EXHIBIT 99.2 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. Report of Independent Accountants on Limited Reviews of the Quarterly Information (ITR) June 30, 2004 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Report of Independent Accountants on Limited Reviews To the Board of Directors and Stockholders Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. 1 We have carried out limited reviews of the Quarterly Information (ITR) of Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. - ESCELSA and Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas - ESCELSA and its subsidiaries for the quarters and periods ended June 30, 2004 and March 31, 2004 and June 30, 2003. This information is the responsibility of the Company's management. 2 Our reviews were carried out in conformity with specific standards established by the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil (IBRACON), in conjunction with the Federal Accounting Council (CFC), and mainly consisted of: (a) inquiries of and discussions with management responsible for the accounting, financial and operating areas of the Company with regard to the main criteria adopted for the preparation of the quarterly information and (b) a review of the significant information and of the subsequent events which have, or could have, significant effects on the Company's financial position and operations. 3 Based on our limited reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the quarterly information referred to above in order that such information be stated in conformity with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil applicable to the preparation of quarterly information, consistent with the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) regulations. 4 The Quarterly Information (ITR) also includes accounting information for the quarter ended June 30, 2003. This information was reviewed by other independent accountants, who issued an unqualified report thereon dated July 17, 2003. November 22, 2003 Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. 5 As mentioned in Note 4.1, the Quarterly Information (ITR) of Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. - ESCELSA and of Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. - ESCELSA and its subsidiaries includes amounts for electric energy traded in the Wholesale Energy Market (MAE), with a balance payable by the parent company of R$ 309 thousand at June 30, 2004 (R$ 722 thousand at March 31, 2004), and a balance receivable in the consolidated quarterly information of R$ 2,824 thousand at June 30, 2004 (R$ 2,072 thousand at March 31, 2004), respectively, which were recorded based on amounts informed by MAE. The liquidation of these amounts is dependent on the receipts from companies which did not effect net financial settlements as determined by ANEEL and the conclusion of the judicial discussion about the interpretation of market rules, which will define the amounts involved. Vitoria, July 16, 2004 PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes CRC 2SP000160/O-5 Luiz Marcio Malzone Ronaldo Matos Valino Contador CRC 1RJ031376/O-2 "S" ES Contador CRC 1RJ069958/O "S" ES (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION ====================================================================================================================== 1 - CVM CODE 2 - COMPANY NAME 3 - Federal Corporate Taxpayer's Registration Number (CNPJ) 01534-2 Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. 28.152.650/0001-71 ====================================================================================================================== 4 - State Registration Number - NIRE 32300002480 ====================================================================================================================== 01.02 - HEAD OFFICE ============================================================================== ======= ================================== 1 - ADDRESS 2 - SUBURB OR DISTRICT Rua Sete de Setembro, 362 Centro ============================================================================== ======= ================================== 3 - POSTAL CODE 4 - MUNICIPALITY 5 - STATE 29015-000 Vitoria ES ======================== ========================== ========================== ============================= ============ 6 - AREA CODE 7 - TELEPHONE 8 - TELEPHONE 9 - TELEPHONE 10 -TELEX 27 3321-9000 - - 55238 ======================== ========================== ========================== ============================= ============ 11 - AREA CODE 12 - FAX 13 - FAX 14 - FAX 27 3222-8650 - - ========================================================================================================================= 15 - E-MAIL escelsa@escelsa.com.br ========================================================================================================================= 01.03-INVESTOR RELATIONS OFFICER (Company Mail Address) =================================================== ============== ========================================= ============ 1 - NAME Sergio Pereira Pires =================================================== ============== ========================================= ============ 2 - ADDRESS 3 - SUBURB OR DISTRICT Rua Sete de Setembro, 362 Centro =================================================== ============== ========================================= ============ 4 - POSTAL CODE 5 - MUNICIPALITY 6 - STATE 29015-000 Vitoria ES ================================= ================= ======================================================== ============ 7 - AREA CODE 8 - TELEPHONE 9 - TELEPHONE 10 - TELEPHONE 11 - TELEX 27 3321-9163 3321-9199 - - ======================== ========================== ========================== ============================= ============ 12 - AREA CODE 13 - FAX 14 - FAX 15 - FAX 27 3222-8949 - - ========================================================================================================================= 16 - E-MAIL sergiop@escelsa.com.br ========================================================================================================================= 01.04-GENERAL INFORMATION/INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT ================================ ========================================== ==================================================== CURRENT YEAR CURRENT QUARTER PRIOR QUARTER ================================ ========================================== ==================================================== 1-BEGINNING 2-END 3-QUARTER 4-BEGINNING 5-END 6-QUARTER 7-BEGINNING 8-END ================== ============= ============ ================ ============ ================== =============== ================= 1/1/2004 12/31/2004 2 4/1/2004 6/30/2004 1 1/1/2004 3/31/2004 =========================================================================== ================= ================================== 9 - INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT 10 - CVM CODE PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes 00287-9 =========================================================================== ==================================================== 11 - PARTNER RESPONSIBLE 12 -INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS' REGISTRATION NUMBER OF Luiz Marcio Malzone THE PARTNER RESPONSIBLE 019.495.868-04 =========================================================================== ==================================================== 1 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION ====================================================================================================================== 1 - CVM CODE 2 - COMPANY NAME 3 - Federal Corporate Taxpayer's Registration Number (CNPJ) 01534-2 Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. 28.152.650/0001-71 ====================================================================================================================== 01.05- CAPITAL COMPOSITION ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== Number of shares Current Quarter Prior quarter Same quarter in prior year (thousand) 6/30/2004 3/31/2004 6/30/2003 ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== Paid-up capital ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== 1 - Common 4,551 4,551 4,551 ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== 2 - Preferred 0 0 0 ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== 3 - Total 4,551 4,551 4,551 ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== Treasury Stock ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== 4 - Common 0 0 0 ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== 5 - Preferred 0 0 0 ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== 6 - Total 0 0 0 ================================ ============================ ========================= ========================================== 01.06- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COMPANY ================================================================================ 1 - TYPE OF COMPANY Commercial, industrial and other ================================================================================ 2 - SITUATION Operational ================================================================================ 3 - NATURE OF OWNERSHIP National private ================================================================================ 4 -ACTIVITY CODE 112 - Electric energy ================================================================================ 5 - MAIN ACTIVITY Generation and distribution of electric energy ================================================================================ 6 - TYPE OF CONSOLIDATION Total ================================================================================ 7 - TYPE OF REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT Without exception ================================================================================ 01.07- COMPANIES EXCLUDED FROM THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ================================================================================ 1 - ITEM 2 - CNPJ 3 - NAME ================================================================================ 01.08- DIVIDENDS APPROVED AND/OR PAID DURING AND AFTER THE QUARTER ================================================================================================================================== 1 - ITEM 2 - EVENT 3 - DATE APPROVED 4 - AMOUNT 5 - DATE OF PAYMENT 6 - TYPE OF 7 - AMOUNT PER SHARE SHARE ================================================================================================================================== 2 1. OPERATIONS ESPIRITO SANTO CENTRAIS ELETRICAS S.A. - ESCELSA is a public Brazilian corporation, controlled by the Eletricidade de Portugal S.A. - EDP Group, through IVEN S.A., as from October 2002. The Company activities comprise the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electric energy, and these activities are regulated by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL), an agency of the Ministry of Mines and Energy. ESCELSA is the majority shareholder of MAGISTRA PARTICIPACOES S.A., which holds the share control of EMPRESA ENERGETICA DE MATO GROSSO DO SUL S.A. - ENERSUL, a concessionaire responsible for the generation, distribution and sale of electric energy in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, and also has full control of CASTELO ENERGETICA S.A. - CESA, which was incorporated to operate in the exploitation of water resources, thermal energy generation and transmission lines. ESCELSA is also the majority shareholder of TV A CABO VITORIA S.A. - TVIX, a company operating in pay-TV and related services, in the municipalities of Vitoria and Vila Velha - ES, and has full control of ESCELSA PARTICIPACOES S.A. - ESCELSAPAR, which renders Internet access services and various information technology services. The consolidated quarterly information comprises the balance sheets and statement of operations of its subsidiaries MAGISTRA, TVIX and ESCELSAPAR. 2. PRESENTATION OF THE QUARTERLY INFORMATION The quarterly information has been prepared and is presented in conformity with accounting practices adopted in Brazil, together with specific legislation established by ANEEL, and the regulations of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM). These practices are consistent with those adopted in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2003, published on March 19, 2004, except for the Value-Added Tax on Sales and Services (ICMS) provision incident on the contracted demand which, for a better disclosure is being presented net, with the reclassification of the prior quarter amounts. 3 3. MARKETABLE SECURITIES The portfolio composition is as follows: PARENT COMPANY ============================================================= FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TYPE MATURITY 06/04 03/04 ================================================================================================================== Banco Pactual S.A.............................. NBC-E 11/16/2006 107,468 103,683 Banco BBA Credtanstalt S.A..................... NBC-E 10/12/2006 89,411 86,429 Banco BBA Credtanstalt S.A..................... NBC-E 11/16/2006 5,095 4,923 Citibank S.A................................... Investment funds Immediate 4,889 2,839 BRADESCO S.A................................... Bank Deposit Certificate (CDB) 08/04 to 06/05 2,580 2,491 Other.......................................... Other Immediate 110 135 ========== ======== 209,553 200,500 ========== ======== CONSOLIDATED ============================================================== FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TYPE MATURITY 06/04 03/04 ============================================================================================================= Banco Pactual S.A.......................... NBC-E 11/16/2006 107,468 103,683 Banco BBA Credtanstalt S.A................. NBC-E 10/12/2006 89,411 86,429 Banco BBA Credtanstalt S.A................. NBC-E 11/16/2006 5,095 4,923 Citibank S.A............................... Remunerated account Immediate 1,080 6,957 Banco Brasil S.A........................... Investment funds Immediate 6,628 9,396 Citibank S.A............................... Investment funds Immediate 4,889 2,839 BRADESCO S.A............................... CDB 08/04 to 06/05 4,991 3,608 Other...................................... Other Immediate 532 842 =========== ========== 220,094 218,677 =========== ========== These marketable securities are basically represented by federal securities (NBC-E), which carry interest and exchange variations, and which are stated net of a provision for devaluation to market value, when applicable, and are recorded in current assets due to their liquidity in the market or expectation of short-term realization. 4 4. CONSUMERS AND CONCESSIONAIRES PARENT COMPANY ================================================================== Falling Overdue up to Overdue over Total ===================== due 90 days 90 days 06/04 03/04 ============ ============== ================ ===================== CURRENT CONSUMERS Residential................................ 31,963 21,422 1,258 54,643 61,429 Industrial................................. 38,022 3,489 3,293 44,804 37,594 Commercial, services and other activities.. 20,757 6,322 3,400 30,479 33,317 Rural...................................... 7,088 1,781 599 9,468 8,838 Public entities: Federal.................................. 556 353 365 1,274 4,128 State.................................... 1,294 390 656 2,340 2,459 Municipal................................ 1,881 1,153 1,940 4,974 366 Public lighting........................... 3,876 1,526 3,544 8,946 9,753 Public service............................ 2,960 90 105 3,155 3,021 Regulatory asset........................... Losses................................... 35,730 - - 35,730 34,430 Free energy.............................. 7,217 - - 7,217 17,117 Debt installments.......................... 13,653 829 4,039 18,521 24,294 Other receivables.......................... 12,121 - - 12,121 14,169 =========== ============== ============= ========== ========== 177,118 37,355 19,199 233,672 250,915 =========== ============== ============= ========== ========== CONCESSIONAIRES Supplies-basic............................. 3,020 - - 3,020 3,173 Supplies-short-term........................ 142 - 2 144 264 ========== ============== =========== ============ ========== 3,162 - 2 3,164 3,437 ========== ============== =========== ============ ========== ENERGY GRID CHARGES 315 - - 315 392 ========== ============== =========== ============ ========== TOTAL 180,595 37,355 19,201 237,151 254,744 ========== ============== =========== ============ ========== LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES CONSUMERS Regulatory asset........................... Losses..................................... 78,569 - - 78,569 83,835 Free energy................................ 60,055 - - 60,055 55,409 ========== ============== =========== ============ ========= TOTAL 138,624 - - 138,624 139,244 ========== ============== =========== ============ ========== 5 CONSOLIDATED ================================================================== Falling Overdue up to Overdue over Total ===================== CURRENT due 90 days 90 days 06/04 03/04 ============ ============== ================ ===================== CURRENT CONSUMERS Residential............................... 55,819 37,084 5,904 98,807 106,893 Industrial................................ 51,445 5,819 4,539 61,803 50,611 Commercial, services and other activities................................ 34,002 12,778 10,056 56,836 61,937 Rural..................................... 10,547 4,350 1,313 16,210 15,770 Public entities Federal................................. 1,674 1,033 727 3,434 8,083 State................................... 3,193 426 657 4,276 4,570 Municipal............................... 4,176 2,889 3,178 10,243 5,178 Public lighting........................... 8,564 2,506 7,394 18,464 18,989 Utilities................................. 5,117 250 145 5,512 6,291 Regulatory asset.......................... Losses.................................. 58,756 - - 58,756 56,784 Free energy............................. 17,223 - - 17,223 26,831 Debt installments......................... 31,909 1,919 7,638 41,466 47,899 Provision for tariff adjustment........... 37,536 - - 37,536 29,448 Other receivables......................... 25,829 617 83 26,529 26,919 ============ =============== ================ =========== ========== 345,790 69,671 41,634 457,095 466,203 ============ =============== ================ =========== ========== CONCESSIONAIRES Supplies - basic.......................... 3,251 - - 3,251 3,412 Supplies - short-term..................... 511 - - 511 625 Other..................................... 103 - - 103 90 ============ =============== ================ ============ ========= 3,865 - - 3,865 4,127 ============ =============== ================ ============ ========= ENERGY GRID CHARGES 1,138 - - 1,138 931 ============ =============== ================ ============ ========= TOTAL 350,793 69,671 41,634 462,098 471,261 ============ =============== ================ ============ ========= LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES CONSUMERS Regulatory asset.......................... Losses.................................. 125,692 - - 125,692 140,010 Free energy............................. 80,565 - - 80,565 78,600 Supplies - short-term..................... 3,068 - - 3,068 3,068 Provision for tariff adjustment........... 25,937 - - 25,937 26,926 Other receivables......................... 8,479 - - 8,479 8,763 ============ =============== ================ =========== ========== TOTAL 243,741 - - 243,741 257,367 ============ =============== ================ =========== ========== 6 4.1 - Wholesale Energy Market (MAE) The Company has recorded in current assets R$ 144 thousand (R$ 3,581 thousand - consolidated) and in current liabilities R$ 453 thousand (R$ 757 - consolidated) related to the sale and purchase of energy and system service charges realized in the Wholesale Energy Market (MAE). A portion of these amounts is subject to change depending on the judicial proceedings in progress, filed by companies of the Sector, about the interpretation of market rules in effect. PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ================================ ===================================== ASSETS LIABILITIES ASSETS LIABILITIES ========== ====================== ========== ========================== SYSTEM SYSTEM SERVICE SERVICE SALE PURCHASE CHARGES SALE PURCHASE CHARGES ========== ============ ========== =========== ========== =========== At March 31, 2004 264 460 526 3,783 904 807 Additions - - - - 219 270 Settlements (120) (287) (246) (202) (774) (669) ========== ============ ========== =========== ========== =========== At June 30, 2004 144 173 280 3,581 349 408 ========== ============ ========== =========== ========== =========== 4.2 -Tariff adjustment On April 8, 2004, ANEEL published Approval Resolution 73/04 altering the periodical tariff adjustment of the subsidiary ENERSUL in April 2003, and changing the adjustment percentage from 42.26% to 43.59%, and the X Factor from 2.35% to 1.35%. In this Resolution, the phasing of the tariff adjustment was maintained, as had been defined in 2003 by that Regulatory Agency, in order to follow the principle of low tariffs and economic and financial balance of the agreement, as follows: a) In the first year, the tariffs for supply of electric energy were adjusted based on the Tariff Adjustment Index (IRT) of 32.47%; and b) In the annual tariff adjustments to be approved from 2004 to 2007, the difference between IRT and the tariff adjustment (RT) will be added to Portion B. 7 Considering item "b" above, ENERSUL provisioned during this quarter the income and related taxes amounting to R$ 14,461, and started recoveries via tariff in April 2004, recovering in the quarter R$ 7,362. The balances of these assets are recorded in "provision for tariff readjustment", the movement on which during the period was as follows. CONSOLIDATED ------------------------- CURRENT LONG-TERM ------------ ------------ At March 31, 2004 29,448 26,926 Recovery via tarif (7,362) - Transfers 15,450 (15,450) Constitution - 14,461 ------------ ------------ At June 30, 2004 37,536 25,937 ============ ============ 4.3 -Tariff readjustment On April 8, 2004, ANEEL approved through Resolution 84 of April 7, 2004 the annual readjustment of ENERSUL tariffs, authorizing an average readjustment of 17.02% with the following composition: a) Contractual Annual Tariff Readjustment Index of 6.28%; b) 4.94% index related to the installment of 2003 readjustment; c) 2.60% index related to 50% of deferred CVA (Compensation Account for Portion A costs) in 2003; d) 3.02% index related to CVA between March 2003 and March 2004; and e) 0.18% index relate to the costs of Emergency Program for Reduction of Electrical Energy Consumption (PERCEE). In this readjustment the X factor of 1.35% was applied on the General Market Price Index (IGPM) variation, as follows: o 0.98% related to the component Xe, which reflects the productivity gains expected from the change in the scale of operations by an increase in the consumption of electrical energy in the area served; o 0.577% related to the component Xc which reflects the evaluation of the consumers on the concessionaire, obtained with the use of the result of the ANEEL Index of Consumers Satisfaction (IASC) research ; and o Reduction of 0.2887 related to component Xa which reflects the application of the Amplified Consumer Price Index (IPCA) for the component manpower of Portion B (non-manageable costs) of the concessionaire. 5. GENERAL ELECTRIC ENERGY SECTOR AGREEMENT The General Electric Energy Sector Agreement, to which the Company became a party on December 20, 2001, established conditions for settling contractual and administrative disputes, thus eliminating the threat of judicial or extrajudicial suits over issues arising from the electric energy rationing period. The main points of the Agreement are as follows: o Declaration of withdrawal of any plea or suit; o Purchase agreement for net contractual surpluses; 8 o Agreement for reimbursement of free energy; o Addendums to the initial contracts; and o Energy Development Account (CDE). Based on Provisional Measure 14/01, converted into Law 10438/02, and related legislation, the Company calculated the amount of the extraordinary tariff recomposition applicable to all electric energy distribution companies, for the purpose of neutralizing the margin losses resulting from the Emergency Program for Reducing Electric Energy Consumption (PERCEE), in effect from June 2001 to February 2002. At the same time, in common with the other electric energy distribution utilities, the Company calculated the monthly variations in additional non-manageable costs (Portion A) and listed all the additional energy purchase costs in the MAE (free energy) to be transferred to the generators. ANEEL Resolutions 480 and 481 (concerning margin losses), 482 (concerning Portion A costs) and 483 (concerning free energy), all dated August 29, 2002, approved the amounts of the revenue recomposition, the extraordinary electric energy tariffs of which were as follows: o 2.9% for residential customers (except low income users), rural users and public lighting; o 7.9% for all other customers. 9 ANEEL Resolution 1/04 fixed new periods for application of the Extraordinary Tariff Recomposition (RTE) (losses and free energy), modifying the tariff recovery period from 70 to 69 months (82 to 73 months - ENERSUL), starting as from December 2001. Studies undertaken by management indicate that these assets will be fully collected over the maximum period established, and therefore no provision for losses was constituted. 5.1 - Recovery of electric energy supply losses These losses, which are part of RTE, were as follows during the period: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ==================== ==================== Current Long-term Current Long-term ========= ========== ========= ========== At March 31, 2004............. 34,430 83,835 56,784 140,010 Recovery thorugh tariff increase.................... (9,257) - (15,182) - Transfers..................... 10,557 (10,557) 17,154 (17,154) SELIC index adjustments...... - 5,291 - 2,836 ========= ========== ========= ========== At June 30, 2004.............. 35,730 78,569 58,756 125,692 ========= ========== ========= ========== The amounts were recorded in the Consumers and concessionaires account, in current assets and long-term receivables. 5.2 -Free energy Free energy refers to electric energy that was generated but is not part of the initial or any equivalent agreements. According to the Free Energy Reimbursement Agreement, electric energy generation companies, guided by article 2 of Law 10438, paid market prices for the free energy allocated to them by MAE (MAE prices) during the PERCEE period according to pre-established rules. The distribution utilities, benefited by the Extraordinary Tariff Recomposition (RTE), will reimburse the generating utilities for the difference between the MAE price and R$ 49.26 per MWh. 10 The amounts of this reimbursement were calculated according to MAE accounting and shared on a pro rata basis among distribution companies, proportionally to individual consumption of energy in the National Interconnected Electricity System. The amount of this electric energy is being reimbursed to the generating companies, in conjunction with the RTE over 69 months (73 months for Enersul), composed as follows: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ==================== ==================== DESCRIPTION CURRENT LONG-TERM CURRENT LONG-TERM =============================== ==================== ==================== AT March 31, 2004 17,117 55,409 26,831 78,600 Recovery through tarif increase (3,285) - (5,714) Transfers (6,615) 6,615 (3,894) 3,894 Unrecoverable energy - (6,235) - (6,235) SELIC index adjustment - 4,266 - 4,306 ========= ========== ========= ========== At June 30, 2004 7,217 60,055 17,223 80,565 ========= ========== ========= ========== The amounts were recorded in "consumers and concessionaires" in current assets and long-term receivables, with a contra entry to "unbilled revenue". An obligation in the same amount was recorded in "energy suppliers" in current and long-term liabilities, with a corresponding charge to "energy purchased for resale" - short-term. 5.3 -Variation in the composition of Portion A costs In order to determine the concessionaires' tariffs, the electric energy distribution concession agreements establish amounts for each item of those exogenous costs that are part of the operating expenses known as the variable Portion A of the IRT formula, as follows: o Tariff for the transfer of the energy potential from Itaipu Binacional; o Tariff for the transport of the electric energy from Itaipu Binacional; o Quota for the Fuel Consumption Account (CCC); o Costs for transmission infrastructure usage on the basic grid; o Financial compensation for use of water resources; o System Service Charges (ESS); o Energy purchased as established in the initial agreements; o Quota for the Global Reversion Reserve Contribution (RGR); o Electric energy service inspection fee; o Connection charges; o Cost of energy development (CDE). Provisional Measures 2227/01 and 14/01, converted into Law 10438/02, and ANEEL Resolution 90/02 set up a pro-forma account for recording the differences, positive or negative, between the amount of each of these items from the date of the last tariff increase to the date it was effectively paid. The balance is being increased by financial remuneration based on the Special System for Settlement and Custody (SELIC) interest rate. These amounts were recognized as "prepaid expenses" in long-term receivables, with a contra entry to "operating expenses", according to their nature. 11 5.3.1 - Portion A The Portion A amounts that will be recovered after the end of RTE (losses and free energy) balance, calculated in the period from January 1 to October 25, 2001, and computed in the extraordinary tariff recomposition, were as follows: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ==================== ==================== LONG-TERM ============================================ At March 31, 2004 61,516 103,919 SELIC remuneration........... 757 (553) ==================== ==================== At June 30, 2004 62,273 103,366 ==================== ==================== ANEEL Resolution 1/04 modified the procedure for the recovery of Portion A, extending the period of the RTE to that necessary to meet the amount approved, by using the same mechanism, that is, the extraordinary tariff application. 5.3.2 - Account of Installment A variation (CVA) Amounts registered as Portion A - CVA cost variations, which are not part of the extraordinary tariff recovery, calculated as from October 26, 2001, are recorded in prepaid expenses, as follows: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ==================== ==================== 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ========= ========== ========= ========== CURRENT ASSETS Prepaid expenses (CVA)........ 59,550 51,305 102,021 91,399 (-) CVA liability............. (29,791) (27,220) (39,821) (36,895) ========= ========== ========= ========== 29,759 24,085 62,200 54,504 ========= ========== ========= ========== LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES Prepaid expenses - CVA........ 46,757 73,171 68,282 102,094 (-) CVA liability............. (12,467) (45,045) (17,616) (53,435) ========= ========== ========= ========== 34,290 28,126 50,666 48,659 Portion A..................... 62,273 61,516 103,366 103,919 ========= ========== ========= ========== 96,563 89,642 154,032 152,578 ========= ========== ========= ========== According to Interministerial Ordinance 116/03, the CVA balance will be included in the energy supply tariffs in the 24 months subsequent to the annual tariff adjustment that will occur between April 8, 2004 and April 7, 2005. The postponement includes, in the case of ESCELSA, the balance for the period from August 2002 to July 2003 and, for ENERSUL, from April 2002 to March 2003, plus an amount to be calculated in the 12 months subsequent to the adjustments from August 2003 and April 2003, respectively. The CVA approved and in formation is as follows: 12 PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ============================= ============================== =============== ============= =========== ================== CVA 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ================== =============== ============= =========== ================== Approved 49,665 47,993 93,583 95,647 In formation 14,384 4,218 19,283 7,516 ================ ============ =========== ================= 64,049 52,211 112,866 103,163 ================ ============ =========== ================= 6. LOW INCOME CONSUMERS Law 10438/02 set forth the guidelines for classifying the low income residential sub-category, which was defined as a consumption unit with monthly consumption of less than 80 kWh. Decree 4336/02 expanced the rules to include units with monthly consumption between 80 and 220 kWh. 13 As a result of the new classification, the Company recorded the loss on revenues, in the amount of R$ 12,420 at June 30, 2004 (R$ 10,314 at June 30, 2003), and the consolidated loss, in the amount of R$ 18,120 (R$ 14,021 at June 30, 2003), net of the Added Value Tax on Sales, Interstate and Intercity Transport Services and Communications (ICMS). As a result of Normative Act 03/03, published in the Diario Oficial do Estado do Espirito Santo (Official Gazette), on November 24, 2003, issued by the Treasury Secretariat of the State of Espirito Santo, which declares that the portion of the subvention by the Federal Government which is in excess of the exempt residential consumption, based on the ICMS state legislation (50 KWh/month) is subject to ICMS tax, management, prudently, set up a provision for a probable tax liability of R$ 10,351 (consolidated -R$ 13,840), charged against tax in operating expenses. 7. TAXES TO BE OFFSET PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ============================== ========================= TAXES 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ======================================================= ================ ============= ============ ============ Withholding income tax 584 1,594 9,816 12,008 Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) recoverable 3,467 6,102 4,027 6,560 Social contribution on net income 2,369 2,369 3,008 2,996 Social Integration Program (PIS) contributions recoverable - 631 759 1,685 Social Contribution on Revenues (COFINS) recoverable - 1,369 6 2,704 ICMS recoverable 499 767 5,889 2,709 Income tax on remittances abroad - - 2,675 2,675 Other 396 433 525 452 ================ ============= ============ =========== 7,315 13,265 26,705 31,789 ================ ============= ============ =========== 8. DEFERRED INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION The tax credits listed below relative to income tax and social contribution losses and other amounts that constitute temporary differences, to be used for reduction of future taxation, were recorded based on the Company's profitability history and expected taxable income for the coming years, considering a maximum period of ten years. As a result of the rules laid down by CVM Instruction 371/02, the Company did not record new credits, as from July 1, 2002, in the amounts of R$ 118,065 in the parent company and R$ 162,772 in the consolidated information at June 30, 2004. 14 Based on these assumptions, the amounts of the tax assets to be accounted for were determined as follows: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ===================== ===================== ASSETS 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 =========== ========= ========== ========== Tax losses ..................... 287,910 223,414 684,948 623,929 =========== ========= ========== ========== Temporary additions Labor and civil claims ......... 26,056 26,056 52,430 52,430 Post-employment benefits ....... 30,451 30,451 30,451 30,451 Tax claims ..................... 77,658 77,658 93,726 93,729 Other additions ................ 1,576 1,576 1,576 1,576 =========== ========= ========== ========== 135,741 135,741 178,183 178,186 =========== ========= ========== ========== 423,651 359,155 863,131 802,115 Statutory rate ................. 25% 25% 25% 25% =========== ========= ========== ========== Income tax ..................... 105,913 89,789 215,783 200,529 =========== ========= ========== ========== Social contribution loss ....... 376,498 304,267 667,842 598,818 Temporary additions Labor and civil claims ......... 26,056 26,056 52,430 52,430 Post-employment benefits........ 30,451 30,451 30,451 30,451 Tax claims ..................... 31,519 31,519 31,519 31,519 Other additions................. 1,579 1,580 1,579 1,580 =========== ========= ========== ========== 89,605 89,606 115,979 115,980 =========== ========= ========== ========== 466,103 393,873 783,821 714,798 Rate............................ 8% 8% 8% 8% =========== ========= ========== ========== Social contribution ............ 37,288 31,510 62,706 57,184 =========== ========= ========== ========== 143,201 121,299 278,489 257,713 =========== ========= ========== ========== Current assets ................. -- -- (7,608) (7,608) =========== ========= ========== ========== Long-term receivables .......... 143,201 121,299 270,881 250,105 =========== ========= ========== ========== The expectation as to the realization of these deferred tax credits, segregated between the amounts recorded and not recorded, is as follows: 15 Amounts recorded: PARENT COMPANY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPECTATION OF TOTAL REALIZATION 2006 2007 2008 2009 ==================== ====== ====== ====== ======= ======== Income tax 4,866 18,906 29,828 52,313 105,913 Social contribution 1,516 6,780 10,738 18,254 37,288 ====== ====== ====== ======= ======== 6,382 25,686 40,566 70,567 143,201 ====== ====== ====== ======= ======== CONSOLIDATED - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPECTATION TOTAL 2010 TOTAL OF CURRENT TO LONG- REALIZATION 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 TERM ===================== ================ ======= ========== ============= ======== ========== =========== ========= Income tax 5,594 8,971 16,514 33,524 48,313 73,881 28,986 210,189 Social contribution 2,014 3,232 5,712 12,045 17,395 22,308 -- 60,692 ================ ======= ========== ============= ======== ========== =========== ========= 7,608 12,203 22,226 45,569 65,708 96,189 28,986 270,881 ================ ======= ========== ============= ======== ========== =========== ========= Amounts not recorded: FROM 2009 TO 2011 ================================================ EXPECTATION OF REALIZATION PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ========================== ====================== ====================== Income tax 85,091 118,845 Social contribution 32,974 43,927 ====================== ====================== 118,065 162,772 ====================== ====================== Based on an opinion issued in September 2002 by SRF (COSIT Opinion 26/02) and decisions of the 1st, 2nd and 6th Federal Revenue Regional Superintendencies (SRF), the subsidiary Enersul claimed the right at the administrative level to defer taxes on RTE (recovery of rationing losses and free energy), as well as spot market (MAE). Through Notification 005/04, the Company was informed of Decision 03.103/03 issued by the Federal Tax Department's Regional Office in Campo Grande - MS, approving the request for deferral of the above mentioned revenues in respect of the related federal taxes. 16 In view of the above, the Company recorded the tax credits in Enersul, originally written-off in 2001, and the following deferred tax liabilities were recognized. =================================================== PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ============================== ==================== LIABILITY 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ============================ ================ ============= ============= ====== Income tax 29,755 31,931 53,120 58,449 Social contribution 12,415 13,942 20,788 23,489 PIS - - 1,861 1,463 COFINS - - 8,706 6,746 ================ ============= ========== ======= 42,170 45,873 84,475 90,147 Current liabilities - - (24,779) (29,470) ================ ============= ========== ======= Long-term liabilities 42,170 45,873 59,696 60,677 ================ ============= ========== ======= 9. ASSOCIATED COMPANIES, SUBSIDIARIES AND PARENT COMPANIES PARENT COMPANY ======================================================== ASSETS LIABILITIES RESULTS ================= ================= ==================== OTHER RECEIVABLES OTHER PAYABLES ELECTRIC ENERGY =================================== FOR RESALE ============= RELATED PARTY 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ========= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= MAGISTRA 50 5 -- -- -- -- ENERSUL 750 809 103 50 -- -- ESCELSAPAR 68 7 95 -- -- -- CESA 621 1,295 -- -- 1,420 710 ENETRADE -- -- -- -- 41,756 19,571 OTHER 523 533 -- -- -- -- ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= 2,012 2,649 198 50 43,176 20,281 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =============================================== CONSOLIDATED =============================================== ASSETS RESULTS ====================== ======================== LOANS AND ELECTRIC ENERGY RELATED FINANCING FOR RESALE PARTY 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ========= ======== ======== ======= ======== ESC 90 79,321 77,286 - - ENETRADE - - 76,985 39,479 OTHER 322 427 - - ======== ======== ======= ======== 79,643 77,713 76,985 39,479 ======== ======== ======= ======== 9.1 - Other receivables and payables These transactions basically refer to the transfer of costs of related companies, including administrative, technical and scientific cooperation activities. 9.2 - Energy purchased for resale ENERTRADE 17 On December 23, 2002, ESCELSA and its indirect subsidiary ENERSUL signed with ENERTRADE - Comercializadora de Energia S.A. an agreement for the purchase and sale of electric energy, effective from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012, covering, for the parent company, an average of 11.45 MW in 2003 and 52 MW as from 2004, and for ENERSUL an average of 35 MW at prices of R$ 85.67/MWh (ESCELSA) and R$ 80.21/MWh (ENERSUL), altered on February 19 and March 20, 2003, to R$ 83.73/MWh and R$ 79.77/MWh, respectively. These prices were established according to the rules on the Normative Value (VN), applicable at the time the agreements were entered into and submitted for registration with ANEEL. During the tariff adjustment process of ESCELSA, the Company learned that ANEEL did not approve the amount of the agreement and fixed the amount of R$ 74.79/MWh (base date: December 2002), taking into consideration its Technical Notes. During the tariff adjustment process, ENERSUL requested the transfer to the tariff of the agreement amount restated through April 2003, that is, R$ 104.74/MWh, based on current legislation. However, ANEEL recognized only R$ 84.33/MWh, the average price in the Southeast region auctions for six-year agreements. 18 On April 25, 2003 and August 29, 2003, ENERSUL and ESCELSA, respectively, entered administrative appeals claiming the full amount of the agreement, for recognition in the tariff, using the following arguments: a) ENERSUL: (i) absence of rules for recognizing only R$ 84.33/MWh; (ii) the cost of energy purchased limited by the VN methodology should be transferred to the electric energy tariffs, as determined by the 5th and 6th subclauses, of clause 7 of the Concession Agreement. b) ESCELSA: (i) no market price references concerning long-term agreements besides the marginal cost of expansion; (ii) the equivalence of contracted price with VN, which is lower than the marginal cost of expansion, is aligned with the low tariffs provided by the Concession Agreement; and (iii) the long-term agreement assures stable and foreseeable prices to final consumers. Through Official Letters 1769/03 and 1779/03-SFF/ANEEL, ANEEL did not approve the ENERSUL and ESCELSA agreements, and confirmed the previous understanding to recognize R$ 79.48/MWh with the base date of March 2003 and R$ 74.79/MWh with the base date of December 2002, for each of the companies. ENERTRADE submitted the issue to the Judiciary, obtaining a favorable decision in Bill of Review 2004., which determined the annulment of the effects of Letters 1769/03 and 1779/03-SFF/ANEEL and approved the agreements for all legal purposes, until a definite pronouncement of the Judiciary. This decision was the object of notification through Letter 166/ENERTRADE, dated March 15, 2004. The subsidiary ENERSUL through Letter CT-PR-5/04, reported such decision to ANEEL, with reiteration of the request for recognition of the amounts of R$ 104.69/MWh in April 2003 and R$ 109.52/MWh in April 2004, in the tariff adjustment process in course, which is still pending reply from that Agency. On May 21, 2004, in the Periodical Tariff Review process, ESCELSA, through letter CT-PR - 18/04, reiterated the request to repass to the tariffs the contract amounts, signed on December 23, 2002 with ENERTRADE, based on the decision of the judiciary power which determined that ANEEL approve the mentioned contract. In the first half of 2004, the price differences in question amounted to R$ 6,233 thousand for ESCELSA and R$ 4,220 thousand for ENERSUL, recorded in operating expenses. 19 The administrative decisions on the appeals are pending judgment, and possible judicial solutions are applicable, in case of unfavorable decisions. CESA ESCELSA has an agreement for the purchase and sale of electric energy, effective as from August 1, 2001 to December 25, 2025, for the average of 2.57 MW, as from September 19, 2001, at the price of R$ 93.07/MWh, altered on August 7, 2003 to 2.80 MW, at the price of R$ 116.12/MWh, effective as from February 25, 2003, already recognized in the tariff approved by ANEEL. COSTA RICA ENERGETICA S.A. The subsidiary ENERSUL has an agreement for the purchase and sale of electric energy with Costa Rica, recognized by ANEEL, effective as from March 1, 1999, for the average of 10.33 MW, altered on April 8, 2003, at the price of R$ 89.30/MWh. 9.3 - Loans and financing The consolidated financial statements show basically the balance of loans between the subsidiary MAGISTRA and related company ESC90, which were made under similar conditions applied to financing transactions practiced by the national financial market. The conditions of the two main loans are as follows: 1o) Interest: Long-term Interest rate (TJLP) + 4% p.a.; Maturity: November 2004; Balance: R$ 6,613 (R$ 6,399 on March 31, 2004) 2o) Interest: 100% of Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI); Maturity: various up to the end of 2004; Balance: R$ 72,708 (R$ 70,887 on March 31, 2004) The financial income of MAGISTRA from the related company ESC90 of R$ 5,597 (R$ 7,392 - consolidated at June 30, 2003), is recorded in other financial income. The loans are guaranteed by promissory notes equivalent to 125% of the principal. 20 The Company does not engage in transactions or agreements with related parties under terms or conditions more/less favorable than would be exercised with third parties. 10. OTHER RECEIVABLES - UTE CAMPO GRANDE CONSOLIDATED ===================== 06/04 03/04 ========== ========= At the beginning of the quarter 49,446 49,116 Payments 845 1,218 Adjustment to market value (4,541) (888) ========== ========= At the end of the quarter 45,750 49,446 ========== ========= As a result of the decision of ENERSUL management to sell the asset, an analysis was undertaken of all the costs incurred with the project, including the thermoelectric plant, substations and associated distribution lines, resulting in a provision to reduce the assets to their market value. The Company expects to sell the asset during 2004. 11. INVESTMENTS PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ===================== ==================== 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ========== ========== =========== ======== Equity investments: Stated on the equity method: MAGISTRA PARTICIPACOES S.A........................ 916,845 921,158 - - TV A CABO VITORIA - TVIX S.A...................... (315) (275) - - ESCELSA PARTICIPACOES S.A. - ESCELSAPAR........... 473 799 - - ========== ========== =========== ======== 917,003 921,682 - - ========== ========== =========== ======== Goodwill on investments purchased: Goodwill............................................ - - 393,618 393,618 Amortization........................................ - - (41,496) (37,881) ========== ========== =========== ======== - - 352,122 355,737 ========== ========== =========== ======== Other investments, studies and projects 2,593 2,590 2,653 2,652 ========== ========== =========== ======== TOTAL 919,596 924,272 354,775 358,389 21 The goodwill recorded by the wholly-owned subsidiary MAGISTRA, generated by the difference between the amount paid and the book value of ENERSUL, is based on the company's future profitability over the period of the ENERSUL concession (thirty years) and is being amortized proportionally to the company's projected result, discounted to present value, at the purchase date of the investment. Additional information on investments stated on the equity method of accounting: MAGISTRA TVIX ESCELSAPAR ================================ ===================== ==================== 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ================== ============= =========== ========= ========== ========= Class of shares Common Common Common Common Common Common Total shares 473,203,348 473,203,348 1,540 1,540 1,000 1,000 Total shares of Escelsa 473,203,348 473,203,348 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 Participation 100% 100% 97.40% 97.40% 100% 100% Capital stock 668,483 668,483 1,540 1,540 2,800 2,800 ================== ============= =========== ========= = ========== ========= Shareholders' equity 916,845 921,158 (321) (280) 473 799 ================== ============= =========== ========= = ========== ========= Results for the year 20,062 17,442 (75) (35) (865) (539) ================== ============= =========== ========= = ========== ========= Investment value 916,845 921,158 (315) (275) 473 799 ================== ============= =========== ========= = ========== ========= Equity in the results 20,062 17,442 (75) (34) (865) (539) ================== ============= =========== ========= = ========== ========= 22 12. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT PARENT COMPANY Annual average rates CONSOLIDATED =================== ======================== 06/04 03/04 of depreciation 06/04 03/04 =========== ========== ==================== ============ ========== IN SERVICE: Generation................... 106,323 106,310 2.40% 257,694 203,778 Transmission................. 15,492 15,495 2.94% 15,492 15,495 Distribution................. 1,091,521 1,081,130 4.30% 2,078,285 2,053,034 Selling...................... 4,301 4,301 8.74% 7,971 7,863 Administration............... 132,610 128,873 8.18% 265,794 261,813 =========== ========== ==================== ============ ========== 1,350,247 1,336,109 4.52% 2,625,236 2,541,983 =========== ========== ==================== ============ ========== (-) DEPRECIATION Generation................... (66,548) (65,927) (112,235) (110,090) Transmission................. (7,496) (7,392) (7,496) (7,392) Distribution................. (445,089) (435,536) (843,733) (824,057) Selling...................... (3,147) (3,060) (4,105) (3,931) Administration............... (69,262) (67,625) (132,251) (128,552) =========== ============ ============ ========= (591,542) (579,540) (1,099,820) (1,074,022) =========== ============ ============ ========= 758,705 756,569 1,525,416 1,467,961 IN PROGRESS: Generation................... 4,034 3,841 60,792 108,870 Transmission................. 3,792 3,395 3,792 3,395 Distribution................. 80,147 79,145 120,724 117,010 Selling...................... - - 8 163 Administration............... 4,085 7,778 8,560 11,628 =========== ============ ============ ======== 92,058 94,159 193,876 241,066 =========== ============ ============ ========== TOTAL 850,763 850,728 1,719,292 1,709,027 =========== ============ ============ ========== Obligations related to the concession...................... (106,788) (105,782) (216,275) (211,562) =========== ============ ============ ========== 743,975 744,946 1,503,017 1,497,465 =========== ============ ============ ========== Obligations related to the concession are as follows: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ================== ================ 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ======= ======== ======= ======= Consumer contributions............. 75,735 74,730 108,336 106,255 Donations and subsidies............ 25,795 25,795 76,304 73,673 Federal participation.............. 5,258 5,257 31,635 31,634 ======== ======== ======= ======= TOTAL 106,788 105,782 216,275 211,562 ======== ======== ======= ======= 23 The obligations related to the concession of the public service of electric energy are represented by government amounts, donations not subject to any return to the donor, and subventions and contributions received from consumers intended for investments in the distribution activity. The maturity date of these obligations is determined by the Regulating Agency, which settlement will occur at the end of the concession. As from January 1, 2002, the balance of this account is being presented as a reduction of property and equipment. 13. SUPPLIERS PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ============== ================ CURRENT 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ======================== ====== ====== ======== ======= Electric Energy supply: FURNAS................. 21,485 23,004 21,485 23,004 ITAIPU................. 28,507 26,475 40,194 37,282 ENERTRADE.............. 8,751 8,825 13,770 17,692 TRACTEBEL.............. - - 7,703 8,370 ELETROSUL.............. - - 1,605 1,381 ONS,MAE and ASMAE...... 9,824 10,124 10,127 13,851 Free energy............ 12,765 22,095 22,929 33,972 Other.................. 320 327 10,745 4,585 ====== ====== ======== ======= 81,652 90,850 128,558 140,137 Material and service providers............... 11,877 8,926 22,843 20,484 ====== ====== ======== ======= TOTAL 93,529 99,776 151,401 160,621 ====== ====== ======== ======= LONG-TERM ========================== Energy supply: Free energy............. 60,055 55,362 80,565 78,553 ====== ====== ======== ======= 60,055 55,362 80,565 78,553 ====== ====== ======== ======= 24 14. LOANS AND FINANCING PARENT COMPANY ========================================================================================================================== AVERAGE AMORTIZATION 06/ 04 03/ 04 ANNUAL ================ =============================== =============================== DESCRIPTION INTEREST RATE TYPE PERIOD Charges Current Long-term Charges Current Long-term (*) ============================================================ =============================== =============================== Local currency: Brazilian Electricity Company (ELETROBRAS) 5.0%-7.0% M 05/99 to 08/07 - 1,948 3,613 - 2,017 4,017 National Economic Development Bank (BNDES) TJLP + 3.8% M 11/99 to 10/10 401 40,470 63,713 462 39,108 73,438 BNDES-Perdas Rac. SELIC+1.0% M 03/02 to 01/06 528 50,069 126,592 618 39,541 127,971 Banco Pactual CDI+1.85% M 12/03 to 12/04 - 34,141 - - 58,685 - Banco Pactual CDI+1.75% M 02/04 to 02/05 - 11,444 - - 14,098 - Banco do Brasil 115% CDI U 05/04 - - - - 15,000 - BRADESCO 110% CDI U 06/04 - - - - 8,207 - ItauBBA CDI+1.75% M 01/04 to 03/05 - 16,028 - - 15,454 - ItauBBA CDI+1.75% M 01/04 to 02/05 - 26,757 - - 25,802 - ================================= ================================= 929 180,857 193,918 1,080 217,912 205,426 ================================= ================================= Foreign currency: BNDES UM BNDES + 3.5% M 09/01 to 10/10 171 12,285 13,215 183 11,438 15,407 Senior Notes 10.0% U 07/07 61,380 - 1,339,202 26,114 - 1,253,485 ================================= ================================= 61,551 12,285 1,352,417 26,297 11,438 1,268,892 ================================= ================================= TOTAL 62,480 193,142 1,546,335 27,377 229,350 1,474,318 ================================= ================================= 25 CONSOLIDATED ========================================================================================================================== AVERAGE AMORTIZATION 06/ 04 03/ 04 ANNUAL =============================================================================== DESCRIPTION INTEREST RATE TYPE PERIOD Charges Current Long-term Charges Current Long-term (*) ========================================================================================================================== Local currency: ELETROBRAS - ESCELSA 5.0%-7.0% M 05/99 to 07/07 - 1,948 3,613 - 2,017 4,017 ELETROBRAS -ENERSUL 6.0%-12.0% M 12/97 to 05/22 170 12,433 33,209 315 13,621 35,109 BNDES - ESCELSA TJLP + 3.8% M 10/99 to 10/10 401 40,470 63,713 462 39,108 73,438 BNDES - MAGISTRA TJLP + 4.0% S 11/99 to 11/04 246 21,020 - 1,516 41,672 - BNDES - ENERSUL TJLP + 3.85% M 09/01 to 02/08 200 13,968 37,250 157 13,846 40,386 BNDES - ENERSUL TJLP + 4.00% M 02/00 to 04/04 - - - - 83 - BNDES-Perdas Rac. SELIC + 1.0% M 02/02 to 06/06 880 62,780 198,010 1,027 40,782 175,070 BNDES-CVA. SELIC + 1.0% M 05/04 to 04/06 193 14,016 13,603 - 23,154 43,618 BNDES-ALFA TJLP + 4.00% M 10/01 to 09/07 94 5,859 17,574 99 3,871 19,356 BNDES-CESA TJLP + 4.5% M 07/04 to 07/12 135 4,058 28,398 143 3,016 29,156 BCO BRASIL-FCO 11.20% M 11/04 to 11/13 572 1,944 28,056 569 1,111 28,889 BCO Pactual CDI + 1.85% M 12/03 to 12/04 - 34,141 - - 58,685 - BCO Pactual CDI + 1.75% M 02/04 to 02/05 - 11,444 - - 14,098 - BCO BRASIL 115% CDI U 05/04 - - - - 15,000 - BRADESCO 110% CDI U 06/04 - - - - 8,207 - Itai BBA CDI + 1.75% M 01/04 to 03/05 - 16,028 - - 15,454 - Itai BBA CDI + 1.75% M 01/04 to 02/05 - 26,757 - - 25,802 - BCO BRASIL 115% CDI U 05/04 - 10,000 - - 10,000 - BCO HSBC 110% CDI M 02/01 to 07/04 23 - - 25 - - BCO SAFRA 115% CDI M 05/04 27 10,000 - 27 10,000 - FUNDACAO ENERSUL 10% M 07/98 to 11/13 112 3,458 15,534 116 3,206 16,187 OTHER 1.35% M 05/00 to 06/09 - - 1,225 - - 1,183 ============================ =========================== TOTAL 3,053 290,324 440,185 4,456 342,733 466,409 ============================ =========================== Foreign currency: SENIOR NOTES 10.0% U 07/07 61,380 - 1,339,202 26,114 - 1,253,485 BNDES UMBNDES +3.5% M 09/01 to 10/10 171 12,285 13,215 183 11,438 15,407 BNDES-CESA UMBNDES M 07/04 to 07/12 198 964 7,459 189 662 7,281 BNDES-ALFA TJLP +4.00% M 11/04 to 10/07 140 1,395 4,881 128 822 5,096 BRADESCO(**) 6.50%-6.90% M 11/02 to 11/04 426 6,828 - 482 10,620 - UNIBANCO(**) 2.40% to 5.0% M 03/06 73 7,523 5,642 12 7,283 7,238 EUROPEAN INVEST BANK LIBORtri + 4.0%-5.0% S 12/02 to 03/09 141 9,153 28,137 667 8,568 30,302 STN-DM LP LIBORsem + 4.5%-8.2% S 10/96 to 04/24 406 3,461 37,777 869 3,238 36,979 BBA FMO(**) 8.90% S 03/02 to 09/07 290 5,448 6,056 67 5,455 5,829 ITAU BBA(**) 4.0% U 03/05 378 41,367 - 25 14,088 - BRADESCO(**) 11.55% M 12/03 to 11/05 559 7,743 3,226 306 7,662 5,108 ========================================================== 64,162 96,167 1,445,595 29,042 69,836 1,366,725 ========================================================== ----------------------------- --------------------------- 67,215 386,491 1,885,780 33,498 412,569 1,833,134 ---------------------------------------------------------- Long-term charges BRADESCO(*) 11.55% M 12/03 TO 11/05 233 - - 217 - - UNBANCO(*) 2.40% to 5.0% M 03/06 55 - - - - - ============================= =========================== 288 - - 217 - - ============================= =========================== 67,503 386,591 1,885,780 33,715 412,569 1,833,134 ============================= =========================== (*) principal amortization type U = Single M = Monthly S = Half-yearly (**) Loans protected by swap contracts against foreign exchange variations. 14.1) The issuance of bonds abroad refers to the funding obtained through Senior Notes, in a total equivalent to US$ 430,958 thousand, falling due in a single installment in 2007, with interest of 10% p.a., payable on a semiannual basis, on January 15 and July 15 of each year. On May 21, 1998, these Notes were registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in the United States of America, in accordance with the Securities Act of 1933. The indirect controlling shareholder EDP - Electricidade de Portugal S.A. made a public offer for the acquisition and request of waiver related to the Notes, having acquired the principal of US$ 205,796 thousand, with settlement on December 23, 2002. Before making such offer, EDP held a total of US$ 151,575 thousand in Notes, representing, approximately, 35% of the total issue. Thus EDP became the holder of a total of US$ 357,371 thousand in Notes, representing 26 approximately 83% of the total issue, and the main covenants relating to these Senior Notes were removed. ESCELSA eliminated all obligations inherent to this issuance. 14.2) ESCELSA and ENERSUL loans due to ELETROBRAS, BNDES and Banco do Brasil - FCO are guaranteed by accounts receivable. The ENERSUL loans from the Secretariat of the National Treasury (STN) are guaranteed by direct debit, of receivables, of the government of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul and part by cash deposit. Other loans are guaranteed by promissory notes. The MAGISTRA loan payable to the BNDES is guaranteed by ENERSUL shares in escrow. 14.3) The breakdown of loans and financing by currency is as follows: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ======================= ======================= 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ========== =========== ========== =========== Local currency.............. 374,775 423,338 730,509 809,142 Foreign currency............ 1,364,702 1,280,330 1,541,762 1,436,561 ========= ========= ========== ========= TOTAL...................... 1,739,477 1,703,668 2,272,271 2,245,703 ========= ========= ========== ========= 27 14.4) The percentage variation of the main indicators used for updating the loans and financing are as follows: Currency/Indicators 06/04 06/03 ======================================================= ========= ========== US$ x R$............................................... 7.56% -18.72% IGP-M.................................................. 6.78% 5.90% Consumer Price Index (INPC)............................ 3.14% 7.84% Long-term Interest Rate (TJLP)......................... 9.75% 12.00% SELIC.................................................. 7.60% 11.82% Monetary Unit of BNDES (UMBNDES)....................... 7.27% -18.27% Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI).................... 7.57% 11.78% 14.5) Maturity of short and long-term installments is as follows: Maturity Parent Company Consolidated ======================= =========================== ======================================= Type of currency ====================================================================== CURRENT Local Foreign Total Local Foreign Total ======== ======== ========= ======== ========= ========== 2004................. 77,929 6,038 83,967 141,391 30,586 171,977 2005................. 102,928 6,247 109,175 148,933 65,581 214,514 ======== ======== ========= ======== ========= ========== 180,857 12,285 193,142 290,324 96,167 386,491 ======== ======== ========= ======== ========= ========== LONG-TERM 2005................. 48,706 6,246 54,952 83,153 23,648 106,801 2006................. 75,309 4,580 79,889 134,761 23,484 158,245 2007................. 58,682 1,339,825 1,398,507 115,623 1,356,131 1,471,754 2008................. 4,106 623 4,729 49,023 9,146 58,169 2009................. 4,066 623 4,689 15,252 4,289 19,541 2010................. 3,048 521 3,569 14,234 3,568 17,802 2011................. - - - 11,186 3,047 14,233 2012................. - - - 8,099 2,080 10,179 2013................. - - - 4,315 941 5,256 After 2013........... - - - 4,539 19,261 23,800 ======== ========== ========= ========= ========= ========== 193,917 1,352,418 1,546,335 440,185 1,445,595 1,885,780 ======== ========== ========= ========= ========= ========== TOTAL 374,774 1,364,703 1,739,477 730,509 1,541,762 2,272,271 ======== ========== ========= ========= ========= ========== 28 15. PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES Contingency CONSOLIDATED =============================================================================== 06/04 03/04 ====================================== ======================================= Provision Provision ============================ Judicial ============================ Judicial In the quarter Accumulated deposit In the quarter Accumulated deposit ============== ============ ========= =============== =========== ========= Long-term: Labor.............. 277 27,598 18,815 155 27,321 17,644 Civil.............. 167 16,942 16,650 762 16,775 15,924 Tax................ 6,098 169,521 113,239 8,508 161,990 108,595 ============== ============ ========= =============== =========== ========= Total 6,542 214,061 148,704 9,425 206,086 142,163 ============== ============ ========= =============== =========== ========= Contingency CONSOLIDATED =============================================================================== 06/04 03/04 ====================================== ======================================= Provision Provision ============================ Judicial ============================ Judicial In the quarter Accumulated deposit In the quarter Accumulated deposit ============== =========== ======== ============== =========== ======== Long-term: Labor............... 277 27,598 18,815 155 27,321 17,644 Civil................ 167 16,942 16,650 762 16,775 15,924 Tax................ 6,098 169,521 113,239 8,508 161,990 108,595 ============== ============ ========= =============== =========== ========= Total 6,542 214,061 148,704 9,425 206,086 142,163 ============== ============ ========= =============== =========== ========= It is management's understanding that the provisions recorded are sufficient to cover probable losses from ongoing lawsuits. Based on the opinion of the Company's legal advisors, all lawsuits for which the probability of a favorable outcome was considered to be remote were provided for. Furthermore, there are labor, civil and fiscal claims pending decision, in the total amount of R$ 36,639 (R$ 29,027 at March 31, 2004), for which the chances of a favorable outcome were considered to be possible and for which no provisions were recorded in the financial statements. 16. CAPITAL AND RESERVES In accordance with its by-laws, the Company is authorized to operate with up to R$ 1,000,000 in capital, of which R$ 153,947 is subscribed and paid up. 29 At June 30, 2004, capital was represented by 4,550,833 nominative common shares, with no par value, held as follows: Quantity of % ============================= ========== Shareholders shares shareholders holding ================================= ============================= ========== IVEN S.A 2,378,671 1 52.27 GTD PARTICIPACOES S.A 1,137,709 1 25.00 Fundacao Banco Central - CENTRUS 275,678 1 6.06 CINVES 66,366 1 1.46 Other 692,409 201 15.21 =========== ========== ========== TOTAL 4,550,833 205 100.00 =========== ========== ========== Composition of reserves: 06/04 03/04 ========= ========= CAPITAL RESERVE Interest on construction in progress 65,687 65,687 ========= ========= TOTAL 65,687 65,687 ========= ========= REVENUE RESERVES Legal 8,847 8,847 Retention of profits 126,061 126,061 --------- --------- TOTAL 134,908 134,908 ========= ========= 17. CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY - PARENT COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED FUNDS FOR CAPITAL REVENUE RETAINED CAPITAL CAPITAL RESERVE RESERVES EARNINGS INCREASE TOTAL ========= ========== ============ ============ =========== ============= AT MARCH 31, 2004 153,947 65,687 134,908 12,057 3,387 369,986 Loss for the quarter - - - ( 45,541) - (45,541) ========= ========== ============ ============ =========== ============ AT JUNE 30, 2004 153,947 65,687 134,908 ( 33,484) 3,387 324,445 ========= ========== ============ ============ =========== ============= 30 18. COST OF ASSETS AND/OR SERVICES AND OPERATING EXPENSES PARENT COMPANY =============================================================================================================== COST OF SERVICE OPERATING EXPENSES ===================================== ======================= WITH OTHER GENERAL TOTAL ELECTRIC OPERATING AND ================== DESCRIPTION ENERGY OPERATION EXPENSES SELLING ADMINISTRATIVE 06/04 06/03 ============================== ========== ============ ============= ======================= ======= ========== Electric energy purchased for resale 216,952 - - - - 216,952 204,002 Charges for the use of transmission and distribution system 48,893 - - - - 48,893 40,849 Personnel and management - 24,920 - 99 10,685 35,704 32,420 Pension plan - 967 - - 495 1,462 823 Material - 2,519 - - 2,288 4,807 3,603 Third-party services - 14,839 - 1 4,186 19,026 15,181 Depreciation and amortization - 25,032 1 - 5,234 30,267 29,332 Allowance for doubtful accounts - 5,949 - - - 5,949 9,038 Provisions for contingencies - - - - 3,854 3,854 14,001 CDE - - 13,744 - - 13,744 - CCC - - 21,387 - - 21,387 21,070 Other - 3,134 5,798 82 3,356 12,370 13,935 ============================== ============= ============ ========== =========== =========== ======== ========= TOTAL 265,845 77,360 40,930 182 30,098 414,415 384,254 ============================== ============= ============ ========== =========== =========== ======== ========= CONSOLIDATED =============================================================================================================== COST OF SERVICE EXPENSES ===================================== ======================= WITH OTHER GENERAL TOTAL ELECTRIC OPERATING AND ================== DESCRIPTION ENERGY OPERATION EXPENSES SELLING ADMINISTRATIVE 06/04 06/03 ============================== ========== ============ ============= ======================= ======= ========== Electric energy purchased for resale 330,351 - - - - 330,351 297,288 Charges for the use of transmission and distribution system 75,834 - - - - 75,834 61,726 Personnel and management - 44,812 826 99 19,713 65,450 58,144 Pension plan - 1,601 - - 749 2,350 1,535 Material - 4,739 11 - 4,341 9,091 7,713 Third-party services - 26,799 186 1 7,554 34,540 30,520 Raw materials/inputs for electric energy generation - 1,916 - - - 1,916 2,033 Depreciation and amortization - 48,936 7,764 - 10,130 66,830 58,144 Provisions - 10,415 - - - 10,415 13,006 Provisions for contingencies - - 1,454 - 5,340 6,794 19,877 CDE - - 21,417 - - 21,417 - CCC - - 32,020 - - 32,020 32,916 Other - 6,284 7,802 130 5,177 19,393 22,130 ============================ ========== ========= ========== ======== ========== ======== ======== TOTAL 406,185 145,502 71,480 230 53,004 676,401 605,032 ============================ ========== ========= ========== ======== ========== ======== ======== 31 19. INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ========================================== ============================================ 06/04 06/03 06/04 06/03 ==================== ==================== ====================== ==================== IR CS IR CS IR CS IR CS ======== ========== ========== ======== ========== ========== ========= ========= Net income (loss) before income tax and social contribution...... (52,317) (52,317) 286,675 286,675 (21,284) (21,284) 300,231 300,23 Tax rate............................... 25% 9% 25% 9% 25% 9% 25% 9% ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= (13,079) (4,709) 71,669 25,801 (5,321) (1,916) 75,058 27,021 ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= ADDITIONS (EXCLUSIONS)................. Equity in the results.................. (19,122) (19,122) (3,787) (3,787) (19,122) (19,122) (3,787) (3,787) Interest on constructions.............. - - - - - - 860 860 Other additions........................ 17,818 11,126 25,222 20,409 23,128 38,444 59,648 52,566 ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= (1,304) (7,996) 21,435 16,622 4,006 19,322 56,721 49,639 ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= Tax rate............................... 25% 9% 25% 9% 25% 9% 25% 9% ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= (326) (720) 5,359 1,496 1,002 1,739 14,180 4,468 ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= Unrecorded tax credits - - - (910) - - - (910) ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= Effect on results (13,405) (5,428) 77,028 26,387 (4,320) (177) 89,238 30,578 ========= ========== ========== ========= ========== ========== ========== ========= 20. PENSION PLAN The Company is the sponsor of FUNDACAO ESCELSA DE SEGURIDADE SOCIAL - ESCELSOS, a nonprofit organization, the main purpose of which is to complement the benefits granted by the official social security to the Company's employees, through two benefit plans: a Defined Benefit Plan (Plan I) and a Defined Contribution Plan (Plan II). The mathematical reserves of these plans are calculated actuarially according to the capitalization method, and revised annually. The table below shows the number of participants in each plan: PLAN I PLAN II TOTAL ======= ======== ======= Active participants 30 1,369 1,399 ======= ======== ======= Assisted participants: Retirees 622 147 769 Pension beneficiaries 113 8 121 ======= ======== ======= 735 155 890 ======= ======== ======= Total 765 1,524 2,289 ======= ======== ======= 32 As sponsor, ESCELSA contributes with a monthly amount proportional to the contribution of the participants in the ESCELSOS Foundation, in accordance with that established in each plan, limited to 7% of the total payroll. Up to the second quarter of 2004, ESCELSA contributed R$ 1,462 (R$ 1,281 in 2003). As established in CVM Deliberation 371/00, as from January 1, 2002, publicly listed companies are required to record liabilities related to post-employment benefits, based on rules set forth by NPC (Accounts Procedure Rule) Pronouncement 26 issued by the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil (IBRACON). To meet this requirement, ESCELSA commissioned independent actuaries to evaluate such benefits, based on the Projected Unit Credit Method. Taking into consideration article 84, of such Deliberation, the present value of the actuarial liabilities (health care, retirement incentive and life insurance) of ESCELSA not covered at December 31, 2002 was recalculated. The balance activity up to the first quarter of 2004 is as follows: CONSOLIDATED ============ Present value of actuarial obligations not covered................................. (53,575) Net unrecognized losses....................... 19,751 ========= Liabilities recognized on December 31, 2003... (33,824) Realized during the period.................... 1,481 ========= Liabilities recognized on June 30, 2004....... (32,343) Current....................................... 2,090 ========= Long-term..................................... (30,253) ========= The net amount of unrecognized losses corresponds to the net amount of the actuarial losses exceeding 10% of the present value of the actuarial obligations at December 31, 2003, which will be appropriated annually, during the period corresponding to the average remaining work period estimated for the employees who adhered to the Plan. The actuarial assessments of ESCELSA and ENERSUL showed also that in the Plans the fair value of assets exceeds the present value of the fully or partially covered actuarial obligations, which, at December 31, 2003, amounted to R$ 28,079 (consolidated R$ 44,051). 33 However, the Companies' management, on a conservative basis, decided not to record these assets. The fair value of assets used to calculate the actuarial assessment of ENERSUL does not include the amounts receivable from the sponsor, arising from the debt confession, in the amount of R$ 19,250 (12/31/2002). Taking into account this right in the calculation, the unrecognized asset at December 31, 2002, would increase to R$ 35,222 (R$ 64,301 in consolidated). 21. INSURANCE (Unaudited) The following is a breakdown by risk type and by validity period of the main insurance policies: INSURED PREMIUM RISKS VALIDITY AMOUNT AMOUNT ====================== ======================== ========= ========= Specific equipment 06/24/2004 to 06/23/2005 283,823 265 Third-party liability 06/24/2004 to 06/23/2005 4,770 76 Specific equipment The policy covers the generating stations and the substations, specifying the principal items of equipment, with the respective insured amounts and maximum reimbursement. Basic insurance coverage includes events such as fire, lightning and any kind of explosion, plus additional coverage against possible electrical damage, sundry risks and risks for electronic and information technology equipment. Third-party liability This policy covers involuntary personal or material damage suffered by third parties as a consequence of the Company's productive and/or commercial activities. 34 22. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Company's business comprises the distribution and sale of electric energy to customers within its concession area - the state of Espirito Santo - and, therefore, significant financial instruments are related to the following transactions: (o) Balances of long-term accounts receivable and accounts payable are related to the extraordinary tariff recomposition and, therefore, are not subject to adjustments to market values. (o) Investments in short-term mutual funds and/or fixed income investments are recorded at approximate market values as they are adjusted for accrued interest on a pro-rata basis, and for a provision for losses when applicable. (o) Equity interests in other companies are in most cases through shares that are not publicly traded. (o) Loans and financing of the Company are mainly long term, since most of them are from specific funding sources. 22.1 Foreign exchange and interest rate risks The book values of the main financial instruments in foreign currency are as follows: PARENT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED ==================== ====================== 06/04 03/04 06/04 03/04 ========= ========= ========= ========= Marketable securities 201,974 195,035 201,974 195,035 Long-term loans and financing 1,352,417 1,268,892 1,445,595 1,366,725 A portion of the loans and financing in local currency is comprised of financing from the government entities, ELETROBRAS and BNDES. 35 As the market rate (or opportunity cost of capital) is set by these government entities, taking into consideration the risk premium relative to the sector's activities and the fact that there are no other financing sources or market options and/or means to estimate the market value thereof in light of the Company's business or sector specific circumstances, the market value for the portion comprised of domestic loans approximates book value, as do other financial assets and liabilities. As mentioned in Note 14, foreign currency financing obtained (in U.S. dollars), and the indebtedness and earnings were significantly impacted by this foreign exchange risk. Such risk may cause the Company to incur losses due to foreign exchange fluctuations, which may increase liabilities denominated in foreign currency. The net exposure to foreign currency risks of the parent company's financial instruments is as follows: BOOK VALUE MARKET VALUE ===================== =========================== 06/04 03/04 06/04 3/4 ========== ========= ============ ============ Senior Notes 1,339,202 1,253,485 1,276,183 1,240,950 US Dollar assets (201,974) (195,035) (221,038) (221,454) ========== ========= ============ ============ Net exposure 1,137,228 1,058,450 1,055,145 1,019,496 ========== ========= ============ ============ The method used to determine the fair value of the Senior Notes obligation was the average market price, as of June 30, 2004, of the Senior Notes operations (Source: Sherman & Sterling), in New York, USA, and, for the U.S. dollar assets, the contract market price at the end of the period was used, which is equivalent to book value. In addition, the Company had derivative contracts aimed at reducing the above mentioned net exposure, which resulted in monetary variations being recorded in the financial statements for realized and unrealized losses of R$ 3,660, as follows: PARAMETERS DATE (RATES %) FINANCIAL ========================== INITIAL =================================================== INSTITUTION OPERATION MATURITY AMOUNT BANKS ESCELSA (Losses) ============= ========== ========== ========= ================================== ============== ITAU/BBA 7/10/2003 7/14/2004 24,112 Exchange variation +3,50 100% CDI (1,484) ITAU/BBA 7/29/2003 7/14/2004 11,054 Exchange variation +4,50 100% CDI (662) PACTUAL 7/18/2003 7/14/2004 31,664 Exchange variation +1,70 100% CDI (1,514) ============== (3,660) ============== In the consolidated information, the loans and financing contracted by companies of the ESCELSA System were raised based on rates and charges usually practiced in the domestic and foreign markets for investment funding, for the electric energy sector in their concession areas. The subsidiary MAGISTRA consolidates the foreign currency (US$) financial liabilities of its subsidiaries ENERSUL and CESA. In order to reduce foreign exchange and interest rate risk, swap instruments were used to hedge a portion of these liabilities, with changes of indices, as described in Note 14. 36 These swap indices are CDI, plus interest between 0.95% p.a. and 3.35% p.a. Considering the appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar, these hedge transactions yielded losses of R$ 173, recognized in the financial statements, in monetary variations. At June 30, 2004, the position of this debt was as follows: AMOUNT ========================= UNREALIZED LIABILITIES BOOK VALUE SWAP LOSSES ================================================= ========= ================ Loans and financing 85,674 85,847 173 In the consolidated information, foreign currency debt totals R$ 83,833, the terms and conditions of which constitute a natural hedge, thus reducing the foreign exchange and interest rate risks to a minimum. 37 For the remaining contracts, given the specific nature of these transactions and the impossibility of determining a market value for this type of financial instrument, management estimates that the market values of these instruments are equal or similar to their book values. To reach this estimate, the companies' management considered the evidences of risks inherent to the business, strategy and measures taken to manage the debt service. 22.2 Credit risk There is a possibility that the Company will incur losses due to default of its customers. To reduce this risk, the Company has the right to cut off the supply of electric energy if a customer fails to make payment within the parameters and periods defined by legislation and specific regulations. An allowance for doubtful accounts is set up in an amount considered sufficient by management to cover possible accounts receivable risks. 23. PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE UNIVERSALIZACAO Through Decree 4873/03, the Federal government created the Programa Nacional de Universalizacao - Luz para Todos (National Program of Universalization - Electricity for All) in order to provide access to electric energy services for the entire Brazilian rural population up to 2008. The amounts of the concessionaires' participations, as the executing agents of the projects, are not defined, being subject to a partnership to be formed with the Ministry of Mines and Energy and State Government, with the intervention of ANEEL and ELETROBRAS. Accordingly, it is not possible at this time to evaluate how the Program may effect the Company's business. 24. NEW MODEL OF THE ELECTRIC SECTOR The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), presented an outline of its project for the national electric sector reform, especially as it relates to the institutional model, culminating with issue of Provisional Measures 144 and 145/03, converted into Laws 10848 and 10847/04, respectively. The relevant points are: o Transfer of responsibilities of ANEEL to MME. o Creation of the Energy Research Company (EPE), of the Committee of Electric Sector Monitoring (CMSE) and the Chamber of Electric Energy Commerce (CCEE). These entities will promote the planning and monitoring of the generation and transmission expansion, in addition to market management. o Definition of rules for electric energy sales, with emphasis on: (i) offer expansion (new projects for energy production) through auctions; (ii) free (ACL) and regulated (ACR) contracts; (iii) distribution activities focused on line service and networks, and energy sales to captive customers; (iv) restrictions on contracts between related parties; and (v) new rules for free consumer classes. 38 It is necessary to wait for the regulamentation that will follow in order to assess the new energy sector operating environment and risks and opportunities that will arise for the Company's business. 25 - CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING On April 20 and 21, 2004, ESCELSA and its subsidiary ENERSUL published a Significant Event Notice concerning the request for prior approval of ANEEL in order to carry out a corporate reorganization, under the terms of current legislation. The notice was as follows: SIGNIFICANT EVENT NOTICE EDP BRASIL S.A. ("EDP Brasil"), BANDEIRANTE ENERGIA S.A. ("Bandeirante"), IVEN S.A. ("Iven"), ESPIRITO SANTO CENTRAIS ELETRICAS S.A. - ESCELSA ("Escelsa") and EMPRESA ENERGETICA DE MATO GROSSO DO SUL S.A. - ENERSUL ("Enersul") managements (EDP Brasil, Bandeirante, Iven, Escelsa and Enersul, collectively referred to as the "Companies"), under the terms and for CVM Instruction 358/02 purposes, publicly inform that, on this date, they filed with the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency ("ANEEL") a request for prior approval of the corporate reorganization (the "Reorganization"), the main objective of which is to simplify the Companies' corporate structure, obtain synergies and consolidate, exclusively in EDP Brasil, the liquidity and dispersion of the securities issued by the Companies. EDP Brasil intends to, in the future, adhere to the segment of the New Market of the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange. The Reorganization is part of an ongoing process aiming at the self-sustainable growth of the EDP companies in Brazil. The Reorganization does not change the Companies' indirect control, currently held by the EDP Group. 39 The Reorganization will include the stages described below, which, subject to the prior approval of ANEEL, are expected to occur on the same date, but in sequence and in the following order: (i) merger into Enersul of the investment and goodwill recorded in its direct parent company; (ii) merger of Iven into Escelsa; (iii) merger into Escelsa of the Enersul shares not held by the merging company; and (iv) merger into EDP Brasil of the Escelsa and Bandeirante shares not held by the merging company. EDP Brasil had already started to prepare the necessary documentation for registration as an open capital company and be able to trade its shares in the New Market segment. According to applicable legislation, specialized companies will be contracted to calculate the Companies' economical values, which will be the basis to determine the exchange ratio for substitution of the shares of the non-controlling shareholders, as well as to prepare the appraisal reports of the accounting net equities and the market values of the Companies. Subject to the prior approval of ANEEL, the Reorganization is expected to be implemented and concluded in the second six-month period of 2004, when a significant event notice will be published for CVM Instruction 319/99 purposes. 40 Report of Independent Accountants on Limited Reviews To the Board of Directors and Stockholders Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. 1 We have carried out limited reviews of the Quarterly Information (ITR) of Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. - ESCELSA and Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas - ESCELSA and its subsidiaries for the quarters and six-month periods ended June 30, 2004 and March 31, 2004 and June 30, 2003. This information is the responsibility of the Company's management. 2 Our reviews were carried out in conformity with specific standards established by the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil (IBRACON), in conjunction with the Federal Accounting Council (CFC), and mainly consisted of: (a) inquiries of and discussions with management responsible for the accounting, financial and operating areas of the Company with regard to the main criteria adopted for the preparation of the quarterly information and (b) a review of the significant information and of the subsequent events which have, or could have, significant effects on the Company's financial position and operations. 3 Based on our limited reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the quarterly information referred to above in order that such information be stated in conformity with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil applicable to the preparation of quarterly information, consistent with the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) regulations. 4 The Quarterly Information (ITR) also includes accounting information for the quarter ended June 30, 2003. This information was reviewed by other independent accountants, who issued an unqualified report thereon dated July 17, 2003. 5 As mentioned in Note 4.1, the Quarterly Information (ITR) of Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. - ESCELSA and of Espirito Santo Centrais Eletricas S.A. - ESCELSA and its subsidiaries includes amounts for electric energy traded in the Wholesale Energy Market (MAE), with a balance payable by the parent company of R$ 309 thousand at June 30, 2004 (R$ 722 thousand at March 31, 2004), and a balance receivable in the consolidated quarterly information of R$ 2,824 thousand at June 30, 2004 (R$ 2,072 thousand at March 31, 2004), respectively, which were recorded based on amounts informed by MAE. The liquidation of these amounts is dependent on the receipts from companies which did not effect net financial settlement as determined by ANEEL and the conclusion of the judicial discussion about the interpretation of market rules, which will define the amounts involved. Vitoria, July 16, 2004 41 PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes CRC 2SP000160/O-5 Luiz Marcio Malzone Ronaldo Matos Valino Contador CRC 1RJ031376/O-2 "S" ES Contador CRC 1RJ069958/O "S" ES 42