Exhibit 10.5


          THIS  LIMITED  GUARANTY  AGREEMENT  (GUARANTY)  is given as of March
          _____,  2000, by GP  STRATEGIES  CORPORATION,  a Delaware  corporation
          (GUARANTOR),  for the benefit of NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA, a Canadian
          chartered  bank  (LENDER),  with respect to the  obligations  of GSE
          SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation,  GSE PROCESS SOLUTIONS, INC., a
          Delaware  corporation,   and  GSE  POWER  SYSTEMS,  INC.,  a  Delaware
          corporation   (individually,   a  BORROWER  and  collectively,   the
          BORROWERS), to the LENDER.


          The BORROWERS have requested  certain credit  accommodations  from the
          LENDER as set forth in the Loan and  Security  Agreement  of even date
          herewith by and between the  BORROWERS and the LENDER (as the same may
          be amended, modified,  extended,  renewed,  restated,  supplemented or
          replaced from time to time LOAN AGREEMENT). The LENDER has agreed to
          provide the requested credit accommodations to the BORROWERS, but only
          if, inter alia, the GUARANTOR provides to the LENDER the guaranties of
          payment and performance  set forth in this GUARANTY.  The GUARANTOR is
          willing to provide this  GUARANTY to the LENDER in order to induce the
          LENDER  to  provide  the  requested  credit   accommodations   to  the

          All capitalized  terms used in this GUARANTY without  definition shall
          have the respective meanings given such terms in the LOAN AGREEMENT.

          NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of these premises and other good and
          valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of which are
          hereby  acknowledged,  the  GUARANTOR  hereby agrees to provide to the
          LENDER the following guaranties and indemnifications.

          Section 1. Guaranty. The GUARANTOR guarantees:  (a) the payment of any
          and all sums now or  hereafter  due and  owing  to the  LENDER  by the
          BORROWERS (or any of them) arising out of, related to, as a result of,
          or in  connection  with the LOAN,  the  LETTERS OF CREDIT,  the CREDIT
          FACILITY, or any other existing or future indebtedness,  liability, or
          obligation  of every  kind,  nature,  type,  and  variety  owed by the
          BORROWERS  (or any of them) to the LENDER  from time to time,  arising
          out of,  related  to, as a result of, or in  connection  with the LOAN
          AGREEMENT,  or any  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by  the  LOAN
          DOCUMENTS (as defined  below),  including all renewals,  refinancings,
          extensions,  substitutions,  amendments, and modifications thereof, no
          matter when or how  created,  arising,  evidenced,  or  acquired,  and
          whether or not presently contemplated or anticipated, whether joint or
          several,  including,  but not limited  to, all  amounts of  principal,
          interest, charges,  reimbursements,  advancements,  escrows, and fees;
          (b) that all sums now or hereafter  due and owing by the BORROWERS (or
          any of them) to the LENDER arising out of, related to, as a result of,
          or in  connection  with the LOAN,  the  LETTERS OF CREDIT,  the CREDIT
          FACILITY, the LOAN AGREEMENT, or any of the transactions  contemplated
          by the LOAN  DOCUMENTS,  shall be paid  when  and as due,  whether  by
          reason of installment, maturity, acceleration or otherwise, time being
          of the essence; and (c) the timely, complete,  continuous,  and strict
          performance  and  observance  by the  BORROWERS  of each of the terms,
          covenants, agreements and conditions contained in any and all existing
          or future documents,  instruments,  agreements,  and writings of every
          kind, nature, type, and variety which evidence,  reflect, embody, give
          rise to or  secure  any  and all  existing  and  future  indebtedness,
          liabilities,  and  obligations of any kind of the BORROWERS (or any of
          them) to the LENDER  arising out of, related to, as a result of, or in
          connection with the LOAN, the LETTERS OF CREDIT,  the CREDIT FACILITY,
          the LOAN AGREEMENT,  or any of the transactions  contemplated  thereby
          (together with the LOAN AGREEMENT, collectively, LOAN DOCUMENTS). As
          used in this  GUARANTY,  the  term  OBLIGATIONS  shall  refer to the
          obligations of payment,  performance,  and  indemnification  which the
          GUARANTOR has undertaken and assumed  pursuant to this GUARANTY,  both
          as described in this Section and in other Sections of this GUARANTY.

          Section 2. Maximum Amount of Guaranty.  The monetary  liability of the
          GUARANTOR with respect to the  OBLIGATIONS  hereunder shall be limited
          to  the  sum  of  One   Million   Eight   Hundred   Thousand   Dollars
          ($1,800,000.00)  (GUARANTY  MONETARY  AMOUNT);   provided  that  the
          proceeds of the  liquidation  of any of the  collateral  securing  the
          obligations  of the  BORROWERS  (or any of them) to the LENDER and any
          payments made by any of the BORROWERS or any other guarantor,  and any
          other  payments  obtained from any other source,  shall not be applied
          to,  or be  considered  a  discharge  of,  the  OBLIGATIONS  until all
          amounts,  other than those which have been guaranteed,  have been paid
          in full.  Notwithstanding  the  immediately  preceding  sentence,  the
          GUARANTY  MONETARY AMOUNT and the limitation set forth in this Section
          on  the  monetary  liability  of the  GUARANTOR  with  respect  to the
          OBLIGATIONS  shall not include nor be deemed a limit upon the LENDERS
          right  pursuant  to any other  Section  of this  GUARANTY  (including,
          without  limitation,  Section 18 hereof) to recover from the GUARANTOR
          costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, in enforcing
          or realizing upon this GUARANTY.  The GUARANTY  MONETARY AMOUNT may be
          reduced at each fiscal  year-end date  (beginning  with the BORROWERS
          fiscal year ending  December 31, 1999) upon the  determination  by the
          LENDER,  in each  instance,  that  the  BORROWERS  have  achieved  and
          satisfied the following conditions precedent:  (a) no EVENT OF DEFAULT
          (as  defined  below and as defined in the LOAN  AGREEMENT)  shall have
          occurred  hereunder or under the LOAN AGREEMENT during the fiscal year
          of the BORROWERS  ending on such fiscal  year-end date; (b) no DEFAULT
          (as  defined  in  the  LOAN  AGREEMENT)  shall  have  occurred  and be
          continuing on such fiscal year end date;  (c) no default  (defined for
          purposes  of this  clause (c)  to mean  any  event,  occurrence  or
          omission  which,  with the giving of notice,  the passage of time,  or
          both,  would constitute an EVENT OF DEFAULT) under this GUARANTY shall
          have  occurred and be  continuing on such fiscal  year-end  date;  (d)
          EBITDA (as defined in the LOAN  AGREEMENT)  of the BORROWERS and their
          consolidated  subsidiaries for the fiscal year of the BORROWERS ending
          on such  fiscal  year-end  date,  and  reported  to the  LENDER by the
          BORROWERS in their audited annual financial statements for such fiscal
          year,  shall  have been equal to at least Five  Million  Five  Hundred
          Thousand  Dollars  ($5,500,000.00);  and (e) NET PROFIT  AFTER TAX (as
          defined in the LOAN AGREEMENT) of the BORROWERS and their consolidated
          subsidiaries  for the  fiscal  year of the  BORROWERS  ending  on such
          fiscal  year-end  date, and reported to the LENDER by the BORROWERS in
          their audited annual financial  statements for such fiscal year, shall
          have been equal to at least One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars
          ($1,300,000.00).  On the first fiscal year-end date as of which all of
          the foregoing  conditions  precedent are achieved and  satisfied,  the
          GUARANTY  MONETARY  AMOUNT  under this GUARANTY  shall be the sum of
          Nine Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($900,000.00).  On the second  fiscal
          year-end  date as of which all of the foregoing  conditions  precedent
          are achieved and satisfied,  this GUARANTY shall be released.  As used
          in this Section 2, the term fiscal year shall mean the FISCAL YEAR
          of the BORROWERS as defined in the LOAN AGREEMENT.

          Section 3. Nature Of Guaranty.  This GUARANTY: (a) is (i) irrevocable,
          (ii) absolute and unconditional, (iii) direct, immediate, and primary,
          and (iv) one of  payment  and not just  collection;  and (b) makes the
          GUARANTOR a surety to the LENDER with respect to the  OBLIGATIONS  and
          the equivalent of a co-obligor  with the BORROWERS.  Without  limiting
          the foregoing,  it is specifically  understood that any  modification,
          limitation or discharge of any of the  liabilities  or  obligations of
          the  BORROWERS  (or any of  them),  any other  guarantor  or any other
          obligor under any of the LOAN DOCUMENTS,  arising out of, or by virtue
          of, any bankruptcy, arrangement,  reorganization or similar proceeding
          for  relief of debtors  under  federal  or state law  initiated  by or
          against the  BORROWERS  (or any of them),  any other  guarantor or any
          obligor  under  any of the LOAN  DOCUMENTS  shall not  modify,  limit,
          lessen, reduce, impair,  discharge,  or otherwise affect the liability
          of the GUARANTOR hereunder in any manner whatsoever, and this GUARANTY
          shall remain and continue in full force and effect.

          Section 4. Accuracy Of Representations.  The GUARANTOR guaranties that
          all representations and warranties made by the GUARANTOR to the LENDER
          prior to or after the date of this  GUARANTY are and will  continue to
          be true, correct, accurate, and complete and not knowingly misleading,
          and,  subject to the  limitations  set forth in Section 2 hereof,  the
          GUARANTOR  agrees to indemnify  and hold the LENDER  harmless from any
          loss,  cost, or expense which the LENDER may suffer,  sustain or incur
          as a result of any  representation  or statement of the  BORROWERS (or
          any of them) or of the GUARANTOR being  materially  false,  incorrect,
          inaccurate, incomplete, or knowingly misleading.

          Section 5. Representations And Warranties Of Guarantor.  To induce the
          LENDER to accept this GUARANTY for the purposes for which it is given,
          the GUARANTOR represents and warrants to the LENDER as follows:

          (a) The GUARANTOR is a corporation  duly organized,  validly  existing
          and in good standing under the laws of the state of its incorporation.
          The GUARANTOR has the lawful power to own its properties and to engage
          in the  businesses  it  conducts,  and is duly  qualified  and in good
          standing as a foreign  corporation  in the  jurisdictions  wherein the
          nature of the business  transacted by it or property owned by it makes
          such qualification  necessary and the failure to so qualify would have
          a material  adverse  effect on the ability of the GUARANTOR to perform
          its OBLIGATIONS hereunder.

          (b) Any financial statements submitted by the GUARANTOR to the LENDER,
          including  any  schedules  and  notes  pertaining  thereto,  have been
          prepared in accordance with G.A.A.P. (as defined below), and fully and
          fairly  present the financial  condition of the GUARANTOR at the dates
          thereof and the results of operations for the periods covered thereby,
          and  there  has  been no  material  adverse  change  in the  financial
          condition or businesses of the GUARANTOR from the dates thereof to the
          date  hereof,  other than as  disclosed  to the LENDER or in any other
          public document or press releases.  All information submitted by or on
          behalf of the GUARANTOR in connection  with any of the  OBLIGATIONS is
          true,  accurate and  complete in all material  respects as of the date
          made  and  contains  no  knowingly  false,  incomplete  or  misleading

          (c)  There  are  no  material  actions,  suits,   investigations,   or
          proceedings pending, or to the knowledge of the GUARANTOR,  threatened
          against  the  GUARANTOR  or the  assets  of the  GUARANTOR,  except as
          specifically disclosed on Schedule 5(c) attached hereto. The GUARANTOR
          has no material direct or contingent  liability known to the GUARANTOR
          and not previously  disclosed to the LENDER except (i) as disclosed in
          the financial  statements and (ii) for liabilities and obligations (A)
          incurred in the ordinary  course of business and consistent  with past
          practices  and (B) the  restructuring  charges and  write-offs  in the
          third and fourth  quarters  of 1999  disclosed  in the press  releases
          attached  hereto  or in any  other  public  documents,  nor  does  the
          GUARANTOR  know of or have any  reason  to expect  any other  material
          adverse change in the  GUARANTORS  assets,  liabilities,  properties,
          business, or condition, financial or otherwise.

          (d)  The  GUARANTOR  is  not in  default  with  respect  to any of its
          existing  indebtedness,  except as specifically  disclosed on Schedule
          5(d) attached hereto,  and the making and performance of this GUARANTY
          will  not  (immediately,  with the  passage  of time,  the  giving  of
          notices,  or  both),  (i)  violate  the  charter  or  by-laws  of  the
          GUARANTOR,  (ii)  violate any laws,  (iii)  result in a default  under
          material any contract, agreement, or instrument to which the GUARANTOR
          is a party or by which the GUARANTOR or its property is bound, or (iv)
          result in the creation or imposition  of any security  interest in, or
          lien or  encumbrance  upon,  any of the  assets of the  GUARANTOR.  No
          approval,  consent,  order,  authorization  or  license  by, or giving
          notice  to,  or  taking  any  other   action  with   respect  to,  any
          governmental  or  regulatory  authority  or agency is required for the
          execution  and delivery by the  GUARANTOR of this  GUARANTY or for the
          performance by the GUARANTOR of any of the agreements and  obligations

          (e) The GUARANTOR has the power and legal  authority to enter into and
          perform  this  GUARANTY,  to incur the  OBLIGATIONS,  and to  perform,
          observe  and  comply  with  all  of  the  GUARANTORS  agreements  and
          obligations  hereunder.  The GUARANTOR has taken all corporate  action
          necessary to authorize the  execution,  delivery,  and  performance of
          this GUARANTY.

          (f)  This  GUARANTY,  when  delivered,  will be  valid,  binding,  and
          enforceable in accordance with its terms.

          (g) The incurring or  satisfaction of the OBLIGATIONS has not left and
          will not leave the GUARANTOR  insolvent,  with an  unreasonably  small
          capital, or unable to pay existing or future debts as they mature.

          Section 6.  Reporting  Requirements.  The  GUARANTOR  shall submit the
          following items to the LENDER:

          (a) As soon as available  and in any event within fifty (50)  calendar
          days after the end of each of the first three fiscal  quarters of each
          fiscal year of the GUARANTOR, the GUARANTOR shall submit to the LENDER
          its  quarterly  report on Form  10-Q,  certified  by an officer of the
          GUARANTOR  familiar  with the  financial  operations  of the GUARANTOR
          (subject to year-end adjustments).

          (b) As soon as available  and in any event  within one hundred  thirty
          (130)  calendar  days  after  the  end  of  each  fiscal  year  of the
          GUARANTOR,  the GUARANTOR shall submit to the LENDER its annual report
          on Form 10-K.

          (c) All financial statements shall be in reasonable detail,  including
          all supporting  schedules and comments  necessary to verify or confirm
          entries in the financial statements. All financial statements shall be
          prepared in accordance  with G.A.A.P.  As used in this  GUARANTY,  the
          term  G.A.A.P  means,  with  respect to any date of  determination,
          generally  accepted  accounting  principles  as used by the  Financial
          Accounting   Standards   Board  and/or  the   American   Institute  of
          Certificate Public  Accountants,  consistently  applied and maintained
          throughout the periods indicated. The costs of supplying the financial
          statements shall be paid by the GUARANTOR.

          Section 7. Lender Need Not Pursue  Other  Rights.  The LENDER shall be
          under no obligation to pursue any of the LENDERS  rights and remedies
          against any BORROWER or any of the collateral of any BORROWER securing
          the  obligations  of the  BORROWERS  (or any of them) to the LENDER or
          against any other  guarantor or any collateral of any other  guarantor
          before  pursuing  the  LENDERS   rights  and  remedies   against  the

          Section 8. Certain Rights Of Lender.  The GUARANTOR  hereby assents to
          any and all terms and agreements  between the LENDER and the BORROWERS
          (or any of them) or between  the LENDER and any other  guarantor,  and
          all amendments and modifications  thereof,  whether presently existing
          or  hereafter  made and whether  oral or in  writing.  The LENDER may,
          without compromising,  impairing, diminishing, or in any way releasing
          the GUARANTOR from the OBLIGATIONS and without  notifying or obtaining
          the prior approval of the GUARANTOR, at any time or from time to time:
          (a) waive or excuse a default by the BORROWERS (or any of them) or any
          other guarantor,  or delay in the exercise by the LENDER of any or all
          of the  LENDERS  rights or remedies  with  respect to such default or
          defaults;  (b) grant  extensions of time for payment or performance by
          the  BORROWERS  or  any  other  guarantor;  (c)  release,  substitute,
          exchange, surrender, or add collateral of any BORROWER or of any other
          guarantor, or waive, release, or subordinate, in whole or in part, any
          lien or security  interest  held by the LENDER on any real or personal
          property securing payment or performance,  in whole or in part, of the
          obligations  of the BORROWERS (or any of them) to the LENDER or of any
          other  guarantor;  (d) release the  BORROWERS  (or any of them) or any
          other  guarantor;  (e) apply  payments made by the BORROWERS or by any
          other  guarantor to any sums owed by the  BORROWERS to the LENDER,  in
          any order or manner,  or to any specific  account or accounts,  as the
          LENDER may elect; and (f) modify,  change,  renew, extend, or amend in
          any respect the LENDERS agreement with the BORROWERS (or any of them)
          or any  other  guarantor,  or any  document,  instrument,  or  writing
          embodying  or  reflecting  the  same,   including  without  limitation
          modifications  which  increase  the amount of the  obligations  of the
          BORROWERS  under the LOAN  DOCUMENTS  or extend  the  maturity  of the
          obligations of the BORROWERS under the LOAN DOCUMENTS.

          Section 9. Waivers By Guarantor. The GUARANTOR waives: (a) any and all
          notices  whatsoever  with respect to this  GUARANTY or with respect to
          any of the  obligations  of the  BORROWERS  (or  any of  them)  to the
          LENDER,  including,  but not  limited to,  notice of (i) the  LENDERS
          acceptance  hereof or the  LENDERS  intention to act, or the LENDERS
          action,  in  reliance  hereon,  (ii) the present  existence  or future
          incurring of any of the  obligations of the BORROWERS (or any of them)
          to the LENDER or any terms or amounts  thereof or any change  therein,
          (iii) any  default by the  BORROWERS  (or any of them) or any  surety,
          pledgor,  grantor  of  security,  guarantor  or  any  person  who  has
          guarantied  or  secured  in whole or in part  the  obligations  of the
          BORROWERS  (or any of them) to the LENDER,  and (iv) the  obtaining or
          release of any guaranty or surety agreement,  pledge,  assignment,  or
          other security for any of the  obligations of the BORROWERS (or any of
          them) to the LENDER; (b) presentment and demand for payment of any sum
          due from the  BORROWERS  (or any of them) or any other  guarantor  and
          protest of nonpayment; (c) demand for performance by the BORROWERS (or
          any of  them) or any  other  guarantor;  and (d) any and all  defenses
          based on suretyship or impairment of collateral.

          Section  10.  Unenforceability  Of  Obligations  Of  Borrowers.   This
          GUARANTY  shall  be  valid,  binding,  and  enforceable  even  if  the
          obligations of the BORROWERS to the LENDER which are guarantied hereby
          are now or hereafter become invalid or unenforceable for any reason.

          Section 11. No Conditions Precedent.  This GUARANTY shall be effective
          and  enforceable   immediately  upon  its  execution.   The  GUARANTOR
          acknowledges   that  no  unsatisfied   conditions   precedent  to  the
          effectiveness and enforceability of this GUARANTY exist as of the date
          of its execution and that the effectiveness and enforceability of this
          GUARANTY is not in any way  conditioned or contingent  upon any event,
          occurrence,  or happening,  or upon any  condition  existing or coming
          into existence either before or after the execution of this GUARANTY.

          Section 12. No Duty To  Disclose.  The LENDER shall have no present or
          future duty or  obligation to discover or to disclose to the GUARANTOR
          any information,  financial or otherwise, concerning any BORROWER, any
          other guarantor,  or any collateral securing either the obligations of
          any  BORROWER  to the  LENDER  or of any  other  person  who may  have
          guarantied in whole or in part the obligations of the BORROWERS to the
          LENDER.  The  GUARANTOR  waives  any right to claim or assert any such
          duty or obligation on the part of the LENDER.  The GUARANTOR agrees to
          obtain    all    information    which    the    GUARANTOR    considers
          either appropriate  or relevant to this  GUARANTY  from sources  other
          than the  LENDER and to become  and  remain at all times  current  and
          continuously  apprised of all  information  concerning  the BORROWERS,
          other guarantors, and any collateral which is material and relevant to
          the obligations of the GUARANTOR under this GUARANTY.

          Section  13.  Existing Or Future  Guaranties.  The  execution  of this
          GUARANTY  shall  not  discharge,  terminate  or in any way  impair  or
          adversely affect the validity or  enforceability of any other guaranty
          given by the  GUARANTOR to the LENDER.  The  execution and delivery by
          the  GUARANTOR  of any future  guaranty  for the benefit of the LENDER
          shall not  discharge,  terminate,  or in any way  impair or  adversely
          affect the validity or enforceability of this GUARANTY. All guaranties
          provided by the  GUARANTOR to the LENDER are intended to be cumulative
          and shall remain in full force and effect unless and until  discharged
          and  terminated in accordance  with any expressly  stated  termination
          provisions set forth therein.

          Section 14. Cumulative Liability. The liability of the GUARANTOR under
          this  GUARANTY  shall  be  cumulative  to,  and  not in lieu  of,  the
          GUARANTORS liability under any other LOAN DOCUMENT or in any capacity
          other than as GUARANTOR hereunder.

          Section 15. Obligations Are Unconditional. The payment and performance
          of the OBLIGATIONS  shall be the absolute and  unconditional  duty and
          obligation of the  GUARANTOR,  and shall be independent of any defense
          or  any  rights  of  setoff,  recoupment  or  counterclaim  which  the
          GUARANTOR might  otherwise have against the LENDER,  and the GUARANTOR
          shall pay and perform these  OBLIGATIONS,  free of any  deductions and
          without  abatement,  diminution  or  setoff.  Until  such  time as the
          OBLIGATIONS  have been fully paid and performed,  the  GUARANTOR:  (a)
          shall not suspend or discontinue any payments provided for herein; (b)
          shall  perform  and  observe  all  of  the  covenants  and  agreements
          contained in this GUARANTY;  and (c) shall not terminate or attempt to
          terminate  this  GUARANTY  for any  reason.  No delay by the LENDER in
          making  demand on the GUARANTOR for  satisfaction  of the  OBLIGATIONS
          shall  prejudice or in any way impair the LENDERS  ability to enforce
          this GUARANTY.

          Section 16. Defenses Against Borrowers. The GUARANTOR waives any right
          to assert against the LENDER any defense (whether legal or equitable),
          claim,  counterclaim,  or right of  setoff  or  recoupment  which  the
          GUARANTOR  may now or hereafter  have against the BORROWERS (or any of
          them) or any other guarantor.

          Section 17. Events  Authorizing  Acceleration Of The Obligations.  The
          occurrence of any of the following  (each an EVENT OF DEFAULT) shall
          entitle the LENDER,  without notice or demand,  to accelerate and call
          due the OBLIGATIONS, even if the LENDER has not accelerated and called
          due the sums owed to the LENDER by the BORROWERS: (a) the commencement
          by any of the  BORROWERS  or the  GUARANTOR  of a  voluntary  case  or
          proceeding  under  any  federal  or state  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or
          similar law; (b) the commencement of an involuntary case or proceeding
          against any of the  BORROWERS  or the  GUARANTOR  under any federal or
          state bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar law, and either (i) such case
          or proceeding is not dismissed  within ninety (90) calendar days after
          commencement, or (ii) an order for relief is entered in such case; (c)
          the appointment of a receiver, assignee, custodian, trustee or similar
          official  under any federal or state  insolvency or creditors  rights
          law  for  any  property  of any  BORROWER  or the  GUARANTOR;  (d) the
          GUARANTOR  shall  suffer  final  judgments  for the  payment  of money
          aggregating in excess of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000)
          and shall not  discharge  the same within a period of thirty (30) days
          unless, pending further proceedings,  execution has not been commenced
          or if commenced has been effectively stayed; (e) the occurrence of any
          EVENT OF DEFAULT as such term is defined in the LOAN AGREEMENT;  (f)
          a failure  of the  GUARANTOR  to perform  any  covenant  or  agreement
          contained  in this  GUARANTY  or in any other  agreement  between  the
          GUARANTOR and the LENDER;  (g) any  representation or warranty made in
          this  GUARANTY or in any report or  financial  statement  furnished in
          connection  with this  GUARANTY,  shall  prove to have  been  false or
          misleading  when made;  (h) the  LENDER in the good  faith  reasonable
          exercise of the LENDERS discretion determines that a material adverse
          change has occurred in the financial  condition of the GUARANTOR;  (i)
          the  liquidation  or  dissolution  of any of the  BORROWERS  or of the
          GUARANTOR;  or (j) a failure of the  GUARANTOR  to satisfy  any of the
          obligations of the GUARANTOR to the LENDER with respect to any loan or
          extension of credit by the LENDER to the  GUARANTOR or under any other
          guaranty given by the GUARANTOR to the LENDER.

          Section 18.  Expenses Of Collection And Attorneys  Fees.  Should this
          GUARANTY  be referred to an attorney  for  collection,  the  GUARANTOR
          shall pay all of the  holders  reasonable  costs,  fees and  expenses
          resulting from such referral,  including reasonable  attorneys  fees,
          which the holder may incur, even though suit has not been filed.

          Section  19.  Interest  Rate After  Judgment.  If  judgment is entered
          against the  GUARANTOR  on this  GUARANTY,  the amount of the judgment
          entered (which,  unless  applicable law  specifically  provides to the
          contrary,  and  subject  to the  limitations  set  forth in  Section 2
          hereof,  includes all principal,  prejudgment interest,  late charges,
          prepayment  charges  if any are  provided  for,  collection  expenses,
          attorneys  fees,  and court costs) shall bear interest at the highest
          rate after default  authorized by the LOAN DOCUMENTS as of the date of
          entry of the judgment to the extent  permitted by  applicable  law. In
          the event any statute or rule of court  specifies the rate of interest
          which a judgment on this GUARANTY may bear or the amount on which such
          interest  rate may  apply  and such  rate or  amount is less than that
          called  for in the  preceding  sentence  absent  a  restriction  under
          applicable law, the GUARANTOR agrees to pay to the order of the LENDER
          an amount as will equal the  interest  computed  at the  highest  rate
          after default provided for in the LOAN DOCUMENTS which would be due on
          the  judgment  amount  (which,  for this  purpose,  but subject to the
          limitations  set forth in  Section 2 hereof,  shall be  considered  to
          include all principal,  prejudgment interest, late charges, prepayment
          charges if any are provided for,  collection expense fees,  attorneys
          fees,  and court  costs)  less the  interest  due on the amount of the
          judgment which bears judgment interest.

          Section  20.  Enforcement  During  Bankruptcy.   Enforcement  of  this
          GUARANTY  shall not be stayed or in any way delayed as a result of the
          filing of a  petition  under the United  States  Bankruptcy  Code,  as
          amended, by or against any or all of the BORROWERS.  Should the LENDER
          be required to obtain an order of the United States  Bankruptcy  Court
          to begin  enforcement  of this GUARANTY after the filing of a petition
          under the United States Bankruptcy Code, as amended, by or against any
          or all of the BORROWERS,  the GUARANTOR hereby consents to this relief
          and agrees to file or cause to be filed all  appropriate  pleadings to
          evidence  and  effectuate  such  consent  and to enable  the LENDER to
          obtain the relief requested.

          Section  21.  Remedies  Cumulative.  All of the  LENDERS  rights  and
          remedies shall be cumulative and any failure of the LENDER to exercise
          any right hereunder shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to
          exercise  the same or any other  right at any  time,  and from time to
          time, thereafter.

          Section  22.  Continuing  Guaranty.  This  GUARANTY  is  a  continuing
          guaranty of all existing and future  obligations  of the BORROWERS (or
          any of them) to the LENDER arising out of, related to, as a result of,
          or in  connection  with the LOAN,  the  LETTERS OF CREDIT,  the CREDIT
          FACILITY, the LOAN AGREEMENT, or any of the transactions  contemplated
          by the LOAN  DOCUMENTS.  Except as provided in Section 2 hereof,  this
          GUARANTY  may not be  terminated  by the  GUARANTOR  until  after  the
          termination of the LOAN  DOCUMENTS,  in accordance with the provisions
          thereof,  and the  payment  (which  payment  shall not be  subject  to
          challenge or contest) in full of all of the OBLIGATIONS and all of the
          BORROWERS  obligations  and  liabilities to the LENDER under the LOAN

          Section  23.  Reinstatement.  If at any time any  payment,  or portion
          thereof, made by, or for the account of, any BORROWER or the GUARANTOR
          on account of any of the obligations and liabilities  under any of the
          LOAN   DOCUMENTS  is  set  aside  by  any  court  or  trustee   having
          jurisdiction  as a voidable  preference,  or fraudulent  conveyance or
          must  otherwise be restored or returned by the LENDER to a BORROWER or
          any other person or entity under any  insolvency,  bankruptcy or other
          federal  and/or  state  laws  or  as  a  result  of  any  dissolution,
          liquidation or  reorganization  of any BORROWER or any other person or
          entity, or for any other reason, the GUARANTOR hereby agrees that this
          GUARANTY  shall  continue  and  remain in full  force and effect or be
          reinstated,  as the case may be, all as though such payment(s) had not
          been made.
          Section 24.  Rights Of  Subrogation,  Etc. In the event the  GUARANTOR
          pays any sum to or for the  benefit  of the  LENDER  pursuant  to this
          GUARANTY,  the  GUARANTOR  may not enforce any right of  contribution,
          indemnification,  exoneration,  reimbursement,  subrogation  or  other
          right or remedy  against any  BORROWER,  any other  guarantor,  or any
          collateral, whether real, personal, or mixed, securing the obligations
          of  any  BORROWER  to  the  LENDER  or the  obligations  of any  other
          guarantor to the LENDER until such time as the LENDER has been paid in
          full and has no further claim against any of the BORROWERS,  any other
          guarantor,  or any collateral.  The GUARANTOR  waives and releases any
          claim which the  GUARANTOR  hereafter  may have  against the LENDER if
          some action of the LENDER, whether intentional or negligent,  impairs,
          destroys,  or in any way adversely  affects any right of contribution,
          indemnification,  exoneration, reimbursement, subrogation, or the like
          which the GUARANTOR may have upon the payment of any sum to or for the
          benefit of the LENDER pursuant to this GUARANTY.

          Section 25.  Subordination Of Certain  Indebtedness.  If the GUARANTOR
          advances any sums to any BORROWER or its successors or assigns,  or if
          any  BORROWER or its  successors  or assigns  shall  hereafter  become
          indebted  to the  GUARANTOR,  such  sums  and  indebtedness  shall  be
          subordinate  in all respects to the amounts then or thereafter due and
          owing to the LENDER by such BORROWER.

          Section 26.  Renewals,  Etc. This GUARANTY shall apply to all sums now
          or  hereafter  owed by any of the  BORROWERS  to the LENDER and to all
          extensions,  modifications,  amendments, renewals,  substitutions, and
          refinancings thereof.

          Section  27.  Choice  Of  Law.  The  laws  of the  State  of New  York
          (excluding,  however,  conflict of law principles) shall govern and be
          applied to  determine  all issues  relating to this  GUARANTY  and the
          rights and obligations of the parties hereto,  including the validity,
          construction,  interpretation, and enforceability of this GUARANTY and
          its various  provisions and the  consequences  and legal effect of all
          transactions  and  events  which  resulted  in the  issuance  of  this
          GUARANTY  or which  occurred  or were to occur as a direct or indirect
          result of this GUARANTY having been executed.

          Section  28.  Consent  To  Jurisdiction;  Agreement  As To Venue.  The
          GUARANTOR  irrevocably  consents to the non-exclusive  jurisdiction of
          the courts of the State of  Maryland  and the State of New York and of
          the United States  District Court for the District of Maryland and for
          the Southern District of New York, if a basis for federal jurisdiction
          exists. The GUARANTOR agrees that venue shall be proper in any circuit
          court of the State of  Maryland  or the State of New York  selected by
          the LENDER or in the United States  District Court for the District of
          Maryland  or for the  Southern  District  of New  York if a basis  for
          federal  jurisdiction  exists  and  waives  any right to object to the
          maintenance  of a suit in any of the  state or  federal  courts of the
          State of  Maryland  or the State of New York on the basis of  improper
          venue or of inconvenience of forum.

          Section  29.  Proofs  Of  Sums  Due  On  Guaranty.  In any  action  or
          proceeding  brought  by the  LENDER to  collect  the sums owed on this
          GUARANTY,  a  certificate  signed by an officer of the LENDER  setting
          forth the unpaid  balances of  principal,  and any  accrued  interest,
          default interest,  attorneys fees, and late charges owed with respect
          hereto shall be presumed  correct and shall be  admissible in evidence
          for the purpose of establishing  the truth of what it asserts.  If the
          GUARANTOR  wishes to contest  the  accuracy of the figure set forth in
          any such  certificate,  the GUARANTOR shall have the burden of proving
          that the certificate is inaccurate or incorrect.

          Section 30.   Actions  Against  Lender.  Any  action  brought  by  the
          GUARANTOR  against the LENDER which is based,  directly or indirectly,
          on this  GUARANTY  or any  matter  in or  related  to  this  GUARANTY,
          including but not limited to the  obligations  of the BORROWERS to the
          LENDER, the administration,  collection, or enforcement thereof, shall
          be  brought  only in the courts of the State of New York or, if LENDER
          has instituted  action against the GUARANTOR in such court,  the State
          of Maryland.  The GUARANTOR agrees that any forum other than the State
          of Maryland or the State of New York is an inconvenient forum and that
          a suit brought by the  GUARANTOR  against the LENDER in a court of any
          state other than the State of New York or the State of Maryland should
          be forthwith  dismissed or transferred to a court located in the State
          of New York or,  if the  LENDER  has  instituted  action  against  the
          GUARANTOR in such state, the State of Maryland, by that court.

          Section 31.  Invalidity  Of Any Part.  If any provision or part of any
          provision  of this  GUARANTY  shall for any  reason  be held  invalid,
          illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality,
          or  unenforceability  shall not  affect  any other  provisions  or the
          remaining part of any effective provisions of this GUARANTY,  and this
          GUARANTY  shall  be  construed  as  if  such  invalid,   illegal,   or
          unenforceable  provision  or part  thereof  had never  been  contained
          herein,  but only to the  extent  of its  invalidity,  illegality,  or

          Section 32. Amendment Or Waiver.  This GUARANTY may be amended only by
          a writing duly executed by the GUARANTOR and the LENDER.  No waiver by
          the LENDER of any of the  provisions  of this  GUARANTY  or any of the
          rights  or  remedies  of the  LENDER  with  respect  hereto  shall  be
          considered effective or enforceable unless in writing.

          Section  33.  Notices.  Any  notice  required  or  permitted  by or in
          connection with this GUARANTY shall be in writing and shall be made by
          facsimile  (confirmed  on the date the facsimile is sent by one of the
          other  methods of giving  notice  provided for in this  Section) or by
          hand delivery, by Federal Express, or other similar overnight delivery
          service, or by certified mail,  unrestricted delivery,  return receipt
          requested,  postage prepaid,  addressed to the LENDER or the GUARANTOR
          at the appropriate address set forth below or to such other address as
          may be  hereafter  specified  by  written  notice by the LENDER or the
          GUARANTOR.  Notice  shall  be  considered  given as of the date of the
          facsimile or the hand delivery, one (1) calendar day after delivery to
          Federal Express or similar overnight  delivery  service,  or three (3)
          calendar  days after the date of mailing,  independent  of the date of
          actual delivery or whether  delivery is ever in fact made, as the case
          may be,  provided  the giver of  notice  can  establish  the fact that
          notice was given as provided herein. If notice is tendered pursuant to
          the  provisions  of  this  Section  and is  refused  by  the  intended
          recipient thereof,  the notice,  nevertheless,  shall be considered to
          have been given and shall be effective as of the date herein provided.

          If to the LENDER:
                  NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA
                  125 West 55th Street
                  New York, New York 10019


                  c/o NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA
                  401 E. Pratt Street, Suite 631
                  Baltimore, Maryland 21202
                  Attn: Robert A. Incorvati, Vice President
                  Facsimile: (410) 837-8359

          If to the GUARANTOR:

          GP STRATEGIES  CORPORATION 9 West 57th Street New York, New York 10019
          Attn.: Andrea D. Kantor, Vice President and Corporate Counsel Fax No.:
          (212) 230-9545

          Section 34. Binding  Nature.  This GUARANTY shall inure to the benefit
          of and be  enforceable  by the LENDER and the LENDER  successors and
          assigns and any other  person to whom the LENDER may grant an interest
          in the  obligations  of the  BORROWERS  to the  LENDER,  and  shall be
          binding upon and enforceable against the GUARANTOR and the GUARANTORS
          successors, and assigns.

          Section 35. Assignability. This GUARANTY or an interest therein may be
          assigned by the LENDER,  or by any other  holder,  at any time or from
          time to  time,  without  any  prior  notice  to or  consent  from  the

          Section 36.  Final  Agreement.  This  GUARANTY  contains the final and
          entire agreement  between the LENDER and the GUARANTOR with respect to
          the guaranty by the  GUARANTOR of the  BORROWERS  obligations  to the
          LENDER. There are no separate oral or written  understandings  between
          the LENDER and the GUARANTOR with respect thereto.

          Section 37. Tense, Gender,  Defined Terms,  Captions.  As used herein,
          the plural  includes  the  singular,  and the  singular  includes  the
          plural. The use of any gender applies to any other gender. All defined
          terms  are  completely   capitalized  throughout  this  GUARANTY.  All
          captions are for the purpose of convenience only.

          Section 38. Seal And  Effective  Date.  This GUARANTY is an instrument
          executed under seal and is to be considered  effective and enforceable
          as of the date set forth on the first page hereof,  independent of the
          date of actual execution.

          Section 39. Waiver Of Trial By Jury. The GUARANTOR and the LENDER,  by
          their execution and acceptance,  respectively, of this GUARANTY, agree
          that any suit,  action, or proceeding,  whether claim or counterclaim,
          brought or  instituted  by either  party  hereto or any  successor  or
          assign of any party on or with  respect to this  GUARANTY  or which in
          any way  relates,  directly  or  indirectly,  to this  GUARANTY or any
          event,  transaction,  or  occurrence  arising  out  of or in  any  way
          connected  with this  GUARANTY,  or the  dealings of the parties  with
          respect  thereto,  shall be tried  only by a court  and not by a jury.

          [Signatures Begin On Next Page]
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the GUARANTOR has executed this GUARANTY with the
          specific intention of creating a document under seal.

ATTEST/WITNESS:                     GUARANTOR:

                                            GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION

___________________________         By:              (SEAL)


          STATE OF ________________, CITY/COUNTY OF _________________, TO WIT: I
          HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ______ day of March,  2000, before me, the
          undersigned  Notary Public of the aforesaid  jurisdiction,  personally
          appeared __________________________,  and acknowledged himself/herself
          to be the  ___________________________ of GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION, a
          Delaware corporation, and that he/she, as such, being authorized so to
          do,  executed  the  foregoing  instrument  for  the  purposes  therein
          contained  by  signing  the  name  of GP  STRATEGIES  CORPORATION,  by
          himself/herself as ___________________________.

         IN WITNESS MY Hand and Notarial Seal.

                                                     NOTARY PUBLIC
My Commission Expires: