Board of Directors
MSB Financial, MHC
MSB Financial Corp.
Millington Savings Bank
1902 Long Hill Road
Millington, New Jersey   07946

Dear Members:

You have requested our opinion  regarding certain New Jersey tax consequences of
the proposed  initial  public stock  offering (the  "Offering") of MSB Financial
Corp. (the "Company"), a federal stock holding company.

We have examined such corporate records,  certificates and other documents as we
have considered  necessary or appropriate for this opinion. In such examination,
we have accepted,  and have not independently  verified, the authenticity of all
original  documents,  the  accuracy of all copies,  and the  genuineness  of all
signatures.  Further,  the capitalized  terms which are used in this opinion and
are not expressly  defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the
Plan of Stock  Issuance  (the "Plan")  adopted on July 17, 2006, by the Company,
MSB Financial, MHC (the "MHC"), and Millington Savings Bank (the "Bank").

Pursuant to a Plan of Reorganization from a New Jersey State Mutual Savings Bank
to a Federal Mutual Holding  Company dated April 14, 2003, the Bank converted to
the mutual holding  company form of  organization in February 2004 with no stock
offering.  Pursuant to the Mutual Holding  Company Plan of  Reorganization,  the
Bank became a New Jersey stock savings bank, which has all of its stock owned by
the Company,  a federal stock holding company,  which has all of its stock owned
by the MHC, a federal mutual holding company.  Pursuant to the Plan, the Company
proposes, pursuant to the laws of the United States of America and the Rules and
Regulations  of the  Office of Thrift  Supervision  ("OTS"),  to conduct a stock
offering of up to but less than 50% of the  aggregate  of the total voting stock
of the Company.

The proposed  transaction and its federal income tax  consequences are described
in an opinion letter dated  September 12, 2006,  from Malizia Spidi & Fisch,  PC
(the "Federal Opinion Letter") stating that:

     1.   The Company  will  recognize no gain or loss upon its receipt of money
          in exchange for shares of Company Stock (Section 1032(a) of the Code).

Board of Directors                                                            2.
MSB Financial, MHC
MSB Financial Corp.
Millington Savings Bank

     2.   It is  more  likely  than  not  that  the  fair  market  value  of the
          subscription rights to purchase Company Stock is zero. Accordingly, no
          gain or loss  will be  recognized  by  Eligible  Account  Holders  and
          Supplemental Eligible Account Holders upon the distribution to them of
          the nontransferable  subscription rights to purchase shares of Company
          Stock.  Gain  realized,  if any, by the Eligible  Account  Holders and
          Supplemental  Eligible Accounts Holders on the distribution to them of
          nontransferable  subscription  rights to  purchase  shares of  Company
          Stock  will be  recognized  by only in an amount  not in excess of the
          fair  market  value of such  subscription  rights  (Code ss.  356(a)).
          Eligible  Account Holders and  Supplemental  Eligible  Account Holders
          will not  realize any  taxable  income as a result of the  exercise by
          them of the  nontransferable  subscription  rights (Rev. Rul.  56-572,
          1956-2 C.B. 182)

The facts,  assumptions and representations and the federal tax consequences set
forth in the Federal  Opinion Letter are  incorporated in this opinion letter by
reference as if fully set forth herein. References and abbreviations used in the
Federal Opinion Letter are also used herein.

                          SUPPLEMENTAL REPRESENTATIONS

In  addition  to the facts,  assumptions  and  representations  set forth in the
Federal   Opinion   Letter,   you  have   provided  the   following   additional
representations concerning the Offering:

         The MHC,  the  Company and the Bank are subject to and have been filing
         returns and paying tax under the New Jersey  Corporation  Business  Tax
         Reform Act, N.J.S. C54:10A-2, et seq. (the "CBT").


Based  solely on the facts,  assumptions  and  representations  set forth in the
Federal  Opinion  Letter  and the  foregoing  supplemental  representations  and
assuming the initial stock  issuance  occurs in accordance  with the Plan, it is
our opinion that:

         To the  extent  that  consummation  of the Plan will not  result in the
         recognition of gain or loss by the Company and will  otherwise  qualify
         as "tax  free"  under  the Code,  all as more  fully  described  in the
         Federal Opinion Letter, consummation of the Plan will not result in any
         additional tax liabilities under the CBT.

         Except  for  certain  state  adjustment  under  the CBT  which  are not
         impacted  by  consummation  of  the  Plan,  the  CBT  is  imposed  on a
         taxpayer's  net income,  which is deemed to be federal  taxable  income
         before  net   operating   loss   deduction   and   special   deductions
         N.J.S.C54:10A-4. Accordingly, since the CBT is based on federal taxable
         income, the nonrecognition events,  carryovers,  and tax free exchanges
         under federal income tax law resulting from the Plan, all as more fully
         described  in the Federal  Opinion  Letter,  will be afforded  the same
         treatment for purposes of the CBT.

Board of Directors                                                            3.
MSB Financial, MHC
MSB Financial Corp.
Millington Savings Bank

                                    * * * * *

Since this  letter is  provided  in advance of the  closing of the  transactions
contemplated  by the  Plan,  we have  assumed  that  such  transactions  will be
consummated  in  accordance  with  the  Plan,  as  well as the  information  and
representations  referred  to herein.  Any change in the Plan could  cause us to
modify the opinions expressed herein.

The  opinions  expressed  herein are based solely on current New Jersey tax law,
including   applicable   regulations   thereunder,   and  current  judicial  and
administrative authority. Any future amendments to the tax statutes cited herein
or  applicable   regulations,   or  new  judicial  decisions  or  administrative
interpretations, many of which could be retroactive in effect, could cause us to
modify the opinions expressed herein.

We express no opinion  with  respect to the tax  treatment of the Plan under the
Code or any other  law of the State of New  Jersey  not  specifically  addressed
herein or the law of any other state or locality, or to the tax treatment of any
conditions  existing at the time of, or effects  resulting  from, the Plan which
are not specifically covered by the items set forth in this opining letter.

This  opinion  is given  solely  for the  benefit  of the  parties  to the Plan,
Eligible Account Holders,  Supplemental Eligible Account Holders,  Other Members
and other investors who purchase shares pursuant to the Plan, and may not be (a)
relied  upon by any other  party or entity or (b)  referred  to in any  document
without our express written consent.

We hereby  consent to the filing,  in connection  with the Plan, of this opinion
letter as an exhibit  to (a) the Form  MHC-2  filed by the Bank with the OTS and
(b) the  Registration  Statement  on Form  S-1  filed  by the  Company  with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  and  to  the  reference  thereto  in the
prospectus  included in the  registration  statement on Form S-1 related to this
opinion.  In giving such  consent,  we do not  thereby  admit that we are in the
category of persons whose consent is required  under Section 7 of the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended.

/s/Beard Miller Company LLP

Beard Miller Company LLP
Pine Brook, New Jersey
September 12, 2006