Jenkens & Gilchrist
                 A P R O F E S S I O N A L C O R P O R A T I O N

                                                               AUSTIN, TEXAS
                                 1100 Louisiana               (512) 499-3800
                                   Suite 1800
                              Houston, Texas 77002            DALLAS, TEXAS
                                                              (214) 855-4500
                                 (713) 951-3300
                            Telecopier (713) 951-3314    LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
                                                              (310) 820-8800
WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER                                               
    Donald W. Brodsky                                       SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
     (713) 951-3341                                           (210) 246-5000
                                   March __, 1999
                                                             WASHINGTON, D.C.
                                                              (202) 326-1500

Denbury Resources Inc.                                        
17304 Preston Road, Suite 200                                 
Dallas, Texas  75252

         Re:      Opinion as to Legality of Organization and Certain Securities
                  of Denbury Resources Inc.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         We have acted as U.S.  securities  counsel to Denbury Resources Inc., a
corporation  formed under the Canada Business  Corporations Act (the "Company"),
in connection with the move of corporate  domicile of the Company from Canada to
the  United  States as a Delaware  corporation  and the  registration  under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended  ("Securities  Act"), of 31,976,538 shares of
common stock to be issued to the  shareholders of the Company upon the change of
corporate domicile.  This change of corporate domicile is being submitted to the
shareholders  of the Company for approval,  along with several other  proposals,
all as described in a Proxy Statement/Prospectus (the "Prospectus") contained in
a registration statement (File Number 333-69577),  as amended (the "Registration
Statement"), on Form S-4 first filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
on December 23, 1998.

         We have examined (i) the Prospectus and  Registration  Statement,  (ii)
the proposed  Certificate of  Incorporation  and  Certificate  of  Domestication
proposed  to be filed  upon  the  domestication  of the  Company  as a  Delaware
corporation,  (iii)  corporate  proceedings  of the  Company and (iv) such other
records,  documents,  opinions, and instruments as in our judgment are necessary
or appropriate to enable us to render this opinion.  We have made such legal and
factual determinations as we have deemed relevant.

         Based upon our examination and consideration of the foregoing,  subject
to the comments,  assumptions,  exceptions,  qualifications  and limitations set
forth below, we are of the opinion that:

     1.   upon  filing  with the  Delaware  Secretary  of State of the  proposed
          Certificate of  Incorporation  and  Certificate of  Domestication  and
          Certificate of  Discontinuance  by the Director of the Canada Business
          Corporations Act, in the form contained


           as exhibits to the Prospectus,  the Company will become a corporation
           duly organized, validly existing and  in good standing under the laws
           of the State of Delaware; and

     2.   upon  domestication  of the  Company  as a Delaware  corporation,  the
          shares of the Delaware corporation to be issued to the shareholders of
          the Company will be duly  authorized,  validly issued,  fully paid and
          non-assessable securities of the Delaware corporation.

         We hereby  consent to the  filing of this  opinion as an exhibit to the
Registration Statement and to reference being made to our firm under the caption
"Legal  Matters" in the Prospectus.  In giving this consent,  this firm does not
thereby  admit  that it comes into the  category  of  persons  whose  consent is
required under Section 7 of the  Securities Act or the rules and  regulations of
the Commission promulgated thereunder.

                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                    JENKENS & GILCHRIST,
                                                    A Professional Corporation

                                                       Donald W. Brodsky
                                                       Authorized Signatory on
                                                       Behalf of the Corporation
