[Letterhead Lawson and Frizzell]

                               Lawson and Frizzell
                       -- Certified Public Accountants --
                                P.O. Box 3098 CRS
                       2319 Browns Mill Road - Lower Level
                       Johnson City, Tennessee 37602-3098

C. Stuart Lawson, CPA                                   Telephone 423-282-0478
David E. Frizzell, CPA                                  Fax       423-282-9158

                                  April 4, 1997

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

      Pursuant to 17. C.F.R. ss.228.304(a)(3) ("Item 304"), we have reviewed the
language  under the heading  "CHANGE IN AUDITOR" in the  prospectus  included as
part of the Registration  Statement on Form SB-2 to be filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  by SFB Bancorp,  Inc.,  the  proposed  parent  holding
company  for  Security  Federal  Savings  Bank.  We do  not  disagree  with  the
statements contained therein concerning our firm.

                                Very truly yours,

                                LAWSON AND FRIZZELL, CPAs

                                /s/ C. Stuart Lawson
                                C. Stuart Lawson, CPA