Filed by General Electric Company
Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act of 1933
and deemed filed pursuant to Rule 14d-2
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Subject Company:  Harmon Industries, Inc.
Commission File No. 000-07916

Contact: Susan K. Breon                     Bjorn E. Olsson , or
         GE Transportation Systems          Stephen L. Schmitz
         814/875-3457                       816/229-3345 

General Electric Company to Acquire Harmon Industries, Inc.

July 17, 2000 -- Erie, PA and Kansas City, MO -- General Electric Company and
Harmon Industries, Inc. announced today that they have reached a definitive
agreement for GE to acquire 100% of the stock of Harmon for $30 per share,
payable in GE stock. The stock exchange is expected to be tax free to Harmon
shareholders. The total value of the transaction including the assumption of
debt is approximately $425 million. Harmon is a leading supplier of signal,
inspection, train control and communications products, systems and services to
freight and transit railroads, with sales of $304 million in 1999.

Upon completion of the transaction, Harmon will become part of GE Harris Railway
Electronics, a joint venture between GE Transportation Systems (GETS) and Harris
Corporation. John Krenicki, president & chief executive officer of GE
Transportation Systems, said of the potential transaction, "Harmon has a wide
range of railroad and transit signaling, wayside and control products and
systems which greatly complement the GE-Harris product line and expands GE's
railroad signaling and communications offerings in the passenger and freight
railroad industry. The combined company will offer tremendous technology and
increased opportunities for productivity, service improvements and asset
utilization for our customers around the world."

Bjorn Olsson, president and chief executive officer of Harmon said that the
transaction will facilitate the achievement of Harmon's long-term goals and was
unanimously approved by its board of directors. "Our people, technological
innovation, customer service and product quality made us a valuable partner for
GE. I think all employees of Harmon can take great pride in the fact that we are
joining forces with one of the best recognized corporations in the world."

GETS, headquartered in Erie, PA, is one of the major business units of GE (NYSE
symbol GE). It is a global supplier of surface transportation products and
services including freight and passenger locomotives and maintenance service,
global railroad services such as remote monitoring and diagnostics, railway
control and communications systems, propulsion and auxiliary power systems for
transit vehicles and motorized drive systems for mining trucks. It employs
approximately 6700 employees worldwide and has sales in excess of $2 billion.

Harmon Industries, Inc., headquartered in Blue Springs, Mo., is a technology
leader focusing primarily on providing solutions to the worldwide rail
transportation industry in the areas of

electronic signaling and train control. The company is traded in the
over-the-counter market and is quoted on NASDAQ National Market System under the
symbol HRMN. It has approximately 2000 employees at more than 20 locations in
North America, United Kingdom and Italy.

Pending regulatory and shareholder approvals and other customary conditions, the
transaction is expected to be completed during the third quarter of 2000.

We urge the Harmon shareholders to read the registration statement or form S-4
and schedule T.O. and the preliminary prospectus, supplements, final prospectus
and other exchange offer documents, which will be filed by General Electric with
the Securities and Exchange Commission and the related
solicitation/recommendation statement which will be filed by Harmon with the
SEC. These documents will contain important information which should be read
carefully before any decision is made with respect to the offer. These documents
will be made available to all shareholders of Harmon at no expense to them. When
documents are filed with the SEC, they will be available at no charge at the
SEC's website at Documents are available from the contact persons
above without cost. Reference is made to the forward-looking statement contained
in the 10K of Harmon Industries, Inc. for the prior period ending Dec. 31, 1999.

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Video Announcement
Introduction Script:

Good morning. In just a moment I will share a video with you that Bjorn Olsson,
our president and C.E.O. has provided for this meeting. He asked that I pass on
his regrets at not being able to be with us in person, but given the number of
people and locations in Harmon's operations, he simply couldn't be everywhere at

Meetings like this one are going on at all of Harmon's locations right now.
While most of what is to be presented is contained in Bjorn's remarks, I will be
available for questions and discussion at the end of the tape.

Thank you for your cooperation this morning.

Closing remarks:

Let me reiterate the basic elements of this deal. GE has agreed to acquire
Harmon Industries, payable to Harmon shareholders in GE stock at $30 per share.
This transaction should be tax-free to Harmon shareholders. After completion of
the deal, Harmon will be part of GE Harris Railway.

While the surprise of this announcement will generate numerous questions, it is
important that I reiterate that at this point, answers simply aren't available,
and in many cases, our ability to discuss this deal is limited by federal
securities regulations. Harmon's executive team, working with the leadership of
GE, will now begin the process of addressing the operation of the new company.
The impact this will have on Harmon facilities and employees is not known at
this time. But it is appropriate to note that the single most important asset
that Harmon has to offer is the quality and commitment of our employees. Our
hope is that we will be in a position to share additional information with all
Harmon employees soon and that the questions we know are on your mind can begin
to be resolved.

While I do not have any expanded information or insights to offer, I will be
happy to at least record any questions you may have so that they can be
addressed at the appropriate time.


Final Video Tape Script
For Employee Information
July 14, 2000

Good morning. I am here with John Krenicki, who is the President and Chief
Executive Officer of GE Transportation Systems.

We are here to tell you that last night your Board of Directors approved an
agreement for Harmon to be acquired by GE in a stock transaction valued at $30
per share. I want you to know that management supports this action and the team,
including me, looks forward to being part of the new organization.

As we have talked so many times, there are a lot of changes taking place in our
market place. We have seen our Class I customer base shrink from 16 to 5 over
the past four years, and there are those who believe that we are eventually
going to end up with two Class I railroads in this country. As shown in the past
consolidations, I am convinced that the railroads will be looking for long-term
relationships with their suppliers. And I think that they will be looking for
those who can provide the best and most complete service, but they also will be
very anxious to make sure that the partner they choose has the capability to
live with them forever.

At the same time we see tremendous growth in our transit business, driven by a
substantial increase in funding from the Federal government.

Parallel to this, the privatization going on in Europe is leading to an overall
trend of established customers looking for new technology and new suppliers. And
as you know, over the past few years we have positioned ourselves to benefit
from these opportunities.

As a consequence of this market situation, we are now seeing a lot of change
taking place, creating global supply organizations.

Internally, our organization has been very successful in developing new
technologies for both freight and transit. But we are quickly approaching
constraints to resources that make it very difficult to maintain all that we
have, plus further develop what we are doing, and then take advantage of all the
opportunities in the world market that our efforts are creating.

You have heard me say many times that there will come a day when we may become
part of a bigger organization as a consequence of the change in the marketplace
that I just described.

That day is here now, and thanks to all of you that have made Harmon the best
signal supplier in the world, I think we are ending up with the best possible
partner for our company's, and your personal future.

As you know, GE has been, and is one of our biggest and most valued customers.
They are not only a customer, but also a valued partner in developing onboard
control functions and future train control systems.


While the operational details of the acquisition have not been worked out, I
would like to emphasize that the qualities that made our company attractive to
GE in the first place -- our people, technical innovation, customer service and
product quality, will continue in the new organization. And I think we all
should take a lot of pride in the fact that the world's most successful
corporation is joining forces with us.

I understand that there will be a lot of uncertainty until we can come back to
you with a final organization, and describe how we are going to work together in
the future. We will keep you updated as quickly as possible. What I do know is
that our commitments and obligations to our customers are not impacted by this
action. And the best and only thing we can do is to focus on our customers and
make sure we don't allow ourselves to be distracted.

I will now hand over to John.

John Krenicki

Let me take just few moments to expand on what Bjorn has said and also tell you
why I think this new organization will be a pre-eminent player in the signaling
& communications industry.

For some time, our organizations have been on complimentary paths in providing
communications-based train control systems. You may know that even prior to this
announcement, we have been collaborating on an onboard control platform that
would integrate your cab signal product with our train control systems. Harmon
brings great strength in vital wayside control systems and domain knowledge. GE
brings financial strength and performance, and GE Harris brings software and
systems development of new technology. This combination brings the railroads
potentially unparalleled new levels of safety, reliability and asset
utilization. Our vision for this enterprise is to become an invaluable partner
in providing train management systems to the rail and transit industries
throughout the world.

As Bjorn has said, bringing our two organizations together and creating an
endeavor of this strength and magnitude will require everyone's energy and
commitment to success. In the long run we will be truly positioned as a leader
in the industry both today and for years to come. I hope you will join Bjorn and
me in our enthusiasm for this new venture and the opportunities it can bring not
only to our customers and shareholders but to our employees as well.

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