238 ROBINSON STREET, SUITE 202
                          WAKEFIELD, RHODE ISLAND 02879
                                 (401) 789-9995
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                        To Be Held On September 25, 2001

         The undersigned,  as a stockholder of UNITED  DIAGNOSTIC,  INC., hereby
appoints  Irving  Rothstein,  Esq.,  and if he is  unable  to act on my  behalf,
Richard F. Horowitz, Esq., the true and lawful proxy and attorney in fact of the
undersigned to attend the Special Meeting of the  Stockholders of the company to
be held  Tuesday,  September  25, 2001,  at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of Heller,
Horowitz & Feit, P.C., 292 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, New York 10017,
and any adjournment  thereof,  and hereby  authorizes him to vote, as designated
below, the number of shares which the undersigned  would be entitled to vote, as
fully and with the same effect as the undersigned might do if personally present
on the  following  matters as set forth in the Proxy  Statement and Notice dated
August 22, 2001.  Messrs.  Rothstein  and Horowitz are members of the  Company's
special counsel, the law firm Heller, Horowitz & Feit, P.C.



         __ FOR         __ AGAINST        __ ABSTAIN



         __ FOR         __ AGAINST        __ ABSTAIN



         __ FOR ALL         __ AGAINST ALL       __ ABSTAIN

Write the name of any nominee(s) that you vote

THIS PROXY, WHEN PROPERLY EXECUTED,              Dated: August 22, 2001
HEREIN BY THE UNDERSIGNED STOCKHOLDER.           ___________________________
IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE, THIS PROXY              Signature*


This Proxy is revocable and the                  *NOTE:  Please sign exactly
undersigned reserves the right                   as the name(s) appear on
to attend the meeting and vote                   your stock certificate.
in person.  The undersigned                      When attorney, executor,
hereby revokes any proxy heretofore              administrator, trustee,
given in respect of the shares of Company.       or guardian, please give the
                                                 full title as such.  If more
                                                 than one name is shown, as in
                                                 the case of joint tenancy, each
                                                 party should sign.


Proposal No. 1 is a stockholder  proposal made by the following  four holders of
Series A Convertible Preferred Stock: Barras Investment,  Gorra Holding, Agudath
Shalom Banaich Inc. and Mifal Klita.  Management has not taken any position with
respect to Proposal No. 1 and is not recommending  that stockholders vote either
for or against such proposal.

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
X     Filed by the Registrant
___   Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

X     Preliminary Proxy Statement
___   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
___   Definitive Proxy Statement
___   Definitive Additional Materials
___   Soliciting Materials Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12.

                             UNITED DIAGNOSTIC, INC.
                  (Name of Registrant As Specified In Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

X     No fee required.
___   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
         5) Total fee paid:

         Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
         Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1) Amount Previously Paid:_____________________________________________

         2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         3) Filing Party:

         4) Date Filed:______________________________________

                             UNITED DIAGNOSTIC, INC.
                         238 ROBINSON STREET, SUITE 202
                          WAKEFIELD, RHODE ISLAND 02879
                                 (401) 789-9995
                        To be held on September 25, 2001

To the Stockholders of United Diagnostic, Inc.:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,  that a special meeting of the  stockholders of
United  Diagnostic,  Inc.  will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday,  September 25,
2001,  at the offices of our special  counsel,  Heller,  Horowitz & Feit,  P.C.,
located at 292 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, New York 10017.

         The  purpose  of  the  meeting  is to  (1)  amend  the  certificate  of
incorporation  to change the  company's  amended  certificate  of  designations,
preferences  and rights and number of shares of series A  convertible  preferred
stock filed on October 26,  1996,  to change and amend the  conversion  terms of
such series A convertible  preferred shares;  and to change all 2,826 issued and
outstanding  series A  convertible  preferred  shares into  4,281,818  shares of
common  stock,  $.01 par value,  as  provided  in appendix A; (2) ratify a stock
option grant to J. Marvin  Feigenbaum,  the President and Chief Executive of the
company as set forth in  Appendix  B; and (3) elect  three  nominees to serve as
Directors of the company, Class 1 Director until the year 2002 annual meeting of
stockholders,   Class  2  Director   until  the  year  2003  annual  meeting  of
stockholders  and  Class 3  Director  until  the year  2004  annual  meeting  of

         Proposal No. 1 is being put before the Common and Series A  Convertible
Preferred  stockholders  pursuant to a proposal  made by certain  holders of the
outstanding  Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock.  August 21, 2001,  has been
fixed by the Board of  Directors as the record date for  determining  the Common
Stockholders  and with respect to Proposal No. 1 only,  the Series A Convertible
Preferred Stockholders, who are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special
Meeting. If you do not expect to be personally present at the meeting,  but wish
your stock to be voted for the business to be  transacted  at the  meeting,  you
should fill in, sign and date the enclosed  proxy and return it by mailing it in
the  accompanying  postage-paid  envelope to our transfer agent,  American Stock
Transfer & Trust Company, 40 Wall Street, 46th Floor, New York 10005.

                                                By Order of

                                                The Board of Directors

If you cannot be present,  please sign the  enclosed  proxy and return it in the
envelope provided. No postage is necessary if mailed in the United States.

                             UNITED DIAGNOSTIC, INC.
                         238 ROBINSON STREET, SUITE 202
                          WAKEFIELD, RHODE ISLAND 02879
                                 (401) 789-9995


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                        To be held on September 25, 2001



         Proposal No. 1 of the enclosed  proxy has been  prepared at the request
of certain  series A  convertible  preferred  stockholders  for use at a special
meeting of stockholders to be held on Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at 10:00 a.m.
at the  offices of our  special  counsel,  Heller,  Horowitz & Feit,  P.C.,  292
Madison Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, New York 10017.

         The record date for this special meeting is August 21, 2001. The
holders of record of both common stock, $.01 par value, and series A convertible
preferred stock, $.01 par value, as of the close of business on August 21, 2001,
are entitled to vote as a separate class on Proposal No. 1. Only the holders of
record of common stock as of the close of business on August 21, 2001, are
entitled to vote on Proposal Nos. 2 and 3. As of July 1, 2001, there were
682,622 common shares outstanding and 2,826 series A convertible preferred
shares outstanding.

         This proxy  statement and the  accompanying  proxy card are first being
mailed to  stockholders  on or about  August 22,  2001,  to holders of record of
series A convertible  preferred  stock and common stock as of the record date. A
copy of the annual report for the year ended  December 31, 2000, is being mailed
to all  stockholders  with this proxy  statement.  It is not  expected  that any
representatives of our principal accounting firm will attend the special meeting
or be available to answer any questions.

         The  presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  shares of common stock will constitute a quorum for the transaction
of  business  at the  special  meeting.  A majority  of the  common  stock and a
separate majority of the series A convertible  preferred stock, each voting as a
separate  class,  is required for the adoption of Proposal No. 1.  Directors are
elected by a plurality of the votes of the common stock  present in person or by
proxy and  entitled to vote.  Approval  of  Proposal  No. 2 as well as any other
matter  that  may  properly  come  before  the  special  meeting   requires  the

affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the common  shares  present in person or by
proxy and entitled to vote.

         Please note that if you hold shares in "street name" (that is,  through
a bank,  broker or other  nominee) and would like to attend the special  meeting
and vote in  person,  you  will  need to bring  an  account  statement  or other
acceptable  evidence of ownership in common stock as of the close of business on
August 21, 2001,  the record date for voting.  Alternatively,  in order to vote,
you may contact the person in whose name your shares are registered and obtain a
proxy from that person and bring it to the special meeting.

         Under the rules of the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers,
Inc.,  member brokers  generally may not vote shares held by them in street name
for customers unless they are permitted to do so under the rules of any national
securities  exchange  of which they are a member.  Under the rules of NASDAQ,  a
member who holds shares in street name for  customers  has the authority to vote
on  certain  items  if it has  transmitted  proxy  soliciting  materials  to the
beneficial owner but has not received instructions from that owner. NASDAQ rules
permit member brokers who do not receive  instructions  to vote on the proposals
presented in this proxy statement,  other than the stockholder  proposal.  Under
NASDAQ rules, a stockholder proposal is a "non-discretionary"  item, which means
that  NASDAQ  member  brokers  who  have  not  received  instructions  from  the
beneficial  owners  of  common  stock may not vote to  approve  the  stockholder
proposal;  any such broker  non-vote  will have the effect of a vote against the

         Shares that reflect abstentions or "broker non-votes", which are shares
represented  at the  special  meeting  held by brokers or  nominees  as to which
instructions  have not been  received  from the  beneficial  owners  or  persons
entitled  to vote such  shares  and with  respect to which the broker or nominee
does not have  discretionary  voting power to vote such shares,  will be counted
for purposes of determining  whether a quorum is present for the  transaction of
business at the special meeting. Abstentions, therefore, will have the effect of
negative  votes with  respect to any matter  presented  at the special  meeting,
while  "broker  non-votes"  will  have no  effect on any  matter  presented.  If
authority  to vote for the nominee is withheld on a proxy card,  no vote will be
cast with  respect to the share as  represented  thereby  and the outcome of the
election will not be affected.

         The 2000 Annual Report to  stockholders  is a reproduction  of the Form
10-KSB for the year  ended  December  31,  2000,  filed  with the United  States
Securities and Exchange Commission and is being mailed to all stockholders along
with this proxy  statement.  The  financial  statements  contained in the Annual
Report accompanying this proxy statement are incorporated herein by reference.

         Requests for information or documents may be directed in writing to the
attention of Lee Ann DeRita at the company at its principal executive office
located at 238 Robinson Street, Suite 202, Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879.

         The  purpose  of  the  meeting  is to  (1)  amend  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  to change the  company's  Amended  Certificate  of  Designations,
Preferences  and Rights and Number of Shares of Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock filed on October 26,  1996,  to change and amend the  conversion  terms of
such series A convertible  preferred shares;  and to change all 2,826 issued and
outstanding  series A  convertible  preferred  shares into  4,281,818  shares of
common  stock,  $.01 par value,  as  provided in appendix A; (2) both ratify and
approve a stock option grant to J. Marvin  Feigenbaum,  the  President and Chief
Executive  of the  company  as set  forth in  Appendix  B; and (3)  elect  three
nominees to serve as Directors of the company,  Class 1 Director  until the year
2002 annual meeting of shareholders, Class 2 Director until the year 2003 annual
meeting of stockholders  and Class 3 Director until the year 2004 annual meeting
of  stockholders.  Proposal  No. 1 is being put  before  the common and series A
convertible  preferred  stockholders  pursuant  to a  proposal  made by  certain
holders of our outstanding series A convertible preferred stock.

         The Certificate of Designations,  Preferences, and Rights and Number of
Shares of Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  filed on October 1, 1996, as
amended on October  23,  1996,  provides  that the holders of shares of series A
convertible  preferred  stock are not entitled to any voting  rights,  except as
otherwise  provided by law. Section 242 of the Delaware General  Corporation Law
provides that the holders of the outstanding shares of a class shall be entitled
to vote as a class under a proposed  amendment,  whether or not entitled to vote
therein by the Certificate of Incorporation, if the amendment would, among other
things, alter or change the powers,  preferences or special rights of the shares
of such  class so as to  affect  them  adversely.  By  virtue  of the  foregoing
provisions of the Delaware General  Corporation Law, the holders of the series A
convertible  preferred  stock are entitled to vote as a class on Proposal No. 1,
but are not  entitled to vote on  Proposals  Nos. 2 or 3, or on any other matter
that may come before the meeting.  By virtue of the filing of the Certificate of
Designations,  such  Certificate of  Designations  had the effect,  by virtue of
Section  151(g)  of the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law,  of  amending  the
Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation. By reason of the foregoing, any
change in the  Certificate  of  Designations  would in effect be made by further
amending our  Certificate of  Incorporation  and  therefore,  the holders of the
shares of common  stock,  in  addition  to the holders of the shares of series A
convertible  preferred  stock,  voting as a separate class, are entitled to vote
upon such  proposal.  Proposal  No. 1 will  require  the  affirmative  vote of a
separate  majority of both the common and series A convertible  preferred stock.
The  preferred  stockholders  who have made  Proposal  No. 1 own an aggregate of
1,878 shares of the series A convertible preferred stock representing a majority
of the issued and outstanding  preferred  stock. We have been advised that these
preferred stockholders will vote all of their respective shares for Proposal No.
1. In addition,  these preferred stockholders have advised us that they also own
an  aggregate  of 40,110  shares of our common  stock and will vote all of their
common shares for Proposal No. 1.

Solicitation, Voting and Revocability of Proxies

         As of the record date,  an aggregate of 682,622  shares of common stock
and  2,826  shares of series A  convertible  preferred  stock  were  issued  and
outstanding.  Only holders of record of common stock as of the close of business
on the  record  date are  entitled  to notice  and to vote at the  meeting  with
respect  to  Proposal  No. 1.  Each  share of common  stock is  entitled  to one
non-cumulative  vote on  each of  Proposals  No.  1,  No.  2 and No.  3.  Unless
otherwise  directed in any properly  executed proxy timely received,  the person
named  therein  will vote FOR  Proposal No. 1 to amend the terms of the series A
convertible  preferred  stock; FOR Proposal No. 2 to ratify a stock option grant
to J. Marvin  Feigenbaum,  the President and Chief Executive of the company,  as
set forth in Appendix B; and FOR Proposal No. 3 to elect three nominees to serve
as Directors of the company until the year 2002 annual meeting of  stockholders,
all as set forth in this proxy statement.

         Any proxy given pursuant to this  solicitation is considered  revocable
by the person giving it at any time before it is used at the meeting. Revocation
may be effected by a written  notice of revocation of a proxy or if we receive a
duly  executed  proxy  bearing a later  date,  any  earlier  dated proxy will be

         Proposal No. 1 is a  stockholder  proposal  made by four holders of the
series A Convertible preferred stock: Barras Investment,  Gorra Holding, Agudath
Shalom  Banaich  Inc.  and Mifal  Klita.  Management  is not  taking a  position
regarding  Proposal No. 1, and has not participated in any negotiations with the
preferred  stockholders  who have made  Proposal  No. 1 relating to the ratio at
which they propose to have the series A  convertible  preferred  shares  changed
into  common  shares,  or any other terms of the  Proposal.  These four series A
convertible  preferred  shareholders  are paying the costs and  expenses  of the
company relating to the special meeting of stockholders and the proxy statement.
Counsel to the series A convertible preferred stockholders who made Proposal No.
1 are  acting as our  special  counsel.  As  required  by the  securities  laws,
arrangements will be made with brokerage houses and other  custodians,  nominees
and fiduciaries for the forwarding of proxy material to the beneficial owners of
shares held of record by such  persons,  and such persons will be  reimbursed by
the four  preferred  stockholders  for reasonable  expenses  incurred by them in
connection therewith. The preferred stockholders listed above who requested this
solicitation have agreed to pay all costs relating to this solicitation.

         Holders of an aggregate of 1,878 series A convertible  preferred shares
representing  a  majority  (66.45%)  of the  issued  and  outstanding  series  A
convertible  preferred  shares have  advised us that they will vote all of their
preferred  shares for Proposal No. 1. Thus,  under  Delaware  law, the necessary
approval of the preferred stock will be obtained.

Voting  Securities  and  Security  Ownership  of Certain  Beneficial  Owners and

         Set forth  below is  certain  information  as of the  record  date with
respect to (1) the  ownership  of common stock which has been  calculated  based
upon 682,622  shares of common stock  outstanding as of the record date prior to
the adoption of Proposal No. 1 and also calculated  based upon 4,964,440  shares
of common  stock  outstanding  assuming  approval of Proposal  No. 1 and (2) the
series A convertible  preferred stock which has been calculated based upon 2,826
issued and outstanding  shares of series A convertible  preferred stock prior to
the  adoption  of  Proposal  No.  1 by (i) the  series A  convertible  preferred
stockholders  who have requested the preparation and distribution of these proxy
materials;  (ii) each of our directors and executive officers; (iii) the persons
(including  any  "group"  as  that  term  is used  in  Section  13(d)(3)  of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended),  known by us to be the beneficial
owner of more than five  percent of the common  stock;  and (iv)  directors  and
executive  officers as a group.  Except to the extent indicated in the footnotes
to the following  table,  each of the  stockholders  listed below possesses sole
voting power with respect to the securities  listed opposite such  stockholder's


                                                                                          After Adoption
                                   Prior to Adoption of Proposal No. 1                   of Proposal No. 1
                               -----------------------------------------------      --------------------------
                                   Common                 Preferred                 Common             Preferred
                                   Shares   Percent       Shares        Percent     Shares   Percent   Shares
Name and Address                   Owned    of Class      Owned         of Class    Owned    of Class  Owned
- ----------------                  -------   --------      ---------     ---------   -------  --------  ---------
Gorra Holding                        0         N/A          400(1)        14.2%     606,000     12.2%     0
Marta Strasse #137
Zurich, PO Box 8040

Barras Investment                    0         N/A          500(1)        17.7%     757,000     15.3%     0
Schimmez Strasse #1
Zurich, PO Box 8003

Agudath Shalom Banaich          13,700 (1)     2.0%         571(1)        20.2%     865,065     17.4%     0
1621 58th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204

Mifal Klita                     26,410 (1)     3.9%         407(1)        14.4%     616,605     12.4%     0
28 Marwill Street
Downsview, Ontario
M3H 3L3 Canada

J. Marvin Feigenbaum            10,075 (2)     1.5%           0            N/A      260,075 (2)  5.2%     0
238 Robinson Street
Wakefield, RI 02879

David Sterling                      76 (3)     (4)            0            N/A           76       (4)     0
238 Robinson Street
Wakefield, RI 02879

Robert B. Fagenson                  76 (3)     (4)            0            N/A           76       (4)     0
238 Robinson Street
Wakefield, RI 02879

Craig Osborne                   89,963 (5)    19.0%           0            N/A       89,963      1.8%     0
10351 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025

All Officers and Directors      10,227 (6)     1.5%           0            N/A      260,227 (6)   5.2%     0
as a Group (3 persons in

(1) Based  solely upon  information  contained  in a Schedule 13D filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on August 6, 2001.

(2)  Includes  (i) 142 shares of common  stock;  (ii) 647 shares of common stock
held in a trust for the benefit of a minor child; (iii) 779 options owned by the
Feigenbaum Foundation, a charitable foundation; and (iv) options and warrants to
purchase an aggregate of 8,507 shares.  Mr.  Feigenbaum  disclaims  ownership of
items (ii) and (iii). Also includes, subject to the adoptions of Proposal No. 2,
250,000  vested  options  exercisable  for seven  years at $.66 per  share,  but
excludes 250,000 options not currently vested. The 250,000 currently exercisable
options are subject to forfeiture  in the event Mr.  Feigenbaum  terminates  his
Employment Agreement pursuant to the "Change of Control" provision.

(3)  Consists  of  options  to  purchase  76 shares of  common  stock  under the
company's Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan.

(4) Less than 1%.

(5) Based upon a Schedule 13D filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
by Mr. Osborne on May 26, 1999.

(6) Includes the securities discussed in notes 2 and 3.

                              SERIES A CONVERTIBLE
                           PREFERRED STOCK SHAREHOLDER
                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

Amendment of the Certificate of  Incorporation  to change the company's  Amended
Certificate  of  Designations,  Preferences  and  Rights and Number of Shares of
Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock filed on November 19, 1996, to (i) change
and amend the conversion terms of such Series A Convertible Preferred Shares and
(ii) to change all 2,826 issued and outstanding  Series A Convertible  Preferred
Shares into  4,281,818  shares of Common Stock,  $.01 par value,  as provided in
Appendix A.


         Shareholder  Proposal  No. 1  proposes  that the terms of the  series A
convertible  preferred  stock will be  revised to change  each share of series A
convertible  preferred  stock  into  1,515  shares  of  common  stock  effective
immediately  upon  the  adoption  of  Proposal  No 1.  Each  share  of  series A
convertible preferred stock cost $1,000.  Proposal No. 1 would change each share
of series A  convertible  preferred  stock  into  1,515  shares of common  stock
representing  an  effective  rate of value to the common stock of $.66 per share
for purposes of the rate of exchange. As a result, if Proposal No. 1 is adopted,
each  outstanding  share of series A convertible  preferred stock will represent
1,515 shares of common stock. No certificates  or cash  representing  fractional
shares of common stock will be issued to stockholders because of the adoption of
Proposal No. 1. All outstanding  certificates for shares of series A convertible
preferred stock will cease to represent series A convertible preferred stock and
will solely  represent the right to receive  common stock at the rate  described

         Under Proposal No. 1, all of the outstanding shares of series A
convertible preferred stock would be changed into an aggregate of 4,281,818
shares of common stock. If this number is added to the 682,622 shares of common
stock already outstanding, it would result in a total amount of 4,964,440 shares
of common stock outstanding. Assuming Proposal No. 1 is adopted and all series A
convertible preferred stock is changed into common stock, all of the preferred
stockholders as a group, would own approximately 86% of the outstanding common
stock and the four preferred stockholders who have made Proposal No. 1 would own
in the aggregate approximately 57% of the outstanding common stock.

Background and Reason for Proposal No. 1

         On June 1, 1998,  we were  notified by The Nasdaq Stock Market that our
common stock would be delisted from the Nasdaq Small Cap Market, effective as of
the  close  of  business  on June 1,  1998.  The  notification  resulted  from a
determination by a Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel, following a hearing held
on May 14, 1998, to reject the our request for continued inclusion on the Nasdaq
Small Cap  Market.  Our common  stock was quoted on the Nasdaq  Small Cap Market
through May 15, 1998.  We believe that the delisting of our common stock has had
a  depressive  effect upon the market  price of our common  stock and  adversely
affected the liquidity of the common stock because,  subsequent to May 15, 1998,
the common  stock has been quoted in the "pink  sheets"  maintained  by National
Quotation Bureau, Inc., which is not an established trading market.

         Currently, the series A convertible preferred stock is convertible into
such  number of  shares  of common  stock as shall  equal  $1,000  divided  by a
conversion  rate equal to the lesser of (i) 75% of the average closing bid price
of the  common  stock  for  the 5 days  immediately  preceding  the  date of the
holder's notice of conversion or (ii) $1,225.00, subject to certain adjustments.
Since the conversion price of the preferred stock is related to The Nasdaq Stock
Market  bid  price  for the  common  stock,  a  conversion  price  is  presently
indeterminable; consequently, conversions of series A convertible preferred tock
have been suspended.

Effect of Adoption of Proposal No. 1 on Employment Agreement

         The  adoption of Proposal  No. 1 may trigger  certain  rights  which J.
Marvin  Feigenbaum,  our President and Chief  Executive  Officer,  has under his
Employment  Agreement dated May 19, 1999. Mr. Feigenbaum's  Employment Agreement
provides  that,  upon the  occurrence of a change of control,  commencing on the
date of such occurrence and continuing for a period of one year  thereafter,  in
the event of the first to occur of the  termination  of his  employment  for any
reason other than cause,  or his  resignation  during such one year  period,  he
shall be  entitled  to a sum equal to the  balance  of the base  salary  for the
unexpired  portion of the employment plus $208,000  payable in a single lump sum
payment upon the date of  termination  or resignation as the case may be. Change
of control is defined in the Employment Agreement as follows:

          (i) any  "person"  (other  than a  "person"  owning 10% or more of the
          issued and outstanding Common Stock of the Company on the date hereof)
          (as such term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended (the "Act"))  becomes a  "beneficial
          owner" (as such term is defined  in Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the
          Act)  (other than the  Executive,  the  Company,  any trustee or other
          fiduciary  holding  securities  under an employee  benefit plan of the
          Company,  or any  corporation  owned,  directly or indirectly,  by the
          stockholders of the Company in  substantially  the same proportions as
          their  ownership of stock of the Company)  directly or indirectly,  of
          securities  of the Company  representing  25% or more of the  combined
          voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities; or

          (ii) the stockholders of the Company approve a merger or consolidation
          of the Company with any other corporation or other entity,  other than
          (a) a  merger  or  consolidation  which  would  result  in the  voting
          securities  of  the  Company  outstanding  immediately  prior  thereto
          continuing to represent  (either by remaining  outstanding or by being
          converted  into voting  securities of the surviving  entity) more than
          25% of the  combined  voting  power of the  voting  securities  of the
          Company or such surviving entity  outstanding  immediately  after such
          merger or consolidation  or (b) a merger or consolidation  effected to
          implement a recapitalization  of the Company (or similar  transaction)
          in which no "person" (as hereinabove  defined)  acquires more than 25%
          of the  combined  voting  power  of  the  Company's  then  outstanding
          securities; or

          (iii) the  stockholders  of the  Company  approve  a plan of  complete
          liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale or disposition
          by the Company of all or substantially all of the Company's assets.

          (iv) a majority of the current members of the Board no longer continue
          to serve as directors or, in the case of the resignation or removal of
          any current  director,  his  successor is not elected by the remaining
          current directors of the Company.

         The adoption of Proposal No. 1 will result in an  additional  number of
shares  of common  stock  being  issued  by us in excess of 25% of the  combined
voting  power  of  our  presently  outstanding  securities.  By  virtue  of  the
foregoing, Mr. Feigenbaum may have the right, following the adoption of Proposal
No. 1 and for a period of one year  thereafter,  to determine  whether or not he
will  resign  from  the  company  and,  in such  case,  may be  entitled  to the
above-described payments. Mr. Feigenbaum has not taken any position with respect
to Proposal No. 1, nor has he advised the company of his intentions with respect
to the continuation of his employment in the event Proposal No. 1 is adopted.

         The four named  preferred  stockholders  who have made  Proposal  No. 1
developed the idea of  voluntarily  restructuring  the  conversion  terms of the
preferred  stock.  The preferred  stockholders who have made Proposal No. 1 have

advised  us that they  believe  that in order for the  company to  maximize  its
attractiveness,  it is  imperative  that the capital  structure  be adjusted and
there be no  overhanging  shares  of  series A  convertible  preferred  stock or
uncertainty as to what the preferred stock may be converted into.

         The four  preferred  stockholders  believe  that this  amendment  would
benefit all  stockholders  and have  advised that they also intend to vote their
40,110  shares of common  stock in favor of Proposal  No. 1. The four  preferred
stockholders have also advised management that they have no intention of seeking
election to the board of directors or assuming control of management.

         As  indicated  above,  this Proxy  Statement  has been  prepared at the
specific  request of the four preferred  stockholders  and  management  takes no
position as to the merits or  advisability of Proposal No. 1. Management has not
negotiated  the rate at which the series A convertible  preferred  stock will be
changed into common stock. The four preferred stockholders making Proposal No. 1
have agreed to pay all costs  associated with this proxy.  For more  information
about the four preferred  stockholders,  you should review the Schedule 13D they
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission which is available through the
SEC's web site at  www.sec.gov or through the SEC's public  reference  room. The
telephone number for the public reference room is (202) 942-8090.

Exchange of Stock Certificates

         Upon  the  adoption  of  Proposal  No.  1, we  will  send a  letter  of
transmittal to each series A convertible  preferred stockholder of record to use
in  transmitting  certificates  representing  shares  of  series  A  convertible
preferred stock to our transfer agent,  American Stock Transfer & Trust Company,
which will act as the Exchange  Agent.  The letter of  transmittal  will contain
instructions for the surrender of series A convertible preferred certificates to
the Exchange Agent in exchange for certificates  representing 1,515 whole shares
of common stock for every share of series A convertible  preferred stock. No new
certificates  will  be  issued  to a  stockholder  until  such  stockholder  has
surrendered all old certificates together with a properly completed and executed
letter of transmittal to the Exchange Agent.

         Upon proper  completion and execution of the letter of transmittal  and
its  return  to the  Exchange  Agent,  together  with all  series A  convertible
preferred  stock  certificates,  stockholders  will receive a new certificate or
certificates  representing the number of whole shares of common stock into which
their shares of series A convertible  preferred stock has been changed into as a
result of the adoption of Proposal No. 1. Stockholders should not send their old
certificates  to the  Exchange  Agent  until  they have  received  the letter of
transmittal.  Shares not presented for surrender as soon as is practicable after
the letter of  transmittal is sent shall be exchanged at the first time they are
presented for transfer.  No service  charges will be payable by  stockholders in
connection  with the  exchange of  certificates,  all  expenses of which will be
borne by the four preferred  stockholders who have requested that Proposal No. 1
be put forth in this proxy statement.

         A copy of the  Certificate  of  Amendment  as proposed to be revised is
attached hereto as Appendix A.

         The  affirmative  approval of a separate  majority  of the  outstanding
shares of common  stock and a separate  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of
series A convertible  preferred stock is required to approve Proposal No. 1. The
affirmative  approval of a majority of the outstanding shares of preferred stock
is assured by reason of the fact that the four preferred  stockholders  who have
made Proposal No. 1 own, in the aggregate,  66.45% of the issued and outstanding
preferred stock.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2

          Approve Stock Option Grant Agreement for J. Marvin Feigenbaum
                     (Subject to Adoption of Proposal No. 1)

         As an incentive to Mr. Feigenbaum to remain with the company, the Board
of  Directors,  subject to  stockholder  ratification  and  approval,  grant Mr.
Feigenbaum  500,000  options  exercisable  at $.66  per  share,  subject  to the
adoption of Proposal No. 1. Of these  options,  250,000  become  vested upon the
adoption of this  Proposal  No. 2 and the balance  will vest equally on July 31,
2002 and 2003; provided, however, that in the event of a change of control event
following  this special  meeting,  all  unvested  options  will  accelerate  and
immediately vest. The options granted shall expire seven (7) years from the date
it may be first  exercised.  The exercise may be paid in cash or the delivery of
stock  with a market  value  equal  to the  exercise  price.  In the  event  Mr.
Feigenbaum  terminates  his  employment  with the company within one year of the
adoption of Proposal  No. 1, all options  will be  forfeited  by him. The Option
Grant is contained in Appendix B.

         The  affirmative  approval by a majority of the  outstanding  shares of
common stock are  required to approve  Proposal  No. 2.  Management  has made no
recommendation to vote for or against Proposal No. 2.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 3

                              Election of Directors

         Our Amended and Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation  provides for a
classified  Board of Directors with three classes,  designated  Class 1, Class 2
and Class 3. At the special meeting, one of each of Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3
Directors are to be elected,  each to serve until the 2002, 2003 and 2004 annual
stockholder meetings,  respectively,  and until their successors are elected and
qualified.  The number of Directors  comprising the entire Board of Directors is
determined in accordance with our By-Laws. The By-Laws provide for the number of

Directors to be not less than three nor more than eleven in number. The Board of
Directors currently consists of a total of three (3) persons.

         The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the  outstanding  common stock
entitled to vote for  Directors at the special  meeting is required to elect the
Directors.  All  proxies  timely  received  will be voted  for the  election  as
Directors of the nominees specified in the enclosed proxy if no direction to the
contrary  is  given.  In the  event any  nominee  is unable to serve,  the proxy
solicited  hereby  may be  voted,  in the  discretion  of the  proxies,  for the
election of another person in his stead. We know of no reason to anticipate this
will occur.


         Robert B. Fagenson.  Mr. Robert B. Fagenson, age 51, has been a Class 1
Director since 1995. Mr.  Fagenson has, for more than the past five years,  been
President  and a Director of Fagenson & Co.,  Inc., a registered  broker-dealer,
and   Vice-President  and  Director  of  Starr  Securities  Inc.,  a  registered
broker-dealer.  Mr.  Fagenson is a Director of Rent-Way,  Inc., a  publicly-held
multi store retail chain in the rent-to-own industry,  and Intrenet Inc., a long
haul trucking company.


         David A. Sterling.  Mr. David A.  Sterling,  age 46, was elected to the
Board of Directors on December 6, 1994, as a Class 2 Director. Mr. Sterling, for
in excess of seven years,  has been  President  of Sterling & Sterling,  Inc., a
general  insurance  agency.  Mr.  Sterling  holds  a  BBA  Degree  from  Hofstra
University, New York.


         J.  Marvin  Feigenbaum.  Mr. J.  Marvin  Feigenbaum,  age 51, was first
elected  to the  Board of  Directors  in June  1994,  at which  time he was also
appointed our President and Chief Executive Officer.  Mr. Feigenbaum also served
as Chairman of the Board,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Physicians
Clinical Laboratory, Inc., one of our subsidiaries,  from October 3, 1997, until
May 12, 1999,  and as President,  Chief  Executive  Officer and Chief  Financial
Officer of Analytical Biosystems Corporation, another subsidiary, from June 1994
until November 1997. For a period of four years until he voluntarily resigned in
May 1999,  Mr.  Feigenbaum  served as a member  of the  Board of  Directors  and
Vice-Chairman  of  Comprehensive  Care  Corporation,  a publicly  owned  company
engaged in the health  care  business,  previously  listed on the New York Stock

Executive Compensation


                                                ANNUAL COMPENSATION        PAYOUTS
           NAME AND                                         ALL OTHER      ALL OTHER
      ------------------          ----        ------       ------------   ------------
                                                ($)           ($)             ($)
   J. Marvin Feigenbaum           2000       $208,000       $55,212(8)     $55,212(8)
   President and Chief            1999       $255,667(3)    $74,897(5)     $74,897(5)
   Executive Officer (1)(2)       1998       $381,333(6)    $11,784(7)     $11,784(7)
- ---------------------

(1) President and Chief  Executive  and Financial  Officer.  President and Chief
Executive Officer of various subsidiaries.

(2) Includes salaries paid by subsidiaries.

(3) Includes (i) approximately $208,000 earned by Mr. Feigenbaum pursuant to his
employment  agreement and (ii) approximately  $47,667 that should have been paid
to  Mr.  Feigenbaum  during  1998,  but  due  to our  financial  condition,  was
voluntarily  deferred by Mr.  Feigenbaum as a convenience  to us and paid to Mr.
Feigenbaum in 1999 (see note 6).

(4)  Represents  accrued  vacation  paid in cash,  bonus and interest  earned on
payroll  deferred  by Mr.  Feigenbaum  as a  convenience  to us and  paid to Mr.
Feigenbaum in 1999.

(5) Represents automobile allowance,  automobile insurance premiums,  automobile
maintenance  and garage fees,  life  insurance  premiums,  disability  insurance
premiums and relocation expenses.

(6) Includes approximately (i) $208,000 earned by Mr. Feigenbaum pursuant to his
employment  agreement,  (ii)  $208,000  paid to Mr.  Feigenbaum  by a subsidiary
during the 12 month period ended  December  31, 1998,  and (iii)  $13,000 of his
salary voluntarily  deferred by Mr. Feigenbaum during 1997 and paid during 1998;
excludes  approximately  $47,667  that should  have been paid to Mr.  Feigenbaum
during 1998 but, due to our financial condition, was voluntarily deferred by Mr.
Feigenbaum as a convenience  to us and paid to Mr.  Feigenbaum in 1999 (see note

(7) Represents  automobile  allowance,  automobile  insurance  premiums and life
insurance premiums.

(8) Represents automobile allowance,  automobile insurance premiums,  automobile
maintenance  and garage  fees,  life  insurance  premium,  disability  insurance
premiums and long term care insurance premiums.

(9) Represents accrued vacation paid in cash.

Compensation of Directors

         Directors  who are  employees of the company do not receive any fee for
serving on the Board of Directors.  Directors who are not also employees receive
a directors fee of $6,000 per annum,  paid  quarterly,  and an attendance fee of
$500 per meeting  attended.  In addition,  Directors are  reimbursed  for travel
expenses for  attendance  at board  meetings.  Non-Employee  Directors  are also
eligible for an initial and annual grant of stock  options  under the  company's
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan.

1994 Incentive Stock Option Plan

         In August,  1994, the Board of Directors adopted a 1994 Incentive Stock
Option Plan, which Plan was approved and adopted by our stockholders on November
16, 1994. The Plan provides for the issuance of up to 5,000 shares of our common
stock upon the  exercise of options  granted to officers,  directors,  full time
employees and consultants rendering services to us. Under the terms of the Plan,
options  granted  thereunder  will be  designated  as options  which qualify for
incentive  stock option  treatment  ("ISO's")  under Section 422 of the Internal
Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended,  or  options  which  do  not  so  qualify
("Non-ISO's").  Unless sooner terminated, the Plan will expire on August 1, 2004
and options may be granted at any time or from time to time  through  such date.
The  purpose of the Plan is to promote  the  interests  of the  Company  and its
stockholders  by  strengthening  our  ability  to attract  and retain  officers,
employees and consultants by furnishing suitable recognition of their ability to
contribute to our success and to align their interests and efforts with our long
term interests.  The Plan succeeds our 1992 Incentive  Stock Option Plan,  which
has been terminated.

         The Plan is administered by the Board of Directors or by a Stock Option
Committee designated by the Board of Directors, which in either case is known as
the Plan  Administrator.  The Plan Administrator has the discretion to determine
the eligible  employees and consultants to whom, and the times and the prices at
which,  options  will be  granted;  whether  such  options  shall  be  ISO's  or
Non-ISO's;  the periods during which each option will be granted; and the number
of  shares  subject  to each  option.  The Plan  Administrator  shall  have full
authority to interpret the plan and to establish and amend rules and regulations
relating thereto.

         Under the Plan,  the exercise  price of an option  designated as an ISO
shall not be less than the fair market value of our common stock on the date the
option is  granted.  However,  in the event an  option  designated  as an ISO is
granted to a ten percent  stockholder such exercise price shall be at least 110%
of such fair market value. Exercise prices of Non-ISO's may not be less than 85%

of such fair market value.  The aggregate fair market value of shares subject to
an option  designated as an ISO for which any participant may be granted such an
option  in any  calendar  year,  shall  not  exceed  $100,000  plus  any  unused
carryovers from a prior year. The "fair market value" will be the closing Nasdaq
bid price or,  if the  common  stock is not  quoted  by  Nasdaq,  the low bid as
reported by the National Quotation Bureau,  Inc. or a market maker of the common
stock or, if the common stock is not quoted by any of the above, by the Board of
Directors acting in good faith.

         Options may be granted under the Plan for such periods as determined by
the Plan  Administrator;  provided however,  that no option designated as an ISO
granted  under  the Plan  shall be  exercisable  over a period  in excess of ten
years, or in the case of a ten percent  stockholder,  five years. Options may be
exercised  in whole at any time or in part  from time to time.  Options  are not
transferable except to the estate of an option holder; provided, however, in the
case of a Non-ISO, and subject to Rule 16b-3 promulgated under Section 16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and prevailing interpretations thereunder by the
staff of the  Commission,  a recipient of a Non-ISO may, with the consent of the
Plan Administrator, designate a named beneficiary of the Non-ISO in the event of
the death of such recipient, or assign such Non-ISO.

         Except as described below, the Plan Administrator may from time to time
amend  the Plan as it deems  proper  and in the best  interests  of the  Company
without further approval of the stockholders.

         The Board of Directors and the Plan Administrator may not amend certain
features of the Plan without the approval of our stockholders to the extent such
approval is required for compliance with Section 422 of the Code with respect to
ISO's,  Section  162(m) of the Code with  respect  to  Non-ISO's  or Rule  16b-3
promulgated  under Section 16 of the Exchange Act with respect to awards made to
individuals  subject to Section 16 of the Exchange  Act. Such  amendments  would
include (a)  increasing the maximum number of shares of common stock that may be
issued  under  the  Plan,  (b)  materially  modifying  the  requirements  as  to
eligibility  for  participation  in  the  Plan,  or  (c)  otherwise   materially
increasing the benefits accruing to participants under the Plan.

         Options for a total of 2,500 Shares have been  granted  under the Plan,
including  options  for 2,143  shares  granted  directly  or  indirectly  to Mr.

Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan

         In  August,  1994,  the Board of  Directors  adopted  the  Non-Employee
Director Stock Option Plan,  known as the Director Plan,  which was approved and
adopted by our stockholders on November 16, 1994 and amended by our stockholders
on August 27,  1996.  The  Director  Plan  provides for issuance of a maximum of
2,857 shares of common stock upon the exercise of stock  options  granted  under
the Director  Plan.  Options may be granted under the Director Plan until August
1, 2004 to our non-employee  directors (as defined).  The Director Plan provides
that each  non-employee  director  will  automatically  be  granted an option to
purchase 71 shares upon  joining the Board of Directors  (or, for those  persons
who  are  directors  on the  date  of  approval  of  the  Director  Plan  by the
stockholders,  on such  date),  and  options  to  purchase  114  shares  on each
anniversary of the initial date of service or date of approval,  as the case may
be. No options have been granted  under the Director  Plan since 1996 because we
essentially  became  inactive  during 1997 and a market for the common stock has
neither been established or sustained since that time.

         Under the terms of the Director  Plan,  the sum of the number of shares
to be received upon any grant  multiplied by the fair market value of each share
at the time of grant may not exceed $75,000.  All awards shall be reduced to the
extent they exceed such amount. The exercise price for options granted under the
Director  Plan shall be 100% of the fair market value of the common stock on the
date of grant. Until otherwise provided in the Director Plan, the exercise price
of options granted under the Director Plan must be paid at the time of exercise,
either in cash,  by  delivery  of shares of common  stock of the Company or by a
combination  of each.  The term of each  option is five  years  from the date of
grant,  unless  terminated sooner as provided in the Director Plan. The Director
Plan is  administered  by a committee of the Board of Directors  composed of not
fewer than two persons who are officers of the  Company.  The  Committee  has no
discretion to determine which non-employee  director will receive options or the
number  of  shares  subject  to  the  option,  the  term  of the  option  or the
exercisability   of  the  option.   However,   the   Committee   will  make  all
determinations of the interpretation of the Director Plan. Options granted under
the Director Plan do not qualify for incentive stock option treatment.

         Options for a total of 152 shares have been granted  under the Director
Plan, including options for 76 shares to each of Mr. Sterling and Mr. Fagenson.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         In May 2000,  we made a $200,000  investment  for a 7.5%  common  stock
interest in a newly  formed  company  which is  majority  owned by Mr. J. Marvin
Feigenbaum, our chairman and CEO. Such investment was pursuant to an affirmative
vote,  with Mr.  Feigenbaum  abstaining,  by the Board of Directors at a meeting
held April 17, 2000. This corporation has suspended its efforts to implement its
proposed and intended business for the foreseeable future in light of prevailing
market conditions.  The entire $200,000  investment was recognized as a loss for
the year ended December 31, 2000.

The affirmative vote of a plurality of the outstanding common shares entitled to
vote is required to elect the Directors in Proposal No. 3

                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

         A copy of our annual  report on Form 10-KSB,  without the  accompanying
exhibits, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission has been provided with this proxy statement.  Additional
copies of such Form  10-KSB  and/or  the  exhibits  will be  furnished,  without
charge, upon a written request sent to Lee Ann DeRita, United Diagnostic,  Inc.,
238 Robinson Street, Suite 202, Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879. Such request must
set forth a good faith  representation  that, as of August 21, 2001,  the person
making  the  request  was the  beneficial  owner of  common  stock  or  series A
convertible  preferred  stock  entitled to vote at the 2001  special  meeting of

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         As of the  date of this  proxy  statement,  the  foregoing  is the only
business which the Board of Directors intends to present, and it is not aware of
any other matters which may come before the special meeting. If any other matter
or matters are properly brought before the special meeting,  or any adjournments
thereof,  it is the intention of the persons named in the  accompanying  form of
Proxy to vote the Proxy on such matters in accordance with their judgment.


         Proposals of  stockholders  intended to be  presented at the  company's
2002 annual meeting of stockholders  must be received by the company on or prior
to May 28, 2002, to be eligible for inclusion in the company's  proxy  statement
and form of proxy to be used in  connection  with  the 2002  annual  meeting  of

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       DAVID A. STERLING

Dated August 22, 2001


                                   Appendix A

                             UNITED DIAGNOSTIC, INC.
                                FORM OF PROPOSED

                                RIGHTS AND NUMBER
                                  OF SHARES OF

                         Pursuant to Section 151 of the
                        Delaware General Corporation Law

         The  undersigned  President  and  Secretary,  respectively,  of NU-TECH
BIO-MED,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the  "Corporation")  certifies  that
pursuant to  authority  granted to and vested in the Board of  Directors  of the
Corporation  by  the  provisions  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and in
accordance with the provisions of Section 151 of the General  Corporation Law of
the State of  Delaware,  its Board of Directors  has duly adopted the  following
resolutions amending the Certificate of Designation,  Preferences and Rights and
Number of Shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock filed with the office
of the  Secretary of State of Delaware on October 1, 1996 (the  "Certificate  of
Designation of Series A Preferred  Stock").  The undersigned  further  certifies
that no shares of Series A Preferred Stock have been issued prior to the date of
this Amended  Certificate of  Designations.  The  Certificate of Designations of
Series A Preferred Stock is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows:

         RESOLVED,  that  pursuant  to the  authority  vested  in the  Board  of
Directors of the corporation of the Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation,
a series of preferred stock of the corporation be, and it hereby is, created out
of the authorized but unissued  shares of the capital stock of the  corporation,
such series to be designated Series A Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Series A
Convertible  Preferred Stock"),  to consist of 14,000 shares, par value $.01 per
share,  of  which  the  preferences  and  relative  and  other  rights,  and the
qualifications,  limitations or restrictions  thereof,  shall be (in addition to
those set forth in the Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation) as follows:

         (1) Certain Definitions.

         Unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,  the terms  defined  in this
paragraph 1 shall have, for all purposes of this resolution, the meanings herein

         Common  Stock.  The term  "Common  Stock"  shall mean all shares now or
hereafter  authorized of any class of Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share of
the Corporation,  and any other stock of the Corporation,  howsoever designated,
authorized  after the Issue Date,  which has the right (subject  always to prior
rights  of any  class or  series  of  preferred  stock)  to  participate  in the

distribution of the assets and earnings of the  Corporation  without limit as to
per share amount.

         Conversion Date. The term "Conversion  Date" shall have the meaning set
forth in subparagraph 4(d) below.

         Conversion Price. The term "Conversion  Price" shall mean the price per
share of Common  Stock used to  determine  the number of shares of Common  Stock
deliverable  upon  conversion of a share of the Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock, which price shall initially be deemed to be $0.66.

         Conversion Shares. The shares of Common Stock issued or issuable to the
holders of the Series A Preferred  Stock upon  conversion  thereof in accordance
with the terms hereof.

         Current  Market Price.  The term "Current  Market Price" shall have the
meaning set forth in subparagraph 4(g) below.

         Issue Date.  The term  "Issue  Date" shall mean the date that shares of
Series A Convertible Preferred Stock are first issued by the Corporation.

         Purchase Price. The term "Purchase Price" shall mean $1,000 per share.

         Senior Stock. The term "Senior Stock" shall mean any class or series of
stock of the  Corporation  issued  after the Issue  Date  ranking  senior to the
Series  A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock in  respect  of the  right  to  receive
dividends,  and, for the  purposes of paragraph 3 below,  any class or series of
stock of the  Corporation  issued  after the Issue  Date  ranking  senior to the
Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock in respect of the right to receive assets
upon  the  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  affairs  of  the

         Subsidiary.  The term "Subsidiary"  shall mean any Corporation of which
shares of stock  possessing  at least a majority of the general  voting power in
electing the board of directors  are, at the time as of which any  determination
is being made, owned by the Corporation,  whether directly or indirectly through
one or more Subsidiaries.

         (2) Dividends.

         Shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
receive or earn any fixed dividends thereon.

         (3) Distributions Upon Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up.

         In the event of any voluntary or involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution
or  winding  up of  the  affairs  of  the  Corporation,  subject  to  the  prior
preferences and other rights of any Senior Stock, but before any distribution or
payment shall be made to the holders of Junior Stock,  the holders of the Series

A Convertible Preferred Stock shall be entitled to be paid $1,000 per share, and
no more,  in cash or in property  taken at its fair value as  determined  by the
Board of Directors,  or both, at the election of the Board of Directors. If such
payment  shall have been made in full to the holders of the Series A Convertible
Preferred  Stock,  and if payment shall have been made in full to the holders of
any Senior  Stock of all amounts to which such holders  shall be  entitled,  the
remaining  assets and funds of the  Corporation  shall be distributed  among the
holders of Junior Stock,  according to their  respective  shares and priorities.
If, upon any such liquidation, dissolution or other winding up of the affairs of
the  Corporation,  the net  assets of the  Corporation  distributable  among the
holders of all  outstanding  shares of the Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock
shall be  insufficient  to permit  the  payment  in full to such  holders of the
preferential  amounts to which they are entitled,  then the entire net assets of
the Corporation remaining after the distributions to holders of any Senior Stock
of the full amounts to which they may be entitled shall be distributed among the
holders of the Series A Convertible Preferred Stock ratably in proportion to the
full amounts to which they would otherwise be respectively entitled. Neither the
consolidation  or merger of the  Corporation  into or with another  Corporation,
Corporations, entity or other entities, nor the sale of all or substantially all
of the assets of the Corporation  shall be deemed a 1iquidation,  dissolution or
winding  up of the  affairs  of the  Corporation  within  the  meaning  of  this
paragraph 3. Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  while any shares
of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock are outstanding,  the Corporation shall
not establish any Senior Stock without the prior  affirmative vote of a majority
of the shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stockholders.

         (4) Conversion Rights.

         The Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock shall be  convertible  into
Common Stock as follows:

         (a)  Optional  Conversion.  Subject  to and  upon  compliance  with the
provisions  of this  paragraph  4, on each of the 45th day  following  the Issue
Date,  the 75th day  following  the Issue Date and the 105th day  following  the
Issue  Date,  up to  one-third  (1/3)  of the  outstanding  shares  of  Series A
Convertible   Preferred   Stock  shall  be  convertible   into  fully  paid  and
nonassessable shares of Common Stock, at the applicable Conversion Price, at the
option of the holder of any shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock upon
the terms hereinafter set forth.

         (b) Mandatory Conversion.  Each share of Series A Convertible Preferred
Stock  shall  be  deemed  automatically  converted  into  Common  Stock  at  the
Conversion  Price on a date which is 270 days from the Issue Date  following  30
days prior written notice from the Corporation;  provided, however, for each day
after a date which is 60 days from the Issue Date that the Company does not have
an order from the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  declaring  effective a
registration statement covering the Conversion Shares, then a day shall be added
to the aforementioned 270 day period.

         (c) Number of  Shares.  Each  share of Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock shall be converted  into a number of shares of Common Stock  determined by
dividing (i) the Purchase  Price by (ii) the  Conversion  Price in effect on the
Conversion  Date.  The  Conversion  Price shall be subject to  adjustment as set
forth in subparagraph 4(f).

         (d)  Mechanics  of  Conversion.  The  holder of any  shares of Series A
Convertible  Preferred  Stock may exercise  the  conversion  right  specified in
subparagraph  4(a) by  surrendering  to the Corporation or any transfer agent of
the Corporation the certificate or certificates  for the shares to be converted,
accompanied by written  notice  specifying the number of shares to be converted;
provided that the Corporation shall not be obligated to issue to any such holder
certificates evidencing the shares of Common Stock issuable upon such conversion
unless  certificates  evidencing  the shares of Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock are either  delivered  to the  Corporation  or any  transfer  agent of the
Corporation.  Conversion  of the Shares may be  exercised in whole or in part by
the holder by telecopying an executed and completed  notice of conversion to the
Corporation and delivering the original notice of conversion and the certificate
representing  the shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock  being  converted  to the
Corporation  by express  courier  within  three (3)  business  days of exercise.
Conversion  shall be deemed to have been  effected on the date when  delivery of
notice of an election to convert and certificates for shares to be converted are
delivered  to the  Corporation  and  such  date is  referred  to  herein  as the
"Conversion  Date".  Subject to the  provisions of  subparagraph  4(f)(vii),  as
promptly as practicable  thereafter,  the Corporation shall issue and deliver to
or upon the written order of such holder a certificate or  certificates  for the
number of full shares of Common  Stock to which such  holder is  entitled  and a
check or cash with respect to any fractional interest in a share of common Stock
as provided in  subparagraph  4(f).  Subject to the  provisions of  subparagraph
4(f)(vii),  the person in whose name the certificate or certificates  for Common
Stock are to be issued shall be deemed to have become a holder of record of such
Common  Stock on the  applicable  Conversion  Date.  Upon  conversion  of only a
portion of the number of shares covered by a certificate  representing shares of
Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion (in the case of
conversion  pursuant  to  subparagraph  4(a),  the  Corporation  shall issue and
deliver  to or upon  the  written  order of the  holder  of the  certificate  so
surrendered for conversion, at the expense of the Corporation, a new certificate
covering  the  number  of  shares  of  Series  A  Convertible   Preferred  Stock
representing the unconverted portion of the certificate so surrendered.

         (e) Fractional  Shares.  No fractional  shares of Common Stock or scrip
shall be issued  upon  conversion  of shares of Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock.  If more than one share of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be
surrendered  for  conversion  at any one time by the same holder,  the number of
full shares of Common stock issuable upon  conversion  thereof shall be computed
on the basis of the aggregate number of shares of Series A Convertible Preferred
Stock so  surrendered.  Instead of any  fractional  shares of Common Stock which
would  otherwise  be  issuable  upon  conversion  of  any  shares  of  Series  A
Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  the  Corporation  shall pay a cash adjustment in

respect  of such  fractional  interest  in an  amount  equal to that  fractional
interest of the Conversion Rate.

         (f) Conversion Price Adjustments. The Conversion Price shall be subject
to adjustment from time to time as follows:

               (i)   Stock   Dividends,   Subdivisions,   Reclassifications   or
               Combinations.  If the Corporation shall (A) declare a dividend or
               make a  distribution  on its Common Stock in shares of its Common
               Stock,  (B) subdivide or  reclassify  the  outstanding  shares of
               Common Stock into a greater  number of shares,  or (C) combine or
               reclassify the outstanding  Common Stock into a smaller number of
               shares,  the Conversion Price in effect at the time of the record
               date for such dividend or  distribution  or the effective date of
               such  subdivision,   combination  or  reclassification  shall  be
               proportionately  adjusted  so that the  holder  of any  shares of
               Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock  surrendered for conversion
               after such date shall be entitled to receive the number of shares
               of Common  Stock  which he would have owned or been  entitled  to
               receive  had  such  Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  been
               converted immediately prior to such date. Successive  adjustments
               in  the  Conversion  Price  shall  be  made  whenever  any  event
               specified above shall occur.

               (ii) Other  Distributions.  In case the  Corporation  shall fix a
               record  date for the making of a  distribution  to all holders of
               shares of its Common  Stock (A) of shares of any class other than
               its  Common  Stock  or (B) of  evidence  of  indebtedness  of the
               Corporation  or any Subsidiary or (C) of assets  (excluding  cash
               dividends  or  distributions,   and  dividends  or  distributions
               referred to in subparagraph  4(f)(i) above),  or (D) of rights or
               warrants  (excluding  those referred to in  subparagraph  4(f)(i)
               above), each holder of a share of Series A Convertible  Preferred
               Stock shall, upon the exercise of his right to convert after such
               record date,  receive,  in addition to the shares of Common Stock
               to which he is entitled, the amount of such shares,  indebtedness
               or assets (or, at the option of the Corporation, the sum equal to
               the value  thereof at the time of  distribution  as determined by
               the Board of  Directors in its sole  discretion)  that would have
               been  distributed to such holder if he had exercised his right to
               convert   immediately   prior  to  the   record   date  for  such

               (iii) Consolidation,  Merger, Sale, Lease or Conveyance.  In case
               of any  consolidation  with or merger of the Corporation  with or
               into  another  Corporation,  or in case  of any  sale,  lease  or
               conveyance   to  another   Corporation   of  the  assets  of  the
               Corporation as an entirety or substantially as an entirety,  each
               share of Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  shall after the
               date of such consolidation,  merger, sale, lease or conveyance be
               convertible   into  the  number  of  shares  of  stock  or  other
               securities or property (including cash) to which the Common Stock
               issuable (at the time of such consolidation,  merger, sale, lease
               or  conveyance)  upon  conversion  of  such  share  of  Series  A
               Convertible  Preferred  Stock would have been  entitled upon such
               consolidation, merger, sale, lease or conveyance; and in any such
               case, if necessary,  the provisions set forth herein with respect
               to the  rights and  interests  thereafter  of the  holders of the
               shares  of  Series  A  Convertible   Preferred   Stock  shall  be
               appropriately  adjusted so as to be applicable,  as nearly as may

               reasonably  be,  to any  shares of stock or other  securities  or
               property  thereafter  deliverable on the conversion of the shares
               of Series A Convertible Preferred

               (iv) Stock Adjustment for Lack of Timely Registration.  is as set
               forth in  clause  (ii) of the  defined  term  "Conversion  Price"
               above, then the applicable Conversion Price shall be deemed to be
               90% of the NASDAQ  closing  price.  In addition to the foregoing,
               the Conversion  Price  adjustments set forth in (a) and (b) above
               shall be  further  reduced by 2% per month for each 30 day period
               for  which  the  registration  statement  Adjustment  for Lack of
               Timely  Registration.  The  holders of the  Series A  Convertible
               Preferred  Stock are entitled to the  registration  rights as set
               forth in that certain Registration Rights Agreement to be entered
               into  between  the  Corporation  and the  holders of the Series A
               Convertible  Preferred  Stock.  In the event that the Corporation
               fails  to  obtain  an  order  from the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission  declaring effective the registration  statement filed
               by the  Corporation  under the Securities Act of 1933 in order to
               register for sale by the holders the Conversion Shares within 120
               days  of  receipt  by  the  Corporation  of the  holder's  Demand
               Registration  Request  (as  defined  in the  Registration  Rights
               Agreement),  the applicable Conversion Price shall be adjusted as
               follows:  (A)  if  the  applicable   Conversion  Price  prior  to
               adjustment  herein is as set forth in clause  (i) of the  defined
               term "Conversion Price" above, then the percentage  discount from
               the NASDAQ  closing  price  shall be deemed 35% instead of 25% or
               (B) if the applicable Conversion Price prior to adjustment herein
               is not  effective  beyond  the  initial  120 day period set forth
               above.  In no event shall this further  adjustment  exceed 12% in
               the aggregate.  By way of example, if the registration  statement
               is  declared  effective  150 days after the  Demand  Registration
               Request, then the Conversion Price shall be the lesser of (x) 37%
               of the NASDAQ closing price or (y) $15.40

               (v)   Rounding   of   Calculations:   Minimum   Adjustment.   All
               calculations  under the provisions of  subparagraph  (e) shall be
               made  to  the  nearest  cent  or to  the  nearest  one  hundredth
               (1/100th) of a share,  as the case may be. Any  provision of this
               paragraph 4 to the contrary notwithstanding, no adjustment in the
               Conversion  Price shall be made if the amount of such  adjustment
               would be less than $0.01  until the end of three years after such
               adjustment  would  otherwise  have  been  required,  but any such
               amount shall be carried  forward and an  adjustment  with respect
               thereto  shall  be made  at the  time of and  together  with  any
               subsequent  adjustment which, together with such amount any other
               amount or amounts so carried  forward,  shall  aggregate $0.01 or

               (vi) Timing of Issuance of  Additional  Common Stock Upon Certain
               Adjustments.  In  any  case  in  which  the  provisions  of  this
               subparagraph  (f) shall require that any adjustment  shall become
               effective  immediately  after a  record  date for an  event,  the
               Corporation  may defer  until the  occurrence  of such  event (A)
               issuing  to the  holder  of any  share of  Series  A  Convertible
               Preferred  Stock  converted after such record date and before the
               occurrence  of such event the  additional  shares of Common Stock
               issuable  upon  such  conversion  by  reason  of  the  adjustment
               required by such event over and above the shares of Common  Stock
               issuable  upon  such  conversion  before  giving  effect  to such

               adjustment  and (B)  paying to such  holder any amount of cash in
               lieu  of  a  fractional   share  of  Common  Stock   pursuant  to
               subparagraph   (e)  of  this   paragraph  4,  provided  that  the
               Corporation  upon request shall deliver to such holder a due bill
               or other appropriate instrument evidencing such holder's right to
               receive  such  additional   shares,   and  such  cash,  upon  the
               occurrence of the event requiring such adjustment.

         (g) Statement  Regarding  Adjustments.  Whenever the  Conversion  Price
shall be adjusted  as  provided in  subparagraph  4(e),  the  Corporation  shall
forthwith file, at the office of any transfer agent for the Series A Convertible
Preferred  Stock and at the  principal  office of the  Corporation,  a statement
showing in detail the facts requiring such  adjustment and the Conversion  Price
that shall be in effect after such  adjustment,  and the Corporation  shall also
cause a copy of such  statement  to be sent by  registered  or  certified  mail,
return receipt requested,  postage prepaid, to each holder of shares of Series A
Convertible  Preferred  Stock  at its  address  appearing  on the  Corporation's
records.  Each such statement shall be signed by the  Corporation's  independent
public accountants, if applicable. Where appropriate,  such copy may be given in
advance and may be included as part of a notice  required to be mailed under the
provisions of subparagraph 4(g).

         (h) Notice to Holders.  In the event the  Corporation  shall propose to
take any action of the type  described  in clause (i) (but only if the action of
the type described in clause (i) would result in an adjustment in the Conversion
Price),  (iii),  (iv) or (v) of subparagraph  4(e), the  Corporation  shall give
notice to each holder of shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock, in the
manner set forth in  subparagraph  4(f),  which notice shall  specify the record
date, if any, with respect to any such action and the approximate  date on which
such action is to take place.  Such notice  shall also set forth such facts with
respect thereto as shall be reasonably  necessary to indicate the effect of such
action (to the extent  such  effect may be known at the date of such  notice) on
the Conversion Price and the number, kind or class of shares or other securities
or property  which shall be  deliverable  upon  conversion of shares of Series A
Convertible  Preferred  Stock. In the case of any action which would require the
fixing of a record  date,  such notice  shall be given at least 10 days prior to
the date so fixed,  and in case of all other action,  such notice shall be given
at least 15 days prior to the taking of such  proposed  action.  Failure to give
such notice, or any defect therein, shall not affect the legality or validity of
any such action.

         (i) Costs. The Corporation shall pay all documentary,  stamp,  transfer
or other  transactional taxes attributable to the issuance or delivery of shares
of Common Stock upon conversion of any shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred
Stock;  provided  that the  Corporation  shall not be  required to pay any taxes
which may be payable in respect of any  transfer  involved  In the  issuance  or
delivery  of any  certificate  for such  shares in a name other than that of the
holder of the shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock in respect of which
such shares are being issued.

         (j) Reservation of Shares.  The Corporation  shall reserve at all times
so  long  as  any  shares  of  Series  A  Convertible   Preferred  Stock  remain
outstanding,  free  from  preemptive  rights,  out of  its  treasury  stock  (if
applicable)  or its  authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock,  or both,

solely for the purpose of  effecting  the  conversion  of the shares of Series A
Convertible  Preferred Stock,  sufficient  shares of Common Stock to provide for
the  conversion  of all  outstanding  shares of Series A  Convertible  Preferred

         (k) Valid Issuance. All shares of Common Stock which may be issued upon
conversion  of the  shares of Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  will upon
issuance  by the  Corporation  be  duly  and  validly  issued,  fully  paid  and
nonassessable  and free from all taxes,  liens and charges  with  respect to the
issuance  thereof,  and the Corporation  shall take no action which will cause a
contrary result (including, without limitation, any action which would cause the
Conversion Price to be less than the par value, if any, of the Common Stock).

         (l) In addition to the conversion  provisions of Sections 4(a) and (b),
if any shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock remain  outstanding  five
business  days  after the date upon which an  amendment  to the  Certificate  of
Designation is filed revising the Conversion  Price to $0.66 per share, all such
outstanding  shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock  outstanding  shall
automatically  convert into shares of Common Stock  pursuant to the terms of the
revised Certificate of Designation.

         (5) Voting Rights.

         The holders of record of shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to any voting rights  except as otherwise  provided by law
or as set forth herein with respect to the establishment of Senior Stock.

         (6) Redemption.

         Shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable
by the Corporation.

         (7) Exclusion of Other Rights.

         Except as may  otherwise  be  required  by law,  the shares of Series A
Convertible  Preferred  Stock  shall  not  have  any  preferences  or  relative,
participating,  optional or other special rights,  other than those specifically
set forth in this  resolution  (as such  resolution  may be amended from time to
time) and in the Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation.

         (8) Headings of Subdivisions.

         The headings of the various  subdivisions hereof are for convenience of
reference only and shall not affect the  interpretation of any of the provisions

         (9) Severability of Provisions.

         If any right,  preference  or  limitation  of the Series A  Convertible
Preferred  Stock set forth in this resolution (as such resolution may be amended
from time to time) is invalid, unlawful or incapable of being enforced by reason
of any  rule  of  law or  public  policy,  all  other  rights,  preferences  and
limitations  set forth in this  resolution  (as so  amended)  which can be given
effect  without the invalid,  unlawful or  unenforceable  right,  preference  or
limitation shall,  nevertheless,  remain in full force and effect, and no right,
preference or  limitation  herein set forth shall be deemed  dependent  upon any
other such right, preference or limitation unless so expressed herein.

         (10) Status of Reacquired Shares.

         Shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock which have been issued
and  reacquired  in any manner or  converted  shall  (upon  compliance  with any
applicable  provisions  of the laws of the State of Delaware) not be reissued as
Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  but shall have the status of authorized
and unissued  shares of Preferred  Stock issuable in series  undesignated  as to
series and may be redesignated and reissued.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Certificate has been made under the seal of
the Corporation and the hands of the undersigned on September 27, 1996 .

                                                    /s/J. Marvin Feigenbaum
                                                    Name: J. Marvin Feigenbaum
                                                    Title: President


 /s/ David Sterling
- ----------------------------
Name:  David Sterling
Title:  Secretary

                                   Appendix B

                         STOCK OPTION GRANT CERTIFICATE

         United Diagnostic Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  hereby
grants to J. Marvin Feigenbaum (the "Optionee") a stock option (the "Option") to
purchase  500,000 shares (the "Option  Shares") of common stock, par value $0.01
per share, of the Company ("Common Stock"), pursuant to the terms and conditions
of this stock option grant certificate (this "Certificate").

1.       Basic Terms of Option.
- ------------------------------

               (a)  Type  of  Option.  The  Option  is  hereby  designated  as a
               Non-Qualified Stock Option.

               (b) Term of Option.  The Option shall expire at 5 p.m.,  New York
               City  time,  on July 31,  2008 (the  "Expiration  Date"),  unless
               previously  terminated  pursuant to Section 1(f)  hereof.  To the
               extent any  portion of the Option has  vested,  the Option may be
               exercised with respect to such vested portion during the term and
               prior to the Expiration  Date,  even if the Optionee is no longer
               employed by the Company.

               (c) Exercise Price. The exercise price at which each Option Share
               may be  purchased  shall  be $.66  (the  "Exercise  Price").  The
               Company  shall pay all  original  issue or transfer  taxes on the
               exercise  of  this  Option  and  all  other  fees  and   expenses
               necessarily incurred by the Company in connection  herewith.  The
               Exercise  Price  shall be  payable in cash or in shares of Common
               Stock, as provided in Section 2(a) hereof.

               (d)  Vesting.  The Option  shall vest and become  exercisable  in
               accordance  with Section 3 hereof.  The date of grant is July 31,
               2001,  subject to ratification  and approval of such grant by the
               stockholders of the Company.

               (e) Method of Exercise.  The Option shall be exercisable in whole
               or in part at any time, or from time to time, in accordance  with
               the  terms  of  Section  2(a)  hereof  and  in  accordance   with
               applicable  federal and state laws and  regulations.  The Option,
               however,  may not at any  time be  exercised  with  respect  to a
               fractional share.

               (f)  Employment  Agreement.  Unless  otherwise  provided  in  the
               Employment  Agreement,  dated May 19,  1999,  by and  between the
               Company and the Optionee (the "Employment Agreement"):

                    (i) If the  employment  of the Optionee  shall be terminated
                    for cause (as defined in the  Employment  Agreement),  or if
                    the  Optionee  leaves  such  employment   voluntarily,   the
                    unvested   portion  of  the  Option   shall  cease   vesting
                    immediately and shall be forfeited upon such termination. If
                    such  employment  shall  be  terminated  by  reason  of  the
                    Optionee's death, retirement, or permanent disability, or by
                    the Company  other than for cause,  the unvested  portion of
                    the option shall vest  immediately,  subject to the terms of
                    subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 1(f).

                    (ii) If the Optionee dies while employed by the Company or a
                    subsidiary or parent corporation, the Option, subject to the
                    provisions of subsection  (iv) of this Section 1(f),  may be
                    exercised by a legatee or legatees of the Optionee under the
                    Optionee's  last  will,  or  by  Optionee's  distributee  or
                    distributees under the laws of descent and distribution,  at
                    any  time  after  the   Optionee's   death  and  before  the
                    Expiration Date.

                    (iii) If the Optionee becomes disabled while employed by the
                    Company or a subsidiary or parent corporation,  such Option,
                    subject to the provisions of subsection (iv) of this Section
                    1(f),  may be  exercised  at any time  after the  Optionee's
                    termination of employment and before the Expiration Date.

                    (iv)  This  Option  may not be  exercised  pursuant  to this
                    Section  1(f)  except to the extent  that the  Optionee  was
                    entitled to exercise the Option, or any part thereof, at the
                    time of termination of employment,  disability or death, and
                    in  any  event  may  not be  exercised  after  the  original
                    expiration date of the Option.

                    (v) In the  event Mr.  Feigenbaum  exercises  the  change of
                    control provision contained in the Employment Agreement,  he
                    will forfeit all of the options granted under Proposal No. 2
                    in the Company's  Proxy Statement dated August 22, 2001 (the
                    "Proxy Statement").

               (g) Accelerated  Vesting upon Change in Control.  If, at any time
               following  the 2001  meeting of  stockholders  of the Company and
               before the  Expiration  Date,  there shall be a Change in Control
               (as defined  below)  prior to the time when the Option has become
               fully vested,  then any unvested portion of the Option shall vest
               immediately  upon  the  completion  of such  sale or  sales.  For
               purposes of this Section 1(g),  "Change in Control" shall mean as

                    (i) any "person"  (other than a "person"  owning 10% or more
                    of the issued and outstanding Common Stock of the Company on

                    the date of grant of the  Option)  (as such  term is used in
                    Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the  Securities  Exchange Act
                    of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Act"))  becomes a  "beneficial
                    owner" (as such term is  defined  in Rule 13d-3  promulgated
                    under the Act) (other than the  Optionee,  the Company,  any
                    trustee  or  other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under an
                    employee  benefit  plan of the Company,  or any  corporation
                    owned,  directly or indirectly,  by the  stockholders of the
                    Company  in  substantially  the  same  proportions  as their
                    ownership of stock of the Company)  directly or  indirectly,
                    of securities of the Company representing 25% or more of the
                    combined  voting  power of the  Company's  then  outstanding
                    securities; or

                    (ii) the  stockholders  of the  Company  approve a merger or
                    consolidation  of the Company with any other  corporation or
                    other entity, other than (a) a merger or consolidation which
                    would  result  in  the  voting  securities  of  the  Company
                    outstanding   immediately   prior   thereto   continuing  to
                    represent  (either  by  remaining  outstanding  or by  being
                    converted  into voting  securities of the surviving  entity)
                    more than 25% of the  combined  voting  power of the  voting
                    securities   of  the  Company  or  such   surviving   entity
                    outstanding  immediately  after such merger or consolidation
                    or (b) a merger or  consolidation  effected  to  implement a
                    recapitalization of the Company (or similar  transaction) in
                    which no "person" (as  hereinabove  defined)  acquires  more
                    than 25% of the combined  voting power of the Company's then
                    outstanding securities; or

                    (iii)  the  stockholders  of the  Company  approve a plan of
                    complete  liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the
                    sale or disposition  by the Company of all or  substantially
                    all of the Company's assets; or

                    (iv) a  majority  of the  current  members  of the  Board of
                    Directors  of the  Company  no longer  continue  to serve as
                    directors or, in the case of the  resignation  or removal of
                    any current  director,  his  successor is not elected by the
                    remaining current directors of the Company.

2. Option Shares.
- -----------------

               (a) The Option is exercisable upon the presentation and surrender
               of this  Certificate and written notice of exercise of the Option
               substantially  in the  form of  Annex A  hereto,  accompanied  by
               payment  of the  Exercise  Price  for  the  Option  Shares  being
               purchased  in lawful  money of the  United  States of  America in
               cash, by check made payable to the Company or in shares of Common
               Stock.  In the event the Optionee pays the Exercise Price for the
               Option  Shares being  purchased in shares of Common  Stock,  upon
               exercise  of this  Option the  Optionee  shall  receive a reduced
               number  of  shares of  Common  Stock  equal to (i) the  number of
               shares of Common  Stock that would be  issuable  pursuant to this
               Option upon payment of the Exercise  Price for the Option  Shares
               being  purchased  minus (ii) the number of shares of Common Stock
               that have an aggregate Fair Market Value (as defined below) equal
               to the  aggregate  Exercise  Price for the  Option  Shares  being
               purchased.  For  purposes of the  preceding  sentence,  the "Fair
               Market  Value" of a share of Common  Stock shall mean the average
               of the last reported sale prices for the Common Stock reported in
               any recognized United States trading market, which is the primary
               market for trading the Common  Stock as  determined  by volume of
               shares traded,  including (a) any national  securities  exchange,
               (b) the NASDAQ Stock  Market,  (c) the Over the Counter  Bulletin
               Board,  or (d) the "pink sheets" for the ten (10) days  preceding
               the date of exercise.

               (b) Status of Option  Shares.  Effective upon the exercise of the
               Option in whole or in part and the  receipt by the Company of the
               Exercise  Price  for  the  Option  Shares  being  purchased,  the
               Optionee  shall be the holder of record of such  shares and shall
               have all of the  rights of a  stockholder  with  respect  thereto
               (including  the right to vote such shares at any meeting at which
               the  holders of the Common  Stock may vote,  the right to receive
               all dividends declared and paid upon such shares and the right to
               exercise  any  rights or  warrants  issued in respect of any such
               shares).  The Company  shall,  upon receipt of the Exercise Price
               for the Option Shares being  purchased,  issue in the name of the
               Optionee a certificate  representing  the Option Shares purchased
               from time to time.

               (c)  Legend.  The  Option  Shares,  unless  registered  under the
               Securities  Act of 1933 (the  "Act"),  shall  bear the  following



               (d) Investment Intent. If the certificate representing the Option
               Shares  issuable  upon a given  exercise  is required to bear the
               legend set forth above (or a legend to like effect), the Optionee
               shall, by such exercise of the Option, be deemed  conclusively to
               represent  and to agree with the  Company  that the  Optionee  is
               acquiring the Option  Shares then being  purchased for his or her
               own  account and not for the  account of others,  for  investment
               only, and not with a view to public sale or distribution.

               (e)  Registration  of Option Shares.  Within four (4) months from
               the date of grant of this Option,  the Company shall, at its sole
               cost  and  expense,   file  with  the   Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission  either a form  S-8,  or  similar  form  which  may be
               promulgated  in the future,  or a form S-3, or similar form which
               may be promulgated  in the future,  with respect to the resale of
               the Option Shares by the Optionee or its assigns.

               (f) Adjustments.

                    (i) Merger,  Sale of Assets,  etc. In the event the Company,
                    at any time prior to the Optionee's  exercise of the Option,
                    (i) reorganizes (other than a combination, reclassification,
                    exchange or  subdivision);  (ii) merges or consolidates  the
                    Company  with or  into  another  corporation  in  which  the
                    Company is not the surviving  entity, or merges with another
                    corporation in which the Company is the surviving entity but
                    the  shares  of  the  Company's  capital  stock  outstanding
                    immediately  prior to the merger are  converted by virtue of
                    the  merger  into  other  property,  whether  in the form of
                    securities,  cash or otherwise;  or (iii) sells or transfers
                    the Company's properties and assets as, or substantially as,
                    an  entirety  to any  other  person,  then,  as part of such
                    reorganization,  merger,  consolidation,  sale or  transfer,
                    provision   shall  be  made  so  that  the  Optionee   shall
                    thereafter  be  entitled  to receive  upon  exercise  of the
                    Option the number of securities or property of the successor
                    corporation  resulting  from  such  reorganization,  merger,
                    consolidation,  sale  or  transfer  that  a  holder  of  the
                    securities  deliverable  upon  exercise of the Option  would
                    have  been  entitled  to  receive  in  such  reorganization,
                    consolidation,  merger,  sale or  transfer if the Option had
                    been  exercised  immediately  prior to such  reorganization,
                    merger, consolidation, sale or transfer.

                    (ii)  Declaration  of Dividends,  Stock Splits,  etc. In the
                    event the Company declares a dividend or distribution of its
                    capital  stock,  or effects a stock  split or reverse  stock
                    split  with  respect  to its  capital  stock,  or issues any
                    shares of its capital stock by reclassification of shares of
                    its capital  stock,  the exercise  rights of the Optionee in
                    effect  on  the  date  of  such  event   shall  be  adjusted
                    proportionately  so that the  Optionee  thereafter  shall be
                    entitled to receive upon exercise  pursuant to the terms and
                    conditions  hereof the aggregate number of shares of capital
                    stock that the Optionee  would own or be entitled to receive
                    after the  happening of any of the events  mentioned in this
                    Section   2(f)(ii)   if  the  Option   had  been   exercised
                    immediately  prior to the close of  business  on the date of
                    such happening.

                    (iii) Notice of  Adjustment.  The Company shall give written
                    notice to the Optionee  within ten (10) days  following  the
                    consummation  of any  transaction  within  the scope of this
                    Section  2(f) and  provide  in such  written  notice a brief
                    description of the terms and conditions of such transaction.

3.  Vesting of Option.
- ----------------------

         (a)   Vesting   Conditions.   The  Option   shall   vest  as   follows:

               Date                   Total Number of Option Shares Vested at
               ----                   ---------------------------------------
               July 31, 2001          250,000
               July 31, 2002          375,000
               July 31, 2003          500,000

         (b) Board's  Right to Waiver or  Acceleration.  Any  provision  of this
Section 3 to the contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors of the Company
reserves  the  right,  in its sole  discretion,  to waive any  condition  to the
vesting of the Option and  accelerate  the date on which any  installment of the
Option  shall  vest in the  event of a  change  in  control  of the  Company  or

4. General Provisions.
- ----------------------

     (a)  Administration  and  Construction.  The  provisions  hereof  shall  be
     administered and construed by the Board of Directors of the Company,  whose
     decisions shall be conclusive and binding on the Company,  the Optionee and
     anyone  claiming  under or through  either of them.  Without  limiting  the
     generality  of the  foregoing,  any  determination  as to whether or not an
     event has occurred or failed to occur which causes any unvested  portion of
     the Option to be forfeited or become vested pursuant hereto,  shall be made
     in the  good  faith  but  otherwise  absolute  discretion  of the  Board of
     Directors of the Company. By the Optionee's acceptance of this Certificate,
     the  Optionee  and each  person  claiming  under or  through  the  Optionee
     irrevocably   consents   and   agrees  to  all   actions,   decisions   and
     determinations to be taken or made by the Board of Directors of the Company
     in good faith pursuant to this Certificate.

     (b) No Rights in  Option  Stock.  The  Optionee  shall  have no rights as a
     shareholder  in respect of any Option  Shares as to which the Option  shall
     not have been exercised and payment made as herein provided.

     (c) Recapitalization. If the Optionee receives, with respect to the Option,
     any other option or warrant to purchase securities of the Company or of any
     other entity as a result of any  recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,
     combination,  or exchange of shares or a similar corporate change, any such
     other option or warrant  received by the Optionee shall likewise be subject
     to the terms and  conditions of this  Certificate  and shall be included in
     the term "Option." Similarly,  any securities or other property as to which
     such other option or warrant is  exercisable  shall be included in the term
     "Option  Shares." In the event of any such corporate  change,  the Exercise
     Price set forth in Section  1(c)  shall be  appropriately  adjusted  by the
     Board of  Directors of the Company  such that the  aggregate  price for all
     such Option Shares is not changed.

     (d)  Legal  Representative.  In the  event  of the  Optionee's  death  or a
     judicial  determination of the Optionee's  incompetence,  reference in this
     Certificate  to the  Optionee  shall be deemed to refer to his or her legal
     representative or, where appropriate, to such person to whom the Optionee's
     rights  pursuant  to this  Certificate  shall have passed by will or by the
     laws of descent and distribution.

     (e) Holidays. If any event provided for in this Certificate is scheduled to
     take  place on a legal  holiday,  such  event  shall take place on the next
     succeeding day that is not a legal holiday.

     (f)  Notices  to the  Company.  Any  notice or other  communication  to the
     Company  pursuant to any provision of this  Certificate  shall be deemed to

     have been delivered when delivered in person to the Corporate  Secretary of
     the  Company or when  deposited  in the United  States  mail,  first  class
     postage prepaid, addressed to the Corporate Secretary of the Company at 238
     Robinson Street,  Suite 202, Wakefield,  RI 02879, or at such other address
     of which the Company may from time to time give the Optionee written notice
     in accordance with Section 5(g) hereof.

     (g)  Notices  to the  Optionee.  Any notice or other  communication  to the
     Optionee  pursuant to any provision of this Certificate  shall be deemed to
     have  been  delivered  when  delivered  to the  Optionee  in person or when
     deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid, addressed
     to the Optionee at his or her address on the security holder records of the
     Company or at such other  address  of which the  Optionee  may from time to
     time give the  Company  written  notice in  accordance  with  Section  5(f)

     (h) Limited  Assignability.  This Option may be assigned or  transferred by
     the Optionee  during his lifetime to (i) any family member of the Optionee,
     (ii) any trust established by the Optionee for the benefit of himself or of
     any  family  member,  or (iii)  any  bonafide  charity  (each a  "Permitted
     Transferee").  Except for a Permitted  Transferee,  the Option shall not be
     assignable  or  transferable  other than by will or the laws of descent and
     distribution or pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order as defined
     by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended or Title I of the Optionee
     Retirement Income Security Act, or the rules thereunder.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]

                                     UNITED DIAGNOSTIC INC.

                                     Name: J. Marvin Feigenbaum
DATED: July 31, 2001                 Title:President and Chief Executive Officer

                                     ANNEX A

United Diagnostic Inc.
238 Robinson Street
Suite 202
Wakefield, RI 02879
Attention:  Corporate Secretary

Dear Sir or Madam:

         I am an optionee of United Diagnostic Inc. (the "Company"), having been
granted on July 31,  2001 an option for 500,000  shares at an exercise  price of
$.66 per share.  Of such grant,  options for  __________________  shares  remain
unexercised and unexpired as of this date.

         I hereby  exercise the aforesaid  options for  ___________  shares (the
"Option Shares") and enclose (i) my check of $________________ in payment of the
exercise  price for the Option  Shares or (ii) common stock  certificate  number
____,  representing  _____________ shares of common stock of the Company, having
an aggregate  fair market value of  $_____________,  as  determined  pursuant to
Section 2(a) of the Certificate, in payment of the exercise price for the Option

                                                 Very truly yours,

Date:                                            J. Marvin Feigenbaum