MALIZIA, SPIDI, SLOANE & FISCH, P.C.
                                ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                               1301 K STREET, N.W.
                                 SUITE 700 EAST
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005
                                 (202) 434-4660
                            FACSIMILE: (202) 434-4661

                                                     WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER
July 24, 1998

Board of Directors
Emclaire Financial Corp.
612 Main Street
Emlenton, Pennsylvania  16373

Dear Board Members:

         In accordance with your request,  set forth herein below is the opinion
of this firm regarding  certain federal income tax  consequences of the proposed
merger  ("Merger")  between  Emclaire  Financial Corp.  ("Emclaire") and Peoples
Savings  Financial  Corporation   ("PSFC"),   with  Emclaire  as  the  surviving
corporation, pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization by and between
Emclaire and The Farmers  National Bank of Emlenton  ("Farmers  National"),  and
PSFC and Peoples  Home Savings Bank  ("Peoples  Bank") (the "Merger  Agreement")
dated April 7, 1998. The Merger and its component and related  transactions  are
described in the Merger Agreement and Registration  Statement on Form S-4 ("Form
S-4"), as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 14, 1998, and
thereafter  subsequently  amended.  We are  rendering  this opinion  pursuant to
Section  7.3(e) of the  Merger  Agreement.  All  capitalized  terms used but not
defined  in this  letter  have  the  meanings  assigned  to  them in the  Merger

         The  Merger  Agreement  provides  that,  subject  to the  election  and
allocation procedures provided for therein, each issued and outstanding share of
PSFC Common Stock will be converted  into the right to receive,  at the election
of each  holder  thereof,  a) cash  equal to  $26.00,  b) a number  of shares of
Emclaire Common Stock equal to $26.00 divided by the "Final Market Price," or c)
a combination thereof.  Final Market Price will be the average closing price per
share of the last real time trades of the  Emclaire  Common Stock as reported on
the OTS Bulletin  Board for each of the 30 OTS  Bulletin  Board  general  market
trading  days  preceding  one week  prior to the  closing  date on which the OTS
Bulletin Board was open for business provided,  however,  if there are less than
10 business  days during such period when  Emclaire  Common  Stock trades and on
which  there is a closing  price,  then the  pricing  period  shall be  extended
pursuant to the Merger Agreement.

         Fractional  shares of Emclaire  Common  Stock will not be issued in the
Merger. PSFC shareholders  otherwise entitled to a fractional share will be paid
the  value  of such  fraction  in  cash as  determined  pursuant  to the  Merger
Agreement. Further, in accordance with the terms

Board of Directors
Emclaire Financial Corp.
July 24, 1998
Page 2

of the Merger Agreement,  not less than 55.0% of the outstanding  shares of PSFC
Common Stock will be exchanged for Emclaire Common Stock.

         The following  representations  have been made by Emclaire with respect
to the Merger:

         1. To the  best  of  Emclaire's  and  Farmers  National's  management's
knowledge and belief,  the transaction  will qualify as a statutory merger under
applicable State and/or federal laws.

         2. The fair  market  value  of the  Emclaire  Common  Stock  and  other
consideration  received by each PSFC Shareholder will be approximately  equal to
the fair market value of the PSFC Common Stock surrendered in the exchange.

         3. There is no plan or intention by the PSFC  Shareholders who own five
percent (5%) or more of the PSFC Stock,  and to the best of the knowledge of the
management of Emclaire or Farmers National, there is no plan or intention on the
part of the remaining PSFC Shareholders to sell, exchange,  or otherwise dispose
of a number of shares of Emclaire Common Stock received in the transaction  that
would  reduce the PSFC  Shareholders'  ownership  of Emclaire  Common Stock to a
number of shares having a value, as of the date of the transaction, of less than
50 percent (50%) of the value of all of the formerly  outstanding  stock of PSFC
as of the same date. For purposes of this representation,  shares of PSFC Common
Stock  exchanged  for cash or other  property or  exchanged  for cash in lieu of
fractional  shares of Emclaire Common Stock will be treated as outstanding  PSFC
Common  Stock on the date of the  transaction.  Moreover,  shares of PSFC Common
Stock  and  shares  of  Emclaire  Common  Stock  held by PSFC  Shareholders  and
otherwise sold, redeemed,  or disposed of prior or subsequent to the transaction
will be considered in making this representation.

         4.  Emclaire has no plan or  intention  to  reacquire  any of its stock
issued in the transaction.

         5.  Emclaire has no plan or  intention to sell or otherwise  dispose of
any of the assets of PSFC acquired in the  transaction,  except for dispositions
made  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business  or  transfers  described  in  ss.
368(a)(2)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code").

         6. The  liabilities of PSFC assumed by Emclaire and the  liabilities to
which the  transferred  assets of PSFC are subject were  incurred by PSFC in the
ordinary course of its business.

         7.  Following  the  transaction,  Emclaire  will  continue the historic
business of PSFC or use a significant portion of PSFC's historic business assets
in a business.

Board of Directors
Emclaire Financial Corp.
July 24, 1998
Page 3

         8. Emclaire,  PSFC,  and PSFC  Shareholders  will pay their  respective
expenses, if any, incurred in connection with the transaction.

         9. There is no  intercorporate  indebtedness  existing between PSFC and
Emclaire that was issued, acquired, or will be settled at a discount.

         10. No two  parties to the  transaction  are  investment  companies  as
defined in ss. 368(a)(2)(F)(iii) and (iv) of the Code.

         11.  PSFC is not  under  the  jurisdiction  of a court in a Title 11 or
similar case within the meaning of ss. 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code.

         12. The fair market value of the assets of PSFC transferred to Emclaire
will equal or exceed the sum of the  liabilities  assumed by  Emclaire  plus the
amount of liabilities, if any, to which the transferred assets are subject.

         The  following  representations  have been made by PSFC with respect to
the Merger:

         1. To the best of PSFC's and Peoples Bank's management's  knowledge and
belief,  the  transaction  will qualify as a statutory  merger under  applicable
State and or federal laws.

         2. There is no plan or intention by the PSFC  Shareholders who own five
percent (5%) or more of the PSFC Stock,  and to the best of the knowledge of the
management of PSFC and Peoples  Bank,  there is no plan or intention on the part
of the remaining PSFC Shareholders to sell, exchange,  or otherwise dispose of a
number of shares of Emclaire Common Stock received in the transaction that would
reduce the PSFC Shareholders'  ownership of Emclaire Common Stock to a number of
shares  having  a  value,  as of the date of the  transaction,  of less  than 50
percent (50%) of the value of all of the formerly  outstanding  stock of PSFC as
of the same date.  For  purposes of this  representation,  shares of PSFC Common
Stock  exchanged  for cash or other  property or  exchanged  for cash in lieu of
fractional  shares of Emclaire Common Stock will be treated as outstanding  PSFC
Common  Stock on the date of the  transaction.  Moreover,  shares of PSFC Common
Stock  and  shares  of  Emclaire  Common  Stock  held by PSFC  Shareholders  and
otherwise sold, redeemed,  or disposed of prior or subsequent to the transaction
will be considered in making this representation.

         3. The  liabilities of PSFC assumed by Emclaire and the  liabilities to
which the  transferred  assets of PSFC are subject were  incurred by PSFC in the
ordinary course of its business.

         4. Emclaire,  PSFC,  and PSFC  Shareholders  will pay their  respective
expenses, if any, incurred in connection with the transaction.

Board of Directors
Emclaire Financial Corp.
July 24, 1998
Page 4

         5. There is no  intercorporate  indebtedness  existing between PSFC and
Emclaire that was issued, acquired, or will be settled at a discount.

         6. No two  parties  to the  transaction  are  investment  companies  as
defined in ss. 368(a)(2)(F)(iii) and (iv) of the Code.

         7.  PSFC is not  under  the  jurisdiction  of a court  in a Title 11 or
similar case within the meaning of ss. 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code.

         8. The fair market value of the assets of PSFC  transferred to Emclaire
will equal or exceed the sum of the  liabilities  assumed by  Emclaire  plus the
amount of liabilities, if any, to which the transferred assets are subject.

         In connection with the opinions  expressed  below, we have examined and
relied upon  originals,  or copies  certified  or  otherwise  identified  to our
satisfaction,  of the Merger Agreement,  Form S-4, and of such corporate records
of the parties to the Merger as we have deemed appropriate. We have also relied,
without independent verification, upon the representations of Emclaire and PSFC.
We have assumed that such  representations  are true and that the parties to the
Merger will act in accordance with the Merger  Agreement.  In addition,  we have
made such  investigations  of law as we have deemed  appropriate to form a basis
for the opinions expressed below.

         Based on and  subject  to the  foregoing,  it is our  opinion  that for
federal income tax purposes, under current law:

         1. The Merger will  constitute a  reorganization  within the meaning of
ss. 368(a)(1)(A) of the Code.

         2. No gain or loss will be recognized by PSFC  shareholders who receive
solely  shares of Emclaire  Common  Stock in exchange  for their  shares of PSFC
Common Stock.

         This  opinion  is given  solely for the  benefit of the  parties to the
Merger and may not be relied upon by any other party or entity or referred to in
any document  without our express written  consent.  We consent to the filing of
this  opinion  as an  exhibit  to the Form S-4  filed  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission and to the references to this firm in the Form S-4.

                                         Very truly yours,

                                         /s/MALIZIA, SPIDI, SLOANE & FISCH, P.C.
                                         MALIZIA, SPIDI, SLOANE & FISCH, P.C.