[KPMG Logo]
One Mellon Bank Center                         Telephone 412-391-9710
Pittsburgh, PA  15219                             Fax 412-391-8963

January 26, 2000

Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C.  20549

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We  were  previously  principal  accountants  for  Skibo  Financial  Corp.  (the
Corporation)  and,  under  the  date of  April  30,  1999,  we  reported  on the
consolidated  financial  statements of Skibo  Financial  Corp. and  subsidiaries
(formerly  First Carnegie  Deposit) as of and for the years ended March 31, 1999
and 1998. On January 21, 2000,  our  appointment  as principal  accountants  was
terminated.  We have read Skibo Financial Corp.'s statements included under Item
4 of its Form 8-K dated  January 21,  2000,  and we agree with such  statements,
except that we are not in a position to agree or disagree  with Skibo  Financial
Corp.'s  statement  that the change was  approved by the audit  committee of the
board of directors  nor that Skibo  Financial  Corp.  will engage Stokes Kelly &
Hinds,  LLC as the  Corporation's  auditors,  nor that the  Corporation  did not
consult  Stokes Kelly & Hinds,  LLC  regarding  the  application  of  accounting
principles,  either  completed  or proposed,  or the type of audit  opinion that
might be rendered on the Corporation's financial statements.

Very truly yours,

                                                     /s/ KPMG LLP

[Logo]   KPMG LLP.KPMG LLP, a U.S. limited liability partnership, is
         a member of KPMG International, a Swiss association.