Exhibit 99.1

(The following is an unofficial English translation of the Convocation Notice of
the 64th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Advantest Corporation (the
"Company"). The Company provides this translation for your reference and
convenience only and without any warranty as to its accuracy or otherwise.)

                                    (Stock Code Number: 6857, TSE first section)
                                                                    June 1, 2006

To Our Shareholders

                                               Toshio Maruyama
                                               Representative Board Director
                                               President and CEO
                                               ADVANTEST CORPORATION
                                               32-1, Asahi-cho 1-chome,
                                               Nerima-ku, Tokyo

                              CONVOCATION NOTICE OF

Dear Shareholders:

         Notice is hereby given that the 64th ordinary general meeting of
shareholders of ADVANTEST CORPORATION (the "Company") will be held as set forth
below. Your attendance thereat is respectfully requested.

         If you are not able to attend the meeting, we request that you exercise
your voting rights in one of the following ways by 5:00 p.m. of June 26, 2006
(Monday) after carefully reading the reference documents as set forth below.

(Exercise of voting rights in writing by submitting the enclosed voting
instruction form)

         Please indicate your intention to vote "for" or "against" each agenda
item in the enclosed voting instruction form, then send the said form to us.

(Exercise of voting rights by way of electro-magnetic method (via the Internet,

         Please access the website for casting votes (http://www.e-tosyodai.com)
and indicate your intention to vote "for" or "against" each agenda item by
following the on-screen instructions. For details, please refer to "Instructions
for the Exercise of Voting Rights via the Internet, etc." as set forth on page

1.      Date and time:             June 27, 2006 (Tuesday) at 10:00 a.m.

2.      Place:                     Main Conference Room of Advantest Corporation
                                   32-1, Asahi-cho 1-chome, Nerima-ku, Tokyo

3.      Subject matters of the general meeting of shareholders:

               Matters to be reported:

               Item No.1:                Matters concerning the business report,
                                         consolidated balance sheets,
                                         consolidated statements of income,
                                         balance sheets, and statements of
                                         income for the 64th Fiscal Year (from
                                         April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006);


               Item No.2:                Matters concerning the results of audit
                                         of the Company's consolidated
                                         statements by an independent auditor
                                         and the Board of Corporate Auditors

          Matters to be resolved:

               Agenda Item No. 1:        Approval of the proposed appropriation
                                         of retained earnings for the 64th
                                         fiscal year

               Agenda Item No. 2         Partial amendment to the Articles of

               Agenda Item No. 3:        Election of two directors

               Agenda Item No. 4:        Election of one corporate auditor

               Agenda Item No. 5:        Determination of the amount of
                                         remuneration for granting stock options
                                         to directors and corporate auditors

               Agenda Item No. 6:        Issuance of the stock acquisition
                                         rights as stock options

               Agenda Item No. 7:        Payment of money to directors and
                                         corporate auditors still in office
                                         following the abolishment of retirement
                                         allowance payment system

4.      Matters decided with respect to the convocation

        (1)  If the voting right is exercised by way of both voting instruction
             form and electro-magnetic method, the exercise of voting right by
             way of electro-magnetic method shall be deemed valid.

        (2)  If the voting right is exercised by way of electro-magnetic method
             multiple times, the last exercise of voting right shall be deemed

        (3)  If the voting right is exercised by a proxy, such proxy must be a
             shareholder of the Company having voting right, and the number of
             proxy shall be limited to one.


         When you arrive at the meeting, please submit the enclosed voting
instruction form to the reception desk at the site of the meeting.

         Amendments to the reference documents for the general meeting of
shareholders and/or attached materials, if any, will appear on the Company's
website (http://www.advantest.co.jp).

         We cordially invite you to attend a reception to be held after the
meeting for shareholders and management members of the Company.

         For shareholders who will be unable to attend the meeting on the date
it is held, we expect to provide voice streaming of the actual meeting (solely
with respect to the portion concerning matters to be reported) on the Company's
website beginning on the day of the meeting.


           Reference Documents for the general meeting of shareholders

Agenda Items and Reference Matters:

Agenda Item No. 1:  Approval of the proposed appropriation of retained earnings
                    for the 64th fiscal year

         Considering the necessity to strengthen corporate constitution, future
development of our business and other factors, the Company proposes that the
appropriation of retained earnings for this fiscal year be as described on page
27 of the attached document "Report for the 64th Fiscal Year."

         The basic policy of the Company is to continue to provide stable
dividends at a level consistent with its operating results, financial, condition
and other elements based on the belief that shareholder value is premised on the
realization of long-term and sustainable growth in corporate value.

         Based on the above policy, the Company proposes to pay a yearend
dividend of (Y)45 per share for the fiscal year (which, together with the
interim dividend of (Y)25 per share already paid, amounts to a fiscal year total
of (Y)70 per share, representing an increase in (Y)20 per share over the
previous fiscal year).

         Also, the Company proposes that, in view of the Company's business
results for the current fiscal year and the amount of dividends payable to
shareholders, bonuses be paid to the seven directors who are in office at the
close of the current fiscal year in an aggregate total sum of (Y)180,000,000,
and to the four corporate auditors who are in office at the close of the current
fiscal year in an aggregate total sum of (Y)23,000,000.

Agenda Item No. 2:  Partial amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

1.       Reason for amendments:

(1)      The Company proposes to amend Article 20 (Term of Office of Director)
         of the present Articles of Incorporation to shorten the term of office
         of directors from two years to one year. Based on this amendment, the
         Company aims to clarify directors' management responsibilities and to
         establish a management system that is capable of quickly responding to
         changes in management environments. In addition, the Company proposes
         to include a provision in the Supplementary Provisions to the Articles
         of Incorporation to clearly state the term of office of the directors
         elected at the 63rd ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the
         Company held on June 28, 2005.

(2)      The Company proposes to amend the following provisions in response to
         the enforcement of the Company Law (Law No. 86 of 2005) on May 1, 2006:

         (a)      The Company Law allows distributions of retained earnings
                  pursuant to approval by the Board of Directors if the Articles
                  of Incorporation so provide. Accordingly, the Company proposes
                  adding Article 42 (Organ to Decide Distribution of Retained
                  Earnings, etc.) as described in the Proposed Amendment,
                  amending Article 38 (Dividends) of the present Articles of
                  Incorporation and deleting Article 6 (Acquisition of Treasury
                  Shares) and Article 39 (Interim Dividends) of the present
                  Articles of Incorporation. In this manner, the Company aims to
                  implement a capital policy that is responsive to changes in
                  management environments. Based on the foregoing amendments,
                  the distributions of retained earnings, etc. will be
                  determined by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

         (b)      As the restrictions limiting the place at which the general
                  meeting of shareholders can be held have been abolished, the
                  Company proposes to delete Paragraph 2 of Article 13
                  (Convocation of General Meeting of Shareholders) of the
                  present Articles of Incorporation.


         (c)      As the Company Law allows the Board of Directors to approve
                  resolutions in writing, if the Articles of Incorporation so
                  provide, the Company proposes to add Paragraph 4 to Article 22
                  (Convocation Notice and Resolutions of the Board of Directors)
                  of the present Articles of Incorporation. The purpose of this
                  amendment is to enable more prompt management decisions.

         (d)      Under the Company Law, the Company may enter into contracts
                  with its outside corporate auditors to limit their
                  liabilities. Accordingly, the Company proposes to add
                  Paragraph 2 to Article 36 (Exemption of Corporate Auditors'
                  Liabilities) of the present Articles of Incorporation. Based
                  on such indemnification of their liabilities to a reasonable
                  extent, auditors would be able to fulfill their expected roles
                  to the maximum extent and, in addition, the Company may retain
                  outstanding individuals as auditors.

         (e)      Under the Company Law, the Company may, if the Articles of
                  Incorporation so provide, impose restrictions on the rights
                  concerning share certificates constituting less than one unit
                  of shares. Accordingly, the Company proposes to add Article 8
                  (Rights Concerning Shares Constituting Less than One Unit of
                  Shares) as set forth in the Proposed Amendment.

         (f)      The Company proposes to amend Article 16 (Restriction on
                  Voting by Proxy) of the present Articles of Incorporation to
                  limit the number of proxies who may exercise voting rights at
                  a general meeting of shareholders to one proxy per

         (g)      Under the Company Law, the Company may, if the Articles of
                  Incorporation so provide, deem to have provided the
                  shareholders with reference documents for the general meeting
                  of shareholders by disclosing such documents through the
                  Internet. Accordingly, the Company proposes to add Article 14
                  (Internet Disclosure and Deemed Provision of Reference
                  Documents for General Meeting of Shareholders, etc.) as set
                  forth in the Proposed Amendment.

         (h)      The Company proposes to change expressions and terms in the
                  present Articles of Incorporation to be consistent with the
                  provisions of the Company Law.

(3)      The Company proposes to add Paragraph 2 to Article 26 (Exemption of
         Directors' Liabilities) of the present Articles of Incorporation to
         enable the Company to enter into contracts with its outside directors
         with a view to limiting such outside director's liabilities.
         Accordingly, based on such indemnification of their responsibilities to
         a reasonable extent, outside directors may play their expected roles to
         the maximum extent and, in addition, the Company may retain outstanding
         individuals as outside directors. The Company has obtained the consent
         from each of the corporate auditors with respect to the proposed
         addition of this paragraph.

(4)      The Company proposes to amend Article 28 (Number of Corporate Auditors)
         of the present Articles of Incorporation to increase the maximum number
         of corporate auditors that can be appointed from four to five in order
         to strengthen the Company's auditing function.

(5)      The Company proposes to make other necessary amendments and
         re-numbering of articles resulting from additions and deletions of the

2.       Details of proposed amendments:

         The details of the proposed amendments are as follows:

                                                                  (Changes (including deletions) are underlined.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article 4.     (Method of Public Notice)                   Article 4.    (Method of Public Notice)
       The Company makes public notice by                         The method of the Company's public notice
       ----------------------------------                         -----------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
electronic means; provided that it may do so               shall be electronic method; provided that it may do
- ----------------                                           ---------------------------
in the Nikkei, in the event that the Company is            so in the Nikkei, in the event that the Company is
unable to make electronic announcements due to             unable to use electronic method due to accident or
          ------------------------------------                       ----------------------------------------
unforeseen circumstances or other unavoidable              other unavoidable reasons.
- ---------------------------------------------              -------------------------
and valid reasons.
- ------------------

Article 5.   (Total Number of Shares Authorized to be     Article 5.     (Total Number of Issuable Shares)
                              -----------------------                                     ---------------
- ------
       The total number of shares authorized to be                The total number of the Company's issuable
                           -----------------------                                    ----------------------
issued by the Company shall be two hundred and twenty      shares shall be two hundred and twenty million
- ---------------------                                      ------
million (220,000,000) shares; provided, however, that in   (220,000,000) shares.
the case of redemption of shares of the Company, the
- ----------------------------------------------------
corresponding amount of shares redeemed shall be
- ------------------------------------------------
decreased therefrom.
- --------------------

Article 6.     (Acquisition of Treasury Shares)                                  (Deleted)
- -----------------------------------------------
       The Company may acquire treasury shares by
resolution of the Board of Directors pursuant to Article
- --------------------------------------------------------
211-3, Paragraph 1, Clause 2 of the Commercial Code.
- ----------------------------------------------------

Article 7.     (Denomination of Share Certificates)        Article 6.     (Issuance of Share Certificates and
        -       ----------------------------------                 -       ----------------------------------
       The denominations of the share certificates         Their Denominations)
issued by the Company shall be determined in accordance    -------------------
                               ----------                  1.     The Company shall issue share certificates
with the Share Handling Regulations to be prescribed by    -------------------------------------------------
the Board of Directors.                                    representing its shares.
                                                           2.     The denominations of the share certificates
                                                           issued by the Company shall be determined in
                                                           accordance with the Share Handling Regulations to be
                                                           prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Article 8.    (Number of Shares and Not to Issue Share     Article 7.    (Number of Shares Constituting One Unit
        -                       ----------------                   -                       ---------------------
Certificates Constituting Less Than One Full Unit)         of Shares and Non-issuance of Share Certificates
                                                           Constituting Less Than One Unit of Shares)
1.     The number of shares constituting one unit of       1.     The number of shares of the Company
                            ------------------------                                   --------------
shares of the Company shall be one hundred (100) shares.   constituting one unit of shares shall be one hundred
- ---------------------                                      -------------------------------
                                                           (100) shares.
2.     The Company shall not issue any certificate for     2.     Notwithstanding the provisions of the
                                       ---------------            -------------------------------------
shares constituting less than one full unit of shares      preceding article, the Company shall not issue any
- ------                                                     -----------------
(hereinafter referred to as "shares constituting less      share certificates constituting less than one unit of
 ----------------------------------------------------      ------------------
than one full unit"), unless the Share Handling            shares, unless the Share Handling Regulations provide
- -------------------                                        otherwise.
Regulations provide otherwise.

                   (Newly introduced)                      Article 8.    (Rights Concerning Shares Constituting
                                                           Less Than One Unit of Shares)
                                                                  Shareholders (including beneficial
                                                           shareholders, hereinafter the same) of the Company
                                                           may not exercise his/her rights relating to the
                                                           shares constituting less than one unit of shares that
                                                           such shareholder holds other than those rights listed
                                                           below or specified in these Articles of Incorporation:
                                                           (1) Each of the rights provided in Article 189
                                                           Paragraph 2 of the Company Law;
                                                           (2) The right to make a request pursuant to the


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           provisions of Article 166, Paragraph 1 of the Company
                                                           Law; and
                                                           (3) The right to receive an allocation of offered
                                                           shares and offered stock acquisition rights pursuant
                                                           to the number of shares held by the shareholder.

Article 9.    (Additional Sales of Shares Constituting     Article 9.    (Additional Purchases of Shares
                          -----                                                      ---------
Less Than One Full Unit)                                   Constituting Less Than One Unit of Shares)
              ----                                                                         ---------
       A holder of shares of the Company (including a             A shareholder of the Company may, pursuant to
       -------------------               ------------             -------------                     -----------
beneficial holder of shares of the Company, hereinafter    the provisions of the Share Handling Regulations,
- ------------------------------------------------------     ---
each a "Shareholder") constituting less than one full      request that the Company sell to such shareholder the
- --------------------  ------------------------------                                        -------------------
                                                           number of shares that will constitute one unit of
unit may, in accordance with provisions of the Share                                                      --
- ----      -------------------                              shares when added to the number of shares
Handling Regulations, request the Company to sell to the   -----------------------------------
                                                     ---   constituting less than one unit of shares held by
Shareholder the number of shares that will constitute                                      -----------------
- ------------                                               him/her.
one full unit together with his/her shares constituting    -------
less than one full unit.

Article 10.    (Share Handling Regulations)                Article 10.    (Share Handling Regulations)
       The registration of transfer of shares, the                Matters related to the handling of shares of
       -------------------------------------------         the Company and fees therefor, other than those
registration on the Beneficial Shareholders' Register in                                  ----------------
- --------------------------------------------------------   provided for in laws and regulations or in these
writing or digitally, the purchase and the additional      ------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------      Articles of Incorporation, shall be governed by the
sales of shares constituting less than one full unit,      --------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------      Share Handling Regulations to be prescribed by the
and other matters related to the handling of shares of     Board of Directors.
- ---------
the Company and fees therefor shall be governed by the
Share Handling Regulations to be prescribed by the Board
of Directors.

Article 11.    (Transfer Agent)                            Article 11.    (Share Registration Agent)
               ----------------                                            ------------------------
1.     The Company shall have a transfer agent for its     1.     The Company shall have a share registration
                              ------------------------                                   --------------------
shares.                                                    agent.
- ------                                                     ------
2.     The transfer agent and its handling office          2.     Share registration agent and the location of
       ------------------                                         ------------------------     ---------------
shall be appointed by resolution of the Board              its handling office shall be determined by resolution
         ---------                                         -------------------          ----------
of Directors and the public notice thereof shall be        of the Board of Directors and the public notice
given.                                                     thereof shall be given.
3.     The Shareholders' Register of the Company           3.     Preparation of, and maintenance and other
       -----------------------------------------                  -----------------------------------------
(including the Beneficial Shareholders' Register of the    business concerning, the shareholders' register
- -------------------------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------------
Company, hereinafter the "Shareholders' Register") and     (including beneficial shareholders' register,
- ------------------------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------------
the Register for Lost Share Certificates shall be kept     hereinafter the same), the register for stock
- ------------------------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------------
at the handling office of the transfer agent, and the      acquisition rights and the register for lost share
- -----------------------------------------------------      --------------------------------------------------
registration of transfer of shares, the registration on    certificates shall be commissioned to the share
- -------------------------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------------
the Beneficial Shareholders' Register in writing or        registration agent and shall not be handled by the
- ---------------------------------------------------        ------------------
digitally, the purchase and the additional sales of        Company.
- ---------------------------------------------------
shares constituting less than one full unit, and other
- ------------------------------------------------------
matters related to shares shall be handled by the
- -------------------------------------------------
transfer agent and shall not be handled by the Company.
- --------------

Article 12.    (Record Date)                               Article 12.    (Record Date)
1.     The Company shall deem the shareholders             1.     The Company shall deem the shareholders
registered on the last Shareholders' Register as of        registered on the last shareholders' register as of
March 31 of each year in writing or digitally as those     March 31 of each year in writing or digitally as
shareholders who are entitled to exercise                  those shareholders who are entitled to exercise


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
their rights at the Ordinary General Meeting of            their rights at the ordinary general meeting of
Shareholders concerning the relevant account settlement    shareholders concerning the relevant fiscal year.
                                     ------------------                                         -----------
- -----
2.     In addition to the case provided for in the         2.     In addition to the case provided for in the
preceding paragraph, whenever necessary, in accordance     preceding paragraph, whenever necessary, in
with a resolution of the Board of Directors and upon       accordance with a resolution of the Board of
giving prior public notice, the Company may deem the       Directors and upon giving prior public notice, the
shareholders or the registered pledgees registered on      Company may deem the shareholders or the registered
the last Shareholder's Register one certain date in        pledgees of shares registered on the last
                                ---                                 ---------
writing or digitally as those shareholders or the          shareholders' register as of a certain date in
registered pledgees who are entitled to exercise their                            -------
rights.                                                    writing or digitally as those shareholders or the
                                                           registered pledgees of shares who are entitled to
                                                           exercise their rights.

Article 13.    (Convocation of General Meeting of          Article 13.    (Convocation of General Meeting of
Shareholders)                                              Shareholders)
1.                        (omitted)                        1.       (present provisions maintained)
2.     The General Meeting of Shareholders of the                                (Deleted)
- -------------------------------------------------
Company shall be held at the location of the Head Office
- --------------------------------------------------------
or at some place adjacent thereto, or in Tokyo.
- -----------------------------------------------

                   (Newly introduced)                      Article 14.    (Internet Disclosure and Deemed
                                                           Provision of Reference Documents for General Meeting
                                                           of Shareholders, etc.)
                                                                  The Company may, in connection with the
                                                           convocation of a general meeting of shareholders,
                                                           deem the information concerning matters to be stated
                                                           or indicated on the reference documents for a general
                                                           meeting of shareholders, business report, statement
                                                           of accounts and consolidated statement of account to
                                                           have been provided to the shareholders by disclosing
                                                           such information through the Internet pursuant to the
                                                           applicable rules and the Ministerial Ordinance of the
                                                           Ministry of Justice.

Article 14.   (Convener and Chairman of General Meeting    Article 15.    (Convener and Chairman of General
        --                                                         --
of Shareholders)                                           Meeting of Shareholders)
                        (omitted)                                     (present provisions maintained)

Article 15.    (Method of Resolution)                      Article 16.    (Method of Resolution)
        --                                                         --
1.     Unless otherwise provided for by laws and           1.     Unless otherwise provided for by laws and
ordinances or by the Articles of Incorporation, the        regulations or by the Articles of Incorporation,
resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders shall    resolutions of general meetings of shareholders shall
be adopted by a majority vote of the total voting rights   be adopted by a majority vote of the total voting
of the shareholders present at the meeting.                rights of the shareholders present at the meeting who
                                                           are entitled to exercise their voting rights.
2.     Special resolutions of a General Meeting of         2.     Special resolutions of general meetings of
Shareholders set forth in Article 343 of the Commercial    shareholders set forth in Article 309, Paragraph 2 of
                          -----------------------------                              ---------------------------
Code shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of           the Company Law shall be adopted by the affirmative
- ----                                                       ---------------
two-thirds of the shares of voting stock represented in    vote of two-thirds of the total voting rights of
           --------------------------------------------                       -----------------------------
person or by proxy at the meeting, and a quorum for the    shareholders who are entitled to exercise their
- ---------------------------------                          -----------------------------------------------
meeting shall consist of Shareholders holding at least     voting rights, and a quorum for the meeting shall
              -------                                      -------------
one-third                                                  require the presence of shareholders holding


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
of all the shares of voting stock.                         at least one-third of the total voting rights.
   ------------------------------                                                    -------------------

Article 16.    (Restriction on Voting by Proxy)            Article 17.    (Restriction on Voting by Proxy)
        --                                                         --
1.     A shareholder may exercise his/her voting right     1.     A shareholder may exercise his/her voting
by entrusting other shareholder who is entitled to         right by entrusting one proxy, who shall be another
              ---------------------------------                                -------------------------------
exercise his/her voting right as his/her proxy.            shareholder, to exercise his/her voting rights.
                        -----------------------            -----------                             ------
2.                          (omitted)                      2.     (present provisions maintained)

Article 17.   (Minutes of General Meeting of               Article 18.   (Minutes of General Meeting of
        --                                                         --
Shareholders)                                              Shareholders)
       The  substance  of  proceedings  of  the  General         A  summary  of  proceedings,  results  and other
       --------------                                            ----------                    ------------------
Meeting of Shareholders and the results thereof shall be   matters  required by applicable  laws and  regulations
                        -----------------------            ------------------------------------------------------
recorded in the minutes in writing or digitally, and the   regarding a general meeting of  shareholders  shall be
                                                 -------   ---------
chairman  and the  Directors  present  shall affix their   recorded in the minutes in writing or digitally.
- --------------------------------------------------------
names  and  seals   thereto  or  put  their   electronic
- --------------------------------------------------------
signatures thereon.
- ------------------

                   (Newly introduced)                      Article 19.    (Establishment of the Board of
                                                                   The Company shall establish the Board of

Article 18.    (Number of Directors)                       Article 20.    (Number of Directors)
        --                                                         --
       The number of Directors of the Company shall be            The number of directors of the Company shall
ten (10) or less.                                          be no more than ten (10).
         -------                                              ------------

Article 19.    (Election of Directors)                     Article 21.    (Election of Directors)
        --                                                         --
1.                            (omitted)                    1.     (present provisions maintained)
2.       For  the election of Directors,  the attendance   2.______A resolution to elect a director shall be made
         -----------------------------------------------           ----------------------------------------------
of the  shareholders  holding one third (1/3) or more of   at  a  meeting  at  which  the  shareholders   holding
- ---                                                        -------------------------
the  voting  rights of the total  shareholders  shall be   one-third  (1/3) or more of the  voting  rights of all
                       ---------------------------------   shareholders who are entitled to exercise their voting
required,  and the  resolution  shall  be  adopted  by a                -----------------------------------------
- ------------------------------                             rights,  and shall be adopted  by a majority  of votes
majority of votes thereof.                                 ------ -----
3.                            (omitted)                    3.     (present provisions maintained)

Article 20.    (Term of Office of Director)                Article 22.    (Term of Office of Directors)
        --                                                         --
1.     The term of office of a Director shall expire at    1.     The term of office of a director shall expire
the conclusion of the Ordinary General Meeting of          at the close of the ordinary general meeting of
    ----------                                                    -----
Shareholders held with respect to the last account         shareholders pertaining to the last fiscal year
             -----------------             -------                      ----------             -----------
settlement date within two (2) years after their           ending within one (1) year after appointment.
- ---------------                            -----           ------                           -----------
assumption of office.
- --------------------
2.     The term of office of a Director elected to fill                          (deleted)
- -------------------------------------------------------
a vacancy or due to an increase in number of Directors
- ------------------------------------------------------
shall be the same as the remaining term of the other
- ----------------------------------------------------
Directors then in office.
- -------------------------

Article 21.    (Representative Director and Director       Article 23.    (Representative Directors and
        --                                                         --                             -
with Titles)                                               Directors with Titles)
1.       The Board of Directors shall by its resolution    1.     The Board of Directors shall by its resolution
appoint one or more Representative Directors.              elect one or more representative directors.
- -------                                                    -----
2.       The  Board of Directors may by its resolution     2.     The Board of Directors may by its resolution
elect a Chairman of the Board and a Vice Chairmen of the   elect a Chairman of the Board and a Vice Chairmen of
Board.                                                     the Board.


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article 22.   (Convocation Notice and Resolutions of the   Article 24.   (Convocation Notice and Resolutions of
        --                                                         --
Board of Directors)                                        the Board of Directors)
1.                     (omitted)                           1.            (present provisions maintained)
2.                     (omitted)                           2.            (present provisions maintained)
3.                     (omitted)                           3.            (present provisions maintained)
                   (Newly introduced)                      4.            If a director submits a proposal to
                                                           resolve a matter that is subject to resolution by the
                                                           Board of Directors and if all the directors (limited
                                                           to those directors who are entitled to participate in
                                                           the resolution of such matter) consent to such
                                                           proposal in writing or digitally (except when any
                                                           corporate auditor objects such proposal), the Company
                                                           shall deem that there was a resolution by the Board
                                                           of Directors adopting such proposal.

Article 23.   (Regulations of the Board of Directors)      Article 25.   (Regulations of the Board of Directors)
        --                                                         --
                        (omitted)                                     (present provisions maintained)

Article 24.    (Minutes of Meeting of the Board of         Article 26.    (Minutes of Meeting of the Board of
        --                                                         --
Directors)                                                 Directors)
       The  substance of  proceedings  of the meeting of          A summary of proceedings, results and other
       --------------                     ---                     ------------              -----------------
the Board of Directors and the results  thereof shall be   matters required by laws and regulations regarding a
                       -------------------------           ----------------------------------------------------
recorded in the minutes in writing or digitally, and the   meeting of the Board of Directors shall be recorded
Directors  and the  Corporate  Auditors  present  at the   in the minutes in writing or digitally, and the
meeting shall affix their names and seals thereto or put   directors and corporate auditors present at the
their electronic signatures thereon.                       meeting shall affix their names and seals thereto or
                                                           put their electronic signatures thereon.

Article 25.    (Remuneration of Directors)                 Article 27.    (Remuneration, etc. of Directors)
        --                                                         --                    ----
        The amount of remuneration and that of retirement  Remuneration, bonuses and other financial
        -------------              ----------------------                ---------------------------
allowance  to  Directors  shall  be  determined  at   the  interests received by directors from the Company as
- -------------                                              ---------------------------------------------------
General Meeting of Shareholders.                           compensation for undertaking their functions
                                                           ("Remuneration, etc.") shall be determined at a
                                                           general meeting of shareholders.

Article 26.    (Exemption of Directors' Liabilities)       Article 28.    (Exemption of Directors' Liabilities)
        --                                                         --
       Pursuant  to  Article  266,  Paragraph  12 of  the  1.     Pursuant to the provisions of Article 426,
Commercial  Code and to the extent  permitted  by law and                    -------------------------------
regulations,  the Company may, by resolution of the Board  Paragraph 1 of the Company Law and to the extent
of  Directors,  exempt the  liabilities  of its Directors  ------------------------------
(including  persons  who have  previously  served  as the  permitted by laws and regulations, the Company may,
Company's  Directors)  with  respect  to  acts  described  by resolution of the Board of Directors, exempt
under Paragraph 1, Clause 5 of the said Article.           liabilities of its directors (including persons who
                                                           have previously served as the Company's directors)
                                                           for failing to perform their duties.
                   (Newly introduced)                      2.     Pursuant to the provisions of Article 427,
                                                           Paragraph 1 of the Company Law, the Company may enter
                                                           into contracts with its outside directors to limit
                                                           their liabilities for a failure to perform their
                                                           duties, provided that the maximum amount of
                                                           liabilities under such contracts shall be the total
                                                           of the amounts provided in each item of Article 425,
                                                           Paragraph 1 of the Company Law.


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article 27.    (Counselors and Advisors)                   Article 29.    (Counselors and Advisors)
        --                                                         --
                        (omitted)                                     (present provisions maintained)

                   (Newly introduced)                      Article 30.    (Corporate  Auditors  and the Board of
                                                           Corporate Auditors)
                                                                   The Company shall have corporate auditors and
                                                           the Board of Corporate Auditors.

Article 28.   (Number of Corporate Auditors)               Article 31.    (Number of Corporate Auditors)
        --                                                         --
       The number of Corporate Auditors of the Company             The number of corporate auditors of the
shall be four (4) or less.                                 Company shall be no more than five (5).
         ----------------                                                   ------------ --------

Article 29.    (Election of Corporate Auditors)            Article 32.    (Election of Corporate Auditors)
        --                                                         --
1.                    (omitted)                            1.          (present provisions maintained)
2.       For the election of Corporate Auditors, the       2.       A resolution to elect a corporate auditor
         -------------------------------------------                -----------------------------------------
attendance of shareholders holding not less than one       shall be made at a meeting at which the shareholders
- -------------                                              ------------------------------------
third (1/3) of the voting rights of the total              holding one-third (1/3) or more of the voting rights
                                    ---------              of the total shareholders who are entitled to
shareholders shall be required, and the resolution shall                             -------------------
- --------------------------------------------------         exercise their voting rights, and shall be adopted by
be adopted by a majority of votes thereof.                 ---------------------------------
                                                           a majority of votes thereof.

Article 30.    (Term of Office of Corporate Auditors)      Article 33.    (Term of Office of Corporate Auditors)
        --                                                         --
1.       The term of office of Corporate Auditors shall    1.     The term of office of a corporate auditor
expire at the conclusion of the Ordinary General Meeting   shall expire at the close of the ordinary general
              -----------                                  meeting of shareholders pertaining to the last fiscal
of Shareholders held with respect to the last account                              -------------          ------
                --------------------          -------      year ending within four (4) years after his/her
settlement date within four (4) years after their          -----------                             -------
- ---------------                             -----          appointment.
assumption of office.                                      -----------
- --------------------
2.       The term of office of a Corporate Auditor         2.     The term of office of a corporate auditor
elected to fill a vacancy of another Corporate Auditor     elected to fill a vacancy of another corporate
who has retired before his/her term of office expires,     auditor, who has retired before such another
shall be the same as the remaining term of office of the                                   ------------
         -----------------------------------------------   corporate auditor term of office expires, shall be
retired Corporate Auditor.                                 -----------------
- -------------------------                                  until the term of office of such predecessor would

Article 31.    (Standing Corporate Auditor)                Article 34.    (Standing Corporate Auditor(s))
        --                                                         --                                ---
       Corporate Auditors shall by their mutual vote             The Board of Corporate Auditors shall by its
       ------------------       --------------------             --------------------------------------------
appoint Standing Corporate Auditor(s).                     resolution elect standing corporate auditor(s).
- -------                                                    -----------------

Article 32.    (Convocation  Notice of the Board of        Article 35.    (Convocation Notice of the Board of
        --                                                         --
Corporate Auditors and Resolution Thereof)                 Corporate Auditors and Resolution Thereof)
and                                                        and
Article 33.    (Regulations of the Board of Corporate      Article 36.    (Regulations of the Board of Corporate
        --                                                         --
Auditors)                                                  Auditors)
                        (omitted)                                     (present provisions maintained)

Article 34.    (Minutes of Meeting of the Board of         Article 37.    (Minutes of Meeting of the Board of
        --                                                         --
Corporate Auditors)                                        Corporate Auditors)
       The substance of proceedings of the meeting of             A summary of proceedings, results and other
       --------------                  ---                        ---------                 -----------------
the Board of Corporate Auditors and the results thereof    matters required by applicable laws and regulations
                                -----------------------    ---------------------------------------------------
shall be  recorded  in the minutes in writing or           regarding a meeting of the Board of Corporate
digitally, and the Corporate Auditors present at the       ---------
meeting shall affix their names and seals thereto or put   Auditors shall be recorded in the minutes in writing
their electronic signatures thereon.                       or digitally, and the corporate auditors present at
                                                           the meeting shall affix their names and seals thereto
                                                           or put their electronic


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            signatures thereon.
Article 35.    (Remuneration of Corporate Auditors)        Article 38.  (Remuneration, etc. of Corporate Auditors)
        --                                                         --                  ----
       The amount of remuneration and that of retirement          Remuneration, etc. of corporate auditors shall
       -------------              ----------------------          ---------------------
allowance to Corporate Auditors shall be determined at     be determined at a general meeting of shareholders.
- -------------
the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Article 36.   (Exemption  of  Corporate Auditors'          Article 39.    (Exemption of Corporate Auditors'
        --                                                         --
Liabilities)                                               Liabilities)
       Pursuant to Article 280, Paragraph 1 of the         1.     Pursuant to the provisions of Article 426,
                   -------------------------------         -                                    ------------
Commercial Code and to the extent permitted by law and     Paragraph 1 of the Company Law and to the extent
- ---------------                                            ------------------------------
regulations, the Company may, by resolution of the Board   permitted by laws and regulations, the Company may,
of Directors, exempt the liabilities of its Corporate      by resolution of the Board of Directors, exempt the
Auditors (including persons who have previously served     liabilities of its corporate auditors (including
as the company's Corporate Auditors).                      persons who have previously served as the Company's
                                                           corporate auditors) for failing to perform their
                   (Newly introduced)                      2.     Pursuant to the provisions of Article 427,
                                                           Paragraph 1 of the Company Law, the Company may enter
                                                           into contracts with its outside corporate auditors to
                                                           limit their liabilities for a failure to perform
                                                           their duties, provided that the maximum amount of
                                                           liabilities under such contracts shall be the total
                                                           of the amounts provided in each item of Article 425,
                                                           Paragraph 1 of the Company law.

                                                           CHAPTER VI.  ACCOUNTING AUDITOR(S)
                   (Newly introduced)                      Article 40.    (Accounting Auditor(s))
                                                                  The Company shall have accounting auditor(s).

CHAPTER VI.  ACCOUNTING                                    CHAPTER VII.  ACCOUNTING
        --                                                         ---
Article 37.   (Business Year)                              Article 41.    (Fiscal Year)
        --     --------                                            --      ------
       The business year of the Company shall be one (1)          The fiscal year of the Company shall be one
           --------                                                   ------
year starting from April 1 of each year and ending on      (1) year starting from April 1 of each year and
March 31 of the following year and the last day of each    ending on March 31 of the following year.
business year shall be the account settlement date.
- --------------------------------------------------

                   (Newly introduced)                      Article 42.    (Organ to Decide Distribution of
                                                           Retained Earnings, etc.)
                                                                  Unless otherwise provided for in laws and
                                                           regulations, the Board of Directors may, by its
                                                           resolution, decide the matters, such as distribution
                                                           of retained earnings, that are provided in each item
                                                           of Article 459, Paragraph 1 of the Company Law.

Article 38.    (Dividends)                                 Article 43.    (Record Date for Distribution of
        --                                                 -----------------------------------------------
       Dividends of the Company shall be paid to the       1.     The record date for the distribution of
       ---------------------------------------------       ----------------------------------------------
shareholders or registered pledgees registered on the      fiscal-year-end dividends of the Company shall be
- -----------------------------------------------------      -------------------------------------------------
last Shareholders' Register as of March 31,                March 31 of each year.
- -------------------------------------------                ----------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Present Article                                         Proposed Amendment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
of each year in writing or digitally.
- ------------------------------------
                   (Newly introduced)                      2.     The record date for the distribution of an
                                                           interim dividend of the Company shall be September 30
                                                           of each year.
                   (Newly introduced)                      3.     In addition to the record dates set forth in
                                                           the preceding two paragraphs, the Company may
                                                           distribute retained earnings by setting a record date.
Article 39.    (Interim Dividends)                                               (Deleted)
- ----------------------------------
       The Company may, by resolution of the Board of
Directors, make such cash distribution as provided for
- ------------------------------------------------------
in Article 293-5 of the Commercial Code (hereinafter
- ----------------------------------------------------
called "interim dividends") to the shareholders or
- --------------------------------------------------
registered pledgees registered on the last Shareholders'
- --------------------------------------------------------
Register as of September 30, of each year in writing or
- -------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

Article 40.   (Effective Period for Dividend Payment)      Article 44.    (Expiration for Dividend Payment)
        --               ------                                    --      -----------
       If the dividends or interim  dividends should not          If the asset to be distributed as dividends is
          ----------------------------------------------          ----------------------------------------------
be received within three (3) years after the commencing    cash and if such cash is not received within three
- --                                           ----------    --------    -----------------
date of the payment thereof, the Company shall be          (3) years after the date on which the Company
- ------------                                                                   -------------------------
released from the obligation to make such payment.         commenced payment thereof, the Company shall be
                                                           released from the obligation to make such payment.

                   (Newly introduced)                      (Supplementary Provisions)
                                                           1.     Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 22
                                                           (Term of Office of Directors), the term of office of
                                                           the directors elected at the 63rd ordinary general
                                                           meeting of shareholders held on June 28, 2005 shall
                                                           expire at the close of the 65th ordinary general
                                                           meeting of shareholders to be held in 2007. This
                                                           supplementary provision shall be deleted as of the
                                                           close of the 65th ordinary general meeting of
                                                           shareholders to be held in 2007.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Agenda Item No. 3:   Election of two directors

         In order to reinforce the Company's management lineup and to
substantiate corporate governance, we request that you elect two new directors.

         The profile of the candidates for directors is set forth below.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Brief personal history; position and assignment in the                  Number of the
                Name           Company; and representative director's position in other               Company's shares
          (Date of Birth)                        companies, if any                                          owned
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               April 1961           Joined Fuji Communication Apparatus Mfg. Co.,
                                                    Ltd. (currently Fujitsu Limited)
                               June 1988            Director of Fujitsu Limited
                               June 1991            Managing Director of Fujitsu Limited
                               June 1992            Senior Managing Director of Fujitsu Limited
          Naoyuki Akikusa      June 1998            Representative Board Director and President of
  1     (December 12, 1938)                         Fujitsu Limited                                                   0
                               June 2003            Representative Board Director and Chairman of
                                                    Fujitsu Limited (present position)
                               June 2005            Corporate Auditor of Advantest Corporation
                                                    (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               April 1972           Assistant Judge, Tokyo District Court
                               April 1982           Judge, Tokyo District Court
                               April 1998           Instructor, Legal Training and Research
          Yasushige Hagio                           Institute
  2     (November 24, 1947)    December 2003        Chief of Shizuoka District Court                                 0
                               June 2004            Attorney-at-Law
                               June 2004            Joined Seiwa Patent Office and Law (present
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1:       These candidates do not have any special interest in the Company.
2:       Messrs. Naoyuki Akikusa and Yasushige Hagio are candidates for outside
         directors within the meaning of Item 15 of Article 2 of the Company
3:       Mr. Naoyuki Akikusa, who is presently serving as the Company's
         corporate auditor, is scheduled to resign from that office as of the
         close of this general meeting of shareholders.


Agenda Item No. 4:   Election of one corporate auditor

         As Mr. Naoyuki Akikusa, corporate auditor, will resign from his office
as of the close of this general meeting of shareholders, we request that you
elect one corporate auditor as his successor. The term of office of the
corporate auditor who will be elected at this general meeting of shareholders
shall be until the close of the 66th ordinary general meeting of shareholders to
be held in 2008 which is the remaining term of his predecessor, pursuant to the
provisions of the Articles of Incorporation. We have obtained consent of the
Board of Corporate Auditors with respect to this agenda item.

         The profile of the candidate for corporate auditor is set forth below.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Brief personal history; position and assignment in the                  Number of the
                Name           Company; and representative director's position in other               Company's shares
          (Date of Birth)                        companies, if any                                          owned
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             April 1974           Assistant Judge, Tokyo District Court
                             April 1984           Judge, Tokyo District Court
                             April 1988           Instructor, Legal Training and Research
                             April 1997           Judge, Tokyo High Court
      Megumi Yamamuro        July 2004            Attorney-at-Law
      (March 8, 1948)        July 2004            Joined CAST Law P.C. (currently CAST Itoga                        0
                                                  Law P.C.) (present position)
                             October 2004         Professor, The University of Tokyo Graduate
                                                  School of Law and Politics (present position)
                             June 2005            Corporate Auditor of Fujitsu Limited (present
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1:       This candidate does not have any special interest in the Company.
2:       Mr. Megumi Yamamuro is a candidate for outside corporate auditor within
         the meaning of Item 16 of Article 2 of the Company Law.


Agenda Item No. 5:   Determination of the amount of remuneration for granting
                     stock options to directors and corporate auditors

         We request that you approve the determination of the amount of
remuneration for granting the stock acquisition rights as stock options to
directors and corporate auditors of the Company as described below.

1.       Reason for requesting shareholder approval

         The Company has issued the stock acquisition rights as stock options to
         directors and corporate auditors of the Company since 2002 to improve
         directors' performance and morale, and corporate auditors' awareness of
         proper auditing. In this manner, the Company aims to promote a
         management style conscious of increasing shareholder value and to
         attract and retain outstanding personnel. Before the implementation of
         the Company Law (Law No.86 of 2005), we requested approval by special
         resolution at shareholders' meetings for issuance of the stock
         acquisition rights as stock options on especially favorable terms to
         persons other than shareholders. But now that the Company Law is in
         effect, because the stock acquisition rights allocated to directors and
         corporate auditors as stock options are regarded as remuneration, we
         request Shareholders' Meeting approval for the determination of the
         details of remuneration for granting stock options to directors and
         corporate auditors.

2.       The amount of remuneration for Directors and Corporate Auditors

         Taking into consideration all circumstances, including the grant of
         stock options up to the present, the amount of remuneration for
         granting the stock acquisition rights as stock options to directors
         shall be no more than 700,000,000 yen per fiscal year, in addition to
         the amount of remuneration approved at the 54th ordinary general
         meeting of shareholders held on June 27, 1996, and the amount of
         remuneration for granting the stock acquisition rights as stock options
         to corporate auditors shall be no more than 50,000,000 yen per fiscal
         year, in addition to the amount of remuneration approved at the 55th
         ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on June 27, 1997. The
         Company may issue the stock acquisition rights to directors and
         corporate auditors up to such remuneration amount. Stock options will
         be granted by (i) allocating the stock acquisition rights with a fair
         value as the subscription price, (ii) providing cash compensation that
         is equal to the total amount of such subscription price, and (iii)
         setting off such compensation obligation against the subscription price
         of the stock acquisition rights. Currently, the number of directors is
         seven (7) and the number of corporate auditors is four (4). However,
         the number of directors will be nine (9) and the number of corporate
         auditors will be four (4) if Agenda Item Nos. 3 and 4 are approved
         without any change.

3.       Details of the stock acquisition rights

(1)      Class and total number of shares to be issued or delivered upon
         exercise of the stock acquisition rights

         The class of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of the
         stock acquisition rights shall be common stock of the Company.

         The number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each
         stock acquisition right shall be 100 shares, provided, that if the
         subscription price per share has been adjusted in accordance with
         sub-paragraph (3) below, the number of such shares shall be adjusted
         according to the following formula. This adjustment shall be made only
         with respect to stock acquisition rights that have not yet been
         exercised as of the time of adjustment. Any fractional share that
         arises as a result of an adjustment will be rounded down to the nearest
         whole number of shares.

           Number of shares to be issued or          Total subscription price
            delivered upon exercise of each   =   ------------------------------
                stock acquisition right            Subscription price per share


(2)      Total number of the stock acquisition rights to be issued

         The total amount of the fair value of the stock acquisition rights to
         be issued to directors and corporate auditors within one (1) year from
         the ordinary general meeting of shareholders for each fiscal year,
         shall not exceed the amount of compensation for granting the stock
         acquisition rights in paragraph 2 above. The fair value of such stock
         acquision rights shall be obtained by multiplying each stock
         acquisition right by its fair value computed based on the Black Sholes
         model on the date of allocation.

(3)      Subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock acquisition

         The subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock
         acquisition right shall be determined by multiplying (i) the
         subscription price per share as determined in the following paragraph,
         by (ii) the number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of
         each stock acquisition right as specified in sub-paragraph (1) above
         (initially, 100 shares).

         The subscription price per share shall be 1.05 times the average
         closing price, rounded up to the nearest yen, of the common stock of
         the Company in regular trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on each day
         of the month preceding the month in which any stock acquisition rights
         are allocated (excluding any such day on which there was no trade);
         provided that if such amount is less than the closing price of the
         common stock of the Company on such day of allocation (or, if there was
         no trade on such day of allocation, the closing price on the
         immediately preceding day on which there was any trade), the
         subscription price per share shall be equal to the closing price on
         such day of allocation. The Company may determine the subscription
         price per share for the stock acquisition rights to be issued within
         one (1) year from the ordinary general meeting of shareholders for a
         fiscal year to be the same as that for the first stock acquisition
         rights issued after the ordinary general meeting of shareholders for
         that fiscal year (if the subscription price per share for the first
         stock acquisition right is adjusted by the method described below, such
         adjusted subscription price per share) for any subsequent stock
         acquisition right issued.

         If, subsequent to the issuance of the stock acquisition rights, the
         Company splits or consolidates its common stock, or issues new shares
         or disposes of its treasury shares below market price (subject to
         certain exceptions, including the issuance or delivery of shares upon
         exercise of the stock acquisition rights), the subscription price per
         share shall be adjusted according to the formula set forth below,
         rounded up to the nearest yen. Furthermore, the subscription price per
         share may, to the extent necessary and reasonable, be adjusted in a way
         deemed appropriate by the Company, in the case of merger or split of
         the Company, stock-for-stock exchange or certain other events. The
         Company may determine the subscription price per share for each stock
         acquisition right issued after such adjustment but within one (1) year
         from the previous ordinary general meeting of shareholders to be the
         same as such adjusted subscription price per share.

         (a)      Formula for adjustment in the case of share split or

         Subscription price per share   =     Subscription price per      x                    1
               after adjustment               share before adjustment          --------------------------------
                                                                                Ratio of split / consolidation

         (b)      Formula for adjustment in the case of issue of new shares or
                  disposition of treasury stock below market price

                                                                          Number of new          Subscription
                                                     Outstanding           shares to be     x   price per share
          Subscription           Subscription         number of      +        issued              to be issued
            price per              price per    x      shares           ------------------------------------------
           share after     =     share before                                     Market price per share
            adjustment            adjustment       ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Outstanding number of   +   Number of new shares to be
                                                               shares                          issued


         In the above formula, "outstanding number of shares" shall mean the
         total number of outstanding shares of the Company after deduction of
         shares held by the Company as treasury stock. In the case of a
         disposition of treasury stock, "number of new shares to be issued" in
         the above formula shall be read as "number of treasury shares to be
         disposed of".

(4)      Exercise period of the stock acquisition rights

         The exercise period for each stock acquisition right shall be
         determined by resolution at the meeting of the Board of Directors to
         approve the issuance of that stock acquisition right, and shall be not
         more than five (5) years from the day following the date of allocation.

(5)      Other details of the stock acquisition rights

         Details of items described in sub-paragraphs (1) through (4) above and
         other matters will be determined by resolution at the meeting of the
         Board of Directors to approve the issuance of the stock acquisition


Agenda Item No. 6:   Issuance of the stock acquisition rights as stock options

         Pursuant to Articles 236, 238 and 239 of the Company Law, we request
that you approve the issuance of the stock acquisition rights as stock options
to executive officers and employees of the Company and directors, corporate
auditors and employees of its domestic and overseas subsidiaries as described

1.       Reason for the issuance of the stock acquisition rights on especially
         favorable terms

         The Company will issue stock acquisition rights as stock options on
         especially favorable terms to executive officers and employees of the
         Company and directors, corporate auditors and employees of its domestic
         and overseas subsidiaries to improve performance and morale of
         executive officers and employees of the Company and directors and
         employees of its domestic and overseas subsidiaries, and corporate
         auditors' awareness of proper auditing at the Company's domestic and
         overseas subsidiaries. In this manner, the Company aims to promote a
         management style conscious of increasing shareholder value and to
         attract and retain outstanding personnel.

2.       Details of the stock acquisition rights

(1)      Persons to whom the stock acquisition rights will be allocated

         Executive officers and employees of the Company and directors,
         corporate auditors and employees of its domestic and overseas
         subsidiaries, and overseas subsidiaries of the Company. The overseas
         subsidiaries will then allocate the same rights as the stock
         acquisition rights pursuant to applicable local laws to directors,
         corporate auditors and employees of other overseas subsidiaries.

(2)      Class and total number of shares to be issued or delivered upon
         exercise of the stock acquisition rights

         Not exceeding 700,000 shares of common stock of the Company.

         The number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each
         stock acquisition right shall be 100 shares, provided, that if the
         subscription price per share has been adjusted in accordance with
         sub-paragraph (5) below, the number of such shares shall be adjusted
         according to the following formula. This adjustment has been made only
         with respect to stock acquisition rights that have not yet been
         exercised as of the time of adjustment. Any fractional share that
         arises as a result of an adjustment will be rounded down to the nearest
         whole number of shares.

         Number of shares to be issued or            Total subscription price
          delivered upon exercise of each    =    ------------------------------
              stock acquisition right              Subscription price per share

         When the number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of
         each stock acquisition right has been adjusted, the total number of
         shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of the stock acquisition
         rights shall be adjusted to the number obtained by multiplying (i) the
         number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of each stock
         acquisition right after adjustment by (ii) the number of the stock
         acquisition rights that have not yet been exercised as of such
         adjustment, then adding the number of shares that have been issued or
         delivered upon exercise of the stock acquisition rights. After the
         adjustment, the total number of shares to be issued or delivered upon
         exercise of the stock acquisition rights may exceed 700,000 shares.

(3)      Total number of the stock acquisition rights to be issued

         Not exceeding 7,000.

(4)      Issue price of the stock acquisition rights

         No consideration.


(5)      Subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock acquisition

         The subscription price to be paid upon exercise of each stock
         acquisition right shall be determined by multiplying (i) the
         subscription price per share as determined in the following paragraph,
         by (ii) the number of shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of
         each stock acquisition right as specified in sub-paragraph (2) above
         (initially, 100 shares).

         The subscription price per share shall be 1.05 times the average
         closing price, rounded up to the nearest yen, of the common stock of
         the Company in regular trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on each day
         of the month preceding to the month in which any stock acquisition
         rights are allocated (excluding any such day on which there was no
         trade); provided, however, that if such amount is less than the closing
         price of the common stock of the Company on such day of allocation (or,
         if there was no trade on such day of allocation, the closing price on
         the immediately preceding day on which there was any trade), the
         subscription price per share shall be equal to the closing price on
         such day of allocation. The Company may determine the subscription
         price per share to be the same as that for the first stock acquisition
         rights issued based upon this Shareholders' Meeting (if the
         subscription price per share for the first stock acquisition right is
         adjusted by the method described below, such adjusted subscription
         price per share) for any subsequent stock acquision rights issued.

         If, subsequent to the issuance of the stock acquisition rights, the
         Company splits or consolidates its common stock, or issues new shares
         or disposes of its treasury shares below market price (subject to
         certain other exceptions including the issuance or delivery of shares
         upon exercise of the stock acquisition rights), the subscription price
         per share shall be adjusted according to the formula set forth below,
         rounded up to the nearest yen. Furthermore, the subscription price per
         share may, to the extent necessary and reasonable, be adjusted in a way
         deemed appropriate by the Company, in the case of merger or split of
         the Company, stock-for-stock exchange or certain other events. The
         Company may determine the subscription price per share for each stock
         acquisition right issued pursuant to the resolution this Shareholders'
         Meeting after such adjustment to be the same as the adjusted
         subscription price per share.

         (a)      Formula for adjustment in the case of share split or

         Subscription price per share   =     Subscription price per      x                    1
               after adjustment               share before adjustment         ----------------------------------
                                                                                Ratio of split / consolidation

         (b)      Formula for adjustment in the case of issue of new shares or
                  disposition of treasury stock below market price

                                                                          Number of new          Subscription
                                                     Outstanding           shares to be     x   price per share
          Subscription           Subscription         number of      +        issued              to be issued
            price per              price per    x      shares           ------------------------------------------
           share after     =     share before                                     Market price per share
            adjustment            adjustment       ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Outstanding number of   +   Number of new shares to be
                                                               shares                          issued

         In the above formula, "outstanding number of shares" shall mean the
         total number of outstanding shares of the Company after deduction of
         shares held by the Company as treasury stock. In the case of
         disposition of treasury stock, "number of new shares to be issued" in
         the above formula shall be read as "number of treasury shares to be
         disposed of."

(6)      Exercise period of the stock acquisition rights

         Between April 1, 2007 and March 31, 2011 (4 years).

(7)      Conditions for exercise of the stock acquisition rights


         (a)      A person to whom the stock acquisition rights has been
                  allocated, other than overseas subsidiaries of the Company,
                  must be a director, corporate auditor, executive officer or
                  employee of the Company or its domestic or overseas subsidiary
                  at the time of exercise, except where there are any reasons
                  the Company deems justifiable.

         (b)      The stock acquisition rights may not be inherited.

         (c)      No stock acquisition right may be exercised in part.

         (d)      Other terms and conditions will be determined at a meeting of
                  the Board of Directors to be held subsequent to the
                  Shareholders' Meeting.

(8)      The Company's acquisition of the stock acquisition rights

         The Company shall automatically acquire the stock acquisition rights,
         for no consideration, if:

         (a)      the general meeting of shareholders resolves to approve (if
                  approval by the shareholders' meeting is not legally required,
                  then the Board of Directors may approve) (i) any merger
                  agreement pursuant to which the Company shall dissolve, (ii)
                  any agreement or a plan pursuant to which the Company shall
                  split all or part of its business or (iii) any stock-for-stock
                  exchange agreement or stock-transfer plan pursuant to which
                  the Company shall become a wholly-owned subsidiary of another

         (b)      a person to whom the stock acquisition rights have been
                  allocated, other than overseas subsidiaries of the Company,
                  does not hold the position of a director, corporate auditor,
                  executive officer, employee or any other similar position of
                  the Company or its domestic and overseas subsidiaries, except
                  where there are any reasons the Company deemed justifiable;

         (c)      a person to whom the stock acquisition rights have been
                  allocated, other than overseas subsidiaries of the Company,

         (d)      a person to whom the stock acquisition rights have been
                  allocated waives all or part of his stock acquisition rights
                  to the Company;

         (e)      a person to whom the stock acquisition rights have been
                  allocated, other than overseas subsidiaries of the Company,
                  becomes a director, corporate auditor, executive officer or
                  employee of a company that competes with the Company, except
                  where such change of position has approved by the Company;

         (f)      a person to whom the stock acquisition rights have been
                  allocated is in violation of laws and regulations, internal
                  rules or other regulations of the Company, except where there
                  are any reasons the Company deems justifiable; and

         (g)      other events as determined by resolution at a meeting of the
                  Board of Directors to be held subsequent to the Shareholders'
                  Meeting occur.

(9)      Matters concerning the amount of capital and the additional paid-in
         capital increased by the issuance of shares upon exercise of the stock
         acquisition rights

         (a)      The amount of capital increased by the issue of the shares
                  upon exercise of the stock acquisition rights shall be the
                  amount equal to one-half of the maximum limit of capital
                  increase, as calculated in accordance with Article 40,
                  Paragraph 1 of the Company Accounting Regulation (kaisha
                  keisan kisoku), and any fraction less than one (1) yen arising
                  as a result of such calculation shall be rounded up to the
                  nearest one (1) yen.

         (b)      The amount of additional paid-in capital increased by the
                  issue of the shares upon exercise of the stock acquisition
                  rights shall be the amount obtained by subtracting the capital
                  to be increased, as provided in the sub-paragraph (a) above,
                  from the maximum limit of capital increase, as also provided
                  in the sub-paragraph (a) above.


(10)     Restriction on the transfer of the stock acquisition rights

         Approval by the Board of Directors is required upon a transfer of the
         stock acquisition rights , except where the Company is the transferee
         with respect to such transfer.

(11)     Other details in respect of the stock acquisition rights will be
         determined by resolution at a meeting of the Board of Directors to be
         held subsequent to the Shareholders' Meeting.


Agenda Item No. 7:   Payment of money to directors and corporate auditors still
                     in office following the abolishment of retirement allowance
                     payment system

         The Company decided, by resolution of the Board of Directors held on
May 26, 2006, to abolish, as of the close of this general meeting of
shareholders, the retirement allowance payment system for directors and
corporate auditors, a part of review of directors' and corporate auditors'
remuneration structures. Accordingly, the Company proposes to pay to seven
directors and four corporate auditors who are still in office retirement
allowances corresponding to the periods from their assumption of office of
directors and corporate auditors, respectively, until the close of this general
meeting of shareholders, in accordance with the standard set by the Company, as
reward for their services up to now.

         The timing of payment shall be at the time of retirement from the
position of both director and executive officer for the relevant director, and
at the time of retirement from the position of corporate auditor for the
relevant corporate auditor. We request that the amount of such retirement
allowances and the method of payment thereof be decided by the Board of
Directors with respect to the payments to directors, and by mutual consultation
among corporate auditors with respect to the payments to corporate auditors.

         Brief personal history of the directors and corporate auditors still in
office, to whom the retirement allowances is to be paid, is set forth below.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Name                                             Brief Personal History
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                June 1985            Director of Advantest Corporation
                                December 1990        Managing Director
                                June 1995            Senior Managing Director
      Shimpei Takeshita         June 1997            Representative Board Director and Corporate Executive Vice
                                June 2001            Vice Chairman of the Board
                                June 2005            Chairman of the Board (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                June 1989            Director of Advantest Corporation
                                June 1995            Managing Director
                                June 1999            Senior Managing Director
       Toshio Maruyama          June 2001            Representative Board Director and President
                                June 2003            Representative Board Director, President and COO
                                June 2005            Representative Board Director, President and CEO (present
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                June 1989            Representative Board Director and President of Advantest
         Hiroshi Oura           June 2001            Representative Board Director, Chairman of the Board and CEO
                                June 2005            Director, Senior Executive Advisor (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                June 1993            Director of Advantest Corporation
                                June 1997            Managing Director
        Junji Nishiura          June 2001            Senior Managing Director
                                June 2003            Director, Senior Executive Officer (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                June 1993            Director of Advantest Corporation
         Hiroji Agata           June 1999            Managing Director
                                June 2003            Director, Senior Executive Officer (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                June 1997            Director of Advantest Corporation
        Hitoshi Owada           June 2000            Managing Director
                                June 2003            Director, Managing Executive Officer (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Takashi Tokuno          June 2004            Director, Managing Executive Officer of Advantest
                                                     Corporation (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Noboru Yamaguchi         June 2001            Standing Corporate Auditor of Advantest Corporation (present
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Tadahiko Hirano          June 2000            Standing Corporate Auditor of Advantest Corporation (present
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Naoyuki Akikusa          June 2005            Corporate Auditor of Advantest Corporation (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Takashi Takaya          June 2003            Corporate Auditor of Advantest Corporation (present position)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     (Instructions for the Exercise of Voting Rights via the Internet, etc.)

         If you choose to exercise your voting rights via the Internet, etc.,
please read the following instructions before doing so:

(Method to vote via the Internet)

1.   Voting rights may exercised online only by using the following website
     designated by the Company (http://www.e-tosyodai.com). It is possible to
     access this site through Internet access on a mobile phone.

     (Please note that you will need the voting number and dedicated voting
     password as indicated on the enclosed voting instruction form if you want
     to exercise your voting rights on the Internet.)

2.   Any connection charges due to Internet service providers and communication
     charges due to communication carriers incurred as a result of using the
     voting website shall be paid by the shareholder.

Note: The following system environment must be satisfied if you use the voting
      website via the Internet by using a mobile phone:

(1)  Any one of i-mode, EZweb or Vodafone live! services is available.

(2)  The mobile phone must have SSL commucation function which enables
     cryptographic communication. (i-mode, EZweb and Vodafone live! are
     trademarks or registered trademarks of NTT Docomo, KDDI Co., Ltd. and
     Vodafone Group Plc., respectively.)

    Any inquiries relating to the procedures for exercising voting rights online
    shall be directed to the following:
        Share registration agent:   Tokyo Securities Transfer Agent Co., Ltd.
        Phone number:               0120-49-7009 (toll-free number)

(To: Institutional Shareholders)
The Company is a participant in the electronic voting platform operated by ICJ
