UNITED STATES
                          Washington, DC 20549
                                 (Mark One)
                    SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
    For the quarterly period ended:           March 31, 1999  

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
     For the transition period from: ____________ to ____________
     Commission file number:                  1-13754           

        (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Delaware                                04-3263626  
     (State or other jurisdiction of              (I.R.S. Employer
     incorporation or organization)             Identification Number)

           440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, Massachusetts  01653 
                 (Address of principal executive office)
                             (Zip Code)

                           (508) 855-1000                     
          (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

(Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that 
the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject
to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes [  X  ]   No [    ]


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents and 
reports required to be filed by Section 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a 
plan confirmed by a court.  Yes [      ]     No [     ]


Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's 
classes of common stock as of the latest practicable date: 54,419,422 
shares of common stock outstanding, as of May 1, 1999.

              Total Number of Pages Included in This Document

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS


Item 1.  Financial Statements
         Consolidated Statements of Income                            3
         Consolidated Balance Sheets                                  4
         Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity              5
         Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income              6
         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                        7
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements      8 - 13

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
          Condition and Results of Operations                   14 - 28


Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                             29

SIGNATURES                                                           30

                       PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                        ITEM I - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                        Three Months Ended 
                                             March 31,
(In millions, except per
share data)                               1999        1998

 Premiums                               $ 539.3     $ 577.5 
 Universal life and investment 
  product policy fees                      82.9        69.5 
 Net investment income                    159.1       155.1 
 Net realized investment gains            131.4        29.2
 Other income                              40.9        32.6 
                                        -------     ------- 
   Total revenues                         953.6       863.9 
                                        -------     ------- 
 Policy benefits, claims, losses 
  and loss adjustment expenses            502.0       506.8 
 Policy acquisition expenses               93.4       117.2 
 Other operating expenses                 150.7       140.6 
                                        -------     ------- 
   Total benefits, losses and expenses    746.1       764.6 
                                        -------     ------- 

Income before federal income taxes        207.5        99.3 
                                        -------     ------- 

Federal income tax expense(benefit)
 Current                                   55.7        29.8  
 Deferred                                  (6.3)       (5.6) 
                                        -------     --------
   Total federal income tax expense        49.4        24.2  
                                        -------     --------
Income before minority interest           158.1        75.1  
Minority interest:
 Distributions on mandatorily
  redeemable preferred 
  securities of a subsidiary 
  trust holding solely junior 
  subordinated debentures
  of the Company                           (4.0)       (4.0) 
 Equity in earnings                         0.0        (4.3) 
                                         -------     ------- 
                                           (4.0)       (8.3) 
                                         -------     ------- 
Net income                               $154.1      $ 66.8  
                                         =======     ======= 

   Net income                            $  2.69     $  1.11 
                                         =======     ======= 
   Weighted average shares 
    outstanding                             57.3        59.9 
                                         =======     ======= 
   Net income                            $  2.67     $  1.11 
                                         =======     ======= 
   Weighted average shares 
    outstanding                             57.7        60.3 
                                         =======     ======= 

  Dividends declared to shareholders     $  0.00     $  0.05 
                                         =======     ======= 

            The accompanying notes are an integral part of 
              these consolidated financial statements.
Page 3


                                             March 31,      December 31,
(In millions, except per share data)           1999              1998
 Fixed maturities-at fair value (amortized
  cost of $8,086.2 and $7,618.2)              $ 8,203.8        $ 7,780.8 
 Equity securities-at fair value (cost of
  $85.6 and $253.1)                                98.5            397.1 
 Mortgage loans                                   538.5            562.3 
 Policy loans                                     157.1            154.3 
 Real estate and other long-term investments      165.2            163.1 
                                              ---------        --------- 
  Total investments                             9,163.1          9,057.6 
                                              ---------        --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        495.1            550.3 
 Accrued investment income                        139.1            142.3 
 Deferred policy acquisition costs              1,224.3          1,161.2
 Reinsurance receivable on paid and unpaid 
  losses, benefits and unearned premiums        1,203.7          1,136.0
 Deferred federal income taxes                     81.0             19.8
 Premiums, accounts and notes receivable, net     536.6            510.5 
 Other assets                                     483.6            529.4 
 Closed Block assets                              805.3            803.1 
 Separate account assets                       14,329.4         13,697.7 
                                              ---------        --------- 
  Total assets                                $28,461.2        $27,607.9 
                                              =========        ========= 

 Policy liabilities and accruals:
  Future policy benefits                      $ 2,816.9        $ 2,802.2 
  Outstanding claims, losses and loss 
   adjustment expenses                          2,834.7          2,816.3
  Unearned premiums                               861.1            843.2 
  Contractholder deposit funds and other
   policy liabilities                           2,907.9          2,637.0 
                                              ---------        --------- 
 Total policy liabilities and accruals          9,420.6          9,098.7 
                                              ---------        --------- 
 Expenses and taxes payable                       803.5            716.1 
 Reinsurance premiums payable                      68.7             50.2 
 Short-term debt                                   84.7            221.3 
 Long-term debt                                   199.5            199.5 
 Closed Block liabilities                         874.1            872.0 
 Separate account liabilities                  14,322.6         13,691.5 
                                              ---------        --------- 
  Total liabilities                            25,773.7         24,849.3 
                                              ---------        --------- 

Minority interest:
 Mandatorily redeemable preferred securities 
  of a subsidiary trust holding solely junior 
  subordinated debentures of the Company          300.0            300.0 
                                              ---------        --------- 

Commitments and contingencies  (Note 10)

 Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 20.0 
  million shares authorized, none issued            0.0              0.0 
 Common stock, $0.01 par value, 300.0 
  million shares authorized, 60.4 million 
  shares issued                                     0.6              0.6 
 Additional paid-in capital                     1,770.2          1,768.8 
 Accumulated other comprehensive income            75.3            180.5 
 Retained earnings                                754.0            599.9
 Treasury stock at cost (4.0 million and 1.8
  million shares)                                (212.6)           (91.2)
                                              ---------        --------- 
  Total shareholders' equity                    2,387.5          2,458.6
                                              ---------        --------- 
   Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $28,461.2        $27,607.9 
                                              =========        ========= 

                The accompanying notes are an integral part of 
                   these consolidated financial statements.
Page 4


                                                Three Months Ended 
                                                    March 31,
(In millions)                                   1999         1998

 Balance at beginning and end of period       $    0.0     $    0.0 
                                              --------     -------- 
 Balance at beginning and end of period            0.6          0.6
                                              --------     -------- 

 Balance at beginning of period                1,768.8      1,755.0 
  Issuance of common stock                         1.4          8.4 
                                              --------     -------- 
 Balance at end of period                      1,770.2      1,763.4 
                                              --------     -------- 
 Balance at beginning of period                  180.5        217.9 
  Net(depreciation) appreciation on 
   available-for-sale securities                (161.6)        25.1
  Benefit (provision) for deferred federal 
   income taxes                                   56.4         (9.0)
  Minority interest                                0.0         (0.7)
                                              --------     -------- 
   Other comprehensive income                   (105.2)        15.4
                                              --------     -------- 
 Balance at end of period                         75.3        233.3
                                              --------     -------- 

 Balance at beginning of period                  599.9        407.8 
   Net income                                    154.1         66.8 
   Dividends to shareholders                       0.0         (3.1)
                                               -------     -------- 
 Balance at end of period                        754.0        471.5 
                                              --------     -------- 

 Balance at beginning of period                  (91.2)         0.0
   Shares purchased at cost                     (121.4)         0.0 
                                              --------     --------
 Balance at end of period                       (212.6)         0.0 
                                              --------     -------- 
Total shareholders' equity                    $2,387.5     $2,468.8 
                                              ========     ======== 

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of 
                  these consolidated financial statements.

Page 5


                                                Three Months Ended
                                                    March 31,
(In millions)                                   1999          1998

Net income                                     $154.1        $ 66.8 

Other comprehensive income
 Net(depreciation) appreciation on
  available-for-sale securities                (161.6)         25.1 
 Benefit (provision) for deferred federal 
  income taxes                                   56.4          (9.0)
 Minority interest                                0.0          (0.7)
                                               -------      --------
   Other comprehensive income                  (105.2)         15.4 
                                               -------      --------
Comprehensive income                           $ 48.9       $  82.2
                                               =======      ========

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of 
                    these consolidated financial statements.

Page 6


                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31, 
(In millions)                                       1999         1998
Net income                                         $154.1       $ 66.8 
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to 
 net cash provided by (used in)
 operating activities:
  Minority interest                                   0.0          4.3 
  Net realized gains                               (132.2)       (29.2)
  Net amortization and depreciation                   8.8          7.7 
  Deferred federal income taxes                      (6.3)        (5.6)
  Change in deferred acquisition costs              (52.8)       (33.9)
  Change in premiums and notes receivable,
   net of reinsurance payable                        (7.5)         2.3
  Change in accrued investment income                 2.6          5.5 
  Change in policy liabilities and 
   accruals, net                                     46.7          3.1 
  Change in reinsurance receivable                  (67.6)       (54.6)
  Change in expenses and taxes payable               48.6        (53.0)
  Separate account activity, net                     47.4          1.1 
  Other, net                                         (3.8)         9.7
                                                  -------      --------
     Net cash provided by (used in)
        operating activities                         38.0        (75.8)
                                                  -------      --------

 Proceeds from disposals and maturities of 
  available-for-sale fixed maturities               630.5        568.8 
 Proceeds from disposals of equity securities       352.6         45.5 
 Proceeds from disposals of other 
  investments                                        14.9         37.0 
 Proceeds from mortgages matured or collected        29.7         62.8 
 Purchase of available-for-sale fixed maturities (1,078.1)      (829.1)
 Purchase of equity securities                      (48.1)       (32.7)
 Purchase of other investments                      (16.3)       (50.7)
 Capital expenditures                                (8.7)        (1.7)
                                                   -------      ------- 
   Net cash used in investing activities           (123.5)      (200.1)
                                                   -------      ------- 

 Deposits and interest credited to 
  contractholder deposit funds                      697.3        443.5 
 Withdrawals from contractholder deposit funds     (418.1)      (207.9) 
 Change in short-term debt                         (136.5)         7.1  
 Proceeds from issuance of common stock               0.5          8.4 
 Purchase of treasury shares                       (121.4)         0.0
 Dividends paid to shareholders                       0.0         (3.3)
                                                  --------     --------
   Net cash provided by financing activities         21.8        247.8 
                                                  --------     -------- 

Net change in cash and cash equivalents             (63.7)       (28.1)
Net change in cash held in the Closed Block           8.5         25.1 
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period      550.3        215.1 
                                                  --------     -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period           $495.1       $212.1 
                                                  --------     -------- 

             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these 
                     consolidated financial statements.
Page 7


1. Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation

The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements of Allmerica 
Financial Corporation ("AFC" or the "Company") have been prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for interim 
financial information and with the requirements of Form 10-Q.

The interim consolidated financial statements of AFC include the accounts
of First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company ("FAFLIC"), its 
wholly-owned life insurance subsidiary, Allmerica Financial Life Insurance
and Annuity Company ("AFLIAC"), non-insurance subsidiaries (principally
brokerage and investment advisory subsidiaries), Allmerica Property & 
Casualty Companies, Inc. ("Allmerica P&C", a wholly-owned non-insurance 
holding company), The Hanover Insurance Company ("Hanover", a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Allmerica P&C), Citizens Corporation (a wholly-owned non-
insurance holding company of Hanover), and Citizens Insurance Company of
America ("Citizens", a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citizens Corporation).
The Closed Block assets and liabilities and its results of operations are
presented in the consolidated financial statements as single line items.
Unless specifically stated, all disclosures contained herein supporting 
the consolidated financial statements exclude the Closed Block related
amounts.  All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been

In December 1998, the Company acquired all of the outstanding common 
stock of Citizens Corporation that it did not already own. Prior to
this acquisition, the financial statements reflect minority interest in 
Citizens Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Citizens, of 17.5%
(see Note 3).

The accompanying interim consolidated financial statements reflect, in the
opinion of the Company's management, all adjustments, consisting of only 
normal and recurring adjustments, necessary for a fair presentation of 
the financial position and results of operations.  The results of 
operations for the three months ended March 31, 1999, are not necessarily
indicative of the results to be expected for the full year.  These 
financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company's 1998
Annual Report to Shareholders, as filed on Form 10-K with the Securities 
and Exchange Commission.

2. New Accounting Pronouncements

In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for 
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" ("Statement No. 133"), 
which establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative 
instruments.  Statement No. 133 requires that an entity recognize all
derivatives as either assets or liabilities at fair value in the statement
of financial position, and establishes special accounting for the 
following three types of hedges: fair value hedges, cash flow hedges, and
hedges of foreign currency exposures. This statement is effective for 
fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999.  The Company is currently
assessing the impact of the adoption of Statement No. 133.

In December 1997, the AICPA issued Statement of Position 97-3, "Accounting
by Insurance and Other Enterprises for Insurance-Related Assessments" 
("SoP No. 97-3"). SoP No. 97-3 provides guidance on when a 
liability should be recognized for guaranty fund and other assessments 
and how to measure the liability.  This statement allows for the 
discounting of the liability if the amount and timing of the cash 
payments are fixed and determinable.  In addition, it provides criteria 
for when an asset may be recognized for a portion or all of the assessment
liability or paid assessment that can be recovered through premium tax 
offsets or policy surcharges.  This statement is effective for fiscal 
years beginning after December 15, 1998.  The adoption of SoP No. 
97-3 had no effect on the results of operations or financial position of 
the Company.

3. Acquisition of Minority Interest of Citizens Corporation

On December 3, 1998, Citizens Acquisition Corporation, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company, completed a cash tender offer to acquire the 
outstanding shares of Citizens Corporation common stock that AFC or its 
subsidiaries did not already own at a price of $33.25 per share.  
Approximately 99.8% of publicly held shares of Citizens Corporation 
common stock were tendered.  On December 14, 1998, the Company completed 
a short-form merger, acquiring all shares of common stock of Citizens
Corporation not purchased in its tender offer, through the merger of 
its wholly-owned subsidiary, Citizens Acquisition Corporation with 
Citizens Corporation at a price of $33.25 per share.  Total consideration 
for the transactions amounted to $195.9 million.  The acquisition has 
been recognized as a purchase.  The minority interest acquired totaled 
$158.5 million.  A total of $40.8 million representing the excess of the 
purchase price over the fair values of the net assets acquired, net of 
deferred taxes, has been allocated to goodwill and is being amortized over
a 40-year period.  

Page 8

The Company's consolidated results of operations include minority interest
in Citizens Corporation prior to December 3, 1998.  The unaudited 
proforma information below presents consolidated results of operations as 
if the acquisition had occurred at the beginning of 1998.

The following unaudited pro forma information is not necessarily 
indicative of the consolidated results of operations of the combined 
Company had the acquisition occurred at the beginning of 1998, nor is it
necessarily indicative of future results.

                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31, 
(In millions)                                             1998 
Revenue                                                 $860.2
Net realized capital gains included in revenue          $ 28.6 
Income before taxes and minority interest               $ 95.3 
Income taxes                                             (22.9)
Minority interest:
  Distributions on mandatorily redeemable 
  preferred securities of a subsidiary trust 
  holding solely junior subordinated 
  debentures of the Company                               (4.0)
Net income                                              $ 68.4 
Net income per common share (basic and diluted)         $ 1.14 
Weighted average shares outstanding(basic and diluted)    60.3 

4. Significant Transactions

Effective January 1, 1999, the Company entered into a Whole Account 
Aggregate Excess of Loss reinsurance agreement with a highly rated 
reinsurer.  The reinsurance agreement provides accident year coverage 
for the three years 1999 to 2001 for the Company's property and casualty
business, and is subject to cancellation or commutation annually at the
Company's option. The program covers losses and allocated loss adjustment
expenses ("LAE"), including those incurred but not yet reported, in 
excess of a specified whole account loss and allocated LAE ratio.  The 
annual and aggregate coverage limits for losses and allocated LAE are 
$150.0 million and $300.0 million, respectively. The effect of this 
agreement on results of operations in each reporting period is based on 
losses and allocated LAE ceded, reduced by a sliding scale premium 
of 50-67.5% depending on the size of the loss, and increased by a 
ceding commission of 20% of ceded premium.  In addition, net investment
income is reduced for amounts credited to the reinsurer.  As a result of 
this agreement, the Company recognized a net benefit of $19.9 million, 
based on annual and quarterly estimates of losses and allocated loss
adjustment expenses for accident year 1999.

During March 1999, the Company completed the repurchase of $200.0 million 
of its common stock under its October, 1998 repurchase program authorized 
by the Board of Directors of AFC. On March 23, 1999, the Board of 
Directors of AFC authorized the repurchase of up to an additional $200.0
million of its issued common stock. As of March 31, 1999, under this 
additional program the Company had repurchased an additional $4.0 million 
of its issued common stock.

5. Federal Income Taxes

Federal income tax expense for the three months ended March 31, 1999 and 
1998, has been computed using estimated effective tax rates.  These rates 
are revised, if necessary, at the end of each successive interim period 
to reflect the current estimates of the annual effective tax rates.

Page 9

6. Other Comprehensive Income

The following table provides a reconciliation of gross unrealized (losses)
gains to the net balance shown in the Statement of Comprehensive Income:

                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31, 
(In millions)                                       1999         1998
Unrealized (losses) gains on securities:
  Unrealized holding (losses) gains
  arising during period (net of taxes 
  and minority interest of $(26.2) million and 
  $16.1 million in 1999 and 1998)                  $ (11.3)     $ 30.8
Less: reclassification adjustment 
  for gains included in net income 
  (net of taxes and minority interest 
  of $30.2 million and $6.4 million in
  1999 and 1998)                                      93.9        15.4
                                                   --------     -------
Other comprehensive income                         $(105.2)     $ 15.4
                                                   ========     =======

7. Closed Block

Included in other income in the Consolidated Statements of Income in the 
first three months of 1999 and 1998 is a net pre-tax contribution from 
the Closed Block of $4.6 million and $2.4 million, respectively.  
Summarized financial information of the Closed Block is as follows:

                                             March 31,      December 31,
(In millions)                                  1999              1998
  Fixed maturities-at fair value 
  (amortized cost of $410.0 and $399.1)       $416.3           $414.2
  Mortgage loans                               134.4            136.0
  Policy loans                                 208.3            210.9
  Cash and cash equivalents                      0.9              9.4
  Accrued investment income                     14.6             14.1
  Deferred policy acquisition costs             14.6             15.6
  Other assets                                  16.2              2.9
                                              ------           ------
    Total assets                              $805.3           $803.1
                                              ======           ======
  Policy liabilities and accruals             $854.3           $862.9
  Other liabilities                             19.8              9.1
                                              ------           ------
    Total liabilities                         $874.1           $872.0
                                              ======           ======

                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31, 
(In millions)                                       1999         1998
  Premiums                                         $27.2        $28.2
  Net investment income                             13.1         13.2
  Net realized investment gains                      0.8          0.0
                                                   -----        -----
    Total revenues                                  41.1         41.4
                                                   -----        -----
  Policy benefits                                   35.5         37.7
  Policy acquisition expenses                        0.5          0.7
  Other operating expenses                           0.5          0.6
                                                   -----        -----
    Total benefits and expenses                     36.5         39.0
                                                   -----        -----
       Contribution from the Closed Block          $ 4.6        $ 2.4
                                                   =====        =====

Page 10

Many expenses related to Closed Block operations are charged to operations
outside the Closed Block; accordingly, the contribution from the Closed 
Block does not represent the actual profitability of the Closed Block 
operations. Operating costs and expenses outside of the Closed Block are,
therefore, disproportionate to the business outside the Closed Block.

8. Segment Information

The Company offers financial products and services in two major areas: 
Risk Management and Asset Accumulation.  Within these broad areas, the 
Company conducts business principally in three operating segments.  The
separate financial information of each segment is presented consistent 
with the way results are regularly evaluated by the chief operating 
decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing
performance.  A summary of the Company's reportable segments is included

In 1999, the Company reorganized its Property and Casualty and Corporate 
Risk Management Services operations within the Risk Management segment.  
Under the new structure, the Risk Management segment manages its business
through five distribution channels identified as Hanover North, Hanover 
South, Citizens Midwest, Allmerica Voluntary Benefits, and Allmerica

The Risk Management segment's property and casualty business is 
offered primarily through the Hanover North, Hanover South and Citizens
Midwest distribution channels utilizing the Company's independent agent
network primarily in the Northeast, Midwest and Southeast United States,
maintaining a strong regional focus.  Allmerica Voluntary Benefits focuses
on worksite distribution, which offers discounted property and casualty
products through employer sponsored programs.  This distribution channel 
also offers products to members of affinity groups and other organizations
including the affinity group life and health business.  During the first 
two quarters of 1999, Allmerica Voluntary Benefits will include only the
Company's worksite group property and casualty business and affinity group
life and health business.  Beginning in the third quarter of 1999, 
Allmerica Voluntary Benefits will also include affinity group property and
casualty business which is currently included in Citizens Midwest, 
Hanover North and Hanover South.  Allmerica Specialty offers group life 
and health products, as well as special niche property and casualty 
products in selected markets.  In addition, the Allmerica Specialty
distribution channel provides self-insurance administrative services 
for individual and group risks and writes excess reinsurance coverage for 
the self-insurance program.  Previously, group life and health 
business, affinity group life and health business and self-insurance
administrative services were included in the Corporate Risk Management
Services segment while all other Risk Management business was reflected 
in the Property and Casualty segment.

The Asset Accumulation group includes two segments: Allmerica Financial
Services and Allmerica Asset Management.  The Allmerica Financial 
Services segment includes variable annuities, variable universal life 
and traditional life insurance products distributed via retail channels 
as well as group retirement products, such as defined benefit and 401(k) 
plans and tax-sheltered annuities distributed to institutions.  Through 
its Allmerica Asset Management segment, the Company offers its customers 
the option of investing in Guaranteed Investment Contracts ("GICs") such 
as traditional GICs, synthetic GICs and other funding agreements.  
Funding agreements are investment contracts issued to institutional 
buyers, such as money market funds, corporate cash management programs 
and securities lending collateral programs, which typically have short
maturities and periodic interest rate resets based on an index such as 
LIBOR.  This segment is also a Registered Investment Advisor providing
investment advisory services, primarily to affiliates, and to other
institutions, such as insurance companies and pension plans. 

In addition to the three operating segments, the Company has a 
Corporate segment, which consists primarily of cash, investments, 
corporate debt, Capital Securities and corporate overhead expenses.  
Corporate overhead expenses reflect costs not attributable to a 
particular segment, such as those generated by certain officers and 
directors, Corporate Technology, Corporate Finance, Human Resources and 
the Legal department. 

Management evaluates the results of the aforementioned segments based 
on a pre-tax and minority interest basis.  Segment income is determined 
by adjusting net income for net realized investment gains and losses, 
net gains and losses on disposals of businesses, extraordinary items, 
the cumulative effect of accounting changes and certain other items 
which management believes are not indicative of overall operating 
trends.  While these items may be significant components in understanding
and assessing the Company's financial performance, management believes 
that the presentation of segment income enhances its understanding of 
the Company's results of operations by highlighting net income 
attributable to the normal, recurring operations of the business.  
However, segment income should not be construed as a substitute for 
net income determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting

Page 11

Summarized below is financial information with respect to business 
segments for the periods indicated.

                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31, 
(In millions)                                       1999         1998
Segment revenues:
  Risk Management                                  $619.1       $658.6
                                                   -------      -------
  Asset Accumulation
   Allmerica Financial Services                     204.7        191.2
   Allmerica Asset Management                        34.3         23.9
                                                   -------      -------
     Subtotal                                       239.0        215.1
                                                   -------      -------
  Corporate                                           1.2          2.0
  Intersegment revenues                              (1.4)        (2.1)
                                                   -------      -------
   Total segment revenues including Closed Block    857.9        873.6
Adjustments to segment revenues:
  Adjustment for Closed Block                       (35.7)       (38.9)
  Net realized gains                                131.4         29.2
                                                   -------      -------
   Total revenues                                  $953.6       $863.9
                                                   =======      =======
Segment income (loss) before income taxes 
and minority interest:
  Risk Management                                  $ 35.2       $ 42.3
                                                   -------      -------
  Asset Accumulation
   Allmerica Financial Services                      48.9         42.2
   Allmerica Asset Management                         5.7          3.9
                                                   -------      -------
     Subtotal                                        54.6         46.1
                                                   -------      -------
  Corporate                                         (16.0)       (12.3)
                                                   -------      -------
   Segment income before income taxes and
    minority interest                                 73.8         76.1
Adjustments to segment income:
  Net realized investment gains,
   net of amortization                               133.7         23.9
  Other items                                          0.0         (0.7)
                                                    -------      -------
Income before taxes and minority interest           $207.5       $ 99.3
                                                    =======      =======

                       Identifiable Assets   Deferred Acquisition Costs 
                       (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)
                       March 31,  December 31, March 31,  December 31,
(In millions)           1999        1998         1999         1998

Risk Management        $ 6,215.2     $ 6,219.0   $  166.9    $  167.5
                       ---------     ---------   --------    --------
Asset Accumulation
  Allmerica Financial 
   Services             19,978.9      19,416.6    1,056.9       993.1
  Allmerica Asset 
   Management            2,237.6       1,810.9        0.5         0.6
                       ---------     ---------   ---------    --------
   Subtotal             22,216.5      21,227.5    1,057.4       993.7
Corporate                   29.5         161.4        0.0         0.0
                       ---------     ---------   ---------    --------
  Total                $28,461.2     $27,607.9   $1,224.3    $1,161.2
                       =========     =========   ========    ========

9. Earnings Per Share

The weighted average number of shares of common stock and equivalents
which were utilized in the calculation of basic earnings per share were
57.3 million and 59.9 million for the three months ended March 31, 1999
and 1998, respectively. This differs from the weighted average shares 
outstanding used in the calculation of diluted earnings per share due to
the 0.3 million share effect of dilutive employee stock options and the
0.1 million share effect of non-vested stock grants for the periods ended
March 31, 1999 and 1998.  This difference in weighted average shares
outstanding causes a $0.02 per share difference between basic and diluted
earnings per share for the period ended March 31, 1999 and was of
insufficient magnitude to cause any difference between basic and diluted
earnings per share for the period ended March 31, 1998.

Page 12

10. Commitments and Contingencies


In July 1997, a lawsuit on behalf of a putative class was instituted in
Louisiana against AFC and certain of its subsidiaries by individual 
plaintiffs alleging fraud, unfair or deceptive acts, breach of contract,
misrepresentation, and related claims in the sale of life 
insurance policies.  In October 1997, the plaintiffs voluntarily 
dismissed the Louisiana suit and filed a substantially similar action 
in Federal District Court in Worcester, Massachusetts.  In early November
1998, the Company and the plaintiffs entered into a settlement agreement.
The court granted preliminary approval of the settlement on December 4, 
1998, and following a hearing on March 19, 1999, the judge took the 
matter under advisement pending his final determination.  Accordingly, 
AFC recognized a $31.0 million pre-tax expense during the third quarter 
of 1998 related to this litigation. Although the Company believes that 
this expense reflects appropriate recognition of its obligation under 
the settlement, this estimate assumes the availability of insurance 
coverage for certain claims, and the estimate may be revised based on 
the amount of reimbursement actually tendered by AFC's insurance carriers
and based on changes in the Company's estimate of the ultimate cost of 
the benefits to be provided to members of the class.

Year 2000

The Year 2000 issue is the result of computer programs being written
using two digits rather than four to define the applicable year.  Any of
the Company's computer programs that have date-sensitive software may
recognize a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather than the year 2000.
This could result in a system failure or miscalculations causing 
disruptions of operations, including, among other things, a temporary
inability to process transactions, send invoices or engage in similar 
normal business activities.

Although the Company does not believe that there is a material 
contingency associated with the Year 2000 project, there can be no 
assurance that exposure for material contingencies will not arise.

Page 13

                                      PART I
                                      ITEM 2


The following analysis of the interim consolidated results of operations and
financial condition of the Company should be read in conjunction with the
interim Consolidated Financial Statements and related footnotes included 
elsewhere herein.


The results of operations for Allmerica Financial Corporation and
Subsidiaries ("AFC" or "the Company") include the accounts of AFC, First
Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company ("FAFLIC") its wholly-owned 
life insurance subsidiary, Allmerica Financial Life Insurance and Annuity 
Company ("AFLIAC"), Allmerica Property & Casualty Companies, Inc. 
("Allmerica P&C," a wholly-owned non-insurance holding company), The 
Hanover Insurance Company ("Hanover," a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allmerica 
P&C), Citizens Corporation (a wholly-owned non-insurance holding company of 
Hanover), Citizens Insurance Company of America ("Citizens," a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of Citizens Corporation) and certain other insurance and 
non-insurance subsidiaries.

In December 1998, the Company acquired all of the outstanding common stock 
of Citizens Corporation that it did not already own. Prior to this 
acquisition, the results of operations reflect minority interest in Citizens 
Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary, Citizens of 17.5%.

Description of Operating Segments

The Company offers financial products and services in two major areas: Risk 
Management and Asset Accumulation.  Within these broad areas, the Company 
conducts business principally in three operating segments.  These segments 
are Risk Management, Allmerica Financial Services, and Allmerica Asset 
Management.  The separate financial information of each segment is presented 
consistent with the way results are regularly evaluated by the chief 
operating decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in 
assessing performance. A summary of the Company's reportable segments is 
included below.

In 1999, the Company reorganized its Property and Casualty and Corporate 
Risk Management Services operations within the Risk Management segment.  
Under the new structure, the Risk Management segment manages its business 
through five distribution channels identified as Hanover North, Hanover 
South, Citizens Midwest, Allmerica Voluntary Benefits, and Allmerica 

The Risk Management segment's property and casualty business is offered 
primarily through the Hanover North, Hanover South and Citizens Midwest 
distribution channels utilizing the Company's independent agent network 
primarily in the Northeast, Midwest and Southeast United States, maintaining 
a strong regional focus.  Allmerica Voluntary Benefits focuses on worksite 
distribution, which offers discounted property and casualty products through 
employer sponsored programs.  This distribution channel also offers products 
to members of affinity groups and other organizations including the affinity 
group life and health business.  During the first two quarters of 1999, 
Allmerica Voluntary Benefits will include only the Company's worksite group 
property and casualty business and affinity group life and health business.  
Beginning in the third quarter of 1999, Allmerica Voluntary Benefits will 
also include affinity group property and casualty business which is 
currently included in Citizens Midwest, Hanover North and Hanover South.  
Allmerica Specialty offers group life and health products, as well as 
special niche property and casualty products in selected markets.  In 
addition, the Allmerica Specialty distribution channel provides 
self-insurance administrative services for individual and group risks and 
writes excess reinsurance coverage for the self-insurance program. 
Previously, group life and health business, affinity group life and health 
business and self-insurance administrative services were included in the 
Corporate Risk Management Services segment while all other Risk Management 
business was reflected in the Property and Casualty segment.

Page 14

The Asset Accumulation group includes two segments: Allmerica Financial 
Services and Allmerica Asset Management.  The Allmerica Financial Services 
segment includes variable annuities, variable universal life and traditional 
life insurance products distributed via retail channels as well as group 
retirement products, such as defined benefit and 401(k) plans and tax-
sheltered annuities distributed to institutions.  Through its Allmerica 
Asset Management segment, the Company offers its customers the option of 
investing in Guaranteed Investment Contracts ("GICs") such as traditional 
GIC, synthetic GIC and other funding agreements.   Funding agreements are 
investment contracts issued to institutional buyers, such as money market 
funds, corporate cash management programs and securities lending collateral 
programs, which typically have short maturities and periodic interest rate 
resets based on an index such as LIBOR.  This segment is also a Registered 
Investment Advisor providing investment advisory services, primarily to 
affiliates, and to other institutions, such as insurance companies and 
pension plans. 

In addition to the three operating segments, the Company has a Corporate 
segment, which consists primarily of cash, investments, corporate debt, 
Capital Securities and corporate overhead expenses.  Corporate overhead 
expenses reflect costs not attributable to a particular segment, such as 
those generated by certain officers and directors, Corporate Technology, 
Corporate Finance, Human Resources and the Legal department. 

Results of Operations

Consolidated Overview

Quarter Ended March 31, 1999 Compared to Quarter Ended March 31, 1998

The Company's consolidated net income for the first quarter increased $87.3 
million, or 130.7%, to $154.1 million, compared to the same period in 1998.  
Net income includes certain items which management believes are not 
indicative of overall operating trends, such as net realized investment 
gains and losses, net gains and losses on disposals of businesses, 
extraordinary items, the cumulative effect of accounting changes and 
certain other items.  While these items may be significant components in 
understanding and assessing the Company's financial performance, management 
believes that the presentation of adjusted net income enhances its 
understanding of the Company's results of operations by highlighting net 
income attributable to the normal, recurring operations of the business.  
However, adjusted net income should not be construed as a substitute for 
net income determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting 

Page 15

For purposes of assessing each segment's contribution to adjusted net 
income, management evaluates the results of these segments on a pre-tax 
and minority interest basis.  The following table reflects each segment's 
contribution to adjusted net income and reconciliation to consolidated net 
income as adjusted for these items.

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,
(In millions)                                      1999          1998

Segment income (loss) before income taxes 
  and minority interest:
   Risk Management                                $  35.2       $  42.3
                                                   -------       -------
   Asset Accumulation
       Allmerica Financial Services                  48.9          42.2
       Allmerica Asset Management                     5.7           3.9
                                                   -------       -------
       Subtotal                                      54.6          46.1
   Corporate                                        (16.0)        (12.3)
                                                   -------       -------
    Segment income before income taxes 
       and minority interest                         73.8          76.1

  Federal income taxes on segment income            (15.0)        (17.9)
  Minority interest on preferred dividends           (4.0)         (4.0)
  Minority interest on segment income                 0.0          (3.8)
                                                   -------       -------
Adjusted net income                                  54.8          50.4
Adjustments (net of taxes, minority interest 
             and amortization, as applicable):

   Net realized investment gains                     99.3          17.0
   Other items                                        0.0          (0.6)
                                                   -------       -------
Net income                                        $ 154.1       $  66.8
                                                   =======       =======

The Company's segment income before taxes and minority interest decreased 
$2.3 million, or 3.0%, to $73.8 million in the first quarter of 1999.  This 
decrease is attributable to reduced income of $7.1 million from the Risk 
Management segment and an increased loss of $3.7 million in the Corporate 
segment, partially offset by increased income from the Asset Accumulation 
group of $8.5 million.  The decrease in the Risk Management segment was 
primarily attributable to a $33.6 million increase in catastrophe losses, 
partially offset by a benefit of $19.9 million resulting from a Whole 
Account Aggregate Excess of Loss reinsurance treaty ("aggregate excess of 
loss reinsurance treaty") entered into during the first quarter of 1999.  
In addition, policy acquisition and other underwriting expenses decreased 
$7.2 million reflecting a decrease in earned premium and declining 
information systems costs.  The operating loss in the Corporate segment 
increased primarily due to higher technology costs, as well as a slight 
reduction in net investment income.  These items were partially offset by 
an increase in the Allmerica Financial Services segment of $6.7 million, 
principally due to higher asset-based fee income resulting from growth in 
the variable annuity and variable universal life product lines, net of 
related expenses.  Additionally, Allmerica Asset Management segment income 
increased $1.8 million due to growth in income from assets under management 
and increased interest margins on GICs.

The effective tax rate for segment income was 20.3% for the first quarter 
of 1999 compared to 23.5% for the first quarter of 1998.  The decrease in 
the tax rate was principally driven by a change in reserves for prior year 
tax liability and an increase in low income housing tax credits.

Net realized gains on investments after taxes were $99.3 million in the 
first quarter of 1999, resulting primarily from net realized gains on equity 
securities of $101.9 million, partially offset by net realized losses on 
fixed maturities of $9.1 million. This increase in net realized gains 
relates principally to the sale of $310.0 million of appreciated equities 
in the property and casualty investment portfolio.  During the first 
quarter of 1998, net realized gains on investments after taxes and minority 
interest of $17.0 million resulted primarily from net realized gains on 
equity securities and fixed maturities of $10.7 million and $6.5 million, 

Page 16

Segment Results

The following is management's discussion and analysis of the Company's 
results of operations by business segment.  The segment results are 
presented before taxes and minority interest and other items which 
management believes are not indicative of overall operating trends, 
including realized gains and losses.

Risk Management

The following table summarizes the results of operations for the Risk 
Management segment:

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,
(In millions)                                      1999          1998

Net premiums written                              $ 558.2       $ 574.6
                                                   -------       -------
Net premiums earned                               $ 538.6       $ 576.8
                                                   -------       -------

Underwriting loss <F1>                              (31.1)        (28.6)
Net investment and other income                      66.3          70.9
                                                   -------       -------
Segment income before taxes                       $  35.2       $  42.3
                                                   =======       =======

<F1> Includes gross profit on administrative services in addition to 
     underwriting results.


Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 Compared to Three Months Ended 
March 31, 1998

Risk Management's net premiums written decreased $16.4 million, or 2.9%, to 
$558.2 million during the first quarter of 1999, compared to $574.6 million 
in the first quarter of 1998.  The decrease is primarily attributable to an 
aggregate excess of loss reinsurance treaty entered into during the first 
quarter of 1999, resulting in additional ceded premiums written of $25.4 
million.  Excluding the impact of the reinsurance treaty, net premiums 
written increased $9.0 million or 1.6%, attributable to increases of $11.7 
million, and $1.9 million in the property & casualty commercial and personal 
lines, respectively.  The increase in commercial lines is driven by a 2.4% 
increase in policies in force since March 31, 1998 and a 2.5% rate increase 
in Michigan commercial policies.  These increases are partially offset by a 
$4.6 million decrease in group life and health net premiums written.  

Risk Management net premiums earned decreased $38.2 million primarily 
resulting from a $25.4 million decrease in net premiums earned due to the 
aforementioned aggregate excess of loss reinsurance treaty.  In addition, 
net premiums earned decreased $4.6 million for group life and health and 
$4.2 million in the personal auto line.  Group life and health's decrease is 
attributable to the Company's decision to exit its accident and health 
assumed reinsurance pool business.  The decrease in the personal auto line 
is primarily attributable to rate decreases in the state of Michigan of 
2.0% and 3.6% in the third quarter of 1998 and first quarter of 1999, 
respectively, as well as a decrease in personal auto policies in force of 
3.2% since March 31, 1998, primarily in Hanover South and Citizens Midwest.

Underwriting results
Risk Management's underwriting loss increased $2.5 million to $31.1 million 
in the first quarter of 1999, compared to $28.6 million in the first quarter 
of 1998.  The decline in underwriting results is primarily attributable to a 
$33.6 million increase in catastrophe losses to $43.7 million in the first 
quarter of 1999, compared to $10.1 million for the same period in 1998.  
This increase is partially offset by a net increase in underwriting results 
of $19.6 million as a result of the aggregate excess of loss reinsurance 
treaty.  Policy acquisition and other underwriting expenses, excluding a 
$5.1 million favorable impact from the aforementioned aggregate excess of 
loss treaty, decreased $7.2 million or 4.0% in 1999, to $173.2 million 
primarily reflecting the decrease in net premiums earned and declining 
information systems costs. 

Page 17

The following table summarizes the results of operations for the 
distribution channels of the Risk Management segment:

                               Three Months Ended March 31, 1999
                   Hanover Hanover Citizens Voluntary Allmerica
(In millions)       North   South   Midwest  Benefits Specialty Other  Total
Net premiums 
  written           $194.4  $50.6   $206.7    $18.6     $87.6   $ 0.3  $558.2
Underwriting (loss)
  profit <F1>       $ (9.9) $(3.1)  $(14.0)   $(4.2)    $ 1.4   $(1.3) $(31.1)
Statutory combined
   ratio <F2>        106.3% 107.7%   118.4%   108.9%     99.0%    N/M   105.1%

<F1> Includes gross profit on administrative services in addition to 
     underwriting results.

<F2> Statutory combined ratio is a common industry measurement of the 
     results of property and casualty insurance underwriting.  This ratio 
     is the sum of the ratio of incurred claims and claim expenses to 
     premiums earned and the ratio of underwriting expenses incurred to 
     premiums written.  Federal income taxes, net investment income and 
     other non-underwriting expenses are not reflected in the statutory 
     combined ratio.


                               Three Months Ended March 31, 1998
                Hanover Hanover Citizens Voluntary Allmerica
(In millions)    North   South   Midwest  Benefits Specialty  Other Total
Net premiums 
  written         $172.3  $53.4   $234.7    $16.9     $87.3   $10.0 $574.6
Underwriting (loss)
   profit <F1>    $(23.0) $ 1.0   $  1.9    $(4.4)    $(7.6)  $ 3.5 $(28.6)
Statutory combined 
   ratio <F2>      113.9%  99.4%    99.4%   148.9%    134.6%    N/M  104.8%

<F1> Includes gross profit on administrative services in addition to 
     underwriting results.

<F2> Statutory combined ratio is a common industry measurement of the 
     results of property and casualty insurance underwriting.  This ratio
     is the sum of the ratio of incurred claims and claim expenses to 
     premiums earned and the ratio of underwriting expenses incurred to 
     premiums written.  Federal income taxes, net investment income and 
     other non-underwriting expenses are not reflected in the statutory 
     combined ratio.


Hanover North
Hanover North net premiums written increased $22.1 million, or 12.8% to 
$194.4 million in the first quarter of 1999.  This increase is primarily 
due to an $11.5 million increase in net premiums written in the personal 
auto line primarily driven by a 6.4% rate increase in Massachusetts 
resulting from the Company's decision to reduce group and safe driver 
discounts.  In addition, Hanover North commercial lines net premiums 
written increased $11.2 million in the first quarter of 1999 over the same 
period in 1998.  These increases are partially offset by a $3.7 million 
decrease in net premiums written resulting from the aforementioned 
aggregate excess of loss reinsurance treaty.

Hanover North's underwriting results improved $13.1 million from an 
underwriting loss of $23.0 million for the first quarter of 1998, to a 
loss of $9.9 million in 1999.  The decrease in underwriting loss is 
attributable to improved severity per claim in personal lines resulting 
in a decrease in the statutory loss ratio for all lines to 63.1% in the 
first quarter of 1999, from 69.6% for the same period in 1998. In 
addition, net premiums earned increased $2.7 million, or 1.6%, to $176.7 
million in the first quarter of 1999.  This growth is attributed to the 
6.4% rate increase in Massachusetts, noted above, and a 2.7% increase in 
policies in force for all lines.

Hanover South
Hanover South had a decrease in net premiums written of 5.2% to $50.6 
million in the first quarter of 1999.  The decrease is primarily due to 
a $3.4 million, or 22.7% decrease in the personal automobile lines net 
premiums written, driven by a 27.5% decrease in policies in force since 
March 31, 1998.  

Underwriting results deteriorated $4.1 million from an underwriting gain of 
$1.0 million for the first quarter of 1998, to a loss of $3.1 million 
in 1999.  The decrease in underwriting results is attributable to an $8.3 
million decrease in net premiums earned to $49.4 million in the first 
quarter of 1999 and a $3.6 million increase in catastrophe losses to 
$5.8 million in the first quarter of 1999 compared to $2.2 million 
in 1998.  The decrease in net premiums earned is due to the 
aforementioned decrease in personal auto policies in force, as well as 
a 20.1% decrease in homeowners policies in force.  These declines in 
policies in force are attributable to the Company's decision to exit 
certain markets in the South.  Partially offsetting these unfavorable 
impacts to underwriting results is a decline in personal auto claims 

Page 18

Citizens Midwest
Citizens Midwest net premiums written decreased 11.9% to $206.7 million 
in the first quarter of 1999, primarily due to the $20.4 million decrease 
in net premiums written from the aggregate excess of loss reinsurance 
treaty.  In addition, Citizens Midwest personal auto net premiums written 
decreased $6.0 million to $120.2 million for the first quarter of 1999, 
compared to the first quarter of 1998, due to rate decreases of 2.0% and 
3.6% in the third quarter of 1998 and first quarter of 1999, respectively, 
in the Michigan personal auto line.  

Citizens Midwest's underwriting results deteriorated $15.9 million from an 
underwriting gain of $1.9 million for the first quarter of 1998, to a loss 
of $14.0 million in 1999.  The increase in underwriting loss is 
attributable to a $32.0 million increase in catastrophe losses to $31.7 
million in the first quarter of 1999 compared to $(0.3) million in 1998. 
In addition, net premiums earned were $206.4 million for the three months 
ended March 31, 1999, a decrease of $27.1 million from the same period 
in 1998.  This decrease is primarily due to the $20.4 million decrease in 
net premiums earned from the aggregate excess of loss reinsurance treaty.  
In addition, personal auto net premiums earned decreased $4.9 million as a 
result of the rate decreases noted above and a 1.5% decrease in policies 
in force.  Management believes that continued competitive conditions in 
Michigan in the personal auto line may continue to impact future growth in 
net premiums earned.  These unfavorable factors were partially offset by a 
$16.1 million favorable underwriting impact in Citizens Midwest from the 
aggregate excess of loss reinsurance treaty. 

Voluntary Benefits
Voluntary Benefit net premiums written, increased 10.1% to $18.6 million 
in the first quarter of 1999 compared to $16.9 million for the same period 
in 1998.  The increase is primarily due to a decrease in group discounts 
in the personal auto line.  In addition, policies in force have increased 
5.5% since March 31, 1998.  Net premiums earned were $13.7 million and 
$12.4 million for the three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998, 
respectively.  Underwriting results improved $0.2 million from an 
underwriting loss of $4.4 million for the first quarter of 1998, to a 
loss of $4.2 million in 1999.  The decrease in underwriting loss is 
attributable to favorable claim activity and improved severity per 
claim in the personal auto line of business.

Specialty Markets
Specialty Markets net premiums written increased 0.3% to $87.6 million in 
the first quarter of 1999, compared to $87.3 million for the same period 
in 1998.  Net premiums earned were $89.7 million and $84.8 million for the 
periods ended March 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  Underwriting results 
improved $9.0 million from an underwriting loss of $7.6 million for the 
first quarter of 1998, to a gain of $1.4 million in 1999.  The improvement 
in underwriting results is attributable to a $2.4 million increase in 
administrative service fee income and favorable current year claim activity 
in the group life and health and special niche property & casualty 

Investment Results
Net investment income before tax was $63.2 million and $65.0 million in 
the first quarter of 1999 and 1998, respectively.  This primarily reflects 
a reduction in average invested assets as a result of a $117.1 million 
transfer of assets to the Corporate segment in April 1998.  Average 
pre-tax yields on debt securities decreased to 6.7% in 1999 compared to 
6.8% for 1998.  Average invested assets decreased $219.7 million, or 5.1%, 
to $4,057.7 million in 1999 compared to $4,277.4 million in 1998. 

Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses
The Risk Management segment maintains reserves for its property & casualty 
products to provide for the Company's ultimate liability for losses and loss 
adjustment expenses ("LAE") with respect to reported and unreported claims
incurred as of the end of each accounting period. These reserves are estimates, 
involving actuarial projections at a given point in time, of what management 
expects the ultimate settlement and administration of claims will cost based 
on facts and circumstances then known, predictions of future events, 
estimates of future trends in claim severity and judicial theories of 
liability and other factors. The inherent uncertainty of estimating 
insurance reserves is greater for certain types of property and casualty 
insurance lines, particularly workers' compensation and other liability 
lines, where a longer period of time may elapse before a definitive 
determination of ultimate liability may be made, and where the 
technological, judicial and political climates involving these types of 
claims are changing. 

The Company regularly updates its reserve estimates as new information 
becomes available and further events occur which may impact the resolution 
of unsettled claims. Changes in prior reserve estimates are reflected in 
results of operations in the year such changes are determined to be needed 
and recorded.

Page 19

The table below provides a reconciliation of the beginning and ending 
reserve for unpaid losses and LAE as follows: 

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,
(In millions)                                      1999          1998

Reserve for losses and LAE, beginning of year     $2,597.3      $2,615.4
  Incurred losses and LAE, net of 
    reinsurance recoverable:
      Provision for insured events of 
        current year                                 397.0         396.0
      Decrease in provision for insured 
        events of prior years                        (46.7)        (28.5)
                                                   --------      --------
  Total incurred losses and LAE                      350.3         367.5
                                                   --------      --------
  Payments, net of reinsurance recoverable:
      Losses and LAE attributable to insured 
        events of current year                       139.3         116.2
      Losses and LAE attributable to 
        insured events of prior years                229.5         260.2
                                                   --------      --------
  Total payments                                     368.8         376.4
  Change in reinsurance recoverable 
    on unpaid losses                                  34.6          (1.1)
                                                   --------      --------
Reserve for losses and LAE, end of year           $2,613.4      $2,605.4
                                                   ========      ========

As part of an ongoing process, the reserves have been re-estimated for all 
prior accident years and were decreased by $46.7 million and $28.5 million 
for the first three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively, 
reflecting increased favorable development on reserves for both losses and 
loss adjustment expenses.

Favorable development on prior years' loss reserves was $27.8 million and 
$10.4 million for the three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998, 
respectively.  This increase of $17.4 million is primarily due to improved 
personal auto results in Hanover North and commercial auto results in 
Citizens Midwest.  Favorable development on prior year's loss adjustment 
expense reserves was $18.9 million and $18.1 million for the first quarters 
in 1999 and 1998, respectively.  This favorable development in both periods 
is primarily attributable to claims process improvement initiatives taken 
by the Company over the past two years.

This favorable development reflects the Company's reserving philosophy 
consistently applied over these periods. Conditions and trends that have 
affected development of the loss and LAE reserves in the past may not 
necessarily occur in the future.

Inflation generally increases the cost of losses covered by insurance 
contracts. The effect of inflation on the Company varies by product. 
Property and casualty insurance premiums are established before the amount 
of losses and LAE, and the extent to which inflation may affect such 
expenses, are known. Consequently, the Company attempts, in establishing 
rates, to anticipate the potential impact of inflation in the projection 
of ultimate costs. The impact of inflation has been relatively 
insignificant in recent years. However, inflation could contribute to 
increased losses and LAE in the future. 

The Company regularly reviews its reserving techniques, its overall 
reserving position and its reinsurance. Based on (i) review of historical 
data, legislative enactments, judicial decisions, legal developments in 
impositions of damages, changes in political attitudes and trends in 
general economic conditions, (ii) review of per claim information, (iii) 
historical loss experience of the Company and the industry, (iv) the 
relatively short-term nature of most policies and (v) internal estimates 
of required reserves, management believes that adequate provision has 
been made for loss reserves. However, establishment of appropriate 
reserves is an inherently uncertain process and there can be no certainty 
that current established reserves will prove adequate in light of 
subsequent actual experience. A significant change to the estimated 
reserves could have a material impact on the results of operations.

Page 20

The Risk Management segment maintains a reinsurance program designed to 
protect against large or unusual losses and allocated LAE activity. This 
includes excess of loss reinsurance and catastrophe reinsurance. The 
Company determines the appropriate amount of reinsurance based on the 
Company's evaluation of the risks accepted and analyses prepared by 
consultants and reinsurers and on market conditions including the 
availability and pricing of reinsurance. Reinsurance contracts do not 
relieve the Company from its obligations to policyholders.  Failure of 
reinsurers to honor their obligations could result in losses to the 
Company.  The Company also believes that the terms of its reinsurance 
contracts are consistent with industry practice in that they contain 
standard terms with respect to lines of business covered, limit and 
retention, arbitration and occurrence. Based on its review of its 
reinsurers' financial statements and reputations in the reinsurance 
marketplace, the Company believes that its reinsurers are financially 

Catastrophe reinsurance serves to protect the ceding insurer from 
significant aggregate losses arising from a single event such as 
windstorm, hail, hurricane, tornado, riot or other extraordinary 
events.  Effective January 1, 1999, the Company retains $45.0 million 
of loss per occurrence, 10% of all aggregate loss amounts in excess 
of $45.0 million up to $230.0 million and all amounts in excess of 
$230.0 million under its catastrophe reinsurance program.

Under the Company's casualty reinsurance program, the reinsurers are 
responsible for 100% of the amount of each loss in excess of $0.5 
million per occurrence up to $30.5 million for general liability 
and workers' compensation. Additionally, this reinsurance covers 
workers' compensation losses in excess of $30.5 million to $60.5 
million per occurrence.  Amounts in excess of $60.5 million, in 
the workers' compensation line, are retained 100% by the Company, 
while amounts in excess of $30.5 million, in the general liability 
line, are retained 100% by the Company.

Effective January 1, 1999, the Company entered into a Whole Account 
Aggregate Excess of Loss reinsurance agreement with a highly rated 
reinsurer.  The reinsurance agreement provides accident year coverage 
for the three years 1999 to 2001 for the Company's property and casualty 
business, and is subject to cancellation or commutation annually at the 
Company's option.  The program covers losses and allocated loss adjustment 
expenses, including those incurred but not yet reported, in excess 
of a specified whole account loss and allocated LAE ratio.  The annual and 
aggregate coverage limits for losses and allocated LAE are $150.0 million 
and $300.0 million, respectively.  The effect of this agreement on results 
of operations in each reporting period is based on losses and allocated LAE 
ceded, reduced by a sliding scale premium of 50-67.5% depending on the 
size of the loss, and increased by a ceding commission of 20% of ceded 
premium.  In addition, net investment income is reduced for amounts 
credited to the reinsurer.  As a result of this agreement, the Company 
recognized a net benefit of $19.9 million, based on annual and quarterly 
estimates of losses and allocated loss adjustment expenses for accident 
year 1999.  The effect of this agreement on the results of operations in 
future periods is not currently determinable, as it will be based both on 
future losses and allocated LAE, and on the possible cancellation or 
commutation of the agreement.  The agreement may increase or decrease 
income in future periods.

The Company, in the Risk Management segment, is subject to concentration of 
risk with respect to reinsurance ceded to various residual market 
mechanisms.  As a condition to the ability to conduct certain business in 
various states, the Company is required to participate in various residual 
market mechanisms and pooling arrangements which provide various insurance 
coverages to individuals or other entities that are otherwise unable to 
purchase such coverage voluntarily provided by private insurers.  These 
market mechanisms and pooling arrangement include the Commonwealth 
Automobile Reinsurers (CAR) and the Michigan Catastrophic Claims 
Association (MCCA).

As part of the strategy of exiting the accident and health assumed 
reinsurance pool business, the Company entered into an agreement that 
cedes the underwriting loss from this business from July 1, 1998 to 
December 31, 2000 up to an aggregate of $40.0 million.  All amounts in 
excess of $40.0 million will be 100% retained by the Company.

Page 21

Asset Accumulation

Allmerica Financial Services

The following table summarizes the results of operations, including the 
Closed Block, for the Allmerica Financial Services segment for the 
periods indicated.

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,
(In millions)                                      1999          1998

Segment  revenues
   Premiums                                       $ 27.9        $ 28.9
   Fees                                             82.9          69.5
   Investment and other income                      93.9          92.8
                                                   -----         -----
Total segment revenues                             204.7         191.2

Policy benefits, claims and losses                  98.4          93.5
Policy acquisition and other operating expenses     57.4          55.5
                                                   -----         -----
Segment income before taxes                       $ 48.9        $ 42.2
                                                   =====         =====

Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 Compared to Three Months Ended 
March 31, 1998

Segment income before taxes increased $6.7 million, or 15.9%, to $48.9 
million in the first quarter of 1999.  This increase is primarily 
attributable to higher asset-based fee income driven by growth in the 
variable annuity and variable universal life product lines, partially 
offset by higher policy benefits and other operating expenses incurred 
as a result of this growth.

Segment revenues increased $13.5 million, or 7.1%, in 1999 primarily due 
to increased fees and other income, partially offset by a decrease in net 
investment income.  Fee income from annuities and individual variable 
universal life policies increased $15.3 million, or 34.4%, in the first 
quarter of 1999 due to additional deposits and market appreciation.  In 
addition, other income increased $5.1 million due primarily to higher 
investment management fees resulting from growth and appreciation in 
variable product assets under management.  These increases were partially 
offset by reduced income from mortgage loans. Additionally, decreases in 
net investment income resulted from a reduction in average invested assets 
due to the run-off of non-variable universal life business and cancellation 
of certain accounts in the group retirement business, as well as an ongoing 
shift in assets from the general account to the separate accounts.

Policy benefits, claims and losses increased $4.9 million, or 5.2%, to $98.4 
million in the first quarter of 1999.  This increase is primarily due to the 
Company's establishment of a $7.4 million mortality reserve related to the 
variable annuity line of business, additional growth in this line, and the 
introduction in the second quarter of 1998 of a new annuity program which 
provides, for a limited time, enhanced crediting rates on deposits made into 
the Company's general account.  Partially offsetting these increases were 
more favorable mortality experience in the Closed Block and non-variable 
universal life line of business, as well as decreased interest credited due 
to cancellations of certain accounts in the group retirement business.

Policy acquisition and other operating expenses increased $1.9 million, or 
3.4%, in the first quarter of 1999.  This increase primarily results from 
ongoing growth in the variable product lines, as well as increased 
operating expenses related to the Company's investment management 
business.  In addition, other operating expenses related to claims 
handling costs in the individual disability line of business and trail 
commissions in the annuity line of business increased $2.0 million and 
$1.6 million, respectively.  Partially offsetting these increases is an 
$11.0 million net decrease in deferred policy acquisition expenses related 
to the implementation of a new valuation system for the variable annuity 
line of business.

Page 22

Interest Margins

The results of the Allmerica Financial Services segment depend, in part, on 
the maintenance of profitable margins between investment results from 
investment assets supporting universal life and general account annuity 
products and the interest credited on those products.  

The following table sets forth interest earned, interest credited and the 
related interest margin.

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,
(In millions)                                      1999          1998

Net investment income                             $28.3         $32.9
Less: Interest credited                            23.5          23.1
                                                   ----          ----
Interest margins <F1>                             $ 4.8         $ 9.8
                                                   ====          ====

<F1> Interest margins represent the difference between income earned on 
     investment assets and interest credited to customers' universal 
     life and general account annuity policies.  Earnings on surplus 
     assets are excluded from net investment income in the calculation 
     of the above interest margins.


Interest margins decreased in the first three months of 1999 due to reduced 
income from mortgage loans, a shift in assets to other product lines, and 
to the introduction of the aforementioned annuity program with enhanced 
crediting rates.

Allmerica Asset Management 

The following table summarizes the results of operations for the Allmerica 
Asset Management segment for the periods indicated.

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,
(In millions)                                      1999          1998

Interest margins on GICs
  Net investment income                           $31.4         $21.6
  Interest credited                                26.6          17.5
                                                   ----          ----
    Net interest margin                             4.8           4.1
                                                   ----          ----
   Other income and expenses
     External fees and other income                 1.4           0.6
     Internal fees and other income                 1.5           1.7
     Other operating expenses                       2.0           2.5
                                                   ----          ----
Segment income before taxes                       $ 5.7         $ 3.9
                                                   ====          ====

Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 compared to Three Months Ended 
March 31, 1998

Segment income before taxes increased $1.8 million, or 46.2%, to $5.7 
million.  This increase is attributable to growth in income from assets 
under management and increased interest margins on GICs.  External fees 
increased as a result of new deposits from money market fund and other 
fixed income fund clients.  Interest margins on GICs increased slightly 
since the first quarter of 1998, primarily as a result of continued sales 
of funding agreements.

Page 23


The following table summarizes the results of operations for the Corporate 
segment for the periods indicated.

                                           Three Months Ended
                                                March 31,
(In millions)                             1999            1998
Segment revenues
  Investment and other income           $   1.2         $   2.0

  Interest expense                          3.8             3.8
  Other operating expenses                 13.4            10.5
                                         -------         -------
Segment loss before taxes and
  minority interest                     $ (16.0)        $ (12.3)
                                         =======         =======

Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 compared to Three Months Ended
March 31,1998

Segment loss before taxes and minority interest increased $3.7 million, or 
30.1%, to $16.0 million in the first quarter of 1999 primarily due to an 
increase in expenses and a reduction in investment income.  Other operating 
expenses consist primarily of corporate overhead expenses, which reflect
costs not attributable to a particular segment, such as those generated by
certain officers and directors, Corporate Technology, Corporate Finance,
Human Resources and the Legal department.  The $2.9 million increase in other
operating expenses is primarily the result of increased corporate technology
costs. Additionally, investment income decreased primarily due to the sale of
fixed maturity investments to fund the Company's stock repurchase program.

Interest expense for both periods relates solely to the interest paid on the
Senior Debentures of the Company.

Investment Portfolio

The Company had investment assets diversified across several asset classes,
as follows:

                           March 31, 1999<F1>          December 31,1998<F1>
                        Carrying     % of Total     Carrying     % of Total
(Dollars in millions)    Value     Carrying Value    Value     Carrying Value

Fixed maturities<F2>   $ 8,620.1        82.7%       $ 8,195.0       79.0%
Equity securities<F2>       98.5         0.9            397.1        3.8
Mortgages                  672.9         6.5            698.3        6.7
Policy loans               365.4         3.5            365.2        3.5
Cash and cash 
  equivalents              496.0         4.8            559.7        5.4
Real estate and other
  invested assets          165.2         1.6            163.1        1.6
                      -----------     -------      -----------    -------
   Total               $10,418.1       100.0%       $10,378.4      100.0%
                      ===========     =======      ===========    =======
<F1>  Includes Closed Block invested assets with a carrying value of 
      $759.9 million and $770.5 million at March 31, 1999 and 
      December 31, 1998, respectively.
<F2>  The Company carries the fixed maturities and equity securities in
      its investment portfolio at market value.

Total investment assets increased $39.7 million, or 0.4%, to $10.4 billion
during the first quarter of 1999.  This increase results primarily from
increased fixed maturities of $425.1 million, partially offset by a decrease
of $298.6 million of equity securities.  The increase in fixed maturities is
principally due to new funding agreement deposits.  In January 1999, sales of
equity securities resulted in proceeds of $310.0 million and realized gains
of $116.0 million.  In addition, mortgages decreased $25.4 million
principally due to loan repayments.

Proceeds from the equity sales were used, in part, to repay the loan used to
fund the acquisition of minority interest of Citizens Corporation.  In
addition, the decrease in cash and cash equivalents was due, in part, to the
repurchase of AFC common stock under the stock repurchase program.  The
cancellation of certain accounts in the group retirement business and the
maturation of several traditional GICs also reduced the cash balances.

Page 24

The Company's fixed maturity portfolio is comprised of primarily investment
grade corporate securities, tax-exempt issues of state and local governments,
U.S. government and agency securities and other issues.  Based on ratings by
the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, investment grade
securities comprised 85.5% and 84.7% of the Company's total fixed maturity
portfolio at March 31, 1999 and December 31, 1998, respectively.  The average
yield on debt securities was 7.1% and 7.4% for the three months ended March
31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  Although management expects that a
substantial portion of new funds will be invested in investment grade fixed 
maturities, the Company may invest a portion of new funds in below investment
grade fixed maturities or equity interests.

The following table illustrates the asset valuation allowance and additions
to or deductions from such allowance for the periods indicated.

(Dollars in millions)                            Mortgages
Year Ended December 31, 1998
     Beginning balance                           $    20.7
     Benefit                                          (6.8)
     Write-offs <F1>                                  (2.4)
     Ending balance                              $    11.5
Valuation allowance as a
  percentage of carrying value
     before reserves                                   1.6%

Three months ended March 31, 1999
     Ending balance                              $    11.5
Valuation allowance as a 
  percentage of carrying value
     before reserves                                   1.7%

<F1>  Write-offs reflect asset sales, foreclosures and forgiveness of 
      debt upon restructurings.

Income Taxes

AFC and its domestic subsidiaries (including certain non-insurance
operations) file a consolidated United States federal income tax return.
Entities included within the consolidated group are segregated into either 
a life insurance or a non-life insurance company subgroup.  The consolidation
of these subgroups is subject to certain statutory restrictions on the
percentage of eligible non-life tax losses that can be applied to offset life
company taxable income.

Provision for federal income taxes before minority interest was $49.4 million
during the first quarter of 1999 compared to $24.2 million during the same
period in 1998.  These provisions resulted in consolidated effective federal
tax rates of 23.8% and 24.4%, respectively.  The effective tax rates for
AFLIAC and FAFLIC and its non-insurance subsidiaries were 29.8% and 31.6%
during the first quarter of 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The effective tax
rates for Allmerica P&C and its subsidiaries were 20.7% and 13.7% during the
first quarter of 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The increase in the rate for
the Allmerica P&C subsidiaries primarily reflects a larger proportion of
pre-tax income from realized capital gains in 1999.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Liquidity describes the ability of a company to generate sufficient cash
flows to meet the cash requirements of business operations.  As a holding 
company, AFC's primary source of cash is dividends from its insurance 
subsidiaries.  However, dividend payments to AFC by its insurance
subsidiaries are subject to limitations imposed by state regulators, such as
the requirement that cash dividends be paid out of unreserved and
unrestricted earned surplus and restrictions on the payment of
"extraordinary" dividends, as defined.  On March 12, 1999, Hanover declared
a dividend to Allmerica P&C of $125.0 million, which was paid April 1, 1999.
These funds were subsequently used to repurchase certain shares of Allmerica
P&C's common stock held by AFC.

Sources of cash for the Company's insurance subsidiaries are from premiums
and fees collected, investment income and maturing investments.  Primary cash
outflows are paid benefits, claims, losses and loss adjustment expenses,
policy acquisition expenses, other underwriting expenses and investment
purchases.  Cash outflows related to benefits, claims, losses and loss
adjustment expenses can be variable because of uncertainties surrounding
settlement dates for liabilities for unpaid losses and because of the
potential for large losses either individually or in the aggregate.  The
Company periodically adjusts its investment policy to respond to changes in
short-term and long-term cash requirements.

Page 25

Net cash provided by operating activities was $38.0 million during the first
quarter of 1999, compared to cash used in operating activities of $75.8
million for the same period of 1998.  The change in 1999 was primarily due to
the timing of settlements related to receivable balances with the Company's
Separate Accounts. This receipt of cash was partially offset by cash used to
fund increased commissions and other deferrable expenses related to continued
growth in the variable annuity product lines of the Allmerica Financial
Services segment.

Net cash used in investing activities was $123.5 million during the first 
three months of 1999, compared to $200.1 million during the same period in
1998.  This change is primarily due to the $310.0 million sale of equity
securities in January 1999, partially offset by increased net purchases of
fixed maturities.  Fixed maturity purchases totaling $187.3 million resulted
from an increase in funds available from funding agreement sales.  In
addition, net proceeds from real estate and other long-term investments
decreased $26.2 million.

Net cash provided by financing activities was $21.8 million during the first
three months of 1999, as compared to $247.8 million during the comparable
prior year period.  In 1999, cash was used to repay $150.0 million in short
term debt used to finance the acquisition of the minority interest of
Citizens Corporation, and to repurchase AFC common stock with an aggregate
cost of $121.4 million. These uses of cash were partially offset by an
increase in net GIC deposits of $43.6 million during the first quarter as
compared to the same period in 1998.

AFC has sufficient funds at the holding company or available through
dividends from FAFLIC and Allmerica P&C to meet its obligations to pay
interest on the Senior Debentures, Capital Securities and dividends, when
and if declared by the Board of Directors, on the common stock.  Whether the
Company will pay dividends in the future depends upon the costs of
administering a dividend program as compared to the benefits conferred, and
upon the earnings and financial condition of AFC.

Based on current trends, the Company expects to continue to generate 
sufficient positive operating cash to meet all short-term and long-term cash
requirements.  The Company maintains a high degree of liquidity within the
investment portfolio in fixed maturity investments, common stock and short-
term investments.  AFC has $150.0 million available under a committed
syndicated credit agreement which expires on May 28, 1999. Borrowings under
this agreement are unsecured and incur interest at a rate per annum equal to,
at the Company's option, as designated base rate or the eurodollar rate plus
applicable margin.  At March 31, 1999, no amounts were outstanding under this
agreement.  The Company had $84.7 million of commercial paper borrowings 
outstanding at March 31, 1999. AFC had no repurchase agreements outstanding
as of March 31, 1999.


In July 1997, a lawsuit on behalf of a putative class was instituted in
Louisiana against AFC and certain of its subsidiaries by individual
plaintiffs alleging fraud, unfair or deceptive acts, breach of contract,
misrepresentation, and related claims in the sale of life insurance policies.
In October 1997, the plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed the Louisiana suit and
filed a substantially similar action in Federal District Court in Worcester,
Massachusetts.  In early November 1998, the Company and the plaintiffs
entered into a settlement agreement.  The court granted preliminary approval
of the settlement on December 4, 1998, and following a hearing on March 19,
1999, the judge took the matter under advisement pending his final
determination.  Accordingly, AFC recognized a $31.0 million pre-tax expense
during the third quarter of 1998 related to this litigation.  Although the
Company believes that this expense reflects appropriate recognition of its
obligation under the settlement, this estimate assumes the availability of
insurance coverage for certain claims, and the estimate may be revised based
on the amount of reimbursement actually tendered by AFC's insurance carriers
and based on changes in the Company's estimate of the ultimate cost of the
benefits to be provided to members of the class.

The Company has been named a defendant in various other legal proceedings
arising in the normal course of business.  In the Company's opinion, based
on the advice of legal counsel, the ultimate resolution of these proceedings
will not have a material effect on the Company's consolidated financial
statements.  However, liabilities related to these proceedings could be
established in the near term if estimates of the ultimate resolution of
these proceedings are revised.

Year 2000

The Year 2000 issue is the result of computer programs being written using
two digits rather than four to define the applicable year.  Any of the
Company's computer programs that have date-sensitive software may recognize
a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather than the year 2000.  This could
result in a system failure or miscalculations causing disruptions of
operations, including, among other things, a temporary inability to process
transactions, send invoices or engage in similar normal business activities.

Page 26

Based on a third party assessment, the Company determined that significant
portions of its software require modification or replacement to enable its
computer systems to process dates beyond December 31, 1999.  The Company is
presently completing the process of modifying or replacing existing software
and believes that this action will resolve the Year 2000 issue.  However, if
such modifications and conversions are not made, or are not completed timely,
or should there be serious unanticipated interruptions from unknown sources,
the Year 2000 issue could have a material adverse impact on the operations of
the Company.  Specifically, the Company could experience, among other things,
an interruption in its ability to collect and process premiums, process claim
payments, safeguard and manage its invested assets, accurately maintain
policyholder information, accurately maintain accounting records, and perform
customer service.  Any of these specific events, depending on duration, could
have a material adverse impact on the results of operations and the financial
position of the Company.

The Company has initiated formal communications with all of its suppliers to
determine the extent to which the Company is vulnerable to those third
parties' failure to remediate their own Year 2000 issue.  The Company's total
Year 2000 project cost and estimates to complete the project include the
estimated costs and time associated with the Company's involvement on a third
party's Year 2000 program, and are based on presently available information.
However, there can be no guarantee that the systems of other companies on
which the Company's systems rely will be timely converted, or that a failure
to convert by another company, or a conversion that is incompatible with the
Company's systems, would not have material adverse effect on the Company.
The Company does not believe that it has material exposure to contingencies
related to the Year 2000 issue for the products it has sold.  Although the
Company does not believe that there is a material contingency associated
with the Year 2000 issue, there can be no assurance that exposure for
material contingencies will not arise.

The cost of the Year 2000 project will be expensed as incurred and is being
funded primarily through a reallocation of resources from discretionary
projects and a reduction in systems maintenance and support costs.
Therefore, the Year 2000 project is not expected to result in any significant
incremental technology cost, except as described above, and is not expected
to have a material effect on the results of operations.  The Company has
incurred and expensed approximately $57 million related to the assessment
plan development and substantial completion of the Year 2000 project, through
March 31, 1999.  The total remaining cost of the project is estimated at
between $10-20 million.

Approximately 10% of the Company's Year 2000 resources to be utilized in 1999
have been allocated to the Company's remediation plan, which has three
mission critical elements: internal systems, desktop systems, and external

Internal Systems

Over 99% of the Company's internal systems have been corrected, tested for
year 2000 dates, and returned to production. The remaining systems, which
include relatively small systems waiting for vendor upgrade or scheduled for
elimination or replacement, are targeted to be completed by June 30, 1999.

Desktop Systems

The Company has verified that all desktop computers are capable of correctly
processing year 2000 dates.  Additionally, over 99% of the third party
software installed on the Company's desktop machines has been confirmed
capable of processing year 2000 dates properly.  The remaining desktop
systems are expected to be upgraded, eliminated, or replaced by June 30,

External Partners

The Company has verified that 85% of its electronic interfaces will process
year 2000 dates correctly.  Eighty-four percent of the Property and Casualty
agents have confirmed that they are capable of properly processing year 2000
dates.  In addition, the Company has verified that 84% of its non-electronic
partners are capable of properly processing year 2000 dates.  Most external
partners have informed the Company that they expect to be compliant.  The
Company hopes for full compliance of external partners by July 1, 1999.

Page 27

In partnership with an outside consulting firm, the Company has completed an
enterprise-wide Year 2000 business risk identification and assessment.  The
Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) requirements have been identified for
all business units of the Company and applicable plans are currently being
developed.  These plans will contain immediate steps needed to keep business
functions operating while unforeseen Year 2000 issues are being addressed.
It outlines responses to situations that may affect critical business
functions and also provides triage guidance, a documented order of actions
to respond to problems.  During the triage process, business priorities are
established and "Critical Points of Failure" are identified as having a
significant impact on the business.  The Company's contingency plans are
designed to keep business unit operations functioning in the event of a
failure or delay due to year 2000 record format and date calculation changes.
All plans, including individual plans by business segment, are scheduled to
be completed by September 30, 1999.  Contingency planning will utilize
approximately 15% of the Company's Year 2000 resources in 1999.

The remaining 75% of the Company's Year 2000 resources will be utilized to
address on-going compliance issues.  These include periodic reviews of
applications, installation and testing of new hardware and software packages,
testing new software maintenance and testing internally developed software.

The costs of the project and the date on which the Company plans to complete
the Year 2000 modifications are based on management's best estimates, which
were derived utilizing numerous assumptions of future events including the
continued availability of certain resources, third party responsiveness and
modification plans, and other factors.  However, there can be no guarantee
that these estimates will be achieved and actual results could differ
materially from those plans.  Specific factors that might cause such material
differences include, but are not limited to, the availability and cost of
personnel trained in this area, the ability to locate and correct all
relevant computer codes, the Year 2000 readiness of suppliers and business
partners, and similar uncertainties.

Forward-Looking Statements

The Company wishes to caution readers that the following important factors,
among others, in some cases have affected and in the future could affect, the
Company's actual results and could cause the Company's actual results for
1999 and beyond to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-
looking statements made by, or on behalf of, the Company.  When used in the
MD&A discussion, the words "believes", "anticipated", "expects" and similar
expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements.  See 
"Important Factors Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" filed as Exhibit
99-2 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended
December 31, 1998.

Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those
contemplated or projected, forecast, estimated or budgeted in such forward
looking statements include among others, the following possibilities: (i)
adverse catastrophe experience and severe weather; (ii) adverse loss
development for events the Company insured in prior years or adverse trends
in mortality and morbidity; (iii) heightened competition, including the
intensification of price competition, the entry of new competitors, and the
introduction of new products by new and existing competitors; (iv) adverse
state and federal legislation or regulation, including decreases in rates,
limitations on premium levels, increases in minimum capital and reserve
requirements, benefit mandates, limitations on the ability to manage care and
utilization, and tax treatment of insurance and annuity products; (v) changes
in interest rates causing a reduction of investment income or in the market
value of interest rate sensitive investments; (vi) failure to obtain new
customers, retain existing customers or reductions in policies in force by
existing customers; (vii) higher service, administrative, or general expense
due to the need for additional advertising, marketing, administrative or
management information systems expenditures; (viii) loss or retirement of key
executives; (ix) increases in medical costs, including increases in
utilization, costs of medical services, pharmaceuticals, durable medical
equipment and other covered items; (x) termination of provider contracts or
renegotiations at less cost-effective rates or terms of payment; (xi) changes
in the Company's liquidity due to changes in asset and liability matching;
(xii) restrictions on insurance underwriting, based on genetic testing and
other criteria; (xiii) adverse changes in the ratings obtained from
independent rating agencies, such as Moody's, Standard and Poor's, A.M.
Best, and Duff & Phelps; (xiv) lower appreciation on and decline in value of
managed investments, resulting in reduced variable products, assets and
related fees; (xv) possible claims relating to sales practices for insurance
products; (xvi) uncertainty related to the Year 2000 issue; (xvii) failure of
a reinsurer of the Company's policies to pay its liabilities under
reinsurance contracts; (xviii) earlier than expected withdrawals from the
Company's general account annuities, GICs (including funding agreements), and
other insurance products; and (xix) changes in the mix of assets comprising
the Company's investment portfolio and the fluctuation of the market value of
such assets.

Page 28

                        PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

(a)     Exhibits

           EX - 27            Financial Data Schedule

(b)     Reports on Form 8K

On February 5, 1999, Allmerica Financial Corporation announced its financial
results for the year ended December 31, 1998 and that first quarter
results will be negatively impacted by catastrophe losses resulting from
severe winter storms and adverse weather.

On March 24, 1999, Allmerica Financial Corporation announced that the
Company's board of directors has authorized the expenditure of up to an
additional $200 million to repurchase outstanding shares of its own common
stock in an ongoing stock repurchase program.

Page 29


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                     Allmerica Financial Corporation

Dated    May 13, 1999
                                                    /s/ John F. O'Brien
                                                    John F. O'Brien
                                                    President and Chief
                                                    Executive Officer

Dated    May 13, 1999
                                                    /s/ Edward J. Parry III
                                                    Edward J. Parry III
                                                    Vice President,
                                                    Chief Financial Officer,
                                                    and Treasurer

Page 30

                            EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit Number          Exhibit                                Page

27                      Financial Data Schedule                -

Page 31