6060 RIDGE AVENUE
                      PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19128-1696

                 CASH, DATED JUNE 7, 2002 UP TO 1,000,000 SHARES



o    offering to purchase up to 1,000,000 shares of our common stock in a tender
     offer; and
o    offering  to  purchase  these  shares at a set price of $13.00 per share in
     cash, without interest.


o    no further  action is necessary  regarding  any shares  previously  validly
     tendered and not withdrawn; and
o    if the  amended  and  restated  offer is  completed,  these  shares will be
     accepted for payment and you will  received the  increased  price of $13.00
     per share.


o    specify the amount of shares you want to tender; and
o    follow the  instructions  in  this  document  and  the  related  documents,
     including the accompanying  amended and restated letter of transmittal,  to
     submit your shares.


o    if the  number  of shares  tendered  is not more  than  1,000,000,  we will
     purchase all these shares;  and
o    if the number of shares tendered is more than  1,000,000,  we will purchase
     o    first from  holders of less than 100 shares who  tendered all of their
          shares; and
     o    then,  on a pro rata basis from all other  shareholders  who  tendered

Our offer is not conditioned on any minimum number of shares being tendered. Our
offer is,  however,  subject to other  conditions  discussed under "Summary" and
"The Offer - Conditions of Our Offer."

Our Board of Directors  has  approved  this offer.  However,  neither we nor our
Board of Directors nor the information agent makes any  recommendation to you as
to whether you should  tender or not tender your shares.  You must make your own
decision  as to whether to tender  your  shares  and,  if so, how many shares to

           The date of the Offer to Purchase For Cash is May 7, 2002.
The Offer to Purchase For Cash has been amended and restated as of June 7, 2002.

                     The Information Agent for the Offer is:


                              IMPORTANT PROCEDURES

If you  want  to  tender  all or part of  your  shares,  you  must do one of the
following before our offer expires:

     o    if  your  shares  are  registered  in the  name of a  broker,  dealer,
          commercial bank,  trust company or other nominee,  contact the nominee
          and have the nominee tender your shares for you, or

     o    if you hold  certificates  in your  own  name,  complete  and sign the
          accompanying  amended and restated letter of transmittal  according to
          its instructions, and deliver it, together with any required signature
          guarantee,  the  certificates  for your shares and any other documents
          required by the amended and restated letter of transmittal,  to Alpine
          Fiduciary Services, Inc., the depositary for our offer, or

     o    if you want to tender shares held in the Thistle's  Automatic Dividend
          Reinvestment  Plan, you should follow the  instructions in the amended
          and restated letter of transmittal to tender your shares, or

     o    if you  are an  institution  participating  in  The  Depository  Trust
          Company,  tender your shares according to the procedure for book-entry
          transfer  described in this  document and in the original  offer under
          "The Offer - Procedures For Tendering Shares."

If you want to tender your shares but

     o    your  certificates  for the shares are not  immediately  available  or
          cannot be delivered to the depositary, or

     o    you cannot comply with the procedure for book-entry transfer, or

     o    your other required documents cannot be delivered to the depositary by
          the expiration of our offer,

         you can still  tender  your  shares if you comply  with the  guaranteed
delivery  procedure  described in this document and in the original  offer under
"The Offer - Procedures for Tendering Shares."


         If you  have any  questions  or need  assistance,  you  should  contact
Georgeson Shareholder, the information agent for our offer, at their address and
telephone number on the back page of this document.  You may request  additional
copies of this document, the amended and restated letter of transmittal,  or the
notice of guaranteed delivery, from the information agent.


         The  summary  highlights  material  information  in  this  amended  and
restated  Offer To Purchase  For Cash,  but you should  realize that it does not
describe  all of the  details  of our  offer to the same  extent  that  they are
described  in the  body  of this  document.  We urge  you to  read  this  entire
document,  the original offer,  dated May 7, 2002, and the enclosed  amended and
restated  letter of  transmittal  because  they  contain the full details of our
offer.  Where  helpful,  we have  included  references  to the  sections of this
document and the original offer where you will find a more complete  discussion.
References to "The Offer," unless noted otherwise, refers to the original offer,
dated May 7, 2002.

WHO IS OFFERING     Thistle   Group   Holdings,   Co.  ("we,"  "us,"  "our,"  or
TO PURCHASE MY      "Thistle").  We are  offering to  purchase  up to  1,000,000
SHARES?             shares of our  outstanding  common stock and the  associated
                    preferred share rights.  See "The Offer - Information  About
                    Us and the Shares."

WHAT IS THE         The purchase price is a set price of $13.00 per share.

WHY IS THE          Under this amended and restated offer, we are increasing the
TENDER OFFER        price at which we will  purchase  the shares from a range of
BEING AMENDED?      $11.50 to $12.50 to a set  price of $13.00  per  share.  The
                    increase in the price and the  elimination of the range is a
                    result of several  factors,  including  (1) an  insufficient
                    number  of  shares  have  been  tendered  to date  under the
                    original  range;  (2)  offering to purchase at a fixed price
                    eliminates   uncertainty  for  those  shareholders  who  are
                    seeking to tender;  (3) our trading  price  increased at the
                    time of the  commencement  of our  tender  offer;  and (4) a
                    general  increase in the market price of the stock of public
                    thrift institutions since the commencement of the offer.

IF I ALREADY        No, you do not have to take any action  regarding any shares
TENDERED MY         previously  validly  tendered  and  not  withdrawn.  If  the
SHARES IN THE       amended and restated  offer is completed,  these shares will
ORIGINAL OFFER,     be accepted for payment and you will  receive the  increased
DO I HAVE TO DO     price of $13.00 per share.

HOW AND WHEN        If your shares are  purchased  in our  amended and  restated
WILL I BE PAID?     offer, you will be paid the purchase price, in cash, without
                    interest, as soon as practicable after the expiration of the
                    offer period and the  acceptance  of the shares for payment.
                    There may be tax consequences to receiving this payment. See
                    "The Offer -- Federal Income Tax  Consequences;"  "-- Number
                    of Shares;  Price; Priority of Purchase;" "-- Procedures for
                    Tendering  Shares;"  "--.  Purchase of Shares and Payment of
                    Purchase Price."


HOW MANY SHARES     We will  purchase up to  1,000,000  shares in our offer,  or
WILL THISTLE        approximately  15% of our outstanding  common stock. We also
PURCHASE IN ALL?    reserve the right to purchase  additional shares up to 2% of
                    the  outstanding   shares,   subject  to  applicable   legal
                    requirements.  Our offer is not  conditioned  on any minimum
                    number of shares being tendered.

IF I TENDER MY      All the  shares  that you  tender  in our  offer  may not be
SHARES, HOW MANY    purchased.  If more than 1,000,000  shares are tendered,  we
OF MY SHARES        will  purchase  shares  based  on  the  following  order  of
WILL THISTLE        priority:
                    First,  we will  purchase  shares  from all  holders of "odd
                    lots" of less than 100 shares  (including any shares held in
                    our automatic dividend  reinvestment plan, but not including
                    any shares held in the Roxborough  Manayunk  Bank's Employee
                    Stock  Ownership  Plan)  who  properly  tender  all of their

                    Second, we will purchase shares from all other  shareholders
                    who properly tender shares, on a pro rata basis,  subject to
                    the conditional tender provisions described under "The Offer
                    -  Conditional  Tender  Procedures."  As a  result,  we will
                    purchase the same  percentage of shares from each  tendering
                    shareholder in this second  category.  We will announce this
                    proration percentage, if it is necessary, promptly after our
                    offer expires.

                    As we  noted  above,  we may  also  choose  to  purchase  an
                    additional  2%  of  the  outstanding   shares,   subject  to
                    applicable  legal rules.  See "The Offer - Number of Shares;
                    Price; Priority of Purchase."

HOW WILL THISTLE    We  would  need a  maximum  of  $13.0  million  to  purchase
PAY FOR THE         1,000,000  shares.  We will  use cash on hand to pay for the
SHARES?             shares  we  purchase in this offer.  See "The Offer - Source
                    and Amount of Funds."

HOW LONG DO I       You may tender your shares  until our offer  expires.  Right
HAVE TO TENDER      now, the offer is scheduled to expire on Thursday,  June 20,
MY SHARES TO        2002,  at 12:00  p.m.,  Eastern  Time,  but we may choose to
THISTLE?            extend it at any time.  We  cannot  assure  you that we will
                    extend  our offer or, if we extend  it, for how long it will
                    be  extended.  See "The  Offer - Number  of  Shares;  Price;
                    Priority  of  Purchase;"  and "--  Extension  of Our  Offer;
                    Termination; Amendment."


HOW WILL I BE       If our offer is extended, we will make a public announcement
NOTIFIED IF         before 9:00 a.m.,  Eastern time,  on the first  business day
THISTLE EXTENDS     after the offer was  scheduled  to expire.  See "The Offer -
THIS OFFER?         Extension of Our Offer; Termination; Amendment."

WHAT ARE THE        Our obligation to accept and pay for your tendered shares is
CONDITIONS TO       conditioned   upon  the   satisfaction   or  waiver  of  the
THISTLE'S OFFER?    conditions  described  in this  document  under "The Offer -
                    Conditions of Our Offer."

HOW DO I TENDER     To tender your shares,  you must complete one of the actions
MY SHARES?          described under  "Important  Procedures" on the inside front
                    cover of this document before our offer expires.

                    You may also  contact the  information  agent or your broker
                    for assistance.  The contact information for the information
                    agent is on the back page of this document.

                    See in this  document  "The Offer - Procedure  for Tendering
                    Shares" and the  instructions  to the  amended and  restated
                    letter of transmittal.

ONCE I HAVE         Yes. If you tender your shares and change your mind, you may
TENDERED SHARES     withdraw your shares at any time before our offer expires.
CAN I CHANGE        In  addition,  after  our  offer  expires,  if we  have  not
MY MIND?            accepted for payment the shares you have tendered to us, you
                    may withdraw  your shares at any time after 12:00  Midnight,
                    Eastern  Time,  on Monday,  July 8,  2002.  See "The Offer -
                    Withdrawal Rights."

                    To withdraw your shares,  you must timely  deliver a written
                    notice of your  withdrawal to the  depositary at the address
                    or  facsimile  number  appearing  on the  back  page of this
                    document.  Your notice of withdrawal must specify your name,
                    the  number of shares  to be  withdrawn  and the name of the
                    registered   holder   of   the   shares.   Some   additional
                    requirements  apply if the  certificates  for  shares  to be
                    withdrawn  have been delivered to the  depositary.  See "The
                    Offer - Withdrawal Rights."


WHAT DO THISTLE     Our  Board of  Directors  (the  "Board  of  Directors,"  the
AND ITS BOARD OF    "Directors,"  or  the  "Board")  has  approved  this  offer.
DIRECTORS THINK     However,  neither  we nor our  Board  of  Directors  nor the
ABOUT THIS OFFER?   information  agent is making  any  recommendation  regarding
                    whether  you should  tender or not tender your  shares.  You
                    must  decide  whether  to tender  your  shares.  You  should
                    discuss   whether  to  tender  with  your  broker  or  other
                    financial  or  tax  advisor.  Our  Directors  and  executive
                    officers  have  advised us that they do not intend to tender
                    any of their shares in our offer.

WHAT IS A RECENT    Our common  stock is traded on the Nasdaq - National  Market
MARKET PRICE OF     System  under the symbol  "THTL."  Prior to  announcing  the
MY THISTLE SHARES?  extension and price increase, the closing price of our stock
                    on June 4, 2002 was $12.35. On June 5, 2002, a date close to
                    the date of this  document,  the closing price of our common
                    stock on the Nasdaq was  $12.80.  We urge you to obtain more
                    current  market  quotations  for your  shares.  For  trading
                    information  regarding  the shares,  you may call  Georgeson
                    Shareholder, toll free, at (866) 324-8876.

WILL I HAVE TO PAY  If you are a registered  shareholder  and tender your shares
BROKERAGE           directly  to the  depositary,  you  will not need to pay any
COMMISSIONS OR      brokerage  commissions.  If you hold shares through a broker
STOCK TRANSFER TAX  or bank, however,  you should ask your broker or bank to see
IF I TENDER MY      if you will be charged a fee to tender your shares. See "The
SHARES TO THISTLE?  Offer - Procedures for Tendering Shares."

                    If you instruct the  depositary in the letter of transmittal
                    to make the payment for the shares to the registered holder,
                    you will not incur any stock  transfer tax. See "The Offer -
                    Purchase of Shares and Payment of Purchase Price."

WHAT ARE THE        Generally,  you will be  subject  to United  States  federal
UNITED STATES       income  taxation  when you receive  cash from us in exchange
FEDERAL INCOME      for the  shares you  tender.  The cash you  receive  will be
TAX  CONSEQUENCES   treated either as:
SHARES TO THISTLE?  o   a sale or exchange eligible for capital gains treatment;
                    o   a dividend subject to ordinary income tax rates.

                    See "The Offer - Federal Income Tax Consequences."

WHOM DO I CONTACT   Our  information  agent,  Georgeson  Shareholder,  can  help
IF I HAVE           answer your questions.  Their toll free telephone  number is
QUESTIONS ABOUT     (866) 324-8876. Additional contact information for Georgeson
THISTLE'S OFFER?    Shareholder appears on the back page of this document.


                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

         This document contains a number of forward-looking statements regarding
our financial  condition,  results of operations and business.  These statements
may be made directly in this document or may be incorporated in this document by
reference to other documents.  These  statements may also include  references to
periods following the completion of our offer or other transactions described in
this document.  You can find many of these  statements by looking for words such
as "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "intends," "plans," "may,"
"will" and "potential" and for similar expressions.  Forward-looking  statements
involve substantial risks and uncertainties.  Some of the factors that may cause
actual   results  to  differ   materially   from  those   contemplated   by  the
forward-looking  statements  include,  but are not  limited  to,  the  following

     o    the timing and occurrence or non-occurrence  of events,  including the
          conditions to our offer,  may be subject to  circumstances  beyond our

     o    there  may  be  increases  in  competitive  pressure  among  financial
          institutions or from non-financial institutions;

     o    changes in the interest rate  environment may reduce interest  margins
          or may adversely affect banking operations;

     o    changes  in  deposit  flows,  loan  demand or real  estate  values may
          adversely affect our business;

     o    changes in accounting principles, policies or guidelines may cause our
          financial condition to be perceived differently;

     o    general  economic  conditions,  either  nationally or locally,  in the
          markets in which we do business,  or conditions in securities markets,
          the banking  industry or the mortgage  banking  industry,  may be less
          favorable than we currently anticipate;

     o    legislation or regulatory changes may adversely affect our business;

     o    technological  changes  may be more  difficult  or  expensive  than we

     o    success  or  consummation  of new  business  initiatives  may be  more
          difficult or expensive than we anticipate; or

     o    litigation  or  other  matters  before  regulatory  agencies,  whether
          currently  existing  or  commencing  in  the  future,  may  delay  the
          occurrence or non-occurrence of events longer than we anticipate.

         All subsequent written and oral forward-looking  statements  concerning
our offer or other matters  addressed in this document and attributable to us or
any person acting on our behalf are qualified by these cautionary statements. We
do not  undertake  any  obligation  to release  publicly  any  revisions to such
forward-looking  statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of
this document or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


                                    THE OFFER


         GENERAL.  On the terms and subject to the  conditions of our offer,  we
will purchase at a set price of $13.00 per share, to the seller in cash, without
interest,  1,000,000 shares of our common stock, or such lesser number of shares
as are  properly  tendered and not properly  withdrawn  in  accordance  with the
procedures set forth in "The Offer - Withdrawal Rights."

         The term "expiration  date" with respect to our offer means 12:00 p.m.,
Eastern Time,  on Thursday,  June 20, 2002,  unless we, in our sole  discretion,
extend the period of time during which our offer will remain  open.  If extended
by us, the term  "expiration  date" will mean the latest  time and date at which
our offer,  as extended,  will expire.  See "The Offer - Extension of Our Offer;
Termination;  Amendment,"  for a  description  of our  right to  extend,  delay,
terminate or amend our offer.

         Shares properly  tendered and not properly  withdrawn will be purchased
at $13.00 per share,  upon the terms and conditions of our offer,  including the
odd lot,  proration and conditional  tender provisions  described below. If more
than  1,000,000  shares  are  tendered,  shares  tendered  will  be  subject  to
proration,  except for odd lots. In accordance  with the rules of the Securities
and Exchange  Commission,  we may, and we reserve the right to,  purchase in our
offer an additional amount of shares, not to exceed 2% of our outstanding common
stock,  without  amending or extending our offer.  See "The Offer - Extension of
Our Offer; Termination; Amendment."

         All shares  tendered  and not  purchased,  because of  proration or the
conditional tender procedures, will be returned to you at our expense as soon as
practicable following the expiration date.

         On the amended and restated  letter of transmittal  you can specify the
order in which  portions of your shares will be purchased if, as a result of the
proration provisions or otherwise,  some but not all of your tendered shares are
purchased in our offer.

         You may withdraw your shares from our offer by following the procedures
described hereunder and described under "The Offer - Withdrawal Rights."

         If we:

          o    increase or decrease the price to be paid for shares,

          o    increase  the number of shares  being sought in our offer by more
               than 2% of our outstanding common stock, or

          o    decrease the number of shares being sought in our offer.

then our  offer  must  remain  open,  or will be  extended,  until at least  ten
business days from,  and  including,  the date that notice of any such change is
first  published,  sent or given in the  manner  described  under  "The  Offer -
Extension of Our Offer;  Termination;  Amendment."  For purposes of our offer, a
"business  day" means any day other  than a  Saturday,  Sunday or United  States
federal  holiday and consists of the time period from 12:01 a.m.  through  12:00
midnight, Eastern time.

         Unless the context otherwise requires, all references to shares in this
document and the documents related to our offer include the associated preferred
share  purchase  rights,  and,  unless  the  rights  are


redeemed prior to the expiration date of our offer, a tender of shares will also
be a tender of the associated preferred share purchase rights. For a description
of the rights and the  agreement  under which the rights were  issued,  see "The
Offer -Rights Agreements."


         PRIORITY OF PURCHASES.  Upon the terms and conditions of our offer,  if
1,000,000 or fewer shares are properly tendered and not properly  withdrawn,  we
will purchase all properly tendered shares at the purchase price.

         Upon the terms and  conditions  of our  offer,  if more than  1,000,000
shares are properly  tendered at prices equal to or below the purchase price and
not  properly  withdrawn,  we will  purchase  properly  tendered  shares  in the
following order:

          o    First, all shares properly tendered and not properly withdrawn by
               any "odd lot holder" (as defined below) who:

               o    tenders all shares owned  (beneficially or of record) by the
                    odd lot holder  (tenders  of less than all the shares  owned
                    will not qualify for this preference); and

               o    completes  the section  entitled "Odd Lots" in the letter of
                    amended and restated transmittal and, if applicable,  in the
                    notice of guaranteed delivery; and

          o    Second, after the purchase of all the shares properly tendered by
               odd lot holders and subject to the conditional  tender procedures
               described in "The Offer -  Conditional  Tender  Procedures,"  all
               other  shares  properly  tendered,  on  a  pro  rata  basis  with
               appropriate  adjustments to avoid purchases of fractional shares,
               as described below.

         As a result,  all the  shares  that you  tender in our offer may not be
purchased,  if we receive more than 1,000,000  properly  tendered shares.  As we
noted above,  we may elect to purchase more than 1,000,000  shares in our offer,
subject to applicable  law. If we do so, the preceding  provisions will apply to
the greater number of shares.

         ODD LOTS.  For  purposes  of our offer,  the term "odd lots"  means all
shares properly  tendered before the expiration date at prices equal to or below
the purchase price and not properly  withdrawn by any person,  referred to as an
"odd lot holder," who owns, beneficially or of record, a total of fewer than 100
shares (not  including any shares held in the Bank's ESOP) and certifies to that
fact in the "Odd Lots" box on the letter of transmittal  and, if applicable,  on
the notice of guaranteed delivery. As set forth above, odd lots will be accepted
for payment before proration,  if any, of the purchase of other tendered shares.
To qualify for this preference,  an odd lot holder must tender all shares owned,
beneficially  or of  record,  by the odd  lot  holder  in  accordance  with  the
procedures described in "The Offer - Procedures for Tendering Shares."

         This preference is not available to partial tenders or to beneficial or
record  holders of a total of 100 or more  shares,  even if these  holders  have
separate  accounts or  certificates  representing  fewer than 100  shares.  This
preference is also not available to any shares held in the Bank's ESOP.


         Any odd lot holder  wishing to tender  all its shares  pursuant  to our
offer  should  complete  the  section  entitled  "Odd  Lots"  in the  letter  of
transmittal and, if applicable, in the notice of guaranteed delivery.

         PRORATION.  If  proration  of  tendered  shares  is  required,  we will
determine  the  proration  percentage  as  soon  as  practicable  following  the
expiration  date.  Subject  to  the  conditional  tender  procedures  previously
described in "The Offer -  Conditional  Tender  Procedures,"  proration for each
shareholder  tendering shares, other than odd lot holders,  will be based on the
ratio of the number of shares  properly  tendered and not properly  withdrawn by
the shareholder to the total number of shares properly tendered and not properly
withdrawn  by all  shareholders  other  than odd lot  holders  at or  below  the
purchase price selected by us.

         Because of the potential difficulty in determining the number of shares
properly  tendered  and not properly  withdrawn,  including  shares  tendered by
guaranteed  delivery  procedures  as described  in "The Offer -  Procedures  for
Tendering Shares," and because of the odd lot procedures described above and the
conditional  tender  procedures  described  in "The Offer -  Conditional  Tender
Procedures,"  we do not  expect  that we will be  able  to  announce  the  final
proration  percentage  or commence  payment for any shares  purchased  under our
offer  until  five to  seven  business  days  after  the  expiration  date.  The
preliminary  results of any proration will be announced by press release as soon
as practicable  after the expiration date.  Shareholders may obtain  preliminary
proration  information from the information agent and may be able to obtain this
information from their brokers.  If the proration results are available prior to
seven business days,  such results  and/or  payments will be completed  prior to
such designated time.

         As  described  in "The Offer - Federal  Income Tax  Consequences,"  the
number of shares that we will purchase  from a  shareholder  under our offer may
affect the United States federal  income tax  consequences  to that  shareholder
and,  therefore,  may be relevant to a shareholder's  decision whether or not to
tender  shares.   The  letter  of  transmittal   affords  each  shareholder  the
opportunity  to  designate  the  order of  priority  in which  shares  are to be
purchased in the event of proration,  should a  shareholder  decide to do so for
federal  income tax reasons.  In addition,  shareholders  may choose to submit a
"conditional  tender"  under  the  procedures  as  discussed  in  "The  Offer  -
Conditional  Tender  Procedures," in order to structure their tender for federal
income tax reasons.


     At a board  meeting on June 4,  2002,  the Board of  Directors  unanimously
decided  to extend the offer to  increase  the price at which the  Company  will
purchase the shares from a range of $11.50 to $12.50 per share to a set price of
$13.00.  The increase in the price and the  elimination of the range is a result
of several factors, including:

o    an  insufficient  number of shares  have been  tendered  to date  under the
     original range;

o    offering  to purchase at a fixed  price  eliminates  uncertainty  for those
     shareholders who are selling to tender;

o    our  trading  price  increased  at the time of  commencement  of our tender
     offer; and

o    a general  increase  in the  market  price of the  stock of  public  thrift
     institutions since the commencement of the offer.

         Please also see "The Offer - Purposes and Reasons For The Offer."



         On June 4, 2002,  RP Financial  rendered its opinion to our Board that,
as of the date thereof, the terms of the amended and restated offer were fair to
our stockholders from a financial point of view. The full text of the opinion of
RP  Financial  is  attached  as  Appendix  A  to  this  offer  document  and  is
incorporated herein by reference. Our stockholders are urged to read the opinion
in its entirety. RP Financial has updated its opinion effective the date of this
offer document.  In connection with rendering its opinion,  RP Financial updated
the analyses performed in conjunction with the previous opinion. The key factors
considered  in the  updated  analyses  include,  but are  not  limited  to,  the
following. In the updated Transaction Summary, RP Financial reviewed the pricing
ratios indicated by the revised offer price of $13.00 per share,  comparing them
to industry  average ratios updated  through May 31, 2002.  Based on the amended
price,  the ratio of offer price to tangible book value of 112%  continued to be
at  a  discount  to  the  all  public  company,   all  Middle-Atlantic  and  all
Pennsylvania averages (143%, 170% and 151% of tangible book value, respectively)
and the revised offer price to earnings multiple of 19.2x, although at a premium
to the averages (17.1x, 17.6x and 16.3x, respectively), was generally consistent
with market  pricing of public  companies  with similar  earnings.  RP Financial
concluded  that the ratios in the  updated  transaction  summary  supported  its
fairness  conclusions.  In the  updated  Comparable  Transactions  Analysis,  RP
Financial  evaluated  the  specific  terms of the  updated  offer  relative to a
comparable  group of companies  that have  completed  similar tender offers (the
"Comparable  Group").  The 9.06% premium to pre-announcement  price indicated by
the  $13.00 per share  offer  price was  consistent  with the  Comparable  Group
offering ranges  (average  premiums of 4.58% and 19.21% at the low and high ends
of their ranges).  The updated Impact Analysis indicates that those stockholders
who chose not to tender will  realize a decrease in their  resulting  book value
per share of $0.03 (a 0.3%  decrease),  a decrease in their  resulting  tangible
book value per share of $0.24 (a 2.0% decrease),  and increases in the resulting
EPS  both  on a  reported  and a cash  basis  of  $0.03  and  $0.08  per  share,
respectively  (4.5% and 8.4%  increases).  In addition,  the resulting return on
equity under the revised offer would  increase from 4.96% to 5.18%.  The updated
Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") analysis indicates that under the "Stay the Course"
scenario, where RP Financial assumed we did not complete the offer and continued
to implement a business plan reasonably consistent with current operations,  our
stockholders  would  realize  a  present  value  benefit  after  five  years  of
operations  ranging from $11.00 to $12.82 per share.  In the "Pro Forma,  Giving
Effect to the Offer"  scenario,  where RP  Financial  assumed we  completed  the
offer, our  stockholders  would realize a present value benefit after five years
of  operations  ranging  from  $11.22 to $13.06 per share.  Because the range of
present  values  estimated  under the pro forma  scenario  exceeded  the  values
without the offer,  RP  Financial  concluded  the updated  discounted  cash flow
analyses supported the fairness conclusions.

         On the basis of these analyses and other  considerations,  RP Financial
concluded that the amended and restated offer is fair to our stockholders from a
financial  point of  view.  As  described  above,  RP  Financial's  opinion  and
presentation  to our Board was one of many factors taken into  consideration  by
our Board in making  its  determination  to  approve  the  offer.  Although  the
foregoing summary describes the material  components of the analyses prepared by
RP  Financial,  it does not  purport  to be a  complete  description  of all the
analyses  performed by RP Financial and is qualified by reference to the written
opinion of RP Financial set forth as Appendix A hereto,  which our  stockholders
are urged to read in its entirety.

         RP Financial  estimates that it will receive total fees of $17,500,  of
which $3,125 has been paid to date, plus reimbursement of certain  out-of-pocket
expenses,  for its services in connection with the offer.  In addition,  we have
agreed  to  indemnify  RP  Financial  against  certain  liabilities,   including
liabilities under the federal securities laws.



     PROPER TENDER OF SHARES.  For your shares to be properly  tendered,  either
(1) or (2) below must happen:

     (1) The  depositary  must  receive  all of the  following  before or on the
         expiration  date  at  the depositary's address on the back page of this

          o    one of (a) the certificates for the shares, (b) a confirmation of
               receipt of the shares  pursuant to the procedure  for  book-entry
               transfer we  describe  below or (c) in the case of shares held in
               our  automatic  dividend  reinvestment  plan,  completion  of the
               appropriate  sections  of the  amended  and  restated  letter  of
               transmittal, and

          o    one  of  (a)  a  properly   completed  and  executed   letter  of
               transmittal or a manually executed facsimile of it, including any
               required  signature  guarantees,  (b) an "agent's message" of the
               type we describe  below in the case of a  book-entry  transfer or
               (c) a specific acknowledgment in the case of a tender through the
               "automated tender offer program" we describe below, and

          o    any other  documents  required by the amended and restated letter
               of transmittal.

     (2) You must comply with the  guaranteed  delivery  procedure  set forth in
         "The Offer - Procedure For Tendering Shares."

         In  addition,  odd lot holders who tender all shares must  complete the
section  captioned "Odd Lots" in the amended and restated  letter of transmittal
and, if  applicable,  in the notice of guaranteed  delivery,  to qualify for the
preferential  treatment  available  to odd  lot  holders  as set  forth  in this
document under "-- - Number of Shares; Priority of Purchase."

         If you tender your shares directly to the depositary, you will not need
to pay any brokerage  commissions.  If you hold shares through a broker or bank,
however,  you should ask your broker or bank to see if you will be charged a fee
to tender your shares through the broker or bank.

         Participants in our automatic dividend  reinvestment plan should follow
the  instructions  in the amended and restated  letter of  transmittal to tender
properly shares held in their program account.

         All other  procedures for tendering  shares are fully described in "The
Offer - Procedures In Tendering Shares."


         Upon the terms and  conditions  of our amended and restated  offer,  as
soon as practicable following the expiration date, we will:

          o    pay for shares  properly  tendered  and not  properly  withdrawn,
               taking into account the number of shares so tendered; and

          o    accept for payment  and pay for,  and  thereby  purchase,  shares
               properly tendered and not properly withdrawn.


         For  purposes  of our  offer,  we will be deemed to have  accepted  for
payment and  therefore  purchased  shares  that are  properly  tendered  and not
properly  withdrawn  at  $13.00  per  share,  subject  to the odd lot  priority,
conditional  tender and proration  provisions of our offer, only when, as and if
we give oral or written notice to the depositary of our acceptance of the shares
for payment.

         Upon the terms and  conditions  of our  offer,  as soon as  practicable
after the  expiration  date,  we will  accept for payment and pay a set price of
$13.00 per share  purchase  price for 1,000,000  shares,  subject to increase or
decrease  as  described  in "The Offer - Number of Shares;  Price;  Priority  of
Purchase," and "-- Extension of Our Offer; Termination;  Amendment," if properly
tendered and not properly withdrawn.

         We will pay for  shares  purchased  under our offer by  depositing  the
aggregate  purchase price for the shares with the depositary,  which will act as
agent for tendering  shareholders  for the purpose of receiving  payment from us
and transmitting payment to the tendering shareholders.

         In the event of proration,  we will determine the proration  percentage
and pay for those  tendered  shares  accepted for payment as soon as practicable
after the expiration date.  However, we do not expect to be able to announce the
final  results of any  proration  or to be able to  commence  payment for shares
purchased until  approximately  five to seven business days after the expiration

         We will not pay interest on the purchase price  regardless of any delay
in making such payment.  In addition,  if certain  events  occur,  we may not be
obligated to purchase  shares in our offer.  See the  conditions to our offer in
this document under "-- - Conditions of Our Offer."

         We will pay all stock transfer taxes,  if any,  payable on the transfer
to us of shares  purchased  under our offer.  If,  however,  (a)  payment of the
purchase price is to be made to any person other than the registered holder, (b)
shares not tendered or rejected for purchase are to be registered in the name of
any person other than the registered  holder,  or (c) certificates  representing
tendered  shares are  registered in the name of any person other than the person
signing the letter of  transmittal,  the amount of all stock transfer  taxes, if
any (whether  imposed on the  registered  holder the other person or otherwise),
payable on account of the transfer to the other  person,  will be deducted  from
the  purchase  price  unless  satisfactory  evidence of the payment of the stock
transfer taxes, or exemption therefrom,  is submitted.  See Instruction 6 of the
amended and restated letter of transmittal.




         Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of our  offer,  we will  not be
required to accept for payment, purchase or pay for any shares tendered, and may
terminate or amend our offer or may postpone the  acceptance  for payment of, or
the  purchase  of and the  payment  for  shares  tendered,  subject to the rules
promulgated  by the SEC under the Exchange  Act, if, at any time on or after May
7, 2002 and before our acceptance for payment of properly  tendered shares,  any
of the  following  events have  occurred (or have been  determined by us to have
occurred)  that,  in our  reasonable  judgment  makes it  inadvisable  for us to
proceed with our offer or with acceptance for payment:

     o    there shall have been any action or  proceeding  by any  government or
          governmental,   regulatory  or  administrative  agency,  authority  or
          tribunal or any other person,  domestic or foreign,  before any court,
          authority,  agency or tribunal that directly or indirectly  challenges
          the making of our offer,  the acquisition of some or all of the shares
          under our  offer or  otherwise  relates  in any  manner to our  offer,
          including the other conditions to our offer;

     o    there  shall  have  been any  action  taken or  pending,  or  approval
          withheld,  or  any  statute,  rule,  regulation,  judgment,  order  or
          injunction proposed, sought,  promulgated,  enacted, entered, amended,
          enforced  or deemed to be  applicable  to our offer or to us or any of
          our  subsidiaries,  by any court or any authority,  agency or tribunal
          that,  in  our  reasonable  judgment,   would  or  might  directly  or

     o    make the acceptance for payment of, or payment for, some or all of the
          shares  illegal or otherwise  restrict or prohibit  completion  of our
          offer; or

     o    delay or  restrict  our  ability,  or render us unable,  to accept for
          payment or pay for some or all of the shares;

     o    there has occurred any of the following:

     o    any general  suspension  of trading in, or  limitation  on prices for,
          securities   on   any   national   securities   exchange   or  in  the
          over-the-counter market in the United States;

     o    the declaration of a banking  moratorium or any suspension of payments
          in respect of banks in the United States;

     o    the commencement of a war, armed hostilities or other international or
          national calamity  directly or indirectly  involving the United States
          or any of its territories;

     o    any  limitation  (whether  or  not  mandatory)  by  any  governmental,
          regulatory or administrative agency or authority on, or adverse change
          in the financial or capital  markets  generally or the market for loan
          syndications in particular,  that, in our reasonable  judgment,  might
          affect, the extension of credit by banks or other lending institutions
          in the United States;

     o    any  significant  decrease in the market  price of our common stock or
          any change in the general  political,  market,  economic or  financial
          conditions  in  the  United  States  or  abroad  that  could,  in  our
          reasonable  judgment,  have a material adverse


          effect on our business,  operations or prospects or the trading of our
          common stock; or

     o    any change or changes in the business,  financial  condition,  assets,
          income,  operations,  prospects  or  stock  ownership  of  us  or  our
          subsidiaries that, in our reasonable  judgment,  is or may be material
          and adverse to us or our subsidiaries.

         The  conditions  to our  offer  are for  our  sole  benefit  and may be
asserted by us regardless of the circumstances (including any action or inaction
by us) giving rise to any such condition and, where  permissible,  may be waived
by us,  in  whole  or in part at any  time  and  from  time to time in our  sole
discretion.  Our failure at any time to  exercise  any of the  foregoing  rights
shall not be deemed a waiver of any  right,  and each  right  shall be deemed an
ongoing  right  which may be  asserted  at any time and from  time to time.  Any
determination  or judgment by us concerning the events  described  above will be
final and binding on all parties.  However,  all conditions of the offer,  other
than those subject to  applicable  law, will be satisfied or waived on or before
the expiration of our offer.


         Assuming that 1,000,000 shares are tendered in the offer, the aggregate
purchase  price paid by us will be $13.0  million.  We expect  that our fees and
expenses for the offer will be  approximately  $121,000.  We anticipate  that we
will have all of the funds  necessary to purchase  shares tendered in our offer,
as well as to pay related fees and expenses, from our existing assets, primarily
out of available cash.


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                        RP FINANCIAL, LC FAIRNESS OPINION

- ---------------------------------------
Financial Services Industry Consultants

                                                                    June 7, 2002

Board of Directors
Thistle Group Holdings, Inc.
6060 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19128-1696

Members of the Board:

         You have requested that RP Financial,  LC. ("RP Financial") provide you
with its opinion as to the fairness from a financial point of view to the common
stockholders  of  Thistle  Group  Holdings,  Inc.,  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania
("Thistle  Group") of the offer of Thistle Group to purchase  shares pursuant to
the May 7, 2002 offer document,  amended and restated  effective June 7, 2002 to
reflect an increase in the offer price.  The original offer document,  inclusive
of exhibits,  and the amended and restated  offer  document  (collectively,  the
"Offer  Documents")  are  incorporated  herein by  reference.  Unless  otherwise
defined, all capitalized terms incorporated herein have the meanings ascribed to
them in the Offer Documents.

Summary Description of the Offer
- --------------------------------

         Pursuant to the Offer Documents,  Thistle Group is offering to purchase
up to 1,000,000 shares of common stock at a per share price of $13.00 per share.
The offer is being made to all current  holders of Thistle  Group common  stock.
All  stockholders  who elect to tender their shares will receive the same price.
Thistle Group may elect to purchase less than  1,000,000  shares in the offer or
may elect to increase  the number of shares  purchased by up to 2 percent at the
Board's option.

RP Financial Background and Experience
- --------------------------------------

         RP  Financial,  as  part of its  financial  institution  valuation  and
consulting practice,  is regularly engaged in the valuation of insured financial
institution securities in connection with mergers and acquisitions,  initial and
secondary stock offerings,  mutual-to-stock  conversions of thrift institutions,
and business valuations for other purposes.  As specialists in the securities of
insured  financial  institutions,  RP Financial has experience in, and knowledge
of, the markets for the securities of such institutions,  including institutions
operating in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic U.S.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Washington Headquarters
Rosslyn Center                                         Telephone: (703) 528-1700
1700 North Moroe Street, Suite 2210                      Fax No.: (703) 528-1788
Arlington, VA  22209                                E-Mail:

Board of Directors
June 7, 2002
Page 2

Materials Reviewed
- ------------------

         In  rendering  this  opinion,   RP  Financial  reviewed  the  following
material:  (1)  the  original  offer  document,  dated  May 7,  2002,  including
exhibits;  (2) the amended and restated offer document,  dated June 7, 2002; (3)
the following information from Thistle Group -- (a) audited financial statements
for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1999 through 2001, and (b)  stockholder,
regulatory  and internal  financial and other reports  through March 31, 2002 --
all  with  regard  to  balance   sheet  and   off-balance   sheet   composition,
profitability,  interest  rates,  volumes,  maturities,  market values,  trends,
credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and operations;  (4) discussions
with  management  regarding  past and current  business,  operations,  financial
condition,  and future  prospects;  (5)  competitive,  economic and  demographic
characteristics in the local market area; (6) the potential impact of regulatory
and  legislative  changes on savings  institutions;  (7) the financial  terms of
recently completed  comparable  modified Dutch tender offers; (8) an analysis of
the pro forma impact on stockholders of Thistle Group of the offer,  both on pro
forma  financial  information  as of March 31, 2002 and on  projected  financial
results;  (9) a discounted cash flow analysis of the potential value accruing to
stockholders of the offer,  and (10) Thistle Group's  financial  condition as of
March 31,  2002  regarding  the  ability to  complete  the offer from a cash and
capital perspective.

         In rendering  its opinion,  RP Financial  relied,  without  independent
verification,  on the accuracy and  completeness of the  information  concerning
Thistle  Group's  operations  furnished to RP Financial  for review,  as well as
publicly-available   information  regarding  other  financial  institutions  and
economic and demographic data. Thistle Group did not restrict RP Financial as to
the material it was permitted to review.  RP Financial did not perform or obtain
any  independent  appraisals  or  evaluations  of  Thistle  Group's  assets  and
liabilities and potential and/or contingent liabilities. The financial forecasts
and budgets  reviewed by RP Financial  were  prepared by  management  of Thistle
Group. Thistle Group does not publicly disclose internal management forecasts or
budgets of the type  provided to RP Financial in  connection  with the review of
the offer;  and such  financial  forecasts were not prepared with a view towards
public disclosure.  The financial forecasts and budgets were based upon numerous
variables and  assumptions  which are inherently  uncertain,  including  without
limitation  factors related to general economic and competitive  conditions,  as
well as  trends  in  asset  quality.  Accordingly,  actual  results  could  vary
significantly from those set forth in such financial forecasts.

         RP Financial  expresses  no opinion on matters of a legal,  regulatory,
tax or  accounting  nature or the ability of the offer as set forth in the offer
document to be consummated. In rendering its opinion, RP Financial assumed that,
in the course of obtaining the necessary  regulatory and governmental  approvals
for the proposed  offer,  no  restriction  will be imposed on Thistle Group that
would  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  ability  of  the  offer  to be
consummated as set forth in the Offer Documents.

Board of Directors
June 7, 2002
Page 3

- -------

         It is understood that this letter is directed to the Board of Directors
of Thistle Group in its consideration of the Offer Documents.

         It is understood  that this opinion is based on market  conditions  and
other circumstances existing on the date hereof.

         It is  understood  that this opinion may be included in its entirety in
any communication by Thistle Group or its Board of Directors to the stockholders
of Thistle Group. It is also understood that this opinion may be included in its
entirety  in any  regulatory  filing by  Thistle  Group,  and that RP  Financial
consents  to the  summary  of  this  opinion  in the  offer  document,  and  any
amendments  thereto.  Except  as  described  above,  this  opinion  may  not  be
summarized,  excerpted  from  or  otherwise  publicly  referred  to  without  RP
Financial's prior written consent.

         Based upon and  subject  to the  foregoing  and other  such  matters we
consider relevant, it is RP Financial's opinion that, as of the date hereof, the
offer to purchase shares by Thistle Group, as described in the Offer  Documents,
is fair to the shareholders of Thistle Group from a financial point of view.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  /s/RP Financial, LC.

                                                  RP FINANCIAL, LC.

                        The Depositary for the offer is:
                         ALPINE FIDUCIARY SERVICES, INC.

                                    By Mail:
                         Alpine Fiduciary Services, Inc.
                    c/o Georgeson Shareholder Communications
                                   PO Box 2065
                         South Hackensack, NJ 07606-9974

                              By Overnight Courier:
                         Alpine Fiduciary Services, Inc.
                    c/o Georgeson Shareholder Communications
                                111 Commerce Road
                               Carlstadt, NJ 07072
                             Attn: Reorg Department

                                    By Hand:
                         Alpine Fiduciary Services, Inc.
                    c/o Georgeson Shareholder Communications
                          17 State Street - 28th Floor
                               New York, NY 10004
                               Attn: Mark Zimkind

           Facsimile Number (for eligible institutions): 201-559-1162
                  Confirm Facsimile Transmissions: 201-460-2213

                    For Assistance: 866-324-8876 (Toll Free)

         The letter of  transmittal  and  certificates  for shares and any other
required  documents  should be sent or delivered by each Thistle  shareholder or
such shareholder's broker, dealer,  commercial bank, trust company or nominee to
the depositary at its address set forth above.

         Any  questions  or  requests  for  assistance  may be  directed  to the
information agent at its telephone number and address set forth below.  Requests
for  additional  copies  of this  Offer to  Purchase  for  Cash,  the  letter of
transmittal  or  the  notice  of  guaranteed  delivery  may be  directed  to the
information  agent at the telephone  number and address set forth below. You may
also contact your broker, dealer,  commercial bank, trust company or nominee for
assistance concerning our offer. To confirm delivery of shares, shareholders are
directed to contact the depositary.

                     The Information Agent for the Offer is:

                              GEORGESON SHAREHOLDER
                           17 STATE STREET, 10TH FLOOR
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10004
                   SHAREHOLDERS CALL TOLL FREE (866) 324-8876
                BANKS AND BROKERS CALL COLLECT AT (212) 440-9800