The purpose of this 2008 Stock  Compensation  and Incentive  Plan is to
provide  incentives  and  rewards to  officers,  employees  and  directors  that
contribute to the success and growth of MSB Financial Corp., and its Affiliates,
and to assist these entities in attracting and retaining directors, officers and
other key employees  with necessary  experience and ability  required to aid the
Company in increasing the long-term  value of the Company for the benefit of its


         "Affiliate" means any "parent corporation" or "subsidiary  corporation"
of the Company,  as such terms are defined in Sections  424(e) and 424(f) of the
Code. The term Affiliate shall include the Bank..

         "Award"  means  Restricted  Stock Awards and/or Stock  Options,  as set
forth in Section 6 of the Plan.

         "Bank" means Millington Savings Bank, and any successors thereto.

         "Beneficiary" means the person or persons designated by the Participant
to  receive  any  benefits   payable  under  the  Plan  in  the  event  of  such
Participant's  death.  Such person or persons  shall be designated in writing by
the  Participant and addressed to the Company or the Committee on forms provided
for  this  purpose  by  the  Committee,  and  delivered  to the  Company  or the
Committee.  Such  Beneficiary  designation  may be changed  from time to time by
similar written notice to the Committee. A Participant's last will and testament
or  any  codicil  thereto  shall  not  constitute   written   designation  of  a
Beneficiary.  In the absence of such written designation,  the Beneficiary shall
be the  Participant's  surviving  spouse,  if any, or if none, the Participant's

         "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of the Company.

         "Cause"   means  the   personal   dishonesty,   incompetence,   willful
misconduct,  breach of fiduciary duty involving  personal  profits,  intentional
failure to perform stated duties,  willful violation of a material  provision of
any law, rule or regulation (other than traffic violations and similar offense),
or a material  violation of a final  cease-and-desist  order or any other action
which results in a substantial financial loss to the Company or its Affiliates.

         "Change in  Control"  shall  mean:  (i) the sale of all,  or a material
portion,  of the  assets of the  Company or its  Affiliates;  (ii) the merger or
recapitalization of the Company whereby the Company is not the surviving entity;
(iii) a change in control of the Company,  as otherwise defined or determined by
the Office of Thrift  Supervision or regulations  promulgated by it; or (iv) the
acquisition,  directly or indirectly,  of the beneficial  ownership  (within the
meaning of that term as it is used in Section  13(d) of the Exchange Act and the
rules and regulations  promulgated  thereunder) of twenty-five  percent (25%) or
more of the outstanding  voting securities of the Company by any person,  trust,
entity or group.  This  limitation  shall not apply to the purchase of shares by
underwriters  in  connection  with a public  offering of Company  stock,  or


the purchase of shares of up to 25% of any class of securities of the Company by
a  tax-qualified  employee  stock benefit plan which is exempt from the approval
requirements,  set forth  under 12  C.F.R.  Section  574.3(c)(1)(vii)  as now in
effect or as may hereafter be amended. The term "person" refers to an individual
or  a  corporation,   partnership,  trust,  association,  joint  venture,  pool,
syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated organization or any other form of
entity not  specifically  listed herein. A Change in Control shall not include a
transaction  whereby  the MHC shall merge into the Company or the Bank and a new
Parent of the Company or the Bank is formed.

         "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         "Committee"  means  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company  or the
administrative  committee  designated,  pursuant  to  Section 3 of the Plan,  to
administer the Plan.

         "Common Stock" or "Shares" means shares of common stock of the Company.

         "Company" means MSB Financial  Corp.,  and any successor  entity or any
future parent corporation of the Bank.

         "Director" means a person serving as a member of the Board of Directors
of the Company from time to time.

         "Director  Emeritus"  means a person  serving as a  director  emeritus,
advisory  director,  consulting  director  or other  similar  position as may be
appointed  by the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  or the Bank from time to

         "Disability"  means (a) with respect to Incentive  Stock  Options,  the
"permanent  and total  disability"  of the  Employee  as such term is defined at
Section  22(e)(3) of the Code; and (b) with respect to other Awards, a condition
of incapacity of a Participant which renders that person unable to engage in the
performance  of  his or her  duties  by  reason  of any  medically  determinable
physical or mental  impairment which can be expected to result in death or which
has lasted or can be expected to last for a  continuous  period of not less than
twelve (12) months.

         "Effective  Date"  shall mean the date of  stockholder  approval of the
Plan by the stockholders of the Company.

         "Eligible  Participant"  means an Employee or Outside  Director who may
receive an Award under the Plan.

         "Employee"  means any person  employed by the Company or an  Affiliate.
Directors  who are  also  employed  by the  Company  or an  Affiliate  shall  be
considered Employees under the Plan.

         "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         "Exercise  Price" means the price at which an individual may purchase a
share of Common Stock pursuant to an Option.

         "Fair  Market  Value"  means a) for a  security  traded  on a  national
securities exchange, including the Nasdaq Global market, the last reported sales
price reported on such date or, if the Common Stock was not


traded on such date, on the immediately  preceding day on which the Common Stock
was traded thereon or the last previous date on which a sale is reported;  b) if
the Shares are not traded on a national securities  exchange,  but are traded on
the over-the-counter  market, if sales prices are not regularly reported for the
Shares for the  trading  day  referred  to in clause  (a),  and if bid and asked
prices for the Shares are regularly  reported,  the mean between the bid and the
asked  price  for the  Shares at the close of  trading  in the  over-the-counter
market on the applicable  date, or if the applicable  date is not a trading day,
on the trading day  immediately  preceding the  applicable  date; and (c) in the
absence  of such  markets  for the  Shares,  the  Fair  Market  Value  shall  be
determined in good faith by the Committee.

         "Incentive  Stock Option" means a Stock Option  granted under the Plan,
that is intended to meet the requirements of Section 422 of the Code.

         "MHC" means MSB Financial, MHC, the mutual holding company of the Bank.

         "Non-Statutory  Stock  Option"  means  a  Stock  Option  granted  to an
individual under the Plan that is not intended to be and is not identified as an
Incentive Stock Option,  or an Option granted under the Plan that is intended to
be and is  identified as an Incentive  Stock Option,  but that does not meet the
requirements of Section 422 of the Code.

         "Option"  or  "Stock  Option"  means an  Incentive  Stock  Option  or a
Non-Statutory Stock Option, as applicable.

         "Outside  Director"  means a member  of the Board of  Directors  of the
Company who is not also an Employee.

         "Parent"  means any  present  or future  corporation  which  would be a
"parent  corporation"  of the Bank or the Company as defined in Sections  424(e)
and (g) of the Code.

         "Participant"  means an individual  who is granted an Award pursuant to
the terms of the Plan; provide,  however,  upon the death of a Participant,  the
term  "Participant"  shall also refer to a Beneficiary  designated in accordance
with the Plan.

         "Plan"  means this MSB  Financial  Corp.  2008 Stock  Compensation  and
Incentive Plan.

         "Restricted  Stock Award" means an Award of shares of restricted  stock
granted to a Participant pursuant to Section 6.1(b) of the Plan.

         "Trust"  shall mean any grantor  trust  established  by the Company for
purposes of administration of the Plan.

         "Trustee"  or  "Trustee  Committee"  means  that  person(s)  or  entity
appointed  by the  Committee  to hold legal title to the Plan  assets  under any
Trust for the purposes set forth herein.


          (a)  Committee. The Committee shall administer the Plan. The Committee
               shall  consist  of two or  more  disinterested  directors  of the
               Company,  who shall be  appointed  by the Board of  Directors.  A
               member  of  the  Board  of  Directors   shall  be  deemed  to  be
               disinterested only if


               he or she satisfies:  (i) such requirements as the Securities and
               Exchange  Commission  may  establish for  non-employee  directors
               administering  plans intended to qualify for exemption under Rule
               16b-3 (or its  successor) of the Exchange Act and (ii) and to the
               extent  deemed  appropriate  by  the  Board  of  Directors,  such
               requirements  as the Internal  Revenue  Service may establish for
               outside  directors  acting  under  plans  intended to qualify for
               exemption  under  Section  162(m)(4)(C)  of the  Code;  provided,
               however,   a  failure  to  comply   with  the   requirements   of
               subparagraphs (i) and (ii) shall not disqualify any actions taken
               by the  Committee.  A  majority  of the  entire  Committee  shall
               constitute  a quorum and the action of a majority  of the members
               present  at any  meeting  at which a quorum is  present  shall be
               deemed the action of the Committee. In no event may the Committee
               revoke outstanding Awards without the consent of the Participant.
               All  decisions,   determinations   and   interpretations  of  the
               Committee  shall be final and conclusive on all persons  affected

          (b)  Authority of Committee.  Subject to paragraph (a) of this Section
               3, the Committee shall:

               (i)  select the  individuals  who are to receive grants of Awards
                    under the Plan;
               (ii) determine   the   type,   number,    vesting   requirements,
                    acceleration of vesting and other features and conditions of
                    Awards made under the Plan;
               (iii) interpret the Plan and Award Agreements (as defined below);
               (iv) make all  other  decisions  and  determinations  that may be
                    required or as the  Committee  deems  necessary or advisable
                    related to the operation of the Plan.

          (c)  Awards. Each Award granted under the Plan shall be evidenced by a
               written  agreement  (i.e.,  an  "Award  Agreement").  Each  Award
               Agreement shall constitute a binding contract between the Company
               or an Affiliate and the Participant, and every Participant,  upon
               acceptance of an Award Agreement, shall be bound by the terms and
               restrictions  of the Plan and the Award  Agreement.  The terms of
               each Award  Agreement  shall be set in accordance  with the Plan,
               but  each  Award   Agreement  may  also  include  any  additional
               provisions  and  restrictions  determined  by the  Committee.  In
               particular,  and at a minimum,  the Committee  shall set forth in
               each Award Agreement:

               (i)  the type of Award  granted;
               (ii) the Exercise Price for any Option;
               (iii) the number of shares or rights subject to the Award;
               (iv) the expiration date of the Award;
               (v)  the  manner,  time and rate  (cumulative  or  otherwise)  of
                    exercise or vesting of the Award; and
               (vi) the  restrictions,  if any,  placed  on the  Award,  or upon
                    shares  which may be issued upon the  exercise or vesting of
                    the Award.

               The Chairman of the Committee and/or the President of the Company
               are hereby  authorized to execute  Award  Agreements on behalf of
               the Company or an Affiliate  and to cause them to be delivered to
               the Participants granted Awards under the Plan.

               (d)  Six-Month Holding Period.  Subject to vesting  requirements,
                    if applicable, except in the event of death or Disability of
                    the  Participant  or a Change in Control of the  Company,  a


                    minimum of six months  must  elapse  between the date of the
                    grant of an  Option  and the date of the sale of the  Common
                    Stock received through the exercise of such Option.


         Subject to the terms of the Plan,  Employees and Outside Directors,  as
the Committee  shall  determine from time to time,  shall be eligible to receive
Awards in accordance with the Plan.


         5.1  Shares  Available.  Subject  to the  provisions  of Section 7, the
Common  Stock  that may be  delivered  under  this  Plan  shall be shares of the
Company's authorized but unissued Common Stock, shares of Common Stock purchased
in the  open-market  by the  Company or any Trust  established  for  purposes of
administration  of the Plan and any  shares of  Common  Stock  held as  treasury

         5.2 Share Limits. The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may
be  delivered  pursuant to Awards  granted  under this Plan (the "Share  Limit")
equals 385,574  shares.  The following  limits also apply with respect to Awards
granted under this Plan:

         (a)      The  maximum  number of shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be
                  delivered  pursuant to the exercise of Stock  Options  granted
                  under this Plan is 275,410 shares.

         (b)      The  maximum  number of shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be
                  delivered  pursuant to Restricted  Stock Awards  granted under
                  this Plan is 110,164 shares.

         5.3 Awards Settled in Cash, Reissue of Awards and Shares. To the extent
that an Award is settled in cash or a form other than shares of Common Stock, or
if shares of Common Stock are withheld from an Award for tax purposes,  then the
shares  that  would  have been  delivered  had there  been no such cash or other
settlement shall be counted against the shares available for issuance under this
Plan.  Shares  that are subject to or underlie  Awards  which  expire or for any
reason are  cancelled or  terminated,  are  forfeited,  fail to vest, or for any
other reason are not paid or delivered  under this Plan shall again be available
for subsequent Awards under this Plan.

         5.4 Reservation of Shares;  No Fractional  Shares;  Minimum Issue.  The
Company shall at all times reserve a number of shares of Common Stock sufficient
to cover the Company's obligations and contingent  obligations to deliver shares
with respect to Awards then  outstanding  under this Plan. No fractional  shares
shall be delivered  under this Plan.  The  Committee may pay cash in lieu of any
fractional  shares in  settlements  of Awards under this Plan. No fewer than 100
shares may be purchased on exercise of any Stock Option  unless the total number
purchased or exercised is the total number at the time available for purchase or
exercise by the Participant.

6.       AWARDS.

         6.1 Except as otherwise  detailed herein, the Committee shall determine
the type or types of Award(s) to be made to each Eligible Participant or Outside
Director.  Awards may be granted singularly, in combination or in tandem. Awards
also may be made in  combination  or in  tandem  with,  in  replacement  of,  as
alternatives  to, or as the  payment  form for grants or rights  under any other
employee or  compensation  plan


of the  Company.  The types of Awards  that may be  granted  under this Plan are
Stock Options and Restricted Stock Awards, as follows:

          (a)  Stock Options.

               The Committee  may,  subject to the  limitations of this Plan and
               the  availability  of  shares of Common  Stock  reserved  but not
               previously  awarded  under  the  Plan,  grant  Stock  Options  to
               Employees and Outside Directors,  subject to terms and conditions
               as it may determine, to the extent that such terms and conditions
               are consistent with the following provisions:

               (i)  Exercise  Price.  The Exercise  Price of Stock Options shall
                    not be less  than one  hundred  percent  (100%)  of the Fair
                    Market Value of the Common  Stock on the date of grant.  The
                    Exercise Price of any Options  awarded during  calendar year
                    2008 or  2009  shall  not be less  than  $10.00  per  share,
                    subject to adjustment  in  accordance  with Sections 8.1 and
                    8.3 herein.

               (ii) Terms of Options.  In no event may an individual exercise an
                    Option,  in whole or in part,  more than ten (10) years from
                    the date of grant.

               (iii) Non-Transferability.  Unless  otherwise  determined  by the
                    Committee,   an  individual   may  not   transfer,   assign,
                    hypothecate,  or dispose of an Option in any  manner,  other
                    than by  will  or the  laws  of  intestate  succession.  The
                    Committee may, however,  in its sole discretion,  permit the
                    transfer or assignment of a Non-Statutory  Stock Option,  if
                    it  determines  that the transfer or assignment is for valid
                    estate planning purposes and is permitted under the Code and
                    Rule 16b-3 of the Exchange Act. For purposes of this Section
                    6.1(a),  a  transfer  for  valid  estate  planning  purposes
                    includes, but is not limited to, transfers:

                    (1)  to a  revocable  inter  vivos  trust,  as to  which  an
                         individual is both settlor and trustee;

                    (2)  for  no  consideration   to:  (a)  any  member  of  the
                         individual's  Immediate Family;  (b) a trust solely for
                         the  benefit of members of the  individual's  Immediate
                         Family;  (c) any  partnership  whose only  partners are
                         members of the individual's  Immediate  Family;  or (d)
                         any limited  liability  corporation or other  corporate
                         entity whose only members or equity  owners are members
                         of the individual's Immediate Family.

                         For purposes of this Section  6.1,  "Immediate  Family"
                         includes,   but  is  not  necessarily   limited  to,  a
                         Participant's parents, grandparents,  spouse, children,
                         grandchildren,  siblings  (including  half brothers and
                         sisters),  and  individuals  who are family  members by
                         adoption.  Nothing  contained in this Section 6.1 shall
                         be  construed  to  require  the  Committee  to give its
                         approval  to  any   transfer  or   assignment   of  any
                         Non-Statutory  Stock  Option or  portion  thereof,  and
                         approval to transfer or assign any Non-Statutory  Stock
                         Option  or  portion  thereof  does not mean  that  such
                         approval  will  be  given  with  respect  to any  other
                         Non-Statutory  Stock  Option or  portion  thereof.  The
                         transferee  or  assignee  of  any  Non-Statutory  Stock
                         Option  shall  be  subject


                         to all of the terms and  conditions  applicable to such
                         Non-Statutory  Stock  Option  immediately  prior to the
                         transfer  or  assignment  and shall be  subject  to any
                         other  conditions  prescribed  by  the  Committee  with
                         respect to such Non-Statutory Stock Option.

               (iv) Special Rules for Incentive  Stock Options.  Notwithstanding
                    the foregoing provisions,  the following rules shall further
                    apply to grants of Incentive Stock Options:

                    (1)  If an  Employee  owns  or is  treated  as  owning,  for
                         purposes  of  Section  422 of the  Code,  Common  Stock
                         representing  more than ten percent  (10%) of the total
                         combined  voting  securities of the Company at the time
                         the Committee grants the Incentive Stock Option (a "10%
                         Owner"),  the Exercise Price shall not be less than one
                         hundred and ten percent (110%) of the Fair Market Value
                         of the Common Stock on the date of grant.

                    (2)  An Incentive  Stock Option granted to a 10% Owner shall
                         not be  exercisable  more than five (5) years  from the
                         date of grant.

                    (3)  To the extent the aggregate Fair Market Value of shares
                         of Common Stock with respect to which  Incentive  Stock
                         Options  are  exercisable  for  the  first  time  by an
                         Employee  during any calendar  year,  under the Plan or
                         any other  stock  option plan of the  Company,  exceeds
                         $100,000,  or such  higher  value  as may be  permitted
                         under Section 422 of the Code,  Incentive Stock Options
                         in excess of the  $100,000  limit  shall be  treated as
                         Non-Statutory Stock Options. Fair Market Value shall be
                         determined  as of the date of grant for each  Incentive
                         Stock Option.

                    (4)  Each Award  Agreement  for an  Incentive  Stock  Option
                         shall  require the  individual  to notify the Committee
                         within  ten (10) days of any  disposition  of shares of
                         Common  Stock  under  the  circumstances  described  in
                         Section   421(b)  of  the  Code  (relating  to  certain
                         disqualifying dispositions).

                    (5)  Incentive  Stock  Options  may  only be  awarded  to an
                         Employee of the Company or its Affiliates.

               (v)  Option   Awards  to  Outside   Directors.   Subject  to  the
                    limitations  of  Section  6.4(a),  the  Committee  may award
                    Non-Statutory  Stock  Options to  purchase  shares of Common
                    Stock to each Outside Director of the Company at an Exercise
                    Price equal to the Fair Market  Value of the Common Stock on
                    such date of grant. The Options will be first exercisable at
                    the rate of 20% on the one year  anniversary  of the date of
                    grant  of such  Award  and 20%  annually  thereafter  during
                    periods of  continuing  service as a  Director  or  Director
                    Emeritus.  Upon the death or  Disability  of the Director or
                    Director  Emeritus,  such Option shall be deemed immediately
                    100%   exercisable.   Such  Options  shall  continue  to  be
                    exercisable  for a period of ten years following the date of
                    grant  without  regard  to the  continued  services  of such
                    Director as a Director or Director Emeritus. In the event of
                    the Director's  death,  such Options may be exercised by the
                    Beneficiary or the personal  representative of his


                    estate or person or persons  to whom his  rights  under such
                    Option  shall have  passed by will or by the laws of descent
                    and distribution.  Options may be granted to newly appointed
                    or elected Outside  Directors  within the sole discretion of
                    the Committee.  The Exercise Price per share of such Options
                    granted  shall  be equal  to the  Fair  Market  Value of the
                    Common  Stock at the time  such  Options  are  granted.  All
                    outstanding Awards shall become  immediately  exercisable in
                    the event of a Change in Control of the Bank or the Company.
                    Unless  otherwise  inapplicable,  or  inconsistent  with the
                    provisions of this  paragraph,  the Options to be granted to
                    Outside  Directors  hereunder  shall be subject to all other
                    provisions of this Plan.

          (b)  Restricted Stock Awards.

               The Committee may make grants of Restricted  Stock Awards,  which
               shall  consist  of the  grant of some  number of shares of Common
               Stock to an individual  upon such terms and  conditions as it may
               determine, to the extent such terms and conditions are consistent
               with the following provisions:

               (i)  Grants of Stock. Restricted Stock Awards may only be granted
                    in whole shares of Common Stock.

               (ii) Non-Transferability.  Except to the extent  permitted by the
                    Code,  the  rules  promulgated  under  Section  16(b) of the
                    Exchange Act or any successor statutes or rules:

                    (1)  The  recipient of a Restricted  Stock Award grant shall
                         not  sell,  transfer,   assign,  pledge,  or  otherwise
                         encumber shares subject to the grant until full vesting
                         of such  shares  has  occurred.  For  purposes  of this
                         Section 6.1, the separation of beneficial ownership and
                         legal title  through the use of any "swap"  transaction
                         is deemed to be a prohibited encumbrance.

                    (2)  Unless  otherwise  determined  by  the  Committee,  and
                         except  in the  event  of the  Participant's  death  or
                         pursuant to a qualified  domestic  relations  order,  a
                         Restricted  Stock Award grant is not  transferable  and
                         may be  earned  only  by the  individual  to whom it is
                         granted during his or her lifetime. Upon the death of a
                         Participant,   a   Restricted   Stock  Award  shall  be
                         transferred to the  Beneficiary.  The  designation of a
                         Beneficiary shall not constitute a transfer.

                    (3)  If the recipient of a Restricted Stock Award is subject
                         to the  provisions  of Section 16 of the Exchange  Act,
                         shares of Common  Stock  subject  to the grant may not,
                         without the  written  consent of the  Committee  (which
                         consent may be given in the Award  Agreement),  be sold
                         or   otherwise   disposed  of  within  six  (6)  months
                         following the date of grant.

                    (iii) Issuance of  Certificates.  The  Committee  shall take
                         such action as is  reasonably  necessary for the prompt
                         issuance  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  to  be  issued
                         pursuant to a Restricted  Stock Award prior to the time
                         that   such   Award   shall  be   deemed   earned   and
                         non-forfeitable, with such stock certificate evidencing
                         such shares  registered in the name of the  Participant
                         to  whom  the  Restricted   Stock  Award  was


                         granted;  provided,  however, that the Company may  not
                         cause a stock  certificate  to be issued  unless it has
                         received  a stock  power  duly  endorsed  in blank with
                         respect  to  such  shares.  Further,  each  such  stock
                         certificate shall bear the following legend:

                                    THE  TRANSFERABILITY OF THIS CERTIFICATE AND
                                    THE SHARES OF STOCK  REPRESENTED  HEREBY ARE
                                    SUBJECT  TO  THE  RESTRICTIONS,   TERMS  AND
                                    CONDITIONS  (INCLUDING FORFEITURE PROVISIONS
                                    AND RESTRICTIONS AGAINST TRANSFER) CONTAINED
                                    IN  THE  MSB  FINANCIAL   CORP.  2008  STOCK
                                    COMPENSATION  AND  INCENTIVE  PLAN  AND  THE
                                    RELATED AWARD AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BETWEEN
                                    THE REGISTERED  OWNER OF SUCH SHARES AND THE
                                    MSB  FINANCIAL  CORP.  THE  PLAN  AND  AWARD
                                    AGREEMENT  IS ON FILE IN THE  OFFICE  OF THE
                                    CORPORATE SECRETARY OF MSB FINANCIAL CORP.

                         This  legend shall not be removed until the  individual
                         becomes vested in such Restricted  Stock Award pursuant
                         to  the  terms  of  the  Plan  and   respective   Award
                         Agreement.  Each  certificate  issued  pursuant to this
                         Section  6.1(b)  shall  be held by the  Company  or its
                         Affiliates, unless the Committee determines otherwise.

                    (iv) Treatment of  Dividends.  Participants  are entitled to
                         all dividends and other distributions declared and paid
                         on all shares of Common  Stock  subject to a Restricted
                         Stock  Award  from and  after the date of grant of such
                         Restricted  Stock  Award.   Such  dividends  and  other
                         distributions  shall be  distributed  to the  holder of
                         such  Restricted  Stock  Award  within  30  days of the
                         payment date applicable to such distributions  declared
                         and paid with  respect  to the Common  Stock;  provided
                         that in the event of the forfeiture of such  Restricted
                         Stock Award, all future dividend rights shall cease.

                    (v)  Voting  Rights  Associated  with  of  Restricted  Stock
                         Awards.  Voting rights  associated  with any Restricted
                         Stock Award shall not be exercised  by the  Participant
                         until  certificates of Common Stock  representing  such
                         Award  have  been  issued to such  Participant  and the
                         Restricted  Stock  Award  shall be  deemed  earned  and
                         non-forfeitable. Any shares of Common Stock held by the
                         Trust  prior to such time shall be voted by the Trustee
                         of such Trust as directed by the Committee;  Any shares
                         of  Common  Stock  held by  Company  prior to such time
                         shall be voted by the Committee in accordance  with the
                         stock  power  held by the  Company  applicable  to such

                    (vi) Restricted   Stock   Awards   to   Outside   Directors.
                         Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary,  the
                         Committee may grant a Restricted Stock Award consisting
                         of shares of Common Stock to each  Outside  Director of
                         the   Company.   Such   Award   shall  be  earned   and
                         non-forfeitable  at the  rate  of  one-fifth  as of the
                         one-year  anniversary  of  such  date of  grant  and an
                         additional  one-fifth  following  each of the next four
                         successive  years  during


                         such  periods  of service  as a  Director  or  Director
                         Emeritus.  Such Award shall be immediately  100% earned
                         and  non-forfeitable  in  the  event  of the  death  or
                         Disability  of  such  Director.  Such  Award  shall  be
                         immediately  100%  earned  and  non-forfeitable  upon a
                         Change  in  Control   of  the   Company  or  the  Bank.
                         Restricted Stock Awards may be granted to newly elected
                         or appointed Outside Directors within the discretion of
                         the  Committee,  provided that total  Restricted  Stock
                         Awards  granted to Outside  Directors  shall not exceed
                         the limitations set forth at Section 6.4(b) herein.

         6.2 Award Payouts.  Awards may be paid out in the form of cash,  Common
Stock,  or  combinations  thereof as the Committee  shall  determine in its sole
discretion, and with such restrictions as it may impose.

         6.3 Consideration  for Stock Options.  The Exercise Price for any Stock
Option granted under this Plan may be paid by means of any lawful  consideration
as  determined  by  the  Committee,  including,  without  limitation,  one  or a
combination of the following methods:

                  (a)      cash,  check payable to the order of the Company,  or
                           electronic funds transfer;

                  (b)      the  delivery of  previously  owned  shares of Common
                           Stock; or

                  (c)      subject  to  such  procedures  as the  Committee  may
                           adopt, pursuant to a "cashless exercise" with a third
                           party who provides  financing for the purposes of (or
                           who otherwise  facilitates)  the purchase or exercise
                           of such Stock Option.

In no event shall any shares newly-issued by the Company be issued for less than
the minimum lawful consideration for such shares or for consideration other than
consideration permitted by applicable state law. In the event that the Committee
allows a Participant to exercise an Option by delivering  shares of Common Stock
previously  owned by such  Participant,  any such  shares  delivered  which were
initially acquired by the Participant from the Company (upon exercise of a stock
option or otherwise)  must have been owned by the  Participant  for at least six
months  prior to such date of  delivery.  Shares of Common Stock used to satisfy
the  Exercise  Price of an Option  shall be valued at their Fair Market Value on
the date of  exercise.  The Company  will not be obligated to deliver any shares
unless and until it receives full payment of the Exercise  Price and any related
withholding  obligations  under  Section 9.5 have been  satisfied,  or until any
other  conditions  applicable  to exercise or purchase have been  satisfied.  No
Shares of Common Stock shall be issued  until full payment has been  received by
the Company, and no Participant shall have any of the rights of a stockholder of
the Company  until  shares of Common  Stock are issued upon the exercise of such
Stock Options.  Unless  expressly  provided  otherwise in the  applicable  Award
Agreement, the Committee may at any time within its sole discretion eliminate or
limit a Participant's ability to pay the purchase or Exercise Price of any Award
by any method other than a cash payment to the Company.

6.4      Limitations on Awards.

          (a)  Stock Option Award Limitations.  In no event shall Shares subject
               to Options  granted to Outside  Directors in the aggregate  under
               this Plan  exceed  more  than 35% of the  total  number of shares
               authorized  for  delivery  under this Plan with  respect to Stock
               Options or exceed more than 7% of such  shares to any  individual
               Outside Director  pursuant to Section 5.2(a) herein.  In no event
               shall Shares  subject to


               Options  granted to any single  Employee  exceed more than 25% of
               the total number of shares authorized for delivery under the Plan
               pursuant to Section 5.2(a) herein.

          (b)  Restricted  Stock Award  Limitations.  In no event  shall  shares
               subject to Restricted  Stock Awards granted to Outside  Directors
               in the aggregate under this Plan exceed more than 35%of the total
               number of shares  authorized  for  delivery  under this Plan with
               respect to Restricted  Stock Awards or exceed more than 7% to any
               individual Outside Director pursuant to Section 5.2(b) herein. In
               no event shall shares subject to Restricted  Stock Awards granted
               to any single  Employee  exceed more than 25% of the total number
               of shares  authorized  for  delivery  under the Plan  pursuant to
               Section 5.2(b) herein.

          (c)  Vesting of Awards.  Except as otherwise  provided by the terms of
               the Plan or by action of the  Committee  at the time of the grant
               of  an  Award,  Stock  Options  will  be  first  exercisable  and
               Restricted Stock Awards will be earned and non-forfeitable at the
               rate of 20% of such Award on the one year anniversary of the date
               of grant and 20%  annually  thereafter  during  such  periods  of
               service as an Employee, Director or Director Emeritus.


         7.1 General.  The Committee shall establish the effect of a termination
of employment or service on the  continuation  of rights and benefits  available
under an Award, and, in so doing, may make distinctions  based upon, inter alia,
the recipient of such Award, the cause of termination and the type of the Award.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the terms of Awards shall be consistent with the
following, as applicable:

          (a)  Termination  of Employment.  In the event that any  Participant's
               employment with the Company shall terminate for any reason, other
               than Disability or death, all of any such Participant's Incentive
               Stock  Options,  and  all of any  such  Participant's  rights  to
               purchase  or receive  shares of Common  Stock  pursuant  thereto,
               shall automatically  terminate on (A) the earlier of (i) or (ii):
               (i) the respective  expiration  dates of any such Incentive Stock
               Options, or (ii) the expiration of not more than three (3) months
               after the date of such termination of employment;  or (B) at such
               later date as is  determined  by the Committee at the time of the
               grant  of such  Award  based  upon the  Participant's  continuing
               status as a  Director  or  Director  Emeritus  of the Bank or the
               Company, but only if, and to the extent that, the Participant was
               entitled to exercise any such Incentive Stock Options at the date
               of such  termination of  employment,  and further that such Award
               shall thereafter be deemed a Non-Statutory Stock Option.

          (b)  Disability.  In the event that any Participant's  employment with
               the Company  shall  terminate as the result of the  Disability of
               such  Participant,  such  Participant  may exercise any Incentive
               Stock Options granted to the Participant  pursuant to the Plan at
               any time prior to the  earlier of (i) the  respective  expiration
               dates of any such Incentive  Stock Options or (ii) the date which
               is one (1) year after the date of such termination of employment,
               but only if, and to the extent that, the Participant was


               entitled to exercise any such Incentive Stock Options at the date
               of such termination of employment.

          (c)  Death. In the event of the death of a Participant,  any Incentive
               Stock Options granted to such Participant may be exercised by the
               Participant's  Beneficiary  or the  person or persons to whom the
               Participant's  rights under any such Incentive Stock Options pass
               by will or by the laws of descent and distribution (including the
               Participant's  estate during the period of administration) at any
               time prior to the earlier of (i) the respective  expiration dates
               of any such Incentive Stock Options or (ii) the date which is two
               (2) years after the date of death of such  Participant,  but only
               if, and to the extent  that,  the  Participant  was  entitled  to
               exercise any such  Incentive  Stock Options at the date of death.
               For purposes of this Section  7.1(c),  any Incentive Stock Option
               held by an  Participant  shall be considered  exercisable  at the
               date of his death if the only unsatisfied  condition precedent to
               the  exercisability of such Incentive Stock Option at the date of
               death is the  passage  of a  specified  period  of  time.  At the
               discretion of the Committee,  upon exercise of such Options,  the
               Beneficiary may receive Shares or cash or a combination  thereof.
               If cash  shall be paid in lieu of shares of  Common  Stock,  such
               cash shall be equal to the  difference  between  the Fair  Market
               Value of such Shares and the  exercise  price of such  Options on
               the exercise date.

         7.2 Events Not Deemed  Terminations  of Employment  or Service.  Unless
Company policy or the Committee provides otherwise,  the employment relationship
shall not be considered  terminated in the case of (a) sick leave,  (b) military
leave,  or (c) any other  leave of  absence  authorized  by the  Company  or the
Committee;  provided that, unless reemployment upon the expiration of such leave
is guaranteed by contract or law, such leave is for a period of not more than 90
days.  In the case of any  Employee on an approved  leave of absence,  continued
vesting of the Award while on leave may be suspended until the Employee  returns
to service,  unless the Committee otherwise provides or applicable law otherwise
requires.  In no event shall an Award be exercised  after the  expiration of the
term set forth in the Award Agreement.

         7.3 Effect of Change of Affiliate Status. For purposes of this Plan and
any Award, if an entity ceases to be an Affiliate of the Company,  a termination
of  employment  or service shall be deemed to have occurred with respect to each
individual who does not continue as an Employee or Outside Director with another
entity  within the Company  after  giving  effect to the  Affiliate's  change in


         8.1  Adjustments  in  Capital  Structure.  Upon  any  reclassification,
recapitalization,  stock split  (including  a stock split in the form of a stock
dividend)  or reverse  stock split  ("stock  split");  any merger,  combination,
consolidation,  or other  reorganization;  any  spin-off,  split-up,  or similar
extraordinary dividend distribution with respect to the Common Stock (whether in
the form of  securities  or  property);  any  exchange of Common  Stock or other
securities of the Company,  or any similar,  unusual or extraordinary  corporate
transaction  affecting the Common Stock; or a sale of all or  substantially  all
the business or assets of the Company in its entirety;  then the Committee shall
proportionately  adjust the Plan and the Awards  thereunder  in such manner,  to
such extent and at such times,  as is  necessary  to  preserve  the  benefits or
potential benefits of such Awards, including:


          (a)  proportionately  adjust any or all of: (1) the number and type of
               shares of Common Stock (or other  securities) that thereafter may
               be made the  subject  of Awards  (including  the  specific  Share
               Limits,  maximums  and numbers of shares set forth  elsewhere  in
               this Plan);  (2) the number,  amount and type of shares of Common
               Stock (or other  securities  or  property)  subject to any or all
               outstanding Awards; (3) the grant, purchase, or Exercise Price of
               any or all outstanding Awards; (4) the securities,  cash or other
               property  deliverable upon exercise or payment of any outstanding
               Awards;  or  (5)  the  performance  standards  applicable  to any
               outstanding Awards; or

          (b)  make  provision  for  a  cash  payment  or  for  the  assumption,
               substitution or exchange of any or all outstanding Awards,  based
               upon the distribution or consideration  payable to holders of the
               Common Stock.

         8.2  The  Committee  may  adopt  such   valuation   methodologies   for
outstanding  Awards as it deems  reasonable  in the event of a cash or  property
settlement and, in the case of Options, may base such settlement solely upon the
excess, if any, of the per share amount payable upon or in respect of such event
over the Exercise Price or base price of the Award. With respect to any Award of
an Incentive Stock Option,  the Committee may make an adjustment that causes the
Option to cease to qualify as an Incentive  Stock Option  without the consent of
the affected Participant.

         8.3 Upon any of the events set forth in Section 8.1, the  Committee may
take such action prior to such event to the extent that the Committee  deems the
action  necessary to permit the Participant to realize the benefits  intended to
be  conveyed  with  respect  to the  Awards in the same  manner as is or will be
available to  stockholders  of the Company  generally.  In the case of any stock
dividend,  stock  split or  reverse  stock  split,  if no action is taken by the
Committee,  the proportionate  adjustments  contemplated by Section 8.1(a) above
shall nevertheless be made.

         8.4 Automatic  Acceleration of Awards.  Unless otherwise  determined by
the  Committee,  upon the death or  Disability  of an Award  recipient or upon a
Change in Control of the Company or the Bank, each Stock Option then outstanding
shall  become  fully  vested  and  exercisable  and remain  exercisable  for its
remaining term and all Restricted Stock Awards then  outstanding  shall be fully
vested, be deemed earned and non-forfeitable and be free of restrictions.

         8.5 Acceleration of Vesting.  The Committee shall at all times have the
power to accelerate  the exercise  date of Options and the date that  Restricted
Stock Awards  shall be earned and  non-forfeitable  with  respect to  previously
granted Awards;  provided that such action is not contrary to regulations of the
Office of Thrift Supervision or other appropriate banking regulatory agency then
in effect.


         9.1 Compliance with Laws. This Plan, the granting and vesting of Awards
under this Plan, the offer, issuance and delivery of shares of Common Stock, the
acceptance  of payment of money  under this Plan or under  Awards are subject to
compliance  with all applicable  federal and state laws,  rules and  regulations
(including,  but not limited to, state and federal  securities laws) and to such
approvals by any listing,  regulatory or  governmental  authority as may, in the
opinion of counsel for the Company,  be  necessary  or  advisable in  connection
therewith.  The  person  acquiring


any securities  under this Plan will, if requested by the Company,  provide such
assurances  and  representations  to the Company as may be deemed  necessary  or
desirable  to  assure  compliance  with  all  applicable  legal  and  accounting

         9.2  Claims.  No person  shall have any claim or rights to an Award (or
additional  Awards, as the case may be) under this Plan,  subject to any express
contractual  rights to the  contrary  (set forth in a  document  other than this

         9.3 No Employment/Service  Contract. Nothing contained in this Plan (or
in any other documents under this Plan or in any Award  Agreement)  shall confer
upon any Participant any right to continue in the employ or other service of the
Company,  constitute any contract or agreement of employment or other service or
affect an  Employee's  status as an  employee-at-will,  nor interfere in any way
with the right of the Company to change a  Participant's  compensation  or other
benefits,  or terminate his or her employment or other service,  with or without
cause. Nothing in this Section 9.3, however, is intended to adversely affect any
express  independent  right of such Participant  under a separate  employment or
service contract other than an Award Agreement.

         9.4 Plan Not Funded. Awards payable under this Plan shall be payable in
shares  of  Common  Stock  or  from  the  general  assets  of  the  Company.  No
Participant, beneficiary or other person shall have any right, title or interest
in any fund or in any specific asset (including  shares of Common Stock,  except
as  expressly  provided  otherwise)  of the  Company  by  reason  of  any  Award
hereunder.  Neither the  provisions of this Plan (or of any related  documents),
nor the creation or adoption of this Plan,  nor any action taken pursuant to the
provisions of this Plan shall create,  or be construed to create, a trust of any
kind or a  fiduciary  relationship  between  the  Company  and any  Participant,
Beneficiary  or other person.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Company may
establish a Trust in  accordance  with Section 10 with respect to Awards made in
accordance  with  Section  6.1(b)  herein.  To the  extent  that a  Participant,
Beneficiary or other person acquires a right to receive payment  pursuant to any
Award hereunder,  such right shall be no greater than the right of any unsecured
general creditor of the Company.

         9.5      Tax Matters; Tax Withholding.

          (a)  Tax Withholding.  Upon any exercise,  vesting,  or payment of any
               Award,  the  Company  shall  have  the  right,  within  its  sole
               discretion, to:

               (i)  require  the  Participant  (or  the  Participant's  personal
                    representative or Beneficiary, as the case may be) to pay or
                    provide for  payment of at least the  minimum  amount of any
                    taxes which the  Company  may be  required to withhold  with
                    respect to such Award or payment; or

               (ii) deduct  from any  amount  otherwise  payable  in cash to the
                    Participant (or the Participant's personal representative or
                    Beneficiary,  as the case may be) the minimum  amount of any
                    taxes which the  Company  may be  required to withhold  with
                    respect to such cash payment, or

               (iii) in any case where tax withholding is required in connection
                    with the delivery of shares of Common Stock under this Plan,
                    the Committee may, in its sole discretion,  pursuant to such
                    rules and subject to such  conditions  as the  Committee may
                    establish,  reduce the number of shares to be  delivered  to
                    the Participant by the appropriate number of shares,  valued
                    in a  consistent  manner  at  their  Fair  Market  Value  as
                    necessary  to satisfy  the


                    minimum applicable withholding obligation. In no event shall
                    the shares  withheld  exceed  the  minimum  whole  number of
                    shares required for tax withholding under applicable law.

          (b)  Required  Notification of Section 83(b) Election.  In the event a
               Participant  makes an election under Section 83(b) of the Code in
               connection  with an  Award,  the  Participant  shall  notify  the
               Company of such election  within ten days of filing notice of the
               election with the Internal Revenue Service or other  governmental
               authority,  in addition to any filing and  notification  required
               pursuant to regulations issued under Section 83(b) of the Code or
               other applicable provision.

          (c)  Requirement of Notification Upon Disqualifying  Disposition Under
               Section  421(b) of the Code.  If any  Participant  shall make any
               disposition of shares of Stock delivered pursuant to the exercise
               of Incentive Stock Options under the  circumstances  described in
               Section  421(b) of the Code  (relating  to certain  disqualifying
               dispositions),  such Participant shall notify the Company of such
               disposition within ten days thereof.

         9.6      Effective Date, Termination and Suspension, Amendments.

          (a)  Effective Date and  Termination.  This Plan is effective upon the
               later of  approval of the Plan by the Board of  Directors  of the
               Company  or the  vote  of  approval  by the  stockholders  of the
               Company  ("Approval  Date").  Unless  earlier  terminated  by the
               Board,  this Plan shall terminate at the close of business on the
               day before the tenth  anniversary of the Approval Date. After the
               termination of this Plan either upon such stated  expiration date
               or its earlier termination by the Board, no additional Awards may
               be granted under this Plan,  but  previously  granted Awards (and
               the authority of the Committee  with respect  thereto,  including
               the authority to amend such Awards) shall remain  outstanding  in
               accordance  with their  applicable  terms and  conditions and the
               terms and conditions of this Plan.

          (b)  Board Authorization.  Subject to applicable laws and regulations,
               the Board of Directors may, at any time,  terminate or, from time
               to time, amend, modify or suspend this Plan, in whole or in part;
               provided,  however, that no such amendment may have the effect of
               repricing the Exercise Price of Options. No Awards may be granted
               during any period that the Board of Directors suspends this Plan.

          (c)  Stockholder Approval.  The Plan must be approved by a majority of
               votes cast by stockholders of the Company  (including  votes cast
               by MSB Financial,  MHC under Nasdaq rules),  by a majority of the
               total votes of the Company  eligible to be cast (including  votes
               eligible to be cast by MSB  Financial,  MHC) and by a majority of
               votes cast by stockholders of the Company (excluding shares voted
               by MSB  Financial,  MHC) or such  other  approval  vote as may be
               required by the Office of Thrift Supervision.

          (d)  Limitations  on  Amendments  to Plan and  Awards.  No  amendment,
               suspension or  termination  of this Plan or change  affecting any
               outstanding  Award  shall,  without  the  written  consent of the
               Participant,  affect  in any  manner  materially  adverse  to the


               Participant   any  rights  or  benefits  of  the  Participant  or
               obligations  of the Company  under any Award  granted  under this
               Plan  prior  to the  effective  date  of  such  change.  Changes,
               settlements and other actions contemplated by Section 8 shall not
               be deemed to  constitute  changes or  amendments  for purposes of
               this Section 9.6.

         9.7   Governing   Law;  Compliance  with   Regulations;   Construction;

          (a)  Construction.  This Plan,  the Awards,  all documents  evidencing
               Awards and all other related  documents shall be governed by, and
               construed in accordance  with,  the laws of the United States and
               the laws of the State of New Jersey to the  extent not  preempted
               by Federal law.

          (b)  Compliance  with  Regulations.  This  Plan will  comply  with the
               requirements   set   forth  in  12   C.F.R.   Section   563b.500.
               Notwithstanding  any other  provision in this Plan,  no shares of
               Common  Stock  shall be issued  with  respect to any Award to the
               extent that such issuance  would cause the MHC to fail to qualify
               as a mutual holding company of the Bank under applicable  federal
               laws or regulations.

          (c)  Severability.  If a court of  competent  jurisdiction  holds  any
               provision invalid and unenforceable,  the remaining provisions of
               this Plan shall continue in effect.

          (d)  Section 16 of Exchange  Act. It is the intent of the Company that
               the Awards and transactions permitted by Awards be interpreted in
               a  manner  that,  in the case of  Participants  who are or may be
               subject  to  Section  16 of the  Exchange  Act,  qualify,  to the
               maximum  extent  compatible  with the express terms of the Award,
               for   exemption   from  matching   liability   under  Rule  16b-3
               promulgated   under  the  Exchange   Act.   Notwithstanding   the
               foregoing, the Company shall have no liability to any Participant
               for Section 16 consequences of Awards or events  affecting Awards
               if an Award or event does not so qualify.

          (e)  Compliance  with Law.  Shares of Common Stock shall not be issued
               with  respect  to any Award  granted  under the Plan  unless  the
               issuance  and  delivery  of such  shares  shall  comply  with all
               relevant  provisions  of  applicable  law,   including,   without
               limitation, the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the rules and
               regulations   promulgated   thereunder,   any  applicable   state
               securities  laws and the  requirements of any stock exchange upon
               which the shares may then be listed.

          (f)  Necessary  Approvals.  The inability of the Company to obtain any
               necessary  authorizations,  approvals or letters of non-objection
               from any  regulatory  body or authority  deemed by the  Company's
               counsel to be  necessary  to the lawful  issuance and sale of any
               shares of Common  Stock  issuable  hereunder  shall  relieve  the
               Company of any liability with respect to the non-issuance or sale
               of such shares.

          (g)  Representations and Warranties of Participants. As a condition to
               the  exercise  of  any  Option  or  the  delivery  of  shares  in
               accordance  with an Award,  the  Company  may  require the person
               exercising the Option or receiving delivery of the shares to make
               such representations and warranties as may be necessary to assure
               the   availability   of  an  exemption   from  the   registration
               requirements of federal or state securities law.


          (h)  Termination  for Cause.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the
               contrary,  upon the  termination  of  employment  or service of a
               Participant by the Company or an Affiliate for "cause" as defined
               at 12 C.F.R.  Section  563.39(b)(1) as determined by the Board of
               Directors or the Committee,  all Awards held by such  Participant
               which  have not yet been  delivered  shall be  forfeited  by such
               Participant  as of the date of such  termination of employment or

          (i)  Cash Payment in Lieu of Delivery of Shares.  Upon the exercise of
               an Option,  the Committee,  in its sole and absolute  discretion,
               may make a cash payment to the Participant,  in whole or in part,
               in lieu of the  delivery  of shares of  Common  Stock.  Such cash
               payment to be paid in lieu of delivery  of Common  Stock shall be
               equal to the  difference  between  the Fair  Market  Value of the
               Common Stock on the date of the Option  exercise and the exercise
               price per share of the  Option.  Such  cash  payment  shall be in
               exchange for the  cancellation of such Option.  Such cash payment
               shall not be made in the event that such transaction would result
               in  liability to the  Participant  or the Company  under  Section
               16(b) of the Exchange Act and regulations promulgated thereunder,
               or subject the Participant to additional tax liabilities  related
               to such cash payments pursuant to Section 409A of the Code.

          (j)  Certain Regulatory  Matters.  In the event that the Bank shall be
               deemed  critically  undercapitalized  (as  defined  at 12  C.F.R.
               Section 565.4), is subject to enforcement action by the Office of
               Thrift  Supervision,  or  receives a capital  directive  under 12
               C.F.R.  Section  565.7,  then all  Options  awarded to  executive
               officers  or  Directors  of the  Company or its  Affiliates  must
               exercise such Options or forfeit such Options.

          (k)  Forfeiture of Awards in Certain Circumstances. In addition to any
               forfeiture or  reimbursement  conditions the Committee may impose
               upon an Award, a Participant may be required to forfeit an Award,
               or  reimburse  the  Company  for the value of a prior  Award,  by
               virtue of the  requirement  of Section 304 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley
               Act of 2002 (or by virtue of any other  applicable  statutory  or
               regulatory  requirement),  but  only  to  the  extent  that  such
               forfeiture  or  reimbursement  is required by such  statutory  or
               regulatory   provision.   Unless  otherwise   determined  by  the
               Committee,  in the event of a forfeiture of an Award with respect
               to which a Participant paid cash  consideration,  the Participant
               shall be repaid the amount of such cash consideration.

         9.8  Captions.  Captions  and  headings  are given to the  sections and
subsections of this Plan solely as a convenience to facilitate  reference.  Such
headings shall not be deemed in any way material or relevant to the construction
or interpretation of this Plan or any provision thereof.

         9.9  Non-Exclusivity  of Plan.  Nothing in this Plan shall  limit or be
deemed to limit the  authority  of the Board of  Directors  or the  Committee to
grant Awards or authorize any other  compensation,  with or without reference to
the Common Stock, under any other plan or authority.

         9.10 Limitation on Liability.  No Director,  member of the Committee or
the  Trustee  shall be liable  for any  determination  made in good  faith  with
respect to the Plan, the Trust or any Awards granted.  If a Director,  member of
the  Committee or the Trustee is a party or is  threatened to be made a party to
any threatened,  pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil,
criminal, administrative or investigative, by any reason of anything done or not
done by him in such  capacity  under or with  respect to the Plan,  the  Company
shall  indemnify  such person  against  expenses  (including  attorney's  fees),
judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred
by him or her in  connection  with such action,  suit or proceeding if he or she
acted in good faith and in a manner he or she  reasonably  believed to be in the
best  interests  of the


Company  and  its  Affiliates  and,  with  respect  to any  criminal  action  or
proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful.

10.      TRUST.

         10.1  Activities  of  Trustee.  The  Trustee(s)  shall  receive,  hold,
administer,  invest and make  distributions and disbursements  from the Trust in
accordance with the provisions of the Plan and the applicable directions, rules,
regulations,  procedures and policies  established by the Committee  pursuant to
the Plan.

         10.2  Management  of Trust.  It is the  intention of this Plan that the
Trustee  shall  have  complete  authority  and  discretion  with  respect to the
management,  control and  investment  of the Trust,  and that the Trustee  shall
invest all assets of the Trust, except those attributable to cash dividends paid
with respect to unearned and unawarded  Restricted Stock Awards, in Common Stock
to the  fullest  extent  practicable,  except  to the  extent  that the  Trustee
determines  that the holding of monies in cash or cash  equivalents is necessary
to meet the obligations of the Trust. In performing  their duties,  the Trustees
shall have the power to do all things and  execute  such  instruments  as may be
deemed necessary or proper, including the following powers:

          (a)  To invest up to one hundred percent (100%) of all Trust assets in
               the Common  Stock  without  regard to any law now or hereafter in
               force limiting investments for Trustees or other fiduciaries. The
               investment  authorized  herein may constitute the only investment
               of the  Trust,  and in making  such  investment,  the  Trustee is
               authorized  to purchase  Common Stock from the Parent or from any
               other  source,   and  such  Common  Stock  so  purchased  may  be
               outstanding, newly issued, or treasury shares.

          (b)  To invest any Trust assets not  otherwise  invested in accordance
               with (a) above in such  deposit  accounts,  and  certificates  of
               deposit (including those issued by the Bank),  obligations of the
               United   States   government   or  its  agencies  or  such  other
               investments as shall be considered the equivalent of cash.

          (c)  To sell,  exchange or  otherwise  dispose of any  property at any
               time held or acquired by the Trust.

          (d)  To cause  stocks,  bonds or other  securities to be registered in
               the name of a nominee,  without the addition of words  indicating
               that such security is an asset of the Trust (but accurate records
               shall be maintained showing that such security is an asset of the

          (e)  To hold cash  without  interest in such  amounts as may be in the
               opinion of the Trustee reasonable for the proper operation of the
               Plan  and  Trust.  (f) To  employ  brokers,  agents,  custodians,
               consultants and accountants.

          (g)  To hire counsel to render  advice with  respect to their  rights,
               duties and obligations  hereunder,  and such other legal services
               or representation as they may deem desirable.

          (h)  To hold  funds and  securities  representing  the  amounts  to be
               distributed to a Participant or his  Beneficiary as a consequence
               of  a  dispute  as  to  the  disposition  thereof,  whether  in a
               segregated account or held in common with other assets.


          (i)  As may be  directed  by the  Committee  or the Board from time to
               time,  the Trustee  shall pay to the Company any  earnings of the
               Trust  attributable  to unawarded or forfeited  Restricted  Stock

         Notwithstanding  anything herein contained to the contrary, the Trustee
shall not be required to make any  inventory,  appraisal or settlement or report
to any court,  or to secure any order of a court for the  exercise  of any power
herein contained, or to maintain bond.

         10.3 Records and  Accounts.  The Trustee  shall  maintain  accurate and
detailed records and accounts of all  transactions of the Trust,  which shall be
available at all reasonable  times for inspection by any legally entitled person
or entity  to the  extent  required  by  applicable  law,  or any  other  person
determined by the Committee.

         10.4  Earnings.  All  earnings,  gains and losses with respect to Trust
assets shall be allocated in accordance with a reasonable  procedure  adopted by
the  Committee,  to  bookkeeping  accounts  for  Participants  or to the general
account of the Trust,  depending  on the  nature  and  allocation  of the assets
generating such earnings, gains and losses. In particular,  any earnings on cash
dividends received with respect to Restricted Stock Awards shall be allocated to
accounts for  Participants,  except to the extent that such cash  dividends  are
distributed  to  Participants,  if such  shares are the  subject of  outstanding
Restricted  Stock  Awards,  or,  otherwise  held by the Trust or returned to the

         10.5  Expenses.  All costs and expenses  incurred in the  operation and
administration of this Plan,  including those incurred by the Trustee,  shall be
paid by the  Company  or, if not so paid,  then paid from the cash assets of the

         10.6  Indemnification.  Subject to the  requirements and limitations of
applicable laws and regulations,  the Company shall  indemnify,  defend and hold
the Trustee harmless against all claims, expenses and liabilities arising out of
or related to the exercise of the  Trustee's  powers and the  discharge of their
duties  hereunder,  unless the same shall be due to their  gross  negligence  or
willful misconduct.

         10.7 Term of Trust.  The Trust, if established,  shall remain in effect
until the earlier of (i) termination by the Committee,  (ii) the distribution of
all assets of the Trust, or (iii) 21 years from the Effective Date.  Termination
of the Trust shall not effect any Restricted Stock Award previously granted, and
such  Restricted  Stock Award shall  remain  valid and in effect until they have
been earned and paid, or by their terms expire or are forfeited.

         10.8 Tax Status of Trust.  It is  intended  that the Trust  established
hereby shall be treated as a grantor trust of the Company  under the  provisions
of Section 671 et seq. of the Code.
