Exhibit 13.4

                                  IVANHOE MINES

                              THIRD QUARTER REPORT

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2002




                       Consolidated Balance Sheets at September 30, 2002
                       (unaudited) and December 31, 2001

                       Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations and
                       Deficit for the Three and Nine Month Periods ended
                       September 30, 2002 and 2001

                       Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for
                       the Three and Nine Month Period ended September 30, 2002
                       and 2001

                       Notes to the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements




                                                                                 SEPTEMBER 30,      DECEMBER 31,
(STATED IN U.S. $000'S)                                                              2002               2001
- ----------------------                                                           -------------      ------------
    Cash                                                                            $34,692            $25,805
    Accounts receivable                                                               7,660              2,423
    Inventories                                                                      23,806             22,529
    Prepaid expenses                                                                  2,442              1,333
    Future income taxes                                                                   -              4,635
                                                                                   --------           --------
                                                                                     68,600             56,725
INVESTMENTS                                                                          12,187              4,823
MINING PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                                167,658            181,670
OTHER MINERAL PROPERTY INTERESTS                                                      5,000                  -
OTHER CAPITAL ASSETS                                                                  1,846                524
FUTURE INCOME TAXES                                                                   2,817              2,440
OTHER ASSETS                                                                          1,469              1,420
                                                                                   --------           --------
                                                                                   $259,577           $247,602
                                                                                   ========           ========


    Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                        $24,005            $15,407
    Accrued loss on foreign exchange contract (Note 2)                                    -             15,450
    Current portion of long-term debt (Note 4)                                       23,726             20,133
                                                                                   --------           --------
                                                                                     47,731             50,990
LOAN PAYABLE TO RELATED PARTY                                                         5,292              4,696
LONG-TERM DEBT (NOTE 4)                                                               5,295             41,837
FUTURE INCOME TAXES                                                                  11,831             13,731
OTHER LIABILITIES                                                                     4,475              6,177
                                                                                   --------           --------
                                                                                     74,624            117,431
                                                                                   ========           ========
        Unlimited number of preferred shares without par value
        Unlimited number of common shares without par value
    Issued and outstanding
        201,914,213 (2001-171,158,484) Common Shares                                516,092            460,389
ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL                                                            1,530              1,697
CONTRIBUTED SURPLUS (ARISING FROM STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION)                           3,261                  -
DEFICIT                                                                            (335,930)          (331,915)
                                                                                   --------           --------
                                                                                    184,953            130,171
                                                                                   --------           --------
                                                                                   $259,577           $247,602
                                                                                   ========           ========


/s/ John Weatherall                             /s/ Kjeld Thyegsen
- -------------------------                       -------------------------
Director                                        Director



                                                           Three months ended          Nine months ended
                                                               September 30,             September 30,
                                                          ---------------------   ---------------------------
(STATED IN U.S. $000'S)                                     2002         2001         2002           2001
- -----------------------                                   ---------   ---------   ------------   ------------
(UNAUDITED)                                                                        (Note 1(b))    (Note 1(c))
REVENUE                                                   $  19,269   $  15,873    $  65,848     $  55,821
COST OF OPERATIONS                                          (13,925)    (10,635)     (46,315)      (37,309)
DEPRECIATION AND DEPLETION                                   (3,213)     (3,171)      (7,362)       (9,571)
                                                          ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------
OPERATING PROFIT                                              2,131       2,067       12,171         8,941

   General and administrative                                (3,175)     (1,264)      (7,999)       (4,294)
   Interest on long-term debt                                (1,185)     (2,643)      (3,622)       (7,175)
   Exploration expenses                                      (9,994)     (2,035)     (18,307)       (4,308)
   Depreciation                                                (105)        (26)        (218)          (92)
                                                          ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------
LOSS BEFORE THE FOLLOWING                                   (12,328)     (3,901)     (17,975)       (6,928)
                                                          ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------

   Mining property shut-down costs                             (752)       (553)      (1,699)       (2,559)
   Interest income                                              310         212          880         1,063
   Foreign exchange gain (loss)                                (530)     (2,888)       2,378       (10,669)
   Gain on settlement of debt (Note 2)                       32,466           -       32,466             -
   Other                                                       (108)        149        3,015           264
   Write-down of carrying values of assets (Note 2)         (18,000)          -      (18,000)            -
                                                          ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------
                                                             13,386      (3,080)      19,040       (11,901)
                                                          ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME AND CAPITAL TAXES                 1,058      (6,981)       1,065       (18,829)
   (Provision for) recovery of income and capital taxes        (559)      1,005       (2,708)        2,607
                                                          ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                               499      (5,976)      (1,643)      (16,222)
DEFICIT, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                               (336,429)   (257,163)    (331,915)     (246,917)
EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE (NOTE 1 (b))                          -           -       (2,372)            -
                                                          ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------
DEFICIT, END OF PERIOD                                    $(335,930)  $(263,139)   $(335,930)    $(263,139)
                                                          =========   =========    =========     =========

   Basic                                                      $0.00      $(0.05)      $(0.01)       $(0.13)
   Diluted                                                    $0.00      $(0.05)      $(0.01)       $(0.13)
                                                          =========   =========    =========     =========

   Basic                                                    201,816     128,136      191,190       126,040
   Diluted                                                  208,241     128,136      198,235       126,040
                                                          =========   =========    =========     =========



                                                                       Three months ended        Nine months ended
                                                                          September 30,             September 30,
                                                                      --------------------       --------------------
(STATED IN U.S. $000'S)                                                 2002         2001         2002          2001
- -----------------------                                               --------     -------       -------      --------
(UNAUDITED)                                                                      (Note 1(c))                (Note 1(c))
    Net income (loss)                                                 $    499     $(5,976)     $ (1,643)     $(16,222)
    Items not involving use of cash
        Depreciation and depletion                                       3,318       3,197         7,580         9,663
        Write-down of carrying value of assets                          18,000           -        18,000             -
        Non-cash interest expense                                          273         971         1,668         3,176
        Unrealized foreign exchange (gain) loss                         (1,200)      4,296        (8,654)         (390)
        Provision for future waste mining costs
            and mine reclamation obligation                                318        (609)        1,094           497
        Gain on sale of investments                                          -         (24)         (508)         (148)
        Gain on settlement of debt                                     (32,466)          -       (32,466)            -
        Non-cash recovery of bad debt                                        -           -        (1,248)            -
        Non-cash stock-based compensation                                  524           -         1,179             -
        Future income taxes                                                464         857         2,358         (759)
        Other                                                                -           -          (205)            -
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------
                                                                       (10,270)      2,712       (12,845)       (4,183)
    Net change in non-cash operating working capital items
       (Note 7(c))                                                        (908)     (7,454)       (3,009)       (5,180)
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------
                                                                       (11,178)     (4,742)      (15,854)       (9,363)
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------

    Expenditures on investments                                            (38)          -        (5,019)            -
    Proceeds from sale of investments                                        -          84            10           362
    Expenditures on mining property, plant and equipment                (4,339)     (4,283)      (14,770)      (12,703)
    Expenditures on other mineral property interests                         -        (225)       (1,000)          (82)
    Expenditures on other capital assets                                  (640)          -        (1,540)            -
    Other                                                                  (15)         84           (49)            5
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------
                                                                        (5,032)     (4,340)      (22,368)      (12,418)
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------

    Share capital issued                                                   130       9,917        54,622        10,106
    Proceeds from long-term debt                                           925           -         9,387             -
    Repayment of long-term debt                                        (12,589)     (3,016)      (16,900)       (5,521)
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------
                                                                       (11,534)      6,901        47,109         4,585
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------
NET CASH (OUTFLOW) INFLOW                                              (27,744)     (2,181)        8,887       (17,196)
CASH, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                                               62,436      25,358        25,805        40,373
                                                                      --------     -------      --------      --------
CASH, END OF PERIOD                                                   $ 34,692     $23,177      $ 34,692      $ 23,177
                                                                      ========     =======      ========      ========
    Cash on hand and demand deposits                                                            $ 13,051      $ 13,644
    Time deposits
        Restricted                                                                                 2,160         5,058
    Short-term money market instruments
        Restricted                                                                                 6,000         2,444
        Unrestricted                                                                              13,481         2,031
                                                                                                 -------      --------
                                                                                                 $34,692      $ 23,177
                                                                                                 =======      ========

Supplementary information (Notes 2 and 7)


(Stated in U.S. dollars)


     a)   These interim financial statements do not contain all the information
          required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP")
          for annual financial statements and therefore should be read in
          conjunction with the most recent annual financial statements of the
          Company for the year ended December 31, 2001 (the "Annual Financial

     b)   The Company has adopted the recommendations of the new CICA Handbook
          Section 3870, Stock-based Compensation and Other Stock-based Payments,
          effective January 1, 2002. This section establishes standards for the
          recognition, measurement and disclosure of stock-based compensation
          and other stock-based payments made in exchange for goods and
          services. The standard requires that all stock-based awards made to
          non-employees be measured and recognized using a fair value based
          method. The standard encourages a fair value based method for all
          awards granted to employees, but only requires the use of a fair value
          based method for direct awards of stock, stock appreciation rights,
          and awards that call for settlement in cash or other assets. Awards
          that an entity has the ability to settle in stock are recorded as
          equity, whereas awards that the entity is required to or has a
          practice of settling in cash are recorded as liabilities. The Company
          has adopted, on a retroactive basis without restatement of prior
          periods, the fair value method of accounting for stock options granted
          to employees and directors.

          This accounting change with respect to stock-based compensation
          resulted in an increase in the net loss for the three and nine months
          ended September 30, 2002 by $524,000 ($ nil per share) and $1,179,000
          ($nil per share), respectively, and an increase in the deficit as at
          January 1, 2002 by $2,372,000.

          In all other respects, these financial statements follow the same
          accounting policies and methods of their application as the Annual
          Financial Statements.

     c)   The comparative figures in these interim financial statements have
          been restated to give retroactive effect to the accounting change with
          respect to foreign currency translation as described in Note 3 (b) to
          the Annual Financial Statements. This change has resulted in a
          decrease of $445,000 ($ Nil per share) in the net loss for the three
          months ended September 30, 2001 and a decrease of $2,181,000 ($0.02
          per share) in the net loss for the nine months ended September 30,


     During 2001, a global slow down in the steel industry resulted in reduced
     demand for iron ore pellets. Management therefore commenced a restructuring
     of the mine plan and negotiated additional bank loans aggregating
     Australian ("A") A$21 million (U.S. $14 million) to June 30, 2002. In
     September 2002, the Company completed the debt restructuring negotiations
     with the major stakeholders in the Savage River project. As a result, the
     Company acquired outstanding third-party project debt and foreign currency
     exchange contract obligations totaling $41 million (A$75 million) at a cash
     cost of $8.1 million (A$15 million). This transaction has resulted in a
     non-cash $32.5 million gain on settlement of debt, and a provision for
     future income taxes of $2.1 million.


(Stated in U.S. dollars)


     As a result of the debt restructuring, the Company has revised its mine
     plan at the Savage River project and completed a review of the carrying
     values of the Savage River mining property, plant and equipment. This
     review has resulted in an impairment provision of $18 million being made at
     September 30, 2002 for the estimated other than temporary decline in value
     and a recovery of future income taxes of $2.1 million.

     The Company will continue to review the carrying value of the Savage River
     capital assets on a regular basis for indications of further impairment.
     The economics of the Savage River Mine Project are particularly sensitive
     to changes in selling prices and operating costs. As a consequence, any
     adverse changes in those selling prices and/or operating costs would result
     in further impairment provisions and those provisions may be material. As
     at September 30, 2002, the carrying value of the Savage River capital
     assets was $36.7 million.


     The Annual Financial Statements disclosed that it was likely that JVCo
     would not be in compliance with the minimum working capital requirement in
     its credit agreement during 2002. JVCo is currently in discussions with its
     lenders regarding clarification of the definition of this requirement.
     However, JVCo has not received a waiver from its lenders with respect to
     this requirement at September 30, 2002 and also with respect to the
     non-compliance with certain other financial covenants in the credit
     agreement. Accordingly, as required by Canadian GAAP, the entire amount of
     the Company's share of JVCo's loan payable aggregating $22.5 million at
     September 30, 2002 has been included in current liabilities.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, JVCo has met all principal and interest
     payment obligations to date, which include aggregate principal payments of
     $45 million since the inception of the loan, of which $15 million was paid
     during the nine months ended September 30, 2002.



(Stated in U.S. dollars)


                                                                  September 30,        December 31,
US$(000)                                                              2002                 2001
- --------                                                          -------------        ------------
                Share of loan payable                               $ 22,500            $ 30,000
                Bank term loan                                             -              22,292
                Deferred purchase obligation                           4,673               3,933
                Equipment purchase loans                               1,848               5,205
                Unsecured loan                                             -                 540
                                                                    --------            --------
                                                                      29,021              61,970
Less: Amount included in current liabilities (Note 3)                (23,726)            (20,133)
                                                                    --------            --------
                                                                    $  5,295            $ 41,837
                                                                    ========            ========

     All of the long-term debt is non-recourse to Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.


     Since December 31, 2001, the Company has issued the following share

                                                                        Number of
US$(000)                                                                  Shares        Amount
- --------                                                               -----------     ---------
Balance, December 31, 2001                                             171,158,484      $460,389
Shares issued for:
   Private placements                                                   29,385,164        53,758
   Exercise of stock options                                             1,048,475         1,285
   Share purchase plan                                                      34,412            61
   Acquisition of investment                                               287,678           599
                                                                       -----------      --------
Balance, September 30, 2002                                            201,914,213      $516,092
                                                                       ===========      ========

     In the nine-month period ended September 30, 2002, the Company granted a
     total of 1,620,000 stock options, 1,048,475 options were exercised, and
     995,875 options were cancelled.

     Stock options outstanding at November 15, 2002 totalled 12,032,594 with
     exercise prices and expiry dates ranging from Cdn $0.95 to Cdn $6.74 and
     November 8, 2003 to May 10, 2008, respectively. At November 15, 2002, a
     total of 205,147,382 Common Shares of the Company were outstanding.



(Stated in U.S. dollars)


                              THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Stated in 000's)                                COPPER     IRON     EXPLORATION   CORPORATE    TOTAL
- -----------------                                -------   -------   -----------   ---------   -------
REVENUE                                         $ 5,123   $ 14,146    $      -      $     -    $ 19,269
COST OF OPERATIONS                               (2,746)   (11,179)          -            -     (13,925)
DEPRECIATION AND DEPLETION                         (893)    (2,320)          -            -      (3,213)
                                                -------   --------    --------      -------    --------
OPERATING PROFIT                                  1,484        647           -            -       2,131
                                                -------   --------    --------      -------    --------
    General and administrative                      (98)       (22)          -       (3,055)     (3,175)
    Interest on long-term debt                     (389)      (796)          -            -      (1,185)
    Exploration expenses                             (1)         -      (9,998)           5      (9,994)
    Depreciation                                      -          -        (105)           -        (105)
                                                -------   --------    --------      -------    --------
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE THE FOLLOWING                  996       (171)    (10,103)      (3,050)    (12,328)
                                                -------   --------    --------      -------    --------
    Mining property shut-down costs                   -          -           -         (752)       (752)
    Interest income                                  17         11           8          274         310
    Foreign exchange gain (loss)                     (4)       891 (1)       1       (1,418)       (530)
    Gain on settlement of debt                        -     32,466           -            -      32,466
    Other income                                     14       (115)         (4)          (3)       (108)
    Write-down of carrying values of assets           -    (18,000)          -            -     (18,000)
                                                -------   --------    --------      -------    --------
TAXES                                             1,023     15,082     (10,098)      (4,949)      1,058
                                                -------   --------    --------      -------    --------
    (Provision for) recovery of income
         and capital taxes                           16        172        (237)        (510)       (559)
                                                -------   --------    --------      -------    --------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                               $ 1,039   $ 15,254    $(10,335)     $(5,459)   $    499
                                                =======   ========    ========      =======    ========

(1)  This foreign exchange gain includes a $500,000 loss on the mark to market
     accrual of a foreign exchange contract and it excludes $300,000 of realized
     foreign exchange losses arising from the foreign exchange contract which
     became due during the period, as these losses had been previously accrued
     by the Company at December 31, 2001.

                                     THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Stated in 000's)                              COPPER          IRON        EXPLORATION  CORPORATE       TOTAL
- -----------------                             -------       --------       -----------  ---------     --------
REVENUE                                       $ 4,004       $ 11,869        $     -       $     -     $ 15,873
COST OF OPERATIONS                             (2,078)        (8,557)             -             -      (10,635)
DEPRECIATION AND DEPLETION                     (1,207)        (1,964)             -             -       (3,171)
                                              -------       --------        -------       -------     --------
OPERATING PROFIT                                  719          1,348              -             -        2,067
                                              -------       --------        -------       -------     --------
   General and administrative                     116            (19)             -        (1,361)      (1,264)
   Interest on long-term debt                  (1,364)          (758)             -          (521)      (2,643)
   Exploration expenses                             -              -         (2,035)            -       (2,035)
   Depreciation                                     -              -            (26)            -          (26)
                                              -------       --------        -------       -------     --------
(LOSS) INCOME BEFORE THE FOLLOWING               (529)           571         (2,061)       (1,882)      (3,901)
                                              -------       --------        -------       -------     --------
   Mining property shut-down costs                  -              -              -          (553)        (553)
   Interest income                                 62             15             (1)          136          212
   Foreign exchange gain (loss)                     -         (3,288)            12           388       (2,888)
   Other income                                     -            126             (3)           26          149
                                              -------       --------        -------       -------     --------
CAPITAL TAXES                                    (467)        (2,576)        (2,053)       (1,885)      (6,981)

                                              -------       --------        -------       -------     --------
   (Provision for) recovery of income
   and capital taxes                                -          1,217             (1)         (211)       1,005

                                              -------       --------        -------       -------     --------
NET (LOSS)                                    $  (467)      $ (1,359)       $(2,054)      $(2,096)    $ (5,976)
                                              =======       ========        =======       =======     ========


(Stated in U.S. dollars)


                                         NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Stated in 000's)                                              COPPER         IRON         EXPLORATION      CORPORATE       TOTAL
- -----------------                                            --------       --------       -----------      ---------      --------
REVENUE                                                       $15,210       $ 50,638       $      -         $     -       $ 65,848
COST OF OPERATIONS                                             (7,839)       (38,476)             -               -        (46,315)
DEPRECIATION AND DEPLETION                                     (2,963)        (4,399)             -               -         (7,362)
                                                              -------       --------       --------         -------       --------
OPERATING PROFIT                                                4,408          7,763              -               -         12,171
                                                              -------       --------       --------         -------       --------
   General and administrative                                    (381)           (58)             -          (7,560)        (7,999)
   Interest on long-term debt                                  (1,287)        (2,335)             -               -         (3,622)
   Exploration expenses                                            (1)             -        (18,311)              5        (18,307)
   Depreciation                                                     -              -           (211)             (7)          (218)
                                                              -------       --------       --------         -------       --------
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE THE FOLLOWING                              2,739          5,370        (18,522)         (7,562)       (17,975)
                                                              -------       --------       --------         -------       --------
   Mining property shut-down costs                                  -              -              -          (1,699)        (1,699)
   Interest income                                                 71             64             20             725            880
   Foreign exchange gain (loss)                                   (27)         1,936(2)          65             404          2,378
   Gain on settlement of debt                                       -         32,466              -               -         32,466
   Other income (expense)                                          20            (83)             5           3,073          3,015
   Write-down of carrying values of assets                          -        (18,000)             -               -        (18,000)
                                                              -------       --------       --------         -------        --------
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME AND CAPITAL TAXES                   2,803         21,753        (18,432)         (5,059)         1,065
                                                              -------       --------       --------         -------       --------
   (Provision for) recovery of income and capital taxes          (107)        (3,482)           408             473         (2,708)
                                                              -------       --------       --------         -------       --------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                             $ 2,696       $ 18,271       $(18,024)        $(4,586)      $ (1,643)
                                                              =======       ========       ========        ========       ========

(2)  This foreign exchange gain includes a $3.7 million gain on the mark to
     market accrual of a foreign exchange contract and it excludes $7.3 million
     of realized foreign exchange losses arising from the foreign exchange
     contract which became due during the period, as these losses had been
     previously accrued by the Company at December 31, 2001.

                                            NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Stated in 000's)                                             COPPER            IRON       EXPLORATION  CORPORATE       TOTAL
- -----------------                                            --------         --------     -----------  ---------      --------
REVENUE                                                      $ 15,334         $ 40,487       $     -      $     -      $ 55,821
COST OF OPERATIONS                                             (6,112)         (31,197)            -            -       (37,309)
DEPRECIATION AND DEPLETION                                     (3,196)          (6,375)            -            -        (9,571)
                                                              -------         --------       -------      -------      --------
OPERATING PROFIT                                                6,026            2,915             -            -         8,941
                                                              -------         --------       -------      -------      --------
   General and administrative                                    (292)             (66)            -       (3,936)       (4,294)
   Interest on long-term debt                                  (3,205)          (3,207)            -         (763)       (7,175)
   Exploration expenses                                             -                -        (4,308)           -        (4,308)
   Depreciation                                                     -                -           (92)           -           (92)
                                                              -------         --------       -------      -------      --------
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE THE FOLLOWING                              2,529             (358)       (4,400)      (4,699)       (6,928)
                                                              -------         --------       -------      -------      --------
   Mining property shut-down costs                                  -                -             -       (2,559)       (2,559)
   Interest income                                                256              112             5          690         1,063
   Foreign exchange gain (loss)                                     -          (10,812)          (43)         186       (10,669)
   Other income                                                     -              119            (5)         150           264
                                                              -------         --------       -------       ------       -------
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME AND CAPITAL TAXES                   2,785          (10,939)       (4,443)      (6,232)      (18,829)
                                                              -------         --------       -------       ------       -------
   (Provision for) recovery of income and capital taxes            30            3,139           (14)        (548)        2,607
                                                              -------         --------       -------       ------       -------

NET INCOME (LOSS)                                             $ 2,815         $ (7,800)      $(4,457)     $(6,780)     $(16,222)
                                                              =======         ========       =======      =======      ========

(Stated in U.S. dollars)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     a)   During the three months ended June 30, 2002, the Company issued
          287,678 Common Shares at a deemed value of $599,000 in respect of the
          purchase of 7.4 million common shares of Intec Ltd.

          During the three months ended June 30, 2002, the Company divested
          itself of its iron ore project in Norway and extinguished the related
          outstanding debt of $3.5 million.

          During the three months ended March 31, 2002, the Company exchanged
          its investment in GTL Resources Plc, which had a carrying value of
          $1.4 million, for an equity interest in Resource Investment Trust with
          a fair value of $1.9 million.

          Also during the three months ended March 31, 2002, the Company
          completed the earn-in of a 100% interest in the Oyu Tolgoi project in
          Mongolia by paying cash of $1 million and by incurring an obligation
          to make a $4 million payment within one year.


                                                          Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                                            September 30,                 September 30,
                                                         --------------------        ---------------------
$ (000)                                                   2002          2001          2002           2001
- -------                                                  -----        -------        ------        -------
Interest paid                                            $ 912         $1,501        $1,954        $4,128
Income and capital taxes paid (recovered)                   94              1           350          (148)

     c)   Net change in non-cash working capital items:

                                                              Three Months Ended           Nine Months Ended
                                                                 September 30,               September 30,
                                                             ---------------------       ---------------------
$ (000)                                                        2002          2001          2002          2001
- -------                                                      -------       -------       -------       -------
Accounts receivable                                          $(3,312)      $   614       $(5,232)      $(1,153)
Inventories                                                      786        (6,473)       (1,277)       (7,492)
Prepaid expenses                                                (174)          328        (1,163)         (289)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                       1,792        (1,923)        4,663         3,754
                                                             -------       -------       -------       -------
                                                             $  (908)      $(7,454)      $(3,009)      $(5,180)
                                                             -------       --------      -------       -------


     Subsequent to September 30, 2002, the Company acquired 2 million Units of
     Pacific Minerals Inc. ("Pacific") for cash of $1,256,000 (Cdn. $2,000,000).
     Each Unit consists of one common share and one share purchase warrant of
     Pacific which is exercisable for a period of two years at an exercise price
     of Cdn. $1.10. In addition, the Company acquired from former shareholders
     of Pacific an additional 6.6 million common shares of Pacific in exchange
     for 2,374,960 Common Shares of the Company with a deemed value of



Net income for the quarter was $0.5 million or $0.0 per share, compared with a
loss of $6.0 million or $0.05 per share in 2001.

The Company spent a total of $ 10.0 million on exploration activities in the
quarter, the majority of which was spent on the Company's Mongolian properties.
In Mongolia, as a result of its exploration and drilling efforts, the Company
has identified several zones of mineralization.

         Drilling on the Far North zone of Oyu Tolgoi, has discovered an
         extensive zone of high grade copper-rich mineralization.

         Drilling on the Southwest, South and Central zones of Oyu Tolgoi has
         discovered thick intercepts of gold and copper mineralization.

         Drilling on the Kharmagtai project located 120 kilometers north of Oyu
         Tolgoi, intercepted near-surface high grade gold and copper porphyry
         mineralization similar to mineralization encountered on some
         mineralized zones at Oyu Tolgoi.

In the third quarter of 2002, the copper division's operating profit after
depreciation and depletion totaled $1.5 million, representing an increase of
$0.8 million over the same period in 2001.

In the third quarter of 2002, the iron division's operating profit after
depreciation and depletion decreased by $0.7 million over the same period in
2001. Excluded from the 2002 third quarter operating expenses was $4.2 million
(year to date $8.0 million) in capitalized pre-stripping charges.

In the third quarter of 2002, the Company acquired, through a A$15 million cash
payment, approximately A$75 million in the iron division's outstanding bank debt
and currency hedge obligations, resulting in a non-cash US$32.5 million pre-tax
gain on the transaction. As well, the Company wrote-down its investment in
Savage River by US$18 million based on a decrease in estimated recoverable
reserves and the recent strengthening of the Australian dollar resulting in a
decrease in estimated future cash flows.

In the third quarter of 2002, cash out-flow from operations increased from $4.7
million in 2001 to an $11.2 million cash out-flow in 2002.

At September 30, 2002, working capital was $20.9 million, including cash of
$34.7 million compared with working capital of $40.1 million and cash of $62.4
million at the end of June 2002.



                                                         THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
                                                     Total operation            Company's 50% net share
                                               ---------------------------   -----------------------------
                                                                  PERCENT                        PERCENT
                                                                 INCREASE                        INCREASE
COPPER                                          2002   2001     (DECREASE)   2002      2001     (DECREASE)
- ------                                         -----  -----     ----------   ----      ----     ----------
Tonnes of Ore to heap       Tonnes (000's)     2,859  1,997         43%
Grade                       CuCn%              0.46%  0.57%       (19%)
Strip ratio                 Waste/Ore           0.57   0.33         73%
Cathode production          Tonnes             7,173  5,924         21%      3,587     2,962            21%
Sales                       Tonnes             6,869  5,540         24%      3,435     2,770            24%
                            US$/pound                                       $ 0.72    $ 0.70             3%
                            US$(000)                                         5,123     4,004            28%
Cost of operations          US$(000)                                         2,746     2,078            32%
Operating profit            US$(000)                                         1,484       719           106%

                                                               NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
- -------------------                               -------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        Total operation              Company's 50% net share
                                                  -----------------------------   -----------------------------
                                                                       PERCENT                        PERCENT
                                                                      INCREASE                        INCREASE
COPPER                                             2002     2001     (DECREASE)    2002      2001    (DECREASE)
- ------                                            ------   ------    ----------    ----      ----    ----------
Tonnes of Ore to heap          Tonnes (000's)      8,903    5,732         55%
Grade                          CuCn%               0.55%    0.61%        (10%)
Strip ratio                    Waste/Ore            0.41     0.27         52%
Cathode production             Tonnes             20,796   19,603          6%     10,398      9,802         6%
Sales                          Tonnes             20,427   19,528          5%     10,214      9,764         5%
                               US$/pound                                           $0.71      $0.76        (7%)
                               US$(000)                                           15,210     15,334        (1%)
Cost of operations             US$(000)                                            7,839      6,112        28%
Operating profit               US$(000)                                            4,408      6,026       (27%)

During the third quarter of 2002, JVCo increased its cathode production by 21%
over a year ago. JVCo's ability to increase production was the result of the
multi-stages expansion program instigated early in 2002. Current plans call for
an increase in cathode throughput from 28,700 tonnes per year capacity achieved
in September 2002 to a target of 33,000 tonnes per year by April 2003.

In the third quarter of 2002, in order to achieve higher copper production
levels, total ore mined increased by 43% and the ore grade decreased by 19%. As
a result, total cost of operation increased by 32%, representing a 6% increase
in unit operating costs.

The reduction in interest expense is mainly the result of lower interest rates
and a reduction in the total amount of debt. In the first nine months of 2002,
JVCo made debt repayments of $15 million.


                                       THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
IRON                                                      2002          2001       (DECREASE)
- ----                                                    -------       -------      ----------
Tonnes milled                 (000's)                     1,249         1,189            5%
Concentrate production        Tonnes                    528,371       509,860            4%
Grade                         DTR %                         42%           43%          (2%)
Pellet production             Tonnes                    513,114       487,777            5%
Pellet sales                  Tonnes                    507,984       405,942           25%
Sales                         US$/tonne                     $28           $29          (5%)
                              US$(000)                   14,146        11,869           19%
Cost of operations            US$(000)                   11,179         8,557           31%
                              US$/tonne                     $22           $21            4%
Operating profit              US$(000)                      647         1,348         (52%)

                                          NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
IRON                                                     2002          2001        (DECREASE)
- ----                                                  ---------     ---------      ----------
Tonnes milled                 (000's)                     3,623         2,818           29%
Concentrate production        Tonnes                  1,660,140     1,505,270           10%
Grade                         DTR %                         46%           53%         (13%)
Pellet production             Tonnes                  1,622,873     1,470,184           10%
Pellet sales                  Tonnes                  1,702,444     1,352,593           26%
Sales                         US$/tonne                     $30           $30          (1%)
                              US$(000)                   50,638        40,487           25%
Cost of operations            US$(000)                   38,476        31,197           23%
                              US$/tonne                     $23           $23          (2%)
Operating profit              US$(000)                    7,763         2,915          166%

In the third quarter of 2002 tonnages of pellet sold increased by 25% over a
year ago and as a result of a 5% decrease in the pellet unit sales price, sales
increased by 19%.

During the third quarter of 2002, operating costs increased by 31% over the same
period in 2001 representing a net unit cost increase of 4%. Excluded form the
2002 third quarter operating expenses was $4.2 million (year to date $8.0
million) in capitalized pre-stripping charges.

Total depreciation in the third quarter increased by 18% over the same period
last year due to a lowering in that quarter of estimated recoverable reserves.
This decrease in estimated recoverable reserves and the expected strengthening
of the Australian dollar over the next few years resulted in a $18.0 million
impairment provision against the value of the Savage River assets.

The Australian dollar reached a low point of US$0.5272 per A$ at the beginning
of August, following which it steadily strengthened to a high of US$0.5669
(+7.5%) in early November. The US$18.0 million impairment provision at the end
of September 2002 assumes US$0.57 as the estimated Australian exchange rate in
years subsequent to 2002.

In the fourth quarter of 2002, the Savage River operation is expected to
increase its reliance on the softer ore from the South deposit which will
require blending of stockpiled low-grade material. In order to maintain the same
level of pellet productivity, the Savage River operation expects to offset this
anticipated decrease in grade with improvements in the mill throughput.


BAKYRCHIK GOLD MINE -- As a result of additional controls imposed in the second
quarter of 2002 by the government of Kazakhstan on the import of hazardous
material, production at the Bakyrchik gold mine was stopped for most of the
third quarter due to a shortage of cyanide. Gold production in the third quarter
of 2002 totaled 177 ounces. Revenues from the gold sales were netted against the
mining property shut-down costs.

In November 2002, the Company's subsidiary "Bakyrchik Mining Venture" was
notified by the Government of Kazakhstan that its application for an extension
of certain exploration rights under a mining license had been denied. The
Company's position is that "Bakyrchik Mining Venture" is legally entitled to the
extension and that the Government does not have the right to deny granting it.
The Company plans to pursue its legal rights to the extent necessary to protect
its interests in Kazakhstan. It is too early to assess the extent, if any, to
which the failure to obtain the extension sought would adversely affect those

EUNSAN GOLD MINE -- During the third quarter of 2002, the Eunsan mine continued
its test mining and milling program resulting in the production and sale of
3,248 ounces of gold and 125,039 ounces of silver contained in dore. Production
in the fourth quarter of 2002 will be considerably lower as the feed to the mill
will switch from the high-grade to the low-grade portion of the stockpile.

While the mine operated throughout the third quarter from ore stockpiled on
surface, the Eunsan operations continued its efforts to complete the development
of the underground ramp. Following the completion of the ramp in October of
2002, an infill underground drilling program is scheduled to be completed in the
fourth quarter of 2002. Once the infill program has been completed and an
updated block model and mine plan is completed, underground mining is expected
to re-commence on a commercial basis. As a result, all underground development
costs have been expensed and revenues generated from the processing of
stockpiled ore have been netted against exploration and development costs.


Exploration expenses in the third quarter of 2002 totaled $10.0 million compared
to $2.0 million for the same period in 2001. The majority of the $8.0 million
increase is due to increased activities at the Oyu Tolgoi project and other
Mongolian properties.

OYU TOLGOI, MONGOLIA -- During the third quarter of 2002, work at Oyu Tolgoi
tested the high priority targets in the Far North IP anomaly with continued
delineation drilling in the Central, SW Oyu and South Oyu Zones. Several
metallurgical core holes were drilled in Central Oyu to collect large diameter
core for test work on leaching and concentrating.

In-fill drilling will resume in Central when Far North drilling has finished.
During the quarter approximately 20,115 meters of core drilling was completed on
the Oyu Tolgoi property using a total of nine drilling rigs. Four more drilling
rigs are expected to be used in the fourth quarter of 2002.

KHARMAGTAI, MONGOLIA -- During the third quarter of 2002, the Company started
drilling on the Kharmagtai project, located 120 kilometers north of the Oyu
Tolgoi project. Field sampling, mapping and geophysical surveys completed on the
Kharmagtai project during 2002 have delineated a series of porphyry-related
targets which the Company intends to drill in the fourth quarter of 2002.

MONGOLIA RECONNAISSANCE -- The Company has plans to test other targets uncovered
by its field sampling and mapping activities, including Oyut Ulaan , Oyut Ovoo,
Saran Uul, Chandman Yul and Shuteen.

CHINA -- In conjunction with its exploration efforts in Mongolia, the Company is
also pursuing various gold and platinum opportunities in China through a joint
venture with Pacific Minerals Inc. The Company has the right to participate in
the development of Pacific's 217 Gold project in Inner Mongolia, the JBS
Platinum Palladium project in Yunnan Province, and a right of first refusal to
participate in all new mineral projects discovered by Pacific in China.

MODI TAUNG, MYANMAR -- The Modi Taung gold project mainly consists of the
driving of underground exploration adits and surface diamond drilling. Since
inception, 4,200 meters of adits were driven on five separate vein systems.

Total exploration expenditures in third quarter of 2002 were as follows:

Project                                            US$ million
- -------                                            -----------
Oyu Tolgoi                                           $ 4.4
Kharmagtai                                             0.8
General reconnaissance and administration
- -- all Mongolia projects                               2.0
Modi Taung                                             0.5
China                                                  0.4
Korea, net of incidental revenues                      1.9


General and administrative expenses increased from $1.4 million in the third
quarter of 2001 to $3.1 million in the same period in 2002. The $1.7 million
increase is mainly attributed to higher travel, legal and administrative
expenses related to the Company's expansion programs and activities throughout
the year.

The increase in mining property shut-down costs is mainly attributed to the
lower gold revenues netted against the care and maintenance costs at the
Bakyrchik gold mine.

The majority of the $0.05 million loss on foreign exchange in the third quarter
of 2002 resulted from the weakening of the Canadian dollar as the majority of
the equity raised in

the second quarter of 2002 was invested in money instruments denominated in
Canadian dollars.

In the third quarter of 2002, the Company acquired, through a A$15 million cash
payment, approximately A$75 million in outstanding debt and currency hedge
obligations owed by Savage River to a third party bank. This debt acquisition
resulted in a pre-tax gain on debt settlement of US$32.5 million.


In the third quarter of 2002, the Company's cash balances decreased from $62.4
million at the beginning of the quarter to $34.7 million at the end of the
quarter. The $27.7 million decrease in cash included $4.5 million in debt
repayments, $8.1 million in debt acquisition, $5 million in capital asset
expenditures and $11.2 million in expenditures for operating activities.

In the fourth quarter of 2002, the Company through a $1.3 million (Canadian $2.0
million) private placement acquired 2.0 million shares of Pacific Minerals Inc.
The Company also acquired 6.6 million shares of Pacific Minerals Inc. in
exchange for the issuance of 2.4 million Ivanhoe common shares.

In the third quarter of 2002, the Company negotiated a settlement with the
banker for Savage River whereby it extinguished, by making a cash payment of
A$15 million, outstanding bank debts and all remaining currency hedge
obligations valued at a total of approximately A$75 million.

At September 30, 2002, the $22.5 million long-term debt obligation of the copper
operations in Myanmar has been classified as current liabilities as a result of
non-compliance with certain covenants of the S&K credit agreement. To date, the
S&K operation has met all principal and interest obligations and the Company is
of the opinion that the lenders will not demand repayment of the loan,
notwithstanding the foregoing.

The Company's existing cash resources are sufficient to meet all of its
currently planned expenditures and the Company's ongoing exploration activities
in Mongolia and elsewhere will require ongoing funding in order to continue
development of such properties. Over the long term, the Company still needs to
obtain additional funding for, or third party participation in, its undeveloped
or partially developed projects in order to bring them into full production.
Such projects include the Letpadaung Copper project, the Mongolia properties,
the Bakyrchik Gold Mine and the Eunsan Gold Mine. Since factors beyond the
Company's control may adversely affect its access to funding or its ability to
recruit third party participants, there can be no assurance the Company's
undeveloped or partially developed projects can be fully developed in whole or
in part.