As Amended and Restated

            THIS  AGREEMENT,  made and entered into this 17th day of July, 2006,
    by  and between Millington Savings Bank, Millington,  New Jersey, a State of
    New  Jersey chartered savings bank (hereinafter  referred to as the "Bank"),
    and  Gary T. Jolliffe,  an Executive of the Bank (hereinafter referred to as
    the "Executive");

         WHEREAS,  it is deemed  advisable and in the best interests of the Bank
    to offer such Executive with additional  financial incentives in the form of
    deferred  compensation to encourage such continued employment service to the
    Bank,  and to remain  market  competitive  in the  Bank's  ability  to offer
    retirement income security to such Executive;

         WHEREAS,  the Bank and the Executive have  previously  entered into the
Executive Incentive  Retirement Plan Agreement  (hereinafter  referred to as the
"Executive Plan"), effective May 10, 2004, and

         WHEREAS, certain revisions to the Executive Plan are necessary in order
to conform  such  Executive  Plan to the  requirements  of  Section  409A of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended  ("Code") and related  regulations and
notices  promulgated  thereunder,  with such  revisions  to be  effective  as of
January 1, 2005.

         NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Plan shall be revised,
amended  and  restated  in its  entirety,  effective  as of January 1, 2005,  as


               So long as the Executive shall continue to serve as the President
               and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Bank,  or  other  senior
               executive  position as  determined  within the  discretion of the
               Board of Directors  ("Board") of the Bank, the Executive shall be
               eligible to participate in this Executive Plan. The Plan Year for
               the  Executive  Plan shall be the same as the fiscal year for the
               Bank (July 1 through June 30).

    II.        AWARD

               The Board may make an Award from time to time in accordance  with
               this  Agreement on behalf of the Executive in  consideration  for
               the  Executive's   continued  services  and  job  performance  as
               determined in the sole  discretion of the Board of the Bank based
               upon the  criteria  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  "A" and  fully
               incorporated  herein by  reference.  Said criteria in Exhibit "A"
               may be modified by the Board in its sole  discretion at any time.
               Payment  of such  Award to the  Executive  shall be  deferred  in
               accordance  with this  Agreement  and shall be  credited  for the
               benefit  of the  Executive  in the  manner  and by the  terms and
               conditions specified in Paragraph IV herein.

    III.       VESTING

               The  Executive's  accrual  of  Awards  and  earnings  thereon  as
               recorded in the Executive Incentive Retirement Plan Account shall
               be deemed  earned  and  non-forfeitable  in  accordance  with the
               Scheduled  set forth  below  determined  as the sum of the age of

               Executive and the years of service of such  Executive  determined
               as of the first  day of each Plan  Year;  with  years of  service
               determined in  accordance  with the  definition  set forth in any
               Internal  Revenue  Code  ("Code")  Section  401(a) tax  qualified
               defined benefit plan sponsored by the Company or any Code Section
               401(a)  tax  qualified  defined  contribution  plan,  if no  such
               defined  benefit  plan  shall be in effect at such  time,  any as

                   Sum of Age and Years of Service           Vesting/Earned %
                   -------------------------------           ----------------
                                 85                              100%
                                 80                               95%
                                 75                               90
                                 70                               85
                                 65                               80
                                 60                               75
                                 55                               70
                                 50                               65
                                 45                               60

               Notwithstanding the foregoing, on and subsequent to the Executive
               attaining age sixty-five  (65) while in the continuous  employ of
               the Bank,  upon the  Executive's  death  while in the  continuous
               employ  of the Bank or upon a Change in  Control  of the Bank (as
               defined hereinafter),  the Executive shall be one hundred percent
               (100%) vested in the Executive Incentive Retirement Plan Account.


               The Bank shall  establish a bookkeeping  reserve  account for the
               benefit  of  the  Executive   (hereinafter  referred  to  as  the
               "Executive  Incentive  Retirement Plan Account"),  which shall be
               credited  and  adjusted  as of the date of grant of each Award as
               defined in Paragraph II.


               The Executive Incentive Retirement Plan Account shall be credited
               with earnings on such account in an amount that is in addition to
               the Award(s)  credited  under  Paragraph IV. Such amount shall be
               determined by multiplying the balance of the Executive's  Account
               by a rate of interest equal to the New York average prime lending
               rate as quoted in the Wall Street Journal,  Eastern Edition. Such
               rate shall be adjusted  quarterly  as of each January 1, April 1,
               July 1 and  October 1, but in no event shall such per annum prime
               rate be less than 4% per annum or an amount  greater than 12% per
               annum.  Such earnings amount shall be credited  quarterly as long
               as there is a balance  in the  Executive's  Incentive  Retirement
               Plan Account as of the last day of each calendar quarter.


               The Executive Incentive Retirement Plan Account shall be utilized
               solely as a device for the measurement and  determination  of the
               amount  maintained  as a book  reserve  for  the  benefit  of the
               Executive  under  the  Executive  Plan  and  to be  paid  to  the
               Executive at the times hereinafter specified,  and the Bank shall
               not  segregate  any  of  its  assets  in  order  to  satisfy  any
               obligations  under  this  Agreement.   The  Executive   Incentive
               Retirement  Plan Account shall not  constitute or be treated as a
               trust  fund  of any  kind.  It is  understood  that  all  amounts


               credited to the Executive Incentive Retirement Plan Account shall
               be for the  sole  purpose  of  bookkeeping  and  remain  the sole
               property  of the  Bank,  and that  the  Executive  shall  have no
               ownership  rights  of  any  nature  with  respect  thereto.   The
               Executive's  rights are limited to the right to receive  payments
               as  hereinafter  provided,  and  the  Executive's  position  with
               respect thereto is that of a general,  unsecured  creditor of the


               Subject to Paragraph XIII, the amounts in the Executive Incentive
               Retirement   Plan   Account   shall  be  paid  in  equal   annual
               installments  for fifteen (15) years certain.  The amount payable
               shall be equal to the vested balance of the Executive's Incentive
               Retirement Plan Account as defined in Paragraph VI, including all
               interest credited as of the date of commencement of such payments
               pursuant  to  Paragraph  V,  plus  additional  interest  earnings
               credited to such account based upon the periodic  balance of such
               account during the pay-out period.  Said installment  payments of
               such vested  deferred  amounts shall commence on the first day of
               the calendar month following the Termination of Employment of the
               Executive due to retirement, resignation,  disability, or removal
               or upon plan termination, whichever shall occur first.

              "Termination   of  Employment"   means  the   termination  of  the
              Executive's  employment  with the Bank for reasons other than upon
              the death or Disability of the Executive. Whether a Termination of
              Employment  takes  place  is  determined  based on the  facts  and
              circumstances  surrounding  the  termination  of  the  Executive's
              employment and whether the Bank and the Executive intended for the
              Executive to provide  significant  services for the Bank following
              such  termination.  A change in the Executive's  employment status
              will not be considered a Termination of Employment if:

              (a)   the Executive  continues to provide  services as an employee
                    of the Bank at an annual rate that is twenty  percent  (20%)
                    or more of the  services  rendered,  on average,  during the
                    immediately   preceding   three  full   calendar   years  of
                    employment  (or, if  employed  less than three  years,  such
                    lesser period) and the annual remuneration for such services
                    is  twenty  percent  (20%)  or  more of the  average  annual
                    remuneration  earned  during the final  three full  calendar
                    years of employment (or, if less, such lesser period), or

              (b)   the Executive continues to provide services to the Bank in a
                    capacity  other than as an employee of the Bank at an annual
                    rate  that is fifty  percent  (50%) or more of the  services
                    rendered, on average, during the immediately preceding three
                    full calendar  years of employment (or if employed less than
                    three years, such lesser period) and the annual remuneration
                    for  such  services  is fifty  percent  (50%) or more of the
                    average  annual  remuneration  earned during the final three
                    full calendar years of employment  (or if less,  such lesser

              "Disability"  (total and  permanent  disability)  means  total and
              permanent  disability  within the  meaning of the Social  Security

               PERMISSIBLE LUMP-SUM PAYOUTS  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the
               Bank may, in its sole discretion,  commence pay-out of the vested
               amount in such  Executive  Plan Account at any time following the
               Executive's Termination of Employment, provided that such pay-out
               amount  shall be in an amount equal to not less than the lump sum
               value of such vested account balance, including interest earnings
               thereon,  determined on the date of such  pay-out;  provided that
               such pay-out (1)  accompanies  the termination of the Executive's
               entire interest


               under the Agreement and all similar  arrangements that constitute
               a nonqualified  deferred  compensation  plan under Regulations at
               Section  1.409A-1(c)  applicable  to Section 409A of the Code;(2)
               the  payment is made on or before the later of December 31 of the
               calendar year of the Executive Termination of Employment,  or the
               15th  day  of the  third  month  following  such  Termination  of
               Employment;  (3) the payment is not greater than $10,000; and (4)
               the  Executive is provided no election with respect to receipt of
               such lump-sum payment.


               Except as set forth at Paragraph III herein,  in the event of the
               death of the Executive prior to the commencement of payments, the
               Executive's  vested percentage of the account balance on the date
               of death  shall be paid in a lump  sum to such  individual(s)  or
               entity(ies) as the Executive may have designated as beneficiaries
               in writing and filed with the Bank.  Said amount shall be paid on
               the  first day of the  second  month  following  the death of the
               Executive. In the event no beneficiary designation has been made,
               the Executive's  vested  percentage of the account balance on the
               date of death shall be paid,  in a lump sum, as set forth  herein
               to  the  duly  qualified   executor  or   administrator   of  the
               Executive's  estate,  provided  however  if no such  executor  or
               administrator  is  appointed,  the Bank shall not make payment of
               said lump sum until said appointment.


               In the event of the death of the Executive after  commencement of
               payments but prior to the  Executive  receiving  all payments due
               the  Executive  under  this  Agreement,   the  remaining   vested
               percentage  of the account  balance on the date of death shall be
               paid  in a lump  sum,  on the  first  day  of  the  second  month
               following the death of the Executive,  to such  individual(s)  or
               entity(ies) as the Executive may have designated as beneficiaries
               in writing and filed with the Bank.  In the event no  beneficiary
               designation has been made, the Executive's  vested  percentage of
               the account balance on the date of death shall be paid, in a lump
               sum,  as set  forth  herein  to the duly  qualified  executor  or
               administrator of the Executive's  estate,  provided however if no
               such executor or administrator  is appointed,  the Bank shall not
               pay make payment of said lump sum until said appointment.


               The Bank  shall  have no  obligation  to set  aside,  earmark  or
               entrust any fund or money with which to pay its obligations under
               this Executive Plan. The Executives,  their beneficiary(ies),  or
               any  successor in interest  shall be and remain simply a general,
               unsecured  creditor  of the Bank in the same  manner as any other
               creditor   having  a  general   claim  for   matured  and  unpaid

               The Bank reserves the absolute right, at its sole discretion,  to
               either fund the obligations  undertaken by this Executive Plan or
               to refrain  from  funding the same and to  determine  the extent,
               nature and method of such funding.  Should the Bank elect to fund
               this Executive Plan, in whole or in part, through the purchase of
               life insurance,  mutual funds,  disability policies or annuities,
               the Bank reserves the absolute right, in its sole discretion,  to
               terminate  such funding at any time,  in whole or in part.  At no
               time shall any Executive be deemed to have any lien, right, title
               or interest in any specific  funding  investment or to any assets
               of the Bank.


               For any Executive who begins  employment with the Bank subsequent
               to the Effective  Date of this  Agreement,  if the Bank elects to
               invest in a life insurance, disability or annuity policy upon the
               life  of the  Executive,  then  the  Executive  shall  reasonably
               cooperate with the Bank and any designated  insurance  company as
               may be requested by the Bank in order to obtain such insurance or
               annuities policy.


         A.      Alienability and Assignment Prohibition:

                 Neither the Executive,  nor the Executive's  surviving  spouse,
                 nor any other  beneficiary(ies) under this Executive Plan shall
                 have  any  power  or right  to  transfer,  assign,  anticipate,
                 hypothecate, mortgage, commute, modify or otherwise encumber in
                 advance any of the benefits payable  hereunder nor shall any of
                 said  benefits  be subject to  seizure  for the  payment of any
                 debts,  judgments,  alimony or separate maintenance owed by the
                 Executive   or  the   Executive's   beneficiary(ies),   nor  be
                 transferable  by operation  of law in the event of  Bankruptcy,
                 insolvency  or  otherwise.  In the event the  Executive  or any
                 beneficiary  attempts assignment,  commutation,  hypothecation,
                 transfer  or  disposal of the  benefits  hereunder,  the Bank's
                 obligations  and  liabilities  pursuant to this Agreement shall
                 forthwith cease and terminate.

         B.      Binding Obligation of the Bank and any Successor in Interest:

                 The Bank shall not merge or  consolidate  into or with  another
                 Bank or sell  substantially  all of its assets to another Bank,
                 firm or  person  until  such  Bank,  firm or  person  expressly
                 agrees,  in  writing,  to assume and  discharge  the duties and
                 obligations  of  the  Bank  under  this  Executive  Plan.  This
                 Executive Plan shall be binding upon the parties hereto,  their
                 successors, beneficiaries, heirs and personal representatives.

         C.       Amendment, Termination or Revocation:

                  It is agreed  by and  between  the  parties  hereto  that this
                  Executive Incentive  Retirement Plan Agreement may be amended,
                  terminated  or  revoked  at any time or times,  in whole or in
                  part,  by the Bank in its sole  discretion.  Upon a Change  of
                  Control as set forth in Paragraph XIII herein, it is agreed by
                  and  between  the  parties  hereto  that this  Executive  Plan
                  Agreement  may be  amended or  revoked  any time or times,  in
                  whole or in part,  only by the mutual  written  consent of the
                  Executive and the Bank.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
                  Bank or any  successor  thereto  may  terminate  or revoke the
                  Agreement at anytime within its sole discretion, provided that
                  the  balance  then  accrued  under  the  Executive   Incentive
                  Retirement  Plan Account on behalf of the  Executive  shall be
                  deemed fully earned and  non-forfeitable  at such time without
                  regard to any  vesting  criteria,  and such  account  shall be
                  immediately  paid  to the  Executive  (without  regard  to any
                  actual Termination of Employment) or designated beneficiary in
                  a lump sum payment; provided,  however, any such distributions
                  to be made in  accordance  with this Section shall comply with
                  the  requirements  and  limitation  under  Section 409A of the
                  Code, including that such lump-sum  distribution shall only be
                  made:  (1) within  thirty  (30) days  before,  or twelve  (12)
                  months after a change in the ownership or effective control of
                  the Bank, or change in the ownership of a substantial  portion
                  of  the   assets  of  the  Bank  as   described   in   Section
                  409A(2)(A)(v) of the Code, provided that all distributions are
                  made  no  later  than  twelve  (12)  months   following   such
                  termination of the Agreement and further  provided that all of
                  the Bank's arrangements which are substantially similar to the


                 Agreement  are terminated so the Executive and all participants
                 under  similar  arrangements  shall  receive  all   amounts  of
                 deferred  compensation under such terminated agreements  within
                 twelve (12)  months of the  termination  of  the  arrangements;
                 (2)Upon  the  Bank's  dissolution  or with  the  approval  of a
                 bankruptcy  court provided that the amounts deferred  under the
                 Agreement are included in the Executive's  gross income  in the
                 latest  of  (i)  the  calendar  year  in  which  the  Agreement
                 terminates;  (ii) the calendar  year in which the amount is  no
                 longer subject to a substantial  risk  of forfeiture;  or (iii)
                 the  first  calendar  year  in   which  the   distribution   is
                 administratively practical; or (3) Upon the  Bank's termination
                 of this and all other account  balance plans (as  referenced in
                 Section  409A  of the  Code  or  the  regulations  thereunder),
                 provided  that  all  distributions  are  made no  earlier  than
                 twelve (12) months and no later  than  twenty-four  (24) months
                 following such termination, and  the Company does not adopt any
                 new  account  balance  plans for  a  minimum  of five (5) years
                 following the date of such termination.

        D.       Gender:

                 Whenever in this Executive Plan words are used in the masculine
                 or neuter  gender,  they shall be read and  construed as in the
                 masculine,  feminine or neuter gender,  whenever they should so

        E.       Effect on Other Bank Benefit Plans:

                 Nothing contained in this Executive Plan shall affect the right
                 of  the  Executive  to  participate  in or be  covered  by  any
                 qualified  or  non-qualified  pension,  profit-sharing,  group,
                 bonus or other supplemental compensation or fringe benefit plan
                 constituting   a  part  of  the  Bank's   existing   or  future
                 compensation structure.

        F.       Headings:

                 Headings and  subheadings  in this  Executive Plan are inserted
                 for  reference and  convenience  only and shall not be deemed a
                 part of this Executive Plan.

        G.       Applicable Law:

                 The  validity and  interpretation  of this  Agreement  shall be
                 governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey, including, but
                 not limited to the laws applicable to state  chartered  savings

        H.       Bank Regulatory Matters:

                 Any payments made to the Executive  pursuant to this  Executive
                 Plan, or otherwise,  are subject to and conditioned  upon their
                 compliance  with  12  U.S.C.  ss.  1828(k)  or any  regulations
                 promulgated thereunder.

                 Implementation  of the Agreement shall be conditioned  upon the
                 Bank's  receipt of a letter of approval or  non-objection  from
                 the  Commissioner  of the New Jersey  Department of Banking and
                 Insurance,  if  applicable,  in accordance  with the applicable
                 laws of the  State of New  Jersey  related  to state  chartered
                 savings banks at NJS 17:9A-27.26 and related statutes.


        I.       Partial Invalidity:

                 If  any  term,  provision,   covenant,  or  condition  of  this
                 Executive  Plan is determined  by an arbitrator or a court,  as
                 the case may be, to be invalid,  void, or  unenforceable,  such
                 determination  shall  not  render  any other  term,  provision,
                 covenant, or condition invalid, void, or unenforceable, and the
                 Executive   Plan   shall   remain  in  full  force  and  effect
                 notwithstanding such partial invalidity.

        J.       Employment:

                 No provision of this  Agreement  shall be deemed to restrict or
                 limit any existing employment agreement by and between the Bank
                 and the  Executive,  nor shall  any  conditions  herein  create
                 specific employment rights to the Executive nor limit the right
                 of the Bank to discharge the Executive  with or without  cause.
                 In a similar fashion,  no provision shall limit the Executive's
                 rights to voluntarily sever his or her employment at any time.

        K.       Construction:

                 The Board shall have full power  and  authority  to  interpret,
                 construe and administer  this  Executive  Plan, and the Board's
                 interpretations   and   construction   thereof,   and   actions
                 thereunder, shall be binding and conclusive on all  persons for
                 all  purposes.  Members  of the Board of the Bank shall  not be
                 liable  to any  person  for any  action  taken  or  omitted  in
                 connection with the  interpretation and administration  of this
                 Plan  unless  attributable  to his or  her own  willful,  gross
                 misconduct or intentional lack of good faith.

        L.       Plan Administration:

                 The Board  of the Bank  shall  administer  the Plan;  provided,
                 however,   that  the  Board  may  appoint   an   administrative
                 committee  ("Committee") to provide administrative services  or
                 perform duties required by this Agreement. The Committee  shall
                 have only the authority granted to it by the Board.

        M.       Trust:

                 Except as may be specifically  provided,  nothing contained  in
                 this  Agreement and no action taken pursuant to the  provisions
                 of this  Agreement  shall  create or be  construed to  create a
                 trust of any kind,  or a  fiduciary  relationship  between  the
                 Bank and the  Executive or any other  person.  Any funds  which
                 may be invested under the  provisions of this  Agreement  shall
                 continue for all  purposes to be a part of the  general  assets
                 ad funds of the Bank.  No person  other than the  Bank shall by
                 virtue of the  provisions of this  Agreement have  any interest
                 in such  assets  and  funds.  The Bank  shall not be under  any
                 obligation  to use  such   funds  solely  to  provide  benefits
                 hereunder,  and  no  representations  have  been  made  to  the
                 Executive  that such funds can or will be used only to  provide
                 benefits hereunder.


                 In order to facilitate the  accumulation of funds necessary  to
                 meet the costs of the Bank under this Agreement (including  the
                 provision of funds  necessary to pay premiums  with respect  to
                 any life  insurance  policies  purchase and to pay benefits  to
                 the extent  that the cash value  and/or  proceeds  of  any such
                 policies are not adequate to make payments to the Executive  or
                 his or her  beneficiary as and when the same are due under  the
                 Agreement),  the Bank may enter  into a  Trust  Agreement.  The
                 Bank, in its discretion, may elect to place any life  insurance
                 policies  purchased  pursuant to the Agreement into  the Trust.
                 In  addition,  such sums  shall be placed in said Trust as  may
                 from time to time be  approved  by the  Board of Bank,  in  its
                 sole  discretion.  To the extent that the assets of said  Trust
                 and/or  the  proceeds of any life  insurance  policy  purchased
                 pursuant  to the Agreement  are not  sufficient to pay benefits
                 accrued under this Agreement, such payments shall be made  from
                 the general assets of the Bank.


         A.      Named Fiduciary and Plan Administrator:

                 The "Named Fiduciary and Plan  Administrator" of this Executive
                 Plan shall be the Bank until its  resignation or removal by the
                 Board. As the Named Fiduciary and Plan Administrator,  the Bank
                 shall  be   responsible   for  the   management,   control  and
                 administration  of the Executive  Plan. The Named Fiduciary may
                 delegate  to  others  certain  aspects  of the  management  and
                 operation  responsibilities of the Executive Plan including the
                 employment of advisors and the delegation of ministerial duties
                 to qualified individuals.

         B.      Claims Procedure and Arbitration:

                 In  the  event  a  dispute  arises  over  benefits  under  this
                 Executive  Plan and benefits are not paid to the  Executive (or
                 to  the  Executive's   beneficiary(ies)  in  the  case  of  the
                 Executive's death) and such claimants feel they are entitled to
                 receive such benefits, then a written claim must be made to the
                 Named Fiduciary and Plan Administrator named above within sixty
                 (60)  days  from the  date  payments  are  refused.  The  Named
                 Fiduciary and Plan Administrator shall review the written claim
                 and if the  claim is  denied,  in  whole  or in part,  it shall
                 provide  in writing  within  sixty (60) days of receipt of such
                 claim its specific  reasons for such  denial,  reference to the
                 provisions  of this  Executive  Plan upon  which the  denial is
                 based and any additional  material or information  necessary to
                 perfect the claim.  Such written notice shall further  indicate
                 the  additional  steps to be taken by  claimants  if a  further
                 review of the claim denial is desired.  A claim shall be deemed
                 denied if the Named  Fiduciary and Plan  Administrator  fail to
                 take any action within the aforesaid sixty-day period.

                 If claimants  desire a second review of the matter,  they shall
                 notify the Named  Fiduciary and Plan  Administrator  in writing
                 within sixty (60) days of the first claim denial. Claimants may
                 review this  Executive Plan or any documents  relating  thereto
                 and  submit  any  written  issues  and  comments  they may feel
                 appropriate.  The Named Fiduciary and Plan Administrator  shall
                 then  review the second  claim and  provide a written  decision
                 within sixty (60) days of receipt of such claim.  This decision
                 shall likewise state the specific  reasons for the decision and
                 shall  include  reference  to specific  provisions  of the Plan
                 Agreement upon which the decision is based.


                 If claimants  continue to dispute the benefit denial based upon
                 completed performance of this Executive Plan or the meaning and
                 effect of the terms and conditions thereof,  then claimants may
                 submit  the  dispute  to an  arbitrator  for final  arbitration
                 within six (6) months from the actual or calculated date of the
                 final  written  review.  The  arbitrator  shall be  selected by
                 mutual agreement of the Bank and the claimants.  The arbitrator
                 shall operate under any generally recognized set of arbitration
                 rules. The parties hereto agree that unless otherwise agreed by
                 mutual written consent of both parties, there shall be no other
                 alternative  dispute  resolution  in law or equity  other  than
                 binding   arbitration  and  they  and  their  heirs,   personal
                 representatives,  successors  and assigns shall be bound by the
                 decision of such  arbitrator  with  respect to any  controversy
                 properly  submitted for  determination.  The  arbitrator  shall
                 determine  any  award  of  attorney's  fees or  other  costs of
                 arbitration to the prevailing party.

        C.       Where  a  dispute  arises  as to the  Bank's  discharge  of the
                 Executive "for cause", such dispute shall likewise be submitted
                 to arbitration as above  described and the parties hereto agree
                 to be bound by the decision  thereunder.  A determination by an
                 arbitrator  that a  discharge  or non  reelection  was not "for
                 cause"  shall  govern  the  parties  solely  as to  payment  of
                 benefits and shall not entitle the  Executive to be  reinstated
                 or re-elected to office.


                 "Change in Control"  shall mean:  (i) a change in  ownership of
                 the  Bank  under  paragraph  (a)  below,  or (ii) a  change  in
                 effective  control  of the Bank under  paragraph (b) below,  or
                 (iii) a change in  the  ownership of a  substantial  portion of
                 the assets of the Bank under paragraph (c) below:

                 (a)  CHANGE  IN THE  OWNERSHIP  OF THE  BANK.  A change in  the
                 ownership  of the Bank  shall  occur on the date  that any  one
                 person,  or more than one person acting as a group (as  defined
                 in   paragraph  (b)),   acquires  ownership  of  stock  of  the
                 corporation  that,  together  with stock held by such person or
                 group,  constitutes  more  than 50  percent  of the total  fair
                 market  value  or  total  voting  power  of the  stock  of such
                 corporation.  However,  if any  one  person  or more  than  one
                 person  acting as a group,  is  considered  to own more than 50
                 percent of the total fair market  value or  total  voting power
                 of the stock of a corporation,  the  acquisition of  additional
                 stock by the same person or persons is not considered to  cause
                 a change in the  ownership of the  corporation  (or to cause  a
                 change in the effective control of the corporation (within  the
                 meaning of paragraph (b) below). An increase in the  percentage
                 of stock  owned by any one  person,  or  persons  acting  as  a
                 group,  as a result of a transaction in which  the  corporation
                 acquires its stock in exchange for property will be treated  as
                 an  acquisition  of stock for purposes of  this  section.  This
                 paragraph  (a) applies  only when there is a transfer of  stock
                 of a corporation  (or issuance of stock of a  corporation)  and
                 stock  in   such  corporation  remains  outstanding  after  the

                  (b) CHANGE IN THE  EFFECTIVE  CONTROL OF THE BANK. A change in
                  the effective control of the Bank shall occur on the date that
                  either (i) any one person, or more than one person acting as a
                  group (as determined below),  acquires (or has acquired during
                  the  12-month  period  ending  on the date of the most  recent
                  acquisition  by such person or persons)  ownership of stock of
                  the  corporation  possessing  35  percent or more of the total
                  voting  power  of the  stock  of such  corporation;  or (ii) a
                  majority of members of the corporation's board of directors is
                  replaced   during  any  12-month  period  by


                    directors whose appointment or election is not endorsed by a
                    majority  of the  members  of  the  corporation's  board  of
                    directors  prior to the date of the appointment or election,
                    provided that for purposes of this  paragraph  (b)(ii),  the
                    term corporation refers solely to a corporation for which no
                    other corporation is a majority shareholder.  In the absence
                    of an event  described in paragraph (i) or (ii), a change in
                    the  effective  control  of  a  corporation  will  not  have
                    occurred.  If any one person, or more than one person acting
                    as  a  group,   is  considered  to  effectively   control  a
                    corporation  (within the meaning of this paragraph (b)), the
                    acquisition of additional  control of the corporation by the
                    same person or persons is not  considered  to cause a change
                    in the effective  control of the  corporation (or to cause a
                    change  in the  ownership  of  the  corporation  within  the
                    meaning of paragraph (a)). Persons will not be considered to
                    be acting as a group  solely  because  they  purchase or own
                    stock of the same  corporation  at the  same  time,  or as a
                    result of the same public offering.

                    BANK'S  ASSETS.  A change in the  ownership of a substantial
                    portion of the Bank's  assets  shall  occur on the date that
                    any one  person,  or more than one person  acting as a group
                    (as determined below),  acquires (or has acquired during the
                    12-month  period  ending  on the  date  of the  most  recent
                    acquisition  by such  person  or  persons)  assets  from the
                    corporation  that have a total gross fair market value equal
                    to or more than 40% of the total gross fair market  value of
                    all of the assets of the  corporation  immediately  prior to
                    such  acquisition or acquisitions.  For this purpose,  gross
                    fair  market  value  means  the  value of the  assets of the
                    corporation,  or the value of the assets being  disposed of,
                    determined without regard to any liabilities associated with
                    such assets.  There is no Change in Control event under this
                    paragraph  (c) when there is a transfer to an entity that is
                    controlled   by  the   shareholders   of  the   transferring
                    corporation immediately after the transfer.

                    (d) Each of the  sub-paragraphs  (a) through (c) above shall
                    be   construed   and   interpreted   consistent   with   the
                    requirements  of Section  409A of the Code and any  Treasury
                    regulations or other guidance issued thereunder.  However, a
                    change in control  shall not be deemed to have occurred as a
                    result of a holding company  reorganization  of the Bank and
                    simultaneous  acquisition  of more  than  50% of the  Bank's
                    stock  (following the Bank's  conversion to stock form) by a
                    parent  savings  and loan  holding  company or bank  holding

                    "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
                    and regulations and guidance promulgated thereunder.


                    In the event the Executive  shall be discharged for cause at
                    any time, all benefits  provided  herein shall be forfeited.
                    The term "for cause"  shall mean any of the  following  that
                    result in an adverse  effect on the Bank:  (i) negligence or
                    neglect; (ii) the commission of a felony, disorderly persons
                    offense or misdemeanor  involving moral turpitude,  fraud or
                    dishonesty;  (iii) the willful violation of any law, rule or
                    regulation  (other  than  a  traffic  violation  or  similar
                    offense);  (iv) an  intentional  failure to  perform  stated
                    duties;,  or  (v)  a  breach  of  fiduciary  duty  involving
                    personal  profit.  If a  dispute  arises  as to  payment  of
                    benefits  premised  upon whether a discharge is "for cause,"
                    such dispute shall be resolved by  arbitration  as set forth
                    in PARAGRAPH XII (B). A determination  by an arbitrator that
                    a  discharge  was not "for cause"  shall  govern the parties
                    solely as to the payment of benefits hereunder and shall not
                    entitle the Executive to be reinstated.



               The Effective Date of this Agreement  shall be April 1, 2004 with
               respect  to the  initial  effective  date of the  Agreement,  and
               January  1,  2005  with  respect  to the  effective  date of this
               amendment and restatement of the Plan.


          A.   Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary,  the Committee
               shall make  reasonable  efforts to administer  the Executive Plan
               and make  benefit  payments  hereunder  in a  manner  that is not
               deemed to be  contrary to the  requirements  set forth at Section
               409A  of  the  Code  and  regulations  and  notices   promulgated
               thereunder  such  that any  payments  made  would  result  in the
               requirement  for the recipient of such payments to pay additional
               interest  and taxes to be  imposed  in  accordance  with  Section
               409A(a)(1)(B) of the Code; provided,  however,  neither the Bank,
               nor the Committee shall have any responsibility to a Executive or
               beneficiary(ies)  with respect to any tax liabilities that may be
               applicable to any payments made by the Executive Plan.

          B.   If any provision of the Executive  Plan shall be determined to be
               inconsistent  with the  requirements of Section 409A of the Code,
               then,  the  Executive  Plan shall be  construed,  to the  maximum
               extent  possible,  to give effect to such  provision  in a manner
               consistent   with  Section   409A  of  the  Code,   and  if  such
               construction is not possible, as if such provision had never been

          C.   Delay   of   Payment    Commencement   to   Specified    Employee
               Notwithstanding  any  provision  in  the  Executive  Plan  to the
               contrary,  if  the  Executive  is  a  Specified  Employee,   such
               Executive's benefit payments shall become first payable to him or
               her as of the first day of the seventh  month next  following his
               or her  Termination of Employment,  if and only if such payments,
               if made  earlier,  would result in the recipient of such payments
               to pay additional  interest and taxes to be imposed in accordance
               with Section 409A(a)(1)(B) of the Code; provide that such payment
               delay  shall  not be  required  in the  event of the death of the
               Executiove.  "Specified  Employee" shall mean a key employee who,
               at any time  during the plan year,  is (i) an officer of the Bank
               having an annual compensation greater than $130,000 (as indexed),
               (ii) a 5-percent owner of Bank, or (iii) a 1-percent owner of the
               Bank having an annual  compensation from the Savings Bank greater
               than $150,000;  provided,  however,  that this subparagraph shall
               only  be  effective  if  the  stock  of  the  Bank  or  a  parent
               corporation   is   publicly   traded  as  set  forth  at  Section

          D.   Distributions  Upon Income  Inclusion  Under  Section 409A of the
               Code.  Upon the inclusion of any amount as taxable  income to the
               Executive  as a  result  of the  failure  of  this  non-qualified
               deferred  compensation  agreement to comply with the requirements
               of Section 409A of the Code, to the extent such tax liability can
               be covered by the then  accrued  Executive  Incentive  Retirement
               Plan  Account  balance,  a  distribution  shall  be  made  to the
               Executive as soon as is  administratively  practicable  following
               the discovery o f the plan failure in an amount  sufficient  tfor
               the Executive to pay such tax liability.



                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto  acknowledge that each
         has carefully read this Agreement and executed the original  thereof on
         the first day set forth hereinabove, and that, upon execution, each has
         received a conforming copy.

                                            Millington Savings Bank

                                            By:      /s/Albert Olsen
                                            Its:     Chairman

                                                     /s/Gary T. Jolliffe
                                                     Gary T. Jolliffe, Executive


                          BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION FORM
                                 PLAN AGREEMENT

                  (You may  refer  to the  beneficiary  designation  information
prior to completion.)

       A.         Person(s)  as a  Primary  Designation:
                  (Please indicate the percentage for each beneficiary.)


       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                           (Street)                                (City)            (State)      (Zip)

       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                          (Street)                                 (City)            (State)      (Zip)

       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                          (Street)                                 (City)            (State)      (Zip)

       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                          (Street)                                 (City)            (State)      (Zip)

       B.         Estate as a Primary Designation:
       My Primary Beneficiary is The Estate of___________________________________________________________________

       as set forth in the last will and testament dated the__day of____________,_______ and any codicils thereto.

       C.         Trust as a Primary Designation:
       Name of the Trust:_________________________________________________________________________

       Execution Date of the Trust:_________ / _____/____________

       Name of the Trustee:________________________________________________________________________

       Beneficiary(ies) of the Trust (please indicate the percentage for each beneficiary):



       Is this an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust?______________Yes______________No

       (If  yes  and  this  designation  is for a  Split  Dollar  agreement,  an
       Assignment of Rights form should be completed.)



       A.         Person(s) as a Secondary (Contingent) Designation:
                  (Please indicate the percentage for each beneficiary.)


       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                           (Street)                                (City)            (State)      (Zip)

       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                           (Street)                                (City)            (State)      (Zip)

       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                           (Street)                                (City)            (State)      (Zip)

       Name________________________________________________ Relationship____________________________ /__________%

                          (Street)                                 (City)            (State)      (Zip)

      B.        Estate as a Secondary (Contingent) Designation:

      My Secondary Beneficiary is The Estate of_________________________________
      as set forth in my last will and testament dated the___day of ___________,________ and any codicils thereto.

      C.         Trust as a Secondary (Contingent) Designation:

      Name of the Trust:________________________________________________________

      Execution Date of the Trust:_________/_______/___________

      Name of the Trustee:______________________________________________________

      Beneficiary(ies) of the Trust (please indicate the percentage for each beneficiary):



      All sums payable under the  Executive  Incentive  Retirement  Agreement by
      reason of my death shall be paid to the Primary Beneficiary(ies), if he or
      she survives me, and if no Primary Beneficiary(ies) shall survive me, then
      to  the  Secondary   (Contingent)   Beneficiary(ies).   This   beneficiary
      designation is valid until the participant notifies the bank in writing.

      ------------------------------                       ---------------------


                              DEFERRAL DECLARATION


               Pursuant to the provisions of my Executive  Incentive  Retirement
               Plan  Agreement with  Millington  Savings Bank, I hereby elect to
               have any  distribution of the balance in my Incentive  Retirement
               Plan Account paid to me in  installments  commencing on the later
               of ________________  ("Alternative Date") or the first day of the
               calendar  month  following my  Termination  of Employment  due to
               retirement,  resignation,  disability,  or  removal  or upon plan
               termination,  whichever  shall occur  first;  provided  that such
               Alternative  Date must be elected  in  writing  not less than one
               year  prior  to  the  payment   commencement  date,  absent  such
               election,  and such  Alternative  Date must be not less than five
               years  later than such  payment  commencement  date  absent  such
               updated election Each such annual installment shall be determined
               as of each  installment  date by dividing the entire amount in my
               Incentive  Retirement  Plan Account by the number of installments
               then remaining to be paid, plus earnings for the period, with the
               final  installment  to be the  entire  remaining  balance  in the
               Incentive Retirement Plan Account.

Date:_______________________________        ____________________________________


                                   EXHIBIT "A"

                             Millington Savings Bank
                       Executive Incentive Retirement Plan

                       For the Benefit of Gary T. Jolliffe

The  annual  target  Award to the  Executive  under the  Executive  Plan will be
established  annually for each  respective  plan year and will be based upon the
Executive's  base  salary in effect as of July 1 of each  calendar  year and the
Bank's net income for the prior fiscal year (July 1 through  June 30);  provided
that the Board of Directors of the Bank may adjust  reported net income  numbers
attributable to  extraordinary  items and the Board shall ratify such Award each
year prior to such Award being  credited to the Executive  Incentive  Retirement
Plan Account.

         2006 Net Income/Award Grid (July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007)

 % of Prior Year Net Income Amount              Executive Award % of Base Salary
- ----------------------------------              --------------------------------

79% AND BELOW                                                 0%

80% TO 84%                                                   10%

85% TO 94%                                                   20%

95% TO 104%                                                  35%

105% TO 119%                                                 40%

120% AND HIGHER                                              50%
