EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

                         Effective as of April 1, 2000

                                    CAE INC.
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN


     The purpose of the Plan is to provide Employees with an opportunity to
     participate in the ownership of the Company on an ongoing basis through
     purchases of Shares. The Plan is established effective April 1, 2000 and
     shall operate as an employees profit sharing plan as defined in section 144
     of the Income Tax Act (Canada) or any successor provision.


     As used in the Plan:

     "Affiliate" means an affiliated body corporate of the Company within the
     meaning of subsection 2(2) of the Canada Business Corporations Act.
     Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, the Committee may
     determine whether and as of what date employees of any particular Affiliate
     may participate herein.

     "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

     "Business Day" means any day of the year, other than a Saturday, Sunday or
     any day on which banks are required or authorized to close in Toronto,

     "Company" means CAE Inc. or a successor.

     "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board or such other
     committee as may be designated by the Board.

     "Effective Date" means April 1, 2000.

     "Employee" means a permanent full-time or permanent part-time employee of
     the Company or of an Affiliate. For purposes of the Plan, a transfer from
     the Company to an Affiliate, from an Affiliate to the Company, or between
     Affiliates shall be deemed not to constitute a resignation or termination
     of employment.

     "Employer Contributions" means contributions made to the Plan by the
     Company or an Affiliate pursuant to section 6.

     "Enrollment/Modification Form" means the Enrollment/Modification Form in
     the form determined by the Committee.

     "Group RRSP" means any group registered retirement savings plan
     administered by the Trustee or an affiliate thereof for the benefit of
     Employees that is designated by the Committee for purposes of the Plan.


     "Initial Participant Contribution" means a one-time contribution made by a
     Participant in the amount of Cdn.$500, the election for which contribution
     must be indicated on an Enrollment/Modification Form filed within two (2)
     months after the later of the Effective Date and the first enrollment date
     after the Participant qualifies as an Employee.

     "Ordinary Participant Contributions" means periodic contributions made by a
     Participant computed as a percentage of Salary.

     "Participant" means an Employee who has enrolled in the Plan.

     "Participant Contributions" means Initial Participant Contributions and/or
     Ordinary Participant Contributions, as the context requires.

     "Pay Period" means the Participant's pay period.

     "Plan" means this Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as it may be amended from
     time to time, and which is intended to constitute an employees profit
     sharing plan as defined in section 144 of the Income Tax Act (Canada) or
     any successor provision.

     "Plan Year" means any calendar year during which the Plan is in force.

     "Profits" means current profits, retained earnings, and any other amount of
     or in respect of the Company or an Affiliate considered by the Canada
     Customs and Revenue Agency to constitute profits for purposes of subsection
     144(10) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) or any successor provision.

     "Retirement" means a cessation of employment entitling the Participant to
     receive an immediate pension benefit under a Company or Affiliate pension
     plan, except in the case of a termination for cause (other than mental or
     physical incapacity).

     "Salary" means the base salary of the Employee for the relevant period,
     excluding overtime, bonuses, and other special or one-time payments
     received in that period.

     "Shares" means common shares in the capital stock of the Company.

     "Trust Fund" means the assets of the Plan held by the Trustee, consisting
     of the Participant Contributions, the Employer Contributions, the Shares
     purchased therewith and the income derived therefrom, the whole as more
     fully set out at paragraph 7.1.

     "Trustee" means such trustee as may from time to time be appointed by the

     "Unvested Shares" means Shares in a Participant's account purchased with
     the Employer Contributions in the current and two previous Plan Years.

     "Vested Shares" means Shares in a Participant's account which are not
     Unvested Shares.

     "Withdrawal/Termination Form" means the Withdrawal/Termination Form in the
     form determined by the Committee.


     Unless the context otherwise requires, references to the masculine shall be
     deemed to include references to the feminine, and vice versa, and
     references to the singular shall be deemed to include references to the
     plural, and vice versa.


     This Plan is subject to all necessary regulatory approvals.


4.1  Eligible Employees - Each Employee shall be eligible to participate in the

4.2  No Effect on Employment - The terms of employment of an Employee by the
     Company or an Affiliate shall not be affected by his participation in the
     Plan. Nothing contained in the Plan or in any documentation pertaining
     thereto shall confer upon any Participant any right with respect to
     continuance of employment by the Company or any Affiliate or interfere in
     any way with the right of the Company or any Affiliate to terminate the
     employment of any Participant. Under no circumstances shall any person who
     is or has at any time been a Participant be able to claim from the Company
     or an Affiliate or any related person any sum or other benefit to
     compensate him for loss of any rights or benefits under or in connection
     with this Plan or by reason of his participation herein.

4.3  Enrollment Modification Form - Each Employee may elect to participate in
     the Plan as of the Effective Date or any subsequent July 1, October 1,
     January 1, or April 1, by completing and delivering to the Company the
     Enrollment/Modification Form. Delivery of a duly completed and executed
     Enrollment/Modification Form shall constitute acceptance by the Employee of
     all the terms and conditions of the Plan and of any regulations adopted or
     to be adopted pursuant to paragraph 13.1.


5.1  Amount of Contributions - The Employee shall indicate in the
     Enrollment/Modification Form whether he wishes to make an Initial
     Participant Contribution and/or the amount of any Ordinary Participant
     Contributions he wishes to make. Such amount of Ordinary Participant
     Contributions must be equal to any whole percentage of the Participant's
     Salary from 1 percent to 10 percent. In the event that the Salary of a
     Participant varies at any time in the course of a Plan Year, the Ordinary
     Participant Contributions of such Participant shall be automatically
     adjusted accordingly in order to remain equal to the selected percentage of
     the Participant's Salary.

5.2  Manner of Payment - Each Participant shall make Participant Contributions
     to the Plan by regular scheduled payroll deductions at the end of each Pay
     Period. Each payroll deduction in respect of Ordinary Participant
     Contributions shall be in an amount equal to the percentage of such
     Participant's Salary for such Pay Period selected by the Participant on his
     Enrollment/Modification Form. Each payroll deduction in respect of the


     Participant Contribution shall be in the same percentage, provided,
     however, that such Participant may instead make such Initial Participant
     Contribution by way of cheque payable to the Trustee no later than two
     months after the later of the Effective Date and the first enrollment date
     after he qualifies as an Employee. The Participant Contributions in any
     given Plan Year shall be made on the basis of the year of receipt of the
     Salary from which such Participant Contributions are deducted. Participant
     Contributions shall commence as soon as practicable but in no event later
     than the first Pay Period following the Pay Period in which the
     Enrollment/Modification form is received.

5.3  Modification of Contributions - A Participant may modify the amount of his
     Ordinary Participant Contributions to the Plan up to twice in any Plan
     Year, by completing and delivering to the Company an
     Enrollment/Modification Form. Such modification shall take effect as soon
     as practicable but in no event later than the first Pay Period following
     the Pay Period in which the Enrollment/Modification Form is received, at
     which time the Ordinary Participant Contributions shall be adjusted
     accordingly, provided such adjustment conforms with paragraph 5.1.

5.4  No Retroactive Contributions - A Participant may not make retroactive
     Participant Contributions to the Plan, unless the Committee determines

5.5  No Lump Sum Contributions - Subject to paragraph 5.2, a Participant may not
     make lump sum Participant Contributions to the Plan, unless the Committee
     determines otherwise.

5.6  Paid Leave of Absence - A Participant on authorized Company-paid or
     Affiliate-paid leave of absence shall continue to make Participant
     Contributions through payroll deduction, as provided for in paragraph 5.2,
     unless such Participant has completed and delivered to the Company an
     Enrollment/Modification form stating that he wishes that his Participant
     Contributions be suspended during the period of such absence, in which
     event paragraph 5.8 shall become applicable with such modifications as the
     context requires.

5.7  Maternity Leave - A Participant on maternity leave shall continue to make
     Participant Contributions by way of post-dated cheques, unless such
     Participant has completed and delivered to the Trustee an
     Enrollment/Modification Form stating that she wishes that her Participant
     Contributions be suspended during the period of such absence, in which
     event paragraph 5.8 shall become applicable with such modifications as the
     context requires.

5.8  Lay-off, Unpaid Leave of Absence - In the case of lay-off or authorized
     unpaid leave of absence, and subject to paragraph 5.10, the Participant
     Contributions of the Participant shall be automatically suspended. Such
     suspension shall apply until the Participant returns to work, in which case
     the Participant may resume his Participant Contributions by completing and
     delivering to the Company an Enrollment/Modification Form. Participant
     Contributions shall resume as soon as practicable but in no event later
     than the first Pay Period following the Pay Period in which the
     Enrollment/Modification Form is received.


     During any suspension of Participant Contributions by a Participant on
     lay-off or unpaid leave of absence, the Participant shall remain eligible
     for Company Contributions earned prior to such suspension, subject to
     section 6.

5.9  Long-Term Disability - In the event that a Participant becomes disabled and
     entitled to benefits under a recognized long-term disability program, and
     subject to paragraph 5.10, the Participant Contributions of the Participant
     shall be automatically suspended. Such suspension shall apply until the
     Participant returns to work, in which case the Participant may resume his
     Participant Contributions by completing and delivering to the Company an
     Enrollment/Modification Form. Participant Contributions shall resume as
     soon as practicable but in no event later than the first Pay Period
     following the Pay Period in which the Enrollment/Modification Form is

     During any suspension of Participant Contributions by a Participant on
     long-term disability, the Participant shall remain eligible for Employer
     Contributions earned prior to such suspension, subject to section 6.

5.10 Continuing Contributions - A Participant to whom paragraph 5.8 or 5.9
     applies may continue to contribute to the Plan by way of post-dated cheques
     until the earlier of his return to work or the end of the Plan Year in
     which the event described in such applicable paragraph occurs.

5.11 Voluntary Suspension of Contributions - A Participant may at any time, by
     completing and delivering to the Company an Enrollment/Modification Form,
     request that his Ordinary Participant Contributions be suspended. The
     Participant will have the option of resuming his Ordinary Participant
     Contributions at any time by completing and delivering to the Company a new
     Enrollment/Modification Form. Ordinary Participant Contributions shall
     resume as soon as practicable but in no event later than the first Pay
     Period following the Pay Period in which the new Enrollment/Modification
     Form is received. However, in the event of a second such suspension in the
     same Plan Year, the Participant shall not be allowed to resume making
     Participant Contributions until the next enrollment date.

     During any suspension of Participant Contributions, the Participant shall
     remain eligible for Employer Contributions earned prior to such suspension,
     subject to section 6, and shall be considered a Participant in the Plan for
     all purposes other than the making of Participant Contributions.

5.12 Remittance of Contributions - Participant Contributions withheld through
     payroll deduction by the Company and each Affiliate in each Pay Period
     shall be remitted by the Company and each Affiliate to the Trustee as soon
     as practicable but not later than the fifth Business Day following the date
     such withholding is effected. Participant Contributions described in
     paragraph 5.7 or 5.10 shall be remitted by the Participant directly to the
     Trustee by way of post-dated cheque.



     Simultaneous with the relevant Participant Contribution or as soon as
     practicable thereafter, the Company or the relevant Affiliate, as the case
     may be, shall remit to the Trustee for the benefit of each Participant an
     Employer Contribution out of Profits. Such Employer Contribution shall be
     equal to: (a) 100 percent of the amount of the Participant's Initial
     Participant Contribution, if any, and (b) 33.3 percent of the amount of the
     relevant Ordinary Participant Contributions up to (i) 6 percent of Salary
     less (ii) any amount described in (a); provided, however, that if there are
     insufficient Profits to make an Employer Contribution computed according to
     the preceding formula in a particular Plan Year, the Employer Contribution
     for that Plan Year shall be reduced to Cdn.$100 per Participant. For the
     avoidance of doubt, the Employer Contribution described in (b) for the
     benefit of any Participant in respect of a Plan Year shall not exceed 2
     percent of his Salary in that Plan Year.


7.1  Assets of the Trust Fund - The Trustee shall receive from the Company and
     the Affiliates the Participant Contributions of all the Participants made
     in accordance with section 5 and the Employer Contributions made to the
     Plan in accordance with section 6. Such contributions, the Shares acquired
     therewith and the income thereon from the date of receipt by the Trustee
     shall constitute the Trust Fund of the Plan and shall be held, invested,
     managed, administered and dealt with by the Trustee pursuant to the terms
     of the Plan. The Trustee shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, convert
     into Canadian dollars any Participant Contributions and Employer
     Contributions paid in another currency.

7.2  Allocations to Participants - The Trustee shall maintain a separate account
     for each Participant. The Trustee shall credit to the account of a
     Participant all Employer Contributions made for the benefit of the said
     Participant, all Participant Contributions made by such Participant, and
     all Shares acquired therewith. The Trustee shall allocate either absolutely
     or contingently to each Participant all income received, capital gains
     realized, and capital losses sustained by the Trust Fund on his account at
     such time or times as the Trustee may determine but in any event, at least
     annually. The Trustee shall credit to the Plan reserve all Unvested Shares
     forfeited by Participants in accordance with paragraph 8.4.


8.1  Right to Sell, Withdraw or Transfer - Upon completion and delivery to the
     Company of a Withdrawal/Termination Form, a Participant may direct the
     Trustee to sell, withdraw, or transfer some or all of the Vested Shares in
     his account. In the first case, the Trustee shall pay to the Participant an
     amount equal to the net proceeds of sale of those Shares which have been
     sold at the Participant's direction. In the second case, the Trustee shall
     transfer title and deliver to the Participant those Shares which have been


     withdrawn at the Participant's direction. In the third case, the Trustee
     shall proceed in accordance with paragraph 8.3.

8.2  Exception for Unvested Shares - A Participant may not direct the Trustee to
     sell or withdraw any Unvested Shares in his account. For purposes of this
     paragraph 8.2, the Trustee shall track each Participant's Unvested Shares
     separately from his Vested Shares.

8.3  Group RRSP Transfer - Beginning on such date as the Committee determines, a
     Participant may direct the Trustee to transfer some or all of the Vested
     Shares in his account into the Group RRSP. A Participant may not request
     Share transfers to the Group RRSP more than once in any Plan Year. It is
     the responsibility of the Participant to ensure that the aggregate of such
     Group RRSP contributions and any contributions he makes to other registered
     retirement savings plans does not exceed the allowable limit under the
     Income Tax Act (Canada).

8.4  Termination for Cause; Resignation - In the event that the employment of a
     Participant is terminated for cause or the Participant resigns, the
     Participant's participation in the Plan shall be terminated. The Trustee
     shall either transfer and deliver to the Participant or sell all of the
     Vested Shares in the Participant's account, at the option of the
     Participant. The transfer and delivery of the Shares or payment of the net
     proceeds of sale, as the case may be, shall be effected as soon as
     practicable but in no event later than five (5) days from the date the
     Trustee receives notification of such termination.

     The Participant shall not be entitled to acquire title to or receive
     proceeds from the sale of his Unvested Shares. Such Shares shall be
     forfeited and credited to the Plan reserve and may be utilized to satisfy
     future Employer Contribution obligations.

8.5  Termination in Other Circumstances - In the event of the death, Retirement,
     or involuntary termination without cause of a Participant, the Trustee
     shall transfer and deliver or sell all of the Vested Shares and Unvested
     Shares in the Participant's account to the Participant or the legal
     representatives of the deceased Participant's estate, as the case may be.
     The transfer and delivery or payment of the net proceeds of sale, as the
     case may be, shall be effected as soon as practicable but in no event later
     than five (5) days from the date the Trustee receives notification of such


9.1  Contributions to Be Invested Solely in Shares - All Participant
     Contributions and all Employer Contributions, as well as all income
     thereon, shall be invested solely in the acquisition of Shares.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, all Participant Contributions and Employer
     Contributions remitted to the Trustee shall, prior to the acquisition of
     Shares therewith pursuant to paragraph 9.2, earn interest for the account
     of the Participants.

9.2  Acquisition of Shares by Trustee - In the case of Participant
     Contributions, Shares shall be purchased by the Trustee as soon as
     reasonably practicable following receipt of the Participant Contributions
     by the Trustee, as determined by the Trustee. In the case of Employer
     Contributions, Shares shall be purchased by the Trustee as soon as


     practicable following receipt of such Contributions from the Company or any
     such longer period required by securities legislation, stock exchange
     rules, or other relevant rules.

9.3  Source of Shares - The Trustee shall use the Participant Contributions and
     the Employer Contributions to purchase Shares only on the open market,
     through the facilities of The Toronto Stock Exchange or such other stock
     exchange on which the Shares are listed as the Board shall from time to
     time prescribe.

9.4  Registration of Shares - All the Shares purchased by the Trustee on behalf
     of a Participant pursuant to the provisions hereof shall be registered in
     the name of the Trustee, on behalf of such Participant. As long as such
     Shares have not been forfeited pursuant to paragraph 8.4 and are governed
     by the provisions of the Plan, they shall be held by the Trustee on behalf
     of the Participant. However, all rights and privileges with respect to the
     Shares, including voting rights, shall be exercised by the Participant
     through the Trustee, and any dividends shall be credited to the
     Participant's account.

9.5  Dividends - All dividends paid on Shares held by the Trustee on a
     Participant's behalf shall be reinvested by the Trustee in the acquisition
     of additional Shares as soon as practicable but in no event later than ten
     (10) days following payment of the dividends, which Shares shall be
     credited to the account of the Participant.

9.6  Shareholder Information; Right to Vote - The Trustee shall forward to each
     Participant all the shareholder information, documentation and reports sent
     by the Company to its shareholders. Prior to all meetings of the Company's
     shareholders, the Trustee shall provide to the Participant a voting
     instruction card so that the Participant may indicate thereon his
     directions to the Trustee as to how he wishes the Trustee to vote on his
     behalf and the Participant shall return such voting instruction card to the
     Trustee. Should the Participant fail to provide the Trustee with the voting
     instruction card, the Trustee shall refrain from voting the Shares credited
     to the account of the Participant.

9.7  Discretion of Trustee - Notwithstanding paragraph 9.2, the Trustee, in its
     discretion, may limit the daily volume of its purchases and sales of Shares
     or make such purchases and sales over several trading days to the extent
     that such action is deemed by it to be in the best interests of the
     Participants. Should the purchase or sale of Shares by the Trustee in any
     given month pursuant hereto be at various prices, the Trustee shall
     establish an average purchase or sale price, as the case may be, applicable
     for each Share in the relevant month.

9.8  Fractions of Shares - A Participant shall not be allowed in any
     circumstances to withdraw or transfer a fraction of a Share pursuant to any
     provision of the Plan. The value of any such fraction will be paid in cash.

9.9  No Share Value Guarantee - Neither the Company nor any Affiliate makes any
     representation or warranty as to the future market value of any Shares
     acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.



10.1 Quarterly Statements - The Trustee will provide, on a quarterly basis, a
     statement of account to each Participant setting out the activity relating
     to the Participant's account for those periods ending at the end of March,
     June, September and December of each Plan Year.

10.2 Up-to-Date Statements - Should a Participant request an up-to-date
     statement of account, such statement may be made available at such other
     time as may be agreed upon between the Company and the Trustee.


11.1 Change of Trustee - The Company as agent for each Participant may at any
     time or times after providing ninety (90) days' written notice remove the
     Trustee and appoint a successor or successors to fill any vacancy arising
     for any reason whatever.

11.2 Delegation by Trustee - The Trustee may delegate to the Company or to any
     corporation authorized to carry on the business of a trust company in
     Canada the duty to maintain records and to furnish statements in connection
     with all aspects of the Plan.

11.3 Indemnification - The Trustee shall be indemnified and held harmless by the
     Company against and from any and all loss, cost, liability or expense
     resulting from any claim, action, suit or proceeding to which it may be a
     party or in which it may be involved by reason of any action taken or
     failure to act under the Plan and against and from any and all amounts paid
     by it in settlement thereof (with the Company's written approval) or paid
     by it in satisfaction of a judgment in any such action, suit or proceeding,
     except a judgment in favor of the Company based upon a finding of the
     Trustee's wilful misconduct, negligence, or bad faith; subject, however, to
     the condition that, upon the assertion or institution of any such claim,
     action, suit or proceeding against it, the Trustee shall in writing give
     the Company a reasonable opportunity, at the latter's expense, to handle
     and defend the same within a time frame to be specified by the Trustee,
     before the Trustee undertakes to handle and defend such claim, action, suit
     or proceeding on its own behalf. The Company and the Participants shall be
     indemnified and held harmless by the Trustee against and from any and all
     loss, cost, liability or expense resulting from the wilful misconduct,
     negligence or bad faith of the Trustee or of any person (other than the
     Company) to which the Trustee has delegated any of its duties hereunder.

11.4 Certificates, Reports, Opinions - The Trustee shall be entitled to rely on
     all certificates, reports, opinions and other documents furnished by any
     broker, accountant, auditor or counsel to the Company and shall be fully
     protected and indemnified by the Company in respect of any acts done in
     good faith and in reliance on such certificates, reports, opinions or

11.5 Resignation of Trustee - The Trustee may resign its trust and be discharged
     from all further duties and liabilities hereunder upon ninety (90) days'
     written notice to the Company and each Participant or such shorter notice
     as may be agreed upon.



     Except as provided herein, the rights of a Participant pursuant to the
     provisions of the Plan are non-assignable and non-transferable, in whole or
     in part. No attempted assignment or transfer thereof, otherwise than in
     accordance with the provisions hereof, shall be effective.


13.1 Regulation and Delegation - The Committee may make, amend and repeal at any
     time and from time to time such regulations not inconsistent herewith, as
     it may deem necessary or advisable generally for the proper administration
     and operation of the Plan. In particular, the Committee may delegate to any
     person, group of persons or corporation such administrative duties and
     powers as it sees fit, and the Committee may take such actions as are
     necessary not to penalize a Participant moving to or from Canada at the
     Company's request.

13.2 Interpretation - The Committee shall have the power to interpret the
     provisions of the Plan from time to time. All decisions and interpretations
     of the Committee respecting the Plan and all rules and regulations made
     from time to time pursuant hereto shall be binding and conclusive on the
     Company, the Affiliates, and all Participants and their respective legal
     representatives and on all Employees eligible under the Plan to participate

13.3 Amendment - The Committee may amend at any time the provisions of the Plan
     at its sole and complete discretion, except that no such amendment shall
     operate so as to deprive a Participant of any rights acquired prior to the
     date thereof or to relieve the Company of the obligation to make such
     unremitted Employer Contributions as it would have been obliged to make in
     respect of that Participant pursuant to section 6. Notwithstanding the
     foregoing, if any provision of the Plan contravenes any applicable laws or
     regulations or any rules, regulations, by-laws or policies of any
     regulatory authority or stock exchange having jurisdiction or authority
     over the Company, an Affiliate or the Plan, then the Committee may amend
     such provision to the extent required to bring such provision into
     compliance therewith.

13.4 Termination - The Company hopes and expects to maintain the Plan
     indefinitely. However, the Committee reserves the right to terminate the
     Plan at any time, in which event the Participants' rights will be governed
     by paragraph 8.5 as if the Participants' Retirements had all occurred on
     the date of the termination of the Plan.

14.  COSTS

     Except as otherwise provided for in this section 14, the Company shall pay
     all costs of administering the Plan, including without limitation all the
     fees and expenses of the Trustee. All brokerage fees relating to the
     acquisition of Shares shall be borne by the Company. All brokerage and
     other fees relating to the sale, transfer to the Group RRSP


     or withdrawal of Shares shall be paid by the relevant Participants, except
     that the Company shall pay the said fees in respect of one (1) such
     transaction per Participant in each Plan Year.


     The laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable
     therein shall apply to the Plan, any amendments thereto, and the
     administration thereof, and all rights and obligations thereunder shall be
     governed, construed and determined in accordance with such laws.


     The Plan shall apply to Employees outside Canada as of the times and to the
     extent determined by the Committee. The terms and conditions offered to
     non-Canadian Employees may vary and be more limited than those set forth
     above, depending on local regulations and restrictions. For greater
     certainty, the application to non-Canadian Employees of the foregoing Plan
     provisions shall be determined: (a) in accordance with any schedules added
     to the Plan at the Committee's discretion; and (b) as the context requires.