                                                                    June 1, 2004

To Our Shareholders

                                          Toshio Maruyama
                                          President and COO
                                          ADVANTEST CORPORATION
                                          32-1, Asahi-cho 1-chome,
                                          Nerima-ku, Tokyo

                             CONVOCATION NOTICE OF

Dear Sirs and Madams:

     Notice is hereby given that the 62nd ordinary general meeting of
shareholders of ADVANTEST CORPORATION (the "Company") will be held as set forth
below. Your attendance thereat is respectfully requested.

     If you are not able to attend the meeting, you may exercise your voting
rights in one of the following ways after examining the reference documents as
set forth below.

(Exercise of voting rights in writing by submitting the enclosed voting
instruction form)

     Please indicate your intention to vote "for" or "against" each agenda item
in the voting instruction form, then affix your seal and send the said form to

(Exercise of voting rights via the Internet)

     Please access the website for casting votes on the general meeting of
shareholders (http://www.e-tosyodai.com), indicate your intention to vote "for"
or "against" each agenda item by following the on-screen instructions. For
details, please refer to "Instructions for the Exercise of Voting Rights via the
Internet" as set forth on page 31.

1.   Date and time: June 25, 2004 (Friday) at 10:00 a.m.

2.   Place: Main Conference Room of Advantest Corporation
            32-1, Asahi-cho 1-chome, Nerima-ku, Tokyo

3.   Subject matters of the meeting:

          Matters to be reported:

               Matters concerning the business report, balance sheet and
               statement of income for the 62nd Fiscal Year (from April 1, 2003
               to March 31, 2004).

          Matters to be resolved:

               Agenda Item No. 1:   Approval of the proposed appropriation of
                                    retained earnings for the 62nd fiscal year

               Agenda Item No. 2    Partial amendment of the Articles of

                                    (An outline of this agenda item is set forth
                                    on pages 25 through 26 of the "Reference
                                    Documents with respect to the Exercise of
                                    Voting Rights" below)


               Agenda Item No. 3:   Election of one director

               Agenda Item No. 4:   Election of two corporate auditors

               Agenda Item No. 5:   Issuance of stock acquisition rights as
                                    stock options

                                    (An outline of this agenda item is set forth
                                    on pages 27 through 30 of the "Reference
                                    Documents with respect to the Exercise of
                                    Voting Rights" below)


     When you arrive at the meeting, please submit the enclosed voting
instruction form to the reception desk at the site of the meeting.

     We cordially invite you to attend a reception to be held after the meeting
for shareholders and management members of the Company.

     For shareholders who will be unable to attend the meeting on the date it is
held, we expect to provide video streaming of the actual meeting (solely with
respect to the portion concerning matters to be reported) on the Company's
website beginning on the day of the meeting.



                                 Business Report

                     (April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004)

1.   Overview of Business

     (1)  Results of Business

          (a)  Business Conditions

     During the fiscal year, business conditions affecting the Company have been
generally very favorable due to an increased appetite for capital expenditures
in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, as stimulated by the strong
performance of digital consumer products including digital cameras and DVD
recorders, decreased volatility of DRAM prices, and improved demands for
personal computers.

     Under this environment, the Company made concentrated efforts to increase
incoming orders and expand sales through the timely introduction of new
products. The Company and its group companies combined forces in a drive towards
improving profitability by shortening production time and improving production
efficiency, in part through a reorganization of its manufacturing operations
implemented on July 1, 2003 to consolidate certain of its manufacturing
subsidiaries under Advantest Manufacturing, Inc., as well as continuing its
efforts from the previous fiscal year to reduce fixed costs.

     As a result of the above, the Company returned to profit as incoming orders
increased by 120.4% to (Y)172.4 billion and net sales increased by 96.3% to
(Y)150.5 billion, each as compared with the previous fiscal year, while
achieving net income before income taxes of (Y)21.0 billion and net income of
(Y)11.9 billion. Overseas sales as a percentage of total sales was 64.9%, as
compared to 52.9% in the previous fiscal year.

     In the automated test equipment segment, flash memory testers in the memory
tester market performed strongly both domestically and overseas. In addition,
DRAM testers experienced solid sales, particularly with respect to new models
such as the T5593 high-speed memory tester for next generation DDR memory and
general purpose high-speed memory testers, which generated a high level of
purchase inquiries both in and outside of Japan.

     In the SoC (System-on-a-chip) and application specific semiconductor
testers market, testers for SoC used in mobile phones and digital consumer
devices and testers for LCD driver ICs continued their robust sales from the
previous fiscal year particularly in Japan and Taiwan. In addition, the Company
has introduced new products aiming at the CCD and in-car device market. The
Company has also launched the T2000 series of new-concept testers based on
OPENSTAR(TM),*1 which recorded strong sales in the North American market.

     As a result of the above, incoming orders in the automated test equipment
segment increased by 139.3% to (Y)160.0 billion while net sales of the segment
increased by 113.8% to (Y)138.2 billion, each as compared with the previous
fiscal year. Overseas sales as a percentage of total sales in the automated test
equipment segment was 68.5%, as compared to 57.7% in the previous fiscal year.

     In the measuring instrument segment, business conditions continued to be
severe due to delays in the recovery of demand in the communication market in
general, despite certain market, such as the wireless LAN market, performing
well in the wireless communications related market. In this segment, despite
efforts to introduce new products based on the WMT*2 platform, including a
high-performance signal analyzer for next generation mobile communication,
full-fledged recovery was not seen in sales or profits.

- -------------
     *1  OPENSTAR(TM) - The name of an open architecture standard published by
         the Semiconductor Test Consortium, Inc.

     *2  WMT (Wizard of Module Test) is a common platform proprietarily
         developed by the Company for measuring instruments.


     As a result of the above, incoming orders in the measuring instrument
segment increased by 9.0% to (Y)12.3 billion while net sales of the segment
increased by 2.2% to (Y)12.3 billion, each as compared with the previous fiscal
year. Overseas sales as a percentage of total sales in the measuring instrument
segment was 24.6%, as compared to 27.3% in the previous fiscal year.

     However, the measuring instrument segment has faced operating deficits in
the two preceding fiscal years and, despite the Company's restructuring efforts,
did not return to profitability in the current fiscal year, with no such
prospects for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the Company has made a
determination to recognize an impairment loss on the fixed assets of this
segment by recording a charge in the aggregate amount of (Y)2.9 billion, which
was included in extraordinary loss of this fiscal year.

     For further information on the prospects of the measuring instrument
segment, please refer to the section entitled "(b) Challenges Ahead".

     (Sales Breakdown by Segment)

   -------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------
           Fiscal Year                                                                Change from the previous
                                   FY2002                         FY2003                       period
   -------------------- ----------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------------- ------------
                             Amount       Percentage       Amount       Percentage       Amount      Percentage
                        (in million yen)      (%)        (in million        (%)       (in million     increase
                                                            yen)                          yen)           (%)
   -------------------- ----------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------------- ------------
   Automated Test             64,656          84.3%         138,258         91.8%         73,602        113.8%
   -------------------- ----------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------------- ------------
   Measuring                  12,030          15.7%          12,300          8.2%            270          2.2%
   -------------------- ----------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------------- ------------
   Total                      76,686         100.0%         150,558        100.0%         73,872         96.3%
   -------------------- ----------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------------- ------------
   Export                     40,570          52.9%          97,744         64.9%         57,174        140.9%
   -------------------- ----------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------------- ------------


          (b)  Challenges Ahead

     With respect to business conditions in the upcoming fiscal year, the
Company expects to see a continuing increase in demand for digital consumer
devices as well as a solid increase in semiconductor demand in light of the
recovery of the personal computer market and expansion of the third-generation
mobile phone market. In addition, the Company expects an increase in capital
expenditures by semiconductor manufacturers resulting from investments relating
to 300mm wafers and the transition to a generation of memory devices.
Notwithstanding the existence of certain factors that may have a negative
impact, such as the strengthening of yen and the prospects for economic
recovery, the Company expects the business environment to improve in general.

     In order to respond to these expected increases in demand, the Company
plans to implement a number of measures aimed at furthering its profitability,
including plans to increase sales through the timely introduction of new
products that meet market needs, as well as its continued efforts to shorten
time-to-delivery through improvements in manufacturing efficiency and to reduce

     In connection with the regrouping and reorganization, as described below,
of the Company's business in FY2004, the Company plans to reclassify and regroup
its two reportable segments of "Automated Test Equipment" and "Measuring
Instruments" into the following three new segments - "Semiconductor and
Component Test System Business", "Mechatronics System Business" and "Services,
Support and Others".

     The measuring instrument segment, which has historically been one of the
Company's reportable segments, has suffered poor results with grim prospects for
recovery. Therefore, the Company has undertaken a fundamental review of this
segment, and made the decision to reorganize the segment by selectively focusing
on certain of its existing businesses, centering on the act of "measurement",
which is the basic pillar of the Company's business.

     The first segment of "Semiconductor and Component Test System Business"
focuses on the markets for semiconductors and electronic parts. This segment
combines the Company's product lines of memory testers, SoC testers and
application specific semiconductor testers with certain measuring instrument
product lines, as well as incorporating the constituent technologies,
sophisticated engineering teams and other resources developed in the measuring
instrument business.

     The second segment of "Mechatronics System Business" focuses on peripheral
devices used for "measurement", which will include handlers, which are used for
the purpose of factory automation, device interfaces, which serve as interface
with devices to be measured, and nano-techonology related operations.

     The last segment of "Services, Support and Others" will consist of
solutions provided in connection with the above businesses, support services,
and the equipment lease business.

     The Company is focused on improving operating results through establishing
an operating structure that responds timely to market changes, promoting fast
development of key future technologies and providing timely customer solutions
under the concept of "GETsolution".*3 To achieve these objectives, the Company
is driven to further strengthen its product development operations and improve
production efficiency by selectively focusing on certain businesses, while
strengthening its overseas operations in the U.S., Europe and Asia.

     Further, the Company seeks to achieve better transparency and strengthen
its corporate branding by stressing the importance of corporate social
responsibilities, enhancing its disclosure process and compliance system, and
addressing environmental as well as human rights issues.

     In October 2001, the Company launched a company-wide initiative called
"Initiative21". This initiative seeks to promote new ideas and improvement
strategies at all levels of the Company, from divisions ranging from sales,
development and manufacturing to maintenance and administration, with an aim
toward strengthening the Company's competitiveness. The Company expects to
achieve further growth and fulfill its social mission by having each employee
take the initiative to tackle new issues. This initiative will continue into
2004, the year of the Company 50th anniversary.

     We look forward to your continued support and guidance as shareholders.

- -------------
       *3  GETsolution (Globally Enabled Total solution) is the Company's
           service business designed to provide a set of comprehensive solutions
           to deal with issues ranging from the design to the delivery of


          (c)  Capital Expenditures

                    The Company invested a total of (Y)2.3 billion in capital
               expenditures in FY2003 that focused on new product development,
               manufacturing streamlining, power saving and expansion of
               manufacturing capacity.

          (d)  Financing

              No significant financing activity took place in FY2003.

     (2)  Historical Data on Business Results and Assets

         ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
                                                FY2000           FY2001           FY2002           FY2003
         ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
         Net sales (in million yen)              225,309          72,928           76,686           150,558
         ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
         Net income (in million yen)              31,820         (19,265)         (11,467)           11,957
         ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
         Net income per share (in yen)            319.08         (193.71)         (116.49)          119.97
         ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
         Net assets (in million yen)             230,988         204,058          178,253           188,891
         ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
         Total assets (in million yen)           354,357         258,544          235,456           277,047
         ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

     Note 1: The calculation of "net income per share" was based on the average
             number of total shares outstanding during the relevant fiscal year.

     Note 2: The calculation of "net income per share" since FY2001 was based on
             the average number of issued shares during the relevant fiscal year
             reduced by the average number of treasury shares held during the
             fiscal year. Beginning in FY2002, the Company has adopted the
             "Accounting Standards Regarding Calculations of Earnings Per Share
             of current net earnings" (ASB Statement No. 2) and "Guidelines for
             Accounting Standards Regarding Calculations of Earnings Per Share
             of current net earnings" (ASB Guidelines No. 4).

     Note 3: Beginning in FY2003, the Company has adopted the "Accounting
             Standards for Impairment Accounting of Fixed Assets" (BADC) and
             "Implementation Guidelines for Impairment Accounting of Fixed
             Assets" (ASB Implementation Guidelines No. 6).


2.   Company Information (as of March 31, 2004)

     (1)  Primary Areas of Business

          The Company designs, manufactures and sales automated test equipment
          used for the testing of function and performance of various types of
          semiconductors, as well as general-purpose and customized measuring
          instruments used in the communications, electronic devices and
          computer systems industries.

   (2)   Equity Stock

         (a)   Total number of authorized shares             220,000,000 shares

         (b)   Total number of issued shares                  99,783,385 shares

         (c)   Number of shareholders                             33,112

         (d)   Major shareholders

     ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------
                Name of Shareholder                    Status of Ownership          The Company's Interest in
                                                                                         such Shareholder
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
                                                    Number of      Percentage in     Number of     Percentage in
                                                    Shares (in     Voting Rights     Shares (in    Voting Rights
                                                 thousand shares)       (%)       thousand shares)      (%)
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.               16,023             16.33              -              -
     (retirement benefit trust (Fujitsu
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.            8,716              8.88              -              -
     (trust account)
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (trust        8,042              8.19              -              -
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     Fujitsu Limited                                 4,047              4.12              -              -
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     Barclays Bank PLC Sub-Account                   2,164              2.20              -              -
     Barclays Capital Securities Limited
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     The Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company      1,724              1.75              -              -
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     Shinsei Bank, Limited                           1,627              1.65              -              -
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     BNP Paribas Securities (Japan) Limited          1,584              1.61              -              -
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance Company            1,546              1.57              -              -
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
     Credit Suisse First Boston Securities           1,399              1.42              -              -
     (Japan) Limited
     ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------

     (Notes)     1.  Treasury shares held by the Company, in the number of
                     1,507 thousand shares, have not been included in the table

                 2.  Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. holds the 16,023 thousand
                     shares of common stock referred above as the trustee of a
                     retirement benefit plan of Fujitsu Limited, and exercises
                     its voting rights pursuant to instructions given by Fujitsu


     (3)  Acquisition, Disposition and Holding of Treasury Stock

          (i)  Acquisition

                  Common stock                                      4,141 shares

                  Aggregate cost of acquisition               (Y)31,548 thousand

          (ii) Disposition

                  Common stock                                     33,422 shares

                  Aggregate proceeds from disposition        (Y)286,159 thousand

          (iii) Lapse

                  Common stock                                          - shares

          (iv) Number of treasury stock as of end of period

                Common stock                                    1,507,745 shares

     (4)  Employees

          ------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- -----------------------
            Number of Employees       Change from End of                                Average Years of
                                        Previous Period           Average Age               Service
          ------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- -----------------------
                      1,450                    (157)                   36.72                   11.83
          ------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- -----------------------

     (Notes)  1.  The employee numbers set forth above do not include
                  employees seconded to associated companies.

              2.  The number of employees decreased by 157 as compared to the
                  end of the previous fiscal year primarily due to a transfer of
                  manufacturing personnel effected in connection with the
                  spin-off of the Company's manufacturing division and its
                  subsequent merger into Advantest Manufacturing, Inc.


   (5)   Business Combinations

     (a)   Significant Subsidiaries

   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
                Name of Subsidiary              Common Stock      Percentage          Principal Activities
                                                                 of Ownership
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest Laboratories Ltd.                (Y)50 million            100%      Research and development of
                                                                                 measuring and testing technologies
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest Customer Support Corporation     (Y)300 million           100%      Maintenance service for the
                                                                                 Company's products
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advanmechatec Co., Ltd.                    (Y)300 million           100%      Manufacturing of the Company's
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advanmicrotec Co., Ltd.                    (Y)50 million            100%      Manufacturing of components used
                                                                                 in the Company's products
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest Manufacturing, Inc.              (Y)80 million            100%      Manufacturing of the Company's
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Japan Engineering Co., Ltd.                (Y)305 million           100%      Development, manufacturing and
                                                                                 sales of the Company's products
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest Finance Inc.                     (Y)1,000 million         100%      Leasing of the Company's products
   ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest America Corporation (Holding      US$43,000               100%      Headquarters of North American
   Co.)                                        thousand                          operations
   ---------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest America, Inc.                     US$42,000               100%      Manufacturing and sales of the
                                               thousand                          Company's products
   ---------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest (Europe) GmbH                     10,792 thousand         100%      Headquarters of European
                                               Euros                             operations; sales of the Company's
   ---------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest Taiwan Inc.                       560,000 thousand        100%      Sales of the Company's products
                                               New Taiwan
   ---------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------
   Advantest (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.             15,300 thousand         100%      Headquarters of Asian operations;
                                               Singapore Dollars                 sales of the Company's products
   ---------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------

     (Note) Percentage of ownership includes indirectly held shares.

     (b)   Business Combination Activities

          (i)  On April 1, 2003, the Company established Advantest RF Technology
               Corporation as a development subsidiary for measuring

          (ii) On July 1, 2003, the Company separated its information technology
               department to establish a spin-off company, Advantest Information
               Systems, Inc.

          (iii) Advantest Instruments Corporation was merged into Advanelectron
               Co., Ltd. on July 1, 2003 as part of the Company's efforts to
               consolidate its manufacturing operations. In addition,
               Advanelectron Co., Ltd. has been renamed Advantest Manufacturing,

          (iv) Japan Engineering Co., Ltd. became a wholly-owned subsidiary of
               the Company upon the completion of a share subscription on August
               5, 2003 and a share acquisition by share exchange on December 16,
               2003, both conducted by the Company with respect to Japan
               Engineering's shares.

          (v)  Advantest America Design Center, Inc. terminated operations on
               June 30, 2003.

          (vi) On October 1, 2003, Advantest (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. was
               consolidated with Advantest Asia Pte. Ltd., which is the
               Company's subsidiary that oversees Asia operations. In addition,
               Advantest Asia Pte. Ltd. has been renamed Advantest (Singapore)
               Pte. Ltd. after the consolidation.


          (vii) On March 19, 2004, Advantest Test Engineering Corporation was
               merged into Advantest America R&D Center, Inc. to improve

     (c)  Results of Business Combination Activities

                The Company has 40 consolidated subsidiaries, including the 12
           significant subsidiaries set forth above. In FY2003, consolidated net
           sales was (Y)174.2 billion (up 78.2% from the previous fiscal year)
           and consolidated net income was (Y)17.3 billion.

     (6)  Significant Sales Offices and Branch Offices

   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
   Category          Name of Office          Location
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
   Head Office and
   Other Offices     Head Office             Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
                     Nerima Office           Nerima-ku, Tokyo
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
                     Gyoda Office            Gyoda-shi, Saitama
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
                     Western Japan Office    Suita-shi, Osaka
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
   R&D Centers       Gunma R&D Center        Meiwa-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
                     Otone R&D Center        Otone-machi, Kitasaitama-gun, Saitama
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
                     Kitakyushu R&D Center   Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
   Laboratories      Advantest Laboratories  Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
   Factories         Gunma Factory           Ora-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
                     Gunma Factory 2         Ora-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
                     Menuma Factory          Menuma-machi, Osato-gun, Saitama
   ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------


     (7)  Directors and Corporate Auditors

 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
              Title                         Name                           Area of Responsibility
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Chairman of the Board and CEO     Hiroshi Oura
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Vice Chairman of the Board        Shinpei Takeshita
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 President and COO                 Toshio Maruyama
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Director and Senior Executive     Kiyoshi Miyasaka          In charge of corporate planning and strategies;
 Officer                                                     Senior Vice President, Strategic Business
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Director and Senior Executive     Junji Nishiura            In charge of technologies and production
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Director and Senior Executive     Hiroji Agata              In charge of marketing
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Director and Managing Executive   Hitoshi Owada             In charge of administration
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Corporate Standing Auditor        Noboru Yamaguchi
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Corporate Standing Auditor        Tadahiko Hirano
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Corporate Auditor                 Keizo Fukagawa            Executive Advisor of Fujitsu Limited
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
 Corporate Auditor                 Takashi Takaya            Corporate Standing Auditor of Fujitsu Limited
 --------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------

     (Note)   1.  Changes in the appointment of directors and corporate
                  auditors during FY2003 are as follows:

              (1) Changes adopted by the 61st ordinary general meeting of
                  shareholders on June 27, 2003


                    Senior Managing Director           Shigeru Sugamori
                    Managing Director                  Isao Kitaoka
                    Managing Director                  Kenichi Mitsuoka
                    Managing Director                  Takashi Tokuno
                    Managing Director                  Masakazu Ando
                    Director                           Jiro Katoh
                    Director                           Tetsuo Aoki
                    Director                           Norihito Kotani
                    Director                           Takao Tadokoro
                    Director                           Hiroyasu Sawai
                    Director                           Yuri Morita
                    Director                           Hiroshi Tsukahara
                    Director                           Masao Shimizu

                  Newly elected:

                    Corporate Auditor                  Takashi Takaya

              (2) Changes adopted by the Meeting of the Board of Directors on
                  June 27, 2003

                    Representative Board Director      Toshio Maruyama      (Previous position: President and COO)
                    Director                           Kiyoshi Miyasaka     (Previous position: Senior Managing
                    Director                           Junji Nishiura       (Previous position: Senior Managing
                    Director                           Hiroji Agata         (Previous position: Managing Director)
                    Director                           Hitoshi Owada        (Previous position: Managing Director)

              2.  There was no significant change in the area of responsibility
                  or position of directors after March 31, 2004.

              3.  Of the corporate auditors set forth above, Keizo Fukagawa and
                  Takashi Takaya are outside corporate auditors appointed
                  pursuant to Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the "Law Concerning
                  Exceptions to the Commercial Code Relating to Audit, etc. of
                  Stock Corporations."


              4.  Effective June 27, 2003, the Company has introduced the
                  positions of Executive Officer. The appointments of Executive
                  Officers are set forth below:

                  (* Indicates an Executive Officer who also serves on the Board
                     of Directors)

                    President and COO                    Toshio Maruyama*
                    Senior Executive Officer             Kiyoshi Miyasaka*
                    Senior Executive Officer             Junji Nishiura*
                    Senior Executive Officer             Hiroji Agata*
                    Managing Executive Officer           Hitoshi Owada*
                    Managing Executive Officer           Kenichi Mitsuoka
                    Managing Executive Officer           Takashi Tokuno
                    Managing Executive Officer           Norihito Kotani
                    Managing Executive Officer           Yuri Morita
                    Executive Officer                    Jiro Katoh
                    Executive Officer                    Takao Tadokoro
                    Executive Officer                    Hiroyasu Sawai
                    Executive Officer                    Hiroshi Tsukahara
                    Executive Officer                    Masao Shimizu
                    Executive Officer                    Masao Araki
                    Executive Officer                    Yoshiaki Furuse
                    Executive Officer                    Yuichi Kurita
                    Executive Officer                    Yoshiro Yagi
                    Executive Officer                    Hideaki Imada


     (8)  Stock Acquisition Rights

          (a)  Stock acquisition rights currently outstanding

               (Stock acquisition rights granted in accordance with the
               resolution passed at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders
               held on June 27, 2002)

            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
            Number of stock acquisition rights                             7,030
            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

            Class and total number of shares to be issued or delivered     703,000 shares of common stock
            upon exercise
            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
            Issuance price                                                 (Y)0
            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

               (Stock acquisition rights granted in accordance with the
               resolution passed at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders
               held on June 27, 2003)

            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
            Number of stock acquisition rights                             7,500
            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
            Class and total number of shares to be issued or delivered     750,000 shares of common stock
            upon exercise
            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
            Issuance price                                                 (Y)0
            -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

         (b)  Stock acquisition rights issued during FY2003 under especially
              favorable terms to persons who are not shareholders

              (Stock acquisition rights granted in accordance with the
              resolution passed at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders
              held on June 27, 2002)

              - Issued on April 25, 2003 -

              1.   Class and total number of shares to be     14,000 shares of
                   issued or delivered upon exercise          common stock

              2.   Number of stock acquisition rights         140
                                                              (each stock
                                                              acquisition right
                                                              is exercisable
                                                              for 100 shares)

              3.   Issuance price                             (Y)0

              4.   Exercise price to be paid upon exercise    (Y)8,148 per share

              5.   Exercise period                            May 1, 2003 to
                                                              March 31, 2007

              6.   Terms of exercise

                   (a) A person to whom stock acquisition rights are allocated
                       (a "rights holder") may not exercise its rights if:

                    (i)  the rights holder ceases to be a director, corporate
                         auditor or employee of the Company or of its subsidiary
                         before the expiration of the exercise period, and is
                         not appointed or rehired as a director, corporate
                         auditor, employee, advisor or non-regular employee of
                         such entities, except where the termination is due to
                         the completion of his/her term of office or his/her
                         reaching retirement age;

                    (ii) the rights holder dies;

                    (iii) the rights holder notifies the Company of his/her
                         intention to waive the rights;

                    (iv) for any reason the rights holder becomes an officer or
                         employee of a company engaging in a competing business,
                         and is notified by the Company of the revocation of
                         his/her rights; or

                    (v)  upon the exercise of the stock acquisition rights, the
                         rights holder violates any law, Company rule or
                         agreement governing the granting of such stock
                         acquisition rights, and is notified by the Company of
                         the revocation of his/her rights.

                   (b)  The stock acquisition rights may not be inherited.

                   (c)  No stock acquisition right may be exercised in part.

              7.  Cancellation of stock acquisition rights

                   (a)  The Company may cancel, for no consideration, any stock
                        acquisition right in the event that the general meeting
                        of the shareholders resolves to approve (i) any merger
                        agreement pursuant to which the Company shall cease to
                        exist, or (ii) any share exchange agreement or share
                        transfer pursuant to which the Company shall become a
                        wholly-owned subsidiary of another company.


                   (b)  The Company may cancel, for no consideration, all or
                        part of the stock acquisition rights of a rights
                        holder to the extent that such stock acquisition rights
                        are not exercisable due to the rights holder's failure
                        to satisfy any of the conditions for exercise of stock
                        acquisition rights.

               8.  Favorable terms related to the stock acquisition rights

                   The stock acquisition rights were issued for no consideration
                   to directors, and employees of the Company's overseas

               (Stock acquisition rights granted in accordance with the
               resolution passed at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders
               held on June 27, 2003)

               - Issued on June 27, 2003 -

               1.  Class and total number of shares           734,000 shares of
                   to be issued or delivered                  common stock
                   upon exercise

               2.  Number of stock acquisition rights         7,340
                                                              (each stock
                                                              acquisition right
                                                              is exercisable for

               3.  Issuance price                             (Y)0

               4.  Exercise price to be paid upon exercise    (Y)5,160 per share

               5.  Exercise period                            April 1, 2004 to
                                                              March 31, 2008

               6.  Terms of exercise

                   (a)  A person to whom stock acquisition rights are allocated
                        (a "rights holder") may not exercise its rights if:

                    (i)  the rights holder becomes a person who does not hold
                         any position as a director, corporate auditor,
                         executive officer, employee, advisor or non-regular
                         employee of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries,
                         except where the Company deems that it is appropriate
                         to allow him/her to exercise his/her stock acquisition
                         rights and notifies him/her to that effect;

                    (ii) the rights holder dies;

                    (iii) the rights holder notifies the Company of his/her
                         intention to waive the rights;

                    (iv) for any reason the rights holder becomes an officer or
                         employee of a company engaging in a competing business,
                         and is notified by the Company of the revocation of
                         his/her rights; or

                    (v)  upon the exercise of the stock acquisition rights, the
                         rights holder violates any law, Company rule or
                         agreement governing the granting of such stock
                         acquisition rights, and is notified by the Company of
                         the revocation of his/her rights.

                   (b) The stock acquisition rights may not be inherited.

                   (c) No stock acquisition right may be exercised in part.

               7.  Cancellation of stock acquisition rights

                   Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on April 25,

               8.  Favorable terms related to the stock acquisition rights

                   The stock acquisition rights were issued for no consideration
                   to directors, corporate auditors, executive officers and
                   employees of the Company and its domestic and overseas

               - Issued on August 29, 2003 -

               1.  Class and total number of shares           6,000 shares of
                   to be issued or delivered                  common stock
                   upon exercise

               2.  Number of stock acquisition rights         60
                                                              (each stock
                                                              acquisition right
                                                              is exercisable for

               3.  Issuance price                             (Y)0

               4.  Exercise price to be paid upon exercise    (Y)8,090 per share

               5.  Exercise period                            Same as the stock
                                                              acquisition rights
                                                              issued on June 27,

               6.  Terms of exercise

                   Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on June 27, 2003.


               7.  Cancellation of stock acquisition rights

                   Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on April 25,

               8.  Favorable terms related to the stock acquisition rights

                   The stock acquisition rights were issued for no consideration
                   to employees of the Company's overseas subsidiaries.

               - Issued on January 27, 2004 -

               1.   Class and total number of shares          7,000 shares of
                    to be issued or delivered                 common stock
                    upon exercise

               2.   Number of stock acquisition rights        70
                                                              (each stock
                                                              acquisition right
                                                              is exercisable for

               3.   Issuance price                            (Y)0

               4.   Exercise price to be paid upon exercise   (Y)9,220 per share

               5.   Exercise period                           Same as the stock
                                                              acquisition rights
                                                              issued on June 27,

               6.   Terms of exercise

                    Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on June 27,

               7.   Cancellation of stock acquisition rights

                    Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on April 25,

               8.   Favorable terms related to the stock acquisition rights

                    The stock acquisition rights were issued for no
                    consideration to directors of the Company's overseas

               - Issued on March 31, 2004 -

               1.   Class and total number of shares          3,000 shares of
                    to be issued or delivered                 common stock
                    upon exercise

               2.   Number of stock acquisition rights        30
                                                              (each stock
                                                              acquisition right
                                                              is exercisable for

               3.   Issuance price                            (Y)0

               4.   Exercise price to be paid upon exercise   (Y)8,550 per share

               5.   Exercise period                           Same as the stock
                                                              acquisition rights
                                                              issued on June 27,

               6.   Terms of exercise

                    Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on June 27,

               7.   Cancellation of stock acquisition rights

                    Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on April 25,

               8.   Favorable terms related to the stock acquisition rights

                    Same as the stock acquisition rights issued on August 29,

                (Names of the persons to which stock acquisition rights were
                granted and the numbers granted)

                (i)  Directors of the Company

                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                                       Name                   Number of stock
                                                             acquisition rights
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Hiroshi Oura, Shinpei Takeshita,              300 each
                    Toshio Maruyama
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Kiyoshi Miyasaka, Junji Nishiura,             200 each
                    Hiroji Agata
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Hitoshi Owada                                 180
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------


                (ii)  Corporate Auditors of the Company

                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                                       Name                   Number of stock
                                                             acquisition rights
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Noboru Yamaguchi, Tadahiko Hirano,             30 each
                    Keizo Fukagawa, Takashi Takaya
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------

                (iii)  Executive Officers of the Company

                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                                       Name                   Number of stock
                                                             acquisition rights
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Kenichi Mitsuoka, Takashi Tokuno,             160 each
                    Norihito Kotani, Yuri Morita
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Jiro Katoh, Takao Tadokoro, Hiroyasu          120 each
                    Sawai, Hiroshi Tsukahara, Masao Shimizu,
                    Masao Araki, Yoshiaki Furuse, Yuichi
                    Kurita, Yoshiro Yagi, Hideaki Imada
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------

                (iv)  Advisors to the Company

                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                                       Name                   Number of stock
                                                             acquisition rights
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Tetsuo Aoki, Masakazu Ando, Keishi             30 each
                    Kaetsu, Mineo Kamiya, Katsusaburo
                    Kawaguchi, Isao Kitaoka, Shigeru
                    Sugamori, Michiaki Chamoto, Shoji
                    Niki, Hiromi Maruyama, Katsuaki Minami
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------

                (v) Employees of the Company; Directors and employees of the
                    Company's subsidiaries (top 10 persons only)

                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                                       Name                   Number of stock
                                                             acquisition rights
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Lin Gang                                      200
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Kim Young Hwan, Cheng Sui Yoong,              100 each
                    Nicholas Konidaris, Josef
                    Schraetzenstaller, Keith Lee
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Robert Sauer                                  80
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Ping Nieh                                     50
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Tony Capitanio, Georg Schmederer              40 each
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------

                    (Note)   The number of stock acquisition rights granted to
                             Lin Gang, Tony Capitanio and Georg Schmederer
                             include rights granted on April 25, 2003 and June
                             27, 2003. The number of stock acquisition rights
                             granted to Keith Lee include rights granted on June
                             27, 2003 and January 27, 2004.

                (vi) Directors of the Company's subsidiaries who were granted at
                    least the same number of stock acquisition rights as the
                    least number granted to Directors or Corporate Auditors of
                    the Company

                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                                       Name                   Number of stock
                                                             acquisition rights
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------
                    Ryozo Kobayashi, Takashi Horio                30 each
                    ---------------------------------------- -------------------

                    (Note) Persons listed above in (v) have been excluded from
                           this table.

                (vii) Breakdown of stock acquisition rights granted to employees
                    of the Company and directors and employees of the Company's

                    ------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------- ---------------------
                            Category          Number of stock   Class and total number of     Total number of
                                                acquisition       shares to be issued or      persons granted
                                                   rights        delivered upon exercise     stock acquisition
                    ------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------- ---------------------
                    Employees of the Company       1,540        154,000 shares of common              66
                    ------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------- ---------------------
                    Directors of the               950          95,000 shares of common               17
                    Company's subsidiaries                      stock
                    ------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------- ---------------------
                    Employees of the               1,180        118,000 shares of common              70
                    Company's subsidiaries                      stock
                    ------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------- ---------------------


                                  Balance Sheet

                             (As of March 31, 2004)

                                                                                                (In million yen)
- ------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
                       Assets                                                 Liabilities
- ----------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------
Current assets                              203,388    Current liabilities                               56,504
     Cash and deposits                       64,469       Trade accounts payable                         38,444
     Trade notes receivable                   4,978       Current installments of bonds                   4,500
     Accounts receivable                     67,042       Other accounts payable                          1,173
     Finished goods                           8,154       Accrued expenses                                6,647
     Raw materials                            6,134       Income tax payable                                 32
     Work in progress                        21,258       Allowance for product warranty                  1,771
     Supplies                                    42       Other                                           3,935
     Deferred tax assets                     21,776
     Other                                    9,541    Noncurrent liabilities                            31,651
     Allowance for doubtful accounts           (10)       Bonds                                          20,000
                                                          Long-term borrowings                               82
Noncurrent assets                            73,658       Allowance for retirement benefits               9,386
   Property, plant and equipment             40,054       Allowance for officers' retirement              1,261
     Buildings and improvements              16,183       Other                                             920
                                                       ---------------------------------------------- ------------
     Structures                               1,043                  Total liabilities                   88,155
     Machinery and equipment                  3,252                       Stockholders' equity
                                                       ---------------------------------------------- ------------
     Vehicles and delivery equipment              0    Common stock                                      32,362
     Tools and furniture                      1,338    Capital surplus                                   32,973
     Land                                    18,141       Additional paid-in capital                     32,973
     Construction in progress                    94    Retained earnings                                135,672
   Intangible fixed assets                    1,884       Legal reserve                                   3,083
     Software and other                       1,884       Voluntary reserve                             119,942
   Investments and other assets              31,718          [Reserve for losses in foreign            [27,062]
     Investment securities                    6,713          [General reserve]                         [92,880]
     Investments in associated companies     16,347       Unappropriated earnings at end of year         12,647

     Long-term loans receivable               1,408    Net unrealized holding gains on other                793
     Deferred tax assets                      5,707    Treasury stock                                  (12,910)
     Other                                    1,542
                                                       ---------------------------------------------- ------------
                                                                Total stockholders' equity              188,891
- ----------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------
              Total assets                  277,047     Total liabilities and stockholder's equity      277,047
- ----------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------

   (Note)  All amounts above are truncated after the million.

           Beginning this fiscal year, the Company prepares its financial
           statements in accordance with the amended Commercial Code Regulations
           that included amendments required by the "Ministry of Justice
           Ordinance to Amend Certain Parts of the Commercial Code Regulations"
           (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 7, issued on February 28, 2003)
           and "Ministry of Justice Ordinance to Amend Certain Parts of the
           Commercial Code Regulations" (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 68,
           issued on September 22, 2003).

           1. Short-term receivables from associated companies (Y)40,381 million
              Long-term receivables from associated companies   (Y)1,380 million

           2. Short-term payables to associated companies      (Y)10,271 million

           3. Outstanding loan guarantees                          (Y)26 million

           4. Accumulated depreciation on property, plant and equipment
              (including accumulated impairment losses)
                                                               (Y)56,449 million
           5. Assets pledged as collateral
                    Property, plant and equipment                 (Y)403 million

           6. In addition to the noncurrent assets on the balance sheet, the
              Company uses certain computer equipment under lease contracts.


           7. The amount of outstanding warrants attached to bonds, class of
              equity issuable upon exercise of such warrants and their exercise
              prices are as set forth below:

                                         Amount outstanding     Class of equity issuable upon exercise    Exercise price
                                         ------------------     --------------------------------------    --------------
      Series 3 unsecured bonds with       (Y)225 million                     Common stock                 (Y)14,018.00

            8.  Increase in net assets within the meaning of Article 124, Clause
                3 of the Commercial Code Regulations:
                                                                  (Y)793 million


                               Statement of Income

                             (April 1, 2003 through
                                 March 31, 2004)
                                                                                          (In million yen)
        ------------------ ---------------- --------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
                                            Operating income

                                                Net sales                                              150,558
                              Operating     Operating expenses
                           profit and loss
                                                Cost of sales                             86,008
                                                Selling, general and
         Ordinary profit                           administrative expenses                40,772       126,781
            and loss       ---------------- --------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
                                                       Operating income                                 23,776
                                            --------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
                            Non-operating   Non-operating income
                           profit and loss
                                                Interest and dividends income              1,614
                                                Other                                      2,452         4,067
                                            Non-operating expenses
                                                Interest expenses                            466
                                                Other                                      3,344         3,811
                           -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
                                               Ordinary income                                          24,033
        ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
        Extraordinary      Extraordinary loss
        profit and loss         Impairment loss                                            2,996         2,996
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Net income before income taxes                                                           21,036
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Income taxes - current                                                                       86
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Income taxes - deferred                                                                   8,993
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Net income                                                                               11,957
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Retained earnings brought forward                                                         2,180
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Interim dividends                                                                         1,473
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Loss from disposition of treasury stock                                                      16
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------
               Unappropriated earnings at end of year                                                   12,647
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------------

         (Note)   All amounts above are truncated after the million.

                  1.  Transactions with associated companies
                           Sales                        (Y)71,227 million
                           Purchases                    (Y)41,139 million
                           Non-operating transactions    (Y)3,862 million
                  2.  Net income per share                 (Y)119.97

                      ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
                      Net income as reported on statement of income                        (Y)11,957 million
                      ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
                      Net income allocated to common stock                                 (Y)11,787 million
                      ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
                      Amount not allocated to common stock                                    (Y)170 million
                           Bonuses to officers by appropriation of earnings
                      ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
                      Average number of common stock outstanding during the fiscal year    98,250,830 shares
                      ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------


     Significant Accounting Policies

       1.  Valuation of securities

         (1)  Investments in subsidiaries

                Stated at cost using the moving average method

         (2)  Other securities

             (a)  Securities with fair value

                    Stated at fair value based on market prices at the end of
                  the relevant period (unrealized holding gains and losses are
                  accounted for as a component of stockholders' equity; cost of
                  other securities sold is determined using the moving average

              (b) Securities not practicable to estimate fair value

                    Stated at cost using the moving average method

       2.  Valuation of inventories

         (1)  Finished goods

                Stated at cost using the periodic average method

         (2)  Raw materials

                Stated at lower of cost or market using the periodic average

         (3)  Work in progress

                Stated at cost using the periodic average method

         (4)  Supplies

                Stated at cost using the specific identification method

       3.  Depreciation and amortization of noncurrent assets

         (1)  Depreciation of plant, property and equipment

                Based on the declining balance method

                However, buildings (excluding attached improvements) acquired on
              or after April 1, 1998 are depreciated using the straight-line

         (2)    Amortization of intangible fixed assets

                Based on the straight-line method

                However, software for internal use is amortized using the
              straight-line method over its estimated useful life of 5 years.

       4.  Allowances

         (1)  Allowance for doubtful accounts

                To prepare for credit losses on accounts receivable and loans,
              etc., an allowance equal to the estimated amount of uncollectible
              receivables is provided for general receivables based on a
              historical write-off ratio, and for bad receivables based on a
              case-by-case determination of collectibility.

          (2)  Allowance for product warranty

                To reasonably account for repair costs covered under product
              warranty in the respective periods in which they arise, the
              allowance for a given year is provided in an amount determined
              based on the ratio of repair costs in that year to net sales in
              the preceding year.

         (3)  Allowance for retirement benefits

                To provide for employee retirement benefits, an allowance for
              retirement benefits is provided in an amount determined based on
              the estimated retirement benefit obligations and pension assets at
              the end of the fiscal year.

                Past service liabilities are amortized on a straight-line basis
              over a fixed number of years (17 years) during the average
              remaining years of service of employees.

                Any actuarial gains and losses are amortized on a straight-line
              basis over a fixed number of years (17 years) during the average
              remaining years of service of employees, and the amount is
              recorded in the fiscal year subsequent to its occurrence.

         (4)  Allowance for officers' retirement benefits

                To provide for officers' retirement benefits, an allowance is
              provided for the aggregate amount payable at the end of the period
              pursuant to the Company's rules on officers' retirement benefits.
              This allowance is stipulated under Article 43 of the Commercial
              Code Regulations.

       5. Accounting for lease transactions


             Finance lease transactions not involving a transfer of title to the
           lessee are accounted for in the same way as usual operating lease

       6.  Accounting for consumption taxes

             Consumption taxes are accounted using the net-of-tax method.

       (Changes in Accounting Policies)

             From this fiscal year, the Company has adopted the accounting
           standard for impairment of fixed assets ("Opinion on Establishing an
           Accounting Standard for Impairment of Fixed Assets" (BADC, August 9,
           2002)) and "Implementation Guidelines for Impairment Accounting of
           Fixed Assets" (ASB Implementation Guidelines no. 6, October 31,
           2003), as these standard and guidelines became applicable to
           financial statements of fiscal years ending on or after March 31,
           2004. The adoption of the above has negatively affected income before
           income taxes by (Y)2,996 million.

       (Changes in the Method of Presentation)

             From this fiscal year, the Company has adopted the "Special
           Exception Relating to Associated Companies" under Article 48,
           Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code Regulations. In accordance with
           this Exception, certain statements or notes have been presented for
           the category "associated companies" rather than for "subsidiaries" as
           was previously. In addition, pursuant to Article 197 of the
           Commercial Code Regulations, the Company has adopted the terminology
           and forms provided in the "Regulations on Financial Statements, etc."
           in certain parts of its balance sheet and statement of income, and as
           a result has renamed the line item "net unrealized holding gains on
           equity shares, etc." to "net unrealized holding gains on other
           securities". Neither of the above changes had any effect on the
           amounts to be presented.


                   Proposed Appropriation of Retained Earnings
                                                                      (In yen)
              ------------------------------------------- ----------------------
                                    Item                            Amount
              ------------------------------------------- ----------------------
              Unappropriated earnings at end of year           12,647,472,145

              Earnings will be appropriated as follows:
                 (Y)25 per share                                2,456,891,000
              Directors' bonus                                    150,000,000
              Corporate Auditors' bonus                            20,000,000
              General reserve                                   7,000,000,000

                   Earnings to be carried forward               3,020,581,145
              ------------------------------------------- ----------------------
         (Note)   On December 10, 2003, the Company paid interim dividends of
                  (Y)15 per share (or (Y)1,473,669,120 in total) to its
                  shareholders of record as of September 30, 2003.


Copy of Independent Auditor's Report

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Independent Auditor's Report

                                                                    May 17, 2004

To the Board of Directors of Advantest Corporation:

                                                Shin Nihon & Co.

                                                Shigenori Hanada
                                                ---------------------------[   ]
                                                Daihyo Shain and
                                                Kanyo Shain
                                                Certified Public Account

                                                Mitsuo Cho
                                                ---------------------------[   ]
                                                Kanyo Shain
                                                Certified Public Account

We have audited the financial statements, which included the balance sheet,
statement of income, the business report (limited to accounting matters), the
proposed appropriation of retained earnings and the supporting schedules
(limited to accounting matters), of Advantest Corporation for its 62nd fiscal
year (April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004) for the purpose of reporting under
the provisions of Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the "Law Concerning Exceptions to
the Commercial Code Relating to Audit, etc. of Stock Corporations." With respect
to the aforementioned business report and the supporting schedules, our audit
was limited to those matters based on the accounting records of the Company. The
management of the Company was responsible for the preparation of these financial
statements and the supporting schedules, and our responsibility is to express an
opinion on the financial statements and the supporting schedules based on our
audit as independent auditors.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in Japan. The auditing standards require us to obtain reasonable assurance that
the financial statements and the supporting schedules are free of material
misstatement. The audit was conducted based on a test basis, and included
assessing the accounting principles used, the method of their application and
estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall presentation of
the financial statements and the supporting schedules. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. The auditing procedures also
include those considered necessary for its subsidiaries.

As a result of the audit, our opinion is as follows:
   (1) the balance sheet and statement of income present properly the financial
       position and the results of operations of the Company in conformity with
       related laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of the
       As stated in the Significant Accounting Policies, the Company
       has adopted the accounting standard for impairment of fixed assets
       ("Opinion on Establishing an Accounting Standard for Impairment of Fixed
       Assets" (BADC, August 9, 2002)) and "Implementation Guidelines for
       Impairment Accounting of Fixed Assets" (ASB Implementation Guidelines no.
       6, October 31, 2003) from this fiscal year with which we concur as its
       purpose was to reduce the carrying amount of the fixed assets of the
       measuring instrument segment to their current valuation based on current
       conditions as well as the Company is planning to reorganize its measuring
       instrument operations.
   (2) the business report (limited to accounting matters) presents properly the
       current state of the Company in conformity with related laws and
       regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of the Company;
   (3) the proposed appropriation of retained earnings has been prepared in
       conformity with related laws and regulations and the Articles of
       Incorporation of the Company;
   (4) there is nothing to point out as to the supporting schedules (limited to
       accounting matters) in conformity with the provisions of the Commercial

We have no interest in the Company that is required to be disclosed pursuant to
the provisions of the Certified Public Accountant Law.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Copy of Board of Corporate Auditors' Audit Report
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Audit Report

    This Audit Report was prepared by the Board of Corporate Auditors based on
reports from each Corporate Auditor with respect to the method and results of
audit concerning the performance by each Director of his respective duty during
the 62nd fiscal year (April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004) of Advantest
Corporation. We hereby report as follows.

1.   Method of Audit

     Pursuant to the audit policies established by the Board of Corporate
     Auditors, each Corporate Auditor has attended meetings of the Board of
     Directors and other important meetings, posed questions to Directors on the
     state of business, reviewed important approval-granting documents,
     inspected the state of business and assets at the Head Office and other
     important branch offices, and reviewed the financial statements and the
     supporting schedules upon report from independent auditors. The Corporate
     Auditors have also sought reports from subsidiaries of the Company on their
     state of business, and performed on-site inspection of the state of
     business and assets of important subsidiaries whenever necessary.

     In the case of any engagement in competing transactions by a Director,
     transactions involving any conflict of interests between the Company and a
     Director, offering of advantage by the Company for no consideration,
     transactions at unusual terms with a subsidiary or shareholder, or the
     acquisition or disposition of treasury stock, the Corporate Auditors have,
     in addition to the method of audit described above, requested reports from
     the Directors and inspected such transactions in detail whenever necessary.

2.   Result of Audit

     (1) The method and result of audit performed by Shin Nihon & Co., the
         independent auditor of the Company, are appropriate.
     (2) The business report of the Company accurately presents the financial
         conditions of the Company in conformity with related laws and
         regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of the Company.
     (3) In consideration of the financial position of the Company and other
         matters, the proposed appropriation of retained earnings plan presents
         fairly all matters required to be presented, and no irregularity was
         found that need to be pointed out.
     (4) The supporting schedules present fairly all matters required to be
         presented, and no material irregularity requiring disclosure was found.
     (5) No irregularity or violation of related laws or regulations or the
         Articles of Incorporation of the Company was found with respect to the
         activities of the Board of Directors, including activities related to
         subsidiaries of the Company.
         In addition, no breach of fiduciary duty by any Directors was found
         with respect to engagements in competing transactions by a Director,
         transactions involving any conflict of interest between the Company and
         a Director, offering of advantage by the Company for no consideration,
         transactions at unusual terms with a subsidiary or shareholder, or the
         acquisition or disposition of treasury stock.

May 20, 2004
                            Board of Corporate Auditors of Advantest Corporation

                            Noboru Yamaguchi
                            -------------------------------------------[   ]
                            Corporate Standing Auditor

                            Tadahiko Hirano
                            -------------------------------------------[   ]
                            Corporate Standing Auditor

                            Keizo Fukagawa
                            -------------------------------------------[   ]
                            Corporate Auditor

                            Takashi Takaya
                            -------------------------------------------[   ]
                            Corporate Auditor

(Note)   Keizo Fukagawa and Takashi Takaya are outside corporate auditors
         appointed pursuant to Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the "Law Concerning
         Exceptions to the Commercial Code Relating to Audit, etc. of Stock

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        Reference Documents with respect to the Exercise of Voting Rights

1.  Number of voting rights of all shareholders:           981,144 voting rights

2. Agenda Items and Reference Matters:

Agenda Item No. 1:   Approval of the proposed appropriation of retained earnings
                     for the 62nd fiscal year

     The details of the appropriation of retained earnings for this fiscal year
are as described on page 22 of the attached document.

     The basic policy of the Company is to continue to provide stable dividends
at a level consistent with its operating results, based on the belief that
shareholder value is premised on the realization of long-term growth in
corporate value.

     During this fiscal year, the Company made concentrated efforts to increase
incoming orders and expand sales through the timely introduction of new
products. In addition, the Company continued its efforts from the previous
fiscal year to reduce overheads through a reorganization of its manufacturing
operations to shorten production time and improve manufacturing efficiency. As a
result, net sales of the fiscal year increased significantly to (Y)150.5 billion
as the Company returned to profits after two years of deficits.

     In light of the need to provide sufficient reserves to strengthen the
Company's financial position in expectation of future expansions, the Company
proposes to pay a year-end dividend of (Y)25 per share for the fiscal year
(which, together with the interim dividend of (Y)15 per share already paid,
amounts to a fiscal year total of (Y)40 per share, representing an increase of
(Y)10 per share over the previous fiscal year).

Agenda Item No. 2:    Partial amendment of the Articles of Incorporation

1.   Reason for amendment:

(1)  Following the implementation of the "Law to Amend Certain Parts of the
     Commercial Code and the Law Concerning Exceptions to the Commercial Code
     Relating to Audit, etc. of Stock Corporations" (Law No. 132 of 2003)
     effective as of September 25, 2003, a company may acquire treasury shares
     by Board resolution if authorized to do so in its Articles of
     Incorporation. In order to provide flexibility in the implementation of
     capital policies in response to changes in business conditions, we propose
     that a new Article 6 (Acquisition of Treasury Shares) be inserted.

(2)  The "Law to Amend Certain Parts of the Commercial Code and the Law
     Concerning Exceptions to the Commercial Code Relating to Audit, etc. of
     Stock Corporations" (Law No. 149 of 2001) effective as of May 1, 2002
     provides for the reduction of personal liabilities of directors and
     corporate auditors. The Company believes that by limiting liabilities to a
     reasonable extent, Directors and Corporate Auditors can more fully perform
     the functions expected of them. Therefore, we propose that a new Article 26
     (Exemption of Directors' Liabilities) and a new Article 36 (Exemption of
     Corporate Auditors' Liabilities) be inserted. The proposal with respect to
     the addition of a new Article 26 has been given unanimous consent by the
     Board of Corporate Auditors.

(3)  In addition to the foregoing, the Company will renumber certain Articles to
     accommodate the insertions of new Articles proposed above.


2.   Details of proposed amendments:

     The details of the proposed amendments are as follows:

                                                                                 (Changes are underlined.)

- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                           Proposed Amendment
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
                   (Newly introduced)                      Article 6.     (Acquisition of Treasury Shares)
                                                               The Company may acquire treasury shares by resolution
                                                           of the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 211-3,
                                                           Paragraph 1, Clause 2 of the Commercial Code.

Article 6.     (Denomination of Share Certificates)        Article 7.     (Denomination of Share Certificates)
    ~          (omitted)                                       ~          (present provisions maintained)
Article 24.    (Remuneration of Directors)                 Article 25.    (Remuneration of Directors)

                                                           Article 26.    (Exemption of Directors' Liabilities)
                   (Newly introduced)                          Pursuant to Article 266, Paragraph 12 of the
                                                           Commercial Code and to the extent permitted by law
                                                           and regulations, the Company may, by resolution of
                                                           the Board of Directors, exempt the liabilities of its
                                                           Directors (including persons who have previously
                                                           served as the Company's Directors) with respect to
                                                           acts described under Paragraph 1, Clause 5 of the
                                                           said Article.

Article 25.    (Counselors and Advisors)                   Article 27.    (Counselors and Advisors)
    ~          (omitted)                                       ~          (present provisions maintained)
Article 33.    (Remuneration of Corporate Auditors)        Article 35.    (Remuneration of Corporate Auditors)

                                                           Article 36.    (Exemption of Corporate Auditors'
                   (Newly introduced)                      Liabilities)
                                                               Pursuant to Article 280, Paragraph 1 of the
                                                           Commercial Code and to the extent permitted by law and
                                                           regulations, the Company may, by resolution of the
                                                           Board of Directors, exempt the liabilities of its
                                                           Corporate Auditors (including persons who have previously
                                                           served as the Company's Corporate Auditors).

Article 34.    (Business Year)                             Article 37.    (Business Year)
    ~          (omitted)                                       ~          (present provisions maintained)
Article 37.   (Effective Period for Dividend Payment)      Article 40.    (Effective Period for Dividend Payment)
- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

Agenda Item No. 3:   Election of one director

     To strengthen the Company's management structure and corporate governance,
we would request that you elect one new director.

     The profile of the nominee is set forth below.


     Pursuant to Article 19, Paragraph 2 of the Articles of Incorporation, the
term of office of the Director to be elected at this Shareholders' Meeting shall
be the same as the remaining term of the other Directors currently in office.

- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
           Name                                    Brief Personal History                           Number of the
     (Date of Birth)                      (Appointment to other companies, if any)                 Company's shares
- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
      Takashi Tokuno        April 1971           Joined Advantest Corporation                                  2,636
                            June 1996            Director
    (October 9, 1948)       June 2000            Managing Director
                            June 2003            Managing Executive Officer (present position)
- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

Note:      This nominee does not have any special interest in the Company.

Agenda Item No. 4:         Election of two corporate auditors

         Because, upon the closing of this ordinary general meeting of
shareholders, Mr. Noboru Yamaguchi and Mr. Keizo Fukagawa will conclude their
terms of office as the corporate auditor, we would like you to elect two
corporate auditors.

         The profiles of the nominees are set forth below.

         We have obtained consent of the Board of Corporate Auditors with
respect to this Agenda Item.

- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
           Name                                    Brief Personal History                              Number of the
     (Date of Birth)                      (Appointment to other companies, if any)                    Company's shares
- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
  1         Noboru Yamaguchi      April 1965           Joined Fuji Communication Apparatus Mfg. Co.,           2,973
                                                       Ltd. (currently Fujitsu Limited)
                                  June 1995            Managing Director of Advantest Corporation
                                  June 1997            Senior Managing Director of Advantest
          (November 12, 1941)     June 2001            Corporate Standing Auditor of Advantest
                                                       Corporation (present position)
- ------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
  2          Kuniaki Suzuki       July 1969            Joined Fujitsu Limited                                       0
                                  June 2000            Director of Fujitsu Limited
                                  April 2003           Corporate Executive Vice President of Fujitsu
                                                       Limited (present position)
           (August 28, 1945)      June 2003            Director of Fujitsu Limited (present position)
- ------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

1:   None of the nominees has any special interest in the Company.
2:   Mr. Kuniaki Suzuki is a nominee for outside corporate auditor under Article
     18, Paragraph 1 of the "Law Concerning Exceptions to the Commercial Code
     Relating to Audit, etc. of Stock Corporations".

Agenda Item No. 5:    Issuance of stock acquisition rights as stock options

     Pursuant to Articles 280-20 and 280-21 of the Commercial Code, we request
that you approve the issuance of stock acquisition rights on especially
favorable terms as described below.


1.   Reason for the issuance of stock acquisition rights on especially favorable

     The stock acquisition rights will be issued as stock options to directors,
     corporate auditors, executive officers and employees of the Company and its
     domestic and overseas subsidiaries to provide them an incentive towards
     better business performance and to retain and attract talented individuals.

2.   Details of stock acquisition rights

(1)  Persons to whom stock acquisition rights will be allocated

     Directors, corporate auditors, executive officers and employees of the
     Company and its domestic and overseas subsidiaries, and overseas
     subsidiaries of the Company. The overseas subsidiaries will then allocate
     the same rights as the stock acquisition rights pursuant to applicable
     local laws to directors, corporate auditors and employees of other overseas

(2)  Class and total number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of
     the stock acquisition rights

     Not exceeding 800,000 shares of common stock of the Company.

     The number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each stock
     acquisition right shall be 100 shares, provided, however, that when the
     subscription price per share is adjusted in accordance with (5) below, the
     number of such shares shall be adjusted according to the following formula.
     This adjustment is made only with respect to any such stock acquisition
     rights that have not yet been exercised as of the time of adjustment. Any
     fraction of a share that arises as a result of an adjustment will be
     rounded down to the nearest number of shares.

         Number of shares to be issued or            Total subscription price
       delivered upon exercise of each stock   =  ------------------------------
                  acquisition right                Subscription price per share

     When the number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each
     stock acquisition right is adjusted, the total number of shares to be
     issued or delivered upon exercise of the stock acquisition rights shall be
     adjusted to the number obtained by multiplying (i) the number of shares to
     be issued or delivered upon exercise of each stock acquisition right after
     adjustment by (ii) the number of stock acquisition rights that have not yet
     been exercised as of the time of adjustment, then adding the number of
     shares that have been issued or delivered upon exercise of stock
     acquisition rights. After the adjustment, the total number of shares to be
     issued or delivered upon exercise of the stock acquisition rights may
     exceed 800,000 shares.

(3)  Total number of stock acquisition rights to be issued

      Not exceeding 8,000.

(4)  Issue price of the stock acquisition rights

      No consideration shall be paid.

(5)  Total subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock acquisition

     The total subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock
     acquisition right shall be determined by multiplying (i) the subscription
     price per share as determined in the following paragraph, by (ii) the
     number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each stock
     acquisition right as specified in (2) above (100 shares).

     The subscription price per share shall be 1.05 times the average closing
     price, rounded up to the nearest yen, of the common stock of the Company in
     regular trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on each day of the month
     (excluding any such day on which there was no trade) preceding the first
     occasion on which any stock acquisition rights approved by this
     Shareholders' Meeting are issued; provided, however, that if such amount is
     less than the closing price of the common stock of the Company on such day
     of issue (or, if there was no


     trade on such day of issue, the closing price on the immediately preceding
     day on which there was any trade), the subscription price per share shall
     equal the closing price on such day.

     If, subsequent to the issue of the stock acquisition rights, the Company
     splits or consolidates its common stock, or issues new shares or disposes
     of its treasury shares below market price (other than to issue or deliver
     shares upon exercise of stock acquisition rights or warrants, with certain
     other exceptions), the subscription price per share shall be adjusted
     according to the following formula, rounded up to the nearest yen.
     Furthermore, the subscription price per share may, to the extent necessary
     and reasonable, be adjusted in a way deemed appropriate by the Company, in
     the case of a capital reduction, merger or split of the Company or certain
     other events.

     (a)  Formula for adjustment in the case of share split or consolidation

         Subscription price per    Subscription price per                   1
                                 =                         x ------------------------------
         share after adjustment    share before adjustment   Ratio of split / consolidation

     (b)  Formula for adjustment in the case of issue of new shares or
          disposition of treasury stock below market price

                                                                           Number of new    x    Subscription
                                                     Outstanding           shares to be         price per share
          Subscription           Subscription         number of      +        issued             to be issued
            price per     =        price per    x       shares           ----------------------------------------
          share after            share before                                    Market price per share
           adjustment             adjustment       --------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Outstanding number of      +      Number of new shares to be
                                                            shares                             issued

          In the above formula, "outstanding number of shares" shall mean the
          total number of outstanding shares of the Company after deduction of
          shares held by the Company as treasury stock. In the case of
          disposition of treasury stock, "number of new shares to be issued" in
          the above formula shall be read as "number of treasury shares to be
          disposed of."

(6)  Exercise period of the stock acquisition rights

     Between April 1, 2005 and March 31, 2009 (4 years).

(7)  Conditions for exercise of stock acquisition rights

     (a)  A person to whom stock acquisition rights are allocated (a "rights
          holder"), other than overseas subsidiaries of the Company, must be a
          director, corporate auditor, executive officer or employee of the
          Company or its domestic or overseas subsidiary at the time of
          exercise, except where there are reasons deemed reasonable.

     (b)  The stock acquisition rights may not be inherited.

     (c)  No stock acquisition right may be exercised in part.

     (d)  Other terms and conditions will be determined at a meeting of the
          Board of Directors subsequent to the Shareholders' Meeting.

(8)   Cancellation of stock acquisition rights

     (a)  The Company may cancel, for no consideration, any stock acquisition
          right in the event that the general meeting of the shareholders
          resolves to approve (i) any merger agreement pursuant to which the
          Company shall cease to exist, or (ii) any share exchange agreement or
          share transfer pursuant to which the Company shall become a
          wholly-owned subsidiary of another company.

     (b)  The Company may cancel, for no consideration, all or part of the stock
          acquisition rights of a rights holder to the extent that such stock
          acquisition rights are not exercisable due to the rights holder's
          failure to satisfy any of the conditions for exercise of stock
          acquisition rights.


(9)  Restriction on the transfer of stock acquisition rights

     Any transfer of stock acquisition rights shall require the approval of the
     Board of Directors, except where the transferee is the Company.

(10) Other details of the stock acquisition rights will be determined in a
     meeting of the Board of Directors subsequent to the Shareholders' Meeting.


        (Instructions for the Exercise of Voting Rights via the Internet)

     If you choose to exercise your voting rights via the Internet, please read
the following instructions before doing so:

1.   Voting rights may be exercised online only by using the following website
     designated by the Company (http://www.e-tosyodai.com). It is not possible
     to access this site through Internet access on a mobile phone.
     (Please note that you will need the voting number and dedicated voting
     password as indicated on the enclosed voting instruction form if you want
     to exercise your voting rights on the Internet.)

2.   If you cast your vote both on the Internet and through the voting
     instruction form, only your vote cast on the Internet shall be deemed

3.   If you cast your vote on the Internet more than once, only your last vote
     shall be deemed valid.

4.   Any connection charges due to Internet service providers and communication
     charges due to communication carriers incurred as a result of using the
     voting casting website shall be paid by the shareholder.

5.   If you choose to cast your vote online, please do so by 5:00 pm of June 24,
     2004 (Thursday) to the extent possible in order for us to have time to
     count the results.

    Any inquiries relating to the procedures for exercising voting rights online
    shall be directed to the following:
         Transfer agent:       Tokyo Securities Transfer Agent Co., Ltd.
         Phone number:0120-49-7009 (toll-free number)