UNITED STATES
                              Washington, DC 20549
(Mark One)
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                 For the quarterly period ended: March 31, 2002


                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                 For the transition period from: to ____________
                         Commission file number: 1-13754

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                                    04-3263626
     (State or other jurisdiction of                   I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)                Identification Number)

               440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01653
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
                                   (Zip Code)

                                 (508) 855-1000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

(Former  name,  former  address and former  fiscal year,  if changed  since last

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [ X ] No [ ]


Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  has filed all  documents  and
reports  required  to be  filed by  Section  12,  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the  distribution of securities  under a plan
confirmed by a court. Yes [ ] No [ ]


Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's classes of
common  stock as of the latest  practicable  date:  53,004,461  shares of common
stock outstanding, as of May 1, 2002.

                 Total Number of Pages Included in This Document

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


   Item 1.   Financial Statements
             Consolidated Statements of Income                                 3
             Consolidated Balance Sheets                                       4
             Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity                   5
             Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income                   6
             Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                             7
             Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements           8 - 14

   Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
             Condition and Results of Operations                         15 - 29

   Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk        30


   Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                 31

SIGNATURES                                                                    32

                                     PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                                     ITEM 1 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                    ALLMERICA FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                   CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                                              Three Months Ended
                                                                                  March 31,
 (In millions, except per share data)                                       2002              2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Premiums...................................................         $       582.6     $        563.5
   Universal life and investment product policy fees..........                  96.0              100.4
   Net investment income......................................                 150.5              165.8
   Net realized investment losses.............................                 (12.3)             (17.4)
   Other income...............................................                  32.5               33.6
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
      Total revenues..........................................                 849.3              845.9
                                                                       --------------    ---------------

Benefits, losses and expenses
   Policy benefits, claims, losses and loss adjustment expenses                536.4              556.7
   Policy acquisition expenses................................                 111.5              116.1
   Gains on derivative instruments............................                 (16.3)              (2.5)
   Other operating expenses...................................                 152.6              138.8
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
      Total benefits, losses and expenses.....................                 784.2              809.1
                                                                       --------------    ---------------

   Income before federal income taxes.........................                  65.1               36.8
                                                                       --------------    ---------------

   Federal income tax expense (benefit):
      Current.................................................                   9.8               (5.4)
      Deferred................................................                  (0.3)              11.8
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
         Total federal income tax expense.....................                   9.5                6.4
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Income before minority interest and cumulative effect of
           change in accounting principle.....................                  55.6               30.4

   Minority interest:
      Distributions on mandatorily redeemable preferred
        securities of a subsidiary trust holding solely
        junior subordinated debentures of the Company.........                  (4.0)              (4.0)
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Income before cumulative effect of change in accounting
       principle..............................................                  51.6               26.4

   Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle (less
       applicable income tax benefit of $2.0 and $1.7 for the
       quarters ended March 31, 2002 and 2001)................                  (3.7)              (3.2)
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Net income.................................................         $        47.9     $         23.2
                                                                       ==============    ===============

      Income before cumulative effect of change in accounting
         principle............................................         $        0.98     $         0.50

      Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle (less
         applicable income tax benefit of $0.04 and $0.03 for
         the quarters ended March 31, 2002 and 2001)..........                 (0.07)             (0.06)
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
      Net income..............................................         $        0.91     $         0.44
                                                                       ==============    ===============
      Weighted average shares outstanding.....................                  52.8               52.6
                                                                       ==============    ===============

      Income before cumulative effect of change in accounting
         principle............................................         $        0.97      $        0.50

      Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle (less
         applicable income tax benefit of $0.04 and $0.03 for
         the quarters ended March 31, 2002 and 2001)..........                 (0.07)             (0.06)
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
      Net income..............................................         $        0.90     $         0.44
                                                                       ==============    ===============
      Weighted average shares outstanding.....................                  53.1               53.1
                                                                       ==============    ===============

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


                                           ALLMERICA FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                                                        March 31,         December 31,
(In millions, except per share data)                                                       2002               2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Fixed maturities-at fair value (amortized cost of $9,070.3 and $9,294.0)..        $  9,055.2         $  9,401.7
     Equity securities-at fair value (cost of $61.2 and $61.2).................              60.0               62.1
     Mortgage loans............................................................             319.4              321.6
     Policy loans..............................................................             375.4              379.6
     Other long-term investments...............................................             167.2              161.2
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
       Total investments.......................................................           9,977.2           10,326.2
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
  Cash and cash equivalents....................................................             306.3              350.2
  Accrued investment income....................................................             162.5              152.3
  Premiums, accounts and notes receivable, net.................................             616.0              628.4
  Reinsurance receivable on paid and unpaid losses,
     benefits and unearned premiums............................................           1,407.1            1,426.8
  Deferred policy acquisition costs............................................           1,872.8            1,784.2
  Deferred federal income taxes................................................             200.7              168.1
  Goodwill.....................................................................             131.2              139.2
  Other assets.................................................................             532.5              522.3
  Separate account assets......................................................          15,085.9           14,838.4
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
     Total assets..............................................................        $ 30,292.2         $ 30,336.1
                                                                                       ===========        ===========
  Policy liabilities and accruals:
     Future policy benefits....................................................        $  4,176.2         $  4,099.6
     Outstanding claims, losses and loss adjustment expenses...................           3,038.6            3,029.8
     Unearned premiums.........................................................           1,049.4            1,052.5
     Contractholder deposit funds and other policy liabilities.................           1,354.2            1,763.9
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
       Total policy liabilities and accruals...................................           9,618.4            9,945.8
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
  Expenses and taxes payable...................................................             941.0              934.1
  Reinsurance premiums payable.................................................              98.0              125.3
  Trust instruments supported by funding obligations...........................           1,532.3            1,518.6
  Short-term debt..............................................................             132.3               83.3
  Long-term debt...............................................................             199.5              199.5
  Separate account liabilities.................................................          15,085.9           14,838.4
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
     Total liabilities.........................................................          27,607.4           27,645.0
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
  Minority interest:
     Mandatorily redeemable preferred securities of a subsidiary trust holding
       solely junior subordinated debentures of the Company....................             300.0              300.0
                                                                                       -----------        -----------

  Commitments and contingencies  (Note 10)

Shareholders' equity
  Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 20.0 million shares authorized, none issued                 -                  -
  Common stock, $0.01 par value, 300.0 million shares authorized, 60.4 million
     shares issued.............................................................               0.6                0.6
  Additional paid-in capital...................................................           1,756.9            1,758.4
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss.........................................             (70.9)             (13.7)
  Retained earnings............................................................           1,100.2            1,052.3
  Treasury stock at cost (7.4 and 7.5 million shares)..........................            (402.0)            (406.5)
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
     Total shareholders' equity................................................           2,384.8            2,391.1
                                                                                       -----------        -----------
       Total liabilities and shareholders' equity..............................        $ 30,292.2         $ 30,336.1
                                                                                       ===========        ===========

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


                                             ALLMERICA FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                                                 March 31,
(In millions)                                                                              2002             2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Preferred Stock
   Balance at beginning and end of period.......................................         $     -          $      -
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

Common Stock
   Balance at beginning and end of period.......................................              0.6               0.6
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

Additional paid-in capital
   Balance at beginning of period...............................................          1,758.4           1,765.3
      Unearned compensation related to restricted stock and other...............             (1.5)             (4.2)
                                                                                         ---------        ----------
   Balance at end of period.....................................................          1,756.9           1,761.1
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

Accumulated Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income
   Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments:
   Balance at beginning of period...............................................             28.4              (5.2)
      Net (depreciation) appreciation on available-for-sale securities and
        derivative instruments..................................................            (88.0)            106.1
      Benefit (provision) for deferred federal income taxes.....................             30.8             (37.1)
                                                                                         ---------        ----------
                                                                                            (57.2)             69.0
                                                                                         ---------        ----------
   Balance at end of period.....................................................            (28.8)             63.8
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

   Minimum Pension Liability:
   Balance at beginning and end of period.......................................            (42.1)               -
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

   Total accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income..........................            (70.9)             63.8
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

Retained earnings
   Balance at beginning of period...............................................          1,052.3           1,068.7
      Net income................................................................             47.9              23.2
                                                                                         ---------        ----------
   Balance at end of period.....................................................          1,100.2           1,091.9
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

Treasury Stock
   Balance at beginning of period...............................................           (406.5)           (420.3)
      Shares reissued at cost...................................................              4.5               5.4
                                                                                         ---------        ----------
   Balance at end of period.....................................................           (402.0)           (414.9)
                                                                                         ---------        ----------

          Total shareholders' equity............................................         $2,384.8         $ 2,502.5
                                                                                         =========        ==========

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


                                              ALLMERICA FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                                                                             Three Months Ended
                                                                                                  March 31,
(In millions)                                                                              2002               2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income......................................................................        $    47.9          $    23.2

Other comprehensive (loss) income:
   Available-for-sale securities:
      Net (depreciation) appreciation during the period.........................           (100.9)             115.0
      Benefit (provision) for deferred federal income taxes.....................             35.3              (40.2)
                                                                                        -----------        -----------
   Total available-for-sale securities  ........................................            (65.6)              74.8
                                                                                        -----------        -----------

   Derivative instruments:
      Net appreciation (depreciation) during the period.........................             12.9               (8.9)
      (Provision) benefit for deferred federal income taxes.....................             (4.5)               3.1
                                                                                        -----------        -----------
   Total derivative instruments.................................................              8.4               (5.8)
                                                                                        -----------        -----------
Other comprehensive (loss) income ..............................................            (57.2)              69.0
                                                                                        -----------        -----------
Comprehensive (loss) income.....................................................        $    (9.3)         $    92.2
                                                                                        ===========        ===========

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


                                              ALLMERICA FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                                                                       March 31,
(In millions)                                                                                   2002               2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from operating activities
   Net income..............................................................                 $     47.9          $    23.2
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
     operating activities:
      Net realized losses .................................................                       12.3               17.4
      Gains on derivative instruments......................................                      (16.3)              (2.5)
      Net amortization and depreciation....................................                        6.5                3.6
      Deferred federal income taxes........................................                       (0.3)              11.8
      Change in deferred acquisition costs.................................                      (74.0)             (17.9)
      Change in premiums and notes receivable,
        net of reinsurance payable.........................................                       (2.4)              (6.5)
      Change in accrued investment income..................................                      (10.2)               -
      Change in policy liabilities and accruals, net.......................                       75.9              167.7
      Change in reinsurance receivable.....................................                       19.7                8.2
      Change in expenses and taxes payable.................................                        1.0              (81.7)
      Separate account activity, net.......................................                        -                  0.1
      Other, net...........................................................                        8.7              (21.0)
                                                                                            -------------      -------------
            Net cash provided by operating activities......................                       68.8              102.4
                                                                                            -------------      -------------

Cash flows from investing activities
   Proceeds from disposals and maturities of available-for-sale fixed
       maturities..........................................................                      940.2              356.2
   Proceeds from disposals of equity securities............................                       10.6                0.1
   Proceeds from disposals of other investments............................                        9.4               24.1
   Proceeds from mortgages matured or collected............................                        2.7               16.3
   Proceeds from collections of installment finance and notes receivable...                       61.6               47.4
   Purchase of available-for-sale fixed maturities.........................                     (723.3)            (474.2)
   Purchase of equity securities...........................................                       (0.5)              (9.5)
   Purchase of other investments...........................................                      (11.0)              (6.5)
   Disbursements to fund installment finance and notes receivable..........                      (74.2)             (56.9)
   Capital expenditures....................................................                       (1.9)              (3.3)
                                                                                            -------------      -------------
            Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities............                      213.6             (106.3)
                                                                                            -------------      -------------
Cash flows from financing activities
   Deposits and interest credited to contractholder deposit funds..........                      105.5               47.2
   Withdrawals from contractholder deposit funds...........................                     (494.5)            (227.9)
   Deposits to trust instruments supported by funding obligations..........                       45.2              728.8
   Withdrawals from trust instruments supported by funding obligations.....                      (31.5)             (12.3)
   Change in short-term debt...............................................                       49.0                8.0
   Treasury stock reissued at cost.........................................                        -                  2.4
                                                                                            -------------      -------------
            Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities............                     (326.3)             546.2
                                                                                            -------------      -------------

Net change in cash and cash equivalents....................................                      (43.9)             542.3
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period.............................                      350.2              281.1
                                                                                            -------------      -------------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period...................................                 $    306.3         $    823.4
                                                                                            =============      =============

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



1. Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation

The  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements  of  Allmerica
Financial  Corporation ("AFC" or the "Company") have been prepared in accordance
with generally accepted accounting  principles for interim financial information
and with the requirements of Form 10-Q.

The interim  consolidated  financial  statements  of AFC include the accounts of
First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company ("FAFLIC"); Allmerica Financial
Life Insurance and Annuity Company  ("AFLIAC");  The Hanover  Insurance  Company
("Hanover");  Citizens  Insurance  Company  of America  ("Citizens"),  and other
insurance and non-insurance subsidiaries.  All significant intercompany accounts
and transactions have been eliminated.

The accompanying  interim  consolidated  financial  statements  reflect,  in the
opinion  of the  Company's  management,  all  adjustments  necessary  for a fair
presentation of the financial position and results of operations. The results of
operations  for the  three  months  ended  March  31,  2002 are not  necessarily
indicative  of the results to be  expected  for the full year.  These  financial
statements  should be read in conjunction  with the Company's 2001 Annual Report
to  Shareholders,  as  filed  on Form  10-K  with the  Securities  and  Exchange

2. New Accounting Pronouncements

In June 2001,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets"
("Statement No. 142"),  which requires that goodwill and intangible  assets that
have indefinite useful lives no longer be amortized over their useful lives, but
instead be tested at least annually for impairment.  Intangible assets that have
finite  useful lives will continue to be amortized  over their useful lives.  In
addition, the statement provides specific guidance for testing the impairment of
intangible assets. Additional financial statement disclosures about goodwill and
other intangible  assets,  including changes in the carrying amount of goodwill,
carrying amounts by classification of amortized and  non-amortized  assets,  and
estimated amortization expenses for the next five years, are also required. This
statement  became  effective for fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 2001
for all goodwill and other intangible  assets held at the date of adoption.  The
Company  adopted  Statement No. 142 on January 1, 2002.  In accordance  with the
transition  provisions of this  statement,  the Company  recorded a $3.7 million
charge,  net-of-taxes,  in earnings,  to recognize  the  impairment  of goodwill
related  to  two of its  non-insurance  subsidiaries.  The  Company  utilized  a
discounted cash flow model to value these subsidiaries.


Effective  January 1, 2002, the Company ceased its  amortization  of goodwill in
accordance with Statement No. 142.  Amortization expense in the first quarter of
2001 was $1.0 million,  net-of-taxes.  In accordance with Statement No. 142, the
following  table  provides  income before the  cumulative  effect of a change in
accounting principle,  net income, and related per-share amounts as of March 31,
2002 and 2001, as reported and adjusted as if the Company had ceased  amortizing
goodwill effective January 1, 2001.

                                                                              Three Months Ended
                                                                                  March 31,
 (In millions, except per share data)                                       2002              2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Reported income before cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle....................................         $        51.6     $         26.4
      Goodwill amortization...................................                     -                1.0
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Adjusted income before cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle....................................         $        51.6     $         27.4
                                                                       ==============    ===============

   Reported net income........................................         $        47.9     $         23.2
      Goodwill amortization...................................                     -                1.0
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Adjusted net income........................................         $        47.9     $         24.2
                                                                       ==============    ===============

   Per Share Information
   Reported income before cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle....................................         $        0.98     $         0.50
      Goodwill amortization...................................                     -               0.02
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Adjusted income before cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle....................................         $        0.98     $         0.52
                                                                       ==============    ===============

   Reported net income........................................         $        0.91     $         0.44
      Goodwill amortization...................................                     -               0.02
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Adjusted net income........................................         $        0.91     $         0.46
                                                                       ==============    ===============

   Reported income before cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle....................................         $        0.97     $         0.50
      Goodwill amortization...................................                     -               0.02
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Adjusted income before cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle....................................         $        0.97     $         0.52
                                                                       ==============    ===============

   Reported net income........................................         $        0.90     $         0.44
      Goodwill amortization...................................                     -               0.02
                                                                       --------------    ---------------
   Adjusted net income........................................         $        0.90     $         0.46
                                                                       ==============    ===============

3. Discontinued Operations

During the second quarter of 1999, the Company approved a plan to exit its group
life and health insurance business,  consisting of its Employee Benefit Services
("EBS")  business,  its Affinity  Group  Underwriters  ("AGU")  business and its
accident  and  health  assumed  reinsurance  pool  business  ("reinsurance  pool
business").  During the third quarter of 1998,  the Company  ceased  writing new
premiums  in the  reinsurance  pool  business,  subject to  certain  contractual
obligations.  Prior to 1999, these businesses comprised substantially all of the
former Corporate Risk Management  Services segment.  Accordingly,  the operating
results of the  discontinued  segment,  including its reinsurance pool business,
have been  reported in the  Consolidated  Statements  of Income as  discontinued
operations  in  accordance  with  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion No. 30,
"Reporting  the Results of  Operations - Reporting  the Effects of Disposal of a
Segment of a Business,  and  Extraordinary,  Unusual and Infrequently  Occurring
Events and  Transactions"  ("APB Opinion No. 30"). In the third quarter of 1999,
the operating results from the discontinued segment were adjusted to reflect the
recording of additional  reserves  related to accident  claims from prior years.
The Company also recorded a $30.5 million loss, net-of-taxes, on the disposal of
this segment,  consisting of after tax losses from the run-off of the group life
and health  business of  approximately  $46.9 million,  partially  offset by net
proceeds  from the sale of the EBS  business  of  approximately  $16.4  million.
Subsequent to a


measurement  date  of  June  30,  1999,   approximately   $8.5  million  of  the
aforementioned  $46.9 million loss has been generated from the operations of the
discontinued business.

In March of 2000, the Company  transferred  its EBS business to Great-West  Life
and Annuity Insurance  Company of Denver.  As a result of this transaction,  the
Company has  received  consideration  of  approximately  $27  million,  based on
renewal rights for existing  policies.  The Company retained policy  liabilities
estimated at $83.3 million at March 31, 2002 related to this business.

As permitted  by APB Opinion No. 30, the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets have not
been segregated  between  continuing and discontinued  operations.  At March 31,
2002 and 2001,  the  discontinued  segment  had assets of  approximately  $313.0
million  and $448.7  million,  respectively,  consisting  primarily  of invested
assets and reinsurance  recoverables,  and liabilities of  approximately  $369.1
million  and  $432.7  million,  respectively,  consisting  primarily  of  policy
liabilities. Revenues for the discontinued operations were $6.8 million and $9.0
million for the quarters ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

4. Significant Transactions

As of March 31, 2002, the Company has repurchased  approximately $436.3 million,
or approximately 8 million shares, of its common stock under programs authorized
by the Board of Directors  (the  "Board").  As of March 31, 2002,  the Board had
authorized  total stock  repurchases of $500.0  million,  leaving  approximately
$63.7  million  available to the Company for future  repurchases.  There were no
share repurchases in the first quarter of 2002.

In the fourth quarter of 2001,  the Company  recognized a pre-tax charge of $2.7
million related to severance and other employee related costs resulting from the
reorganization of its technology  support group.  Approximately 82 position have
been  eliminated as a result of this  restructuring  plan, of which 81 employees
have been terminated as of March 31, 2002. The Company has made payments of $2.1
million related to this restructuring plan as of March 31, 2002.

5. Federal Income Taxes

Federal  income tax expense for the three  months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001,
has been computed using estimated  effective tax rates. These rates are revised,
if  necessary,  at the end of each  successive  interim  period to  reflect  the
current estimates of the annual effective tax rates.

6. Other Comprehensive Income

The following table provides a reconciliation of gross unrealized (losses) gains
to the net balance shown in the Statements of Comprehensive Income:

                                                                              Three Months Ended
                                                                                   March 31,
(In millions)                                                                2002             2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unrealized (losses) gains on available-for-sale securities:
    Unrealized holding (losses) gains arising during period (net
      of income tax benefit (expense) of $35.8 million and $(37.4)
      million in 2002 and 2001, respectively)........................     $    (64.4)      $     63.8
    Less:  reclassification adjustment for gains (losses) included
      in net income (net of income tax benefit of $0.5 million and
      $2.8 million in 2002 and 2001, respectively)...................            1.2            (11.0)
                                                                          -----------      -----------
Total available-for-sale securities..................................          (65.6)            74.8
                                                                          -----------      -----------

Unrealized losses on derivative instruments:
    Unrealized holding losses arising during period (net of
      income tax benefit of $4.8 million and $4.2 million in 2002
      and 2001, respectively)........................................           (5.3)            (7.5)
    Less:  reclassification adjustment for losses included in net
      income (net of income tax benefit of $9.3 million and $1.1
      million in 2002 and 2001, respectively)........................          (13.7)            (1.7)
                                                                          -----------      -----------
Total derivative instruments.........................................            8.4             (5.8)
                                                                          -----------      -----------

Other comprehensive (loss) income.................................        $    (57.2)      $     69.0
                                                                          ===========      ===========


7. Closed Block

Summarized  financial  information  of the Closed  Block is as  follows  for the
periods indicated:

                                                                           March 31,     December 31,
(In millions)                                                                2002           2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Fixed maturities-at fair value (amortized cost of $514.3 and
     $498.1)............................................................    $  509.3      $ 504.2
   Mortgage loans.......................................................        55.2         55.7
   Policy loans.........................................................       179.0        182.1
   Cash and cash equivalents............................................         -            9.2
   Accrued investment income............................................        14.9         14.6
   Deferred policy acquisition costs....................................         9.6         10.4
   Other assets.........................................................        12.4          6.2
                                                                            ---------     -------
      Total assets......................................................    $  780.4      $ 782.4
                                                                            =========     =======
   Policy liabilities and accruals......................................    $  805.0      $ 798.2
   Policyholder dividends...............................................        15.2         30.7
   Other liabilities....................................................        18.8          7.0
                                                                            ---------     -------
      Total liabilities.................................................    $  839.0      $ 835.9
                                                                            =========     =======
Excess of Closed Block liabilities over assets designated to the
    Closed Block........................................................    $   58.6      $  53.5
Amounts included in other comprehensive income:
Net unrealized investment losses, net of deferred federal income
    tax benefit of $5.7 million and $8.8 million........................       (10.6)       (16.4)
                                                                            ---------     -------
Maximum future earnings to be recognized from Closed Block
     assets and liabilities.............................................    $   48.0      $  37.1
                                                                            =========     =======

                                                                             Three Months Ended
                                                                                  March 31,
(In millions)                                                                 2002          2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Premiums..............................................................   $  24.4       $  25.1
   Net investment income.................................................      12.9          14.0
   Net realized investment losses .......................................      (0.1)          -
                                                                            --------      -------
      Total revenues.....................................................      37.2          39.1
                                                                            --------      -------

Benefits and expenses
   Policy benefits.......................................................      33.9          33.5
   Policy acquisition expenses...........................................       0.5           -
   Other operating expenses..............................................       0.3           0.3
                                                                            --------      -------
      Total benefits and expenses........................................      34.7          33.8
                                                                            --------      -------

         Contribution from the Closed Block..............................   $   2.5       $   5.3
                                                                            ========      =======

Many  expenses  related to Closed  Block  operations  are charged to  operations
outside the Closed Block;  accordingly,  the contribution  from the Closed Block
does not  represent  the actual  profitability  of the Closed Block  operations.
Operating  costs and  expenses  outside  of the  Closed  Block  are,  therefore,
disproportionate to the business outside the Closed Block.

8. Segment Information

The Company  offers  financial  products and  services in two major areas:  Risk
Management  and Asset  Accumulation.  Within  these  broad  areas,  the  Company
conducts business  principally in three operating  segments.  These segments are
Risk Management,  Allmerica  Financial  Services and Allmerica Asset Management.
The separate financial  information of each segment is presented consistent with
the way results are regularly evaluated by the chief operating decision maker in
deciding how to allocate  resources and in assessing  performance.  A summary of
the Company's reportable segments is included below.


The Risk  Management  Segment  sells  property and casualty  insurance  products
through  independent agents and brokers primarily in the Northeast,  Midwest and
Southeast  United  States as well as to  members  of  affinity  groups and other
organizations.  In  addition,  the Risk  Management  Segment  offers  discounted
property and casualty  (automobile and homeowners)  insurance  through  employer
sponsored programs.

The Asset Accumulation group includes two segments: Allmerica Financial Services
and  Allmerica  Asset  Management.  The  Allmerica  Financial  Services  segment
includes  variable  annuities,  variable  universal  life and  traditional  life
insurance products,  as well as group retirement  products.  Allmerica Financial
Services  also  includes  brokerage and  non-institutional  investment  advisory
services.  Through its Allmerica Asset  Management  segment,  the Company offers
GICs,  also referred to as funding  agreements,  which are investment  contracts
that can contain  either  short-term or long-term  maturities  and are issued to
institutional  buyers or to various  business or charitable  trusts.  Also, this
segment  is a  Registered  Investment  Advisor,  providing  investment  advisory
services, primarily to affiliates and to third parties, such as money market and
other fixed income clients.

In  addition  to the three  operating  segments,  the  Company  has a  Corporate
segment, which consists primarily of cash, investments,  corporate debt, Capital
Securities  (mandatorily  redeemable  preferred securities of a subsidiary trust
holding  solely  junior  subordinated  debentures  of the Company) and corporate
overhead expenses. Corporate overhead expenses reflect costs not attributable to
a particular segment, such as those generated by certain officers and directors,
technology, finance, human resources and legal.

Management  evaluates  the  results of the  aforementioned  segments  based on a
pre-tax  and  pre-minority  interest  basis.  Segment  income is  determined  by
adjusting  net  income for net realized investment gains and  losses,  gains and
losses  on  derivative  instruments,  net gains and  losses  on   disposals   of
businesses, discontinued operations,  extraordinary items, the cumulative effect
of accounting changes and certain other items which management  believes are not
indicative of overall  operating  trends.  While these items may be  significant
components in understanding and assessing the Company's  financial  performance,
management   believes  that  the   presentation   of  segment  income   enhances
understanding of the Company's  results of operations by highlighting net income
attributable  to the normal,  recurring  operations  of the  business.  However,
segment income should not be construed as a substitute for net income determined
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


Summarized below is financial information with respect to business segments:

                                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                                         March 31,
(In millions)                                                      2002            2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Segment revenues:
     Risk Management..........................................   $   614.7        $  601.3
                                                                 ----------       ---------
     Asset Accumulation:
        Allmerica Financial Services..........................       214.9           223.2
        Allmerica Asset Management............................        32.2            39.7
                                                                 ----------       ---------
          Subtotal............................................       247.1           262.9
                                                                 ----------       ---------
     Corporate................................................         1.7             1.0
     Intersegment revenues....................................        (1.9)           (1.9)
                                                                 ----------       ---------
      Total segment revenues..................................       861.6           863.3
Adjustments to segment revenues:
   Net realized losses........................................       (12.3)          (17.4)
                                                                 ----------       ---------
      Total revenues..........................................   $   849.3        $  845.9
                                                                 ==========       =========

Segment income (loss) before federal income taxes, minority
    interest and cumulative effect of change in accounting
   Risk Management............................................   $    39.0        $   16.2
                                                                 ----------       ---------
   Asset Accumulation:
      Allmerica Financial Services............................        29.7            44.3
      Allmerica Asset Management..............................         5.1             6.0
                                                                 ----------       ---------
         Subtotal.............................................        34.8            50.3
                                                                 ----------       ---------
   Corporate..................................................       (16.4)          (16.2)
                                                                 ----------       ---------
      Segment income before federal income taxes and
         minority interest....................................        57.4            50.3
Adjustments to segment income:
   Net realized investment losses, net of amortization........        (8.6)          (16.0)
   Gains on derivatives.......................................        16.3             2.5
                                                                 ----------       ---------
      Income before federal income taxes, minority interest
         and cumulative effect of change in accounting
         principle............................................   $    65.1        $   36.8
                                                                 ==========       =========

                                                        Identifiable Assets                    Deferred Acquisition Costs
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
                                                  (Unaudited)                               (Unaudited)
                                                   March 31,          December 31,           March 31,          December 31,
(In millions)                                        2002                 2001                 2002                 2001
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

   Risk Management..........................     $    5,976.7        $     6,239.8        $        201.0       $        199.0
                                                  -------------       --------------       --------------       --------------
   Asset Accumulation:
       Allmerica Financial Services.........         21,668.8             21,113.0               1,671.8              1,585.2
       Allmerica Asset Management...........          2,538.7              2,829.3                    -                    -
                                                  -------------       --------------       --------------       --------------
         Subtotal...........................         24,207.5             23,942.3               1,671.8              1,585.2
   Corporate................................            108.0                154.0                    -                    -
                                                  -------------       --------------       --------------       --------------
      Total.................................     $   30,292.2        $    30,336.1        $      1,872.8       $      1,784.2
                                                  =============       ==============       ==============       ==============


9. Earnings Per Share

The following  table provides share  information  used in the calculation of the
Company's basic and diluted earnings per share:

                                                                        Quarter Ended
                                                                          March 31,
(In millions, except per share data)                                 2002           2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic shares used in the calculation of earnings per share...          52.8          52.6
Dilutive effect of securities:
    Employee stock options...................................           0.1           0.4
    Non-vested stock grants..................................           0.2           0.1
                                                                  ----------    ----------

Diluted shares used in the calculation of earnings per share           53.1          53.1
                                                                  ==========    ==========

Per share effect of dilutive securities on income before
    cumulative effect of change in accounting principle.....     $     0.01    $       -
                                                                  ==========    ==========

Per share effect of dilutive securities on net income.......     $     0.01    $       -
                                                                  ==========    ==========

10. Commitments and Contingencies


In 1997,  a lawsuit on behalf of a putative  class was  instituted  against  the
Company  alleging  fraud,   unfair  or  deceptive  acts,   breach  of  contract,
misrepresentation, and related claims in the sale of life insurance policies. In
November  1998,  the  Company  and  the  plaintiffs  entered  into a  settlement
agreement  and  in  May  1999,   the  Federal   District   Court  in  Worcester,
Massachusetts approved the settlement agreement and certified the class for this
purpose.  AFC recognized a $31.0 million pre-tax expense in 1998 related to this
litigation.  In 2001, the Company  recognized a pre-tax  benefit of $7.7 million
resulting from the refinement of cost estimates.  Although the Company  believes
that it has appropriately  recognized its obligation under the settlement,  this
estimate may be revised based on the amount of reimbursement  actually  tendered
by AFC's insurance  carriers,  and based on changes in the Company's estimate of
the ultimate cost of the benefits to be provided to members of the class.

The  Company  has been named a  defendant  in various  other  legal  proceedings
arising in the normal course of business. In the Company's opinion, based on the
advice of legal counsel,  the ultimate  resolution of these proceedings will not
have a  material  effect on the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements.
However,  liabilities  related to these  proceedings could be established in the
near term if estimates  of the  ultimate  resolution  of these  proceedings  are


                                     PART I
                                     ITEM 2


The following  analysis of the interim  consolidated  results of operations  and
financial  condition  of the  Company  should  be read in  conjunction  with the
interim  Consolidated   Financial  Statements  and  related  footnotes  included
elsewhere  herein and the  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial
Condition  and Results of  Operations  contained  in the 2001  Annual  Report to
Shareholders, as filed on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


The results of operations for Allmerica  Financial  Corporation and subsidiaries
("AFC" or "the Company") include the accounts of First Allmerica  Financial Life
Insurance Company ("FAFLIC") and Allmerica  Financial Life Insurance and Annuity
Company  ("AFLIAC"),  AFC's principal life insurance and annuity companies;  The
Hanover Insurance Company  ("Hanover") and Citizens Insurance Company of America
("Citizens"), AFC's principal property and casualty companies; and certain other
insurance and non-insurance subsidiaries.

Description of Operating Segments

The Company  offers  financial  products and  services in two major areas:  Risk
Management  and Asset  Accumulation.  Within  these  broad  areas,  the  Company
conducts business  principally in three operating  segments.  These segments are
Risk Management,  Allmerica Financial Services,  and Allmerica Asset Management.
The separate financial  information of each segment is presented consistent with
the way results are regularly evaluated by the chief operating decision maker in
deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance.

Results of Operations

Consolidated Overview

Consolidated  net income  includes  the results of each  segment of the Company,
which  management  evaluates on a pre-tax and  pre-minority  interest  basis. In
addition,  net income also includes certain items which management  believes are
not  indicative of overall  operating  trends,  such as net realized  investment
gains and  losses,  gains and losses on  derivative  instruments,  net gains and
losses on disposals of businesses, discontinued operations, extraordinary items,
the cumulative effect of accounting changes and certain other items. While these
items may be significant components in understanding and assessing the Company's
financial  performance,  management  believes that the presentation of "Adjusted
Net Income", which excludes these items, enhances understanding of the Company's
results of operations by  highlighting  net income  attributable  to the normal,
recurring operations of the business. However, adjusted net income should not be
construed as a substitute for net income determined in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles.

The  Company's  consolidated  net income for the first quarter  increased  $24.7
million,  or 106.5%,  to $47.9  million,  compared to $23.2 million for the same
period in 2001.  The  increase  in net  income  resulted  primarily  from a $9.0
million and $8.2  million  increase in gains on  derivatives  and  adjusted  net
income,  respectively,  as well  as an $8.0  million  decrease  in net  realized
investment losses.


The  following  table  reflects  adjusted  net  income and a  reconciliation  to
consolidated net income.  Adjusted net income consists of segment income (loss),
federal  income  taxes on  segment  income  and  minority  interest  on  Capital
Securities  (mandatorily  redeemable  preferred securities of a subsidiary trust
holding solely junior subordinated debentures of the Company).

                                                                         Three Months Ended
                                                                              March 31,
(In millions)                                                         2002                2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Segment income (loss) before federal income taxes and
     minority interest:
     Risk Management..........................................     $      39.0         $      16.2
                                                                   ------------        ------------
     Asset Accumulation:
         Allmerica Financial Services.........................            29.7                44.3
         AllmericaAsset Management............................             5.1                 6.0
                                                                   ------------        ------------
                                                                          34.8                50.3
     Corporate................................................           (16.4)              (16.2)
                                                                   ------------        ------------
      Segment income before federal income taxes and
         minority interest....................................            57.4                50.3

     Federal income taxes on segment income...................            (8.0)               (9.1)
     Minority interest on Capital Securities..................            (4.0)               (4.0)
                                                                   ------------        ------------
Adjusted net income...........................................            45.4                37.2

Adjustments (net of taxes and amortization, as applicable):
     Net realized investment losses...........................            (4.4)              (12.4)
     Gains on derivatives.....................................            10.6                 1.6
                                                                   ------------        ------------
Income before cumulative effect of change in
     accounting principle.....................................            51.6                26.4
     Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle,
        net of applicable taxes...............................            (3.7)               (3.2)
                                                                   ------------        ------------
Net income....................................................     $      47.9         $      23.2
                                                                   ============        ============

Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2001

The Company's segment income before taxes and minority  interest  increased $7.1
million,  or 14.1%, to $57.4 million in the first quarter of 2002. This increase
was  primarily  attributable  to an increase in income from the Risk  Management
segment of $22.8  million,  partially  offset by lower income from the Allmerica
Financial  Services segment of $14.6 million.  The increase in  Risk  Management
segment income is primarily attributable to decreased weather related losses  in
2002.  The first quarter of  2001  results  reflected  weather  related  adverse
development on prior years' reserves of approximately $15 million.  In addition,
segment income in the first quarter of 2001 reflected  approximately $9  million
of higher non-catastrophe weather related claims,  compared to the first quarter
of 2002 which included a benefit from reduced  non-catastrophe  weather  related
claims of approximately $6 million.  Additionally, segment income  in  the first
quarter of 2001 was negatively affected by $19.4 million of adverse  development
of  loss   and  loss   adjustment   expense   ("LAE")  reserves,  including  the
aforementioned $15 million of weather related claims,  which  compares  to  $3.4
million of favorable development in the first quarter of 2002.   Segment  income
for the first quarter of 2002 also reflected  a  benefit  of  approximately  $14
million of  net  rate  increases,  primarily  in  commercial  lines.   Partially
offsetting  these  items  is  increased   current  year  non-catastrophe  claims
severity, primarily in the personal automobile line.  The decrease in  Allmerica
Financial Services' segment income of  $14.6  million  was  principally  due  to
higher policy benefits as well as  lower  asset-based  fees  and  other  income,
resulting from a decline in the  equity  markets.   These decreases  in  segment
income were partially offset by lower deferred policy acquisition costs.

The  effective  tax rate for segment  income was 14.0% for the first  quarter of
2002  compared to 18.2% for the first  quarter of 2001.  The decrease in the tax
rate is primarily due to lower expected  underwriting income in 2002,  partially
offset by lower tax-exempt investment income in 2002.


Net realized losses on investments,  after taxes, were $4.4 million in the first
quarter of 2002,  resulting  primarily from  impairments of fixed maturities and
losses related to the termination of certain derivative  instruments,  partially
offset by gains recognized from the sale of fixed  maturities.  During the first
quarter of 2001, net realized losses on investments, after tax, of $12.4 million
primarily reflects impairments of fixed maturities. Gains on derivatives,  after
taxes,  increased  $9.0 million,  to $10.6 million in the first quarter of 2002,
resulting primarily from the aforementioned termination of certain derivatives.

During the first  quarter of 2002,  the Company  recognized a $3.7 million loss,
net-of-taxes, upon adoption of Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No.
142,  "Goodwill and Other Intangible  Assets." During the first quarter of 2001,
the Company  recognized  a $3.2 million  loss,  net-of-taxes,  upon  adoption of
Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities."

Segment Results

The following is management's  discussion and analysis of the Company's  results
of  operations by business  segment.  The segment  results are presented  before
taxes and minority  interest and other items which  management  believes are not
indicative of overall operating trends, including realized gains and losses.

Risk Management

The following table summarizes the results of operations for the Risk Management

                                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                                March 31,
(In millions)                                                             2002             2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Segment revenues
     Net premiums written.....................................        $     554.9     $       566.7
                                                                       ===========     =============

     Net premiums earned......................................        $     558.1     $       538.0
     Net investment income....................................               51.8              56.8
     Other income.............................................                4.8               6.5
                                                                       -----------     -------------
                Total segment revenues........................              614.7             601.3

Losses and operating expenses
     Losses and loss adjustment expenses (1)..................              421.1             437.9
     Policy acquisition expenses..............................              104.6              96.4
     Other operating expenses.................................               50.0              50.8
                                                                       -----------     -------------
                Total losses and operating expenses...........              575.7             585.1
                                                                       -----------     -------------

Segment income................................................        $      39.0     $        16.2
                                                                       ===========     =============

(1) Includes  policyholders'  dividends of $(0.3)  million and $2.1 million for the quarters ended
    March 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2001

Risk  Management's  segment income  increased $22.8 million to $39.0 million for
the  first  quarter  of 2002.  The  increase  in  segment  income  is  primarily
attributable  to decreased  weather related losses in 2002. The first quarter of
2001 results  reflected  weather  related  adverse  development  on prior years'
reserves of approximately $15 million. In addition,  segment income in the first
quarter of 2001  reflected  approximately  $9 million of higher  non-catastrophe
weather related  claims,  compared to the first quarter of 2002 which included a
benefit from reduced  non-catastrophe weather related claims of approximately $6
million.  Development  on  prior year'  reserves  improved $22.8 million to $3.4
million of favorable development in the first quarter of 2002 from $19.4 million
of adverse development for the same period in 2001, including the aforementioned
$15.0 million of weather related claims. Segment income for the first quarter of
2002  also  reflected  a  benefit  of  approximately  $14  million  of net  rate
increases,  primarily in commercial lines.  Partially  offsetting these items is
increased  current  year  non-catastrophe  claims  severity,  primarily  in  the
personal automobile line. Segment income also reflected approximately $6 million
of increased  reinsurance  costs and a $5.0 million  decrease in net  investment
income to


$51.8   million  for  the   quarter   ended  March  31,   2002.   In   addition,
catastrophe  losses  increased  $4.4  million,  to $11.2  million  for the first
quarter of 2002,  compared to $6.8  million for the same period in 2001.  Policy
acquisition  expenses  increased in the first  quarter of 2002  primarily due to
earned premium growth since March 31, 2001.

Underwriting results are reported using statutory accounting  principles,  which
are prescribed by state insurance  regulators.  The primary  difference  between
statutory and generally accepted accounting  principles ("GAAP") is the deferral
of certain underwriting costs under GAAP that are amortized over the life of the
policy. Under statutory accounting  principles,  these costs are recognized when
incurred or paid.  Management reviews the operations of this business based upon
statutory results.

In 2002, the Company  reorganized  its Risk  Management  segment.  Under the new
structure,  the Risk Management segment manages its operations through two lines
of business  based upon product and  identified as Personal Lines and Commercial
Lines.  Personal Lines include property and casualty  coverages such as personal
automobile,  homeowners  and other personal  policies,  while  Commercial  Lines
include  property  and  casualty   coverages  such  as  workers'   compensation,
commercial automobile, commercial multiple peril and other commercial policies.

The following tables summarize the results of operations for the Risk Management

                                                Three Months Ended March 31, 2002
                                            Personal         Commercial
(In millions, except ratios)                  Lines            Lines             Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statutory net premiums written::
   Personal automobile................  $    285.2         $      -            $   285.2
   Homeowners.........................        65.5                -                 65.5
   Workers' compensation..............         -                 42.0               42.0
   Commercial automobile..............         -                 51.5               51.5
   Commercial multiple peril..........         -                 79.7               79.7
   Other property & casualty..........         8.6               21.7               30.3
   Total..............................  $    359.3         $    194.9          $   554.2
Statutory combined ratio (1)..........       105.1              103.6              104.3

Statutory underwriting loss...........  $    (21.7)        $     (1.6)         $   (23.3)
Reconciliation to segment income:
   Net investment income..............                                              51.8
   Other income and expenses, net.....                                               3.4
   Other Statutory to GAAP adjustments                                               7.1
Segment income........................                                         $    39.0

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                Three Months Ended March 31, 2001
                                            Personal         Commercial
(In millions, except ratios)                  Lines            Lines             Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statutory net premiums written:
   Personal automobile................   $   266.5          $      -           $   266.5
   Homeowners.........................        58.5                 -                58.5
   Worker' compensation...............         -                  57.1              57.1
   Commercial automobile..............         -                  61.3              61.3
   Commercial multiple peril..........         -                  88.5              88.5
   Other property & casualty..........         8.7                24.7              33.4
   Total..............................   $   333.7          $    231.6         $   565.3
Statutory combined ratio (1)..........       107.5               108.3             107.8

Statutory underwriting loss...........   $   (27.0)         $    (22.8)        $   (49.8)
Reconciliation to segment income:
   Net investment income..............                                              56.8
   Other income and expenses, net.....                                               3.5
   Other Statutory to GAAP adjustments                                               5.7
Segment income........................                                         $    16.2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Statutory combined  ratio is  a common industry  measurement of  the  results of
    property and casualty insurance underwriting. This ratio is the sum of the ratio
    of  incurred  claims  and claim  expenses  to  premiums  earned and the ratio of
    underwriting  expenses incurred to premiums  written.  Federal income taxes, net
    investment income and other  non-underwriting  expenses are not reflected in the
    statutory combined ratio.

Personal Lines
Personal lines' net premiums written increased $25.6 million, or 7.7%, to $359.3
million for the first quarter of 2002. This is primarily the result of increases
of $18.7  million,  or  7.0%,  and  $7.0  million,  or  12.0%,  in the  personal
automobile  and  homeowners  lines,  respectively.  The increase in the personal
automobile  line is primarily the result of 2.0% and 0.6% net rate  increases in
Michigan and Massachusetts,  respectively, and a 3.5% policies in force increase
since March 31, 2001.  The increase in the  homeowners  line resulted  primarily
from a 16.8%  rate  increase  in  Michigan  and an overall  increase  of 1.8% in
policies in force since March 31, 2001.

Personal  lines'  underwriting  results  improved $5.3 million,  or 19.3%, to an
underwriting  loss  of  $21.7  million  for  the  first  quarter  of  2002.  The
improvement in underwriting results is primarily  attributable to the absence of
unfavorable  development  in 2002  and the  aforementioned  combined  effect  of
adverse  weather  and mild  weather  on 2001 and  2002,  respectively.   This is
partially  offset by  increased  current  year claims  severity in the  personal
automobile  line in the first  quarter of 2002.  Underwriting  results were also
unfavorably affected by approximately $7 million of increased policy acquisition
and other underwriting expenses, primarily related to increased cession expenses
for  assigned  risk  personal  automobile  business in New York.  This  assigned
business is mandated as a condition  to write  premium in the state of New York.
The Company has an agreement  to cede this  business to a third party due to its
unsatisfactory  underwriting  results.  Management  expects  the  cost  of  this
agreement for 2002 to increase by approximately $10 million as compared to 2001.
In addition,  catastrophe losses increased $3.3 million, to $9.5 million for the
first quarter of 2002, compared to $6.2 million for the same period in 2001.

Commercial Lines
Commercial  lines' net premiums  written  decreased $36.7 million,  or 15.8%, to
$194.9  million for the first  quarter of 2002.  This is primarily the result of
the  Company's  termination  of 377 agencies and the  withdrawal  of  commercial
lines' underwriting  authority from an additional 314 agencies during the fourth
quarter  of 2001.  These  agencies  consistently  produced  unsatisfactory  loss
ratios.  In addition,  the Company has seen a reduction  in premium  levels from
active agents as  re-underwriting  efforts  continue.  Management  believes that
premium level  reductions from active agents may continue to unfavorably  affect
future  premiums.  Policies  in force  decreased  17.2%,  11.3%  and 0.9% in the
workers'  compensation,  commercial  automobile,  and commercial  multiple peril
lines,  respectively,  since  March  31,  2001  primarily  as a  result  of  the
aforementioned agency actions.  Partially offsetting these decreases in policies
in force were rate  increases  in all of the  commercial  lines  since March 31,
2001. In addition, net premiums written in other commercial lines decreased $3.0
million, or 12.1%, as a result of the Company having terminated virtually all of
its specialty commercial programs during the fourth quarter of 2001.


Commercial line' underwriting  results improved $21.2 million to an underwriting
loss  of  $1.6  million  in the  first  quarter  of  2002.  The  improvement  in
underwriting  results is primarily  attributable to approximately $12 million of
net rate increases during the first quarter of 2002. In addition,  a decrease in
current  year  claims  severity  in  the  commercial   automobile  and  workers'
compensation  lines of  approximately  $3 million and $2 million,  respectively,
favorably affected results in 2002.  Commercial lines' favorable  development on
prior  years'  reserves  increased  $3.2  million  to $4.3  million in the first
quarter of 2002 from $1.1 million for the same period in 2001.  First quarter of
2002 underwriting results reflected approximately $4 million and $1.2 million of
decreased  underwriting  expenses  and  policyholder  dividends,   respectively,
compared to the same period in 2001.  Partially offsetting these favorable items
is  approximately  $3 million of increased  current year claims  severity in the
commercial  multiple peril line. In addition,  catastrophe losses increased $1.1
million, to $1.7 million for the first quarter of 2002, compared to $0.6 million
for the same period in 2001.

Investment Results
Net  investment  income  before tax declined  $5.0  million,  or 8.8%,  to $51.8
million for the quarter  ended March 31, 2002.  The  decrease in net  investment
income  primarily  reflects  the impact of high yield  bonds that  defaulted,  a
reduction  in average  pre-tax  yields on debt  securities  and the  transfer of
assets to the Corporate  segment and the Allmerica  Financial  Services segment.
Average pre-tax yields on debt securities  decreased to 6.5% in 2002 compared to
7.1% in 2001 due to the  shift  from  higher  yielding  below  investment  grade
securities to lower yielding, but higher quality investment grade securities.

Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses
The Risk  Management  segment  maintains  reserves for its property and casualty
products to provide for the  Company's  ultimate  liability  for losses and loss
adjustment  expenses with respect to reported and unreported  claims incurred as
of the end of each accounting  period.  These reserves are estimates,  involving
actuarial  projections at a given point in time, of what management  expects the
ultimate  settlement and  administration  of claims will cost based on facts and
circumstances  then known,  predictions  of future  events,  estimates of future
trends in claim  severity and judicial  theories of liability and other factors.
The inherent uncertainty of estimating insurance reserves is greater for certain
types  of  property  and  casualty   insurance  lines,   particularly   workers'
compensation and other liability lines, where a longer period of time may elapse
before a definitive  determination of ultimate  liability may be made, and where
the  technological,  judicial and political  climates  involving  these types of
claims are changing.

The Company regularly  updates its reserve estimates as new information  becomes
available and further  events occur which may impact the resolution of unsettled
claims.  Changes  in  prior  reserve  estimates  are  reflected  in  results  of
operations in the period such changes are determined to be needed and recorded.

The table below  provides a  reconciliation  of the beginning and ending reserve
for unpaid losses and LAE as follows:

                                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                                                March 31,
(In millions)                                                             2002            2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reserve for losses and LAE, beginning of period...............        $   2,921.5     $   2,719.1
   Incurred losses and LAE, net of reinsurance recoverable:
     Provision for insured events of current year.............              425.5           416.0
     (Decrease) increase in provision for insured events of
       prior years............................................               (3.4)           19.4
                                                                       ------------    ------------
   Total incurred losses and LAE..............................              422.1           435.4
                                                                       ------------    ------------
   Payments, net of reinsurance recoverable:
     Losses and LAE attributable to insured events of current
       year...................................................              134.4           119.7
     Losses and LAE attributable to insured events of prior
       years..................................................              270.3           305.5
                                                                       ------------    ------------
   Total payments.............................................              404.7           425.2
                                                                       ------------    ------------
   Change in reinsurance recoverable on unpaid losses.........               (9.0)          (11.8)
                                                                       ------------    ------------
Reserve for losses and LAE, end of period.....................        $   2,929.9     $   2,717.5
                                                                       ============    ============

As part of an ongoing process, the reserves have been re-estimated for all prior
accident years and were decreased by $3.4 million and increased by $19.4 million
for the quarters ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


During the first quarter,  estimated loss reserves for claims occurring in prior
years developed  unfavorably by $3.4 million and $35.9 million in 2002 and 2001,
respectively.  Favorable  development  on prior  years'  LAE  reserves  was $6.8
million and $16.5 million for the first quarters of 2002 and 2001, respectively.
The  adverse  loss  reserve  development  in 2002 is  primarily  the  result  of
approximately  $4 million of  increased  reserves  related to a recent  judicial
decision in Maine expanding eligibility for permanent impairment status  related
to worker' compensation claims.  In addition, adverse loss  reserve  development
in 2002 resulted from increased severity on homeowner'  prior  years'  reserves.
These unfavorable items are partially offset by a decrease in  commercial  lines
non-catastrophe  claims severity.  The adverse loss reserve  development in 2001
was primarily  related to fourth quarter 2000  non-catastrophe  weather  related
claims in Michigan.  These claims primarily affected the personal automobile and
homeowners  lines. The adverse loss development in 2001 is also  attributable to
an increase in commercial lines' loss costs in the 1999 and 2000 accident years.
The  favorable  LAE  reserve  development  in both  2002 and  2001 is  primarily
attributable to claims process improvement initiatives taken by the Company over
the past four years.  Since 1997, the Company has lowered claim settlement costs
through increased  utilization of in-house attorneys and consolidation of claims
offices.   These  measures  are  complete.  The  Company  currently  expects  no
significant  favorable  or  adverse  loss  or LAE  reserve  development  for the
remainder of the year.

Inflation generally increases the cost of losses covered by insurance contracts.
The effect of inflation on the Company varies by product.  Property and casualty
insurance  premiums are established before the amount of losses and LAE, and the
extent to which inflation may affect such expenses are known. Consequently,  the
Company  attempts,  in  establishing  rates  and  reserves,  to  anticipate  the
potential impact of inflation in the projection of ultimate costs. The impact of
inflation has been relatively insignificant in recent years. However,  inflation
could contribute to increased losses and LAE in the future.

The Company  regularly reviews its reserving  techniques,  its overall reserving
position  and  its  reinsurance.   Based  on  (i)  review  of  historical  data,
legislative enactments, judicial decisions, legal developments in impositions of
damages,   changes  in  political  attitudes  and  trends  in  general  economic
conditions,  (ii)  review  of  per  claim  information,  (iii)  historical  loss
experience  of the  Company and the  industry,  (iv) the  relatively  short-term
nature  of most  policies  and (v)  internal  estimates  of  required  reserves,
management  believes  that adequate  provision has been made for loss  reserves.
However,  establishment  of  appropriate  reserves  is an  inherently  uncertain
process and there can be no certainty  that current  established  reserves  will
prove adequate in light of subsequent actual experience. A significant change to
the  estimated  reserves  could  have  a  material  impact  on  the  results  of

Environmental Reserves
Although  the Company does not  specifically  underwrite  policies  that include
environmental  damage and toxic tort  liability,  the Company may be required to
defend such claims. Loss and LAE reserves for all direct business written by its
property and casualty  companies related to environmental  damage and toxic tort
liability,  included in the reserve for losses and LAE,  were $25.3  million and
$26.5  million,  net of  reinsurance  of $12.9 million and $12.5 million for the
quarters ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.  Loss and LAE reserves for
assumed  reinsurance  pool  business  with  environmental  damage and toxic tort
liability  were $39.3 million and $10.0 million for the quarters ended March 31,
2002 and 2001, respectively. These reserves relate to pools in which the Company
has terminated its participation;  however,  the Company continues to be subject
to claims related to prior years in which it was a  participant.  Because of the
inherent uncertainty  regarding the types of claims in these pools, there can be
no assurance  that these  reserves will be  sufficient.  The increase in assumed
reinsurance pool business environmental damage and toxic tort liability reserves
is primarily  related to a $33.0 million fourth quarter of 2001 adjustment for a
voluntary excess and casualty  reinsurance pool (Excess and Casualty Reinsurance
Association "ECRA").

The  Company  estimated  its  ultimate  liability  for these  claims  based upon
currently  known facts,  reasonable  assumptions  where the facts are not known,
current law and methodologies  currently  available.  Although these outstanding
claims are not  significant,  their  existence gives rise to uncertainty and are
discussed  because  of the  possibility  that they may become  significant.  The
Company  currently  believes  that,  notwithstanding  the  evolution of case law
expanding liability in environmental claims,  recorded reserves related to these
claims are adequate. In addition,  the Company is not aware of any litigation or
pending claims that may result in additional  material  liabilities in excess of
recorded reserves. The environmental liability could be revised in the near term
if the estimates used in determining the liability are revised.


Asset Accumulation

Allmerica Financial Services

The  following  table  summarizes  the results of  operations  for the Allmerica
Financial Services segment for the periods indicated.

                                                                     Three Months Ended
                                                                          March 31,
(In millions)                                                       2002             2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Segment revenues
Premiums..................................................       $   24.5         $   25.5
   Fees...................................................           96.0            100.4
   Net investment income..................................           70.7             71.2
   Other income...........................................           23.7             26.1
                                                                  ---------        ---------
Total segment revenues....................................          214.9            223.2

Policy benefits, claims and losses........................          107.2             93.7
Policy acquisition and other operating expenses...........           78.0             85.2
                                                                  ---------        ---------

Segment income............................................       $   29.7         $   44.3
                                                                  =========        =========

Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2001

Segment income  decreased  $14.6 million,  or 33.0%, to $29.7 million during the
first  quarter  of 2002.  This  decrease  primarily  reflects  increased  policy
benefits,  as well as lower asset-based fees and other income due to the decline
in the equity markets.  These decreases were partially  offset by lower deferred
acquisition  costs.  Policy benefits  increased  primarily as a result of higher
guaranteed minimum death benefits related to variable annuities.

Segment revenues decreased $8.3 million,  or 3.7%, in the first quarter of 2002,
primarily due to lower  asset-based fees and other income.  Fee income decreased
$4.4 million,  or 4.4%, to $96.0 million,  primarily due to variable annuity and
group annuity fees which decreased $3.1 million and $2.6 million,  respectively.
The  decrease in variable  annuity  fees was  primarily  due to a decline in the
market value of average  variable  annuity  assets under  management,  while the
decline in group annuity fees was primarily due to lower average invested assets
resulting from the Company's exit from the defined contribution group retirement
business.  These  decreases  in fees were  partially  offset  by a $2.1  million
increase in variable  universal life fees  principally  due to higher  insurance
fees and additional  deposits.  These increases in variable  universal life fees
were  partially  offset by market  depreciation  which  reduced  account  values
subject to such fees.  Other income  decreased  $2.4 million,  or 9.2%, to $23.7
million.  This decline was primarily  due to lower  investment  management  fees
resulting from reduced  average assets under  management and to lower  brokerage

Policy benefits,  claims and losses increased $13.5 million, or 14.4%, to $107.2
million in the first  quarter of 2002,  primarily  due to  increased  guaranteed
minimum death benefits ("GMDB") related to variable  annuities.  In the event of
the death of the annuitant, the GMDB provides beneficiaries with a payment equal
to the greater of a prescribed death benefit or the current account value of the
annuity.  This  results  in  increased  annuity  policy  benefits  in periods of
declining financial markets and in periods of stable financial markets following
a decline. The Company provides for reserves for GMDB based on its best estimate
of the long-term  cost of GMDB.  In the first quarter of 2002,  the GMDB expense
increased  $11.0 million  primarily due to the effect of the 2001 decline in the
financial  markets.  If market levels as of March 31, 2002 continue,  management
expects GMDB expenses and segment income to be unfavorably  affected  during the
remainder of 2002.  Additional  declines in the financial  markets would further
increase GMDB expenses. Policy benefits, claims and losses also increased due to
interest credited on general account assets.

Policy acquisition and other operating expenses decreased $7.2 million, or 8.5%,
to $78.0  million in the first  quarter  of 2002.  Policy  acquisition  expenses
decreased  $9.5  million,  or 45.0%,  to $11.6  million  primarily  due to lower
variable annuity profits.  Since variable  products' deferred policy acquisition
costs are  amortized in  proportion  to gross  profits,  the lower annuity gross
profits in the first  quarter of 2002  resulted in less  amortization  expenses.
However,  if lower  annuity  gross profits  persist,  a partial  writeoff of the
existing DAC asset may occur. This would increase policy acquisition expenses in
the period of the partial  writeoff.  Other  operating  expenses  increased $2.3
million.  This increase was primarily due to higher technology costs,  partially
offset  by lower  operating  expenses  resulting  from  the exit of the  defined
contribution group retirement business.


Statutory Premiums and Deposits

The following  table sets forth  statutory  premiums and deposits by product for
the Allmerica Financial Services segment.

                                                      Three Months Ended
                                                          March 31,
(In millions)                                         2002          2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Traditional life.........................     $   22.3      $   23.1
    Universal life...........................          4.2           4.6
    Variable universal life..................         63.3          58.3
    Individual health........................          -             0.1
    Group variable universal life............         25.3          38.4
                                                   ---------     ---------
       Total insurance.......................        115.1         124.5
                                                   ---------     ---------
    Separate account annuities...............        577.8         498.4
    General account annuities................        207.1         230.4
    Retirement investment accounts...........          1.9           2.3
                                                   ---------     ---------
       Total individual annuities............        786.8         731.1

    Group annuities..........................         24.4          94.9
                                                   ---------     ---------
       Total annuities.......................        811.2         826.0
                                                   ---------     ---------

    Total premiums and deposits..............     $  926.3      $  950.5
                                                   =========     =========

Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2001

For the three months ended March 31, 2002, total premiums and deposits decreased
$24.2 million, or 2.5%, to $926.3 million.  These decreases are primarily due to
lower group annuity and general  account  deposits,  partially  offset by higher
separate account annuity deposits.  Group annuity deposits  decreased due to the
Company's  exit from the  defined  contribution  retirement  plan  business  and
cessation of marketing  activities for new defined benefit retirement  business.
General  account  annuity  deposits  were  higher in 2001  principally  due to a
promotional  annuity  program  offered for a limited  period in 2001.  Partially
offsetting  these  decreases  were higher  annuity  deposits  into the Company's
separate  accounts,  primarily due to a renewed emphasis by Scudder  Investments
("Scudder")  on marketing and sales of the Company's  products.  Group  variable
universal  life deposits  also  decreased in the quarter due to the cessation of
marketing activities for this product.

Annuity products are distributed primarily through three distribution  channels:
(1) "Agency", which consists of the Company's career agency force; (2) "Select",
which consists of a network of third party  broker-dealers;  and (3) "Partners",
which  includes  distributors  of the mutual funds  advised by Scudder,  Pioneer
Investment  Management,  Inc.  and  Delaware  Management  Company  ("Delaware").
Partners, Select and Agency represented,  respectively,  approximately 41%, 36%,
and 23% of individual annuity deposits in the first quarter of 2002, and Scudder
represented 34% of all individual annuity deposits.  During the first quarter of
2001, Partners, Select and Agency represented, respectively,  approximately 36%,
38% and 26% of individual  annuity  deposits and Scudder  represented 26% of all
individual  annuity  deposits.  The  increase  in deposits  within the  Partners
channel resulted primarily from the aforementioned renewed emphasis on marketing
and sales with Scudder.


Allmerica Asset Management

The following table summarizes the results of operations for the Allmerica Asset
Management segment for the periods indicated.

                                                              Three Months Ended
                                                                   March 31,
(In millions)                                                2002             2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest margins on GICs:
   Net investment income..............................    $    26.5        $    36.9
   Interest credited..................................         23.6             32.0
                                                           ---------        ---------
Net interest margin...................................          2.9              4.9
                                                           ---------        ---------
Fees and other income:
   External...........................................          4.6              1.7
   Internal...........................................          1.3              1.4
Other operating expenses..............................         (3.7)            (2.0)
                                                           ---------        ---------
Segment income........................................    $     5.1        $     6.0
                                                           =========        =========
Average GIC deposits outstanding......................    $ 2,470.7        $ 2,253.9
                                                           =========        =========

Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2001

Segment  income  decreased  $0.9 million,  or 15.0%,  to $5.1 million during the
first  quarter of 2002  primarily due to decreased  earnings on GICs,  partially
offset by  increased  earnings  related to  external  clients.  Earnings on GICs
decreased  $2.0 million  primarily  due to the continued  shift from  short-term
funding agreements to lower margin long-term funding agreements and to lower net
investment  income.  Net investment  income declined  primarily due to the shift
from higher yielding below investment  grade  securities to lower yielding,  but
higher quality  investment  grade  securities  during 2001, and to the effect of
defaults on certain  bonds  supporting  GIC  obligations.  These  declines  were
partially  offset by increased  earnings from higher average GIC deposits during
the quarter.  An increase in earnings  from external  clients  resulted from new
external assets under management.

At December 31,  2001,  the Company held $761.8  million of  short-term  funding
agreements  with  put  features  which  allow  the  policyholder  to cancel  the
contract prior to maturity.  During the first quarter of 2002,  payments related
to short-term  funding agreement  withdrawals were  approximately  $282 million.
Also,   during  the  first  quarter  of  2002,   the  Company  was  notified  of
approximately $187 million of additional withdrawals.  Payments related to these
withdrawal  notifications are expected in the second quarter of 2002. Management
expects  income from the GIC product line to be  unfavorably  affected in future
periods due to short-term funding agreement  withdrawals and the continued shift
to lower margin long-term funding agreements.


The  following  table  summarizes  the results of  operations  for the Corporate
segment for the periods indicated.

                                                                Three Months Ended
                                                                    March 31,
(In millions)                                                  2002             2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Segment  revenues
  Net investment income..............................      $     1.7        $     1.0

  Interest expense...................................            3.8              3.8
  Other operating expenses...........................           14.3             13.4
                                                            ----------       ----------
Segment loss ........................................      $   (16.4)       $   (16.2)
                                                            ==========       ==========


Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2001

The segment loss increased $0.2 million,  or 1.2%, to $16.4 million in the first
quarter  of 2002,  primarily  as a result  of the  timing of  certain  corporate
overhead  costs and increased  employee  related  costs.  These  increases  were
partially  offset  by  higher  net  investment  income  and  state  tax  credits
recognized by the holding company.

Interest  expense for both periods  relates  principally to the interest paid on
the Senior Debentures of the Company.

Investment Portfolio

The Company held general account  investment assets  diversified  across several
asset classes, as follows:

                                                           March 31, 2002                             December 31, 2001
                                                   --------------------------------            --------------------------------
                                                     Carrying       % of Total                   Carrying       % of Total
(In millions)                                         Value       Carrying Value                  Value       Carrying Value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed maturities (1)............................   $   9,055.2           88.1%                 $    9,401.7          88.1%
Equity securities (1)...........................          60.0            0.6                          62.1           0.6
Mortgages.......................................         319.4            3.1                         321.6           3.0
Policy loans....................................         375.4            3.6                         379.6           3.5
Cash and cash equivalents.......................         306.3            3.0                         350.2           3.3
Other long-term investments.....................         167.2            1.6                         161.2           1.5
                                                   --------------------------------            --------------------------------
     Total......................................   $  10,283.5          100.0%                 $   10,676.4         100.0%
                                                   ================================            ================================
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 (1) The Company carries fixed maturities and equity securities in its investment portfolio at market value.

Total  investment  assets  decreased  $392.9 million,  or 3.7%, to $10.3 billion
during  the  first  quarter  of  2002.  This  decrease  consisted  primarily  of
reductions in fixed maturities of $346.5 million,  principally due to short-term
funding agreement withdrawals in the Allmerica Asset Management segment.

The  Company's  fixed  maturity  portfolio is comprised  primarily of investment
grade corporate  securities,  tax-exempt issues of state and local  governments,
U.S. government and agency securities and other issues.  Based on ratings by the
National  Association of Insurance  Commissioners,  investment  grade securities
comprised  90.8% and 90.7% of the Company's  total fixed  maturity  portfolio at
March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001, respectively.  Although management expects
that new funds will be invested  primarily in investment grade fixed maturities,
the  Company may invest a portion of new funds in below  investment  grade fixed
maturities or equity  interests.  The average yield on fixed maturities was 6.9%
and 7.7% for the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.  This
decline   reflects  the  shift  from  higher  yielding  below  investment  grade
securities to lower yielding, but higher quality investment grade securities, as
well as lower prevailing fixed maturity investment rates since the first quarter
of 2001. Due to the current interest rate  environment,  management  expects its
investment  yield to be negatively  affected by lower  prevailing fixed maturity
investment rates in 2002.

Principally  as a result of the  Company's  exposure to below  investment  grade
securities,  the Company  recognized $22.4 million and $14.6 million of realized
losses on other-than-temporary  impairments of fixed maturities during the first
quarter  of 2002 and  2001,  respectively.  The  losses  reflect  the  continued
deterioration of the high-yield market. The recognition of these losses followed
the review of recent defaults on interest payments,  financial  information from
issuers,  estimated future cash flows and other trends in the high-yield market.
No assurance can be given that the fixed maturity  impairments will, in-fact, be
adequate to cover future losses or that substantial  additional impairments will
not be required in the future.

The Company had fixed maturity securities with a carrying value of $28.5 million
and $9.8 million on non-accrual  status at March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001,
respectively.  The effect of holding securities for which income is not accrued,
compared with amounts that would have been  recognized  in  accordance  with the
original terms of the investments,  was a reduction in net investment  income of
$4.0 million and $1.2  million for the  quarters  ended March 31, 2002 and 2001,
respectively.   This  includes  the  impact  of   securities   held  as  of  the
aforementioned  financial  statement  dates,  as well as securities  sold during
those  periods.  Management  expects  that  defaults  in  the  fixed  maturities
portfolio may continue to negatively impact investment income.


Income Taxes

AFC and its domestic subsidiaries  (including certain non-insurance  operations)
file a consolidated  United States federal income tax return.  Entities included
within the  consolidated  group are segregated into either a life insurance or a
non-life  insurance  company  subgroup.  The consolidation of these subgroups is
subject to certain statutory restrictions on the percentage of eligible non-life
tax losses that can be applied to offset life company taxable income.

The  provision  for  federal  income  taxes  before  minority  interest  and the
cumulative  effect of a change in accounting  principle was $9.5 million  during
the first  quarter of 2002  compared to $6.4  million  during the same period in
2001. These provisions  resulted in consolidated  effective federal tax rates of
14.6% and 17.4% for the  quarters  ended March 31, 2002 and 2001,  respectively.
The decrease in the tax rate is  primarily  due to lower  expected  underwriting
income in 2002, partially offset by lower tax-exempt investment income in 2002.

Critical Accounting Policies

The discussion and analysis of the Company's  financial condition and results of
operations  are  based  upon  the  consolidated   financial  statements.   These
statements have been prepared in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting
principles  which require  management to make  estimates  and  assumptions  that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual
results could differ from those  estimates.  The following  critical  accounting
policies,  among others,  are those which  management  believes  affect the more
significant  judgments and estimates  used in the  preparation  of the Company's
financial  statements.  Additional  information about the Company's  significant
accounting  policies may be found in Note 1, "Summary of Significant  Accounting
Policies" to the consolidated  financial  statements  contained in the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2001.

Property & Casualty Insurance Loss Reserves

The amount of loss and loss adjustment expense reserves (the "loss reserves") is
determined  based  on an  estimation  process  that is  very  complex  and  uses
information  obtained from both company  specific and industry  data, as well as
general economic information.  The estimation process is highly judgmental,  and
requires  the Company to  continuously  monitor and  evaluate  the life cycle of
claims on type-of-business  and nature-of-claim  bases. Using data obtained from
this  monitoring and assumptions  about emerging  trends,  the Company  develops
information about the size of ultimate claims based on its historical experience
and other available market information. The most significant assumptions,  which
vary by line of business, used in the estimation process include determining the
trend in loss costs,  the expected  consistency in the frequency and severity of
claims incurred but not yet reported to prior year claims, changes in the timing
of the  reporting  of losses from the loss date to the  notification  date,  and
expected costs to settle unpaid claims.  Because the amount of the loss reserves
is sensitive to the Company's assumptions,  the Company does not completely rely
on only one  estimate  to  determine  its loss  reserves.  Rather,  the  Company
develops  several  estimates using  generally  recognized  actuarial  projection
methodologies  that  result  in a range  of  reasonably  possible  loss  reserve
outcomes;  the Company's best estimate is within that range.  When trends emerge
that the Company  believes affect the future  settlement of claims,  the Company
would react  accordingly  by adjusting its  reserves.  Reserve  adjustments  are
reflected in the Consolidated  Statements of Income as adjustments to losses and
loss adjustment  expenses.  Often,  these  adjustments are recognized in periods
subsequent  to the period in which the  underlying  loss event  occurred.  These
types of subsequent adjustments are disclosed and discussed separately as "prior
year  reserve  development".   Such  development  can  be  either  favorable  or
unfavorable to the financial results of the Company.

Property & Casualty Reinsurance Recoverables

The  Company  shares a  significant  amount  of  insurance  risk of the  primary
underlying  contracts  with  various  insurance  entities  through  the  use  of
reinsurance  contracts.  As a result,  when the Company  experiences loss events
that are  subject to the  reinsurance  contract,  reinsurance  recoverables  are
recorded.  The amount of the reinsurance  recoverable can vary based on the size
of the  individual  loss or the  aggregate  amount of all losses in a particular
line,  book of business or an  aggregate  amount  associated  with a  particular
accident  year.  The  valuation  of losses  recoverable  depends on whether  the
underlying  loss is a reported  loss, or an incurred but not reported  loss. For
reported  losses,  the Company  values  reinsurance  recoverable at the time the
underlying loss is recognized,  in accordance with contract terms.  For incurred
but not  reported  losses,  the  Company  estimates  the  amount of  reinsurance
recoverable  based on the  terms of the  reinsurance  contracts  and  historical
reinsurance  recovery information and applies that information to the gross loss
reserve  estimates.  The most  significant  assumption  the Company  uses is the
average size of the  individual  losses for those claims that have  occurred but
have not yet been recorded by the Company. The reinsurance  recoverable is based
on reasonable estimates and is disclosed separately on the financial statements.
However,  the ultimate amount of the reinsurance  recoverable is not known until
all losses are settled.


Variable Products' Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs

Deferred policy acquisition costs consist of commissions, underwriting costs and
other costs,  which vary with,  and are primarily  related to, the production of
insurance deposits. Acquisition costs related to the Company's variable products
(variable  universal  life and variable  annuities)  are recorded on the balance
sheet  and  amortized  through  the  income  statement  in  proportion  to total
estimated  gross profits over the expected life of the contracts.  The Company's
estimated   gross  profits  are  based  on  assumptions   including   mortality,
persistency, asset growth rates and expenses associated with policy maintenance.
The principal  source of earnings for these  policies are from asset based fees,
which can vary in relation to changes in the equity markets.

At each balance sheet date,  the Company  evaluates the  historical and expected
future gross  profits.  Any  adjustment  in estimated  profit  requires that the
amortization  rate  be  revised  retroactively  to the  date  of  policy/annuity
issuance.  The cumulative difference related to prior periods is recognized as a
component  of  the  current  periods'  amortization,   along  with  amortization
associated  with the actual  gross  profits of the period.  Lower  actual  gross
profits would typically result in less amortization  expense. The converse would
also be true.  However, if lower gross profits were to continue into the future,
a partial write-off of the existing deferred acquistion costs ("DAC")  asset may

The Company periodically reviews the DAC asset to determine if it is recoverable
from future  income.  If DAC is determined to be  unrecoverable,  such costs are
expensed at the time of determination.  The amount of DAC considered  realizable
would be reduced in the near term if the  estimate of  ultimate or future  gross
profits is reduced.  The amount of DAC  amortization  would be revised if any of
the estimates discussed above are revised.

Other-Than-Temporary Impairments

The Company  employs a  systematic  methodology  to evaluate  declines in market
values  below  cost or  amortized  cost for its  investments.  This  methodology
ensures  that  available  evidence  concerning  the  declines is  evaluated in a
disciplined  manner.  In  determining  whether a decline in market  value  below
amortized cost is other-than-temporary, the Company evaluates the length of time
and the extent to which the market value has been less than amortized  cost; the
financial  condition  and  near-term  prospects  of  the  issuer;  the  issuer's
financial performance,  including earnings trends,  dividend payments, and asset
quality;  any specific  events which may influence the operations of the issuer;
general  market  conditions;  and, the financial  condition and prospects of the
issuer's market and industry.  The Company applies judgment in assessing whether
the  aforementioned  factors have caused an investment to decline in value to be
other-than-temporary. When an other-than-temporary decline in value is deemed to
have occurred,  the Company  reduces the cost basis of the investment to the new
estimated  realizable  value. This reduction is permanent and is recognized as a
realized investment loss.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Liquidity  describes the ability of a company to generate  sufficient cash flows
to meet the cash  requirements  of business  operations.  As a holding  company,
AFC's  primary  source of cash is  dividends  from its  insurance  subsidiaries.
However,  dividend payments to AFC by its insurance  subsidiaries are subject to
limitations  imposed  by state  regulators,  such as the  requirement  that cash
dividends  be  paid  out of  unreserved  and  unrestricted  earned  surplus  and
restrictions on the payment of "extraordinary" dividends, as defined. During the
first  quarter of 2002,  AFC did not  receive  any  dividend  payments  from its
insurance subsidiaries.

Sources of cash for the Company's  insurance  subsidiaries are from premiums and
fees  collected,  investment  income  and  maturing  investments.  Primary  cash
outflows are paid benefits,  claims, losses and loss adjustment expenses, policy
acquisition expenses, other underwriting expenses and investment purchases. Cash
outflows related to benefits, claims, losses and loss adjustment expenses can be
variable because of uncertainties  surrounding  settlement dates for liabilities
for  unpaid  losses  and  because  of the  potential  for  large  losses  either
individually  or  in  the  aggregate.   The  Company  periodically  adjusts  its
investment  policy to  respond  to  changes in  short-term  and  long-term  cash

Net cash provided by operating  activities  was $68.8 million and $102.4 million
during the first quarters of 2002 and 2001, respectively. Net cash was higher in
2001  compared to 2002  primarily as a result of a promotional  annuity  program
with enhanced  crediting  rates in 2001 as well as an increase in federal income
tax payments. These were partially offset by lower loss and LAE payments in 2002
in the property and casualty business.


Net cash  provided  by  investing  activities  was $213.6  million for the first
quarter of 2002,  compared to net cash used in  investing  activities  of $106.3
million  for the same  period  of 2001.  The  $319.9  million  increase  in cash
provided is primarily the result of net sales of fixed maturities in 2002 due to
funding  agreement  withdrawals.  In 2001,  net  purchases  of fixed  maturities
resulted from the investment of net deposits from funding agreements.

Net cash used in  financing  activities  was  $326.3  million  during  the first
quarter of 2002,  while net cash  provided by  financing  activities  was $546.2
million during the same period of 2001. The decrease in 2002 is primarily due to
net funding  agreement  withdrawals,  including trust  instruments  supported by
funding  obligations,  of $375.3  million as compared to net  deposits of $535.8
million in 2001.

In the opinion of management, AFC has sufficient funds at the holding company or
available through dividends from FAFLIC and Hanover, or through available credit
facilities  to meet its  obligations  to pay interest on the Senior  Debentures,
Capital  Securities  and  dividends,  when  and  if  declared  by the  Board  of
Directors,  on the common  stock.  Whether the Company will pay dividends in the
future  depends  upon the costs of  administration  as compared to the  benefits
conferred, and upon the earnings and financial condition of AFC.

Based on current trends, the Company expects to continue to generate  sufficient
positive  operating cash to meet all short-term and long-term cash requirements.
The Company maintains a high degree of liquidity within the investment portfolio
in fixed maturity investments,  common stock and short-term investments. AFC has
$215.0 million  available under a committed  syndicated  credit  agreement which
expires on May 24, 2002. Borrowings under this agreement are unsecured and incur
interest at a rate per annum equal to, at the  Company's  option,  a  designated
base rate or the eurodollar rate plus applicable  margin.  At March 31, 2002, no
amounts were outstanding under this agreement. The Company had $132.3 million of
commercial paper borrowings  outstanding at March 31, 2002. These borrowings are
used in  connection  with the Company's  premium  financing  business,  which is
included in the Allmerica Asset  Management  segment and for short-term  funding
requirements in the Allmerica Financial Services segment. The Company intends to
fund its premium financing business through sales of receivables in 2002.


The Company's  insurance  subsidiaries  are  routinely  engaged in various legal
proceedings  arising  in the normal  course of  business,  including  claims for
extracontractual or punitive damages. Additional information on other litigation
and claims may be found in Note 10 "Commitments and  Contingencies - Litigation"
to the consolidated financial statements. In the opinion of management,  none of
such  contingencies  are  expected  to have a material  effect on the  Company's
consolidated  financial  position,  although it is possible  that the results of
operations in a particular quarter or annual period could be materially affected
by an unfavorable outcome.

Recent Development

During April 2002, Fitch rating service revised  downward its financial strength
rating of the life  insurance  companies from "AA" (Very Strong) to "AA-"  (Very
Strong).  In addition,  Fitch  downgraded its senior debt rating for the Company
from  "A+"  (Strong)  to "A-"  (Strong),  its  rating of the  Company's  Capital
Securities  from "A" (Strong) to "BBB+" (Good) and its  short-term  debt ratings
from "F1" (Strong) to "F2" (Satisfactory).

Forward-Looking Statements

The Company  wishes to caution  readers that the  following  important  factors,
among others,  in some cases have  affected and in the future could affect,  the
Company's  actual results and could cause the Company's  actual results for 2002
and beyond to differ  materially  from those  expressed  in any  forward-looking
statements  made by, or on behalf of,  the  Company.  When used in  Management's
Discussion  and Analysis,  the words  "believes",  "anticipated",  "expects" and
similar  expressions are intended to identify  forward looking  statements.  See
"Important Factors Regarding  Forward-Looking  Statements" filed as Exhibit 99-2
to the Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the period ended  December 31,


Factors  that  may  cause  actual  results  to  differ   materially  from  those
contemplated  or  projected,  forecast,  estimated  or budgeted in such  forward
looking  statements  include among  others,  the  following  possibilities:  (i)
adverse catastrophe experience and severe weather; (ii) adverse loss development
for events the  Company  has  insured in either the current or in prior years or
adverse  trends  in  mortality  and  morbidity;  (iii)  heightened  competition,
including  the   intensification  of  price   competition,   the  entry  of  new
competitors,   and  the  introduction  of  new  products  by  new  and  existing
competitors,  or as the result of  consolidation  within the financial  services
industry and the entry of additional  financial  institutions into the insurance
industry;  (iv) adverse state and federal  legislation or regulation,  including
decreases in rates,  limitations on premium levels, increases in minimum capital
and reserve requirements, benefit mandates, limitations on the ability to manage
care and  utilization,  requirements  to write  certain  classes of business and
recent and future  changes  affecting the tax treatment of insurance and annuity
products,  as well as continued  compliance with state and federal  regulations;
(v) changes in interest rates causing a reduction of investment income or in the
market value of interest rate sensitive investments;  (vi) failure to obtain new
customers,  retain  existing  customers  or  reductions  in policies in force by
existing  customers;  (vii) difficulties in recruiting new or retaining existing
career agents, wholesalers,  broker-dealers and partnership relations to support
the sale of variable products; (viii) higher service, administrative, or general
expense due to the need for additional advertising, marketing, administrative or
management  information  systems  expenditures;  (ix) loss or  retirement of key
executives;  (x) increases in costs, particularly those occurring after the time
our products are priced and including construction,  automobile, and medical and
rehabilitation  costs; (xi) changes in the Company's liquidity due to changes in
asset and liability  matching;  (xii)  restrictions  on insurance  underwriting;
(xiii) adverse changes in the ratings obtained from independent rating agencies,
such as  Fitch,  Moody's,  Standard  and  Poor's  and  A.M.  Best,  (xiv)  lower
appreciation on or decline in value of the Company's managed  investments or the
investment  markets in general,  resulting in reduced  variable  product  sales,
assets and related variable  product,  management and brokerage fees, lapses and
increased  surrenders,  as well as increased  cost of  guaranteed  minimum death
benefits/decreased account balances supporting our guaranteed benefits products;
(xv) possible claims relating to sales practices for insurance  products;  (xvi)
failure of a reinsurer of the Company's  policies to pay its  liabilities  under
reinsurance  contracts  or  adverse  effects  on the  cost and  availability  of
reinsurance  resulting  from the September 11 terrorist  attack;  (xvii) earlier
than expected  withdrawals from the Company's  general account  annuities,  GICs
(including funding agreements), and other insurance products; (xviii) changes in
the  mix of  assets  comprising  the  Company's  investment  portfolio  and  the
fluctuation of the market value of such assets;  (xix) losses resulting from the
Company's participation in certain reinsurance pools; (xx) losses due to foreign
currency  fluctuations;  (xxi) defaults in debt  securities held by the Company,
and (xxii) higher employee benefit costs due to changes in market values of plan
assets, interest rates and employee compensation levels.


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                                     ITEM 3

                                ABOUT MARKET RISK

Our market risks,  and the ways we manage them, are  summarized in  management's
discussion  and analysis of financial  condition and results of operations as of
December  31,  2001,  included  in the  Company's  Form 10-K for the year  ended
December 31, 2001. There have been no material changes in the first three months
of 2002 to such risks or our management of such risks.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION
                    ITEM 6 - EXHIBITS AND REPORTS ON FORM 8K

(a)     Exhibits


(b)     Reports on Form 8K

               On February 15, 2002,  Allmerica Financial  Corporation  adjusted
its previously  disclosed  Shareholders' Equity balance and book value per share
as of December 31, 2001 due to final valuation work associated with Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 87 "Employers' Accounting for Pensions."



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                         Allmerica Financial Corporation

Dated    May 14, 2002
                                       /s/ John F. O'Brien
                                       John F. O'Brien
                                       President and Chief Executive Officer

Dated    May 14, 2002
                                       /s/ Edward J. Parry III
                                       Edward J. Parry III
                                       Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
                                       and Principal Accounting Officer
