation of any member of the Vendor's Group
              pursuant to S. 190 TCGA in respect of any chargeable gain of a
              Group Company.

11.2   The covenants contained in Clause 11.1 shall:-

       11.2.1 extend to any reasonable costs properly incurred by the Vendor or
              such other person in connection with such taxation or a claim
              under Clause 11.2; but

       11.2.2 not apply to taxation to the extent that the Purchaser could
              claim payment in respect of it under this Schedule.

11.3   The Purchaser shall pay any amount which is required to be paid by it
       pursuant to Clause 11.2 on or before the fifth Business Day before the
       date on which the taxation in question has to be paid to the appropriate
       Taxation Authority in order to avoid incurring a liability to interest or
       a charge or penalty in respect of that


       taxation or, if later, not more than five Business Days following the
       date on which the Vendor notifies the Purchaser of its liability to make
       such payment.


       The provisions contained in this Schedule are considered reasonable by
       the parties but in the event that any such provision shall be found to be
       void but would be valid if some other part thereof were deleted or the
       period of application reduced such provision shall apply with such
       modification as may be necessary to make it valid and effective.

13.    NO WAIVER

       The Purchaser may release or compromise the liability of the Vendor
       hereunder or grant to the Vendor time or other indulgence without
       affecting the liability of the Vendor hereunder.


Signed on behalf of             )
by Brian Kelly                  )  /s/ Brian Kelly

EXECUTED as a deed              )
By TVP GROUP PLC                )
by the signatures of two        )
directors or a director and     )  /s/ Robert Walston
the secretary                   )  /s/ Jess Brown

     Robert Walston
     Jess Brown