May 28, 2004
                                                           ADVANTEST CORPORATION
                                            (Toshio Maruyama, President and COO)
                                    (Stock Code Number: 6857, TSE first section)
                                                      (Ticker Symbol: ATE, NYSE)

Yuri Morita
(Managing Executive Officer and
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs Group)
Phone: +81-(0)3-3342-7500

  Advantest Adopts Stock Option Plan (in the Form of Stock Acquisition Rights)

Tokyo - May 28, 2004 - Advantest Corporation (the "Company") resolved at a
meeting of its Board of Directors today to propose an agenda asking for
authorization to issue stock acquisition rights described hereunder, for the
purpose of granting stock options, pursuant to Articles 280-20 and 280-21 of the
Commercial Code of Japan. The proposal will be made at its 62nd ordinary general
meeting of shareholders (the "Shareholders' Meeting") to be held on June 25,

1. Reason for the issuance of stock acquisition rights on especially favorable

     The stock acquisition rights will be issued as stock options to directors,
     corporate auditors, executive officers and employees of the Company and its
     domestic and overseas subsidiaries to provide them an incentive towards
     better business performance and to retain and attract talented individuals.

2. Details of stock acquisition rights

     (1) Persons to whom stock acquisition rights will be allocated

         Directors, corporate auditors, executive officers and employees of the
         Company and its domestic and overseas subsidiaries.

     (2) Class and total number of shares to be issued or delivered upon
         exercise of the stock acquisition rights

         Not exceeding 800,000 shares of common stock of the Company.

         The number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each
         stock acquisition right shall be 100 shares, provided, however, that
         when the subscription price per share is adjusted in accordance with
         (5) below, the number of such shares shall be adjusted according to the
         following formula. This adjustment is made only with respect to any
         such stock acquisition rights that have not yet been exercised as of
         the time of adjustment. Any fraction of a share that arises as a result
         of an adjustment will be rounded down to the nearest number of shares.

            Number of shares to be issued or     =    Total subscription price
          delivered upon exercise of each stock    -----------------------------
                    acquisition right               Subscription price per share

         When the number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of
         each stock acquisition right is adjusted, the total number of shares
         to be issued or delivered upon exercise of the stock acquisition
         rights shall be adjusted to the number obtained by multiplying (i) the
         number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each stock
         acquisition right after adjustment by (ii) the number of stock
         acquisition rights that have not yet been exercised as of the time of
         such adjustment, then adding the number of shares that have been
         issued or delivered upon exercise of stock acquisition rights. After
         the adjustment, the total number of shares to be issued or delivered
         upon exercise of the stock acquisition rights may exceed 800,000


     (3) Total number of stock acquisition rights to be issued

         Not exceeding 8,000.

     (4) Issue price of the stock acquisition rights

         No consideration shall be paid.

     (5) Total subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock
         acquisition right

         The total subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock
         acquisition right shall be determined by multiplying (i) the
         subscription price per share as determined in the following paragraph,
         by (ii) the number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of
         each stock acquisition right as specified in (2) above (100 shares).

         The subscription price per share shall be 1.05 times the average
         closing price, rounded up to the nearest yen, of the common stock of
         the Company in regular trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on each day
         of the month (excluding any such day on which there was no trade)
         preceding the first occasion on which any stock acquisition rights
         approved by this Shareholder's Meeting are issued; provided, however,
         that if such amount is less than the closing price of the common stock
         of the Company on such day of issue (or, if there was no trade on such
         day of issue, the closing price on the immediately preceding day on
         which there was any trade), the subscription price per share shall
         equal the closing price on such day.

         If, subsequent to the issue of the stock acquisition rights, the
         Company splits or consolidates its common stock, or issues new shares
         or disposes of its treasury shares below market price (other than to
         issue or deliver shares upon exercise of stock acquisition rights or
         warrants, with certain other exceptions), the subscription price per
         share shall be adjusted according to the following formula, rounded up
         to the nearest yen. Furthermore, the subscription price per share may,
         to the extent necessary and reasonable, be adjusted in a way deemed
         appropriate by the Company, in the case of a capital reduction, merger
         or split of the Company or certain other events.

         (a) Formula for adjustment in the case of share split or consolidation

         Subscription price per share   =     Subscription price per      x                 1
               after adjustment               share before adjustment       ---------------------------------
                                                                             Ratio of split / consolidation

         (b)  Formula for adjustment in the case of issue of new shares or
              disposition of treasury stock below market price

          Subscription          Subscription        Outstanding           Number of new    x    Subscription
           price per       =      price per     x    number of      +      shares to be        price per share
          share after           share before           shares                 issued            to be issued
          adjustment             adjustment                            ------------------------------------------
                                                                                 Market price per share
                                                   Outstanding number of   +   Number of new shares to be
                                                        shares                          issued

         In the above formula, "outstanding number of shares" shall mean the
         total number of outstanding shares of the Company after deduction of
         shares held by the Company as treasury stock. In the case of
         disposition of treasury stock, "number of new shares to be issued" in
         the above formula shall be read as "number of treasury shares to be
         disposed of."

     (6) Exercise period of the stock acquisition rights

         Between April 1, 2005 and March 31, 2009 (4 years).


     (7) Conditions for exercise of stock acquisition rights

         (a)  A person to whom stock acquisition rights are allocated (a "rights
              holder") must be a director, corporate auditor, executive officer
              or employee of the Company or its domestic or overseas subsidiary
              at the time of exercise, except where there are reasons deemed

         (b)  The stock acquisition rights may not be inherited.

         (c)  No stock acquisition right may be exercised in part.

         (d)  Other terms and conditions will be determined at a meeting of the
              Board of Directors subsequent to the Shareholders' Meeting.

     (8) Cancellation of stock acquisition rights

         (a)  The Company may cancel, for no consideration, any stock
              acquisition right in the event that the general meeting of the
              shareholders resolves to approve (i) any merger agreement pursuant
              to which the Company shall cease to exist, or (ii) any share
              exchange agreement or share transfer pursuant to which the Company
              shall become a wholly-owned subsidiary of another company.

         (b)  The Company may cancel, for no consideration, all or part of the
              stock acquisition rights of a rights holder to the extent that
              such stock acquisition rights are not exercisable due to the
              rights holder's failure to satisfy any of the conditions for
              exercise of stock acquisition rights.

     (9) Restriction on the transfer of stock acquisition rights

         Any transfer of stock acquisition rights shall require the approval of
         the Board of Directors, except where the transferee is the Company.

     (10)Other details of the stock acquisition rights will be determined in a
         meeting of the Board of Directors subsequent to the Shareholders'

   (Note) The above terms are subject to approval by the Shareholders' Meeting
         of the "Issuance of stock acquisition rights as stock options."
