April 16, 2003


F O R  I M M E D I A T E  R E L E A S E

CONTACT:                                    Sheli L. Fyock
                                            Asst. Vice President-Marketing
                                            % Irwin Bank & Trust Company
                                            309 Main Street
                                            Irwin, PA 15642
                                            Phone: 724-978-2705
                                            Email: sfyock@irwinbank.com


         Irwin,  Pennsylvania - IBT Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company"),  the holding
company  of  Irwin  Bank & Trust  Company,  Irwin,  Pennsylvania  (the  "Bank"),
announced  that its 2003 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  was held on April 15,
2003. At the meeting, Thomas Beter was elected as a director for a one-year term
and Richard J. Hoffman and Edwin A. Paulone were elected as directors,  each for
a three-year term.  Stockholders also ratified the appointment of Edwards, Sauer
& Owens as  independent  accountants  for the Company for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2003.

         The Company's  stock is traded on AMEX under the symbol "IRW." The Bank
is a community oriented bank which offers a variety of savings deposit and other
products to its retail  customers.  The Bank offers a wide range of real estate,
consumer and commercial loans. The Bank's website is www.myirwinbank.com.  As of
December  31, 2002,  the Company had total  assets,  deposits and  stockholders'
equity of $584 million, $527.9 million and $56.2 million, respectively.

         Statements  contained  in this news  release  which are not  historical
facts are  forward-looking  statements  as the term is  defined  in the  Private
Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such  forward-looking  statements are
subject to risks and  uncertainties  which could cause actual  results to differ
materially  from those currently  anticipated due to a number of factors,  which
include,  but are not limited to,  factors  discussed in documents  filed by the
Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time.