FY2004 Interim Consolidated Financial Results
                     (Prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP)
                      (Six months ended September 30, 2004)

                                                                October 26, 2004

Company name                                                 : Advantest Corporation
                                                               (URL http://www.advantest.co.jp/investors/)
Stock exchanges on which shares are listed                   : Tokyo Stock Exchange
Stock code number                                            : 6857
Location of head office                                      : Tokyo Prefecture
Company representative                                       : Toshio Maruyama, Representative Board Director,
                                                               President of Corporate Executive Officers and COO
Contact person                                               : Hiroshi Nakamura, Manager, Accounting Department
                                                               (03) 3214-7500
Date of board meeting approving the interim
financial results                                            : October 26, 2004
Adoption of U.S. GAAP                                        : Yes

1. Consolidated Results of FY2004 Interim (April 1, 2004 through
   September 30, 2004)
(1) Consolidated Financial Results

                          Net sales                           Operating income                Income before income taxes
                   ----------------------------           --------------------------  ----------------------------------
                   Million yen      Increase(%)           Million yen                 Million yen
FY2004 interim     146,589          135.3                 45,420          10.2 times  46,844           12.6 times
FY2003 interim      62,286           51.5                  4,439             -         3,721               -
FY2003             174,218                                30,960                      28,878

                               Net income                Net income per share (basic)     Net income per share (diluted)
                       ------------------------------    ----------------------------     ------------------------------
                              Million yen                            yen                              yen
FY2004 interim         28,573              11.7 times             290.68                            290.07
FY2003 interim          2,453               -                      24.96                             24.94
FY2003                 17,329                                     176.37                            176.02

Note 1:  Equity in losses of affiliates was nil in FY2004 interim, (Y)117
         million in FY2003 interim and (Y) 117 million in FY2003, respectively.
Note 2:  Average number of shares outstanding on a consolidated basis was
         98,295,932 shares during FY2004 interim, 98,245,709 shares during
         FY2003 interim and 98,250,830 shares during FY2003, respectively.
Note 3:  No change in accounting practices was adopted during these periods.
Note 4:  The percentage shown for net sales is the increase rate from the
         corresponding six month period of the previous fiscal year while the
         multiples shown for operating income, income before income taxes and
         net income are the changes in comparison to the corresponding six month
         period of the previous fiscal year.

(2) Consolidated Financial Position

                          Total assets           Stockholders' equity    Equity-to-assets ratio    Stockholders' equity
                                                                                                        per share
                               Million yen            Million yen                  %                         Yen
FY2004 interim                    349,951                249,928                 71.4                   2,542.41
FY2003 interim                    287,094                210,303                 73.2                   2,140.61
FY2003                            330,808                221,768                 67.0                   2,256.59

Note:    Outstanding number of shares on a consolidated basis at the end of each
         period was 98,303,393 in FY2004 interim, 98,244,608 in FY2003 interim
         and 98,275,640 shares in FY2003, respectively.

(3) Consolidated Cash Flows

                      Cash flows from         Cash flows from      Cash flows from                 Cash and cash
                   operating activities    investing activities  financing activities          equivalents at end of
                            Million yen        Million yen              Million yen                Million yen
FY2004 interim                  44,545             (5,308)                   (2,255)                   139,911
FY2003 interim                  13,361             (2,263)                   (2,627)                    94,606
FY2003                          28,215             (5,070)                   (6,376)                   101,146


(4)      Scope of Consolidation and Equity Method
         Number of consolidated
         subsidiaries: 39 companies
         Number of unconsolidated subsidiaries: none
         Number of affiliates accounted for under the equity method: none

(5)      Changes in Scope of Consolidation and Equity Method
         Consolidated subsidiaries
                  (Newly included)  1 company
                  (Excluded)        2 company
         Affiliates accounted for under the equity method
                  (Newly included)  none
                  (Excluded)        none

2.       Projected Results for FY2004 (April 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005)

                 Net sales              Income before           Net income
                                        income taxes
                 Million yen            Million yen             Million yen
FY2004               250,000                 71,000                 43,000

(Reference) Projected net income per share for the fiscal year: (Y)437.42

Figures presented in this Earning Digest have been rounded to the nearest
million yen. For a discussion of the assumptions and other factors upon which
these projections are based, please refer to "Prospects for the Fiscal Year"
appearing elsewhere in the document.

         Cautionary Statement with Respect to Forward-Looking Statements

         This document contains "forward-looking statements" that are based on
Advantest's current expectations, estimates and projections. These
forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties
and other factors that may cause Advantest's actual results, levels of activity,
performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or
implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include: (i) changes
in demand for the products and services produced and offered by Advantest's
customers, including semiconductors, communications services and electronic
goods; (ii) circumstances relating to Advantest's investment in technology,
including its ability to timely develop products that meet the changing needs of
semiconductor manufacturers and communications network equipment and components
makers and service providers; (iii) significant changes in the competitive
environment in the major markets where Advantest purchases materials, components
and supplies for the production of its products or where its products are
produced, distributed or sold; and (iv) changes in economic conditions, currency
exchange rates or political stability in the major markets where Advantest
procures materials, components and supplies for the production of its principal
products or where its products are produced, distributed or sold. A discussion
of these and other factors which may affect Advantest's actual results, levels
of activity, performance or achievements is contained in the "Operating and
Financial Review and Prospects", "Key Information - Risk Factors" and
"Information on the Company" sections and elsewhere in Advantest's annual report
on Form 20-F, which is on file with the United States Securities and Exchange


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

1. Management Policy

Advantest's Basic Management Policy
- -----------------------------------

         Advantest believes that its mission is to support leading-edge
technology at its forefront. Its basic management policy consists of the
following elements: increasing corporate value, improving shareholder and
customer satisfaction and achieving excellence.

Business Strategy
- -----------------

         Advantest is focused on improving operating results through
establishing an operating structure that responds timely to market changes,
promoting early development of key future technologies and providing timely
customer solutions under the concept of "GETsolution."(1) To achieve these
objectives, Advantest is driven to further strengthen its product development
operations and improve production efficiency by selectively focusing on certain
businesses, while strengthening its overseas operations in the U.S., Europe and

         Further, Advantest seeks to achieve better transparency and strengthen
its corporate branding by stressing the importance of corporate social
responsibilities, enhancing its disclosure process and compliance system, and
addressing environmental as well as human rights issues.

         Since October 2001, Advantest has launched a company-wide initiative
called "Initiative 21." This initiative seeks to promote new ideas and
improvement strategies at all levels of the company, from divisions ranging from
sales, development and manufacturing to maintenance and administration, with an
aim toward strengthening the company's competitiveness. Advantest expects to
achieve further growth and fulfill its social mission by having each employee
take the initiative to tackle new issues. This initiative will continue
throughout FY2004, the year of Advantest's 50th anniversary.

         *1   GETsolution (Globally Enabled Total solution) is Advantest's
              service business designed to provide a set of comprehensive
              solutions to deal with issues ranging from the design to the
              delivery of semiconductors.

Target Financial Index
- ----------------------

         In addition to such indicators of performance as profit margin, ROE and
cash flows, Advantest uses "AVA" (Advantest Value Added), a financial index
incorporating the concept of EVA(R)(2) (Economic Value Added), to measure its
business performance. Advantest will continue to set the minimum
return-on-investment ratio ("hurdle rate") for evaluating AVA at 8% and a
mid-term target at 12% with an aim to further increase corporate value and
shareholder value.

         *2   EVA(R) is a registered trademark of Stern Steward & Co.

Basic Policy on Distribution of Profits
- ---------------------------------------

         Advantest believes that shareholder value is premised on the
realization of long-term and continued growth in corporate value.

         In this regard, retained profits are invested in new businesses,
research and development, streamlining efforts and overseas expansion to enable
the strengthening of Advantest's business position and creation of corporate

         With respect to the direct distribution of profits, Advantest has
adopted a policy of maintaining consistent dividend payouts subject to its
financial condition.

Advantest's Views and Policies on Lowering its Investment Unit
- --------------------------------------------------------------

         As part of its capital policy, Advantest has long recognized the
importance of increasing the market liquidity of its shares, promoting long-term
and stable holding of its shares among investors


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

and expanding its investor base. Back in August 1995, the company reduced the
minimum investment unit for its shares from 1000 to 100 shares.

         As Advantest currently considers the liquidity level of its shares to
be sufficient and expects any further reduction of investment unit to require
significant costs, it is cautious about implementing any further reductions and
will do so only after careful consideration of prevailing market conditions,
business performance, share prices and other factors.

Advantest's Basic View on Corporate Governance; State of Implementation of
Corporate Governance
- --------------------

(Advantest's Basic View on Corporate Governance)

         Advantest intends to strengthen its global competitiveness by enhancing
transparency of management to all stakeholders such as investors (shareholders)
and customers.

(State of Implementation of Corporate Governance)

(1) Description of Company Organization

         In order to ensure timely response to rapid changes in the business
environment and to strengthen corporate governance, Advantest introduced the
Executive Officer system in June 2003, and bifurcated the decision-making
function and the operations execution function.

         The Board of Directors is the ultimate decision-making organ in charge
of formulating business policies and strategies, as well as monitoring and
supervising the company's operations. The Executive Officers, on the other hand,
are delegated significant authority for executing operations speedily and
efficiently. In an effort to strengthen the company's management structure and
corporate governance, it was decided at the general shareholders' meeting held
in June 2004, that the number of directors on the Board of Directors be
increased from seven to eight.

         Advantest adopts a Board of Corporate Auditors system and the Board of
Corporate Auditors consists of four auditors, two of whom are outside corporate
auditors. Each auditor audits the Board of Directors' performance by attending
important meetings including the Board of Directors meetings and reviewing the
company's operations and assets based on auditing policies and plans formulated
by the Board of Corporate Auditors.

(2) Internal Control System and Risk Management Structure

         Advantest seeks to promote its corporate activities in accordance with
higher standards of ethics, good faith and social responsibility. Advantest's
"Code of Business Conduct" was established in order to fully delineate the
company philosophy. In June 2004, Advantest's "Code of Ethics for Directors and
Executive Officers" was effectuated to set forth the directors' and executive
officers' responsibility to act ethically and in good faith.

         In addition, Advantest established the Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee ("CSR Committee") to comprehensively monitor and supervise the
company's activities from the view of corporate social responsibility. The CSR
Committee oversees the Disclosure Committee, the Internal Control Committee, the
Committee on Environmental Conservation, the Information Security Committee, the
Human Rights Protection Committee and the Personnel Mediation Committee. The
Internal Control Committee established in January 2004, in particular, is
working to establish a structure to assess and monitor internal controls in an
effort to achieve the three objectives for internal controls: "management
effectiveness and efficiency," "reliability of financial reporting," and "legal
and regulatory compliance." Auditing Group, an internal organ of the internal
auditing function, monitors internal controls and operations on a daily basis,
identifies issues and makes recommendations as part of the business audit. In
July 2004, Advantest set forth the "Third Advantest Group Environmental Action
Program" in accordance with its environmental vision of "balancing corporate
management and environmental preservation and fulfilling sustainable growth and
social responsibilities as a company" as a mid-term plan for fiscal years 2004
through 2006.


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

2. Business Results and Financial Condition
(1) Business Results

Interim Fiscal Period Results
- -----------------------------

         During this interim fiscal period, business conditions affecting the
company have generally continued to be strong due to a continuing appetite for
capital expenditure in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, as stimulated
by the strong performance of digital consumer products including flat-screen
televisions and DVD recorders, and continued demands for personal computers.

         Under this environment, Advantest made concentrated efforts to increase
incoming orders and expand sales through the timely introduction of new products
that attempted to meet customer needs. In addition to its continued efforts to
reduce fixed costs, Advantest and its group companies combined forces in a drive
towards attaining profitability, including the shortening of time to market by
improving the manufacturing process, parts procurement and manufacturing

         As a result of the above, as compared to the corresponding interim
period for the previous fiscal year, incoming orders increased by 56.0% to
(Y)125.2 billion and net sales increased by 135.3% to (Y)146.5 billion. Net
income before income taxes increased by 12.6 times to (Y)46.8 billion and
interim net income increased by 11.7 times to (Y)28.5 billion. Overseas sales as
a percentage of total sales was 74.3%, as compared to 60.2% in the corresponding
interim period for the previous fiscal year.

Results by Business Segment

         In conjunction with its business and organizational restructuring,
since this fiscal period, Advantest reclassified its two previous automated test
equipment and measuring instruments business segments into three business
segments: semi-conductor and component test system; mechatronics system; and
services, support and others. The comparison figures against the previous
interim period have been calculated by reclassifying the figures from the
previous interim period into the three new business segments.

         (Semi-conductor and Component Test System Segment)

         In the semi-conductor and component test system segment, flash memory
testers in the memory tester market continued to perform strongly both
domestically and overseas. In addition, DRAM testers experienced solid sales in
Japan and overseas, particularly with respect to new models such as the ultra
high-speed memory tester for next generation DDR memory and the general purpose
high-speed memory tester.

         In the SoC (System-on-a-chip)/AS (Application Specific) tester market,
strong sales of the T2000 testers based on OPENSTAR(R) continued. In addition,
SoC testers for mobile phones and digital consumer devices and testers for LCD
driver ICs continued to perform strongly particularly in Japan and Taiwan. In
addition, new products aimed at the CCD market and on-board device markets
enjoyed strong sales.

         As a result of the above, as compared to the corresponding interim
period for the previous fiscal year, incoming orders in the semi-conductor and
component test system segment increased by 70.7% to (Y)96.l billion, while net
sales of the segment increased by 176.3% to (Y)113.l billion. Operating income
in the semi-conductor and component test system segment increased by 10.5 times
to (Y)37.7 billion, as compared with the corresponding interim period for the
previous fiscal year.

         (Mechatronics System Segment)

         In the mechatronics system segment, test handlers with simultaneous
multiple handling capacity and cooling capabilities as well as device interface
products continued to perform well due to the positive growth in sales of memory

         As a result of the above, incoming orders in the mechatronics system
segment, as compared with the corresponding period for the previous fiscal year,
increased by 51.8% to (Y)24.6 billion, while net sales of the segment increased
by 111.9% to (Y)28.l billion. Operating income in the mechatronics


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

system segment increased by 211.6% to (Y)9.9 billion, as compared with the
corresponding period for the previous fiscal year.

         (Services, Support and Others Segment)

         Incoming orders in the services, support and others segment, as
compared with the corresponding period for the previous fiscal year, increased
by 3.6% to (Y)10.0 billion, while net sales of the segment increased by 9.3% to
(Y)10.8 billion. Operating income in the services, support and others segment
increased by 33.0% to (Y)0.7 billion, as compared with the corresponding period
for the previous fiscal year.

         *3   OPENSTAR(R) - The name of an open architecture standard published
              by the Semiconductor Test Consortium, Inc. OPENSTAR(R) is a
              registered trademark or trademark of Semiconductor Test
              Consortium, Inc. in the U.S., Japan and other countries.

Distribution of Profits

         Advantest believes that it has achieved its goals for the current
interim period as presented above. Although business conditions remain
uncertain, based on the profit distribution policy described above, Advantest
expects to distribute an interim dividend of (Y)25 per share as originally

Prospects for the Fiscal Year
- -----------------------------

         With respect to business conditions in the upcoming future,
semiconductor-related demands are expected to continue growth resulting from the
continued success of third generation mobile phones and continued demand for
personal computers and an expected increase in demand for digital consumer
devices in the medium term. In addition, capital investment among semiconductor
manufacturers are expected to increase as 300 mm wafer-related investments are
expected and the next generation of memory devices are rolled out.

         Responding to the above situation, Advantest plans to focus on
improvement of profitability through revenue growth generated by timely
introduction of new products designed to meet customer satisfaction, continued
renovation of the manufacturing process for quick delivery and cost-cutting

         While factors such as the temporary production and inventory
adjustments of drivers of the digital sector such as semiconductors and
electronic components and the increase in crude oil prices may have dampening
effects on Advantest's performance in the short run, Advantest's current
estimates for the full year are as follows:

                                                                   (million yen)
                                Net Sales      Income before    Net Income
                                               income taxes
Previous forecast (A)           250,000              70,000        43,000
(as of July 28, 2004)
Revised forecast (B)            250,000              71,000        43,000
Increase / decrease (B-A)             0               1,000             0

Profit Distribution Forecast

         Based on the business prospects and profit distribution policy
described above, Advantest expects to pay yearend dividends of (Y)25 per share
(or (Y)50 per share for the fiscal year including an interim dividend of (Y)25
per share) as originally forecasted.


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

(2) Financial Condition

         Cash and cash equivalents held at September 30, 2004 were (Y)139.9
billion, an increase of (Y)38.7 billion from March 31, 2004. Significant cash
flows during this interim fiscal period and their causes are described below.

         Net cash provided by operating activities was an inflow of (Y)44.5
billion. This amount was primarily attributable to net income of (Y)28.5 billion
and a (Y)l7.1 billion decrease in inventories.

         Net cash used in investment activities was an outflow of (Y)5.3
billion. This amount was primarily attributable to capital expenditures of
(Y)5.0 billion, including capital expenditures related to equipment for leasing.

         Net cash used in financing activities was an outflow of (Y)2.2 billion.
This amount was primarily attributable to the payment of dividends ((Y)2.4


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

Interim Consolidated Financial Statements, etc.

    Interim Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                            FY2003 interim                 FY2004 interim              Summarized balance sheet
                                                                                                               of FY2003
                                     (As of September 30, 2003)    (As of September 30, 2004)         (As of March 31, 2004)
                             Notes     Amount       Percentage       Amount         Percentage         Amount            Percentage
                                     (in million       (%)         (in million         (%)            (in million           (%)
                                        yen)                           yen)                               yen)


Cash and cash equivalents               94,606                      139,911                            101,146

Trade accounts                  *1      44,089                       86,222                             76,133
receivable, less
allowance for
doubtful accounts

Inventories                             34,346                       32,687                             49,423

Deferred tax assets                     13,556                       12,411                             25,875

Other current assets                     2,251                        2,504                              3,185
                                       -------                      -------                            -------

    Total current assets               188,848        65.8          273,735       78.2                 255,762         77.3

Investment                   Note 4      7,480         2.6            6,882        2.0                   7,952          2.4

Property, plant              *2, *3     53,688        18.7           51,938       14.8                  50,516         15.3
and equipment, net

Deferred tax assets                     29,647        10.3           11,781        3.4                  10,964          3.3

Intangible assets, at cost,              5,196         1.8            3,334        1.0                   3,756          1.1
less accumulated amortization

Other assets                             2,235         0.8            2,281        0.6                   1,858          0.6
                                       -------       -----          -------      -----                 -------        -----

    Total assets                       287,094       100.0          349,951      100.0                 330,808        100.0


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

                                          FY2003 interim                FY2004 interim                Summarized balance sheet
                                                                                                              of FY2003
                                     (As of September 30, 2003)    (As of September 30, 2004)         (As of March 31, 2004)
                             Notes      Amount     Percentage         Amount     Percentage               Amount    Percentage
                                     (in million      (%)          (in million       (%)              (in million      (%)
                                         yen)                          yen)                               yen)

Current installments            *3       2,243                       4,543                             4,543
of long-term debt

Trade accounts payable                  16,496                      24,985                            38,214

Income taxes payable                     1,963                       5,025                             3,845

Accrued expenses                         5,909                       8,809                             8,939

Accrued warranty expenses                2,367                       4,746                             3,121

Deferred revenue                         1,740                       4,252                             4,543

Other current liabilities                2,415                       5,109                             3,406
                                        ------                      ------                           -------

   Total current liabilities            33,133        11.6          57,469        16.4                66,611        20.1

Long-term debt,                 *3      24,604         8.6          20,062         5.7                20,083         6.1
excluding current installments

Accrued pension and                     15,172         5.3          18,866         5.4                18,348         5.6
severance cost

Other liabilities                        3,569         1.2           3,512         1.1                 3,411         1.0
                                        ------                      ------                           -------

   Total liabilities                    76,478        26.7          99,909        28.6               108,453        32.8

        (Minority interests)

Minority interests                         313         0.1            114          0.0                   587         0.2


Common stock                            32,363        11.3         32,363          9.3                32,363         9.8

Capital surplus                         32,973        11.5         32,973          9.4                32,973        10.0

Retained earnings                      164,017        57.1        203,420         58.1               177,404        53.5

Accumulated other               *4      (5,873)       (2.1)        (6,157)        (1.8)               (8,061)       (2.4)
comprehensive income

Treasury stock                         (13,177)       (4.6)       (12,671)        (3.6)              (12,911)       (3.9)

                                       -------                    -------                            -------
   Total stockholders' equity          210,303        73.2        249,928         71.4               221,768        67.0

   Total liabilities                   -------                    -------                            -------
   and stockholders' equity            287,094       100.0        349,951        100.0               330,808       100.0


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)


                                         FY2003 interim              FY2004 interim                 FY2003
                                   (As of September 30, 2003)   (As of September 30, 2004)   (As of March 31, 2004)
                                            Amount                      Amount                       Amount
                                      (in million yen)            (in million yen)              (in million yen)

*1. Allowance for doubtful accounts          2,214                        2,472                        2,464

*2. Accumulated depreciation on
    property, plant and equipment           69,182                       66,602                       64,533

*3. Collateralized assets and
    secured obligations

    Property, plant and equipment              409                          398                          403

    Obligations secured by the above            46                           31                           38

*4. Accumulated other comprehensive
    income (loss)

    Foreign currency translation            (6,488)                      (5,720)                      (8,087)

    Net unrealized gains on                    615                          746                        1,422
    available-for-sale securities

    Minimum pension liability                   --                       (1,183)                      (1,396)

5. Net assets per share (in yen)          2,140.61                     2,542.41                     2,256.59


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

Interim Consolidated Statements of Income

                                                                                                        Summarized statement of
                                        FY2003 interim                   FY2004 interim                     income of FY2003
                                     (April 1, 2003 through           (April 1, 2004 through           (April 1, 2003 through
                                       September 30, 2003)             September 30, 2004)               March 31, 2004)
                             Notes      Amount       Percentage        Amount           Percentage       Amount          Percentage
                                     (in million         (%)          (in million          (%)         (in million          (%)
                                         yen)                             yen)                             yen)
                                     ------------------------------   -----------------------------    -----------------------------
Net sales                                     62,286     100.0               146,589       100.0            174,218           100.0

Cost of sales                                 31,801      51.1                68,238        46.6             85,513            49.1
                                              ------                          ------                         ------

   Gross profit                               30,485      48.9                78,351        53.4             88,705            50.9

Research and                                  10,749      17.3                12,087         8.2             21,637            12.4
development expenses

Selling, general                              15,297      24.5                20,844        14.2             36,108            20.7
and administrative                            ------                          ------                         ------

   Operating income                            4,439       7.1                45,420        31.0             30,960            17.8

Other income

   Interest and                          163                           212                              339
   dividends income

   Interest expense                     (248)                         (225)                            (469)

   Minority interests                     (5)                          (85)                            (214)

   Equity in losses of                  (117)                           --                             (117)

   Other                                (511)   (718)      (1.1)      1,522    1,424          1.0    (1,621) (2,082)           (1.2)
                                                -----                         ------                         -------

   Income before                                3,721       6.0               46,844         32.0            28,878            16.6
   income taxes

Income Taxes                                    1,268       2.1               18,271         12.5            11,549             6.6
                                                -----                         ------                         ------

Net income                                      2,453       3.9               28,573         19.5            17,329            10.0

                                       FY2003 interim                   FY2004 interim                    FY2003
                                   (April 1, 2003 through           (April 1, 2004 through       (April 1, 2003 through
                                      September 30, 2003)             September 30, 2004)              March 31, 2004)
                           Notes       Amount (in yen)                  Amount (in yen)                Amount (in yen)
Net income per share
   Basic                                           24.96                            290.68                 176.37
   Diluted                                         24.94                            290.07                 176.02


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

Interim Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity

                                                            FY2003 interim           FY2004 interim       Statement of stockholders'
                                                                                                                equity of FY2003
                                                        (April 1, 2003 through   (April 1, 2004 through    (April 1, 2003 through
                                                          September 30, 2003)      September 30, 2004)          March 31, 2004)
                                            Notes              Amount                    Amount                     Amount
                                                          (in million yen)          (in million yen)            (in million yen)

Common stock :

    Balance at beginning of period                               32,363                  32,363                 32,363
                                                                 ------                  ------                 ------

    Balance at end of period                                     32,363                  32,363                 32,363

Capital surplus :

    Balance at beginning of period                               32,973                  32,973                 32,973
                                                                 ------                  ------                 ------

    Balance at end of period                                     32,973                  32,973                 32,973

Retained earnings :

    Balance at beginning of period                              162,547                 177,404                162,547

    Net income                                                    2,453                  28,573                 17,329

    Cash dividends                                                 (983)                 (2,458)                (2,456)

    Loss on disposal of treasury stock                               --                     (99)                   (16)
                                                                -------                 -------                -------

    Balance at end of period                                    164,017                 203,420                177,404

Accumulated other comprehensive income

    Balance at beginning of period                               (4,055)                 (8,061)                (4,055)

    Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax                (1,818)                  1,904                 (4,006)
                                                                 -------                 -------               --------

    Balance at end of period                                     (5,873)                 (6,157)                (8,061)

Treasury stock :

    Balance at beginning of period                              (13,165)                (12,911)               (13,165)

    Treasury stock purchased                                        (12)                    (11)                   (32)

    Exercise of stock options                                        --                     249                    180

    Decrease in treasury stock upon Share exchange                   --                      --                    105

    Treasury stock sold                                              --                       2                      1
                                                                -------                 -------               --------

    Balance at end of period                                    (13,177)                (12,671)               (12,911)
                                                                -------                 -------               ---------

      Total stockholders' equity                                210,303                 249,928                221,768

Disclosure of comprehensive income:

    Net income                                                    2,453                  28,573                 17,329

    Other comprehensive income (loss),                           (1,818)                  1,904                 (4,006)
    net of tax                                                  --------               --------               ---------

    Total comprehensive income                                       635                 30,477                13,323


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                     FY2003 interim           FY2004 interim        Summarized statement of
                                                                                                      cash flows of FY2003
                                                 (April 1, 2003 through   (April 1, 2004 through    (April 1, 2003 through
                                                   September 30, 2003)      September 30, 2004)          March 31, 2004)
                                                        Amount                    Amount                     Amount
                                                   (in million yen)          (in million yen)            (in million yen)
I  Cash flows from operating activities:

     Net income                                            2,453                     28,573                       17,329

     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
     cash provided by operating activities:

       Depreciation and amortization                       4,857                      4,035                        9,328

       Deferred income taxes                                (231)                    13,081                        6,703

       Impairment loss on long-lived assets                   --                         --                        3,030

       Decrease (increase) in trade accounts receivable   (1,535)                   (8,544)                      (35,285)

       Decrease (increase) in inventories                  1,028                    17,171                       (14,570)

       Increase (decrease) in trade accounts payable       6,105                   (14,455)                       29,190

       Increase (decrease) in income taxes payable            12                     1,074                         1,997

       Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses              (659)                     (196)                        2,518

       Increase (decrease) in accrued warranty expenses      (45)                    1,625                           709

       Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue               444                      (514)                        3,441

       Increase (decrease) in accrued pension and            860                       876                         2,639
       severance cost

       Other                                                  72                     1,819                         1,186

                                                          ------                    ------                        ------
          Net cash provided by operating activities       13,361                    44,545                        28,215


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

                                                     FY2003 interim           FY2004 interim        Summarized statement of
                                                                                                      cash flows of FY2003
                                                 (April 1, 2003 through   (April 1, 2004 through    (April 1, 2003 through
                                                   September 30, 2003)      September 30, 2004)          March 31, 2004)
                                                        Amount                    Amount                     Amount
                                                   (in million yen)          (in million yen)            (in million yen)

II  Cash flows from investing activities:

       Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale               236                        634                       323
       marketable securities

       Proceeds from sale of non-marketable securities        301                         45                       387

       Purchases of non-marketable securities              (1,000)                        --                    (1,288)

       Proceeds from sale of property, plant and              277                         31                       435

       Purchases of intangible assets                        (135)                      (204)                     (358)

       Purchases of property, plant and equipment          (2,127)                    (4,818)                   (5,068)

       Other                                                  185                       (996)                      499
                                                           -------                    -------                  --------

         Net cash used in investing activities             (2,263)                    (5,308)                   (5,070)

III Cash flows from financing activities:

       Principal payments on long-term debt                (1,590)                      (21)                    (3,811)

       Payments to acquire treasury stock                     (12)                       (7)                       (31)

       Dividends paid                                        (981)                   (2,453)                    (2,462)

       Other                                                  (44)                      226                        (72)
                                                           -------                    -------                  --------

         Net cash used in financing activities             (2,627)                   (2,255)                    (6,376)
                                                           -------                    -------                  --------

IV  Net effect of exchange rate changes on cash            (1,203)                    1,783                     (2,961)
    and cash equivalents

V   Net change in cash and cash equivalents                 7,268                    38,765                     13,808

VI  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       87,338                   101,146                     87,338
                                                           -------                    -------                  --------

VII Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             94,606                   139,911                    101,146


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

             Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

(Note 1) Accounting Principles, Procedures and the Presentation of the Interim
Consolidated Financial Statements

(a) Terminology, Form and Method of Preparation of the Interim Consolidated
Financial Statements

         Advantest prepares these interim consolidated financial statements in
accordance with the accounting principles, procedures, terminology, form and
mode of preparation required in the U.S. in connection with its issuance of
American Depository Shares as established under Accounting Research Bulletins
("ARB"), Accounting Principles Board ("APB") statements, Statements of Financial
Accounting Standards ("SFAS") and other relevant sources.

(b) The Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements and Registration with
    the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

         Advantest Corporation began listing on the New York Stock Exchange on
September 17, 2001 (local time) by means of an issuance of American Depository
Shares, and is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on
Form 20-F (equivalent to the Annual Securities Report in Japan) since FY2001. In
connection with the registration on Form 20-F, Advantest prepares consolidated
financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

(c) Scope of Consolidation and Application of the Equity Method

         Advantest's interim consolidated financial statements include financial
statements of Advantest Corporation and its majority-owned subsidiaries. All
significant transactions, credit and debt between consolidated companies have
been eliminated.

         The following table sets forth the number of consolidated subsidiaries
and equity method affiliates of Advantest:

                              FY2004 interim          FY2003          Increase
                            (As of September      (As of March 31,   (decrease)
                                30,2004)               2004)
           Domestic                  22                    23              (1)
           Overseas                  17                    17               0
                                    ---                   ---              ---
Consolidated subsidiaries            39                    40              (1)
Equity method affiliates              0                     0               0
                                    ---                   ---              ---
Total                                39                    40              (1)

Changes in the scope of consolidation:

         Newly included (1):    Advantest Costa Rica, Sociedad Anonima *1
         Excluded (2):          Advanmicrotec Co., Ltd. *2
                                Advantest America Measuring Solutions, Inc. *3

*1   Advantest Costa Rica, Sociedad Anonima was established on September 30,
     2004 as an engineering service company of Advantest's products.
*2   Advanmicrotec Co., Ltd. was merged into Advantest Manufacturing, Inc. on
     April 1, 2004 to consolidate Advantest's manufacturing operations.
*3   Advantest America Measuring Solutions, Inc. was merged into Advantest
     America, Inc. on September 30, 2004 with a view to streamline management.


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

(Note 2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Practices

         There was no change in accounting practices.

         Advantest and certain of its consolidated domestic subsidiaries
received approval from the Minister of Health and Labor to be exempted from
obligation for benefits related to future employee service on August 1, 2003 and
received approval to be exempted from obligation for benefits related to prior
employee service on October 1, 2004 under the substitutional portion of its
Employees' Pension Fund plans as part of the transfer of its Employees' Pension
Fund plans to the Japanese government pursuant to the Defined Benefit Corporate
Pension Law. Advantest and certain of its consolidated domestic subsidiaries
expect to recognize, upon completion of the transfer to the government of the
substitutional portion, any loss or gains resulting therefrom in accordance with
EITF Issue No. 03-2, "Accounting for the Transfer to the Japanese Government of
the Substitutional Portion of Employee Pension Fund Liabilities." Accordingly,
there has been no effect on Advantest's interim consolidated financial
statements for the 6 month period ended September 30, 2004.

(Note 3) Reclassifications

         Certain reclassifications have been made to the consolidated financial
statements for FY2003 interim and FY2003 to conform to presentation used for
FY2004 interim.

(Note 4) Investment Securities

         Marketable securities consist of equity securities. The aggregate fair
value of available-for-sale marketable equity securities were (Y)2,938 million,
(Y)4,287 million and (Y)4,311 million, gross unrealized holding gains were
(Y)1,099 million, (Y)1,440 million and (Y)2,093 million, gross unrealized
holding losses were (Y)7 million, (Y)319 million and (Y)1 million, and the
aggregate cost were (Y)1,846 million, (Y)3,177 million and (Y)2,238 million each
as of September 30, 2003 and September 30, 2004 and March 31, 2004,

         Gross realized gains on available-for-sale marketable equity securities
were (Y)174 million, (Y)629 million and (Y)178 million in FY2003 interim, FY2004
interim and FY2003, respectively. Gross realized loss was (Y)2 million in
FY2003.  Gross realized gains and losses are included in "other income
(expense)" in the interim consolidated statement of income and the consolidated
statement of income, and "other" in net cash provided by operating activities in
the interim consolidated statements of cash flows and the consolidated
statements of cash flows.

         Advantest holds other long-term investment securities in nonpublic
companies, which are stated at cost and included in "investment securities", and
are reviewed periodically for impairment.


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

(Note 5) Basic and diluted net income per share

         Basic and diluted net income per share was computed as follows:

                                                                  FY2003 interim


     Net income                                                    2,453 million

     Basic weighted average shares                            98,245,709 shares

     Dilutive effect of exercise of stock option and warrants    101,630 shares

     Diluted weighted average shares                          98,347,339 shares

                                                                  FY2004 interim


     Net income                                                   28,573 million

     Basic weighted average shares                            98,295,932 shares

     Dilutive effect of exercise of stock option and
        warrants                                                 206,598 shares

     Diluted weighted average shares                          98,502,530 shares



     Net income                                                   17,329 million

     Basic weighted average shares                            98,250,830 shares

     Dilutive effect of exercise of stock option and warrants    195,306 shares
     Diluted weighted average shares                          98,446,136 shares

         At September 30, 2003, September 30, 2004 and March 31, 2004, Advantest
had outstanding stock options and warrants exercisable into 1,133,800 shares,
1,799,500 shares and 329,500 shares of common stock, respectively, which could
potentially dilute net income per share in future periods.


                           Advantest Corporation - Consolidated (FY2004 Interim)

(Segment Information)

1. Business Segment Information

                                     FY2003 interim                        FY2004 interim                           FY2003
                                 (April 1, 2003 through               (April 1, 2004 through               (April 1, 2003 through
                                   September 30, 2003)                  September 30, 2004)                     March 31, 2004)
                                 ---------------------------      ---------------------------            --------------------------
                                   Amount (in     Percentage       Amount (in      Percentage             Amount (in    Percentage
                                  million yen)       (%)          million yen)         (%)               million yen)       (%)

Semiconductor and component test system

Sales to unaffiliated customers      39,272          95.9            107,920          95.4                  119,765         97.0
Intersegment sales                    1,689           4.1              5,252           4.6                    3,724          3.0
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                  -------        -----

Net sales                            40,961         100.0            113,172         100.0                  123,489        100.0
Operating expenses                   37,360          91.2             75,382          66.6                   94,799         76.8
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                  -------        -----

Operating income (loss)               3,601           8.8             37,790          33.4                   28,690         23.2

Mechatronics system

Sales to unaffiliated customers      13,065          98.5            27,794           98.9                  33,988         99.3
Intersegment sales                      196           1.5               306            1.1                     237          0.7
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                  -------       -----

Net sales                            13,261         100.0            28,100          100.0                  34,225        100.0
Operating expenses                   10,067          75.9            18,150           64.6                  22,992         67.2
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                  -------       -----

Operating income (loss)               3,194          24.1             9,950           35.4                  11,233         32.8

Services, support and others

Sales to unaffiliated customers       9,949         100.0            10,875          100.0                  20,465        100.0
Intersegment sales                        -             -                 -              -                       -            -
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                  -------       -----

Net sales                             9,949         100.0            10,875          100.0                  20,465        100.0
Operating expenses                    9,374          94.2            10,110           93.0                  23,052        112.6
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                  -------       -----

Operating income (loss)                 575           5.8               765            7.0                 (2,587)        (12.6)

Elimination and corporate

Sales to unaffiliated customers           -             -                -               -                      -             -
Intersegment sales                   (1,885)        100.0           (5,558)          100.0                 (3,961)        100.0
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                 -------        -----

Net sales                            (1,885)        100.0           (5,558)          100.0                 (3,961)        100.0
Operating expenses                    1,046             -           (2,473)              -                  2,415             -
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                  -------       -----

Operating income (loss)              (2,931)            -           (3,085)              -                 (6,376)            -


Sales to unaffiliated customers      62,286         100.0          146,589           100.0                174,218         100.0
Intersegment sales                        -             -                -               -                      -             -
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                -------         -----

Net Sales                            62,286         100.0          146,589           100.0                174,218         100.0
Operating expenses                   57,847          92.9          101,169            69.0                143,258          82.2
                                     ------         -----            -------         -----                -------         -----

Operating income (loss)               4,439           7.1           45,420            31.0                 30,960          17.8

(Notes)  1. Advantest regrouped its two business segments - "Automated Test
         Equipment" and "Measuring Instruments"- into three business
         segments- "Semiconductor and Component Test System", "Mechatronics
         System" and "Services, Support and Others". Certain reclassifications
         have been made to the business segment information for FY2003 interim
         and FY2003 to conform presentation used for FY2004 interim.
         2. Adjustments to operating income (loss) in Corporate principally
         represent corporate general and administrative expenses and research
         and development expenses related to fundamental research activities
         that are not allocated to operating segments.

2. Geographic Segment Information (Based on Location of Customers)

                            FY2003 interim               FY2004 interim                     FY2003
                       (April 1, 2003 through       (April 1, 2004 through           (April 1, 2003 through
                          September 30, 2003)          September 30, 2004)               March  31, 2004)
                      ---------------------------  ------------------------        --------------------------

                       Amount (in      Percentage   Amount (in   Percentage        Amount (in      Percentage
                      million yen)        (%)      million yen)       (%)          million yen)        (%)
Americas                   3,879           6.2         13,494         9.2              16,264          9.3
Europe                     4,514           7.2          7,557         5.2              10,401          6.0
Asia                      29,074          46.8         87,869        59.9              89,563         51.4
                          ------          ----        -------       -----             -------        -----

   Overseas total         37,467          60.2        108,920        74.3             116,228         66.7
Japan                     24,819          39.8         37,669        25.7              57,990         33.3
                          ------          -----       -------       -----             -------        -----

   Consolidated           62,286         100.0        146,589       100.0             174,218        100.0


               Advantest Corporation - Supplemental Information (FY2004 Interim)

Supplemental Information to the FY2004 Interim Earnings Digest
         *All consolidated figures were prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

1. Summary of FY2004 Interim Results (April 1, 2004 through September 30, 2004)

(Consolidated)                                                                (In billion yen; truncated after the hundred million)

                                          FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)        FY2003
Net sales                                       62.2                   146.5                   135.3                     174.2
Operating income                                 4.4                    45.4                   923.2                      30.9
Income before income taxes                       3.7                    46.8                       -                      28.8
Net income                                       2.4                    28.5                       -                      17.3
Total assets                                   287.0                   349.9                    21.9                     330.8
Stockholders' equity                           210.3                   249.9                    18.8                     221.7
Net income per share (basic) (in yen)          24.96                  290.68                       -                     176.37
Net income per share (diluted) (in yen)        24.94                  290.07                       -                     176.02
Stockholders' equity per share (in yen)     2,140.61                2,542.41                    18.8                   2,256.59
Net interest payment                           (0.0)                   (0.0)                       -                      (0.1)
ROE(%)                                             -                      -                        -                       8.0

(Unconsolidated) (Japanese GAAP)                                              (In billion yen; truncated after the hundred million)

                                          FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)        FY2003
Net sales                                      50.8                   121.0                    138.1                     150.5
Operating income                                1.5                    28.3                        -                      23.7
Ordinary income                                 2.4                    30.1                        -                      24.0
Net income                                      1.8                    18.6                    926.7                      11.9
Total assets                                  241.1                   286.7                     18.9                     277.0
Stockholders' equity                          179.5                   204.7                     14.0                     188.8
Net income per share (in yen)                 18.52                   190.09                   926.4                     119.97
Stockholders' equity per share (in yen)    1,827.98                 2,082.83                    13.9                   1,920.33
Dividends per share (in yen)                  15.00                    25.00                    66.7                      40.00

2. Consolidated Net Sales by Business and Geographic Segment                  (In billion yen; truncated after the hundred million)

By Business Segment                        FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)        FY2003
    Semiconductor and component test system    40.9                    113.1                    176.3                     123.4
    Mechatronics system                        13.2                     28.1                    111.9                      34.2
    Services, support and others                9.9                     10.8                      9.3                      20.4
    Elimination of intersegment sales          (1.8)                    (5.5)                       -                      (3.9)
                                              ------                  -------                  ------                    -------
Total net sales                                62.2                    146.5                    135.3                     174.2

By Geographic Segment                     FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)        FY2003
Japan                                          24.8                   37.6                      51.8                      57.9
                                              ------                  -------                  ------                    -------
    Americas                                    3.8                   13.4                     247.9                      16.2
    Europe                                      4.5                    7.5                      67.4                      10.4
    Asia                                       29.0                   87.8                     202.2                      89.5
                                              ------                  -------                  ------                    -------
Total overseas                                 37.4                  108.9                     190.7                     116.2


               Advantest Corporation - Supplemental Information (FY2004 Interim)

3. Consolidated Volume of Order and Orders backlog by Business Segment        (In billion yen; truncated after the hundred million)

Volume of order                           FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)        FY2003

    Semiconductor and component test system    56.3                   96.1                      70.7                     154.0
    Mechatronics system                        16.2                   24.6                      51.8                      39.4
    Services, support and others                9.6                   10.0                       3.6                      20.1
    Elimination of intersegment sales          (1.9)                  (5.5)                        -                      (4.6)
                                              ------                  -------                  ------                    -------
Total volume of orders                         80.2                  125.2                      56.0                     208.9

Orders backlog                            FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)       FY2003

    Semiconductor and component test system    26.4                   24.6                      (6.9)                     41.6
    Mechatronics system                         6.9                    5.7                     (17.2)                      9.2
    Services, support and others                1.4                    0.5                     (61.4)                      1.4
    Elimination of intersegment sales          (0.1)                  (0.8)                        -                      (0.7)
                                              ------                  -------                  ------                    -------
Total orders backlog                           34.7                   30.1                     (13.2)                     51.4

(Note)   The amount of incoming orders for any given period consists of the sum
         of the revenues for such period and the amount of backlog at the end of
         such period less the backlog at the end of the previous fiscal year.
         Incoming orders are recorded as such once a written customer order is

4. Consolidated Cash Flows                                                   (In billion yen; truncated after the hundred  million)

                                          FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)       FY2003

    Operating activities                       13.3                   44.5                     233.4                      28.2
    Investing activities                       (2.2)                  (5.3)                        -                      (5.0)
    (Free cash flows)                          11.0                   39.2                     253.6                      23.1
    Financing activities                       (2.6)                  (2.2)                        -                      (6.3)
Total cash flows                                8.4                   36.9                     336.6                      16.7
                                              ------                  -------                  ------                  -------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     94.6                  139.9                      47.9                     101.1

5. Consolidated Outstanding Interest-bearing liabilities                      (In billion yen; truncated after the hundred million)

                                          FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)       FY2003

    Bonds and warrant bonds                    26.7                   24.5                      (8.2)                     24.5
    Loans and lease obligations                 0.2                    0.1                     (38.3)                      0.1
                                              ------                 -------                   ------                   -------
Total interest-bearing liabilities             26.9                   24.6                      (8.5)                     24.6

6. Consolidated Capital Expenditure, Depreciation and Amortization and Research and Development Expenses
                                                                              (In billion yen; truncated after the hundred million)

                                          FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)       FY2003
Capital expenditures                            2.1                    5.1                     138.0                     5.6
Depreciation and amortization                   4.8                    4.0                     (16.9)                    9.3
Research and development expenses              10.7                   12.0                      12.5                    21.6

7. Number of Employees (Advantest Corporation and Consolidated Subsidiaries)                                              (Persons)

                                          FY2003 interim         FY2004 interim          Percentage change (%)       FY2003
Unconsolidated                                1,446                  1,450                       0.3                   1,450
                                              ------               -------                     ------                -------
    Domestic affiliates                       1,401                  1,355                      (3.3)                  1,370
    Overseas affiliates                         732                    770                       5.2                     724
                                              ------               -------                     ------                -------
Affiliates total                              2,133                  2,125                      (0.4)                  2,094
                                              ------               -------                     ------                -------
Consolidated full-time employee total         3,579                  3,575                      (0.1)                  3,544


               Advantest Corporation - Supplemental Information (FY2004 Interim)

8. Supplemental Segment Information

Geographic Segment Information (Based on Location of Advantest and its Affiliates)
                                            (Rounded to the nearest million yen)

                                  FY2003 interim                       FY2004 interim                            FY2003
                   -----------------------------------   -----------------------------------   ------------------------------------
                   (April 1, 2003 through   Percentage   (April 1, 2004 through   Percentage   (April 1, 2003 through    Percentage
                     September 30, 2003)       (%)        September 30, 2004)        (%)          March 31,  2004)          (%)


Sales to unaffiliated            36,269             -                 60,205             -             91,860             -
Intersegment sales               18,682             -                 64,367             -             68,143             -
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Net sales                        54,951         100.0                124,572         100.0            160,003         100.0
Operating expenses               50,005          91.0                 89,910          72.2            128,421          80.3
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Operating income                  4,946           9.0                 34,662          27.8             31,582          19.7


Sales to unaffiliated            10,140             -                 38,685             -             29,641             -
Intersegment sales                1,120             -                  1,224             -              2,134             -
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------         -----
Net sales                        11,260         100.0                 39,909         100.0             31,775         100.0
Operating expenses               10,988          97.6                 34,380          86.1             29,593          93.1
                               --------        ------              ---------         -----           --------         -----
Operating income                    272           2.4                  5,529          13.9              2,182           6.9


Sales to unaffiliated             5,855             -                 8,754              -             15,322             -
Intersegment sales                  301             -                   449              -                728             -
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------         -----
Net sales                         6,156          100.0                9,203          100.0             16,050         100.0
Operating expenses                5,259           85.4                7,634           83.0             13,945          86.9
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Operating income                    897           14.6                1,569           17.0              2,105          13.1


Sales to unaffiliated            10,022             -                38,945              -             37,395             -
Intersegment sales                1,808             -                 3,843              -              4,051              -
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Net sales                        11,830         100.0                42,788          100.0             41,446          100.0
Operating expenses               10,960          92.6                36,934           86.3             36,443           87.9
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Operating income                    870           7.4                 5,854           13.7              5,003           12.1

Elimination and corporate

Sales to unaffiliated                 -             -                     -              -                  -              -
Intersegment sales              (21,911)            -               (69,883)             -            (75,056)             -
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Net sales                       (21,911)            -               (69,883)             -            (75,056)             -
Operating expenses              (19,365)            -               (67,689)             -            (65,144)             -
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Operating income (loss)          (2,546)            -                (2,194)             -             (9,912)             -


Sales to unaffiliated            62,286             -               146,589              -            174,218              -
Intersegment sales                    -             -                     -              -                  -              -
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Net sales                        62,286         100.0               146,589          100.0            174,218          100.0
Operating expenses               57,847          92.9               101,169           69.0            143,258           82.2
                               --------        ------              --------          -----           --------          -----
Operating income                  4,439           7.1                45,420           31.0             30,960           17.8

(Note)   Adjustments to operating income (loss) in Corporate principally
         represent corporate general and administrative expenses and research
         and development expenses related to fundamental research activities
         that are not allocated to operating segments.
