Washington, DC 20549

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                 Amendment No.2

                             CURRENT REPORT PURSUANT
                          TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

            Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): o, 2003

                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

      0-5423                                                59-1277135
   (Commission                                           (I.R.S. Employer
   File Number)                                         Identification No.)

4440 PGA Boulevard, Suite 500, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida            33410
          (Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

                                 (561) 627-7171
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                             Exhibit Index on page o

Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

         The acquisition of UtiliQuest was accounted for using the purchase
method of accounting. Accordingly, the purchase price has been allocated to the
tangible and intangible assets acquired and the liabilities assumed on the basis
of their respective fair values on the acquisition date. The purchase price in
excess of the fair value of the net tangible and identifiable assets acquired
will be allocated to goodwill. The purchase price allocation is not final and is
subject to changes upon completion of final valuations of certain assets.

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits

         This Amended Current Report on Form 8-K is filed to provide the
financial information with respect to the Acquisition required by Item 7 of Form
8-K and to amend the language of sections (a) and (b) of Item 7 of the Form 8-K
filed on December 11, 2003.

     (a)  Financial Statements of Business Acquired

               Audited financial statements of UtiliQuest as of December 31,
          2002 and for the year ended December 31, 2002.

               Unaudited financial statements of UtiliQuest as of September 30,
          2003 and for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and September
          30, 2002.

     (b)  Pro forma Financial Information

               Unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet of Dycom as
          of October 25, 2003, which gives effect to the acquisition of
          UtiliQuest and the acquisition of assets and assumption of certain
          liabilities from First South as if it had occurred on October 25,

               Unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of operations
          of Dycom for the year ended July 26, 2003 and for the three months
          ended October 25, 2003, which gives effect to the acquisition of
          UtiliQuest and the acquisition of assets and assumption of certain
          liabilities from First South as if it had occurred on July 28, 2002.


     (c)  Exhibits

          Exhibit No.               Description
          -----------               -----------

          2.1                       Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of
                                    November 17, 2003, among Dycom Industries,
                                    Inc., UtiliQuest Acquisition Corp.,
                                    UtiliQuest Holdings Corp. and OCM/GFI Power
                                    Opportunities Fund, L.P. (incorporated
                                    herein by reference to Exhibit 10.3 of the
                                    Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended October 25,
                                    2003 filed by Dycom on December 5, 2003,
                                    File No. 001-10613).

         23.1                       Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

         99.1                       Press Release, dated December 3, 2003
                                    (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit
                                    99.1 of the Current Report on Form 8-K filed
                                    by Dycom on December 4, 2003, File No.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                                    Index to
                         Historical Financial Statements

Report of Independent Accountants                                                                     5

Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 2002                                                       6

Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2002                             7

Consolidated Statement of Stockholder's Equity for the year ended                                     8
     December 31, 2002

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2002                             9

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2002                      10

Consolidated Balance Sheet at September 30, 2003 (Unaudited)                                         24

Consolidated Statements of Operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2003
     and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)                                                              25

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2003
     and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited )                                                             26

Notes to Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements                                                 27


                         Report of Independent Accountants

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheet and the related
consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity and of cash flows
present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of
UtiliQuest Holdings Corp. and its subsidiaries at December 31, 2002, and the
results of their operations and their cash flows for the year then ended in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit of these statements in
accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers

March 28, 2003, except as to
   Note 16 for which the date is
   December 3, 2003

Atlanta, Georgia


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                December 31, 2002

Current Assets
     Cash                                                                        $      2,013,000
     Accounts receiveable, net of allowance of $535,000                                12,842,000
     Unbilled revenues                                                                    670,000
     Prepaid expenses and other                                                         2,500,000
     Deferred tax assets                                                                7,764,000
                  Total current assets                                                 25,789,000
Property and equipment, net                                                            19,735,000
Goodwill                                                                               40,631,000
Intangible assets, net                                                                 18,260,000
Restricted cash - insurance trust                                                       2,780,000
Other                                                                                     625,000
                  Total assets                                                   $    107,820,000
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities
     Revolving credit line                                                       $      8,144,000
     Accounts payable                                                                   2,980,000
     Accrued expenses                                                                  18,739,000
     Capital lease obligations, current portion                                         3,795,000
     Long-term debt, current portion                                                    2,000,000
                  Total current liabilities                                            35,658,000
Capital lease obligations, net of current portion                                       6,846,000
Deferred tax liabilities                                                                4,101,000
Long term debt                                                                         24,100,000
                  Total liabilities                                                    70,705,000
Commitments adn contingencies
Stockholders' equity
Common stock, $0.001 par value; 50,000,000 shares authorized,
41,462,000 issued and outstanding                                                          41,000
Additional paid-in-capital                                                             41,421,000
Retained deficit                                                                       (4,347,000)
                  Total stockholders' equity                                           37,115,000
                  Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                    $     107,820,000

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                   of these consolidated financial statements.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                      Consolidated Statement of Operations
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2002
Net revenues                                                                     $  119,701,000
Cost of revenues
   Payroll and related cost                                                          60,340,000
   Transportation, insurance and direct operating supplies                           30,198,000
   Depreciation and amortization                                                      5,324,000
         Cost of revenues                                                            95,862,000
         Gross margin                                                                23,839,000
Selling, general and administrative expenses
   Salaries                                                                           6,628,000
   Office related costs                                                              12,102,000
   Depreciation and amortization                                                      3,305,000
   Impairment loss on goodwill                                                        4,917,000
             Total selling, general and administrative expenses                      26,952,000
Operating loss                                                                       (3,113,000)
Other expense
   Interest expense                                                                   2,412,000
   Other                                                                                 47,000
         Total other expense                                                          2,459,000
Loss before income tax benefit                                                       (5,572,000)
Income tax benefit                                                                     (328,000)
         Net loss                                                                $   (5,244,000)

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                   of these consolidated financial statements.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                 Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2002

                                               Common Stock                 Additional                        Total
                                                   Issued and     Amount      Paid-in       Retained   Stockholders'
                                     Authorized    Outstanding     (1)       Capital        (Deficit)     Equity
                                     ----------    -----------   ---------  -----------   -----------  -------------
Balances at January 1, 2002          50,000,000    36,000,000     $36,000   $35,964,000   $   897,000  $ 36,897,000
     Common stock issued                     -      5,462,000       5,000     5,457,000             -     5,462,000
     Net Loss                                -              -           -                  (5,244,000)   (5,244,000)
                                     ----------    -----------   ---------  -----------   -----------  -------------
Balances at December 31, 2002        50,000,000    41,462,000     $41,000   $41,421,000   $(4,347,000) $ 37,115,000
                                     ==========    ===========   =========  ===========   ===========  =============

(1)      The Company's common stock has a par value of $0.001 per share.

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                   of these consolidated financial statements.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2002
Cash flows from operating activities
Net loss                                                                              $ (5,244,000)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by operating activities
     Depreciation and amortization                                                       8,629,000
     Impairment loss on goodwill                                                         4,917,000
     Deferred income taxes                                                                (394,000)
     Loss on sale of assets                                                                198,000
     Bad debt expense                                                                      302,000
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities
         Accounts receivable                                                              (892,000)
         Unbilled revenues                                                                (149,000)
         Income tax receivable                                                             411,000
         Prepaid expenses and other                                                     (1,005,000)
         Accounts payable                                                                 (553,000)
         Accrued expenses                                                               (2,318,000)
                  Net cash provided by operating activities                              3,902,000

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchases of property and equipment                                                     (1,533,000)
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                                               456,000
Post acquisition settlement                                                              3,600,000
Acquisitions, net of cash received                                                     (12,368,000)
                  Net cash used in investing activities                                 (9,845,000)

Cash flows from financing activities
Restricted cash - insurance trust                                                       (1,530,000)
Net repayments on revolving credit line                                                 (2,904,000)
Proceeds from borrowings                                                                17,582,000
Repayments of debt                                                                      (8,976,000)
Proceeds from short-term loan                                                           12,000,000
Repayment of short-term loan                                                           (12,000,000)
Payments on capital lease obligations                                                   (2,848,000)
Common stock issued                                                                      5,462,000
                  Net cash provided by financing activities                              6,786,000
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                  843,000
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                                             1,170,000
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                                                  $2,013,000
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
Interest paid during year                                                               $2,073,000

Taxes paid during year                                                                    $155,000

Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and financing activities
Fair value of assets required                                                           31,605,000
Less liabilities assumed                                                               (14,380,000)
Equipment acquired through capital lease                                                $8,867,000

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                   of these consolidated financial statements.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                                December 31, 2002

1.   Business and Organization

     UtiliQuest Holdings Corp. and its wholly owned subsidiaries, UtiliQuest,
     LLC and Underground Technology, Inc. ("UGTI"), (collectively, "the
     Company") provide a location and meter reading service primarily to utility
     and telecommunication customers. A locating service places markings, above
     ground, that indicate the presence of underground electric, gas, fiber
     optic, cable, telephone, sewer and water facilities prior to excavation.
     The Company's headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia and has approximately 65
     office locations in 18 states within the United States.

     In early 1998, Byers Engineering formed Byers Locate Services LLC as a
     separate operating unit. On July 30, 1998, Byers Engineering sold 74
     percent of its operating unit to Enron. In conjunction with the sale, the
     name of the operating unit was changed to UtiliQuest and a minority
     interest was sold to Alan Robertson. Enron (74%), Byers Engineering (20%)
     and Alan Robertson (6%) formed the Members of UtiliQuest ("Members"). On
     November 3, 1998, UtiliQuest acquired the utility locating division of
     Denver based Kelly Cable Corporation, expanding the Company's national

     Effective August 31, 2001, the Company entered into a Member Unit Purchase
     Agreement with OCM/GFI Power Opportunities Fund, L.P. (the "Acquisition
     Agreement") to acquire 100 percent of the members' units of UtiliQuest,
     LLC. The cash purchase price for the Members' units was approximately $59.8
     million plus acquisition expenses of approximately $1.1 million. The cash
     was obtained from an issuance of common stock of $36 million and $23.8
     million in debt financing. The purchase price was allocated to the assets
     and liabilities acquired using the estimated fair values at the date of
     acquisition. The excess of purchase price over the estimated fair values
     resulted in assigning approximately $36.8 million to goodwill and $11.9
     million to an intangible asset - customer relationships. Goodwill and
     intangible assets acquired in this transaction are tax deductible. The
     Company assumed approximately $22 million of liabilities in the

     The Company has claimed that significant liabilities associated with locate
     damages, workers' compensation and auto accruals (Note 7) were not properly
     accrued on the closing balance sheet. On April 9, 2002, a settlement
     agreement was created to establish an escrow that would address claims in
     accordance with certain criteria. As of December 31, 2002, the Company has
     submitted claims in accordance with the escrow criteria. See Note 16 for
     further discussion on the settlement of these claims.

     The amounts received as a result of the Company's successful claim against
     the previous Members of UtiliQuest, LLC will be applied as a reduction to
     goodwill recorded in connection with the acquisition.

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     Principles of Consolidation
     The accompanying consolidated balance sheet includes the accounts of the
     Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries, UtiliQuest LLC and UGTI. All
     intercompany accounts and transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

     In September 2002, the Company acquired Underground Technology, Inc. This
     acquisition was accounted for using the purchase method of accounting;
     hence, the Company's results include the results of this entity from its
     acquisition date.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

     Cash and Cash Equivalents

     The Company considers all short-term investments with maturity of three
     months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents.

     The Company routinely has deposits at financial institutions, which
     substantially exceed federal depository insurance coverage. Management
     believes maintaining the deposits at large, reputable banks mitigates any
     risks associated with these excess deposits.

     Restricted Cash - Insurance Trust

     Restricted cash represent deposits with certain financial institutions for
     collateral on auto and workers compensation claims. The Company expects
     that these amounts will never be depleted as other accounts with certain
     minimum funding requirements have been established to pay the Company's
     auto and workers compensation claims.

     Revenue Recognition

     Revenues are recorded as services are performed. Unbilled revenues
     represent services performed and recognized as revenue, but not yet billed
     to the customer due to the time lag in the processing of invoices.

     Property and Equipment

     Property and equipment are stated at cost, less accumulated depreciation
     and amortization. Depreciation is provided over the estimated useful lives
     using the straight-line method. Useful lives range from: leasehold
     improvements - the term of the respective lease or the estimated useful
     life of the improvements, whichever is shorter; new vehicles - 4-5 years;
     new equipment and machinery - 4-5 years; and furniture and fixtures - 3-10
     years. Expenditures that extend the economic lives or improve the
     efficiency of equipment are capitalized. The cost of maintenance and
     repairs are expensed as incurred. Upon retirement or disposal, the related
     cost and accumulated depreciation are removed from the respective accounts
     and any resulting gain or loss is recognized in the consolidated statement
     of operations.

     Leasehold improvements and capital leases are amortized over the lease term
     (which approximates the estimated useful lives of the underlying assets).
     For income tax purposes, accelerated depreciation methods are primarily
     used with the establishment of deferred income tax liabilities for the
     resulting temporary differences.

     Effective January 1, 2002, the Company changed its accounting estimate
     relating to vehicle depreciation. The estimate service life for most
     vehicles was decreased to four years. The change was based upon historical
     actual usage of the vehicles. As a result of the change, 2002 net income
     was decreased by approximately $315,000.

     Long-Lived Assets

     Long-lived assets other than goodwill and indefinite life intangibles are
     reviewed for impairment annually or whenever events or changes in
     circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be
     recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used in operations are
     measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to future
     undiscounted cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If such
     assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is
     measured by the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds
     its fair value of the assets.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

     Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
     Customer contracts and related customer relationships are being amortized
     over the expected duration of those assets, generally 15 years. Deferred
     loan costs are amortized over the term of the credit facilities.

     In June 2001, FASB issued SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible
     Assets, which supersedes APB Opinion No. 17, Intangible Assets. SFAS No.
     142 establishes new standards for goodwill acquired in a business
     combination, eliminates amortization of goodwill, and instead sets forth
     methods to periodically evaluate goodwill for impairment. The Company early
     adopted SFAS No. 142 on August 31, 2001. On an annual basis, at December
     31, or when events and circumstances occur that may indicate impairment,
     management evaluates the recoverability of acquired goodwill and other
     intangible assets by comparing the carrying value of the assets to the
     associated current and projected cash flows; management also considers
     business prospects, market trends and other economic factors in performing
     this evaluation. Impairment losses are measured as the amount by which the
     carrying amount of the assets exceeds its fair value.

     In December 2002, the Company received notice from SBC of a decision to
     bring locating and other contracted services internally throughout its
     subsidiaries. Shortly thereafter, Pacific Bell and Southwestern Bell,
     subsidiaries of SBC, provided notice to the Company detailing plans to
     start internal performance of the contract locating work. Pacific Bell
     represented approximately 45 percent of Underground Technology Inc.'s
     revenue and Southwestern Bell represented approximately 1.8 percent of
     UtiliQuest LLC's revenue. The Company performed a review of its reporting
     units as of December 31, 2002, and identified an impairment loss on the
     Underground Technology, Inc. reporting unit. The valuation performed as
     part of the analysis employed a combination of present value techniques to
     measure fair value corroborated by comparisons to estimated market
     multiples. Third party specialists were engaged to assist in the
     valuations. As a result, the Company recorded a noncash impairment charge
     of $4.9 million during fiscal 2002.

     Deferred Financing Costs
     Deferred financing costs are amortized over a period of five years, the
     term of the relating debt instruments. Amortization of deferred financing
     costs for the year ended December 31, 2002, was $757,000.

     Stock-Based Compensation
     The Company uses the intrinsic value method to account for its stock based
     employee compensation in accordance with Accounting Principles Board
     Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees. The Black-Scholes
     option valuation model was developed for estimating the fair value of
     traded options that have no vesting restrictions and are fully
     transferable. Because option valuation models require the use of subjective
     assumptions and changes in these assumptions can materially impact the fair
     value of the options and the Company's options do not have the
     characteristics of traded options, the option valuation models do not
     necessarily provide a reliable measure of the fair value of its options.
     The pro forma disclosures required by SFAS No. 148 are reflected below. No
     stock-based compensation cost is reflected in net income as all options
     granted had an exercise price equal to the market value of the underlying
     common stock on the date of grant. Had the Company used the provisions of
     Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, Accounting for
     Stock-Based Compensation ("SFAS 123"), the Company's pro forma net income
     would have been as follows for the year ended December 31, 2002:

        Net loss
             As reported                                         $   (5,244,000)

        Stock-based compensation cost
            (fair value method), net of related tax effects      $        7,000

        Pro forma net loss                                       $   (5,251,000)


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

     In applying SFAS 123, the fair value of stock options granted by the
     Company was estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model assuming
     risk free rates of 3.61 percent for 2002, with no dividend yield, no
     expected volatility and an expected term of seven years. The resulting
     weighted average fair value of options granted during 2002 was $0.30.

     Advertising Expense
     The Company expenses all advertising costs as incurred. Advertising expense
     for the year ended December 31, 2002, was $132,000.

     Income Taxes
     Income taxes are provided in accordance with Statement of Financial
     Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. Accordingly,
     deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized at the applicable income
     tax rates based upon future tax consequences of temporary differences
     between the tax bases and financial reporting bases of assets and
     liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect in the years in which the
     differences are expected to reverse. Deferred tax assets are reduced, if
     necessary, by the amount of any tax benefits that, based on available
     evidence, are not expected to be realized.

     Self-Insured Liabilities
     The Company is self insured on locate damage claims, workers compensation,
     auto insurance and healthcare. The Company is self insured on each claim,
     up to certain limits. The Company accrues for specific claims and an
     estimate of claims incurred but not reported. The amounts are accrued based
     on historical experience and specific analysis of the claims. The
     self-insured claim liability includes incurred but not reported losses of
     $2,099,000 at December 31, 2002. The determination of such claims and
     expenses and the appropriateness of the related liability is periodically
     reviewed and updated. Because the company retains these risks, up to
     certain limits, a change in experience could materially affect results of
     operation in a particular period.

     Fair Value of Financial Instruments
     The fair value of cash, accounts receivable and trade accounts payable and
     accrued expenses are not materially different than their carrying amounts
     as reported at December 31, 2002, due to the short-term nature of these
     accounts. The December 31, 2002, debt balances under the credit facility
     approximate the fair value on the basis of the variable interest related to
     such debt.

     Use of Estimates
     The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with
     generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make
     estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets,
     liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date
     of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of
     revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could
     differ from those estimates.

     Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements
     In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, Accounting for Asset
     Retirement Obligations which addresses financial accounting and reporting
     for obligations associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived
     assets and the associated asset retirement costs. SFAS No. 143 applies to
     legal obligations associated with the retirement of long-lived assets that
     result from the acquisition, construction, development, and (or) normal use
     of the asset.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

     The Company is required and plans to adopt the provisions of SFAS No. 143
     on January 1, 2003. Upon initial application, entities are required to
     recognize a liability for any existing asset retirement obligations
     adjusted for cumulative accretion to the date of adoption of this
     Statement. An asset retirement cost would be capitalized as an increase to
     the carrying amount of the associated long-lived asset, and would be
     subject to depreciation. The cumulative effect, if any, of initially
     applying this Statement will be recognized as a change in accounting
     principle. The Company does not believe there are any obligations meeting
     the criteria of the standard.

     In December of 2002, the Company elected early adoption of SFAS No. 145
     Rescission of FASB Statement No. 4, 44 and 64, Amendment to FASB Statement
     No. 13, and Technical Corrections of April 2002. Under the new accounting
     standard, gains and losses incurred upon the extinguishment of debt may no
     longer qualify for extraordinary treatment and are now included as a
     component of income or loss before taxes. The Company has adopted SFAS No.
     145 in the financial statements and accordingly has recorded in interest
     expense $570,000 for the year ended December 31, 2002, related to the
     extinguishment of debt.

     In June 2002, SFAS No. 146, Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or
     Disposal Activities, was issued. This statement requires the recording of
     costs associated with exit or disposal activities at their fair values once
     a liability exists. Under previous guidance, certain exit costs were
     accrued when management committed to an exit plan, which may have been
     before an actual liability arose. The provisions of SFAS No. 146 are
     effective for exit or disposal activities initiated after December 31,
     2002, with early adoption encouraged. The adoption of SFAS No. 146 did not
     have a material impact on the Company's financial statements.

     In December 2002, SFAS No. 148, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation -
     Transition and Disclosure was issued. SFAS No. 148 amends SFAS No. 123,
     Accounting for Stock-based Compensation, to provide alternative methods of
     transition to the fair value method of accounting for stock-based employee
     compensation. In addition, SFAS No. 148 amends the disclosure provisions of
     SFAS No. 123 to require prominent disclosure about the effects of an
     entity's accounting policy with respect to stock-based employee
     compensation on reported net income and earnings per share in annual and
     interim financial statements. SFAS No. 148 does not amend SFAS No. 123 to
     require companies to account for their employee stock based awards using
     the fair value method. However, the disclosure provisions are required for
     all companies with stock based employee compensation, regardless of whether
     they utilize the fair value method of accounting described in SFAS No. 123
     or the intrinsic value method described in APB Opinion No. 25, Accounting
     for Stock Issued to Employees. SFAS No. 148's transition provisions are
     effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2002. The Company has
     adopted the disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 148.

     In November 2002, FASB Interpretation No. ("FIN") 45, Guarantor's
     Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including Indirect
     Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others, was issued. This interpretation
     requires elaborating on the disclosures that must be made by a guarantor in
     its interim and annual financial statements about obligations under certain
     guarantees or warranties that it has issued. FIN 45 also clarifies that a
     guarantor is required to recognize, at the inception of a guarantee, a
     liability for the fair value of the obligation undertaken in issuing the
     guarantee. The disclosure requirements of this FIN are effective for
     financial statements issued after December 15, 2002 and its recognition
     requirements are applicable for guarantees issued or modified after
     December 31, 2002. The Company has not entered into or modified any
     guarantees subsequent to December 15, 2002, and the Company does not have
     any material warranties.

     In January 2003, FIN 46, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, was
     issued with the objective of improving financial reporting by companies
     involved with variable interest entities. A variable interest entity is a
     corporation, partnership, trust or any other legal structure used for
     business purposes that either (a) does not have equity investors with
     voting rights, or (b) has equity investors that do not provide sufficient
     financial resources for the entity to support its activities. Historically,
     entities generally were not consolidated unless the entity was controlled
     through voting interests. FIN 46 requires that a variable


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

     interest entity be consolidated by a company if that company is the primary
     beneficiary of the variable interest entity. Primary beneficiary means the
     company is subject to a majority of the risk of loss from the variable
     interest entity's activities or is entitled to receive a majority of the
     entity's residual returns or both. FIN 46 also sets forth disclosure
     requirements for those variable interest entities to which the company is
     not the primary beneficiary and therefore would not be consolidated. The
     disclosures are required in all financial statements issued after January
     31, 2003, regardless of when the variable interest entity was created. The
     Company does not have any interests in variable interest entities.

3.   Acquisition

     On September 17, 2002, the Company acquired 100 percent of the common stock
     of UGTI for approximately $24 million in cash and notes, plus acquisition
     expenses of approximately $1 million. UGTI engages in performing
     underground locating services to major utility and telecommunication
     companies in California. This acquisition expands the Company's
     geographical presence within the western portion of the United States. The
     purchase price of $24 million was paid as approximately $17 million in cash
     and approximately $7 million in notes payable to the seller. The purchase
     price was allocated to the assets and liabilities acquired using the
     estimated fair values at the date of acquisition. The excess of purchase
     price over the estimated fair value resulted in assigning approximately $13
     million to goodwill and $6.1 million to an intangible asset - customer
     relationships. The Company engaged the assistance of an independent
     valuation company which employed the use of the capitalized free cash flow
     methodology to determine the basis of allocation. This methodology
     determines the fair value of a reporting unit's assets by analyzing the
     free cash flows that the business can generate, and making a determination
     of what an investor would be willing to pay for this cash flow stream,
     given its overall risk and anticipated growth. Goodwill and intangible
     assets acquired in this transaction are not tax deductible.

     The Company also acquired $4.9 million of cash classified as current assets
     below. The operating results of UGTI are included in the accompanying
     consolidated financial statements from September 17, 2002.

     The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the assets
     acquired and liabilities assumed at September 17, 2002:

      Current assets                                             $10,735,000
      Property, plant and equipment                                1,728,000
      Intangible assets                                            6,100,000
      Goodwill                                                    13,042,000
                        Total assets acquired                     31,605,000
      Current liabilities                                          7,302,000
      Long-term liabilities                                          478,000
      Notes payable                                                6,600,000
                        Total liabilities assumed                 14,380,000
                        Net assets acquired                      $17,225,000

     The notes issued to the sellers in conjunction with the acquisition are
     deferred payments that mitigate the Company's exposures to potential
     liabilities related to unrecorded locate damage claims at the date of the
     sale and certain potential tax liabilities. To the extent the liabilities
     are discovered within the contracted time period, the face amount of the
     notes will be reduced by the amounts paid by the Company on the potential
     liabilities. The notes are comprised of Promissory Note A and Promissory
     Note B. Promissory Note A is a three year note with a principal of
     $3,000,000 and bears interest at 6 percent, payable semi-annually on March
     31 and September 30. Promissory Note B is a seven year note with a
     principal of $3,600,000 and bears interest at 6 percent, payable
     semi-annually on March 31 and September 30.

     See Note 16 for further discussion on the settlement of Promissory Note A.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

     The following unaudited pro forma summaries present the Company's
     consolidated results of operations as if the foregoing acquisition had
     occurred on January 1, 2002:

     Total revenues                            $135,642,000
     Net loss                                  $ (6,351,000)

4.   Property and Equipment

     Property and equipment consisted of the following at December 31, 2002:

                                                          Owned            Leases           Total
     Vehicles and automotive equipment              $    5,356,000   $   11,976,000   $   17,332,000
     Locate and field equipment                          4,809,000           19,000        4,828,000
     Computer hardware and software                      2,650,000        2,572,000        5,222,000
     Furniture and fixtures                                622,000          185,000          807,000
     Leasehold improvements                                153,000                -          153,000
                                                        13,590,000       14,752,000       28,342,000
     Less: accumulated depreciation
     and amortization

                                                         5,122,000        3,485,000        8,607,000
                                                    $   8,468,000     $  11,267,000   $   19,735,000

     Depreciation and amortization expense was approximately $7,002,000 for the
     year ended December 31, 2002. Maintenance and repairs of property and
     equipment was approximately $1,940,000 for the year ended December 31,
     2002. The net book value of computer software at December 31, 2002, was

5.   Intangible Assets

     Intangible assets at December 31, 2002, consist of the following:

                                                                        Useful Lives
      Carrying amount
           Customer contracts and related customer relationships           15 years          $ 18,210,000
           Debt issuance costs                                              5 years               965,000

      Accumulated amortization
          Customer contracts and related customer relationships                                 (895,000)
          Debt issuance costs                                                                    (20,000)
                                                                                             $ 18,260,000

     Amortization expense was $1,627,000 for the year ended December 31, 2002.
     Debt issuance costs of $712,000, were written off in conjunction with the
     Company's new credit agreement (Note 8).


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

     Estimated amortization expense for 2003 and each of the five succeeding
     fiscal years is as follows:

      2003                        $    1,440,000
      2004                             1,416,000
      2005                             1,416,000
      2006                             1,416,000
      2007                             1,400,000
                                   $   7,088,000

6.   Goodwill

     A summary of changes in the Company's goodwill during the year ended
     December 31, 2002, is as follows:


        Balance, January 1, 2002                                 $ 36,802,000
        Additions (Note 3)                                         13,146,000
        Post acquisition settlement                               (4,400,000)
        Impairment                                                (4,917,000)
        Balance, December 31, 2002                               $ 40,631,000

          Post Acquisition Settlement
          Under the Acquisition Agreement, the Company had sixty days to adjust
          the preliminary balance sheet. The Company filed a working capital
          adjustment during 2001 and received approximately $3.6 million in cash
          and approximately $800,000 of management fees were discharged.

          Goodwill Impairment
          Under SFAS 142, goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful
          lives are not amortized but instead are reviewed for impairment at
          least annually and written down only in periods in which it is
          determined that the fair value is less than the recorded value. SFAS
          142 also requires the transitional impairment review for goodwill, as
          well as an annual impairment review, to be performed on a reporting
          unit basis. In connection with the Company's annual review, recorded
          goodwill was determined to be impaired in the UGTI reporting unit due
          to changes within a major customer contract. In the fourth quarter of
          2002, the Company completed its annual impairment review of UGTI and
          recognized an impairment loss of $4,917,000.

7.       Accrued Expenses

         Accrued expenses consisted of the following at December 31:
         Locate damage claims                                     $ 9,278,000
         Accrued payroll and related                                4,040,000
         Workers' compensation claims                               2,172,000
         Auto insurance claims                                        935,000
         Healthcare claims                                            544,000
         Other accrued liabilities                                  1,770,000


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

          The Company is self insured for the first $250,000 of claims on locate
          damages. The locate damages represent claims for harm to property,
          persons or job overruns (time and material overruns). The Company's
          customer or their representative reports damages, which are
          investigated and assessed by the Company. The potential claim is
          estimated and developed by the Company based on facts, circumstances
          and historical evidence.

          Due to the significance of the self insured portions of the Company's
          insurance claims, the insurer has custody of $2,780,000 in cash
          deposits at December 31, 2002. The amount is reported as restricted
          cash in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet.

8.        Revolving Credit Line and Long-Term Debt

          On December 6, 2002, the Company entered into a revolving credit
          facility and term loan agreement ("Credit Agreement"). The proceeds
          from the new agreement were used to repay the previous revolving
          credit line, term loan and security agreement. The Company recorded
          expense of $712,000 for the remaining deferred financing costs
          associated with the previous debt agreement during 2002. Long-term
          debt consists of approximately $7 million in notes payable (Note 3)
          and a term loan of $19.5 million.

          Revolving Credit Line
          The Revolving Credit Line accrues interest at a rate equal to Prime
          plus 1.50 percent or 5.75 percent at December 31, 2002. The Revolving
          Credit Line matures on December 6, 2007. The maximum amount allowed
          for borrowing under the Revolving Credit Line is the lesser of (i)
          $16,000,000 less any outstanding letter of credit arrangements or (ii)
          90 percent of eligible accounts receivables plus the pre-set amortized
          advance amount, referred to as total availability. The Company had an
          available borrowing base of $12,869,000 under the revolving credit
          facility at December 31, 2002 based on the lending formula, of which
          $8,144,000 was used.

          Term Loan
          Principal payments are due quarterly, beginning in April 2003 and
          interest payments on the Term Loan are due monthly, beginning January
          2003, until January 2008. The Term Loan accrues interest at a rate
          equal to Prime plus 4.25 percent, or 8.50 percent at December 31,
          2002. The Company deferred approximately $965,000 of fees related to
          the credit agreement, which are being amortized over its five-year
          term. The Company is required to pay an annual nonutilization fee
          equal to one percent of the unused portion of the credit capacity.

          The credit agreement is collateralized by substantially all of the
          Company's assets. The credit agreement contains certain covenants,
          which are financial and nonfinancial in nature. The credit agreement
          imposes certain conditions including restricting the Company's ability
          to encumber assets or incur certain types of indebtedness and
          maintaining a leverage ratio of not greater than 3.25, as measured at
          the end of each fiscal quarter. Given the Company's recent
          acquisition, anticipated cash flow and EBITDA results fell outside the
          credit agreement's EBITDA covenant. Therefore, as of December 31,
          2002, the Company failed to meet its EBITDA covenant. The Financial
          Cure Notice included in the debt agreement allows the Company to meet
          the financial covenants retroactively through an equity capital
          contribution. The Company received an equity capital contribution of
          $1.5 million from its largest shareholder on April 18, 2003. The
          contribution was made in exchange for 1,200,000 of additional common
          shares. The provision for the contribution allowed the Company to meet
          compliance with all financial covenants and conditions under the
          credit agreement for the year ended December 31, 2002.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

          Future maturities of the term debt and promissory notes (Note 3) are
          as follows:

         2003                                                    $   2,000,000
         2004                                                        3,000,000
         2005                                                        7,000,000
         2006                                                        5,000,000
         2007                                                        5,500,000
         Thereafter                                                  3,600,000
                                                                $   26,100,000

9.       Income Taxes

          Income tax benefit consisted of the following for the year ended
          December 31, 2002:

               Current                                         $           -
               Deferred                                               (362,000)
               Current                                                  66,000
               Deferred                                                (32,000)
                                                                $     (328,000)

          The tax benefit differs from the amount that would be calculated by
          applying the federal statutory rate of 34 percent to income before
          income taxes as follows:

            Expected tax benefit                               $    (1,894,000)
            State income taxes                                         279,000
            Nondeductible goodwill impairment                        1,672,000
            Other                                                     (385,000)
            Benefit of income taxes                            $      (328,000)

          The Company's deferred tax assets and liabilities consists of the
          following at December 31, 2002:

             Current deferred tax assets
                Net operating loss carryforward                     $6,156,000
                Allowance for doubtful accounts                        209,000
                Nondeductible accruals                               1,110,000
                AMT credit carryforward                                 34,000
                Other                                                  255,000
                        Current deferred tax assets                  7,764,000
            Long-term deferred tax liabilities
               Property and equipment                               (2,578,000)
               Goodwill amortization                                (1,416,000)
               Acquisition costs                                      (107,000)
                        Long-term deferred tax liabilities          (4,101,000)
                                                                   $ 3,663,000


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

          Realization of the Company's deferred tax asset is dependent on
          generating sufficient taxable income in the future. When determining
          when to record a valuation allowance, management considers whether it
          is more likely than not that the deferred tax assets will be realized.

          The Company generated a net operating loss carryforward during the
          year ended December 31, 2002, of $16,033,000. This carryforward is
          available to offset future taxable income. The net operating loss
          carryforward will begin to expire December 31, 2021.

          The utilization of a portion of the net operating losses is limited on
          an annual basis due to a change in ownership of UGTI. Management does
          not believe that these limitations will significantly impact the
          Company's ability to utilize the net operating losses before they

10.       Stock Option Plan

          The 2001 Omnibus Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan") for certain
          employees (including executive officers) reserved 3.6 million shares
          of common stock for future issuance upon exercise of options. The
          options vest over a five-year period and expire at the earliest of (1)
          the end of ten years from the date of grant, (2) sixty days following
          the termination of the holder's employment, (3) immediately if
          employment is terminated for cause, or (4) six months following the
          death or disability of the holder.

          The options are granted with an exercise price equal to the fair
          market value of the stock on the grant date. The Company is accounting
          for its options under APB Opinion 25 and, accordingly, no
          compensation cost has been recognized for stock options in the
          consolidated financial statements.

          A summary of the status and changes in shares of the Company's common
          stock subject to option under the option plan is as follows:

                                            Shares Subject     Average Exercise
                                              to Option              Price
                                            --------------     -----------------
       Balance, January 1, 2002                2,370,000                 1.00
       Granted                                    70,000                 1.18
       Exercised                                     -                    -
       Forfeited                                     -                    -
       Balance, December 31, 2002              2,440,000                 1.01

                                                               Outstanding                       Exercisable
                                                 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
                                                                               Average                      Average
                                                                 Average      Exercise                     Exercise
       Exercise Price Range                        Options        Life         Price         Options        Price
       ------------------------------------        -------      ---------     ---------     ---------      ---------
       $ 1.00                                     2,390,000         9            1.00        474,000          1.00
       $ 1.25                                        50,000        10            1.25           -              -
                                                -----------                                ---------
       $1.00-1.25                                 2,440,000                                  474,000
                                                ===========                                =========


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

11.       Employee Benefit Plans

          Profit-Sharing Plans
          The Company has defined contribution plans for their employees, which
          are qualified under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code. They
          typically provide benefits to a broad group of employees and may not
          discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees in coverage,
          benefits or contributions. Under the provisions of the Plans, eligible
          participants may elect to contribute up to the maximum amount of
          tax-deferred contributions allowed by the Internal Revenue Code. The
          Company's employees may voluntarily participate in the 401(k) Savings
          Plans upon meeting eligibility requirements. The Company provides
          matching employer contributions, which are vested over time. The
          Company's contribution to the UtiliQuest plan is a match of 30 percent
          of employee's contributions. This match is limited to employee
          contributions of up to 5 percent of the pre-tax compensation. The
          Company's contribution to the UGTI plan is a match of 10 percent of
          employee's contributions. This match is limited to employee
          contributions of up to 15 percent of the pre-tax compensation.

          The investment election for the employee's contribution is
          employee-driven and the company's match follows this election. The
          Company contributed approximately $129,000 in matching contributions
          for the year ended December 31, 2002.

          Incentive Plans
          To award employees for safety and to compensate employees for
          performance, the Company maintains various incentive plans. Under
          these plans, employees may receive additional incentive payments based
          either on a percentage of salary, revenue or profit, or at
          management's discretion. Under these plans, the Company expensed
          approximately $1,665,000 for the year ended December 31, 2002.

12.       Leases

          The Company has entered into certain noncancelable operating and
          capital lease agreements with respect to certain office space,
          vehicles and computer equipment.

          The approximate future minimum lease payments under noncancelable
          operating and capital leases as of December 31, 2002, are as follows:

                                                               Operating         Capital
                                                                 Leases          Leases
                                                               ---------         -------
        2003                                                  $ 1,570,000      $ 4,630,000
        2004                                                      816,000        4,175,000
        2005                                                      344,000        3,189,000
        2006                                                            -          755,000
                                                              -----------    --------------
                                                              $ 2,730,000       12,749,000
        Less interest portion                                 ===========       (2,108,000)
        Present value of net minimum lease payments                             10,641,000
        Less capital lease obligation, current portion                          (3,795,000)
        Capital lease obligation, net of current portion                     --------------
                                                                                $ 6,846,000

          Rental expense under noncancelable operating leases was approximately
          $1,986,000 for the year ended December 31, 2002.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

13.       Commitments and Contingencies

          The Company is involved in various claims and lawsuits, which arise in
          the normal course of its business. These claims and lawsuits have
          arisen as a result of equal employment opportunity ("EEOC") cases,
          locate damage, workers' compensation and auto claims (Note 7). The
          Company estimates an accrual for settlement of damages incurred in
          providing services to its customers and has accrued for any exposure
          in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. The Company has
          sought legal consultation and believes that the ultimate liability
          related to such claims and lawsuits will not have a material adverse
          effect on the Company's consolidated financial position or results of

14.       Concentration of Credit Risks

          The Company's customer case includes large utility and
          telecommunications companies located throughout the United States.
          These companies result in a concentration of credit risk for the
          Company. Approximately 27 percent of the Company's revenues were
          derived from the largest three customers: BellSouth (11%), Qwest (8%)
          and Verizon (8%) for the year ended December 31, 2002. These customers
          also account for approximately 30 percent of the Company's gross
          outstanding accounts receivable at December 31, 2002. The total
          outstanding trade receivables from BellSouth, Qwest and Verizon were
          approximately $1,858,000 or 14 percent, $1,037,000 or 7.8 percent and
          $1,135,000 or 8.5 percent, respectively, of the outstanding trade

15.       Related-Party Transactions

          The Company has paid $53,000 during 2002, for out-of-pocket costs to
          the Company's largest shareholder.

          The Company has an agreement to pay its largest shareholder $21,000
          per month in management fees. The Company has accrued $333,000 for the
          year ended December 31, 2002. These amounts were unpaid as of December
          31, 2002.

          In conjunction with the UGTI acquisition, the OCM/GFI Power
          Opportunities Fund L.P. provided short term financing to UtiliQuest
          Holdings for the purchase of 100 percent of the UGTI stock. The
          financing was executed through a capital contribution of approximately
          $5,462,000 and a short term loan for $12,000,000. The short term loan
          was repaid upon the closing of the Company's new Credit Agreement on
          December 6, 2002.

16.       Subsequent Event

          On April 18, 2003, the Company received an equity capital contribution
          of $1.5 million from its largest shareholder in exchange for 1,200,000
          shares of common stock.

          Pursuant to the April 9, 2002 settlement agreement as discussed in
          Note 1, on November 11, 2003, the Company reached an agreement with
          the previous Members of UtiliQuest to settle all pre-closing claims
          associated with the Acquisition Agreement. The settlement provides for
          payment by the members of $1,250,000 plus release of a certain
          bankruptcy obligation. In exchange, the Company will provide a global
          release of all indemnity obligations associated with the acquisition.
          The Company expects the related documents to be executed during the
          first quarter of 2004.

          On November 26, 2003, the Company entered into a settlement agreement
          with the seller that renegotiated Promissory Note A. In exchange for
          an immediate repayment of $2,000,000 on Promissory Note A, the seller
          would be released from claims arising out of potential liabilities
          incurred prior to September 17,


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
                                December 31, 2002

          2002, the acquisition date. The Company received a release from the
          remaining obligation of Promissory Note A and any accrued interest on
          Promissory Note A.

          Effective December 3, 2003, the Company was acquired by Dycom
          Industries, Inc. for an aggregate payment of approximately $120
          million in cash, including the payout of all stock options for
          approximately $2.5 million.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                               September 30, 2003

                                                                  September 30,
Assets                                                         -----------------

Current Assets
     Cash                                                       $      1,540,000
     Accounts receiveable, net of allowance of $455,000               15,090,000
     Unbilled revenues                                                 1,025,000
     Prepaid expenses and other                                        3,351,000
     Deferred tax assets                                               5,502,000
                  Total current assets                                26,508,000
Property and equipment, net                                           16,588,000
Goodwill                                                              40,642,000
Intangible assets, net                                                17,414,000
Restricted cash - insurance trust                                      4,295,000
Other                                                                    691,000
                  Total assets                                  $    106,138,000

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities
     Revolving credit line                                     $       5,422,000
     Accounts payable                                                  3,320,000
     Accrued insurance claims                                          3,508,000
     Other accrued expenses                                           16,556,000
     Capital lease obligations, current portion                        4,547,000
     Long-term debt, current portion                                   2,500,000
                  Total current liabilities                           35,853,000
Capital lease obligations, net of current portion                      6,114,000
Deferred tax liabilities                                               2,013,000
Long term debt                                                        22,600,000
                  Total liabilities                                   66,580,000
Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity
Common stock, $0.001 par value; 50,000,000 shares authorized,
42,700,000 issued and outstanding                                        43,000
Additional paid-in capital                                           42,919,000
Retained deficit                                                     (3,404,000)
                  Total stockholders' equity                         39,558,000
                  Total liabilities and stockholders' equity    $   106,138,000

                   See notes to unaudited financial statements


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations
           Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002

                                                                                     For the Nine Months Ended
                                                                                 September 30,        September 30,
                                                                                      2003                 2002
                                                                                  (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)
                                                                              --------------------    ---------------
Net revenues                                                                  $     102,628,000        $   86,460,000
Cost of revenues
     Payroll and related cost                                                        52,060,000            43,388,000
     Transportation, insurance and direct operating supplies                         25,431,000            20,964,000
     Depreciation and amortization                                                    5,700,000             3,569,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
                  Cost of revenues                                                   83,191,000            67,921,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
                  Gross margin                                                       19,437,000            18,539,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
Selling, general and administrative expenses
     Salaries                                                                         6,721,000             7,044,000
     Office related costs                                                             6,005,000             6,370,000
     Depreciation and amortization                                                    1,550,000             1,861,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
                  Total selling, general and administrative expenses                 14,276,000            15,275,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
Operating profit                                                                      5,161,000             3,264,000
Other expense
     Interest expense                                                                 2,737,000             1,295,000
     Other                                                                              612,000               201,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
                  Total other expense                                                 3,349,000             1,496,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
Income before income tax provision                                                    1,812,000             1,768,000
Income tax provision                                                                    869,000               736,000
                                                                              -----------------        --------------
                  Net income                                                  $         943,000        $    1,032,000
                                                                              =================        ==============

                   See notes to unaudited financial statements


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
           Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002

                                                                                      For the Nine Months Ended
                                                                                  September 30,       September 30,
                                                                                       2003                2002
                                                                                   (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income                                                                        $       943,000    $      1,032,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating
     Depreciation and amortization                                                      7,250,000           5,430,000
     Deferred income taxes                                                                552,000            (394,000)
     Loss on sale of assets                                                               521,000             103,000
     Bad debt expense                                                                     (19,000)            170,000
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities
         Accounts receivable                                                           (2,229,000)         (3,276,000)
         Unbilled revenues                                                               (355,000)             36,000
         Income tax receivable                                                                 --             411,000
         Prepaid expenses and other                                                      (917,000)            724,000
         Accounts payable                                                                 340,000          (3,034,000)
         Accrued expenses                                                                 947,000          (1,024,000)
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------
                  Net cash provided by operating activities                             7,033,000             178,000
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchases of property and equipment                                                    (4,033,000)         (1,736,000)
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                                              398,000             375,000
Post acquisition settlement                                                               (11,000)          3,600,000
Acquisitions, net of cash received                                                             --         (10,782,000)
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------
         Net cash used in investing activities                                         (3,646,000)         (8,543,000)
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------

Cash flows from financing activities
Net proceeds on revolving credit line                                                          --           2,122,000
Restricted cash                                                                        (1,515,000)         (3,462,000)
Proceeds from short-term loan                                                             891,000          12,000,000
Repayments on term notes                                                               (1,000,000)         (1,908,000)
Payments on loan origination costs                                                       (143,000)                 --
Net payments on lease obligations                                                      (3,593,000)         (1,975,000)
Common stock issued                                                                     1,500,000           5,462,000
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------
         Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities                           (3,860,000)         12,239,000
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     (473,000)          3,874,000
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                          2,013,000           1,170,000
                                                                                 ------------------  -----------------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                          $     1,540,000    $      5,044,000
                                                                                 ==================  =================
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
 Interest paid during period                                                      $     2,706,000    $      1,373,000
                                                                                 ==================  =================

Taxes paid during period                                                          $        62,000    $         85,000
                                                                                 ==================  =================

Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and financing activities
Equipment acquired through capital lease                                          $     3,459,000    $      8,865,000
                                                                                 ==================  =================

                   See notes to unaudited financial statements


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
                   Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

1.        Business and Organization

          UtiliQuest Holdings Corp. and its wholly owned subsidiaries,
          UtiliQuest, LLC and Underground Technology, Inc. ("UGTI"),
          (collectively, "the Company") provide a location and meter reading
          service primarily to utility and telecommunication customers. A
          locating service places markings, above ground, that indicate the
          presence of underground electric, gas, fiber optic, cable, telephone,
          sewer and water facilities prior to excavation. The Company's
          headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia and has approximately 65
          office locations in 18 states within the United States.

2.        Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

          Principles of Consolidation
          The accompanying consolidated balance sheet includes the accounts of
          the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries, UtiliQuest LLC and
          UGTI. All intercompany accounts and transactions are eliminated in

          In September 2002, the Company acquired Underground Technology, Inc.
          This acquisition was accounted for using the purchase method of
          accounting; hence, the Company's results include the results of this
          entity from its acquisition date.

          Cash and Cash Equivalents
          The Company considers all short-term investments with maturity of
          three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents.

          The Company routinely has deposits at financial institutions, which
          substantially exceed federal depository insurance coverage. Management
          believes maintaining the deposits at large, reputable banks mitigates
          any risks associated with these excess deposits.

          Restricted Cash - Insurance Trust
          Restricted cash represent deposits with certain financial institutions
          for collateral on auto and workers compensation claims. The Company
          expects that these amounts will never be depleted as other accounts
          with certain minimum funding requirements have been established to pay
          the Company's auto and workers compensation claims.

          Revenue Recognition
          Revenues are recorded as services are performed. Unbilled revenues
          represent services performed and recognized as revenue, but not yet
          billed to the customer due to the time lag in the processing of

          Property and Equipment
          Property and equipment are stated at cost, less accumulated
          depreciation and amortization. Depreciation is provided over the
          estimated useful lives using the straight-line method. Useful lives
          range from: leasehold improvements - the term of the respective lease
          or the estimated useful life of the improvements, whichever is
          shorter; new vehicles - 4-5 years; new equipment and machinery - 4-5
          years; and furniture and fixtures - 3-10 years. Expenditures that
          extend the economic lives or improve the efficiency of equipment are
          capitalized. The cost of maintenance and repairs are expensed as
          incurred. Upon retirement or disposal, the related cost and
          accumulated depreciation are removed from the respective accounts and
          any resulting gain or loss is recognized in the consolidated statement
          of operations.

          Leasehold improvements and capital leases are amortized over the lease
          term (which approximates the estimated useful lives of the underlying
          assets). For income tax purposes, accelerated depreciation methods are
          primarily used with the establishment of deferred income tax
          liabilities for the resulting temporary differences.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

          Effective January 1, 2002, the Company changed its accounting estimate
          relating to vehicle depreciation. The estimate service life for most
          vehicles was decreased to four years. The change was based upon
          historical actual usage of the vehicles. As a result of the change,
          2002 net income was decreased by approximately $315,000.

          Long-Lived Assets
          Long-lived assets other than goodwill and indefinite life intangibles
          are reviewed for impairment annually or whenever events or changes in
          circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be
          recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used in
          operations are measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an
          asset to future undiscounted cash flows expected to be generated by
          the asset. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the
          impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the
          carrying amount of the assets exceeds its fair value of the assets.

          Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
          Customer contracts and related customer relationships are being
          amortized over the expected duration of those assets, generally l 5
          years. Deferred loan costs are amortized over the term of the credit

          In June 2001, FASB issued SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible
          Assets, which supersedes APB Opinion No. 17, Intangible Assets. SFAS
          No. 142 establishes new standards for goodwill acquired in a business
          combination, eliminates amortization of goodwill, and instead sets
          forth methods to periodically evaluate goodwill for impairment. The
          Company early adopted SFAS No. 142 on August 31, 2001. On an annual
          basis, at December 31, or when events and circumstances occur that may
          indicate impairment, management evaluates the recoverability of
          acquired goodwill and other intangible assets by comparing the
          carrying value of the assets to the associated current and projected
          cash flows; management also considers business prospects, market
          trends and other economic factors in performing this evaluation.
          Impairment losses are measured as the amount by which the carrying
          amount of the assets exceeds its fair value.

          Deferred Financing Costs
          Deferred financing costs are amortized over a period of five years,
          the term of the relating debt instruments. Amortization of deferred
          financing costs for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002,
          respectively, was $180,000 and $104,000.

          Advertising Expense
          The Company expenses all advertising costs as incurred. Advertising
          expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002,
          respectively, was $57,000 and $87,000.

          Income Taxes
          Income taxes are provided in accordance with Statement of Financial
          Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes.
          Accordingly, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized at the
          applicable income tax rates based upon future tax consequences of
          temporary differences between the tax bases and financial reporting
          bases of assets and liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect in
          the years in which the differences are expected to reverse. Deferred
          tax assets are reduced, if necessary, by the amount of any tax
          benefits that, based on available evidence, are not expected to be

          Self-Insured Liabilities
          The Company is self insured on locate damage claims, workers
          compensation, auto insurance and healthcare. The Company is self
          insured on each claim, up to certain limits. The Company accrues for
          specific claims and an estimate of claims incurred but not reported.
          The amounts are accrued based on historical experience and specific
          analysis of the claims. The self-insured claim liability includes
          incurred but not reported losses of $1,405,000 at September 30, 2003.
          The determination of such claims and expenses and the appropriateness
          of the related liability is periodically reviewed and updated. Because
          the company retains these risks, up to certain limits, a change in
          experience could materially affect results of operation in a
          particular period.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

          Fair Value of Financial Instruments
          The fair value of cash, accounts receivable and trade accounts payable
          and accrued expenses are not materially different than their carrying
          amounts as reported at September 30, 2003, due to the short-term
          nature of those accounts. The September 30, 2003 debt balances under
          the credit facility approximate the fair value on the basis of the
          variable interest related to such debt.

          Use of Estimates
          The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity
          with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to
          make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
          assets, liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
          liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and
          the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
          period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

          Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements
          In May 2003, FASB issued SFAS No. 150, Accounting for Certain
          Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and
          Equity. This statement requires certain financial instruments that
          could previously be accounted for by issuers as equity be classified
          as liabilities or, in some cases, assets. SFAS No. 150 is effective
          for financial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003,
          and otherwise is effective at the beginning of the first interim
          period beginning after June 15, 2003. The Company does not have any
          financial instruments that are impacted by SFAS No. 150.

3.        Acquisition

          On September 17, 2002, the Company acquired 100 percent of the common
          stock of UGTI for approximately $24 million in cash and notes, plus
          acquisition expenses of approximately $1 million.. UGTI engages in
          performing underground locating services to major utility and
          telecommunication companies in California. This acquisition expands
          the Company's geographical presence within the western portion of the
          United States. The purchase price of $24 million was paid as
          approximately $17 million in cash and approximately $7 million in
          notes payable to the seller. The purchase price was allocated to the
          assets and liabilities acquired using the estimated fair values at the
          date of acquisition, The excess of purchase price over the estimated
          fair value resulted in assigning approximately $13 million to goodwill
          and $6.1 million to an intangible asset - customer relationships. The
          Company engaged the assistance of an independent valuation company
          which employed the use of the capitalized free cash flow methodology
          to determine the basis of allocation. This methodology determines the
          fair value of a reporting unit's assets by analyzing the free cash
          flows that the business can generate, and making a determination of
          what an investor would be willing to pay for this cash flow stream,
          given its overall risk and anticipated growth. Goodwill and intangible
          assets acquired in this transaction are not tax deductible.

          The Company also acquired $4.9 million of cash classified as current
          assets below. The operating results of UGTI are included in the
          accompanying consolidated financial statements from September 17,


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

          The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the assets
          acquired and liabilities assumed at September 17, 2002:

           Current assets                                            $10,735,000
           Property, plant and equipment                               1,728,000
           Intangible assets                                           6,100,000
           Goodwill                                                   13,042,000
                    Total assets acquired                             31,605,000

           Current liabilities                                         7,302,000
           Long-term liabilities                                         478,000
           Notes payable                                               6,600,000
                    Total liabilities assumed                         14,380,000
                    Net assets acquired                              $17,225,000

          The notes issued to the sellers in conjunction with the acquisition
          are deferred payments that mitigate the Company's exposures to
          potential liabilities related to unrecorded locate damage claims at
          the date of the sale and certain potential tax liabilities. To the
          extent the liabilities are discovered within the contracted time
          period, the face amount of the notes will be reduced by the amounts
          paid by the Company on the potential liabilities. The notes are
          comprised of Promissory Note A and Promissory Note B. Promissory Note
          A is a three year note with a principal of $3,000,000 and bears
          interest at 6 percent, payable semi-annually on March 31 and September
          30. Promissory Note B is a seven year note with a principal of
          $3,600,000 and bears interest at 6 percent, payable semi-annually on
          March 31 and September 30.

          See Note 11 for further discussion on the settlement of Promissory
          Note A.

4.        Property and Equipment

          Property and equipment consisted of the following at September 30,

                                                                 Owned                 Leases               Total
                                                               -----------          -------------      -------------
         Vehicles and automotive equipment                     $ 3,306,000          $  14,433,000      $  17,739,000
         Locate and field equipment                              4,583,000                 19,000          4,602,000
         Computer hardware and software                          2,487,000              3,363,000          5,850,000
         Furniture and fixtures                                    546,000                185,000            731,000
         Leasehold improvements                                    153,000                      -            153,000
                                                              ------------          -------------      -------------
                                                                11,075,000             18,000,000         29,075,000
         Less accumulated depreciation and amortization          5,767,000              6,720,000         12,487,000
                                                              ------------          -------------       ------------
                                                               $ 5,308,000          $  11,280,000      $  16,588,000
                                                              ============          =============      =============

          Depreciation and amortization expense was approximately $6,261,000 and
          $4,731,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 and 2002,
          respectively. Maintenance and repairs of property and equipment was
          approximately $1,878,000 and $1,314,000 for the nine months ended
          September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The net book value of
          computer software at September 30, 2003 was $756,000.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

5.       Intangible Assets

         Intangible assets at September 30, 2003 consist of the following:

                                                                                       Estimated     September 30,
                                                                                     Useful Lives         2003
         Carrying Amount
               Customer contracts and related customer relationships                   15 years      $  18,210,000
               Debt issuance costs                                                      5 years          1,108,000

         Accumulated amortization
               Customer contracts and related customer relationships                                   (1,704,000)
               Debt issuance costs                                                                       (200,000)
                                                                                                     $  17,414,000

          Amortization expense was $989,000 and $699,000 for the nine months
          ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

          Estimated amortization expense at September 30, 2003, for 2003 and
          each of the five succeeding fiscal years, is as follows:

               2003                                         $    990,000
               2004                                            1,440,000
               2005                                            1,440,000
               2006                                            1,440,000
               2007                                            1,328,000
               2008                                            1,200,000
                                                           $   7,838,000

6.        Goodwill

          A summary of changes in the Company's goodwill during the nine months
          ended September 30, 2003 is as follows:

          Balance, January 1, 2003                         $   40,631,000
          Post acquisition settlement                              11,000
          Balance, September 30, 2003                      $   40,642,000

          Post Acquisition Settlement
          In connection with the UGTI acquisition (Note 3), the Company recorded
          additional acquisition charges of $11,000 during 2003.

          Goodwill Impairment
          Under SFAS 142, goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful
          lives are not amortized but instead are reviewed for impairment at
          least annually and written down only in periods in which it is
          determined that the fair value is less than the recorded value. SFAS
          142 also requires the transitional impairment review for goodwill, as
          well as an annual impairment review, to be performed on a reporting
          unit basis.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

7.        Accrued Expenses

          Accrued expenses consisted of the following at September 30, 2003:

          Locate damage claims                                    $ 8,956,000
          Accrued payroll and related                               4,408,000
          Healthcare claims                                           675,000
          Other accrued liabilities                                 2,517,000
                                                               $   16,556,000

          The Company is self insured for the first $250,000 of claims on locate
          damages. The locate damages represent claims for harm to property,
          persons or job overruns (time and material overruns). The Company's
          customer or their representative reports damages, which are
          investigated and assessed by the Company. The potential claim is
          estimated and developed by the Company based on facts, circumstances
          and historical evidence.

          Due to the significance of the self insured portions of the Company's
          insurance claims, the insurer has custody of $4,295,000 in cash
          deposits at September 30, 2003. The amount is reported as restricted
          cash in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet.

8.        Revolving Credit Line and Long-Term Debt

          On December 6, 2002, the Company entered into a revolving credit
          facility and term loan agreement ("Credit Agreement"). The proceeds
          from the new agreement were used to repay the previous revolving
          credit line, term loan and security agreement. The Company recorded
          expense of $712,000 for the remaining deferred financing costs
          associated with the previous debt agreement during 2002. At September
          30, 2003, long-term debt consists of approximately $6.6 million in
          notes payable (Note 3) and a term loan of $18.5 million.

          Revolving Credit Line
          The Revolving Credit Line accrues interest at a rate equal to Prime
          plus 1.50 percent, or 5.50 percent at September 30, 2003. The
          Revolving Credit Line matures on December 6, 2007. The maximum amount
          allowed for borrowing under the Revolving Credit Line is the lesser of
          (i) $16,000,000 less any outstanding letter of credit arrangements or
          (ii) 90 percent of eligible accounts receivables plus the preset
          amortized advance amount, referred to as total availability. The
          Company had an available borrowing base of $10,419,000 under the
          revolving credit facility, of which $5,422,000 was used, at September
          30, 2003, based on the lending formula.

          Term Loan
          Principal payments are due quarterly, beginning in April 2003 and
          interest payments on the Term Loan are due monthly, beginning January
          2003, until January 2008. The Term Loan accrues interest at a rate
          equal to Prime plus 4.25 percent, or 8.25 percent at September 30,
          2003. The Company deferred approximately $965,000 of fees related to
          the credit agreement, which are being amortized over its five-year
          term. The Company is required to pay an annual nonutilization fee
          equal to one percent of the unused portion of the credit capacity.

          The credit agreement is collateralized by substantially all of the
          Company's assets. The credit agreement contains certain covenants,
          which are financial and nonfinancial in nature. The credit agreement
          imposes certain conditions including restricting the Company's ability
          to encumber assets or incur certain types of indebtedness and
          maintaining a leverage ratio of not greater than 3.25, as measured at
          the end of each fiscal quarter. The Company was in compliance with all
          financial covenants and conditions under the credit agreement at
          September 30, 2003.


                            UtiliQuest Holdings Corp.
             Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

          Future maturities of the term debt and promissory notes (Note 3) as of
          September 30, 2003 are as follows:

                 2003                                            $   1,000,000
                 2004                                                3,000,000
                 2005                                                7,000,000
                 2006                                                5,000,000
                 2007                                                5,500,000
                 Thereafter                                          3,600,000
                                                                $   25,100,000

9.        Commitments and Contingencies

          The Company is involved in various claims and lawsuits, which arise in
          the normal course of its business. These claims and lawsuits have
          arisen as a result of equal employment opportunity ("EEOC") cases,
          locate damage, workers' compensation and auto claims (Note 7). The
          Company estimates an accrual for settlement of damages incurred in
          providing services to its customers and has accrued for any exposure
          in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. The Company has
          sought legal consultation and believes that the ultimate liability
          related to such claims and lawsuits will not have a material adverse
          effect on the Company's consolidated financial position or results of

10.       Related-Party Transactions

          The Company paid $8,000 and $49,000 for the nine months ended
          September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, for out-of-pocket cost to
          the Company's largest shareholder.

          The Company has an agreement to pay its largest shareholder $21,000
          per month in management fees. The Company has accrued approximately
          $189,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2003. As of September
          30, 2003, $521,000 of these amounts remain unpaid.

          In conjunction with the UGTI acquisition, the OCMIGFI Power
          Opportunities Fund L.P. provided short term financing to UtiliQuest
          Holdings for the purchase of 100 percent of the UGTI stock. The
          financing was executed through a capital contribution of approximately
          $5,462,000 and a short term loan for $12,000,000. The short term loan
          was repaid upon the closing of the Company's new Credit Agreement on
          December 6, 2002.

11.       Subsequent Event

          On November 26, 2003, the Company entered into a settlement agreement
          with the seller that renegotiated Promissory Note A. In exchange for
          an immediate payment of $2,000,000 on Promissory Note A, the seller
          would be released from claims arising out of potential liabilities
          incurred prior to September 17, 2002, the acquisition date. The
          Company received a release from the remaining obligation of Promissory
          Note A and any accrued interest on Promissory Note A.

          Effective December 3, 2003, the Company was acquired by Dycom
          Industries, Inc. for an aggregate payment of approximately $120
          million in cash, including the payout of all stock options for
          approximately $2.5 million.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
               Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information

     On December 3, 2003, pursuant to the terms of the Agreement and Plan of
Merger, dated as of November 17, 2003, among Dycom, UtiliQuest Acquisition
Corp., UtiliQuest and OCM/GFI Power Opportunities Fund, L.P., Dycom acquired
UtiliQuest for approximately $120 million in cash.

     On November 25, 2003, pursuant to the term of the Asset Purchase Agreement,
dated as of November 5, 2003, between Dycom and First South Utility
Construction, Inc., a North Carolina corporation ("First South"), Dycom acquired
substantially all of the assets of First South and assumed certain liabilities
associated with these assets, for approximately $50 million in cash and 175,840
shares of Dycom's common stock. In conjunction with the acquisition, Dycom also
paid approximately $9 million for excess working capital consisting primarily of
accounts receivable and unbilled revenue. Dycom deposited approximately $6.4
million of such amount in escrow, to be returned to Dycom to the extent such
amounts remain outstanding on April 15, 2004. Dycom paid the purchase price from
cash on hand. The acquisition of First South, previously filed on February 9,
2004 as an 8-K required disclosure, is also included herein to reflect the pro
forma financial statements of both acquisitions.

     The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information
present the effect of the acquisition of UtiliQuest and First South by Dycom, in
each case accounted for as a purchase. The unaudited pro forma condensed
combined balance sheet presents the combined financial position of Dycom,
UtiliQuest and First South as of October 25, 2003 assuming that the acquisition
had occurred as of that date. Such pro forma information is based upon the
historical consolidated balance sheet data of Dycom as of October 25, 2003,
UtiliQuest as of September 30, 2003 and First South as of September 26, 2003.
The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of operations for the year
ended July 26, 2003 and three-month period ended October 25, 2003 give effect to
the acquisition of UtiliQuest and First South by Dycom as if such acquisitions
had occurred on July 28, 2002, the first day of Dycom's fiscal year 2003. Pro
forma operations for the year end and three month periods for Dycom consist of
its results of operations for the year ended July 26, 2003 and three months
ended October 25, 2003, respectively. Pro forma operations for the twelve-month
and three-month periods for UtiliQuest consist of its results of operations for
the twelve months ended June 30, 2003 and three months ended September 30, 2003,
respectively. Pro forma operations for the twelve-month and three-month periods
for First South consist of its results of operations for the twelve months ended
June 28, 2003 and three months ended September 27, 2003, respectively. The use
of different closing dates is based on each entity having different fiscal year

     The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements are based
on the estimates and assumptions set forth in the notes to such statements. The
pro forma adjustments are preliminary and have been made solely for purposes of
developing such pro forma statements. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined
financial statements are not necessarily an indication of the result that would
have been achieved had the transaction been consummated as of the dates
indicated or that may be achieved in the future.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
         Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Operations
                    For The Twelve Months Ended July 26, 2003

                                    Dycom       First South     UtiliQuest
                                 Historical      Historical     Historical       Pro Forma
                                 Fiscal Year      Twelve         Twelve          Adjustments      Pro Forma
                                    Ended      Months Ended     Months Ended       First         Adjustments
                                  July 26,        June 30,         June 30,         South         UtiliQuest           Pro forma
                                     2003           2003(1)        2003(1)          (Note 2)         (Note 2)           Combined
                                ------------- ----------------  ---------------  ------------     ------------      -------------
Contract revenues earned        $ 618,182,653 $  52,786,037     $  131,657,645    $         -     $         -       $802,626,335
                                ------------- ----------------  ---------------  ------------     ------------      -------------

Costs of earned revenue
excluding depreciation            482,876,707    45,186,244        100,034,344                                       628,097,295
General and administrative         70,058,588     2,863,532         18,723,451                        (425,000) h     91,220,571
Depreciation and amortization      39,073,959     2,852,312          9,149,007    (2,852,312) a     (9,149,007) i     52,188,510
                                                                                   2,036,885  b     11,077,666  j
Impairment loss                                                      4,917,000                                         4,917,000
                                 ------------- ----------------  ---------------  ------------     ------------      -------------
Total                             592,009,254    50,902,088        132,823,802      (815,427)        1,503,659       776,423,376
                                 ------------- ----------------  ---------------  ------------     ------------      -------------

Interest, net                       1,300,895    (1,550,889)        (3,889,973)    1,550,889  c      2,596,150  k     (3,266,688)
                                                                                    (770,143) d     (2,503,617) l

Other income, net                   2,981,164      (369,476)          (270,040)                                        2,341,648
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE             ------------- ---------------   ---------------  -----------      ------------      -------------
INCOME TAXES                       30,455,458       (36,416)        (5,326,170)    1,596,173        (1,411,126)       25,277,919
                                 ------------- ----------------  ---------------  ------------     ------------      -------------

INCOME TAXES                       13,306,167        52,950   e         38,084       638,469  f      (564,450)  m     13,471,220
                                 ------------- ----------------  ---------------  ------------     ------------      -------------

NET INCOME (LOSS)               $  17,149,291  $    (89,366)    $   (5,364,254) $    957,704       $ (846,676)       $11,806,699
                                ============== ================  =============== =============     ============      =============


Basic EPS per share                     $0.36                                                                              $0.25
                                =============                                                                       =============
Diluted EPS per share                   $0.36                                                                              $0.25
                                =============                                                                       =============


         Basic                      47,880,673                                                                          48,056,513 g
                                 =============                                                                      ==============
         Diluted                    47,886,567                                                                          48,062,407 g
                                 =============                                                                      ==============

     (1)      Certain amounts have been reclassified in order to conform to
              Dycom's financial statement presentation.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
         Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Operations
                   For The Three Months Ended October 25, 2003

                                     Dycom        First South     UtiliQuest
                                   Historical      Historical     Historical
                                  Fiscal Year        Three           Three        Pro Forma         Pro Forma
                                    Ended         Months Ended    Months Ended   Adjustments       Adjustments
                                  October 25,     September 27,   September 30,  First South        UtiliQuest        Pro forma
                                      2003         2003 (1)          2003(1)      (Note 2)            (Note 2)         Combined
                                 ------------- ----------------  --------------- -------------     ------------      ------------
Contract revenues earned         $ 196,021,442 $  15,482,042     $  35,263,165   $         -        $        -       $246,766,649
                                 ------------- ----------------  --------------- -------------     ------------      ------------
Costs of earned revenue
excluding depreciation             147,049,735     12,839,519       27,040,898                                        186,930,152
General and administrative          17,507,642        497,354        4,166,665                        (106,250)  h     22,065,411
Depreciation and amortization        9,334,410        635,483        2,711,810        (635,483)  a  (2,711,810)  i     12,613,048
                                                                                       509,221   b   2,769,417   j
                                 ------------- ----------------  --------------- -------------     ------------      ------------
Total                              173,891,787     13,972,356       33,919,373        (126,262)        (48,643)       221,608,611
                                 ------------- ----------------  --------------- -------------     ------------      ------------

Interest, net                          318,251       (385,582)        (859,082)        385,582   c     619,985   k       (654,378)
                                                                                      (133,944)  d    (599,588)  l

Other income, net                      845,543        (31,581)        (420,578)                                           393,384

INCOME TAXES                        23,293,449      1,092,523           64,132         377,900          69,040         24,897,044
                                 ------------- ----------------  --------------- -------------     ------------      ------------

PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES           9,366,210        433,980 e         78,872         148,893  f       27,202   m    10,055,156
                                 ------------- ----------------  --------------- -------------     ------------      ------------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                $  13,927,239      $ 658,543    $     (14,740)  $     229,007     $    41,838       $ 14,841,888
                                 ============= ================  =============== =============     ============      ============

Basic EPS per share                     $0.29                                                                              $0.31
                                =============                                                                        ============
Diluted EPS per share                   $0.29                                                                              $0.30
                                =============                                                                        ============


         Basic                     48,028,895                                                                         48,204,735 g
                                =============                                                                        ===========
         Diluted                   48,486,210                                                                         48,662,050 g
                                =============                                                                        ===========

    (1)     Certain amounts have been reclassified in order to conform to
            Dycom's financial statement presentation.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
              Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet
                             as of October 25, 2003

                                 Historical      Historical        Historical    Pro Forma        Pro Forma
                                    Dycom        First South       UtiliQuest    Adjustments     Adjustments
                                 October 25,    September 27,    September 30,  First South        UtiliQuest       Pro forma
                                     2003         2003 (1)           2003(1)     (Note 2)          (Note 2)          Combined
                                 ------------- ----------------  -------------- --------------   -------------     ------------
Cash and equivalents              $149,794,385     $         -     $1,539,764   $(60,364,327) a  $(30,696,566) k    $60,273,256
Investments                                             238,363                     (238,363) b
Accounts receivable, net           124,803,409       18,066,699    16,115,499     (9,320,526) c                     149,665,081
Costs and estimated earnings in
excess of billings                  37,319,061        5,771,898                                                      43,090,959
Deferred tax assets, net             9,269,856                      5,501,500                                        14,771,356
Inventories                          3,068,041        1,229,380                                                       4,297,421
Other current assets                10,562,491          252,097     3,350,970                                        14,165,558
                                 ------------- ----------------  -------------- ---------------    ------------     -----------

Total current assets               334,817,243       25,558,437    26,507,733    (69,923,216)     (30,696,566)      286,263,631
                                 ------------- ----------------  -------------- ---------------    ------------     -----------
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net         80,665,828       11,010,408    16,588,122       (708,517)  b                    104,866,075
                                                                                  (2,790,685)  d      100,919  l
Goodwill, net                      106,615,836        3,509,807    40,641,745     (3,509,807)  e  (40,641,745) m    225,759,969
                                                                                  41,850,977   f   77,293,156  n
Intangible assets, net                 664,998          214,063    17,414,000       (214,063)  e  (17,414,000) m     36,284,998
                                                                                   2,750,000   g   32,870,000  o
Accounts receivable                 21,567,480                                                                       21,567,480
Deferred tax assets, net             7,260,991                     (2,013,000)                        (39,762) p      5,208,229
Other                                7,340,333           47,784     4,985,770        (47,784)  b                     12,326,103
                                 ------------- ----------------  -------------- ---------------   ------------     ------------
Total other assets                 143,449,638        3,771,654    61,028,515     40,829,323       52,067,649       301,146,779
                                 ------------- ----------------  -------------- ---------------   -------------    ------------

TOTAL                             $558,932,709      $40,340,499  $104,124,370   $(32,593,095)     $21,472,002      $692,276,485
                                 ============= ================  ============== ===============   ============     ============

     (1)  Certain amounts have been reclassified in order to conform to Dycom's
          financial statement presentation.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
              Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet
                             as of October 25, 2003

                                 Historical      Historical      Historical    Pro Forma        Pro Forma
                                    Dycom        First South     UtiliQuest    Adjustments     Adjustments
                                 October 25,    September 27,  September 30,  First South        UtiliQuest        Pro forma
                                     2003         2003 (1)         2003(1)     (Note 2)          (Note 2)           Combined
                                 ------------- --------------  -------------- --------------   -------------      ------------
Accounts payable                  $26,359,139    $4,870,028      $3,319,949     $(2,759,000) h    $                $31,790,116
Notes payable                           8,886     9,746,423       7,922,430      (9,746,423) b    (7,922,430) q          8,886
Capital lease obligations                                         4,547,113                                          4,547,113
Billings in excess of costs
and estimated earnings                720,876                                                                          720,876
Accrued self-insured claims        11,259,228       500,000       3,508,000        (500,000) b                      14,767,228
Income taxes payable                8,266,683                                                                        8,266,683
Other accrued liabilities          32,082,695     1,452,087      16,556,000                          (49,000)  r    50,041,782
                                 ------------- --------------  -------------- --------------   -------------      ------------
Total current liabilities          78,697,507    16,568,538      35,853,492     (13,005,423)      (7,971,430)      110,142,684
                                 ------------- --------------  -------------- --------------   -------------      ------------
NOTES PAYABLE                          18,355     9,646,129      22,600,000      (9,646,129) b   (16,000,000)  q    91,618,355
                                                                                                   85,000,000  s
Capital lease obligations                                         6,114,310                                          6,114,310
ACCRUED SELF-INSURED CLAIMS        13,633,951                                                                       13,633,951
OTHER LIABILITIES                   1,116,156                                                                        1,116,156
                                 ------------- --------------  -------------- --------------   -------------      ------------
Total liabilities                  93,465,969    26,214,667      64,567,802     (22,651,552)      61,028,570       222,625,456
                                 ------------- --------------  -------------- --------------   -------------      ------------
Common stock                       16,024,416       200,000          42,662        (200,000) i       (42,662)  t    16,083,029
                                                                                     58,613  j
Additional paid-in capital        337,565,116     7,772,095      42,918,629      (7,772,095) i   (42,918,629)  t   341,690,792
                                                                                  4,125,676  j
Retained earnings                 111,877,208     6,153,737      (3,404,723)     (6,153,737) i     3,404,723   t   111,877,208
                                 ------------- --------------  -------------- --------------   -------------      ------------
Total stockholders' equity        465,466,740    14,125,832      39,556,568      (9,941,543)     (39,556,568)      469,651,029
                                 ------------- --------------  -------------- --------------   -------------      ------------
TOTAL                            $558,932,709   $40,340,499    $104,124,370    $(32,593,095)     $21,472,002      $692,276,485
                                 ============= ==============  ============== ==============   =============      ============

     (1)      Certain amounts have been reclassified in order to conform to
              Dycom's financial statement presentation.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
      Notes To Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements



          On November 17, 2003, Dycom entered into a definitive merger agreement
with UtiliQuest Holdings Corp. pursuant to which Dycom would acquire UtiliQuest.
The acquisition of UtiliQuest is to be accounted for under the purchase method
of accounting. Accordingly, the purchase price will be allocated to the tangible
and intangible assets acquired and the liabilities assumed on the basis of their
respective fair values on the acquisition date. The purchase price of the
UtiliQuest acquisition was approximately $115.7 million in cash. Estimated
direct transaction costs of Dycom consist primarily of fees for attorneys,
accountants and SEC filing fees.

The purchase price is derived as follows:

                                                        (in thousands)
Cash paid                                             $        115,110
Transaction costs                                                  587
                                                      $        115,697

The purchase price is derived as follows:

ASSETS                                                  (in thousands)
Cash and equivalents                                 $           1,540
Accounts receivable, net                                        16,115
Deferred tax asset, net                                          3,449
Other current assets                                             3,351
Property and equipment                                          16,689
Goodwill                                                        77,293
Intangibles - Customer Relationships                            28,000
Other intangibles, net                                           4,870
Other assets                                                     4,986
         Total assets                                          156,293

Accounts payable                                                 3,320
Capitalizable leases - short term                                4,547
Accrued self-insured claims                                      3,508
Other accrued liabilities                                       16,507
Capitalizable leases - long term                                 6,114
Notes Payable - long term                                        6,600
         Total liabilities                                      40,596

Net assets acquired                                  $         115,697


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements (continued)

          The above purchase price allocations are based on Dycom management's
best estimate of the fair values of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities.
However, this allocation is preliminary. The final determination of the
allocation of purchase price will be determined based on the fair value of
assets acquired and the fair value of liabilities assumed as of the acquisition
date. The purchase price allocations will remain preliminary until Dycom is able
to (a) complete a valuation of property, plant and equipment acquired and (b)
evaluate the fair value of other assets, including intangibles and liabilities
acquired. The final determination of the purchase price is expected to be
completed by the end of Dycom's fiscal year ending July 31, 2004. Although Dycom
does not believe that the actual amounts allocated to assets and liabilities
will differ materially from the preliminary allocation presented in the
unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements there can be no
assurances that such actual amounts will not be materially different.



          The following adjustments are reflected in the pro forma condensed
combined statements of operations to reflect the estimated impact of the merger
on the historical combined results of Dycom, First South and UtiliQuest.


(a)       To remove historical depreciation and amortization.

(b)       To adjust for pro forma depreciation and amortization expense of
          acquired property, plant and equipment and the identifiable
          intangibles. The expected useful lives of these assets, valued at fair
          market value, depreciate/amortize on a straight-line basis as follows:

                                        Estimated Useful      Annual Expense        Quarterly
                                           Life/years                                Expense
Buildings                                      25                    $25,365            $6,341
Equipment and machinery/vehicles              3-5                  1,634,853           408,713
                                                                   1,660,218           415,054

Tradename                                      5                     130,000            32,500
Covenant not to complete                       5                     160,000            40,000
Contracts                                      15                     86,667            21,667
                                                                     376,667            94,167

Total pro forma depreciation and amortization                     $2,036,885          $509,221

    (c) To eliminate historical interest expense related to First South's debt
        as none of these liabilities were assumed by Dycom.

    (d) To reflect reduced interest income related to the cash used by Dycom to
        fund the acquisition. If interest rates were to increase or decrease by
        1/8% pro forma income before taxes would change by approximately $76,000
        for the year ended July 26, 2003 and $19,000 for the three months ended
        October 25, 2003.

    (e) To record income tax expense on First South. Prior to the acquisition
        by Dycom, First South elected under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue
        Code to have the stockholders recognize their proportionate share of
        First South's taxable income on their personal tax returns in lieu of
        paying corporate income taxes.

    (f) To record tax expense on pro forma adjustments using Dycom's statutory
        rate of 40.0% for the twelve months ended July 26, 2003 and 39.4% for
        the three months ended October 25, 2003.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements (continued)

    (g) Reflects an additional 175,840 Dycom shares issued as part of the
        purchase of First South.


    (h) To decrease non-utilization bank fees in accordance with Dycom's credit
        agreement due to increased borrowings of $85 million.

    (i) To remove historical depreciation and amortization.

    (j) To record depreciation and amortization expense for acquired property,
        plant and equipment and the identifiable intangibles based on the
        allocated purchase price. The expected useful lives of these assets, at
        fair market value, depreciate/amortize on a straight-line basis as

                                                            Estimated Useful    Annual        Quarterly
                                                               Life/years       Expense        Expense
                                                            ----------------    ------        ----------
         Leasehold equipment and improvements                     1 - 4         $ 76,488      $   19,122
         Equipment and machinery/vehicles                         1 - 4        9,077,844       2,269,461
                                                                             -----------      ----------
                                                                               9,154,332       2,288,583
                                                                             -----------      ----------

         Tradename                                           not applicable            -               -
         Tradename - Underground Technology                         3             56,667          14,167
         Customer Relationships                                    15          1,866,667         466,667
                                                                             -----------      ----------
                                                                               1,923,334         480,834
                                                                             -----------      ----------

         Total pro forma depreciation and amortization                       $11,077,666      $2,769,417
                                                                             ===========      ==========

    (k) To eliminate interest expense related to UtiliQuest's debt that was
        repaid by Dycom at acquisition. Also eliminated was $569,567 of deferred
        financing costs related to UtiliQuest's debt agreement that was expense
        when that agreement was replaced in December 2002 with a new credit
        agreement. Interest expense remaining for UtiliQuest primarily relates
        to debt assumed upon acquisition for capitalized leases and a $3.6
        million promissory note.

    (l) To reflect reduced interest income from lower cash balances as a result
        of cash used by Dycom to fund the acquisition and increased interest
        expense as a result of Dycom borrowing $85.0 million under its credit
        agreement to finance the acquisition. The acquisition debt carries an
        interest rate based on LIBOR and pro forma interest rates used were
        2.43% on the first $45 million tier and 2.53% on the remaining $40
        million tier. If interest rates were to increase or decrease by 1/8% pro
        forma income before taxes would change by approximately $144,000 for the
        year ended July 26, 2003 and $36,000 for the three months ended October
        25, 2003, reflecting the related impact on interest income and interest

    (m) To record tax expense related to pro forma adjustments using Dycom's
        statutory rate of 40.0% for the twelve months ended July 26, 2003 and
        39.4% for the three months ended October 25, 2003.


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
              Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet

          The following adjustments in the unaudited pro forma condensed
combined balance sheet reflect the estimated impact of events that are directly
attributable to Dycom's acquisition of certain assets and assumption of certain
liabilities related to those net assets of First South and the acquisition of


    (a) To record the estimated cash portion of the purchase price.

    (b) To eliminate assets not purchased and liabilities not assumed by Dycom.

    (c) To adjust for certain accounts receivable not purchased by Dycom.

        Related party account receivables                           $7,689,208
        Miscellaneous receivables                                       61,170
        Selected customer receivables                                1,570,148

    (d) To record fair market value of property, plant and equipment acquired,
        as below:

        Historical net book value of property                      $11,010,408
        Eliminate net book value of property not purchased            (708,517)
        Net book value of property acquired                         10,301,891
        Estimated fair market value of property acquired             7,511,206

        The expected useful lives of these assets valued at fair market value
        depreciated on a straight-line basis is as follows:

                                                               Number of Years
                  Buildings                                          25
                  Vehicles                                          3-5
                  Equipment and machinery                           3-5

    (e) To eliminate First South's historical goodwill and intangibles.

    (f) To record $41.9 million as goodwill representing the excess of the
        amount paid over the fair market value of the assets acquired, including
        the identifiable intangible assets, and the liabilities assumed.

    (g) To record identifiable intangibles arising from the transactions. These
        assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over their useful lives
        and consist of the following:

                                                        Estimated Useful Life
        Tradename                       $650,000              5 years
        Covenant not to compete          800,000              5 years
        Contracts                      1,300,000             15 years


                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
        Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet (continued)

    (h) To adjust for certain accounts payable not purchased by Dycom described
        as follows:

        Related party account payable                               $1,559,000
        Miscellaneous payables                                       1,200,000

    (i) To eliminate First South's common stock, additional paid-in capital and
        retained earnings.

    (j) To record the issuance of Dycom's common stock as part of the purchase


    (k) To record net cash portion of the purchase price calculated as follows:

        Total estimated purchase price                            $115,696,566
        Borrowings (see note s)                                    (85,000,000)
        Net cash outlay                                           $ 30,696,566

    (l) To record fair market value of property, plant and equipment acquired,
        as below:

        Estimated fair market value of property acquired          $ 16,689,041
        Net book value of property acquired                         16,588,122
                                                                  $    100,919

        The expected useful lives of these assets valued at fair market value
        depreciated on a straight-line basis is as follows:

                                                             Number of Years
        Leasehold equipment and improvements                      1-4
        Equipment and machinery                                   1-4

    (m) To eliminate UtiliQuest's goodwill and other intangible assets.

    (n) To record $77.3 million as goodwill representing the excess of the
        amount paid for over fair market value of the assets acquired, including
        the identifiable intangible assets and the liabilities assumed.

    (o) To record identifiable intangibles arising from the transaction. These
        assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over their useful lives
        and consist of the following:

                                                           Estimated Useful Life
        Tradename                              $4,700,000       Not applicable
        Tradename - Underground Technology        170,000           3 years
        Customer Relationships                 28,000,000          15 years


    (p) To record deferred taxes attributable to the tax effect of pro forma

                             Dycom Industries, Inc.
        Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet (continued)

    (q) To eliminate UtiliQuest debt paid off upon acquisition as follows:

                                                  Historical    Pro Forma payoff
                                                September 30,        amount
                                                    2003         at acquisition
                                                -------------   ----------------
        Capital lease obligation - short term    $4,547,113       $         -
        Revolver debt                             5,422,430         5,422,430
        Current portion of long-term debt         2,500,000         2,500,000
                                                -------------   ----------------
                                                $12,469,543       $ 7,922,430
                                                =============   ================

        Capital lease obligation - long term      $6,114,310      $         -
        Revolver debt                             16,000,000       16,000,000
        Other long-term debt                       6,600,000                -
                                                 -----------      -----------
                                                 $28,714,310      $16,000,000
                                                 ===========      ===========

    (r) To eliminate interest paid off related to payoff of the UtiliQuest

    (s) To record the issuance of $85.0 million debt issued under Dycom's
        Credit Agreement used to finance the acquisition of UtiliQuest.

    (t) To eliminate UtiliQuest's common stock, additional paid-in capital and
        retained earnings.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                               DYCOM INDUSTRIES, INC.

Date:  February 16, 2004                       By: /s/ Steven Nielsen

                                               Name:  Steven Nielsen
                                               Title: President and
                                               Chief Executive Officer


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

         Exhibit No.           Description
         -------------        --------------

          2.1                 Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of November
                              17, 2003, among Dycom Industries, Inc., UtiliQuest
                              Acquisition Corp., UtiliQuest Holdings Corp. and
                              OCM/GFI Power Opportunities Fund, L.P.
                              (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.3
                              of the Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended October 25,
                              2003 filed by Dycom on December 5, 2003, File No.

          23.1                Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

          99.1                Press Release, dated December 3, 2003
                              (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1
                              of the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Dycom
                              on December 4, 2003, File No. 001-10613).
