Hinds, Lind, Miller & Co.
A Professional Corporation
Certified Public Accountants

9401 McKninght Road                                        PHONE (412) 364-6070
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-6700                          FAX (412) 364-6176
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                         Consent of Independent Auditors

We have issued our report dated August 21, 1996,  accompanying  the consolidated
financial   statements  of  Workingmens  Savings  Bank,  F.S.B.  and  Subsidiary
contained in the  Application  to Convert a Mutual Savings Bank to a Stock Owned
Savings  Bank  of  Workingmens  Savings  Bank,  F.S.B.  and in the  Registration
Statement and accompanying  prospectus of WSB Holding Company. We consent to the
use of the aforementioned  report in the Application to Convert a Mutual Savings
Bank to a Stock Owned Savings Bank of Workingmens  Savings Bank,  F.S.B., and in
the  Registration  Statement  and  prospectus,  and to the use of our name as it
appears under the caption "Experts".

/s/ Hinds, Lind, Miller & Co.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
June 17, 1997