This  Separation,  Waiver and Release Agreement  is  entered
into on the 31st day of January, 1996, by and between Raymond  P.
Springer, hereinafter "Employee," and Kash n' Karry Food  Stores,
Inc., hereinafter "Employer."
     WHEREAS,  currently  Employee is  employed  by  Employer  as
Senior   Vice  President,  Administration,  and  Chief  Financial
     WHEREAS,  effective January 27, 1996, Employee's  employment
ceased; and,
     WHEREAS,  the parties have discussed all matters  pertaining
to  the  employment  relationship between Employer  and  Employee
including, but not limited to, all rights, duties and obligations
arising  out  of  that  certain Senior Management  Severance  Pay
Agreement  executed  on February 9, 1994, and  have  reached  the
agreement set forth herein.
     NOW,  therefore,  for  the  mutual promises,  covenants  and
agreements  contained herein as well as other good  and  valuable
consideration, the parties agree:
     1.   Employee's employment terminated effective January  27,
     2.   Employee, on behalf of himself, his heirs and  assigns,
          hereby  releases and forever discharges  the  Employer,
          its  officers, employees, agents and assigns, from  any
          and  all  rights Employee may have arising out  of  the
          employment relationship, including all rights,  actions
          or  causes  of actions, be they known or unknown,  that
          Employee   now  has  or  may  have  against   Employer,
          including, but not limited to, any claims arising under
          federal,  state  or  local law  prohibiting  employment
          discrimination.   By virtue of this  release,  Employee
          hereby  agrees  not  to file any administrative  claim,
          grievance,  arbitration,  complaint,  or  suit  against
          Employer  for  any reason, whatsoever, other  than  the
          Employer's failure to abide by the terms and conditions
          of this agreement.
     3.   Employer   and  Employee  agree  that  the  terms   and
          conditions   of  this  agreement  are  privileged   and
          confidential  and shall not be divulged to  anyone  who
          does  not  have both a legitimate business interest  in
          its  contents  as well as a legitimate business-related
          need to know of the information contained herein.
     4.   Employer agrees to pay the amounts set forth below:
          (a)  Beginning January 28, 1996, the Employee's current
               base  compensation ($3,461.54/wk) and his  current
               insurance benefits will continue until he  obtains
               full-time employment with another company, or  for
               52 weeks, whichever first occurs.
          (b)  The  Employee  will be eligible to participate  in
               the  Employer's  current bonus program  (Incentive
               Compensation Plan) for Senior Management  for  the
               fiscal  year ending in July of 1996; however,  for
               purposes of determining the Employee's bonus under
               the  Plan, his base compensation will be  $90,000,
               which is one-half of his current annual salary. In
               other  words,  the  salary paid pursuant  to  3(a)
               above will not be included in the Employee's  base
               compensation  for bonus purposes.  This  provision
               will  not entitle the Employee to a bonus; he will
               participate along with other senior management  of
               the  Employer  only  if  and  when  the  Board  of
               Directors  determines that bonuses  are  otherwise
               payable in September of 1996.
     5.   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section  3.1  of  the
          Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement dated as of  March
          8,  1995  between  the Employee and the  Employer,  and
          Section 6.7 of the 1995 Key Employee Stock Option  Plan
          (collectively,  the  "Option  Agreements"),   effective
          immediately  forty  percent  (40%)  of  the  Employee's
          outstanding options to purchase 45,696 shares of common
          stock of the Employer pursuant to the Option Agreements
          are exercisable.  Pursuant to Section 6.6 of the Option
          Agreement,  Employer agrees (a) to permit  Employee  to
          simultaneously exercise his exercisable  stock  options
          and  sell  the shares of common stock thereby  acquired
          pursuant  to  a  "cashless  exercise"  arrangement   or
          program with an investment firm that makes a market  in
          the  Employer's common stock and (b) to cooperate  with
          the  investment  firm  in  establishing  the  "cashless
          exercise"  arrangement or program.  Also,  pursuant  to
          Sections  7.2 and 7.3 of the Option Agreement, Employer
          agrees  that  Employee's stock options, to  the  extent
          exercisable,  will  remain so for  a  ninety  (90)  day
          period beginning on January 28, 1996.
     6.   In  consideration of the above, Employer  and  Employee
          agree  to  terminate  that  certain  Senior  Management
          Severance Pay Agreement executed on February  9,  1994,
          effective immediately.
     7.   Employee  agrees to fulfill the following duties  as  a
          material part of this agreement:

          (a)  To  draft  a  memorandum  summarizing  all  active
               company   matters  that  Employee   currently   is
               responsible  for and to describe  what  action  is
               required  to  complete each one.  This  memorandum
               shall   be  complete  and  in  a  form  reasonably
               acceptable  to Employer and shall be submitted  to
               Ron Johnson no later than the close of business on
               January 24, 1996.
          (b)  To  review the memorandum in subpart (a) with  Ron
               Johnson  satisfactorily  answering  any  and   all
               questions by the close of business on January  25,
          (c)  To  preserve  and  organize Employee's  files  and
               department's files, and provide Employer  with  an
               index  to  said  files.  Further,  Employee  shall
               return    to   Employer   all   proprietary    and
               confidential  information  relating  to  Employer,
               including    any   computer-generated   documents,
               gathered, compiled or created by Employee  in  the
               course  of  his  employment.  Notwithstanding  the
               foregoing, the Employee may retain copies  of  the
               Employer's    current   bank   credit   agreement,
               indenture,  and  bond-type lease  used  in  recent
               sale/leaseback transactions by Employer; provided,
               that   any   non-public  documents  shall   remain
               confidential.  Employee shall fulfill  his  duties
               under  this  subpart by the close of  business  on
               January 25, 1996.
          (d)  For  reasonable  periods of  time,  at  reasonable
               times for Employee, and upon reasonable notice, to
               provide Employer with such information as Employer
               may reasonably request regarding the management of
               matters  that  involve  Employee's  department  or
               current  duties and responsibilities to  Employer,
               including,   without  limitation,  preparing   the
               Employer's financial statements and reports to the
               Securities and Exchange Commission for the  fiscal
               year  ending in July of 1996.  Every effort  shall
               be made by Employer to obtain such information via
               telephone.   Employee's responsibility  to  assist
               Employer  by providing information shall cease  by
               October 31, 1996.
          (e)  To  be available for such discussion, depositions,
               and   court  testimony  as  may  be  required   in
               connection  with  Employer's  legal  matters  that

               involve   Employee's  department   or   areas   of
          (f)  Employer   shall   reimburse  Employee   for   all
               reasonable    expenses   related   to   Employee's
               fulfillment  of subparts (a) through (e)  of  this
               Section. If Employee is not receiving any payments
               from   Employer  under  paragraph  4(a)  of   this
               Agreement  at the time that Employee is  requested
               to  fulfill his obligations under those  subparts,
               then  Employer also will pay Employee a  per  diem
               rate  of  $692  for each day or  part  thereof  of
               service   rendered   by   Employee   pursuant   to
               Employer's  request.  Employee's material  failure
               to  comply with subparts (a) through (e),  or  any
               one  of  them,  shall be grounds for delaying  any
               payments  required under paragraph  4  until  such
               time  as  Employee complies with said  subpart  or
               parts.  In such an event, the payment schedule  in
               paragraph  4  shall be extended by the  length  of
               said delay.
     8.   Employee  has carefully read and fully understands  all
          the  provisions of this agreement and acknowledges that
          he  enters into it freely, and voluntarily, and  states
          that  he  has  either  been given  the  opportunity  to
          consult legal counsel regarding this agreement, or that
          he  has  waived  that right.  Employee further  asserts
          that,  in  entering  into this agreement,  he  has  not
          relied upon any representation or statement of Employer
          other than those set forth herein.
     9.   The  parties  agree  that, except  for  those  portions
          governed  by  federal  law, Florida  law  governs  this
          agreement and that it may not be changed orally; it can
          only  be  changed  or modified by a  written  amendment
          signed by both parties.
     10.  In  the event either party must seek legal recourse  to
          enforce the terms and conditions of this agreement, the
          prevailing  party in said action shall be  entitled  to
          court costs including, but not limited to, a reasonable
          attorney's fee.
     11.  The  payments made under paragraphs 4 and 7 (f) of this
          agreement  are  made in lieu of any  and  all  payments
          otherwise  owed  by  Employer  to  Employee,  but  this
          agreement  does  not  waive the rights,  if  any,  that
          Employee  may  have  in connection with  any  qualified
          retirement   plan,  accrued  vacation   pay,   deferred
          compensation  plan,  health spending  account,  or  any

          other   employee  benefit  otherwise  due  to  Employee
          according to written Employer policy.
     12.  All payments will be made to Raymond P. Springer on the
          dates set forth herein by mail to the address given  to
          Employer  by  Employee, and Employer shall  deduct  any
          applicable  federal, state, or other taxes, deductions,
          etc., as required by law.
     13.  Employee  agrees  that  for a 1 year  period  beginning
          January   27,   1996,  Employee  will  not,   directly,
          indirectly  or  as  an  agent  on  behalf  of   or   in
          conjunction   with   any  person,  firm,   partnership,
          corporation  or  other  entity, own,  manage,  control,
          join,  or  participate  in the  ownership,  management,
          operation,  or control of, or be financially interested
          in  or  advise,  lend money to, or be  employed  by  or
          provide consulting services to, or be connected in  any
          manner  with  (a) any supermarket, retail  food  store,
          grocery  store, liquor store, warehouse  store  or  any
          similar  business  located in market  areas  where  the
          Employer  operates;  or  (b)  any  company,  entity  or
          business  with which Employer was in active negotiation
          for  the purchase of a supermarket, retail food  store,
          grocery  store, liquor store or warehouse store  as  of
          January 27, 1996, or with any other company that  shall
          acquire  such  supermarket, retail food store,  grocery
          store,  liquor store or warehouse store.  The  Employee
          acknowledges that the business of Employer is currently
          conducted throughout the counties in Florida listed  on
          Exhibit  A  attached hereto and any  county  contiguous
          thereto  and that such counties constitute the  present
          market area of the Employer.  Ownership of less than 1%
          of  the  stock in a publicly held company shall not  be
          deemed  a violation of this Section 13. Notwithstanding
          anything  in  this paragraph to the contrary,  Employee
          may engage in the convenience store business, e.g., the
          kind  of  business operated by Circle K and  Southland,
          (Seven/Eleven) within Employer's current market area.

                     BENEFIT PROTECTION ACT
     Employee hereby acknowledges the Employer has advised him of
the following:
     14.  The  payment set forth herein is a payment to which the
          Employee  would  not  normally be entitled  unless  the
          Employer agreed to make it.
     15.  By  signing this release, Employee is giving up any and
          all  claims  and  rights that he may have  against  the
          Employer, its subsidiaries, and their past, present and
          future officers, directors, employees and agents, based
          upon  any  act  or  event occurring prior  to  Employee
          signing  this release.  Without limiting the foregoing,
          Employee specifically releases Employer from any  claim
          arising   out  of  his  employment  with  the  Employer
          including the termination of his employment.
     16.  Employee  hereby waives all claims and rights  that  he
          may  have based upon any acts or events related to  his
          employment with the Employer up to the date of  signing
          this  agreement.   Employee also agrees  to  waive  his
          right to seek future employment with the Employer,  its
          parent   and   subsidiaries,   without   limiting   the
          foregoing. Employee specifically releases the  Employer
          from  any  claim  for discrimination under  Florida  or
          federal law including the Federal Age Discrimination in
          Employment Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act,  and
          the Americans with Disabilities Act.
     17.  The  Employer has advised Employee to consult with  any
          attorney and any other advisors of his choice prior  to
          signing this release.
     18.  Employee  will have twenty-one (21) days from the  date
          Employee receives this release to consider and sign it.
          If  Employee does not return this signed release to the
          Employer on or before the end of twenty-one (21)  days,
          the  Employer will consider this a refusal to sign  and
          Employee will not be given the settlement package.   If
          Employee does sign and return the release, it will  not
          be  effective  for a period of seven (7)  days  (unless
          otherwise  waived),  during  which  time  Employee  can
          change his mind and revoke it.  If Employee chooses  to
          revoke  this  release, he must notify the Employer,  in
          writing,  no  later than seven (7) days  after  he  has
          signed it.

     19.  Employee   is   signing   this  release   freely,   and
          voluntarily, and understands what he is signing.
     Signed, sealed and delivered this ___ day of January,  1996,
in the County of Hillsborough of the State of Florida.

                              KASH N' KARRY FOOD STORES, INC.


/s/ Gary M. Shell             By: /s/ Ronald E. Johnson
- --------------------------       ---------------------------
                                   Ronald E. Johnson, C.E.O.
/s/ Richard D. Coleman
- --------------------------


/s/ R. Wayne Schumacher       /s/ R.P. Springer
- --------------------------    -------------------------------
                              Raymond P. Springer
/s/ Tim Tuttle                18210 Clear Lake Drive
- --------------------------    Lutz, Florida 33549
                              S.S.N. ###-##-####



     The  foregoing  instrument was acknowledged before  me  this
31st  day  of January, 1996, by Ronald E. Johnson, as  C.E.O.  of
Kash  n'  Karry  Food  Stores, Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  on
behalf of the corporation.  He is personally known to me.

                              /s/ Robert S. Bolt (sign name)
                              Robert S. Bolt (print name)

NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida

My Commission Expires: Oct. 22, 1996

My Commission No: CC230341



      The  foregoing instrument was acknowledged before  me  this
31st  day  of  January,  1996, by Raymond  P.  Springer.   He  is
personally known to me.

                              /s/ Robert S. Bolt (sign name)
                              Robert S. Bolt (print name)

NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida

My Commission Expires: Oct. 22, 1996

My Commission No: CC230341
