Final Results of Consent Solicitation for Convertible Notes issued by Corus
                        Nederland BV maturing April 2007

Amsterdam - 08 March, 2007

On 14  February,  2007,  Corus  Nederland  BV called a  Bondholder  Meeting  for
holders  of its NLG 345  million  4.625%  convertible  bonds due April 2007 (the
"Bonds"),  of which NLG 334 million are currently  outstanding.  Corus Nederland
BV offered  Bondholders  the  opportunity  to redeem the Bonds early (through an
amendment  of the  terms  of the  Bonds  to be  approved  by the  Resolution  of
Bondholders)  in  conjunction  with the bid for Corus  Group  plc by Tata  Steel
Limited  and Tata Steel UK Limited.  Details of the  proposal  (the  "Proposal")
were set out in the Consent  Solicitation  Statement (the "Consent  Solicitation
Statement")  issued by Corus Nederland BV dated 13 February,  2007.  Capitalised
terms in this  announcement  shall have the same  meanings  ascribed  to them in
the Consent Solicitation Statement.

The  Bondholder  Meeting was duly held at 10:00 CET on  Wednesday,  7 March 2007
at the offices of De Brauw  Blackstone  Westbroek,  Amsterdam,  The Netherlands.
At  the  Bondholder  Meeting,   NLG  322,075,000  or  approximately   96.32%  of
outstanding Bonds voted in favour of the Resolution.  Votes against  represented
NLG 100,000 or approximately 0.03% of outstanding Bonds.

Therefore,  N.V. Algemeen  Nederlands  Trustkantoor  ANT), as Trustee,  declared
that  the  Bondholder  Meeting  was  quorate  and  that  the  Proposal  has been
passed.  A  supplemental  trust  deed  giving  effect  to  the  Resolution  has,
accordingly,  been entered into between Corus  Nederland BV, the Issuer,  and NV
Algemeen Nederlands Trustkantoor ANT, the Trustee.

Conditions of the Consent Solicitation

The  Proposal  will only become  effective  if the  Effective  Date occurs on or
before the Backstop  Date,  being 18 April,  2007.  Should this condition not be
met,  the Bonds will not be redeemed  early and will  mature on 22 April,  2007,
and the Early  Redemption  Price,  Accrued Interest and the Early Voting Premium
will not be payable.

The Solicitation Agent:

Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited

Liability Management Desk:              Convertible Bond Desk:
Paul Hawker                             Mark Hammarskjold
Tel: +4420 7883 6748                    Tel: +4420 7883 7718 

The  Solicitation  Agent  takes  no  responsibility  for  the  contents  of this
announcement.  This  announcement  must be read in conjunction  with the Consent
Solicitation  Statement.  The  distribution  of  this  announcement  in  certain
jurisdictions  (in  particular the United States and Italy) may be restricted by
law  (as  further   described   below).   Persons  into  whose  possession  this
announcement  comes are  required to inform  themselves  about,  and to observe,
any such restrictions.