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                                  SYNERGY, MHC

                          SYNERGY FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

                                  SYNERGY BANK

                              Cranford, New Jersey


                             PLAN OF STOCK ISSUANCE


                        Adopted by the Board of Directors
                                   May 1, 2002

                            and Subsequently Amended

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                             PLAN OF STOCK ISSUANCE

                                  SYNERGY, MHC
                          SYNERGY FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                                  SYNERGY BANK

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

 1.        Introduction..................................................      1
 2.        Definitions...................................................      1
 3.        Conditions to Implementation of Stock Offering................      4
 4.        Stock Offering Documents......................................      5
 5.        Stock Offering................................................      5
 6.        Subscription Rights of Eligible Account Holders
             (First Priority)............................................      6
 7.        Subscription Rights of Employee Plans (Second Priority).......      7
 8.        Supplemental Eligible Account Holders (Third Priority)........      7
 9.        Community Offering............................................      8
10.        Syndicated Community Offering.................................      8
11.        Limitation on Purchases.......................................      9
12.        Payment for Common Stock......................................     10
13.        Manner of Exercising Subscription Rights Through Order Forms..     11
14.        Undelivered, Defective or Late Order Forms:
             Insufficient Payment........................................     12
15.        Restrictions on Resale or Subsequent Disposition..............     13
16.        Charter and Bylaws of the Mutual Holding Company,
             the Stock Holding Company and the Bank......................     13
17.        Conversion of Mutual Holding Company to Stock Form............     13
18.        Payment of Dividends and Repurchase of Stock..................     14
19.        Residents of Foreign Countries and Certain States.............     14
20.        Registration and Market Making................................     15

21.        ^ Expenses of Offering........................................     16
^ 22.      Amendment or Termination of the Plan..........................     16
^ 23.      Miscellaneous.................................................     16

                             PLAN OF STOCK ISSUANCE


         Pursuant to a Plan of Reorganization from a Federal Mutual Savings Bank
to a Federal Mutual Holding Company dated July 12, 2000,  Synergy Bank (formerly
Synergy  Federal  Savings Bank)  converted to the mutual holding company form of
organization in March 2001with no stock offering. Pursuant to the Mutual Holding
Company Plan of Reorganization, Synergy Bank (the "Bank") became a federal stock
savings  bank,  which has all of its stock  owned by  Synergy  Financial  Group,
Inc.(the "Stock Holding  Company"),  a federal stock holding company,  which has
all of its stock owned by Synergy, MHC (the "Mutual Holding Company"), a federal
mutual holding company.  On May 1, 2002, the Board of Directors of the Bank, the
Stock Holding Company and the Mutual Holding  Company,  by at least a two-thirds
vote,  resolved to adopt this Plan of Stock  Issuance (the "Plan"),  pursuant to
which the Stock  Holding  Company  proposes,  pursuant to the laws of the United
States  of  America  and the  Rules  and  Regulations  of the  Office  of Thrift
Supervision  ("OTS"),  to conduct a stock offering of up to but less than 50% of
the aggregate of the total voting stock of the Stock Holding Company.

         In adopting the Plan,  the Board of Directors has  determined  that the
Stock  Offering is  advisable  and in the best  interest of the Bank,  the Stock
Holding  Company,  the Mutual  Company and its members.  The Stock Offering will
enable the Stock  Holding  Company and the Bank to increase its capital  through
the issuance of capital stock without  undertaking  a full  conversion  from the
mutual to the stock form of organization.  The Stock Offering will not foreclose
the  opportunity to effect a conversion of the Mutual  Holding  Company from the
mutual to the stock form of organization in the future.  The Stock Offering will
significantly  increase  capital  and enable the Bank to  further  grow  through
internal expansion,  the possible  acquisition of other assets,  branch offices,
financial  institutions,  possible  diversification into other related financial
service  activities  and other  purposes  and will  further  enhance  the Bank's
ability to render services to the public.  The mutual holding company  structure
also will  allow  the Bank to  minimize  over-capitalization  by  providing  the
flexibility to raise capital  through the issuance of stock in a manner designed
to meet the Bank's  growth  needs,  rather  than in a single  stock  offering as
required in a standard mutual-to-stock conversion.

         Pursuant to Section  10(o) of the Home  Owners' Loan Act, as amended 12
U.S.C.  1467(a)(0),  ("HOLA"),  the  Stock  Offering  will  be  accomplished  in
accordance with the procedures contained in this Plan, the Rules and Regulations
of the OTS, and as otherwise may be required by the OTS.


         As used in this Plan,  the terms set forth  below  have the  following

         Account  Holder:  The term Account  Holder  means any Person  holding a
         Savings Account in the Bank.

         Acting in  Concert:  The Term  "Acting in  Concert"  means (i)  knowing
         participation in a joint activity or interdependent  conscious parallel
         action  towards a common  goal  whether or not  pursuant  to an express
         agreement;  (ii) a combination or pooling of voting or other  interests
         in the  securities  of an issuer for a common  purpose  pursuant to any
         contract, understanding,  relationship, agreement or other arrangement,
         whether  written or otherwise;  or (iii) a person or company which acts
         in concert with another person or company ("other party") shall also be
         deemed to be acting

         in concert  with any person or  company  who is also  acting in concert
         with that other party,  except that any  tax-qualified  employee  stock
         benefit  plan  will not be deemed  to be  acting  in  concert  with its
         trustee  or a person who  serves in a similar  capacity  solely for the
         purpose of determining whether stock held by the trustee and stock held
         by the plan will be aggregated.

         Associate: The term Associate when used to indicate a relationship with
         any person,  means (i) any corporation or organization  (other than the
         Bank  or  a  majority-owned  subsidiary  or  a  majority-owning  parent
         corporation  of the Bank) of which such person is an officer or partner
         or is,  directly or indirectly,  the beneficial  owner of 10 percent or
         more of any class of equity securities,  (ii) any trust or other estate
         in which such  person has a  substantial  beneficial  interest or as to
         which such person serves as trustee or in a similar fiduciary  capacity
         except  that for the  purposes  of  Sections 7 and 11 hereof,  the term
         "Associate" does not include any  Tax-Qualified  Employee Stock Benefit
         Plan or any Tax-Qualified Employee Stock Benefit Plan in which a person
         has a  substantial  beneficial  interest or serves as a trustee or in a
         similar   fiduciary   capacity,   and  except  that,  for  purposes  of
         aggregating total shares that may be held by Officers and Directors the
         term  "Associate"  does not include any  Tax-Qualified  Employee  Stock
         Benefit Plan,  and (iii) any relative or spouse of such person,  or any
         relative of such spouse, who has the same home as such person or who is
         a Director or Officer of the Bank or the Stock Holding Company,  or any
         of its parents or subsidiaries.

         Bank:  Synergy Bank (formerly  Synergy Federal Savings Bank), a federal
         stock savings bank.

         Capital  Stock:  Any and all  authorized  stock  of the  Stock  Holding

         Common Stock:  Common stock, par value $0.10, to be issued by the Stock
         Holding Company in the Minority Stock Offering.

         Community Offering:  The term Community Offering, if applicable,  means
         the offering for sale to certain members of the general public directly
         by the Stock Holding  Company,  of any shares not subscribed for in the
         Subscription Offering.

         Director:  A member of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Stock  Holding

         Effective  Date:  The date of  completion of the Offering in accordance
         with this Plan and the Rules and Regulations of the OTS.

         Eligible  Account  Holder:  The term Eligible  Account Holder means any
         Person holding a Qualifying Deposit in a Savings Account at the Bank on
         the Eligibility  Record Date. Only the name(s) of the Person(s)  listed
         on the account as of the Eligibility Record Date (or a successor entity
         or estate) is an Eligible  Account  Holder.  Any  Person(s)  added to a
         Savings  Account after the  Eligibility  Record Date is not an Eligible
         Account Holder.

         Eligibility  Record Date:  The term  Eligibility  Record Date means the
         date for  determining  Eligible  Account  Holders in the Bank as of the
         close of business on April 30, 2001.

         Employee:  A person who is an  Employee  of the Bank at the date of the

         Employee  Plans:  The  term  Employee  Plans  means  the  Tax-Qualified
         Employee  Stock Benefit Plans,  including the Employee Stock  Ownership
         Plan,  approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank or Stock  Holding


         FDIC:  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

         Independent   Appraiser:   The  term  Independent  Appraiser  means  an
         appraiser  retained  to prepare an  appraisal  of the pro forma  market
         value of the Common Stock.

         Independent  Valuation:   The  term  Independent  Valuation  means  the
         estimated  pro forma market value of the Common Stock as  determined by
         the Independent  Appraiser prior to the Subscription Offering and as it
         may be amended from time to time thereafter.

         Local  Community:  The term Local Community means the counties in which
         the Bank has an office.

         Majority  Interest:  Greater than fifty  percent  (50%) of the combined
         voting  power or value of all  classes  of stock of the  Stock  Holding

         Members:  All persons or entities  who qualify as members of the Mutual
         Holding Company pursuant to its Charter and Bylaws.

         Minority Stock  Offering or Offering:  Any offering of Capital Stock of
         the Stock  Holding  Company  to persons  other than the Mutual  Holding
         Company of up to but less than 50% in the aggregate of the total common
         stock of the Stock Holding Company.

         Mutual Holding Company: Synergy, MHC, a federal mutual holding company,
         which currently owns 100% of the stock of the Stock Holding Company.

         Officer:  An executive  officer of the Mutual  Holding  Company,  Stock
         Holding Company or Bank, which includes the President,  Chief Executive
         Officer, and Vice Presidents in charge of principal business functions,
         and any other person participating in major policy making functions.

         Order Form:  The term Order Form means any form  together with attached
         cover  letter,  sent by the Bank to any Person  containing  among other
         things a description of the alternatives available to such Person under
         the Plan and by which  any such  Person  may make  elections  regarding
         subscriptions  for  Common  Stock  in the  Subscription  and  Community

         OTS:  Office of Thrift Supervision or any successor agency.

         Participants: The term Participants means the Eligible Account Holders,
         Employee Plans and Supplemental Eligible Account Holders.

         Person: An individual, a corporation, a partnership,  an association, a
         joint-stock company, a trust (including  Individual Retirement Accounts
         and KEOGH Accounts), any unincorporated  organization,  a government or
         political subdivision thereof or any other entity.

         Plan:  This Plan of Stock  Issuance as it exists on the date hereof and
         as it may hereafter be amended in accordance with its terms.

         Preferred  Stock:  Preferred  Stock  authorized  pursuant  to the Stock
         Holding Company's stock charter.


         Purchase  Price:  The term Purchase  Price means the per share price at
         which  the  Common  Stock  will be sold in  accordance  with the  terms

         Qualifying  Deposit:  The term Qualifying  Deposit means the balance of
         each  Savings  Account  of $50 or more  in the  Bank  at the  close  of
         business on the  Eligibility  Record Date or  Supplemental  Eligibility
         Record Date.  Savings Accounts with total deposit balances of less than
         $50 shall not constitute a Qualifying Deposit.

         SAIF: The Savings Association  Insurance Fund, which is administered by
         the FDIC.

         Savings Account:  The term Savings Account includes savings accounts as
         defined  in  the  Rules  and   Regulations  of  the  OTS  and  includes
         certificates of deposit and demand accounts.

         SEC:  The Securities and Exchange Commission.

         Stock Holding Company:  Synergy Financial Group,  Inc., federal capital
         stock  corporation  that owns all of the Bank's  common stock and which
         will be  majority  owned by the Mutual  Holding  Company so long as the
         Mutual Holding Company is in existence.

         Subscription   Offering:  The  term  Subscription  Offering  means  the
         offering of Common  Stock of the Stock  Holding  Company  for  purchase
         through Order Forms to Participants.

         Supplemental Eligibility Record Date: The term Supplemental Eligibility
         Record Date means the close of business on the last day of the calendar
         quarter preceding the approval of the Plan by the OTS.

         Supplemental  Eligible Account Holder:  The term Supplemental  Eligible
         Account  Holder  means a holder  of a  Qualifying  Deposit  in the Bank
         (other than an officer or director or their Associates) at the close of
         business on the Supplemental Eligibility Record Date.

         Tax-Qualified  Employee  Stock  Benefit  Plan:  The term  Tax-Qualified
         Employee  Stock Benefit Plan means any defined  benefit plan or defined
         contribution  plan,  such as an employee stock  ownership  plan,  stock
         bonus plan,  profit-sharing plan or other plan, which, with its related
         trust,  meets the  requirements to be "qualified"  under Section 401 of
         the Internal Revenue Code.

         Voting Stock:  Common or preferred  stock,  or any other type of equity
         security,  including  (without  limitation)  other  securities that are
         convertible into common or preferred stock, having voting power for the
         election of directors or management of the Stock Holding Company.


         Completion  of the Stock  Offering is  expressly  conditioned  upon the

         1.       The Plan is approved by at least  two-thirds  of the Boards of

         2.       A Notice of the Stock  Offering is filed with and  approved by
                  the OTS;

         3.       Receipt of a favorable  ruling of the Internal Revenue Service
                  ("IRS") or an opinion of the Bank's tax advisor  with  respect
                  to federal taxation to the effect that the Stock Offering will


                  not be a taxable  event to the  Mutual  Holding  Company,  the
                  Stock Holding Company, the Bank or the Bank's depositors; and

         4.       Receipt  of either a private  letter  ruling of the New Jersey
                  Department  of Revenue or an opinion of the Bank's tax advisor
                  with respect to state  taxation to the effect that  completion
                  of the  Stock  Offering  will  not be a  taxable  event to the
                  Mutual Holding Company, the Stock Holding Company, the Bank or
                  to the Bank's depositors.

         5.       The stock offering  prospectus of the Stock Holding Company is
                  declared effective by the SEC.


         The Stock  Holding  Company  and the Bank intend to commence a Minority
Stock Offering within ten (10) days of the satisfaction of all of the conditions
of  Section 3 of this Plan.  The Stock  Holding  Company  and the Bank shall not
distribute the final  prospectus until such prospectus has been approved for use
by the OTS and declared effective by the SEC.


         A. Number of Shares. The number of shares and price per share of Common
Stock to be offered  pursuant to the Plan shall be initially  determined  by the
Boards of Directors  of the Stock  Holding  Company and the Bank in  conjunction
with the determination of the Independent Appraiser.  The number of shares to be
issued will be on a minimum-maximum basis within a range determined by the Board
of  Directors  (the  "Offering  Range") and may be  adjusted  at or  immediately
subsequent to the completion of the Minority Stock  Offering  without  notifying
Participants and without a resolicitation of subscriptions. The number of shares
to be offered or Offering Range may be  subsequently  adjusted at or immediately
subsequent  to the  completion  of the Minority  Stock  Offering for any reason,
including a change in the appraisal.  The total number of shares of Common Stock
that may be issued to persons other than the Mutual Holding Company at the close
of the  Minority  Stock  Offering  must  be  less  than  50% of the  issued  and
outstanding shares of the Stock Holding Company.

         B. Independent  Evaluation and Purchase Price of Shares.  All shares of
Common  Stock sold in the  Minority  Stock  Offering  shall be sold at a uniform
price per share,  referred to in this Plan as the "Purchase Price". The Purchase
Price and number of shares shall be  determined by the Board of Directors of the
Stock  Holding  Company  and the  Bank  immediately  prior  to the  simultaneous
completion  of all such  sales  contemplated  by this  Plan on the  basis of the
estimated pro forma market value of the Stock  Holding  Company and the Bank and
the fact that the shares  offered  represent  a minority  interest  in the Stock
Holding  Company (the  "Independent  Evaluation").  Therefore,  the  Independent
Evaluation  and the  resulting  Purchase  Price may  reflect a  discount  to the
valuation  applied  to a  standard  mutual-to-stock  conversion.  The  aggregate
Purchase  Price for the Common Stock will not be  inconsistent  with such market
value of the Stock Holding Company and the Bank. The  Independent  Evaluation of
the Stock Holding  Company and the Bank shall be determined  for such purpose by
an  Independent  Appraiser on the basis of such  appropriate  factors as are not
inconsistent with OTS regulations.  The total amount of Common Stock that may be
issued to persons other than the Mutual Holding Company must be less than 50% of
the  outstanding  stock of the Stock  Holding  Company.  The Common  Stock to be
issued in the Minority Stock Offering shall be fully paid and nonassessable.

         C.  Minority   Ownership   Percentage.   Based  upon  the   Independent
Appraiser's valuation of the Stock Holding Company and the Bank as updated prior
to the commencement of the Minority Stock


Offering,  the  Board of  Directors  will  establish  the  minimum  and  maximum
ownership  percentage  applicable  to the  Minority  Stock  Offering  ("Minority
Ownership Range"). The final minority ownership  percentages or interest will be
determined by the Stock Holding Company and the Bank as follows: (a) the product
of (x) the total  number of shares of Common Stock to be issued and sold and (y)
the Purchase Price shall be by divided by (b) the estimated  aggregate pro forma
market value of the Stock  Holding  Company and the Bank  immediately  after the
Minority Stock Offering as determined by the Independent Appraiser, expressed in
terms of a specific  aggregate  dollar  amount upon the closing of the  Minority
Stock Offering or sale of all the Common Stock.

         D. Method of Offering  Shares.  Subject to the  discretion of the Stock
Holding  Company and the Bank and the  limitations  set forth in Section 11, the
opportunity  to purchase  Common Stock will be given,  at no cost, in accordance
with  Sections  6,  7,  8, 9 and 10 of  the  Plan  and  pursuant  to  priorities
established by the Board of Directors in accordance  with the Plan. The Minority
Stock Offering shall be conducted on a minimum-maximum  basis, setting forth the
minimum  and  maximum  amount of stock  that  must be  offered  and sold  before
closing.  The Stock Holding Company and the Bank may elect to pay fees on either
a fixed fee or commission  basis or  combination  thereof to an investment  bank
firm  which  assists it in the sale of the Common  Stock in the  Minority  Stock

         The Stock  Holding  Company and the Bank may also elect to offer to pay
fees on a per share  basis to brokers  who  assist  Persons  in  determining  to
purchase  shares in the  Syndicated  Public  Offering  and whose  broker's  name
appears on the purchaser's Order Form.


         A.  Each  Eligible  Account  Holder  shall  receive,  without  payment,
nontransferable  subscription  rights to  subscribe  for shares of Common  Stock
equal to the greater of: (i) the maximum established for the Community Offering;
(ii) one-tenth of one percent of the Conversion Stock offered; or (iii) 15 times
the product  (rounded down to the next whole number) obtained by multiplying the
total  number of  shares of Common  Stock  offered  by a  fraction  of which the
numerator  is the  amount of the  Qualifying  Deposit of such  Eligible  Account
Holder and the  denominator  is the total amount of  Qualifying  Deposits of all
Eligible  Account  Holders but in no event  greater  than the  maximum  purchase
limitation specified in Section 11 hereof. All such purchases are subject to the
maximum  and  minimum  purchase  limitations  specified  in  Section  11 and are
exclusive of an increase in the total number of shares issued due to an increase
in the  maximum of the  Offering  Range of up to 15%.  Only a  Person(s)  with a
Qualifying  Deposit as of the Eligibility  Record Date (or a successor entity or
estate)  shall receive  subscription  rights.  Any Person(s)  added to a Savings
Account after the Eligibility Record Date is not an Eligible Account Holder.

         B. In the event that Eligible  Account  Holders  exercise  Subscription
Rights for a number of shares of Common  Stock in excess of the total  number of
such  shares  eligible  for  subscription,  the shares of Common  Stock shall be
allocated  among the subscribing  Eligible  Account Holders so as to permit each
subscribing  Eligible  Account  Holder,  to the extent  possible,  to purchase a
number of shares  sufficient to make his or her total allocation of Common Stock
equal to the lesser of 100 shares or the number of shares  subscribed for by the
Eligible  Account  Holder.  Any shares  remaining  after that allocation will be
allocated among the  subscribing  Eligible  Account Holders whose  subscriptions
remain  unsatisfied in the proportion that the amount of the Qualifying  Deposit
of each Eligible Account Holder whose subscription  remains unsatisfied bears to
the total  amount of the  Qualifying  Deposits of all Eligible  Account  Holders
whose subscriptions  remain unsatisfied.  If the amount so allocated exceeds the
amount  subscribed for by any one or more Eligible Account  Holders,  the excess
shall be  reallocated  (one or more times as  necessary)  among  those  Eligible
Account  Holders whose  subscriptions  are still not fully satisfied on the same
principle  until all available  shares have been allocated or all  subscriptions


         C.  Subscription   rights  as  Eligible  Account  Holders  received  by
Directors and Officers and their  Associates which are based on deposits made by
such persons during the twelve (12) months preceding the Eligibility Record Date
shall be subordinated to the  Subscription  Rights of all other Eligible Account


         Subject  to  the  availability  of  sufficient   shares  after  filling
subscription  orders of Eligible  Account  Holders under Section 6, the Employee
Plans shall  receive  without  payment  nontransferable  subscription  rights to
purchase  in the  Subscription  Offering  the  number of shares of Common  Stock
requested  by such  Plans,  subject  to the  purchase  limitations  set forth in
Section 11.

         The Employee  Plans shall not be deemed to be  associates or affiliates
of or  Persons  Acting in  Concert  with any  Director  or Officer of the Mutual
Holding Company, the Stock Holding Company or the Bank.


         A. In the event that the Eligibility Record Date is more than 15 months
prior to the date of the latest amendment to the application  filed prior to OTS
approval,  then,  and only in that event,  each  Supplemental  Eligible  Account
Holder shall  receive,  without  payment,  nontransferable  subscription  rights
entitling such  Supplemental  Eligible Account Holder to purchase that number of
shares  of  Common  Stock  which is equal to the  greater  of:  (i) the  maximum
purchase limitation established for the Community Offering; (ii) one-tenth of 1%
of the Common Stock Offered;  and (iii) or 15 times the product (rounded down to
the next whole  number)  obtained by  multiplying  the total number of shares of
Common Stock to be issued by a fraction of which the  numerator is the amount of
the  Qualifying  Deposit of the  Supplemental  Eligible  Account  Holder and the
denominator is the total amount of the Qualifying  Deposits of all  Supplemental
Eligible  Account  Holders.  All such  purchases  are subject to the maximum and
minimum  purchase  limitations in Section 11 and are exclusive of an increase in
the total  number of shares  issued  due to an  increase  in the  maximum of the
Offering Range of up to 15%.

         B.  Subscription  rights  received  pursuant to this Category  shall be
subordinated to the subscription rights received by Eligible Account Holders and
by the Employee Plans.

         C. Any subscription  rights to purchase shares of Common Stock received
by an Eligible  Account Holder in accordance  with Section 6 shall reduce to the
extent  thereof  the  subscription  rights to be  distributed  pursuant  to this

         D. In the event of an  oversubscription  for  shares  of  Common  Stock
pursuant to this  Section,  shares of Common Stock shall be allocated  among the
subscribing Supplemental Eligible Account Holders as follows:

                  (1) Shares of Common  Stock shall be allocated so as to permit
         each such Supplemental Eligible Account Holder, to the extent possible,
         to purchase a number of shares of Common Stock  sufficient  to make his
         total  allocation  (including the number of shares of Common Stock,  if
         any,  allocated  in  accordance  with Section 6) equal to 100 shares of
         Common  Stock or the total  amount of his  subscription,  whichever  is

                  (2) Any shares of Common  Stock not  allocated  in  accordance
         with  subparagraph  (1) above shall be allocated  among the subscribing
         Supplemental Eligible Account Holders on an


         equitable basis, related to the amounts of their respective  Qualifying
         Deposits  as  compared  to  the  total   Qualifying   Deposits  of  all
         subscribing Supplemental Eligible Account Holders.


         If less  than  the  total  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  to be
subscribed for in the Minority  Offering are sold in the Subscription  Offering,
shares remaining may be made available for purchase in the Community Offering to
certain members of the general public.

         The maximum  amount of Common Stock that any Person may purchase in the
Community Offering, subject to the further limitations of Section 11 hereof (and
exclusive of an increase in the total number of shares issued due to an increase
in the Maximum of the Offering Range of up to 15%),  shall not exceed ^$100,000.
The  maximum  amount  may be  decreased  or  increased  to up to 5% of the total
offering of shares in the Minority Offering,  subject to any required regulatory
approval but without  notice to  Participants,  subject to the  preferences  set
forth in Section 11 of this Plan. In the Community Offering, if any, shares will
be available for purchase by the general  public,  and a preference may be given
to natural  persons  residing  in the Local  Community  and  second,  to natural
persons residing in the State of New Jersey ("Community Purchasers").

         If the Persons whose orders would otherwise be accepted,  subscribe for
more shares than are available for purchase,  the shares  available to them will
be allocated among those persons  submitting orders in the Community  Offering ^
up to a maximum of 2% of the Common Stock  offered in the Minority  Offering and
thereafter  remaining  shares  shall be  allocated  on an equal number of shares
basis per order until all orders have been filled. The Stock Holding Company and
the Bank may  establish  all  terms  and  conditions  of such  offer in order to
allocate shares in an equitable manner as determined by the Board of Directors.

         The  Community  Offering,  if any,  may commence  simultaneously  with,
during or  subsequent  to the  completion  of the  Subscription  Offering and if
commenced  simultaneously with or during the Subscription Offering the Community
Offering may be limited to Community Purchasers.  The Community Offering must be
completed  within 45 days  after the  completion  of the  Subscription  Offering
unless otherwise extended by the OTS.

         The Bank and the Stock Holding Company,  in their absolute  discretion,
reserve  the right to  reject  any or all  orders in whole or in part  which are
received  in the  Community  Offering,  at the  time  of  receipt  or as soon as
practicable following the completion of the Community Offering.


         Any shares of Common Stock not sold in the Subscription  Offering or in
the Community Offering,  if any, may then be sold through the Underwriter to the
general public at the Purchase Price in a Syndicated Community Offering, subject
to such terms,  conditions  and  procedures as may be determined by the Board of
Directors  of the Bank and the  Stock  Holding  Company,  in a manner  that will
achieve a wide  distribution of the Common Stock and subject to the right of the
Bank and the Stock Holding Company, in their absolute  discretion,  to accept or
reject  in  whole  or in part  all  subscriptions  in the  Syndicated  Community
Offering. In the Syndicated Community Offering, if any, any person together with
any  Associate  or group of persons  Acting in Concert  may  purchase  up to the
maximum purchase limitation  established for the Community Offering,  subject to
the  maximum  and  minimum  purchase  limitations  specified  in  Section 11 and
exclusive of an increase in the total number of shares issued due to an increase
in the  maximum of the  Offering  Range of up to 15%.  Shares  purchased  by any
Person together with any


Associate or group of persons  Acting in Concert  pursuant to Section 9 shall be
counted  toward  meeting  the maximum  purchase  limitation  specified  for this
Section.  Provided that the  Subscription  Offering has commenced,  the Bank may
commence the Syndicated  Community Offering at any time after the mailing to the
Members of the proxy statement to be used in connection with the special meeting
of Members,  provided  that the  completion  of the offer and sale of the Common
Stock  shall be  conditioned  upon the  ratification  of this Plan by the Voting
Members.  It is expected that the Syndicated  Community  Offering,  if any, will
commence just prior to, or as soon as practicable  after, the termination of the
Subscription  Offering.  The  Syndicated  Community  Offering shall be completed
within 45 days after the termination of the Subscription  Offering,  unless such
period is extended as provided above.


         The  following  limitations  shall apply to all  purchases of shares of
Common Stock in the Minority Stock Offering:

         A. The maximum  number of shares of Common Stock which may be purchased
in the  Subscription  Offering by any Person or Persons through a single account
in the First Priority and Third Priority  shall not exceed ^$100,000  divided by
the Purchase Price.

         B. The number of shares of Common  Stock which may be  purchased by any
Person in the Community and/or  Syndicated  Community  Offering shall not exceed
^$100,000 divided by the Purchase Price.

         C. The maximum number of shares of Common Stock which may be subscribed
for or purchased in all  categories in the Minority Stock Offering by any Person
together  with any  Associate  or group of persons  Acting in Concert  shall not
exceed  $150,000  divided by the Purchase  Price per share,  except for Employee
Plans,  which in the  aggregate  may subscribe for up to 10% of the Common Stock
issued in the Minority Stock Offering.

         D. The maximum  number of shares of Common Stock which may be purchased
in all  categories in the Minority  Stock  Offering by Officers and Directors of
the Mutual  Holding  Company,  the Stock Holding  Company and the Bank and their
Associates in the  aggregate  shall not exceed 31% of the total number of shares
of Common Stock issued in the Minority Stock Offering.

         E. A minimum  of 25 shares of Common  Stock must be  purchased  by each
Person  purchasing  shares in the  Minority  Stock  Offering to the extent those
shares are  available;  provided,  however,  that the  minimum  number of shares
requirement  will not apply if the  number of shares of Common  Stock  purchased
times the price per share exceeds $500.

         F. If the number of shares of Common Stock otherwise allocable pursuant
to Sections 6 through 10, inclusive,  to any Person or that Person's  Associates
would be in excess of the maximum number of shares permitted as set forth above,
the number of shares of Common  Stock  allocated  to each such  Person  shall be
reduced to the lowest limitation  applicable to that Person, and then the number
of shares  allocated  to each group  consisting  of a Person  and that  Person's
Associates shall be reduced so that the aggregate  allocation to that Person and
his  Associates  complies with the above  maximums,  and such maximum  number of
shares shall be  reallocated  among that Person and his  Associates  as they may
agree, or in the absence of an agreement, in proportion to the shares subscribed
by  each  (after  first  applying  the  maximums   applicable  to  each  Person,


         G.  Depending  upon  market  or  financial  conditions,  the  Board  of
Directors of the Mutual Holding Company, the Stock Holding Company and the Bank,
without  notification  to  Participants,  may  decrease or increase the purchase
limitations in this Plan, provided that the maximum purchase limitations may not
be increased to a percentage in excess of 5% of the Minority Stock Offering.  If
the Mutual Holding Company, the Stock Holding Company and the Bank increases the
maximum  purchase  limitations,  the Stock  Holding  Company is only required to
resolicit Persons who subscribed for the maximum purchase amount and may, in the
sole  discretion of the Stock  Holding  Company,  resolicit  certain other large
subscribers  with  respect to  increasing  their  orders.  For  purposes of this
Section,  the Directors of the Mutual Holding Company, the Stock Holding Company
and the Bank shall not be deemed to be  Associates  or a group  affiliated  with
each  other or  otherwise  Acting in Concert  solely as a result of their  being
Directors of the Mutual Holding Company, the Stock Holding Company and the Bank.

         H. In the event of an increase in the total number of shares offered in
the  Minority  Stock  Offering due to an increase in the maximum of the Offering
Range of up to 15% (the "Adjusted  Maximum") the additional  shares will be used
in  the  following  order  of  priority:   (i)  to  fill  the  Employees  Plan's
subscription to up to 10% of the Adjusted Maximum;  (ii) in the event that there
is an  oversubscription  at the Eligible  Account Holder level, to fill unfilled
subscriptions  of Eligible  Account  Holders  exclusive of the Adjusted  Maximum
according to Section 6; (iii) in the event that there is an  oversubscription at
the Supplemental  Eligible Account Holder level, to fill unfilled  subscriptions
of  Supplemental  Eligible  Account  Holders  exclusive of the Adjusted  Maximum
according to Section 8; and (iv) to fill unfilled Subscriptions in the Community
Offering exclusive of the Adjusted Maximum.

         I. Each Person  purchasing  Common Stock in the Minority Stock Offering
shall be deemed to confirm that such  purchase  does not conflict with the above
purchase limitations contained in this Plan.

         J. For a period of three  years  following  the  Offering,  no Officer,
Director or their Associates shall purchase,  without the prior written approval
of the OTS, any outstanding shares of common stock of the Stock Holding Company,
except  from a  registered  broker-dealer.  This  provision  shall  not apply to
negotiated  transactions  involving  more than one  percent  of the  outstanding
shares of common stock of the Stock Holding Company, the exercise of any options
pursuant  to a stock  option  plan or  purchases  of  common  stock of the Stock
Holding  Company,  made by or held by any  Tax-Qualified  Employee Stock Benefit
Plan or Non-Tax Qualified Employee Stock Benefit Plan of the Stock Bank or Stock
Holding Company  (including the Employee Plans) which may be attributable to any
Officer or Director.  As used herein, the term "negotiated  transaction" means a
transaction in which the  securities are offered and the terms and  arrangements
relating to any sale are arrived at through  direct  communications  between the
seller or any person  acting on its behalf and the  purchaser or his  investment
representative.  The term "investment  representative" shall mean a professional
investment  advisor  acting as agent for the  purchaser and  independent  of the
seller  and  not  acting  on  behalf  of  the  seller  in  connection  with  the


         All payments for Common Stock  subscribed for in the  Subscription  and
Community  Offering (if any),  must be  delivered in full to the Bank,  together
with a properly completed and executed Order Form, on or prior to the expiration
date specified on the Order Form or purchase  order,  as the case may be, unless
such date is extended by the Bank; provided, however, that if the Employee Plans
subscribe for shares during the Subscription  Offering,  the Employee Plans will
not be required to pay for the shares at the time they  subscribe but rather may
pay for such shares of Common Stock upon consummation of the Offering.  The Bank
may make scheduled  discretionary  contributions to Employee Plans provided such
contributions  do not  cause  the  Bank to fail to meet its  regulatory  capital


         Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Bank and the Stock Holding Company
shall  have the  right,  in  their  sole  discretion,  to  permit  institutional
investors to submit  contractually  irrevocable orders in the Community Offering
(if any),  and to thereafter  submit payment for the Common Stock for which they
are  subscribing  in the  Community  Offering (if any), at any time prior to the
completion of the Stock Offering.

         Payment for Common  Stock  subscribed  for shall be made either in cash
(if delivered in person),  check or money order.  Alternatively,  subscribers in
the  Subscription  and  Community  Offering  (if  any)  may pay  for the  shares
subscribed  for by  authorizing  the Bank on the Order Form to make a withdrawal
from the  subscriber's  Savings  Account  at the Bank in an amount  equal to the
purchase  price of such  shares.  Such  authorized  withdrawal,  whether  from a
savings  passbook  or  certificate  account,  shall  be  without  penalty  as to
premature  withdrawal.  If the  authorized  withdrawal  is  from  a  certificate
account,  and the remaining balance does not meet the applicable minimum balance
requirement,  the  certificate  shall be  canceled  at the  time of  withdrawal,
without  penalty,  and the remaining  balance will earn interest at the passbook
rate. Funds for which a withdrawal is authorized will remain in the subscriber's
Savings Account but may not be used by the subscriber until the Common Stock has
been sold or the 45-day  period (or such longer period as may be approved by the
OTS) following the  Subscription  Offering has expired,  whichever occurs first.
Thereafter,  the withdrawal will be given effect only to the extent necessary to
satisfy the  subscription (to the extent it can be filled) at the Purchase Price
per share.  Interest  will continue to be earned on any amounts  authorized  for
withdrawal  until such withdrawal is given effect.  Interest will be paid by the
Bank at not less than the annual  passbook  rate on  payments  for Common  Stock
received in cash or by money order or check. Such interest will be paid from the
date payment is received by the Bank until  consummation  or  termination of the
Minority  Offering.  If for any reason the Minority Offering is not consummated,
all payments made by  subscribers  in the Minority  Offering will be refunded to
them with interest.  In case of amounts  authorized for withdrawal  from Savings
Accounts, refunds will be made by canceling the authorization for withdrawal.

         The Bank is prohibited by regulation from knowingly making any loans or
granting any lines of credit for the purchase of stock in the Stock Offering.


         As soon as practicable  after the  prospectus  prepared by the Bank and
the Stock Holding Company has been approved by the OTS and declared effective by
the SEC, Order Forms will be distributed to the Participants at their last known
addresses appearing on the records of the Bank for the purpose of subscribing to
shares of Common Stock in the  Subscription  Offering and may be made  available
for use in the Community Offering.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Bank may
elect to send Order  Forms only to those  Persons  who  request  them after such
notice as is approved by the OTS and is adequate to apprise the  Participants of
the pendency of the Subscription Offering has been given.

         Each  Order  Form  will be  preceded  or  accompanied  by the  Offering
Circular  describing the Stock Holding  Company,  the Bank, the Common Stock and
the Subscription and Community  Offering (if any). Each Order Form will contain,
among other things, the following:

         A. A  specified  date by which all Order  Forms must be received by the
Bank,  which date shall be not less than twenty (20),  nor more than  forty-five
(45) days,  following  the date on which the Order Forms are mailed by the Bank,
and which date will constitute the termination of the Subscription Offering;

         B. The  purchase  price per share for shares of Common Stock to be sold
in the Subscription and Community Offering (if any);


         C. A description  of the minimum and maximum number of shares of Common
Stock  which may be  subscribed  for  pursuant to the  exercise of  Subscription
Rights or otherwise purchased in the Community Offering;

         D.  Instructions  as to how  the  recipient  of the  Order  Form  is to
indicate  thereon  the number of shares of Common  Stock for which  such  person
elects to subscribe and the available alternative methods of payment therefor;

         E. An acknowledgment  that the recipient of the Order Form has received
a final copy of the  prospectus,  as the case may be,  prior to execution of the
Order Form.

         F.  A  statement  to  the  effect  that  all  subscription  rights  are
nontransferable,  will be void at the end of the Subscription  Offering, and can
only be exercised by  delivering  within the  subscription  period such properly
completed and executed Order Form,  together with cash (if delivered in person),
check or money order in the full amount of the  purchase  price as  specified in
the Order Form for the shares of Common Stock for which the recipient  elects to
subscribe in the Subscription Offering (or by authorizing on the Order Form that
the Bank withdraw said amount from the subscriber's Savings Account at the Bank)
to the Bank; and

         G. A  statement  to the  effect  that the  executed  Order  Form,  once
received by the Bank, may not be modified or amended by the  subscriber  without
the consent of the Bank.

         Notwithstanding  the  above,  the Bank  reserves  the right in its sole
discretion to accept or reject orders  received on  photocopied  or  facsimilied
order forms or whose payment is to be made by wire transfer.


         In the event Order Forms (a) are not  delivered and are returned to the
Bank by the  United  States  Postal  Service or the Bank is unable to locate the
addressee,  (b) are not  received  back by the Bank or are  received by the Bank
after the expiration date specified  thereon,  (c) are defectively filled out or
executed,  (d) are not accompanied by the full required payment, or, in the case
of institutional  investors in the Community Offering, by delivering irrevocable
orders together with a legally binding  commitment to pay in cash, check,  money
order or wire  transfer the full amount of the purchase  price prior to 48 hours
before  the  completion  of the  conversion  for  the  shares  of  Common  Stock
subscribed for (including cases in which Savings Accounts from which withdrawals
are authorized are insufficient to cover the amount of the required payment), or
(e) are not mailed pursuant to a "no mail" order placed in effect by the account
holder,  the  subscription  rights of the person to whom such  rights  have been
granted will lapse as though such person  failed to return the  completed  Order
Form within the time period specified thereon; provided,  however, that the Bank
may, but will not be required to, waive any immaterial irregularity on any Order
Form or require the  submission  of corrected  Order Forms or the  remittance of
full payment for  subscribed  shares by such date as the Bank may  specify.  The
interpretation  of the Bank of terms and conditions of the Plan and of the Order
Forms will be final, subject to the authority of the OTS.


         A. All shares of Common Stock purchased by Directors or Officers of the
Bank, the Stock Holding  Company and the Mutual Holding  Company in the Minority
Stock Offering shall be subject to the restriction  that,  except as provided in
Section 15B below, or as may be approved by the OTS, no interest


in such  shares may be sold or  otherwise  disposed of for value for a period of
one (1) year following the date of purchase.

         B. The  restriction  on disposition of shares of Common Stock set forth
in Section 15A above shall not apply to any disposition of such shares following
the death of the person to whom such shares were  initially sold under the terms
of the Plan.

         C. With respect to all shares of Common Stock  subject to  restrictions
on resale or  subsequent  disposition,  each of the following  provisions  shall

                  (i) Each certificate representing shares restricted within the
meaning of Section 15A, above,  shall bear a legend  prominently  stamped on its
face giving notice of the restriction;

                  (ii) Instructions  shall be issued to the stock transfer agent
to recognize or effect any transfer of any certificate or record of ownership of
any such shares in violation of the restriction on transfer; and

                  (iii) Any shares of capital stock of the Stock Holding Company
issued with respect to a stock dividend,  stock split, or otherwise with respect
to ownership of outstanding shares of Common Stock subject to the restriction on
transfer  hereunder shall be subject to the same restriction as is applicable to
such Common Stock.


         As part of the Offering,  the existing Charter and Bylaws of the Mutual
Holding Company, the Stock Holding Company and the Bank shall remain unchanged.


         Once the  Offering is  completed,  the Mutual  Holding  Company may, if
approved by the OTS, elect to convert to the stock form of ownership pursuant to
federal  law.  As long as  required  by  federal  law or  regulation,  any  such
conversion is also subject to the approval of the Members of the Mutual  Holding
Company.  The terms and conditions of such a conversion  cannot be determined at
this time and there is no assurance when, if ever, such a conversion will occur.
If the conversion  does not occur,  the Mutual Holding Company will always own a
majority of the Common Stock of the Stock Holding Company.

         If the Mutual  Holding  Company  converts  to stock  form,  either on a
stand-alone  basis  or  in  the  context  of  a  conversion-merger  ("Conversion
Transaction"),  under federal law, shares of stock issued in connection with the
Conversion  Transaction  shall be  subject  to  subscription  rights  granted in
accordance with OTS  regulations.  In addition,  pursuant to federal law and OTS
Regulations,  in the  Conversion  Transaction,  the  shares of stock held by the
stockholders  of the Stock Holding  Company shall be exchanged for shares of the
converted  Mutual  Holding  Company in a proportion  established  by independent
appraisals of the Mutual  Holding  Company,  the Stock  Holding  Company and the
Bank. If, in a Conversion  Transaction,  the  stockholders  of the Bank or Stock
Holding Company do not receive,  for any reason,  shares of the converted Mutual
Holding  Company (or its  successor)  on such  proportionate  basis,  the Mutual
Holding Company (or its successor) shall be obligated to purchase all shares not
owned by it  simultaneously  with the closing of such Conversion  Transaction at
the fair  market  value of such  shares,  determined  as if such shares had such
exchange rights, as determined by the independent  appraisals.  Moreover, in the
event that the Mutual Holding Company converts to stock form in a


Conversion Transaction,  any options or other convertible securities held by any
Officer,  Director,  or Employee of the Stock Holding Company,  convertible into
shares of the Stock  Holding  Company  shall be  convertible  into shares of the
converted Mutual Holding Company (or its successor), provided, that any exchange
ratio shall provide the holder of such options or  convertible  securities  with
shares at least equal in value to those  exchanged;  provided,  further however,
that if such shares cannot be so converted, the holders of such options or other
convertible  securities  shall be  entitled  to receive  cash  payment  for such
options and other  convertible  securities  in an amount equal to the  appraised
value  of the  underlying  securities  represented  by  such  options  or  other
convertible securities.

         In  any  Conversion  Transaction,  stockholders  of the  Stock  Holding
Company other than the Mutual Holding Company ("Minority Stockholders"), if any,
will be entitled to maintain the same percentage ownership interest in the Stock
Holding Company after the Conversion  Transaction as their ownership interest in
the Stock  Holding  Company  immediately  prior to the  Conversion  Transaction,
subject only to certain adjustments (i.e., the transfer of assets held solely by
the Mutual Holding  Company to the resulting stock company) that may be required
by the OTS. These adjustments may result in a decrease of ownership  interest of
the Minority Stockholders.

         Each  certificate  representing  shares of Common  Stock  shall  bear a
legend giving  appropriate  notice of the provisions  applicable to a Conversion


         The Bank and the Stock  Holding  Company may declare  dividends or make
other capital  distributions  or repurchase  stock in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations. In accordance with applicable law, and the regulations and
policies of the OTS, the Mutual  Holding  Company may waive its right to receive
dividends declared to it by the Stock Holding Company.


         The Stock Holding Company will make  reasonable  efforts to comply with
the securities laws of all States in the United States in which Persons entitled
to subscribe  for shares of Common Stock  pursuant to the Plan reside.  However,
Persons  may not be issued  subscription  rights nor be  permitted  to  purchase
shares of Conversion Stock in the  Subscription  Offering if such Person resides
in a foreign  country or in a state of the United  States with  respect to which
any of the following apply: (i) a small number of Persons otherwise  eligible to
subscribe  for shares under the Plan reside in such state;  (ii) the issuance of
subscription  rights or the  offer or sale of  shares  of  Common  Stock to such
Persons  would require the Bank,  under the  securities  laws of such state,  to
register as a broker,  dealer,  salesman  or agent or to  register or  otherwise
qualify its securities for sale in such state;  and (iii) such  registration  or
qualification would be impracticable for reasons of cost or otherwise.


         Within the time period required by applicable laws and regulations, the
Stock Holding Company will register the securities issued in connection with the
Offering pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and will not deregister
such securities for a period of at least three years thereafter, except that the
maintenance of registration for three years  requirement may be fulfilled by any
successor to the Stock Holding Company.  In addition,  the Stock Holding Company
will use its best efforts to encourage  and assist a  market-maker  to establish
and maintain a market for the common  stock issued in the Stock  Offering and to
list those  securities  on a national  or  regional  securities  exchange or the
Nasdaq System.




         The Bank shall use its best efforts to assure that expenses incurred by
it in connection with the Offering shall be reasonable.


         This Plan may be substantively amended by the Board of Directors of the
Bank as a result of comments from the regulatory  authorities or otherwise prior
to the  commencement  of the  Offering,  and at any  time  thereafter  with  the
concurrence of the OTS. This Plan may be terminated by the Board of Directors of
the Bank at any time prior to the  completion of the  Offering,  and at any time
thereafter with the concurrence of the OTS.

         An increase or decrease in the maximum purchase limitation or number of
shares sold in the Minority Stock Offering by the Board of Directors pursuant to
Section 11 subsequent to the subscription offering is specifically authorized by
this Plan,  and is not an  amendment to the Plan which would  require  notice to
Participants.  In the event that mandatory new regulations  pertaining to mutual
holding  companies  are adopted by the OTS prior to the  completion of the Stock
Offering,  the Plan may be amended to conform to the new mandatory  regulations.
In the event  that new mutual  holding  company  regulations  adopted by the OTS
prior to completion of the Stock Offering contain optional provisions,  the Plan
may be amended to utilize such  optional  provisions  at the  discretion  of the
Board of Directors.


         All  interpretations  of this Plan and application of its provisions to
particular  circumstances  by a majority of the Board of Directors of the Mutual
Holding Company,  the Stock Holding Company and the Bank shall be final, subject
to the authority of the OTS.

         If any term, provision,  covenant or restriction contained in this Plan
is held by a  court  or a  federal  or  state  regulatory  agency  of  competent
jurisdiction to be invalid,  void or unenforceable,  the remainder of the terms,
provisions,  covenants and  restrictions  contained in this Plan shall remain in
full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.

         This Plan is to be governed by and  construed  in  accordance  with the
laws of the United States. None of the cover page, the table of contents, or the
section  headings  are to be  considered  a part of this Plan,  but are included
solely for convenience of reference and shall in no way define,  limit,  extend,
or describe the scope or intent of any of the  provisions  hereof.  Words in the
singular  include the  plural,  and words in the plural  include  the  singular.
Except  for such  rights as are set forth  herein for  Members,  this Plan shall
create no rights in any Person.
