- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Represented by PAN PACIFIC I.R. LTD.                      Contact: Lorne Waldman
1790 - 999 WEST HASTINGS STREET                                        President
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA V6C 2W2                     E-MAIL: shareholder@namtai.com
TEL: (604) 669-7800  FAX: (604) 669-7816                     WEB: www.namtai.com
TOLL FREE TEL/FAX: 1-800-661-8831

                            NAM TAI ELECTRONICS, INC.
               Dividend in 2005 increased 175% to $1.32 per share
           Q4 Net Sales Up 40.9% to $152.8 Million vs. $108.4 Million
          Operating Income Up 32.4% to $10.3 Million vs. $7.8 Million

VANCOUVER, CANADA -- February 7, 2005 -- Nam Tai Electronics, Inc. ("Nam Tai" or
the "Company") (NYSE Symbol: NTE; CBOE Symbol: QNA; Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Symbol: 884852) is pleased to announce its unaudited results for the fourth
quarter ended December 31, 2004.

(In thousands of US Dollars, except as otherwise stated)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                                                Quarterly Results               Twelve Months Results
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                                         4Q 2004     4Q 2003     YoY(%)       2004       2003     YoY(%)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Net sales                                152,776     108,454      40.9     533,861    406,306      31.4
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Gross Profit                              19,386      17,275      12.2      76,476     66,290      15.4
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                     % of sales            12.7%       15.9%                  14.3%      16.3%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Income from operations                    10,280       7,765      32.4      43,378     37,387      16.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                     % of sales             6.7%        7.2%                   8.1%       9.2%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
             per share(diluted)            $0.24       $0.19      26.3       $1.02      $0.92      10.9
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Net income (loss) (a) &(b)              (42,465)      13,706    -409.8      66,885     43,802      52.7
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                     % of sales           -27.8%       12.6%                  12.5%      10.8%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Basic earnings per share                 ($1.00)       $0.33    -397.6       $1.57      $1.09      44.9
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Diluted earnings per share                   N/A       $0.33       N/A       $1.57      $1.07      46.6
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Weighted average number of shares
        Basic                             42,665      40,975       -        42,496     40,336       -
        Diluted                           42,733      41,253       -        42,548     40,839       -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------

(a)  Other income in the fourth quarter of 2004 consisted of $6.2 million from
     the partial disposal of the Company's interest in its subsidiary, JIC
     Technology Company Limited. In the fourth quarter of 2003, other income
     amounted to a total of $2.0 million.
(b)  After adjusting for the unrealized loss on the impairment of marketable
     securities in TCL Communication in the fourth quarter of 2004, the
     Pro-forma net income and earnings per shares would be as follow:

                                  Page 1 of 12

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                                                Quarterly Results               Twelve Months Results
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                                         4Q 2004     4Q 2003     YoY(%)       2004       2003     YoY(%)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
US GAAP based income from
operations                                10,280       7,765      32.4      43,378     37,387      16.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
US GAAP based other income (loss)
/income tax (expenses) benefit /        (52,745)       5,941                23,507      6,415
minority interests
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
US GAAP based net income(loss)          (42,465)      13,706    -409.8      66,885     43,802      52.7
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Unrealized loss on the impairment of
marketable securities in TCL
Communication                             58,316                            58,316
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Pro-forma net income                      15,851      13,706      15.7     125,201     43,802     185.8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
                          % of sales       10.4%       12.6%                 23.5%      10.8%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Proforma                                   $0.37       $0.33      11.1       $2.95      $1.09     171.3
Basic earnings per share
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Diluted earning per share                  $0.37       $0.33      11.6       $2.94      $1.07     174.4
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------
Weighted average number of shares
        Basic                             42,665      40,975       -        42,496     40,336       -
        Diluted                           42,733      41,253       -        42,548     40,839       -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------

Excluding the $58.3 million non-cash unrealized loss on the impairment of
marketable securities in TCL Communication during the fourth quarter of 2004,
the cash based realized gain on other income after deducting income tax expense
and minority interests for the year of 2004 was $81.8 million.

Nam Tai is excited to announce that it has achieved its strongest sales in the
fourth quarter ended December 31, 2004. The net sales of $152.8 million for the
fourth quarter of 2004 not only exceeded the fourth quarter upper sales guidance
of $135 million given by Nam Tai, it is also a new record quarterly sales of the
Company. Sales were driven mainly by key component sub-assemblies, such as CMOS
image sensor modules for cellular phones with built in camera function and
flexible printed circuit board ("FPC") sub-assemblies. Such business, which is
high-tech in focus and has the potential for significant growth, is currently
the main focus of Nam Tai.

The gross profit margin for the fourth quarter of 2004 decreased to 12.7% mainly
because of the prevalent product mix. The orders for key component sub-assembly
business, which generally accounts for lower gross profit margins, sharply
increased in the fourth quarter of 2004, causing a reduction in overall gross
profit margins. High oil price and a strong Yen also impacted the operation

However, strong sales growth augmented operating income, offsetting the impact
of lower gross profit margins. The Company attained an income from operations
per share of $0.24, which also exceeded the upper guidance given by Nam Tai.

For the whole year, Nam Tai achieved an impressive sales growth of 31.4%,
reaching net sales of $533.9 million. The net income for the whole year has also
increased remarkably by 52.7% to $66.9 million, partly due to the benefit of
certain one-time other income items.

                                  Page 2 of 12

Company Outlook
- ---------------

The Company has been very successful in shifting its focus to key component
sub-assembly, which accounted for 64% of its sales in the fourth quarter of 2004
and 59% of its sales for the whole year of 2004. Nam Tai believes that the
strong growth of this business will offset the impact of lower gross profit
margins and the Company can continue to achieve strong growth in its overall
profits. In the long run, Nam Tai expects to achieve an overall gross profit
margin of around 12%, which is still one of the leaders in the EMS industry.

The Company is also well-positioned for any re-valuation of the RMB. Two of its
subsidiaries, Nam Tai Electronic & Electrical Products Limited and J.I.C.
Technology Company Limited are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The
Company also has investments in TCL Corporation and TCL Communication, which
shares are denominated in either RMB or HK$. All these will help to hedge the
risk of any re-valuation of the RMB.

To maintain its future growth, Nam Tai must keep itself abreast of its
competitors. As a result, the Company has to put more resources on R&D and new
production capacity to back up its continued growth. Nam Tai may have to be more
vertically integrated to maintain its competitive edge. The SG&A expenses in
forthcoming years will accordingly increase. However, the Company is confident
that it can find a proper balance point so that the growth of its earnings per
share will not be slowed down and its shareholders will continue to be rewarded
like before.

The Company is pleased to adjust its long-term target growth rate for net sales
from 22% per annum to 25% per annum for the coming five years. The short-term
target growth rate for 2005 is temporarily adjusted to 30%-35%, taking in
account the Company's current situation. This year to year short-term target
growth rate will be adjusted if the Company's business continues to grow
significantly as it has recently.

Nam Tai's sales are seasonally lower in the first quarter. However, Nam Tai is
encouraged by its performance in the fourth quarter of 2004. The Company is
looking forward to achieving a new quarterly sales record for the first quarter
of 2005. Based on current market conditions and orders on hand as well as orders
carried forward from the fourth quarter of 2004, the Company is pleased to
provide the following business projection for the first quarter of 2005.

(In millions of US Dollars, except for earnings per share)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                1Q 2005      1Q 2004      1Q 2005      4Q 2004
                              (Estimated)    (Actual)        vs        (Actual)
                                                          1Q 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                         $150 -$155       $95        58%-63%        $153
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pro Forma Earnings per
Share (diluted)(a)          $0.22 -$0.24     $0.15(b)     47%-60%      $0.23(c)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: (a) Diluted Earnings per share includes tax expenses and the minority
      interest of 25% in NTEEP and approximately 28% in JIC and 20% in Namtek
      Software Development Company Limited
      (b) Excluded US$1.4 million dividend income from Huizhou TCL Mobile
      Communication Company Limited.
      (c) Excluded US$6.2 million gain on partial disposal of subsidiaries and
      US$58.3 million unrealized loss on the impairment of marketable securities
      in TCL Communication.

"2004 was once again a year of great harvest for Nam Tai," said Mr. Joseph Li,
CEO of Nam Tai. "We have achieved new records in 2004 and are looking forward to
breaking these records in 2005. We are

                                  Page 3 of 12

so pleased that our strategy of focusing on key component sub-assembly has been
so successful. With upgraded production technology and capability, expanded new
production capacity which construction has completed on schedule, and a strong
cash reserve, we are very confident for our continued growth and our capability
to satisfy our customers' strong demand. All businesses of Nam Tai are now run
by its four subsidiary groups and Nam Tai has become a holding company. Each
subsidiary group has a different team of independent management. They are
focused on different product segments and customers. This corporate structure
provides flexibility and enhances Nam Tai's responsiveness to requests of
customers and any changes in the market environment. With our experienced
management teams, we strongly believe we can continue to enjoy more successful
years ahead. "

Unrealized Loss on Marketable Securities in TCL Communication
- -------------------------------------------------------------

In the third quarter of 2004, the Company classified its investment in TCL
Communication as marketable securities - available for sale and recorded the
difference between the fair market value and the carrying cost of such
investment in shareholders' equity. Under US GAAP, there will be no impact on
Nam Tai's income statement until such investments are sold. However, in light of
the performance of the share price of TCL Communication since its listing in
September, 2004, the Company considered it a prudent approach to record the
unrealized loss of its investment in TCL Communication pursuant to the guidance
from Emerging Issue Task Force 03-1 issued by the Financial Accounting Standard
Board. The initial cost of our investment of TCL Communication was $79.5
million. The fair market value as calculated by reference to the closing price
of the shares of TCL Communication as at December 31, 2004 was $21.2 million.
Accordingly, an aggregated unrealized loss of $58.3 million was recorded in Nam
Tai's income statement for the fourth quarter of 2004.

Such unrealized loss has no impact on Nam Tai's cash position. The Company still
has confidence in its investment in TCL Communication and believes it will again
benefit its shareholders when it realizes its investment in TCL Communication.

Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act
- ----------------------------------

The Company has engaged an external consultant to advise the Company on its
compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act ("the Act"). The Company
is confident that it will meet the deadline for compliance on time towards the
end of 2005. The estimated cost in relation to the compliance process is
expected to be immaterial and will have no significant impact to the Company's
earnings for 2005.

Dividend for 2005
- -----------------

To maintain a strong financial position to support and back up the future growth
of the Company, the Company, after due consideration, has decided not to pay any
special dividend.

Regarding the regular dividend, taking into account the cash on hand, the
expansion plans of the Company and its earnings in 2004, the Company has taken a
conservative approach and determined the regular dividend for 2005 to be $1.32
per share to be paid quarterly at the rate of $0.33 per share. This represents
an increase of 175% from the dividend paid in 2004, following an increase of
140% in 2004 from 2003. The Board considers this to be an appropriate reward for
the shareholders and the dividend paid will not affect the continuous growth of
the Company.

The payment dates and record dates for the quarterly dividend of $0.33 per share
payable in each quarter for 2005 are as follows:-

                                  Page 4 of 12

         Record Date                    Payment Date              Dividend (US$)
   1  March 31, 2005            On or before April 21, 2005          $0.33
   2  June 30, 2005             On or before July 21, 2005           $0.33
   3  September 30, 2005        On or before Oct 21, 2005            $0.33
   4  December 31, 2005         On or before January 21, 2006        $0.33
   Total                                                             $1.32

Supplementary Information (Unaudited) for the Fourth Quarter of 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Quarterly Sales Breakdown
   (In Thousands of US Dollars)
   Quarter          2004        2003          YoY(%)             YoY(%)
                                           (Quarterly)   (Quarterly accumulated)
   1st Quarter      95,435      87,981            8.5%                   8.5%
   2nd Quarter     147,664     116,714           26.5%                  18.8%
   3rd Quarter     137,986      93,157           48.1%                  27.9%
   4th Quarter     152,776     108,454           40.9%                  31.4%
   Total           533,861     406,306

2. Net Sales Breakdown by Product Segment

                                                   2004                2003
   Segment                                     4Q       YTD        4Q       YTD
                                               (%)      (%)        (%)      (%)
   Consumer Electronics and Communication
   Products (a)                                28%      31%        31%      32%

   Telecom. Components Assembly:
   -Telecom. Components Assembly (b)           64%      59%        58%      57%
   -Software Development Services (c)           1%       1%         1%       1%

   Parts & Components:
   -LCD Panels (d)                              7%       9%        10%       9%
   -Transformers (e)                            0%       0%         0%       1%
                                              100%     100%       100%     100%
   (a) Represents the sales of Nam Tai Electronic & Electrical Products Ltd.
   (b) Represents the sales of Zastron Precision-Tech Limited (formerly known as
       Nam Tai Telecom(Cayman) Co., Ltd.)
   (c) Represents the sales of Namtek Software Development Company Limited
   (d) Represents the sales of JIC
   (e) In June 2003, we sold our transformers operation to a third party.

3. Key Highlight of Financial Position
                                               (unaudited)        (audited)
                                            As at December 31  As at December 31
                                                   2004               2003
   Cash on Hand                             $160.6 million (a)   $61.8 million
   Marketable Securities                     $41.9 million             -

                                  Page 5 of 12

   Cash/Current Liabilities                        1.38               0.83
   Current Ratio                                   2.87               2.25
   Total Assets/Total Liabilities                  3.79               3.88
   Debtors Turnover                              62 days             58 days
   Inventory Turnover                            20 times           13 times
   Average Payable Period                        72 days             60 days

   Note :  (a) Taking into consideration the $10.2 million in proceeds from
               the partial disposal of shares in J.I.C. Technology Company
               Limited, which was recorded in Prepaid Expenses and Other
               Receivable as at December 31, 2004 and received on January 3,
               2005. The cash on hand for the Company would have been $170.8

Fourth Quarter Results Analyst Conference Call
- ----------------------------------------------

The Company will hold a conference call on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 10:00
a.m. Eastern Time for analysts to discuss the fourth quarter results with
management. Shareholders, media, and interested investors are invited to listen
to the live conference over the internet by going to
www.namtai.com/news/news.htm and clicking on the conference call link or over
the phone by dialing (612) 288-0329 just prior to its start time. Callers will
be asked to register with the conference call operator.

About Nam Tai Electronics, Inc.
- -------------------------------

We are an electronics manufacturing and design services provider to original
equipment manufacturers of telecommunications and consumer electronic products.
Through our electronics manufacturing services operations, we manufacture
electronic components and subassemblies, including LCD panels, LCD modules,
radio frequency modules, flexible printed circuit sub-assemblies and image
sensor modules. These components are used in numerous electronic products,
including cellular phones, laptop computers, digital cameras, copiers, fax
machines, electronic toys, handheld video game devices and microwave ovens. We
also manufacture finished products, including cellular phones, palm-sized PCs,
personal digital assistants, electronic dictionaries, calculators and digital
camera accessories for use with cellular phones.

Nam Tai has two Hong Kong listed subsidiaries, Nam Tai Electronic & Electrical
Products Limited ("NTEEP") and J.I.C. Technology Company Limited ("JIC") and
their Fourth Quarter Results were announced earlier today in Hong Kong.
Interested investors may go to the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong at
www.hkex.com.hk to obtain the information. The stock code of NTEEP and JIC on
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong are the 2633 and 987 respectively. Investors are
reminded to exercise caution when assessing such information and not to deal
with the shares of the Company based solely on reliance of such information. The
results of NTEEP and JIC only represent a part of the results of the Company and
there are GAAP differences in the financial statements of NTEEP and JIC when
compared with the financial statements of the Company. Furthermore, different
subsidiaries of the Company may have different peak seasons during a year.

Forward-Looking Statements
- --------------------------

Certain statements in this press release are "forward-looking statements" within
the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws. Nam Tai intends that these
statements be covered by the safe harbors created under these laws. These
forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to risks, uncertainties
and other factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from
future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements include, without

                                  Page 6 of 12

limitation, statements relating to the Company's projected sales and (diluted)
earnings per share for the first quarter of 2005, and the ability of the Company
to finance investments and business expansions through internal resources in the
foreseeable future. These forward-looking statements reflect our current views
with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of our future performance.
There are important factors that could cause the actual results to differ
materially from the information set forth in these forward-looking statements.
Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on
the forward-looking statements which only speak as of the date of this press
release. Because of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the
forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this news release might
not occur the way we expect, or at all. Nam Tai does not undertake any
obligation to release publicly any revisions to these forward-looking statements
to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to
reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as may be required under
applicable securities laws. These factors include, without limitation, lower
than expected sales in the first quarter of 2005, unexpected changes to the
Company's cash position, general economic, market and business conditions and
other factors beyond the Company's control. NAM TAI ELECTRONICS, INC.

                                  Page 7 of 12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In Thousands of US Dollars except share data)

                                                           Unaudited                 Unaudited
                                                       Three months ended       Twelve months ended
                                                          December 31               December 31
                                                       2004         2003         2004         2003
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales - related parties                         $   5,260    $   6,843    $  34,181    $  20,782
Net sales - third parties                             147,516      101,611      499,680      385,524
Total net sales                                       152,776      108,454      533,861      406,306
Cost of sales                                         133,390       91,179      457,385      340,016

Gross profit                                           19,386       17,275       76,476       66,290

Costs and expenses
  Selling, general and administrative expenses          7,674        8,248       28,053       24,866
  Research and development expenses                     1,432        1,262        5,045        4,037
                                                        9,106        9,510       33,098       28,903

Income from operations                                 10,280        7,765       43,378       37,387

Interest income                                           523          235        1,110          788
Gain on partial disposal of subsidiaries                6,249        1,989       77,320        1,838
Unrealized loss on marketable securities              (58,316)         -        (58,316)         -
Other income (loss) - net                                (545)       2,805       17,283        2,899
Interest expense                                          (68)         (26)        (195)        (121)

Income before income taxes and minority interests     (41,877)      12,768       80,580       42,791
and equity in income (loss) of an affiliated
Income tax benefit (expense)                              840          930         (879)        (399)
Income (loss) before minority interests               (41,037)      13,698       79,701       42,392
Minority interests                                     (1,428)        (202)      (6,010)      (1,067)
Income (loss) after minority interests                (42,465)      13,496       73,691       41,325
Equity in income (loss) of an affiliated company          -            210       (6,806)         498
Discontinued operation                                    -            -            -          1,979
Net income (loss)                                   $ (42,465)   $  13,706    $  66,885    $  43,802

Net income (loss) per share
  Basic                                             $   (1.00)   $    0.33    $    1.57    $    1.09
  Diluted                                           $     N/A    $    0.33    $    1.57    $    1.07
Weighted average number of shares (`000')
  Basic                                                42,665       40,975       42,496       40,336
  Diluted                                              42,733       41,253       42,548       40,839

                                  Page 8 of 12


(In Thousands of US Dollars)                                Unaudited       Audited
                                                           December 31,   December 31,
                                                              2004           2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                 $ 160,649      $  61,827
  Marketable securities                                        41,906            -
  Accounts receivable, net                                     90,362         62,090
  Amount due from a related party                                  66          2,707
  Inventories                                                  23,096         27,032
  Prepaid expenses and other receivables                       12,087          9,799
  Income taxes recoverable                                      6,566          4,922
        Total current assets                                  334,732        168,377

Investment in an affiliated company                             3,049          9,855

Investments, at cost                                              -           16,366

Property, plant and equipment, at cost                        158,147        127,930
Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization               (60,706)       (50,283)
                                                               97,441         77,647
Deposit for fixed assets                                        7,701          3,327
Intangible assets                                              16,290         20,688
Other assets                                                    1,260          1,435
        Total assets                                        $ 460,473      $ 297,695

Current liabilities:
  Notes payable                                             $   2,080      $   1,879
  Long term bank loan - current portion                         2,875          1,125
  Accounts payable                                             89,570         55,674
  Accrued expenses and other payables                          16,661         13,633
  Amount due to a related party                                   -              -
  Dividend payable                                              5,120          2,062
  Income taxes payable                                            183            530
        Total current liabilities                             116,489         74,903

Long-term bank loan - non-current portion                       5,163          1,688
Deferred income taxes                                             -               78
        Total liabilities                                     121,652         76,669

Minority interests                                             33,768          3,908

Shareholders' equity:
  Common shares                                                   426            412
  Additional paid-in capital                                  241,756        206,845
  Retained earnings                                            56,324          9,863
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (Note 1)        6,547             (2)
        Total shareholders' equity                            305,053        217,118

        Total liabilities and shareholders' equity          $ 460,473      $ 297,695

                                  Page 9 of 12

(In Thousands of US Dollars)

                                                                          Unaudited                   Unaudited
                                                                      Three months ended         Twelve months ended
                                                                          December 31                December 31
                                                                       2004         2003         2004         2003
Net income (loss)                                                   $ (42,465)   $  13,706    $  66,885    $  43,802
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment       3,737        3,183       13,924       12,172
   Amortization of intangible assets                                       22           23           92           92
   Net loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment           376           94          347           (6)
   Gain on disposal of other asset                                        (19)         -            (19)         -
   Gain on disposal of a subsidiary net of minority interests             -            -            -         (1,979)
   Gain on partial disposal of subsidiaries                            (6,249)      (1,989)     (77,320)      (1,838)
   Unrealized loss on marketable securities                            58,316          -         58,316          -
   Loss on disposal of long term investment                               -            -             67          -
   Loss on disposal of convertible notes                                  -            -            -            102
   Compensation cost on partial disposal of a subsidiary                  -            -            -            509
   Equity in loss (income) of an affiliated company                       -           (209)       6,806         (498)
   Dividend income                                                        -            -        (15,913)         -
   Minority interests                                                   1,431          202        6,013        1,067
   Deferred income taxes                                                  (78)          (9)         (78)         (34)
Changes in current assets and liabilities, net of effects of
acquisition and disposal:
   (Increase) Decrease in accounts receivable                         (16,531)       2,223      (28,272)     (11,146)
   Decrease (Increase) in amount due from a related party                 (66)        (633)       2,641       (2,707)
   Decrease (Increase) in inventories                                   5,153       (7,081)       3,936       (8,554)
   Decrease (Increase) in prepaid expenses and other receivables          575         (462)       2,651       (3,027)
   (Increase) Decrease in income taxes recoverable                        210         (631)      (1,644)      (4,067)
   Increase (Decrease) in notes payable                                (1,658)         319          201          894
   Increase in accounts payable                                        33,044        1,170       33,896       17,971
   Increase in accrued expenses and other payables                      1,963        3,317        3,028        1,189
   Decrease in amount due to a related party                             (288)         -            -            -
   (Decrease) Increase in income taxes payable                         (1,011)        (874)        (347)         330
         Total adjustments                                             78,927       (1,357)       8,325          470
Net cash provided by operating activities                           $  36,462    $  12,349    $  75,210    $  44,272
   Acquisition of long term investment                              $    -       $    -       $ (25,084)   $    (384)
   Purchase of property, plant and equipment                          (14,396)      (4,826)     (38,611)     (17,053)
   Deposit for purchase of property, plant & equipment                  2,736       (1,865)      (4,374)      (3,103)
   Increase in other assets                                               (37)         (24)         (37)         (24)
   Proceeds from disposal of investment in other assets                   231          -            231          -
   Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment              1,498            2        4,546        2,595
   Proceeds from disposal of long term investment                         385          -          5,609          -
   Proceeds from partial disposal of subsidiaries                       2,682        3,712       95,449        6,551
   Proceeds from disposal of convertible notes                            -            -            -          5,026
   Prepayment for long term investment                                    -         (5,277)         -         (5,277)
   Acquisition of an affiliated company                                   -            -            -        (10,000)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                 $  (6,901)   $  (8,278)   $  37,729    $ (21,669)
   Cash dividends paid                                              $  (5,120)   $ (31,876)   $ (19,414)   $ (37,777)
   Repayment of bank loans                                               (606)        (281)      (5,375)     (13,984)
   Proceeds from bank loans                                             1,800          -         10,600          -
   Proceeds from shares issued on exercise of options and warrants        -          4,388           72        8,508
Net cash used in financing activities                               $  (3,926)   $ (27,769)   $ (14,117)   $ (43,253)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                   25,635      (23,698)      98,822      (20,650)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                      135,014       85,525       61,827       82,477
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                          $ 160,649    $  61,827    $ 160,649    $  61,827

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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR THE PERIODS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003 (In Thousands of US Dollars)

1. Accumulated other comprehensive income represents foreign currency
   translation adjustments and unrealized loss on marketable securities. The
   comprehensive income of the Company was $73,434 (including an unrealized
   gain on marketable securities of US$6,549 in relation to TCL Corp.) and
   $43,802 for the twelve months ended December 31, 2004 and December 31,
   2003, respectively.

2. Business segment information - The Company operates primarily in three
   segments, the Consumer Electronics and Communication Products ("CECP")
   segment, Telecom. Components Assembly ("TCA") segment, and the LCD Panels
   and Transformers ("LCDP") segment.

                                          Unaudited              Unaudited
                                     Three months ended     Twelve months ended
                                         December 31            Decemberr 31
                                      2004        2003       2004         2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -CECP                           $  42,189   $  33,894   $ 163,584    $ 128,778
  -TCA                               99,366      64,180     321,567      236,204
  -LCDP                              11,221      10,380      48,710       41,324

        Total net sales           $ 152,776   $ 108,454   $ 533,861    $ 406,306

  -CECP                           $   4,236   $   6,642   $  18,562    $  22,848
  -TCA                              (46,344)      7,196      46,225       18,254
  -LCDP                                (357)       (132)      2,098        2,700

        Total net income (loss)   $ (42,465)  $  13,706   $  66,885    $  43,802

                                                          Unaudited.    Audited
                                                           Dec. 31,     Dec. 31,
                                                             2004         2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -CECP                                                   $ 134,473    $  85,799
  -TCA                                                      274,664      162,366
  -LCDP                                                      51,336       49,530

        Total assets                                      $ 460,473    $ 297,695

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3. The following is a summary of the net sales, net income and long-lived assets
   by geographical area.

                                              Unaudited               Unaudited
                                         Three months ended      Twelve months ended
                                             December 31             Decemberr 31
                                          2004        2003        2004         2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -Hong Kong:
        Unaffiliated customers         $  11,221   $  26,946   $  48,710    $ 295,113
        Related party                        -           839         -         14,770
        Inter-companies sales                113          14         563          404

  -PRC, excluding Hong Kong:
        Unaffiliated customers           136,295      74,665     450,970       90,411
        Related party                      5,260       6,004      34,181        6,012
        Inter-companies sales                -        19,717       4,393      263,971

  -Inter-companies eliminations             (113)    (19,731)     (4,956)    (264,375)

        Total net sales                $ 152,776   $ 108,454   $ 533,861    $ 406,306

  -PRC, excluding Hong Kong and Macao  $   4,999   $  11,394   $  30,981    $  38,627
  -Macao                                   5,621       1,273      16,240        1,273
  -Hong Kong                             (53,085)      1,039      19,664        3,902

        Total net income (loss)        $ (42,465)  $  13,706   $  66,885    $  43,802

                                                               Unaudited.    Audited
                                                                Dec. 31,     Dec. 31,
                                                                  2004         2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -PRC, excluding Hong Kong and Macao                          $  84,453     $ 59,399
  -Macao                                                             134          180
  -Hong Kong                                                      12,854       18,068
        Total long-lived assets                                $  97,441     $ 77,647

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