Policy No. ("Policy")                     Insurer ("Insurer)
- ---------------------                     ------------------
__________                                Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co.
__________                                Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.

Bank:             Millington Savings Bank, Millington, New Jersey ("Bank")

Insured:          __________________

Relationship of Insured to Bank:    Executive

The  respective   rights  and  duties  of  the  Bank  and  the  Insured  in  the
above-referenced policy shall be pursuant to the terms set forth below:


         Refer to the policy  contract for the  definition  of all terms in this
         Agreement, which contract is incorporated by reference.


         Title and  ownership of the Policies  referenced  above shall reside in
         the Bank for its use and for the use of the Insured  all in  accordance
         with this Agreement. The Bank alone may, to the extent of its interest,
         exercise  the right to borrow or withdraw  on the policy  cash  values.
         Where the Bank and the  Insured (or  assignee,  with the consent of the
         Insured)  mutually agree to exercise the right to increase the coverage
         under the subject policy,  then, in such event, the rights,  duties and
         benefits of the parties to such increased coverage shall continue to be
         subject to the terms of this Agreement.


         The Insured (or assignee) shall have the right and power to designate a
         beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  to receive the  Insured's  share of the
         proceeds payable upon the death of the Insured, subject to any right or
         interest  the Bank  may  have in such  proceeds,  as  provided  in this


         The Bank  shall pay an amount  equal to the  planned  premiums  and any
         other premium  payments that might become  necessary to keep the policy
         in  force.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Bank  shall  have the
         absolute and sole right to terminate and surrender the policy  that  is
         the subject matter of this Agreement.



         Annually,  the Insured will  recognize a taxable  benefit  equal to the
         assumed cost of insurance as required by the Internal  Revenue  Service
         ("IRS"),   as  determined   from  time  to  time.   The  Bank  (or  its
         administrator)  will report to the  Insured the amount of such  imputed
         income each year on IRS Form W-2 or its equivalent.


         Subject  to  Paragraphs  VII and X herein,  the  division  of the death
         proceeds of the Policy is as follows:

         A.    If the Insured is:
               i)   employed by the Bank at the time of his or her death,
               ii)  has retired from employment  with the Bank after  completion
                    of not less than twenty (20 years of service  with the Bank,
               iii) has retired from  employment  with the Bank and at such date
                    of  retirement  the sum of the  Insured's  age and  years of
                    service equals not less than 70 (subparagraph  (ii) or (iii)
                    constituting "Retirement"),

               then the  Insured's  Beneficiary(ies),  designated  in accordance
               with  Paragraph III, shall be entitled to payment from the Policy
               proceeds  directly from the Insurer of an amount equal to two (2)
               hundred percent (200%) of:

                    1)   the Insured's highest annual base salary (not including
                         bonus, equity  compensation,  deferred  compensation or
                         any other forms of  compensation) in effect at the Bank
                         at any time  during the three  calendar  years prior to
                         the date of death of the  Insured  (if the  Insured  is
                         employed by the Bank at the time of death), or

                    2)   the Insured's highest annual base salary (not including
                         bonus, equity  compensation,  deferred  compensation or
                         any other  forms of  compensation)  paid by the Bank to
                         the Insured  during the three  calendar  years prior to
                         the date of Retirement of the Insured (if the Insured's
                         death shall follow the Retirement of the Insured).

               Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  maximum  payment  due  the
               Insured's  beneficiary(ies)  from  the  Insurer  due  under  this
               Agreement  and the sum of all of the  Policies  noted above shall
               not exceed $_______ in the aggregate.  To the extent possible, an
               equal amount of each  Policy's  proceeds  shall be payable to the
               Insured's  Beneficiary(ies),  not to exceed such Policy proceeds.
               Any amount payable in accordance with Section V1.A in excess of a
               Policy's  proceeds  shall  thereafter  be paid  by any  remaining
               Policies proceeds pro rata.


         B.       Subject to the obligations  set forth therein,  the Bank shall
                  be entitled to the remainder of such Policy proceeds.


         The Bank shall at all times be entitled to one hundred  percent  (100%)
         of the  Policy's  cash  value,  as that term is  defined  in the Policy
         contract, less any policy loans and unpaid interest or cash withdrawals
         previously incurred by the Bank. Such cash value shall be determined as
         of the date of surrender or death as the case may be.


         If a Change of Control of the Bank shall occur  prior to the  Insured's
         termination  of  employment  or  Retirement,  then  the  death  benefit
         coverage  set forth in  Section  VI shall  remain  in effect  until the
         Insured's death, unless this Agreement is otherwise terminated pursuant
         to its terms prior to such date of a Change in Control.  Coverage under
         this Agreement for the Insured who terminates  employment with the Bank
         (for reasons other than death or a Change in Control of the Bank) prior
         to  completion  of at least [ten]  years of service  with the Bank (and
         prior to the  occurrence  of a Change of Control)  will cease on his or
         her last day of employment with the Bank.

         For purposes of the above,  A "Change of Control"  shall mean:  (i) the
         sale of all,  or  substantially  all,  of the assets of the Bank or any
         Parent corporation  ("Parent");  (ii) the merger or recapitalization of
         the  Bank or the  parent  whereby  the  Bank or the  Parent  is not the
         surviving entity;  (iii) a change in control of the Bank or the Parent,
         as otherwise defined or determined by the Office of Thrift  Supervision
         or regulations promulgated by it; or (iv) the acquisition,  directly or
         indirectly,  of the  beneficial  ownership  (within the meaning of that
         term as it is used in Section 13(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
         1934  and  the  rules  and  regulations   promulgated   thereunder)  of
         twenty-five  percent (25%) or more of the outstanding voting securities
         of the Bank or  Parent by any  person,  trust,  entity  or group.  This
         limitation shall not apply to the purchase of shares by underwriters in
         connection  with a public offering of the Parent stock, or the purchase
         of shares of up to twenty-five percent (25%) of any class of securities
         of the Parent by a tax-qualified  employee stock benefit plan. The term
         "person" refers to an individual or a corporation,  partnership, trust,
         association,  joint  venture,  pool,  syndicate,  sole  proprietorship,
         unincorporated   organization   or  any  other   form  of  entity   not
         specifically  listed herein.  The decision of the Board as to whether a
         change  in  control  has  occurred  shall be  conclusive  and  binding.
         However,  a Change in Control shall not be deemed to have occurred as a
         result  of  (i) a  holding  company  reorganization  of  the  Bank  and
         simultaneous   acquisition  of  more  than  50%  of  the  Bank's  stock
         (following the Bank's  conversion to stock form) by a Parent,  (ii) the
         reorganization  of the Bank into a new holding company form whereby the
         Parent shall own 100% of the stock of the Bank and public  stockholders
         shall own 100% of the Parent  common  stock,  or (iii) the  issuance of
         shares  of Bank or  Parent  common  stock to the  public  shareholders,
         provided that a


          majority  of the  voting  stock of the Bank or  Parent  are owned by a
          mutual holding company in accordance with  regulations of the State of
          New Jersey  Department  of Banking and  Insurance or other  applicable
          banking regulatory agency.


          The Insured may not,  without the written consent of the Bank,  assign
          to any individual,  trust or other  organization,  any right, title or
          interest in the subject Policy nor any rights, options,  privileges or
          duties  created under this  Agreement,  other than the right to name a
          Beneficiary(ies) from time to time.


          This Agreement  shall  terminate upon the occurrence of any one of the

          A.      The Insured shall be discharged  from employment with the Bank
                  "for  cause." The term "for cause" shall  include  termination
                  because   of   the    Participant's    personal    dishonesty,
                  incompetence,  willful  misconduct,  breach of fiduciary  duty
                  involving  personal  profit,  intentional  failure  to perform
                  stated  duties,   willful   violation  of  any  law,  rule  or
                  regulation (other than traffic violations or similar offenses)
                  or final  cease-and-desist  order,  or material  breach of any
                  provision of the Plan; or

          B.      Surrender,  lapse,  or other  termination of the Policy by the
                  Bank.  The Policy  (and all rights of the  Insured and his/her
                  beneficiaries)  will also terminate if any  regulatory  agency
                  requires  the  Bank  to  sever  its   relationship   with  the
                  Executive,  if the Bank is  subjected  to  banking  regulatory
                  restrictions  limiting its ability to pay such compensation to
                  the  Insured,   upon  the   occurrence   of  the   bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, receivership or dissolution of the Bank, or as may
                  otherwise be determined by the Bank in good faith.

                  Upon such termination,  the Insured (or assignee) shall have a
                  fifteen  (15) day right to elect to  receive  from the Bank an
                  absolute  assignment of the policy in  consideration of a cash
                  payment from the Insured to the Bank, whereupon this Agreement
                  shall  terminate.  Such cash payment  referred to  hereinabove
                  shall be equal to the cash  value of the policy on the date of
                  such assignment, as defined in this Agreement.

                  If, within said fifteen (15) day period,  the Insured fails to
                  exercise said option,  fails to procure the entire aforestated
                  cash payment, or dies, then the option shall terminate and the
                  Insured (or assignee) agrees that all of the Insured's rights,
                  interest  and claims in the policy  shall  terminate as of the
                  date of the termination of this Agreement.


                  The  Insured   expressly  agrees  that  this  Agreement  shall
                  constitute  sufficient  written  notice to the  Insured of the
                  Insured's  option to receive  an  absolute  assignment  of the
                  policy as set forth herein.

                  Except as provided above,  this Agreement shall terminate upon
                  distribution of the death benefit  proceeds in accordance with
                  paragraph VI above.


     This  Agreement  shall  bind  the  Insured  and  the  Bank,   their  heirs,
     successors, personal representatives and assigns.


     Whenever  in this  Agreement  words  are used in the  masculine  or  neuter
     gender,  they shall be read and construed as in the masculine,  feminine or
     neuter gender, whenever they should so apply.


     The Insurer shall not be deemed a party to this Agreement, but will respect
     the rights of the parties as herein  developed  upon  receiving an executed
     copy of this Agreement. Payment or other performance in accordance with the
     policy  provisions  shall  fully  discharge  the  Insurer  from any and all


     It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that, during the lifetime of
     the Insured, this Agreement may be amended or revoked at any time or times,
     in whole or in part, by the mutual  written  consent fo the Insured and the


     The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be January 1, 2004.


     If a provision o f this  Agreement is held to be invalid or  unenforceable,
     the remaining  provisions  shall  nonetheless be  enforceable  according to
     their  terms.  Further,  in the  event  that  any  provision  is held to be
     overbroad as written,  such provision shall be deemed amended to narrow its
     application  to the  extent  necessary  to make the  provision  enforceable
     according to law and enforced as amended.



          The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by
          the laws of the State of New Jersey.


The following provisions  regarding the name fiduciary,  the funding policy, the
payment of benefits, and the claims procedure are part of this Agreement and are
intended to meet the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"):

          a)   The Bank shall be the name  fiduciary  for  purposes of ERISA and
               this Agreement.

          b)   All premiums paid with respect to the Policy shall be remitted to
               the Insurer when due in accordance with the Agreement.

          c)   Benefits  under  this  Agreement  shall be paid  directly  by the
               Insurer,  with those  benefits in turn being based on the payment
               of premiums as provided in the Agreement.

          d)   For  the  purposes  of  handling  claims  with  respect  to  this
               Agreement,  the  "Claims  Reviewer"  shall  be the  Bank,  unless
               another person or  organizational  unit is designated by the Bank
               as Claims Reviewer.

          e)   An initial claim for benefits under the Agreement must be made by
               the  Insured or his or her  beneficiary  in  accordance  with the
               terms of the  Agreement or policy  through which the benefits are
               provided.  Not later than 90 days after  receipt of such a claim,
               the Claims  Reviewer will render a written  decision on the claim
               to  the  claimant,   unless  special  circumstances  require  the
               extension of such 90-day period.  If such extension is necessary,
               the Claims  Reviewer  shall  provide the Insured or the Insured's
               beneficiary  with written  notification of such extension  before
               the expiration of the initial  90-day  period.  Such notice shall
               specify the reason or reasons for such  extension and the date by
               which a final  decision can be  expected.  In no event shall such
               extension  exceed a period of 90 days from the end of the initial
               90-day period.  In the event the Claims Reviewer denies the claim
               of a Insured or the  Insured's  beneficiary  in whole or in part,
               the Claims Reviewer's written  notification  shall specify,  in a
               manner  calculated to be  understood by the claimant,  the reason
               for the denial;  a reference to the Agreement or insurance policy
               that is the basis for the denial; a description of any additional
               material or information necessary for the claimant to perfect the
               claim;  an explanation as to why such  information or material is
               necessary; and an explanation of the applicable claims procedure.
               Should  the claim be denied  in whole or in part and  should  the
               claimant be dissatisfied with the Claims  Reviewer's  disposition
               of the  claimant's  claim,  the claimant may have a full and fair
               review  of the claim by the Bank upon  written  request  therefor
               submitted  by the  claimant  or the  claimant's  duly  authorized
               representative and received by the


               Bank  within  60  days  after  the  claimant   receives   written
               notification  that  the  claimant's  claim  has been  denied.  In
               connection with such review,  the claimant or the claimant's duly
               authorized  representative  shall be entitled to review pertinent
               documents and submit the  claimant's  views as to the issues,  in
               writing. The Bank shall act to deny or accept the claim within 60
               days after receipt of the claimant's  written  request for review
               unless special circumstances require the extension of such 60-day
               period.  If such  extension is necessary,  the Bank shall provide
               the claimant with written  notification of such extension  before
               the expiration of such initial 60-day period. In all events,  the
               Bank shall act to deny or accept the claim within 120 days of the
               receipt of the claimant's  written request for review. The action
               of the  Bank  shall  be in the form of a  written  notice  to the
               claimant and its contents  shall include all of the  requirements
               for  action on the  original  claim.  In no event may a  claimant
               commence legal action for benefits the claimant  believes are due
               the claimant until the claimant has exhausted all of the remedies
               and procedures afforded the claimant by this Section XVIII.


Executed at the offices of the Bank, in Millington, New Jersey, this ____ day of
____________, 200__.

                                           Millington Savings Bank

______________________________             By:      ____________________________
Witness                                    Title:   ____________________________

______________________________             By:      ____________________________
Witness                                    Title:   ____________________________


                             MILLINGTON SAVINGS BANK
                             BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION

Beneficiary Form                                   / / New          / / Change
- ----------------

Name (last, first, middle initial)                              Social Security


Date of Hire                                Date of Birth


At my death,  I direct that the  beneficiary  under the Executive Life Insurance
Agreement  with  Millington  Savings Bank be paid to my primary  beneficiary  or
beneficiaries.  If none of my primary  beneficiaries  are living,  please pay my
accounts to my secondary beneficiary.

Primary Beneficiary                                       Relationship


Secondary Beneficiary                                     Relationship


MARITAL STATUS:            / / Married      / / Single


I understand  that the  beneficiary  elections  made above will remain in effect
until I file a Change Form with the Bank.
