Exhibit 3.1 A R T I C L E S O F I N C O R P O R A T I O N TOV VENTURES LTD. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED NATURAL PERSONS OF THE AGES OF TWENTY- ONE (21) OR MORE, ACTING AS INCORPORATORS OF A CORPORATION UNDER THE GENERAL CORPORATION LAW OF NEVADA, ADOPT THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION: ARTICLE I NAME: THE NAME OF THE CORPORATION IS TOV VENTURES LTD. ARTICLE II REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT: THE ADDRESS OF THE CORPORATION'S PRINCIPAL OFFICE IS 2050 ELLIS WAY, IN THE CITY OF ELKO, COUNTY OF ELKO, STATE OF NEVADA. THE INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS AT THAT ADDRESS WILL BE GATEWAY ENTERPRISES, INC. ARTICLE III PURPOSE: THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE CORPORATION IS ORGANIZED ARE TO ENGAGE IN ANY ACTIVITY OR BUSINESS NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA OR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, SPECIFICALLY: 1. TO HAVE AND TO EXERCISE ALL THE POWERS NOW OR HEREAFTER CONFERRED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA UPON CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED PURSUANT TO THE LAWS UNDER WHICH THE CORPORATION IS ORGANIZED AND ANY AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENTAL THERETO. 2. TO DISCOUNT AND NEGOTIATE PROMISSORY NOTES, DRAFTS, BILL OF EXCHANGE AND OTHER EVIDENCE OF DEBTS, AND TO COLLECT FOR OTHERS MONEY DUE THEM ON NOTES, CHECKS, DRAFTS, BILL OF EXCHANGE, COMMERCIAL PAPER AND OTHER EVIDENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS. 3. TO PURCHASE OR OTHERWISE ACQUIRE, OWN, HOLD, LEASE, SELL, EXCHANGE, ASSIGN, TRANSFER, MORTGAGE, PLEDGE, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF, TO GUARANTY, TO INVEST, TRADE, AND DEAL IN AND WITH PERSONAL PROPERTY OF EVERY CLASS AND DESCRITPION. 4. TO ENTER INTO ANY KIND OF CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, COOPERATIVE OR PROFIT SHARING PLAN WITH ITS OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES THAT THE CORPORATION MAY DEEM ADVANTAGEOUS OR EXPEDIENT OR OTHERWISE TO REWARD OR PAY SUCH PERSONS FOR THEIR SERVICES AS THE DIRECTORS MAY DEEM FIT. 5. TO PURCHASE, LEASE, OR OTHERWISE ACQUIRE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, THE BUSINESS, THE GOOD WILL, RIGHTS, FRANCHISES AND PROPERTY OF EVERY KIND, AND TO UNDERTAKE THE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF THE ASSETS OR LIABILITIES, OF ANY PERSON, FIRM, ASSOCIATE, NON- PROFIT OR PROFIT CORPORATION, OR OWN PROPERTY NECESSARY OR SUITABLE FOR ITS PURPOSES, AND TO PAY THE SAME IN CASH, IN THE STOCK OR BONDS OF THIS COMPANY OR OTHERWISE, TO HOLD OR IN ANY MANNER DISPOSE OF THE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF THE BUSINESS OR PROPERTY SO ACQUIRED AND TO EXERCISE ALL OF THE POWERS NECESSARY OR INCIDENTAL TO THE CONDUCT OF SUCH BUSINESS. 6. TO LEND OR BORROW MONEY AND TO NEGOTIATE AND MAKE LOANS, EITHER ON ITS OWN ACCOUNT OR AS AGENT, OR BROKER FOR OTHERS. 7. TO ENTER INTO, MAKE, PERFORM AND CARRY OUT CONTRACTS OF EVERY KIND AND FOR ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE, WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO AMOUNT WITH ANY PERSON, FIRM, ASSOCIATION, COOPERATIVE PROFIT OR NON- PROFIT CORPORATION, MUNICIPALITY, STATE OR GOVERNMENT OR ANY SUBDIVISION, DISTRICT OR DEPARTMENT THEREOF. 8. TO BUY, SELL, EXCHANGE, NEGOTIATE, OR OTHERWISE DEAL IN, OR HYPOTHECATE SECURITIES, STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, MORTGAGES, NOTES OR OTHER COLLATERALS OR SECURITIES, CREATED OR ISSUED BY ANY CORPORATION WHEREVER ORGANIZED INCLUDING THIS CORPORATION, WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AS MAY BE PROVIDED BY LAW, AND WHILE OWNER OF ANY SUCH STOCKS OR OTHER COLLATERALS TO EXERCISE ALL RIGHTS, POWERS AND PRIVILEGES OF OWNERSHIP, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO VOTE THE SAME; TO SUBSCRIBE FOR STOCK OF ANY CORPORATION TO BE ORGANIZED, OTHER THAN TO PROMOTE THE ORGANIZATION THEREOF. 9. TO PURCHASE OR OTHERWISE ACQUIRE, OWN, HOLD, LEASE, SELL, EXCHANGE, ASSIGN, TRANSFER, MORTGAGE, PLEDGE, LICENSE, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF ANY LETTERS, PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, OR TRADEMARKS OF EVERY CLASS AND DESCRIPTION. 10. TO DO ANY AND ALL OTHER SUCH ACTS, THINGS, BUSINESS OR BUSINESSES IN ANY MANNER CONNECTED WITH OR NECESSARY, INCIDENTAL, CONVENIENT OR AUXILIARY TO DO ANY OF THESE OBJECTS HEREINBEFORE ENUMERATED, OR CALCULATED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO PROMOTE THE INTEREST OF THE CORPORATION; AND IN CARRYING ON ITS PURPOSES, OR FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING OR FURTHERING ANY OF ITS BUSINESS, TO DO ANY AND ALL ACTS AND THINGS, AND TO EXERCISE ANY AND ALL OTHER POWERS WHICH A CO-PARTNER OR NATURAL PERSON COULD DO OR EXERCISE, AND WHICH NOW OR HEREAFTER MAY BE AUTHORIZED BY LAW, HERE AND IN ANY OTHER PART OF THE WORLD. 11. THE SEVERAL CLAUSES CONTAINED IN THIS STATEMENT OF POWERS SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS BOTH PURPOSES AND POWERS. AND THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN EACH OF THESE CLAUSES SHALL BE IN NO WAY LIMITED OR RESTRICTED, BY REFERENCE TO OR INFERENCE FROM, THE TERMS OF ANY OTHER CLAUSES, BUT SHALL BE REGARDED AS INDEPENDENT PURPOSES AND POWERS; AND NO RECITATIONS, EXPRESSION OR DECLARATION OF SPECIFIC OR SPECIAL POWERS OR PURPOSES HEREIN ENUMERATED SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE EXCLUSIVE; BUT IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY DECLARED THAT ALL OTHER LAWFUL POWERS NOT INCONSISTENT HEREWITH, ARE HEREBY INCLUDED. ARTICLE IV STOCK: THE AGGREGATE NUMBER OF SHARES WHICH THE CORPORATION SHALL HAVE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE IS 200,000,000 SHARES AT A PAR VALUE OF .001 PER SHARE. ALL STOCK WHEN ISSUED SHALL BE FULLY PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE. NO HOLDER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK OF THE CORPORATION SHALL BE ENTITLED, AS SUCH, TO ANY PRE-EMPTIVE OR PREFERENTIAL RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE TO ANY UNISSUED STOCK OR ANY OTHER SECURITIES WHICH THE CORPORATION MAY NOW OR THEREAFTER BY AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION MAY, HOWEVER, AT ITS DISCRETION, BY RESOLUTION DETERMINE THAT ANY UNISSUED SECURITIES OF THE CORPORATION SHALL BE OFFERED FOR SUBSCRIPTION SOLELY TO THE HOLDERS OF COMMON STOCK OF THE CORPORATION OR SOLELY TO THE HOLDERS OF ANY CLASS OR CLASSES OF SUCH STOCK, IN SUCH PROPORTIONS BASED ON STOCK OWNERSHIP AS SAID BOARD AT ITS DISCRETION MAY DETERMINE. EACH SHARE OF COMMON STOCK SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ONE VOTE AT STOCKHOLDERS MEETINGS, EITHER IN PERSON OR BY PROXY. CUMULATIVE VOTING IN ELECTIONS OF DIRECTORS AND ALL OTHER MATTERS BROUGHT BEFORE STOCKHOLDERS MEETINGS, WHETHER THEY BY ANNUAL OR SPECIAL, SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. ARTICLE V STOCKHOLDERS MEETING: MEETINGS OF THE SHAREHOLDERS SHALL BE HELD AT SUCH PLACE WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE STATE OF NEVADA AS MAY BE PROVIDED BY THE BY-LAWS OF THE CORPORATION. SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE SHAREHOLDERS MAY BE CALLED BY THE PRESIDENT OR ANY OTHER EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, OR ANY MEMBER THEREOF, OR BY THE RECORD HOLDER OR HOLDERS OF AT LEAST TEN PERCENT (10%) OF ALL SHARES ENTITLED TO VOTE AT THE MEETING. ANY ACTION OTHERWISE REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN AT A MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS, EXCEPT ELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS, MAY BE TAKEN WITHOUT A MEETING IF A CONSENT IN WRITING, SETTING FORTH THE ACTION SO TAKEN, SHALL BE SIGNED BY SHAREHOLDERS HAVING AT LEAST A MAJORITY OF THE VOTING POWER. ARTICLE VI COMMENCING BUSINESS: TO CORPORATION SHALL NOT COMMENCE BUSINESS UNTIL AT LEAST $1,000.00 HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY IT AS CONSIDERATION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SHARES. ARTICLE VII STOCK RIGHTS: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DETERMINE THE CLASSES AND SERIES OF ANY SUBSEQUENT STOCK ISSUED BY THE CORPORATION AND THE RIGHT AND PREFERENCES PERTAINING THERETO. ARTICLE VIII BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A MAJORITY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL BE NECESSARY TO CONSTITUTES A QUORUM; AND WHEN SO CONSTITUTED, THE BOARD SHALL BE AUTHORIZED TO TRANSACT SUCH BUSINESS AS MAY BE DELEGATED TO IT BY THE STOCKHOLDERS AND WHENEVER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL BE SO ASSEMBLED AND ACT AS A BOARD, EITHER WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE STATE OF NEVADA, ANY ACTION TAKEN SHALL BE THE ACTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SHALL BE BINDING UPON THE CORPORATION, PROVIDED THAT THREE DAYS PRIOR NOTICE, GIVEN EITHER ORALLY OR IN WRITING, OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE MEETING AND OF THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS PROPOSED TO BE TRANSACTED SHALL HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO THE ENTIRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, UNLESS SUCH NOTICE BE WAIVED AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED. ANY DIRECTOR MAY WAIVE NOTICE OF ANY MEETING; AND IN THE EVENT OF SUCH WAIVER, NOTICE SHALL BE IN WRITING OR A WRITTEN MEMORANDUM SHALL BE MADE OF AN ORAL WAIVER OF NOTICE. ARTICLE IX OFFICERS: THE OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION SHALL CONSIST OF A BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NOT LESS THAN THREE NOR MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE. A CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, A PRESIDENT, A VICE-PRESIDENT, A SECRETARY AND A TREASURER, WHO SHALL PERFORM SUCH DUTIES AND HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY AS USUALLY PERTAINS TO SUCH OFFICERS OF A CORPORATION OR AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM TIME TO TIME. QUALIFICATION OF OFFICERS: OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION NEED NOT BE RESIDENT SOF THE STATE OF NEVADA AND NEED NOT OWN SHARES OF THE CORPORATION'S STOCK. THE SECRETARY AND TREASURER MAY, BUT NEED NOT BE, THE SAME PERSON. ELECTION: DIRECTORS SHALL BE ELECTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS, AND THE PERSONS RECEIVING THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES SHALL BE DECLARED DULY ELECTED, PROVIDING SUCH NUMBERS SHALL REPRESENT A MAJORITY OF ALL VOTES CAST. WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION, THE DIRECTORS SHALL MEET AND ELECT A PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, SECRETARY AND TREASURER. TERM OF OFFICE: THE TERM OF OFFICE OF ALL DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS SHALL BE ONE YEAR, PROVIDED ALL DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS SHALL HOLD OFFICE UNTIL THEIR SUCCESSORS ARE DULY ELECTED AND QUALIFIED. RESIGNATION OF OFFICERS: ANY OFFICER OR DIRECTOR MAY RESIGN BY FILING HIS WRITTEN RESIGNATION WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION, OR IN THE CASE OF THE SECRETARY, WITH THE PRESIDENT OF THE CORPORATION AND UPON ACCEPTANCE THEREOF BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OR IS SUCH BOARD SHALL NEGLECT TO ACT UPON SUCH RESIGNATION WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS AFTER RECEIPT, THE RESIGNATION SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE AND THE OFFICE SHALL BE DEEMED VACANT. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS: ANY OFFICER OR DIRECTOR OF THIS CORPORATION MAY BE REMOVED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT CAUSE IN THE MANNER PROVIDED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA FOR THE REMOVAL OF SUCH OFFICER OR DIRECTOR, OR BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE OUTSTANDING STOCK OF THE CORPORATION AT ANY SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS CALLED FOR THAT PURPOSE AS HEREIN PROVIDED. VACANCIES: IN THE CASE OF DEATH, DISABILITY, OR RESIGNATION OF ANY OFFICER OR DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY, THE REMAINING DIRECTORS OR DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY, EVEN THOUGH LESS THAN A QUORUM, SHALL FILL VACANCIES FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM OR TERMS. ORIGINAL DIRECTORS: THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS CONSTITUTING THE INITIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION IS THREE (3), AND THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE PERSONS WHO ARE THE INCORPORATORS AND WHO ARE TO SERVE AS DIRECTORS UNTIL THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OR UNTIL THEIR SUCCESSORS ARE ELECTED AND QUALIFIED ARE: 1. SHIRRELL W. HUGHES 2929 HILLSDEN DRIVE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84117 2. KURTIS D. HUGHES 2325 ARBOR LANE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84117 3. CATHERINE J. LEAUTUTU 7672 SOUTH 2030 WEST, WEST JORDAN, UTAH 84084 ARTICLE X DURATION: THE PERIOD OF DURATION OF THE CORPORATION SHALL BE PERPETUAL. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENT: THESE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BY VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FIFTY PER CENT OF THE ISSUED AND OUTSTANDING CAPITAL STOCK OF THE CORPORATION, MAY BE DEEMED AMENDED IN ANY RESPECT AMENDABLE AT LAW AT ANY MEETING. A COPY OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE STOCKHOLDERS AS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE VI HEREOF, FOR CALLING AND HOLDING MEETINGS OF THE STOCKHOLDERS. ARTICLE XII BY-LAWS: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION SHALL HAVE AUTHORITY TO ADOPT SUCH BY-LAWS AS IN THEIR JUDGMENT MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY OR ADVISABLE FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND TRANSACTION OF THE BUSINESS OF THE CORPORATION PROVIDED THAT SUCH BY-LAWS ARE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THESE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OR THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEVADA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE UNDERSIGNED INCORPORATORS HAVE HEREUNTO AFFIXED THEIR SIGNATURES AT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH THIS 25TH DAY OF JANUARY 1985. /s/ Shirrell W. Hughes /s/ Kurtis D. Hughes /s/ Catherine J. Leaututu STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE I, KELLIE HUMES, A NOTARY PUBLIC, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT SHIRRELL W. HUGHES, KURTIS D. HUGHES, AND CATHERINE J. LEAUTUTU, DID PERSONALLY APPEAR BEFORE ME TO AFFIX THEIR SIGNATURES TO THIS DOCUMENT. /s/ Kellie Humes NOTARY PUBLIC, RESIDING IN 	 SALT LAKE COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 7-26-87 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF TOV-VENTURES, LTD. Pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Nevada Business Corporations Act, the undersigned Corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation by stating the following: FIRST: The present name of the corporation is Tov-Ventures, Ltd. SECOND: The following amendments to its Articles of Incorporation were adopted by the shareholders of the corporation on May 16, 1986, in the manner prescribed by Nevada law. 1. Article IV is amended as follows: ARTICLE IV - CAPITAL STOCK The aggregate number of shares which this corporation shall have authority to issue is 200,000,000 shares of common stock having $.01 par value per share. All stock of the corporation shall be of the same class, common, and shall have the same rights and preferences. Fully-paid stock of this corporation shall not be liable to any further call or assessment. THIRD: The number of shares of the Corporation outstanding and entitled to vote at the time of the adoption of said amendment was 22,000,000 shares. FOURTH: The number of shares voted for such amendments was 13,483,000 (61%) and the number voted against such amendments was 8,000. DATED this 16th day of May, 1986. Attest: TOV-VENTURES, LTD. /s/ Miriam Silberman By:/s/Jacob Silberman Miriam Silberman, Secretary Jacob Silberman,President VERIFICATION STATE OF UTAH ) : ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) The undersigned being first duly sworn, deposes and states: that the undersigned is the Secretary of Tov-Ventures, Ltd. that the undersigned has read the Articlesof Amendment and knows the contents thereof and that the same contains a truthful statement of the amendment duly adopted by the stockholders of the Corporation. /s/ Miriam Sieberman Miriam Sieberman,Secretary STATE OF UTAH ) : ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) Before me the undersigned Notary Public in and for the said County and State, personally appeared the President and Secretary of Tov-Ventures, Ltd., a Nevada corporation, and signed the foregoing Articles of Amendment as their own free and voluntary act and deed pursuant to a corporate resolution for the uses and purposes set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 16th day of May, 1986. My Commission Expires: /s/ Thomas G. Kimble NOTARY PUBLIC residing at November 1, 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah [Notary Seal] ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF TOV-VENTURES, LTD. Pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Nevada Business Corporations Act, the undersigned Corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation by stating the following: FIRST: The present name of the corporation is Tov-Ventures, Ltd. SECOND: The following amendments to its Articles of Incorporation were adopted by the shareholders of the corporation on May 16, 1986, in the manner prescribed by Nevada law. 1. Article I is amended as follows: ARTICLE I - NAME The name of the Corporation is Fountain Powerboat Industries, Inc. THIRD: The number of shares of the Corporation outstanding and entitled to vote at the time of the adoption of said amendment was 22,000,000 shares. FOURTH: The number of shares voted for such amendments was 13,483,000 (61%) and the number voted against such amendments was 8,000. DATED this 21st day of August, 1986. Attest: TOV-VENTURES, LTD. /s/ Miriam Silberman By:/s/Jacob Silberman Miriam Silberman, Secretary Jacob Silberman,President VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) : ss. COUNTY OF KINGS ) The undersigned being first duly sworn, deposes and states: that the undersigned is the Secretary of Tov-Ventures, Ltd. that the undersigned has read the Articles of Amendment and knows the contents thereof and that the same contains a truthful statement of the amendment duly adopted by the stockholders of the Corporation. /s/ Miriam Sieberman Miriam Sieberman, Secretary STATE OF NEW YORK ) : ss. COUNTY OF KINGS ) Before me the undersigned Notary Public in and for the said County and State, personally appeared the President and Secretary of Tov-Ventures, Ltd., a Nevada corporation, and signed the foregoing Articles of Amendment as their own free and voluntary act and deed pursuant to a corporate resolution for the uses and purposes set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of August, 1986. My Commission Expires: /s/ Jack Ostrovsky NOTARY PUBLIC residing at November 30, 1988 [Notary Seal] RESOLUTION TO CHANGE THE RESIDENT AGENT OR CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS (RESIDENT AGENT ADDRESS) TO ANOTHER CITY OR TOWN FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC. NAME OF CORPORATION RESOLVED, that the resident agent and location of principal place of business was: Resident Agent GATEWAY ENTERPRISES, INC. Street No. 2050 ELLIS WAY City or Town ELKO , Nevada 89801 THE ABOVE IS HEREBY CHANGED TO: Resident Agent INTERWEST TRANSFER CO.,INC. Street No. 2470 CHANDLER, #5 City or Town LAS VEGAS , Nevada 89120 RESOLVED, That the President and Secretary of this corporation be, and they are hereby, instructed to certify and to file a copy of this resolution in the office of the Secretary of State of Nevada, and likewise a copy of this resolution with the County Clerk of CLARK County, State of Nevada, as required by law to effect such change of location of principal office and or resident agent. WE, the undersigned, President and Secretary of the above named corporation, hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolutions and or resolution were duly adopted by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on the 16th day of January , 1989. /s/ Reginald M. Fountain, Jr. /s/ Blanche C. Williams President Secretary Reginald M. Fountain, Jr. Blanche C. Williams CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC. Pursuant to the applicable provisions of Chapter 78 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, the undersigned Corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation by stating the following: FIRST: The present name of the corporation is Fountain Powerboat Industries, Inc. SECOND: The following amendment to its Articles of Incorporation was adopted by the shareholders of the corporation on June 14, 1990, in the manner prescribed by Nevada law. 1. The following new Article XIII shall be added: ARTICLE XIII. To the fullest extent permitted by the laws of Nevada, no director or officer of the Corporation shall be liable to the Corporation or its stockholders for damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director or officer. THIRD: The number of shares of the Corporation outstanding and entitled to vote at the time of the adoption of said amendment was 4,440,000. FOURTH: The number of shares voted for such amendment was 2,907,004 (65.47%) and the number voted against such amendment was 18,300 (.41%). DATED this 9th day of August, 1990. FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC. By: /s/ Reginald M. Fountain, Jr. Reginald M. Fountain, Jr. [SEAL] President ATTEST: /s/ Blanche C. Williams Blanche C. Williams Secretary VERIFICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT The undersigned being first duly sworn, deposes and states: that the undersigned is the Secretary of Fountain Powerboat Industries, Inc. that the undersigned has read the Articles of Amendment and knows the contents thereof and that the same contains a truthful statement of the amendment duly adopted by the stockholders of the Corporation. [SEAL] /s/ Blanche C. Williams Blanche C. Williams, Secretary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT I, Betty G. Smith , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby certify that on the 9th day of August , 1990, before me personally appeared REGINALD M. FOUNTAIN, JR., with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is the President and that BLANCHE C. WILLIAMS, is Secretary of FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the common seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is said common seal; that the name of the corporation was subscribed thereto by the said President; that the said President and Secretary subscribed their names thereto and the said common seal was affixed, all by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation; and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the 9th day of August, 1990. /s/ Betty G. Smith Notary Public My Commission Expires: November 27, 1993 [Notary Seal] RESOLUTION TO CHANGE THE RESIDENT AGENT OR CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS (RESIDENT AGENT ADDRESS) TO ANOTHER CITY OR TOWN FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC. NAME OF CORPORATION RESOLVED, that the resident agent and location of principal place of business was: Resident Agent INTERWEST TRANSFER CO.,INC. Street No. SUITE 5 2470 CHANDLER City or Town LAS VEGAS , Nevada 84120 THE ABOVE IS HEREBY CHANGED TO: Resident Agent GATEWAY ENTERPRISES, INC. Street No. 4230 SOUTH PECOS ROAD City or Town LAS VEGAS, Nevada 89121 RESOLVED, That the President and Secretary of this corporation be, and they are hereby, instructed to certify and to file a copy of this resolution in the office of the Secretary of State of Nevada, and likewise a copy of this resolution with the County Clerk of CLARK County, State of Nevada, as required by law to effect such change of location of principal office and or resident agent. WE, the undersigned, President and Secretary of the above named corporation, hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolutions and or resolution were duly adopted by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on the 28th day of December , 1990. /s/ R. M. Fountain, Jr. /s/Blanche C. Williams President Secretary CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS OF RESIDENT AGENT (PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS) WITHIN THE SAME COUNTY IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED That the former address of the Resident Agent of the following corporation (or corporations) was: Old Address: Street 4230 SOUTH PECOS ROAD City LAS VEGAS, County CLARK , Nevada 89121 Zip SEE ATTACHED LIST NAME OF CORPORATION (If there is more than one corporation attach a listing to this form. There is a fee of $1.00 for each additional corporation.) IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED That in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes 78.095, the address of the Resident Agent of the above-named corporation (or corporations) is now changed to: New Address: Street 3230 EAST FLAMINGO ROAD, SUITE 156 City LAS VEGAS, County CLARK, Nevada 89121 Zip GATEWAY ENTERPRISES, INC. Resident Agent /s/ Maury Peele Signature STATE OF NEVADA ss. COUNTY OF CLARK Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of July , 1991. /s/ Mildred M. Englund Notary Publi [Notary Seal] My appointment expires June 23, 1992 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC. Pursuant to the applicable provisions of Chapter 78 of the Nevada General Corporation Law, the undersigned Corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation by stating the following: FIRST: The present name of the corporation is Fountain Powerboat Industries, Inc. SECOND: The following amendment to its Articles of Incorporation was adopted by the shareholders of the corporation on December 28, 1993, in the manner prescribed by Nevada law. Article IV is amended as follows: ARTICLE IV - CAPITAL STOCK The aggregate number of shares which the Corporation shall have the authority to issue is TWO HUNDRED MILLION (200,000,000) shares of common stock at a par value of .01 per share. All stock of the Corporation shall be of the same class, common, and shall have the same rights and preferences. Fully-paid stock of this Corporation shall not be liable to any further call or assessment. Effective on February 4, 1994, the common stock shall be reconstituted such that one new share of common stock shall be issued in exchange for two outstanding shares. In lieu of fractional shares, shares shall be rounded to the nearest whole share. THIRD: The number of shares of the Corporation outstanding and entitled to vote at the time of the adoption of said amendment was 5,865,000. FOURTH: The foregoing Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation was first authorized by the Board of Directors and subsequently duly adopted by the stockholders in the written consent of the stockholders holding majority of outstanding stock entitled to vote therefor (3,102,400 shares or 52.9%). Dated this 18th day of January, 1994. FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC. By:/s/ Reginald M. Fountain, Jr. Reginald M. Fountain, Jr. President ATTEST: /s/ Blanche C. Williams Blanche C. Williams Secretary VERIFICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT The undersigned being first duly sworn, deposes and states: that the undersigned is the Secretary of Fountain Powerboat Industries, Inc. that the undersigned has read the Articles of Amendment and knows the contents thereof and that the same contains a truthful statement of the amendment duly adopted by the stockholders of the Corporation. January 18 , 1994 /s/Blanche C. Williams Blanche C. Williams, Secretary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT I, Betty G. Smith , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby certify that on the 18th day of January, 1994, before me personally appeared REGINALD M. FOUNTAIN, JR., with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is the President and that BLANCHE C. WILLIAMS, is Secretary of FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT INDUSTRIES, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the common seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is said common seal; that the name of the corporation was subscribed thereto by the said President; that the said President and Secretary subscribed their names thereto and the said common seal was affixed, all by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation; and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the 18th day of January, 1994. [Notary Seal] /s/ Betty G. Smith Notary Public My Commission Expires: November 27, 1998