Weiss Treasury Only Money Market Fund
                        Weiss Millennium Opportunity Fund

Dear Valued Shareholder:

         On behalf of the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of The Weiss Fund (the
"Trust"),  comprised of Weiss  Treasury  Only Money  Market Fund ("Money  Market
Fund") and Weiss Millennium Opportunity Fund ("Opportunity Fund") (each a "Fund"
and,  collectively,  the  "Funds"),  we are  pleased  to invite you to a special
meeting of the shareholders ("Special Meeting") of the Funds, to be held at 9:30
a.m.  Eastern  time,  on January 29, 2002,  at the Embassy  Suites PGA, 4380 PGA
Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410.

         At the Special  Meeting  you will be asked to consider  and approve the
following proposals: (i) to elect members of the Board; (ii) for shareholders of
Money Market  Fund,  to approve an amended and  restated  Investment  Management
Agreement  between the Trust,  on behalf of Money Market  Fund,  and Weiss Money
Management,  Inc.  ("Weiss");  (iii) to approve a Subadvisory  Agreement between
Weiss  and  Delray  Financial  Corporation;  and (iv) to  attend  to such  other
business as may properly come before the Special  Meeting or any  adjournment(s)
or postponement(s) thereof.

         Each proposal is discussed in detail in the enclosed  Proxy  Statement.
All of the  proposals  have been  approved  by the  Board.  We are asking you to
consider them carefully and express your vote on the enclosed proxy ballot or at
the Special Meeting.

         Because  of  the  importance  of  these  proposals,  AlamoDirect,  Inc.
("Alamo"),  a  professional  solicitation  firm,  has been  employed  to  assist
shareholders  in  the  voting  process.  As the  date  of  the  Special  Meeting
approaches,  if we have not already  heard from you, you may receive a telephone
call from a  representative  of Alamo  reminding  you to exercise  your right to

                       IN FAVOR OF EACH OF THE PROPOSALS.

         The formal  Notice of Special  Meeting,  a proxy  statement and a proxy
ballot are  enclosed.  If you are a  shareholder  of more than one Fund, or have
more than one account registered in your name, you will receive one proxy ballot
for each account. Please vote and return each ballot that you receive.

         We look  forward  to  your  attendance  at the  Special  Meeting  or to
receiving  your proxy  ballot(s) so that your shares may be voted at the Special
Meeting.  If you  have  any  questions,  please  do not  hesitate  to call us at


                                                  /s/ Clara A. Maxcy
                                                  Clara A. Maxcy
                                                  Vice President and Secretary
                                                  December 21, 2001

                                 THE WEISS FUND
                      Weiss Treasury Only Money Market Fund
                        Weiss Millennium Opportunity Fund

To Shareholders:

         PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT a special meeting of the  shareholders  ("Special
Meeting") of The Weiss Fund (the  "Trust"),  consisting  of Weiss  Treasury Only
Money Market Fund ("Money Market Fund") and Weiss  Millennium  Opportunity  Fund
("Opportunity  Fund") (each a "Fund" and,  collectively,  the "Funds"),  will be
held at 9:30 a.m.  Eastern time, on January 29, 2002, at the Embassy Suites PGA,
4380 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 for the following purposes:

          1.   To elect members of the Board of Trustees of the Trust;

          2.   For  shareholders of Money Market Fund, to approve an amended and
               restated  Investment  Management  Agreement between the Trust, on
               behalf of Money Market  Fund,  and Weiss Money  Management,  Inc.

          3.   To  approve a  Subadvisory  Agreement  between  Weiss and  Delray
               Financial Corporation; and

          4.   To attend to such other  business as may properly come before the
               Special Meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.

         Please read the enclosed  proxy  statement  carefully  for  information
concerning the proposals to be placed before the Special Meeting.

                           OF EACH OF THE PROPOSALS.

         Shareholders of record as of the close of business on December 6, 2001,
are  entitled  to  notice  of,  and to  vote  at,  the  Special  Meeting  or any
adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.

         In the event that the necessary quorum to transact business or the vote
required to approve any  Proposal is not  obtained at the Special  Meeting,  the
persons  named as proxies may propose  one or more  adjournments  of the Special
Meeting in accordance  with  applicable  law to permit further  solicitation  of
proxies with respect to that Proposal.  Any such adjournment as to a matter will
require the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of the
Trust (for a  Trust-wide  vote) or Fund (for a  Fund-wide  vote) in person or by
proxy at the Special  Meeting.  The persons  named as proxies  will vote FOR any
such  adjournment  those  proxies  they  are  entitled  to vote in favor of that
Proposal,  and will vote AGAINST any such adjournment  those proxies to be voted
against that Proposal.

By Order of the Board of Trustees,

/s/ Clara A. Maxcy
- ------------------------------------
Clara A. Maxcy
Vice President and Secretary
December 21, 2001

                          WILL STILL BE ABLE TO DO SO.

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                December 21, 2001

           WEISS TREASURY ONLY MONEY MARKET FUND ("Money Market Fund")
             WEISS MILLENNIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND ("Opportunity Fund")

                            Each a Separate Series of
                          THE WEISS FUND (the "Trust")

                            Toll Free: (800) 289-8100
                                 4176 Burns Road
                        Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                         To be Held on January 29, 2002

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         This proxy statement is being furnished to shareholders of Money Market
Fund and  Opportunity  Fund (each a "Fund" and,  collectively,  the  "Funds") in
connection  with three  proposals  (each a  "Proposal"  and,  collectively,  the
"Proposals").  In accordance with the requirements of the Investment Company Act
of 1940,  as amended (the "1940  Act"),  the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the
"Board") is soliciting  your vote for a special  meeting of shareholders of each
Fund (the  "Special  Meeting") to be held at 9:30 a.m.  Eastern time, on January
29, 2002, at the Embassy Suites PGA, 4380 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
33410.  Proposal 1 proposes the  election of  Trustees.  Proposal 2 proposes the
approval of an  amendment to the  Investment  Management  Agreement  between the
Trust,  on  behalf  of Money  Market  Fund,  and Weiss  Money  Management,  Inc.
("Weiss"), the Funds' investment adviser.  Proposal 3 proposes the approval of a
Subadvisory Agreement between Weiss and Delray Financial Corporation ("Delray").

What's new with the Weiss Funds?

         The Funds and Weiss have  undergone  organizational  changes  that have
implications for the way the Funds are managed. John N. Breazeale, the portfolio
manager for the Funds,  recently resigned from his position at Weiss in order to
form his own investment  management firm,  Delray. The Board has determined that
retaining  Delray as  subadviser  to the Funds is in the best  interests  of the
Funds and their shareholders.  Accordingly,  the Board is asking shareholders to
approve a Subadvisory  Agreement between Weiss and Delray,  thereby allowing the
Funds to continue to receive the benefit of Mr.  Breazeale's  investment advice.
Weiss  would  remain  the  Funds'  investment  manager,   providing   compliance
monitoring and oversight in light of the Funds'  obligations  under the 1940 Act
and other federal,  state and local laws,  providing  reports to the Board,  and
implementing the execution of transactions recommended by Delray in the exercise
of  Weiss'  independent  judgment  regarding  the  appropriateness  of  Delray's
investment  recommendations  for each  Fund in  accordance  with its  investment
objectives, policies and restrictions.

         Mr.   Breazeale  also  resigned  from  the  Board,  and  following  his
resignation, the Board appointed a new Trustee to fill the vacancy. The Board is
soliciting the election of the full five member slate of Board members.

         Notwithstanding  these changes,  the Funds and their  shareholders will
receive  the same  services  as they  currently  enjoy.  As you read this  proxy
statement, please keep in mind the following:

         Management of your Fund will not change significantly.  These proposals
         will not result in a  significant  change in the actual  management  of
         your Fund.  Delray will become the Funds'  subadviser and Mr. Breazeale
         will   continue   to   have   responsibility   for   making   portfolio
         recommendations  for the  Funds,  while  Weiss  will  continue  to have
         responsibility  for the  day-to-day  management  of the  Funds  and the
         implementation  of investment  advice  according to the  objectives and
         policies of each Fund.

         The objectives  and policies of your Fund will not change.  Your Fund's
         investment objectives and policies will remain the same.

         The advisory fees paid by your Fund will not increase.

Which Proposals apply to my Fund?

         The  following  table  identifies  each Proposal to be presented at the
Special  Meeting and the Funds whose  shareholders  the Board is soliciting with
respect to that Proposal:

           Proposal                                    Affected Funds

1.  To elect members of the Board.                  Money Market Fund and
                                                       Opportunity Fund

2.  To approve an amended and restated              Money Market Fund only
    Investment Management Agreement between
    the Trust, on  behalf of Money Market
    Fund, and Weiss.

3.  To approve a Subadvisory Agreement between      Money Market Fund and
    Weiss and Delray.                                  Opportunity Fund

Who is asking for my vote?

         The Board is  sending  this  proxy  statement  and the  enclosed  proxy
ballot(s) to all  shareholders of the Funds.  The Board is soliciting your proxy
to vote at the Special Meeting.

Why did you send me this booklet?

         This proxy  statement  provides you with  information you should review
before voting on the matters  listed above and in the Notice of Special  Meeting
for the Funds. You are receiving these proxy materials - a booklet that includes
the proxy  statement  and one proxy  ballot for each Fund you own - because  you
have the right to vote on important proposals  concerning your investment in the

When and where will the Special Meeting be held?

         The Special  Meeting will be held at the Embassy  Suites PGA,  4380 PGA
Blvd.,  Palm Beach Gardens,  Florida  33410,  on January 29, 2002, at 9:30 a.m.,
Eastern  time,  and, if the Special  Meeting is postponed or  adjourned,  at any
postponement or adjournment of that Meeting. If you expect to attend the Special
Meeting in person, please notify the Funds by calling 1-800-289-8100.

Who is eligible to vote?

         The Board is  sending  this proxy  statement,  the  attached  Notice of
Special  Meeting and the enclosed proxy  ballot(s) on or about December 21, 2001
to all  shareholders of record who are eligible to vote.  Shareholders who owned
shares in any Fund at the close of business on December 6, 2001 ("Record  Date")
are  eligible  to vote.  Appendix 1 sets forth the number of shares of each Fund
issued  and  outstanding  as of the  Record  Date.  To the  best of the  Trust's
knowledge,  as of December 6, 2001, no person owned beneficially more than 5% of
any class of any Fund, except as set forth in Appendix 2. The word "you" is used
in this  proxy  statement  to refer to the  person or  entity  who owns the Fund
shares and who, therefore,  has voting rights in connection with the shares. For
pension plans, this usually means the trustees for the plan.

Who votes on each Proposal?

         Shareholders  of both Funds will vote as a group on Proposal 1 (i.e., a
Trust-wide  vote).  Shareholders of Money Market Fund only will vote on Proposal
2, and  shareholders  of each Fund will vote  separately  on  Proposal  3 (i.e.,
Fund-wide votes).

How do I vote?

         In  addition   to   solicitation   by  mail,   certain   officers   and
representatives of the Trust,  officers and employees of Weiss or its affiliates
and certain financial services firms and their representatives, who will receive
no extra  compensation  for their  services,  may solicit  proxies by telephone,
telegram or personally.

         AlamoDirect,  Inc.  ("Solicitor")  has been  engaged  to  assist in the
solicitation  of proxies,  at an  estimated  cost of $7,000.  As the date of the
Special Meeting  approaches,  certain Fund  shareholders may receive a telephone
call from a  representative  of the  Solicitor  if their votes have not yet been
received.  Authorization  to permit  the  Solicitor  to execute  proxies  may be
obtained by telephonic  instructions from  shareholders of a Fund.  Proxies that
are obtained telephonically, electronically or via facsimile will be recorded in
accordance  with  certain  procedures,  as  explained  further  in the  "General
Information"  section of this proxy  statement.  The Board  believes  that these
procedures  are  reasonably  designed  to ensure  that both the  identity of the
shareholder  casting the vote and the voting instructions of the shareholder are
accurately determined.

Can I revoke my proxy after I vote it?

         Any  shareholder  giving a proxy  has the  power to  revoke  it by mail
(addressed to the Secretary at the  principal  executive  office of the Trust at
the address shown at the beginning of this proxy  statement) or in person at the
Special  Meeting,  by executing a  superseding  proxy ballot or by  submitting a
notice of revocation to the Trust.

Who pays for this proxy solicitation?

         Weiss will pay for the costs  associated  with the Special  Meeting and
the preparation and solicitation of proxies.

How can I obtain more information about the Funds?

         Copies of each Fund's Annual Report for the fiscal year ended  December
31, 2000, and its  Semi-Annual  Report for the period ended June 30, 2001,  have
previously been mailed to  shareholders.  This proxy statement should be read in
conjunction  with the Annual and Semi-Annual  Reports.  You can obtain copies of
those Reports, without charge, by writing to Weiss Money Management,  Inc., 4176
Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410, or by calling 1-800-289-8100.

How does the Board recommend that I vote?

         The Board recommends that  shareholders  vote FOR each of the Proposals
described in this proxy statement.

                                   PROPOSAL 1
                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

What is the Proposal?

         At the  Special  Meeting,  shareholders  will be asked  to  elect  five
individuals  nominated  by the  Board  ("Nominees")  to  constitute  the  Board.
Information  about each  Nominee is set forth  below.  All of the  Nominees  are
currently Trustees of the Trust and each has consented to continue to serve as a
Trustee if re-elected by shareholders.

Who are the Nominees?

          For  election  of  Trustees  at the  Special  Meeting,  the  Board has
nominated Martin D. Weiss, Esther S. Gordon,  Robert Z. Lehrer,  Donald Wilk and
Clara A. Maxcy.

         The proxies will vote for the election of each of these Nominees unless
you withhold  authority  to vote for any or all of them in the proxy.  If any or
all of the Nominees should become unavailable for election due to events not now
known or  anticipated,  the  persons  named as proxies  will vote for such other
nominee or nominees  as the current  Trustees  may  recommend,  or the Board may
reduce the number of Trustees in accordance with the terms of the Declaration of

         No Nominee is a party adverse to the Trust or any of its  affiliates in
any material  pending legal  proceedings,  nor does any Nominee have an interest
materially  adverse to the Trust.  Except as disclosed in the tables  below,  no
Nominee serves as a member of any other board of trustees or directors.

         The following table sets forth information  concerning the Nominees who
are not "interested persons" of the Trust within the meaning of Section 2(a)(19)
of the 1940 Act:


Name, Address and Age              Position(s) with the    Length of Time Served    Principal Occupation(s) During Past
                                           Trust                                                   5 Years

Esther S. Gordon, 59                    Trustee             Since November 30,      President, Esther's Natural, Inc.
4176 Burns Road                                             1995                    (November 1999 - present) (vitamin
Palm Beach Gardens, FL  33410                                                       and supplements distributor); Office
                                                                                    Manager, Nutrition S'Mart (February
                                                                                    2001 - present)(natural food market).

Robert Z. Lehrer, 67                    Trustee             Since November 30,      President, Wyndmoor Sales Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 1679                                               1995                    (1985 - present) (textiles).
107 Commodore Drive
Jupiter, FL  33468

Donald Wilk, 63                         Trustee             Since November 30,      President,  Donald Wilk  Corporation
6044 Petaluma Drive                                         1995                    (1990 - present)  (computer sales
Boca Raton, FL 33433                                                                and credit card processing).

         The following table sets forth information concerning the officers, and
the  Nominees  who are  interested  persons of the Trust  within the  meaning of
Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act:


Name, Address and Age               Position(s) with the    Length of Time Served    Principal Occupation(s) During Past
                                            Trust                                                  5 Years

Martin D. Weiss, 54                President and Trustee*   Trustee since           Editor of "Safe Money Report";
4176 Burns Road                                             November 30, 1995,      President and Director, Weiss Group,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410                                President since         Inc. (1971 - present); Sole
                                                            November 19, 2001       Director, Weiss (November 1980 -

Clara A. Maxcy, 43                 Vice President,          Secretary since         Vice President, Weiss (February 2001
4176 Burns Road                    Secretary and Trustee*   February 11, 2000,      - present).  Operations Manager,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410                                Vice President and      Compliance Administrator and
                                                            Trustee since           Corporate Secretary, Weiss (August
                                                            November 19, 2001       1996 - February 2001);
                                                                                    Financial/Operations Principal,
                                                                                    Weiss Funds, Inc. (principal
                                                                                    underwriter of the Funds) (January
                                                                                    1996 - present); President, Weiss
                                                                                    Funds, Inc. (November 2001 -
                                                                                    present); Operations
                                                                                    Manager/Research Assistant, Weiss
                                                                                    Research, Inc. (November 1993 -
                                                                                    August 1996).

J. Barry Clause, 37                Treasurer                July 27, 2000           Vice President and Director of
103 Bellevue Parkway                                                                Accounting, PFPC Inc. (2000 -
Wilmington, DE  19809                                                               present); Assistant Vice President
                                                                                    and Accounting Manager, PFPC Inc.

*Dr. Weiss and Ms. Maxcy are deemed to be  "interested  persons" of the Trust by
virtue of their employment by Weiss.  Trustees who are not "interested  persons"
are referred to herein as "Independent Trustees."

Do the Nominees own shares of the Funds?

         Appendix 3 sets forth the dollar  range of shares of each class of each
Fund held directly or  indirectly  by the  Nominees.  To the best of the Trust's
knowledge,  as of December 6, 2001 the  Nominees  and officers of the Trust as a
group owned less than 1% of the  outstanding  shares of each class of each Fund.
There  have  been no  purchases  or  sales  of any  securities  of  Weiss or any
subsidiary  thereof by any  Nominee  since the  beginning  of the most  recently
completed fiscal year.

Why are Trustees being elected at the present time?

         The Trustees have determined  that a Board  consisting of five members,
three of whom are Independent Trustees, has been an effective size in overseeing
the Funds. Therefore, the Trustees nominated to the Board all of the individuals
who currently serve as trustees of the Trust.

         In  connection  with his  resignation  from  Weiss,  John N.  Breazeale
resigned from the Board effective  October 3, 2001. Four of the current Trustees
were  elected to the Board by the sole  shareholder  of the Trust at the Trust's
inception.  Under the 1940 Act,  the Board may fill  vacancies  or  appoint  new
trustees if, immediately  thereafter,  at least two-thirds of the directors have
been elected by shareholders.  Accordingly, the Board filled the vacancy created
by Mr.  Breazeale's  resignation by appointing an additional  Trustee  without a
shareholder election. After such appointment,  80% of the Board has been elected
by  shareholders.  However,  if one more of the Trustees elected by shareholders
should later vacate the Board, this would necessitate that the Funds undergo the
expense of a separate  proxy  statement  to elect new Board  members in order to
retain a full  slate of five  Trustees.  Because  of this  risk,  the  Board has
determined that it is in the best interests of the Funds and their  shareholders
to  include a  proposal  to elect all five  members  of the Board in this  proxy
statement.   The  Board  met  to  discuss  Board   candidates   and,  after  due
consideration, recommend to shareholders the Nominees indicated above. In making
such   recommendation,   the  Board  took  into   consideration  the  knowledge,
background, and experience of the Nominees with the Funds.

         The  compensation  arrangements  for the Trust have not been changed by
the Board, so if shareholders elect the Nominees, their compensation as Trustees
would be the same as that currently in effect,  as discussed later in this proxy
statement. If these measures are approved by shareholders, the newly constituted
Board may choose to consider  whether the compensation of the Trustees should be

How long can Trustees serve on the Board?

         Trustees  generally hold office until their  successors are elected and
qualified. A Trustee may resign or may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the
Trustees or by two-thirds of the holders of the outstanding  shares of the Trust
at any time.

Are there any Committees of the Board?

          The  Board  has an  Audit  Committee,  an  Executive  Committee  and a
Valuation Committee.

          The  function  of the  Audit  Committee  is to  assist  the  Board  in
fulfilling  its  responsibilities  to  shareholders  of the  Funds  relating  to
accounting  and  reporting,  internal  controls  and the  adequacy  of  auditing
relative  thereto.  The Audit  Committee  currently  consists of the Independent
Trustees,  who are Esther S. Gordon,  Robert Z. Lehrer and Donald Wilk. Mr. Wilk
serves as Chairman of the Committee.  During the last year, the Audit  Committee
held two meetings.

         The function of the Executive  Committee is to enable the Board to take
action if necessary in the absence of the full Board.  The  Executive  Committee
currently consists of Martin D. Weiss and Clara A. Maxcy.  During the last year,
the Executive Committee held no meetings.

         The function of the Valuation Committee is to consider the valuation of
securities which may be difficult to price,  although  pricing  difficulties are
infrequent  given the nature of the Funds' portfolio  securities.  The Valuation
Committee  currently consists of Martin D. Weiss and Clara A. Maxcy.  During the
last year, the Valuation Committee held no meetings.

How often does the Board meet?

         The Board currently  conducts  regular  meetings four times a year. The
Audit Committee  currently  meets two times per year. In addition,  the Board or
the  Committees  may hold special  meetings by telephone or in person to discuss
specific  matters that may require  action  prior to the next  regular  meeting.
During 2000,  the Board held four  meetings,  and the Audit  Committee  held two
meetings,  including regularly scheduled meetings and special meetings,  whether
in person or by  telephone.  The  Executive  and  Valuation  Committees  held no
meetings in 2000. All of the Independent  Trustees attended all of the Board and
Audit  Committee  meetings  in 2000.  Mr.  Breazeale  attended  all of the Board
meetings in 2000.  Mr. Weiss  attended  fewer than 75% of the Board  meetings in

What are the Trustees paid for their services?

         Each  Independent  Trustee  receives an annual fee of $1,500,  $500 for
each Board  meeting  attended,  $250 for each Audit  Committee or other  meeting
attended,  plus  reimbursement  for  out-of-pocket  expenses for serving in that
capacity.  Unless  changed  by the  Board,  the  Trustees  will  continue  to be
compensated  under the  arrangements  that are  currently in place.  None of the
Trustees currently is entitled to receive pension or retirement benefits.  Weiss
pays the  compensation  and  certain  expenses of their  personnel  who serve as
Trustees  of the Trust,  and  receives  management  fees for its  services.  The
Trustees who are employees of Weiss  participate in the fees paid to Weiss,  and
the Trust makes no direct payments to them.

         The following table sets forth  information  regarding the compensation
paid from the Trust to the  Independent  Trustees during 2000 for service on the


                                            Pension or
                                            Retirement                                  Total Compensation
                         Aggregate          Benefits Accrued     Estimated Annual       from Trust and
                         Compensation       as Part of Trust     Benefits Upon          Fund Complex
Name (Position)          from Trust         Expenses             Retirement             Paid  to Trustee
- ---------------          ----------         --------             ---------              ----------------

Esther S. Gordon         $3,500             None                 None                   $3,500

Robert Z. Lehrer         $3,500             None                 None                   $3,500

Donald Wilk              $3,500             None                 None                   $3,500

What are officers paid for their services?

         The Trust does not pay its officers  for the  services  they provide to
the Trust. Instead, the officers, who are also officers or employees of Weiss or
PFPC Inc., the administrator to the Funds ("PFPC"),  are compensated by Weiss or
PFPC. The Trust's officers are appointed by the Board and hold office until they
resign, are removed or are otherwise disqualified to serve.

What is the vote required?

         The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the shares of the Trust voting
at the  Special  Meeting,  in person or by proxy,  is  required  to approve  the
election of each Nominee to the Board.

What is the Board's recommendation on Proposal 1?

         The Board recommends that shareholders VOTE FOR the election of each of
the Nominees.

                                   PROPOSAL 2
                      (Money Market Fund Shareholders Only)

What is the Proposal?

         On November 19, 2001 the full Board,  including all of the  Independent
Trustees,  voted to  approve  an  amended  and  restated  Investment  Management
Agreement  between the Trust,  on behalf of Money  Market  Fund,  and Weiss (the
"amended management agreement"), subject to the approval of shareholders. A form
of the  proposed  amended  management  agreement  is  included as Exhibit A. The
following  discussion  of the amended  management  agreement is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the agreement set forth in Exhibit A.

         If approved by shareholders,  the amended  management  agreement would,
unless  terminated early,  continue from year to year thereafter,  provided that
each such continuance is approved annually (i) by the Board, or by the vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting securities of Money Market Fund, and (ii) by
a majority  of the  Independent  Trustees  who are not  parties  to the  amended
management agreement.

What are the new terms of the amended management agreement?

         The  terms of the  amended  management  agreement  are  related  to the
advisory  services  to be provided  to Money  Market Fund and are  substantially
similar  in all  material  respects  to the  terms  of  the  current  management
agreement,  except that a provision  is being added to that  agreement  to allow
Money Market Fund to utilize the services of a subadviser. This amendment to the
current agreement will permit Weiss to hire Delray to act as subadviser to Money
Market Fund, subject to shareholder approval of the arrangement (described below
in Proposal 3).

         Like the current agreement,  the amended management  agreement provides
that  Weiss is not  subject to  liability  to Money  Market  Fund for any act or
omission  in the course of, or  connected  with,  rendering  services  under the
agreement, except by reason of willful misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence
or reckless  disregard of its  obligations  and duties under the  agreement.  In
addition,  the amended  management  agreement  provides  that Weiss would not be
subject to  liability to Money Market Fund for any act or omission in the course
of, or in connection with, a subadviser's rendering services under a subadvisory
agreement,  except by reason of Weiss'  willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross
negligence,  or  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties  under the

         The amended management agreement may be terminated by Money Market Fund
without penalty on 60 days' notice by the Board or by a vote of the shareholders
of a majority of the Fund's outstanding  shares, or on 60 days' notice by Weiss.
The amended management  agreement would terminate  automatically in the event of
its "assignment" (as defined in the 1940 Act).

What is the effective date for the amended management agreement?

         Money Market Fund  commenced  operations on June 28, 1996.  The current
management  agreement  is dated  January 16,  1996 and was last  approved by the
Board on November 19, 2001, and the Fund's sole initial  shareholder on November
30, 1995 so that Money Market Fund could commence  operations.  The  anticipated
effective date for the amended management agreement is January 29, 2002.

Will the investment advisory fees increase?

         No.  There will be no change in the  advisory  fees to be paid by Money
Market  Fund.  If Money  Market  Fund's  shareholders  approve  the  subadvisory
arrangement  with  Delray,  Weiss will pay a portion of its fees  received  from
Money Market Fund to Delray for its services to the Fund.  Under the current and
amended management  agreements,  the Fund pays Weiss a monthly fee at the annual
rate of 0.50% of the Fund's average net assets.

         For the most recent fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, Weiss received
advisory  fees of $111,041 from the Fund after waiving fees of $464,086 in order
to maintain  total Fund  operating  expenses at 0.50% of the Fund's  average net
assets.  Weiss  does  not act as  investment  adviser  to any  other  investment
companies with investment objectives similar to those of the Fund.

Will there be expense limitations imposed on the Fund?

         Yes.  Weiss has  contractually  agreed  to limit  the  total  operating
expenses  of  the  Fund  (excluding  interest,   taxes,  brokerage  commissions,
litigation,  indemnification,  and extraordinary  expenses) to an annual rate of
0.60% of the Fund's  average net assets,  which  lowers the Fund's  expenses and
increases its yield. This contractual  expense limitation is currently in effect
through  April 30, 2002 and may be  terminated  or revised  each year,  at which
point the Fund's expenses may increase and its yield may be reduced.

Who is Weiss?

         Weiss is registered as an investment  adviser with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC").  The firm  manages  mutual  funds and private and
institutional  accounts.  It has its principal  offices at 4176 Burns Road, Palm
Beach Gardens,  Florida 33410. As of November 30, 2001,  Weiss manages over $275
million in assets. Weiss is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Weiss Group, Inc., also
located at 4176  Burns  Road,  Palm Beach  Gardens,  Florida  33410.  Appendix 4
contains a list of the  principal  executive  officers and the sole  director of
Weiss and identifies  those  individuals who are officers and/or Trustees of the
Trust that are also officers and/or the sole director of Weiss.  Martin D. Weiss
is the sole director and majority shareholder of Weiss Group, Inc. The Radcliffe
Family  Investment Co.  Limited,  4176 Burns Road,  Palm Beach Gardens,  Florida
33410, owns 10% of Weiss Group, Inc.

What factors did the Board consider?

         In approving the amended management  agreement,  the Board considered a
number of factors,  including:  (1) Weiss' experience in overseeing a subadviser
for  Opportunity  Fund; (2) the benefits to the Fund and its  shareholders  that
would  arise from  retaining  the  Fund's  former  portfolio  manager to provide
subadvisory  services to the Fund; (3) the performance of the Fund; (4) the fact
that the advisory fees will not increase;  (5) the  commonality  of terms of the
amended management agreement and the current agreement;  and (6) the fairness of
the  compensation  payable to Weiss under the amended  management  agreement  in
light of the services provided.

         Based upon their  review,  the Board has  determined  that the  amended
management  agreement  is in the best  interests  of Money  Market  Fund and its
shareholders.  Accordingly,  after consideration of the factors described above,
and such other  factors  and  information  it  considered  relevant,  the Board,
including the unanimous vote of the Independent  Trustees,  approved the amended
management  agreement and recommended that Money Market Fund's shareholders vote
in favor of the amended management agreement.

What is the required vote?

         Approval of the amended  management  agreement requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of Money Market Fund,
which,  for this purpose,  means the affirmative  vote of the lesser of (1) more
than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund, or (2) 67% or more of the shares
of the Fund present at the meeting,  if more than 50% of the outstanding  shares
of the Fund are represented at the meeting in person or by proxy.

What is the Board's recommendation on Proposal 2?

         The  Board  recommends  that you VOTE FOR  this  Proposal.  Should  the
amended management agreement not be approved by shareholders, or if the proposed
subadvisory  agreement in Proposal 3 is not approved by shareholders,  Weiss may
continue to serve as the investment  adviser under the current  agreement  until
such time as the Trustees determine an appropriate course of action.

                                   PROPOSAL 3

What is the Proposal?

         John N.  Breazeale,  the  portfolio  manager  for the  Funds,  recently
resigned  from his  position  at  Weiss  in  order  to form  his own  investment
management  firm,  Delray.  The Board has determined  that  retaining  Delray as
subadviser  to the  Funds  is in the  best  interests  of the  Funds  and  their
shareholders.  Accordingly,  the  Board is  asking  shareholders  to  approve  a
Subadvisory  Agreement  between Weiss and Delray,  thereby allowing the Funds to
continue to receive  the benefit of Mr.  Breazeale's  investment  advice.  Weiss
would remain the Funds' investment manager,  providing compliance monitoring and
oversight  in light  of the  Funds'  obligations  under  the 1940 Act and  other
federal,  state and local laws, providing reports to the Board, and implementing
the execution of  transactions  recommended  by Delray in the exercise of Weiss'
independent  judgment  regarding  the  appropriateness  of  Delray's  investment
recommendations  for each Fund in  accordance  with its  investment  objectives,
policies and restrictions.

         The Board has approved the  engagement  of Delray as subadviser to each
of  the  Funds.  Accordingly,  on  November  19,  2001,  the  Board  approved  a
Subadvisory  Agreement  between  Weiss and Delray  for the Funds (the  "Proposed
Subadvisory Agreement").  Under the Proposed Subadvisory Agreement,  Weiss would
have overall  responsibility for the management of the Funds. As the subadviser,
Delray would make portfolio  recommendations  to Weiss for the Funds,  and Weiss
would implement those  recommendations  based on the exercise of its independent
judgment. A form of the Proposed Subadvisory Agreement is included as Exhibit B.
The following discussion of the Proposed  Subadvisory  Agreement is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the agreement set forth in Exhibit B.

         If approved by shareholders,  the Proposed  Subadvisory  Agreement will
remain in effect for two years from the date it takes effect  unless  terminated
early,  and will continue from year to year  thereafter  with respect to a Fund,
provided that each such continuance is approved annually (i) by the Board, or by
the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the applicable
Fund, and in either case, (ii) by a majority of the Independent Trustees who are
also not parties to the Proposed Subadvisory Agreement.

What are the terms of the Proposed Subadvisory Agreement?

         Under  the  Proposed  Subadvisory   Agreement,   Delray  would  act  as
subadviser to the Funds. In this capacity, Delray, subject to the supervision of
the Board and Weiss,  would render  continuous  investment advice to Weiss as to
the investment of each Fund's assets.

         Pursuant  to the  Proposed  Subadvisory  Agreement,  Delray  is  paid a
specified  fee by Weiss.  This fee is not paid  directly  by the  Funds,  so the
adviser/subadviser  arrangement would not increase the cost of advisory services
to the Funds. The Proposed  Subadvisory  Agreement provides that Delray will not
be liable for any act or omission  related to any  services  provided  except by
reason of willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence in the performance
of those  duties,  or by reason of reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and
duties  under the  Proposed  Subadvisory  Agreement.  The  Proposed  Subadvisory
Agreement can be  terminated  with respect to a Fund by either party on 60 days'
notice,  and by the  Fund or by  vote of the  Fund's  shareholders  on 60  days'

Who is Delray?

         Delray is a Delaware  corporation  registered as an investment  adviser
with the SEC. It has its principal  offices at 10356 St.  Andrews Road,  Boynton
Beach, Florida 33436. John N. Breazeale,  10356 St. Andrews Road, Boynton Beach,
Florida 33436, is the sole owner,  principal executive officer and sole director
of Delray.  Mr. Breazeale is the former portfolio manager for both of the Funds,
and is currently  acting as a consultant to Weiss.  There are no individuals who
serve as officers  and/or  trustees of the Trust that are also  officers  and/or
directors  of Delray.  Delray  does not act as  investment  adviser to any other
investment company.

What are the proposed subadvisory fees?

         As compensation  for its services as investment  adviser,  Money Market
Fund  pays  Weiss a monthly  advisory  fee as set forth  under  Proposal  2, and
Opportunity  Fund pays Weiss a monthly  advisory fee at the annual rate of 1.50%
of  Opportunity  Fund's  average net assets.  Weiss would pay Delray a quarterly
subadvisory  fee at the rate of 10% of all fees  payable  during  that period by
each  Fund to Weiss,  net of any fee  waivers  or  expense  reimbursements.  The
investment subadvisory fee would be paid by Weiss, not the Funds.

         Consistent   with  its  obligation  to  seek  best  execution  of  Fund
securities transactions,  Weiss from time to time directs brokerage transactions
to  broker-dealers  who provide  research  and  execution  products and services
("soft  dollar  benefits")  to  Weiss.  Pursuant  to  the  Proposed  Subadvisory
Agreement,  Weiss will make  available  certain of such soft dollar  benefits to
Delray to assist Delray in its provision of services to the Funds.

What factors did the Board consider?

         In  considering  whether to  recommend  that the  Proposed  Subadvisory
Agreement be approved by shareholders, the Board considered, among other things,
that the  Proposed  Subadvisory  Agreement  would allow Mr.  Breazeale,  through
Delray,  to continue to provide  investment  advisory services to the Funds. The
Board  also  considered  the  nature and  quality  of the  portfolio  management
services  that had been  rendered  by Mr.  Breazeale  and,  in  particular,  Mr.
Breazeale's  qualifications as the previous  portfolio manager for the Funds and
information  related to Mr.  Breazeale's  past  record of  performance  with the
Funds.  In  addition,   the  Board  considered  the  importance  of  maintaining
continuity of advisory  services from Mr. Breazeale,  through Delray.  The Board
also noted that the  overall  advisory  fees would  remain the same and that the
advisory  services  to be  provided  by Delray  under the  Proposed  Subadvisory
Agreement would be substantially  the same as the advisory  services  previously
provided by Mr.  Breazeale as portfolio  manager for the Funds,  although  Weiss
would retain ultimate discretion concerning whether to implement Mr. Breazeale's

What is the required vote?

         Approval of the Proposed  Subadvisory  Agreement with respect to a Fund
will  require the  affirmative  vote of a "majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities" of that Fund, which, for this purpose, means the affirmative vote of
the lesser of (1) more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding  shares, or (2) 67% or
more of the Fund's shares present at the meeting, if more than 50% of the Fund's
outstanding shares are represented at the meeting in person or by proxy.

What is the Board's recommendation on Proposal 3?

         The Board  recommends  that you VOTE FOR the  approval of the  Proposed
Subadvisory  Agreement  between  Weiss and Delray.  If the Proposed  Subadvisory
Agreement is not approved,  the Trustees  will  determine  what action,  if any,
should be taken. The Trustees may consider proposing a different subadviser,  or
having no subadviser.

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

Who is the distributor and administrator of the Funds?

          Weiss Funds,  Inc.,  located at 4176 Burns Road,  Palm Beach  Gardens,
Florida  33410,  serves as the  distributor of the Funds.  PFPC,  located at 103
Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, Delaware 19809, serves as the administrator to the

What are the voting procedures?

         In all cases  where a  telephonic  proxy is  solicited,  the  Solicitor
representative is required to ask for each  shareholder's full name and address,
or the last  four  digits  of the  shareholder's  social  security  or  employer
identification number, or both, and to confirm that the shareholder has received
the proxy  materials in the mail. If the  shareholder  is a corporation or other
entity, the Solicitor is required to ask for the person's title and confirmation
that the  person is  authorized  to direct  the  voting  of the  shares.  If the
information  solicited  agrees with the  information  provided to the Solicitor,
then the Solicitor representative has the responsibility to explain the process,
read  the  Proposals  on the  proxy  ballot(s),  and ask  for the  shareholder's
instructions  on  the  Proposals.   Although  the  Solicitor  representative  is
permitted to answer  questions about the process,  he or she is not permitted to
recommend to the shareholder how to vote, other than to read any  recommendation
set forth in the proxy  statement.  The Solicitor will record the  shareholder's
instructions  on the ballot.  Within 72 hours,  the  shareholder  will be sent a
letter or mailgram to confirm his or her vote and asking the shareholder to call
the Solicitor immediately if his or her instructions are not correctly reflected
in the confirmation.

         In  addition  to  returning  the  enclosed  proxy  ballot(s)  by  mail,
shareholders may provide their voting instructions  through telephone touch-tone
voting at  1-800-597-7836  or Internet voting at
These options require shareholders to input a control number which is located on
each proxy ballot. After inputting this number, shareholders will be prompted to
provide their voting  instructions on the Proposals.  Shareholders  will have an
opportunity to review their voting  instructions and make any necessary  changes
before submitting their voting instructions and terminating their telephone call
or Internet link.

         Shareholders may also provide their voting  instructions via facsimile.
The number to submit the proxy ballot(s) via facsimile is 1-888-796-9932. Please
be sure to fax  both  sides of the  proxy  ballot(s).  If the side of the  proxy
ballot on which you mark your votes is not faxed,  your  shares will be voted on
each Proposal as recommended by the Board.

          If a shareholder  wishes to  participate in the Special  Meeting,  but
does not wish to give a proxy by  telephone,  facsimile or  electronically,  the
shareholder may still submit the proxy ballot(s)  originally sent with the proxy
statement  or  attend  in  person.   Should   shareholders   require  additional
information regarding the proxy or replacement proxy ballot(s), they may contact
the Solicitor  toll-free at 1-800-606-0479.  As explained above, any proxy given
by a shareholder is revocable until voted at the Special Meeting.

What happens to my proxy once I vote it?

         The Board has named  Martin D. Weiss and Clara A. Maxcy as proxies.  If
you followed the instructions  when you voted,  your shares will be voted as you
have  directed.  If you  submitted  your proxy but did not vote on any Proposal,
your shares will be voted on that Proposal as recommended by the Board.

What if a Proposal  that is not in the proxy  statement  comes up at the Special

         If any other matter is properly  presented,  the  individuals  named as
proxies will vote in accordance with their best judgment. At the time this proxy
statement was printed, the Board knew of no matter that needed to be acted on at
the Special Meeting other than those discussed in this proxy statement.

I want to attend the Special Meeting and vote in person. How do I do this?

         If you attend the Special Meeting and wish to vote in person,  you will
be given a ballot when you arrive.  However, if your shares are held in the name
of your broker, bank or other nominee,  you must bring a letter from the nominee
indicating  that you are the  beneficial  owner of the shares on the record date
and authorizing you to vote.

What are my voting rights and the quorum requirements?

         As of the Record Date, Money Market Fund offered one class of shares to
the public,  and  Opportunity  Fund  offered two classes of shares,  Class A and
Class S  shares.  Each  class of  shares  has the same  rights,  privileges  and
preferences,  except with respect to: (a) the effect of sales  charges,  if any;
(b) the different distribution and/or service fees, if any, borne by each class;
(c) the  expenses  allocable  exclusively  to each class;  (d) voting  rights on
matters exclusively  affecting a single class; and (e) the exchange privilege of
each  class.  Appendix  1 sets  forth the number of shares of each class of each
Fund issued and  outstanding as of the Record Date.  Shareholders of Opportunity
Fund will vote on each applicable  Proposal as a single class  regardless of the
class of shares they own.

         The presence in person or by proxy of a Fund's shareholders entitled to
cast a majority in number of votes is necessary  to  constitute a quorum for the
transaction  of  business.  In the event  that a quorum of  shareholders  is not
represented  at the  Special  Meeting  with  respect to one or both  Funds,  the
Meeting  may be  adjourned  by a  majority  of the  shares of the  Trust  (for a
Trust-wide  vote) or applicable Fund (for a Fund-wide vote) present in person or
by proxy until a quorum  exists.  If there are  insufficient  votes to approve a
Proposal,  the persons named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of
the Special Meeting to permit  additional time for the  solicitation of proxies,
in accordance  with  applicable  law.  Adjourned  meetings must be held within a
reasonable time after the date originally set for the meeting (but not more than
120 days after the record date).  Solicitation  of votes may continue to be made
without any obligation to provide any additional notice of the adjournment.  The
persons  named as proxies will vote in favor of such  adjournment  those proxies
which they are  entitled to vote in favor of the  Proposal and will vote against
any such adjournment those proxies to be voted against the Proposal.

         For purposes of  determining  the presence of a quorum for  transacting
business at the Special  Meeting,  abstentions  and broker  "non-votes"  will be
treated as shares that are present but which have not been voted in favor of the
Proposal.  Broker non-votes are proxy ballots received by a Fund from brokers or
nominees when the broker or nominee has neither received  instructions  from the
beneficial owner or other persons entitled to vote nor has  discretionary  power
to vote on a particular matter.  Accordingly,  shareholders are urged to forward
their voting instructions promptly. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be
counted in favor of, but will have no other effect on, Proposal 1, and will have
the effect of a "no" vote on Proposals 2 and 3.

         The Funds expect that, before the Special Meeting,  broker-dealer firms
holding  shares of the Funds in "street name" for their  customers  will request
voting  instructions  from  their  customers  and  beneficial  owners.  If these
instructions are not received by the date specified in the broker-dealer  firms'
proxy solicitation materials,  the Funds understand that the broker-dealers that
are  members  of the  New  York  Stock  Exchange  may  vote on the  items  to be
considered at the Special  Meeting on behalf of their  customers and  beneficial
owners under rules of the New York Stock Exchange.

         The number of shares that you may vote is the total of the number shown
on the proxy  ballot(s)  accompanying  this proxy  statement.  Shareholders  are
entitled  to one vote for each  full  share  and a  proportionate  vote for each
fractional share held.


By Order of the Board,

/s/ Clara A. Maxcy
- ----------------------------
Clara A. Maxcy
Vice President and Secretary

                                   Appendix 1

      Number of Shares Outstanding as of the Record Date, December 6, 2001

                                                               Total Shares
Fund                     Class A                Class S        Outstanding
- ----                     -------                -------        -----------

Opportunity Fund         1,017,747.274          15,343.616     1,033,090.840

                         Total Shares
Fund                     Outstanding
- ----                     -----------

Money Market Fund        138,216,805.140

                                   Appendix 2

                   Beneficial Owners of More than 5% of a Fund
                             As of December 6, 2001


                                                                                                 Amount and Nature
                                                                                                 of Beneficial        Percent
Fund Name and Class                         Name and Address of Beneficial Owner                 Ownership*           of Class
- -------------------                         ------------------------------------                 ---------            --------

Opportunity Fund - Class A                  None                                                 N/A                  N/A

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  George E. Campsen Jr., 9 19th Ave., Isle of Palms,   1,925.444            12.55%
                                            South Carolina 29451

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  Roaul E. Somers TTEE, Roaul E. Somers Rev. Living    1,025.641            6.68%
                                            TR, UA 8/4/94, 700 Pebble Creek Dr., Warrenton,
                                            Missouri 63383

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  Mira L. Kozel, Danielle Kozel, 1150 Scottsville      978.474              6.38%
                                            Rd., Rochester, New York 14624

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  Jeff C. Whittington, 721 Seaboard St., Ste. 3,       978.474              6.38%
                                            Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  James Donald Carmichael TTEE, Doncar Defined         978.474              6.38%
                                            Benefit, PSP Rolloversub Account, 833 St.
                                            Vincent's Dr., Ste. 500 Birmingham, Alabama 35205

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  Henry H. Brooks, Jr., Kay B. Brooks, P.O. Box 118,   978.474              6.38%
                                            Dripping Springs, Texas 78620

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  John R. Weir TTEE, Joyce M. Weir TTEE, Weir Family   978.474              6.38%
                                            Trust, 621 Woodbridge St., San Luis Obispo,
                                            California 93401

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  Ercell L. Miller, Virginia S. Miller, 5420 N.        978.474              6.38%
                                            Ocean Dr., Apt. 2403, Singer Island, Florida 33404
Opportunity Fund - Class S                  Douglas R. Townsend, 19 Richard Rd., Rye, New        2,606.791            16.99%
                                            Hampshire 03870

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  FMT Co. Cust. IRA Rollover, FBO Burton Kozel, 1150   978.474              6.38%
                                            Scottsville Rd., Rochester, New York 14624

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  FMT Co. Cust. IRA Rollover, FBO F. Allen Ledward,    978.474              6.38%
                                            480 Upper Larkspur Rd., Estes Park, Colorado 80517

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  FMT Co. Cust. IRA Rollover, FBO Raymond L. Moyer,    978.474              6.38%
                                            Jr., 7418 Atlantic Dr., Rowlett, Texas 75088

Opportunity Fund - Class S                  FMT Co., Cust. IRA Rollover, FBO Arthur S. Benton,   978.474              6.38%
                                            145 15th St. NE, Apt. 1206, Atlanta, Georgia

Money Market Fund                           National Financial Services Corp. (for the           30,161,229.22        21.82%
                                            exclusive benefit of its customers),
                                            Attn: Mutual Funds Dept.
                                            1 World Financial Center
                                            200 Liberty Street, 5th Floor
                                            New York, New York 10281

*Each of these entities is the shareholder of record and may be deemed to be the
beneficial  owner of the shares listed for certain purposes under the securities
laws,  although in certain  instances they may not have an economic  interest in
these shares and would, therefore,  ordinarily disclaim any beneficial ownership

                                   APPENDIX 3

                              Nominee Shareholdings
                             As of December 6, 2001

                        Dollar Range of      Dollar Range of   Aggregate Dollar
                       Equity Securities        Equity        Range in all Funds
                        in Money Market     Securities in      Overseen in the
                               Fund         Opportunity Fund  Weiss Fund Complex
Name of Nominee

Esther S. Gordon               None               None                None
Robert Z. Lehrer               None               None                None
Donald Wilk               $1 - $10,000            None            $1 - $10,000
Martin D. Weiss*               None               None                None
Clara A. Maxcy            $1 - $10,000            None            $1 - $10,000

* Mr. Weiss may be deemed to  indirectly  own shares of Money  Market Fund.  Mr.
Weiss is the  majority  shareholder  of  Weiss,  which  owns  between  $50,001 -
$100,000 worth of shares of Money Market Fund.

                                   APPENDIX 4

            Additional Information about Weiss Money Management, Inc.

         Weiss  Money  Management,   Inc.   ("Weiss"),   a  Florida  corporation
registered as an investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
serves as the  investment  adviser to The Weiss Fund (the  "Trust").  Weiss is a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Weiss  Group,  Inc.  which is located at 4176 Burns
Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410.

               Principal Executive Officers and Directors of Weiss

Name                 Positions and Offices with     Other Principal
                     Investment Adviser             Position(s) Held

Martin D. Weiss*#    Director; Investment           President and Trustee,
                     Committee Member               The Weiss Fund (November
                                                    2001 - present); Editor
                                                    of "Safe Money Report";
                                                    President, Weiss Group,
                                                    Inc. (1971 - present).

Dana Nicholas*       President                      Vice President, Weiss
                                                    Group, Inc. (November 1994
                                                     - present).

Clara A. Maxcy*#     Vice President                 Vice President, Secretary
                                                    and Trustee, The Weiss Fund
                                                    (November 2001 - present);
                                                    President  and Financial/
                                                    Operations Principal,
                                                    Weiss   Funds, Inc.
                                                    (November 2001 - present).

*   4176 Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
#   Common Officer and/or Trustee of the Trust and Weiss.

                                    EXHIBIT A

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

          AGREEMENT made the 16th day of January, 1996, and amended and restated
on the ___ day of  ___________,  2002,  between THE WEISS FUND, a  Massachusetts
business trust (the "Trust"),  on behalf of the Weiss Treasury Only Money Market
Fund, and Weiss Money Management Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of
Florida (the "Adviser")

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

          WHEREAS,  the  Trust  is an  open-end  management  investment  company
registered  under the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940

          WHEREAS,  the  Trust is  authorized  to  issue  shares  of  beneficial
interest  (hereafter  referred to as "Shares") in separate series with each such
series  representing  the interests in a separate  portfolio of  securities  and
other assets;

          WHEREAS,  the Trust has  established  and  presently  offers Shares of
beneficial  interest in a portfolio  currently  known as the Weiss Treasury Only
Money Market Fund (the "Fund"); and

          WHEREAS,  the Trust desires to retain the Adviser to render investment
advisory  services to the Trust with respect to the Fund as indicated herein and
the Adviser is willing to so render such services;

          NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

I.  Appointment  of Adviser.  The Trust  hereby  appoints  the Adviser to act as
investment  adviser to the Trust and the Fund for the  periods  and on the terms
herein set forth.  The Adviser accepts such appointment and agrees to render the
services herein set forth, for the compensation herein provided.

II.  Delivery of Documents.  The Trust has delivered (or will deliver as soon as
is possible) to the Adviser copies properly  certified or  authenticated of each
of the following documents:

     A.  Agreement and  Declaration of Trust of the Trust dated as of August 10,
1995 (such  Agreement and  Declaration  of Trust,  as presently in effect and as
amended from time to time,  is herein called the "Trust  Agreement"),  copies of
which are also on file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;

     B.  By-Laws  of the Trust  (such  By-Laws,  as  presently  in effect and as
amended from time to time, are herein called the "By-Laws");

     C.  Certified  resolutions  of the  Shareholder(s)  and the Trustees of the
Trust approving the terms of this Agreement;

     D. Custodian  Agreement  (including related fee schedule) dated January 15,
1996 between the Trust and PNC Bank (such Agreement,  as presently in effect and
as amended and/or  superseded from time to time, is herein called the "Custodian

     E.  Prospectus  and Statement of Additional  Information  of the Trust with
respect to the Fund as  currently in effect (such  Prospectus  and  Statement of
Additional  Information,  as  currently  in effect and as amended,  supplemented
and/or superseded from time to time, is herein called the "Prospectus"); and

     F.  Registration  Statement of the Trust under the  Securities  Act of 1933
(the "1933 Act"), and the 1940 Act on Form N-lA as filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission")  on August 10, 1995, and as amended on
Form N-lA (such  Registration  Statement,  as presently in effect and as amended
from time to time, is herein called the "Registration Statement").

The Trust  agrees to promptly  furnish the Adviser from time to time with copies
of all amendments of or supplements to or otherwise  current  versions of any of
the foregoing documents not heretofore furnished.

III. Name of Trust or Fund. The Trust and the Fund may use any name derived from
the name "Weiss Money  Management  Inc.", if the Trust elects to do so, only for
so long as this Agreement, any other investment advisory or management agreement
between the Adviser and the Trust or any extension,  renewal or amendment hereof
or  thereof  remains  in  effect,  including  any  similar  agreement  with  any
organization  which shall have succeeded to the Adviser's business as investment
adviser.  At such time as such an  agreement  shall no longer be in effect,  the
Fund (to the extent the Trust has the legal  power to cause it to be done) shall
cease to use such a name or any other  name  indicating  that it is  advised  or
managed by or otherwise  connected  with the Adviser or any  organization  which
shall have so succeeded to the Adviser's business.

IV. Duties of Adviser.

     A. Subject to the general  supervision  of the  Trustees of the Trust,  the
Adviser shall manage the investment  operations of the Fund and the  composition
of the Fund's assets, including the purchase, retention and disposition thereof.
In this regard, the Adviser:

          1.  shall  provide  supervision  of  the  Fund's  assets,   furnish  a
continuous  investment  program for the Fund,  determine  from time to time what
investments or securities  will be purchased,  retained or sold by the Fund, and
what portion of the assets will be invested or held uninvested as cash;

          2. shall place orders with  broker-dealers,  foreign currency dealers,
futures commissions merchants or others pursuant to the Adviser's determinations
in  accordance  with  the  Fund's  policies  as  expressed  in the  Registration
Statement; and

          3. may, on occasions  when it deems the purchase or sale of a security
to be in the  best  interests  of the  Fund  as  well  as  its  other  customers
(including any other Fund or any other  investment  company or trust or advisory
account  for  which the  Adviser  acts as  adviser),  aggregate,  to the  extent
permitted by  applicable  laws and  regulations,  the  securities  to be sold or
purchased  in  order  to  obtain  the best  net  price  and the  most  favorable
execution.  In such event, allocation of the securities so purchased or sold, as
well as the expenses incurred in the transaction, will be made by the Adviser in
the  manner  it  considers  to be the most  equitable  and  consistent  with its
fiduciary obligations to the Fund and to such other customers.

     B. The Adviser,  in the performance of its duties  hereunder,  shall act in
conformity  with  the  Trust  Agreement,  By-Laws,  Registration  Statement  and
Prospectus  and with the  instructions  and  directions  of the  Trustees of the
Trust,  and will use its best efforts to conform to the requirements of the 1940
Act,  the  Investment  Advisers  Act of 1940  (to the  extent  applicable),  the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  (the "Code")  relating to regulated
investment  companies  and all rules and  regulations  thereunder,  the  Insider
Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988 (to the extent  applicable)
and all other  applicable  federal  and state  laws,  regulations  and  rulings,
subject  always to policies  and  instructions  adopted by the Trust's  Board of
Trustees. In connection  therewith,  the Adviser shall use reasonable efforts to
manage the Fund so that it will qualify as a regulated  investment company under
Subchapter M of the Code and regulations issued thereunder.

     C. The Adviser  shall render to the Trustees of the Trust such periodic and
special reports as the Trustees may reasonably request.

     D. The  Adviser  shall  notify  the  Trust of any  material  change  in the
management of the Adviser within a reasonable time after such change.

     E. The  Adviser  shall  immediately  notify the Trust in the event that the
Adviser  or any of its  affiliates:  (1)  becomes  aware that it is subject to a
statutory  disqualification that prevents the Adviser from serving as investment
adviser pursuant to this Agreement;  or (2) becomes aware that it is the subject
of an  administrative  proceeding or  enforcement  action by the  Securities and
Exchange Commission or other regulatory authority. The Adviser further agrees to
notify  the  Trust  immediately  of any  material  fact  known  to  the  Adviser
respecting  or  relating  to the Adviser  that is not  contained  in the Trust's
Registration  Statement  regarding  the Trust,  or any  amendment or  supplement
thereto,  but that is required to be  disclosed  therein,  and of any  statement
contained therein that becomes untrue in any material respect.

     F. The services of the Adviser  hereunder are not deemed  exclusive and the
Adviser  shall be free to  render  similar  services  to  others  so long as its
services under this Agreement are not impaired thereby.

V. Allocation of Charges and Expenses. Except as otherwise specifically provided
in this section 5, the Adviser  shall pay the  compensation  and expenses of all
trustees,  officers and executive  employees of the Trust  (including the Fund's
share of payroll  taxes) who are  affiliated  persons  of the  Adviser,  and the
Adviser shall make available,  without expense to the Fund, the services of such
of its directors,  officers and employees as may duly be elected officers of the
Trust,  subject  to their  individual  consent  to serve and to any  limitations
imposed  by  law.  The  Adviser  shall  provide  at its  expense  the  portfolio
management  services  described  in  section  4  hereof,  other  than  the  cost
(including taxes and brokerage commissions,  if any) of securities purchased for
the Fund.

     The Adviser  shall not be  required  to pay any  expenses of the Fund other
than those specifically allocated to it in this section 5.

VI.  Management  Fee. For all  services to be rendered,  payments to be made and
costs to be assumed by the Adviser as  provided in sections 4 and 5 hereof,  the
Trust on behalf of the Fund shall pay the  Adviser on the last day of each month
the unpaid  balance of a fee equal to 0.50% of the  average  daily net assets as
defined below of the Fund for such month.

          The  "average  daily net assets" of the Fund shall mean the average of
the values  placed on the  Fund's net assets as of 4:00 p.m.  (New York time) on
each day on which the net asset value of the Fund is determined  consistent with
the  provisions  of Rule  22c-l  under  the  1940 Act or,  if the Fund  lawfully
determines  the value of its net assets as of some  other time on each  business
day,  as of such time.  The value of the net assets of the Fund shall  always be
determined  pursuant to the  applicable  provisions of the  Declaration  and the
Registration  Statement.  If the  determination of net asset value does not take
place for any particular day, then for the purposes of this section 6, the value
of the net assets of the Fund as last determined shall be deemed to be the value
of its net assets as of 4:00 p.m.  (New York time),  or as of such other time as
the value of the net assets of the Fund's  portfolio may be lawfully  determined
on that day. If the Fund determines the value of the net assets of its portfolio
more than once on any day, then the last such determination  thereof on that day
shall  be  deemed  to be the  sole  determination  thereof  on that  day for the
purposes of this section 6.

          The  Adviser  agrees that its gross  compensation  for any fiscal year
shall not be greater than an amount which,  when added to the other  expenses of
the Fund,  shall cause the  aggregate  expenses of the Fund to equal the maximum
expenses under the lowest applicable expense limitation  established pursuant to
the statutes or regulations of any  jurisdiction in which the Shares of the Fund
may be  qualified  for  offer  and sale.  Such  calculation  shall not take into
account  expenses which may be excluded as provided under applicable law. Except
to the extent that such  amount has been  reflected  in reduced  payments to the
Adviser, the Adviser shall refund to the Fund the amount of any payment received
in  excess  of  the  limitation  pursuant  to  this  section  6 as  promptly  as
practicable  after the end of such fiscal year,  provided that the Adviser shall
not be  required  to pay the Fund an amount  greater  than the fee paid to it in
respect of such year  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  As used in this  section 6,
"expenses"  shall  mean  those  expenses  included  in  the  applicable  expense
limitation having the broadest  specifications thereof, and "expense limitation"
means a limit  on the  maximum  annual  expenses  which  may be  incurred  by an
investment  company  determined  (i) by  multiplying  a fixed  percentage by the
average,  or by multiplying more than one such percentage by different specified
amounts of the average, of the values of an investment  company's net assets for
a  fiscal  year or (ii) by  multiplying  a  fixed  percentage  by an  investment
company's net investment income for a fiscal year. The words "lowest  applicable
expense limitation" shall be construed to result in the largest reduction of the
Adviser's compensation for any fiscal year of the Fund; provided,  however, that
nothing in this  Agreement  shall limit the Adviser's fees if not required by an
applicable statute or regulation referred to above in this section 6.

          The  Adviser  may  waive  all or a portion  of its fees  provided  for
hereunder  and such waiver shall be treated as a reduction in purchase  price of
its services. The Adviser shall be contractually bound hereunder by the terms of
any  publicly  announced  waiver of its fee,  or any  limitation  of the  Fund's
expenses, as if such waiver or limitation were fully set forth herein.

VII. Avoidance of Inconsistent Position;  Services Not Exclusive.  In connection
with purchases or sales of portfolio  securities and other  investments  for the
account of the Fund,  neither the Adviser nor any of its directors,  officers or
employees  shall act as a  principal  or agent or receive  any  commission.  The
Adviser  or its agent  shall  arrange  for the  placing  of all  orders  for the
purchase and sale of portfolio  securities and other  investments for the Fund's
account with brokers or dealers  selected by the Adviser in accordance with Fund
policies as  expressed in the  Registration  Statement.  If any occasion  should
arise in which the Adviser gives any advice to its clients concerning the Shares
of the Fund, the Adviser shall act solely as investment counsel for such clients
and not in any way on behalf of the Fund.

          The Adviser's  services to the Fund pursuant to this Agreement are not
to be deemed to be exclusive  and it is  understood  that the Adviser may render
investment  advice,  management  and  services to others.  In acting  under this
Agreement,  the Adviser shall be an  independent  contractor and not an agent of
the Trust.

VIII.  Limitation  of Liability of Manager.  As an  inducement  to the Adviser's
undertaking to render services pursuant to this Agreement, the Trust agrees that
the Adviser  shall not be liable under this  Agreement for any error of judgment
or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by the Fund in  connection  with the
matters to which this Agreement relates, provided that nothing in this Agreement
shall be deemed to  protect  or  purport to  protect  the  Adviser  against  any
liability to the Trust,  the Fund or its shareholders to which the Adviser would
otherwise  be  subject  by reason  of  willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross
negligence  in the  performance  of its  duties,  or by reason  of its  reckless
disregard of its obligations and duties hereunder.  Any person, even though also
employed  by the  Adviser,  who may be or become an  employee of and paid by the
Fund shall be deemed when acting  within the scope of his or her  employment  by
the Fund,  to be acting in such  employment  solely  for the Fund and not as the
Adviser's employee or agent.

IX. Duration and  Termination of This Agreement.  This Agreement shall remain in
force  until  January  15,  1998,  and  continue  in  force  from  year  to year
thereafter,  but only so long as such  continuance is  specifically  approved at
least annually (a) by the vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not parties
to this Agreement or interested persons of any party to this agreement,  cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval and (b) by
the  Trustees  of the  Trust,  or by the vote of a majority  of the  outstanding
voting  securities of the Fund. The aforesaid  requirement  that  continuance of
this Agreement be  "specifically  approved at least annually" shall be construed
in a  manner  consistent  with  the  1940  Act and  the  rules  and  regulations

          This Agreement may be terminated with respect to the Fund at any time,
without the payment of any penalty, by the vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting  securities  of the Fund or by the Trust's  Board of Trustees on 60 days'
written  notice to the Adviser,  or by the Adviser on 60 days' written notice to
the Fund.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate  automatically  in the event of its
assignment .

X. Retention of  Sub-Advisers.  Subject to the Fund's  obtaining any initial and
periodic  approvals  that are  required  under  Section 15 of the 1940 Act,  the
Adviser may retain a sub-adviser  or  sub-advisers  with respect to the Fund, at
the Adviser's own cost and expense.

XI. Amendment of this Agreement.  No provision of this Agreement may be changed,
waived,  discharged or terminated  orally,  but only by an instrument in writing
signed by the party against whom enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or
termination  is sought,  and no amendment of this  Agreement  shall be effective
until  approved by the vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not parties to
this  Agreement or interested  persons of any party to this  Agreement,  cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval.

XII. Miscellaneous.  The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience
of reference only and in no way define or limit any of the provisions  hereof or
otherwise  affect their  construction or effect.  This Agreement may be executed
simultaneously  in two or more  counterparts,  each of which  shall be deemed an
original,  but  all  of  which  together  shall  constitute  one  and  the  same

          In  interpreting  the provisions of this  Agreement,  the  definitions
contained  in Section  2(a) of the 1940 Act  (particularly  the  definitions  of
"affiliated  person,"  "assignment"  and  "majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities"),  as from time to time amended, shall be applied, subject, however,
to such  exemptions  as may be  granted  by the SEC by any rule,  regulation  or

          This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the laws of the
Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  provided that nothing herein shall be construed
in a manner inconsistent with the 1940 Act, or in a manner which would cause the
Fund to fail to comply with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Code.

          This  Agreement  shall  supersede  all prior  investment  advisory  or
management agreements entered into between the Adviser and the Fund.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to
be executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                                    THE WEISS FUND, ON BEHALF OF
                                                    WEISS TREASURY ONLY MONEY
                                                    MARKET FUND


______________________                               By:      __________________
                                                     Title:   President

                                                     WEISS MONEY MANAGEMENT INC.


_______________________                              By:      _________________
                                                              Title:   President

                                    EXHIBIT B

                              SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made as of the ___ day of  _________,  2002,  between  WEISS
MONEY  MANAGEMENT,  INC.,  4176 Burns Road,  Palm Beach  Gardens,  Florida 33410
(hereinafter called the "Manager"), and DELRAY FINANCIAL CORPORATION,  10356 St.
Andrews   Road,   Boynton   Beach,   Florida  33436   (hereinafter   called  the

         WHEREAS, The Weiss Fund (the "Trust") is a Massachusetts business trust
organized with one or more series of shares,  and is registered as an investment
company under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act");

         WHEREAS, the Manager has entered into Investment Advisory  Agreement(s)
(the "Advisory Agreement") with the Trust, pursuant to which the Manager acts as
investment adviser to the portfolio assets of certain series of the Trust listed
on  Schedule  A  hereto,  as  amended  from  time to time  (each a  "Fund"  and,
collectively, the "Funds"); and

         WHEREAS,  the Manager desires to utilize the services of the Subadviser
as investment subadviser with respect to each Fund; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Subadviser  is willing to perform  such  services on the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth:

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  mutual  agreements  herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

XIII.  Duties of the  Subadviser.  The  Subadviser  will  serve the  Manager  as
investment subadviser with respect to each Fund.

          A. As  investment  subadviser to the Funds,  the  Subadviser is hereby
authorized and directed and hereby agrees,  in accordance with the  Subadviser's
best  judgment  and subject to the stated  investment  objectives,  policies and
restrictions  of  the  Funds  as  set  forth  in the  current  prospectuses  and
statements of additional  information of the Trust (including amendments) and in
accordance  with the  Trust's  Declaration  of Trust,  as  amended,  and By-laws
governing the offering of its shares (collectively,  the "Trust Documents"), the
1940 Act and the  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended
(the "Internal Revenue Code"),  relating to regulated investment companies,  and
subject to such  resolutions  as from time to time may be adopted by the Trust's
Board of Trustees,  to render continuous  investment advice to the Manager as to
the investment of the Funds' assets,  provide  supervision of the Funds' assets,
and  furnish a  continuous  investment  program  for the  Funds,  as may be most
appropriate  to the  achievement  of the  investment  objectives of the Funds as
stated in the  aforesaid  prospectuses,  and to provide  research  and  analysis
relative to the investment  program and  investments of the Funds and to monitor
on a continuing basis the performance of the portfolio  securities of the Funds.
The Subadviser  shall have no discretion  regarding nor  responsibility  for the
implementation  or execution of transactions  which it recommends to the Manager
for any Fund, such discretion and  responsibility  being solely with the Manager
in the exercise of its independent  judgement  regarding the  appropriateness of
the  Subadviser's  investment  recommendations  for  the  Fund in  light  of its
investment  objectives,   policies  and  restrictions.  The  Manager  will  make
available to the Subadviser certain research services.

          B. The Subadviser shall (i) comply with all reasonable requests of the
Trust,  or the independent  auditors of the Trust,  for  information,  including
information  required in  connection  with the Trust's  annual audit and filings
with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") and state  securities
commissions,  and (ii) provide such other services as the Subadviser  shall from
time to time  determine to be necessary or useful to the  administration  of the
Funds, including, but not limited to, cooperation with the Manager in connection
with any examination of the Trust by the SEC or any other regulatory agency.

          C. The  Subadviser  shall  furnish to the  Trust's  Board of  Trustees
periodic reports on the performance of its obligations  under this Agreement and
shall supply such additional  reports and information as the Trust's officers or
Board of Trustees shall reasonably request.

          D. The investment  advisory  services provided by the Subadviser under
this Agreement are not to be deemed  exclusive and the Subadviser  shall be free
to render similar services to others, as long as such services do not impair the
services rendered to the Manager or the Trust.

XIV.  Delivery of Documents to the Manager.  The  Subadviser  has  furnished the
Manager with copies of each of the following documents:

          A. The Subadviser's current Form ADV and any amendments thereto; and

          B. The Code of Ethics of the Subadviser as currently in effect.

         The Subadviser  will furnish the Manager from time to time with copies,
properly certified or otherwise authenticated,  of all material amendments of or
supplements to the foregoing, if any. Additionally,  the Subadviser will provide
to the  Manager  such  other  documents  relating  to its  services  under  this
Agreement  as the  Manager  may  reasonably  request on a periodic  basis.  Such
amendments or supplements  as to items A and B above will be provided  within 30
days of the time such materials became available to the Subadviser.

XV. Expenses.

         The  Subadviser  shall  pay  all  of  its  expenses  arising  from  the
performance of its obligations under Section I.

XVI. Compensation.

         The Manager shall pay to the Subadviser for its services hereunder, and
the  Subadviser  agrees  to  accept as full  compensation  therefor,  a fee with
respect to each Fund as set forth on Schedule B. If the  Subadviser  shall serve
hereunder for less than the whole of any payment period, the fee hereunder shall
be prorated accordingly.

XVII. Independent Contractor.

         In the performance of its duties hereunder, the Subadviser is and shall
be an  independent  contractor  and,  except  as  expressly  provided  herein or
otherwise authorized in writing, shall have no authority to act for or represent
the Trust, the Funds, any other series of the Trust or the Manager in any way or
otherwise be deemed to be an agent of the Trust,  the Funds, any other series of
the Trust or the Manager.

XVIII. Term of Agreement.

         This  Agreement  shall  continue in full force and effect for two years
from the date of execution, and from year to year thereafter if such continuance
is approved in the manner  required by the 1940 Act if the Subadviser  shall not
have  notified  the  Manager  in  writing at least 60 days prior to such date or
prior  to such  date  of any  year  thereafter  that it  does  not  desire  such
continuance.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time,  without  payment of
penalty by a Fund, by vote of the Trust's Board of Trustees or a majority of the
outstanding  voting  securities of the  applicable  Fund (as defined by the 1940
Act), or by the Manager or by the Subadviser, upon 60 days' written notice. This
Agreement  will  automatically  terminate  in the  event of its  assignment  (as
defined by the 1940 Act) or upon the termination of the Advisory Agreement.

XIX. Amendments.

         This Agreement may be amended by consent of the parties hereto provided
that the  consent of the  applicable  Fund is obtained  in  accordance  with the
requirements of the 1940 Act.

XX. Confidential Treatment.

         It is understood that any information or recommendation supplied by the
Subadviser in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder is to
be regarded as confidential  and for use only by the Manager,  the Trust or such
persons as the Manager may  designate in connection  with the Funds.  It is also
understood  that any  information  supplied to the Subadviser in connection with
the performance of its obligations hereunder,  particularly, but not limited to,
any list of securities  which, on a temporary basis, may or may not be bought or
sold for the Funds, and any nonpublic personal information of Fund shareholders,
as such  information is defined under  Regulation  S-P, or any list derived from
such  information,  is to be  regarded as  confidential  and for use only by the
Subadviser in connection  with its obligation to provide  investment  advice and
other services to the Funds, and may not be disclosed to any third parties.

XXI.  Representations  and  Warranties.  The  Subadviser  hereby  represents and
warrants as follows:

          A. The Subadviser is registered with the SEC as an investment  adviser
under the Investment  Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"), and
such registration is current,  complete and in full compliance with all material
applicable  provisions  of the  Advisers  Act  and  the  rules  and  regulations

          B. The Subadviser has all requisite  authority to enter into, execute,
deliver and perform the Subadviser's obligations under this Agreement;

          C.  The  Subadviser's   performance  of  its  obligations  under  this
Agreement  does not  conflict  with any law,  regulation  or order to which  the
Subadviser is subject; and

          D. The  Subadviser  has reviewed  the portion of (i) the  registration
statement  filed  with the SEC,  as  amended  from  time to time,  for the Funds
("Registration Statement"),  and (ii) each Fund's prospectuses and statements of
additional  information (including amendments) thereto, in each case in the form
received from the Manager with respect to the  disclosure  about the  Subadviser
and the  Funds of which  the  Subadviser  has  knowledge  ("Subadviser  and Fund
Information")  and except as advised in writing to the Manager such Registration
Statement,  prospectuses  and  statements of additional  information  (including
amendments)  contain,  as of their respective  dates, no untrue statement of any
material  fact of  which  the  Subadviser  has  knowledge  and do not  omit  any
statement of a material  fact of which the  Subadviser  has  knowledge  that was
required to be stated  therein or  necessary  to make the  statements  contained
therein not misleading.

XXII.  Covenants.  The Subadviser  hereby  covenants and agrees that, so long as
this Agreement shall remain in effect:

          A. The Subadviser shall maintain the  Subadviser's  registration as an
investment  adviser under the Advisers Act, and such  registration  shall at all
times  remain  current,  complete  and in  full  compliance  with  all  material
applicable  provisions  of the  Advisers  Act  and  the  rules  and  regulations

          B.  The  Subadviser's   performance  of  its  obligations  under  this
Agreement  shall not  conflict  with any law,  regulation  or order to which the
Subadviser is then subject;

          C. The Subadviser  shall at all times comply with the Advisers Act and
the 1940 Act, and all rules and regulations thereunder, and all other applicable
laws  and  regulations,   and  the  Registration  Statement,   prospectuses  and
statements  of  additional  information  (including  amendments)  and  with  any
applicable  procedures  adopted by the Trust's Board of Trustees,  provided that
such procedures are identified in writing to the Subadviser;

          D. The Subadviser shall promptly notify the Manager and the Funds upon
the occurrence of any event that might disqualify or prevent the Subadviser from
performing its duties under this Agreement. The Subadviser shall promptly notify
the  Manager  and the  Funds  if there  are any  changes  to its  organizational
structure  or the  Subadviser  has become the subject of any adverse  regulatory
action  imposed by any  regulatory  body or  self-regulatory  organization.  The
Subadviser further agrees to notify the Manager of any changes relating to it or
the  provision  of services by it that would cause the  Registration  Statement,
prospectuses or statements of additional  information (including amendments) for
the Funds to contain any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state
a material  fact that is required to be stated  therein or is  necessary to make
the  statements  contained  therein  not  misleading,  in each case  relating to
Subadviser and Fund Information; and

          E. The  Subadviser  will render  advice to the Manager  regarding  the
investment of each Fund's assets that is consistent with  maintaining the Fund's
status as a regulated  investment  company  under  Subchapter  M of the Internal
Revenue Code.

          F. The  Subadviser  shall  provide to the Trust's  Board of Trustees a
copy of the Subadviser's Code of Ethics adopted pursuant to Rule 17j-1 under the
1940 Act and any amendments thereto, and all certifications  required under that

XXIII. Use of Names.

          A. The  Subadviser  acknowledges  and agrees that the names "The Weiss
Fund" and "Weiss Money Management,  Inc.," and abbreviations or logos associated
with those names,  are the valuable  property of the Manager and its affiliates;
that the Funds,  the  Manager  and their  affiliates  have the right to use such
names, abbreviations and logos; and that the Subadviser shall use the names "The
Weiss Fund" and "Weiss Money Management, Inc.," and associated abbreviations and
logos,  only in  connection  with the  Subadviser's  performance  of its  duties
hereunder.  Further,  in any communication  with the public and in any marketing
communications  of any sort,  Subadviser agrees to obtain prior written approval
from  Manager  before  using or  referring  to "The Weiss Fund" and "Weiss Money
Management,  Inc.," or the Funds or any  abbreviations  or logos associated with
those names.

          B. The Manager  acknowledges that "Delray" and "Delray  Financial" and
abbreviations  or logos  associated  with those names are  valuable  property of
Delray  Financial  Corporation and are distinctive in connection with investment
advisory and related services provided by the Subadviser, the "Delray" name is a
property right of the Subadviser,  and the "Delray" and "Delray Financial" names
are  understood  to be used by each Fund  upon the  conditions  hereinafter  set
forth; provided that each Fund may use such names only so long as the Subadviser
shall be retained as the investment subadviser of the Fund pursuant to the terms
of this Agreement.

          C. The Subadviser  acknowledges  that each Fund and its agents may use
the  "Delray"  and  "Delray  Financial"  names  in  connection  with  accurately
describing  the  activities of the Fund,  including use with marketing and other
promotional  and  informational  material  relating  to the Fund  with the prior
written  approval  always of the  Subadviser.  In the event that the  Subadviser
shall cease to be the investment  subadviser of a Fund, then the Fund at its own
or the Manager's expense, upon the Subadviser's written request: (i) shall cease
to use the Subadviser's name for any commercial purpose;  and (ii) shall use its
best  efforts  to cause the Fund's  officers  and  trustees  to take any and all
actions  that may be  necessary  or  desirable  to effect the  foregoing  and to
reconvey to the  Subadviser  all rights which a Fund may have to such name.  The
Manager  agrees to take any and all  reasonable  actions as may be  necessary or
desirable to effect the foregoing and the  Subadviser  agrees to allow the Funds
and their agents a reasonable time to effectuate the foregoing.

          D.  The  Subadviser  hereby  agrees  and  consents  to the  use of the
Subadviser's name upon the foregoing terms and conditions.

XXIV. Reports by the Subadviser and Records of the Funds.

         The  Subadviser  shall  furnish  the  Manager  information  and reports
necessary to the operation of the Funds,  including  information  required to be
disclosed in the Trust's Registration Statement, in such form as may be mutually
agreed.  The Subadviser shall immediately notify and forward to both the Manager
and legal  counsel for the Trust any legal  process  served upon it on behalf of
the Manager or the Trust.

         In compliance  with the  requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act,
the  Subadviser  agrees  that all  records  it  maintains  for the Trust are the
property of the Trust and further  agrees to surrender  promptly to the Trust or
the Manager any such  records  upon the Trust's or the  Manager's  request.  The
Subadviser  further  agrees to  maintain  for the Trust the records the Trust is
required to maintain  under Rule 31a-1(b)  insofar as such records relate to the
investment  affairs of each Fund. The Subadviser  further agrees to preserve for
the periods prescribed by Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act the records it maintains
for the Trust.

XXV. Indemnification.

         The Subadviser  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Manager,  any
affiliated  person  within  the  meaning  of  Section  2(a)(3)  of the  1940 Act
("affiliated  person") of the Manager and each person,  if any, who,  within the
meaning of  Section  15 of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the "1933
Act"), controls ("controlling person") the Manager,  against any and all losses,
claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including reasonable legal and other
expenses)  to  which  the  Manager,  the  Trust  or such  affiliated  person  or
controlling  person may become  subject  under the 1933 Act,  the 1940 Act,  the
Advisers Act, under any other statute,  at common law or otherwise,  arising out
of Subadviser's responsibilities as subadviser of the Funds (1) to the extent of
and as a result of the willful misconduct, bad faith, or gross negligence of the
Subadviser,  any  of  the  Subadviser's  employees  or  representatives  or  any
affiliate  of or any  person  acting on behalf  of the  Subadviser,  or (2) as a
result of any untrue  statement or alleged  untrue  statement of a material fact
contained  in  the  Registration   Statement,   prospectuses  or  statements  of
additional  information covering the Funds or the Trust or any amendment thereof
or any supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a
material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statement
therein not  misleading,  if such a statement  or omission  was made in reliance
upon written information  furnished by the Subadviser to the Manager,  the Trust
or any  affiliated  person of the Manager or the Trust  expressly for use in the
Trust's  Registration  Statement,  or upon verbal  information  confirmed by the
Subadviser in writing expressly for use in the Trust's  Registration  Statement;
provided, however, that in no case is the Subadviser's indemnity in favor of the
Manager or any affiliated person or controlling  person of the Manager deemed to
protect  such  person  against  any  liability  to which any such  person  would
otherwise  be  subject  by  reason  of  willful  misconduct,  bad faith or gross
negligence  in the  performance  of its  duties  or by  reason  of its  reckless
disregard of its obligations and duties under this Agreement.

         The Manager agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the  Subadviser,  any
affiliated  person  of  the  Subadviser  and  each  controlling  person  of  the
Subadviser,  against  any  and  all  losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities  or
litigation  (including  reasonable  legal  and  other  expenses)  to  which  the
Subadviser or such  affiliated  person or controlling  person may become subject
under the 1933 Act, the 1940 Act, the Advisers Act, under any other statute,  at
common  law or  otherwise,  arising  out of the  Manager's  responsibilities  as
investment  manager  of the  Funds  (1) to the  extent of and as a result of the
willful  misconduct,  bad faith, or gross negligence of the Manager,  any of the
Manager's  employees or representatives or any affiliate of or any person acting
on behalf of the Manager,  or (2) as a result of any untrue statement or alleged
untrue  statement of a material fact  contained in the  Registration  Statement,
prospectuses or statements of additional  information  covering the Funds or the
Trust or any  amendment  thereof or any  supplement  thereto or the  omission or
alleged  omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary to make the statement  therein not misleading,  if such a statement
or  omission  was  made  by the  Trust  other  than  in  reliance  upon  written
information  furnished  by the  Subadviser,  or  any  affiliated  person  of the
Subadviser,  expressly  for use in the Trust's  Registration  Statement or other
than upon verbal  information  confirmed by the Subadviser in writing  expressly
for use in the Trust's Registration  Statement;  provided,  however,  that in no
case is the Manager's  indemnity in favor of the  Subadviser  or any  affiliated
person or  controlling  person of the  Subadviser  deemed to protect such person
against any  liability  to which any such person  would  otherwise be subject by
reason of willful  misconduct,  bad faith or gross negligence in the performance
of its duties or by reason of its  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and
duties under this Agreement.

XXVI. Notices.

         All notices or other  communications  required or permitted to be given
hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be delivered or sent by pre-paid  first
class letter post to the  following  addresses  or to such other  address as the
relevant  addressee  shall  hereafter  specify for such purpose to the others by
notice  in  writing  and  shall  be  deemed  to have  been  given at the time of

                  If to the Manager:     WEISS MONEY MANAGEMENT, INC.
                                         4176 Burns Road
                                         Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
                                         Attention: Clara A. Maxcy

                  If to the Trust:       THE WEISS FUND
                                         4176 Burns Road
                                         Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
                                         Attention: Clara A. Maxcy

                  If to the Subadviser:   DELRAY FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                          10356 St. Andrews Road
                                          Boynton Beach, Florida 33436
                                          Attention: John N. Breazeale

XXVII. Limitation of Liability of the Trust, its Trustees, and Shareholders.

         It is understood  and expressly  stipulated  that none of the trustees,
officers, agents, or shareholders of any series of the Trust shall be personally
liable  hereunder.  It is understood and  acknowledged  that all persons dealing
with any series of the Trust must look solely to the property of such series for
the  enforcement  of any claims  against  that series as neither  the  trustees,
officers,  agents or shareholders  assume any personal liability for obligations
entered into on behalf of any series of the Trust.  No series of the Trust shall
be liable for the obligations or liabilities of any other series of the Trust.

XXVIII. Governing Law.

         This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with
the laws of The Commonwealth of  Massachusetts.  Anything herein to the contrary
notwithstanding,  this Agreement shall not be construed to require, or to impose
any duty  upon  either  of the  parties,  to do  anything  in  violation  of any
applicable laws or regulations.

XXIX. Severability.

         Should any part of this Agreement be held invalid by a court  decision,
statute,  rule or  otherwise,  the  remainder  of this  Agreement  shall  not be
affected thereby.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of the parties hereto and their respective successors.

XXX. Counterparts.

         This  Agreement  may be executed in two or more  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original,  and all such counterparts shall constitute a
single instrument.

CORPORATION  have each caused this  instrument  to be signed in duplicate on its
behalf by the officer designated below thereunto duly authorized.

                                        WEISS MONEY MANAGEMENT, INC.

                                           Title:  Vice President

                                        DELRAY FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                           Title:  President

                                   SCHEDULE A
                          DATED AS OF __________, 2002


Weiss Millennium Opportunity Fund
Weiss Treasury Only Money Market Fund

                                   SCHEDULE B
                         DATED AS OF ____________, 2002

Fee schedule:

Weiss  Millennium  Opportunity  Fund:  The Adviser  shall pay the  Subadviser as
compensation for the Subadviser's  services to be rendered hereunder a quarterly
fee in arrears at the rate of 10% of all fees payable during the same quarter by
the Fund to the Adviser for investment  advisory  services  provided pursuant to
the Advisory Agreement, net of any fee waivers or expense reimbursements made by
the Adviser with respect to the Fund relating to such quarter.

Weiss  Treasury Only Money Market Fund:  The Adviser shall pay the Subadviser as
compensation for the Subadviser's  services to be rendered hereunder a quarterly
fee in arrears at the rate of 10% of all fees payable during the same quarter by
the Fund to the Adviser for investment  advisory  services  provided pursuant to
the Advisory Agreement, net of any fee waivers or expense reimbursements made by
the Adviser with respect to the Fund relating to such quarter.