* AMENDED JUNE 12, 2006*

                             MILLINGTON SAVINGS BANK
                             MILLINGTON, NEW JERSEY

                             AS AMENDED AND RESTATED

         WHEREAS,  Millington Savings Bank, Millington, New Jersey (the "Savings
Bank")  has  previously   implemented  the  Millington  Savings  Bank  Directors
Consultation and Retirement Plan (the "Plan"), effective February 10, 1997, and

         WHEREAS,  certain  revisions  to the  Plan  are  necessary  in order to
conform the Plan to the  requirements  of Section 409A of the  Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986,  as  amended  and  related  regulations  and  notices  promulgated
thereunder ("Code").

         NOW THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan shall be revised,  amended
and restated, effective January 1, 2005, as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I


         The following  words and phrases as used herein shall,  for the purpose
of the Plan and any subsequent  amendment  thereof,  have the following meanings
unless a different meaning is plainly required by the content:

         "Beneficiary" means the surviving spouse of the Participant (if any) as
of the date of death of such Participant,  or in the alternative,  the estate of
the Participant.  The term Beneficiary shall include the estate of the surviving
spouse.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,   the  Participant  may  designate  a
Beneficiary  or Contingent  Beneficiaries  in writing on forms provided for this
purpose by the Committee, which written designations may be changed from time to
time by similar written notice to the Committee. Such written designations shall
only be effective upon actual delivery to and  acknowledgment  by the Committee.
References to beneficiaries in the will of a Participant shall not be binding on
the Plan.

         "Board"   means  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Savings  Bank,  as
constituted from time to time, and successors thereto.

         "Change in Control"  shall mean:  (i) a change in ownership of the Bank
under  paragraph  (a) below,  or (ii) a change in effective  control of the Bank
under  paragraph (b) below,  or (iii) a change in the ownership of a substantial
portion of the assets of the Bank under paragraph (c) below:

(a) CHANGE IN THE  OWNERSHIP OF THE BANK. A change in the  ownership of the Bank
shall occur on the date that any one person, or more than one person acting as a
group  (as  defined  in  paragraph  (b)),  acquires  ownership  of  stock of the
corporation that, together with stock held by such person or group,  constitutes
more than 50 percent of the total fair market value or total voting power of the
stock of such  corporation.  However,  if any one person or more than one person
acting as a group,  is  considered to own more than 50 percent of the total fair
market  value  or  total  voting  power  of  the  stock  of a  corporation,  the
acquisition of additional  stock by the same person or persons is not considered
to cause a change in the ownership of the  corporation  (or to cause a change in
the effective  control of the  corporation  (within the meaning of paragraph (b)
below).  An increase  in the  percentage  of stock  owned by any one person,  or
persons acting as a group, as a result of a transaction in which the corporation
acquires its stock in exchange for property will be treated as an acquisition of
stock for purposes of this section.  This  paragraph (a) applies only when there
is a transfer of stock of a corporation  (or issuance of stock of a corporation)
and stock in such corporation remains outstanding after the transaction.

(b)  CHANGE IN THE  EFFECTIVE  CONTROL  OF THE BANK.  A change in the  effective
control of the Bank shall occur on the date that  either (i) any one person,  or
more than one person acting as a group (as determined  below),  acquires (or has
acquired  during  the  12-month  period  ending  on the date of the most  recent
acquisition  by such person or persons)  ownership  of stock of the  corporation
possessing  35  percent or more of the total  voting  power of the stock of such
corporation;  or (ii) a  majority  of  members  of the  corporation's  board  of
directors is replaced during any 12-month period by directors whose  appointment
or  election is not  endorsed by a majority of the members of the  corporation's
board of directors  prior to the date of the  appointment or election,  provided
that for purposes of this paragraph (b)(ii),  the term corporation refers solely
to a corporation for which no other  corporation is a majority  shareholder.  In
the absence of an event  described  in  paragraph  (i) or (ii),  a change in the
effective control of a corporation will not have occurred. If any one person, or
more than one person acting as a group,  is considered to effectively  control a
corporation  (within the meaning of this  paragraph  (b)),  the  acquisition  of
additional  control  of the  corporation  by the same  person or  persons is not
considered to cause a change in the effective  control of the corporation (or to
cause a change  in the  ownership  of the  corporation  within  the  meaning  of
paragraph  (a)).  Persons will not be  considered to be acting as a group solely
because they purchase or own stock of the same  corporation at the same time, or
as a result of the same public offering.

change in the  ownership  of a  substantial  portion of the Bank's  assets shall
occur on the date that any one person, or more than one person acting as a group
(as  determined  below),  acquires (or has acquired  during the 12-month  period
ending on the date of the most  recent  acquisition  by such  person or persons)
assets from the  corporation  that have a total gross fair market value equal to
or more than 40% of the total  gross fair  market  value of all of the assets of
the corporation immediately prior to such acquisition or acquisitions.  For this
purpose,  gross  fair


market value means the value of the assets of the  corporation,  or the value of
the assets  being  disposed of,  determined  without  regard to any  liabilities
associated  with such  assets.  There is no Change in Control  event  under this
paragraph  (c) when there is a transfer to an entity that is  controlled  by the
shareholders of the transferring corporation immediately after the transfer.

(d) Each of the  sub-paragraphs  (a) through (c) above  shall be  construed  and
interpreted consistent with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code and any
Treasury  regulations or other guidance issued thereunder.  However, a change in
control  shall not be deemed to have  occurred as a result of a holding  company
reorganization of the Bank and simultaneous  acquisition of more than 50% of the
Bank's stock (following the Bank's conversion to stock form) by a parent savings
and loan holding company or bank holding company.

         "Code"  means  the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended,  and
regulations and guidance promulgated thereunder.

         "Committee"  means  the  Board  or  the  administrative   committee  as
appointed by the Board pursuant to Section 7.11 herein.

         "Department" means the New Jersey Department of Banking.

         "Director"  means a member of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Savings

         "Disability" means total and permanent disability within the meaning of
the Social Security Act.

         "Effective  Date" means  February  10, 1997 with respect to the initial
effective  date of the Plan and  January 1, 2005 with  respect to the  effective
date of this amendment and restatement of the Plan.

         "Participant"  means a Director  serving on or after the Effective Date
and electing to participate in the Plan. A Director's  participation in the Plan
shall  continue  as  long  as  he or  she  fulfills  all  the  requirements  for
participation subject to the right of termination,  amendment,  and modification
of the Plan set forth herein.

         "Plan" means the  Millington  Savings Bank Directors  Consultation  and
Retirement  Plan,  as amended and restated,  as set forth herein,  and as may be
amended from time to time by the Board.

         "Retirement Benefit Amount" means the benefit payable under the Plan in
accordance Section 2.4 herein.

         "Retirement  Date"  means  the  date of  termination  of  service  as a
Director following a Participant's completion of not less than ten (10) years of
service as a Director.  Upon death or Disability,  a Director shall be deemed to
have terminated service as of such date.


         "Savings Bank" or "Bank" means Millington Savings Bank, Millington, New
Jersey, or any successor thereto.

         "Service"  means all years of service as a Director of the Savings Bank
and all predecessor (or successor) entities of the Savings Bank, including years
of service prior to the Effective Date.  Years of service as a Director need not
be continuous.

         "Trust"  shall mean any trust  agreement  entered into on behalf of the
Plan by the Savings  Bank for the purpose of holding  assets of the Savings Bank
in order to promote the efficient administration of the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE II


         2.1  Retirement.  Upon a  Participant's  termination  from service as a
Director on or after his or her  Retirement  Date whereby such  Participant  has
completed not less than ten (10) years of service, the Savings Bank shall pay to
the  Participant the Retirement  Benefit Amount,  as described and in the amount
set forth at Article II, Section 2.4. Payment of such Retirement  Benefit Amount
shall  begin on the first  business  day of the month  immediately  following  a
Participant's  Retirement  Date or such later date as specified in the agreement
contained  at Schedule A hereto and approved by the  Committee,  but in no event
shall such payments  commence prior to the date that such Participant shall have
attained the minimum age of at least  sixty-five  (65);  provided  that any such
later date  requested  by a  Participant  shall be requested in writing not less
than one year prior to the Retirement Date and such  commencement  date shall be
not earlier than five years from the Retirement Date. The payments will continue
to be  paid on the  first  business  day of  each  subsequent  month  until  all
scheduled  payments are made to the  Participant or the  Beneficiary.  Except as
provided at Article II, Sections 2.2, 2.3, and 2.5 herein,  upon a Participant's
termination  from  service as a Director of the Savings Bank prior to his or her
Retirement  Date,  the Savings Bank shall have no financial  obligations  to the
Participant under the Plan.

         2.2      Change in Control.

                           (a)  Benefits  payable  to  a  Participant  that  has
                  terminated  from service as a Director  prior to the date of a
                  Change in  Control  of the  Savings  Bank  shall  nevertheless
                  remain  payable  thereafter  without  regard to such Change in
                  Control.  However,  upon  a  Change  in  Control,  all  future
                  benefits  payable  pursuant to Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.5
                  of the Plan,  shall be made in a lump sum payment equal to the
                  present  value  of  all  future   benefits   payable  to  such
                  Participant.  The  interest  rate in effect  for a 3 year U.S.
                  Treasury  Note on the date of the lump  sum  payment  shall be
                  used for purposes of calculating  the present value of amounts
                  payable in accordance with Section 2.4.


                           (b)  A  Participant  that  has  not  terminated  from
                  service as a  Director  prior to the date of Change in Control
                  of the  Savings  Bank  shall,  as of the date of a  Change  in
                  Control,  be presumed to have  completed  not less than twenty
                  (20) years of service  and  attained  the age of not less than
                  65, and such  Participant  shall be  eligible  to receive  the
                  Retirement  Benefit  Amount set forth  herein at  Article  II,
                  Section  2.4  immediately  upon  termination  of  service as a
                  Director  following  the date of a Change in  Control  without
                  regard  to  the  actual  years  of  service  or  age  of  such
                  Participant,   if  less  than  that  provided   herein.   Such
                  Retirement Benefit Amount shall be paid at the election of the
                  Participant  in the  form of a lump sum  payment  equal to the
                  present value of the  Retirement  Benefit Amount payable under
                  Section 2.4 discounted as provided at Section 2.2(a).  Payment
                  of the lump sum  amount  shall be made to the  Participant  as
                  soon as practicable after the  Participant's  termination from
                  service following a Change in Control.

         2.3 Total and Permanent Disability. In the event of the Disability of a
Participant  prior to the Retirement  Date,  such  Participant  will be paid the
Retirement  Benefit  Amount  specified at Article II, Section 2.4 based upon the
presumption  that such  Participant  shall  have  attained  at least age 65. For
purposes of  benefits  accrual,  such  Participant's  years of service  shall be
determined  based  upon  the  date of  certification  of his or her  Disability;
provided that no benefits shall be payable  hereunder if such Participant  shall
have  completed  less  than ten (10)  years  of  service  as of the date of such
Disability.  Payment of such benefits  shall begin on the first  business day of
the month immediately following the Savings Bank's receipt of a certification of
such Participant's Disability.


         2.4      Level of Benefit Payments.

         (a) A  Participant  who  retires as a  Director  on or after his or her
Retirement  Date and who enters into an agreement  with the Savings Bank to be a
consulting  director of the Savings Bank (in a form similar to that contained at
Schedule A hereto) shall receive the  Retirement  Benefit Amount for a period of
120  monthly  payments,  except as  otherwise  detailed at Section  2.4(b);  The
Retirement  Benefit Amount shall be calculated as a percentage of the sum of the
highest monthly Board retainer and monthly Board meeting fee paid by the Bank to
the  Participant  during  the three year  period  preceding  such  Participant's
retirement from the Board.  Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, in
the event  that the  Participant  receives  compensation  during  the three year
period  preceding such  Participant's  retirement for service as the Chairman of
the  Board  of  Directors,  such  Participant's  compensation  for  purposes  of
calculation of the Retirement  Benefit Amount shall be determined based upon the
compensation  that such Participant  received or would have received for service
solely as a Director and shall  exclude any  additional  compensation  that such
Participant may have received for service as the Chairman above that which would
have been paid for service solely as a Director.

                  Years of Service                Percentage of
                   at Retirement                  Retirement Benefit Amount
                   -------------                  -------------------------

                10 but less than 15                         30%
                15 but less than 20                         45%
                20 or more                                  60%

         (b)  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary,  the Retirement
Benefit  Amount  shall  be  payable  to a  Participant  or  Beneficiary  for  an
additional  period of 24 months for each additional  period of five (5) Years of
Service  completed  by the Director in excess of twenty (20) Years of Service as
of their actual  Retirement  Date; (for example,  the Retirement  Benefit Amount
shall be payable for a period of 144 monthly  payments for those  Directors  who
shall  have  completed  not less  than 25 years of  service  as of their  actual
Retirement Date).

         2.5  Death of  Participant.  Upon the  death  of a  Participant  who is
receiving  benefit  payments  under  the  Plan  prior to his or her  death,  the
remaining  payments  to be made  under  the Plan  (if any)  shall be paid to the
Beneficiary,  during such Beneficiary's  lifetime after the Participant's death.
Upon the death of a Participant who is not receiving  benefit payments under the
Plan prior to his or her death who as of the date of death  otherwise  meets the
requirements of the Plan,  regardless of whether he or she meets the minimum age
set forth at Section  2.1,  the Savings  Bank shall pay to the  Beneficiary  the
Retirement  Benefit  Amount set forth at Article II,  Section  2.4,  during such
Beneficiary's lifetime. If a Beneficiary dies prior to receiving all payments of
the Retirement Benefit Amount,  then the remaining monthly payments will be paid
to such  Beneficiary's  estate,  unless the  Participant  shall have  designated
Contingent  Beneficiaries  in


writing on forms  provided  for this  purpose by the  Committee,  which  written
designations  may be changed from time to time by similar  written notice to the
Committee.  Such  written  designations  shall  only be  effective  upon  actual
delivery to and acknowledgment by the Committee.  References to beneficiaries in
the will of a Participant shall not be binding on the Plan.

         2.6 Notice of  Retirement.  A director  electing to  participate in the
Plan shall deliver  written notice  ("Notice") to the Board not less than thirty
(30) days  prior to the  actual  Retirement  Date that such  Director  elects to
participate  in the Plan.  Such Notice,  in a form similar to that  contained at
Schedule A hereto, shall specify the date of such retirement from the Board as a
Director  and  the  Participant's  availability  as  a  Consulting  Director.  A
Participant who terminates  service as a Director upon death,  Disability,  or a
Change in Control  shall not be required  to deliver  such Notice in order to be
entitled to receive benefits under the Plan.

         2.7       Section 409A Compliance.

(a)      Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary,  the Committee shall
         make  reasonable  efforts  to  administer  the Plan  and  make  benefit
         payments hereunder in a manner that is not deemed to be contrary to the
         requirements  set forth at Section 409A of the Code and regulations and
         notices promulgated thereunder such that any payments made would result
         in the requirement for the recipient of such payments to pay additional
         interest   and  taxes  to  be  imposed  in   accordance   with  Section
         409A(a)(1)(B) of the Code; provided, however, neither the Bank, nor the
         Committee shall have any responsibility to a Participant or Beneficiary
         with  respect  to any tax  liabilities  that may be  applicable  to any
         payments made by the Plan.

(b)      If any  provision of the Plan shall be  determined  to be  inconsistent
         with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code, then, the Plan shall
         be construed,  to the maximum extent  possible,  to give effect to such
         provision in a manner  consistent with Section 409A of the Code, and if
         such construction is not possible,  as if such provision had never been

(c)      Delay of Payment Commencement to Specified Employees.
         Notwithstanding  any  provision  in  the  Plan  to the  contrary,  if a
         Participant  is  a  Specified  Employee,   such  Participant's  benefit
         payments  shall become first  payable to him or her as of the first day
         of the seventh  month next  following  his or her  Retirement  Date, or
         other  termination of service,  if and only if such  payments,  if made
         earlier,  would  result  in  the  recipient  of  such  payments  to pay
         additional  interest and taxes to be imposed in accordance with Section
         409A(a)(1)(B) of the Code; provide that such payment delay shall not be
         required  in  the  event  of the  death  of a  Participant.  "Specified
         Employee"  shall mean a key  employee  who, at any time during the plan
         year,  is  (i)  an  officer  of  the  Savings  Bank  having  an  annual
         compensation greater than $130,000 (as indexed), (ii) a 5-percent owner
         of Savings Bank, or (iii) a 1-percent  owner of the Savings Bank having
         an annual  compensation  from the Savings Bank  greater than  $150,000;
         provided,  however,  that this subparagraph  shall only be effective if
         the stock of the Bank or a parent corporation is publicly traded as set
         forth at Section 409A(a)(2)(B)(i).


                                   ARTICLE III

                           INSURANCE/OTHER INVESTMENTS

         3.1 Ownership of Insurance.  The Savings Bank, in its sole  discretion,
may  elect to  purchase  one or more  life  insurance  policies  on the lives of
Participants in order to provide funds to the Savings Bank to pay part or all of
the benefits  accrued under this Plan.  All rights and incidents of ownership in
any life insurance  policy that the Savings Bank may purchase  insuring the life
of the Participant  (including any right to proceeds payable  thereunder)  shall
belong  exclusively to the Savings Bank or its designated Trust, and neither the
Participant,  nor any  beneficiary or other person claiming under or through him
or her shall have any  rights,  title or  interest  in or to any such  insurance
policy.  The  Participant  shall  not  have  any  power  to  transfer,   assign,
hypothecate  or  otherwise  encumber  in  advance  any of the  benefits  payable
thereunder,  nor shall any benefits be subject to seizure for the benefit of any
debts or  judgments,  or be  transferable  by  operation  of law in the event of
bankruptcy,  insolvency  or  otherwise.  Any  life  insurance  policy  purchased
pursuant hereto and any proceeds payable  thereunder shall remain subject to the
claims of the Savings Bank's general creditors.

         3.2  Physical  Examination.  As a condition  of  becoming or  remaining
covered under this Plan,  each  Participant,  as may be requested by the Savings
Bank from time to time shall take a physical examination by a physician approved
by an insurance  carrier.  The cost of the examination shall not be borne by the
Participant.  The report of such examination shall be transmitted  directly from
the  physician  to the  insurance  carrier  designated  by the  Savings  Bank to
establish certain costs associated with obtaining  insurance coverages as may be
deemed  necessary under this Plan. Such  examination  shall remain  confidential
among the Participant,  the physician and the insurance carrier and shall not be
made available to the Savings Bank in any form or manner.

         3.3 Death of  Participant.  On death of the  Participant,  the proceeds
derived from such insurance policy, if any, shall be paid to the Savings Bank or
its designated Trust.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                         TRUST/NON-FUNDED STATUS OF PLAN

         4.1  Trust/Non-Funded  Status of Plan.  Except  as may be  specifically
provided,  nothing  contained in this Plan and no action  taken  pursuant to the
provisions  of this Plan shall  create or be  construed to create a trust of any
kind, or a fiduciary  relationship  between the Savings Bank and the Participant
or any other  person.  Any funds which may be invested  under the  provisions of
this Plan shall  continue for all purposes to be a part of the general  funds of
the Savings  Bank.  No person other than the Savings Bank shall by virtue of the
provisions of this Plan have any interest in such funds.  The Savings Bank shall
not be under  any  obligation


to use such funds solely to provide benefits  hereunder,  and no representations
have been made to any  Participant  that such  funds can or will be used only to
provide  benefits  hereunder.  To the extent that any person acquires a right to
receive  payments from the Savings Bank under the Plan,  such rights shall be no
greater than the right of any unsecured general creditor of the Savings Bank.

         In order to facilitate the  accumulation of funds necessary to meet the
costs of the Savings  Bank under this Plan  (including  the  provision  of funds
necessary to pay premiums with respect to any life insurance  policies purchased
pursuant to Article  III,  and to pay benefits to the extent that the cash value
and/or proceeds of any insurance policies are not adequate to make payments to a
Participant or Beneficiary  when such payments shall become due under the Plan),
the Savings  Bank may enter into a Trust  Agreement.  The Savings  Bank,  in its
discretion, may elect to place any life insurance policies purchased pursuant to
Article III into a Trust.  In addition,  the Board may (in its sole  discretion)
place in said Trust such additional amounts as it deems appropriate from time to
time.  To the extent  that the assets of said Trust  and/or the  proceeds of any
life insurance  policy  purchased  pursuant to Article III are not sufficient to
pay  benefits  accrued  under this Plan,  such  payments  shall be made from the
general assets of the Savings Bank.

                                    ARTICLE V


         5.1 Vesting.  All benefits  under this Plan are deemed  non-vested  and
forfeitable  prior  to a  Participant  meeting  the  requirements  set  forth at
Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.5 herein.  All benefits payable  hereunder shall be
deemed  100%  vested  and  non-forfeitable  by the  Participant  upon his or her
meeting the requirements  set forth at Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.5 herein.  No
benefits shall be deemed payable hereunder for any period prior to the time that
such benefits shall be deemed 100% vested and non-forfeitable.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         6.1  Termination.  All the  rights  of a  Participant  shall  terminate
immediately  upon the  Participant  ceasing to be in the  active  service of the
Savings  Bank prior to the time that  benefits  payable  under the Plan shall be
deemed to be 100% vested and  non-forfeitable  in  accordance  with Article V. A
leave of absence  approved by the Board  shall not  constitute  a  cessation  of
service within the meaning of this Section 5.1.


                                   ARTICLE VII

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

         7.1 Other  Benefits.  Nothing in this Plan shall  diminish  or impair a
Participant's eligibility,  participation or benefit entitlement under any other
benefit,  insurance or compensation plan or agreement of the Savings Bank now or
hereinafter in effect.

         7.2 No Effect on Employment  or Service.  This Plan shall not be deemed
to give any  Participant or other person in the employ or service of the Savings
Bank any right to be retained in the  employment or service of the Savings Bank,
or to interfere with the right of the Savings Bank to terminate any  Participant
or such other  person at any time and to treat him or her without  regard to the
effect which such treatment  might have upon him or her as a Participant in this

         7.3 Legally Binding. The rights,  privileges,  benefits and obligations
under this Plan are  intended to be legal  obligations  of the Savings  Bank and
binding upon the Savings Bank, its successors and assigns.

         7.4  Modification.  The  Savings  Bank,  by  action  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  reserves the exclusive  right to amend,  modify,  or terminate  this
Plan. Any such  termination,  modification  or amendment  shall not terminate or
diminish any rights or benefits accrued by any Participant prior thereto without
regard to whether  such  rights or  benefits  shall be deemed  vested as of such
date.  The  Savings  Bank shall give  thirty  (30) days notice in writing to any
Participant  prior  to the  effective  date of any  amendment,  modification  or
termination of this Plan.

         7.5 Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to
the Plan or the breach  thereof  shall be settled by  arbitration  in accordance
with the Commercial  Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration  Association,
with  such  arbitration  hearing  to be  held  at the  offices  of the  American
Arbitration  Association ("AAA") nearest to the home office of the Savings Bank,
unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the Participant and the Savings Bank, and
judgment  upon the award  rendered  by the  arbitrator(s)  may be entered in any
court having jurisdiction thereof.


         7.6  Limitation.  No rights of any  Participant  are  assignable by any
Participant  or  Beneficiary,  in whole  or in  part,  either  by  voluntary  or
involuntary  act  or by  operation  of  law.  The  rights  of a  Participant  or
Beneficiary  hereunder  are  not  subject  to  anticipation,  alienation,  sale,
transfer,  assignment,  pledge,  hypothecation,  encumbrance  or  garnishment by
creditors of the Participant or  Beneficiary.  Further,  a Participant's  rights
under  the  Plan  are  not  subject  to  the  debts,   contracts,   liabilities,
engagements,  or torts of any Participant.  No Participant or Beneficiary  shall
have any right  under this Plan or right  against  any assets  held or  acquired
pursuant thereto other than the rights of a general,  unsecured  creditor of the
Savings Bank  pursuant to the  unsecured  promise of the Savings Bank to pay the
benefits  accrued  hereunder  in  accordance  with the terms of this  Plan.  The
Savings Bank has no obligation  under this Plan to fund or otherwise  secure its
obligations to render  payments  hereunder to a Participant or  Beneficiary.  No
Participant or Beneficiary shall have any discretion in the use, disposition, or
investment  of any asset  acquired or set aside by the  Savings  Bank to provide
benefits under this Plan.

         7.7 ERISA and IRC  Disclaimer.  It is intended that the Plan be neither
an "employee  welfare  benefit plan" nor an "employee  pension benefit plan" for
purposes of the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as amended
("ERISA").  Further, it is intended that the Plan will not cause the interest of
a  Participant  under  the Plan to be  includable  in the  gross  income of such
Participant prior to the actual receipt of a payment under the Plan for purposes
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("IRC").

         7.8      Regulatory Matters.

         (a) The  Participant  or  Beneficiary  shall  have no right to  receive
compensation  or other benefits in accordance with the Plan for any period after
termination  of service  for Just  Cause.  Termination  for "Just  Cause"  shall
include   termination   because  of  the  Participant's   personal   dishonesty,
incompetence,  willful  misconduct,  breach of fiduciary duty involving personal
profit,  intentional failure to perform stated duties,  willful violation of any
law, rule or regulation  (other than traffic  violations or similar offenses) or
final cease-and-desist order, or material breach of any provision of the Plan.

         (b) Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, any payments made
to a  Participant  or  Beneficiary  pursuant to the Plan shall be subject to and
conditioned   upon  compliance  with  12  USC  ss.1828(k)  and  any  regulations
promulgated thereunder.

         7.9  Incompetency.  If the  Savings  Bank shall find that any person to
whom any payment is payable  under the Plan is deemed  unable to care for his or
her personal  affairs because of illness or accident,  any payment due (unless a
prior  claim  therefor  shall  have  been  made  by a duly  appointed  guardian,
committee or other legal  representative)  may be paid to the spouse, a child, a
parent,  or a brother or sister,  or to any person deemed by the Savings Bank to
have incurred  expense for such person  otherwise  entitled to payment,  in such
manner and  proportions as the Board may determine in its sole  discretion.  Any
such payments shall  constitute a complete  discharge of the  liabilities of the
Savings Bank under the Plan.


         7.10 Construction. The Committee shall have full power and authority to
interpret, construe and administer this Plan and the Committee's interpretations
and  construction  thereof,  and  actions  thereunder,   shall  be  binding  and
conclusive on all persons for all purposes.  Directors of the Savings Bank shall
not be liable to any person for any action taken or omitted in  connection  with
the interpretation and administration of this Plan unless attributable to his or
her own willful, gross misconduct or lack of good faith.

         7.11  Plan  Administration.   The  Board  shall  administer  the  Plan;
provided, however, that the Board may appoint an administrative committee (i.e.,
the Committee) to provide administrative  services or perform duties required by
this Plan.  The  Committee  shall have only the  authority  granted to it by the

         7.12 Governing Law. This Plan shall be construed in accordance with and
governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey ("State"),  except to the extent
that federal law shall be deemed to apply.

         7.13  Successors  and  Assigns.  The  Plan  shall be  binding  upon any
successor or successors of the Savings Bank,  and unless  clearly  inapplicable,
reference herein to the Savings Bank shall be deemed to include any successor or
successors of the Savings Bank.

         7.14 Sole Agreement.  The Plan expresses,  embodies, and supersedes all
previous agreements,  understandings,  and commitments, whether written or oral,
between the Savings Bank and any Participants hereto with respect to the subject
matter hereof.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Savings Bank has caused the Plan,  as amended
and restated, to be executed by its duly authorized officer.

                                         Millington Savings Bank

___________________                      By:     _______________________________
                                         Title:  _______________________________

___________________                      _______________________________________
Date                                     Witness

                                   SCHEDULE A

                             MILLINGTON SAVINGS BANK
                             MILLINGTON, NEW JERSEY



         WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Millington Savings Bank, Millington,
New Jersey ("Savings Bank") has previously  adopted the Millington  Savings Bank
Directors Consultation and Retirement Plan ("Plan"); and

         WHEREAS,  upon  retirement  as a  Director,  I am  eligible to elect to
participate in the Plan.

         My signature  below hereby  evidences my request to the Savings Bank of
my election to participate in the Plan, as follows:

          1.   This election to  participate  in the Plan is being  delivered to
               the Savings Bank effective ________________;

          2.   I  hereby  resign  as a  director  of  the  Savings  Bank  as  of
               _____________________ ("Retirement Date");

          3.   Upon retirement from the Board as of the Retirement Date, I shall
               be  appointed  as a  Consulting  Director to the Savings Bank and
               shall be  available  to advise the Savings Bank from time to time
               on business and community relations matters as may be requested;

          4.   As a Consulting  Director, I will not have any specific duties or
               responsibilities,  except as may be  specifically  requested from
               time to time by the Board;

          5.   Compensation  as a Consulting  Director  shall be as specified at
               Article II of the Plan as a consulting  retainer  and  retirement

          6.   Except  as  otherwise   detailed  by  me  in  writing  previously
               delivered to the Bank,  any benefits  payable in accordance  with
               the Plan on or after my death  shall be  payable  to my spouse if
               then  living  and  the  estate  of  my  spouse   thereafter,   if
               applicable.  If my  spouse  should  predecease  me,  then upon my
               death, all benefit payments shall be payable to my estate;

          7.   I hereby  request that benefit  payments shall commence as of the
               first business day of the calendar month immediately following my
               Retirement  Date  or such  later  date  that  may be  elected  in
               accordance  with the  Plan;  provided  that any such  later  date
               requested by a Participant shall be requested in writing not less
               than one year prior to the Retirement Date and such  commencement
               date shall be not  earlier  than five  years from the  Retirement
               Date. I hereby request that benefit payments shall commence as of
               ________________  (but in no event prior to my attaintment of age

          8.   I  understand  that the above listed  items  constitute  the only
               benefits  that shall be delivered to me as a  Participant  in the
               Plan as further detailed in the Plan.

Entered into on such date as noted below:

Accepted:  _________________________________________             _______________
                     Retiring Director                           Date

Accepted:  _________________________________________             _______________
                     For the Savings Bank                        Date